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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1182 字

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各位朋友:现在,我们来到了天安门广场 ,我先为大家做一个简单的介绍,天安门广场是目前世界上最大的城市中心广场,它位于北京市区的中心.天安门广场呈长方形,南北长880米,东西宽500米,总面积 44万平方米。如果人们肩并肩地站在广场上,整个广场可容纳100万人,就是说全北京总人口的1/13都可以同时站在这里,够大的吧!

在明清时期广场可没有这么大,当时它呈“T ”字形,“T”字的那一横就是我们今天的长安街,那一竖就是从现在的国旗杆前至毛主席纪念堂前的这一长条形区域,在这一区域的两侧是按文东武西的格局分布着 当时政府机关。解放后,原来广场两侧的建筑被拆除,从而形成了今天广场的基本格局。

在天安门广场的四周,有很多著名的 建筑,现在我为大家以顺时针方向做一个简单介绍,就让我们以广场西侧的人民大会堂开始吧!人民大会堂位于天安门广场西侧,是全国人民代表参政、议政、举行 重大会议,当家作主行使主权的地方,建成于1959年,最高处46.5米,是现在广场上的最高建筑。整个大会堂由三部分组成,南部为人大常委会办公楼,中部为万人 大会堂,北端是国宴大厅,整座建筑自设计到完工只用了10个月,是我国建筑史上的一个奇迹。

在广场的北端是大家都很熟悉 的天安门城楼,它是新中国的象征,就是在天安门城楼上,1949年10月1日毛主席向全世界人民庄严宣告,“中华人民共和国成立了!中国人民从此站起来了!”:

广场的东侧矗立着中国历史博物馆及中国革 命博物馆,完工于1959年,那里是收藏并展览中国古代、近代历史文物及革命文物 的主要场所。

在人民英雄纪念碑的南面是毛主席纪念堂,原来在那里曾有一座门,明代叫大明门,清代叫大清门,民国时又改为中华门,解放后拆除,1976年毛主席逝世后在其基址上建起了庄严肃穆的毛主席 纪念堂。纪念堂建成于1977年,是为纪念伟大领袖毛主席而建,现在毛主席的遗体安然地躺在水晶棺中,供人们凭吊、瞻仰、表达深深的敬意。

广场的正中,巍巍耸立着中国第一碑——人 民英雄纪念碑,它是为了纪念那些自1840年鸦片战争至1949年中华人民共和国成立这一百多年来为中华民族的独立及自由而抛头颅、洒热血的人民英雄们而建。整座 纪念碑高37.94米,座落在双层基座之上,碑座四周镶嵌有八幅汉白玉浮雕,反映了中国近百年革命历史。纪念碑的背面是毛主席起草,周总理手书的碑文,正面是毛 主席亲笔题写的“人民英雄永垂不朽”八个镏金大字。

天安门广场是中国近代革命的见证人,反帝 反封建的五四运动、三˙一八惨案、一二˙九都发生在这里。天安门广场也是新中国诞生的见证人,更是今天人民幸福生活的见证人。现在,它已被全国人民评为“ 中国第一景”,每天都有来自海内外的朋友们到此参观游览。

好!不多说啦!各位一定想在这里照几张相 吧?现在就请各位自由拍照,10分钟后我们在北面国旗杆处集合,谢谢大家!



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我们接着看。故宫里最吸引人的建筑是三座大殿:太和殿、中和殿和保和殿。它们 都建在汉白玉砌成的8米高的台基上,远望犹如神话中的琼宫仙阙。第一座大殿太和殿是最富丽堂皇的建筑,俗称“金銮殿”,是皇帝举行大典的 地方,殿高28米,东西63米,南北35米,有直径达1米的大柱92根,其中6根围绕御座的是沥粉金漆的蟠龙柱。御座设在殿内高2米的台上,前有造型 美观的仙鹤、炉、鼎,后面有精雕细刻的围屏。整个大殿装饰得金碧辉煌,庄严绚丽。中和殿是皇帝去太和殿举行大典前稍事休息和演习礼仪的地方。 保和殿是每年除夕皇帝赐宴外藩王公的场所。

跟大家说,游览故宫,一是欣赏丰富多彩的建筑艺术;二是观赏陈列于室内的珍 贵的文物。故宫博物院藏有大量珍贵文物,据统计总共达1052653件之多,统称有文物100万件,占全国文物总数的1/6,其中有很多是绝无仅有的国 宝。在几个宫殿中设立了历代艺术馆、珍宝馆、钟表馆等,爱好艺术的人在这些无与伦比的艺术品前,往往久久不忍离去。设在故宫东路的珍宝馆, 展出各种奇珍异宝。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 427 字

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潭柘寺始建于西晋,至今已有近1720xx年的历史,因其寺后有龙潭,山上有柘树,故而民间始终称其“潭柘寺”。 你正阅读的文章由(第一·范·文网)收拾...




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欢迎各位父老乡亲来到首都北京,我家大门常打开欢迎您到来!我叫朱玺霖,简称朱导,小朱!今天带大家参观的是我们北京的内城,俗称四九城之中的东城东四,这四九城是什么意思呢?各位看官您听好喽,待我细细道来:这四九城啊!是指北京皇城的四个城门、内城的九个城门的总代称。皇城四门分别是天安门、地安门、东安门、西安门;而内城的九门分别是正阳门、崇文门、宣武门、朝阳门、阜城门、东直门、西直门、安定门、德胜门。这可都是过去皇亲国戚,贝勒公主的府邸所在地。今儿个咱们独独说说这朝阳门内的事儿!来!大家跟我走着,老几位您这眼睛给咱这胡同里的老四合院儿,耳朵给我留着。 首先大家看到的这条胡同是朝阳门内东四头条,大家熟悉的可能是电影朝内81号,其实这地儿根本不闹鬼,只不过是荒废了太久,看着没人气儿,才杜撰出N多的鬼故事来,现在因为电影火了,见天探险的络绎不绝,连个鬼影子也没有发现。并且政府马上就会改造了。先说咱这头条胡同,您瞧着不起眼儿吧,青砖灰瓦四合院,斑驳的门,风化的看不出模样的门墩,这可都是明朝遗留下来的,您先瞧瞧这一号院:原为社科院宿舍,钱钟书、杨绛、戈宝权、卞之琳、余冠英、罗念生等人曾在此居住。

您再瞧瞧这5号,规规整整的两进院儿,谁的宅邸?有人知道吗?对,茅盾,解放前这里曾是北京协和华语学校的中国研究院,专为外国传教士和学习汉语的外国人开设。1974年11月后茅盾就搬到了东城区后圆恩寺胡同13号了。再往前走,19号这门儿里您猜住过谁?相声界的泰斗,侯宝林大师。现在已经变成故居了并对外开放,大家想缅怀大师的可以进去看看。继续往前走,斜对面那门谁家啊?皇阿玛 ----张国立打小儿穿着开裆裤在这院里长起来的。您瞧见没有那棵老枣树,皇阿玛没少上树偷枣吃。老几位意犹未尽吧,东四从头条到14条,各有各的说儿,各有各的宝,您老几位今个先回去细细咂摸咂摸这头条的事儿,明儿早起咱们继续聊二条。给大家留个包袱儿,二条里可是有个王府,哪个王府?孚王府,这里的故事可多了去了,明儿您请好吧!



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第一, 大家一定要放开心事来玩,开心的玩,好不容来一次北京嘛,不好整天想家里的鸡有没有人喂,花有没有人帮淋,孙子吃得好咩!!统统都不要想这么多,家里人自然会带好的。所以第一点,大家这趟出门一定要放开心来玩;

第二, 是安全问问题。这里主要包括生命的安全和财产的安全。人身的安全,我们就不提了,虽然我们公司给每一阿叔、阿姨都购买了保险,但是我们都不希望他有用,对吧?财产的安全,就需要大家自己重视了,我知道大家身上都或多或少的有一些贵重的东西,比如现金啊、相机、手机等等,我们导游会很罗嗦,每天不少于三次提醒大家“随时、随地、随身携带好贵重物品”;

第三, 纪律问题。我们从现在开始就算是一个团队了,团队就要有团队纪律了。纪律1:大事申请小事汇报(独自离团,叫大事;上厕所等叫做小事,呵呵)2:遵守时间,我们说多少点集中,就请大家自觉准时集中,要不然,你等我,我等你,会耽误很多游览时间;3:照相,在北京有些地方是不许照相的,例如毛主席纪念堂、人民大会堂、玉器城等等,这些地方要是乱拍照会被没收相机的;4:不许随地丢垃圾、吐痰,北京的城管很严的,会罚很重的,50—100元一次;5:公共场合不许吸烟,景区、饭店等等都不能啵!5:不能开政治领导人的玩笑,因为被北京人听到就不好了。

第四, 吃饭问题。我们次趟北京之旅,是全部包餐的,只要到了吃饭时间都有饭吃,大家不用自己去找吃的。总共吃9个正餐5个早餐,一个正餐在飞机上吃。但是我们出门在外,吃的,可能不像家里那么自由、那么好,而已我们的旅游团餐是15元,每个人,总共150元,150元在金秀、桐木都没吃的什么好的,更加不用讲北京了,所以大家要做好吃苦的准备,大家怕咩?我们是做8菜一汤,每桌10个人,5个荤菜3个素菜,饭随便吃的,保证大家吃得饱,但是,说要吃得好,就很难讲了。




第五, 住。我们在北京最好了,5个晚上住在同一家酒店里,大家晚上想洗什么都可以。不过啊,小杜跟大家讲,少洗点东西,第一,耽误你休息;第二,浪费水啊,北京是一个严重缺水的城市。北京人最怕河南人和广西人了,河南人吃得多,广西人天天要洗澡。一到酒店,大家就等着看吧,人家一定会讲“广西人又来洗澡了”或者“广西的洗澡团又来了”.





另外北方人,不逛夜市的,普通的商店6点钟关门,最繁华的商店、步行街晚上9点前也都关门的,在我们南方、桐木,我们刚出来逛街咧。车上有哪一位阿叔、阿姨有亲人在北京吗?要是需要探亲访友的,记住要他们来找您,不要自己去找,北京太大了,您很难找得到的。北京的的士起步价是10块,打的士正常要60以上,才能到得了目的地。若是大家晚上真要出门走走,一定要3、5个人一起。 我们住的是准三星的酒店,空调、彩电、独立卫生间、热水都一应俱全,保证干净卫生,但是不一定会是很新的酒店,希望大家谅解,不过我相信大家都能够接受的,是吧。

第, 游览。在北京我们的主要的景点有一下11个:天安门广场、毛主席纪念堂、人民大会堂、故宫、景山公园、八达岭长城、明十三陵之昭陵、鸟巢、奥林匹克中心、颐和园、天坛公园等等,具体行程等下我会发给大家,每人一份。现在我要跟大家说的是游览景点过程中的注意事项:

1、 上厕所(我们中老年人因为身体的原因,每天要上好多次厕所,所以在这里我要跟大家说,我是大家的全程陪同导游,大家大大小小的事都可以跟我讲,包括上厕所,我们去玩的景区一般都好大的,在景区里您自己要去找厕所,不容易找得到,也容易迷路、掉队,所以有人要上厕所,跟我说一声,我会安排的,好不好!另外出门在外,我们为了文明一点,一般把上厕所叫做唱歌!)

2、 景点的游览循序。我们去玩的景点,有些景点是正门进,后门出的,有些是同一个门进出的,大家要自由参观的时候,我们会说得很清楚,在这里先给大家提个醒。比如北京故宫前后8个门,那个门集中,要注意一听哦!要不然走丢了很难找的,我去北京这么多次,基本上每一次有人走丢,要么是在景区里,那么实在唱歌的时候。


最后, 购物。如果大家有跟过旅游团外出旅游的就知道了,我们的旅游都会去参观旅游纪念商品点和土





第一, 娱乐(增加景点)北京大大小小有200多个景点,有公园,有博物馆,有看表演、看相声,看杂技等等五花八门都有,北京的导游为了挣点钱,都会推荐大家去,说实在的,有些地方也是很值得去的,我刚才不是说了吗,建议大家少买东西,多看景点,毕竟大家是来旅游的嘛。我在这里给大家推荐几个吧,比如说中国历史上最大的贪官和珅的家——恭王府,皇帝没有的,他都有,他的家是很值得去看看的,而且和珅为什么这么受乾隆皇帝的宠爱,这里有很多故事的,而且北京的福气就在他家。建议大家在北京,可以参加两个到三个自费的景点吧,大概200多块左右。不过去不去,完全是自愿的,绝对不强制。我们参考少数服从多数吧,如果少部分人不去,就只能在外面等了。

第二, 行(车)。我们在北京的5天多时间,都是做同一辆汽车,大家就:上车睡觉、下车尿尿、景点拍个照,回来一问全都不知道。每天都是上车,下车,吃饭,睡觉。蛮辛苦的!!北京很大,景区和景区之间都是坐车去的,走不到的,大家可能还不知道吧,长城离北京有多远,70公里。

第三, 次趟旅游,我还要提醒大家做好吃苦的准备,很多出去旅游过的人回来都说,旅游比做工都要辛苦。因为早出晚归,中午又不能睡觉。北京比我们金秀、桐木早半个时区,意思是说,北京的天亮比我们早半个钟头,晚上天黑也早半个小时。另外,北京的天气很干燥,大家一定要多喝水。





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北海是中国历史园林的艺术杰作。全园占地69公顷(其中水面39公顷),主要由琼x岛、东岸、北岸景区组成琼x岛上树木苍郁,殿宇栉比,亭台楼阁,错落有致,白塔耸立山巅,成为公园的标志,环湖垂柳掩映着濠濮间、画舫斋、静心斋、天王殿、快雪堂、九龙壁、五龙亭、小西天等众多著名景点,北海园林博采众长,有北方园林的宏阔气势和江南私家园林婉约多姿的风韵,并蓄帝王宫苑的富丽堂皇及宗教寺院的庄严肃穆,气象万千而又浑然一体,是中国园林艺术的瑰宝。北海位于北京故宫西北,是我国现存历史悠久、规模宏伟的一处古帝王宫苑。素有人间“仙山琼阁”之美誉这里原是辽、金、元、明、清五个朝的皇家“离宫御苑 明、清两,北海与中海、南海合称三海清乾隆年间大规模扩建,现存建筑多为那时所建,基本上已是现在的格局了。






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Hello, everyone. Have you ever been to Beijing?

Whats the weather like in Beijing?

Beijings cold weather is not to see the sun outside, what to see? Look atthe wind! As long as the wind blows, the weather will be relatively cold. Whatsthe wind blowing in winter? Whats the wind blowing in summer? The primaryschool teacher said that southeast wind blows in summer and northwest wind blowsin winter. Please remember. A student stood up and said: No, my mother said thatshe married my father and drank all year round

You choose to come to Beijing at the end of October. Generally speaking,the time is very good. Its neither cold nor hot. Its an ideal tourist seasonin Beijing. As the saying goes: in good travel time, meeting a good guide is akind of happiness; in good travel time, meeting a poor guide is a kind ofsadness. Its a sigh to meet a good tour guide in a bad travel time; its a kindof helplessness to meet a poor tour guide in a bad travel time. I hope we have agood time to travel, and I hope I am a good guide.

Id like to introduce myself. My family name is Li and my name is Tianyun.After you met me, I wish you good luck every day. Li is Muzi Li. You can call medirector Li, but dont call me director Li. You can also call me Xiao Li, butdont add Zi. Xiao Li is Li Lianying, the eunuch next to Empress Dowager Cixi.Eunuch is an incomplete man. Besides being thin, the function of other parts ofhis body is quite normal. I was born on December 26. Whats the specialsignificance of this day? My mothers birthday is also on this day, and myemperor Taizus birthday is also on December 26. My emperor Taizu is ChairmanMao Zedong. I want to have the same birthday as a great man. I cant be worse inmy life. But after living for more than 20 years, I found that Im not tall, notshort, not fat, not thin, not old, not tender, and so on So far, no miracle hashappened to me, but it doesnt matter. As the saying goes, height is not thedistance, weight is not the pressure, age is not the problem, so I still have toconfidently take everyones activities in Beijing these days.

In addition to taking you on a tour, we also have a master in charge of ourtransportation. Our master has more than ten years of driving experience. Heusually receives deputies to the National Peoples Congress, and receives VIPguests and athletes during the Olympic Games. There has been no accident formore than ten years. He is very professional and safe. During our time inBeijing, we have master _ _ driving for us. We have to work hard for him in thenext few days. Lets give him some applause first!

Although the roads in Beijing are very broad now, Beijing, as the capital,has many people and cars, and the traffic condition is not very good most of thetime. During our travel time, there may be traffic jams or people waiting forthe bus. I hope you can understand.

People live on food. When they come to Beijing, the first thing they shouldpay attention to is eating. When they come out, they wont be as comfortable asthey are at home. Especially when they join a tour group, they should beprepared: the tour group meal in Beijing is very bad. What is despair? Despairis two dishes served in a restaurant, Eat the first one: "is there anythingworse in the world?" eat the second one "Kao! Its really there!" although thegroup meal is bad, its still quite hygienic. You can rest assured to eat it.The principle is to have enough food, eight dishes and one soup, and all therice. When you see that the food is not enough, drink the soup quickly. If wedont have enough to eat, we can see the mountains far away and have a pot ofsteamed bread. If you come back to China for tourism in the future, if thenumber of people is small, you should try not to arrange group meals by travelagencies. Youd better have what you want (for Hong Kong and overseasChinese).

Next is the accommodation. Beijing is the capital, the political andcultural center. People come and go very frequently, so hotels of the same levelin Beijing are not as good as those in other places. Then it gives a briefintroduction of the hotel (such as stars, how far to the airport, how far to therailway station, how far to Tiananmen Square). In the evening, when we go backto the hotel, we should pay attention to rest. When we go shopping, we are notfamiliar with the place, so we should not go too far. The three things you mustdo when you come to Beijing are climbing the Great Wall, eating roast duck andwatching acrobatics. I think we have arranged to climb the great wall and eatroast duck in our itinerary, but we havent arranged to watch acrobatics. Imvery sorry. About in the Neolithic age, Chinese acrobatics had sprouted. Soacrobatics has a history of more than 20__ years in China. Diving, rings andother sports in our Olympic Games are all evolved from acrobatics. Trampoline,which was officially an Olympic event in 20__, is also evolved from acrobatics.Chinas trampoline won two Olympic gold medals in 20__ Beijing Olympic Games.Chinese people can be proud to announce to the world that we cant do football,we cant do track and field, we cant do swimming pool, but we cant do it inbed! Chaoyang theater is the only designated theater for external performance inBeijing. During the Olympic Games, all foreign leaders came to China to watchacrobatic performances. Modern acrobatics combined with sound, color, light andother advanced elements are more gorgeous and exciting than traditionalacrobatics. It really reflects the brilliance of one minute on stage and tenyears off stage. Almost all the performances have won awards in theinternational arena, so we are visiting Beijing During this period, acrobaticsis absolutely not to be missed if you have time in the evening. If you dont go,you will be sorry, but you will be shocked.

The most important thing to come to Beijing is to visit. Apart fromclimbing the Great Wall, eating roast duck and watching acrobatics, what elsecan we play? Generally speaking, we can enter Guangzhou to watch cars, fly toGuilin to watch mountains, go to Xian to watch tombs, visit Beijing to watchwalls, pass Tianjin to watch docks, visit Qinghai to watch the source, visitTibet to watch Buddhas head, visit Nanjing to watch stones, visit Shanghai towatch peoples heads drunk, visit Shanghai to watch peoples heads;Unforgettable Hangzhou girl. What you see in Beijing is the top of the wall,that is, the most important thing is the history and culture left over from theancient capital. If you join this tour group and meet guide Xiao Li, you are ina Beijing history and culture crash course, so you should listen to mecarefully. Cant get on the car to sleep, get off the car to pee, take photos ofscenic spots, go home and ask nothing. Especially when there are many touristsin Beijing, adults look at their heads and children look at their buttocks, sowe should play with me, hold the hand of the guide, and travel together inBeijing!

Beijing is the capital of Liao, Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, thelast five feudal dynasties in Chinese history. Its design and planning embodiesthe highest achievement of ancient Chinese urban planning, and is known as "thegreatest individual project of human beings on the surface of the earth". Weshould not only look at the history, but also the modern development of Beijing.Now lets briefly introduce the situation of Beijing.

Beijing covers a total area of 16808 square kilometers and is divided into18 districts. Beijing is surrounded by Hebei Province. From the map, HebeiProvince surrounds the whole of Beijing, and it is not far from Beijing

Chengde Mountain Resort is the largest classical Royal Garden in China. In1984, it was rated as one of the top ten scenic spots in China. In 1994, it waslisted in the world heritage list. It is very worth seeing. If we can arrange itsometimes, we should go there for a day or two.

The terrain of Beijing is high in the northwest and low in the southeast,which is in line with the artistic conception of an ancient poem that a riverflows eastward. Beijing plain accounts for 1 / 3, mountain accounts for 2 / 3.There are more than 16 million permanent residents in Beijing, more than 4million people from other places, and more than 20 million people live in onethird of the plain. Therefore, the traffic pressure just mentioned is veryheavy.

To this end, Beijing has made great efforts to improve the trafficenvironment. The cost of bus is also very cheap. Basically, one yuan is enoughfor taking the bus, and 20% or 40% discount can be given for those with buscard. We work in the suburbs because its expensive to rent or buy a house inthe urban area. Although its cheap to take the bus, it takes a long time. Weneed to get up early in the morning to go to work. Sometimes it only takes 30minutes to do a business in the urban area, but it takes two hours to come bybus, and it takes two hours to go back, so one day is spent on the bus. Becauseof the long journey, we usually have to take the bus home from work, so thenightlife in Beijing is not very rich. Talk about the four idiots in Beijing:eat lobster, go shopping to Yansha, sing and love flowers, and go home afterwork. The poor go home after work, the drunkard go home at 9, the luster go homeat 11 and the gambler go home at 2-3.

The starting price of a taxi is 10 yuan for 3 km, and 2 yuan per km after 3km. In addition to improving the above ground transportation, we should focus onthe development of the subway. The cost of the subway is also very cheap. Itcosts 2 yuan to get through. As long as you dont go out of the subway door, youcan take a ride for a day, so as to stimulate the reduction of private cars,reduce road congestion, improve air quality and environmental protection. Butthe rich should buy a car or buy a car, and the poor should take what kind ofcar, so we should not climb, compare, and be angry with ourselves in our dailylife; eat less salt, be jealous, play less mahjong, and take more walks; sleepon time, get up on time, and do boxing and aerobics.

Good health is really good. According to official statistics, the averagelife span of Beijingers has reached 80 years old. Before the reform and openingup, it was 60 years old. Why? With the improvement of living standards, Chinesesociety is developing, and Beijing is developing. In the past, only the emperorcan eat, but now ordinary people can also eat the palace flavor. In the past,the emperor can wear silk, but now ordinary people can buy it, too The jadebrought by the emperor is good for our health. We can also buy it now. Themedicinal materials of Tongrentang, which has a history of more than 300 years,used to be used exclusively by the royal family, especially the Empress DowagerCixi, who used to take the Wuji Baifeng pill of Tongrentang all the year round.Now we can also buy it. We can also buy the Royal Cloisonne ornaments. In short,the royal family can eat, wear and play Good health, we can do now, in additionto the emperors harem three thousand, so many women we cant do. When we cometo Beijing for tourism, if we need to use these things or give them as gifts tofriends and relatives, they are very helpful. They can support the developmentof Beijings tourism industry and improve our taste in life. When it comes totaste, men are divided into six grades: first-class men have a home outsidetheir home, second-class men have flowers outside their home, third-class menfind a home in their flowers, fourth-class men go home from work, fifth classmen go home from work, and their wives are not at home, sixth class men go homefrom work, and there is a man beside their wives. Women can be divided into fourclasses. First class beauties travel abroad, second class beauties ShenzhenZhuhai, third class beauties Beijing Shanghai, and fourth class beauties wait athome.

So what do we usually call a beautiful woman in Beijing? The older one iscalled sister, the older one is called aunt, and the younger one is called girl.Generally speaking, men are called elder brother, and the elderly are calledelder brother. Children are called children. But pure Beijingers, that is, oldBeijing, call girls girls girls instead of girls. I dont call a beauty abeauty, but a honey. Call him or not, call him ya. I dont care if you call meinside. Call a woman a woman, not a woman. Call a man a man, not a man. Call afriend porcelain instead of a friend. A lover is not called a lover, but an ace.I dont call a little girl a little girl, but a girl.

This is Beijings address, Tianjins address is more special, for example:there are people calling sister, not sister, anyway, no matter how old you are,even if you are only a teenager, there may be 50 or 60 years old people callingyour sister, not sister. There are those who call big brother, but not brothersor brothers. Even an elderly grandmother will call a young man in her 20s bigbrother, but she wont call brothers. Some call uncle, but not uncle. That is tosay, no matter what is your fathers ranking at home, you should call his otherbrothers uncle, and your fathers younger brother is not uncle. In a word, itsbasically shouting. Thats what Tianjin is called. Tianjin is called the backgarden of Beijing. During holidays, Beijingers will drive there for holidays.Tianjin is more than 100 kilometers away from Beijing, and the whole journey isonly two hours to Tianjin. If we have time, we can play one more city by the waywith little fare.

The road we are taking now is the capital airport expressway, which wasbuilt in 92 and opened to traffic in 93. The capital airport expressway is 18 kmlong, with 34.5 m wide subgrade and 6 lanes in both directions. There are 3 mwide emergency parking belts on both sides of the road. It is fully closed andinterchange. The design speed is 120 km / h. The starting point is Sanyuanqiao.It takes 10 minutes from Sanyuanqiao to the Capital International Airport.Expressway pavement structure layer, the introduction of foreign asphaltmodification technology, in the ordinary asphalt mixed with plastic or rubber,change the high temperature and low temperature stability of asphalt, make itnot soften at 60 ℃ high temperature, not brittle at minus 30 ℃ low temperature,but also enhance the anti-wear ability, reduce noise, greatly extend the servicelife. The use of modified asphalt, which is the first in domestic highwayconstruction. The capital airport expressway costs 100 million yuan perkilometer, which is known as the first road to China. No matter how old anofficial or ordinary person you are, you have to enter Beijing from thisexpressway.

Usually when we talk about Beijing, where is it called Beijing? Accordingto the official regulations, the third ring road is called Beijing. Sanyuanqiao,the starting point of our airport expressway, connects the third ring road. Whatis "three yuan"? The imperial examination system is called "three yuan". Thefirst place of the provincial examination, the imperial examination and theimperial examination is Jieyuan, Huiyuan and the number one scholar. One afteranother, he won the first place in the provincial examination, the generalexamination and the palace examination, which is called Lianzhong Sanyuan.Taking the Qing Dynasty as an example, the whole process of imperial examinationin the old days started from the grass-roots level of government, prefecture andcounty, which was called childrens examination. Those who enter for theexamination are called Tong Sheng, and those who pass the examination are calledXiucai. The first one is called desk. The formal higher level nationalexamination is called the local examination, which is held in the provincialcapital. The examinees are scholars from all over the country. After passing theexamination, they are called Juren, and the first place is "Jieyuan"; the nexthigher level is the joint examination, which is held in the Ministry of rites.The examinees are Juren, and after passing the examination, they are calledGongsheng, and the first place is "Huiyuan"; The imperial examination was heldin the palace. The emperor personally presided over the examination. Thecandidates were Gongsheng, who were called Jinshi after winning the examination.The imperial examination system in ancient China has a history of more than onethousand years, in which 17 people were able to connect the three yuan.



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Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:

My name is ___. I’m very honored to be youre guide. I do hope all of youcould like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. This morning weare going to visit the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is located on thenorthwest suburbs of Beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of thecity. So it will take us about 1 hour to get there. Before we arrived at theSummer Palace, I would like to introduce you a brief introduction of thewoderful imperial garden. The Summer Palace is the most beautiful and thelargest imperial garden existing in Chinan, and it is the best-preservedimperial garden in the world. In 1998, it was placed on the List of WorldCultural Heritage by the UNESCO.

The Summer Palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of12th century in the Jin Dynasty. The construction continued to the Yuan and Mingdynasties. In the Qing Dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached itsculmination. During Emperor Qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘Three Hills and FiveGardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of Beijing. The Summer Palace was apart of it and at that time was called the Garden of Clear Ripples. In 1860, theAnglo-French Allied Forces invaded Beijing. The ‘Three Hills and Five Gardens’were burnt down to ashes.

In 1888, the Empress Dowager Cixi spent the navy fund having the Garden ofClear Ripples rebuilt. And then she renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony(Summer Palace).

In 1900, the Allied Forces of Eight Powers invaded Beijing. The SummerPalace was once again severely damaged. It was rebuilt again in 1902.

In 1924, the Last Emperor Puyi was driven out of the palace, after that,the Summer Palace was turned into a public park.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway.It is called “Emptiness and the collection of excellence”, and it is the firstscenery of the Summer Palace. The two Chinese words on the front side of thearchway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. Thetwo words on the back side mean Collection of Excellence and refer to thetranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

(outside the East Palace Gate)

Now, we have arrived at the East Palace Gate. It’s the main entrance of theSummer Palace. On top of the gate there is a plaque with three Chinesecharacters ‘The Summer Palace’ in Emperor Guangxu’s handwriting. The gate thatwe are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the olddays.

(Inside the East Palace Gate)

Now we are inside the Summer Palace. In front of us is the second gate ofthe Summer Palace— the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. The annex halls onboth sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the Privy Council.Well, Before we start our tour in the garden, I will briefly introduce you thelayout of the Summer Palace and our tour route. O.K., ladies and gentlemen, mayI have your attention please? Let’s look at the map together, From it we can seethe Summer Palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies thethree-fourths. The whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was forpolitical activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeingareas. Our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and endoff the Marble Boat. On the way, we will visit the main constructions of theSummer Palace, such as the Hall of Jade Ripples, the Hall of Happiness andLongevity, the Long Corridor, the Hall of Dispelling Clouds and so on. It willtake us about two hours to visit the Summer Palace. Please attention, we won’twalk back and our driver will pick us up at the North Gate. Should you get lostor separated from the group, please meet us at the North Gate.

Ok, everyone, let’s start our tour from the emperors’ office --- the Hallof Benevolence and Longevity. Follow me please.

(Inside the courtyard of the Benevolence and Longevity)

Passing through the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity, we have alreadyentered the courtyard of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. The huge rock infront of us is Taihu Rock. It was quarried from Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province,so it was known as Taihu Rock. Please look around the courtyard and you can seethere are four grotesque shaped rocks placed in each corner of this courtyard,representing the four seasons of the year. The Taihu Rocks are usually used asdecoration for beautifying gardens and they are thin, crease, leak andpenetration in characters.

The bronze mythical animal behind the Taihu Rock is known as Suanni or somepeople call it Qilin. According to ancient Chinese mythology, the dragon hadnine sons, but none of them became a real dragon. Suanni was one of the ninesons of the dragon. It was an auspicious animal that could avoid evil spirits inancient lengeds. Suanni has the head of dragon, the antlers of dear, the hoovesof ox and the tail of lion.

(In front of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity)

This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. It was firstbuilt in 1750. The name of this hall taken from a book entitled ‘Lun Yu’ byConfucius doctrine means, “ those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.”This hall was the place where Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi heldaudience and handled state affairs when they were in the Summer Palace. Forprotecting the historical cultural relic, we couldn’t enter the hall. So I wouldlike to briefly introduce you the decorations in the Hall of Benevolence andLongevity. The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. In the middle ofthe hall stands an emperor’s throne carved with nine dragons on design. Thereare two big fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacockfeathers. Behind the throne there is a big screen with red sandalwood frame andglass mirror inlaid. On the mirror there are 226 Chinese characters of the word‘Longevity’ written in different styles. There are two scrolls on each side ofthe wall with a big Chinese character ‘Longevity’ written on it. It was saidthat the word ‘Longevity’ written by Empress Dowager Cixi. There are 100 batspainted at the background of the scroll symbolizing happiness.

Well, please look up the two pairs of incense burners in the shape of adragon and a phoenix in front of the hall. They were used to burn incense sticksto create the appropriate atmosphere. In the old days, the dragon and phoenixwere the symbol of the emperor and empress. According to ritual, the dragonsshould be placed in the center while phoenixes were to either side in front ofthe hall.However, here, the dragons are off to the sides and the phoenixes arein the middle. This was a product of the end of Qing Dynasty when EmpressDowager Cixi handled state affairs behind the screen.

(At the entrance of Garden of virtuour Harmony)

We are now visiting the Garden of Virtuous Harmony, where Emperor Qianlongand Empress Dowager Cixi were entertained with Bejing Opera performances. Itmainly consists of the Dressing House, the Grand Theater Building and the Hallof Pleasure Smile. The Grand Theater Building was known as the ‘Cradle ofBeijing Opera’ was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. There are 7exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.

(In front of the Grand Theater Building)

This is the Grand Theater Building. Of the three main theater buildings ofthe Qing Dynasty, the Grand Theater Building is the tallest and largest one. Theother two are Changyin Pavilion in the Forbidden City and Qingyin Pavilion inthe Mountain Resort in Chengde. The Grand Theater Building, a three-storiedstructure, has a double roof with upturned eaves. It is 21 meters high and 17meters wide. Performances could be staged simultaneously on three levels. Thetop one was a symbol of happiness, the middle level was emolument level and thebottom stage was named longevity stage. Each level has the entrance and theexit. There are some trapdoors in the ceiling and below the floor for ‘celestialbeing’ to fly down from the sky and the ‘devils’ to appear from the earth to setoff a certain atmosphere on the stage. There is also a well and five ponds builtunder the stage for a good effect of water scenes. The stage is open to threesides.

Well, please look at the construction that stands right opposite the GrandTheater Building, it’s the Hall of Pleasure Smile. The Empress Dowager Cixi usedbo sit inside the hall to watch and enjoy the Peking Opera.

(A lakeside walk from the Garden of virtuous Harmony to the Hall of JadeRipples)

We are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the Hall ofBenevolence and Longevity. It appears that there’s nothing special ahead.However, after we clear the rockery, we will reach Kunming Lake. This is anapplication of a specific style of Chinese


Now, we are walking along the bank of the Kunming Lake. Look over there,not far away in the lake there is an islet. It’s called the Spring HeraldingIslet. The pavilion on the islet is called the Spring Heralding Pavilion. Anumber of willow trees and peach trees were planted on this islet. In earlyspring, when the ice begins to melt, peach trees are red in pink blossoms,willow trees turn a tender green signaling that the early spring has returned.Hence the name ‘Heralding Sping Pavilion’.

(In front of the Hall of Jade Ripples)

This group of special and quiet courtyard dwellings is the Hall of JadeRipples. The words “Jade Ripples” came from a verse “Gentle ripples gushing outof Jade Spring”, which refers to the rippling water in the lake. It was firstused by Emperor Qianlong to attend to state affairs. In the late Qing Dynasty,it was where Emperor Guangxu was put under house arrest.

This hall is a hallmark of the Movement of 1898. Emperor Guangxu wasEmperor Dowager Cixi’s nephew. After Emperor Tongzhi died, Emperor Dowager Ciximade her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order tocontinue her hold on imperial power. She ‘handled state affairs behind thescreen’. After Emperor Guangxu ‘managed state affairs personally’ at the age of19, a political conflict occurred between the conservatives and the reformers.In 1898, the Reform Movement took place with the aim of sustaining the coreprinciples of the Qing Dynasty while reforming outdated laws. The movementlasted for103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi. It wascalled the ‘Hundred-Day Reform’. After the reform failed, Emperor Guangxu wasput under house arrest here. For the strict control of him, Empress Dowager Cixiordered to build many brick walls in the front, back, and on the right and leftof the Hall of Jade Ripples. At that time the hall was entirely sealed up, justlike a prison. Today only the hidden walls in the east and west annex room stillmaintain its original appearance. It is open to visitors as the relic related tothe 1898 Reform Movement.

(In front of the Chamber of Collecting Books)

This is the Chamber of Collecting Books. In Chinese, it’s called “Yi YunGuang”. “Yun” was a kind of fragrant weed. In ancient times, it was usually usedas termite repellent in rooms where books were stored.In the Emperor Qianlong’sreign, the purpose of the hall was for collecting books. Later it was convertedinto a residence. There used to be the residence of Guangxu’s Empress Longyu,and his favorite concubine Zhenfei.

(In the Hall of Happiness and Longevity)

This group of courtyard is the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. It was themajor architectural structure in the living quarters and the residence ofEmpress Dowager Cixi. The whole compound was basically made of wood, which isideal for ventilation and lighting. With its quiet and tasteful layout, the Hallof Happiness and Longevity made life very easy and convenient. In front of theHall of Happiness and Longevity there is a huge rock placed in the middle ofthis courtyard named “Qing Zhi Xiu” and nicknamed as “Family Bankruptcy Rock”.This huge rock was discovered in Fangshan District by a Ming official MiWanzhong. He wanted to transport it to his own garden “Shaoyuan”. In the olddays, transporting such rock was very difficult. After spending all his money toship it, he still could not succeed in doing this. The big rock was then left onthe roadside somewhere near Liangxiang County, 30 kilometers southwest ofBeijing. Hence it was nicknamed “Family Bancruptcy Rock”. Later Emperor Qianlongdiscovered it and transported to the Garden of Clear Ripples and laid in frontof the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. The colorful glass chandeliers hanginginside the hall was introduced from Germany in 1903. It is one of the earliestelectric lights in China.

(In front of the Gate of Inviting the Moon of the Long Corridor)

Ladies and Gentlemen, you may have visited some of the best museums in theworld, such as the Louvre in France and the Museum of Great Britain. Now I willshow you a special gallery in the palace—the Long Corridor. In 1990, the LongCorridor was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as ‘the longestpainted corridor’ in the world’. It would be a pity if we leave the SummerPalace without visiting the Long Corridor and the Marble Boat. Now, here we go,the Long Corridor first!

(Strolling along the Long Corridor)

The Long Corridor starts from the Gate Inviting the Moon to the ShizhangGate. It is 728 meters long and consists of 273 sections. The Long corridor isone of the major structures of the Summer Palace. Since the corridor wasdesigned to follow the physical features of the southern slope of LongevityHill, four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions ( Retaining the GoodnessPavilion, Living with the Ripples Pavilion, Autumn Water Pavilion, Clear and FarPavilion) were placed at bends and undulation, they represent four seaons of ayear. Thus visitors will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. As amajor part of the architectural style of the Summer Palace, the Long Corridorserves as an ingenious connector between the Lake and the Hill. Scatteredbuildings on the southern slope were linked to create a unified complex.

The Long Corridor is the longest covered veranda in any Chinese garden. Onthe purlins and beams of the covered veranda, there are over 14,000 Suzhou stylepaintings. Among them, there are 546 color paintings relating to the scenes ofWest Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Beside the colorful paintings ofnatural scenery, there are also scenes of flowers, birds, fish, insects,mythology and figures. The paintings of figures are mainly adapted from ancientChinese classical literature, such as ‘Pilgrimage to the West’, ‘The Romance ofthe Three Kingdoms’, ‘The western Chamber’, “Water Margin’, and ‘The Dream ofthe Red Mansion’.

(In front of the Gate of Dispelling Clouds)

Now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakesideslope, the Tower of Buddhist Incense within the Hall of Dispelling Clouds. Thecentral axis line starts from the wharf next to the lake to the Sea of Wisdom ontop of the Hill. The main architectural structures here are the Gate ofDispelling Clouds, Hall of Dispelling clouds, Tower of Buddhist Incense and theSea of Wisdom, which altogether form a splendid three-dimensional landscape. Thelayout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in Buddhistsutras. This group of structures are among the most magnificently constructedhere in the Summer Palace. This is a good place to taking photos, we will stayhere for about 15 minutes.

Now we are walking continuely along the Long Corridor, the next scene weare going to visit is Marble Boat.

Look over there! Halfway up the slope there stands the Hall of Listening toOrioles. It was the place for emperor and empress to enjoy opera and courtmusic. It is said the singing of orioles is very pleasing. Before the Garden ofVirtuous Harmony was built, Empress Dowager Cixi enjoyed opera and music here.Now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in China, featuring imperialdishes and desserts.

This is the famous Marble Boat. A famous scientist of China’s Eastern HanDynasty once said, “Water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over.” Aprime minister of Tang Dynasty Wei Zheng once used these words to persuade LiShimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He said people are water and theemperor is the boat. People can support a good emperor. However, they also canoverthrow the dynasty. Emperor Qianlong built this huge boat in the Garden inorder to make the allusion concrete. On one hand, Emperor Qianlong encouragedhimself to run the country well. On the other hand, he wanted to show that hisrule of the Qing Dynasty was as firm as the Marble Boat and there was no fear ofoverturning the boat. The Marble Boat was the place for Emperor Qianlong tosample tea and enjoy the scenery of Kunming Lake. Emperor Qianlong once camehere to engage in the freeing of captive animals. In the times of Qianlong, theMarble Boat was a Chinese styled stone boat with a Chinese style woodensuperstructure on the top of it. When it was rebuilt in the times of Guangxu, aforeign and Chinese elements mixed resulting in two wheels to be added to theboat, one on each side. The floor was paved with colored bricks. All of thewindows were inlaid with multiple-colored glass. A big mirror was installed onthe superstructure for viewing rain.

Our tour is drawing to a close after we visited the Marble Boat. Today weonly visited the major scenic spots of the Summer Palace. I have left otherspots of interest for your next visit. I will now show you out through the RuyiGate. Our coach is waiting for us outside the gate. I do hope you enjoyedtoday’s tour. Thank you.



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现在是我给大家介绍回音壁,它是指围括皇穹宇和东西配殿的高大的圆形围墙而言。围墙周长193.2米,直径61.5米,墙高3.72 米,厚0.9米。如果两个人分别站在院内东西配殿后的墙下,均面部朝北对墙低声说话,可像打电话一样互相对话,极其奇妙有趣,这就是回音壁得名的由来。

下面介绍的是迷人的圆心石回音 圜丘坛上层中心有一块圆心石,是游人最感兴趣的又一奇妙之处。当你站在圆心石上轻声说话时,自己听起来声音很宏大,有共鸣性回音之感。但站在第二、三环以外的人,则无此种感觉。为什么呢?原来,这也是一种声学现象:由于坛面十分光洁平滑,声波传到周围等距离的石栏围板后,能够迅速地被反射回来。据声学专家测验,从发音到声波再回到圆心石的时间,总共仅有零点零七秒钟。说话者根本无法分清它的原音和回音,所以站在圆心石的人听起来,其共鸣性回音就格外响亮。封建统治者则把这种声学现象说成是"上天垂象",是天下万民对于朝廷的无限归心与一致响应,同时并赋予"亿兆景从石"的美名。





在西面是斋宫,坐落于西天门内大道南侧的松柏绿树丛中,原是封建皇帝来天坛祈谷、祀天前进行斋戒沐浴的地方。斋宫占地四万平方米,建筑呈四方形,内有正殿、寝宫、钟楼等。四周筑有两重围墙和一道护城河,建筑讲究,警卫森严。走进斋宫正门,迎面便是气势巍峨的正殿,红墙绿瓦,甚为壮观。据说用这种绿瓦以表示皇帝至此不敢妄自尊大,而只能"对天称臣"的意思。殿分五间,呈拱券形,为砖砌结构。整个殿堂不用梁、枋大木,因此也叫"无梁殿"。殿前丹墀上有两座石亭,右边的一座较小,是放时辰牌位的 地方。左边的一座呈正方形,较为高大,名"斋戒铜人石亭"。据史料记载:皇帝斋戒期间,亭内设方几一 张,罩黄云缎桌衣,上设一尺五寸高的铜人像一尊。铜人双手恭奉简牌一枚,上刻“斋戒”二字,以使皇帝"触目惊心,恪(ke四音)恭罔懈"。意思是要皇帝有所警惕,不忘用心斋戒。斋戒铜人在清代有三种形式:一为唐朝名臣魏征像,一为明初乐官冷谦像,一为明代太监刚炳像。相传这三人在历史上都以刚直敢谏而著称。此是明洪武十一年定下的制度,清代也沿用了下来。按规定,这里所设的铜人为冷谦像。






现在在我们左手边的是七星石位于长廊东南侧的旷地中,共有七大一小石块。但为何称作"七星石"呢? 据传说,明永乐帝迁都北京时,想修建一座祭天地的坛庙建筑,但难找到合适的地方。这时,有一晚他梦见天上北斗七星落地于此,谓之天遂人意,为其解了不决之难,从而降旨于此地建造祭坛。据资料记载,七星石为明代嘉靖九年,经人工雕凿后而置于此处的。嘉靖皇帝十分迷信道教,道士对他说,祈年殿东南方太为空旷,这对他的皇位、寿命不利。于是便设七星石在此,以镇压风水。在七星石东北隅还有一块小石头,据说这是清朝统治者为了纪念他们的祖先功德而增置的。其设于七星石的东北方向,用以表示不忘本源之意。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 334 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1595 字

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颐和园,位于山水清幽、景色秀丽的北京西北郊,原名清漪园,始建于公元 1750 年,时值中国最后一个封建盛世 ------" 康乾盛世 " 时期;1860 年的第二次鸦片战争中,清漪园被英法联军烧毁; 1886年,清政府挪用海军军费等款项重修,并于两年后改名颐和园,作为慈禧太后晚年的颐养之地。从此,颐和园成为晚清最高统治者在紫禁城之外最重要的政治和外交活动中心,是中国近代历史的重要见证与诸多重大历史事件的发生地。1898 年,光绪帝曾在颐和园仁寿殿接见维新思想家康有为,询问变法事宜;变法失败后,光绪被长期幽禁在园中的玉澜堂; 1900年,八国联军侵入北京,颐和园再遭洗劫, 1902年清政府又予重修;清朝末年,颐和园成为中国最高统治者的主要居住地,慈禧和光绪在这里坐朝听政、颁发谕旨、接见外宾……。

1924 年,颐和园辟为对外开放公园。颐和园是中国近代历史的重要见证!

颐和园集传统造园艺术之大成,借景周围的山水环境,饱含中国皇家园林的恢弘富丽气势,又充满自然之趣,高度体现了 " 虽由人作,宛自天开 "的造园准则。万寿山、昆明湖构成其基本框架,占地 2.97 平方公里,水面约占四分之三,园中有点景建筑物百余座、大小院落 20 余处, 3000 余间古建筑,面积70000 多平方米,古树名木 1600 余株。其中佛香阁、长廊、石舫、苏州街、十七孔桥、谐趣园、大戏台等都已成为家喻户晓的代表性建筑。

园中主要景点大致分为三个区域:以庄重威严的仁寿殿为代表的政治活动区,是清朝末期慈禧与光绪从事内政、外交政治活动的主要场所。以乐寿堂、玉澜堂、宜芸馆等庭院为代表的生活区,是慈禧、光绪及后妃居住的地方。以长廊沿线、后山、西区组成的广大区域,是供帝后们澄怀散志、休闲娱乐的苑园游览区。万寿山南麓的中轴线上,金碧辉煌的佛香阁、排云殿建筑群起自湖岸边的云辉玉宇牌楼,经排云门、二宫门、排云殿、德辉殿、佛香阁,终至山颠的智慧海,重廊复殿,层叠上升,贯穿青琐,气势磅礴。巍峨高耸的佛香阁八面三层,踞山面湖,统领全园。蜿蜒曲折的西堤犹如一条翠绿的飘带,萦带南北,横绝天汉,堤上六桥,婀娜多姿,形态互异。烟波浩淼的昆明湖中,宏大的十七孔桥如长虹偃月倒映水面,涵虚堂、藻鉴堂、治镜阁三座岛屿鼎足而立,寓意着神话传说中的" 海上仙山 "。阅看耕织图画柔桑拂面,豳风如画,乾隆皇帝曾在此阅看耕织活画,极具水乡村野情趣。与前湖一水相通的苏州街,酒幌临风,店肆熙攘,仿佛置身于二百多年前的皇家买卖街,谐趣园则曲水复廊,足谐其趣。在昆明湖湖畔岸边,还有著名的石舫,惟妙惟肖的铜牛,赏春观景的知春亭等点景建筑。

多年以来,颐和园管理处以 " 文化建园 " 为宗旨,用 " 一种精神五种意识六个一流 "的企业文化统领职工,深入挖掘文化内涵,大力推进颐和园的保护、管理和研究工作,以借景环境、山形水系、文物古建、植被景观为颐和园的核心保护内容,建立了完整的颐和园保护管理体系。特别是改革开放以来,颐和园加快了建设和保护的步伐,先后投入巨资恢复了四大部洲、苏州街、景明楼、澹宁堂、耕织图等景区,积极参与周边环境改造,延续颐和园的历史人文环境,恢复了文化遗产的完整性和原真性,建设了国内园林系统内最先进的文昌院博物馆。

1961 年 3 月 4 日,颐和园被公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 1998 年 12 月 2日,颐和园以其丰厚的历史文化积淀,优美的自然环境景观,卓越的保护管理工作被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》,誉为世界几大文明之一的有力象征。近年来,颐和园先后获得了首批全国文明风景旅游区示范点、全国精神文明建设先进单位、首批国家AAAA 级景区等诸多荣誉称号, 20__ 年顺利通过国际标准化的 ISO9000 和 14000质量环境管理体系认证,使颐和园的管理、保护、研究迈上了规范、科学、法制的管理轨道。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2043 字

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Chinese food is divided into four big cuisines sichuan, guangdong, shandong, jiangsu, and dozens of branch of major cuisine, there are thousands of different flavors, each branch work different famous manufacturer, food culture is means all the world, impressive.

Beijing capital, brought together the national cuisine, is to eat what you crave. Not only that, in recent years in Beijings western cuisine also in Kyoto, French food, Russian western food, Italian food, American fast food, has become Beijing on-off taste delicious. Since long, however, came to Beijing, you have to taste the first genuine Beijing cuisine. Kyoto today, it is the delicacy of the foreign administrative, even all over the country, people can enjoy almost any kind of cuisines of China all over the world the best flavor, so, for the guests to Beijing today, seize the opportunity, and are indeed very lucky.

Beijing roast duck is regarded as "world a delicious", also is the representative work of Beijing flavor. One of the best places to eat roast duck, when Beijing front door, the peace arch, wangfujing quanjude roast duck restaurant. The shop was founded 130 years ago, if from the ancestor of roast duck restaurant Yang Ren operating ducks, that is going to push for 30 years.

Palace cuisine is one of the pillars of the Beijing cuisine, reflect the historical characteristics of Beijing 800 for all, a real blue blood. Today, imperial dishes into folk already, although strictly keeping his aristocratic demeanor. Because of Beijing winter cold, hot pot is from Beijings pet on the table. Flavor snack is a feature in Beijing, as a result of destinations ethnic characteristics snacks, breed is very rich.

The street there are many snack bar, night market and the free market also have snacks stalls, in the Spring Festival, temple fair, flowers at the meeting - always the most attractive places. At present, can eat snacks in Beijing have a cake, soy milk, rice cakes, Fried cake, soybean curd, tea soup, roast sweet potato, wonton, baked wheat cake, etc.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 473 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 19147 字

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Prince Gongs residence is located in the northwest of Beijing, nearQianhai in the East and Houhai in the north. In the early stage, a canal fromthe northeast corner of Jishuitan (West Sea) water area in Deshengmen bypassedthe west wall of Prince Gongs residence, turned outside the south wall(commonly known as Yueya River), and flowed into Shichahai (Qianhai) throughthree bridges. Facing water in the West and south, and near water in the Eastand North, it can be said that it is surrounded by water and has a beautifulenvironment. By the early 1950s, the canal had been filled up to form Liuyinstreet and qianhaixi street.

Prince Gongs residence was first built in 1776, with a history of morethan 230 years. In the fourth year of Jiaqing, he was convicted and his housewas confiscated. After that, the house was divided into two parts: the East andthe West. Emperor Jiaqing of the West gave the house to his younger brotherPrince Yonggui, and the East left it to the ten princesses. In the first year ofChengfeng (1851), Emperor Xianfeng gave the whole palace to Prince Gong Yi? Tolive in. So far, it was named Prince Gongs palace, which is still in use today.Please remember the two main masters of the garden: big corrupt official andPrince Gong Yi?.

Prince Gongs residence is 330 meters long from north to South and 180meters wide from east to west. There are dozens of palaces in Beijing, whichwere either destroyed or used for other purposes. Only Prince Gongs mansion,which has been preserved in its original style, is open to the outside world. Asan ancient garden of Manchu royal family, it is composed of two parts: Mansionand garden, covering an area of more than 60000 square meters, including 32000square meters of mansion and 28000 square meters of garden.

The buildings in the mansion are divided into three roads: the East Road,the middle road and the west road. From the south to the north, they arecomposed of many three-way quadrangles with strict central axis. The layout isclear. The east road goes to park Shanghua, the middle road is solemn andsolemn, and the west road is simple and elegant. The three roads areself-contained and harmonious. In these houses, there are not only the buildingsreflecting the royal style and majesty, but also the exquisite architecture anddecoration style from the folk, which constitute the biggest feature of theroyal culture. The garden integrates Jiangnan garden and Northern architecture,and integrates western architecture and Chinese classical garden architecture.Prince Gongs mansion is not only one of the important representatives of theQing Dynastys mansion architecture, but also an important performance of themost mature period of Chinese traditional architecture and gardening skills. Mr.Hou Renzhi, a famous scholar, called it "a palace of Prince Gong, half of thehistory of Qing Dynasty".

Prince Gongs house was listed as a key national protection unit in 1982,and the garden of Prince Gongs house was opened to the public in 1988. In theprocess of my explanation, in order to better protect this precious heritage andensure the safety of your visit to the park, please cooperate. First, do notsmoke. Second, do not climb rocks. Third, take good care of your belongings.Fourth, take good care of the environment and do not litter in the park

1、 The first master of the mansion, he (born in 1750 A.D. in the 15th yearof Qianlong and died in 1799 A.D. in the 4th year of Jiaqing), was originallynamed Shanbao, with the word zhizhai and the surname niuhulu. He belonged to theZhenghong banner of Manchuria (once carried into zhenghuang banner, but hisfamily members were classified as Zhenghong banner after being convicted).)Among the eight banners, they are not aristocrats (eight banners are dividedinto yellow flag, yellow flag, white flag, white flag, red flag, red flag, blueflag and blue flag). The yellow flag, the yellow flag and the white flag led bythe emperor were the upper three banners, the nobles and the lower five banners.)How could he be the greatest favorite of Emperor Qianlong if he was not borninto a noble family and had no degree of Jinshi

There are five main reasons why he is favored

First, smart. He? Has an amazing memory, makes a clear reading and makes asmart decision. Even Jiaqing affirmed that he was "smart and agile". When he wasa child, he studied in Xianan palace, the best school in the capital at thattime (Xianan palace is in the Imperial Palace, which is equivalent to thecurrent national key school. It mainly recruits the children of the internalaffairs government and eight banners officials who are both good-looking andgood-looking). He is proficient in Manchu, Chinese, Mongolian and TibetanLanguages, and can be both civil and military. At the age of 19, he inheritedthe position of third-class light truck captain earned by his ancestors. Threeyears later, there was another vacancy for the third class bodyguard, which gavehim a chance to get close to Emperor Qianlong.

Second, the United tobacco royal family. His son, Fengshen Yinde, was giventhe name by Emperor Qianlong, which means longevity in Manchu. Moreover,Qianlong married his 65 year old daughter Gu Lun and Princess Xiao to his sonFengshen Yinde. The relationship between Emperor Qianlong and "he" changed fromthe relationship between master and slave, the relationship between monarch andminister to the relationship between daughter and family, and Qianlong becamethe real umbrella of "he".

Thirdly, according to unofficial history, I remember that when Hongli wasyoung (later Emperor Qianlong), I once played in the palace and saw nianguifeicombing her hair. Nianguifei was the younger sister of general Nian genyao ofthe Qing Dynasty and one of the top ten beauties of the Qing Dynasty. Her namewas nianqiuyue. Hongli was moved by her beauty and secretly went over to coverher eyes from behind. Qing, Nians concubine was startled and didnt know whowas behind. She picked up the hairpin and rowed back, which just cut Honglisforehead. Later, the empress learned about it, because it spread that it was notgood for Honglis reputation (she was the Royal concubine of Yongzheng, Honglishould call her erniang. )Next year, the imperial concubine hanged herself.Hongli cried bitterly at that time, because one of his frivolous actions killedNian Guifei. I secretly vowed that when I became an emperor, I would meet again,not to repair this life and the afterlife. So stained with cinnabar, she printeda red fingerprint behind her ear. Many years later, when Hongli became emperor,he was Emperor Qianlong. When he first saw him, he was still a stick guard.Qianlong was surprised and felt that he looked like the young lady who died manyyears ago. So he stepped down from the throne and asked if there were anysisters in his family. He said that there were only two brothers, he and he?.When the emperor was disappointed, he suddenly saw a red mole behind his ear. Itwas not only similar to nianguifeis face, but also the size and location of themole. So the emperor thinks that he? Is the reincarnation of Nian Guifei. So theemperor kept him close to him and favored him. He also used his intelligence toplease Qianlong. As a result, his position and status rose like a helicopter.Within three years, Emperor Qianlong passed orders to promote him to theposition of official. He almost made all kinds of high-ranking officials in theQing Dynasty. He had been a military aircraft Minister for 23 years, and wasknown as the second emperor.

Many friends come to Prince Gongs residence with admiration. The film andtelevision works also make a lot of hype about ho. However, there is a big gapbetween the real image of Ho and the image of the film and television works. Hois a real beautiful man with a white face, quick action, dignified and humorousspeech.

The second master, Prince Gong Yi? (1833-1898), was the sixth son ofEmperor Daoguang. He was named Prince Gong in the imperial edict of EmperorDaoguang in 1850. He was an important and influential figure in the politicalsituation of the late Qing Dynasty. After the death of emperor Xianfeng in 1861,he and Cixi jointly launched the "Xinyou coup" to eliminate eight ministers,such as SUSHUN, which paved the way for Cixi to reach the peak of power. Afterthat, he was appointed as the king of political affairs, walked on the militaryplane, and participated in military affairs as a prince, which was very rare inthe Qing Dynasty. As a "leader", he, together with Zeng Guofan, Zhang Zhidongand other feudal officials, set off the famous "Westernization Movement" inmodern Chinese history. Under his invitation and planning, the Qing governmentestablished in 1860 the first official "Ministry of foreign affairs" in Chinesehistory, the premiers national affairs yamen, to deal with foreign affairs. In1862, under his own planning, the Qing government established the capitalTongwen school in Beijing. The establishment of Tongwen school was the beginningof the establishment of a new school in China. It entered the school of BeijingNormal University in 1902 and became the earliest part of the establishment ofPeking University. It seems that the prince of the late Qing Dynasty has acertain relationship with Peking University. Yi? Was the sixth son of EmperorDaoguang. At that time, he was famous for his foreign affairs. Therefore, peoplenicknamed him GUI Zi Liu, and he didnt mind. Because Yi? Was very independentand active in politics, he was afraid of Empress Dowager Cixi. Later, he lostpower and lived in seclusion in Jiehe temple. Yi? Became the tenth iron hat kingof the Qing Dynasty in 1872. He is the author of the collection of works ofledaotang. After the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, it was used again. It wasthe Prime Minister of the Navy, the Council for military affairs, and the innercourt. He died in 1898 with the posthumous title of "Zhong". )

2、 Scenic spots in the mansion

The main hall of the palace of yinan, commonly known as "yinan hall", isthe place where important ceremonial activities are held. A group of screens andthe throne of the prince are placed in the center of the hall. It corresponds tothe Jinluan Hall of the Forbidden City. Jinluan hall was the place where theemperor summoned and held important ceremonies.

The tall building you see now was newly built in this overhaul as it was inthe Guangxu reign of Tongzhi. The original yinan hall, together with the Eastand west side halls, was destroyed by burning incense on the night of theLantern Festival on January 15, 1921.

The new construction process of yinan Hall:

The yinan hall was built according to the strict Architectural Regulationsof the Qing Dynasty and the highest standard roof of the royal palace.

Tourists, please observe the color of the tiles on the roof of the mainhall, the number of animals on the roof ridge, the number of doornails on themain door, etc. How are they different from the palace museum you can see?

The roof of the imperial palace is covered with golden colored glass, whichis the symbol of imperial power; the roof of the main hall of the Royal Palaceis covered with green colored glass tiles, and the roof of the auxiliary hall iscovered with gray tiles, which indicates the princes status.

In ancient architecture, door nails were only used on board doors.Originally used to guard against the enemys fire attack, so Zhuoyi was coveredwith mud to prevent fire. Doornails are usually made of copper. In the QingDynasty, the use of door nails was regulated. In royal architecture, there arenine nails for each door, nine in each direction, and a total of ninety-nine andeighty-one nails. Nine is the pole of Yang number, symbolizing the higheststatus of the emperor. Because the imperial temple is dedicated to the emperorsof the past dynasties, it also has nine road studs; seven roads in the RoyalPalace take seven roads, but seven roads in the princes palace take nine roads;further down there are five roads take five roads.

Duofuxuan is commonly known as "tengluoyuan". The main hall was called"Yanxi hall" in the period of peace, which was the residence of the son andPrincess of peace. It was called "duofuxuan" in the period of Prince Gong. Itwas the hall and living room of the palace. It was mainly used by the host toreceive visitors, relatives and friends or subordinates who came to report backto the official affairs. It was also used to store gifts sent by the emperor."Duofuxuan" was inscribed by Emperor Xianfeng. It means the palace of a lot ofhappiness. The plaque of "Tongde Yanxi" is hung in the center of the hall, whichis intended to warn the host that only when you and the emperor have the samevirtue can you extend the Xi (XI: good luck and long life). Please observecarefully that the four walls of the hall near the ceiling are all hung with theinscription of "Fu Shou". The inscription of "Fu Shou" is written on the redsquare paper (i.e. "Dou Fang") and is placed in a shuttle shape. The inscriptionof "Fu Shou" is made in pairs.

Since the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, every winter, the emperorhad to write the words "Fu" and "Shou" in person and give them to the king, theDuke, the minister and the empress. The word "Shou" will be added to every majorbirthday celebration. According to convention, the old "Fu Shou" Dou Fang cannot be removed. Instead, the new "Fu Shou" Dou Fang is pasted directly on theold one, meaning "Fu Tian Shou". Now what you see is the original copy.

Please carefully observe the Phoenix and seal painting of Qianlong periodon the roof beam. Although only partial Phoenix Tail pattern remains, it hasspecial value. Its existence confirms that Fudi East Road was once Princessmansion.

Hexi painting is also known as palace architectural painting. This kind ofarchitectural painting is the highest level painting in the Qing Dynasty, mostlypainted on palace buildings or buildings related to the royal family

Ledaotang is the largest building on the East Road and the last one toenter the courtyard. The main room is called "ledaotang". On the interior beams,there are two hundred years of colorful paintings of baojindi and Phoenix in themiddle Qing Dynasty, which indicates that it was the residence of the princessduring the period of peace. In the period of Prince Gong, this is the livingroom of the prince. Now the interior is displayed as it was when Prince Gonglived. The plaque of "ledaotang" was given to Yi? By Emperor Daoguang himself.It expresses a fathers wish for his sons happiness and auspiciousness.

He is not a prince. In the Qing Dynasty, when the feudal hierarchy was verystrict, why did he build such a luxurious private house in spite of large-scaleconstruction? You can see the reason from the following records.

Yin De, the son of he, was born on the 19th of the first month of the 40thyear of Qianlong (1775), half a month younger than Princess He Xiao. He andQianlong formed a family of sons and daughters, and became the most unattainablerelatives of the emperor. He Jianhe house was actually built as Princess House,so he Jianhe house was built according to the double specifications of PrincessHouse and first-class officials of the imperial court

Jiale Hall

Jiale hall is the hall name of Hejin period. It is said that the plaque ofJiale hall was given to Hejin by Qianlong. During the period of Prince Gong, itwas the "Temple", that is, the place where Shamanism activities were held.

Shamanism sacrificial activities: Ancient Mongolians believed in Shamanismfirst. Shamanism worships gods and divides the world into three kinds: heavenabove, earth in the middle and hell below.

The most important way of Shaman sacrifice is to worship ancestors andheaven. It is said that the ancestors of Manchu people fell into a trap in abattle and had to hide in a big tree in a hurry. The birds on the tree did notmove, so they did not expose the ancestors of Manchu people to the enemy and letthem survive. Therefore, Manchu people revered the birds as gods.

Grand Theater

The grand theater building of Prince Gongs mansion, built during the reignof tongzhi (1862-1874), is a place for Prince Gong and his relatives to watchthe opera. This theater is the only existing fully enclosed theater in China. Inthe archives of the Qing Dynasty, theatrical buildings were called "bigtheatrical rooms". The building area is 685 square meters, and its architecturalform adopts a three volume hook and build fully enclosed structure. It is saidthat although the whole theater building is of brick and wood structure, it doesnot use an iron nail. In particular, it is worth mentioning the sound effect ofthe Grand Theater. In order to ensure the fidelity of the sound, several largetanks are placed under the stage. The ingenious and special structure increasesthe resonance reverberation space, so that the audience can clearly hear thesinging of the actors without any sound transmission tools at any position inthe theater. Once, after a famous singer came here to sing, he excitedly praisedthat the timbre effect of the grand theater building was better than that of theconcert hall.

In the peony courtyard, the location of the theater is general, but theinside is resplendent. On both sides of the stage, the two pillars, the fourwalls and the top are all painted with twigs and vines. The scene of greenleaves and purple flowers in full bloom makes people feel like watching theOpera under the vines. It is said that at that time, even Empress Dowager Cixiwas sitting in the courtyard. Prince Gong worried that he would be guilty ofoverstepping the system, so he painted a lot of vines on the roof, which meansthat this is the vines rack, not the lobby. Its very kind of him. There are 20large palace lanterns hanging on the top of the shed, and 20 eight immortalstables with Taishi chairs are placed in an orderly manner. The back walls of thetheater are light brown wooden lattice, with dark blue silk cloth as the bottomlining. On the south side of the hall is a stage about one meter high. Above thestage, there is a black plaque with gold characters, which is written with fourseal characters of "enjoy yourself". In the south, there is an actors dressingroom in the backstage and a stage in the front. In the north, there are placesfor VIPs and their wives to watch and rest. Yis birthday is in the late Octoberof the lunar calendar. When holding a birthday party, a fire is needed, so theGrand Theater is also called "warm building" by the government. In addition toacting, it was also the place where the wedding ceremony was held in PrinceGongs mansion. Every time the important figures in the mansion die, the theaterwill be full of couplets, buildings, cigarettes, long hanging, and monks andnuns in each temple will sprinkle sutras one after another to pass the dead.

In 1936, Pu Ru, the grandson of Prince Gong Yi? Who lived in the garden atthat time, celebrated his mother Mrs. Xiangs birthday and organized a hall playin the theater. At that time, famous actors in the Peking Opera circle gatheredin the Grand Theater and performed on the stage one after another. This is thelast meeting of Prince Gongs mansion. Now?



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恭王府由府邸和花园两部分组成,南北长约330米,东西宽180余米, 占地面积约61120平方米,其中府邸占地32260平方米,花园占地28860平方米。府邸不仅宽大,而且建筑也是最高规制。明显的标志是门脸和房屋数量。亲王府有门脸五间,正殿七间,后殿五间,后寝七间,左右有配殿。低于亲王等级的王公府邸决不能多于这些数字。房屋的形式、屋瓦的颜色也是不能逾制的。恭王府的中、东、西三路各有三个院落,其中每一路的后两个院子是人们要游览的主要区域。





俗呼银銮殿,恭王府最主要的建筑。作为王府的正殿, 只有逢重大事件、重要节日时方打开,起到礼仪的作用。民国初年,由于不慎失火,大殿连同东西配殿一并焚毁,现银安殿院落为复建。

和珅时期之建筑。悬挂有“嘉乐堂”匾额一方。该匾疑是乾隆帝赐给和珅的,但匾额无署款,无钤记,故无由证实,但和珅留有《嘉乐堂诗集》,说明是和珅之室名。在恭亲王时期,嘉乐堂主要作为王府的祭祀场所,内供有祖先、诸神等的牌位,以萨满教仪式为主。恭王府规模宏大,占地约6万平方米,分为府邸和花园两部分,拥有各式建筑群落30多处,布局讲究,气派非凡。其花园又名锦翠园,园内布局、设计具有较高的艺术水平。造园模仿皇宫内的宁寿宫。全园以“山”字型假山拱抱,东、南、西面均堆土累石为山,中路又以房山石堆砌洞壑,手法颇高。山顶平台,成为全园最高点。居高临下,可观全园景色。恭王府由于是在权臣和珅邸宅的基础上改建而成,和珅当年定罪的二十大罪状中就有关于内檐装修的“潜侈逾制”问题,如其中的第十三款“查得和珅房屋竟有楠木厅堂,其多宝格及隔断门窗解仿照宁寿宫制度”。因此恭王府的内 檐装修在王府文化中别具一格,其所表现的特点尤为突出:

一、 规格最高,可与宫殿建筑比美:


二、 数量较多,形式多样:


三、 界划灵活,空间丰富:


四、 做工精细,技巧高超:

从恭王府的装修遗留物件中可知皆使用硬木,用材异常讲究,加工的木料可以作出细小的截面,雕刻花纹起伏精确,而且使用圆形或曲线拼出各种华格,只有在精细的加工之基础上才能完成,施工难度之大,令人叹为观止。 遗憾的是恭王府的原有内檐装修,绝大部分已经无存,今天通过研究王府文化,要进一步将其发掘出来,结合今后的王府博物馆展示要求,再现当年辉煌。

乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海, 背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆褫夺了和珅军机大臣、九门提督两职,抄了其家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于清政府十五年的财政收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法。同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则如愿归“爱豪宅不爱江山”的胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。























由于恭王府有着《红楼梦》中所描绘的某些景物,因此 有人说恭王府花园是大观园的蓝本。但是,许多人又提出了不同的意见。恭王府到底是不是大观园的蓝本呢?这可能也是一个永远的秘密了。

恭王府的主人,是一等贵族,所以他的府邸不仅宽大,而且建筑也是最高格制。明显的标志是门脸和房屋数量。 亲王府有门脸5间正殿7间,后殿5间,后寝7间,左右有配殿。低于亲王等级的王公府邸决不能多于这些数字。





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