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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4032 字

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Dear friends, hanshan temple is known for its inscriptions, and the most famous one is the poem of the maple bridge. Ladies and gentlemen,

Now lets go to the stele. Since ancient times, in the temple, "the maple bridge night mooring" has a few pieces of poetry. The answer is: a poem. Wang GUI (1019-1085), the king of the northern song dynasty, was the first stone in the poem of "the maple bridge", the first stone of zhang jishi, which could be lost in the early years of this monument. In order to restore historical relics and carry forward the national culture, the first stone of zhang jishi, which was integrated with wangs calligraphy, was re-established next to puminta in 1996, with the efforts of people on both sides of the Chinese Taiwan straits. Thanks to Chinese Taiwan SiNian library, they free get-together of generous Ph.D. More than 3000 words handwriting epitaph rubbings, the suzhou famous calligrapher FeiZhiXiong set word, suzhou museum of stone inscription loyalty as heavy carved sculpture artists, and shows the world the first stone Zhang Jishi spirits, to understand a get-together chirography provides physical characteristics and style.

Full of poetry only 28 words, but can directly select a get-together to complete the original words only 14, namely: month, full day, jiang, fire, for, gu, outside the city, and cold, hill, temple, night, half, the rest are through a mix of the original word radical. For example, "frost", combined with "rain" and "facies"; The people are composed of "eyes" and "people". The word is in block letters, between the yan and liu shushu. The stone tablet has been used for a certain period of time. It is 2.5 meters high, 0.84 meters wide, 0.2 meters thick and 1.66 meters high, about 13 centimeters per word. The stele was collected by the Palace Museum in September 1996.

The second tablet is written in Ming dynasty. The temple is in fire. There are only remnants of the monument, and less than 10 words remain. The third tablet is written by yu yue in the qing dynasty. It is well preserved. The most common "night mooring" in the market is the first inscription of yus books. The tablet is displayed in the gallery. The fourth tablet was written on December 14, 1947 by zhang, a member of the hebei cangzhou dynasty, with the same name as the tang dynasty. Zhang succeeded in writing this tablet, and unexpectedly died the next day, and the ink became a veritable masterpiece. This stele is well preserved and is now on display in the hospital of pu-minta, where the original poems are preserved in the central history museum of the kuomintang (KMT) in Chinese Taiwan. The fifth tablet we have seen in the songmao pavilion in the house of hanshan. It is the one li dazhao wrote. The sixth tablet is a contemporary painting

Liu haisus works. In the winter of 1981, the 86-year-old painter locked himself in his room for about five hours, using the whole body and soul to complete a masterpiece -- the "maple bridge night". When liu finished the work, he fell ill for many days, but he was very satisfied with the work and thought it was no less than yus book. According to lius wish, this tablet was engraved in 1994 and placed in the corridor of hanshan temple.

The seventh tablet was written by the revolutionary predecessor Chen yun in the "maple bridge poetry gallery" in 1998. The original was a gift given to liu yuna, a famous critic, when he was 82 years old. The inscription on the tablet stands in contrast to the poems written by kang youwei in the han shan temple in 1920. "the bell has been crossing the sea, and the wind is cold and cold. Dont let feng dry and rap again, to make people not empty." Loss of kang youwei was generous in clocks to Japan, he quips: also blame gab abundant dry monk, to zhejiang taizhou high disturbing the satrap pavilion hanshan, picked up are two manjusri, samantabhadra bodhisattva incarnation of cat. Had it not been for the leak of the celestial machine, there would have been no longer the ancient clock in the temple.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4245 字

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湖南最富盛名的特产当属浮雕餐具。 ●竹雕、仿古漆器、桃源石雕、瑶族银饰、瑶族刺绣、苗族花带、溪州大理石刻●烟花爆竹、南质车木、桂东方竹、鸡血石、龙须草席、湘西民间蓝印花 布、河西香醋、土漆。●名食:湘粉、浏阳豆豉、靖州杨梅、安江香抽、冰糖橙、南岳竹笋、雁菊、兴舌兰片、永州薄荷、道州红瓜子、永顺板栗、王村红柿。●名茶:茉莉花茶、青岩茗翠、甑山毛尖、云雾茶、桂东玲珑茶、汝城白毛茶、江华苦茶、古丈毛尖。 ●名酒:湖子酒、桂花湖汁酒、武陵酒、湘泉、酒鬼、神川三蛇酒。




1、无名家菜馆 好象用不着我说了,生意好得吓人。往巷子里进去第三家也 还不错。


2、辣椒炒肉 因为实在没有一个招牌,以辣椒炒肉闻名,鸡汤也很好喝。


3、老天富 财政厅附近广济桥南侧。

3、赵记 其实应该叫―钱四口味鸡‖?特色菜:口味鸡、口味田鸡


4、星沙 一个小店,在省移动指挥中心旁的鸿翔大厦后面的小巷子里


5,一家罐子老店 先锋厅 才鱼抱蛋

6,三味食府 这里是个祸的好地方,老板亲自坐台,陪吃陪喝陪祸,你想干 嘛就干嘛,果真宾至如归。 湘春路陋园宾馆对面 竹香黄鸭叫、香菜凉拌腰花




推荐:各色汤味道不错。一定要尝店里木桶装的山葡萄酒,每次我都能喝一 斤:))



(1)九龙鱼头城 名为鱼头城,实际好吃的是蛇,尤其用剩下的汁拌面条, 极鲜美



(1)广济桥底往长岭方向,有两家吃永州血鸭的小店,不记得名字,都很 好吃



(2)芙蓉国 有两年没吃了,不知现在如何


(1)橘子洲头 几次都在―老江岸‖吃的。味道一般,但夏天的晚上,江风

(2)南大桥 河西桥底,有几条船。以前是在叫―石砣‖的船上吃,后来旁



1、猪脚 河西银鸿小区内―猪脚王‖,很辣,要小心

2、红烧肉 侯家塘的―帝豪‖,红烧肉肥而不腻,肉质松软。

3、烧烤 奥莎体育馆对面―两重天‖

4、香干 梓园路―世平餐馆‖,在附二对面沿梓园路右侧走不远

5、粥 南门口―一品粥‖

6,鱼头 二环线―菩提树‖

7,羊肉 人人家:韶山南路往长潭高速的路口,涮羊肉很棒,比―小肥羊‖

8,小炒腊鸟 西湖楼,招牌菜:千丝万缕,刀功了得。


1、 米 粉

(1)无名 省人民医院对面的小巷子里

(2)烈士公园北大门旁边的玉林米粉也很有名,搞得这里几乎每天都要堵 车!

(3)一家粉店 的米粉不错,口感好,分量多,码子齐,地方也还大,推荐椒脆粉,就是辣椒,榨菜,肉丝,香菇一起炒的码子,也还辣,要是放多点醋,更加开




3、牛肉串:解放西路畅行天下隔壁巷内20米处一个小摊,生意极好,总要 排队。


5、兰花豆:―翁不倒‖的兰花豆 荷花池 长沙市第13中学门口



7鱼:赤岗冲再往前一直走有一条街,全是吃鱼的。我去的那一家叫:诗 韵。


在湖南日报大门对面,就是体育馆路那个巷子里进去不到30米,有一家―老 四川鱼馆‖,

主题: 麦当劳购买全攻略 第1楼


其标准为满盒满袋,具体根儿数为:大薯,76-84根儿,中薯,54-60根儿, 小薯,


你可以清楚地看到所有的汉堡、麦乐鸡、鸡翅,都被整齐的放在一个保温柜 中,比方说保温柜有4个麦香鸡,那么,在第4个麦香鸡后面肯定会放有一个时间









五一路粮贸大厦下面的湘楚人家,有道―十里飘香‖的鸡汤,像极小时候外 婆家熬的土鸡汤,黄澄澄的鸡油漂在上面,喷香的。


五一路上的银华大酒店有道―太极蔬菜羹‖,一白一青,调成了太极图案, 清淡鲜美,值得品味。




在长沙,有空调的地方中,好象就属华南小吃的煲仔饭最便宜,就是难得 等,吃的人太多了。


财经学院外面有家肠子火锅店,肥肠实在是太诱人了,吃起来就顾不得什么 环境呀卫生呀,有时候我一个人就要吃掉一个中份。不过那儿离市区实在是太远了,去






左家塘 大蓉和的桔梗粉不错

82C咖啡馆(必胜客对面,消防大厦下面) 哈根达斯冰激凌好吃

蔡谔路大令婚纱对门 有家做浏阳蒸菜的 那里的手撕鱼是偶吃过最好的 芙蓉中路一段 百年长沙总店 手撕鸭

三角花园巷子内 一家无名老店 特色菜 鱿鱼肉丝 盐蛋黄炒丝瓜 腊肉炒红菜 火星小学对面 夜猫子 坛子汤菜比谭州瓦罐的还好吃

对河湖大南院的烧烤有种火鸡翅膀保重你吃了还想吃 还有,那边的红皮萝卜泡菜好吃


黄兴路步行街 真维斯对面 旺兔速丽小火锅

黄兴路与解放路口 日本火之国 鳗鱼饭(不要叫成了鳗鱼炒饭了)
















范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 739 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 19105 字

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Shandong, one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese culture, is a greatland with not only famous mountains and rivers, but also splendid civilizationin the long history of civilization. There are numerous places of interest andscenic spots in Shandong.

Dear tourists, ladies and gentlemen, you have worked hard all the way.Welcome to the Confucius Temple.

Dear tourist friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Qufu, Confuciushometown, and thank you for choosing me as your guide. Im Zhang, a tour guideof __ travel agency in Qufu. You can call me Xiao Zhang or Zhang Dao. Confuciushas a famous saying: "its a pleasure to have friends from afar." Now let mefeel happy to meet new friends and provide you with tour guide service.

Confucius Temple is a ritual temple for Confucius. Confucius is a famousthinker and educator at the end of the spring and Autumn Period in China, and isrespected as the founder of the Confucian school. According to records,Confucius was born on the top of the polder, like the shape of Niqiu mountain,so because of the name Qiu, the word Zhongni.

In his life of hard exploration of social practice, Confucius deeplyunderstood and understood the society at that time, gradually established thebasic system of Confucianism, and became a famous political theorist, educatorand thinker at that time. The Confucianism he founded has a great influence inthe history of China and even the world. In the second year after Confucius died(478 BC), Duke AI of Lu changed the hall where Confucius lived to "longevityhall". There were three houses, which displayed "clothes, crowns, Qin, Che, Shu"used by Confucius, and "because they thought they were temples, they wereworshipped when they were old", that is, they offered sacrifices on time everyyear. Although Confucius was a well-known academic master at that time,Confucianism was only a school, and Confucius was not in a high position, so theoriginal Confucius Temple was only the former residence of Confucius. After theHan Dynasty, the status of Confucius and Confucianism gradually improved.

According to records, from 220 A.D. to the time before liberation, theConfucius Temple was rebuilt and expanded for more than 70 times. After morethan 20__ years of reconstruction and expansion, the Confucius Temple in Qufuformed a large-scale ancient architectural complex. It covers an area of about140000 square meters, including 466 halls, pavilions, 54 gates and 17 stelepavilions. With its large scale, the Palace Museum and Chengde Mountain Resortare known as the three major ancient architectural complexes in China.

The overall layout of Confucius Temple is a long-term development ofConfucius former residence, which has a history of more than 2400 years. Thearchitectural effect pursued by the development of Confucius Temple is achievedthrough the environment created by the whole building complex to set off thegreat achievements of Confucius and the profound and extensive of Confucianismand Taoism. Therefore, the artistic expression of Confucius temple architectureis firstly the integrity of its overall layout and architectural sequence;secondly, the treatment of its individual buildings and the pattern of eachcourtyard, and each hall, hall, building, door and pavilion fully shows theirrespective important role; The third is the subtle aspects of individualarchitecture, which fully reflects the unparalleled artistic achievements ofChinese ancient architects in design and construction. In the aspect of overallarchitecture, Confucius Temple adopts the ancient traditional palace stylearchitecture. However, it has been rebuilt and expanded for many times inhistory. When it is rebuilt and expanded, it is bound to be limited by theshape, scale and other factors of the previous Confucian temple. However, thearchitectural group of the Confucian temple finally successfully utilized theheritage of the previous generation, which not only reflects the continuation ofthe historical heritage, but also maintains its overall integrity. This uniquearchitectural form is caused by many factors. First of all, the Confucius Templeis an extension of the former residence of Confucius, which preserves manyhistorical sites related to Confucius, such as the old house well, poetry hall,Lubi, Jinsi hall, and the apricot altar built to commemorate Confuciuslectures; second, the Royal ancestral temple factors, such as the halberdsystem, the front hall and the back bedroom system; third, the palace factors,such as the five gate system of the emperor, the turret system of the RoyalCity, the East and West Huamen, etc; The fourth is the factors of clan andfamily temples, such as Qisheng temple, Chongsheng temple, family temple, etc.;the fifth is the factors of sacrifice. In addition to Confucius, Sipei andtwelve philosophers, there are also sages, Confucians and ancestors, with atotal number of more than 200 people. In order to accommodate a large number ofworshippers, it is necessary to set up veranda, thus forming veranda courtyard.In addition to the above factors, it also highlights the sage status ofConfucius and the sanctity of Confucius and Mencius, such as panchi, Bishui,memorial archway and so on, and symbolizes Confucius great academicachievements with the book building. Confucius Temple has successfully used thetraditional combination of courtyard and environment, and achieved the purposeof rendering Confucius outstanding contribution in academic and education andhis lofty position in ancient society. It is a unique architectural form inancient Chinese architectural complex.

There are more than 1200 ancient trees in the Confucius Temple, whichreflect each other with the magnificent buildings. Especially in summer,thousands of egrets live on the ancient trees, forming another unique landscapeof the Confucius Temple. Egrets have been designated as city birds by QufuCity.

Wanren palace wall

Jin Sheng Yu Zhen Fang

Jinshengyuzhen square was built in 1538, the 17th year of Jiajing reign ofMing Dynasty. The four characters of "jinshengyuzhen" are written by Huzuanzong, a scholar of Ming Dynasty. On the square, there is a light carvedcloud dragon playing with pearls. On the top of each column, there is a roundcarving "ward off evil spirits", commonly known as "chaotianhou". Behind thesquare, there is a single hole stone bridge, on which there is a dragon, named"Panshui bridge". Under the bridge, the upstream of panshuiyuan is connectedwith gupanchi, and the downstream flows through the South Gate of Ming CityXishuimen enters the moat. The bridge was built in the 16th year of the reign ofEmperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1677 AD).

The four characters of "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" come from "Mencius · Wan ZhangXia", Mencius said: "Confucius is called jidacheng. He who has achieved greatsuccess has a golden voice and a jade. The first is the sound of gold, and thelast is the sound of jade. " It means that Confucius is a master of sages andsages. The original meaning of "Jin Sheng" refers to the sound of "Zhong", anancient musical instrument in China. The original meaning of "Yu Zhen" refers tothe sound of "Qing", an ancient musical instrument in China. Mencius comparesConfucius thought to a perfect music. Here, to borrow Mencius meaning, itmeans that Confucius thought is perfect and integrates the achievements ofancient sages to reach the top.

Lattice star gate

Lingxing gate was built in the 13th year of Yongle (AD 1415) of MingDynasty. It was originally made of wood. In the 19th year of Qianlong (AD 1754)of Qing Dynasty, it was replaced by stone pillars and iron beams when KongZhaohuan rebuilt the Confucius Temple. On the top of the four pillars are thefour generals, and on the middle beam are the fire pearls, which symbolizes thatthe gate is guarded by the generals and becomes a towering gate.

Lingxing, namely Tiantian star, was first seen in the historical data ofthe Han Emperor Gaozus order to worship Lingxing. The ancients believed thatLingxing was a star that "the LORD was honored by the scholars" and wasspecially in charge of officials. In the sixth year of emperor Renzong of SongDynasty (A.D. 1028), a Lingxing gate was built on the outer wall of theplatform, which was like a window lattice. There is a gate in the ConfuciusTemple, which means to worship Confucius as heaven. This can be seen in therecords of JINGDING Jiankang and Jinling Xinzhi of Song Dynasty. In addition,there is a inscription in the Confucius Temple: the Lingxing gate is set up to"dredge it to accommodate the corporal". Wherever there is a Lingxing gate, itsdoor leaf must be made of lattice structure, so it has the meaning of dredge.The Confucius temple takes this meaning to attract scholars from all over theworld to study here.

In feudal society, all the officials who came to Qufu to offer sacrificesto Confucius, regardless of their positions, had to get off the sedan chair anddismount the military officials to show their respect for Confucius. Thismonument was first erected in the second year of the reign of emperor Mingchangof Jin Dynasty (1191 AD), and now only one is left in the East.

Taihe Yuanqi square

Taihe Yuanqi square was built in the 23rd year of Jiajing in the MingDynasty (1544 A.D.), which is of stone structure. "Taihe Yuanqi" was written bythe governor of Shandong at that time.

"Taihe" refers to the combination of heaven and earth, sun and moon, andYin and Yang. "Yuanqi" originally means the original material that forms theworld. Later, some materialists called the five elements "Yuanqi" as "gold,wood, water, fire and earth". Everything in the world is composed of fiveelements. Here, "Yuanqi" is the combination of heaven and earth, sun and moon,and Yin and Yang, which is the basis for the growth of all things. "Taihe Qi"means that Confucius thought embodies the essence and the most noble aspect ofhuman thought. It can make human thought reach a supreme position as theuniverse produces everything.

After Yuanqi square of Taihe, there was the "Zhisheng Temple" square,formerly known as the "Xuansheng Temple" square. There was no record of itsfounding date. There was a "Xuansheng Temple" square on the temple map in the16th year of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty (AD 1503). In 1729 ad, Xuansheng temple waschanged to Zhisheng temple. This square is white marble. "Zhi" meanssupreme.

"Demou heaven and earth, Daoguan ancient and modern" means that Confuciuscontributed as much to mankind as heaven and earth. Confucius thought isunprecedented, and is supreme in both ancient and modern times and in thefuture.

Holy time gate

Shengshimen, originally the main gate of Confucius Temple, was built in the13th year of Yongle (AD 1415) of Ming Dynasty, expanded in the 12th year ofHongzhi (AD 1499), and named "shengshimen" by Emperor Shizong of Qing Dynasty inthe 8th year of Yongzheng (AD 1730). The gate is built on a high platform, andthere are reliefs on the front and rear Royal Roads respectively. It is carvedin the Ming Dynasty. "Shengshimen" was written by Emperor Gaozong of QingDynasty.

The word "Shengshi" comes from Mencius. After comparing four ancientChinese sages, Mencius pointed out: "Boyi is the sage of Qing Dynasty; Yiyin isthe sage of Ren Dynasty; liuxiahui is the sage of harmony; Confucius is the sageof time". Yi Yin helped Tang exterminate Xia Jie, assisted Wai Bing after Tangdied, and established Tang sun Tai Jia to ascend the throne after Zhong Rendied. Because Tai Jia destroyed Tang FA, he was banished by Yi Yin. Three yearslater, Tai Jia repented and Yi Yin took him back. Mencius called Yi Yin thesage; Liu Xiahui was a senior official of the state of Lu in the spring andAutumn period. He had been demoted three times and remained in office. Whenasked why he didnt leave, he replied, "how can we go straight and serve people?Why should we go to our parents country if we do wrong?" later, when Qiattacked Lu, he sent people to Qi to persuade him to withdraw. Without a singlesoldier, he withdrew from Qis army, so Mencius said that he was the Holy One.By comparison, Mencius believes that Confucius is the sage of the time, the sageof the whole time, is the most suitable sage of the times, no matter in anyperiod, any dynasty, Confucius thought should become orthodox thought.

Bishui Bridge

When you enter the Shengshi gate, it suddenly opens. In the large squarecourtyard, there are towering ancient trees, fragrant grass, symmetrical Eastand West, each with a waist gate. The three arch bridges on the opposite sidecover the Bishui, and half cover the Hongdao gate. In addition, the stone bonsaiis decorated on it. It makes people relaxed and happy, and they are all moved.They suddenly feel that they have entered the realm of "God". Those who worshipthe saints will look up to the top, and those who watch will see it first.Connected with this situation, the east side of the waist gate is called "quickview", and the west side of the waist gate is called "Yang Gao". "Kuai Kan"means seeing first, while "Yanggao" comes from the Analects of Confucius ·Zihan. It means that Confucius way is high and unfathomable. Looking up, thehigher you look, the higher you study Confucius thoughts and theories. Once youenter the door, you will feel that there is no end to what you learn. These twogates were built in the 12th year of Hongzhi in Ming Dynasty (1499 AD). In thepast, only the emperor could go through the main gate for sacrifice, and mostpeople could only enter the temple through the Yanggao gate.

In front of a water across, three bridges longitudinal span, ring water hascarved stone column, because the water "around such as Bi" named "Bi water".There is Jinshui in front of Tiananmen Gate in Beijing, where Bishui meansConfucius Temple is the same as the Imperial Palace, so the third bridge isnamed Bishui bridge. It was first built in the 13th year of Yongle (AD 1415) ofMing Dynasty. In the 12th year of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty (AD 1499), stonerailings were added. The river body was built with a river bottom. The originalriver was built with small walls. In the 16th year of Kangxi of Qing Dynasty (AD1677), the small walls were changed into stone railings.


Hongdaomen was built in 1377, the 10th year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty. Itwas the main gate of Confucius Temple at that time. When the Confucius Templewas rebuilt in Hongzhi period of Ming Dynasty, it was rebuilt into five rooms.In the eighth year of Yongzheng (1730 A.D.), Emperor Yongzheng designated it as"Hongdao gate". Later, Emperor Qianlong inscribed the word "Hongdao" and erecteda plaque on the gate.

There are two stone steles under hongdaomen. The East stele is the "historyof Qufu county" carved in Yuan Dynasty, which records the history of Qufu beforeYuan Dynasty and has high historical value. Xibei is the epitaph of Mr. ChushiWang in Yuan Dynasty, which is of great calligraphy value. The two steles wereoriginally erected in Jiuxian village in the east of Qufu City and moved to theConfucius Temple in 1964.

Da Zhong men

Dazhongmen is the main gate of Confucius Temple in Song Dynasty. It wasbuilt in Song Dynasty and rebuilt in 1499. The three character plaque of"dazhongmen" was written by Emperor Gaozong of Qing Dynasty.

There are three green tile corner buildings on both sides of the Dazhonggate. The two corner buildings are built on the square high platform in theshape of a curved ruler. The rectangular outline formed by the two cornerbuildings and the East and west corner buildings behind the Confucius Temple isthe outline of the Confucius Temple in the yuan Dynasty. The main buildings inthe Confucius Temple are within this outline. The turret was built in 1331 A.D.in the second year of the Yuan Dynasty. The corner tower of Confucius Temple ismodeled on the corner tower of Imperial City, which means that Confucius Templeis as majestic as imperial palace.

Tongwenmen was built in Song Dynasty. It was originally three rooms, andexpanded to five rooms in Chenghua period of Ming Dynasty. It was called"shentongmen" in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, and changed totongwenmen in the seventh year of Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty (1729 AD). Thisdoor is a single door, no wall on the left and right. In the past, intraditional Chinese palace style architecture, small buildings were often usedas barriers before the main building to show solemnity. Tongwen gate acted as abarrier for Kuiwen Pavilion. "Tongwenmen" was written by Emperor Gaozong of QingDynasty.

Kuiwen Pavilion

Kuiwenge, formerly known as the library, was built in the Song Dynasty withfive double eaves. In the sixth year of jinmingchang (AD 1195), it was changedinto three eaves and was named "kuiwenge". In the 17th year of Hongzhi in MingDynasty (1504 AD), it was changed into seven rooms. Emperor Qianlong of Gaozongof Qing Dynasty inscribed a plaque on the pavilion.

Kuiwen Pavilion is 30.1 meters wide from east to west, 17.62 meters deepfrom north to south, and 23.35 meters high. It has triple cornices, four layersof brackets, and eight octagonal stone columns under the eaves. The internalstructure is a laminated wooden frame, with two layers of Pavilion and a darklayer in the middle.

Kui, the name of the star. One of the 28 sleepers. It is said that it isthe head of the white tiger in the west, with a total of 16 stars, "buckled andhooked, like a painting of words". In the book of filial piety, it is said that"the article of Kui master", and later generations further described Kui star as"the head of civil servants". Therefore, in order to praise Confucius as a civilservant, Jin Zhangzong named the original library Kuiwen Pavilion.

Kuiwen pavilion has experienced hundreds of years of ups and downs andhundreds of earthquakes since it was expanded in 1504. In the West Pavilion,there is a tablet recording a major earthquake in the Kangxi period of QingDynasty, "nine houses in the world, one in the world". That is to say, 90% ofthe houses collapsed and Kuiwen pavilion was safe and sound. By the early 1980s,Kuiwen Pavilion had been in disrepair for many years. Some of the wood wasrotten and the top of the pavilion was twisted. Under the leadership of theState Administration of cultural relics, experts on ancient buildings wereorganized to work out a restoration plan. More than 1.2 million yuan wasallocated to renovate Kuiwen Pavilion one year ahead of the original schedule.The renovated Kuiwen pavilion has completely maintained its originalspecifications and style.

There are two stone tablets in the East and west of kuiwenge corridor.Kuiwenge Fu in the East is written by Li Dongyang, a famous poet in MingDynasty, and Qiao Zong, a famous calligrapher. In the west is kuiwenge resetbooks record, which records that in 1511, Liu Liu and Liu Qi led the peasantuprising army to capture Qufu and occupy the Confucius Temple. After they burnedkuiwenges books, the emperor ordered the Ministry of rites to issue imperialbooks. In the late Qing Dynasty, the collection of books in Kuiwen pavilion wasmoved to Confucius residence for preservation.

Kuiwen Pavilion is now on display with the pictures of Confucius holyrelics



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"I believe in fourth grade childrens shoes should have learned the lesson" into the lijiang "! Theres a phrase in the text said: lijiang, is a magic and beautiful land. Its magnificent mountains and rivers, the ancient town, is famous for its simple morals. And today I will walk into this magical and beautiful ancient city of lijiang.

But when I go to lijiang, lijiang but I think so, yes, the commercialization of lijiang has lost the original simple appearance, but in the beam river town I found: every streams around the door, household weeping willows "jiangnan the taste of the old town. Listen to mom and dad: lijiang naxi people living, and the beam river town is located in the north of lijiang, is the earliest settlements, naxi ancestors. I also listen to them in the beam river town scenery and eight, respectively is: the night market firefly, dragon full moon, snow-capped mountains reflected, broken stone on the sound, sex, xishan red leaves, relatives encrinite night and tsing lung bridge. When I saw the beautiful simple beam river town, I show mom dad excitedly: "mom, look! This is what I imagine the appearance of the ancient town of oh! Water flows in front of the door, and set up the Bridges on the water! Here is really great! I cant help out a Du Xunhe about suzhou amorous feelings of the "small bridge, flowing water, somebody elses" poem: "jun to see gusu, the somebody else all pillow river. The ancient palace gets less, besides small rest more. The night market to buy ling lotus root, spring ship yee. Away the moon night, acacia in fishermans song......"

Lijiang ancient city is Chinas famous historical and cultural city and the world cultural heritage, and mus residence is the "grand view garden" of lijiang ancient city culture, not only is the birthplace of naxi ethnic leaders woods tusi! And woods also is known as a knowledge and literature gifts keep instrument.

46 mu mus residence covers an area of great, have so big! Wooden arch on the book "rain lasts four words," is the partial tone of naxi language "study", reflect the heart sense of the naxi ethnic promoting knowledge and wisdom. Everyone is impression of wangfu sits, only mus residence is sitting west toward the east. Ancient city of lijiang around mus residence to expansion, without walls, according to the guide, because LiJiangCheng original owner surnamed wood.

Mus residence is a magnificent architectural art of garden, it fully reflects the central plains in Ming dynasty architectural style, embodies the spirit of naxi nationality recruitment of multicultural open.

Turn for a day, everyone is tired and hungry, so we found a restaurant nearby and went in! I saw in the restaurant worthy of the name useless (which is inside a wooden bucket has a lot of rice!) Ate the naxi grilled fish and MAO blood flourishing......"

Look at this is blood flourishing, MAO useless and naxi grilled fish that looks great!



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放下行李,我们首先来到第一站:“开心小吃店”。坐下来后,我点了一份“葡萄井凉糕”,妈妈点的是“红油龙抄手”。“哇!龙抄手!听名字就很霸气啊!这龙抄手是何方神圣啊?”妈妈神秘地眨了眨眼睛:“过一会儿你就知道了。”我的“葡萄井凉糕” 端上来啦。哦噢!圆月一样的凉糕浸没在黑夜似的红糖汁里,真的和菜谱图片里面的一模一样啊!我迫不及待地挖了一勺放在嘴里面——甜甜的糖汁在舌尖涌动,一股清凉的感觉从嘴里漫延到喉咙里、肚子里。凉糕又冰又Q,很是弹牙,比果冻好吃一百倍!我狼吞虎咽,一下子干掉一盘凉糕。这时,妈妈的“龙抄手”也端上来了,我伸脖子一瞧,原来“龙抄手”就是我们南京的馄饨啊!不过,这个头比南京的大了不止一倍,馄饨漂浮在半透明的红油汤上面,就像小船游在水面上,煞是好看。妈妈吃完后说:“这跟南京的馄饨有很大的差别,它的馅很饱满,味道也很鲜美!”听起来好像很不错哦!可惜我因为怕辣居然没有尝一口,我咽了一口口水。






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大东海乃福之宝地,它那左龙(亚龙湾)、右凤(凤凰机场),拥抱着东海的万倾波涛 。正是凡临东海,必纳鸿福,即有如画的景色,又是福如东海的源头。游三亚必游大东海,游大东海必享天赐洪福,正所谓“福如东海长流水”……






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The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world. It is the blood of the working people in ancient China, is also a symbol of ancient Chinese culture and the pride of the Chinese nation. Visitors, we have come to the famous badaling Great Wall, on both sides of the mountain, is the pine and cypress, like hidden-away east, birds sounds, gurgling streams, is full of poetic. To the distance, you can see the Great Wall is divided into south and north two peak, winding in the mountain ridges, long teng hu yue, spectacular, the scenery is very spectacular. The Great Wall built around the mountain, ups and downs, twists and turns. The period of the Great Wall of the wall is made in the huge stone, some stone for up to 2 meters, weighing hundreds of pounds. Internal fill soil and stones, to the top of the wall where the ground covered square brick, very smooth. The wall of the lateral horse-refraining pits of building has 2 meters high, and have made a in, next shot mouth, the inside has a wall. Every city wall, built a fortress of square ChengTai type. ChengTai have high low and high called the enemy, is the watchman sergeant and accommodation; Low called Chinese Taiwan, height and the wall was similar but prominent wall, have the crenel around, is where the patrol.

Badaling at an altitude of 1000 meters, the twists and turns of the Great Wall, such as the dragon take off on the mountains. It is not only a hardworking, the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, is also an excellent representative of ancient architecture engineering. The badaling Great Wall, the distant, rolling hills, XiongChen, stiffness of the north to the mountain. Due to the Great Wall and grand Great Wall for to the mountain, to the mountain is more dangerous.

Here are the beacon tower, also known as beacons, Wolf yantai. Independent buildings is not connected to the Great Wall. Once the enemy pounce, kindle wars on military, lit cigarette called sunshine during the day, evening called flint. When the Ming dynasty, also on the relationship between the war with the enemy made a strict rules: the enemy hundreds, burning a smoke point a gun; Five white, burning two smoke point two guns; More than one thousand people, three smoke SAN pao; More than five thousand people, four smoke four guns; More than ten thousand people, five five gun smoke. In this way, on the border of the military intelligence can rapid transfer to the imperial city ouchi. See the beacon tower, and then tell you a story, called "must play leud" : the zhou dynasty had a king named weeks you king, he has a beautiful woman, her temper is very strange, always dont smile, think of some way to you king. He lit up a distress signal (fire), as a result, drew leud come white, she laughed, you king is also very happy. But, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, and he was killed by the enemy. Visitors, this is a story of two typical. Reader composition nets:

Visitors, now we have begun to take advantage of an opportunity down the Great Wall. The tourists! Stepping on the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, we will think of the ancient working people to build the Great Wall.



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"Lherbe sauvage près du pont zhuque, le coucher de soleil à lentrée de laruelle Wuyi..."Cétait ma première connaissance du temple Confucius quandjétais enfant.

Je ne sais pas, jai peur.Si vous êtes un touriste, vous êtes déjà venu àNanjing, mais vous nêtes pas allé au temple Confucius, cest vraimentblanc!

Le temple Confucius est un lieu pittoresque célèbre à Nanjing avec unelongue histoire.Le temple Confucius sappuie sur la rivière Qinhuai, qui est laRivière mère de Nanjing, tout comme la rivière Yangtze et la rivière jaune rivière Qinhuai est bordée de vagues bleues et scintillantes. De tempsen temps, de jolis petits poissons sautent de leau. Asseyez - vous sur lebateau de peinture du temple Confucius et regardez le paysage. Il ny a pas dego?t.

Pour voir le temple du ma?tre, venez la nuit.? ce moment - là, le templeConfucius était lumineux et lumineux avec des néons colorés. Il semblait quelaurore sétait produite au - dessus de la ville. Il était magnifique. En cemoment, les gens sont venus au temple Confucius pour errer malgré la fatigue dela nuit.Faim? Ha ha ha, pas de problème! Folloe me! Soupe de vermicelles de sangde canard, sac de soupe de jus de poulet, kebabs dagneau, pas assez pour KFC!McDonalds aussi! Et des collations classiques comme le tofu puant deNanjing...Oui! Et le canard deau salée! Le canard deau salée est unespécialité de Nanjing! Bienvenue à déguster! Lun des canards deau salée est lecanard osmanthus, qui est raffiné au niveau du Canard d deau salée et contientlodeur douce de losmanthus.Le temple Confucius quand les gens ne sont pas "lepont lion n° 2" juste manger, il ya aussi beaucoup de magasins à la mode pourvous.Bien s?r, vos yeux ne seront pas oisifs, le temple Confucius est un ancienb?timent il y a longtemps, contient la saveur de lancien Nanjing, les murs dela sculpture fine, le toit des motifs nationaux magnifiques, ne peut pas êtrebeau.De plus, la rivière Qinhuai était plus belle cette nuit - là, et leauclaire reflétait le ciel étoilé, les arbres verts, les b?timents et les lumièrescolorées qui illuminaient la rivière Qinhuai.

Au festival des lanternes, le temple Confucius est encore plus bondé degens. Il y a de petits magasins vendant des Lanternes dans les rues et lesruelles. Il y a de belles lanternes de lapin, des Lanternes de cheval ancienneset des Lanternes de Confucius.En plus des lanternes, il y a beaucoup de magasinsde lanternes dans le temple du ma?tre pendant les jours du Festival deslanternes.Les lanternes sont grandes et petites, les grandes contiennent dusésame, les petites bulles deau sucrée, sont très savoureuses.

Nous croyons que non seulement le temple Confucius, mais aussi Nanjing,cette ville historique, lavenir sera plus beau!
