





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1779 字

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good morning !

everyone! (or ladies and gentlemen)

it is my honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. i am years old and my hometown is ?city in ? province. i graduated with a bachelor degree from the medical college of ? university. my specialty is ?. currently, i am pursuing my master degree

and i will complete my masters study next year.

as a college student, i concentrated on studying modern medical science. i have acquired essential and fundamental knowledge of medicine during the past ? years. since september 20xx, with great interest, i have been doing postgraduate research on the ? and obtained advanced understanding in this field. professor ?导师要是牛就提一下 kindly provided me crucial guidance to analysis the diseases. other than my major study,, i have passed cet4/6 and gained rank 3 in national computer rank examination .

in june 20xx, i spent a whole meaningful year in ? hospital of 地区 to undergo my undergraduate internship. subsequently, i spent one year for residency training at the department of

in the same hospital(of which university?). after one year internship and 1 year residency training, i not only obtained first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that the career i have chosen is sacred and significant. therefore, i am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible health care professional.

last but not least, i will be fully committed and i am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member. i welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position. i would be more than happy to have further opportunity to speak with

you regarding my qualifications for the position.

thank you very much for your attention!




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 609 字

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早上好。很高兴有机会可以参加这次面试,我叫 毕业于师范大学小学教育英语专业。



做到了学高为师,身正为范为学生树立榜样、,勇当教育创新的探索者、素质教育的实践者 最后,我再次感谢各位评委老师给我这个机会,谢谢!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:技术,全文共 1248 字

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Morning! Thank you for giving me this interview opportunity. I come from Affiliated Hospital Medical College Which is 3A level hospital in Jiangxi province.

I graduated from Medical College and got my bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine in 20xx. After that, I became a doctor in the Affiliated Hospital Medical College and took charge of some research and teaching work in Ultrasound. In the past six years, I have published 6 papers, 3 of those were published in core journal. Due to my hard working and all these achievements, I was exceptionally promoted to be lectureship in 20xx.

Well, I may be an outstanding doctor in my hospital but I realized two years ago when I was visiting 301 hospital as a trainee, there is a significant gap between those professors and me. The academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that I decided to get further systematic training in famous university.

I took the entry exam twice. The first time, I failed because my English was lower than the level. Well, I am the kind of person that once I have set up an aim I will fulfill it no matter what I may meet. The little frustration can’t beat me. To my pleasure, I am here today and I hope you could offer me this study chance.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 560 字

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各位领导,各位评委,大家好!我叫,22岁,将于今年6月份毕业于美术学院。根据我的自身情况,我认为我从事幼儿教育工作 具有一定的优势和潜力。

首先,我热爱教育,特别是幼儿教育。我的外公外婆、爸爸妈妈、舅舅姨妈都是教师,大姨妈就是一位优秀的幼儿教师。我从小就在教师群里长大,耳濡目染了 教师的品格、智慧与追求,分享了 他们在教育工作中 获得的充实与快乐;也让我比同龄人 更理解教师与学生的关系,这让我更加热爱教师这个职业。

第二,我有爱心、耐心和责任心,特别是爱心。我特别喜欢和孩子们在一起。因为和他们在一起,有永远享受不完的惊喜和被他们包围着的幸福感。我在享受他们带给我快乐的时候,我会奉献我全部的爱心和耐心。我在任何情况下 都是先做自己该做的事,再做自己喜欢做的事,我想这就是我的责任心。所以,我一定能 更称职地做好幼师这份工作。

第三,我擅长交流,特别是与孩子交流。我擅长与孩子交流,是因为我有心理学、教育学知识作为理论基础,指导我与孩子们打交道;还因为我自己喜欢唱歌、跳舞和绘画,能让孩子们对我的言行感兴趣;还因为我喜欢想象和创新,总能给孩子们带来意外的 惊喜和感动;还因为我喜欢蹲下身子与孩子说话,他们把我当朋友和亲人;还因为我善于赞美孩子,孩子们会从我这里品尝到成功的滋味。所以,我能把幼师这份工作做得有声有色。谢谢!



范文类型:自我评介,工作总结,适用行业岗位:教师,个人,全文共 324 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 1574 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:技术,全文共 1916 字

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Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.

First let me introduce myself. My name is LiShuai, and my English name is Jacky Lee. Ive finished my undergraduate education in Xidian University, Majoring in Electronic Science and Technology in the college of Technical Physics.

I am open-minded, willing and have broad interests like basketball, reading and especially in engineering such as software programming, website design, hardware design.

For example, during the past four years, I have accomplished two websites: one is the website of our school, and the other is the website of the doctor forum of china 20xx. Furthermore, I am interested in C plus plus programming language and have written some application programs.

In July in the last year,I finished my graduate project with flying colors,which was a software application about Image Process . In addition, I have also finished some projects about embedded system by using MCU when I was a junior.

Although I have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but I think at present, I can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value.

The major that I hope pursue for my further education is IC design. Because I find integrated circuits are playing a more and more important role in our modern society.

And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic integrated circuits industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us.

I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of micro electronics and IC design technology and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.

OK, that’s all. Thank you very much.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 472 字

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y name is John Jones and I am an experienced problem solver for marketing departments. I know that you have an opening here in your West Coast Marketing Group, and I understand that you are concerned that your California advertising campaign is not producing as you expected. I have worked on several successful advertising campaigns and have had some great results in improving positioning. I know that I could step into this role and show you some progress from day one.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高中,教师,全文共 393 字

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范文类型:自我评介,礼仪,全文共 4807 字

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It’s the most feared question during any job interview: Can you tell me about yourself? Before I share a list of 10 memorable answers, consider the two essential elements behind the answers:


The medium is the message. The interviewer cares less about your answer to this question and more about the confidence, enthusiasm and passion with which you answer it. The speed of the response is the response. The biggest mistake you could make is pausing, stalling or fumbling at the onset of your answer, thus demonstrating a lack of self-awareness and self-esteem.



“I can summarize who I am in three words.” Grabs their attention immediately. Demonstrates your ability to be concise, creative and compelling.


“The quotation I live my life by is…” Proves that personal development is an essential part of your growth plan. Also shows your ability to motivate yourself.


“My personal philosophy is…” Companies hire athletes – not shortstops. This line indicates your position as a thinker, not just an employee.


“People who know me best say that I’m…” This response offers insight into your own level of self-awareness.

“今早我百度了一下自己的名字,结果发现了这个….. ”

“Well, I googled myself this morning, and here’s what I found…” Tech-savvy, fun, cool people would say this. Unexpected and memorable.


“My passion is…” People don’t care what you do – people care who you are. And what you’re passionate about is who you are. Plus, passion unearths enthusiasm.


“When I was seven years old, I always wanted to be…” An answer like this shows that you’ve been preparing for this job your whole life, not just the night before.


“If Hollywood made a move about my life, it would be called…” Engaging, interesting and entertaining.


“Can I show you, instead of tell you?” Then, pull something out of your pocket that represents who you are. Who could resist this answer? Who could forget this answer?


“The compliment people give me most frequently is…” Almost like a testimonial, this response also indicates self-awareness and openness to feedback.

Keep in mind that these examples are just the opener. The secret is thinking how you will follow up each answer with relevant, interesting and concise explanations that make the already bored interviewer look up from his stale coffee and think, “Wow! That’s the best answer I’ve heard all day!”


I understand your fear with such answers. Responses like these are risky, unexpected and unorthodox. And that’s exactly why they work. When people ask you to tell them about yourself, make them glad they asked.




“Good morning, sir. My name is…”打招呼和过场基本是必须的。 “I’m , I’m , and I’m very 。”按照我们的传统思维,自我夸耀一番也是难以避免的。但是这真的好吗?

如果说自我夸耀是正常的,那么就有99%的人在面试时这么做了。然而,那么多人都用一样的措辞自夸,真的会有积极的效果?就怕非但没有积极效果,反而让人觉得你很浮夸,尽说大话很不可靠。而且,老外们对此更加在意,一听到某些单词,说不定就触碰到“雷区”,马上say “Good bye”了。


1. generous(宽宏大量的)


2. humble(谦恭的)


3. self-disciplined(严格自律的)


4. passionate(充满激情的)


5. witty(机智幽默的)


6. empathetic(善于察言观色的)


7. fearless(无所畏惧的)


8. straightforward(直截了当的)


9. adaptable(能够适应)


10. independent(独立性强)

依靠自己是好事,能一个人照顾好自己,不用靠太多的帮助就能成事。但是,把这个放到团队工作中去还是好事吗?那就变成了你只习惯一个人工作而忽略了团队协作,等同于对同事不负责任,也不合群。就算当了领导,孤军奋战也必定会让整个团队如一盘散沙,工作一无是处。 看到了这10个单词以后,你有没有细细回忆过,自己爱用其中的哪些呢?



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 1673 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 349 字

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尊敬的各位领导、评委老师: 大家上午好!

非常的荣幸能有机会参加今天的面试,下面我做一下简单的自我介绍: 我是x号选手,来自邹平魏桥镇,今年x周岁,成为一名幼儿教师是我从小的梦想,为了自己的梦想我一直不断的努力着,x年第一次走进幼儿园做了一名实习教师,在x年x月份顺利的考入了集团第二幼儿园,圆了自己做幼师的梦想!在职期间我对工作很认真,责任心也很强同时让我学到了很多的知识和宝贵的经验,我特别喜欢唱歌,很幸运园长给了我教孩子唱歌的机会,在歌声中让我收获了孩子个快乐和笑声。因为个人的原因我离职了。现在我有了自己的宝宝,更能体会到每个家长爱孩子的心情,同时也让我对孩子有了更多的耐心和爱心!

今天我希望各位评委老师能给我这次机会,我会努力做一名合格的幼儿教师,为幼儿教育事业做出自己的贡献! 谢谢大家!



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 329 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 13661 字

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Since this year, conscientiously implement the Partys education policy, abide by the rules and regulations, diligent, strict demands on themselves, obey the leadership.

This year I obey school leaders responsible for arranging two classes of English courses. In accordance with the provisions of the school, I was on time and quantity to complete the arrangements for the school gave me the task of teaching.

In particular, I insisted on teaching seriously preparing lessons, classes, lectures, observation and evaluation. Actively teaching methods, insist on writing after being taught and teaching miscellany, continue to accumulate experience, do not know when to consult immediately predecessors. I dutifully handed over to the school to do every job, eager to help my colleagues, my colleagues can unite and coordinate the work. Care for students, concerned about the collective, set a good example, good teacher, polite.

I continue to learn at the same time insists on continuing education correspondence expertise, and continue to explore the better integration of both applications. And actively participate in the re-education learning, and give practice, and achieved initial results found a lot of shortcomings, encountered many difficulties. I insisted on learning to read thinking, conscientiously sum up, continue to break one problem.

I thought in the four cardinal principles, support the partys principles and policies, and actively participate in the political study and group activities, so a teacher, law-abiding, civilized language, love career, love of students, correct ideological education, care of the overall development of students . No gold is pure gold, of course, no one is perfect. I also have my faults. In short, I will continue to strive to do our best!


In I graduated from Teachers College. After graduation, assigned to twenty high school work, have been engaged in teaching English, in December 1995 was promoted to secondary level teachers. In ordinary jobs for the development of oil fields in twenty, I have been quiet dedication of their youth and wisdom.

First, dedication, willing and selfless contribution.

I love my teaching. Go to work has been 23 years in this extraordinary 23 in the spring and autumn, when I took the stage, looking at a picture of innocent smile, the whole body will radiate a kind of infinite power, forget the hard work, forget the troubles of life, because I love these lovely children. Class, I carefully explained, a student answers a doubt, in the classroom, I patiently tutoring each student, the students work I seriously correcting, but also often write a few words of encouragement.The reason I do this is because I feel as a teacher of glory, more aware of the great responsibility as a teacher. Thus, at work, I carefully prepare each lesson, I have repeated before each class study materials, I also continue to understand students learning situation, students often ask those places is the weak link, it is important to explain, I always trying to better each lesson, and strive to teach every student, a student never give up, strive to make every student in the classroom can be harvested, has improved. English teacher lessons and more, morning reading more, going to night classes and more, before seven in the morning to get to school, going to night classes to go home after ten oclock. When English teacher really hard, but the work, I have dedicated, hard working, personal gains, all this situation, with students as the most important, never be choosers.

Second, we strive to be a caring teacher. Work, I strive to do to become a caring teacher. I believe that love their work and love their students basic literacy is a teacher, is the soul of education, teachers noble morality emotion, is a teacher to succeed in business premise and magic. Otherwise, he can not become a good teacher, not to become a student teacher loved. So I often start small, find the best educational opportunity from students concerned about the little things, like the students spring bath education. In the usual work, I often use the truth warmth students, care for students everywhere to the truth, not only concerned about the good scores, and more concerned about the performance is relatively backward students. For students with good grades, I always encourage them continuing success in the future; for students with learning difficulties, my patient counseling in class, and establish their confidence, so that they can fight to keep up the pace of learning.

I think, do not give a student, especially the No Child Left Behind performance lags behind, is our pursuit of the teaching realm. Also a teacher should have good professional emotion and sense of responsibility, because the education of the garden, a flower does not make a spring, the flowers Sheng Kaichun garden.

Third, strive to be a learning-oriented, research-based new teachers want to be a good teacher, must be a love of learning, willing to study, research and higher education is good teachers. Learning to be a new type of research-based teacher has always been my goal. It is also the goal, inspired me to keep on learning at work, constantly reflect ongoing research.

On professional knowledge is concerned, I have a passion to learn English. English has always been my favorite subject, whenever I learn English, I feel excited, feel endless aftertaste. I often feel I am learning English tell my students, to encourage them to love the English, to stimulate their interest in learning the English language. Sometimes I also I learn the content, such as news, and other historical figures to get the classroom and my students enjoy together, and sometimes simply used as teaching material, practice problems. Through continuous learning, and constantly improve my professional knowledge, classroom teaching but also keep up the pace. Often have the opportunity to go to learn, I have to fight to participate, I have many times to Zhengzhou, Beijing and other places to participate in training.Every time learning, I have excellent results, which 20xx participate in the Summer English courses organized by the field of foreign teachers teach, I average 96 points honors, won first place.

Only have profound professional knowledge, does not necessarily become a good teacher, must also have some teaching skills.Therefore, in the education teaching, I always adhere to the theory and business learning. I repeatedly studied "English Teaching Methodology" a book that I have read more than Sukhomlinskii education monographs. I also learned Yangsi teaching model school, and Dulangkou teaching mode, teaching methods they learned the essence, enhance their teaching. I also subscribe to myself "Primary English teaching and research", "primary and secondary foreign language teaching", "English test research", "Students" and other teaching publications. I insist on self-study, and a lot of notes. Through the study, I have a great deal of advanced education theory, professional knowledge has also been deserved promotion, teaching basic skills continue to be strengthened. 20xx years, I participate in the "national basic education experimental center of Foreign Language Education Research Center" organization of "The First National Teaching Skills Contest for Middle School English Teacher" won the national prize. 20xx years, participate in the competition, won the third prize again.


As a teacher, taught not only have the courage to establish a sense of purpose, but also a diligent habit of reflection. Looking back on this year, especially as summarized below.

First, ethics-oriented, focusing on training:

Implement the Partys education policy, dedication, honesty from education, care for students, a teacher, has a good demeanor and ethics teacher quality. Depth study of a series of documents spirit, a firm confidence in the cause and the party Central Committee; ethics continue to learn the advanced deeds of everyday life, to regulate their own behavior, to carry forward the spirit of dedication, do not care about personal gains and losses, concerned with the people, love every student in education courseware text transferred from Feifei garden note Moral goal is to lay the foundation. round development of students

Second, insist on learning, improve business:

(1) Teaching: update teaching concept to grasp the direction of teaching.

Listen to lectures of experts, learn a lot of advanced educational courseware text transferred from Feifei garden theory, a profound understanding of the spirit of the new curriculum standards, but also seriously reflect on their own teaching practice, research students, to explore teaching, and gradually build up to the students Thought for the lifelong development of teaching purposes, to establish a teacher-led student-centered teaching philosophy new; practical teaching activities, to participate in lectures, observation and evaluation activities, an impression, it is not demonstrated that lesson, but prepared process.Experts and peer guidance and help, again and again through practice, reflection, and then practice, then the process of reflection, understanding your classroom, teaching awareness will also sublimation. And these are people who do not we move on to learn will not.

2, continue to participate in the job training, the next step is to lay the foundation. Personnel System Reform

Third, care for students, diligent teaching.

Careful preparation, not rigidly adhere to the textbook, find information widely and actively hands courseware, teaching and strive interesting, educational, targeted, practical, in order to effectively train students to civility habits play a positive role. Focus on student learning habits. The training learned theory, experience into practice, such as the establishment of mutual supervised learning network group to promote independent learning; stratified operation, and through the "self-reading exercise books" to provide students with the preparation, questioning, exploring, sentiment capacity; initial grasp in rehearsal, school, independent study requires the review stage that should be achieved.

Fundamentals still weak students, the final exam from the first piece of the title "accumulation and use of" look, serious loss of points, but also pay attention to the use of basic knowledge in the future.

Over the past year, I continue to experience the taste of many teachers in the profession: working the hardships and pressures, but also the joy and happy harvest; the quest of pain, but also the joy of growth ...... they would like me to write a string of notes song of youth. And there are still many problems, such as the young, teaching experience are not enough, the need multifaceted, multi-channel learning experiences, especially the grasp of the need to improve the new materials, processing of materials needed to temper the art.

But I believe that although the efforts may not succeed, but it will fail to give up, give success to those who are prepared. In short, I will be the development plan is based, in practice, be full, let yourself step by step, hard work in practice, in the struggle Uplifting, growth in the Uplifting.


Im not afraid to work Kulei practical action inspired students to simple people dignified image of teachers educating students, so that the teacher, virtue repair only. According to my students opinions and suggestions, through the network to find relevant data and information, but also feedback to give them some specific proposals, such as for a special exam practice questions later specialized reference books; in listening and writing more effort; grammar to review system; vocabulary remembering English vocabulary can compare memory, and so on. I believe that the efforts to effectively learn the status and effect must be able to quickly step into a new orbit.

Secondly, I ask students to dare to say. Most of the students always think they are not good, and refused to speak, refused to opening levels will lead to not increase, it will not increase the level of their abilities questioned, questioning their ability is in turn result in more afraid to speak, Once students fall into this vicious circle will not get away, which completely negate themselves heard lead levels can not be increased.So, I try to arrange at least four hours a month speaking practice, a person performing oral speech or two threesomes dialogue also requires students to listen to in the following on the podium, said the students to ask questions, so I asked answer mode only exercise the students listening and speaking ability, but also active in the classroom atmosphere, a lot of revenue.

In the teaching process, patience is essential. It is a manifestation of a teacher of good behavior. Teachers job is to solve the problem of students varying degrees, which in addition to the teaching, as well as spiritual. Educating people work hard, treat a variety of problems, countless students have patience with a warm heart to do it.

In short, learning English, interests first. The level of students language ability is largely subject to the degree of interest in learning English.Hard to imagine lost interest also how to develop communication skills.So, as an English teacher, one hand to teach students knowledge of the language and enable them to acquire skills and, more attention should be paid to train and keep students interested in this subject, get a multiplier effect. So as to truly put the requirements of the new curriculum standards are implemented.



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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 699 字

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我叫今年27岁,毕业于XX学校, 我出生于风景秀美的边陲小城--临江,97年我以优异的成绩考入了吉林工业大学经济管理学院,从此翻开了我人生新的篇章.入学以来我一直担任班级的团支书,繁忙的工作不仅培养和锻炼了我的工作能力,更加锻炼了我解决问题的能力。


我性格外向,思想活跃,乐于接受一切挑战,大学期间曾担任系学生会主席,正是在那个时候培养了我强烈的责任心、执行力和领导力.在大学期间参加了学生会,有较强的沟通能力和表达能力,工作努力认真,又较强的学习能力和适应性,积极进取,力争上游.生活中,我爱好广泛,尤其喜欢历史,对历代名人传记如数家珍, 会计自我介绍范文我也爱好运动,并经常组织同事切磋技艺,最擅长羽毛球运动.





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 592 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高中,教师,全文共 399 字

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范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1034 字

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good moring ladies and gentlemen!it is great honour for me to take this interview,thank you for giving me this chance!

my name is , i am an undergraduate of xidian university,major in telecommunication engineering.as the cradle of chinas telecommunication talents,xidian universtiys long history,good research atmosphere and the long term cooperation with institue, provide me an excellent stduy environment. after about four years hard work, i have learnd all the courses of telecommunication engineering and have good command of the basis of telecommunication technology. I am confident that my solid education background will lay me a sound foundation to fulfill my master degree courses! in addition to my solid education background,i have good communicate skill and strong team spirit.i strongly believe this will be a great help for me to fullfil my master degree courses.futher more,i am healthy and tough.besides study i enjoy playing basketball much!Sports give me a healthy body and tough mind.thats all, thank you very much!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1439 字

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Dear teachers, my name is , Jiangsu liberal arts, grades 6 to 10, a total of more than and 600 people.

Independent recruitment interview one minute self introduction self introduction first of all to thank Zhejiang for giving me this precious opportunity. And then my name is Cai Maosheng, and Im sure this dish is really lush. The parents and teachers care little also not a word to my help, Teresa said, the most pleasant feeling of inner peace.

I remember a school held three games in winter, as a squad leader, the teacher gave me the task is to organize students to different places on time to play. When it came to our class to jump rope, a boy told me that he had no rope, and that he had a rare rope. Although I finally helped him find the rope, my attitude was not good. After the event I calmed down, I now have their own harvest, I have a lot of experience, the next encounter these activities, should do a good job in advance of the record. In this case, I will be better than my peers. In quiet thought, I calmed down and found joy.

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