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一、 要爱护花草树木

二、 照顾好自己的小孩,不要在河边戏水

三、 不乱扔果皮纸屑





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7095 字

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Hello, everyone. My name is __. Im lucky to be your leader and teach foryou. Today, our target is the magnificent Sun Moon Lake on both sides of theStrait.

Sun Moon Lake, formerly known as shuishalian, also known as shuishe Li, islocated in shuishe village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, north of Ali Mountainand south of nengshan mountain. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural freshwaterlake on both sides of the Strait, which can be called the crown of the Pearl. Inthe Qing Dynasty, it was selected as one of the eight scenic spots on both sidesof the Strait, known as "another cave in the world". There are six theme parks,including landscape, nature, peacock and butterfly, waterfowl, religion, eightspecial scenic spots, and two service areas of water society and Dehuasociety.

The Sun Moon Lake is formed by accumulated water in the fault basins ofYushan and alishanzhang. Huantan is 35 km in circumference, with an averagewater depth of 30 meters and a water area of more than 900 hectares, one thirdlarger than the West Lake in Hangzhou. There is a small island in the Sun MoonLake, which looks like a bead floating on the water, named "Pearl Island". Afterthe victory of the Anti Japanese War, it was renamed "glory island" to celebratethe restoration of the two sides. In the northeast of the island, the lake isround as the sun, which is called the sun lake. In the southwest, the lake isround as the moon, which is called the moon lake.

The beauty of the sun moon lake lies in the fact that it is surrounded bymountains, with many peaks, and the lake is vast, with a mirror like degree, andthe water is blue; there are islands in the lake, with mountains in the water;there are waves and haze shadows; there are four stages of the year, withdifferent scenes in the morning and dusk. In the sunny spring, surrounded byemerald mountains, the banks are curved, the mountains and rivers are reflected,and there are many changes. When the morning light comes up, everything isquiet, and the lake radiates majestic colors, suddenly changing andunpredictable. When the sun goes down to the west, the sun and moon Lake aresurrounded by rosy clouds, and the gauze like mist hovers on the lake. In caseof drizzle, the lake is covered with mist. The nearby mountains, as if washed bythe ground, are extremely clean, with beautiful scenery and lovely green.Especially on autumn nights, the moon shines on the lake, the lake is full ofclear light, and the green waves and the moon shine on each other all the way.Its safe and elegant to be in it, just like a yaochi lake. Zeng zuolin, a manof the Qing Dynasty, once used the poem "there is water in the mountain, themountain is in the sky, and the water is idle" to sing about the magnificentlandscape of Sun Moon Lake, which is "green mountain embraces green water, andbright lake embraces green pearl". Tourists often compare it with the West Lake.After all, who is beautiful? Indeed, the rivers and mountains of our country arenot beautiful! The Sun Moon Lake is not only the peoples complacency of peopleon both sides of the Strait, but also the mainland compatriots are proud of itsspectacle of "Mingtan emerging from the mountains".

The scenery in the Sun Moon Lake is beautiful and picturesque. There aremany pavilions and pavilions on the foot of the lake, which is an excellentoccasion to enjoy the scenery of the lake and the mountains. The beautifulnatural scenery nearby conceals the ancient pagodas of the temple, which makesit more elegant. Among them, the most attractive are Xuanzang temple at the footof Qinglong mountain in the south of Tan and Wenwu temple on the mountainside ofthe north of tan. At the foot of the mountain, there is a Xuanzang templededicated to master Xuanzang, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty. In thetemple, there is a plaque of "national master". In front of the temple, there isa gatehouse with white pillars, a roof with painted pillars and carved beams, acornice and a corner, which is full of national characteristics. There is asmall tower on the third floor of the temple, which worships the spiritual boneson the top of master Xuanzangs head. On the top of Qinglong mountain behind thetemple, a nine storey tower was built a few years ago, which is called "Cientower". The pagoda imitates the style of the ancient pagodas of the Liao andSong dynasties. It is an octagonal pagoda. A small bell is hung at the end ofthe eaves on each floor. It sounds like a bell in the wind. When you climb thepagoda, you can see the scenery of Mingtan clearly. Some people say that whenthe sky is high and the clouds are clear, you can see the spire of the Liuhepagoda on the Bank of Xizi lake at the top of the pagoda. Although it is similarto a myth, it reflects peoples longing for the motherland.

In the middle of the Wenwu temple in Riyuetan is the statue of Confucius.You are the statues of emperor Wenchang and Guan Yu. The temple alsocommemorates emperor Shennong, King Yue, jade emperor, Yuanshi Tianzun, Sanguanemperor, Chenghuang, Hailong king, etc. it can be said that the temple is a holymasterpiece. The ancient temple is extremely beautiful. From the foot of thelake to the temple gate, there are a total of 365 steep stone steps. Some peoplejokingly say that it will take "a year" to reach it The road to heaven.

Dehua society, surrounded by Sun Moon Lake, is a village inhabited byGaoshan ethnic groups. Now it has been built into a mountain cultural village.The mountain people are singing and dancing, especially the "clubbing dance"which indicates chunmi attracts a large number of tourists. In the west of SunMoon Lake, there is a unique Peacock Garden, where ten pairs of rare peacocksare raised. Every time you see a gorgeous dress, visitors will compete to openthe screen. The feathers are colorful, and the color is dazzling, which addsmore light to the visitors.

The Sun Moon Lake is now surrounded by the lake. At the foot of themountain on the northwest bank, you can hear the roar of the water. It wasoriginally the water inlet of the Sun Moon Lake. This is the water from theupstream of the chuoshui river through an 18 kilometer long tunnel. The waterspray from the water inlet is as high as 45 meters to 78 meters. It is as strongas a dragons spitting water, and it is turbulent and empty. So that the SunMoon Lake has a continuous rich source of water, at the moment, the lake sidedam, the lake is more and more desert, become a reservoir of hydropower station.Although the low land beside the Sun Moon Lake has been sunk by water, theappearance of the Moon Lake has become like a maple leaf, and the name of theSun Moon Lake has survived in name, its water and mountains are still full ofpoetic charm, worthy of being the outstanding representative of the beautifulscenery on both sides of the Strait.

Well, this is the end of my explanation. In the next moment, the touristscan visit the Sun Moon Lake by themselves. They can gather here at nine oclocksharp on time. I hope everyone can protect the situation and be a civilizedtourist. Finally, I hope everyone can have a good time!



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看完日出,我们将进入阿里山的森林。阿里山为中国台湾三大林场之一,因地形、气候的影响,森林自山下而上呈热、暖、温三带垂直分布,林相清晰可辨,资源富而不竭。 其中最显著的,要数神木了!在阿里山蓊郁俊美的大片森林中,以已逝的旧神木最负盛名,是阿里山的地标。由于其主干苍劲挺拔,枝桠突出有力,加上树型优美,一直深受世人的喜爱。然而,神木惨遭雷劈而成为枯木,取而代之的新神木群,多达20余株,树龄从数百年至数千年不等,此外,阿里山的名木尚有以奇著称的三代木、象鼻木,和仅次于旧神木的小一号神木——千岁桧、光武桧。





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My official figure art field is located in suzhou city. Art garden was built in Ming jiajing period, build drunken YingTang Yuan Zugeng, topic MenE "urban forest". Lasted for Wen Zhiming great-grandchild Wen Zhenmeng, TangMing nylon, YuanMing medicine field. Qing jiang 埰, renamed h nursery, also called JingTing mountain house, his son Jiang Shijie YuanMing easily as art field. After repeatedly. Light three or four years, Wu Xingceng Qi new. Light nineteen years, garden and silk industry fan, seven duct ccba, heavy repair. The garden between Ming dynasty and early qing keep landscapes and part of the building, is an important example of research history of landscape architecture.

Art field now covers an area of about 3800 square meters. House five into layout twists and turns, hall of primitive simplicity. Park in the west, pool center, accounts for about a quarter. Building more than in the north pool, fanaw rockery as main feature. Have liberal arts hall, delay light cabinet, jiyang valley book hall, thought to r, milk fish pavilion, thought eosinophilic hin, toward the great month gallery pavilion, vanilla, and rang the victory of the season.

Art field plane are slightly north and south long and narrow rectangle, north of the courtyard, is composed of the main hall of boya hall and waterside pavilion; Cut pool, the central area of about one mu for dominated the center, the surface concentration, southeast and southwest have water bay, on the structure low stone bridge. In addition to the north for the waterside pavilion revetment, the remaining pool shore flexor nature, while the pool surface from nearby for low small building is open, take nets garden. Fanaw stacking rockery, structure bridge pavilion, southwest a rear yard. ChiBeiAn five waterside pavilion, low floating in waves, both sides has a separate buildings. The elevation of all these buildings occupy the pool in the north, which are rare in the suzhou gardens. Stone angeles fanaw near water, followed by heap heaped-up mountains, mountain near water side wall lake stone with the dangerous path. Southwest hospital with wall, water diversion bay in the small pond, stone mountain also delay pulse at this point. Courtyard west hall, between two weeks column stone lake, cultivation of camellia, magnolia flower, see a new world. Pool pavilion, southeast of fish for traces of Ming dynasty. Next to its slow QuShiQiao that also belongs to the early days, is very precious.

Art field in the water, stone, unique combination of technique, determining the nature and tries to transcend the nature, is the Ming and qing dynasties suzhou generation gardening home the layout of the most commonly used techniques.



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Badaling this name, when the earliest poet in the jin liu ying long poems in the late badaling, on my computer screen is "and" badaling ". The yuan dynasty, here say "north", and nankou in relative terms. Living in suburb of Beijing ChangPing County from nankou to north mouth, canyon, that grow in the middle is a 40 famous canyon in the Great Wall of juyongguan, therefore this glen was named "gap". The badaling crests of ditch north end of the top.

By named "eight DaLing" homophonic. By cascading mountains in this area, the rugged, built the Great Wall is said to be here to turn eight curved, over eight big mountains, in those days to build the Great Wall is very difficult, time limit for a project has been slow to finish, has eight supervisors to die for it. Finally through the enlightenment of fairy, take "city eight method", namely "tiger with bridle sheep back saddle, the swallow bit mudskipper a shoulder, stone turtle carry a rabbit guide, the magpies bridge ice shop stack", to carry building materials in the mountains. So people would call this period of the Great Wall "eight DaLing Great Wall", then place names homophonic into "badaling".

By named "bada ridge" homophonic. From the yuan dynasty, there was a call to this "bada she walked" emperor, see here the mountain steep, lofty mountain jade green, so much yue, given to the name "bada ridge", after the myth of "badaling". But access to the recorded every emperor, Chinese emperors timelines and other historical materials, all with the yuan dynasty had called "bada she walked" the emperor, but there is a call love bada Li Ba force, his fourth is the yuan dynasty emperor injong. Yanqing county is where he was born in badaling.

By named "the tatar" homophonic. Once rumored in the Ming dynasty, the badaling area to become defensive in the forefront of the manchu troops, hetuvidya han Chinese northeast of the manchu people referred to as "tartars", so some people think that the badaling is "give Tartary (guard) of the mountain of Tartary.

By named "eight ridge" homophonic. Legend of the late Ming dynasty li rate army uprising in to this, they blocked, the article analyzes anxiously. When the qing, said there are eight XianGuan ahead. Article analyzes listen with a sigh: "the eight ridge here is really difficult to cross, storm appears to be no way!" So command uprising army diverted, then here is called the "eight ridge".

More than four is definite no written records, difficult to textual research. In fact the most trusted, should be in "changan guest words" explanation: "road, convenient." Because the badaling is the mouth outside juyongguan, north to yanqing, akagi, Mongolia, west datong, zhangjiakou, shore, xuanhua, east to yongning, universal, south to changping, Beijing and other regions, is convenient, so it is a important traffic arteries and ancient defense outpost, known as the "Beijing north first barrier".

In 1982, the badaling as Beijing badaling - an important part of the Ming tombs scenic areas, by the state council approved the first batch of state-level scenic spot list.



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Dunhuang is located in the hexi corridor is the most western end, the northern edge of the qinghai-tibet plateau area, is sweet, the green, the new three provinces at the junction, is one of the four town of hexi in history. A total of 150000 people, covers an area of 30000 square kilometers.

Dunhuang is the national famous historical and cultural city, has a history of more than 20xx years ago. It is beyond the ancient silk road, qiang tathagata (qinghai road), west south, north crossed the border fortress. From the northeast line too anxi, dunhuang for hexi avenue to the central plains; West out of the sunlight, western region south road, connected with the ruoqiang county of xinjiang along the silk road; Northwest line yumenguan, along the west, north to hami and lop nur were systematically stud Ed Dunhuang south through thoroughly kazak autonomous county, more than the altun, direct the golmud in qinghai province.

Dunhuang grottoes, also known as the mogao grottoes, thousand-buddha grottoes, located 25 kilometers southeast of dunhuang the singing of the cliffs, is one of the world famous four grottoes, also represents Chinas largest and most abundant content, artistic value of the highest, grotto art is regarded as "the pearl of the silk road".

In 1900, more than fifty thousand volumes of religious and secular documents found that make the dunhuang mogao grottoes and enjoy "the world art treasure house", "the greatest existing buddhist art treasure of the world", the double crown. In December 1987, UNESCO listed the mogao grottoes on the world heritage list.

The characteristics of the mogao grottoes art in building, statues and murals on the organic combination of the painted sculpture art outstanding accomplishments, rich imagination and romantic, fresco composition grand changeable, coloring more heavy and complicated, smooth fine lines, with strong artistic appeal. Wat zen, shadow, palace, tower, temple, dome top wat wait for a variety of shape; Painted circle, floating, shadow, good karma and other forms; Murals statue like, JingBian, historic stories, Buddhism, architecture, landscape, feed, animal, decoration, such as different content, the time span of one thousand six hundred years, is a rare precious cultural treasure.



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Everybody is good! Welcome to hangzhou west lake, I am a tour guide Zhou Ziwei, please take care of a lot. Okay, now we have arrived at west lake scenic area.

West lake used to be called wulin, qiantang lake, water scenery, song dynasty according to the west lake. It is for its beautiful lakes and mountains and numerous scenic spots and historical sites and famous Chinese and foreign, is Chinas famous tourist resort. Now we will enter the bai causeway and su causeway and bai causeway is by the ancient Chinese great poet bai juyi and su dongpo when an official in hangzhou, later generations to commemorate their, so named bai causeway and su causeway. There is a very famous bridge on bai causeway is called the broken bridge, xu xian and the white niang son legend in this encounter.

Now we see is the west lake, the lake, north and south 3.3 kilometers long, 2.8 km wide from east to west. Su causeway and bai causeway will be divided into the lake, the lake, YueHu, outside the kiosk and small lake nanhu five parts. During the period of the southern song dynasty when people choose the xihu ten scenery, including su causeway chunxiao, QuYuan prescribed by ritual law, the foundation, middle-east cx, orioles singing, flower view fish, world sunsets, twin peaks piercing the clouds, nanping bells, just. See the beauty of the west lake in your assistant today, in the rain, emptiness. Regardless of rain and snow qing Yin, under the sunset, smoke can into view; In spring, autumn moon, summer, winter snow in each.

Todays west lake day trip so far, I hope you come again next time, bye!



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Dear visitors friends:


Welcome to the Palace Museum, I am your tour guide, ya ya.


Believe we all know, the imperial palace and the Forbidden City. It is the most complete existing ancient buildings in China. Its total area is about 720xx0, is the world famous art museum, many cultural relics is a national treasure.


This is the meridian gate, is the main entrance of the palace. It is very important. Many great ceremony are held here. Meridian gate you will think of "exit the meridian gate beheaded" this sentence. It is a misunderstanding. In the past, the emperor and his ministers council always have different opinions. In the Ming dynasty can break his ministers to the meridian gate for external use bamboo to be spanked, dont look down upon this bamboo, it is a kind of bamboo wankou thick, inside irrigation on the mercury, even, in order to increase the damage, several wars can were raw. Be dozen deathless also want to permanently disabled. This horror from the palace to folk, it gradually became "exit the meridian gate beheaded"


? Dont be excited, first in front of the beautiful scenery waiting for us!



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我们现在看到的便是栈桥了。它位于青岛湾中,目前全长440米,宽8米, 与市区繁华的中山路成一条直线,由海岸前伸入海。从远处看,它像一条长虹横卧在大海之上。


关于栈桥的解释是:"凡是伸到海里的简易码头都称为栈桥。"那它为什么又会成为青岛的标志呢?青岛在100多年前是一个小渔村,1891年清政府下诏书在青岛建置。1892年清政府派登州总兵章高元带兵驻扎青岛,为便于部队军需物资的运输, 建了两座码头,一座就是现今的栈桥。该码头原称谓很多,有海军栈桥、前海栈桥、 南海栈桥、李鸿章栈桥、大码头等,长200米,宽10米。另一座位于总兵衙门前方的"衙门桥"长100米,宽6米,亦称"蜗牛桥"。这两座码头都是中国工程师自己设计的, 也是青岛港最早的码头建设。


德帝国主义侵占青岛后,将原桥北端改为石基,水泥铺面,南端下立,钢制桥架上面铺有木板,并设轻便铁轨,南端仍是铁木桥,桥身延长到350米,仍为军用码头。192019年大港第一码头建成后,栈桥逐渐失去它作为码头的历史使命,开始向游人开放。1922年青岛被中国收回,1931年国民政府出巨资由德国信利洋行承包重建,桥身加长到440米,桥南端增建了半圆型的防浪堤, 并在防浪堤上修建了具有民族形式的二层八角凉亭,亭子由彩色琉璃瓦覆盖,24根红漆柱子支撑,取名"回澜阁"。整个工程至1933年4月竣工。 栈桥从此成为青岛第一景。

建国后,人民政府多次拨款对栈桥进行维修, 1985年青岛市又对栈桥进行了大规模的全面整修,两侧围以铁索护栏,12对欧式桥灯相峙而立,外铺砌花岗岩石台阶。1998年底至1999年6月市政府再次拨款对栈桥进行了大规模整修,此次维修既达到防风浪、防腐蚀要求,保持原有的风韵,又与两侧护岸设施相匹配,增加了美观效果,使整个桥体焕发了青春。


















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游客们,大家好!我是保心旅游社的小佳导游,很荣幸当上大家的导游 。今天,大家在我的导游下,让大家进一步了解中外闻名的乐山大佛





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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,初中,全文共 2997 字

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You all know the Bund in Shanghai! It can be seen that it is one of themost prosperous places in our country, but the former captivity also made herhave a miserable history: in 1845, Britain designated her as its concession, andin 1849, France also occupied the Bund. But how beautiful and prosperous she isin front of the world today!

Last summer vacation, my mother and I came to this loess land known as the"World Architecture Expo". As soon as I arrived at my destination, the waves ofthe Huangpu River attracted my eyes. The green algae glided in the water, itsgentle and slender waist.

As soon as we got out of the car, we came to the Asia building, theheadquarters of China Pacific Insurance Company. The lintel of the building isalso designed in broken pattern, which is beautiful and vivid. Further on, wecame to Dongfeng Hotel, once the most luxurious club in Shanghai - ShanghaiFederation. It has a bar of more than 110 feet, known as the longest bar in theFar East. We went on and came to a red house. After the guides explanation, Irealized that this was the famous steamship investment promotion company.Walking along the Huangpu river bank, the famous tower of Shanghai is a glance:the Peace Hotel, Pudong development building and the Oriental Pearl TV Toweropposite the Huangpu River, the world financial center.

At the end of Nanjing Road, there is a bronze statue. He stares at theflowers and grass. Who is he? He is general Chen Yi, the first mayor of Shanghaiin New China. Looking at the statue, I seem to see General Chen Yi inspectinghis work in the wind and rain. His simple image and amiable, open-mindeddemeanor once again deeply imprinted in my heart.

Its getting dark. We came to the hotel, ate in a hurry, and then we wentback to the Bund. At this time, the sky has become dark red, and the lights ofthousands of families have been turned on in the sky. We came to the "Bundcruise terminal" to take a boat sightseeing.

We came to the cruise ship, the ship slowly driving on the Huangpu River,the lights on the shore printed on the water, as if it had become a wide pair ofoil paintings, water, quiet, seemingly dark but bright. After getting off theship, we went straight to the tallest building in Shanghai, the world financialcenter.

We took the high-speed elevator in the world financial center. Its saidthat he has the highest speed of 10 meters per second! In less than 2 minutes,we came to the top 100 floor of the building, where the floor is transparent,walking on it is really a kind of "list of mountains and small" pleasure. Atfirst glance, there are colorful lights everywhere, cars are shuttling, and theHuangpu River is even more beautiful. The stars on the opposite side of theOriental Pearl TV Tower rain are linked into one piece, forming a beautifulscene of "sky and even Pujiang". I heard that Shanghais electricity bill willspend nearly 300 thousand yuan a day.

I looked at the charming lights motionless, only feel the heart clear aswater, I, intoxicated!



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