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Today, we "wolong guide club" came to the beautiful and magical lijiang, lijiangs many historical and cultural heritage, is the famous lijiang seven big temple, namely Wen Fengsi, fu temple, mountain.analysis, jade peak temple, refers to the cloud temple, XingHua temple and temple. Secondly, north YueMiao, since the ancient jiao group, three saint palace, longquan temple building is also famous. So that the central plains culture and local national culture and the combination of the characteristics of Tibetan culture.

From the lijiang ancient city 15 kilometers north-west, is the snowy jade dragon snow mountain. ShanZiDou xiaojin jade dragon snow mountain, elevation five thousand five hundred and ninety-six meters, into the blue sky, north and south of yulong thirteen peak looks like a dragon of suspension, it not only grand century, and tall and beautiful, modelling is exquisite, also over time and alternation of rain or shine, the landscape also fickle, and sometimes the cloud steaming fog chung, jade dragon at hidden, and sometimes glimmering pearls like water, cloudless, peaks as been taken scrub, glittering and translucent silver, anti yao, sometimes, a jade belt waist, xuefeng glistening white above, gangluan green below. Oriental YuXiao, peak early morning, colorful sunglow reflects the xuefeng, snow is flushed and diffused green flashing; In the evening the afterglow dye xuefeng like donning the GongSha, clouds with the sunset glow strange color, FeiGui GuHe between peak, the playing of a musical, infinite changes.

The jinsha river, we will also see spectacular tiger leaping gorge, it is made up of jinsha river split jade dragon snow mountain and haba snow mountain. Tiger leaping gorge 17 km, up and down drops two hundred meters, the river on both sides of the xuefeng by more than three thousand meters, its potential breathtaking absolute, terrifying spirits, in the tiger leaping gorge at the entrance of upper reaches of the Yangtze river, there is a stone lying jiangxin, only 30 meters wide torrent from stones on both sides of the passing through, the murmured in blasting, whitewater, legend tigers often rely on jiangxin boulders onto the other side, so the tiger leaping gorge.

On looking at gorge, gorge in the mind. Therefore down to the river beach, cross-strait cliff sew crowded into a high day, great river squeezed more than 30 meters wide, the river on the lists of the five meters across the tiger jump stone, the water like an arrow, this is the tiger jump. Big holes on the east side, there is the ancient rock paintings, animal image.

Look from the gorge on jade dragon mountain, like heaven battlements. River gently, like RouJing girl, but a into the throat and surf boats, become violent of angry men. Tiger the first to jump, a falling organ Gao Kan for the ribbons, candy on both sides of cliffs qingtian, forming two giant shek mun, a tiger jump of triangular stands of stone, jinsha rivers from now on their way out of it, leaped over Gao Kan, take trend and breaking down and Gao Kan, wave qian wan, swing back. Look at the scene, terrifying. Forward, soon see all over the sky star beach, beach, half a mile long, reefs, ManJiangYin waves, murmured in blasting, looks like the Milky Way stars, so its name. Whole gorge have such dangerous shoals 18, on average less than a mile there is a pool. O to tells the middle valley of chang, walnut orchard village have simple family house for room and board. Dozens of family houses are covered with green flag, like at the same place and elegantly map hanging on the wall. Go away from the village went to the river, to the risks, strange tiger jumped in. See the Lao trees stand, dangerous shore four shrugged, the clouds cover day, wave cragginess tiger jumped stone like ghosts play. Riptide reef, crystal empty empty, rough roar, e.g.

Lijiang ancient city with a long history, of primitive simplicity is picturesque, the capacity of water, and the appearance of mountain city, there is water in the city, in the mountain city, the city of mountain, landscape, road to freedom, deep lanes, along the river, willows breeze water ` ` ` ` ` ` ` deserves to be Chinas famous historical and cultural city, a world cultural heritage.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 17206 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, the place we are going to visit is Shaolin Temple,the birthplace of Chinese Zen. Shaolin Temple was built in the 19th year ofTaihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (495 AD). It was founded by Yuanhong, EmperorXiaowen, in order to settle Batuo, an Indian monk. Because it is located in thedense forest of Shaoshi mountain, it is called "Shaolin Temple". Bodhidharma,the 28th generation Buddha of Sakyamuni, arrived at Shaolin Temple in the thirdyear of Xiaochang (527 AD) of the Northern Wei Dynasty and spread Zen Buddhismfor the first time, which had a great influence. Therefore, Shaolin Temple iscalled "Zen ancestral court" by the world Buddhism, and develops rapidly on thisbasis. Especially after the thirteen stick monks rescued Li Shimin in the earlyTang Dynasty, Shaolin Temple has been highly valued by the Tang Dynasty and wonthe reputation of "the first temple in the world".

Todays Shaolin Temple is famous not only for its ancient and mysteriousBuddhist culture, but also for its exquisite Shaolin Kung Fu. "Chinese Kung Fuis the best in the world, and the worlds Kung Fu is the best in Shaolin.". Thisis the birthplace of Shaolin martial arts, Shaolin martial arts is alsorecognized as the authentic School of Chinese martial arts.

Shaolin Temple is also one of the famous tourist attractions in China. In20__, Shaolin Temple scenic spot was first recognized as the most advanced 4Atourist area in China by the National Tourism Administration.

Shaolin Temple scenic spots include Shaolin Temple, talin, Chuzu temple,erzu temple, Damo cave, Shifang temple, martial arts hall and other majortourist attractions.

Now the first thing we see is that Shaolin Temple is oftenhospitalized.

Shaolin Temple often hospitalized is the core of Shaolin Temple. It is theplace where monks and deacons conduct Buddhist activities, with a total area ofmore than 30000 square meters. It is a seven entrance building. Now the firstthing we see is:

Shanmen: Shanmen is the gate of Shaolin Temple. It was built in the QingDynasty and renovated in 1975. The word "Shaolin Temple" on the forehead waswritten by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. There is a square seal of"treasure of Kangxis imperial pen".

The stone lions on both sides of the steps of the Mountain Gate hall arecarved in the Ming Dynasty, which not only shows the style of Buddhism, but alsosymbolizes the suppression of evil and auspiciousness. On both sides of themountain gate are East and West Stone squares built in the Jiajing period of theMing Dynasty.

You see, the shrine in Shanmen hall is dedicated to Maitreya Buddha, alsoknown as Yingbin Buddha. He is kind-hearted and welcomes you with a smile. Wecall Maitreya Buddha "dignified and solemn Mountain Gate, happy to see the worldshining, laughing and greeting people, blessing endless bliss".

At the back of the niche in the Mountain Gate hall is the Bodhisattva WeiTuo, known as the Dharma protector, who holds a diamond pestle to protect thethree treasures of Buddhism, Buddhism and monks.

We can see that there are many inscriptions on both sides of Shanmencorridor, which are called Shaolin Temple stele forest. These are famousoriginal inscriptions since Tang and Song dynasties. On the east side of thestele forest is the former site of Ciyun hall, which is now the stele corridorof Shaolin Temple. It not only records the rise and fall of the temple, but alsohas high research value in history, sculpture and art. There are 108 steleinscriptions in the stele forest and stele corridor of Shaolin Temple.

The western part of the tablet forest is the hammer spectrum hall, whichhas 42 corridors in one week. It shows the origin, development, practice, eliteroutine, national defense function, monks and soldiers, martial arts activitiesand so on by using clay sculpture and wood carvings, etc., displaying 14 sets of216 hammer images in Shaolin Temple. There are meditation, running around theBuddha, Baduanjin, xiaohongquan, dahongquan, liuhequan, tongbangquan,luohanquan, zhaoyangquan, practicing basic skills, thirteen stick monk rescuingthe king of Qin, Xiaoshan monk going out to battle, master yuekong pingwokou andlaity disciples practicing martial arts. As the saying goes: five minutes in thehammer music hall, you can practice Shaolin Kung Fu by comparing thesestatues.

Tianwang hall is the second building we see now. The original building ofTianwang hall was burned by Shi Yousan in 1928. It was rebuilt in 1982. The twogreat vajras outside the hall are said to be "hum" and "ha" generals, whose dutyis to protect Buddhism. Inside the hall are the four heavenly kings, also knownas the four vajras. Their duty is to inspect the good and evil behaviors of allliving beings, help the poor and help the poor, and bless the world. Accordingto the combination characteristics of the four heavenly kings, it means "goodweather".

Daxiong hall is the central building of the whole temple and an importantplace for monks to carry out Buddhist activities. Like Tianwang hall, it wasburned by warlord Shi Yousan in 1928. It was rebuilt in 1985. The hall is a fiveroom wide double eaves Xieshan style building. In the center of the hall is thepresent Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha, on the left is the past Buddha, the pharmacistBuddha in the Oriental pure glass world, and on the right is the future Buddha,Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. On the East and West gables of the hallis the eighteen Arhats, and on the back wall of the screen wall is theAvalokitesvara. The difference between the main hall of Shaolin Temple and themain hall of other temples is that there are standing statues on the left andright of the third Buddha and the king jinnaro, known as the founder ofShaolins cudgel art. In addition, there are two pillars in the middle of thehall, and there are Unicorn statues under them, which indicates that ZenBuddhism is a completely sinicized Chinese Buddhism.

The buildings on both sides of the main hall are the second floor of thebell and drum, the bell tower in the southeast and the drum tower in thesouthwest. The original buildings were destroyed in 1928 and rebuilt in 1994.They are the fixed buildings of the temple. We often say "morning bell andevening drum" is a signal for monks to live and carry out Buddhistactivities.

In front of the bell tower, this tablet is called "emperor Songyue ShaolinTemple tablet", commonly known as "Li Shimin tablet", which was carved in the16th year of Kaiyuan (728 AD) of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. On the front,Li Shimins message to the master of Shaolin Temple and others praises Shaolinmonks for their contribution to the Tang Dynastys pacification of WangShichong. In the fifth line from the right, Li Shimins initialed word "Shimin"is inscribed on the tablet. The seven characters "emperors imperial script" arethe imperial script of Emperor Xuanzong Li Longji of Tang Dynasty. Theinscription on the back is Li Shimins inscription on the imperial script ofbaiguzhuang in Shaolin Temple, which records the story of thirteen stick monkssaving the king of Qin. It is also the historical basis for the film ShaolinTemple.

To the north of Li Shimins stele is Xiaoshan Zen master Xingshi stele,which records the experience of the 24th generation Zen master of Cao Dongzongin Shaolin Temple and the merits of reviving Shaolin Zen. On the back of thestele is the tuzan stele of the three religions of Hunyuan, on which is engravedthe image of the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Thisstele reflects that Songshan is a place where the three religions of Buddhism,Taoism and Confucianism gather together, and embodies the important idea of thethree religions merging. Further north, we can see the Qianlong imperial stelecarved in 1750. The inscription on the tablet is a five character poem: to seeZhongyue tomorrow, to stay in Shaolin tonight, to be quiet in the heartaccording to the six Chan, to be deep in the mountains, to be quiet in theancient trees, to be overcast in the night, to be taught half rock rain, and tosing from my window at night.

On the east side of the main hall is jinnaro hall, which was rebuilt in1982. Jinnaro king is the unique Dharma protector of Shaolin Temple. It showsthe three different images of King jinnaro: the body of Bao, the body of Dharmaand the body of Ying.

On the west side of Daxiong hall, opposite to jinnaro hall, is liuzu hall.It was rebuilt in 1982. On the front side of the hall are Bodhisattva dashizhi,Manjusri, Guanyin, Puxian and dizang. On the two sides are Bodhisattva Dharma,Huike, can, Daoxin, Hongren and Huineng, the first ancestor of Zen. They arecalled the sixth ancestor worshipping Guanyin. On the west wall of liuzutang isa large-scale painted sculpture "Dharma walking only in the west".

The Sutra Pavilion, also known as Fatang, was built in the Ming Dynasty. Itwas destroyed in 1928 and rebuilt in 1994. It is the place for monks to collectsutras. It is a white jade Buddha statue presented by a Burmese disciple ofShaolin Temple in 1996. There is a big iron pot under the platform of the SutraPavilion, which was cast in the Wanli year of the Ming Dynasty. It is said thatit was a small pot used by Shaolin monks to fry vegetables at that time. Fromthis pot, we can imagine the prosperity and prosperity of Shaolin Temple at thattime.

The East and West chambers of the Sutra pavilion are the East Chan hall andthe West Hakka hall respectively. The East Chan hall is a place for monks tomeditate, while the West Hakka hall is now a place for guests.

The Abbots room is the place where the abbot monk (the abbot) of ShaolinTemple lives, lives and administers. On September 29th, the 15th year ofQianlong, Qianlong stayed here when he visited Mount Song. The bell on the eastside of the door of the Abbots room was cast in the Yuan Dynasty. It can onlybe struck in case of emergency to give an alarm.

Damo Pavilion is also called Lixue Pavilion. Inside the shrine, there arebronze seated statues of Dharma, on both sides of which are Huike, sengcan,Daoxin and Hongren. The word "snow print heart pearl" hanging in the hall is thetitle of Emperor Qianlong. There is another touching story about Damo Pavilion.According to Buddhist classics, after Dharma came to Shaolin Temple, a Chinesemonk named Shengguang followed him. He humbly asked Dharma for advice, but wasrefused by Dharma. Shengguang was not disheartened. Dharma went to the cave tomeditate on the wall. After that, Dharma went back to the temple to take care ofBuddhism, and the light followed him. The light took good care of Dharma. Everymove of Zen master, heart happy oral, so day after day, year after year. Onenight in the winter of 536 ad, Dharma was meditating in Dharma Pavilion, and thedivine light was still standing outside the pavilion. At this time, there washeavy snow in the sky, and the snow covered the divine lights knees. The divinelight still put his hands together and did not move. The next morning, whenDharma opened, he saw the divine light standing in the snow and asked him, "whatare you doing in the snow?" The divine light replied, "please teach me the truedharma." "Dharma said:" I want to pass the Dharma to you, unless Tianlong redsnow

Shenguang took out the sword and cut off his left arm. The blood suddenlyturned red and snow white. Dharma was moved. So he passed the Almighty weapon toShenguang as the evidence of spreading the Dharma, and named it "Huike". This isthe origin of the idiom story of "true story of the alms". The story of "seekingthe Dharma by breaking ones arm" has also been recited by Zen scholars. At thesame time, in memory of Huike, the second patriarch, who broke his arm to getBuddhist dharma, people also called "Dharma Pavilion" as "Lixue Pavilion".

On the east side of Dharma Pavilion is Manjusri hall, in which ManjusriBodhisattva is worshipped. Please follow me to visit the highest Hall of ShaolinTemple, which is also the most precious hall.

Thousand Buddha Hall thousand Buddha Hall is the last building of Shaolintemple built in the Ming Dynasty, also known as Pilu Pavilion. The hall is morethan 20 meters high and covers an area of more than 300 square meters. It is thelargest Buddha Hall in the temple. The shrine in the hall is dedicated to PiluBuddha (the Dharma body of Sakyamuni Buddha). The plaque of "Fa Yin Gao ti"hanging on the shrine is the imperial book of Emperor Qianlong of the QingDynasty. On the East, northwest and three walls of the hall are the inscriptionsof the Ming Dynasty The 500 large-scale color paintings of Pilu in the LuohanDynasty are made by unknown painters in the Ming Dynasty. They are exquisite inpainting, bold in design and of high artistic research value. We can see fromthe ground that there are four rows of 48 stake pits on the bottom of the brickpavement in the hall. They are the footpits where Shaolin monks practiced boxingand martial arts over the years. From these footpits, we can see that ShaolinKung Fu is extraordinary.

To the east of thousand Buddha Hall is Guanyin hall, also known as hammerspectrum hall. In the hall is dedicated to the great master in white, namelyGuanyin Bodhisattva. On the wall of the hall is the boxing Manual of ShaolinTemple drawn in the middle and late Qing Dynasty.

On the west side of the thousand Buddha Hall is the dizang hall, and in themiddle of the hall is the dizang king. On the south side of the dizang king isthe defense elder, and on the north side is the Daoming monk. On the north andsouth walls of the hall are the "ten halls of Yan Jun", and on the west wall arethe "twenty four filial piety pictures".

Dear friends, please go back the same way. Our next visit is the state keycultural relics protection unit - Shaolin Temple Pagoda.

The Pagoda Forest of Shaolin Temple is the tomb of the eminent monks ofShaolin Temple in the past dynasties, with a total area of more than 14000square meters. In 1996, the State Council announced it as a national keycultural relics protection unit. There are more than 240 brick and stone tombsin talin in Tang, song, Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, of which 2 are inTang, 2 in song, 10 in Jin, 46 in Yuan and 148 in Ming, and the rest are in Qingand unknown in song. The pagoda of Shaolin Temple is the largest and mostnumerous group of existing ancient pagodas in China. The height of the pagoda isgenerally less than 15 meters, ranging from one level to seven levels. Theheight, size, level and shape of the pagoda are determined by the monks statusin Buddhism, Buddhist attainments, the number of Buddhists, prestige, economicstatus and historical conditions.

The famous pagodas in the Pagoda Forest of Shaolin temple include: theDharma Chan Master Pagoda in 791 A.D., the common Pagoda in 1121 A.D., theXitang Pagoda in 1157 A.D., the calm stone pagoda in 1580 A.D., the BiAn Pagodain 1666 A.D., and the juan elder Pagoda in 1339 A.D . Tallinn is a precioustreasure to study the history of Chinese ancient architecture, sculpture,calligraphy, art history and religious culture.

Next we continue to visit Chuzu temple.

Now Id like to briefly introduce Chuzu nunnery. Chuzu nunnery is locatedat the foot of wuru peak of Shaolin Temple, on the hillside behind ShaolinTemple. It was built by descendants of Dharma to commemorate Dharmas face wall.Covering an area of 7760 square meters, the main hall of chuzuan is a typicalwooden structure building in the Song Dynasty, and now it is a national keycultural relic protection unit. Now we take a cableway to visit erzu temple.

Erzu nunnery is located on Boyu peak of Shaolin Temple. It is the highestbuilding of Shaolin Temple. It was built by erzu Huike. Because it looks northand south from Chuzu nunnery, it is also called Nan nunnery. It is said thatHuike, the second patriarch, once lived here after breaking the snow wall.

Dharma cave is located on wuru peak in the northwest of Shaolin Temple. Itis about 7 meters deep, 3 meters high and 3.5 meters wide. From 527 to 536,Dharma cave faced the wall for nine years. Finally, it became a positive result.It became a great pioneering work in the history of Buddhism. Here is a tensquare cave built in the Ming Dynasty. On the rocks on both sides of the caveare many stone carvings left by celebrities of past dynasties.

Next, well visit the Shifang Temple opposite Shaolin Temple.

On the South Bank of Shaoxi river opposite to Shaolin Temple is ShifangBuddhist temple. It was built in 1512, and rebuilt in the 10th year of Shunzhireign of Qing Dynasty. It is the Post Pavilion of the temple. It is theaccommodation for the monks. It collapsed in 1958 and rebuilt in 1993. The newShifang temple is different from the past. It is a new group of Buddhist scenes- 500 arhat hall.

Ten directions are four corners and ten directions up and down.

Si Zheng: there are four single eaves Xieshan style temples in the East,West, South and North.

Four corners: spring, summer, autumn and winter have four distinctivescenery circles.

Shifang temple is one of the main tourist attractions of Shaolin Templewith exquisite design, simple and elegant.

Well, tourists, the visit to Shaolin Temple is coming to an end. Welcome tovisit Shaolin temple again to learn boxing and martial arts. Thank you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4697 字

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Everybody is good! I am the "dunhuang tour guide, my name is xiao, people call me xiao guide. Today, I will take you to visit all of dunhuang mogao grottoes. Chinas three major grottoes, the mogao grottoes is digging at the earliest, continuation of the longest, largest and most abundant content of the group. In the cultural history of the world also has precious value. "Human culture treasure", "image history museum", "the world gallery," said.

Now I enter the caves to visit, first we went to visit a famous "published". This cave is located in the system engineering, caves, on the north side of the aisle number 17 wat, caves were during the late tang dynasty monk hong "shadow wat" of hexi is, the fact that there are inscriptions carry. One day in May 1900, management of the mogao grottoes of Taoist Wang Yuanlu in an accidental opportunity, opened the secret "published" over the years, these valuable cultural relics finally rediscovered, but the foolishness of corruption of the qing dynasty and Wang Yuanlu make these precious cultural relics by imperialists unscrupulous plundering and taken. Tsarist Russia in 1905, Mr Lu, came to the mogao grottoes, in six packages daily necessities for bait, defraud a batch of cultural relics. In 1907, the British stein, only use dozens of pieces of silver water chestnuts, rob took about more than ten thousand volumes, as well as Buddhism embroidery and painting more than five hundred, courtesy of the British museum; In 1908 the French pelliot stole more than six thousand cultural relics, now hidden in Paris, the French national library and the museum. In October 1911, the Japanese otani light ray of the expedition yoshikawa small ichiro stole more than nine hundred volumes and orange red. Until 1910, the qing government will be more than looted relics to Beijing, in Beijing library. During transit and transported to Beijing after many relics stolen, damage, loss, is one of the most difficult to measure in Chinese rubbings. "Published" find these documents written content including religious classics and a variety of the instrument, it involves many disciplines, is the study of ancient religious, political, economic, military and culture of the important information, after decades of research, scholars both at home and abroad to creat a new popular subject, dunhuang studies.

So why when is published, sealed? A say: at the beginning of the 11th century, when xixia invasion, dunhuang hidden in order to protect the classic; A say: no, but cant discarded sacred scripture stored; Say again: in order to prevent damage and hidden muslims. Later to collect these classic monk, fled, the secularization of secularization, dead dead. Until we found the cave at the turn of the century, no one knows anything about it.

Below 328 wat, I take you to visit the caves of the exciting part of statue, before enter the caves, is painted sculpture to introduce general situation for everyone. The mogao grottoes colorful plastic round plastic, plastic, plastic film, etc. The shortage of the small surplus ", the biggest 34.5 meters high, is the worlds fourth Buddha. General statue is made from wood step-stone, tangle on straw, straw, reed, linen, silk, etc., and then use a special glue plastic coated, plastic sculpture, color painting on the final. Statues are mainly four categories: (1) the figure of Buddha, Buddha, maitreya, the medicine guru Buddha, amitabha, and iii, vii Buddha; (2) the bodhisattva as, including guanyin, manjusri, samantabhadra and make offerings to the bodhisattva, etc.; (3) the disciple like, including kasyapa, difficult; (4) god like, including pop, guinness, lohan, etc., there are some ghosts and gods and god beast, animal figures. Because of the different production s style is completely different, especially the wei jin southern and northern dynasties period of the "show bone like", "tsao water" and "wu zone when the wind" of the tang dynasty style, fully embodies the masters of the art extraordinary imagination and thinking.

Sculpture is the main part of the cave, a combination of 2 to 1 Buddha bodhisattva, the thin thick and gradually evolved and post. Since the sui, tang there was a shop portraits of seven or nine of the body, also appeared a large statues, such as 148 wat, wat, and 158 of more than two at 16 meters of nirvana

The interpretation of how time flies, I finished. The following please free activities. Before the activity, I am still an old saying goes: please protect the environment, cherish every inch of the land of the mogao grottoes. She is not only a showplace, still the pride of our China! Ok, come to here to 12 o clock. We are going to have lunch at the hotel.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4487 字

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Welcome to here, let me to introduce for everybody!

Wild goose pagoda is located in the southern suburbs within the temple, is the national famous ancient buildings, is regarded as the symbol of the ancient capital of xi an. It was said that tangs monk came back from the experiences of India (ancient tianzhu), specializing in translation and the scriptures. Because imitation Indian wild goose pagoda style of the wild goose pagoda. Since then in changan jianfu temple built a small wild goose pagoda, to distinguish, people are often given, jianfu temple tower called the small wild goose pagoda, has spread so far. Wild goose pagoda square plane, built on a party about 45 meters, about 5 meters high stylobate. Seven layers, the bottom side length of 25 meters, from the ground to the top of the tower is 64 meters high. The towers are built with bricks, ground brick for seam strong anomalies. Tower with stairs, can be upwards. Each layer all around a arch form, and can be trapped. Changan view panoramic view. The bottom of the tower is shek mun, have fine lines on the door mast carved Buddha, for big has write in tang dynasty. Within the recess on either side of the tower, the south gate brick, with one of the four famous calligrapher in b on the book of tang monk st preface to teach and the Assyrian monk holy teaching sequence, two pieces of stone tablets. War after tang dynasty, temple, the house burned down, only the wild goose pagoda stand alone.

Another story: the wild goose pagoda was built in the tang Gao Zongyong badge for three years, because of located within the temple, so The tower also known as temple. Temple is the tang dynasty twenty-two years (648) prince Li Zhi reading his mother queen wants to chase. Wild goose pagoda built in only five layer. Wu zetian was rebuilt, and later after numerous repairs. The tower is now seven layers, a total of 64 meters, square pyramid shaped. The tower for the blue brick flies in the build by laying bricks or stones becomes, the layers of wall column fang, bar and so on wood structure. Each layer all around has coupons masonry arch. This in the 2-foot-tall tower, modelling concise, magnificence, is a masterpiece of buddhist art in China. Wild goose pagoda, on both sides of the south gate to the inlaid with b, a famous calligrapher write two pieces of stone tablets of the tang dynasty. One is the preface to tang monk SAN teaching; Another piece is the emperor tang from the teaching sequence, the tang monk holy. A beautiful monument side creeping weed decorative pattern, design, modelling is vivid. These are the research in the tang dynasty calligraphy, painting, sculpture art important cultural relics. Big temple is the most famous and most HongLi Tang Changan city buddhist temple, it is built in the tang dynasty royal decree.

Longevity monk xuan zang, once conducted temple service here and get a tube of sutras translation field, founded Buddhism sect. He personally DuZao temple pagoda is. So big temple has a very prominent position in the history of Chinese doctrines, has been brought to the attention of the domestic and foreign.

Temple gate, the bell and drum tower confrontation. Bell and drum is a temple on the REINS, vulgar said the morning bell and evening drum reminders. The east tower in suspension in the Ming dynasty iron bell, weight thirty thousand jins, three meters. Students in tang dynasty, after the exceeded otherregions jinshi to jion tower under the title, "the wild goose pagoda" title ", after turned lineage. The tang dynasty painter wu daoxuan, wang wei has been for the temple murals, such as precious little already annihilation. But in the wild goose pagoda, stone of four door lintel, door frame, has kept the fine line in the tang dynasty. Westone lintel carved palace figure of the lines is particularly valuable.

The wild goose pagoda, a monks tomb tower group. Six of them are built in the qing dynasty. Ursa major palace is is the center of the temple buildings, there are three bodies like the Buddha, bodhisattva, and arhat clay sculpture. Is the chanting of course. Dharma is a lecture that place. Hall with amitabha Buddha statue.

Today CiSi temple is the scale since the Ming dynasty, the temple of the temple is the construction of the late qing dynasty. Now after repair of great wild goose pagoda, the majestic, ancient pagoda temple, the temple incense incense, garden flowers bloom, which is a special attract domestic and foreign tourists to visit.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12408 字

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Dear tourists

Hello, everyone! My name is__ Today, I will serve you wholeheartedly. Ifyou have anything to do during this period, please dont mention it to me. Iwill try my best to solve it for you.

Dandong, the largest border city in China, is located in the southeast ofLiaoning Province, which is close to the Democratic Party of Korea

The peoples Republic of Italy faces each other across the river and facesthe Yellow Sea to the south. The mainland coastline is 120km long and there aremore than 30 islands and reefs along the coast. The total area is 14910 squarekilometers, and the urban area is 832 square kilometers. "Seven mountains, onewater, three fields, half roads and manors" is the geographical feature ofDandong.

With a total population of 2.4 million, Dandong now has jurisdiction overthree districts, two cities and one county (namely Zhenxing District, YuanbaoDistrict, Zhenan District, Donggang District, Fengcheng district and KuandianDistrict), with an urban population of 810000. There are 20 ethnic minorities,the largest of which is Manchu, accounting for 32% of the citys population.

Dandong and the Democratic Republic of Korea are separated by a river.There is only one river between the two countries. This is the world-famous YaluRiver. During the war of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the officersand men of the Chinese peoples Volunteer Army bravely fought to defend theircountry.

Dandong is a coastal city with industry, commerce, logistics and tourism asthe main body. It is a national border economic cooperation zone and the largestand most beautiful border city in China. It is the only city in China and Asiawith border ports, airports, high-speed rail, river ports, seaports andexpressways.

Because Dandong is close to the Yellow Sea, affected by it, the climate issuitable for me, which is warm in winter and cool in summer. The winter inNortheast China is relatively cold, but the cold winter period in Dandong isonly 182 days, and the lowest temperature in history is only 18 degrees belowzero. The hot period in summer is only 50 days, and the average hot period above25 degrees is only 20 days. Because the temperature is more suitable, the mainagricultural and sideline products are millet, strawberry, tussah, ginseng,shrimp, seafood varieties are quite rich.

There are 29 ethnic minorities in Dandong, accounting for 34% of the totalpopulation. Most of them are Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Korean. As early as morethan 300 years ago, the Eight Banners soldiers of the Manchu nationality werestationed in Phoenix City and tongyuanbao. Later, during the reign of Kangxi, alarge number of eight banners soldiers entered the pass with their families. Atthe same time, the Mongolians were transferred to the pass to settle in theborder areas for reclamation. As a result, the nomadic living habits of theethnic minorities were changed, and they lived there. There are two counties inDandong, namely Fenghuang city and Kuandian County, which are Manchu autonomousregions.

There are eight national scenic spots in Dandong, including Fenghuangshanscenic spot, qingshangou scenic spot, tianqiaogou scenic spot, memorial hall forresisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, Yalu River Bridge, Shuifeng Lakescenic spot, Hekou scenic spot and Taiping Bay scenic spot. There are manyprovincial scenic spots, such as Yalu River Park, Jinjiang Mountain Park, DaluIsland seaside resort, Hushan Ming Great Wall site, Dagu Mountain ancientcultural temple complex, Wulong mountain, wulongbei hot spring, etc. Tourismfeatures are quite rich: mountains, water, rocks, hot springs, historical andcultural landscape, ethnic customs and so on. There are also special bordertourism projects, such as one-day tour, four-day tour and five day tour to NorthKorea, and seven day tour to South Korea by boat.

The city tree of Dandong City is gingko tree, and the city flower is Dujuanflower. When you take a bus to visit the city, you will find that both sides ofthe main streets are covered with green trees, which are called ginkgo trees.According to the survey, there are five streets in Asia covered with ginkgotrees, of which Dandong accounts for three. Now the Dandong Municipal governmentis still increasing investment in urban greening, and has made long-termplanning and construction for the city appearance in front of the station. Inthe near future, when you come back to Dandong, you will find that the cityappearance of Dandong will have greater changes.

Dandong is well preserved in natural scenery and rich in tourism resources.In the north, there are layers of green mountains with overlapping peaks. In thesouth, the winding Yalu River is connected with the vast Yellow Sea.Bangshantai, the starting point of the Great Wall in the East, the river seaboundary stele in the North, the bullet marked Yalu River broken bridge, and thestrong ethnic customs and the combination of river, mountain, lake, sea, forest,spring and river It has become a marvelous sight.

Dandongs scenic tourism resources account for more than 10% of the areaunder its jurisdiction, with 16 scenic spots, forest parks and nature reservesat or above the provincial level. Yalu River, Fenghuang Mountain and qingshangouare national key scenic spots; Dagu Mountain and tianqiaogou are national forestparks; Yalu River Wetland and Baishilazi are national nature reserves;provincial scenic spots and forest parks include Wulong mountain, Tianhuamountain, Huangjia mountain, Dalishu, Pushihe, etc.

Tourist friends, our car is coming from the city to the ancient Great WallRuins in the direction of Hushan. Now the tour bus is passing the jiuche towngovernment in Zhenan District. Sitting in the car, you can see the stone tabletstanding on the mountain beside the road. Let me briefly introduce the origin ofthe stone tablet. This mountain is called Japan mountain. It is now renamedzhendongshan. A Japanese general during the Russo Japanese war was buried on themountain, and this stone tablet was erected as a historical relic. The stonetablet has not been removed.

Tiger mountain is located 1500 meters northeast of Dandong City. It lookslike a crouching tiger. The former "double peaks of tiger ears", one of Antonseight scenic spots, and the "Tongjun Pavilion", one of the eight Korean scenicspots on the opposite bank, face each other across the river. Standing on thebeacon tower on the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of MashiSha Chau and Sinuiju city in Korea. The terrain of Hushan is very dangerous. Itis an important military place in history and the starting point of the east endof the famous Great Wall.

Before entering Hushan scenic area, we are far away from Hushan. After ageneral survey, you will find a sleeping beauty lying on the back in the shadowof Chongshan green water. From west to East, it is long hair, head, chest, dressand vivid.

I believe you will be very excited when you see the huge historical site ofHushan great wall standing beside the Yalu River. Before you climb the GreatWall, please give me five minutes to introduce the general situation of HushanGreat Wall: Hushan was originally named maer mountain. Because of two toweringpeaks side by side, it looks like two vertical long tiger ears, also known ashuer mountain, which was transformed into todays Hushan in the Qing Dynasty.As a gateway to the country, the location of the Great Wall in Hushan hasmilitary significance. Anyone who understands military affairs knows that theinitiative in fighting must first occupy the commanding height, so it is naturalto build the Great Wall in Hushan. It is also recorded that the Great Wall wasbuilt in Dandong more than 20__ years ago during the Warring States period, andthe Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms

The Great Wall continued to be built in Dandong until Ming Dynasty. Thegreat wall of Hushan was built in 1469 ad in the fifth year of Chenghua of MingDynasty. It was built by Han Bin, then the commander in chief. It was alsocalled "Liaodong side wall" at that time. It mainly includes the wall of theGreat Wall, the wall tower, the enemy tower, the horse face, the beacon tower,the moat, the horse wall and so on. Wang Zhihao, the governor of the MingDynasty, once wrote a poem "climbing Mt. maer to look at Korea" when he climbedto the fortress of Hushan. The poem says: "head high to the east of the sea,point out that Fusang can hang a bow, the willow can be lost in smoke, and theJackdaw can take the moon to support the sky. The mountains and rivers areendless, the mountains and rivers are different, the emperor is selfless, andthe rain and dew are the same. But he laughs at the fact that the building andthe ship have become the bottom of the matter, and the battle of the dead boneson the seashore has been successful. " The poem vividly depicts the terrain ofHushan mountain, the coldness of the border, and the cruelty of the ancientbattlefield. However, due to historical misunderstanding and historical delay,it was not until December 1990 that the governments of Liaoning Province andDandong City invited the Great Wall scholars and experts from all over thecountry to determine the historical status of the great wall of Hushan. Dandongdeclared to the world that the starting point of the great wall of Ming Dynastywas Dandong, and Dandong had the first brick of the great wall of MingDynasty.

On the huge rock in the square of the scenic spot, there is a poem: "cleargreen river, towering Hutou mountain. From then on, the Great Wall willstrengthen China. " Luo Zhewen, an expert on stone architecture from the StateAdministration of cultural relics and vice president of the Great Wall Societyof China, wrote this in 1990.

It is located on the north slope of Hushan mountain. It is 23.6 meters highand has five floors, including three main floors and two arrow towers. The mainbody is 9.6 meters high, and the whole building is mainly red, giving people apowerful historical charm.

The great wall of Hushan has played an important role in resistingcountless invaders from Korea, Russia and Japan. In order to restore theoriginal historical appearance of the ancient Great Wall site, and to make thegreat wall of Hushan stand up again, Dandong people formed a fund-raisingcommittee for the restoration of the Great Wall. The old people, children,cadres, workers, farmers, students, and soldiers all paid for it. Even a Pennyscontribution was an act of sacrifice to their ancestors. The builders lived inthe open air and lived in the stars and the moon Today, the great wall lying inHushan has fully reflected the original power of the ancient Great Wall, and canalso tell visitors its historical statement. We should witness the style of theancient Great Wall and experience the pride of the ancient Great Wall of Chinafrom Dandong. Now we start from the foot of Nanshan and climb up the mountainalong the original route.

Friends, these tall, thick and strong walls will make you feel like youonce knew each other? Everyone who has been to Beijing and swam the Great Wallwill have the same feeling. The wall switches of Jishan great wall and BadalingGreat Wall are identical. And the white mortar, the gray wall with the brickjoints, also has a sense of history.

When we climb to the top of the Great Wall along the broad and solid roadof the Great Wall, you will naturally feel the pride that you are not a herountil you reach the Great Wall. The mood will be broadened. Looking from a highaltitude, you can see that the Yalu River is like a green ribbon floating awayfrom your feet. On the other side, inlaid with green trees, are the former sitesof the liberation tower and the Tong Jun Pavilion in Sinuiju, North Korea. This"one-step" boundary marker marks the international boundary between Dandong andNorth Korea, which is only one step wide. The work of the Korean villagers isjust like that behind us. The fifth largest pillarless arch bridge in Asia inDandong. The revolving restaurant of the international hotel, the skyscraper ofthe international trade building, the residential buildings with 24 floors, andthe green Jinjiang mountain and Yuanbaoshan mountain It is full of beautifulscenery and the pride of Dandong people. This is the end of the group tour ofHushan Great Wall. The rest of the time is free to watch and play. After 30minutes, gather in front of the tour bus at the foot of the Great Wall. Have agood time!



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Dear friends: if there is a pure and fresh and soft curve taihu Xia Jing is fair and tranquil artistic conception, so autumn scenery in huangshan is stone rough wisdom of wild straight grand large spectacular performance. Because huangshan stone has both the north and the mountains of the male, and the southern landscape show, so akiyama is a rockery gardens most picturesque meaning. All rockery, with hanging rock cliff anhui yellow beach, the stone some store yellow in colour, some latosolic red dye. Fake the facing west, whenever the sun sets, hongxia, color is very eye-catching. In cliff stone gap, and pine proudly, its branches and leaves of green and brown yellow rock in contrast, just like a picture of akiyama picture. Mountaintop square pavilion, built in it, overlooking the surrounding landscape, overlooking green eroilor north guo, west lake, PingShanTang and kuanyinshan the scene again - a move into the park, it is also the Chinese traditional gardening techniques, borrow scene. In ancient China, to have a tradition of autumn day to look up. A garden stone is the commanding heights of huangshan, and devoted to render the theme of the autumn.

The appearance of akiyama high, complex internal structure. Caves, stone stage, Shi Deng, Shi Liang crisscross together with small and medium mountain building, visit the mountains form a complicated three-dimensional channel, it not only has the flat weave, more solid in front. Visitors, if you are interested, can be due to the mountain building, by building two mountains, again slowly to appreciate the design clever, stacked techniques of yangzhou famous mountains -- akiyama.

Looking into the south, from the Yellowstone rockery in the west of the three surplus building, there is a secluded scenic area, the main body of the buildings in this area is a north-south open, use walls closed small hall, the building feels like with some of the "Beijing flavour". Please look at these houses, small corner case become warped, roofing is smooth, modelling is more heavy, why is this so? Originally in the prosperous time in qing dynasty, emperor southern, in yangzhou. Yangzhou salt merchants economic potentiality is abundant, for the sake of so-called "process" of attack, trying to gauge the be fond of of the emperor, and thus there are a number of architectural design, landscape architecture is modeled after the Beijing gradually, some buildings in yangzhou garden also with some of the "Beijing flavour". This is called "leak leakage month" of a small hall is no exception. XuanShiPing in the south of the hall there is a stack of flower terraces, leaning against the south wall of the garden, on stage and xuan rockery pile up small on wall, this is the mountain in winter. XuanShi originated in anhui xuancheng, its color as white as snow, people call it snow again. The scenic area, the original is around the stove, the winter snow while sipping tea. In order to make the rockery when it didnt snow there is snow, then put XuanShiShan at southern boundary wall north of the wall, out of the hall, on the hill color is white, like snow did not disappear. Because xuan stone contain quartz, its color is white, but in the sun shine, such as puts its XiangYangChu, with some of the digitization, the theme of the snow in the winter mountain shadow, also visible fold mountain home to observe carefully.

XuanShiShan on the east side of the wall outside, it is a garden of the population. In order to make the winter means more, gardening home regularly arranged on the wall the 24 hole, formed a unique tracery picture. Whenever the wind blows, the mouth of the cave is the sound hole on the flute shaw, makes a different sound, like in the winter, northwest wind call with sound to assist the theme artistic conception. More mystery is that through the first few rows of leak leakage month round, see the spring scenery of the bamboo, stalagmites. I wonder whether there are any suggestion of "winter" friends.



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Famen Temple is located in Chongzheng town (now Famen town), 10 kilometersnorth of Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province, 120 kilometers east of Xian and 96kilometers west of Baoji. In April 1987, the underground palace of Famen Templewas excavated. The Buddha finger relic and a large number of rare treasures ofthe Tang Dynasty were unearthed. Among them, 121 pieces of dazzling gold andsilver ware, 17 pieces of exquisite glass ware, 16 pieces of lost "secret colorporcelain" ware, and more than 700 pieces of brocade, silk, Luo, yarn, silk, Qi,embroidery and other textiles were unearthed. This batch of cultural relics israre both at home and abroad for its numerous types, large quantity, excellentquality, fine workmanship, high grade and well preserved. This archaeologicaldiscovery immediately caused a huge sensation at home and abroad, expertspointed out: the Buddha finger relic and cultural relics unearthed in FamenTemple is another major discovery in Shaanxi Province after the pit ofterracotta warriors and horses.

According to experts research, Famen Temple was first built in theNorthern Wei Dynasty, around 499 A.D., and the remaining stele of ThousandBuddhas in the Northern Wei Dynasty was built shortly after the pagoda waserected. At that time, it was called "asokang Temple" (or "wuyouwang Temple").In the Sui Dynasty, the Buddhist temples were changed into Daochang, and theasokang temple was changed into Chengshi temple. The Tang Dynasty was the heydayof Famen Temple. With its prominent position as a royal temple, it held sevengrand activities to welcome the Buddha bones, which had a profound impact onBuddhism and politics in the Tang Dynasty. In the early Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan,Emperor Gaozong, changed his name to "Famen Temple". In the second year of Wude(619), Li Shimin, king of Qin, spent 80 monks in Famen Temple. Huiye, a monk ofBaochang temple, was the first abbot of Famen Temple. During the reign ofZhenguan in Tang Dynasty, Ayu king tower was rebuilt into a four level woodentower. In the third year of zongdali (768), the Tang Dynasty was renamed "thereal body pagoda of protecting the country". Since the reign of Zhenguan, theTang government has spent a lot of manpower and financial resources on theexpansion and heavy work of Famen Temple. There are more and more halls andpavilions in the temple, more and more magnificent pagodas, and more and moreextensive areas. Finally, a grand temple with 24 courtyards was formed. Thenumber of monks and nuns in the temple has increased from more than 500 in Zhouand Wei dynasties to more than 5000. It is the largest temple in the "threeauxiliary" area.



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Visitors to kiss love, everybody is good, I am your tour guide, my name is meng, you can call me meng guide; Welcome to visit huangshan. Huangshan huangshan, anhui, China is the natural and cultural heritage, has been included in the "world heritage list". Or in the top ten scenic spots unique mountain huangshan scenic spot. Huangshan mountain "loose", "strange", "sea of clouds", "hot springs," four famous in the world. Speaking of "loose" to "guest-greeting pine". Guest-greeting pine stand in the jade screen on the east side, manjusri hole, broken stone, the life of more than eight hundred years. Loose name found in the huangshan mountain guide.

Tree height of 15 meters, diameter at breast height sixty-four cm, diameter seventy-five centimeters, under branch height is two point five meters. This attitude pale neck, cui Ye Rugai, polite, cute image. Speaking of rocks, have to say "flying stone". Green mountain peaks appearing in the west, there is a stone stands on the top of the mountain rocks. Stone is 12 meters high, seven point five meters long, two point five meters wide. Rock and rock interface is small, so the name "flying stone". Dear passengers, please free activities, please dont smoke, in case of fire, thank you for your cooperation.



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有这样一个故事:当年孝庄太后年老病重之时,极其爱戴她的皇孙——康熙帝,心情极其郁闷。他让侍女苏麻喇姑准备好纸笔,大笔一挥,写了一个 “福”字。写完之后,玄烨和苏麻喇姑看着那个“福”字惊呆了——那个字苍劲有力,十分潇洒。细一看,竟看见了多个词组:多田,多子,多才,多寿……这不就是皇祖母的心愿吗?康熙帝越看越满意,便命人把这个“福”字拓在一块巨石上。结果,久病多时的太皇太后很快康复了!康熙帝大喜,决定将这块饱含吉祥福瑞气息的巨石代代相传,让爱新觉罗家族世代昌盛。





乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海,背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三,太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆皇帝就褫夺了和珅军机大臣和九门提督两职,抄了其全家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于国库十几年的总收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法,同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则归了“爱豪宅不爱江山”的嘉庆胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。与此同时,嫁给和珅儿子的乾隆之女和孝公主,仍居住在半座宅第中。咸丰元年,即1851年,清末重要政治人物恭亲王奕?成为这所宅子的第三代主人,改名恭王府,恭王府之名由此沿用至今。 “一座恭王府,半部清朝史”是历史地理学家侯仁之对恭王府的评价。民国初年,这座王府被恭亲王的孙子溥伟以40万块大洋卖给教会,后由辅仁大学用108根金条赎回,并用作女生学堂。新中国成立以后,王府曾被公安部宿舍、风机厂、音乐学院等多家单位使用过。






























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Three Lanes and Seven Alleys

Good morning everyone.

Welcome to fuzhou ,welcome to china.I am much honored to have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys.My name is Lin Aiping, who is a tourguide from Fuzhou sunny day travel agency. The drive next to me is Mr.cheng ,who has more than ten year’s experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one. His bus number is 闽H123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will try our best to serve you in the next few days. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Fellow friends,three lanes and seven alleys is located at the centre of Fuzhou ,and the fuzhou is located at the centre of Fujian Province.At first,let me introduce Fujian province to you. Fujian lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Guangdong Province, As one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world in China, Fujian geographical conditon is superior.Beacause of the long history,beautiful scenery ,splendid culture and the close relationship with Chinese Taiwan and overseas Chinese,Fujian become a very special tourist area.The three lanes and seven alleys that we will tour next is one of the top ten unique tourism brand of Fujian.

Three lanes and seven alleys area is about 40 hectare,three lanes are Yijin Lane, Wenru Lane and Guanglu Lane. the Seven Alleys are Yangqiao Alley, Langguan Alley, Anmin Alley, Huangxiang Alley, Taxiang Alley, Gongxiang Alley and Jibi Alley.Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is the well preserved architectural complex of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It has more than 200 ancient houses of ming and qing dynasty. As a famous ancient block, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is an important symbol to show the long history of Fuzhou city. It enjoys a reputation of "the Museum of the buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasty“. Look back the history ,you will find that many famous peopeo who contribute much to our coutry all lived here .Nowadays, some of the local people are still living here.today I will take you to the former residence of linjuemin and bingxin.

Fellow friends,this residence is an example of Qing dynasty architecture. Sitting west and facing east, it occupies a total area of 694㎡. It was the ancestral home of Lin Juemin,Linjuemin ,born in Fuzhou, was one of the seventy-two martyrs of Huang Huagang during Guangzhou uprising of the Revolution of 1911. when he decided to revolution for his country,his wife not bojected but supported him.look at the wall,this is his letter writted to his wife when he was in danger . This letter expressed his deep love to his wife which was so touching that it was handed down from generation to generation.

After his death, the house was sold to Xie Luan’en, Bingxin’s grandfather. Do you know who is bingxin?Bingxin was born in Changle. Her original name was Xie Wanying and her pen name is Bingxin. She was a renowned contemporary Chinese poet, writer, translator and author of children’s books.she has ever lived here when she was a child,which left a deep impression on her.she once said that her old home is in the south back street of fuzhou,where was always be in lightfair.Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is a a cradle of brilliant talents.take the residence for example,there is not only linjuemin and bingxin’ancestral home,but also the ancestral home of linhuiyin,who was known as the talented woman of one generation.

ok,today’s visit of the ancestral home of Lin Juemin has finished. Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration. At last I hope that your visit will be a memorable experience. Thank you!



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尊敬的各位考官!您好!我是考生 __X,我已经准备好了,可以开始了么!

各位游客朋友,大家好!欢迎大家来到景德镇古窑民俗博览区参观游览。我是此次景德镇古窑民俗博览区的导游员小赵,我很荣幸陪同大家一起参观游览,下面将由我来为大家讲解景德镇古窑民俗 博览区。


景德镇,位于江西省东北部的低山、丘陵地带。这里山环水绕,制瓷资料充足,能工巧匠云集, 外销水运通畅。“水土宜陶”,是天然的产瓷区。

东晋开始设镇,名“新平”。唐代几易镇名。至景德元年(公元 1004 年),因当地的贡瓷倍受皇室青睐而改昌南镇为“景德镇”。至今,“景德镇”之名已沿用千年。



景德镇瓷器“白如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”,自古以来,名扬天下。在琳琅满目的瓷器中,最为著名的青花瓷,青花玲珑瓷、颜色釉瓷、粉彩瓷被人们誉为“中华民族文化之精萃”、“瓷国之瑰 宝”。


青花瓷是我国陶瓷史上最优秀的瓷器品种之一,自创烧以来,一直都是景德镇瓷业的主流产品, 以致于历经近 800年而不衰。青花瓷的烧造成功,是我国陶瓷史上最具有划时代意义的事件,中国瓷 器从此进入了彩瓷时代,它使中国绘画技巧与制瓷工艺的结合更趋成熟。

青花瓷是一种以氧化钴为显色的配制颜料——“青花瓷”,在瓷坯上进行绘画装饰,再罩以透明釉,经高温一次烧成的釉下彩绘瓷器。其特点为黑色青翠,清新明丽,幽静雅致,具有中国水墨画的艺术效果。青花瓷整个器物,鲜丽的蓝色图案,与瓷胎青白相映,相得益彰,艳而不俗,鲜而不佻, 明朗而又安定,华丽而又沉着,艺术价值极高。



瓷 晶莹、幽雅的青花玲珑瓷,是景德镇传统名瓷,创烧于明代永乐年间。它既汲取了青花技术之特长,又采纳了镂雕艺术之妙法,具有轻巧致密,素雅清新的特点。外国人称其为“嵌玻璃的瓷器”,一 直以来誉满中外。




三丶颜色釉瓷颜色釉是一种以金属氧化物(铁、铜、锰、钴)为着色剂,在适当的气氛中经一定的温度烧成后,能够呈现了某种固有色彩的釉料。其釉面斑驳璀璨、呈色五彩缤纷,有的像洁白的云朵在蓝天飘游,有的像晶莹的露珠在草坪闪烁,有的像晶亮的星星在银河眨眼,有的像彤红的太阳在天边升腾,有的像碧澄的江水在静静奔流,有的像艳丽的宝石在熠熠闪光,有的像熊熊的烈火在炉膛 燃烧,有的像美丽的孔雀在翩翩开屏……


四丶粉彩瓷 粉彩属于釉上彩绘装饰。釉上彩绘是在已经烧成的瓷胎上进行绘画装饰,然后经过 800℃左右的低温烧烤,以使画面熔融后固化在瓷器表面的装饰技法。


雍正时期,景德镇瓷工又在康熙五彩的基础上,参照珐琅彩(清宫廷御用器彩料)的制作工艺,把含有氧化砷的玻璃料掺入含铅的彩料中,使彩料产生乳白色的效果,这种含砷的玻璃料被景德镇瓷工称为“玻璃白”。如果以康熙五彩为基础,在其彩料中加入玻璃白,使所有颜色都会“粉化”成不同深浅浓淡的色调,彩料的颜色都会变成带粉白的色调,如红色变成粉红色,绿色变成粉绿色等等。这些温润的中间色不仅能给人以粉润柔和的感受,而且扩大了釉上彩的色调范围,使色彩可以渲染,层次、深浅、阴阳分明,画法可以更加细致入微。由于它的特点就是带粉白色调,所以人们便称之为粉 彩,景德镇瓷工亦称之为“软彩”。

粉彩饰的特点是颜色明亮,粉润柔和,色彩丰富,绚丽雅致,绘画工笔,写意俱全,在人物、山水、花鸟等题材的装饰上具有很强的表现力,富有国画风格。粉彩瓷在雍正年间最负盛名,釉上彩瓷器到了这个时期,已经发展到了一个百花争艳的阶段,它标志着我国传统的釉上彩瓷器的发展达到了 极高的水平。

关于景德镇古窑民俗博览区的介绍就为大家讲到这里,现在大家可以自由参观一下,按照计划的 时间回到这里,祝大家玩得愉快。



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束河位于丽江城北,沿柏油马路向雪山方向行驶,约五公里处左转, 进入一碎石路段,再前行约2公里,你便可以见到一个古老的村落,这就是束河,又名龙泉村。


沿束河街北走100米,便可找到溪流的源头“九鼎龙潭 ”,潭水透明清澈,日夜涌泉,束河人奉为神泉,于是建有北泉寺。寺内陈设与古城其它寺院没有什么区别,倒是源边临水一角,有一个“三圣宫”楼阁,为传统四合院,里面供奉的皮匠祖师。因为是束河人的骄傲,这里有很多制皮的能工巧匠,同时也是重要皮毛集散之地。



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Henan province is located in the middle of our country, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, east is east longitude 110 ° 21 ~ 116 ° 39, north latitude 22 ° 23 ~ 36 ° 31 between, and ji, jin, shan, hubei, anhui, shandong province, adjacent to something about 580 km long, about 550 km north-south across it. The provinces land area 16.7 square kilometers, the 17th in different provinces in the country.

By the end of 20xx, the provincial jurisdiction over 17 municipalities, 1 was made, 21 county city, 48 municipal district, 89 counties, 2123 townships, 48000 administrative villages. Municipalities as: zhengzhou, kaifeng, luoyang, pingdingshan, anyang, hebi, xinxiang, jiaozuo, puyang, xuchang, luo river, sanmenxia, nanyang, shangqiu, the establishment of a region is: zhoukou, zhurnadian, Yang letter, made the city of jiyuan city.

At the end of 20xx in henan province total population of 95.55 million people, the first in the nation, the population density is 572 people/km2. As of 20xx, the province han, constituting 98.78% of the total population in addition to the han, hui, Mongolian, manchu, tujia, zhuang, uygur, miao, such as 50 ethnic minorities, accounting for 1.22% of the total population in the province.

Henan province is one of the main birthplace of the Chinese nation. Wuhuatianbao, talents, talents and heroes. As far back as four thousand years ago the neolithic age, The original people created the famous "PeiLiGang culture", "yangshao culture" and "longshan culture". Here has spawned a thinker in ancient China, Li Er, zhuangzi, politicians shang, Reese, scientist zhang heng, medical sage zhang zhongjing, writer han yu, philosopher, IQ, cheng cheng, a national hero yue fei and general ji hongchang, jing-yu Yang, Peng Xuefeng, deng yingchao historical figures such as more than 1000 people. In the long history of China, henan in Chinas political, military, economic, cultural always occupy the important position. Successively with 20 dynasty capital or capital company in henan, Chinas seven ancient capitals of henan will have three (luoyang, kaifeng and anyang).

In henan this land, ever staged scenes historical drama, such as Lawrence w. zhou felling, duke of camp lo, spring and autumn period, warring states sought hegemony between feudal lords, liu xiang confrontation, light Wu Liuxiu xing han, cao Wei Zhongyuan hero, sui end watts riots, song taizu chenqiao mutiny, YueFeiKang gold bloody battle, li zhongyuan a bloody battle, hankou-beijing "erqi" storm, liu Deng Dajun into the central plains, etc. The changing of history, is in the left deep traces the central plains of China.

In zhongzhou earth, a world-famous scenic spots and historical sites, majestic mountains rivers, climate pleasant summer resort, a long history of ancient culture, magnificent ancient buildings, precious rare historical relics, singular diversiform flowers beast, rich and colorful culture, colorful customs rich tourism resources, etc. From the point of Chinas seven ancient capitals, possession of luoyang, kaifeng and anyang, henan three. Ancient (out), river (Yellow River), boxing, shaolin martial arts, tai chi), root (roots find ancestors), flower (luoyang peony) as the characteristics of tourism resources, is a big advantage in the development of henan tourism industry. Henan available for viewing, tourism scenic area, there are more than 100 spots.

Key scenic area, a total of 25 in the province, of which the national key protection area 5: the songshan dengfeng, jiyuan, luoyang longmen, xinyang jigongshan wangwu mountain and jiaozuo yuntai mountain, provincial shiren mountain, green valley, the heart of the Yellow River, etc. 20. 23 in nature reserve. Henan cultural relics in the country one of the first underground, the cultural relics in the country. Museum collection more than millions of pieces, about 1/8 of the country. Province there are national key protected cultural relics, 30, 253, in the protection of cultural relics at the provincial level city, more than 2600 county-level protection of cultural relics. Rich and colorful tourism resources for the development of henan tourism provides a unique condition. Especially on November 30, 20xx, henan luoyang longmen grottoes on the world heritage list, has opened the door a henan towards the world, to expand the influence of henan in the world. Henan luoyang as an international tourism will be a point of gold, gold thread to attract foreign tourists.



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松原查干湖风景区 各位游客朋友们,大家好!












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The city of Taian, is 150 meters above sea level. Most of the principal scenic spots and historical remains are clustered along an axis extending from the city to the top of the mountain. They are the result of a long historical Process, and are ingeniously placed in order to take advantage of the surrounding topography.

Chinese mythology has it that Mt.Tai was formed from the head of PanGu, one of chinese creators.His four limbs Formed another four mountains. These five mountains are located in the East, West,South,North and the center of China. Mount Tai in the East is the one that is generally the most admired.

The Azure Cloud Temple is the best preserved old structure on Mt.Taishan, which still retains the style and appearance of the Ming an Qing dynasties. Its importance rests with its Good combination of architecture, painting, carving and forest, an illustration of ancient Cinenese culture. It has a building area of 3900 square meters. According to records,it wasFirst built in 1009 of the Song Dynasty, and rebuilt in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now it is a large ancient complex on the top of Mt. taishan.

The Azure Cloud Temple consists of 12 large structures, such as the Main Hall, the Annexed Hall,the joss stick Hall, the Main Gate, the imperial Stele Pavillion, the Bell Tower and The Sacred Gate. The temple is divided by the main gate into two courtyards. The front counrtyard has three gates. On the Soouth Sacred Gate stand three dancing and singing roomsOver a fire floor where pilgrims burn Joss sticks. Facing the gate is a screen wall, inscribed four Chinese characters 万代瞻仰 meaning admiration by generations. Two annexed rooms extend notyhward to connect the East Sacred Gate and the West sacred Gate.

The main gate is the bound between the front courtyard and the rear courtyard. Inside the gate is the principal part of the Azyre Cloud Temple. In the center of the courtyard is the Joss stick pavilion, where enshrined is a bronze figurine of the aupreme Lord. On either side of the pavilion stands a huge stele. Besides the Azure Cloud Tem;le itself, the Buddha’s Halo is another miraculous phenomenon. Of the 128 historical sites under preservation on Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple is the most important one.

A common saying goes that a mountain will be intelligent if there lives an immortal, no matter how high it is. Mt. Taishan is not only high but also intelligent. Rising abruptly and imposingly1545 meters above sea level from a vast plain, Mt. Taishan became the holy land where emperors of different dynasties made their personal pilgrimages and held ssacrificiall ceremonies. StandjingOn the top of Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple, the chief place where sacrificial ceremonies were made, is the highlight attraction on Mt.Taishan.

If you are tired you can have a rest here or take photos. mind you, in 5 minutes. who know the origin of BaoTu Spring, please think it over and I will tell you the reason after 5 minutes.

Thank you.



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Art field is located in gold, Chang second between the official figure. Landscape bright, style simple, more to save the pattern of the early days. With its high historical and artistic value. Dominated have only about five acres, centered on accounts for about one 5 of the water. Water concentration, the southeast and southwest two horns, each have water bay stretched out, and on the nozzle shape different masonry bridge, so the surface appear open flow, no sense of congestion constraint. The water of the north building, boya main hall hall for the garden, the south has a small courtyard, a lake rock flowers, courtyard south LinChi, built waterside pavilion 5, on both sides of the wing is connected to the east, and west sides of the water wing.

The water of the south as the rockery, mound, in the place, with lake stone fold into a precipice, diameter, change more and more natural. In pool looks at here, the north rock mountain, lush trees, give a person with the beauty of the under well, mountain forest of, become the main places of the garden. Such as water, stone, unique combination of technique, commonly used by suzhou Ming and qing dynasties generation home gardening, determining the nature and strive to go beyond nature. Have milk fish pavilion, e of water system in the Ming dynasty relic, a path and everywhere is same. The water of the west, qin lu, small courtyard to round David connected to other scenic spot and apart. Into the gates, that the courts have small pool, with a big pool. It also belongs to the outlier in the suzhou gardens. The courts scattered stone flowers and trees, the lake for the retreat in the park.

Former Ming Wen Zhenmeng (Wen Zhiming great-grandson of medicine field, change, placed at the beginning of the qing dynasty, also called JingTing mountain house. Area of about 5 acres, now generally still remain in the Ming dynasty and early qing. Art field plane are slightly north and south long and narrow rectangle, north of the courtyard, is composed of the main hall of boya hall and waterside pavilion; Cut pool, the central area of about one mu for dominated the center, the surface concentration, southeast and southwest have water bay, on the structure low stone bridge. In addition to the north for the waterside pavilion revetment, the remaining pool shore flexor nature, while the pool surface from nearby for low small building is open, take nets garden. Fanaw stacking rockery, structure bridge pavilion, southwest a rear yard. ChiBeiAn five waterside pavilion, low floating in waves, both sides has a separate buildings.

The elevation of all these buildings occupy the pool in the north, which are rare in the suzhou gardens. Stone angeles fanaw near water, followed by heap heaped-up mountains, mountain near water side wall lake stone with the dangerous path. Southwest hospital with wall, water diversion bay in the small pond, stone mountain also delay pulse at this point. Courtyard west hall, between two weeks column stone lake, cultivation of camellia, magnolia flower, see a new world. Pool pavilion, southeast of fish for traces of Ming dynasty. Next to its slow QuShiQiao that also belongs to the early days, is very precious.

Art nursery for suzhou cultural relics protection units. Has been UNESCO world cultural heritage.



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Dear guests, Hello! Im Wang Ping, the tour guide accompanying you. You canjust call me Wang Dao. On behalf of Anhui travel agency, Id like to extend mywarm welcome to you and wish you a successful tour. If you have any questionsduring todays tour, you are welcome to raise them in time. I must follow theprinciple of reasonable and possible to make your trip happy.

First of all, welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. Next, let me introduce thegeneral situation of Jiuhua Mountain.

During the reign of Tang Tianbao, Li Bai wrote a poem "once upon a time onJiujiang River, looking at Jiuhua peak in the distance, green water hanging onthe Tianhe River, showing off Hibiscus" and "Jiuzi mountain" was renamed "JiuhuaMountain" from then on.

It is a national 5A tourist area, a national courtesy tourism demonstrationsite, one of the three famous mountains in Anhui Province, and one of the fourfamous Buddhist mountains in China. It is also known as the "dizang BodhisattvaTaoist center" in the world, known as "the first mountain in Southeast China"and "Lianhua Buddhist kingdom".

Jiuhua Mountain has beautiful scenery and numerous ancient temples. Thereare 99 existing temples, of which 9 are national key temples.

We are now at the center of Jiuhua street. What you can see is Huachengtemple, kaishanzu Temple of Jiuhua Mountain. The name of Huacheng temple comesfrom the story of "Huacheng refers to the earth" in Buddhist scriptures.Huacheng temple is the oldest ancient temple of Jin Dynasty in Jiuhua Mountain,and it is the "total jungle" of Jiuhua Mountain. Hanging on the temple foreheadis the horizontal plaque of "Jiuhuashan historical relics museum" inscribed byZhao Puchu. The ancient clock in the temple is more than ten feet high andweighs about 20__ Jin. It is exquisitely cast and has a loud voice. "Huachengevening clock" has become one of the "Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Looking up, the hall built on the cliff is the famous "centenary Palace".Now lets take the ground cable car to visit the centenary palace!

On the plaque of the centenary palace, the ten gold characters of "bestowthe centenary palace, protect the country and Wannian Temple" were inscribed byLi Yuanhong, President of the Beiyang government. According to records, in theWanli period of the Ming Dynasty, a monk named flawless came to Jiuhua Mountainat the age of 26 and spent a hundred years of hard work in Motianling, Dongyapeak. Three years after his death, his body was found in the cave. The monk onthe mountain believed that he was reincarnated as a living Buddha, so he offeredhis body in gold. Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty granted him the title of"Yingshen Bodhisattva" when he understood that this body was a monk withouttime.

Next, lets go to the rooftop. We have to pass fenghuangsong scenic spot togo to the rooftop. Fenghuangsong is located in the Min garden of JiuhuaMountain, which is a major landscape of Jiuhua Mountain. Please see, the pine is7.68 meters high and 1 meter diameter at breast height. It has a peculiar shape,just like the phoenix spreading its wings, so it is called Fenghuang pine. Thehistory of this pine was recorded in the southern and Northern Dynasties, and ithas a history of 1400 years. It has the reputation of "the first pine in theworld".

The scenic spot of Jiuhua is located on the Tiantai Mountain. Tiantai peakis the main peak of Jiuhua Mountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters.There is a saying that "if you dont climb the Tiantai Mountain, you will notcome.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street, about 15 kilometers to Huali mountainroad, the surrounding mountains are crawling, and the surrounding rocks aregrotesque. The inscription of "non human" on a huge stone really makes peoplefeel like they are in Penglai fairyland. Tiantai "holding the sun Pavilion" towatch the sunrise is no less than Mount Tai. Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" islisted as one of the "ten sceneries of Jiuhua".

Now we come to the body Hall of shenguangling, where the body ofjinqiaojue, the Bodhisattva of Tibetans, is worshipped. Because of his commonsurname Jin, he was honored as "jindizang".

During the Kaiyuan reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Jinqiaojue, a 24-year-old king of Silla, crossed the sea to seek Dharma in China.He boarded Jiuhua via Nanling and other places. He chose a cave to live andpractice in a secluded place deep in the mountain.

Jin qiaojue devoted himself to training for 75 years. At the age of 99, hepassed away in Jiuhua Mountain. After three years of the letter, it still "lookslike life, with soft hands and a sound at Luojie, like shaking a golden lock".The monks believed that he was the incarnation of the Bodhisattva, so they builta stone pagoda to worship him and called him "jindizang" Bodhisattva.

As a result, Jiuhua Mountain became a Taoist center of dizang Bodhisattva,and thus became famous in China and even the world. It gradually became a holyland of dizang Yinghua, which was called together with Manjusri of WutaiMountain, Puxian of Emei Mountain and Guanyin of Putuo Mountain.

This hall is majestic and majestic. It is a tower hall type building,covered with iron tiles, with palace style eaves at the four corners. You haveto climb 81 steps to enter the hall. Look at these two plaques, which read "thepalace of the flesh" on the top and "the first mountain in the Southeast" on thebottom. The hall is three rooms wide with white marble on the ground. In thecenter of this 1.8-meter-high White Jade Pagoda, there stands a seven storyeight sided wooden pagoda. There are niches on eight sides of each floor of thetower, and each niche is dedicated to a gold statue. Outside the wooden pagodais a white jade altar with a standing statue of Yama in the ten halls holding aGUI in both hands. At the four corners of the base of the pagoda, there are thetop beams of the pillars, and inside the pagoda are the three-level stonepagodas dedicated to the body of the golden earth. In front of the tower is ahollow octagonal glass lamp, which is always bright.

Well, tourists, todays tour is over. Thank you very much for your supportand cooperation in my work. Welcome to visit again!



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White horse temple is located in the henan luoyang city east, 10 kilometers in the south-north luoyang city harmony door 1.5 kilometers to the west, called Jin Gangya temple, the so-called "Chinas first ancient temple", is the Buddhism was introduced into China after the first official temple. It was built in the eastern han dynasty emperor yongping eleven years (AD 68), it has a history of nearly 20xx years.

White horse temple original structure size is extremely magnificent, past dynasties and rebuilt several times, but because of the war, rise and fall several times, ancient architectural structures, the peoples government to preserve the famous cultural monuments, had repeatedly repair. Existing five major temple and four compound and wing. Prior to the gate, the gate is three arch side by side. Mountain gate, a pair of stone lions and a pair of stone horse, schism, inside the gate on both sides of things have taken the second monks tomb and zhu flange. Five major temple from south to north in turn as the great, big Buddha hall, male temple, temple and which the Lu Dian. Each hall has statues, many works for the yuan, Ming and qing period. Which the Lu Dian on the cool and refreshing, cool and refreshing for taken the teng, zhu flange translation of buddhist scriptures. Wing left and right sides is symmetrical. The whole building grand solemn, layout in neat formation. In addition, there are 40 many inscriptions, is valuable to study the history of the temple.

White horse temple sits, existing is a rectangular courtyard, covers an area of about 40000 square meters. Temple gate, square south have in recent years, newly built stone memorial arch, free life pond, stone bridge, the left and right sides of the green space. About relative two stone horse horse, size, and so the horse, gentle and harmless, this is two song dynasty stone carving horse, horse is excellent stone carving art. The white horse temple gate for the reconstruction of Ming dynasty, for a three arches, side by side on behalf of the three free door, Buddhism is called nie pan gate. Part name, certificate face carved over the doorway craftsmen are relics of the eastern han dynasty. Temple five layers existing hall, located on a straight axis, partial temple on both sides are symmetrical to each other. In the great hall, in the middle of woodcarving niches, niche stick around and more than 50 of golden dragon. Within the recess for the maitreya, namely "happy Buddha". He laughs, barefoot sit cross legged, vivid and interesting, was in stitches. Inside two side, four major Kings sitting majestically, is the patron saint of buddhist. Smiling Buddha (after the wei tuo days, Buddhism guardian deity, towering stands, shows the majesty of the dharma).

White horse temple east gate walk about 300 meters, there is a 13 layer JiYun tower, straight into the sky. JiYun tower was built in the five dynasties period, originally, when the invasion of nomads from song dynasty burned. Rulers of great years to rebuild the tower, has been 800 years of history.

White horse temple building grand scale, the present layout of jiajing rebuild, only great, big Buddha hall, male temple, temple four halls. The gate on both sides of things of gad Ye Ma and zhu flange second monks tomb. Backyard, in which the Lu Ge broken stone, engraved with the history of the white horse temple is an important historic sites, temple preaching tang by building (read bed), yuan inscriptions have high artistic value. Temple originally also unearthed jade carved maitreya Buddha, has been stolen to the United States. The inside of the temple of Buddha is mostly yuan substitute dry lacquer, especially the Buddha Ursa major, is the best of the luoyang existing statue. According to records, The Three Kingdoms wei is the white horse temple have big pomegranate, jingshi legend: "charming sweet pomegranate, a stone." Temple east there is a big jin at fifteen years (1175) to build JiYun tower.



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Dear ladies and gentlemen, today, we are going to visit the Qin army toiletMuseum. Qinbing toilet museum is located 35 kilometers east of Youan city. Ittakes about 50 minutes to get there by car from Sheraton Hotel. Since itsopening on October 1, 1979, the museum has been visited by Party and governmentleaders of many countries, and millions of Chinese and foreign tourists havecome to visit this human miracle. French President Jacques Chirac once said:"the discovery of Qin Bing Ma Bai, the original seven wonders in the world, canbe said to be the eighth miracle. If you dont look at the pyramids, you dontreally have been to Egypt. "If you dont look at the Qin servants, you dontreally have been to China." Former vice president Mundell also said, "this is areal miracle. People all over the world should go there and have a look. " Fromthese highly concise words, we can easily see the historical and artistic valueof Qin Yong. Next, Id like to introduce the first emperor of the case, ahistorical giant who has made great achievements for a generation, so that youcan have a more detailed understanding of the first emperor of the casesmilitary toilet and its related history. When talking about the toilet, we mustfirst introduce the head politics. In 259 BC, a great man named Yingzheng wasborn. At the age of 13, after his father died, he inherited the throne.According to Thai practice, the king was not able to take power until he was 22years old and had a coronation ceremony. At that time, the power of the state ofQin was still in the hands of the empress dowager, the prime minister LV Buwei,and the eunuch muxiu (1606i). Unusual is Luo Zhen. Holding power, hot, he sawWangai gradually grow up, then plot rebellion and seize power. In 238 BC,22-year-old Ying Zheng went to the new year palace in Yongcheng, the formercapital, to hold a coronation ceremony. The fallacy lies in

On the way back to Xianyang from barnian palace, he buried an ambush tokill Yingzheng. When Ying Zheng noticed this, he defeated the helmet with hissuperior forces, captured him alive and killed him by splitting the car. AfterYing Zhengqin, he exiled RI Buwei in the name of LV Buweis indulgence inmarrying Liang. After that, LV Buwei drank poison and sprinkled it to death.

In this way, Yingzheng successfully eliminated the two hostile forceswithin the regime and consolidated its position. In order to further consolidatethe power of the monarch, Huizheng selected a group of elite generals, such asWei Liao, who was in charge of military affairs, and Li Si, who was in charge ofEurope. After that, Yingzheng formulated the policy of making long-distance andshort-range attacks, alienating foreign enemies, and breaking through eachother, and began to unify China, ending the chaotic situation of more than 500years since the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. From 230B.C. to 221 B.C., in less than 10 years, Thailand destroyed six countries,finally completed the great cause of reunification, and established the firstcentralized feudal state, which laid the foundation for the rapid development offeudal societys economy, politics, ideology and culture. This once again showsthe great talent of Yingzheng.

Yingzheng called himself the first emperor because he expected hisdescendants to pass on the regime he founded from generation to generation. Tothis end, he reorganized the bureaucracy. First, he was responsible for all theofficials from the central government to the local government; second, heabolished the enfeoffment system and implemented the county system. Third, QinShihuang also unified laws, characters, currency, weights and measures, etc.These measures greatly promoted the development of politics, economy and culturein feudal society. In addition, he also expropriated labor and extensively builtroads to facilitate transportation and economic and cultural exchanges. Heconnected the Great Wall built by Qin, Zhao and Yan during the Warring Statesperiod, and then extended it to form the Great Wall from Lintiao in GansuProvince in the west to Yinshi in Liaodong Province in the East, whicheffectively curbed the harassment of the nomadic tribes of TJB to the court.Most Chinese emperors built huge and luxurious mausoleums for themselves. Onthis point, the first emperor of the case is no exception. When he ascended thethrone at the age of 13, he ordered the construction of a mausoleum for him.Although eroded by wind, rain and man-made destruction, this huge mausoleum witha height of 120 meters and a circumference of more than 20__ meters is still 76meters high and 400 meters long. The first emperor of the case reduced thecapital Weiyang to his own mausoleum, and its layout is almost the same. Thenorthwest of the inner city of the cemetery is the Xiandian building area, thedepression in the northeast of the cemetery is the fish pond for memorial, thenorthwest corner of the outer city of the cemetery is the stone processingplant, and the outer city of the west of the cemetery is a large cemetery.According to historical records, the total population of the Qin Dynasty wasabout 20 million, and the number of strong men was 7 million. When the mausoleumwas built, the number of strong men reached 700000 at most, which shows thevastness of the project. The mausoleum of the first emperor of the case is likea huge underground palace, which is really an underground "paradise of goodfortune". There is astronomy on the roof of the tomb

In the constellation chart, t is made up of all kinds of bright jewelry,with Wuyue, Jiuzhou and rivers and lakes made up of mechanically driven mercurybelow. In addition, there is no hall for officials to worship the first emperor.In order to prevent stealing power, there are automatic bows and arrows on thedoor of each tomb. The whole mausoleum can be said to be a magnificent, solidunderground crown. The first emperor of the case also moved everything heenjoyed underground for him to enjoy in another world. He did not even let go ofthe maids who had never given birth and the craftsmen who worked hard to buildthe underground mausoleum. He ordered that all these people should be buriedalive when others were in danger, so that the maids would not marry others andthe secrets inside the mausoleum would not be revealed.

At the moment, what we are dealing with is No.1 pit of qinbaiguan, which iscalled "the eighth wonder of the world" of Qins toilet. In order to deal withthe huge military array, you must have the following questions in your mind: Howdid these Qin maids find out? 7 Why did they look different? 7 Why did they makethese chants? How many hundred of them are in pits 1, 2 and 3. OK, now I willanswer your questions. These chants were discovered by Xiyang Caiqu farmers inthe process of drilling wells in March 1974. According to the old people in thevillage, Qin Xiang was found there as early as the Ming Dynasty. One day, therefugees in the village ordered a well in the outer space of the village. Thewater in the well was very clear and gratifying. But the next day, they foundthat the water at the bottom of the well was gone. The audacious of them tied arope around their waist and went down to check. After a while, a scream camefrom the well, and the people on the top pulled the people up. The man said hesaw a standing monster in armor. He reached for him. The listeners were veryafraid and wanted to fill the well with soil as soon as possible. But theyfinally decided to report it to the cultural relics department. After theexploration and identification of archaeological experts, pits T, 2 and 3 in theqintiao museum were identified as the accompanying burial pits of the firstemperor of the case. From 1974 to 1979, after five years of hard work, amagnificent building with scientific structure was erected on the site of Pit 1.This is Pit 1 of the Subing toilet, which was opened to tourists at home andabroad in October 1979. Pit 3 was opened to the public on September 27, 1989,world tourism day. Now, on the site of Pit 2, a marble building has beencompleted. It began to receive tourists in November 1994. Since then, all threepoking pits have been protected

Buildings, no longer subject to wind, sun and rain. For visitors to watch,nostalgic at the same time, archaeologists are still there to continue toexcavate the toilet. According to the survey, No. 1 pit is 330m long from eastto west, 62m wide from north to South and covers an area of 14260m2. At theeasternmost end of Dongkeng, there are 3gf warriors facing east, 7 in each row,with a total of 210 pokes. They are the vanguard of the army. Behind thevanguard is the main body of the army. They are divided into 38 columns,standing in 11 tunnels. Each tunnel is paved with green bricks, and there is acolumn every 2 meters on both sides of the tunnel. The columns support thewooden roof, which is covered with woven "herringbone" mats. The mats arecovered with soil. The whole tunnel is 5 meters deep from the surface. Inaddition, on the south, North and west sides of the tunnel, there are a line ofwarriors facing outward. They are the right wing, left wing and guard of thearmy. At the moment, more than 1000 pottery barrels have been unearthed from Pit1. According to the campaign, more than 6000 military toilets will be unearthedin Pit 1 after all excavation. Its pit 2, which opened in November 1994. It isa square array of chariots, cavalry and infantry. It is estimated that more than1000 soldiers and Dong, and more than 500 chariots, horses and pommel horses canbe unearthed. Pit 2 covers an area of 6000 square meters. Its east part is asmall square array with 6334 curved barrels. In the south of pit No.2, there are64 chariots forming a Na square array, each row has 8 chariots, a total of 8Fei; in the middle, there are 19 chariots and unarmed soldiers with chariots; inthe north, there are chariots and cavalry. In the north is a cavalry formationcomposed of 6 chariots, 124 pommel horses and 124 cavalry. Now, we come to pit3, which is 25 meters west of Pit 2. The pit was discovered in 1976. It isconcave shape, covering an area of 520 square meters. stay

In Pit 3, archaeologists found only one chariot and 64 Samurai stabs. Theystand opposite each other, holding the weapon man (SH6).
