





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 16316 字

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Aujourdhui, je vous emmènerai visiter la rivière Qinhuai et le templeConfucius.Qinhuaihe River Tourism Area, located in the South of Nanjing OldCity, from the City, takes about 20 minutes to reach by car.Cest un templeConfucius comme centre, la visite, le shopping, la dégustation de saveur danslun de laffichage de la ville antique et les coutumes nationales de ladestination touristique.

Origine et évolution historique de la rivière Qinhuai

La rivière Qinhuai est une rivière qui a joué un r?le important dans ledéveloppement politique, économique et culturel de la ville antique deNanjing.On dit que la rivière Qinhuai est un canal artificiel que lempereur QINShihuang a ordonné de creuser.Qin Shihuang a visité lEst et a ordonné le foragede la montagne Fang pour communiquer avec la rivière Yangtze afin de faciliterla circulation des navires en passant par Nanjing. Par conséquent, cette sectionde la rivière a re?u le nom de "rivière Qinhuai".Cependant, selon létudegéologique, la rivière Qinhuai est une rivière naturelle avec une longuehistoire. ? cette époque, lancienne rivière traversait la montagne Fangshan,mais en raison des changements géographiques, la rivière a été détournée et aprogressivement formé le cours actuel de la riviè rivière Qinhuai danslhistoire a un large cours deau.Depuis que Yang xingmi, roi de Wu dans lescinq dynasties, a construit la ville de pierre autour du pont changgan, larivière a commencé à se rétrécir et a été divisée en "Qinhuai" intérieur etextérieur.? lintérieur de la rivière Qinhuai, la rivière Qinhuai est reliée àla rivière Qinhuai à lextérieur de la ville par le col de leau de lEst, letemple Confucius et le col de leau de lOuest au sud de la porte de leau del longueur totale de la rivière est de 10 km, ce qui fait quedinnombrables érudits et érudits célèbrent et jettent des louanges et destraces de "dix Li Qinhuai".Les grands poètes de la dynastie Tang, comme Li Bai,Liu Yuxi et du Mu, ont écrit des poèmes pour elle. Dans le fan de fleur de pêchede Kong shangren et lhistoire extérieure du confucianisme comme Wu Jing, ilsont également écrit des descriptions vives de "dix Li Qinhuai".Lanciennerivière Qinhuai est très petite par rapport à la rivière Yangtze qui traverse lenord de la ville de Nanjing, mais elle est étroitement liée à la naissance et audéveloppement de la ville de Nanjing, ainsi quau développement politique,économique et culturel de la région de Nanjing.Au début de l?ge néolithique, ily a cinq ou six mille ans, lhumanité sest développée ici.Jusquà présent,jusquà 50 ou 60 vestiges de villages primitifs ont été trouvés le long des deuxrives de la riviè Cour féodale des six dynasties et du début de la dynastieMing la utilisé comme barrière naturelle de la capitale et comme passagenaturel pour le Palais impérial.Après la construction de la ville de dingye(Nanjing), Sun Quan, dans lest du Wu, a été appelé "étang de barrière" sur lesdeux rives de la rivière Qinhuai, qui peut à la fois résister à lennemi et àlinondation.Depuis les six dynasties, les deux rives de la rivière Qinhuai dansla région de fuzimiao ont été un endroit animé avec des résidents denses et desmarchés connectés. La rivière Qinhuai a servi de principal canal de commerceextérieur dans la région de Nanjing. Les bateaux ont traversé la rivière et unefaction a prospéré.On dit que lancienne rivière Qinhuai est bordée de maisonsde chant et de restaurants, de maisons de rivière et de pavillons deau, depeintures de yachts et de lumières lumineuses, où les riches et les noblesmènent une vie de plaisir et dextase. Le dramaturge Kong shangren de ladynastie Qing décrit dans peach blossom fan comme une prostituée célèbre etintrépide, Li xiangjun, qui vit sur la rive sud du pont belle rivièreQinhuai a traversé la solitude de lépoque sauvage, la prospérité et le luxe dessix dynasties, la saleté de lancienne société et le sang et les larmes destravailleurs. Cependant, la rivière Qinhuai daujourdhui, après lasédimentation de lhistoire et la transformation des gens, a émis lodeur doucede La civilisation saine, a montré la beauté claire et émouvante.Cest untémoignage de lhistoire de Nanjing, pas étonnant que les gens soient habitués à"Qinhuai" comme synonyme de Nanjing.

Qinhuai painting boat - danchi - zhangbi of Confucius Temple - Temple frontSquare - fengxing Gate

Chers visiteurs,

Maintenant nous sommes arrivés à la rive de la rivière Qinhuai, la peintureet la défense dans la rivière ont été faites en imitant le style architecturalde la dynastie Ming, et il y a de grandes boules de couleur rouge et deslanternes rouges accrochées à lavant du bateau.Chaque fois que le festival deslanternes, les Nanjing sont habitués à venir ici pour profiter deslumières.Cette atmosphère a prévalu dans la dynastie Ming. Il est dit que Zhuyuanjin a visité la capitale après la construction de la capitale dans ladynastie Ming.Quand il est arrivé au bord de la rivière Qinhuai, il a vu lombredes arbres sur les deux rives de la rivière, la rivière était claire, lespavillons et les pavillons, le paysage était agréable, et a dit, "il ny a pasde bateau de croisière dans la rivière Xihe.""Quand lempereur ouvrit la bouchedor, il envoya des hommes à gauche et à droite toute la nuit construire unbateau à peinture pour gagner la joie de lempereur.Depuis lors, la visite de lapeinture Qinhuai est devenue une grande caractéristique ici.En particulier auFestival de la mi - automne, il y avait des milliers de lanternes deau sur larivière, des Lanternes de dragon dansant sur les deux rives, des chansons, destambours, des acclamations et des rires continus, qui ont duré toute la nuit, cequi a vraiment été appelé "Qinhuai lanternes dans le monde".Il nest pasétonnant que Nanjing ait un proverbe populaire selon lequel ? chaque famillemarche sur un pont et tout le monde regarde la lumière ?.La rivière Qinhuai sousnos yeux est devenue le temple Confucius (temple Confucius) depuis la dynastieSong.Dans lantiquité, le Palais des conférences de lempereur sappelait PiYong, le Palais des conférences des princes sappelait Pan Palace, et le Palaisdu temple Confucius était équivalent à lendroit où les princes donnaient desconférences, de sorte que ce pool sappelait Pan pool.En général, il y a troisponts en pierre sur le lac PAN. En termes de grade, les fonctionnaires du comtéet les fonctionnaires de lécole marchent au milieu, tandis que les éruditsmarchent sur les deux c?tés du pont.Il est dit que dans lantiquité, un éruditsest égaré sur le pont central, a commis un crime de désordre, un dilemme, a d?sauter dans Pan Chi.Sil vous pla?t, regardez le mur de brique rouge cramoisi delautre c?té de la rivière, cest le mur du temple Confucius.Zhao Bi a étéconstruit dans la troisième année de la dynastie Ming Wanli (lannée de Lize) eta une longueur de 110 mètres. Cest la Couronne de Zhao Bi pour tout lemonde.Visiteur: ce temple Confucius a été construit pour la première fois dansla troisième année de xiankang (337) de lempereur Cheng de la dynastie Jinorientale. ? cette époque, lempereur Cheng a adopté la suggestion de Wang Dao:"gouverner le pays en mettant laccent sur la culture des talents", et a décidéde créer une université sur les rives de la rivière Qinhuai.? lorigine, il nyavait que le Palais de lécole. Le temple Confucius a été construit dans lapremière année de jingpai de lempereur Renzong de la dynastie Song (1034) surla base de lapprentissage et de la richesse.Par conséquent, le temple Confuciusest une ville animée qui a évolué du Centre culturel et éducatif. Il comprend letemple Confucius, le Palais de lécole et la Cour dhommage. Il est situé sur larive nord de la rivière Qinhuai au Sud, à lextrémité est de la route Jiankangau Nord, de la ruelle yaojia à lEst et de la ruelle Sifu à lOuest, avec unegrande échelle.Bien que le temple Confucius ait été endommagé à plusieursreprises, il a été reconstruit et agrandi dans toutes les dynasties. ? la fin dela dynastie Qing et au début de la République de Chine, la structure et ladisposition de ses b?timents et temples étaient les plus célèbres du Sud -Est.Les b?timents actuels du temple Confucius ont été reconstruits en partie àla fin de la dynastie Qing et en partie au cours des dernières années.Sil vouspla?t regardez en arrière, ce b?timent de style pavillon, appelé pavillonkuixing, il a été construit pour la première fois dans la dynastie QingQianlong.Le b?timent en bordure de la rue a été détruit à deux reprises etreconstruit en 1985.Maintenant, nous sommes arrivés à la place devant le temple,qui a été ouverte par la dynastie Qing. Il y a deux stèles à lEst et à louestde la place, et il y a un Zhang Xu haut. Il est gravé avec les mots Manchu etHan "Les ministres de lart et des arts martiaux descendent ici" pour montrerleur respect pour Confucius.Le pavillon à double avant - toit hexagonal sur lec?té gauche sappelle le pavillon juxing, qui rassemble les étoiles et lestalents.Il a été construit dans la 14ème année de Wanli (1586) de la dynastieMing, et a été reconstruit par Zhu Fufeng et dautres dans la 8ème année deTongzhi (1869) de la dynastie Qing.Cest le seul b?timent de la dynastie Qingqui a survécu à lartillerie japonaise. Malheureusement, il a été démoli comme"quatre vieux" en 1968 et reconstruit en 1983 pour restaurer son apparenceoriginale.Larche au centre de la place sappelle "larche du Centre culturel dumonde".Sil vous pla?t, suivez - moi.Cest la porte du temple Confucius.On ditque létoile du canapé est létoile de lillumination dans le porte esten pierre, six colonnes et trois portes, construite dans la 16ème année de ladynastie Ming Chenghua (1480), détruite plus tard, et reconstruite dans la 9èmeannée de Tongzhi (1870) de la dynastie Qing.Cependant, la porte polaire que nousvoyons maintenant a été reconstruite en 1983.Les deux c?tés est et ouest de laporte des étoiles polaires sont East City et West City.

Dachengmen - dachengdan Hall - Academic Palace

Chers visiteurs,

En passant par la porte de létoile, cest la porte principale du templeconfucien, appelée Dacheng Gate, aussi appelée halberd Gate.Il y a quatre stèlesà lintérieur de la porte.Le premier est la tablette Confucius Wenli Tuo, gravéedans la deuxième année de la Dynastie Qi yongming (484).Il a enregistrélexpérience de Confucius dans la vingt - quatrième année du Duc Lu Zhao (518av. J. - C.), de Qufu, sa ville natale, à Luoyang, la ville du roi Zhou, pourenquêter sur le système des lois et règlements et chercher des moyens deconsolider le régime des esclaves de l?tat Lu.Dans la partie supérieure de latablette se trouve linscription "Confucius asking Ritual Map, Wu jinghengquestion".La photo montre deux personnes en voiture, un groupe de personneshabillées en costumes anciens devant la scène daccueil de la porte de la Ville,et les mots "deux ans yongming, Confucius dans la cérémonie de la porte de lasemaine lu" autour.Cette stèle a plus de 1500 ans dhistoire, les images et lestextes sont encore clairs et reconnaissables, est une relique rare etpré deuxième tablette est la tablette du temple confucien Jiqing.Linscription a été écrite par Lu Zhi lorsque le temple confucien a étéreconstruit de la dynastie Yuan à la deuxième année de lUniversité (1309) etgravée par le prince Chun Zhai dans la première année de la dynastie Yuan à lapremière année de la dynastie Shun (1330).La troisième tablette est la tablettede la famille Feng Si, qui parle de la deuxième année de la dynastie Yuan àShun, lempereur wenzong a ordonné que Yan Hui, Zeng Shen (les deux disciples deConfucius), Confucius Chi (le petit - fils de Confucius) et Meng Ke (le disciplede Confucius transmis de nouveau) soient scellés comme quatre saints.Laquatrième tablette est la tablette de la très sainte dame, qui parle de ladeuxième année de la dynastie Yuan à Shun (1331), lempereur Wen Zong a ordonnéque la femme de Confucius soit la très sainte dame.Sur les deux c?tés de la Courdu temple se trouve la galerie des stèles (à lorigine, cétait lendroit pouradorer le monument des soixante - douze sages de Confucius Gate), dans laquelle30 stèles de calligraphes contemporains célèbres sont exposées.Maintenant, silvous pla?t, suivez - moi par le chemin de la pluie de pierre au milieu.Avantdentrer dans la salle Dacheng, je vais vous présenter cette table en plein airdevant la salle. Cest lendroit pour le sacrifice et la danse.Dans lantiquité,le premier jour du mois de février et dao?t et le jour de la naissance deConfucius (27 ao?t du calendrier lunaire), les fonctionnaires locaux ont tenu degrandes activités de balayage dans le temple confucien.Le sacrifice a adoptélétiquette que les esclaves de la dynastie Zhou ont sacrifié aux dieux et auxesprits du ciel et de la terre. Devant la salle Dacheng, des ustensiles enbronze imités ont été placés, et deux vaches, 16 porcs et 16 moutons ont étéfournis, ainsi quune grande quantité de brocoli, de fruits secs et frais et debougies en papier parfumé.Les principaux sacrificateurs doivent porter descostumes anciens spéciaux, lire des textes sacrificiels, faire troisprosternements et neuf prosternements à Confucius et aux quatre paires(Confucius gaotu) et aux douze zhe (Confucius Family brother), et être équipésde groupes et déquipes de danse pour chanter Confucius. Par conséquent, unescène doit être aménagée devant la salle Dacheng.Maintenant, sil vous pla?t,suivez - moi dans la salle principale du temple Confucius, Dacheng Hall.Ilsagit dun b?timent majestueux, avec des avant - toits lourds et une crêtecentrale avec des sculptures de perles de dragon.Les b?timents de cette taillesont également rares dans tout le pays."Dacheng" signifie que Confucius arassemblé les pensées des anciens sages et sages.Dans la salle Dacheng,Confucius et ses quatre grands disciples étaient au Centre, et douze statues desenfants de la famille confucienne étaient sur les deux c?tés.Maintenant DachengHall a été ouvert comme "Nanjing Local Culture Museum".Sil vous pla?t, avancezplus loin, cest le Palais de lécole du temple Confucius.Au - dessus du linteaude la porte, il y avait à lorigine la plaque "xueyang", larche en bois decyprès à lextérieur de la porte, sur laquelle il y avait le titre "la premièreécole du Sud - est".Au nord de larche se trouve un jardin de fleurs avec desbalustrades en bois autour, et à gauche et à droite il y a quatre salles delecture, où les étudiants étudient eux - mêmes.Les noms de ces quatre chais sont"zhidao", "zhide", "yiren" et "amusement".? larrière se trouve le Mingde Hall,qui a été construit dans la neuvième année de Shaoxing (1139) dans la dynastieSong du Sud et sappelle Wen Tianxiang.Mingde Hall est lendroit où lesétudiants se réunissent. Après le pèlerinage de la nouvelle lune (1er et 15lunaires), les étudiants se réunissent ici pour former leurs tuteurs à prêcherl?glise Sainte et lOracle.Il y a une "tablette allongée" sur le mur est, cestla loi de linstruction.Sur les poutres de gauche et de droite pendent les sixcomtés de la résidence Jiangning pour soulever des questions.Le b?timent devantnous est le pavillon de lencens de poire, qui était à lorigine un sanctuairedédié aux parents de Confucius. Maintenant, il a été transformé en terrain dejeu.Le b?timent à lEst est le b?timent Qingyun, qui a été construit dans la14ème année du calendrier Wanli (1586) de la dynastie Ming. Cest un templeancestral pour les envoyés des dynasties passées. Il a été construit à loriginecomme un b?timent de trois étages, parce quil est proche de la Cour dhommage.Afin dempêcher les gens de regarder la Cour dhommage den haut, il a ététransformé en b?timent de deux étages dans la dynastie Qing. Létage supérieur aété utilisé comme bibliothèque et létage inférieur estAprès labolition delexamen impérial à la fin de la dynastie Qing, il a été transformé en écoleprimaire. Au début de la République de Chine, il a été transformé en JiangningCounty Education Association. Pendant la guerre anti - japonaise, il a étéutilisé pour ouvrir des maisons de thé et des lieux de chant. Après la guerre,il a été successivement utilisé comme centre déducation populaire et NanjingTongzhi Hall.Cest aussi lun des rares b?timents qui ont survécu à lancienpalais.Visiteur: après avoir visité larchitecture du Palais de lécole, nousallons visiter un autre complexe Architectural ancien du temple Confucius, laCour dhommage.




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located at the center of the mainlands coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. the municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. shanghai is chinas largest economic comprehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city.

the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of china. shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. more than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong international airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million.

special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboring provinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes along newly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel. shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127 star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms.

visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis and gateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in the unique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorful festivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such as the shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culture festival and shanghai china international art festival.

shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the different interests of visitors, such as bicycling tours, hiking tours, gourmet tours, rehabilitation and health care tours, study tours, japanese young womens tours, honey moon tours, and convention and exhibition tours.

the bund

the well-known bund is a must for visitors to shanghai. fifty-two buildings lining the narrow shoreline of the huangpu river offer a living exhibition of gothic, baroque, roman, classic revival and renaissance architectural styles, as well as combinations of chinese and western styles. they are also a condensation of the recent history of the city. the wide embankment offers ample room for strolling and is used by locals for morning exercises and evening gatherings. in the evening, colorful lights illuminate the area and create a shimmering image deserving of the name pearl of the orient.

the yu garden

the yu gardens are a classical landscape in the southern chinese style with a history of more than 400 years. pavilions, halls, rockeries and ponds display the finest in landscaping from the southern style as seen in the ming and qing dynasties. more than 40 landscapes were ingeniously separated by latticed walls, winding corridors, and lattice windows.

peoples square

peoples square has become the political and cultural center in shanghai since 1994, when it was rebuilt. in and around the square are a massive fountain named the light of huangpu river, 10,000 square meters of lawns, six groups of relief carvings that depict the history of shanghai, the new shanghai museum, the offices of the municipal government, an underground shopping plaza, the shanghai grand theater and the shanghai exhibition center

the orient pearl tv tower

the orient pearl tv tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in asia and third tallest in the world. it faces the bund across the huangpu river. when viewed from the bund, the tower and the nanpu and yangpu bridges create a vivid imagery known as "two dragons playing with a pearl." the sphere at the top has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. the observation deck in the sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. the revolving restaurant is set at 267 meters above pudong new area. the dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaoke rooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. the penthouse, which sits at 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. the tower integrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping, amusement, and accommodations. it has become the symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction in shanghai.

cruise on the huangpu river

cruising on the huangpu river, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the monument tower to the peoples heroes, the famous waibaidu bridge and huangpu park on one bank, and the orient pearl tv tower, international convertion center, jin mao building and the newly rising pudong new area on the other. the yangpu and nanpu bridges span the river. from the river, visitors can also view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at wusong and the magnificent view of the yangtze river as it empties into the sea.

nanjing road

nanjing road east, honored as "chinas no. l street", has become an all-weather pedestrian arcade. shops and restaurants provide products and services with their own characteristics, making it an ideal place that integrates shopping, restaurants, amusement and sightseeing.

luxun park

the museum and tomb are located in lu xun park. lu xun was an imminent man of letters. the museum exhibits lu xuns manuscripts, some of his personal effects, document., and photos. the headstone at the tomb of lu xun is in the calligraphy of vhio zedong and reads "the tomb of mr. lu xun."

dr. suns residence

dr. sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution, and his wilr soong ching ling, lived in this building from 1918 to 1924. it was in the residence that dr. sun yat-sen met representatives of the communist party and fostered the first cooperation between the chinese communist party and the kuomintang.

soong ching lings residence

this is the former residence of soong ching ling. an honorary chairwoman of the peoples republic of china and the widow of sun yat-sen. she lived, worked, and studied here during the last years of her life.

birthplace of the communist party of china.

in july of 1921, the first national communist party congress was held in this building. the congress passed the partys program and resolutions, elected the central committee, and declared the founding of the cpc.

shanghai library

the new shanghai library, which covers an area of some 80,000 square meters, has a collection of 13 million books and is considered one of the top ten libraries in the world. the library incorporates the open-stacks approach favored in the west, which allows for convenience in borrowing books.

shanghai grand theater

located in the northwestern corner of peoples square. the shanghai grand theater covers 70,000 squat, meters. it is actually composed of three theaters. the theaters can accommodate performances of ballet opera, symphonies, chamber music modern dramas, and musicals. the theater also owns the largest, fully automatic stage in asia. the theater has become a symbol of modern culture in shanghai.

duolun road

cultural celebrities street, located along duolun road and surrounding areas,is a living memorial to the modern cultural celebrities of shang-hai and is also a condensation of modern culture. such chinese literary giants as lu xun, mao dun, guo moruo and ye shengtao lived and wrote here,making the road an important feature in chinas modern cultural history. in addition, the famous gongfei cafe. celebrities mansion, the shanghai art opera troupe, and hai shang jiu li also display the accumulated cultural atmosphere of duolun road today.



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济南的小吃也很多呢。像比较著名的便是泉城大包,草包包子 ,孟家扒蹄 ,名士多烤全羊,油旋等等,来济南的话,一定要尝一尝济南的风味小吃。










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Each friend: now we came to the Chinese first-class, Asia first, world famous national tropical seaside tourism city, sanya.

Sanya is the southernmost city in China, the second largest city in hainan province, a land of 1919 square kilometers, 5000 square kilometers, 209 kilometers of coastline, sanya is become a fairyland with remote locations, close to nature.

Sanya is the southernmost city in China, there is a tall coconut trees, silver sand, blue sky and the endless sea.

Remember, when I first set foot on yalong bay beach, the mood is indescribable. Days attached to the sea, the sea for days, tianshui, tianhai color, very beautiful! I am eager to the arms of the sea, feet stepping on a soft, fine sand, a wave came at me and my butt sitting on the beach, pants all wet, I havent got up, again to a wave, put me down again, let me drink a mouthful of salt water. I hurriedly get up, simply change swimming trunks on the beach. The wind driving waves, spray. White spray straight line team to move forward with rows of, chasing, play with, like naughty children, joyfully poured on to the beach, and quickly pulled back, pushing me again and again to the shore, take back. Look, it is jumping to the surface of the waves, in the sunlight, little golden light, and on the countless took gold retreated to the sea. Bend down, thin sand gently hold my feet, exquisite and smooth, my whole body gently in the water jump, fingers lightly white sand flowing in the fingers, and it was very fun, very... I hopping in the arms of the spray, laughing, spray surrounded me, around me, I am immersed in waves and gentle hug.

Sanya is very beautiful, the sea was spectacular, it is like a beautiful picture scroll, deeply in my mind.



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澳门虽然很小——转个身子、几步腾挪,从一座教堂就来到了另一座寺庙;稍微执着一些,在古旧的街道中穿行,没有多少光景,却又发现回到了起点。可是出名的景点可多了,澳门最有特色的当然是赌场啦!可惜小孩不能进去。我们住的酒店在渔人码头里面,叫莱斯酒店 ,莱斯酒店是一所优雅的英式酒店,悄悄地座落于澳门渔人码头的海角上,散发着幽幽典雅的气息……莱斯酒店——体验维多利亚时代之魅力!

晚上,我们在渔人码头的非洲村里共享自助晚餐, (内设南非烧烤主题餐厅),里面的食物好吃极了!噢,忘记给你们介绍渔人码头了,渔人码头有不同国家的建筑,也有不同国家的人来参观,它不是单一的娱乐场所,更是一个综合性的逍遥宫。此处特色商铺林立,更有兰桂坊式的、欧式的餐厅酒吧。稍后还有赌场、酒店落成,将不同的元素综合于一体,像一座小城市。单是逛逛,一两小时也嫌不够。加上每天24小时免费入场的全天候运作,吃喝玩乐男女老幼各适其便。

第二天,我们去了新马路 ,这条马路的正式名称是亚美打利庇卢大马路,但澳门市民称它为新马路,是市区的主要街道,处处可见土生葡人的生活痕迹。






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Dear friends

Hello everyone, welcome to Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. Myname is Liu x, the guide of Zhengzhou Tianxia travel agency. This is our driver,master Zou. During your tour in Zhengzhou, master Zou and I will provide youwith services. I wish you a wonderful and unforgettable time in Zhengzhou.

Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province and the political, economic andcultural center of Henan Province. It is located in the hinterland of China andamong the nine prefectures. It is adjacent to the surging Yellow River in thenorth, the majestic Songshan Mountain in the west, and the Huanghuai Plain onthe edge of Guangtian in the East and West. It is known as "the center of themajestic peak and the dangerous airspace".

Zhengzhou belonged to Yuzhou in ancient times. In 1027 BC, after the kingdestroyed Yin on Friday, he sealed his northern Guan Shuxian here and became theGuan state. After the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six states, there was a county,which belonged to Sanchuan county. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was Guancheng.In the third year of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, Zhengzhou was named, which isthe beginning of the title of Zhengzhou. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhengzhou waspromoted to Zhili Prefecture. In 1923, after the Beijing Han railway workersrevolution, it was known as the "27" famous city. After the liberation ofZhengzhou on October 22, 1948, Zhengzhou was set up. In 1954, the capital ofHenan Province was moved from Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, and Zhengzhou became thecapital of Henan Province.

The city has five districts under its jurisdiction and one suburbandistrict (Shangjie District), five cities and one county, with a total area of7446.2 square kilometers and a total population of about 5.8 million, of whichthe urban area is about 130 square kilometers and the urban population is about1.9 million.

Zhengzhou has convenient transportation and is an important transportationhub in China. Beijing Guangzhou railway and Longhai Railway meet here. Zhengzhounorth railway station is the largest and most modern freight marshalling stationin Asia. National Highway 107 and 310 meet here. The expressway network fromZhengzhou to all parts of the province is forming. Now tourists can go directlyto Beijing by high speed. Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, newly builtin 1997, is the 21st International Airport and one of the top ten airports inChina. Zhengzhou has developed commerce and trade, known as the mall. As earlyas 1992, a nationwide "commercial war" broke out here. Todays commercial war iseven more exciting. Zhengzhou is a famous historical and cultural city approvedby the State Council, which is rich in ground and underground resources, rich inagricultural and sideline products, and developed in industry andagriculture.

Zhengzhou is known as a green city with beautiful environment and shadytrees. Especially in recent years, Zhengzhou has increased the strength of urbanconstruction, and the urban quality has been continuously improved. Zhengzhounew pull Riverside Park, Bauhinia Square and other large green space and square.Zhengzhou is rich in tourism resources, including Songshan scenic spot, Shaolintemple which is famous for its Shaolin work, Zhengzhou Yellow River touristarea, which is a good place to enjoy the charm of mother river, and ZhengzhouYellow River tourist area; There are the hometown of emperor Xuanyuan ofXinzheng, a good place for the Chinese people to seek their roots and worshiptheir ancestors, as well as the ruins of Dahe village, the ancient city of Zhengand Han, the song Mausoleum of Gongyi, the Han Tomb of Dahu Pavilion, the grottotemple, and the hometown of Du Fu. Zhengzhou has complete tourism facilities,including all kinds of star hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities, andcolorful nightlife.

During your tour, you will get comprehensive and high-end service, feel theenthusiasm and simplicity of the Central Plains people, and understand theprofound culture of the Central Plains.

Welcome to Zhengzhou for sightseeing.



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珊瑚及珊瑚鱼区域 展示着来自西南太平洋海域的一百多种二千多个形态色彩各异的珊瑚。珊瑚是千万热带鱼儿的家,它们形成了—道海底独具特色的风景线。为了保证珊瑚的正常存活,珊瑚馆一天的直接费用近2万元。












投资5000万元人民币,占地面积2900平方米。主体 造型采用美国RBA设计公司的设计。





南极企鹅童话村 (每年春节期间开放)





















珊瑚及珊瑚鱼区域 展示着来自西南太平洋海域的一百多种二千多个形态色彩各异的珊瑚。珊瑚是千万热带鱼儿的家,它们形成了—道海底独具特色的风景线。为了保证珊瑚的正常存活,珊瑚馆一天的直接费用近2万元。












投资5000万元人民币,占地面积2900平方米。主体 造型采用美国RBA设计公司的设计。





南极企鹅童话村 (每年春节期间开放)










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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to Tienjin to travel, I am your guide DAVID.

I introduce todays route of travel to everyone first, first, we go by carto sight-see Tienjin museum, five major ways and benefit follow virtuous bighotel, by boat tour sea river, thou cultural street, then go to a horse can waveLuos square, Italian romantic feeling area, and then visit beam Qi super pastreside with Italian barracks

The position that the car drives now is a plum the river live area, it islocated in the extension of comity road in the south of Tienjin City on-line, isthat city hall in Tienjin is unified to invite bids construction of large nestleto live area.

Now our driving is this road is a comity road, this road is the main trunkhighway that city hall in Tienjin faces a guest, the north rises Ma Chang Dao,the south goes to black cow city way, neighbor rapid road, all grow 3.5kilometers.

What we see is an impressive-looking vehemence Tienjin museum now, itlocates at on the intergalactic square and sees very much resembling to flapwings to rise the daytime goose that the desire flies from the lake noodles fromthe shape, and the total shape brief introduction is flowing freely and enrichthe feeling and art in ages very much.Museum in Tienjin is a nation one classmuseum, is in original Tienjin National Museum of History and art museumfoundation in Tienjin on set Be finished, is to display ancient Chinese art andhistory in Tienjin to develop large comprehensive sex museum, here the buildinghide each kind of cultural object 20 remaining is ten thousand, among them, onethe class cultural object is about thousand, north Sung period famous landscapepainting 《snow landscape wintry forest diagram 》 for north Sung"landscapepainting three everyones" of one Fan breadth of bequeath to posterity genuinecalligraphy, also have the treasure that be rated as the country of the westernweek protects Ding to also collect here too much and believe that museum inTienjin will present the bright hall of Chinese art to you.

The right that the garage drives is a crystal temple big hotel, is famousChinese descent, designer, Wu Xiang Zi Di, , designs of four star classhotel.

The underneath what we sight-seed is five major ways, it is located at topeaceful area in Tienjin City, there are total of 22 roads, five major waysrented boundary for England at first, if there were 20__ remainings here, thedifferent garden type ocean building is the style and said to is five majorways, in really six ways, they BE:Ma Chang Dao, the Mu south way, great reasonway and often virtuous way, Chongqing way and Chengdu way, rather than five, butspread long, be so called a kind of officer said, now then five major waysbecame the pronoun of small Tienjin ocean building.

We drive now of this was Ma Chang Dao, it was a road that grows most infive major ways, all grow 3516 meters, rented boundary race course because ofleading to an English but get, once was still that the big modern Tienjinofficer is expensive to swarm about a prosperous road that interleave go backand forth, swarmed about many celebrities here here past reside, everyonepleases see the have big clock face to face of French Luo Man type what stylebuilding was famous foreign country language college in Tienjin, it sets up in20s in last century, the building in the campus all is French building.

We turn now last is road in Hebei, everyone saw toward right-hand side infront, the 4 F that has very heavy Italian romantic feeling the small oceanbuilding was an only fresh Yue wine shop, was so called "pimple" building, theinner part repaired extremely fashionable, especially collect to settle the TaoKuang Imperial decree between the years, various stone carving, ancient weapon,have ascend to spring autumn next to about 4000 cultural objects of republic, bepraised as "the museum edibled", make people call more unique BE, the buildings305 rooms once were famous city play master, Ma Lian Liang, of old reside.

Front of the way was way in Tai-an, it is another trunk highway that faceguest and host of our Tienjin, and the building of this classic renew type inthe Greece is Wei location in Tienjin City, opened the Luan mineral mansion inthe duty bureau at first here.Is original here north ocean warlord Sun ZhuanFang of past reside, now is account to living Wei of transact a location.

Everyones inviting the hotel seeing us right ahead is a benefit followvirtuous big hotel, its starting is set up to 1863 is built by the Britishpastors Yan Sen virtuous property of, hence get, but, also have a kind ofparlance is draw from "reason fluently with virtuous" of the ConfucianismMenzis person with ideals and integritys famous saying but get, the culturalobject inside the store is too many to enumerate, therefore, be listed as byState Department in 1996 whole country point cultural object protectionunit.

Connecting down us will by boat sight-see sea river, we will go aboard nowfor the sake of ensuring your safety and please a preservation like yourpersonal luggage so as not to damage with throw to lose, and notice the hygieneon board, dont throw fruit peel indiscriminately, take the kids passenger toinvite you to nurse like your child, dont want to let him for the sake of hissafety the activity dont explore your head and body on a ship and alone inaddition to a window, finally remind you, there is a life jacket under each seatwith fully need , good, everyone notices foot, please go aboard!The sea river isone of seven big river rivers in the whole countries, all grow 72 kilometers,wind around to flow through several city areas inside Tienjin City, mothersriver of Tienjin, load Tienjin for 600 years, how much in the last years torrentnot interest, conceive ancient times and now civilization in Tienjin, feedpassionate hospitality of sea river children.The position that the ship anchorswas 5 A class view area in nation thou cultural street, asked everyone to takethe good baggage product goes on board and notices foot with me and please!

Thou cultural street is with diva temple for center, have a street of placespecial feature in Tienjin very much, divas temple is one of three greatestdivas temples in the world, is our country northern Goddess of the Sea thecultural research center and norths biggest Goddess of the Sea temple is also afolk cultural Tienjin source, thou cultural street concentrated Tienjin is tovarious handicraft product of national all directions, draw by willow youthamong them, clay doll Zhang Cai Su and Wei record kite the most famous.

We drove onto the idea type romantic feeling area now, it locates at in thesouth of Hebei to carry and once was area in the center of Italian lend-lease inmodern Tienjin history, is unique Italian history appearance buildings that isalso a biggest our country domestic in Asia.Being the center horse of Italianromantic feeling area here can wave Luos square

Now what we want to visit is the studio being super past to reside anddrink ice room beam Qi, the beam Qi is super is a modern age only one of theheart parties leaders, he and the Kang is only capable to initiate heart andcall "Kang beam", after E Xu political reform fails, the beam Qi is super exiledJapan, Xin Hai revolution behind return to country, drank ice the indoor tocompose works like 《Chinese history research method 》, 《 Manchu dynasty academicgeneral outline 》 ,etc in its studio, after again is drinking a finished work inthe ice room and call 《drink ice room to match to gather 》 .

Friends, what everyone visited is an Italian barracks now, according to therules of the bitter ugly treaty, eight countrys allied troops send a soldier tostation Tienjin, 1902, Italy built up barracks in the lend-lease and pleasedfriends to together visit with me.

Liked friends, todays tour was getting aller is over.Thanking you to thesupport and match that I work is getting more perfect, has for the sake of mywork what not thoughtful place invite you to leave a precious opinion, wish youall the luck!Expect to gather together with you again at my home town,Tienjin!

Thank everyone!



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倘若不游珠江沿岸的文化史迹,可以说,就未曾真正游览过广州。珠江沿岸的文化史迹既可日游,又 可夜 游,由西向东,沿着“珠江走廊”可观赏到丽日蓝天下的秀丽景色和夜晚两岸灯光璀璨的动人美景。如果你有足够的体力和兴致,不妨沿着珠江两岸一路寻去,去追寻广州悠久的历史以及新潮的文化,去阅尽广州说不尽的文化风情。

珠江长2124公里,自西向东而来,是中国第三大河流。当她流经广州城 下之时,遇上江中一大石岛,其形如珠而光滑圆润,于是“珠江”之名由此而来。


珠江日夜游是广州市客轮公司首创的水上游览业务,具有浓郁的南国特色。经过几十年的发展,如今拥有天字、西堤、芳村、中大等多座旅游专用码头,并拥有信息时报号、“明珠”系列豪华游轮以及“白鸥”欧式豪华游艇等十几艘游船。其中,信息时报号是目前我国内河最豪华的观光游轮之一,“水晶宫”式的透明设计更具有观光性,而且游船还提供特色风味自助餐、异域风情歌舞表演和现场导 游员讲解服务,让您在欣赏美景的同时增长见识。


船在江上行,十里花街十里灯,一幅幅动感灯画,或山水、或人物、或花鸟走兽,镶嵌在爱群大厦、海关钟 楼、沙面的万国建筑等楼面上。光华流转间,时光仿佛也在倒流,远走的岁月和今天的摩登就这样完美地合二为一。南岸,半岛花园屋顶的绿色之冠在静静的夜空中闪烁,不远处中山大学北门的牌楼气势恢宏,“国立中山大学”的牌额,让人情不自禁地缅怀起一代伟人的风采。船依旧在游走。转过了白鹅潭,折向二沙岛,落入眼的是另一番美景:“羊城八景”之鹅潭夜月、白天鹅展翅、星海音乐厅……船快到终点了,一个半小时的游程似乎只是瞬间,时光被我们遗忘了。



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Hello, welcome you to Beijing Summer Palace! My horse is, today I have for you is to explain Beijing Summer Palace! Please note: please dont littering, dont spit, protect the environment, with good team! Now lets go! Hope I can let you remember the interpretation of the good time, I wish you have a lot of fun!

The earliest dynasties era in the emperor had started to build in Beijing imperial garden. In todays longevity hill kunming lake area will be built here, jinshan kingsoft, called JinShanBo. To this, there was renamed aung, aung tabor. And early Ming is renamed lake and built the temple, named static good mountain park. At sixteen, wanli is also is in here has 1588 landscape scale, enjoy certain green line li, like the white jiangnan ode. But let there really become a royal garden of the qing dynasty is. In the emperor kangxi years was built in the emperor qianlong palace, came to fourteen years, namely 1749 - jehoaddan in 1764 built on the basis of the original qingyi park, lake, mountain, kunming lake, the lake is called mountain called longevity hill. And here also became famous gardens. And most of the imperial palace in ancient China, here also cant escape the invaders in 1860, be spoiled by the anglo-french allied forces and destroyed.

After some years, the empredowager cixi embezzled funds for the navy, and under the emperor guangxu reconstruction has renamed the Summer Palace here. But in 1900, the Summer Palace again by the anglo-french allied forces (Russia), meaning the serious destruction. Since then the rebuilt in here, so, because of the financial HouShan parts are not long. In 1912, QingShi according to the conditions, the Summer Palace is still in Hudson emperor puyi hands. After two years, and there was a his private property, but because once open transportation fares expensive, no one came. In 1924, after the Summer Palace, pu excommunicated beiyang government will formally to opening to the park. December 1948, the peoples government, after accepting here after comprehensive governance, still holding the royal garden style. And it also became the world, architecture, landscape on the best-preserved imperial gardens.

We will see the total covers an area of 290 hectares, including land quarter, water reached three-fourths. According to the royal garden, the garden USES and can be divided into political scenic area, the Summer Palace built residential and the scenic area three parts.

We came to visit the eastern will formally began.

In the east gate, there is a han xu yan xiu Yan, the archway. The meaning of han xu is open, beautiful scenery, all-encompassing. Yan xiu is capture the beautiful scenery. But as the main palace also. On the door of the property of the Summer Palace is the emperor guangxu board of calligraphy. Yi and two words are taken, the remaining calm mood.



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