





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9399 字

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Hello, everyone. Now our scenic spot is the "Bamboo Sea Grand View" inGuangning. Guangning County is one of the top ten bamboo townships in China. Thearea of bamboo forest is 1.04 million mu, and there are 238 kinds of bamboo. Thewhole scenic area covers an area of 8.13 square kilometers, which is half thesize of Macao. Its landscape has five characteristics: Huangyou, shuibi,Qishuang, Yiya and Jingmei.

[entrance of scenic spot]

Dear tourists, in front of us is the gate of the scenic spot. It uses lightgreen double character roof truss to form a "bamboo" shape. The "bamboo" inChinese characters is formed according to the bamboo leaf pictograph. The whitewalls and grey tiles on both sides of the gate, the top curve like the waves ofthe sea, there are bamboo and sea, which forms the symbol of the Grand View ofthe Bamboo Sea tourist area.

[Lingbo plank road]

This is called Suijiang river. The winding along the river is the "Lingboplank road". Walking on the plank road, there are dense bamboo forests on oneside, clear water on the other side, and a ten mile green bamboo corridor on theother side.

[dragon Turtle Island]

Longguizhou used to be a sandbank by the river, but the villagers nearbyregarded it as a treasure land of geomantic omen, saying that it couldaccumulate wealth.

You see, this is the bamboo water wheel, which is known as "the largest inthe world". It has a diameter of 12.8 meters, full of movement and grand shape.It is also one of the symbols of the Grand View of the bamboo sea.

Please come here, this is another "No.1 in the world" - No.1 Caixia stonedragon turtle in the world. It is also called wucaishi Longgui. This stone wasoriginally produced in Liuzhou, Guangxi. In order to exploit this huge stone,the local people spent three years digging. First, they cut 180 tons of hugestone into 12 tons of Longgui shaped stone. 30 people spent 28 days, with 8jacks and 28 round rolling logs, and finally transported the huge stone to thefoot of the mountain. Then, after three months, nine skilled stonemasons carvedit into 8 tons The heavy one is the tortoise. OK, after watching the stonedragon turtle, lets take a bamboo raft tour of the river.

[Suijiang bamboo Gallery]

The river in front of you is called Su í river. This river used to becalled "shuaijiang", because every three or five years, it will flood the bambooforests, farmland and peoples homes on both sides, so it is cursed as"shuaijiang". Later, after treatment, the flood was reduced, and people changedit to "Suiyuan", which means "Suiyuan". Suijiang river originates from HUAIJIand runs through Guangning. After flowing through Sihui, it joins Xijiang Riverand Beijiang River and becomes a part of Pearl River.

Please see, on both sides of Suijiang River are green bamboos, stretchingfor hundreds of miles. Bamboo used to belong to Gramineae plants with a widevariety, which can be called the big family of plant kingdom. There are about 42genera and more than 400 species in China.

Among the existing bamboos in Guangning, Qingpi bamboo has the largestnumber and the largest planting area.

Green bamboo has a wide range of uses. It can be cut to make fragrantbones. After the fragrant bones are burned, they are gray and white, while inother places, they are black. Another major use of bamboo is to cook and eat, ofcourse, bamboo shoots. Every kind of bamboo shoots in Guangning bamboo townshipcan be eaten, and there are bamboo shoots on the market all year round.

Forget your worries Island

Everybody, lets go ashore and have a look at the island in front of us.This island is called forget worry island. It is a small island covering morethan 100 mu on Suijiang river. The whole island is full of green bamboos, but noone lives in it. It is full of poetry and painting. It is a good place forleisure, relaxation and entertainment. There are more than 20 participatory,interesting and competitive amusement projects on the island, which make peopleenjoy themselves and forget to return.

[central area]

Now we will take the unique bamboo jeep to the central area. What is abamboo jeep? It is a jeep that is replaced by bamboo in addition to the mainmechanical system. Looking at its shape, it seems that it is all made of bambooexcept the wheels.

Ladies and gentlemen, the central district is here. In the shopping mallshere, you can buy Guangning green jade, exquisite bamboo and wood craftproducts, Guangning nano bamboo charcoal, Guangning winter honey, wildmushrooms, fungus, dried bamboo shoots, etc.

In the restaurant, you can eat all kinds of delicacies made with bambooshoots and mountain treasures. There are 38 kinds of dishes mainly made frombamboo shoots, such as bamboo insect, bamboo forest chicken, Dictyophora, sourtaro pod, red fern, mustard, bamboo wine, bamboo core tea, bamboo rice, etc. Ofcourse, the most famous is the whole bamboo shoot banquet I mentioned justnow.

Ladies and gentlemen, the scenery is different throughout the year. Whenwill you come again and stay in the window House Hotel here for a night? Youwill have a deeper understanding of bamboo and be intoxicated with bambooculture and paintings.

Zhaoqing tour guide 5

Zhenshan is located 3 kilometers southwest of Sihui City, with a height of649 meters. In the scenic spot, the trees are verdant, the mountains are clearand the valleys are secluded; the clear spring waterfall, the clouds aresteaming and the fog is blue, which is like a fairyland on earth.

In the Tang Dynasty, Zhenshan was originally named guangzhengshan, but itwas renamed Zhenshan because of the saying that "Wenshi Zhennv was promoted toimmortality here". In addition to the unique natural landscape, Zhenshan iswell-known in Lingnan, which has a lot to do with the legend of WenshiZhenxian.

According to legend, in a small village in yaosha township at the foot ofZhenshan mountain, there is an old couple who are over 50 years old and have nochildren, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment. One night, as soon as thecouple entered the dreamland, they vaguely saw a snow-white lotus floating in,and suddenly felt the fragrance of the house. Soon after, his wife becamepregnant, conceived in October and gave birth to a baby girl. The couple werevery happy. When the girl was full moon, an old friend from a neighboringvillage came to celebrate with his wife and three-year-old brother Qiao. The twofamilies also made an engagement for their children in public. In the twinklingof an eye for more than ten years, when the two families saw that their childrenhad grown up, they began to prepare for their marriage. Unexpectedly, the twofamilies were devastated by the tigers harm. Qiaos father was very ill anddied for half a year. The woodcutters mother was also blind because she was drywith tears. Seeing the miserable situation of the woodcutters family, Miss Wenthought about it again and again. She put on white clothes and resolutely wentthrough the woodcutters family to serve her mother-in-law and shoulder theheavy burden of life. Miss Wens righteous deeds and moral character arewell-known. However, when the local rich men saw that Miss Wen had grown into afair lady, they had already coveted her and had a bad heart. Once they brokeinto the house and wanted to tease her. Miss Wen held scissors and denouncedher, so they had to leave unhappily. However, they didnt give up. Later, theywanted Wengu to submit on the ground of forcing rent and debt. Wengu only gotrefuge in Guangzheng mountain. After a long time, they were found by thosepeople and tried to commit violence. Seeing this, aunt Wen stepped up the stonecliff beside the pool and sternly scolded them: "Id rather die than obey thanhumiliate me!" then she jumped down the deep pool. All of a sudden, there was astrong wind, lightning and thunder, and torrential rain. Those shameless people,being blown into a stampede, rolled down the mountain. After the rain, Wen Gusbody was lying on the pool like a deep sleep, while those shameless people weredead in the mountains. Seeing this, the villagers not only regretted themisfortune of Wen Gu, but also congratulated the gangster for not dying well. Aswe were about to go down to the pool to pick up Wengu . But once upon a time, apiece of yellow paper floated down from the sky, and the book said, "Zhenshan isa piece of white stone, Zhenshan is a piece of white stone; human beings areamorous, and their hair is white. Who worries about Zhenshan?"

Later, Guangzheng mountain was renamed Zhenshan, and Wengu tiaotan wasnamed Zhenya. When the imperial court learned of this, the emperor decreed thatWengu be granted the title of "Wenshi Zhenxian". Sihui county government alsobuilt a temple at the mouth of zhengu Valley in 82019, the 17th year of Zhenyuanreign of emperor Dezong of Tang Dynasty. It was called "zhenlie Temple", alsoknown as "fairy altar". The temple is a Taoist temple, offering a statue ofWengu with a golden body. It is held by the abbot of the Taoist priest. For morethan 1000 years, incense has been burning continuously.

In the past ten years, the memorial archway and Tianyin tower have beenbuilt in Zhenshan scenic area. Around the Zhenshan mountain, there are manyfamous places, such as incarnation pool, fairy fish, fairy snail, stone bowl,stone basket and so on. When you travel here, you can not only enjoy the quietnatural landscape, but also "see things and think of immortals", which is aspecial pleasure.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5264 字

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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to the one-day tour of Sanhe ancient town. Im Wang Bing, the tourguide of Anhui travel agency. Just call me Xiao Wang. Its a pleasure to havefriends from afar on Confucius day. Im very glad to have you here today. At thesame time, I hope my service will make you satisfied. This is master Li, thedriver of our tour, Master Li has more than ten years of driving experience. Heis very skillful in driving. You can give us two hearts, rest assured to ourMaster Li, and happy to me. Share this journey

Dear tourist friends, our tour bus is about to start. Please take yourbelongings with you and get on the bus in an orderly way. Are you all seated? Ittakes one hour to get to Sanhe from here. During this period, I will give you abrief introduction of Sanhe ancient town

Sanhe ancient town is located in Feixi County, Hefei City, on the shore ofChaohu Lake. It is adjacent to Lujiang River in the South and Shucheng in theWest. It is known as "crossing three counties in one step, hearing the crowingof chickens in three counties". Sanhe ancient town is named after fengle River,Xiaonan River, Hangbu River and Sanshui river. It is a famous fishing and riceTown in Anhui Province, Sanhe, an ancient town, has a history of more than 2500years. Because most waterfowl gather here, it is called quezhu and quean. UntilMing Dynasty, it was called Sanhe, which has been used up to now. In addition,Sanhe has always been a place for military strategists, One of the most famousis the great victory of Sanhe in 1858. The ancient town Sanhe has always beenfamous for its ancient, beautiful and prosperous. The ancient streets, alleysand dwellings in the town prove the antiquity of Sanhe. In addition, the foodculture of Sanhe has a long history, including Sanhe shrimp paste and crisp duckYuanbao

Dear tourists, after crossing this bridge, we will enter Sanhe ancienttown. Please take your belongings and get ready to get off

The monument you can see is called the military and civilian dam monument.It is written with eight characters: military and civilian co construction,copper wall and iron arm. It is a monument set up here in 1992 when Sanhe TownPeople were rebuilding their homes according to the proposal of the masses. Itcommemorates the efforts of the army and the people of Hefei to rescue more than6000 people who were besieged by the floods when Sanhe Town was hit by theextraordinary flood in 1991, Created a once-in-a-hundred-year flood did notdrown one person, did not starve one person, did not die of illness one personseternal miracle

In November 1858, Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng took part in the TaipingHeavenly Kingdom. According to the plan, they surrounded the three rivers andtotally annihilated more than 6000 members of the elite Li Jibin army of Hunan,The second year, when Chen Yucheng was 22 years old, he was named king ofEngland by Hong Xiuquan because of his outstanding military achievements. InSanhe, people used to call Chen Yuchengs headquarters yingwangfu. The roadleading to yingwangfu is called yingwanglu. In front of yingwangfu, you can goin and visit it freely

In the opposite side of the kings road, there is an antique building. Itis the Wan Nian Tai. During the Xianfeng years of the Qing Dynasty, there weretwo 10000 years platforms built by the three rivers. The former was built bythe master, and the latter was built by the apprentice. When the two of thembuilt 10000 years of Chinese Taiwan, they agreed to use eight posts. Who knows secondyears, the master used the method of stealing and changing the post to removefour columns from the column, leaving only four, so there were only four topbeams in Town Gods Temples Wan Nian platform. It looks very exquisite andelegant. Its shape surpasses the Wannian platform built by his apprentice

Lets go to the right. Now you come to Guxi street. The street is not wide.Its all paved with bluestone. Most of the dwellings on both sides were built inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. Guxi street used to be about 500 meters long andwas once known as Wuli street. Sanhe Town had the advantage of convenienttransportation in the water town when the traffic was blocked in ancient times,which made the commodity economy here get unprecedented prosperity

There are many alleys in Sanhe, including 26 big and small alleys. Amongthem, the most famous one is yirenxiang. It is the oldest and longest deep lanein Sanhe, and only one person can pass in and out of it. At the end ofyirenxiang, there is a private house, which used to be the guest house of Dr.Yang Zhenning. Dr. Yang Zhennings mother, Ms. Luo Menghua, was born in Sanhe.Hefei was occupied in February 1937, Yang Zhenning went to Sanhe to study withhis mother and lived in this humble house

Sanxian bridge is one of the oldest bridges in Sanhe ancient town. It spansxiaonanhe River and is located in the center of the ancient town. It is the linkconnecting Feixi, Shucheng and Lujiang counties, so it is called Sanxian bridge.When the bridge was built, people paid great attention to it. Each piece ofbridge stone was filled with glutinous rice and egg white, It is said that thebridge was built by monk Bao after half his life

Dear tourists, our browsing is coming to an end. Lets taste the deliciousfood of Sanhe



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 618 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1509 字

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Everybody is good! Welcome to the dunhuang mogao grottoes, I am your tour guide, please protect its health, graffito of the scribble not, at any time pay attention to safety.

Mogao grottoes is known as "thousand-buddha grottoes, located in 25 km southeast of dunhuang city, gansu province in western China on the cliff, grottoes north and south long one thousand six hundred meters, a total of five layers from top to bottom, the top 50 meters, the existing four hundred and ninety-two caves, murals of more than forty-five thousand meters, two thousand four hundred and fifteen body painted sculpture, statue of flying more than four thousand, and the mogao grottoes scale, has a long history, and yunnan grottoes in shanxi, henan longmen grottoes and called Chinas" three grotto art treasure trove.

Mogao grottoes was originally carved in 366 AD, to the basic end in 1217-1217, through constant during digging, make the mogao grottoes set the period of the worlds largest, most abundant content, the oldest buddhist art treasure, but also show the generations of the outstanding wisdom and remarkable achievements of the working people.

Next to the mogao grottoes covered with grass, which not only next to decorate, still grow tall and dense, planted thick trees on both sides, it also became a scenery here, from the distant, the mogao grottoes in the grass between the trees, how beautiful!

Well, dear visitors, now, the mogao grottoes is really beautiful, wish you all a happy journey, to be in a good mood.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2221 字

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Distinguished visitors, everybody is good. I am the guide from xi an travel, my name is guo, you can call me guo. Today we are going to visit is listed as "world heritage list" of qin shihuang terracotta warriors, qin shihuang terracotta warriors is 13 years old when he began to reign, qin shi huang started to build a great project. Until 1974 in xi an lintong was discovered and excavated, it with its magnificent, rare reputation both at home and abroad, has been hailed as one of "the eight wonders of the world".

First of all, we came to a pit, the pit is the largest of three pits a pit, the pit depth of 5 meters, covers an area of about 14260 square meters, how, enough! Not only big and warrior figures is the no. 1 pit, pit is about more than 600 TaoRen, TaoMa, their orderly arranged in annular square, the eastern end of the pit, the warriors have three columns rank them with bows, crossbows, hand weapons, such as long shots like, like for striker troops. Followed by more than 600 armor of the main body of troops, and amraphel, holding spear gun isometric weapon, with 35 by a team of four horses chariots have eleven holes arranged in 38 columns and 30 eight-way columns. The warriors in pit no. 1 unearthed in total more than 500 pieces, horse 24 driving six chariots.

The warrior figures in the no. 1 pit of different, image lifelike, lifelike. You see: some warrior figures in with a smile, seem to come up with a magic weapon to defeat the enemy; Some just looked at the sky, seem to be missing loved ones far away; Some serious face, as if determined defend; And clenched his fist, glared at the front, as if to march at any time. These amazing warrior figures and chariot, truly reflect the generation of emperor qin unified the six countries of ambition.

Now please enjoy freedom, please consciously abide by the relevant regulations of the museum, dont litter, dont spit, graffito of the scribble not to. Ok, please enjoy the condensed the ancient working peoples wisdom and sweat in our country a great miracle, to feel the history of the gut-wrenching, thundering!

Todays trip to the Terra Cotta Warriors came to an end, I hope you come back to visit the ancient city of xi an. Thank you, goodbye!



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Jianglang Mountain is located in Shimen town of Jiangshan City. It isfamous for its Danxia landform and three giant rocks. It is said that in ancienttimes, three brothers surnamed Jiang climbed to the top of the mountain togetherand made three giant rocks, standing on the hills. In fact, such a magnificentmountain landscape is the result of geological evolution for hundreds ofmillions of years. The violent volcanic fault depression makes it stand aloof,and the slowly eroded weathering makes it magnificent and beautiful.

Standing at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, Langfeng, Yafeng and Lingfengare in front of us. Among the three rocks, Lingfeng is full of strange rocks andold pines. The clouds and haze are scattered and the smoke is lingering, whichis like a fairyland. Yafeng is the most dangerous, almost vertical, and cant bereached. Langfeng has a towering wall, and only a steep stone step dug by handleads to the peak.

Under the leadership of my father, I clenched the iron fence welded intothe cliff with my left hand, pressed it with my right hand, and barely stood ontiptoe to climb along the cliff. When he reached the mountainside, he raised hiseyes straight up, and the narrow stone steps were winding, as if leading to theend of the sky. When he looked down, he could only see that the forest wasundulating, and the sole of his feet was an abyss! "An De, who had wings, cameand went with the king." Standing in a dangerous place, the whole person iscaptured by the transcendent magnificence, just as Bai Juyi said in hispoems!

Although the road to the peak is steep and infinite, my attention is alwaysattracted by the mysterious autumn scenery at the foot of the mountain. Lookingdown, the fog slowly floats up the hill, forming crystal clear dew on thegranite wall; red maple and green moss curl on the steep and smooth rock wall,forming a body with the surrounding gravel; in the abyss, the coniferous forestis dyed golden by the autumn wind, and the forest near the foot of the mountainis slightly red. The field of vision is everywhere, and the gradual change ofwarm color blocks envelop the land. I even felt that in the cool autumn of thecrisp people, my heart beat gradually became warm, and I jumped and trembledagain and again in the cliff against the pulse of the mountains.

At dusk, Jianglang Mountain goes further and further away. The setting sunwarms the peaceful Shimen Town, surrounded by golden rice fields. The buscarried us on the highway that was full of Wutong trees and was inadvertentlymerged into the yellow rice waves. Looking around, there is a low wooden housefloating in the rice wave in the distance. There are several hedges beside thewooden house. The hedges are full of trembling white pear blossoms - pearblossoms? No! There are hundreds of yellow billed egrets. They are heavilycovered with branches, like clusters of pear blossoms in full bloom on theridge. Batu floated across the sea of rice, and the "pear flower" turned intosnow flakes and floated to the sky, and then flew back. Silver wings flying,white light fleeing, leaving a string of high pitched sound. Looking at the footof the mountain in autumn, my recent irritability has been calmed, and I amreally moved by everything in front of me.



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Jinan has been a scenic spot since ancient times, once known as "everyspring, every weeping willow". Baotu Spring is full of vigor and vitality. Themagnificent Qianfo Mountain and the clear Daming Lake are like two bright pearlshidden in this land. Its very vivid to describe her with "lotus flowers allaround, willows on three sides, mountains in one city and half lakes in thecity"

My hometown is called "Spring City" by people. In her "treasure chest",there are 72 pearls, which always shine and illuminate the whole "treasurechest". The brightest pearl in her is "Baotu Spring". She has three springs, oneof which is the largest. The spring comes out wave after wave, just like a bigwheel, so it is named "Baotu Spring" ”。 Li Qingzhao, an ancient poet, once livedhere. The place she used to wash was later called "shuyuquan". What a beautifulname! There are many small springs around Baotu Spring, such as "woniu spring","Pearl Spring", "Baishi spring" and "Heihu spring". With their decoration, Jinanhas become more and more splendid.

Lao She has written many articles about Jinan, such as spring in Jinan,autumn in Jinan, winter in Jinan, Jinan in three months, Baotu Spring and DamingLake. Lao Shes grandfathers "second home" is Jinan. He vividly wrote abeautiful Jinan into his prose.

There are many snacks in Jinan. For example, the famous ones are QuanchengDabao, Caobao baozi, Mengjias braised hooves, famous peoples roast wholesheep, Youxuan and so on. If you come to Jinan, you must try the flavor snacksof Jinan.

According to my mother, Jinan used to be quite different from "SpringCity". Take nanxinzhuang, where we live, as an example. When my mother was inhigh school, it was still a low bungalow. The road here was very narrow. Atmost, it could only accommodate a small car. There were a lot of trafficaccidents every year.

Now its different. Our nanxinzhuang has been transformed into a Nanxincommunity. Lots of buildings have sprung up. The front and back of the buildingsare as generous as a flower garden. There are magnificent lawns, fountains, andhealth equipment for peoples leisure and entertainment. The straight road isnot only widened, traffic lights and monitors are installed at intersections.The markets on both sides of the road are gone. Now tall and straight pine treesare planted, and there is no garbage in the middle of the road. Now it has beenchanged into a traffic safety indicator line. The traffic accidents are fallingyear by year. The road is in order, and there is no noise any more. Highwayshave been built in the city, and high-end cars have entered our families.

Jinan, an antique city, a magnificent Spring City, this is my hometown, itsname is Jinan.



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Dear tourists, my name is Chen Yinbai. Please call me guide Chen. You arenow in Xishuangbanna. Do you want to know where Xishuangbanna is? Its in thesouthwest of our country. In this beautiful and rich land, there are 14 ethnicgroups such as Dai, Hani and Han.

Tourists, we are now in the plant kingdom of Xishuangbanna. There areskygazing trees and arrow poison trees. Im here to remind you: dont get closeto arrow poison trees, or your life will be in danger. There are also 1700 yearold tea trees, dancing grass and water cane in the path. Its raining, and youdont have to worry. Because there is a kind of "natural umbrella". Cut off apiece of plant called "Hai Yu Ye" to avoid heavy rain.

Tourists, we are now in the animal kingdom of Xishuangbanna. At this point,the gibbon and the black civet may be looking at you. At this time, theleisurely elephants are swinging their noses in the jungle for a walk and play.At this time, the Green Peacock is unfolding its colorful feathers to dance foryou, the vultures are hovering in the air, the tigers and leopards are hauntingin the depths of confusion

When we walk into the village of Xishuangbanna, you will see manyinteresting buildings: bamboo buildings, bamboo pavilions, spire pagodas Men,women and children in all kinds of ethnic clothes are talking and laughinghappily. They are the most beautiful scenery in this land

There are many beautiful sceneries in Xishuangbanna. Next time, I will leadyou to Xishuangbanna again.



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Zhujiajian is a national scenic spot, located in the southeast of Zhoushanarchipelago in Zhejiang Province. It is also known as Putuo Mountain Nationalkey scenic spot with a distance of 1.35 nautical miles. It is an important partof Putuo golden triangle, the core tourist area of Zhoushan Archipelago. It isthe fifth largest island of Zhoushan Archipelago, with an island area of 72square kilometers.

Zhujiajian has a superior geographical location and convenienttransportation. Zhoushan civil aviation airport, located in the northwest ofZhujiajian, has opened more than 10 air routes including Beijing, Shanghai,Nanjing, Xiamen, Jinjiang, Jinan and Shantou. It is 1.35 nautical miles awayfrom Putuo Mountain in the north, and can reach Zhujiajian in five minutes byboat from Putuo Mountain; It is only 1km away from Shenjiamen fishing port, oneof the four famous fishing ports in the world. A cross sea bridge connectsZhujiajian with Shenjiamen (and the whole Zhoushan Island). Tourists fromHangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo and other land routes can directly drive intoZhujiajian.

Zhujiajian island has unique natural landscape and rich tourism resources.The development of Zhujiajian tourism area was started in 1988. In 1993,Zhujiajian development and construction management committee was established,which is responsible for the implementation of the protection, planning andconstruction of 28.8 square kilometers of national scenic spots. In 1998, theZhujiajian Scenic Tourism Management Committee was established and worked withthe Zhujiajian town government. Under the leadership of the municipal anddistrict governments, the integrated management of the whole island wasimplemented. The tourism system was straightened out and the Zhujiajian touristarea entered the stage of all-round development.

In order to develop Zhujiajian scientifically, Zhejiang Institute of urbanand rural planning and design was entrusted in March 1993 to compile the masterplan of Zhujiajian, Putuo District, Zhoushan City. In November 1998, the tourismdevelopment plan of Putuo Zhujiajian national island ecological park wascompiled. In 20__, Shanghai Tongji University was entrusted to compile themaster plan of Zhujiajian from 20__ to 2030. Since then, Zhujiajian scenic spothas embarked on a scientific development path of combining the development andutilization of scenic spots with the reasonable protection of resources.

The scenery of Zhujiajian island is beautiful and charming. On the island,there are continuous sands, rippling blue waves, steep rocks, staggered cavesand reefs, enchanting sea light, wide forests, endless tides and fresh air. The6300 meter long nine person beach stretches across the island, like a goldnecklace, inlaid between the green mountains and the blue sea. The cliffs aresteep, the caves are deep and secluded, and the sea erosion landform is all overthe southeast coast of the island. The rocks are beautiful, the stone scenery iscolorful, and the magic work is vivid. The Wushi gravel beach is rare in China,with the sound of the tide and the sound of nature. The fishing boats sing late,the sea fire is shining, and the Dongsha is surging in the sun; There are lotsof seagulls, silverfish, fishing village customs and modern fishery landscape;the trees are green and quiet, the air is fresh, there is no heat in summer, theclimate is pleasant, the products are rich, and there are many aquaticproducts.

Zhu Jiajian adheres to the strategy of implementing high-quality tourismproducts, accelerating the promotion of high-end hotels, leisure villas,large-scale tourism commodity shopping centers, China Buddhist College, yacht,sea fishing club, beach sports and entertainment city, Island InternationalConference Center and other major industrial clusters, so as to make it acoastal city in the Yangtze River Delta with international standards, excellentfacilities, first-class service, beautiful environment and distinct image Thefirst choice for fake tourism.



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Located in the southeast of Dayan Pagoda, Tang Furong garden was built onthe original Tang Dynasty Royal Furong garden site. Today, it has the largestimitation Tang architecture group in China. Come here to enjoy the magnificentimitation Tang architecture, the beautiful scenery set off by the lights, andthe song and dance dream back to the Tang Dynasty with the style of theprosperous Tang Dynasty.

Taking Furong Lake as the geographical center, Tang Furong garden issurrounded by many scenic spots such as ziyunlou, Luyu tea house and FengmingJiutian theater. The park is further divided into 12 cultural theme areas, whichrepresent the splendid civilization of the Tang Dynasty from the aspects ofemperors, poetry, folk, food, singing and dancing.

The night scene in the garden is also very bright. When the night falls andthe lights begin to shine, you can see the splendid Tang culture corridor,Fanglin garden, Ziyun building and other places. Against the moonlight andlights, Tang Furong garden is more elegant.

There will also be wonderful performances in the park, including Qitiandrum dance, "Jiaofang music and dance" palace performance, "Yanying nishang"costume performance, etc. The worlds largest water screen movie, staged everynight in the north square of ziyunlou, will bring you a new three-dimensionalshock. And the large-scale dance drama "dream back to the Tang Dynasty" stagedin Fengming Jiutian theater is a music and dance performance integrating thestyle of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the essence of song and dance. For moreperformances, please refer to the official website.

To visit Furong garden, it is recommended to enter the garden from the westgate (also known as yuyuanmen). After entering the garden, follow the lakesidepath and circle the Furong Lake clockwise to visit various scenic spots. In theevening, I went back to the Fengming Jiutian theater near the south gate toenjoy the dream of the Tang Dynasty. In the evening, I watched the water curtainmovie in the ziyunlou square to the north of the theater.



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone, welcome to Nanchang, the hero city. Im Xiao Li. Now let meintroduce the general situation of Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province. Asthe political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the province, itis a city with a long history and glorious revolutionary tradition. It islocated in the north of central Jiangxi Province, the lower reaches of GanjiangRiver and Fuhe River, and the Poyang Lake Plain. The total area is about 7402square kilometers and the total population is about 4.62 million. The city hasfive districts including Donghu District, Xihu District, Qingyunpu District,Wanli District and Qingshanhu District, and four counties including Nanchang,Xinjian, Jinxian and Anyi. The name of Nanchang began in the Western HanDynasty, implying "Changda Nanjiang" and "prosperity of the South". Nanchang wasfounded in 2 BC___ In, Guan Ying, the famous founding General of the HanDynasty, was ordered to lead his troops to Nanchang, where Yuzhang county andNanchang County were officially established. The next year (before 201), a localcity was built in Nanchang, which was called "Guancheng". This is the beginningof Nanchang.

Nanchang city is located in the north and south traffic arteries of ourcountry. The existing water, land and air transportation network can lead to thewhole province and all parts of the country. The first plane, the first wheeledtractor, the first motorcycle and the first coastal defense missile of new Chinawere born here. In recent years, Nanchangs industrial economy has made greatprogress, initially forming five pillar industries, such as automobile, medicineand food, textile and clothing, electronic information and home appliances, newmaterials, and striving to become an important base of modern manufacturingindustry and regional economic center city. The agricultural economy and thetertiary industry also have a rapid development, business circulation is active,a prosperous scene.

Nanchang has many scenic spots and rich tourism resources. According toincomplete statistics, Nanchang has 104 tourism resources with development valueand development, including 26 natural landscapes and 28 cultural landscapes.Among them, Tengwang Pavilion, the first of the three famous buildings in thesouth of the Yangtze River, is the main representative of ancient culturaltourism, red tourism represented by the former site of Bayi Uprisingheadquarters, and green tourism represented by Meiling, Nanchang baohulu farm asthe main representative of the characteristics of leisure tourism.

Now let me briefly introduce Tengwang Pavilion, which is known as the firstfloor of Xijiang. Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, the fourth son ofTang Gaozu Li Yuan. During the reign of Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted thetitle of King Teng, so it was named tengwangge. The reason why tengwangge isfamous in the world is that we have to mention Wang Bos preface to tengwangge.It is said that when the young Wang Bo was exploring for his family, he happenedto catch up with the banquet Party of Yan Boyu, the governor. He was so excitedthat he asked someone to take out his pen and ink and wrote down the preface toTengwang Pavilion on the spot. Please look here. The two lines are written onthe gate bar. The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn watergrows in the same color. These two sentences can be said to be the best of allages and have been handed down to this day.

Nanchang food is very special. Here we can taste some special dishes, suchas Chenhao fried bacon, Poyang Lake lion head, three cups of chicken, three cupsof dog meat, three cups of foot fish, Huangqin roast brine, Gan flavor milk dogmeat, fermented wax gourd circle, five yuan Longfeng soup, etc. We can alsotaste some folk snacks, such as Nanchang rice noodles, stone street Mahua,hometown Guoba, spicy hot and fried snacks.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1636 字

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Everybody is good, and where we are now, is the famous mogao grottoes. Mogao grottoes in dunhuang, it used to be like the singing, crescent lake, dunhuang is the famous tourist attractions, or by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in our country on the world heritage list in 29 landscape, one of the cultural heritage.

The mogao grottoes, commonly known as the thousand-buddha grottoes is located in the singing. Caves chisel in the 4th century AD, until the end of the 14th century, before and after the continuation of about one thousand years. The mogao grottoes is a magnificent building, is the palace of paintings and sculptures, is the largest and most content in Chinese now grottoes grottoes.

Of where the visitors, now is the door to the mogao grottoes, in front of us there are two towers, finishing mountain layers are hidden behind the hole, from a distance like a tower, a house room, room. The hole in possession of many treasures, books, documents, etc. Most eye-catching is the murals, particular is flying mural image.

Dear visitors, do you have any found mural is mostly incomplete, thats because once suffered a few times, more than one hundred years ago was stole many foreigners, now give people leave many regrets. I also want to here called on everyone to protect our world cultural heritage, inherit and carry forward our national culture.

Dear visitors, because time relationship, todays visit to call it a day. Hope you regret it, through this tour, know more about the mogao grottoes culture. Want a deeper understanding of the mogao grottoes, welcome you come again next time.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6772 字

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Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Dongming county is located in Zhukou village,5 kilometers northeast of the county. It is adjacent to the Yellow River flowingeastward in the north and the Ridong expressway running through Qilu in thesouth. It is another beautiful cultural landscape of Dongming County, thehometown of Zhuangzi.

1、 The whole process of construction

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Dongming County was raised by she Shicheng, avillager of Zhukou village, Chengguan town. It was built in 20__ and officiallycompleted in August 20__. Why she Shicheng devoted all of her resources to theconstruction of the Chairman Mao Memorial? This is because she Shicheng, who wasborn in Shegang village, wusheng Township in September 1944, lived in the oldsociety by begging and farming land for a large family in Zhukou village. Aftersuffering a lot, she moved to Zhukou Village. It was Chairman Mao who led thepeople to turn over and become the masters. From then on, he had land and liveda good life. After two social experiences, she Shicheng deeply felt that withoutChairman Mao, there would be no today. Therefore, since his youth, he has alwaysthought of the party and Chairman Mao.

She Shicheng studied carpentry in her early years and engaged inarchitecture. She is a famous expert in architecture. Especially after the ThirdPlenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, he and many villagersgradually embarked on the road of becoming rich. With the development of societyand the great changes in peoples lives, he realized more deeply that withoutthe foundation laid by Chairman Maos overthrowing the three mountains, therewould be no happiness today. Dont forget the well digger. Gratitude is not onlythe unique traditional quality of the Chinese people, but also the outstandingpersonality of she Shicheng, a loyal peasant. Therefore, how to rememberChairman Mao and how to pass on the admiration for Chairman Mao from generationto generation has become a problem he often thinks about in his heart. Afterdecades of deliberation, he decided to express his admiration for great men in atraditional way. In order to celebrate Chairman Maos achievements and rememberthe kindness of great people, on February 16, 20__, he raised money everywhere,stripped off his house, made room for his own design, and built a Mao Pavilionon his homestead for the villagers to admire. Then, he and villagers Zhu Faqistarted the activities of preparing for the construction of Chairman Maosmemorial hall, and set up a preparation group with him as the main body and 10villagers as participants. She Shicheng did her best to contribute her familyscapital. First, she contributed her contracted responsibility land of sevencents per mu. Then she negotiated with the villagers overnight to exchangeanother piece of responsibility land of seven cents per mu for eight cents permu depression. She also borrowed money to compensate the other party for eightthousand yuan in cash. She planned to build a memorial base of three acres andfive cents per mu. He designed it himself, laid the foundation on August 1,20__, and completed it in one year. The main building area of the memorial hallis 220 square meters, with a height of 83.41 meters (symbolizing Chairman Maosdeath at the age of 83 and 41 years in power). The main hall is 49 meters high(symbolizing the founding of the peoples Republic of China in 1949). The fronteaves of the memorial hall is 71 cm (symbolizing the founding of the ChineseCommunist Party on July 1, 1999), and the second floor, third floor andcorridors on both sides. The total project cost is more than 710000 yuan. Amongthem, she Shicheng raised more than 460000 yuan, and the surrounding peopleraised about 250000 yuan. Because of the construction of the memorial hall, theoriginal houses are all 0, and she Shicheng and her two are still living in thetemporary shed in the southwest corner of the memorial hall. Because of theresponsibility of the whole family, all the fields have been replaced by thebuilding base. There is no income, and life depends on one daughter and twosons.

After the completion of the memorial, it has become the only privatememorial tourist attraction in China. On December 17, 20__, Mao Xinyu, theeldest grandson of Mao Zedong, Liu Bin and his wife, Mao Ningke, the eldestgrandson of Mao Zemin, and Mao Xiaoqing, the granddaughter of Mao Zelian,cordially received Comrade she Shicheng at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and had acordial conversation with 18 Chinese news media reporters.

2、 Current situation and pattern

As soon as you walk into Chairman Maos memorial hall, the first thing youcan see is the memorial Pavilion renamed from the original "Mao Gong Pavilion".There is a gold bronze statue of Chairman Mao more than one meter high inside,which is vivid and magnificent. In front of the pavilion, the five-star red flagflutters in the wind, surrounded by pines and cypresses, Holly evergreen.

Entering the exhibition hall, the most eye-catching one is the goldenfull-length bronze statue of Mao Zedong (2.83 meters high) created by the famousChinese Art Master Mr. Liu Kaiqu and cast by Hunan Shaoshan xuritang bronzestatue Casting Co., Ltd., standing in the center of the hall on the first floor,with the magnificent Great wall behind it. When I came to the center of the hallon the second floor, I saw a golden bronze statue of Chairman Mao Zedong infront of the large-scale painting "welcoming pine". The whole exhibition hall isdivided into nine exhibition areas: going out of the country, creating a newworld, agrarian revolution, anti Japanese War, war of liberation, dream of apowerful country, looking to the world, feelings of poets and old age. On theleft and right corridors of the memorial hall are the abstract of the speechdelivered at the Symposium Commemorating Chairman Mao Zedongs 110th birthday,the preface of the memorial hall and the banner of Chairman Maos poems writtenby famous calligraphers. The layout is reasonable and magnificent.

3、 Normal activity

After the completion of the memorial, people from all over the world cometo visit it every day. In particular, every year, on December 26, Chairman MaoZedongs birthday, the memorial hall has held grand commemorative activities,which have been held four times in a row. The activities are presided over bythe Management Committee of Chairman Mao Zedongs memorial hall, and large dramatroupes are invited to perform for 3-4 days. On the day of the activity, thelocal Yangko team, Huagu team, Taiji team and martial arts team performed, whichwas very lively.

At each event, the surrounding people, just like the Spring Festival, cameearly to pay homage to Chairman Mao and cherish his great cause. The villagersin this village are in a continuous stream.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 3510 字

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Beijing is a national historical and cultural city with a history of 3000years. Beijing used to be the capital of Six Dynasties in history. In more than20__ years since the state of Yan, many magnificent palace buildings have beenbuilt, making Beijing the city with the largest number of imperial palaces,gardens, temples and tombs and the richest content in China. Among them, theImperial Palace in Beijing was called the Imperial Palace in the Ming Dynastyand the Forbidden City in the Qing Dynasty. It used to be the imperial palace ofthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, and lived in 24 emperors. The magnificent buildingsperfectly reflect the traditional Chinese classical style and Oriental style. Itis the largest existing palace in China and even the world, and is a preciouscultural heritage of the Chinese nation. The temple of heaven is famous both athome and abroad for its reasonable layout and exquisite construction

Siheyuan is the general name of the traditional northern houses with themain house, inverted seat house and east-west wing house around the middlecourtyard. Beijing siheyuan, originated from the courtyard style houses of YuanDynasty, is the most important residential building in old Beijing. The narrowalleys between the green tile and grey brick quadrangles are the famous oldBeijing Hutong.

The religious temples in Beijing are all over the capital. The existingfamous ones are: Fayuan temple, Tanzhe Temple, Jietai Temple, Yunju temple,Badachu temple, etc. The White Cloud View of Taoism. Beijing Niujie worshipTemple of Islam, etc. Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism), such as the Yonghe temple, theCatholic Xishiku Catholic Church, Wangfujing Catholic Church, etc. There aremany Christian churches, such as gangwa city church and Chongwenmen church.

The central axis of Beijing refers to the central axis of Beijing in yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties. The urban planning of Beijing has the characteristicsof symmetry with the palace city as the center. The central axis of Beijingstarts from Yongdingmen in the South and ends at Zhonggulou in the north, about7.8 km long. From south to north are Yongdingmen, Qianmen Jianlou, Zhengyangmen,Zhonghuamen, Tiananmen, Duanmen, Wumen, Forbidden City, shenwumen, Jingshan,Dianmen, houmenqiao, Gulou and bell tower. From Yongdingmen, the south end ofthe central axis, there are Tiantan, xiannongtan, Taimiao, sheji altar,Donghuamen, xihuamen, Andingmen and Deshengmen, which are symmetricallydistributed along the central axis. Mr. Liang Sicheng, a famous Chinesearchitect, once said: "the unique magnificent order of Beijing is produced bythe establishment of this central axis." Yongdingmen, Zhonghuamen and Dianmenwere demolished after the founding of the peoples Republic of China. In recentyears, Yongdingmen tower has been rebuilt.







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Is Indonesian island, Bali (Bali) located at the western end of the lesser sunda islands is roughly a diamond, spindle for east-west. Occupies an area of 5623 square km and a population of about 2.47 million. East west high low terrain, mountains across, has more than 10 volcanic cone, argonne volcano, 3140 meters above sea level in eastern, is the islands highest peak. Sunny, in most of the annual rainfall of about 1500 mm, dry season about 6 months. Developed economy, population density is second only to Java, the second in the nation. Residents are mainly Balinese hindus to temple architecture, sculpture, painting, music, textile, singing and dancing, and is famous for its scenery. As one of the tourist destination in the world. Land reclamation rate more than 65%, the yield of rice, corn, cassava, coconut, coffee, tobacco, peanuts, cabbage, onion, fruit and palm oil, etc. Cattle, coffee and coconut as the main export products. Bali on the east side of lombok strait is the dividing line between mainland and Macao two part of typical animals, has special significance in biology.

Or Indonesia Bali famous tourist area, is one of the lesser sunda islands east of the island of Java, covers an area of about 5560 square kilometers and a population of about 2.8 million. Bali west about 1000 kilometers from the capital Jakarta, and in the capital, Jakarta Java island facing each other across the sea, only 1.6 kilometers. Due to the island is located in the tropical and influenced by ocean, warm and rainy weather, soil is very fertile, four seasons green water of castle peak, million flowers, towering trees. Bali sex life of flowers, everywhere decorated with flowers, therefore, the island is "flower island", and enjoy "the south China sea paradise", "fairy island" reputation. Mostly mountain on the island, island mountain horizon, the topography of the east west high low, four, five mountain conical complete fire, the argonne volcano (Bali) 3142 meters above sea level, is the islands highest point, near eruption in 963 Mr Is an active volcano.

Sand island nur, noosa dole and the library of the place such as the beach, is the most beautiful beach in the island scenery, here fine sand beach width, the clear blue water. Visitors from all over the world come here for sightseeing every year. Bali, wood carving statues of the Hindu temple Bali because of the history of Indian culture and religion, the influence of the residents mostly Hindu, Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs. But the Hindu here with Indian Hindu not the same, is the combination of the Hindu teachings and Bali customs, known as the Hindu Bali. Residents three main worship god (brahma, Vishnu and shiva) and Buddhism sakyamuni, also worship the sun god, water god, fire, wind, etc. Jiamiao catholics have a home, family composition of the communities temple in the village of the village temple, the temple island has more than 125000 seats, therefore, the island called the "thousand temple island" laudatory name. Temple is most notably in the one thousand - year - old hundred ShaJiLing temple, ling temple built in known as "the worlds navel" argonne volcanic slopes, to the worship of this intermittent eruption of the volcano god. Ling temple the hierarchy of stone buildings, similar to Angkor Wat in Cambodia.



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各位游客:你们好,欢迎你们来到张家口,我是你们的导游。 张家口市地处京晋冀蒙交界处,距北京约180公里,这里地势险要,有“塞外山城”之称。张家口市辖4区、13县,总面积3.7万平方公里,人口450万。京包、丰沙、大秦铁路横穿东西,京张、宣大高速公路和109、110、112、207国道穿市而过,北京西直门汽车站从早6时开始,每半小时就有一趟至张家口的快速客运班车发出,交通旅行十分方便。

张家口市的古遗址数量很多,分布面广。古长城的“大镜门”是长城要隘,也是张家口市的象征。涿鹿县矾山是“黄帝战蚩尢”的古战场,是中华民族的发祥地之一,每年都有众多的炎黄子孙来这里寻根祭祖。此外,还有蔚县代王城汉墓群、怀安县汉墓群、宣化辽壁画墓以及市区的水母宫、云泉寺、清远楼等,都是颇值得一观的古迹。 位于张北中都的中都草原是距北京较近的自然草原,夏季气候凉爽,草场繁茂,来此还可以体验蒙古族风情,是消暑休闲的胜地。




清远楼位于古城宣化正中,又名钟楼,始建于明成化十八年(公元1482年),是一座重搪多角十字脊歇山顶的高大建筑。楼建在高8米的十字券洞上,南与昌平、北与广灵、东与安定、西与大新四门通衡。与城内镇朔楼、拱极楼成一轴线。券洞内520xx年前的铁轮车辙明显可见。楼外观3层,内实2层,通高25米,楼阁高17米,为3开间,6塔椽,前后明间出抱厦,四周有游廊,支立24根粗大廊柱。上搪为绿色琉璃瓦顶,腰搪、下搪为布瓦顶。梁架斗拱精巧秀丽,循角飞翘,生气盎然。楼上层搪下,悬挂愿额4块,南曰“清远楼”,北曰“声通天颖”,东曰“耸峙严疆”,西曰“震靖边氛”。楼内悬有明嘉靖十八年(公元1539年)铸造的“宣府镇城钟”一口,高2.5米,口径1.7米,重约万斤,用四根通天柱架于楼体上层中央。钟声悠扬宏亮,可传40余里,颇负盛名。该楼造型别致,结构精巧严谨。可与武汉黄鹤楼媚美,在国内同属罕见,索有“第二黄鹤楼”之称。该楼建筑独具一格,为我国古代精美艺术建筑之一。 清远楼历尽沧桑,1986年文化部拨款39万元,对清远楼进行了全面修复,修复后的清远楼碧瓦青砖晶莹剔透,金龙玉兽傲首长空,飞搪翘角宏宇轩昂,廊柱斗拱被红挂翠,雕梁画栋富丽堂皇,古钟高悬,风铃叮当,显得古朴、典雅、雄伟、壮观。


奇台山景区(即登山 区),包括奇台山、悬空洞、双狮奔、清凉亭、夫妻峰5个景点。奇台山由山脊拔地而起,山势高峻、沟堑纵横。台下17米处有一悬空洞,游人可穿梭自如,别具风趣。,登悬梯可上奇台顶一览群山。夫妻峰、双狮奔山也让人留连忘返。翠云山森林游览区,该区以森林为主体,碧波荡漾,繁花似锦,木欣欣以向荣,泉泪渭而始流,使群山五彩纷呈。另有垂钓区、野餐区、打靶、狞猎、射箭等娱乐场。公园还设有服务区,有餐馆、招待所、商店等服务设施。以其独特的雄姿和魁力迎接备方游客的到来。




司马迁曾在《史记·五帝本纪》中说:黄帝的政治、军事、文化等主要活动 在涿鹿一带。先“与炎帝战于贩泉之野”,后“与堂尤战于涿鹿之野,遂擒杀室尤”,又巡视各地,东至于海,西至于空桐,南至于江,北逐荤粥,从而保障了南北地的安宁。于是黄帝威信震,被各部族首领尊为天子,并与之“合符釜山,而邑于涿鹿之阿”。即兴建了我国历史上第一座都城。黄帝在涿鹿之野的活动开创了华夏民族文化发展的新纪元,使其由“野蛮”进入“文明”时代。




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“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”, 这是我很早以前就会背诵的千古佳句,今年暑假,我回了一趟老家南昌,终于有机会登上了著名的滕王阁。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2139 字

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Hello, your visitors today by let me to introduce you to the jiuzhaigou valley. My name is Xu Chuchu, you can call me xiao xu, also can call me hui guide.

Jiuzhaigou in sichuan province, northern qinghai-tibet plateau and the loess plateau junction. Is located in the mountains, the pictureque bank of the Yangtze river tributaries, about 720 square kilometers, the top 1000 meters. Dear visitors, we first appreciation on the top of the mountain. We should pay attention to safety, we take a tour cart.

Now we came to the top of the hill. Here at the age of snow, and at the foot of the mountain valley in green basket of flowers and plants, CengLinJinRan, bubbling streams. Do you want to know why so pure and fresh the air here? Because of the no exhaust soot pollution, so the sky more blue, the clouds whiter. This unique landform has produced there different styles of beautiful lake and mountain towering stands. Well, you a breath of fresh air here first!

Come down from the top of the hill is a clear waters. Jiuzhaigou lake is the show, was known for. Many lakes, big and small. What is a turquoise lake elsewhere, and there are blue, just like in the shallow sea of color. Lake is near the castle peak, and the lush green mountains and blue sky white clouds reflected on the calm water of the lake together, difficult points and the actual situation, if you took pictures here, so must turn it over to pour the past do not know how to take the photos is positive. Mostly lighter, small lake bottom, the bottom color, many orange red fish swimming freely. Most notably, the local water containing a certain minerals, elder JinMan, formed many sizes, shapes and colors of gorgeous color pool, and under different illumination time changing colors, dazzling, really like to enter the world jade pool. You can taste the spring water here!

Visitors, now you can take ten minutes here, free for a walk, enjoy the beautiful scenery here, but remember not to go too far, its easy to find, also, to wear the hat on tourism SheFa, it makes it easier for us to find. After ten minutes, we are to meet in this place, go to the next destination.



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Wuyang river originates from Wengan, the hinterland of Miaoling, runsthrough the mountains of eastern Guizhou, and then flows into the YuanjiangRiver in Tingxi. She left the most beautiful reach to Zhenyuan. Wuyang Riverscenic area is 95 km long from Jiuzhou of Huangping to Yueliang Bay of Zhenyuancity. There are eight famous canyons in the area. Among them, touxia, Wulugorge, Laodong gorge and Guanyin gorge from Jiuzhou to Shibing can be calledshangwuyang gorge, or shangwuyang gorge for short. The Zhuge gorge, Longwanggorge, Xixia gorge and Dongxia gorge from Shibing to Yueliang Bay are commonlyknown as xiahuayang gorge, or "xiawuyang" for short. In these two scenic spots,there are many bays, difficult and dangerous, strange peaks, differentwaterfalls, deep caves and dense bamboo and wood. There are more than 200 baysup and down the river, and there are more than 200 interesting beaches.

Touxia is located in the upper reaches of Wuyang River scenic spot, about17 kilometers long. Because of its twists and turns, it is called"jiuzhuanhuifeng". About 18 kilometers long, it is the most beautiful canyonsection in Wuyang River Canyon group. Down the river from huangpingping EastVillage, through the stone tablet of "Zhongqiao Yidu", through "tiger mouth",and through the dangerous beach of "yaozilang" in front of a cliff shaped like"Yaozi". From the "talc Feishui" waterfall, which is shaped like "ShuangliuShuyu", to the East, there are some beautiful sceneries, such as the "JinqueYuzhu" stone peak and the "Xifeng bamboo forest" on the branch weir.

Wulutang, located in this gorge, is high and deep with dense forest. Thereare many monkey groups from bottom to top. When the amusement boat sails intothis gorge with dense forest and quiet landscape, it feels like boating in thelabyrinth on the ground and a paradise. Laodongxia is from suodongzhai toxiaotanghekou. It is about 8 kilometers long. Because it is close to the exit,there are stone hills like women, and huge stones like coffins in the river,which are like widows and Qifu gorge. Guanyin gorge is about 5 km long fromXiaotang estuary to Gaozhai downstream. In the gorge, the river bends slowly,the pool is deep and the beach is flat, and the mountains on both sides of thegorge rush straight into the sky. From gaozhaifang to xiawuqi, Shibing city tocaihuawan Miao village near Zhuge cave in Wuyang, the riverbed meanders 13kilometers. On the north bank near Shibing Chengguan, there are famous scenicspots such as dinosaur mountain, Jigong rock, Baimi daodou Baizhang Feiquan,etc.

Zhuge gorge, also known as "ZHUGE cave", is the beginning of Wuyang. It issaid that Zhuge Marquis Wu dug a river here for water transportation during hissouthern expedition, so it got its name. The gorge is about 8 kilometers long.The cliffs on both sides of the river are towering and the waterfalls arefalling. There are many scenic spots in the gorge, such as the remains of theancient fiber road, waterfalls in Shuiliandong, wuguishi, etc. on the lowersection of Zhuge gorge, you can overlook the huge wofoshan in the east of Gaobeivillage. On both sides of Longwang gorge are nearly 200 meters of cliffs. Thenarrow part of Yanghe River bed is only 30 meters. Here is the famous "one linesky" of BINGTUAN Yanghe River. At the intersection of Longwang gorge and Xixiagorge, there are two peaks cleverly combined into a peacock shaped open screen.Xixia and 10 kilometers, along the coast of cliffs, towering peaks, beautifulscenery, one of Xixia waterfall, commonly known as "dafeishui", from a 130 meterhigh cliff pouring down, majestic.

Wuyang River scenic spot, which was listed as a national scenic spot in1988, has many beautiful tributary canyons besides the main stream canyons,gaoku river with cascade waterfall, Xiaotang river with Jiuzhaigou travertinelandscape, and Shanmu river with famous scenic spot Yuntai mountain. Tiexi,which is not far from the famous historical and cultural town, has a very quietlandscape. It became a tourist area as early as 500 years ago in the middle ofthe Ming Dynasty.



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Hong Kong, the Oriental Pearl, is simply amazing!

It would be hard to find a more exciting city than Hong Kong. Set amongbeautiful natural surroundings it has all the benefits of a thriving and vibrantcommercial center. Here you can find the delights of modern living alongside anabundance of reminders of its historic past. Whether you visit the better knownhighlights like the stunning Ocean Park, the fantastic viewpoint of VictoriaPeak or the beautiful Repulse Bay , Hong Kong is certain to exceed yourexpectations.

Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of PRC, has grown from what wasa simple fishing village into the worlds fourth largest banking and financialcenter and eighth largest trading economy. Situated in the southeast corner ofChina, Hong Kong occupies an area of 1,104 square kilometers (about 426 squaremiles) and is home to more than 6,970,000 people. Most people (about 97% of thepopulation) are Chinese and speak Cantonese and English, although Mandarin isbecoming more popular in Hong Kong now. Most tourism personnel and taxi driverscan communicate with tourists in English. The most common religions are Buddhismand Christianity.

Hong Kong is made up of four parts: Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula,the New Territories and the Outlying Islands. Hong Kong Island is the center ofeconomy, politics, entertainment and shopping. Northern Hong Kong Island is themain commercial, shopping and entertainment area; the residential area islocated in Eastern Hong Kong Island; and Southern Hong Kong Island known for itssea shores and bays. Kowloon is another flourishing part of Hong Kong. Aboveall, Causeway Bay, Wan Chai , Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok are themost popular areas. These areas are busy day and night, and tourists can feelsecure enjoying the lively nightlife, because Hong Kong is one of the mostsecure cities in

the world. The New Territories and Outlying Islands are ideal places toexperience a peaceful and natural Hong Kong.

An open city with a wonderful natural harbor, Hong Kong is the meetingplace of various cultures that blend harmoniously with Chinese traditions andexotic influences. On one hand traces of British culture can be found everywhereas a result of former colonial rule. On the other hand, Hong Kong preservestraditional customs and the core values of Confucianism that have faded inMainland China. This is reflected in its colorful festivals ranging from SpringFestival to Christmas. Nowhere else on earth do luxury restaurants, street sidefood-stalls known locally as dai pai dong, grand mansions and penthouses,tenements, office blocks, wooden boats and huge liners coupled with English in avariety of accents and multifarious Chinese dialects coexist peacefully.

It is the dynamic Hong Kong that provides the environment in which therichest Chinese listed in Forbes directory do business. The city also is thebackdrop for modern movies and pop music that together enjoy worldwiderecognition. Home of Kongfu heroes like the late Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, HongKong continues to attract more and more ambitious would-be stars andentrepreneurs.

From Yum Cha (tea and dim sum) in the morning to a moon lit view from thetop of Victoria Peak or stunning night time harbor cruise, mingling withshoppers in the numerous malls and markets around Tsim Sha Tsui , tastingdelicacies at dai pai dong, taking a trip in a sampan or high speed ferry, HongKong will guarantee its visitors an unforgettable experience. There will alwaysbe something to enchant you and quite probably make you fall in love with thisunique place, be it sightseeing, shopping, dining or simply exploring its manydelights by day and night.

If there is no other reason why people from the world over are sointerested in this island, the answer is likely to be because it is there!Dont wait any longer. Join us and explore this wonderland for yourself!



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Hello everyone! Im very glad to meet you on such a sunny day. First ofall, on behalf of our company, happy time travel agency, I would like to expressmy heartfelt welcome to you. Thanks to your great fortune, Im very lucky to beyour guide. My name is Wang. You can just call me Xiao Wang. This one beside meis the one who has made the most painstaking efforts in our journey Our driver,Master Liu, has 30 years of driving experience. You can rest assured that hewill drive. Although our car is not big, it can accommodate all corners of theworld. Since we can get together in this small car from 9.6 million squarekilometers of land, we can borrow Fan Weis classic saying "fate..." Because offate, we sit together, because fate, we become friends, since we are friends, ifI do something inappropriate, you should put forward it in time, I will correctit immediately. My friends, our car is a blue and white golden dragon. Thelicense plate number is __X, and the last two digits of the license plate numberare __, which is our group number. I hope you can pay attention to theidentification when you get on and off. There is a song called "often go home tohave a look", there is a desire called "often come out for a walk", that istourism, tourism is important, but safety is the most important. It is said thatthe world is like a book. If you dont travel, you can read only one page of thebook: now lets travel together, lets read this page of China together. Next,lets read the first chapter: this page belongs to Hunan. The first section isChangsha, our first stop today.

Dear friends, the place we just passed by is Changsha railway station. Itstarted construction in 1975 and was completed in 1977. At that time, it wascalled Chinas three major railway stations together with Beijing railwaystation and Guangzhou railway station. At the same time, when it was completed,it was also one of the top ten buildings in China at that time. There are 16railway bureaus and two Railway Group companies on the national railway network.It can be said that there are countless trains issued every day. One of them isvery special, that is, train T1. Train T1 starts in Beijing and ends inChangsha. We think that this is a special symbolic meaning. It is Mao Zedongfrom Hunan who created new China. Changsha in Hunan is always connected withBeijing. Now we can see that the main building of Changsha railway station is abell tower, which will ring the song "Dongfanghong" every hour. Its shape is atorch, some friends say it is like a red hot pepper, symbolizing the uprightnessand blood of Hunan people.

In the cultural revolution, after Deng Xiaopings comeback, he emphasizedthe development of national economy and gave full play to the great role ofRailway "artery". Modeling reflects "a single spark can start a prairie fire".It was during the cultural revolution that the new railway station in Changshawas of special political significance. Hunan is Chairman Maos hometown,Changsha is Chairman Maos early revolutionary activities in the city, politicalsignificance is extraordinary. Therefore, the higher authorities require thatthe shape of Changsha railway station can express the theme of "a single sparkcan start a prairie fire". In order to show this theme, designers have carriedout extensive discussion and put forward many design schemes. Build a "nationalstyle" bell tower and torch. Due to the special political requirements in theconstruction of Changsha railway station and various assumptions, Changsharailway station has finally determined a unique facade scheme: a field shapedplane with staggered front and rear floors and tunnel entrance, and a bell towertorch with national style, which symbolizes that Changsha is the first placewhere Chairman Mao ignited the revolutionary fire. The bell tower is anindispensable part of the station design. Its appearance is necessary both fromthe needs of the people and from the construction of the station. Some expertswho reported in Beijing also attended the seminar. At the time of the report,Minister Wan Li paid more attention to the modeling. He suggested that thedesign should reflect the concept of Chairman Maos early revolutionary memorialsite and the characteristics of traffic architecture, and that there must be abell tower. The bell tower is the modeling center of the whole facade, withoutcareful consideration, it will affect the overall situation. The top of the belltower adopts the traditional style of ancient Chinese architecture, but thecornice is not warped and there is no curve, which makes it a little new in thetradition. Finally, the design decided to use triple eaves glazed tile roof.According to the needs of Changsha urban planning at that time, the bell towerwas in the middle of the top of the station, facing the central axis of WuyiRoad. The music was selected as the most popular "Oriental red" at thattime.

The use of "Oriental red" reflects the love for Chairman Mao. The wholemachine room of the clock tower is customized in Shanghai and then transportedto Changsha for installation. The music played was also made in Shanghai clockfactory. The towering clock tower has become the new commanding height ofChangsha. You can see it from Laodao River in the north to Xiangjiang bridge inthe West. At that time, Changsha railway station was the tallest building inChangsha. At that time, the requirement for the bell tower was that the traincould see the bell tower and the torch when passing through Laodaohe station,and the sound of telling the time could be heard a few kilometers away. WangChengzong, 32 years ago, was in charge of propaganda in the railway department.He recalled that the authorities required that there must be a huge torch on thetop of the main building of the station, which symbolized that Hunan wasChairman Maos hometown and ignited the flames of the Chinese revolution. In thespecific design, the "orientation" of the flame has become a puzzle. Judgingfrom the current location of the railway station, its east facing west.Generally speaking, if the front of the torch is in the west, if the torch isgoing to fly, it should take the front as the positive direction of the torch,that is to say, the torch is going to fly to the East. From then on, there was apolitical problem, "because Chairman Mao once said: the east wind prevails overthe west wind, the east wind shows the strength of the revolutionary people, andthe west wind marks a decadent system. If the torch flies to the East, wont thewest wind overwhelm the east wind? That wont work. Its a political mistake. "If the design is based on "east wind overwhelms west wind", the torch will floatfrom east to west. In that case, the main entrance of the station faces west,which is neither reasonable nor beautiful. Wanli clapped the torch and the flamewas burning in the sky. After a long time, no one could solve the problem of thewind direction of the torch, so we had to discuss it collectively. But we cantcome up with a way to get the best of both worlds. In order to make a plan assoon as possible, Minister Wan Li finally made a decision and came up with aplan that everyone had no objection to -- no wind, the torch flame is burning inthe sky! The flame is rushing into the sky, looking red, especially like a redpepper. It happens that Hunan people love to eat pepper. People from all overthe country who come to Changsha railway station say that this is Hunan peoplesfavorite pepper.

The flat road we are walking now is Wuyi Avenue. Wuyi Avenue was built in1951, so it is called Wuyi Road. Wuyi Road starts from the railway station inthe East and ends at Xiangjiang bridge in the west, with a total length of 4138meters. It is one of the main roads in Changsha, and it is also the east-westaxis of the whole city. It used to be relatively narrow. The road is only 19meters wide. In 20__, the provincial government invested more than 600 millionyuan to rebuild Wuyi Avenue. You can see that now Wuyi Avenue is full of trafficand orderly. There are eight motorways running back and forth, with an averagewidth of 60 meters. Wuyi Avenue is the straightest, longest, widest and mostbeautiful Central Avenue in Changsha. It passes through the most prosperousareas in Changsha. For example, Huangxing South Road Pedestrian Street, the mostpopular commercial pedestrian street in Changsha, is on its south side. Theurban construction of Changsha, especially the road construction, has developedrapidly after 20__. There is also such a small story about the road constructionin Changsha, which is popular among the people. It is said that at the 15thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1998, Comrade ZhangYunchuan, the former governor of Hunan Province, was personally received by ZhuRongji. He was a native of Changsha County. At that time, he said such asentence to governor Zhang in Changsha Dialect: "Xiao Zhang, you should makemore roads when you go back." Changsha dialect means to do more practical thingsand do something good for the common people. Governor Zhang is not a local. Hethinks he wants him to build more roads, so many urban trunk roads have beenbuilt in recent years, such as Yanjiang Avenue, Huangxing South Road, JiefangWest Road, etc. From 20__ to 20__, Changshas urban construction investmentreached more than 75 billion yuan, which greatly improved the appearance ofChangsha.

Xiao Wang noticed that some friends in our group have been looking out ofthe car window. Are you paying attention to the greening on both sides of thestreet? Careful friends may see that there are two rows of trees on both sidesof the road. The tree species with big leaves near the road is Magnoliagrandiflora, which is a tree species that Chairman Mao likes very much. If youhave ever been to Dishui cave in Shaoshan, you will know There are many tallmagnolia trees outside the No.1 building of Dishui cave. The row of small leavesinside is camphor tree, which is the city tree of Changsha. Camphor balls usedin our daily life are extracted from camphor leaves. Camphor wood furniture isalso a good furniture, mothproof, durable. As we all know, Hunan is thebirthplace of Hunan embroidery, one of the four famous embroideries. Thehigh-end Hunan embroidery products are made of silk thread on silk fabrics. Weshould pay attention to moisture-proof, mildew proof and insect proof. If westore them in Cinnamomum camphora wooden boxes, we can effectively preventinsects from biting. In the past, when our daughter got married in rural areas,our mother had to send a Cinnamomum camphora wooden box to store quilt covers.Camphor trees generally grow in the south of the Yangtze River. We may see fewfriends from the north in our regiment, but it doesnt matter. When we get toZhangjiajie scenic area, there are all over the mountains and fields. You cantake a closer look. After that, Xiao Wang will introduce to you the flowers ofHunan Province and Changsha City. The flower of Hunan Province is hibiscus.Because of the crisscross rivers and rivers in Hunan, lotus and Mulian have beenplanted everywhere since Han and Tang Dynasties. Tang Dynasty poet Tan Yongzhionce wrote in the rain on the Xiangjiang River in autumn that the hibiscuscountry in the "autumn wind thousands of Li, dusk rain thousands of families,Xue Li village" refers to Hunan Province. In 1961, Chairman Maos poem "sevenrhythms answer friends" also contains "I want to have a few dreams, hibiscuscountry" The city flower of Changsha is called Rhododendron, also known asYINGSHANHONG. It is a common ornamental flower, which can be seen in many partsof the country. The azalea is also the city flower of Chairman Maos hometownShaoshan City. On the occasion of Chairman Maos 100th birthday, the azalea,which originally opened in March and April, competed to open in the cold winterand became a great spectacle at that time.

Now we are at the crossroads of Yuanjialing, the provincial Party committeeto the north and Shaoshan road to the south.

Our current location is Furong square, which is the larger of the fivesquares along Wuyi Avenue. It is named after Furong Road, which intersects WuyiRoad. Furong Road is a north-south traffic trunk road. It is also a financialstreet in Changsha City. There is a bank or securities company every tens ofmeters. It is a commercial street of every inch of land and money in ChangshaCity. With the acceleration of the integration process of Changsha, Zhuzhou andXiangtan in Hunan Province, Furong Road is gradually extending with the times.At present, the total length of Furong Road is nearly 50 km. As early as 20__,it surpassed Beijing Changan Road and became the longest urban road in China,known as "the first road in China". Now look at the center of the square. Thereis a beautiful sculpture called "Liuyang River" in the middle of the square. Itportrays the image of a goddess with long hair fluttering in the wind andplaying the violin. Her hair is curly, with a total of nine bends. It representsa famous river in our province --- Liuyang River. In addition, the uniqueness ofthe statue lies in the fact that there are a lot of staff on her hair. Thecomplete spelling is the song "Liuyang River". "Liuyang River" is a popular folksong sung by Hunan singer Li Guyi. Where is Liuyang River? Its in the east ofChangsha City. If you come from the airport, you have to pass the Liuyang RiverBridge.

OK, now were at May 1 square. Wuyi Square is located in the center ofChangsha business circle, and it is also the area with the longest history inChangsha. The city site of ancient Changsha is todays Wuyi Square and itssurrounding area. In thousands of years of history, around Wuyi Square hasalways been the official site of ancient Changsha. At present, Wuyi businessdistrict has been firmly in the leading position of Changsha Central BusinessDistrict, affecting the whole of Hunan. In the eyes of Changsha people, WuyiSquare is the center of the old city, the intersection of Huangxing Road andWuyi Road. In the middle of the road, there are green gardens, quotation steles,traffic control desk, etc. In the north, it reaches the entrance of Zijingstreet where Liaoyuan cinema is located; in the south, it takes Yaowang streetand dongpailou as the dividing points;

To the west, Hunan theater and the first commercial bureau of the city; tothe East, the provincial supply and Marketing Cooperative (now new worlddepartment store) and Nanyang street. Wuyi Square has a strong commercialatmosphere, which is called Wuyi business district. In 20__, due to theconstruction of Changsha Metro Line 2, Wuyi Square, which is in the goldensection, will have to carry out overall quality improvement. According to therelevant units of the project, the appearance of the reconstructed Wuyi Squareis still a green square, but two large underground parking lots with a hugeunderground shopping mall and 1300 cars are added. It is expected that theproject will be fully completed and put into use with the completion of thesubway station of Wuyi Square in the second half of 20__. By that time, the newWuyi Square will be presented to the people of Hunan.

Now we arrive at Huangxing Road Pedestrian Street. Huangxing South RoadPedestrian Commercial Street is 838 meters long and 23-26 meters wide from theNorth Qisi gate to the south gate. It includes nearly 10000 square meters ofHuangxing square, with a total commercial area of 250000 square meters, of which150000 square meters are newly built, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan.It is a comprehensive place integrating shopping, leisure, entertainment,catering, culture and tourism. By highlighting the commercial function,reflecting the style of the ancient city, displaying the Huxiang culture andinjecting the flavor of the times, the Pedestrian Commercial Street has becomethe representative point of Changshas economic prosperity, the image point ofurban civilization, historical and cultural heritage and modern civilization inthe commercial development with first-class city appearance, first-classlighting decoration, first-class block culture, first-class service quality andfirst-class management level The whole Pedestrian Commercial Street has become anew landmark of Changsha city image. Huangxing South Road Pedestrian CommercialStreet has become a new concept commercial center and tourist area, and has wonthe reputation of "Sanxiang commercial first street". Huangxing Road is not onlysynonymous with shopping in Changsha, but also famous for its delicious food.Fried stinky tofu: a Changsha style snack. It is fresh, fragrant and spicy. Itis burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. It has a unique flavor of"smelly to smell and fragrant to eat". It is said that it is "black as ink,fragrant as alcohol, tender as crisp and soft as velvet". Sugar oil Baba:Changsha traditional glutinous rice fried food. It is sweet, glutinous and soft,crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. For a long time, it has been anappetizing food for Changsha residents. Flavor shrimp: flavor snack. Popular inChangsha and surrounding areas. It is very popular because of its spicy taste,and it is also an essential food for drinking beer in summer. The food stallsall over the street have their own secrets and different flavors, but they cantdo without a spicy word. The diners were sweating and full of spicy food.Speaking of eating, here Xiao Wang is introducing another feature of Changsha."Changsha three unique" refers to the chrysanthemum stone carving, Chinese redporcelain and Xiang embroidery. The first Jue chrysanthemum stone carving isbased on the stone cluster at the bottom of Liuyang River in Liuyang City,Changsha. Its pattern was formed more than 200 million years ago. It is a uniquerare stone in the world. Chrysanthemum stone carving began in the reign ofEmperor Qianlong. At that time, people took stones to build dams and found thatthere were chrysanthemums in the stones. So they set up a workshop called"mending the sky stone" to carve inkstone pools with such stones. The inkstoneswere polished to produce ink, which could not be dried for a long time. Theywere deeply loved by people for their "moistening stone, tight color and clearsound". As early as in 1915, at the Panama world expo, chrysanthemum stonecarvings "plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum" were exhibited horizontally.Together with Guizhou Maotai liquor, they won the gold medal, which shocked theworld. Foreigners marveled that "stones can blossom". Since then, chrysanthemumstone has been famous all over the world
