





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2687 字

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The Western Tomb of Qing Dynasty is one of the two mausoleums of theemperors of Qing Dynasty. It is located at the foot of Yongning mountain, 15kilometers west of Yi County, Hebei Province, and more than 120 kilometers awayfrom Beijing. The perimeter is about 100 kilometers, covering an area of morethan 800 square kilometers. It is surrounded by the emerald Yongning mountain inthe north and the meandering Yishui River in the south, with towering ancienttrees and magnificent scenery.

Since the establishment of the mausoleum, the Qing Dynasty has planted tensof thousands of pine trees at the foot of Yongning mountain, on the Bank ofYishui River, inside and outside the mausoleum. Now there are 15000 ancientpines, more than 200000 young pines and cypresses. The mausoleum area is lushwith pines and cypresses and beautiful mountains and waters. The 14 mausoleumsare hidden in the pine forest, just like a gorgeous landscape painting.

Empress Xiaoshengs Taidong mausoleum is located in the West Mausoleum ofQing Dynasty in Yi County, Hebei Province, and in dongzhengyu, about 1 kmnortheast of Emperor Yongzhengs Tailing mausoleum. Taidong mausoleum is thelargest of the three empresses Mausoleums in the West Mausoleum of Qing Dynasty.In September of the first year of Emperor Qianlongs reign (1736), Prince HengHongmin, the Minister of internal affairs and the Minister of household affairsHaiwang, asked Emperor Qianlong whether to reserve the throne for the EmpressDowager after Emperor Yongzheng was buried in the underground palace of thetailing mausoleum. The Empress Dowager issued a decree: "after emperorshizongxians worship of the underground palace, he was always quiet. If theaction is to be resumed in the future, the premier will feel uneasy with therighteousness of superiority and inferiority. Besides, the constitution ofZhaoxi mausoleum and Xiaodong Mausoleum of our Dynasty can be complied with, andthere is no need to reserve a division in the underground palace of tailingmausoleum. " In accordance with the Empress Dowagers decree, Emperor Qianlongbuilt the Taidong mausoleum for the Empress Dowager in the second year ofQianlong (1737) and completed it in the eighth year of Qianlong (1743). The mainbuildings from south to north are: a three hole arch bridge, east-west xiamapai,five East-West houses, three East-West check-in houses, and five longen gate.There are five East-West stoves, five East-West halls and five double eaveshalls. There are three mausoleum gates, shiwugong, Fangcheng, minglou, Baochengand Baoding. Below the top is the underground palace. On the left side of themausoleum is the kitchen. There is a well Pavilion outside the reservoir.




范文类型:新闻广播,适用行业岗位:学校,全文共 1586 字

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Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast. 同学们,大家好!欢迎大家收听校园英语广播,

We are from Class One, Grade Five. Im ImNice to meet you .我们是你们的朋友,很高兴在这里和你度过快乐的10分钟。

(一)在今天的节目里首先进入我们的第一个版块Say you, say me.说你,说我。

A. Do you know body language? B. Of course!不就是肢体语言嘛。

A. Yes。那么你知不知道在一些说英语的国家人们常用一些手势来表达特定的意思呢?

B. 行了行了,你也别拐弯抹角了,快点把我们今天要说的主题告诉大家吧

A. 好吧,今天我们给大家带来的是在说英语的国家常用的十种手势。

B. One, cash:右手的大拇指.食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子,这是表示在饭馆要付帐的手势。

A. Two, use your brain: 用手指点点自己的太阳穴,就表示要动动脑筋。

B. Three, fool: 用大拇指按住鼻尖摇动其余四指,或十个手指分开。也常常用食指对着太阳穴转动,同时吐出舌头,表示所谈到的人是个痴呆傻瓜。 A. Four, lying: 讲话时,无意识地将一食指放在鼻子下面或鼻子边时,表示别人一定会理解为讲话人讲的不是真话难以置信。 B. Five, agreement: 向上翘起拇指,则表示赞同。

A. Six, congratulation:双手在身前嘴部高度相搓的动作表示对别人的祝贺。

B. Seven, thats all:两臂在腰部交叉,然后再向下,向身体两侧伸出,这个动作表示没有希望了,完了。

A. Eight, shame:双臂伸直,向下交叉,两掌反握,同时脸转向一侧,这是一个表达害羞 的动作。

B. Nine, greeting:英语国家的人在路上打招呼,常常要拿帽子表示致意。现一般已简化为抬一下帽子,甚至只是摸一下帽沿。

A. Ten, pity:头摇来摇去,同里嘴里发出咂咂之声,嘴里还说thats too bad.或sorry to hear it. 这是英语国家的人表达怜悯和同情的方式 A.B:同学们,今天我们教给大家的十种手势是不是都会用了呢,那么就让我们行动起来吧。

(二)A.B:接下来又该进入我们的第二个版块了,在今天的Big big world 大大的世界栏目中,我们要教大家学习一个美国俚语,首先请同学们听下面这个小对话:

A: , How come the door is open? B: I cant understand it. Oh,I smell a rat. Wed better call the police.

B:那刚刚同学们听到了一句I smell arat.smell是闻的意思,rat是老鼠。可为什么只是闻到了老鼠的味道却要callthe police报警呢?其实在这里Smell a rat是表示自己感觉有什么事情不正常、很奇怪、不对头的意思,就像闻到死老鼠的味道一样。所以当你发现有什么事情不正常、很奇怪时,你就可以说I smell a rat. 好了,请大家跟我读一遍I smell a rat.。同学们,你们都记住今天学的俚语了么?

(三)A.B:下面我们一起进入今天的最后一个板块charming music魅力音乐。

A:同学们听说过著名的美国电影《音乐之声》吗?我想一定有同学看过这部影片,那你们还记得影片中的几首优美动听的歌曲吗?今天将给大家介绍其中的一曲《Do Re Mi》,希望大家喜欢,会唱的同学一起唱吧! (播放歌曲) OK,今天的英语广播就到这里了,谢谢大家的收听!Goodbye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1655 字

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In Tang Dynasty, zhuyuwan was also a port between countries. Tang poetrydescribes the water scenery here: "half of the kite full of trees, new yearspeople still alone.". Falling flowers and flowing water arrive at Zhuyu Bay"Where there is land, there is only bamboo, but where there is no home, there isno goose. When the spring breeze blows around the city, the ears are filled withSheng songs. "

No matter which season you are in at four oclock, or when you visitzhuyuwan park with friends or your family, you will personally feel the beautyof "evergreen trees of life - plants": peach blossoms in spring, Hibiscus insummer, Osmanthus fragrans in autumn and wintersweet wintersweet. The changes ofthe phases of the four seasons are like the ink painting scenes blooming in thegood days, which are so beautiful and harmonious on the green land of ZhuyuBay.

The thousand hectares of green space in zhuyuwan park is surrounded by manygreen plants, which constitute a beautiful landscape of plants. Such as "He FengQu Qiao", "Mei Shan Chun Shen", "Peony Chan Juan", "Han Mei Ao Xue", "Zhuyu GuYun" and so on. The unique volume of these typical plant beauty is differentfrom the limitation of traditional private garden, which covers a small area.The openness of its artistic conception has been able to receive large-scalegroups in line with the modern tourism concept. Although the overall effect ofthese typical plant landscapes is composed of the local space enclosed byplants, it is greater than the overall space effect. When you visit the "plantkingdom" of zhuyuwan Park, you can really experience the dreamlike artisticconception of green yangchengguo.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9271 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 12314 字

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Dear members, the scenic spot we are going to visit today is ZhongshanMausoleum. Zhongshan Mausoleum is located at the southern foot of Xiaomaomountain, the second peak of Nanjing. It is the mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,the great pioneer of Chinas democratic revolution. It is a famous building inNanjing during the period of the Republic of China. It has become the name cardand symbol of Nanjing and one of the first 5A scenic spots in China. First ofall, lets get to know Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Dr. Sun Yat Sen was named Sun Wen andnamed Yixian. Because he used the pseudonym of "Zhongshan Qiao" when he wasengaged in revolutionary activities in Japan, he was honored as Dr. Sun Yat senin China, while foreign friends often called him Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

Born in 1866, he studied in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other places when hewas young. After graduation, he practised medicine in Guangzhou, Macao and otherplaces, and later abandoned medicine and went into politics. In 1905, heorganized and established the Chinese Alliance in Japan, and put forward theprogram of "expelling the Tartars, restoring China, establishing the Republic ofChina, and averaging land rights", as well as the three peoples principles of"democracy, peoples livelihood, and civil rights"; After the 1911 Revolution,he was elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China; after YuanShikai was sworn in on New Years day in 1912, he successively led the "secondrevolution", "national defense movement" and "Law Protection Movement"; he diedof illness in Beijing on March 12, 1925.

The tomb site of Zhongshan Mausoleum was selected by Dr. Sun Yat Sen duringhis lifetime. On April 1, 1912, the day after Dr. Sun Yat Sen resigned aspresident in order to seek the peaceful reunification of the north and thesouth, Dr. Sun Yat Sen and Hu Hanmin went hunting in Zijin Mountain. He lookedaround the terrain and said with a smile, "when I die in the future, I amwilling to beg the people for this land to settle my body.". Zhongshan Mausoleumis designed by young architect Lu Yanzhi. It is built close to the mountain,facing south in the north, next to Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in the West andLinggu Temple in the East. The cemetery is in the shape of "alarm bell".Zhongshan Mausoleum was built from 1926 to 1929. On June 1, 1929, the "fenganceremony" was held at noon. Dr. Sun Yat Sens coffin was never opened when itwas buried in the tomb. Pre Mausoleum: (2 minutes)

Now we come to the half moon square of Zhongshan Mausoleum. On theoctagonal stone platform in the south of the square, there is a red coppertripod, 4.25 meters high, 1.23 meters in diameter, and weighing 5000 kg. It isone of the memorial buildings of Zhongshan Mausoleum. This tripod was donated byDai Jitao, President of Guangzhou Sun Yat sen University, and all teachers andstudents in the autumn of 1933. The three words "wisdom, benevolence, courage"are engraved on the belly of the tripod, which is the motto of Sun Yat senUniversity This tripod is also called Xiaojing tripod.

Located in the middle of the front row of the tomb Road, this is a fourcolumn and three eaves skyscraper. It was built in 1930. It is 12 meters highand 17.3 meters wide. It is built in the form of Fujian granite imitatingancient wooden structure. The banner is covered with blue glazed tiles. The footof the column is surrounded by drum stones. The bottom of the column is arectangular stone base. Lotus petal clouds and ancient architectural colorpaintings are carved on the archway Because there is a stone plaque in themiddle of the banner, which is engraved with two gold-plated inscriptions of"fraternity" written by Sun Yat Sen, it is called "fraternity square".

The term "fraternity" comes from "fraternity is benevolence" in TangHanyus Yuandao. It is said that Dr. Sun Yat Sens favorite topic in his life isa gift, which has become an excellent summary and portrayal of his life. Passingthrough the memorial archway, there is a 480 meter long and nearly 40 meter widegraveway. The graveway is divided into left, middle and right. The middlegraveway is 12 meters wide, with 9 meter wide lawns on both sides. Cedars,cypresses and other evergreen trees are planted in it. The graveways on the leftand right sides are 4.6 meters wide, and there are turf in their East andWest.

The design of the passage not only conforms to the spirit of traditionalChinese architecture, but also has a unique style. The strict central axissymmetry gives people a sense of strict law. The symmetrical cedars, cypresses,gingko, red maple and other trees are used to replace the common stone man andstone beast in front of ancient emperors tombs, symbolizing the essence of Dr.Sun Yat Sen God is as green as pine and cypress.

Mausoleum gate and stele Pavilion:

Walking through the tomb path, we now come to the concrete platform infront of the mausoleum gate. This is the second largest square of ZhongshanMausoleum, about 70 meters wide. Many evergreen trees, such as pine and cypress,are planted on both sides. In the north of the square, you can see the mausoleumgate. The mausoleum gate is a single eaves building with three arches in theSouth and the north. The top of the mausoleum is covered with blue glazed tiles.It is all made of Fujian granite, with corner beams and eaves The rafters aremade of red copper, and the three door openings in the south are equipped with apair of hollow out Plaid Antique Iron doors. On the stone forehead in the southof the middle door is the four words "the world is for the public" written byDr. Sun Yat Sen himself, which is taken from the book of rites · Liyun: "thejourney of the great road, the world is for the public". This is a kind of greatharmony social ideal expounded by Confucianism, an idea opposite to the familyand the world, and "civil rights" in the three peoples principles It is thiskind of thought that is expounded.

The semi-circular stone walls on both sides of the mausoleum gate areconnected with the wall of the mausoleum, which outlines the lower end of the"Liberty Bell" designed by Lu Yanzhi. The pavilion is about 12 meters wide and17 meters high. It is a double eaves peak with blue glazed tiles. The pavilionis made of granite. There are two arches in the East and south, and a verticalwindow in the north. There is a granite tombstone in the center of the pavilion,8.1 meters high and 4 meters wide, with the inscription "China Pavilion"___ OnJune 1, the 18th of the Republic of China, Mr. Sun, the Prime Minister of theCommunist Party of China, was buried here in 24 gold-plated characters inregular script. The characters were written by Tan Yankai, former chairman ofthe national government and President of the Executive Yuan.

There are inscriptions on the forehead___ Party emblem, this monumenthighlights the funeral of Dr. Sun Yat Sen for the party. From the pavilion tothe memorial hall above, there are eight large stone steps, each of which has aplatform. The design implies "three principles of the people, five powerconstitution". These eight stone steps have 290 steps, 392 steps from Boaisquare, which means 392 million compatriots in China at that time. The steps aredivided into 10 platforms. When you look up from the bottom, you can only seethe steps, but not the platforms, However, when we climb up to the top and lookdown, we can see only the platform but not the steps, implying that although therevolutionary road is tortuous, it is a hopeful and smooth road to the victoryof the revolution.

On the platform of the fifth section, there is a pair of bronze tripodsengraved with four big characters in seal style of "fengan Dadian"___ Two holesin the belly of the tripod on both sides were left when the Japanese armyshelled Zijin Mountain in December 1937. They always remind us not to forget ournational humiliation.

Sacrificial hall and tomb chamber:

Climbing up the steps, we came to the platform in front of the sacrificialhall. There are stone railings in front of the platform, and there are amagnificent watch on both sides, up to 12.6 meters high. The sacrificial hall isin the middle of the platform. The palace style building, which integratesChinese and Western architectural styles, is 30 meters long, 25 meters wide and29 meters high, with all external walls

It is made of Hong Kong granite and surrounded by Fortress Buildings. Theroof of the memorial hall has double eaves and nine ridges, covered with blueglazed tiles. Under the eaves, there are stone brackets and copper rafters.Between the two eaves, there is a straight forehead of "heaven and earth healthyqi" written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen The six big characters of "nationality","peoples livelihood" and "civil rights" are___ The handwriting of ZhangJingjiang, a veteran of the Communist Party of China.

Entering the memorial hall, the interior of the memorial hall is paved withwhite marble made in Yunnan. Around the hall, there are 12 black stone columns,0.8 meters in diameter, four hidden and eight obvious. On the walls on bothsides of the memorial hall, the full text of the outline of the founding of thepeoples Republic written by Sun Yat Sen is engraved. The top of the memorialhall is in the form of a bucket, and the algae well in the middle is inlaid withmosaic___ The design of the party emblem shows the meaning of the party. In themiddle of the memorial hall is a full-length sitting statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,dressed in a long robe and mandarin jacket. His feet are close to each other,and the unfolded scroll is spread on his knees. His eyes are staring forwardwith a concentrated expression. The sitting statue is carved from Italian whitemarble by the French Polish sculptor Paul randowski in Paris, France. Around thebase of the sitting statue are six pictures reflecting Sun Yat Sensrevolutionary activities.

On the front, there is a picture of "Ru Bao Chi Zi", on the East, there aretwo pictures of "going abroad propaganda" and "discussing revolution", on thewest, there are two pictures of "enlightening the deaf" and "discussing yuanHuguo", on the back, there is a picture of "seal of parliament". The mainmaterial in the hall is black marble, which sets off a solemn mourningatmosphere together with the pure white stone statues. The sacrificial hall isconnected with both ends of the tomb. The tomb door is divided into twosections. The outer door is two opposite copper doors, which are decorated withdoornails and headband. On the forehead of the door is engraved with the fourcharacters of "eternal glory". It is taken from the inscription of sun Yat Senon the tomb of martyr Huang Huagang.

The second door is a single copper door, on which Zhang Jingjiangs sealscript "the tomb of Dr. Sun Yat Sen" is engraved. Only when the door is closedcan the characters on the door be seen. The tomb chamber is a hemisphericalclosed building, about 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters in height, with adome shaped roof and mosaic inlaid on it___ The central part of the tomb is amarble round Kuang with a diameter of 4.3 meters and a depth of 1.6 meters. Theopening of the Kuang is protected by marble railings, and a marble sarcophagusis built in the Kuang. On the surface of the sarcophagus lies a white marblestatue of Sun Yat Sen, carved by Czech sculptor Gao Qi. Sun Yat Sen is dressedin Zhongshan costume, hands on his chest, sleeping peacefully.

The ratio of the statue to the real person is 1:1. Mr. Sun Sealed withsteel and cement, Mr. Suns body was placed in the tomb after the ceremony, andhas never been opened or moved.

Attached Memorial Building:

Dear tourists, this is the end of the explanation of the main building ofZhongshan Mausoleum. There are many ancillary buildings in Zhongshan Mausoleum,such as the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, and the memorial hall of the overseasChinese in San Francisco___ The music platform donated by the party headquartersof Liaoning Province; the marble octagonal pavilion and Guanghua Paviliondonated by overseas Chinese; the Xingjian Pavilion donated by Guangzhougovernment, whose name comes from "the heaven is healthy, the gentleman isconstantly striving for self-improvement"; Zhongshan Botanical Garden is thebotanical garden of the former premiers Mausoleum; there are tombs of LiaoZhongkai and He Xiangning, Tan Yankai, Zixia Lake Zhengqi Pavilion, etc. you canvisit them freely first!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4461 字

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Hello everyone! The journey is hard. First of all, welcome to JiuhuaMountain, Lingshan Buddha land. My name is wan. Im a tour guide of Taibaitravel agency of Jiuhua Mountain. On behalf of our travel agency, myself and thedriver, please allow me to extend my sincere greetings to you. May the Tibetanking Bodhisattva of Jiuhua Mountain bless your family and everything goeswell!

Now we come to the body palace of Jiuhua Mountain. When we talk about thebody palace of Jiuhua Mountain, we have to mention one person. His name is Jinqiaojue. He is a foreigner. He comes from ancient Silla, which is the southeastof the Korean Peninsula today. According to historical records, Jin qiaojue wasa prince of Silla. At the age of 24, he cut his hair to become a monk and sailedfrom Silla to China. He traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers inChina, and finally settled down in Jiuhua Mountain to practice.

And in accordance with the vow of Bodhisattva dizang: "hell is not empty,vow not to become a Buddha.". During his practice in Jiuhua Mountain, Jinqiaojue subdued the beasts and collected herbs. While he was treating the peopleon the mountain, he preached sutras and widely practiced Buddhism, which wasdeeply loved by the people. Jin qiaojue gradually became famous and receivedmany disciples. Even local officials went up to the mountain to listen toBuddhism and recite his deeds to the imperial court. As a result, more and morepeople follow Jin qiaojue.

Because of the high mountains, dense forests and little land, the monkscould not support themselves with food, so they had to eat guanyintu. Because oflong-term malnutrition, people at that time called Jin qiaojue "haggard monk"and his disciples "haggard people". However, the more difficult it was, the morefirm Jin qiaojues faith was and the more respected he was. Even the monks ofSilla came to follow him one after another. After ninety-nine years old as likeas two peas, Jin Qiaojue died, and the body had not rotted for three years. Hisface was just like before his death. These supernatural phenomena are similar tothose of the Tibetan king Bodhisattva recorded in the Buddhist scriptures.

It happened that jinqiaojue was named jindizang, so Buddhism confirmed himas the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva king of dizang. People built pagodas andtombs to worship him. Since then, Jiuhua Mountain has become a well-known TaoistCenter for the king of Tibetans.

Now Id like to explain to you the meaning of the "body" offered by the"body Palace". Flesh body, originally meant to be the flesh and blood ofparents. The so-called "body" of Buddhism refers to the body of the eminent monkafter his death. Although his body has gone through a long period of time, ithas not been rotten and festering, and adheres to its original shape and islifelike. Only monks and nuns who have reached a very high level of practice canform the body. The body is different from the "Mummy" in Egypt. In ancientEgypt, the funeral ceremony was very simple, just digging a shallow pit in thedesert to bury. Due to the dry desert climate, the body quickly dehydrated whenit came into contact with hot sand, and the bacteria were killed, forming amummy by natural action.

After the mummy is in the human death, the viscera, brain and other tissueswill be removed, and then the body with drug treatment and preservation. Mummieshave also been unearthed in Xinjiang, China. Jiuhua Mountain is located on theSouth Bank of the Yangtze River. It is humid all the year round, and the climateis humid. There is no natural condition to produce mummies, and the body has notbeen treated with any medicine.

So far, this peculiar physical phenomenon has not been scientificallyexplained.

There are many precious cultural relics in the body hall and its culturalrelics exhibition room. Some of them are gifts for the royal family. It is veryrare and can be called a treasure house of Buddhist cultural relics. Every year,on the birthday of the king of Tibetans on July 30 of the lunar calendar, it isa traditional temple fair in Jiuhua Mountain. Monks, nuns and pilgrims from allover the country hold Buddhist activities there and gather around the bodypagoda to watch the night for the king of Tibetans. Nearby urban and ruralresidents also go to the mountain for folk cultural entertainment activities.Thousands of tourists and pilgrims, chanting Buddhas name day and night,surrounded by cigarettes and drumming, present a grand ceremony.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1805 字

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Hello, everyone! Welcome to Henan. Im glad to be your guide today. My nameis sun. You can call me sun Dao.

Today we are visiting Yuntai Mountain, which is a national scenic spot, thefirst batch of 5A national tourist attractions and the first batch of globalgeoparks. Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, HenanProvince, with a total area of 190 square kilometers. There are 11 scenic spots,including Hongshi gorge, tanpu gorge, quanpu gorge, Qinglong gorge, Fenglingorge, macaque Valley, Zhuyu peak, Diecai cave, Wanshan temple, Zifang lake,Baijiayan and so on. It is a comprehensive scenic spot with rift valleystructure and hydrodynamic effect, supplemented by natural ecology and culturallandscape Scenic Attraction.

Yuntai Mountain is famous for its mountains and water. In spring, it isfull of mountain flowers. In summer, it is full of waterfalls and springs. Inautumn, it is full of red leaves. In winter, it is covered with snow. It issuitable for all seasons. There are unique red stone gorge in the world,Yuntaishan waterfall, the highest drop in Asia, tanpu gorge, the most beautifulgorge in Central China, Zhuyu peak, a famous saying written by Wang Wei, a greatpoet of the Tang Dynasty, that "you are a stranger in a foreign land, and youmiss your relatives in every festival", and Baijiayan, which is praised as "alake in the world, with thousands of sceneries in it". Today we are on thescene, you tourists will be able to feast your eyes.

Now our car has been parked in Yuntai Mountain scenic area. After you getoff, you can enter various scenic spots according to the signs, and visit andtake photos at will. But pay attention to protect the environment of the scenicspot, do not litter. We are still gathering here at 4 p.m. for the return trip.Please observe the time.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2012 字

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Dianchi Lake is also called Kunming Lake and Kunming Lake. The great lakein Yunnan Province of China, located in the southwest of Kunming City, togetherwith Xishan on the west side of the lake, is a famous resort for sightseeing andrecuperation. Dianchi Lake is formed by tectonic subsidence, which is injectedby Panlong River and other rivers. Dianchi Lake is the source of Pudu River, atributary of Jinsha River.

Dianchi Lake is very magnificent with broad water surface. Standing on thedragons gate, you can have a panoramic view of Dianchi Lake, known as "thePearl of the plateau". Its charm lies in that it changes with the change of skycolor and cloud in one day.

Dianchi Lake is the sixth largest inland fresh water lake in China. In thepast, there were frequent floods in the areas around the lake. Songhua Dam wasbuilt on the Panlong River and Haikou river was dug to increase the discharge ofDianchi Lake, reduce the floods around the lake, relieve the floods, and ensurethe irrigation of farmland, urban industry and domestic water. The lake producescarp, crucian carp, goldfish, etc.

The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake can be summarized into three kinds.First, from the perspective of geographical morphology, Chang Yu, a native ofJin Dynasty, said in the south central chronicle of Huayang state: "Dianchicounty is governed by a county, so Dianchi is also a state; there are rivers,200 Li around the water, which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow, such asbackward flow, so it is called Dianchi." Another view is to search for sound andstudy meaning, that "Dian Dian is also the highest peak of speech." Some peoplethink that it is the Yi die (Dian), that is, dabazi. The third one is based onthe national appellation. It is recorded in the biography of Southwest Yi inhistorical records that "dian" was the largest tribal name in this area inancient times. After entering Dian, Zhuang Qiao, the general of Chu, became theking of Dian. Therefore, the name of Dian Lake came from Dian Lake tribe.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 10573 字

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Tourists: hello and welcome to Zhangjiakou. Im your tour guide.Zhangjiakou City is located at the junction of Beijing, Shanxi, Hebei and InnerMongolia, about 180 kilometers away from Beijing, where the terrain isdangerous, known as "mountain city beyond the Great Wall". Zhangjiakou hasjurisdiction over 4 districts and 13 counties with a total area of 37000 squarekilometers and a population of 4.5 million. Beijing Baotou, fengsha and Daqinrailways cross the East and West. Beijing Zhangjiakou, Xuanda expressways andnational highways 109, 110, 112 and 207 cross the city. Beijing Xizhimen busstation starts from 6 am, and there is a fast passenger bus to Zhangjiakou everyhalf an hour, which is very convenient for transportation and travel.

There are many ancient sites in Zhangjiakou, which are widely distributed.The "big mirror gate" of the ancient Great Wall is not only the pass of theGreat Wall, but also the symbol of Zhangjiakou City. Fanshan in Zhuolu county isthe ancient battlefield of "the Yellow Emperor fighting Chiga", and one of thebirthplaces of the Chinese nation. Every year, many Chinese people come here toseek their roots and worship their ancestors. In addition, there are Han Tombsin daiwangcheng of Yuxian County, Han Tombs in Huaian County, painted tombs inliaobi of Xuanhua, jellyfish palace, Yunquan temple and Qingyuan building in theurban area, all of which are worth visiting. Zhongdu grassland, located inZhangbei Zhongdu, is a natural grassland close to Beijing. In summer, theclimate is cool and the grassland is luxuriant. You can also experienceMongolian customs here. It is a summer resort.

Zhangjiakou has a long history and is rich in cultural relics. There is aworld-famous Nihewan site in Yangyuan County, which is one of the earliestplaces for human beings to set foot. It is an important base for the study ofpaleostratigraphy, paleontology, paleoanthropology and paleogeography from 2million to 3 million years ago in China and even in the world. Zhuolu YellowEmperor city is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation. Jiming mountain inXiahuayuan District embodies the culture of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.Jiming post, as the first post station to Beijing, was the place whereconfidential information of yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties was transferred. TheZhongdu site of the Yuan Dynasty in Zhangbei was once a transportation hub and amilitary important place connecting Mobei grassland in the north and CentralPlains in the south. Qingyuan tower (bell tower) in Xuanhua is known as "thesecond yellow crane tower". The rutting in Quandong more than 500 years ago is ahistorical witness of the ancient city of Xuanhua. Dajingmen witnessed the riseand fall of tea horse market in "dry dock" in Ming Dynasty. In 1920__, theopening of Chinas first railway, Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway, which wasdesigned and built by Zhan Tianyou, made foreign businessmen gather in Pidu,Zhangjiakous koupi, kouyang and Koufu famous all over the world, and became afamous commercial port in North China. Zhangjiakou was recaptured by the EighthRoute Army in 1945. It was the first big city captured from the Japanese army.It became the political, military, economic and cultural center of Shanxi ChaharHebei border area, and thus enjoyed the reputation of "the second Yanan","cultural city" and "Oriental model city". In 1948, after the second liberation,Zhangjiakou became the capital city of Chahar province.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and the Great Wall to the north,Zhangjiakou is a place for military strategists in history. Over the past 50years since the founding of the peoples Republic of China, Zhangjiakou hasgradually become an industrial city with machinery, metallurgy, chemicalindustry and textile industry as its pillar and wool and leather industry as itscharacteristics. Zhangjiakou is rich in mineral resources, and has extensivetransportation and communication networks. The environment here is beautiful,the appearance of the city is clean, the folk customs are simple, the climate iscool in summer, and the scenery is pleasant. There are more than 30 places ofinterest in the city, such as the great wall of Ming Dynasty, dajingmen, Yunquantemple, jellyfish palace, Qingyuan building, zhenshuo building, etc. Zhangjiakouis an old revolutionary base area with many revolutionary historical sites forsightseeing.

The continuation and development of ancient and modern history provides arich cultural landscape. In the citys 36800 square kilometers of land, vast,green waves, wild flowers bloom Bashang natural grassland, and lakes, mountains,water and sky of the "northern South" North-South echo; towering meaningfulbeautiful, green dense cover, layers of forest dye the original forest, andsprings, beautiful scenery of hot springs. There are not only the sites of earlyPleistocene ancient human, but also the ancient battlefield where the ancestorsof Chinese culture started their own business. Unique style, differentlandscapes, natural and simple scenery, is a good place for summer tourism.

Qingyuan tower, also known as the bell tower, is located in the middle ofXuanhua city. It was built in 1482 A.D. in the 18th year of Chenghua in MingDynasty. It is a tall building with multi angle cross ridge. The building isbuilt on the 8-meter-high cross hole, connecting Changping in the south,Guangling in the north, Anding in the East and Daxin in the West. It forms anaxis with zhenshuo tower and Gongji tower in the city. The ruts of 520__ yearsago can be seen clearly. The exterior of the building is three stories, and theinterior is two stories. The height of the building is 25 meters, and the heightof the pavilion is 17 meters. It has three bays, six tower rafters, and thefront and back of the building are open. There are 24 large porches and pillarsaround it. The upper enamel is green glazed tile top, the waist enamel and thelower enamel are cloth tile top. The beam frame and bucket arch are exquisiteand beautiful. They fly along the angle and are full of vitality. On the upperfloor, there are four pieces of "yuanlou" in the south, "tongtianying" in thenorth, "gaozhiyanjiang" in the East, and "zhenjingbianfeng" in the West. Insidethe building, there is a "Xuanfu Zhencheng bell" cast in the 18th year ofJiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1539 AD). It is 2.5 meters high, 1.7 metersin diameter and weighs about ten thousand jin. It is erected in the middle ofthe upper layer of the building with four sky columns. The sound of the bell ismelodious and loud. It can be spread for more than 40 Li, which is quite famous.The building is unique in shape and precise in structure. It can be comparedwith the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, which is rare in China. It is called "thesecond yellow crane tower". The building has a unique style and is one of theexquisite art buildings in ancient China. Qingyuan building has gone throughmany vicissitudes. In 1986, the Ministry of culture allocated 390000 yuan tocarry out a comprehensive restoration of Qingyuan building. After restoration,Qingyuan building looks simple, elegant, majestic and spectacular, with greentiles and blue bricks, golden dragons, jade beasts, flying angles, red arches,carved beams, magnificent buildings, high bells and jingle bells.

Heping Forest Park is 65 kilometers away from Zhangjiakou City and 10kilometers away from Chongli county. The total area is more than 20__ hectares.It is one of the largest natural forest landscapes in Hebei Province. The forestpark is mountain by mountain and ridge by ridge, with dense and luxuriantforests. There are 70% of the natural forest, and 12 tree species such as Larchand spruce. In the scenic area, there are many peaks, green buildings, lushgrass and green ropes, pleasant trees and green cages, winding paths, which aremagnificent, precipitous and beautiful. The air in the forest is fresh, the wildfragrance is fragrant, birds are contending, and the spring water is tinkling.Tibetan vegetables and mushrooms grow all over the hillside, rabbits andsquirrels jump through the trees. When you are good at everything, you will feelhappy. It has opened up five scenic spots and dozens of scenic spots, and hasbecome a tourist attraction integrating tourism, accommodation andentertainment.

Qitai Mountain Scenic Area (namely Dengshan mountain area) includes fivescenic spots: Qitai mountain, Xuankong cave, shuangshiben, Qingliang Pavilionand Hufu peak. Qitai mountain rises from the ridge, with high mountains andravines. There is a hanging hole 17 meters below the stage. Visitors can shuttlefreely, which is very interesting. You can go up to the top of Qitai to see themountains. Couple peak, double lion mountain also let people linger. Cuiyunmountain forest tourist area, the main area of the forest, rippling blue waves,flowers like brocade, wood Xinxin to prosperity, spring tears Wei and thebeginning flow, so that the mountains colorful. There are also fishing area,piic area, shooting, hunting, archery and other entertainment. The park alsohas a service area with restaurants, guest houses, shops and other servicefacilities. With its unique majestic posture and Kuili to welcome the arrival oftourists from Beifang.

Chinese ancestor culture village

On the Loess source in the east of Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, 100kilometers northwest of Beijing, stands the oldest capital of China - Huangdicity and its related historical and cultural relics. The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuanis the ancestor of Chinese civilization. He is famous both at home and abroad inthe field battle Hall of Zhuolu.

Zhuolu Wolong pine

Sima Qian once said in historical records of the five emperors that themain political, military and cultural activities of the Yellow Emperor were inZhuolu. First, he "fought with Emperor Yan in the field of selling spring", then"fought with Tang you in the field of Zhuolu, so he captured and killed ShiYou". Then he toured all over the country, reaching the sea in the East,Kongtong in the west, Jiang in the south, and meat porridge in the north, thusensuring the peace of the north and the south. As a result, the Yellow Emperorwas respected as the son of heaven by the leaders of various tribes, and "he wasin line with Busan, and his capital was in Zhuolu.". Impromptu built the firstcapital in Chinese history. The activities of the Yellow Emperor in Zhuolucreated a new era of the development of Chinese national culture, which made itfrom "barbarism" to "civilization".

Well, tourists, Zhangjiakou is here to explain the home. Thank you for yoursupport!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 17935 字

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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Fuzhou. Im your tour guide.

Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province, is located in the southeast coastand the lower reaches of the Minjiang River. As a coastal provincial capitalcity, it is also the nearest provincial capital city to Chinese Taiwan on the mainlandof China. It is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and the ancestral home ofChinese Taiwan compatriots in China. It is also an important platform for exchanges andcooperation with Chinese Taiwan on the West Bank of the Straits. Fuzhou is also one ofthe cities in the southeast coastal areas of China that developed earlier.

According to the archaeological findings so far, at least 7000 years ago,there were ancestors who multiplied this time. The early Fuzhou people made aliving by fishing and hunting. They were our new people, called "Min people".With "golden hair, blue eyes, white skin." At that time, the ancient min peopleused snakes as totems. As soon as they went door to door, they could see a snakeworshipped in the center of the hall. In the past, no matter what kind of snakewas called an insect, so an insect in the door was the source of FujianProvince.

Fuzhou belonged to Yue during the spring and Autumn period and the WarringStates period. After Qin Shihuang unified the six states, Minzhong county wasset up here to govern Fuzhou. Later, in the fifth year of emperor Gaozu of theHan Dynasty, Wu Zhu became the king of Fujian and Yue, and began to build thefirst city of Fuzhou, Yecheng. Fuzhou has a history of more than 200 years sinceYecheng. After that, Fuzhou experienced six times of city expansion, and becamethe imperial capital for five times. In the 13th year of Kaiyuan in TangDynasty, people found that there was a mountain in the northwest of Fuzhou citycalled Fushan, so the city got its name because of the mountain, called"Fuzhou", which has been called to this day. Its really a blessed state withoutstanding people and geomantic omen!

The word "Fu" was first used in the Qing Dynasty Kangxi dictionary to add ahorizontal, a mouth and a field beside the word "Yi". In other words, as long asa person has a piece of clothing to wear, a bite to eat, and a share of farming,it is the greatest blessing. Up to now, "happiness" has a deeper meaning, thatis, longevity, good virtue, good death. And the "blessed state" shows itsconnotation even more. It has not only the spirit of mountain, the spirit ofwater, but also the blessing of people. In Fuzhou, we will enjoy the blessingsof heaven, earth, eyes, mouth and purity

Comfort weather: Fuzhou has a warm and humid subtropical marine monsoonclimate, with an average annual temperature of about 16-20 degrees. The climateis mild and pleasant with abundant rainfall, which is suitable for crop growth.There are lots of vegetables in the four seasons. There are melon seeds inJanuary, sugarcane in February, loquat in March, bayberry in April, peach inMay, litchi in June, guava in July, longan in August, persimmon in September,olive in October, pear in November and tangerine in December to celebrate thenew year. )In addition, the sea area of Fuzhou is also very vast, which isequivalent to the land area. Therefore, Fuzhou has many good harbors and a widevariety of aquatic fish. It is one of the three major natural mariculture basesin China. In short, there are more trees, flowers, fruits and seafood all yearround.

Land with mountains and water: from the perspective of terrain, the uncannyworkmanship of nature has long been the unique terrain of Fuzhou

Appearance - there are mountains on three sides and the sea on one side.There are Gushan in the East, Qishan in the West and Shoushan in the north. Themother river, Minjiang River, runs through the urban area, forming a momentum of"pillow mountain, face sea and bend river". Another nursery rhyme says, "threemountains are hidden, three mountains are visible, three mountains areinvisible." There are nine mountains in the center of Fuzhou City. Three of themare hidden. Three of them are invisible. Of course, three of them are visible.They are Wushan, Yushan and Pingshan. There is a tower called Wuta on Wushanmountain, while there is a tower called Baita on Wushan mountain. The two towersface each other from afar, forming the urban pattern of "three mountains, twotowers and one river". The "tiaojiang" here is of course the Minjiang River. Itoriginates from the Wuyishan mountains in the north of Fujian Province. Its mainstream is 577 km long, and its drainage area accounts for about half of thewhole province. 70% of Fujian people grew up drinking water from the MinjiangRiver, so we affectionately call it the mother river of Fujian. Bing Xin, aliterary master from Fujian, praised her like this: "I only know there is a bluesea, but I dont know there is a green river. This is the hometown of myparents. Fuchun River is not as quiet as her, Pearl River is not as quiet asher. " Yu Dafu, a famous writer, also compares the Min River to the Rhine Riverin China. He thinks that the Min River is more beautiful than the Rhine River inEurope. In addition, there are more than 42 rivers in Fuzhou, large and small,with a total length of more than 99 kilometers. You may see many cities likeFuzhou with mountains and water, but I dont think many cities like Fuzhou havemountains outside the city and mountains inside the city, not only rivers andrivers, but also sea water!

Fuzhou has been known as "banyan city" since ancient times. When we enteredthe city, 80% of the trees planted on both sides were banyan trees. Fuzhoubanyan planting can be traced back to the Northern Song Dynasty, which has ahistory of more than 800 years. At that time, there was a prefect named ZhangBoyu. One summer, the weather was hot. He went to the countryside to inspect thepeoples situation. As he walked, he felt a little heat stroke and fever. Atthis time, I happened to meet a kind old farmer. He helped the prefect to restunder a tree and brought him a bowl of water. After drinking water, the prefectwoke up. Looking up, I came across a big tree. He asked the old farmercuriously, "what kind of tree is this, why can it grow so well here?". The oldfarmer told him that it was called banyan, and it was the most suitable place togrow in such a hot place as Fuzhou. The next day he planted two big banyan treesin front of his Yamen. And also called on the local people to plant banyantogether. For a time, Fuzhou was full of green, and the heat was not enough. Thereputation of Rongcheng has been handed down since then. Fuzhou is one of theexcellent tourist cities in China. There are more than 150 famous historicalsites in the city, and 17 of them have been listed in the national key culturalrelics protection units. There are so many scenic spots that you can have a goodlook!

Its delicious. You should control your saliva. I believe you have heardthat Fujian cuisine in Fuzhou is one of the eight major cuisines in China. Thechief representative dish of Fujian cuisine is called "fo Tiao Qiang", formerlyknown as "Fu Shou Quan". It is said that it was first made by the wife of anofficial. Is a collection of delicacies in one of the hodgepodge. Later, ZhengChunfa, the founder of Fujian cuisine, ran a restaurant called juchunyuan, wherea group of Juren and scholars came to sing poems. "Fu Shou"

As soon as the table was lifted and the lid of the altar was opened, thefragrance suddenly overflowed, and everyone clapped their hands and exclaimed,"the altar opened, the meat and fragrance floated around, and the Buddha heardthat he had abandoned Zen and jumped over the wall.". From then on, "Fu ShouQuan" changed its name to "fo Tiao Qiang" and became famous. In addition, Fuzhoualso has chicken soup boiled clam, lychee meat and other specialties. There arefish balls, meat swallow, light cake, taro and so on, when famous, absolutelylet you feast!

Finally, I would like to introduce the Qingfu of bathing in hot springs.Fuzhou is one of the three rare hot spring cities in China

One. "The five phoenixes and the rising sun give birth to Lishui, and theJiulong meridians give birth to golden soup." Fuzhou hot spring was developedand used as early as Jin Dynasty. It has a long history and is well-known.Fuzhou hot spring has three characteristics. First, the water temperature ishigh; second, the water volume is large and the burial depth is shallow. Third,the water quality is good, colorless and tasteless. Some hot springs alsocontain potassium, sodium and other trace elements, which have a good effect onthe treatment of skin diseases and painful arthritis. Now, please look along myleft hand. We have arrived at the first stop, Jintang hot spring resort inFuzhou. Next, please take your valuables and follow Xiao Wu to get off the carto take a bath. Lets wash away the dust and tiredness along the way. Lets havea good time bathing in the hot spring!

As a famous historical and cultural city, Fuzhou has four cultural tourismbrands: Tanshishan, Sanfangqixiang, chuanzheng and shoushanshi. Although it isfar away from the Central Plains, it has been built as the capital of emperorsfor five times in history. ① the first time was when Emperor Gaozu of HanDynasty established Minyue kingdom here. ② In the Five Dynasties and ten states,the capital of Fujian was established. ③ At the end of the Southern SongDynasty, song duanzong fled to Fuzhou, registered in Fuzhou, and promoted Fuzhouto "Fuan Fu" as the capital. ④ At the end of Ming Dynasty, Emperor Longwuestablished the second Nanming regime in Fuzhou, which was called "Tianxingmansion". ⑤ The last time, in 1933, the 19th Route Army of the Kuomintanglaunched the "Fujian incident" in Fuzhou and established the "peoplesrevolutionary government of the Republic of China", with the capital inFuzhou.

As an excellent tourist city in China, Fuzhou has rich natural and culturaltourism resources. If you like mountaineering, you can go to Gushan, Qishan andQingyun mountains. Almost every mountain around you is a good touristattraction. If you like to play with water, you can not only visit the West Lakeand Zuohai, enjoy the scenery on both sides of Minjiang River, but also catch upwith the tide in Pingtan and Changle; If you like to see historic sites, Fuzhouhas a history of more than 20__ years. There are many ancient buildings, templesand former residences of celebrities. As long as you have time, you will have afeast for your eyes.

Members, Fuzhou was built in the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, it wasrenamed Fuzhou because of the Fushan mountain in the north of Fuzhou. Later, inthe Song Dynasty, banyan trees were planted all over the city, resulting in aunique landscape of "green shade all over the city, but not covered in summer".Therefore, Fuzhou became known as "banyan city", and the louder it became, thebanyan trees became the city trees of Fuzhou.

Do you know what the city flower of Fuzhou is? As a reminder, in our car,it is filled with the fragrance of flowers. Yes, its Jasmine. Summer is theseason of jasmine Blossom. Drivers like to buy strings to hang in the car, whichnot only purifies the air, but also decorates the carriage. This is calledkilling two birds with one stone. Perhaps ah, many people dont know that thisjasmine is not Chinese nationality. It comes from Persia, which is now India andArabia. It was settled in Fuzhou when it was introduced into China from theWestern Han Dynasty, so it has been cultivated for 20__ years. Fuzhou is notonly the first place to introduce Jasmine in China, but also the birthplace ofjasmine tea. Jasmine is an imported product and a witness of Fuzhou marineculture. It can be seen that as early as the Han Dynasty, Fuzhou began to havetrade with overseas countries, and it has been an important international tradeport city in China since ancient times.

Members of the group, Fuzhou is a blessed state. I believe that all thepeople who come to Fuzhou are blessed. Fuzhou is blessed. Where is the blessing?Xiao Luo thinks that it lies in the immortal spirit of mountains, the spirit ofwater and the talent of people. Its said that its boring to have mountainswithout water, monotonous to have mountains without water, and wonderful to havemountains with water. Fuzhou is not only surrounded by mountains, but also hasWushan, Yushan and Pingshan mountains in the city. The two towers of Baita andWuta face each other, and the mother river Minjiang River passes through thecity, forming a unique urban pattern of "three mountains, two towers and oneriver".

The city is not big, there is water is spirit. Fuzhou, the city with thehighest density of inland rivers in China, still has 42 inland rivers. Accordingto the preliminary planning, Fuzhou will be divided into scenic river, navigableriver and Drainage River. I believe that in the near future, you can enjoy thecity appearance of Fuzhou by boat.

Members, when it comes to water, we have to say that Fuzhou is one of thethree hot spring areas in China. It is widely distributed, shallow buried, hightemperature, large water quantity and good water quality. The most rare thing isthat our hot springs are concentrated in the city center, which is extremelyrare in major cities in the world. Since ancient times, it has been known as"bathing in Fuzhou". Fuzhou people began to enjoy hot springs more than 1000years ago. Old Fuzhou people call hot spring hot soup. Every time after busy,after work, to the bath to "hot", that happiness is absolutely not todays saunacan compare. So far, when the old overseas Chinese came back to visit theirrelatives, they still sighed: "its good to go sightseeing, but its not as goodas taking a hot spring bath in their hometown."

So, some people say that if you come to Fuzhou and havent been to hotsprings, it means you havent been to Fuzhou. But dont worry. There are hotsprings in the hotel arranged by our travel agency. You can enjoy it in theevening.

From Tang and Song Dynasties to Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were 23 topscholars from Fuzhou, and more than 4000 Jinshi. In modern Chinese history,there were many celebrities, including Lin Zexu, a national hero, Yan Fu, awestern scholar, Bing Xin, a literary grandmother, and Chen Jingrun, amathematician. Therefore, Fuzhou is a "coastal Zou Lu" to the letter.

This shows that Fuzhou people not only enjoy life, but also study hard.Members of the group, as the saying goes, one side of the soil and waternourishes one side of the people. Fuzhou people have always been content withtheir work. They can not only endure hardships, but also adapt in time. Beingrich makes the city very tolerant and not exclusive at all. Fuzhou dialectsounds like a foreign language, but on many occasions, people still speakMandarin, even the older generation of Fuzhou people are no exception. They alllearn to say a few words, but sometimes the pronunciation is not very standard.As a matter of fact, Fuzhou dialect is the "living fossil" of ancient Chinese.At the bottom of it is the language of the ancient Minyue people. After severalgreat migrations to the north in history, these immigrants brought the ancientWu language, the ancient Chu language, and some spoken Chinese from the CentralPlains, which are integrated into todays Fuzhou dialect. It sounds like amixture of the north and the south. This is the characteristic of Fuzhou. Interms of language, work and life, all ethnic groups and multi cultures cantolerate each other and live in harmony here. As Lin Zexu said, "the seaembraces all rivers, and tolerance is great." it embodies the urban spirit ofFuzhou.

Members of the group, wherever we go, we cant help but pay attention toits catering culture. In Fuzhou, its food culture has a long history. Fujiancuisine, represented by Fuzhou Cuisine, is one of the eight major cuisines inChina. Among them, fo Tiao Qiang is the chief dish of Fujian cuisine, which hasa history of more than 100 years. As for the flavor snacks, they are all overthe streets, such as meat swallow, Dingbian paste, fish balls and so on. Ourtravel agency also has arrangements for you, and then you can have a goodtaste.

Members of the group, looking forward to the future, Fuzhou City isexpanding eastward and southward at a modern pace. It may no longer be anancient city with "three mountains, two towers and one water flowing for a longtime", but a group of modern cities with reasonable structure, suitable forhuman habitation and economic growth. It is the peoples goal of Fuzhou to buildan economic zone on the west side of the Chinese Taiwan Strait and to become a biggerand stronger central city. Fuzhou is an open city. It is opening its hands towelcome everyone.

Therefore, we warmly welcome more friends to visit Fuzhou and feel thecharm of the ancient city of Fuzhou. I believe that a blessed state will let youreturn with good fortune. All right, members of the group, we have arrived atthe hotel unconsciously. Now, please take care of your luggage and belongings.Please walk slowly. thank you!

Remarks: there is no surname of Yu, a descendant of King Gou Jian of Yue.He was born in the late Warring States period and died in the early Han Dynasty.He was the 13th grandson of Gou Jian, the king of Yue. After the disintegrationof the state of Yue, Wu Zhu moved to Fujian and occupied Fujian and itssurrounding areas, claiming to be the king of Fujian and Yue. After theunification of the Qin Dynasty, he was reduced to the chief. In Qin Dynasty,Minzhong county was under its jurisdiction. Without any anger, the king who wasremoved led the Minzhong soldiers to destroy Qin. When the Qin Dynasty died, thenarrow Xiang Yu was in charge of the government order, and Wu Zhu, who had abumpy official career, had no chance to be the king of Min again. The restlessfactors in his blood once again prompted him to lead his troops to fight againstChu, and made great contributions to the establishment of the Han Dynasty andthe reunification of China.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 666 字

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Hello, my name is Qiu Huangxuan, below, I tell you the zhouzhuang.

Zhouzhuang is an ancient water town, is Chinas five a-class tourist area. One went in, and came to a small lake, the lake is the pearl of zhouzhuang, across the lake in the middle there is a small stone bridge, go to zhouzhuang pearls entrance.

, looking to watch on the roof, zhouzhuang scene most in fundus, and a growing old house in the distance, each channel around my house, every household vehicles are boats.

Zhouzhuang convenient waterway, the boat can to every doorstep, osprey and fishermans boat, discussing the characteristics of lake water, full of ancient buildings, no modern buildings.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7922 字

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Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Hello everyone and welcome to China Sou springs of the township, national nature reserve - wudalianchi tourism. Very honored to accompany you to appreciate the magic volcanic landscape, and hope my tour guide can provide high quality service for you.

Wudalianchi places of scenic spot, is located in neuilly Hume river, covers an area of 1060 square kilometers. Scenic area is mainly composed of the new period and the old period volcano 14, 5 volcanic lake (five dalian pool), more than 60 square kilometers "shilong" (basalt platform) and has a high health care value of low temperature cold spring. Here is very rich in tourism resources, setting mountains, water, deep and remote, lava qiao fold, magical medicine springs, known as the natural volcanic park, opened the volcanic textbooks and famous tourist resort spa.

14 might wudalianchi volcanoes are arranged "well" glyph, name is: medicine mountain spring, WoHuShan, bijia mountain, north and south mountain, things coke granite ball cloth to the mountains, maura, tail mountain, longmen mountain, the xiaogushan, black dragon mountain and fire mountain, there are 12 remote volcano s, one of the earliest can reach tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years. Two younger volcano is the black dragon mountains and fire, between 1719 and 1721 eruption, history records the heilongjiang, "ning pagodas generations have written records. In with volcanic eruptions, lava put lots of Hume river tributary of rolling, middle cut into five sections, baihe formed five arranged as a string of beads connected to other volcanic lake, both head pool, pool, pool, four, five pool, pool known as wudalianchi. Five pool has a boundary river between communication, running more than 20 kilometers up to 40 m2 kilometers, the lake total capacity of 170 million cubic meters. Five pool of clear water ying ying, the ornament is between 14 volcano, with wide basalt platform together, draw into a set of strange mountain, water, stone landscape.

Wudalianchi volcanic landscape not only unique, but also is rich in a magical efficacy of mineral water.

Of wudalianchi mineral water, there is a beautiful legend. According to legend a long time ago, wudalianchi area, towering old trees, the grass lush. An orogen hunter, looking for a sika deer shot. Deer with arrows in the previous run, chase after the hunter followed the blood. The deer dont run into the mountains, but ran into a pool, the hunter feel a little strange, standing at the edge of the rock to watch, see deer in not washing the wound, tongue licking and landed, blood flow, striding ran into the mountains. He went to the spring took to drink a mouthful of water with the hand, feel refreshed. Later, a hunter as long as a little ailment, small disaster to spring water treatment, are in addition to the water to the disease. It springs from then on, people are regarded as "holy water", after the fifth lunar month every year, people have to drink the water "zero". People drink, it is said, to "zero water" can eliminate the evil illnesses, longer live.

Although it is a legend, but five dalian pool of water does have prevention and cure and fitness function, according to scientific determination: mineral water contains more than 40 essential trace elements, but with the world famous "Vichy France, Russia, the Caucasus" mineral water, and called the world three big cold spring.

Nature guifushengong created wudalianchi unique landscape. Wudalianchi scenic area has been proven there are more than 100 scenic spots, is divided into seven major scenic spots. Has now developed more than 70 sites, the main award in fire mountain scenic area, medicine spring mountain scenic area and focal scenery area.


Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Beautiful wudalianchi, there are many scenic spots, such as LaoHeiShan etc. Today I want to introduce the scenic spot of wudalianchi.

Our first stop is LaoHeiShan. This is an active volcano, heard that it is the tallest of wudalianchi volcano. The mountains, there are a lot of volcano volcano is every volcano lava flow, to stop a volcano erupts, magma accumulation. Get to the point, the most spectacular LaoHeiShan is crater. There were lots of fire aspen crater, some moss, looks very beautiful. The LaoHeiShan trip to aspen my biggest feeling is to fire. It stands in the volcanic fissure, in when a volcano erupts, it faced with speed, no fear, also can be in baidu, survive, its a tough life. And have strong ability to adapt, this also is worth me to learn.

The next station is ice. Although here is very cold, but very beautiful natural ice sculpture. Here is the most beautiful ice sculpture is the number of pagoda ice sculptures. Pagoda ice sculpture is orange, the top very chic, here and there are a lot of small, every door has a different color, the most beautiful in the fence, also very chic.


My hometown is in the black dragon river, here a beautiful all the year round, the charming scenery.

And connect to the spring, all things recovery, woke up again, and connect with a yawn, hard to stretch, shaking the 708 put on ice. Skyline river ice countless large and small, like a hammering, crowded on a highway. After a few days of ice melt, along the river "slip away". Has disappeared, only "a spring waters flow east" mighty, ran to the distance.

At this time of the plants and trees along the Banks of the changed a lot, they are on the river under the "moisture", so the fruit. If the came to the river, youll see the sun, water, Jiang Ou with trees and flowers of a beautiful "landscape painting".

Summer, spring dolls took a spring, summer girl here.

Far, heilongjiang like a white "twisted", it is in our country and Russia on the border of the country.

Close look, broad river, ship, including patrol boats, ornamental ship, cargo ship, a...

River of tourists, some people in swimming, some people in fishing, the fish is much, much like the big fish games. On the beach, some people fear of hot is marked by the sun umbrellas, some have set up a shed.

Li jiang, solid, so spectacular, flowers everywhere. He said that heihe this paragraph! A smooth floor tile on the riverbank.

Along the park, the flowers, grass green, tree leaves, light so bright, water fountain, young children playing together with fountains. When I see these, can make people have a feast for the eyes, linger.

Summer girl took a summer, autumn girl came to our side with a crayon.

After the beginning of autumn day turned blue, autumn girl herself a suit of crayons are used in the leaves and the road, as a result, the leaves yellow, fell from the tree is, far see like handfuls of ingots, really likeable.

The autumn wind blows, let people feel of cool and refreshing. Autumn is a good season, especially for farmers, agriculture development of uncle hard depends on the arrival of the autumn girl. The crops mature, let people are particularly happy.

Fall girl took a beautiful autumn, winter girl brought a lovely winter.

In winter, it is a beautiful season, already can do ice sculptures, and can do ice lanterns.

The pairs of hands of workers get ice sculpture lifelike, lifelike, a large palace, there is a castle in the town, some like China, varied.

Even more interesting is ice lanterns, all lifelike, is the so-called "I port view". People are praised.

Cold in the winter, although, it is a place where tourists have been yearning for.

Ah! Heilongjiang, you with clear water, irrigation with fertile farmland, along with the Chinese people here. You all the year round, only forward, never retreat, your character not just as the Chinese descendants of the Chinese nation?



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Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China andone of the first batch of national key scenic spots. It is one of the threemajor mountain systems (Huangshan, Jiuhua, Tianmu and Baiji) in southern Anhui.Located in the southeast of Chizhou City, Anhui Province, it faces TianzhuMountain across the Yangtze River in the northwest and Taiping Lake andHuangshan Mountain in the southeast. It is the main entrance and scenic area inthe north of the golden tourist area of "two mountains and one lake" (Huangshan,Jiuhua Mountain and Taiping Lake) in Anhui Province. The scenic area covers anarea of 120 square kilometers and the protection area is 174 square kilometers.The geographical coordinates of Jiuhua Street are 117 ° 8 ′ E and 30 ° 5 ′ n.Now it is a national AAAA tourist area and a demonstration site of nationalcivilized scenic tourist area, known as an International Buddhist Taoisttemple

1. Picturesque scenery and famous mountains

Jiuhua Mountain is famous for its wonderful natural scenery. In theSouthern Dynasties, the mountains were so beautiful that they were higher thanthe clouds, and the peaks were so strange that there were nine of them, so theywere called Jiuzi mountain. When Li Bai visited the mountains in the TangDynasty, he saw the nine peaks like lotus flowers, and wrote the verses of "thewonderful is divided into two parts, the Lingshan opens the nine flowers" and"the green water in the Tianhe River shows the nine lotus flowers", and changedthe name of Jiuzi to Jiuhua. The main body of Jiuhua Mountain is composed ofgranite. Due to the influence of structure, lithology and external force, it hasformed a magnificent and beautiful landscape with peaks as the main body, basinsand valleys, streams and springs interwoven. There are more than 70 famous peaksin Jiuhua Mountain, more than 30 peaks over 1000 meters, and the highest Shiwangpeak is 1342 meters above sea level. Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty praised whenhe viewed the mountain: "the sight of a strange peak is breathtaking" and "he isa creature of nature". Five streams in Shanxi flow into liuquankou and into theYangtze River through Wuxi River and Jiuhua River; three streams in Shannan andtwo streams in Shandong flow into Taiping Lake through Sanxi River and LingyangRiver respectively. The mountains are full of ravines, ravines, pools, flowingsprings and waterfalls. "A Wang Wei painting by the river, a poem written by LiBai for thousands of years.". Jiuhua Mountain is a fresh and natural landscapepainting. Jiuhua Mountain is full of sceneries, which change step by step. InQing Dynasty, there are "ten sceneries of Jiuhua". After opening to the outsideworld, eight new scenic spots and more than 100 new scenic spots have beenopened up. The new and old scenic spots complement each other, and the naturalbeauty and cultural landscape blend with each other. In addition, the fourdistinct seasons, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, fog, snow, graupel, Buddhalight and other celestial wonders make people forget to return.

2. Dizang Daochang, a famous Buddhist mountain

Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous mountains of Buddhism in China.The famous Tibetan Bodhisattva Daochang, whose founder is xinluoseng dizang. Inthe 7th century, under the background of frequent exchanges between the TangDynasty and the Korean Peninsula, King qiaojue, the prince of Silla, came tovisit famous mountains, Zhuo Xi Jiuhua, and practiced hard for decades. Afterhis death, he was regarded as the "spiritual manifestation" of the Bodhisattvain dizang. Because of his common surname Jin, he was called jindizang. Sincethen, Jiuhua Mountain has been established as a way of Bodhisattva in Tibet. Inthe Tang Dynasty, there were more than 20 temples in Jiuhua Mountain, whichdeveloped to more than 40 in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the maintemple, Huacheng temple, became the total jungle with dozens of squatters. Therewere more than 100 temples in the whole mountain, and the incense wasflourishing, which was "the top of southeast mountains". So Jiuhua Mountain,together with Wutai, Emei and Putuo, is known as the four famous mountains ofChinese Buddhism. In the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 150 temples inJiuhuashan. From the total jungle Huacheng temple, there were four big jungles:Zhiyuan temple, Dongya temple, baishuigong temple and Ganlu temple. Among thefour big Foshan temples, it was famous for "the best incense in the world".After the opening to the outside world in the late 1970s, Foshan, an ancientcity, was bathed in the sunrise of the flourishing age, with its vitalityreappeared and its old appearance revived. At present, there are more than 90monasteries, including 9 National Key monasteries and 30 provincial keymonasteries, more than 600 monks, more than 10000 Buddha statues and more than20__ Buddhist cultural relics. Temples are generally maintained, Buddhistactivities are carried out normally, and foreign exchanges are frequent. MountJiuhua Buddhism keeps friendly exchanges with Buddhist groups in Japan, SouthKorea, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Thailand, Hong Kong and Baodao,and more than 100 monks have visited abroad. In todays Buddhist monasteries inChina, Jiuhua Mountain is widely praised for its profound Buddhist culture,International Buddhist taste, and integration of monks and customs. It hasbecome a distinctive and influential Buddhist holy land.

3. It has a long history and famous culture

The combination of religious culture and landscape culture and a largenumber of historical and cultural activities make Jiuhua Mountain a famouscultural mountain with a long history and rich accumulation. More than 20__years ago, Taoists stopped at Jiuhua Mountain, and Jiuhua is called "thirty-nineblessed places" in the book of "a study of blessed places". Up to now, there aremore than 20 sites of Taoist activities and Taoist temples. In 401, the fifthyear of Longan in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tianzhu monk Beidu founded Maoan inJiuhua, and Buddhism began to spread to Jiuhua Mountain. In the Tang Dynasty,the new Buddhist monk established the dizang Daochang, which was "a magnificentplace with great splendor"; in the Ming Dynasty, it became one of the fourfamous mountains of Buddhism in China, which lasted for a long time. Taoism andBuddhism make Jiuhua Mountain famous and attract numerous celebrities and poets.After Li Bai, many scholars came one after another. They lived in seclusion inJiuhua and wrote books. They created books: gathering people to give lectures.They went out to study and visit Taoism. They expressed their love for mountainsand rivers and wrote poems and paintings. There are more than 20 Book sites inJiuhua Mountain, such as Taibai book Hall, Yangming book and Ganquan book.Jiuhua Mountain is also the hometown of folk songs. There are more than 300childrens songs, labor songs and ritual songs, many of which have Buddhistcolor and vividly express the thoughts, feelings and life interests of theworking people. The imperial court of the past dynasties also attached greatimportance to Jiuhua. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty issued imperial edicts andsilver grants. The Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty wrote"Jiuhua Holy Land" and "fantuo PuJiao". More than 50 temples in Jiuhua Mountainwere granted by the imperial court. A large number of historical and culturalactivities have left a wealth of historical relics. There are more than 20__historical relics in Jiuhua Mountain, including nearly 100 precious relics.After opening to the outside world, we attached great importance to thedevelopment of cultural resources, made great efforts to excavate and sort outBuddhist culture, established "jindizang Research Association" and BuddhistCulture Research Association, founded Buddhist Academy, and set up culturalrelics museum. Cultural resources were initially developed and had a wideinfluence at home and abroad. The culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism,ghost culture, architecture culture, stone carving culture, folk culture, foodculture, tea culture and body culture are amazing. Jiuhua Mountain is a famouscultural mountain with profound cultural heritage.



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Mount Emei is located in Mount Emei City, Sichuan Province, China, with anarea of 154 square kilometers. The highest peak, Wanfo peak, is 3099 metersabove sea level. Steep terrain, beautiful scenery, a "show the world"reputation. There are more than 3000 kinds of plants, including rare treespecies in the world. There are many monkeys along the mountain road. They oftenform groups to beg for food from tourists, which is a major feature of Emei. Itis one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. There are about 26temples and eight important temples, with frequent Buddhist activities. OnDecember 6, 1996, Mount Emei Leshan Giant Buddha was listed in the worldheritage list by UNESCO as a cultural and natural heritage.

Emei Mountain scenic area covers an area of 154 square kilometers,including four mountains, namely dae, ere, sane and sie. Dae mountain isthe main peak of Mount Emei, which is usually referred to as dae mountain. Thetwo mountains of dae and ere are opposite each other. From a distance, the twopeaks are ethereal, just like the Emei thrush. This precipitous and majesticmomentum makes Li Baifa, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, praise that "Emei is higherthan the Western polar sky" and "there are many fairy mountains in the kingdomof Shu, so Emei Miao is hard to match". Mt. Emei is famous for its foggyweather. The clouds and fog in the mountains are so varied that Mount Emei isgracefully decorated.

Mt. Emei is a magnificent mountain with many mountains and beautifulscenery. It is known as the metaphor of "one mountain has four seasons, ten lihas different days". Tan Zhongyue, a poet of the Qing Dynasty, summarized thebeautiful scenery of Mount Emei as ten kinds: "auspicious light on the top ofgold", "moon night in Xiangchi", "jiulaoxianfu", "Xiaoyu in Hongchun", "autumnbreeze in Baishui", "Qingyin in Shuangqiao", "snow in Daping", "emerald inLingyan", "clear clouds in Luofeng" and "Shengji evening bell". Now peoplecontinue to discover and create many new landscapes, such as Hongzhu Yongcui,Huxi Tingquan, Longjiang plank road, Longmen waterfall, Leidong Yanyun, JieyinFeihong, woyun floating boat, fir secluded forest, etc. The new ten scenes ofEmei are: Jinding Golden Buddha, Wanfo Chaozong, Xiaoping love, Qingyin Pinghu,Yougu Linghou, the first mountain Pavilion, cliff stone carvings, Xiujiawaterfall, Yingbin beach and the starting point of famous mountain. All arefascinating. When you enter the mountains, you can see many mountains andtowering ancient trees; you can see mountains and bridges broken by clouds; youcan see deep streams and deep valleys, and the sky is shining; you can seerivers flowing, and the water is murmuring; birds sing, and butterflies aredancing; monkeys play, and frogs play; you can see strange flowers and paths,and you can see unique caves. In spring, everything sprouts and growsluxuriantly; in summer, a hundred flowers are blooming; in autumn, the mountainsare full of red leaves and colorful; in winter, the snow is covered with snow.When you climb to Jinding, you can see far and wide, and the scenery ismagnificent. The view of sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddhas light and sunset makespeople relaxed and happy; the west view of Aiai snow peak, Gongga Mountain andWawu mountain connects the sky; the south view of Wanfo peak, rolling clouds andmagnificent momentum; the North view of Baili Pingchuan, like a beautiful shop,with a panoramic view of Dadu River and Qingyi River. When you are on the top ofEmei, you can feel the sigh of "looking at all the small mountains".

There are many clouds, few sunshine and abundant rainfall in the mountainarea of Emei. Part of the plain belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate,with the average temperature of 6.9 ℃ in January and 26.1 ℃ in July. Due to thehigh altitude and large slope of Mt. Emei, the climate zone has obvious verticaldistribution, with an altitude of 1500-2100 m belonging to warm temperateclimate; an altitude of 2100-2500 m belonging to moderate temperate climate; andan altitude of more than 2500 m belonging to sub frigid climate. Over 20__meters above sea level, about half a year is covered by ice and snow fromOctober to April of the next year.

Emei Scenic Area presents different climate characteristics with differentaltitudes. Below qingyinge is a low mountain area with lush vegetation, coolwind and clear spring. There is no big difference between the temperature andthat of the plain. Just add some clothes sooner or later. Qingyinge toXIXIANGCHI is a middle mountain area. The temperature is 4 ℃ - 5 ℃ lower thanthat of the plain at the foot of the mountain. Tourists need to prepare enoughclothes. From XIXIANGCHI to Jinding is a high mountain area. In the pedestrianclouds, the wind is cold and the rain is sudden. The temperature is about 12 ℃lower than that of Baoguo temple at the foot of the mountain. There are a lot ofcotton coats for tourists to rent. There is a "boundary" in the middle of Mt.Emei. The lower part of Mt. Emei is called "Yangjian", and the upper part of Mt.Emei is called "Yinjian". Cumulus has a certain weight, so its at the boundaryof Mount Emei. Therefore, tourists often hear thunder in Jinding, but only inthe "sunshine" it rains, while in the "Underworld" it doesnt.



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Ladies and gentlemen:

Everybody is good! I am the guide from the dunhuang mogao grottoes day trip, my name is Chen, you can call me Chen guide! Your eyes is the mogao grottoes, want to know what kind of mogao grottoes is? To listen to me slowly.

The mogao grottoes, located in the southeast of dunhuang city, about 25 kilometers away from the city, spoilers wat to open in China east cliff. It is Chinas largest classical art treasure, it is a center of buddhist art.

Number of tourists, cave 492, more than 20xx statues statue, 33 meters, the largest minimum only 10 centimeters. So, the most famous statue in the mogao grottoes.

If the total area of 45000 square meters, the mural to arrange all the paintings, there are 30 kilometers long. If say the mogao grottoes of dunhuang is famous the world, so, make the mogao grottoes is famous for its first these murals, is traveling to visit.

The mogao grottoes in 1987 UNESCO world cultural heritage, is the most key cultural relics protection.

Okay, now I introduce to here, please walk. Cant throw the peel and other trash, graffito of the scribble on the murals, to protect cultural relics.

Thank you very much!



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Yangjiang City, located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province, is aprefecture level city approved by the State Council in February 1988. It governsYangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi county and Jiangcheng district. It isadjacent to Jiangmen City in the East, Maoming City in the west, Yunfu City inthe north and Nanhai City in the south. The urban area is 219 km away fromGuangzhou, 220 km away from Zhanjiang and 165 km away from Hong Kong. NationalHighway 325 (Guang Zhan highway) and Guang Mao railway run through the city,covering an area of 7813 square kilometers, with a population of more than 2.4million.

The total land area of Yangjiang is 7813.4 square kilometers, of which26.03% is hilly area, 42.73% is mountainous area and 22.17% is plain area. Thepopulation is 2.56 million. It borders Enping and Taishan in Jiangmen City inthe East, Luoding and Xinxing in Yunfu City and Xinyi in Maoming City in thenorth, Gaozhou and Dianbai in Maoming City in the west, and Nanhai in the south.The coastline is 341.5 km long, with 30 major islands and 49.3 km long. Theterrain inclines from north to south, close to the mountain and the sea, withTianlu mountain in the northeast and Yunwu Mountain in the northwest. Thehighest mountain in the territory is e Huang Zhang in Wangfu mountain range,with an altitude of 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River, with a totallength of 199 km, running through the whole city from north to South and flowinginto the South China Sea from north to south.

Yangjiang City is a famous coastal tourist city in Guangdong Province. Itis rich in tourism resources, including coastal beaches, peak forests, karstcaves, hot springs, waterfalls, lakes and mountains, and splendid culturallandscape. Among them, Hailing Island and yangchunwan lingxiaoyan are provincialtourist resorts, and dajiaowan of Hailing Island was rated as 4A nationaltourist area in 20__. In order to continuously open up new ways of tourism,Yangjiang Tourism Bureau has designed and created a new tourism image of"Haitian emotional Yangjiang Tour". Yangjiang tourism highlights four tourismlandscapes with local characteristics. The first is the "sea view", with HailingIsland as the center, highlighting its coastal scenery; the second is the "skyview", represented by Chunwan zaolingxiaoyan, the stalactites, undergroundrivers and lights in the cave constitute the ethereal, illusory and magical skylandscape; the third is the "dynamic view", showing Yangjiang kites flutteringlike colorful clouds in the clear sky; The fourth is the "Scene", that is, thepicturesque Moyangjiang River with green mountains on both sides of the river,nurturing Yangjiangs children. In addition, Yangjiang has opened up two specialtourism lines: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Luns papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach, where oysters can be picked on site.

At present, the city has opened up five tourist routes and two specialtourist routes: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Luns papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach. You can try to pick oysters on site, which has a unique taste.



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As the saying goes: "Wu Chuming building is now four, water, sky and moonare double in ancient times." The four famous towers are yellow crane tower,Yuejiang tower, Yueyang Tower and Tengwang Pavilion. This summer vacation, I hadthe honor to visit Yuejiang building, one of the four famous buildings.

According to historical records, Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty settledthe mountains and settled the capital of Jinling, and wrote the famous story ofYuejiang tower, but later there was no building. Now the Yuejiang tower is builtby Nanjing municipal government in recent years. Yuejiang tower is located onthe top of the lion mountain. When you climb up the stairs, you will come to thefoot of Yuejiang tower. This is an ancient wooden pavilion standingmajestically. Red pillars, grey wall tiles, vermilion doors, glass cornices, onelayer after another, overlapping, very spectacular.

Walking into the hall on the ground floor, it is spacious and bright. Rightbelow the hall, a golden carved dragon chair is placed in the center, and fourexquisite tripods are placed in front of the chair. The golden bottom isengraved with two green dragons entwined together, which is the symbol ofancient emperors power. Just above the hall is the full text of Yuejiang towerwritten by Zhu Yuanzhang, a golden book, which occupies the north wall and ismagnificent. After a long time, the sunlight fell on the red carpet through thewindow lattice, as if returning to the distant ancient times in a trance.

Walking up the wooden building to the second floor, I was immediatelyimpressed by its exquisite architectural skills. All kinds of peculiar patternsare carved on the wooden fence. There are intertwined dragons, powerful lions,and bizarre unicorns. They are so delicate that their noses, eyes, and beardsare clearly engraved. The beams were beautifully painted. There are West Lakescenery, cemetery scenery, Yuanmingyuan Ruins, the great wall and so on. Thereare many patterns and bright colors.

Along the stairs came to the top, look around, see the surging riverrolling eastward. River, cruise ships, passenger ships shuttle like to come andgo, sometimes issued a distant flute sound. The Yangtze River Bridge stretchesacross the river. Tall bridgeheads stand at the north and south ends of thebridge. Crisscross overpasses, roaring trains and high-rise buildings give you apanoramic view. This is the reason why Yuejiang tower is named. When a gust ofwind blows, the copper bell as big as the bowl mouth on the cornice makes aclear "Ding Ding" sound, which is really pleasing to the eye.

This situation, this scene, just as the ancient poem said: "want to poorthousands of miles, more on a higher level."



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Ladies and gentlemen!

The scenic spot we are visiting now is Huangshan Huashan mystery CaveScenic spot. Huashan enigmatic grottoes are ancient grottoes. They arelarge-scale and enigmatic. They are rare in China. The four words "Huashanenigmatic Grottoes" were personally nominated by General Secretary Jiang Zeminduring his visit in May 20__.

Located between 29 ° 39 ′ 34 "and 29 ° 47 ′ 7" north latitude, Huashangrottoes are a group of grottoes on the mysterious line of 30 degrees northlatitude. Also on this mysterious line are: Bermuda Triangle of the NorthAtlantic, Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx, Atlantis, Noahs ark, dead sea, Saharadesert, Mount Everest, Qiantang River tide, mystery of Shennongjia savages,wonders of Huangshan, etc.

Whats more amazing is that in the middle of this humble hill, which is nomore than one or two hundred meters high, there is a big mystery, an amazinggroup of caves. The cave has been hidden for many years.

The grottoes are distributed linearly at the foot of Huashan Mountain onthe Bank of Xinan River, with a total length of about five kilometers. Thirtysix caves have been identified

In addition, Yancun, Shexian County, on the east side of Huashan Mountain,has also proved the existence of a group of grottoes, with 36 Grottoes in numberand similar in shape to Huashan grottoes. The seventy-two caves of the twoGrottoes correspond to the seventy-two peaks of Huangshan Mountain. I dont knowwhether it is a natural coincidence or the deliberate arrangement of theancients.

When it comes to the discovery of grottoes, it is very legendary. One dayin 20__, when the local farmer went up the mountain to collect firewood, heinadvertently stepped on the sand and soil under his feet, and the soil blocksfell one after another, exposing the unfathomable caves on the stone wall. Whenthe local government heard about this, it immediately organized a humanexploration, which led to the re emergence of this huge group of grottoes.

After more than a year of excavation, the Grottoes have begun to showscale. In front of the eyes of the world are Grottoes with a strange pattern andhuge internal space. Some of them have caves in them, some have stone pillars,some have empty valleys and pools, and there are no murals, Buddha statues orwords on the stone walls. In particular, there are two openings in the XinanRiver, which adds a sense of mystery to them. On the afternoon of May 20, 20__,during his inspection, President Jiang Zemin sighed: "its amazing! Its amystery, its a mystery forever! Its a treasure! If its publicized abroad,its really amazing!" and he named this place "Huashan mystery cave".

At present, only cave 2 and cave 35 are available for visitors.


This is cave two. The temperature inside the cave is pleasant. Comparedwith the temperature outside about 10 degrees, it is obviously warm. Cave 2,also known as the underground gallery, is a long and narrow cave

There are two highlights in cave 2, namely, the natural autumn color map onthe stone wall and the large slope on the top of the cave. In the autumn colorpicture, the whole picture is covered with yellow brown autumn leaves, and themountains, peaks and dwellings are black. Among them, the style of Hui stylearchitecture can be clearly seen in the folk houses. There is a white stream infront of it. There is no doubt that it is Xinanjiang at the foot of themountain.

The large slope was found after dredging. When the foremen dug here, theythought that they had reached the end of the grottoes. However, with the removalof the mud, they found that the wall of the grottoes extended forward in aninclined plane, and another opening could be seen. The slope is about 45degrees, 15 meters wide and 30 meters long, which is consistent with the slopeoutside. On the inclined stone wall, you can see rows of fine straight-linechisel marks. The lines are straight and coherent, giving people a depressingoverall feeling. The appearance of this large slope raises a new mystery: inancient times, when science and technology were relatively backward, how did thecraftsmen accurately determine the slope of the slope and make it consistentwith the trend of the mountain?

Ladies and gentlemen!

We came to cave 35, which is the existing ancient man-made Grottoes inChina, known as underground palace and cool palace. The depth of the Grottoes is170 meters, the location is 18 meters, and the area is about 12000 squaremeters. There are 26 stone columns arranged in the shape of Pinyin, which play asupporting role. It can be seen that the ancient craftsmen are well versed inthe geometric principle of three points and one plane. There are many stonehouses, stone beds, stone bridges, stone buildings, stone troughs and stoneponds in the cave.

Here are a few surprises to remind you:

First, there is a green pool. This blue pool is unfathomable. It has beenpumped for three months, but it still cant be drained;

Second, the stone pillars, which are about ten meters long, form a "pin"shape, forming a reasonable force structure to support the roof of the tunnel,which shows that the application of the theoretical mechanics of the forefathersis very precise;

Third, there is such a big hole, in which there is no echo, which is verywonderful. Especially worth mentioning is the Tonghai bridge at the entrance ofthe cave. Under the bridge is a pool of clear spring water. The sound of thewater is loud, and it is likely that there is a living water source here.

We shuolu down to the cave, where the top of the stone wall clearly visiblecarved patterns. Although it is already 2 meters below the surface of XinanRiver, with a drop of 25 meters, the ventilation in the cave is good, so peopledont feel uncomfortable at the bottom of the cave. In addition, the grotesquestructure of the cave makes the sound waves absorbed by the stone walls, so nomatter how loud the noise is, there is no echo in the cave.

The charm of grottoes lies in a series of mysteries. How were they built?Why did they build these caves? Where did millions of quarries go? How were theymined and transported in those years? There were a few quarried stones in thecaves, why were they not transported out? There were many 10 cm thick walls inthe caves. Why didnt they cut and let them stand in the middle of the stonehall? What are the use of the square and round blind holes on the pillars in thecaves? For example Why is there no historical record of this large-scaleGrottoes? Experts have made all kinds of speculation and analysis, but still cannot find a unified and definite answer.

According to research, the Grottoes have a history of at least 1700 years.At present, there are 15 theories about its origin and function, which are: thetheory of garrison troops in Grottoes; the theory of salt in Huizhou merchants;the theory of prehistoric civilization; the theory of hills; the theory ofquarries; the theory of imperial mausoleum; the theory of Taoist land welfare;the theory of function transformation; the theory of huashigang; the theory offangladong; the theory of building a temple in Linan; the theory of Huizhougovernment and yuliangba; the theory of murdering dock; the theory of giantstone culture architecture.

There are two main arguments: one is that it was used as a garrison andammunition depot. It is recorded in Xinan annals: "in the Eastern Han Dynasty,Sun Quan sent Weiwu Zhonglang to garrison Heqi on the stream in order to flattenshe, she and other places, and later changed the upper reaches of Xinan Riverto Tunxi. This not only explains the origin of the place name "Tunxi", but alsoprovides an answer for the grottoes. This view can be supported by the spears,axes, a large number of unused stones left in the cave, and the traces of smokeleft on some rock walls.

Another theory holds that the grottoes were built by Hui merchants to storesalt. In ancient times, the geographical location of Huizhou was closed, and theonly shortcut to the outside world was Xinanjiang. As a result, it became amaterial distribution center, where Huizhou salt merchants dug caves to buildsalt depots. This view can well explain why the caves in the grottoes group havedifferent sizes and styles, because they belong to different salt merchants.

What Huashan mystery cave left to later generations is endless reverie,which aroused peoples curiosity and made scholars and tourists come in anendless stream. If one day these mysteries will be explained one by one, willthe grottoes be as tempting as they are now?

This is the charm of Huashan mystery cave. It will leave you suspense andmake you have endless Association and aftertaste!

Lets stop here for the introduction of Huashan riddle cave. We will alwaysremember the riddle like "Huashan riddle cave". Life is a riddle!

thank you!



范文类型:竞选稿,演讲稿,适用行业岗位:班长,全文共 266 字

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