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Dear tourists, Hello! Im the tour guide of todays activity. Now behind usis the beautiful Wuyi Mountain.

Wuyishan is located in Wuyishan City in the north of Fujian Province.According to legend, a long time ago, Wuyishan was a place full of floods andwild animals. The common people go through the ravines and have nothing to livefor. After that, a brave young man named Wang Wang came from afar to lead us tocut mountains, cut rocks, dredge rivers, and finally overcome the flood. Thedredged river course is todays Jiuqu River, and the excavated sand and stonesare piled up into thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine rocks. From then on, peoplehad a good life. One day, the jade girl Jiayun went on a trip. She wasfascinated by the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain and went down to earth tolove her king. Unfortunately, the iron ghost told the jade emperor about thismatter. The Jade Emperor was so angry that he ordered to arrest the jade girland return to heaven. The jade girl refused and would marry the king. The ironghost uses magic to turn them into stones and separate them on both sides of theJiuqu River. In order to please the Jade Emperor, the iron ghost also becomes arock between the two lovers, monitoring them day and night. This is the ironpeak at the moment. From then on, they had to rely on the mirror platform tolook at each other in tears. Yunv peak bath Xiangtan is said to be the placewhere Yunv bathes. The "seal stone" in the pool is a token of love from theking.

There is also a beautiful place in Wuyi Mountain, called "southeast foot".The southeast foot is located in the northern part of Wuyi Mountains, coveringan area of about 70 square kilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. Themiraculous work of nature for hundreds of millions of years constitutes thebeautiful scenery of Qifeng, Xiushui Jue Hui, Bishui Danfeng and absolutelybeautiful scenery. The ancients said that "there are three or three wins inwater and six or six strange peaks", and it is known as "Qixiu a Southeast".

Todays Liu tour ends there. I hope that the beautiful scenery of WuyiMountain will become your most perfect memory after this tour. I also hope thatpeople there can take good care of Wuyishan and pass on the beautiful scenery ofWuyishan from generation to generation. bye!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3734 字

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Hengshan is a subtropical monsoon humid climate with long frost free periodand short freezing period. It has the characteristics of cool summer and coldwinter, abundant rainfall, foggy and windy, and obvious vertical temperaturechange. Good natural conditions have created Hengshans characteristic landscapeof no mountain, no tree, no place, no green. There are more than 600 familiesand 1700 kinds of trees in Hengshan Mountain. The scenic forest area is 300000mu, the primary secondary forest area is 57000 mu, and the forest coverage rateis more than 80%. Accompanied by the rare wild animals such as Caragana, bamboopheasant, big headed turtle, etc., Hengshan Mountain can be called a naturaltreasure house of biological resources!

Hengshan rises abruptly from the southern Hunan basin, forming a sharpcontrast with the surrounding areas, and also contributing to many wonderful andpeculiar climate landscapes. Hengshan scenery is known as "Four Seas", namelysea of flowers, forest, cloud and snow. The four seasons scenery of Hengshan ischaracterized by flowers in spring, clouds in summer, sun in autumn and snow inwinter. Among them, Hengshan cloud is worth mentioning. "Hengshan cloud,Huangshan pine" has been talked about by people since ancient times. Hengshansclouds change at four oclock, spring clouds are covered together, summer cloudsare like feathers, autumn clouds are like waterfalls, and winter clouds are likeink; In the early morning or evening, the mountain wind blows through the pineforest, carrying layers of clouds to the visitors. The sound of the pines isfaint and frightening. But as soon as they arrive, they turn into countlessgossamers and float away, which makes people feel depressed. No wonder theancients once sighed that "the sea of clouds sways my heart"!

The beauty of Hengshan lies in the forest and the culture. Nanyue is atreasure house of Chinese culture, known as the "civilized Olympic area". Thereare many historical records of emperors, princes and dignitaries coming here toworship in the past dynasties, especially the visits of scholars, scholars andscholars. They set up steles, built ancestral temples, visited ancient times,recited poems and wrote Fu, which left Hengshan precious material and spiritualwealth, and also made Hengshan a famous mountain of Huxiang culture.

If we say that Buddhism makes Hengshan as bright as the moon, Buddhismmakes Nanyue as bright as the sun. In the southern and Northern Dynasties,during the reign of Liang Tianjian in the Southern Dynasty, from 502 to 519A.D., monk Huihai went down from the Northern Wei Dynasty, preached at the footof Lianhua peak, and built Fangguang temple for the first time. Since then,Buddhism has been handed down to Nanyue. Later, master Xi Dun and master Hai Yincame to Hengshan to preach. In 567 A.D., the first year of Chen Guangda in theSouthern Dynasty, monk Huisi built a Prajna Buddhist temple in Hengshan topublicize Buddhism, making Buddhism officially take charge of Hengshan. FromChen Dynasty to Tang Dynasty, Buddhism has been widely developed in Hengshanfrom Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. Huisi and Zhixu created Tiantai Sect,huairang created Nanyue sect, xiqian passed on Qingyuan sect, chuyuankaiHuanglong sect, huinankai Yangqi sect, Chengyuan sect, fazhao sect and Huikaisect all took place in Nanyue Mountain. In particular, under the vigorouspromotion of famous monks such as huairang, xiqian, Mazu, Daowu, Weiyan, andnature, Zen Buddhism has successively derived five sects, namely Linji, caodong,Yunmen, fayan, and Jiyang, which spread throughout the country and even inKorea, Japan and other overseas areas. It is a grand sight and is known as "fiveleaves and one flower" in the history of Buddhism.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2017 字

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Hello, tourists. Ill show you around the Forbidden City.

First of all, let me introduce the general situation of the Forbidden City.The Forbidden City used to be called the Forbidden City. It was the imperialpalace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Forbidden City covers an area of morethan 720000 square meters and has a history of 600 years. 24 emperors of Mingand Qing Dynasties lived here. There are more than 8700 palaces in the ForbiddenCity, which is the largest and best preserved palace complex in China and theworld. These palaces are arranged along the central axis and spread out on bothsides. They are symmetrical in left and right. The pattern is solemn and grand.In a word, when you enter the palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties today, you willenter the treasure house of Chinese civilization.

Meridian Gate is the main gate of the palace, because it is located in thesouth of the Forbidden City, so it is called Meridian Gate. Donghuamen is theeast gate of the Imperial Palace in Ming Dynasty, which corresponds to xihuamenfrom east to west. On the high wall of the Forbidden City, there are fourexquisite turrets. They are like four pearls, inlaid in the high wall, they arenot only our country, but also the worlds architectural products.

In the wide taihemen square, there is a royal road paved with blue andwhite stones in the middle, which only the emperor could walk. From the north ofTaihe square, on the tall and beautiful white jade platform, there is amagnificent building called Taihe hall, which is also called Jinluan hall. Thebase of this white marble platform is as high as 8 meters, higher than thecurrent two-story building. Among all the palaces in the Forbidden City, Jinluanhall is the most respected. The highest level ceremonies and ceremonies wereheld here.

When we stroll among these palaces, we can not only touch its bricks andtiles, but also appreciate precious cultural relics such as bronze, jade,calligraphy and painting, jewelry, etc. You will not love enough, nor seeenough



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1232 字

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眼 前的这个人工景点就是“六奇阁”。“六奇”准确地说是指山奇、水奇、云奇、石奇、动物奇、植物奇。 好了,我们的游览也要结束了。欢迎大家再次光临黄石寨。




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当我和妈妈要离开她时, 真是恋恋不舍,一步三回头。妈妈还说:“等我以后老了,我一定要重新回来,我要创作一些画,我还要写一些诗来赞美她。”





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How to play the scenic spots in Dalian? How to eat seafood in Dalian? Inaddition to searching for answers in extensive reading, Liu Kai embarked on ajourney to find Dalian stories when he found that some materials could not beread from the books.

Go to the Central Street Library of Harbin to find the footprints ofentering Kanto; look up the history of the Middle East Railway in the MoscowNational Archives; go to Kitakyushu to see the buildings that have becomeDalians friendly city Liu Kai spent a total of 100000 yuan, in order to havemore substantial information in his tour guide. "When tourists come to Dalian,their initial impulse is to rush to the sea of Dalian, but they have tounderstand that there are many seas in the country. Why do they choose Dalian?The history and story of the sea should be different. For example, if you travelto Shandong, you may pay more attention to the seaside life of chuangdong. So mypurpose is to tell tourists the difference of Dalian sea through personal searchand self footprints. "

In __s eyes, Dalian is a very inclusive city, with both historicalprecipitation and the atmosphere of petty bourgeois life such as fishermansWharf, Binhai Road and urban nightscape. Liu Kai said that Dalians toleranceand Dalians temperament can meet different needs. To a certain extent, the tourguide is required to make the guests realize these, "all we have to do is tomake the guests realize that its not a good time to come to Dalian Its not anordinary trip, but a full and perfect tour.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6069 字

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Dear tourists

As we all know, the hottest place in the country is Turpan, and the hottestplace in Turpan is fangdangtui Huoyan mountain. In summer, the highesttemperature of Huoyanshan is above 47.8 ℃. In midsummer, when the sun is red,the earths atmosphere is transpiration and the clouds are shrouded, which isvery spectacular.

The name of Huoyanshan → mountain characteristics

Tourists, through the window, we can see that the thing in front is like afire dragon lying in the middle of Turpan Basin. The red mountain isYanshan.

The name of Huoyanshan mainly comes from its appearance. Look! The bedrockof Huoyanshan is exposed, the reddish brown sandstone glows in the hot sun, andthe hot air is rolling up, just like thousands of flames burning. The name of"Huoyanshan" comes from this. Huoyanshan is called chishi mountain in ancientbooks, and kiziltag in Uighur language, which means red mountain. CEN Shenci, apoet of the Tang Dynasty, passed through Huoyanshan and wrote "the volcanostands out at the mouth of chitingkou, and the fire clouds are thick in May.".The mountains are full of volcanoes and the birds are flying far away. "Dare notcome". Chen Cheng, a traveler in the Ming Dynasty, once wrote a poem to describeit: "a piece of smoke and a piece of red, burning to the sky. At the end ofspring, its half as clear as summer. Who knows that there is Zhu Rong in thewest? " It can be called a vivid portrayal of Huoyanshan.

Huoyanshan is a long and narrow mountain in east-west direction, with atotal length of 98 km and a north-south width of 9 km. The general height isabout 500 meters, and the highest peak is 831.7 meters. Despite the fact thatthere is no grass on the surface of Huoyan mountain, due to crustal movement andriver cutting, there are many picturesque gullies and canyons hidden in themountain, such as Putaogou, tuyugou, taoergou, mumugou, shengjinkou Canyon, etc.In these valleys, the streams linger, the melons and fruits are fragrant, theflowers and trees are verdant, and the scenery is charming, just like the"flower and fruit dock" scene in "Huozhou".

The formation of Huoyanshan → the best observation point is shengjinkou

Perhaps some tourists will ask: How did the flame mountain form? How manyyears ago? The answer to these two questions can be traced back to 140 millionyears ago. At that time, due to the short and small folds in the front of Bogdamountain in the east of Tianshan Mountain, the crust changed, and after theHimalayan orogeny, the rudiment of the mountains gradually formed. Since then,it has experienced a long geological period, spanning several geological periodsof Jurassic, Cretaceous and tertiary, together with the special climateenvironment, showing the current geological shape.

Tourists, the best place to observe the structure of Huoyanshan isshengjinkou. Please get out of the car and take photos in front of the stonepedestal with the sign of "Huoyanshan", and then listen to my explanation.

Shengjinkou is 30 kilometers away from Turpan City in the west, connectingXinjiang with the mainland of 312 national highway, and crossing the Huoyanshanby the mugou river. Shengjinkou mountain is a precipitous place for militarystrategists since ancient times. As for the name of shengjinkou, there isanother origin: in the past, the local people called shengjinkou "seepingmouth". Thats because after the water from mutugou flowed out of TianshanMountain, it became less and less. When they arrived at the Gobi desert nearshengjinkou, the water almost seeped clean, so they called it "seeping mouth".Later, people thought the name was not very auspicious, so they changed itshomonym to "shengjinkou", so it has been used to this day.

[story of Huoyanshan: myth of journey to the West → Uyghur folklore]tourists, Huoyanshan is named not only because of its unique appearance andstructure, but also because of its legendary mythology.

Journey to the west is one of the stories in which the master andapprentice of Tang monks and disciples of the Tang Dynasty are hindered fromlearning from the Buddhist scriptures in Huoyan mountain. In the 59th and 60thchapters of journey to the west, "Tang Sanzang road blocks Flame Mountain, andsun Xingers three tune banana fan," it is written: "there is a state of Sri onthe Western Road, which is the place where the sun sets. It is commonly called"the end of the sky. ". There is a flame mountain here. It is hot all the yearround. The Flame Mountain has a flame of 800 Li, surrounded by nothing. If youcross the mountain, you will turn your copper skull and iron body into juice. "Although this description is exaggerated, the basic characteristics of hotseasons and barren grass are completely consistent with the actual situation ofHuoyanshan. It can be seen that the author did not invent it out of thinair.

In the eyes of the common people, good is the highest beauty, so the endingof the story in Huoyanshan is that justice will defeat evil, which has beendescribed in detail in Uygur folklore. It is said that a long time ago, therewas a dragon in the depths of Tianshan Mountain, which ate only boys and girls.The local top leader was determined to kill the dragon for the people, so hesent a warrior named Hala and Zhuo to subdue the dragon. After a thrillingbattle, Hara and Zhuo beat the dragon with their swords and finally subdued thedragon. After the dragon was injured, it rotated along the mountain, and thewhole mountain was dyed red by blood. Therefore, Uighur people called thismountain "Red Mountain".

Beautiful legend, profound meaning, reverie. Tourists, when we stop andthink about the flame mountain, we will feel that the wonders of Flame Mountainare not enough, and the story of Flame Mountain is endless. In order to makesure that you dont have any regrets, the next time you visit the old city ofGaochang and the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik, you have to pass by the flamemountain. Therefore, we can fully enjoy the wonderful scenery of the flamemountain from different directions. I hope the trip to flame mountain will leaveyou a good memory.



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Yuejiang tower in Nanjing, Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Yueyang Tower inYueyang and Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang are known as the four famous buildingsin Jiangnan. It is located in the northwest of Nanjing City, adjacent to theYangtze River. The building is 52 meters high and has seven floors. It is one ofthe four famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, with blue tiles,Zhuying, cornice, zhufengfei and Tongye. After Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, heonce again visited Lulong mountain in 1374. He wanted to build a toweringPavilion on the mountain, so he personally wrote Yuejiang Lou Ji, which ismagnificent and full of maneuvers. Because of Lulong mountains "abrupt peak,lingyanxia and invading Han Dynastys exterior, short-sighted from a distance,the real lion dragon (the alias of lion)," he changed its name to lion Zishan.In the spring of that year, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered his officials to write morethan 100 pieces of Yuejiang Lou Ji, among which Song Lian, a great scholar,wrote the most excellent one, and was recorded in Guwen Guanzhi, which washanded down to the world together with Zhu Yuanzhangs Yuejiang Lou Ji. ZhuYuanzhang built "Pingdi" for Yuejiang building, but it was not built for variousreasons.

"One river runs thousands of miles to the sea, two records of hulou sixhundred years.". This wonderful couplet is a true portrayal of the six hundredyears of vicissitudes of Yuejiang building in Nanjing. When you climb theYuejiang tower and look far away, you can see the vast river rolling eastward.Its like a panoramic view of the six hundred years of rain and smoke sinceZheng Hes voyages to the West. Yuejianglou staff said that Zheng He Pang

The big fleet came out of the Xiaguan Longjiang River in Nanjing and sailedfrom here to Liujiagang anchorage in Taicang.

Yuejianglou scenic area covers a total area of 31 hectares, of which wateraccounts for 1 / 3, land accounts for 2 / 3, and the green coverage rate reaches85%. There are more than 30 historical sites in the scenic area, such asYuejiang tower, Wanxian Pavilion, ancient fort, Sun Yat Sens Yuejiang place,Wujun tunnel, ancient city wall, dizang temple, wuse Tu, Jinghai temple, etc. itis a national famous tourist attraction integrating cultural landscape andnatural landscape. It is a national AAAA tourist attraction. Yuejiang building,with the theme of Ming culture, is divided into three main parts of"unification, opening up and development"; it shows the statues of 16 emperorsof Ming Dynasty and the territory of Ming Dynasty. There are also five "nationalbest" porcelain paintings in the scenic area, such as the complete picture ofZheng Hes voyages to the west, the double-sided embroidery of the four famousbuildings in the south of the Yangtze River, the white jade carving of Yuejiangtower, the tripod of Yuejiang tower, and the relief of Shiling Yuejiang, whichare novel in conception, exquisite in workmanship, and unique incharacteristics, fully reflecting the long history and rich cultural heritage ofYuejiang tower.



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Dear passengers

Hello, everyone. Your journey has been hard. Im the tour guide of Jinzhouinternational travel service. My name is Zhang Chenchen. Just call me XiaoZhang. On behalf of all employees of CITS, please allow me to sincerely welcomeyou to Jinzhou. Its my wish and my goal to work hard. If you have anydifficulties and requirements during the journey, please contact me in time.Ill try my best to meet your requirements. At the same time, I hope you can putforward suggestions and criticisms on my service. I wish you all the best in thefuture Jinzhou end of happy, happy, a brief introduction to todays itinerary,we today to the penholder with the scenic spot, about half an hour ride.

Jinzhou City is located in the west of Liaoning Province, covering an areaof 10301 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 10 urban areas as large asHong Kong (with an area of 1070 square kilometers), covering an area of 440square kilometers, with a population of 2.968 million and a population of 756million. There are 26 ethnic groups including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui andKorean. Jinzhou has a long history and splendid culture. According to research,tens of thousands of years ago, human beings lived and multiplied here. Jinzhouwas first called tuhe, and it is said that the city was built when Yushun was inpower. Many sites, tombs and historical relics have been left in Jinzhou.Jinzhou is a strategic place for military strategists of all dynasties, the mainbattlefield of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the main battlefield of Liaoshencampaign during the war of liberation. Jinzhou Development Zone is one of themost convenient entrances and exits of Northeast China Development Zone. It isthe window and frontier of opening to the outside world in western Liaoning. Itsplanned development area is 58 square kilometers, and the first phasedevelopment area is 7 square kilometers. It mainly attracts all kinds of fundsto set up technology intensive industrial enterprises facing the internationalmarket, and build high-grade hotels, hotels, shopping malls, villas, amusementcenters, among which Bijia Shanfeng is the best Bijia mountain scenic spot islocated in the coastal area of Southern Jinzhou, 37 kilometers away from thecity center. Bijia mountain is 76 miles in height and 4 li in length from northto south. Its scale is obviously inferior to that of the famous mountains in themainland. However, because its danger lies in the vast Bohai Sea, it has aspecial feeling to look into the distance. If its sunny, the waves are calm,the sky is golden, if its early in the morning, the smoke is hazy, red, orange,yellow and green, and there are many changes For a long time, the mind is asmagnanimous as the sea, and there is indeed the beauty of "bright moon in thepavilion, clouds in the window".

In the scenic area, there are natural scenery composed of big Bijiamountain, small Bijia mountain, overpass and bathing beach. On the mountain,there are also some scenic spots such as Bifeng Mountain Gate, lvzuting, Wumupalace, Sanqing Pavilion and yixiantian. Each scenic spot has wonderful myths,legends and generations of recitation, which make people think about it. So howcan Bijia mountain be formed? It is said that in ancient times, it wasoriginally a vast ocean, and then two Lang Shen took two mountains and put theminto the sea to form two big and small islands, which are todays big and smallBijia mountains. Well, today we mainly visit big and small Bijia mountain. OK,our destination is here. Please get off and follow me.

Look, there is an island near the sea. It stands in the vast sea,surrounded by clouds and fog. Its named Bijia mountain because it looks like apenholder. When the rising sun shines on the sea, Bijia mountain is covered withthousands of rays, and is coaxed and held by the golden sea. From a distance,the commander looks like a long hair of Xiang Tianli, who is waving it? The bookis magical. Lu Shanlin, a member of the QingHan forest academy, once wrote apoem praising the day: the tip of the pen towering blue sky, the clouds risingafter the rain on the top of the peak, the reflection in the ocean, the wavesturning and the river flowing. Dabijia mountain is more than 1600 meters awayfrom the coast, and the overpass is the link between the mountain and the coast,so it is known as "Bifeng plunges into the sea". In addition to Bifeng plungesinto the sea, Jinzhou eight sceneries include: Stone shed pine, Bauhiniasunrise, rainbow snail evening photo, Jinshui Huiwen, Tangshui Dongyu, LingheYanyu, ancient pagoda dusk crow, which are Jinzhou eight sceneries from theearly Qing Dynasty.

If you look at the statues of the two fairies behind us, there are four bigwords "bridge built by fairies" beside them. I think you will guess that thebridge must have been built by fairies. Then why dont you ask these two lying,while the other is standing, what is still in his hand. This starts from acharming legend: it is said that long ago, two nine immortals drove colorfulauspicious clouds to visit the sky above the big and small Bijia mountain (2.5kilometers northeast of the big Bijia mountain, and another small island, thefamous little Bijia mountain). Looking down, they were immediately attracted bythe beautiful water and wanted to connect the land and the island for thebenefit of the world, so their sister was there My sister built a bridge inxiaobijiashan and agreed to repair it before five oclock. My sister was strongin nature and was not afraid of difficulties. Her sweat fell into the sea andturned into stones. Finally, she repaired the bridge before dawn. My sisterworried about my sister and went to see her. She fell asleep tired after half ofthe repair. As the day was coming, she quickly took the soil and sprinkled it onthe unfinished road So far, the overpass of dabijia mountain is made of stone,while half of the overpass of xiaobijia mountain is made of earth. Of course,this is a legend, not for evidence, but people still carve door statues for themin memory of the two sisters. According to this legend, the industrious sisteris standing, and the sleepy sister is lying. Well, I now tell you that the realbuilder of the overpass is the waves, which is a natural passage formed by theimpact of the waves, and it rises and falls with the tide Now and then, it isthe result of tidal movement. The period of sea water rising and falling isabout 24 hours and 50 minutes. Here, the sea water rises and falls twice. Youcan see that the fresh water well not far from the statue is about 4 meters deepand 1 meter in diameter. Dont underestimate this well. You can see that itsonly 50 meters away from the shore. The well water is not salty like sea water,but sweet and refreshing. Its from the nearby residents The main water sourceis also the fresh water well nearest to the sea. It is said that this well wasbuilt in 1912. When there was not enough fresh water, the Taoist priest who wasin charge of the mountain repair went down to look for water. He found a springby the sea and built a well. The southeast corner of the well bottom wasconnected with the sea, and the well digger blocked it with boulders to preventthe sea water from pouring in. The wall of the well is built of bluestone on themountain, and the well water is collected from the spring water on the northernhillside. The fresh water well so close to the sea can be regarded as the"unique" of Bijia mountain.

Well, tourists, now the nailed pebble passage under our feet is theoverpass. You see, its the ebb tide now, and the sea water has slowly recededfrom both sides. From a distance, it looks like a dragon winding like a dragon,hidden in the vast sea. You can see that those anxious tourists in front of ushave walked in the vast sea on the waves of the blue sea, and the scene is like"Eight Immortals crossing the sea" with their respective magic powers. You canwalk along this pebble passage to the mountain gate. During this period, you canplay while walking, collect shells, catch crabs, find conches, watch the waves,and enjoy the beauty of the magic overpass.

After crossing the overpass, the note that is now in front of us isbifengmen. You can see that its a stone gate, which is on the back of"glorifying the country" and "valuing Taoism and pro morality". This is writtenby he Baojiang, the Taoist who presided over the mountain building at that time.On the left side of the mountain gate, a stone statue of the monkey king made ofwhite marble has disappeared. You walk along the mountain road, but Lu Zuting,you see, it is like a small tower, 10 meters high, two floors, outside thePavilion there are 15 stone steps, the upper layer has a white marble stoneBuddha, the lower layer has two sides of white marble stone Buddha, themessenger said that this is Lu Dongbins resting place when the eight immortalscross the sea, so it is named Lu Zuting. In the south of Lu Zuting is the fivemother palace. The original business was five two-story stone houses. Later, themiddle and upper floors were destroyed. There was a stone Buddha in each of thelower floors. Five female Buddhas sat in the south, some with books in theirhands, some with pomegranates in their hands. All of them were peaceful andbeautiful. In other pavilions, there were many female Buddhas. It turns out thatin the past, there were all nuns here. For a long time, there were more than 120nuns, which can be called the kingdom of nuns. Therefore, the palace isspecially designed for womens memorial day. In front of the gate of the fifthmother palace, there are two stone pillars carved with giant dragon climbingpillars. The carving is exquisite and vivid. In the south of Wumu palace,located at the highest point of Bijia mountain, is Sanqing Pavilion. It is a sixstory stone building, 26.2 meters high. It has a single color stone wall, StoneGallery, stone wall, stone gate, stone ladder. Even the murals and door god arecarved in stone. There are no wooden or iron objects. There are corridors in thepavilion. The upper and lower paths are connected. The location and layout ofthe palace and attic are changed in symmetry and connected in dispersion Theingenious design and excellent combination can be regarded as the best ofarchitecture. The stone carvings at the entrance and window are exquisite,lifelike and ecological. There are 43 stone Buddhas in the pavilion. Among them,the sun light Buddha Lisheng Pangu new moon statue on the top floor of SanqingPavilion is the most. Please see, this new moon statue is made of white marble,which is unique in China. It was built in 1912 and has experienced 85 years ofups and downs. The auspicious island on the top of Pangus head, the lotus seat,and its left side The eyebrow represents the sun, the right eyebrow representsthe moon, and the eyes are wide open, the light is as vast as a torch, its eyescan only be meaningful, but not verbal. Holding fire in the left hand and waterin the right hand, the whole statue is carved with six dragons in differentshapes, which contains the mystery of the five elements of gold, wood, water,fire and earth. Its shape and sculpture style are unique. The most attractivething about climbing sanqingge is to look at the sea from the platform. You cannot only enjoy the scenery of the sea, but also find historical sites. You cansee, not far from Bijiashan, there is a port. The letter is Jinzhou port, whichis the northernmost port in Chinas Bohai economic circle. It is also the onlycommercial port open to the outside world on the nearly 400 km coastline ofwestern Liaoning. There are five berths for "four miscellaneous and one oil",including one 10000 ton oil berth with an annual throughput of 5.5 million tons.Six to eight more berths will be built by the end of this century In addition,in October 1996, the TV series "love Bijiashan" was shot on the spot andbroadcast in Jinzhou TV station, cable TV station and Liaoning TV station oneafter another. According to the standard of CCTV, the TV series "love Bijiashan"was refined The series is 11 episodes, which will be broadcast to CCTV, so thatpeople all over the country can understand Jinzhou and Bijia mountain. Thehospitable Jincheng people welcome people from all over the country to visitJinzhou and Bijia mountain. Well, tourists, my explanation will come to an endhere. You can play by yourself in the rest of the time. You can blow the seabreeze and see the waves here Or pick up some shells at the foot of the mountainand take a sea bath. Well meet at the gate at 3 oclock.

Time flies, now just a few small crabs, tied so my shell, well, my tourguide work is over, with you also, its time to say goodbye. Well, thank you foryour strong support for my work. Welcome to Jinzhou and Bijia mountain again.Goodbye!


Bijiashan scenic area gate, also known as Haimen. Designed by BeijingTsinghua University Institute of architecture, it is divided into North andsouth parts. On the south side is a 20 meter high rainbow arch gate, whichsymbolizes the "Overpass" connecting the shore island. On the north side is a 22meter high golden key with east-west symmetry, which means that the two goldenkeys open the gate of the scenic spot, allowing tourists to open the gate of thescenic spot, and let tourists cross the overpass to mount Bijia.



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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Dongguan. Im your guide David.

Dongguan City is located in the south central part of Guangdong Province,the East Bank of the Pearl River Estuary, and the Pearl River Delta in the lowerreaches of the Dongjiang River. It is located in the east of Guangzhou and isrich in guancao. It is between 113 ° 31 ′ - 114 ° 15 ′ E and 22 ° 39 ′ - 23 ° 09′ n. Yinpingzui mountain of Qingxi Town borders Huiyang District of Huizhou Cityin the East; datan township of Zhongtang town borders Guangzhou City, ZengchengCity and BOLUO County of Huizhou City in the north; Shiziyang central route inthe northwest of Xidatan of Shatin town borders Panyu District of Guangzhou Cityin the West; Yantian reservoir of Fenggang town connects Baoan District ofShenzhen City in the south. Adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, in the middle ofGuangzhou Shenzhen economic corridor. It is 59 km from Guangzhou in thenorthwest, 99 km from Shenzhen in the southeast and 140 km from Hong Kong. It isabout 70.45 km long from east to west and 46.8 km wide from north to south. Thecity has a land area of 2465 square kilometers and a sea area of 150 squarekilometers.

[geology? Geomorphology] in terms of geological structure, Dongguan City islocated in the south-west of northeast BOLUO fault and Dongguan fault depressionbasin on the southern edge of northeast Luofushan fault zone. The terrain ishigh in the southeast and low in the northwest. The landforms are mainly hillyplatform and alluvial plain, with hilly platform accounting for 44.5%, alluvialplain accounting for 43.3% and mountainous area accounting for 6.2%. There aremany mountains in the southeast, especially in the East. The mountains are huge,strongly divided, concentrated and undulating. The elevation is 200-600 meters,and the slope is about 30 degrees. The main peak of Yinpingzui mountain is 898.2meters high, which is the highest peak in Dongguan City. The low mountains andhills in the central and southern parts are hilly and platform areas. Thenortheast part is close to the Dongjiang River bank, with developed hillockland, land and valley plains, of which the elevation is 30-80 meters In thenorthwest is the delta plain formed by Dongjiang River, which is a low-lyingarea surrounded by water network; in the southwest is the river alluvial plainnear the Pearl River Estuary, which is flat and low-lying, which is ashaxiantian area greatly affected by the tide.

Dongguan City holds the throat of Dongjiang River and Guangzhou waterway tothe sea. It has 115.94 km coastline (including inner waterway), 53 km mainwaterway coastline and Humen Port, a good deep-water port.

[mineral resources] there are 19 kinds of mineral resources in class VIIand 66 ore deposits in Dongguan. Among them, there are 8 types of metalminerals, 34 deposit spots: 10 ferrous metal minerals (9 iron ore spots and 1ilmenite), 23 non-ferrous metal minerals (4 copper deposits, 4 lead-zincdeposits, 10 tungsten deposits, 4 tin deposits and 1 titanium deposit), and 1precious metal gold mineralization spot. There are 32 non-metallic minerals ofclass VI 11 types: 9 metallurgical auxiliary raw material minerals (4 refractoryclay, 4 peat soil and 1 petroleum), 14 chemical raw material minerals (6 pyrite,3 barite, 4 potash feldspar and 1 halite), 3 building material non-metallicminerals (2 cement limestone and 1 cement clay). It is mainly distributed in themountains and hills in the middle, South and east of Dongguan. The distributionof mineral resources is scattered and irregular.

[animal and plant resources] there are many kinds of wild animals inDongguan City, which are mainly distributed in mountainous and hilly areas. Mostof the larger wild animals live in the southeast mountainous areas, and most ofthem are found in plain and hilly areas. The main wild animals are: mammals,birds, fish (134 species), crustaceans and a variety of shellfish, amphibians,reptiles, insects and so on. The main wild plants are: 1 630 species of vascularplants, belonging to 210 families and 805 genera, including 125 species ofpteridophytes, 37 families and 66 genera; 7 species of gymnosperms, 5 familiesand 5 genera; 1 498 species of angiosperms, 168 families and 734 genera(including 143 families, 556 genera and 1135 species of dicotyledons; 25families, 178 genera and 363 species of monocotyledons). There are 8 phyla and110 genera of plankton in inland waters.

[tourism resources] Dongguan is a famous historical and cultural city inGuangdong Province, the opening place of modern Chinese history, Dongjiangpeoples Anti Japanese base, and the pioneer of reform and opening up. In 20__,Dongguan City selected eight new scenic spots: "Songhu Yanyu" (Songshan Lakehigh tech Industrial Development Zone), "Dadao Zhaohui" (Dongguan Avenue),"Plaza yicui" (Central Square), "gusai Feihong" (Humen Bridge), "Huying Diecui"(Huying country park and the surrounding landscape of Yujing Bay), "BanlingNingfang" (green world, shuilianshan Forest Park and other scenic spots) Thesurrounding landscape, Lianfeng Heron (Changan Lianhuashan scenic spot) andJinsha Yangyue (Shilong Jinsha Bay). In the same year, Dongguan was rated as"Chinas excellent tourism city".

Administrative division

On May 1, 20__, Dongguan city governed four streets and 28 towns: Guanchengstreet, Nancheng street, Dongcheng Street, Wanjiang street, Shijie Town, ShilongTown, Chashan Town, Shipai town, Qishi Town, Hengli Town, Qiaotou town, XiegangTown, Dongkeng Town, Changping Town, Liaobu Town, Dalang Town, Huangjiang Town,Qingxi Town, Tangxia Town, Fenggang town, Changan Town, Humen Town, Houjie Townand Shatin town , Daocheng Town, Hongmei Town, Machong Town, Zhongtang Town,Gaocheng Town, Zhangmutou town, Dalingshan Town, Wangniudun town.

[historical evolution]

Dongguan county was established in the sixth year of Xianhe in the EasternJin Dynasty (331 A.D.), initially named Baoan, under the jurisdiction ofDongguan county. In 757, it was renamed Dongguan, and the county government wastransferred from Wucheng (now Baoan Nantou) to Yongcheng (now Guancheng). In the22nd year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1152), Xiangshan town inDongguan was established as Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan City); in the firstyear of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1573), Dongguan was established as XinanCounty (now Baoan District, Shenzhen City) with a total of 56 Li households.The Qing Dynasty was ruled by the Ming Dynasty. During the period of theRepublic of China, it successively belonged to Guangdong Province, GuangdongProvince, Guangdong central administrative region, the first administrativeregion and the fourth administrative region.

On October 17, 1949, Dongguan was liberated. At the beginning, it was underthe jurisdiction of Dongjiang administrative region.

In March 1950, Dongguan county was attached to the Pearl River specialzone.

In 1952, the Pearl River region was abolished, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to the central Guangdong administrative region.

In February 1956, the central Guangdong administrative region was abolishedand Dongguan county was subordinate to Huiyang District.

In November 1958, Dongguan county was once attached to Guangzhou City for ashort time.

In January 1959, Huiyang District was abolished and Dongguan county wasassigned to Foshan district.

In June 1963, Huiyang District was restored, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to Huiyang District.

In 1985, Dongguan county was approved by the State Council as the PearlRiver Delta economic development zone. In September of the same year, Dongguancounty was abolished and Dongguan City was established;

In January 1988, it was upgraded to a prefecture level city. Dongguan Cityis one of the four prefecture level cities without municipal jurisdiction,directly under Guangdong Province. (the other four cities are Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province, Sanya City, Hainan Province and Sansha City, HainanProvince)

In 1986, Dongguan city began to withdraw districts and build towns,implementing the system of villages under the jurisdiction of towns;

On February 4, 1986, with approval, Dongguan City and three districtoffices, including Huangcun District, Wanjiang district and Fucheng District,were abolished, and Dongguan City sub district office, Wanjiang District subdistrict office, Fucheng District sub district office and Huangcun District subdistrict office were established.

In March 20__, the sub district office of Fucheng District was abolishedand the Dongcheng sub district office was established;

In October 20__, (Hu á ng) Huangcun District sub district office wasrenamed Nancheng sub district office;

In January 20__, the sub district offices of the inner and outer districtsof the city, which were set up separately since January 1988, were abolished,and the sub district offices of Guancheng were merged and re established;

In November 20__, Wanjiang District sub district office was renamed asWanjiang sub district office.

In September 20__, Dongguan City has 28 towns and 4 streets, and each town(street) has 383 villages and 214 communities. The village has a number ofvillagers groups and the community has a number of residents groups. DongguanCity, town (street), village (community) three-level administrative districtmanagement; street administrative agencies for the sub district office; villageadministrative agencies for the villagers committee, community administrativeagencies for the community residents committee.

General situation of climate in Dongguan City

[rivers] the main rivers in Dongguan are Dongjiang River, Shima River andHanxi river. 96% of the territory belongs to the Dongjiang River Basin. The mainstream of the Dongjiang River flows from BOLUO county and Huiyang District ofHuizhou City in the northeast, and then along the northern border from east towest to Qiaotou xinkaihekou. It flows into Shima River, which originates fromBaoan District of Shenzhen City, and into Qishi River, which flows into Qishicity. After Shilong is separated from the South tributary, the north main streamflows to Shitan, converges with the tributary from Zengcheng City, Guangzhou,and flows into Shiziyang through Dasheng city. The South tributary flowsobliquely southwest through Shijie and Wanjiang River, and receives Hanxi waterfrom the middle of Shiziyang city at the gorge. Below the gorge, there are threesmaller tributaries, Niushan River, gedishui River and Xiaosha River, which flowfrom east to west, and then flows to Sisheng and flows into Shiziyang . Betweenthe north main stream and the South Branch is the river network area ofDongjiang Delta.

[climate] Dongguan has a subtropical monsoon climate, with long summer andno winter, abundant light, abundant heat, warm climate, small temperaturevariation, abundant rainfall and obvious dry and wet seasons. In 20__, theprecipitation was low, the temperature was low, and there was no positive attackof tropical cyclone. The annual average temperature is 22.1 ℃, 0.5 ℃ lower thanthe annual average; the coldest is January (monthly average temperature is 10.6℃), the hottest is August (monthly average temperature is 29.3 ℃), and the hightemperature (daily maximum temperature ≥ 35 ℃) lasts for 8 days. The annualextreme maximum temperature was 36.2 ℃ (appeared on July 25, 20__), and theannual extreme minimum temperature was 3.2 ℃ (appeared on January 12, 20__). Theannual total rainfall in 20__ was 1298.6 mm, 29.1% less than the annual average;the total rainfall in flood season (April September) was 1014.9 mm, 32.8% lessthan the annual average. During the year, there was no positive attack oftropical cyclones, only affected by the circulation of "Haima" and "Nasha",which did not cause obvious disasters.



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Hello, everyone. Im the tour guide of NiMo tourist agency. Today Im goingto take you on a trip to the Sun Moon Lake, the largest lake in Taichungcity.

The glory island in the center of the Sun Moon Lake divides the Sun MoonLake into two parts. In the north, it looks like a round sun, which is calledthe sun Lake; in the south, it looks like a curved jade wheel, which is calledthe moon lake. Therefore, people call it "the Sun Moon Lake". There are manylegends about the Sun Moon Lake. Today I will tell you one of them. In the past,there were two young people, one was the bold big brother, the other was themagnificent sister of shuishe. They often date under a big tree near the pool,but it is said that there are still two dragons in the pool. One day at noon,the sun was shining high, and the Dragon galloped up and devoured the sun. Inthe evening, the jade wheel came, and the mother dragon swallowed the jade wheeljust like the male dragon. Two dragons in the water swallow a spit, a bump, playin the water. They only think about themselves, but they dont think that ifthere is no jade wheel and sun in this world, then people cant survive. Thevillagers on all sides reported the incident to Dajian and shuishe, so theyvowed to take back the sun and Yulun. Today, two people heard outside the rockhouse where the Dragon lived. They were most afraid of the gold scissors andaxes buried under the four stone tablets. So the two men went through all thehardships, and finally found the stone tablet, and dug out the gold scissors andthe gold axe. When the two men went back, they saw two dragons playing again.Big brother Jian chopped both dragons to death with an axe. Sister shuisheopened the dragons stomach and took out the jade wheel and the sun. So they putthe jade wheel and the sun into the sky. This time, the world has regained itsvitality, and these two individuals have become two magnificent mountains.

After listening to the story, I will introduce the beautiful scenery of SunMoon Lake. The Sun Moon Lake is very deep and the lake is green. There are manybeautiful scenery around, so there are many Chinese and foreign tourists totravel. Its 12 oclock at noon, and everyone can see clearly. If everyone comesin the morning, the Sun Moon Lake will be covered with mist, like coming to theYao Lake. If it rains again, it will be the Yao Lake in the Yao Lake



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1222 字

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金殿风景区位于昆明市东郊的鸣凤山麓,占地1773亩距市区8公里。金殿名胜区创建于明万历三十年(1602)明崇祯十年(1637)铜殿迁宾川鸡足山,清康熙十年(1671)平西王吴三桂重建现存这幢重檐歇山式真武铜殿,铜殿重250吨,是中国最大的铜建筑,它比北京颐和园万寿山的金殿保存完整;比湖北武当山金殿规模大,是我国现存最大的纯铜铸殿。 这座名声显赫的金殿属于太和宫的一部分,总重量达250吨,为重檐飞阁仿木结构方形建筑,殿高6.7米,宽、深各6.2米,包括梁柱斗拱、瓦楞顶檐、神像罗幔、桌案瓶器、匾楹旌旗等都是用铜铸成。

金殿自陈用宾于万历壬寅(1602)年鼎建, 迄今已380多年; 吴三桂重建已210多年了。初建于明万历年间。陈用宾仿照湖北均县境内的武当山天柱峰的太和宫及金殿,略加变化建成。明代后期统治云南的沐氏作恶多端,屡被朝廷惩治,家运日衰。但是,他不从自身上找根源,而从迷信中寻求解脱。信为:鹦鹉山在城东,山上立有铜殿,“铜乃西方之属,能克木”,故由巡按张凤翮出面,将铜殿拆运至滇西的鸡足山,现存鸣凤山金殿,是清初吴三佳重建的。殿梁上还留有“大清康熙十年,岁次辛亥,大吕月,十有门日之吉,平西亲王吴三桂敬筑”等字样。

从山脚舍车步行,过迎仙桥,进“鸣凤胜景”坊,途径“第一天门”、“二天门”和“三天门”。攀上天门,即可见古朴庄重的“太和宫”大门。联云:“画栋连云,只占青山三亩地;朱楼映日,别开绿野一重天”。入寺门,再过棂星门,可见巍然屹立的砖城,击长约数十丈,略似皇家紫禁城。沿阶进“城”,迎面高高的台阶上,便是太和宫的中心建筑,著名的金殿。 名胜区建有三层三十六翼角二十九米高的钟楼,三楼穹顶下,悬挂明永乐二十一年(1432)所铸的大铜钟,钟高3.5米,口径周长6.7米,重达14吨,为云南省最大的古钟。新建的“中国金殿博览苑”,将湖北武当山、山西五台山、山东泰山、和北京万寿山的铜建筑荟萃一园。苑中堆大理石,小桥叠水、踏步栏杆、栈道石坊、植物花卉等景观相映,形成了小巧玲珑的仿铜文化园林。金殿建有500亩的园林植物园,已建成茶花园、杜鹃园、木兰园、蔷薇园、温室区等十个园区,引种园林植物20xx余种。金殿名胜区是融人文景观、自然景观为一体的特色旅游景点。在昆明市东北角七公里的鸣凤山上,有完全用青铜铸造的铜殿,在骄阳下殿宇熠熠生辉,耀眼夺目,故人们称为金殿,是中国重点保护文物。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 4046 字

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Peach Blossom Land, from the great poet Tao Yuanmings Peach Blossom Land.I really yearn there, yearn for such a paradise, I have been looking for

That day, when my companion and I were searching in the vast sea, wesuddenly saw an island full of peach blossoms. The pink petals decorated thetrees like little girls. We were very excited. So we rowed along the directionof the island

We walked around the island for almost a circle. Finally, I found a placethat seemed to be an entrance and exit. There was a door here, which was made ofwood. The words on it were so complicated that we couldnt understand it at all.Further on, we saw a row of long avenue, and then we heard the sound of water,What a clear voice! Then, we followed the sound of the water and saw a streamflowing quietly. In the clear water, there were still small fish. It can be seenthat this disease is not an uninhabited "uninhabited island". It should be apeaceful place. People are living a fairy like life, There may be many oldpeople who live a long life here!

Walking down the stream, we saw a beautiful terrace. We only saw it inpictures and on TV before. I didnt expect that I could see this beautiful andpeaceful scene here. At the beginning, the big trees that I saw from the outsidesurrounded it like a wall, and it became a place isolated from the world, In thelower reaches of the stream, there are beautiful girls washing clothes here.They are beating clothes with washing sticks and splashing each other likechildren. How happy. How happy!

People here dress very simply, without the gorgeous and prosperous feelingin metropolis, which makes people feel very comfortable. Especially when theyare far away from the noisy city, they make people look more simple and kind. Onthe grassland not far away, there are sheep grazing peacefully, shepherd boysplaying with sheep dogs, and the sound of laughter and bleating of lambs combineto form a symphony of nature, Beautiful and beautiful

Echoes in the clear blue sky

As we walked, we came to a wooden house,

There is no door. A kind-hearted uncle with a smile on his face saw us. Hecame slowly to us and asked about our origin. Then he warmly welcomed us. Whenhe entered the room, the table, chair and even the bed were all made of wood andcarved with exquisite carvings. Uncle made us a delicious meal, Let us forgetthe tiredness of the journey in a moment. After we had a rest, we asked my uncleto show us around here. My uncle happily agreed. We sat in the carriage whichonly can be seen on TV, enjoying the "hospitality" of nature. There were manycolorful flowers on the roadside, From time to time, there are colorfulbutterflies stopping on it. Uncle took us to a pool of spring water, where thewater is surging up actively. Uncle told us that this is the water resourcesthey rely on for their survival, and every day people come here to pick up waterwith bobbins. I cant help but get together and take a taste of it, which makesme feel sweet

I took out a few bottles from my backpack and wanted to take them home tomy family and friends. They cant drink them in high-tech cities. Then there areterraces here, because its on an island. Its not easy to have such neat andbeautiful terraces. Standing on the terraces, the wind blows by, Im afraid Iwont be able to sail back today. My uncle seems to see our worries and warmlyinvites us to stay in his house. I suddenly find that the night scene here isalso very beautiful. I think of the flashing neon lights in the city and thenoise of the roadside night stalls. Its really different from here. There areonly some scattered lights in the distance, The next day, I found that we lazypeople, who usually like to sleep in, actually got up very early. After sayinggoodbye to my uncle, I went home with this secret of paradise which only a fewof us know

I wanted to go back and tell others about the beautiful scenery here. Butif the world knew about it, maybe it would not be as natural, primitive andsimple as it is now. It would be better to keep it unknown and full ofmystery!



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Dear tourists

Welcome to Yueyang Tower, one of the three famous buildings inJiangnan.

Now standing in front of you is Yueyang Tower. The three characterhorizontal plaque of "Yueyang Tower" hanging on the top of the building wasproposed by Chairman Mao Zedong in 1961 and asked to be inscribed by Mr. LiMoruo. Yueyang Tower is 21.35 meters high, with four columns, three floors,cornice, helmet top and pure wood structure. In the middle, the big nanmu columncarries most of the gravity from the ground to the top, and then 12 "goldcolumns" are used as the inner wall to support the second floor. Around theperiphery, 20 eaves columns are used to restrain each other and form a whole.The cornices and the roof use umbrella shaped frame to transfer the load. Thethird floor is lined with Ruyi Dou arches, which support the roof. There is nota single brick in the whole building. All of them are made of wood. The doorjoints and tenons are made of strict structure, exquisite workmanship and solemnmodeling. Eaves and roof, are covered with yellow glazed tiles. There are fourridges on the eaves of each layer. The first ridge is decorated with lotus andlotus pods, and the head up is Phoenix; the second one is the head up tap; thethird one is decorated with rolled grass, and the head up is Huiwen RuyiXiangyun. The whole pavilion has double eaves, locked windows, carved beams andpainted buildings, red pillars and colorful couplets, which are resplendent andmagnificent. In particular, the top of the third floor is very similar to thehelmet of an ancient general, which is called the helmet top, which is quiterare in the ancient architecture of this country. The whole Yueyang Tower hasmade amazing achievements in aesthetics, mechanics, architecture and technology,so it has been known as "Yueyang World Tower" since ancient times.

You cant help but ask, since its a famous building in the world, why onlythree floors were built? Its said that the builders at that time chose thetime, the location and the harmony of people. The predecessor of Yueyang Toweris Yuejun tower of Lu Su, a general of the Three Kingdoms. More than 1700 yearsago, in the 20th year of Jianan in the Eastern Han Dynasty, in order to competewith Liu Wu for Jingzhou, Sun Quan of the eastern Wu Dynasty sent Lu Su to leadten thousand soldiers to garrison the strategic area of Bachu, which is todayYueyang. Lu Su practiced the water army in Dongting Lake, built a strong city inthe west of the city near the mountains and rivers, and built the Yuejun towerto command and inspect the water army, which is the predecessor of YueyangTower. During the Tang Dynasty, Yuejun building was expanded, which basicallyhad the original architectural art and historical style. Now, please follow meinto yuelou.

Dear tourists, the first thing that catches our eyes here is the carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower, which is composed of 12 pieces of red sandalwood. As wesaid earlier, the name of Yueyang Tower was only used in the Tang Dynasty.During this period, Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi, Li Shangyin and other talentedcelebrities, or uninhibited emigrants came one after another. They went up tothe building to look into the distance, went boating in Dongting, and workedhard to write.

However, Yueyang Tower was really famous in the world after Teng Zijingrebuilt it in the Northern Song Dynasty and Fan Zhongyan wrote Yueyang Tower. Inthe fourth year of Qingli period, Teng Zijing, who was falsely accused, wasdemoted to be the magistrate of Yuezhou. After he took office, he organizedthree major events: first, he built Yanhong dike under Yueyang Tower Lake toprevent the waves of Dongting Lake; second, he set up county school to cultivatetalents; third, he rebuilt Yueyang Tower. The rebuilt Yueyang Tower ismagnificent in scale. Teng Zijing is a man of both culture and martial arts. Hethinks that "Louguan is not a reporter for a long time without words.". Such apavilion, you must have a title record, in order to be immortal. So he thoughtof Fan Zhongyan, a good friend of his own. Then he wrote a Book of Qiuji, whichintroduced the structure and momentum of Yueyang Tower after repair, poured outhis eagerness to ask Fan Zhongyan to write a record, and asked someone to draw apicture of autumn evening in Dongting, which transcribed the poems and Odes ofYueyang Tower chanted by celebrities of all dynasties, and sent them toDengzhou, Henan Province, where Fan Zhongyan was demoted at that time. FanZhongyan is a famous statesman, litterateur and militarist in the Northern SongDynasty. Like Teng Zijing, he was rejected and attacked for advocatinginnovation politics and was demoted to Dengzhou. After receiving Teng Zijingsletter, he read it again and again, conceived it carefully, and finally wrotethe famous story of Yueyang Tower. Although the full text of this article isonly 368 words, it is broad in content, profound in philosophy, majestic inmomentum, and sonorous in language. Among them, "first worry about the world,then enjoy the world" has become a famous sentence handed down from generationto generation. As a matter of fact, the reason why Yueyang Tower can be praisedin the past dynasties is that it skillfully and vividly integrates a majorideological proposition into the description of beautiful scenery. It enlightenspeople: "dont be happy with things, dont be sad", and shows the loftyphilosophy of life that "worry about the world first, and enjoy the worldlater". The authors noble sentiment and broad mind can not help but make peoplesigh. It inspires people from generation to generation to think about life,honor and disgrace, and know their mission. As an accumulation of the noblepersonality culture of the excellent intellectuals of the Chinese nation, thestory of Yueyang Tower, with its supreme ideological content and artistic charm,has been handed down for thousands of years and is immortal, nourishing peopleshearts. Since then, Yueyang Towers fame has been greatly publicized both athome and abroad. This is what people call "the text is preserved by thebuilding, and the building is named by the text". It is said that Teng Zijingwas overjoyed when he received Fan Zhongyans Yueyang Tower. He immediatelyasked Su Shunqin, a great calligrapher, to write it and Shao song, a famoussculptor, to carve it on a wooden plaque. As a result, Lou, Ji, calligraphy andsculpture are all called "four wonders". Unfortunately, what we see now is notthe "four unique plaque". It was destroyed in the fire in the Shenzong period ofthe Song Dynasty. The carving screen we see is written by Zhang Zhao, a famouscalligrapher and Minister of punishment in Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty.

Now, lets pay attention to the four big nanmu pillars in the first floor.The four columns run from the bottom of the building to the top of the building,supporting the whole weight of the building. Then, 12 columns replace the innerring to support the second floor. Around 20 wooden columns, they restrain eachothers bolt joints and tenons, forming a whole. The whole Yueyang Tower is ofpure wood structure, and no iron nail can be found. You can also see that on thefour walls of the building, there are many pairs of wooden plaques, which arecouplets of Yueyang Tower chanted by ancient and modern masters. The couplethanging in the middle of the hall was written by he Shaoji, a great calligrapherin the Qing Dynasty. It is the longest couplet in Yueyang Tower. This coupletis:

On the first floor, whats strange? Du Shaolings five charactermasterpiece, fan Xiwens two words about love, Teng Zijings all kinds of waste,and LV Chunyangs three times will make him drunk. Shiye? Ruye? Liye? Xianye? Noancients before, which makes me sad.

Please have a look: Dongting, jixiaoting, Hunan, the Yangtze River to thenorth of wuxia, baling to the west of laishuangqi, Yuezhou to the east ofYanjiang. He who keeps _, who flows, who stands, is the town. There is a realmeaning in it. Who can understand it.

The first couplet starts with "whats strange on the first floor", whichlists the achievements and traditions of poets, famous Confucians, virtuousofficials and wine immortals left in Yueyang Tower, expressing the authorsregret for the past and the present; the second couplet introduces the famousmountains, Dachuan, Xiongguan and dangerous towns of baling. If you write downthis couplet, you will have a general understanding of Yueyang Tower.

(on the second floor of Yueyang Tower)

As soon as we came to the second floor, we immediately found that a carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower was also hung on the second floor. Why? There is a realstory in it. During the reign of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, a magistratesurnamed Wu came to Yueyang. As soon as he took office, he took a fancy to thescreen carving of Yueyang Tower. He bribed a folk art sculptor with a large sumof money. He spent 17 months carefully copying and secretly copying the screencarving. Two years later, taking advantage of the opportunity of beingtransferred from Yueyang Tower, Wuzhi county took advantage of the opportunityto steal the beam and change the column, and fled on a stormy night with thecarved screen of Jiaxiao and Zhang Zhao. I didnt expect that soon after theboat was sailing, the wind and rain were so strong that the boat was overturnedin the jiumazui section of Dongting Lake. The carved screen also drifted withthe waves. Because it was made of red sandalwood, it all sank into the water.Later, the lake was dry and shallow, and the original carving screen of YueyangTower was salvaged by local fishermen. During salvage, the word "Gehu" on theeighth screen and the word "Le" on the tenth screen were damaged. After hearingthe news, Wu Minshu, a local scholar, bought back the carved screen from thefishermen with 120 grain silver. It took three years to copy Zhang Zhaoshandwriting before he added the damaged three words. As you can see, there areobvious mending marks on the carving screen. Nearly 120__ later, when theYueyang Tower was renovated again, local officials used 120 pieces of ocean toredeem the screen from the descendants of the Wu family and hang it on thesecond floor of the Yueyang Tower. As for the one on the first floor, althoughit is a fake, it has a history of 120__ years. Of course, it is a culturalrelic. Two sets of carved screens, one true and one false, are just like a listof merits and demerits, revealing to future generations, which is worthpondering.

(upper third floor)

Now we are on the third floor of Yueyang Tower. In the middle of the hall,there is a woodcut screen of Chairman Mao Zedongs poem "climbing Yueyang Tower"written by Du Fu. Dus poem reads: "once I heard the Dongting water, now I amgoing to Yueyang Tower. In the southeast of Wu and Chu, heaven and earth floatday and night. There is no certainty between relatives and friends. The armypasses the mountain north, depending on the Xuan tears Si flow His calligraphystyle is bold and unrestrained, rigorous layout, vigorous and straight, and hasboth form and spirit. His brush strokes are similar to those of wild grass ofhuaisu in Tang Dynasty. This is an impromptu book written by Chairman Mao on thetrain in the autumn of 1964 when he returned to Beijing by train from Changshaand passed by Yueyang. On both sides of the screen, there is the shortestcouplet of Yueyang Tower, only eight characters. The first couplet is "the samecolor of water and sky", and the second couplet is "boundless wind and moon".Signed as "Chang Geng Li Bai". When we stand on the third floor and look outfrom the window, we can see that the water and sky of Dongting Lake are in thesame color. When the wind is clear and the moon is boundless, and the mountainsand lakes gather in the building, can we get the feeling that "the water and thesky are in the same color, and the wind and the moon are boundless"? Finally,please look up at the roof again. The color of the roof is rich in national andlocal characteristics. The Ruyi Dougong is stacked against each other. It bearsthe load. The arch supports the roof and uses the umbrella frame to carry theload. Like the helmet top structure, it is also rare in our existing ancientbuildings.

In order to deepen the connotation of the famous building and enrich thecontent of the scenic spot, Yueyang Tower is speeding up the construction of thescenic spot and has made plans. Ill explain the introduction of Yueyang Towerto you. Welcome to Yueyang next time. I wish you a pleasant journey and apleasant journey!



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Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty is located at the foot of MountQomolangma in Dulong Fuwan, south of Zhongshan Mountain in Nanjing. It is themausoleum of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and empress Ma Shi. It is thefirst batch of national key cultural relics protection units. This royalmausoleum of the Ming Dynasty, which has a history of more than 600 years, isfamous for its prominent owner, large scale, unique shape and beautifulenvironment. In 20__, the Ming Xiaoling was successfully declared as a worldheritage site, which made the Ming Xiaoling, which initiated the imperialmausoleum system of Ming and Qing Dynasties, become the focus of worldattention.

After more than 600 years of historical vicissitudes, the wooden structureof many buildings no longer exists, but all of its architectural remains areintact in place, the spatial layout is intact, and the natural landscape wherethe cultural remains are located is not damaged. They are enough to show theunique design concept, system pattern, construction scale and cultural value ofMing Xiaoling in the development process of Chinese imperial mausoleum Artisticachievements. Nowadays, the Royal mausoleums of Ming and Qing Dynastiesdistributed in Beijing, Hubei, Hebei and other provinces and cities are allbuilt according to the regulation and mode of Ming Xiaoling. In this sense, MingXiaoling is a masterpiece of art and a comprehensive achievement in the highlymature period of Chinese culture. It has created a new generation of Ming andQing Imperial Mausoleums and has a long history in the development of ChineseImperial Mausoleums The value and status of the monument.

It is the crystallization of political thought, social culture, aestheticconsciousness, architectural technology and national financial resources in theearly Ming Dynasty. The layout design and architectural form of the mausoleumhave distinctive style of the times and exemplary spirit. It not only inheritedthe excellent elements of the imperial mausoleum system of Han, Tang and SongDynasties, but also created a new imperial mausoleum system. The mausoleumsystem of Xiaoling in Ming Dynasty regulated the overall pattern and style ofmausoleum construction in Ming and Qing Dynasties for more than 500 years. Itsstatus was lofty and its influence was far-reaching.



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Hong Kong Disneyland is the worlds fifth Disneyland model, Disneys 11ththeme park in the world, and the first theme park based on California Disneyland(including Sleeping Princess Castle). Visitors to Hong Kong Disneyland willtemporarily stay away from the real world, enter the colorful fairy talekingdom, and experience the mysterious and fantastic future country and thethrilling adventure world.

Hong Kong Disneyland covers an area of 126 hectares, which is the smallestDisneyland in the world. However, there will be several expansion projects inthe future, of which the first phase is under construction. Hong Kong Metro hasa dedicated Disney line between Xinao station and Disney Station, which is thesecond special railway line to Disney in the world. Hong Kong Disneyland themesong "lets fly" is sung by the honorary ambassador of Hong Kong Disneyland,Jacky Cheung. The official communication languages of the park are English andChinese (Putonghua and Cantonese).

Hong Kong Disneyland has a number of unique attractions, two Disney themehotels, and a variety of shopping, catering and entertainment facilities. Thepark generally includes four theme areas (8 in California, 7 in Florida andTokyo, and 5 in Paris), which are similar to other Disneyland, includingAmerican small town street, adventure world, fantasy world and tomorrow world.In addition to the well-known Disney classic stories and amusement facilities,Hong Kong Disneyland also plans some amusement facilities, entertainmentperformances and cruises specially designed for Hong Kong in line with thecultural characteristics of Hong Kong. In the park, you can also find Disneycartoon characters Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Hua Mulan, Cinderella,Sleeping Princess, etc. The first phase of Theme Park Hong Kong Disneyland isdivided into four theme parks: American town street, adventure world (pirateworld from May 4 to September 2, 20__), fantasy world and tomorrow world.

Tomorrows world:

Tomorrows world is a place full of science fiction and fantasy. The newdesign and feeling of tomorrow world in Hong Kong Disneyland is quite differentfrom other theme parks. Walt Disney fantasy project has created the whole parkinto a star river space port for exploring space adventures and experiences.Each amusement facility, shop and restaurant is decorated with robots,spaceships and floating stars. It will become a part of the space port. Touristscan experience the space-time journey in "flying over the Space Mountain", ortake the flying saucer to shuttle back and forth through the space amusementfacility "space flying saucer". Project: flying over space mountain, flyingsaucer, bass Lightyear interstellar adventure, car world

Buss Lightyear interstellar adventure and his teammate buss Lightyear aredriving a star spaceship to make a 360 degree rotation in space, and you canlaunch laser cannons to repel the enemy forces and attack their bases, and reachthe top of the best performance list.

Fly over the space mountain and ride the amazing indoor roller coaster totwist, turn and fall in the dark sky. Under the background of music and soundeffect, you can experience the excitement between the boundless universe andstars. You can walk with meteors and comets and fly to the bright future! Theminimum height requirement of this amusement facility is 102 cm. You can use theamusement facility of Disney express pass card.

Fantasy World:

Visitors to fantasy world will start their journey at Sleeping PrincessCastle. Visitors can find their favorite Disney characters in the Disney Story:they can spin in the coffee cup, or they can meet with various lovely Disneycharacters such as Winnie the Pooh, snow white and Mickey Mouse. The centralsymbol of fantasy world is a new and unique dream garden, which is unique toHong Kong Disneyland.

Projects: Sleeping Princess Castle, Mickey Fantasia, little flying elephantrevolving world, Cinderella Carousel, fantasy world railway station, dreamgarden, crazy hat revolving cup, Mickey Gold Award musical, Winnie the PoohAdventure, snow white wishing hole.

Explore the world:

Along the huge rivers, through the African prairie, into the mysteriousforest of Asia, to the island of Mount Tai, the brave navigator will also leadtourists to explore the mysterious secrets of nature. Adventure world also hasone of the largest indoor theaters for Disney live performances.

Projects: Lion King celebration, Taishan tree house raft, Taishan treehouse and forest river tour, Liqi fountain

The Lion King celebration is a Broadway song and dance drama adapted fromDisneys classic animation "Lion King". Its a gorgeous and grand celebration,which can make you marvel! You can use the amusement facilities of Disneys fastpass card. When you enter the mysterious river full of exotic customs, you willencounter roaring elephants, attacking hippos, dangerous cobras, attacking apes,etc. the journey is full of surprises and jokes.

Highlights of Hong Kong Disneyland 1: song and dance youth dance express:"song and dance youth dance express" is a new entertainment project launched byHong Kong Disneyland in 20__, with vigorous dance and enthusiastic interactionas the biggest selling point. At that time, 17 fashionable performers will enjoysinging and dancing on the mobile stage with the banner of "singing and dancingyouth". Meanwhile, the host will lead the performers to play games with thetourists. tourist

They can also join the carnival singing and dancing team, singing anddancing with the actors.

Highlight 2: cloth doll mobile experiment: cloth doll mobile experiment isalso a new project launched by Hong Kong Disneyland in 20__. The alien "Dr. firemelon" and his right-hand man "Jianzui" are driving their newly invented? D? Dtwo wheel drive egg shaped mobile test vehicle slowly along the streets of smalltowns in the United States, and constantly soliciting tourists to study sciencewith them. They will ask tourists all kinds of "brain twists" and the answers tothe questions are very amusing and interesting.

Highlight 3: Town Hall: Town Hall is the location of Hong Kong Disneylandservice center, which is absolutely a stop to visit Disney. Here, visitors canobtain the map and scenic spot guide of the park, reserve restaurant seats, andquery all data of Hong Kong Disneyland.

Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel is the flagship hotel of Hong Kong Disneyland.Its architectural style is full of nostalgic features of the Victorian era. Itslike going back in time, back in the Victorian era, turning into a royalaristocrat, enjoying the magnificent and romantic life. The hotel is 6 floorshigh, with restaurants, shops, bars, teahouses, spa massage centers, suites,conference rooms, 903 Ping sandurilla banquet hall and wedding viewing platform.The Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel is divided into four types: garden view, seaview, sea view room with terrace and state guest hall. The top floor of thehotel is the VIP floor, with a view of the theme park. Each guest room and suiteof the hotel is designed according to the Victorian palace room. The nostalgicdecoration is combined with modern facilities, including flat LCD TV, high-speedInternet device, safe deposit box and mini bar. Free drinks are provided tobring the noble enjoyment of dream. Hong Kong Disneyland can also arrange Disneyfairy tale wedding, so that guests can hold a real Disney wedding in the themeresort.

Disney Hollywood Hotel Disney Hollywood Hotel is located in the greenwaterfront, with beautiful garden scenery. The eight storey building has 600guest rooms. Most of the rooms are designed with two double beds, which canaccommodate up to four people at the same time. There are restaurants, shops,lounges, swimming pools, shopping malls, game rooms and a garden atrium like amap of Los Angeles, in which there are famous streets, buildings and signs ofHollywood. The design of the hotel is based on the architectural art style of"decoration school", with Mickey Mouse decoration of the 20th century, creatinga unique "Disney decoration school" art design.

The design of the hotel combines the strong lines of the traditionaldecoration school and the kind and unique Disney creation, with the lightingeffect full of film sense, creating a brilliant atmosphere of "Hollywood". Inthe hotel, the Mickey Mouse theme restaurant in the form of self-service is verypopular. In addition, guests can enjoy the sea view when they are in the hotellobby

Garden, beautiful scenery. In addition to the outdoor swimming pool, thecourtyard garden also has a pedestrian corridor with "Hollywood" street as theblueprint, which makes the residents feel like they are in the world-famous"Hollywood" city and feel the extraordinary golden age.

Disney Hollywood Hotel is 8 stories high, with restaurants, shops, bars,piano shaped swimming pool, and a "sunset platform" for tourists to enjoy thesunset. The most eye-catching is the garden designed like a map of Los Angeles,with famous streets, buildings and signs modeled after Hollywood. Along the way,there are handprints and footprints of international stars and local famousartists. The hotel is divided into three kinds of rooms with garden view,Paradise view and sea view.

The 600 guest rooms provide star rated service, comfort and fun experience,as well as outdoor quiet environment, rich food, diversified facilities andsatisfactory service, which will make a happy ending for your "Hollywoodexperience". Park tickets

Category weekdays designated days_

Adult HK $295 HK $350

Children (3 to 11 years old) HK $210 HK $250

Elderly (65 years old or above) HK $170 HK $200

Admission is free for children under 3 years old. All ticket prices are inHong Kong dollars. The current exchange rate of RMB to Hong Kong dollar is0.88:1 (20__-10-21).

Prices and dates are subject to change.

_Designated days include Saturdays, Sundays, Hong Kong public holidays,school summer holidays (July and August) and mainland golden week (may 1-7 andOctober 1-7 each year).

Highlight 4: Animation Art Classroom: animation art classroom is a place toteach tourists, especially children, how to use brushes to depict cartooncharacters in Disney fairy tales. In addition to multimedia videos, professionalcartoon teachers also provide detailed guidance for tourists. Visitors caneasily draw classic cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duckhere.

Highlight 5: antique cars on small town streets: there are all kinds ofantique cars on small town streets in the United States, including minibuses,prison cars, taxis, etc. Visitors can take the antique car from the street tothe town square. Sitting in these lovely antique cars and enjoying the cartoonlike streetscape along the way, I feel quite wonderful.

Highlight 6: Hong Kong Disneyland Railway: the Hong Kong Disneyland railwaystarts from the small town street of the United States, passes through the majortheme parks of Hong Kong Disneyland, and leads tourists to enjoy the variousattractions of Disneyland

Disneyland is a very classic amusement project. __ small town street,USA:

When you enter Disneys first stop, you can imitate the style of Americanrural towns in the early 20th century. You can enjoy the nostalgic buildings ofAmerican markets, various elegant antique cars, and taste all kinds of Chineseand western delicacies.

Projects: Hong Kong Disneyland railway, antique cars on small town streets,Disneyland stories, town halls. Hong Kong Disneyland expands three new parks

According to Lin Silang, senior vice president of Disneys CreativeDepartment of fantasy engineering, three new parks will be added to theexpansion of Hong Kong Disneyland, namely "maze Manor", "grizzly Valley" and"anti fighter base camp". According to the chairman of Walt Disney World andresort, Mr. Luo sile, Hong Kong Disneyland is optimistic that the expansion ofthree new theme areas will show Disneys best creativity, innovative technologyand storytelling skills. The new amusement facilities will help promote thesuccessful development of our latest Disney theme park.

Among them, the theme park of "maze Manor" will play the "science andtechnology" card, with monkeys leading the way and trackless cable cars takingtourists to unexpected places. More than 10 different scenes will be used toshow the strange collections of different countries and regions, and specialeffects such as fire and flash will be added to enhance the visual effect."Grizzly bear Valley" allows visitors to fly through the fountain and thewestern wilderness in the wild mine, and see different forms of bears in themine cave. The theme park of "anti fighter base camp" comes from the film,focusing on the design of body language and dynamic special effects.



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Hello, everyone! Im very glad to be your guide. I hope my service canbring you convenience and happiness. Now, you can see Chengde Mountain Resort inHebei Province, which has been included in the world heritage list.

The summer resort, also known as Chengde Li palace or Rehe palace, islocated in the north of Chengde City Center in Hebei Province. It is a placewhere emperors of Qing Dynasty spent summer and dealt with government affairs.The summer resort was built in 1703, after three emperors of Qing Dynasty:Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong. It took about 90 years to complete. Summerresort is divided into palace area, Lake area, plain area and mountain area. Thepalace area is located on the South Bank of the lake, with a flat terrain. It isthe place where the emperor deals with government affairs, holds celebrationsand lives. It covers an area of 100000 square meters and consists of four groupsof buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, wangoufeng and the east palace. Thelake area is in the north of the palace area. The area of the lake includes ZhouIsland, which accounts for about 43 hectares. There are eight small islands. Thelake area is divided into different areas of different sizes with distinctlevels. The Zhou island is scattered and rippling, which is full of thecharacteristics of the land of fish and rice in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

I hope this tour will leave a deep impression on you.



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Huaxilou is located in the north of Bozhou City, Anhui Province. Bozhou fora major historical sites, but also a national level cultural relics protectionunits. Huaxilou, formerly known as daguandi temple, also known as Shanshan guildhall, is commonly known as huaxilou because its main content is brick carving,wood carving and color painting of local opera. Huaxilou was built in 1656,which was financed by Shanxi medicinal materials merchants. It was rebuilt in1740 and rebuilt in 1784. The gate is a three-story archway with wood likestructure. The brick wall is inlaid with brick carvings, including figures,chariots, horses, cities, mountains, flowers and animals. On the left and rightis the second floor of the bell and drum, with stone lions and iron flagpoles infront of the gate. The flagpole is several feet high and weighs 15 tons. Thereare hanging bells, Panlong and feifeng on it. The opera house is decorated withlarge wood carvings and color paintings, with 18 plays of the Three Kingdoms,and patterns of lotus, lion, fish and caisson; the carvings are exquisite andthe color paintings are magnificent. There are four gates. The screen is carvedwith two dragons playing with pearls.

There are six viewing rooms on the left and right in front of the stage.The front of the stage is facing the main hall. The front hall is richlypainted, and the back hall is tall and grand. There is a courtyard on the leftand right of the main hall. The bamboo path is elegant and pleasant. There arebooks and carvings of Zhao mengshun and Qingliang in Yuan Dynasty. This buildingis of great value to the study of architectural art, sculpture, painting andopera art in the early and middle Qing Dynasty. It has been listed as a nationalkey cultural relic protection unit and an important tourist attraction in AnhuiProvince. It is now the site of the Museum of Mizhou city.
