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Each came from friends hello:

You all the way hard, welcome everyone to tianzhu mountain tourism! Tianzhu mountain scenic spot for you the arrival of times add luster! I am from anhui province travel guide, my name is wang ping, a vertical three horizontal king, you can call me xiao wang or Wang Dao. The sitting next to us, is our driver Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang is an old driver, with many years of driving experience so you can feel free in his car! In todays tour, if you have any questions, can put forward to us, we will solve for you as soon as possible. Well, finally, I wish all have a nice trip to the tianzhu mountain in advance!

Now its early, first let me introduce the general situation of tianzhu mountain! Tianzhu mountain in the Yangtze river north shore, buried hill in anhui province, because of its high standing, such as giant column named giant. Tianzhu mountain in the past, and long live the buried hill, anhui mountain, hill said. Said, it is said, long live the mountain, is because of the emperor southern in anhui mountain set the yue, ChiFeng mountain of anhui province as the "le", in the yue, the crowd shouted long live, long live the so called the mountain mountain.

Car continuous driving bridge, we have entered nanshao - three ancestral temple of tianzhu mountain scenic area. Three ancestral temple scenic spot is humanities of tianzhu mountain scenic spot the most concentrated, high cultural taste of a cultural scenic spot. Here we will feel the tianzhu mountain mysterious religious culture and imperial culture, to have all previous dynasties calligraphy art gallery of national key units to be bump moya carved stone group.

South into the savage village near the upward to reach three ancestral temple. This is one of the most famous scenic spot of tianzhu mountain. According to legend, the temple was built in the southern dynasty, is now only the scripture-stored, between wing and stands before the temple tower of silence. Three ancestral temple west, there are stone debt-laden valley, the valley side upright, steep rock valley basin, shochiku canopy, called "valley" stream. The valley gate there is a cave, there is a rock, like cattle lies in front of the cave, called "stone cattle ancient hole". According to legend, huang tingjian northern song dynasty people had to sit on the stone reading, and the road flyover "valley". Here on a piece of stone engraved with huang tingjians poems and contemporary artist li kung-lin painted portraits of huang tingjian sit on the stone cattle. This precious ancient poetry and sharpening, is still clearly visible.

Few words said, lets start now. We went to the barbarian village scenic area soon! Wild village is short for "savage village". This mountain, how picturesque place named "savage village"? There are two moving legend: a long time ago, haunted by savage in this area, hurt people and livestock. At the time of a magistrate to sacrifice her, rescue people. He bring good wine good dishes, savage hole deep, the drink with savage, life people live to the mouth of the cave with cast iron water condensation, and savage mutually assured destruction. Secondly, in the southern song dynasty, the local rate of local tyrants liu hundreds of problems in the tianzhu mountain anti yuan. Since he, "liu ye", at the first village named "savage village". Liu yuan resistance before and after 18 years, finally betrayed by mole heroic sacrifice. Later generations to commemorate him, savage the name of the village official.

Now Ill give you one hour of time to rest, you can take pictures, please be sure to pay attention to safety, we see you after one hour! One hour of time really quick ah, dont know you have a good time or not! Ok, now we continue our tour! . Now we came to the square in front of the three ancestral temple. Lift eye looks, red walls daiwa temple buildings, surrounded by green trees and bamboo. The yamagata like a wings flying colourful feng, ji tower was built on the rockhopper, things on both sides of the rolling hills amidst lush farmlands are ring-fenced folded, like chicken wing escorted the solemn Buddha. As the saying goes: "far see bake temple, near the temple chu tomb at baoshan." Three ancestral temple, the full name of "the three face dry valley yuan of Buddha, is the method of zen three ancestral China, history of Buddhism in China occupies an important position. Released in 1983, the state council for approval of national open temple of han nationality regions.

Three ancestral temple buildings, along the phoenix mountain landform of frame made in turn from bottom to top. From the gate to the father of the house, all in a central axis. Incense of course should be the gate to enter. Three ancestral temple gate, also called three temple. Main entrance "prajnaparamita door", namely "the door of wisdom"; The east door of "liberation", to get rid of the bondage of worry karma and freedom, also known as the door of the "free"; The west door of "door", means to the filter net, in the process of practice to constant efforts, also known as the "gateway to make. Hanging frame, the buddhist association of the inscribed at the beginning of the "qian Buddha plaques.

Here, we todays visit to a paragraph, you can look around yourself, photograph, 1 hour after we set in front of three ancestral temple.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4833 字

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Located in the west park of the park, also called Luo Spring in ancienttimes, the BaoTu Spring has a long history of more than 3500 years, According tohistorical records, HuangongKing of the Lu State, met with King of the Qi Stateat Ouo in 694 BC. In the Northern Wei Dyansty, it was called Eying Springbecause of the Eying Temple by the spring. In the North Song Dynasty, Zeng Gong,a famous writer, wrote an article entitled records of two halls in Qiprefecture, in which the spring was formally called the baoTu spring. In theJinDynasty, a stele was erected by the spring, saying that the BaoTu Spring wasfirst among the 72 famous springs.

The two small pavilions Xi Quan and Ni Lan , built during the Song and MingDynasties, were restored to the right and left of the compound galleries inorder to display cultural relics.

Now you please look at the car window, the car is from Sani living sideafter the stockade.Tsaitsu said, it was necessary to brief you Yi housing.

Yungang Caves, one of China’s four most famous "Buddhist Caves Art TreasureHouses", is located about sixteen kilometers west of Datong, Shanxi Province.There exists 53 caves, most of which are made during the Northern Wei Dynastybetween 460 and 494 AD, and over 51, 000 stone sculptures. It extends onekilometer from east to west and can be fallen into three major groups.

Let`s start with milk tea,The host minces the tea and put it in a kettle toboil it .When the kettle starts boiling with a gurgling sound, the host poursthe fresh milk into it .Thus the herdsman coming in from a snowstorm will warmup immediately after having such a cup of milk tea. A bowl of milk tea,stir-fried rice ,several piece of a dry milk product and some lamb is regardedas a delicious meal by the ordinary Mongolian herdsman. Milk products includethe skin of boiled milk, milk curd, milk wine ,cheese ,butter and so on .Theformal meal may be served with meat and a flour-base product.

The first group (including Cave 1, Cave 2, Cave 3 and Cave 4) are at theeastern end separated from others. Cave 1 and Cave 2 have suffered from rigorsof time and the weather. Cave 3, an afterthought after the Northern Wei Dynasty,is the largest grotto among Yungang caves.

Tours normally begin from the second group ranging from Cave 5 to Cave13.Yungang art manifests its best in this group. Cave 5 contains a seated Buddhawith a height of 17 meters. In Cave 6, a 15-meter-high two storey pagoda pillarstands in the center of chamber and the life of the Buddha from birth to theattainment of nirvana is carved in the pagoda walls and the sides of the cave.The Bodhisattva was engraved in Cave 7. The rare seen Shiva Statue in Yungangwith eight arms and four heads and riding on a bull is illustrated in Cave 8.Cave 9 and Cave 10 are notable for front pillars and figures bearing musicalinstruments. Musicians playing instruments also appear in Cave 12. Cave 13 hasthe Buddha statue with a giant figurine supporting its right arm.

And after visiting these wonderful spots, we can have a rest, and maybesome of you want to have a bath in the hot spring. I suggest you do so, becausethe water here can cure disease which based on medical reasons.

The rest caves belong to the third group. Cave 14 has eroded severely. Cave15 is named as the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddha. The caves numbered 16 to Cave 20are the oldest complex and each one symbolizes an emperor from the Northern WeiDynasty and the subject of "Emperor is the Buddha" is embodied. The caves fromNo. 21 onward are built in the later times and can not compare to their betterpreserved counterparts.

The shrine is constructed cling to mountains and has front and back twoparts. Now we play a small game: count the stone steps, later I’ll tell you asecret. How many steps there are? Yes, 51 steps! So when Han Yu came toChaozhou, he was 51-year old. When Han Yu was to Chaozhou, he was impressed bythe beautiful scenery and hospitality of local people. You see that tree? Beforeit was an oak tree there, which was planted by Han Yu himself. People say moreflowers in the oak tree, more well-educated students are. But in Qing Dynasty,this magic oak tree died, so people planted this tree instead.

The Dripping Water Cave, about 3 km northwest of the village, is a verypopular destination, possibly because of the fact that Mao allegedly spent 11days here in the early days of the Cultural Revolution Years (1966-76),contemplating the unknown.

South leaves east the fontanel courtyard to fold namely for the daystreet.Day street, space downtown, rich poetic sentiment place.Travels to the Eastalong the day street, center north has a workplace, on the inscribed horizontaltablet the topic has " LooksWu Shengji " This is hands down Kong Zi and Yan Yuansees WuGuochang outside the gate a white horses place. North the work placehasthe Kong Zi temple.



范文类型:工作总结,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1567 字

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看着窗外的雪花飘啊飘,今年的导游工作算是告一段落,劳累了一年的导游们终于能好好的休息休息,睡个懒觉 呵呵

今年可以说是我丰收的一年,以往的我都是坐在计调的位置操纵团队,安排客人吃住行游购娱。但是今年我可以冲到旅游工作的第一线去,去给客人介绍我们祖国的山山水水、介绍我们大连这座城市的春夏秋冬。介绍我们的大海、介绍我们的广场 介绍我们的文化、介绍我们大连的每一个角落。这就是我今年的第一个收获——我的国导证、正因为有了证我得意实现我的人生梦想,去完成我的人生使命。


在有限的时间里尽量多的为游客多做介绍、多做讲解、多服务、多微笑是我做导游的宗旨。我相信只有真情的讲解、周到的服务、微笑待人、游客才会玩的开心,作为一名大连导游员我代表的不仅是我自己、不仅是我的旅行社,我代表的是我们这座城市,大连是一座海滨城市有着数不清的奇景异观。这么漂亮的城市不能因为导游的服务差而让游客对其有反感 。

当我每走进一个旅行社的同时,每次递交一份简历上面都会清楚的写着我是一名只会讲解只会服务不会赚钱的导游。可能作为我的同行业来说不会赚钱的导游不是好导游,但是只会赚钱不会服务的导游更不是好导游。但是尽管这样仍然会找到好的旅行社,因为聪明的 老总都知道只要服务跟上去不愁没钱赚,现在的游客不差钱就看你怎么为他服务?作为一个海边城市的导游、作为我们八零年代的尾巴,我们的服务不仅仅停留在只会讲解几句导游词那么简单!要学会无微不至,游客的每一个动作、游客的每一个眼神、你都要了解他想需求什么?这才是一名懂得游客心理的好导游、这才算是好导游。

面对今年的第二个收获就是我有幸参加辽宁省举办的导游大赛,感受了赛场的争锋对决也让我见识了我省其他地区导游员的水平,一句话“人外有人天外有天”我承认我的没有发挥好只因为我还不够努力,尽管我像考导游证那样三更午夜的看题,但是只要在努力一些 在努力一些我也许就不会错两道题 ,也许就是全场的最高分。郭老师说一句话令我印象深刻“一身的武功让一道题给废了”。我很服气但是我不甘心我等待着下一次的对决,但是对于我刚出茅庐的孩子能够参加比赛我已经知足。能站在省里的比赛场上也是一种磨砺,是金子总会发光的我等待着那一天、

今年的第三大收获就是,我接待了一个又一个的团队,分享游客的酸甜苦辣,为他们排忧解难,把不愉快留给我。把快乐带回家,没有发生误船误机事故,完成了“快乐而来 满意而归”的宗旨,因为平安、开心、快乐、比什么都重要!

XX年是我的幸运年我考上了梦寐以求的导游证。但是XX年对我来说是一个全新的开始,我的目标是进入大连中国旅行社,踏踏实实从导游做起认认真真的为游客服务用我的真心换取他们的笑容呵呵。同时我在这里也向所有的大连导游发起倡议“做一个名干干净净的导游、不赚黑心钱、不强迫购物、不强迫游客消费、不在宣传中有虚假信息 ”。

让每一个来到大连旅游的人不仅看到、认识、了解这座城市的美景,更能够因为我们的介绍从而爱上这座城市。让他们的记忆中永远都有那片蓝色的大海,永远都有导游那张灿烂的笑容。作为的导游我很愿意引用赵本山老师的一句话“生产快乐 快乐生产”游客出来玩就是出来寻求放松、寻求快乐的。我们呢?就是制造快乐的机器把所有不快乐的因素在我们这里都转化为快乐 、快乐 、快乐、




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1344 字

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Everybody is good! I am a youth hostel Robert zou, you can call me small fang, but not the small fang in the village. Welcome to the world heritage of "lijiang ancient city".

Dear visitors, we have been in the beautiful ancient city, in front of the ancient city, you will see two large wind turbines turn happily in the water, the water inside will be measured, so please be careful. The windmill represents the symbol of the ancient city of. Here, let me introduce the lijiang ancient city, lijiang ancient city, 2400 meters above sea level, is the center of the lijiang naxi autonomous county, city, city formed in the late southern song dynasty, has a history of eight hundred years, the area of 3. 8 square kilometers, has about 30000 inhabitants, was listed as a world heritage site in 1997.

Is the center of the city square street, the ground is paved with multicolored, step will be clicked, no two sifang street inn central design is the same, you can also visit. Said so much, I still take you to a creek, everyone to see! This stream is put river lanterns. Put river lamp is a kind of old custom, it is said that every night dragon king to tour city, put a river light! However, please do not litter.

The tourists, lijiang ancient city is filled with the beauty of the people linger, said also said not, I hope you come again next time.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3330 字

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Ladies and gentlemen:

Hi, everybody. Now I take you to visit the world famous buddhist art treasure house, dunhuang mogao grottoes. The mogao grottoes from 25 km southeast of dunhuang city, I use this time, just the mogao grottoes do a simple introduction first.

The mogao grottoes in dunhuang and luoyang longmen grottoes, the datong yungang grottoes and called Chinas three major grottoes. The mogao grottoes of digging than 128 years before the longmen grottoes, yungang grottoes as early as 94. The mogao grottoes in it to create s. Construction scale, the large number of murals and statues of modelling, the intact, is famous for its extensive and profound world of its artistic value, enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad. Visitors a year come, an endless stream, to promote cultural exchanges, communication theory, carry forward the national art, patriotism education played a decisive role. The mogao grottoes mural art was not longmen, yungang grottoes, is unmatched by any cave temples all over the world, it is the essence of art of the mogao grottoes. If the 45000 square meters of murals every link will be up to 25 kilometers, want to put these murals which side of the road, can constitute a from downtown to the mogao grottoes of a long gallery. Its epic scale, the subject of extensive, exquisite art, by Japanese scholars call it "a big gallery"; French scholars call it "the library" on the wall; As a scholar sigh with emotion after seeing the mogao grottoes of say: "saw the greatest grottoes is to see the ancient civilizations of the world".

A high wat, commonly known as the thousand-buddha grottoes, the digital "thousand" here refers to the number of specific, but refers to a lot of, because there are many buddhist grotto statues, murals, so commonly known as the "thousand-buddha grottoes". The mogao grottoes the name first appeared in the sui dynasty grotto cave no. 423 words, the origin of its name, unable to agree, generally there are three: first, the mean high fe wat named digging in the high places of the desert, "desert" in the ancient Chinese "desert" and "the mogao grottoes" is "mo" tongjia characters; Said the other is from published documents and unearthed many literature in the tang dynasty, tang dynasty dunhuang XianJing sand states there are "desert mountains", "desert observed," said, according to this research, the singing in the sui and tang dynasties, also known as desert mountains, so will cave in township, near name; A third is that in Sanskrit "moga" voice of means of relief, "moga" is Sanskrit transliteration.

Because dunhuang since jun, is a place where many ethnic han Chinese and gathered mixed and intersection here, the fusion of the national culture; Dunhuang is west out of the western regions, east into the central plains choke points, since ancient times, people believe in Buddhism, where the officer to collectors, nobility, transformation, and poor people out of the silver to open wat, sculpture, painting as a home to make offerings to the Buddha and bodhisattvas; And from the silk road merchants, angel, monks, etc in order to thank you on his peace processes the taklamakan desert, or take the bliss, into the investment of the kingdom of heaven after death. So on the singing of the cliffs, grottoes constantly emerging, big and small.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1273 字

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各位团友, 我们现在来到了南京紫金山的第二峰, 小茅山的南麓, 这里就是伟大的中国民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓所在地—中山陵.

中山陵的墓址是孙中山先生生前所选定的. 1920xx年3月孙先生临终前, 他又嘱咐左右“吾死之后, 可葬于南京紫金山麓, 因南京为临时政府成立之地, 所以不忘辛亥革命也. ”

吕彦直所设计的中山陵, 平面为一“木铎”形, 形状如钟, 象征着中山先生精神如响亮钟声, 无远弗达, 这种设计也最符合先生遗嘱中“唤起民众”之意. 被“葬事筹备处”认为“简朴坚实且完全根据中国古代建筑精神”, 从而获“一致决定采用”, 陵墓在孙中山先生逝世一周年之际奠基, 1920xx年6月1日开工, 1920xx年春天完工.

Each group, we now come to the second peak of nanjing purple mountain, small maoshan foothill, here is the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution sun yat-sens tomb is located - sun yat-sens mausoleum.

Of sun yat-sens mausoleum burial site was selected. Sun yat-sen alive in March 1925, Mr. Sun. Dying, he asked about "after my death, can be buried in nanjing zijin foothills, for nanjing interim government was established, so dont forget the xinhai revolution."

Lv Yanzhi designed by sun yat-sens mausoleum, flat as a "MuDuo" form, shape such as clock, a symbol of the sun spirit, such as a loud bell, no far, this design is the most accord with "arouse people" meaning. In Mr Will be "buried in Shanghai" think "simple solid and completely according to the spirit of ancient Chinese architecture", to "unanimously decided to adopt", mausoleum first anniversary of the death of sun yat-sen founded on June 1, 1926, was completed in the spring of 1929.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9371 字

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Dear visitors: hello! Welcome to the south of the lower reaches of the yangze river city - wuxi!

Xu take you go today is a special water line - the ancient canal. Hope you pay attention to safety, dont fall into the water, otherwise, we noon a dish - "drowned rat" oh:)

Wuxi belonging to the beijing-hangzhou grand canal jiangnan ancient canal section, its by wuxi northwest five flows, wear and the city, to flow at wuxi, total length of 40.8 km. Because the ancient water transport as the main mode of transportation, the boat here is like a boat, so called "golden waterway", it is also the most main wuxi is one of the river.

At this point you have to put the beijing-hangzhou grand canal to introduce: there are four dragons in China, the Yangtze river, Yellow River and the beijing-hangzhou grand canal and the Great Wall. Is given by the nature of the two, the latter two are artificial creation miracle. The beijing-hangzhou grand canal is the longest artificial canal all over the world, the total length of 1794 km, north Beijing tong county, south to hangzhou, through Beijing, tianjin, hebei, shandong, jiangsu and zhejiang provinces. Among them, it is said that the excavation is the earliest a berth to blaspheme river, wu taber led locals excavation is 3200 years ago. 2500 years ago, the prince fu in order to cut qi and excavation Han ditch, 1400 years ago, the emperor yangdi digging the jiangnan canal, in 1292 AD, the back has completed all the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, at this point, for our countrys ancient transport is a lifeline.

The wuxi section of the canal is a best so far retained intact. Today nearly 1 km of water alley south temple area had many artists and archaeologists are sent a heartfelt admiration. Because there is no water in other parts of the ancient canal is basically the history of the scenery, but also retain the small bridge, flowing water, somebody else here and many historical sites.

Ok, now our ship came to a piece of the wide water, in the three rivers converge here, was originally a lake, called "lotus lake", also called "wuxi lake", the ancient lake has 15300 acres, which is now about a third of the taihu lake, in wuxi, jiangyin, three XianJing wujin. As human reclamation and natural silted up, after the lake area is smaller and smaller, to the late qing dynasty is just a small lake, but there still left many monuments, including the port pier and huang rong lake in front of the village.

Surface high overhead on a bridge, known as "bridge", there is no bridge, original during the Ming and qing dynasties is the water transport center here, next to the ferry, crossing, but in all people often fell down, so the businessman, called Wu Zijing, out of the 27000 two silver, imitation of Shanghai Bai Duqiao and built a copper iron bridge, people in order to commemorate him, put the bridge named "wu". Wu Zijing, anhui people, stagnation, xuantong qing has embroidery factory in wuxi, Shanghai is open, so he every year to wuxi, died after Shanghai, but his contribution to the wuxi is played, the bridge rebuilt until 1965, when only dismantled the iron beam, called "jiefang", but in 1982, formerly known as again, now the bridge is rebuilt in 1993, won the ministry of construction is "luban prize". Actually near here besides wuqiao, there are three mile bridge and bridge with lotus-paste, name three, bridge has four! Because the three mile bridge has two!

Beside the island surrounded by water, is the mouth during the warring states period left at ChuGuoChun shen jun huang2 xie governance lotus lake site - yellow port pier. Wuxi people compared the ancient canal to a dragon, it is bibcock, it is said that it will be as the water rises up, impinges down! Its also known as jinshan, area of only 220 square meters, but have two emperors in history, the three prime minister, a sky came to this place. During the warring states period in the spring shen jun in the east, in the governance of lotus lake, water conservancy, and yellow port pier is also named after him. Another prime minister Li Shen is wuxi, the famous "farmer" Benjamin is his creation, "behold dishes, each all pain" in his poetry has to sing praise for the people.

Another is the prime minister of the southern song dynasty, wen tianxiang, when he was sent to yuan barracks in negotiations, and sent by the Lord to sell, yuan army detention, escorted wen tianxiang back to mostly through wuxi, he held on the pier, on both sides of the common people kneel cry tears send, wen tianxiang also made "wuxi" a poem; A sky is harry in the Ming dynasty, he also wrote on his yellow port pier "play in the mountain water first floor" plaques. Two under the emperors six jiangnan kangxi and qianlong. Qianlong also imitation in the south lake of the Summer Palace, a "phoenix pier", but is not now, he also wrote the "two water back to encircle a continent, not only on boats" verse. Because of its magic, so wuxi people think it is "day off".

The market here is the famous three mile bridge, three mile bridge, there are two bridge, a bridge in wuqiao new three mile below, one is in the left hand side of old bridge, so the three of the four Bridges. It is said that from the old bridge to the old north gate just three mile name. Wuxi is the hometown of fish and rice, water transportation is convenient, wuhu, anhui, jiangxi and hunan changsha jiujiang said "Chinas four big market", and wuxi in its first. Keeping original wuxi market eight, three mile bridge is the busiest of the most lively, but now has been gradually replaced by new village, in those days many grain, lively grain retailer has ceased to exist, but three mile bridge market is a sum of wuxis history. "FuRongLou" beside this there are beautiful in that year, it is not only tea and eat breakfast place, also is grain retailer, merchants who talk about the place of business, can say is "food trading center" of the year.

In front of the big island under the bridge there is a tall, wuxi is called "jiang pointed in zhu", the ancient canal here is divided into two streams: first-class eastward, a flow to the south, and the beam river intersection. Liang Xi is wuxi nickname, because of the eastern han dynasty Liang Hong to celebrities and his wife named meng had in wuxi iron mountain seclusion. This pointed in zhu jiang had piled up a lot of POTS and pans and VAT, pile was tall and pointed, so named "cylinder tip", wuxi words "river" and "VAT" in Chinese. The pottery shop of Trinidad and Tobago, and into the river or ferry, or across the street, lane, so there is the saying of "around on pointed in zhu jiang". Ancient on July 30, the people here will be placed in the water tower lamp, in honor of one of uprising leader prince gathering at the end of the yuan. But now I dont have this custom, the island also transformed into a free of the park.

The west gate of the river-crossing pointed nagisa is near to wuxi. The bridge on the canal is called "renmin bridge". A listen to is revolutionary, but it is said that this is wuxi has the earliest historical records of the bridge. Under the original ancient street, is in front of the street, followed by the river, all with shade out rain connects the arbor, so the name "shelter under street". Originally is the granary of the wuxi oh here, but now is already beautiful five love home village.

Nearby street, called "lane", originally called "lime lane" actually, because inside the lane were piled with lime and name, but not the name, to do with partial tone change "lane". Here is original, with, very lively.

Appeared in front of a small island, called "west water block". Here is the wuxi "floor", and "day off" yellow port pier mutual echo. Originally is five Qin Jin ministers villa is located in the Ming dynasty, so called "Pacific pier". Later Ming dynasty wuxi magistrate of a county Liu Wuwei for private good, wash the grievance, water conservancy, and to control floods went bankrupt and was suffering time, wuxi to thank him, and in the build temple worship, named him "narcissus", so called "western" water block. Has now been transformed into jiangxin park and the museum. There is also a stage, the above points inside and outside, the outside is to see fishermen people acting, there is show "narcissus master".

Near the pier has a lounge Bridges are connected to the side of the flour factory name. So we have covered the wuxi early. Next to the mau new flour factory pioneered the national industry and commerce wonderful people founded in 1900, originally named "bao xing flour mills. Here the production of warships brand flour was famous in the country. My grandfather was the workers in the factory. Here is the birthplace of Chinas national industry and commerce of a microcosm. Although there has been discontinued, but has built the city museum of the national industry and commerce, records the development of Chinas national industry and commerce, is well worth a look.

To the other side of the river is xue fuchengs former residence. Times.he is the ambassador to Europe countries in the late qing dynasty, at the same time, he is also one of the founders of the national industrial and commercial development, his son Xue Na styles is wuxi first chamber of commerce. His house covers an area of big, "xue half city" in wuxi. Wuxi city government have to repair the house now.



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Dear friends, my friends, everybody is good, very welcome to the three gorges dam, I am the guide from everyone, my name is pan, you just call me pan.

First of all, lets say our three gorges project.

The three gorges project is a Chinese civil break of wisdom and sweat to create great project. It built around the lift force of the world, with is that the presence of each elder, you all made for its contribution, it is our pride!

Then we will go to the best of the three gorges dam observation - TanZiLing observation deck. When you go up to pay attention to safety. Standing on the TanZiLing, pinglan overlook, high pinghu is just around the corner. Standing in the three gorges dam, such as the dragon hengjiang, connected to the mountains and the coast, very spectacular.

Because of the three gorges reservoir is a canyon river reservoir, the dam lake not ten separate kuo. Standing on the TanZiLing can see the lake to disappear within a few kilometers away to the canyon, is far from province Yang, dongting immense and magnificent. But it is hidden breathtaking grandeur, because our eyes that wang river in Ming is human conquest of the worlds third largest river, is the dream of ones community in one hundred. I believe that everyone present a predecessor can probably read this kind of beauty, because it belongs to the Chinese community in big grandeur, it is rise of the Chinese community in the great symbol of a new era.

Ok, I will be over, the interpretation of the next we can visit freely, the three gorges, we 11 exhibition GuanMen collection, thank you.



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

Im the tour guide of  tour group. You can call me Xiao Zhao. I will leadyou to a beautiful and spectacular Huashan.

Huashan Mountain is one of the most famous five mountains in China, with analtitude of 2154.9 meters. It is located in Huayang City, Weinan City, 120kilometers east of Xian, Shaanxi Province. It is adjacent to the smooth WeiheRiver Plain and the roaring Yellow River in the north, and Qinling Mountains inthe south. It is a granite on the north side of Qinling ridge. With the changeof nature, Huashan is a national scenic spot.

"Everybody, catch up with the team. Huashan Xiang is famous for itsprecipitousness and precipitousness, ranking first among the five mountains. Asthe saying goes, "Huashan has been a road since ancient times.". Along the way,you must pass through qianchizhuang, baichixia, Laojun plough, Shangtianti,canglongling and other extremely dangerous thoroughfares.

Look at this. This is Pinus armandii. Pinus armandii has yellow male coneswith several oval spatulate scales around the base Resin can be extracted fromtrunk, tannin extract can be extracted from bark, aromatic oil can be extractedfrom needles, and oil can be extracted from seeds.

I hope you can have a good day! Next time Ill travel with you!



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The Great Mosque at Huajue Lane

The Mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 Moslems in Xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the Provincial People’s Government. Unlike the Arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the Mosque here in Xi’an possesses much Chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to Islamic mosques, this Mosque also holds characteristics of Chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

However, any further discussion about the Mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of Islam into China is brought up.

Islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century A.D. and was introduced to China in the mid-600s. At that time, Arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of China by way of Persia and Afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with China. In the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through Bangladesh Bay and the Malacca Strait to China’s Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Huangzhou, Yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became Moslems.

However, massive immigration of the Moslems to China did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when Genghis Khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, including the north of Iran. Many of the Moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in China.

Among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the Hui people in the history books on the Yuan dynasty. The Hui people later followed Kublai Khan down to the south, helping him unifying China and then establish the Yuan dynasty. In the wake of the conquest, Islam spread all over China and mosques began to appear everywhere. In the Yuan dynasty, many Moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. And a lot of the Moslems took part in Zhu Yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, all the emperors of the Dynasty issued mandates to protect Islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the Moslems for their feats. In the early 16th century, Islam predominated Qinghai on the minority nationalities including the Huis, the Uygurs, the Kazaks, the Kirgizes, the Tajiks, the Tartars, the Ozbeks, the Dong Xiangs, the Salars and the Bonans. The Moslems in Xi’an are mainly the Huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in China.




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Not far from my friends, you thousand, or even thousands of miles, herewill have to take a look at the beauty of huangshan? Just want to feel a happylife? Yes, huangshan is beautiful beautiful, can be said that day, the mountain,to step into it, see it, is really a pleasure in life. Long long ago, in thelong geological history, the infinite power of nature, to shape the elegance ofthe beautiful huangshan and all sorts of strange landscape, dumping,ecstatic.

Must watch in huangshan is the four unique of huangshan, speaking ofhuangshan mountain "four unique", in the first when pines. Pinus Chinese Taiwanensis, inwhat place? First is, in its very tenacious vitality, yellow pine comes from thehard Huang Gang rock steadily. Huangshan pine growing everywhere, they peak,long long cliffs, long in deep valleys lives, lush, full of vitality, can saynot strange? Second, pinus Chinese Taiwanensis in its unique natural modelling also. Theneedles of pinus Chinese Taiwanensis short dense thick green, green, branches QuSheng,canopy flat, show a kind of simple, robust and vigorous momentum, pine tree andevery place, every trees, on the appearance, enshrouded, artistically, applywhat is different, all have a strange beauty.

Followed by the peak, can be seen everywhere in huangshan strange formstrange rocks, these strange looking differ in thousands ways, some like, somelike things, some some reflects some of the myths and legends and historicalstories, lifelike, vivid and interesting. Some of these rocks have a plenty of amonster, kit kat and exquisite; Some independent into a scene, some severalcombination or with pine combined together into a scene. Also some peak becauseviewing position and Angle changed, looking also had the change, became a stonetwo scene.

Is the sea of clouds. Although other famous mountains in China also can seethe sea of clouds, but no one can be comparable to huangshan sea of clouds asspectacular and infinite change. About it is for this reason, huangshan mountainhas another name, called "yellow sea". This is not a vain, there is a history toprove it. Ming dynasty renowned one local Chronicles, called Pan Zhiheng, livedin huangshan for decades, wrote a 60 volumes tome, huangshan mountain, called it"the yellow sea. Some of huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many landscapenamed, is associated with this special "sea", if some landscape view in the seaof clouds, will appear more real, more lasting appeal. These are all proved thatthe name "yellow sea" is worthy of the name.

Finally, the introduction of hot springs. We often speak of the hot springand visit is a former mountain huangshan hot spring hotel, also called essencein ancient times, from the stone mountain purple gushed out. Use it is namedafter the hot spring scenic area, south into the huangshan scenic area after thefirst arrived. Hot spring water, water is warm all the year round in 42 degrees,good water quality, and contains minerals beneficial to human body, has thecertain medical value, for skin diseases, rheumatism and digestive systemdisease, have certain curative effect. But only bath, cant drink; Cloud says itcan drink, it is unscientific.

In fact, the huangshan hot spring more than one place. In huangshan northslope of mountainous peaks, there is a hot spring, called GuAn, called tinsprings. Its hot springs hotel with shannan horizontal distance of 7.5kilometers, the elevation is close, the north-south symmetry, echo each other ata distance. It is strange enough. But because it is located in the remote is notthe development and utilization.

Dear friends, todays visit was over. Welcome you and your friends to visithuangshan again. Thank you very much!



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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to a bead sea tour, I am your guide DAVID.

Each visitor, hello, everyone, today my taking the tourist spot that everyone sight-sees is a sea spring gulf, arrive at bead sea, you can not go to romantic Chinese top-class ocean hot springs of romantic feeling and spend a holiday the city-sea spring gulf.

【The sea spring gulf spends a holiday city general situation 】

The sea spring gulf spends a holiday city to locate at to cover area 4.2 square kilometers in the bead gold gulf area in sea City, more than 50 kilometers apart from the city center, the plan invests 3,500,000,000 dollars, the Qing dint creates domestic top-class, the world is top-grade super large comprehensive sex tour spend a holiday city.The sea spring gulf spends a holiday a city head the period develop 1 square kilometer, it from mysterious island, ocean hot springs, spend a holiday a hotel, the dreamlike theater, medical check-up center and athletics exercise club to constitute.Is a trip to develop rich brocade China in Shenzhen after the success in Hong Kong, folk cultural village empress of another masterpiece.

Today our main route of travel BE, going first playing of mysterious island, mysterious island magic but movement the item will certainly let your intense emotion four shoot, the Hao feeling is full of, Chinese food after experience personally to possess south china sea and the natural ocean hot springs of first spring good reputation, let you to the utmost enjoy the romantic romantic feeling of ocean hot springs culture.Arrive sea spring after using up the dinner in Fisherman Warf the gulf spend a holiday the dream that the dreamlike theater of city watches a large song and dance evening party-the seaside, we will stay very sea spring gulf of enriching romantic feeling in Mediterranean to spend a holiday a hotel in the evening, hope that everyone can spend in the sea spring gulf wonderful but a day of romance.

【Mysterious peculiar mysterious island 】

The mysterious island is the topic paradise that the sea spring spends a holiday city and has personality and magic power most , it according to the coast line of natural daintiness, naturally natural lake noodles, skillfully play the high technology that the variety fascinatingly stimulate the equipments mutually blends with the whole building that spend a holiday style in city Mediterranean and constituted intense emotion four overflow of mysterious island area, wildly enthusiastic lucky big way area, the risky bush area of breathtaking incitement, mysterious strange and changeful pirate fortress area, the lake area of mermaid of dreamlike nursery tale sort and expand training camp and wait the structure and form of five the areas one camps.In the mysterious island, if you experience personally the best China and Asia possess fively play facilities, the first Asia situation full of peril, the first Asia E type chariot, the first in China flees for life a ship crazily, the first in China plays shoot type mine ride, China first set perpendicular extreme limit, so you will definitely acquire and unprecedentedly play and enjoy.

Mysterious island entrance

Is a mysterious island entrance here, gorgeous riotous of the small scaled tower building of color and thou the color thou joss-stick, the dockyard shape reappeared the living scene of soil Zhao residents of Caribbean.Get into view area, we will see lucky square and one by one in order spread to open of be full of various an exotic mood handicraft product store and eating place, people while choosing their own adoring merchandises, feel like walked to go into the mysterious world that a time and space converts.

Lucky big way area

Immediately after we step on a lucky big way, here of interact theater, listen to sound room etc. play item, will make you have a marvellous felling.Especially be you into to listen to sound room, the wood joss-stick of the Fang Xin makes you infatuate with, you will can not control feelings here of shut eyes, feel the sound of marvellous sounds of nature quietly.

Risky bush area

Arrive at risky bush area, it will make you make you feel an alternative incitement and experience.No matter is soon the mine ride that the extreme limit flies, still an extremely breathtaking situation full of peril, all full of biggest of challenge.

The world is the latest, the first China situation full of peril is like a big bird crane to sign by the side of the ocean and lets you has eager to have a try impulse.When you meticulously sit the first in China to play a shoot type mine ride, in a flash, it hurtles the high set of 34 meters by the speed of 91 kilometer per hours, at the time that you hadnt yet recovered from a fright, it camed to a perpendicular 360 degrees wreath again to turn, after wreath turns, the mine ride followed to tilt to one side orbit to turn round 270 degrees, through twice lose heavy, rushed at terminal point by camel hump circuit.

Because the orbit approaches a ground intentionally, the passengers speed feeling and shocking feeling is stronger, make the ambulation speed that the visitor feels faster than actual speed, short short 85, let you feel unprecedented incitement.

Here of mysterious theater, play India romantic feeling ballet every evening-happiness fairy, gorgeous consummate India dance, bring everyone of will be easy and happiness.

Mysterious island area

Step on a mysterious island, high towering sign at the mysterious island of the sea spring absolute being tower and perpendicular extreme limit of the center, the Zhe public is cold.Whenever the cope of night condescends to come, in the reflecting of blue light under the Chen, the sea spring absolute being tower is getting more magnificent, mysterious magnificent.If you didnt experience personally the extreme incitement of once perpendicular extreme limit and equaled dont come to mysterious island.

The Chinas first set has the perpendicular extreme limit biggest acceleration of dual function to reach to 72.4 meters per hour, Gao Tai Rang who rise 60 meters feels at the same time that losing is heavy and the incitement of excess.Suddenly the body is perpendicular get down, let you brains blank, moment the experience throw but the whole annoyance, thoroughly clean depressive extreme pleasant sensation, enjoy extreme limit madness.

Pirate fortress area

Get into pirate fortress area, the mysterious peculiar feeling then rushes toward noodles since then.One E type chariot is most well worth playing and flees for life a ship crazily here.If that kind of fall to a precipice, the felling of extremely breathtaking incitement, only scream then acclaim can smooth.

The lake area of mermaid

Arriving at the lake area of mermaid is a peculiar water world here.The ocean cartoon of color and amiability that is riotous is the topic of the lake area of mermaid.It is the childrens nursery tale Kingdom.Here, the visitors who take a kid can let your darling child play frog jump and turn a horse, peculiar eddy etc. plays item.

Expand training camp

The mysterious island still has sea spring gulf to expand training camp.It is the topic type that China founds to expand training camp and make the importance of sea spring gulf constitute part.It integrated a hot springs, hotel, resourceses like Fisherman Warf,etc, created the new mode that comprehensive sex experience trains.Its air break bridge, the air concusses bridge, air only wooden bridge, the trust back falls off, rock climb wall, graduate wall etc. enriches of the training item is that you throw but vex and release the ideal choice of pressure.

【The romantic romantic feeling of ocean hot springs 】

The ocean hot springs covers more than 40,000 square meters, the head expects to always invest Y 170,000,000.Ocean hot springs is make use of 83 degrees of rich contain a variety to be advantageous to a human body of mineral of health and the bottom of sea hot springs of the trace element water with meticulous care create of take a bath recreational district.Our country famous medical mineral spring experts professor Chen Yan Bing calls it as south china sea and first spring.According to taking a bath way and design method, ocean hot springs taking a bath to construct is full of the foreign country romantic feeling of romantic sentimental appeal.

The ocean hot springs is managed by three greatest sections, the hot springs department collects world-wide locations hot springs cultural essence;There is luxurious comfortable rest hall in the health care department, the facilities forerunners spa hydrotherapy, various health care massages, the Chinese medicine nurse and treat and only enjoy sovereign luxurious suite etc. of dignifying the personal space.There are Chinese and western restaurants in the dining department, with produce the Chinese and Foreign delicacies of healthy health for lord.

The hot springs department is mainly amused area by the Lan sea area, Europe breeze area, eastern area, outdoor hot springs area and bathing to constitute.

Lan sea area

The spa hydrotherapy facilities of the area adoptions forerunner, the falling of x-rated stairs and 2.5 meters are bad, constituted the special structure and form that three springs fold sea.The jet here type water power massages a public baths, the strong dint sprays water afloat public baths, hurtle to shoot water power massage a public baths etc. meeting will you whole body of exhausted get rid of almost exhausted.



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Bozhou City in North China border, the southern tip of the Huanghuai Plains. Jin Jianghuai South, the North hope the Yellow River, is the state-level historical and cultural city, Chinas outstanding tourist city and opening up city.

Bozhou City area of 8522.58 square kilometers, exempted Guoyang, Mengcheng, Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, the citys total population of 5.34 million people.

. May 2019, the State Council approved a level Bozhou City, exempted Guoyang, Mengcheng, Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, land area of 8522.58 square kilometers, accounting for the provinces total area of 6.08 percent; farmland 60. 190,000 hectares. The citys population of 5.3002 million, of which 82,000 ethnic minority people. Bozhou across longitude 115 ° 53 ~ 116 ° 49, latitude 32 ° 51 ~ 35 ° 05, about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitat jurisdiction and the Yellow River burst connected to a fan-shaped, lying flat, with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan, double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distribution throughout the Northwest Bozhou topography, natural ground to l/9000 Micro-dumping gradient to the southeast. Because of the river winding past the Yellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impact form of plain Kong, Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, the topography of ups and downs, a "Ohira small injustice," the geomorphological features. Temperate climate in the citys southern edge, a semi-Wenrun temperate climate, there are obviously transitional characteristics, the average temperature 14.7 ℃,

the average duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, an average of 216 days frost-free period, an average of 822 mm of precipitation. Area rivers are the Huaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the main trunk stream, Fei River West River, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and so on.

Bozhou City, a major mineral resources of coal, quartz stone, limestone, dolomite, clay and animal resources are foxes, badgers, Huang You, woodpeckers, owls, Lusi, Li Huang, a snake, scorpion, frog, carp, crucian carp, mandarinfish, eel, eels , Shrimp, aquatic plants are lotus root, turbot, wild rice stem, Gorgon Fruit, Reed, Po, a Chinese herbal medicines peony, chrysanthemum, Sangpi, pollen, bellflower, such as more than 400 species of honeysuckle. Specialties are Furui Gong wine, TGP, paulownia, Mansudae Yaozhen, paper-cut. Cheng Tang tomb relics have, Hua Um, spent Xilou, the ancient underpass, ethics in the Palace, Sang Lin, Cao Cao Temple, Cao Pi Temple, spent the Chinese Taiwan chapter.

Bozhou has a long history and a long history and ancient culture of the Chinese nation is the birthplace of one. On the old days, "Bo" and an ancient Yuzhou, Cheng Tang诸侯for when living in this. "Millimetres" Writing was "thin." "History Geography" Note: "millimetres with the thin." "Historical Records" set: "Since the lease to move eight Cheng Tang, Tang before the Habitat millimetres." Has on several occasions to move the capital by the people will have the soup and collectively referred to as "Bo", including South millimetres (now the south of Shangqiu in Henan Province, north of Bozhou in Anhui), North millimetres (Shandong Caoxian this area), West millimetres (this area in Henan Yanshi ). Now the Bozhou, it millimetres of South Metro. Zhou Dynasty, said here "coke." Qin unified China, the county system, Qiao home in this county, under the Dangshan County. Qinmo Sheng Chen, WU Guang-Ze in the rural uprising, because from time to the north of the Pengcheng, to occupy Qiao County. Western Han Dynasty, Yu Qiao County under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Zhouci Shi Peijun. Eastern Han Dynasty, Peijun to Peiguo. Jianan the end, out of a home Peiguo Qiao County, Cao Cao Qiao County to the vicinity of the base, the military and economic expansion on its own strength. Qiao Cao Cao in the county, such as implementation of Cultivation, vigorously carry out "Juntun," "Man Tuen," Qiao county region to promote the development of agricultural production and the growth of economic strength.

Wong Wei Wendi early 2019 (22 l), Qiao was called "Capital", and Xuchang, Changan, Luoyang, and ye are called 5. Zhengshi four years the Northern Wei Dynasty (507) Purchase South Yanzhou. The first year of an elephant Northern Zhou (579),

Yanzhou is located in the South because of ancient Near South millimetres temporary, the "ancient South millimetres away from the name of the state to" change the South for the Bozhou Yanzhou, the name of Bozhou only see this.

Sui and Tang Dynasties period, changed its name several times, or Bozhou, or Qiao County. Early Ming, Bozhou, down to the county, under the Yingzhou City. Hongzhi nine years (1496), millimetres County also upgraded the state. The early Qing Dynasty, under the Bozhou Gangnam province Fengyang House. Kangxi 2019 (1667), designated as Gangnam province of Jiangsu, Anhui, the two Buzheng Shi Division. In the first year (1912) Bozhou to millimetres County. In 37 (1948) in August the establishment of Bozhou City, in February 1949 city and county merged to restore millimetres County formed, Li Fuyang Civil Administration. March 1986 dismantling millimetres County built Bozhou City, and its affiliation with the same area. February 1998 directly to the provincial jurisdiction. May 2019-level to the establishment of Bozhou City.

Bozhou-wide cross-east longitude 115 ° 53 ~ 116 ° 49, latitude 32 ° 51 ~ 35 ° 05, a long, Dongnanxibei syncline, about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitat jurisdiction and the Yellow River to burst fan attached to a plain, is flat, with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan, double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distribution throughout the Bozhou terrain northwest and southeast high-low To 1 / 9000 of natural gradient to the ground southeast of micro-dumping.

Northwest Qiaocheng Qu Zhan floor topography highest, 42.5 meters above sea level; Lixin County, southeast of outreach to the minimum southern ditch, 22 meters above sea level, the relative gap between 20.5 meters. Because of the river winding past the Yellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impact form of plain Kong, Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, a "Ohira small injustice," the geomorphological features. Jiang soil is mainly black sand, followed by the influx of soil, brown earth soil type, soil and a small amount of lime in the vortex, kept the hills surrounding counties distribution.

Temperate climate in the citys southern edge, a semi-Wenrun temperate climate, marked the transitional characteristics, mainly for the monsoon Obviously, a mild climate, sufficient light, moderate rainfall, a long frost-free period, four distinct seasons, spring temperature changes, Yu Xia concentrated, Qiugaoqishuang, long and dry winter. Because of the climate of transition, resulting in frequent confrontation and well-being of air masses, the weather changes, annual precipitation, the citys historical average temperature 14.7 ℃, the average duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, an average of 216 days frost-free period, the average annual rainfall of 822 mm.

Bozhou City common disastrous weather is dry, floods, high winds, hail, Ganre Feng, low temperature, frost, and so on. Drought, waterlogging is the most important natural disasters. ?

Area rivers are theHuaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the main trunk stream, Fei River West River, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and so on. Qiao Chengqu Wohe since the Immigration wandering the town, flows through the southeast Guoyang County Mengcheng County, moved to the village to collect exit Huaiyuan County, 173 km in length, the basin area of 4,039 square kilometers; Fei River West River since the Qiaocheng Qu Fei River town entry, Guoyang County, flows through the southeast, to show Gou Zhen from Lixin county in Fengtai, Yingshang County community, in the 123.4 km long, the valley area of 1,871 square kilometers; Mainz Huai River from Lixin County Li Jizhen entry to the east The Lixin County south to exit floor, Zou Mengcheng County in Huaiyuan County, 66 km in length, the drainage area 14 01 square kilometers.



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Everybody is good! Im the tour guide Zhao Hongjie, you must know the imperial palace in Beijing? Thats right! Beijing the imperial palace is famous in the world heritage, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, is the worlds largest and most complete existing ancient building group. Is known as the worlds top five palace. It is located in the centre of Beijing, the old city. Then let me take you to visit us...

From tiananmen square, through a piece of the blue brick flies in the floor of the square, then arrived at the main gate of the Forbidden City - the meridian gate. The Forbidden City has four door, front door of the meridian gate, east gate DongHuaMen, Simon xihua gate, north gate of creature. Meridian gate, commonly known as the five-phoenix towers across the meridian gate, and have wide big courtyard, in more than 30000 square meters of open courtyard, there are five delicate white marble Bridges to the gate. To the gate, into the palace of "the outer court," the palace of architecture on the basis of its layout and function is divided into "the outer court" and "imperial palace" two most. In the etheric and, neutralization, and three main halls as the center, is the place where emperors held at will, also known as the "power". Across the bridge through the gate is the grand hall of supreme harmony. The hall has a tortuous story, heard it burned with skyfire, three times also repaired three times, and even more amazing is the construction of the palace didnt a nail! Imperial palace to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility after three palace as the center, the two wings of yangxin temple, east, west sixth, and bypass the imperial palace, we finally arrived at the imperial garden, the garden planted full of plants. Along the way, will smell a burst of light fragrance. Is the feudal emperors and empresses live.

Into the Forbidden City, from tiananmen square, also can by the back door - creature door into the taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, through the gate of heavenly purity, entered the imperial palace, imperial palace road, east and west road route. If it is a half day tour, the three routes can only swim a, can generally be walk road. Can see the palace of heavenly purity, walk road pay tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility, and the imperial concubines lived. In general, use a half-day tour of the Forbidden City, is more difficult, want to knowledge more widely, everybody admire to touring!



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The Small Sky Pond

The small sky pond is also called Silver-ring Lake. It is about round, the girth of the small sky pond is 260m, with the area of the catchment 5,380m the depth more than 10m. Without drain all year round, There are two kinds of statements of its cause. The one is Glacier theory which says that it is the quaternary glacial moraine evolved lake. The other is parasitic crater theory. It believes that the small sky pond is a small crater ponding with water formed by the eruption of the top crater of the sky pond.



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There are words that: the sight of the sea water, the body to penglai is a fairy; Fairyland sea wonderland cannot find, find the fairy.

Distinguished visitors, hello, and welcome to the known as "paradise on earth," said the penglai pavilion to visit tourist. Im the tour guide to service for you, I... .

Penglai pavilion is located in yantai penglai city. Penglais charm lies not only in its heavy historical and cultural accumulation and the diffused scenery, also is that it has a beautiful myths and legends. Shanhaijing and I book the penglai, yingzhou, the abbot three graphically depicts the sacred. Then the king sent explorers were all at sea for mountain; Qin shihuang east tour for medicine; The emperor USES fangxian, etc. According to historical records, penglai to often appear a north sea, the scattered gas, get together and forming, elusive and unpredictable. Those good things to the alchemist in a fantasy magic deduce the legend of three mountain sea mountain, lifelike picture a desirable fairy world, added a few minutes to penglai. Later "ensemble" also to join here, more vivid and attractive, referred to as the "wonderland" is worthy of the name.

Now penglai pavilion scenic area centered on danya mountain, penglai shuicheng hotan hengshan as two wings, is a natural scenery and human landscape and be in harmony an organic whole of sites of scenic spot. Penglai pavilion was built in the northern song dynasty jia on six years (AD 1061), after the song, Ming and qing three generations of constant expansion and renovation, the size of the form now.

Penglai pavilion stands Yu Danya mountain, sea of clouds light wave surrounded by mountains, sea and mountain scenery emerge in endlessly. The grand buildings from the penglai pavilion, the queen of heaven, dragon palace, Lv Zudian, cliffs, MiTuo temple six monomer and its affiliated construction, covers an area of 1.89 square kilometers. Because of penglai pavilion magical sights and grand scale, and the yellow crane tower, yueyang tower, tengwang pavilion and referred to as the "four famous towers in China". Pavilion literati in calligraphy, couplets and inscriptions, abound. Published in 1982 by the state council as the national key cultural relics protection unit. On December 24, 20xx penglai pavilion scenic area as the first national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot.

Said ok, we have to penglai pavilion, now, let us together along the old imperial fairy found footprints, walk into fairyland to meetthe you immortal!

We have now come to the front of penglai pavilion, look at "the world penglai", this is the four pillars to the type of single eaves coloured drawing or pattern, frontal subject "human penglai" four characters, and for the script of su dongpo. Inside and outside the pillar were inscribed on both sides of the artist liu haisu topic "penglai pavilion, amazing spectacular momentum XiongJun danya mountain" and bother me inscribed "danya Joan pavilion is at large, blue fairy if mind leap" couplets, reveal the arched gate of fairyland, visitors can start immortal tour.

See next is MiTuo temple, was built in the tang dynasty, this is the only buddhist temples to penglai pavilion scenic. Inside the main hall of worship is three SAN eighteen arhats in the west. Is in the middle of amitabha, the left is the avalokitesvara, is on the right is a general trend to bodhisattva.

What we see now is "danya wonderland" fang, fang forehead "danya wonderland" four word was written by dong to mention. Into the wonderland of natural psychic ability, now you see visions. Manifestations of the gate we went west to the dragon palace. Dragon palace QianDian inside to worship the dragon king of the two generals gatekeepers, east to dinghai, general west for general jing hai. Walked into the dragon kings throne room, sitting among the east China sea dragon king AoGuang. The east stand were patrolling the sea hag, clairvoyance, tripterygium wilfordii and electricity. On the west side of the catch fish lang, clairaudient, wind and the rain god.

To move forward, we have entered the temple QianDian, first of all, you can see on the wall there is a word, you know not to know what a word is this? , "shou" word, just the life of word and ordinary life of words is different, it is by the five dynasties bodhi old zu Chen tuan book, it is made up of three words, are "rich", "Mr", "Lin" form a "shou" word, means to tell us: to be rich, if you want to live longer, have to a variety of trees.

Further on we came to the throne room, you can see, in the middle of sacrifice this is days empress, she in fujian and Chinese Taiwan area was known as the "mazu", her name is called Lin Mo, fujian putian person, wont cry when it is said that she had just been born, so her parents gave her a name called Lin Monian, she is very smart, at the age of five will chant, at the age of twelve to maritime induction very efficacious, so she often helps fishermen had at the seaside again and again to the perils of the sea, unfortunately she was twenty-eight years old that year were lost at sea, in memory of her people, by the sea built temples to worship her. It is said that she was very efficacious, soft touch, so this is the place where the penglai pavilion, incense is the most exuberant.

To move forward in our left hand side is the "blue sea steps" sharpening. "Educational spirit of the" four word is written by Mr Feng yuxiang. So why did he write down here "educational spirit of the" four word? It is said that after the 918 incident in 1931, Japan began to large-scale invasion, Chiang kai-shek, not only not advocating anti-japanese, but also the civil war, feng yuxiang is compelling, Chiang kai-shek cant take part in the anti-japanese, mood is very low. Another patriotic general in the kuomintang Li Liejun feng yuxiang in 1934 May invite to visit penglai, discuss the anti-japanese, then wrote a couplet Li Liejun, top allied is: if our stone, the same steps helped himself; Allied is: jiangshan picturesque, all by hand to hand, holding things around. Feng yuxiang let out a horizontal batch, the feng yuxiang then start to write down the "blue sea steps" these four words, later generations to commemorate him, just four words engraved on it to here.

We look this way again, this is the main body construction "penglai pavilion", it with the yueyang tower, yellow crane tower and tengwang pavilion And called Chinas four famous towers. It was built Song Jiayou six years, "penglai pavilion" three word above is by the qing dynasty calligrapher TieBao book. Now on the first floor is some penglai scenery photo exhibition, the second floor of the eight immortals drunk wax.

Through the penglai pavilion, come back.

Shelter pavilion, formerly known as a pavilion, built in zhengde eight years (1513) magistrate yan t l. application building. Pavilion wall engraved stone 25 square, one of the Ming dynasty yuan can force the concept of a poem, dong qichang allograph, warm jade sharpening, motorcycling, as into a quiet said. Another ShiRunZhang, Kong Jisu script in the qing dynasty, is a very precious calligraphy. But I want to say the magic blurred was not here, but the shelter pavilion buildings stand on a mountain, facing the sea, but no matter what kind of wind blowing, you in the booth in the lighting a candle, the flame will still. Friend, dont you think its mysterious?

Now let me tell you the secret, from the north side of the pavilion is a brick walls, the walls to halfway up the pavilion, the walls of the city and an arc. So when the north wind blow to the curved walls, formed a strong airflow, rising sharply. Flying over the roof, to the south, booth in then there is no wind. Plus what pavilion south three sides is a wall, only the north have doors and Windows, air convection. So, despite the wind roar, doors and Windows wide open, booth in silk still, but wind candles not jing.

Continue to go to the east is lie on display. It is su shi "a poem today", "book after wu daoxuan painting" banner named tablet. The front of the monument is cursive "book after wu daoxuan painting", is a regular script on the back of the projects the poem ". Small at the back of the words in front of the inscriptions is big, we all know that su shi is like drinking poems, tribute wine when it is becoming more and more bold. After experts identified this is su shis original. Side and the qing dynasty Gong Bao antithetical couplet of "mirage mirage, loyal son namely fairy" that is the fairy wonderland is unreal unreal, only faithful to the country, the man is really a filial daughter of the gods.

To move forward we came to the su gong tie is the temple, to commemorate su dongpo su gong tie is shrine was built. This is su dongpo among image sharpening calligraphy, the original six let temple in guangzhou. He has worked in in 5 year. But save in this short five days made two good thing for the people of penglai. One is to build coastal defence, the other is reduction the salt tax of the people. In penglai folk have circulated su gong tie is "knowledge in five days, one thousand temple" 美谈.

This is called bing, floor, say again your back floor, stair climb, vision, and make a great place for the sunrise. The dance epic "the east is red" big history, has been chosen as a background, the film at the beginning of the picture of the sunrise is taken here.

Landmark is beside penglai pavilion shining floor, we saw from the mountain is the highest building in it. In the past is indicates the lighthouse beacon.

Standing here we see the penglai shuicheng, another name for city. Is the first port in ancient China, the portal of the east. Since the han dynasty was listed as a military town. Song Qingli for two years, when driving a ship called water-forces "saury ships", the walled city is called "saury village". Ming hongwu nine years, the Ming government in order to prevent the enemys attack, as saury village built on the basis of the wharf, formed the shuicheng prototype today. City have two doors, the north is called the watergate, is the throat of in and out of the sea. South gate called powersun door, and land are interlinked. This is also where practice qi jiguang wenhuan.

Now the house is in front of us is Lv Zudian, Lv Zu is lu dongbin, pavilion with lu dongbin like stone. Go ahead cliffs, enshrined in Taoism, is considered the father of the three, they are pure spi Buddha, too clear moral Buddha, jade qing yuan Buddha.

Further on, we came to the last penglai pavilion scenic spot - the cloud palace. Legend has it baiyun palace is a place where they have himself. In "goddess marriage", they have a lyrics, "my family live in penglai village". Hand-woven cloth in penglai village, of course, is dedicated in Asgard, so, out of the clouds of palace, even if returned to the earth.

Ok, above is the penglai pavilion are the main attractions, you can now take pictures photos, after 15 minutes, in this collection we get in the car and went to the next attraction.



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Looks very spirit, today we will visit the Great Wall, please get ready. The Great Wall is the longest in China building is one of the most famous building in our country in its length to reach more than thirteen thousand, we often call it the Great Wall

First we went to the Great Wall on foot, you see the Great Wall by tall solid, is made of huge stone and ChengZhuan. With square brick on the top of the wall, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel.

Did you see the side holes like teeth, small square and a fort? Let me tell you whats the use of these three things? The hole like the teeth! Its called now.i hope mouth, I think youll be scanned mouth phase know why is it called? Ill tell you, war, the eighth route army uncle there to see the situation, the small square called nozzle which is used for archery. The fortress was used for ChengTai can mutual echo.

Everybody go tired, also hungry? Can eat the food, I send you a bag for garbage, remember not to litter, let me tell you a story, is the story about the Great Wall, qin shihuang before is just fight a lot, and then he thought of the built the Great Wall, and he put all men are caught to build the Great Wall of qin, qin shi huang is afraid of the men ran away, so give tied up in the mens feet. How much the sweat and wisdom of the working people to suspected as the former see head, after the end of the Great Wall.

What do you think I this guide when? Next time I come to you when the tour guide.



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购买和约Whole Doc.

Contract No:


The Buyer:

The Seller:

The Contract,made out,in Chinese and English,both version being equally authentic, by and between the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods subject to terms and condi- tions set forth hereinafter as follows:

SECTION 11 Name of Commodity and specification2 Country of Origin & Manufacturer3 Unit Price (packing charges included)4 Quantity5 Total Value6 Packing (seaworthy)7 Insurance (to be covered by the Buyer unless otherwise)8 Time of Shipment9 Port of Loading10 Port of Destinationmark shown as below in addition to the port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurements and other marks as the Buyer may require stencilled or marked conspi- cuously with fast and unfailing pigments on each package. In the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo(es), the Seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shallbe marked conspicuously on each package.

12 Terms of Payment:

One month prior to the time of shipment the Buyer shall open with the Bank of_______an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller payable at the issuing bank against presentation of documents as stipulated under Clause 18. A. of SECTION II,the Terms of Delivery of this Contract after departure of the carrying vessel. The said Letter of Credit shall remain in force till the 15th day after shipment.

13 Other Terms:

Unless otherwise agreed and accepted by the Buyer, all other matters related to this contract shall be governed by Section II,the Terms of Delivery which shall form an integral part of this Contract.Any supplementary terms and conditions that may be attached to this Contract shall automatically prevail over the terms and conditions of this Contract if such supplementary terms and conditions come in conflict with terms and conditions herein and shall be binding upon both parties.


FOR THE BUYERSECTION 214 FOB/FAS TERMS14.1 The shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the Buyer or the Buyer’s shipping agent __________.

14.2 Under FOB terms,the Seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract.

14.3 Under FAS terms,the Seller shallundertake to deliver the contracted goods under the tackle of the vessel nominated by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract.

14.4 10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, the Buyer shall inform the Seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel,ETA of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the Seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods. The Seller shall advise by cable or telex in time the Buyer of the result thereof. Should, for certain reasons,it become necessary for the Buyer to replace the named vessel with another one,or should the named vessel arrive at the port of shipment earlier or later than the date of arrival as previously notified to the Seller, the Buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the Seller to this effect in due time.



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Distinguished visitors, everybody is good! I am a "guide" in the new century travel Wang Ziyang, welcome to follow me to visit the sun yat-sens mausoleum.

Sun yat-sens mausoleum is located in the mighty river, is located in China famous ancient capital of nanjing, in the great river has a long history of the development of Chinese history, there are ten dynasties and regime successively established their capitals here, many of the famous figures buried here, the great revolutionary pioneer sun yat-sen mausoleum is located in the east suburb of nanjing zhongshan south. Zhong shan is the highest peak of ning mountain town, about 460 meters above sea level, the east-west, about 7 km long, about 3 km north-south width. Here for the past one thousand years, a variety of social activities, has built many gardens, the first curtilage, temple and the altar table and mausoleum, left numerous historical epic and moving legends.

On March 12, 1925, sun yat-sen died of liver cancer treatment is invalid and Beijing, dying has repeatedly said, let the body like friends as preserved, Lenin buried nanjing purple mountain, according to his wishes, the kuomintang central executive committee unanimously decided to purple mountain in nanjing JianLing, cemetery design scheme is through competition, to get a taken sealing appraisal way, finally, selects the first prize is the Chinese designer Lv Yanchang bell design, the clock has the meaning of "warning" and "freedom", which is the symbol of sun yat-sen led the significance and contribution of the Chinese revolution, in conformity with the tomb is located zhongshan again at the same time, in the specific design, adopted the methods and technology of match well of Chinese and western absorb the experience of the ancient Chinese traditional architecture, the axial symmetry in the total plane layout, in the form of national architectural appearance, simple color, simple decoration and greening methods such as large area, good shows the solemn atmosphere and the cemetery and the immortal spirit of sun yat-sen. Tomb built in the spring of 1926 in, because among warlords and political chaos, the project progress is slow, and March 1929 for completion before, June 1, 1929 held a grand grand in the larger, across the country are immersed in sadness, sun yat-sens coffin in 12, in 101 ring salute, buried in the grave, a generation of great men to rest in zhong shan south.

Entrance of the tomb is located in the southernmost tip, is a three rooms on the third floor of the glazed tile roof stone memorial arch, on/under, hanging the "universal love" HengBian operation side of the sun yat-sen, continue to, along the pyramid-shaped mound, then to big ling, ling gate 15 meters high, 24 meters wide, deep 8 meters, stately, in the middle of the arch MeiShang inscribed with Mr Zhongshan autograph "world for a few golden characters," robin ling door to stone steps when pavilion, pavilion inner GuiFu set up 8 meters high monument, engraved gold regular script "Chinese nationalist party (KMT) was prime minister Mr. Sun, in the eighteenth year of the republic of China" on June 1st. Since the pavilion farther north, crossing the steps of the class of 290, topped the 135 meters wide, depth of 30 meters big platform, platform is the high ground of the mausoleum, all this vision, spectacular, even close, and appropriate overlook, whether spring, summer, autumn and winter, snow, rain, wind and frost nature fluctuates around to show its endless wonderful scenery. Central platform, is the temple, the eyes connection of the kiosk of trajan positive/engraved with Mr Sun yat-sens operation "upright" heaven and earth, above three round coupons door, engraved a "civil rights" of "nation" to "the peoples livelihood" six, show there were 12 black granite columns, the black marble and protecting, left and right walls engraved with Mr Sun yat-sens "the outline of the national governments founding" the full text, the central northern place, with the great revolutionaries white marble like a statue, the statue sits up serenely, lifelike.

Wei sun yat-sens mausoleum, foil the imposing manner of the great character of sun yat-sen, the immortal spirit, also can have, it is the symbol of sun yat-sens character and spirit, in sun yat-sens mausoleum solemn atmosphere, for the people to the sun yat-sen infinite admiration.

Sun yat-sen, forerunner of the democratic revolution in China!



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our beautiful Colorful Yunnan. Itsa great honor to meet you. Im Xiao Pu, our tour guide. Next to me is my littlefriend Xiao Li. We are very honored to be your tour guide. The place we aregoing to today is the ancient city of Lijiang, which is known as "Gusu on theplateau" and "Venice in the East". Perhaps you may think, how could Xiao Puboast so much about Lijiang? In fact, I dont exaggerate at all. The ancientcity of Lijiang is just because the Yuquan water runs through the whole city,which is divided into the West River, the middle river and the East River. Inthe ancient city, it is divided into more tributaries, walking through streetsand alleys, walls and houses. Street layout is free, not neat. The main streetis near the river, the alley is near the canal, and the clear spring flowsthrough the street, the town and the house. The poem "every family flows withwater, and every family hangs with Yang" is a true portrayal of this city, soalthough it is a small town on the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, it has thecharacteristics of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Dayan town

Next, let me tell you about the history of Lijiang. The ancient city ofLijiang is located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain. Surrounded by greenmountains, the city is like a big Jasper inkstone. In ancient times, "inkstone"and "Yan" were interlinked. Therefore, the chieftain of Ming Dynasty renamed theancient city "Dayan", which means prosperous culture and outstanding people.

Maybe before Lijiang in the future, everyone has heard that Lijiang ancientcity has one characteristic, that is, it is the only ancient city without citywalls in Chinas famous historical and cultural city. Why is there no citywalls? It is said that the hereditary rulers of Lijiang all have the surname ofmu, so building a city is bound to be like adding a frame with the word"trapped". The chieftain of Mu family did not set up a city wall because oftaboo.

The ancient city was built in the late Southern Song Dynasty with a historyof about 800 years. It has been a political, economic and military town inNorthwest Yunnan and a hub for the economic and cultural exchanges among Naxi,Khan, Tibet and other ethnic groups. Xu Xiake, a famous Chinese traveler in MingDynasty, once wrote that "the beauty of the palace is determined by the king",which is also the important town of the ancient tea horse road in history. Thecity covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers, with a permanent population of30000 and 16900 Naxi people.

Lijiang ancient city was listed as a national historical and cultural cityby the State Council in 1986, and as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO in1997. So what should we visit in Lijiang?

1、 Climbing the range rover, you can see the form of the ancient city. Theancient city skillfully used the terrain, with lion mountain in the west,Xiangshan Mountain and Jinhong mountain in the north. It was moved from thenorthwest to the southeast, avoiding the cold wind of snow mountain, leading tothe warm wind in the southeast and occupying the convenient place.

2、 The ancient city makes full use of the spring water. The Yuhe River inthe city is divided into three parts, three parts into nine parts, and thendivided into countless canals, clean and full of aura. [by [finishing]

3、 Walking along the street, you can see the buildings of the ancient city.The buildings in the ancient city are all simple courtyard residents. Thebuildings are simple and crude. The courtyard layout and the internal buildingsare rich and delicate, which constitute a harmonious relationship between manand nature.

4、 If you enter the city and cross the bridge, you can see the layout ofthe whole city. The layout of the ancient city is free and flexible. Stonebridges, wooden bridges, flowers, birds, fish and insects, musical instruments,chess, calligraphy and painting, and folk customs make the ancient cityunique.

Entrance to the ancient city

We have come to the entrance of the ancient city. Some people say its amother and sons water wheel, while others say its a couples water wheel. Howcan we not see the gate? In fact, you cant see it. Its also a wonder ofLijiang ancient city, that is, you cant see the city gate or the city wall,because there is no city wall or the city gate in the ancient city, because thehead of Naxi nationalitys surname is "Mu". If the city wall and the city gateare built, it will become "trapped". So there is no city wall or the city gatein the ancient city. Please see, this is the screen wall of President JiangZemins inscription "the ancient city of Lijiang, a world cultural heritage". Itis dignified and beautiful. "Three squares and one Zhaobi" is the architecturalfeature of Naxi folk houses. To the right is the water column. It reflects theimportance of fire prevention in civil structure buildings of ancient city atthat time, which is also the wisdom of Naxi ancestors. This is a world heritagemonument. The symbol is connected by a circle and a box, indicating the harmonybetween man and nature. Next, lets visit the ancient city!

Layout of ancient city

Ladies and gentlemen, there must be such a question in mind. There are manyancient cities like this in China. Why is this remote ancient city on theplateau chosen? If you want to get the answer, please follow Xiao Li. A lane, afamily, a careless you stand in a hundred years of history, this feeling, on theroad, in various courtyards, you can feel everywhere. Therefore, this ancientcity is not built for filming or mystery. Its a real and living ancient city.If you look at it, you will feel that its much smoother than the road you justwalked. The stone slabs with five flowers seem to have a lot of gravel in them.However, its a kind of lejiaoyan unique to Lijiang. Its collected from thesurrounding mountains. Because of its colorful colors, the local people call itfive flowers Stone, pedestrian horse tread, after hundreds of years, polishedsmooth and transparent, first-class rain, poetic at your feet, this street iscalled Xinhua street. On both sides of the street, you can occasionally seecouplets of different colors pasted on the doors of some peoples houses. SomeNaxi people have died, and they all have to commemorate three years. The firstyear is white couplet with black characters, the second year is green coupletwith black characters, and the third year is couplet pasted. This is thenostalgia of Naxi people for their dead relatives. After some forest likepavements, clear river water, small bridges and weeping willows, it is printedin your eyes, but you dont see it Passing by such a clear river, I can see rowsof tables and chairs and bursts of music coming into my ears. This is what theguests call "Foreigner Street". However, the shops on this street are not run byforeigners. The bars there are bookish, rebellious and pure business. Everyonecan get what they want. The convenient place for people in the city to"recharge" in Lijiang is

The bar looks for feeling, especially for foreigners. There are friends,there are bridges, water, as long as not drunk, life can find a moment ofcarefree. After passing the bar street, you can see a small stone bridge, whichis called pea bridge because it sold peas there earlier. The small gate buildingon the west of the bridge is Kegong square. Kegong square is named in the alleybehind the square. In the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, there were twobrothers of the Yang family in the alley, and in the Daoguang period, theiryounger brother was elected again. This is a matter of pride for Lijiang people.In order to praise the Yang family and encourage them, the government praisedthem This is a special place.

Standing there, looking to the East, you can see an open area. This is thecentral Sifang street. Sifang street is the central guangachang of the ancientcity, covering an area of about five mu. There are two main reasons why it iscalled Sifang street. One reason is that the shape of the square is very similarto the square magistrates seal. It is named Sifang street by the chieftain,which means "Quan Zhen Sifang". Some people say that the road there leads toSifang Fang is the distribution center of people and logistics in alldirections, so it is called Sifang street. Why is Sifang street so famous? If wesay that the silk road is another world-famous trade channel in the north ofChina, there is also a trade channel in the south of China known as the "teahorse ancient road". It is a trade channel for the horses, fur, Tibetan medicineand other specialties in the Tibetan area and Lijiang, and tea, silk, jewelryand other commodities in the south. Lijiang ancient city is an important town onthe tea horse ancient road, and Sifang street is the important one Since ancienttimes, Sifang street, the trade center of the town, has been an open-air fairwith a history of 300 years. It is necessary to realize the mystery of Sifangstreet. In the early morning, people who get up early begin to buy breakfast,which is a hazy Sifang street. In the afternoon, traders who buy copper,mountain goods and snacks form a prosperous market. This is the reason Sifangstreet is full of vigor and vitality; its just dark when businessmen go home,and after a time of friction, there are still people and sunshine left. The oldpeople basking in the sun at the bridge head are replaced by children playing,and the bars on both sides show the oily light of night, which is the makeup ofSifang street. At about two oclock in the morning, Sifang street people go toempty streets, and the alleys are deep and unpredictable, only the sound ofrunning water rises and falls, which is the reason Its Lijiang with a plainface. meet

Come down, let my little friend Xiao Li, continue to show you how tobrowse!

Ancient city dwellings

Next, lets go to "Naxi Siheyuan" for a visit! The folk in the ancient cityabsorbed the architectural culture of Han, Bai, Tibetan and other nationalities,but also integrated the national architectural culture and aestheticconsciousness, forming a lot of Naxi style of "three squares and one wall, fourin five patio". The architectural form of the front and rear courtyard, thesetting of the gatehouse and the front building, the patio paving, the six doorand its decorative lights constitute a strong local color and nationalcharacteristics. Speaking of this, lets go in and have a look. The "four infive patios" there are four houses in the southeast and northwest. There is asmall patio between each two neighboring houses, and there are five patios inthe middle. So its called "four in five patios". Four blocks of housing areupstairs and downstairs are imaginative, so it is also called "zouma cornerbuilding".

Friends may ask, which part of Naxi residence has the most Naxicharacteristics? That is Liuhe door and the window core on Liuhe door - "fourseasons Bogu". "Four seasons" is Nash, which means "four seasons". Reflectingthe high expectations of the Naxi people for life, this six door can beinstalled or removed, convenient and flexible. When it is opened, it is thedoor, and when it is closed, it is the window. At ordinary times, only the twoin the middle are opened. When there are red and white events, and there aremany guests, the six doors can be removed. In the composition of the windowcore, the famous flowers and different flowers, auspicious birds and animals,and perfect allusions are used to express the perfect wishes of Naxi people forfour auspicious seasons, happiness of fortune and longevity, and farming andreading.


Dear friends, have you ever seen the TV series "Mufu Fengyun"? "MufuFengyun" is shot in Mufu. While enjoying the plot, you must be intoxicated withthe beautiful scenery and local customs of Lijiang. Now lets go to Mufu to havea look!

We visited the ancient city and Sifang street. If Sifang street is thecenter of the ancient city, Mufu is the heart of the ancient city and the "GrandView Garden" of Lijiang ancient city culture. The chieftain of Naxi surnamed Muonce ruled Lijiang for 470 years. After three dynasties of yuan, Ming and Qing,a total of 23 dynasties were continued, and this wooden mansion, known asLijiang Forbidden City, was built. Mus chieftain is loyal to the imperial courtand has been praised by the emperor for many times. This Zhongyi square wasapproved by the Emperor Wanli of Ming Dynasty. It is called "famous Three PagodaTemple in Dali and famous stone archway in Lijiang".

Please see, there is Mufu. The overall structure of Mufu, from east towest, is the Zhongyi square that we have just seen, followed by the front gate,Zhaobi, conference hall, wanjuan building, Dharma protection hall, guojielou,Guangbi building, Yuyin building and Sanqing hall.

The Mufu we see now was built after the earthquake of magnitude 7 in 1996.This is the assembly hall. The assembly hall is dignified, spacious andmagnificent. It is the place where the chieftains summon their guests. Look,there are three plaques on the door beam of the assembly hall, all of which arewritten with the words "serve the country sincerely". They are the commendationsof the three emperors Hongwu, Yongle and Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. So why didthe imperial court rely so much on the Mu family? This is because the Naxipeople live in the hinterland of Jiangwan in the upper reaches of Jinsha River,with Tubo in the north and Nanzhao Dali in the south. These two local forcesoften became the unstable factors in the southwest frontier of the centraldynasty, so the Naxi nationality played an important role.

This is wanjuan building. Wanjuan building has three floors. Look, thereare no windows on the second floor. You cant see the second floor from thebottom of the building, so there are many precious books in it. To put itsimply, the wanjuan building is a place full of books, with books on the firstfloor, books on the second floor and books on the third floor. Now you can go inand visit yourself. Please abide by the order in the museum. Books can be readbut not touched! Behind the wanjuan tower is the Dharma hall. It is the house ofchieftains to discuss family affairs. In addition to the memorial tablets ofMus ancestors, there are benches, sticks and other tools for corporalpunishment. You can see that it is the place where Master Mu uses family rulesand family laws to discipline his children. It looks like the ancestral hall weusually call.

After passing the Dharma protection hall, we walk through an ancientoverpass. This overpass can be regarded as a creation of the chieftain of Mufamily, which is based on the local conditions and the people. In this way, thegovernment and the people are at peace and do not interfere with each other.Lets go up to the Guangbi building of Mufu. This is a 1:300 model of theancient city, where you can clearly see the whole picture of the ancient cityand Mufu. This is the Yulong bridge, the north entrance of the ancient city.This is the West River, the middle river and the East River. Who lost his way inthe ancient city, then, upstream must be able to walk to the Yulong bridge.These pictures show the rich history and culture and magnificent natural sceneryof Lijiang, please browse.

If you go further, this is the Yuyin building. On the first floor and infront of the building are the places where the chieftains sing, dance and feast.On the second floor are the places where the Fengzhao and Heshu are worshipped.There are copies of white sand murals in the hall. Baisha mural is a nationalkey cultural relic. It integrates Han Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism intoone picture, and makes three religions live in one room. This practice ofintegrating the three religions is rare in other places. In Lijiang, because theNaxi represented by Mus chieftain is an open nation, they are culturallyinclusive.

After yuyinlou, we come to the final building on the axis of Mufu, Sanqinghall. From there, we can have a birds-eye view of the ancient city and Mufu,and we can see the ancient city described by Xu Xiake as "Julu pianji, lingeringin the slope and valley", and Mufus "beauty of palace is like the king".

Mufu is a splendid garden of architectural art, which fully reflects theelegant demeanor of the Central Plains architecture in the Ming Dynasty, whileretaining the simplicity and ruggedness of the Central Plains architecture inthe Tang and Song dynasties.

When you visit Lijiang ancient city, you should not miss Naxi ancientmusic. Naxi ancient music, which is called "lost music in all parts of China",consists of two parts: Baisha Xiyue and Lijiang Dongjing music. After hundredsof years of development and changes, Naxi ancient music has formed a uniquestyle of integration of Han and Naxi Music, which has a strong national and folkcolor. Living in Lijiang ancient city, the most perfect arrangement at night isto listen to Naxi ancient music.

OK, when you get there, youll have a good view of the ancient city. Ourjourney is coming to an end. During this happy time, we visited Lijiang ancientcity, which is famous both at home and abroad and has the reputation of "Veniceof China" and "Gusu of Plateau". Thank you for your understanding, support andcooperation with Xiao Pu and me along the way. We are deeply impressed by yourenthusiasm. At the same time, we hope that our service can leave you someperfect memories. Finally, I send my best wishes to you, and I sincerely hope wecan meet again. Thank you!
