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大家好!说到“文明”这个词,作为我们每一个少先队员来说,再熟悉不过了。从我们懂事开始,爸爸妈妈就告诉我们做个讲文明、有礼貌的好孩子;从我们走进校园的第一天开始老师也教育我们做个讲文明、懂礼貌的好学生,好公民。今天,我们开展“创文明城 做文明人”主题教育活动,让我们对文明有了更深刻的理解。文明,不单单是路上相遇时的一个微笑,不小心撞到别人时的一声“对不起”„„文明更应是一种品质,一种习惯,一种受人尊敬、推崇的行动。文明更是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。我们中华民族是有着几千年历史的文明古国。因此,我们全体同学应该积极传承、大力弘扬中华民族的优良传统,自觉融入到这次专题教育活动中去。要想做好文明礼仪的传播者,就要从生活中的点滴做起,从我做起,从现在做起。为此,我代表全体同学表决心如下:








谢谢大家! 全体少先队员




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1893 字

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My friends, everybody! Welcome to the badaling Great Wall. I am your tour guide, Qiu Xuyang, you call me little high or high conductivity, by today I lead you to visit the Great Wall at badaling, hope you have a good and unforgettable time here.

Badaling Great Wall wall 6-9 meters high, planar trapezoid, bottom width 6. 5-7. 5 meters 8, 4. 5-5. 8 m. Most of the wall a wide flat, can "WuMa and ride, 10 people in parallel"; The wall line be the outside, the outer wall is high, the medial wall is low. Everyone along the direction of my finger to see: the wall beside the road, at the entrance of a total of five iron cannon, iron cannon, though after one hundred years vicissitudes of life remains intact, the largest of a gun barrel length 2. 85 meters, diameter of 105 mm, range of km above, power is great. Everyone can be a photo here. On the Great Wall you to look at the up and down two floors building is the watchtowers, watchtowers horse-refraining pits and shot hole, around the upper house for the bottom of the soldiers, lodging and storage materials.

Go the distance, this is the beacon tower, which friend can say the use of a beacon tower? Beacon tower is good, the main role is to facilitate investigation, there are enemy invasion at the same time, can be burning fuel, such as straw so that you can use fireworks on the situation of the enemy, is on alert for the next. Ok, my friends keep up with the pace of the I, as the saying goes: "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall!" Now we see the tilted 45 degrees in the triangle type of stone is the famous mens stone. Come here, everybody is the genuine hero, take you to the excited mood to leave you here permanent shadow.

Two hours of long time went by, in a twinkling of an eye small high here I wish you a happy happy life! A happy family! People gain flourish! A happy journey! We have a chance to meet again!



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教育,百年大计!为了解决市区学校大班额问题,解决进城农民工子女上学问题,让更多的孩子享受优质的教育教学资源, 20xx年6月,中卫市第六中学破土动工了!中卫市第六中学是国家中西部农村初中校舍改造项目之一,也是中卫市政府确定的20xx年的十大民生工程之一。在中卫市委、市政府的深切关怀下,它像一个刚落地的娃娃,从头到脚都是新的。






这是一艘启锚扬帆的航船,满载莘莘学子,驶向知识的海洋; 这更是一只展翅的雄鹰,翱翔蓝天,展望未来!

学校坚持以“自信 自主 自强”为校训,以“育人是根本 教学为中心 科研求效益 创新促发展”为办学理念,以“以师生发展为本,为全面提高师生素质服务,让学生成人成才,让教师成功成名,让社会满意赞誉” 为办学宗旨;以“严谨规范 务实高效 团结奋进 开拓创新”为校风;提出了“培养可持续发展的学生,造就可持续胜任的教师,创办可持续攀高的学校,实施可持续提升的教育”的办学目标,为打造名校指明了方向。







“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越 ” 。新的时期,面临新的挑战。在新时代的感召下,团结务实的六中人将以德育为本,以学生为先,抓住机遇,开拓创新,和谐共进,翱翔未来。




范文类型:汇报报告,全文共 1258 字

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在实践月活动中,依托家庭、家长学校、家庭教育指导中心、农村父母课堂、留守儿童家长学校、妇女儿童活动阵地,通过上下联动在全乡开展系列家庭道德教育宣传实践活动。一是开展留守儿童现状调查。通过问卷、走访、座谈等形式在全乡范围内开展农村留守儿童现状专项调研,以掌握全乡留守儿童实际状况,增强做好农村留守儿童工作的针对性和实效性。二是积极探索针对这些特殊儿童有 (本文是工作实用文档频道提供的范文)效的家庭教育方式方法,引导留守儿童家长重视对子女的教育,帮助进城务工的农村家长认识家庭教育的重要性,积极向留守儿童家长或监护人宣传普及科学的家庭教育观念、知识和方法,使他们真正担负起教养孩子的责任和义务。三是组织收听、收看家庭教育知识。积极组织广大农村家长收听人民广播电台“建设社会主义新农村·树立家庭教育新观念”、“关注留守儿童家庭教育”、“关注流动儿童家庭教育”等系列专题节目,集中向农村儿童家长、留守儿童家长和监护人进行家庭教育知识传播。四是深入组织开展“九州集团杯”“亲子共同参与,建设文明”征文活动。收到征文300余份,取得了实实在在的效果。



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一、 准备阶段:

1、 成立“学校道德讲堂”建设领导小组,确保活动组织建设。


组 长:


成 员:

2、制定“学校道德讲堂”的实施方案和活动开展的具体计 划,制定活动开展的具体目标。




1、学校召开“学校道德讲堂”建设动员大会, 宣传“学校道德讲堂”建设的意义,提高全体师生对“学校 道德讲堂”的认识。

2、 规范道德讲堂流程:以“我唱、我听、我看、我讲、我议、我选、我 行”为主要模式,学唱一首道德歌,听身边道德故事,看一部道德短片,讲一则道德故事等。召开启动仪式并开讲,在全校上下形成人人学道德,人人讲道德的氛围。

3、开展“十佳道德模范”评选活动,经过推选,全校师生投票,选出 20xx年度学校“十佳道德模范” 。


1、学校对活动开展情况进行阶段性总结,在发扬自身优势的同时,积极学习兄弟学校的先进做法,完善“学校道德讲堂”建设,为下一步“学校道德讲堂”常态化运行 做好准备。

2、 通过板报、手抄报、校讯通等,加大对前一阶段涌现的典型人物的宣传力度,进一步扩大 “学校道德讲堂”的影响力。


学校针对“学校道德讲堂”阶段总结反馈情况进一步完善工作机制,把“学校道德讲堂”引入常态运行 阶段,使“学校道德讲堂”成为全校未成年人思想道德建设的重要阵地和精神文明建设的重要载体。

五、总结表彰阶段:学校对“道德讲堂”开展情况进行年度总结, 表彰优秀宣讲员、 “十佳道德模范” “学校道德讲堂”建设 、 先进班级及个人等。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 503 字

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西津渡古街全长约 1000 米 ,始创于六朝时期,历经唐宋元明清五个朝代的建设,留下了如今的规模,因此,整条街随处可见六朝至清代的历史踪迹。西津渡,三国时叫“蒜山渡”,唐代曾名“金陵渡”,宋代以后才称为“西津渡”。千百年来,发生在这里的重要战事有数百次之多。西津古渡依山临江,风景峻秀,李白、孟浩然、张祜、王安石、苏轼、米芾、陆游、马可 · 波罗等都曾在此候船或登岸,并留下了许多为后人传诵的诗篇。著名的《泊船瓜洲》就是王安石从西津渡扬舟北去,舟次瓜洲时写下的。

英籍华人女作家韩素音置身西津渡古街时,也不由发自内心地连声赞叹说:“漫步在这条古朴典雅的古街道上,仿佛是在一座天然历史博物馆内散步。这里才是镇江旅游的真正金矿。” 中国文物学会会长 罗哲文 先生更是把这里誉为“中国古渡博物馆”。这就是我们镇江的古迹。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12557 字

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Originally the peony is Chinas famous traditional flowers, wild plants, and thorns, mainly from the qinghai-tibet plateau in China, the Yellow River basin, bashan qinling of zhongtiao mountains, shanxi, henan, funiu and MangShan and other regions, the original peony community can be traced back to 3000 years ago.

In luoyang peony cultivation, according to historical records: began in sui and sheng in the tang dynasty. "Name of guilin" in northern song dynasty period "SuiZhi · plain question" in a "qingming festival times 5, peony China". Since sui, peony on the basis of folk culture, begin to enter the royal garden, become a pet palace. In 604 AD, emperor yangdi capital luoyang company, monarch xiyuan weeks in 200, a variety of royal peony peony became the first in the history of Chinese. When tang and song dynasty, luoyang has been in the capital, capital position, cultivation, ornamental peony FengRi sheng. The tang dynasty poet bai juyis "flower bloom 20, if people are crazy" of a city is true portraiture of the situation at that time. Royal today, temples garden, private garden, with the song dynasty neo-confucianism shao yung has written "festival only two world, the world famous heavy luoyang" of a sentence, can want to at that time, the luoyang garden house, the flower of the spectacular. Each to bloom "emperor city spring sunset, cry cry chariots and horses, a total of the peony, hand to buy flowers." Become a beautiful landscape city of luoyang. Poet liu yuxi "but the peony true national color, the blossoms to move the capital" and the song dynasty scholar sima guang "luoyang spring the most prosperous, red and green among 10 m, who is the flower, like the splendid, people will be splendid study group spent." All paint luoyang people eat during tang and song dynasties frenzy.

All is Chinas famous hundreds of flowers, long, enlisted qunfang, but only the peony high grade. It flowers gigantic, wide variety, the myriad of feminine beauty, crown recalled. Concept of "ancient and modern florilegium, more than 360 kinds of beauties, none but with peony comparison. Therefore, known as" the king of flowers ". And the luoyang is located in the central plains, mild climate, rainfall is moderate, suitable for the growth of peony. The song dynasty writer ouyang xiu in luoyang high rank, he enjoyed the luoyang places of interest, have a special liking to the luoyang peony, author of "luoyang peony". His "luoyang ley spent the most appropriate, particularly heaven" peony verse says the luoyang peony growing advantageous natural conditions.

It is said that long time ago, wild peony on MangShan people not expensive, often cut the wood, a young very pity, transplanting it hospital, elaborate care. In a handkerchief, embroidered peony flowers. The young man wondered, was about to ask girls suddenly disappeared. XiuPa, but see a top have a poem: "name of luoyang, Mang range for my home. Are you feeling heavy, spring to see the wonderful work." In the second year spring, the youth was certainly rich gorgeous peony trapped in the home, graceful, from then on he would make a living by planting peony, family became more and more abundant. Point of view, the legendary the epigenetic the luoyang is the earliest "peony growing expert".

Since the tang dynasty, thousands of years, made a number of cultivation of luoyang peony skillful craftsman. Liuzhou, record the recorded: "song single parent, word ZhongRu, poetry, good plant. All peony one thousand kinds, red and white color, people do not know its operation,d called to mount li (li) plant ten thousand copies, individual color, give daughter, imperial secretary call division for flowers." All previous dynasties scholars intone the luoyang peony flow spit relapsed, KuangDai unique appearance of verse. Tang wang also really write the luoyang peony, "peony enchanting disorderly, a country such as crazy do." Great poet bai juyi wrote in a poem "flowers", "ten households in a clump of dark flower, fu", "fan of every acquisition for customs, all in one", the poem says the luoyang peonys precious and peoples love of the peony. It is said that tang tai years, spring, on the day of li han Leon, the temple to watch the peony, asked the painter Cheng Xiu f: "sung today Beijing city peony poems, who headed?" Cheng answer: "in the book scheeren lee cloud: freed national color to the wine, day sweet night dyed garments." Leon listen to praise, he said the luoyang peony "amusement", so the peony has the reputation of "amusement".

Thousands of years, luoyang peony beautiful, various, gorgeous and charming. Ouyang xius "guest said recent years old take specific, often conjure up a hydraulic-powered tree-trimmers" speaks the truth. In the history of sheng peony varieties of up to 119 a. Now has more than 500 varieties, in a nutshell, can be divided into three, nine, ten. Three categories, namely, single head, start and mixed type. This is according to the classification in the number of flowers, flower for single headdress flower, flower for double flowers, three for three peony flowers. Nine color is red, pink, purple, blue, yellow, white, green design and color, such as this are classified according to the color of the peony. Ten type mainly based on what the luoyang peony petals, size, flower arrangement and the morphological characteristics of classification. In the 19th century, British scholar evolution Darwin in his masterpiece "on the origin of species" quoted ecological variation of luoyang peony, as proof of his theory of "evolution". The song dynasty, luoyang yao yao peoples yellow and developing the erros of prime minister Wei Renbo home Wei Zi known as kao, flower after respectively. "Yao yellow one, and the brilliant breath is like cutting". Candidates.if your years, luoyang has pressed the song god yao yellow flower, flower large feet 2 inches, he excited, regardless of the reigns of his identity, and placed it over his head, visible, the emperors obsession in the peony, and from then on famously.

Since the tang and song dynasty, many bookman at a magnificently for peony poem writing, form a plethora of peony culture, and deduces many myths and legends about peony, soft smell things.

Legend, lunar month two years should, xiking changan heavy snow, wu zetian drinking poetry, on an impulse drunk pen write fen book: "swim Ming dynasty garden, rushing harbinger, stamen overnight, mo monring winds to blow." Flowers not this life, open overnight, peony not violations in season alone, shut the core. Wu zetian rage, peony fall out of changan, sent in luoyang, and to the stake. Peony has been the rule, the body such as coke; But branch do not come loose, standing still in the freezing cold, next year when the spring breeze blow, more brilliant flowers, known as "focal bone peony".

Another legend of peony, it is tang clear huang lung-chi lee kai jade bracelet ChenXiangTing vigil changan palace, the "harem of three thousand people, three thousand pet in a" your princess, hearing the luoyang peony has been in full bloom, and the wood in the JinYuan peony is at the end of the bud, then make the imperial secretary drum rush, flowers are still does not open, she was in a rage, will all fall to luoyang peony. Luoyang peony in Tokyo, in a flash, bright flowers branches, blooming together. In fact, with scientific attitude, xi an and luoyang on the same latitude line, but the temperature and humidity are slightly lower than luoyang, luoyang, west across the mountains, and in the MangShan Yang, the chang an early spring. Therefore, generation by Li Baiyou "qingping tune" word "taken two phase huan pour countries, often have the Kings grinned see, explain the infinite hate, dongfeng ChenXiangTing north lean on a railing" flea in jade bracelet, is the imperial concubine bear a grudge, derogatory generation by hyperbole, lifelong grief may not be the volunteers.

These legends show peony jubilant, unwavering in style, it is also the clank iron character of the Chinese nation and integrity.

Since luoyang peony enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad, to buy an endless stream, sui and tang dynasties frequent exchanges between China and Japan, luoyang peony spread to Japan, the Japanese peoples distribution of wealth. Neighbor north Korea, South Korea is also widely cultivated in China, then, the americas, Europe, many countries have successively introduced, called the luoyang peony flower "China" or "flower days god". Soldiers in song dynasty, the central plains, luoyang today, peony cultivation, breeding and subsequently fails, moved to the southern city of hangzhou. Jing and bright state, tsaochow people since the law transplant peony, become the new peony resort. Sichuan day peng are luoyang peony famous plant, jiangsu yancheng, since then, luoyang peony throughout China. After the founding of new China, due to the experienced the vicissitudes of life, luoyang peony only more than 30 varieties. In the autumn of 1959, prime minister Zhou Si to luoyang tractor factory, and specifically about the situation of the luoyang peony. Premier zhous concern caused the luoyang city government attaches great importance to, quickly return to expand acreage, one after another in the city park, the peony park; Xiyuan, can garden, open up the peony viewing area, and the new mail mountain national color peony, los pu park formed ten kilometers peony promenade, and built one thousand mu of peony gene pool; The peony as the city flower of luoyang NPC standing committee and was started in 1983 the annual peony show. From then on, the peony everywhere, every family, every day, to more than 500 peony varieties development. Yellow flowers every year, yao, Wei Zi, tsing lung lie the inkwell, drunken beauty peony famous brand, such as the charming attitude, see the flower heads, such as chi, like drunk, like a dream, like magic. Luoyang city park has set a record of every nearly 300000 people a day. Flower stage, residents rushed to view the city, town. Is: "watching flowers peony, everything all forget since I dont know."

With the peony show set each other off becomes an interest is luoyang peony Lantern Festival. Luoyang colored, gu sui, tang, more than 1000 years, has become a big people festival festival custom. In recent years, luoyang lanterns excellent reputation, become one of the three big Lantern Festival in China. Day to watch the peony night view of light, the annual peony show to a climax. Peony Lantern Festival every year, thousands of dye flow xia tao drunk all over the sky stars, wanjiadenghuo shook silent night sky. Such as lights, such as poetry. Painting colorful, make you dont know is oneself or human fairyland. More it is worth mentioning, winter 1994, national campaign "national flower" leadership team through the press candidates spent solution is: a country - the peony flower. At this point, an early nine dynasties rong snow clothe with silver, and luoyang refractory research institute a peony flower bed is a proud timely snow in full bloom, people sell, all without exception. Xinhua news agency and other dozens of news media scramble to report, exclaim, "national flower spread good news, the peony should know the snow laugh" wonders in one hundred.

In recent years, luoyang peony not only out of the country, but also sold to Japan, the United States, France, Singapore and other countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan regions, the end of the peony "can see cant buy" history. Peony have also made a series of scientific research achievements, the technology has the new breakthrough, basically achieved the "flowers bloom as well, spring to autumn to irrelevant", which laid a foundation for further development of luoyang peony.

Poets in lee ge fei has: "the world of governing revolution, hou to rise and fall of luoyang, rise and fall of luoyang, hou xing in garden waste." Temporal change, things change, all without exception shows people with a philosophy: goodsky flower glory. Today, our country is coruscate gives new vitality, the peony like rosy clouds in the east, adorn the expeditions of the earth. Peony, this eternal soul, telling us hard to think of the Chinese nation as an epic. Luoyang, luoyang peony to dress for the peony. The peony and the ancient capital of blame. Song times flowers, flower pregnant vitality; Luoyang peony is out of the country, go to the world of tie and bridge, peony, is the ancient capital of aesthetic badge, it will accompany the onward march of luoyang, towards a new brilliance.



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他身高71米,头长14。7米,眼睛长3。3米,垂着两只长6。3米的大耳朵,每个耳朵眼里都可以钻进两个人。斜披垂挂的衣服下,脚宽8。5米。越是在江风呼叫、江水咆哮的时候,大 佛,显出它的威严,似乎天塌下来他都能擎得起。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2373 字

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Dear friends hello, welcome you come to beautiful luoyang in peony in full bloom in April.

I am luoyang little star travel company, a tour guide, Im happy, I hope I wholeheartedly for your service, can bring you endless happiness! During the tour, please see the guide the smiling face of the flag ☺ logo, lest with the wrong team.

Please hold sit well after you get on the bus. My dear friends, now is the peony blooming season, held every year in April for a month of peony show. So far this year has been successfully held the 29th. Luoyang peony began in the sui dynasty, sheng in the tang dynasty and "enjoys" in song dynasty, has been 1500 years of history.

Friends, poems about luoyang peony, which friend know something?

"Only the peony true national color, the blossoms to move the capital";

"Luoyang ley spent the most appropriate, peony is heaven."

Ha ha, see friends in luoyang, learn a lot about the peony! Thanks to my friends for our attention in luoyang. Peony is a traditional Chinese famous flowers, flowers are luoyang the ancient customs of the people. Luoyang 1982 position peony flower, peony show was held for the first time in 1983, luoyang, luoyang peony show has become peoples pride, for Chinese and foreign guests left a good impression. Luoyang peony flowers gigantic, breed is various, design and color is absolute, there are red, white, yellow, purple, green, blue, black and after nine color fastens, ten kinds of pattern, more than 1000 varieties, the flower is elegant, gorgeous, known as "very beautiful, the king of flowers" laudatory name. Peony root bark can be used as a medicine, petals can brew.

My dear friends, we now queue in luoyang ornamental peony - one of the most important places of city park. Believe that everyone has been trying to, looked at the long enjoy flower line, you can imagine it will be. Ok, now I will take you to see the luoyang peony. Heres the peony pavilion, peony fairy, everyone can heartily enjoy very beautiful peony: this is a delicate powder, white luminous white, yellow, yellow yao color peculiar two Joe...... Each friend can heartily to pose for photos and make the United States a good memory.

Dear visitors, peony is really let us linger, tomorrow we will visit the civilized world of longmen grottoes and day the first ancient temple white horse temple.

Tomorrow morning at seven o clock, we goodbye!



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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to a bead sea tour, I am your guide DAVID.

Bead sea-newly arisen garden type tour in the seashore spend a holiday city, is China south china sea of a bright bright pearl of strand.She is located in Pearl River to go into seaport, the ground connects Macau, and water connects Hong Kong, is one of five economic special areas in Chinas.

Bead sea the natural environment is beautiful, mountain clear water show, waters vast, there are more than 100 islands, the vegetable has "the city of 100 islands" United States to call.City planning and construction only have mental strategy, outstanding tour consciousness, naturally harmonious, the grace is unique, be rich with the modern breathing of garden sentimental appeal in the seashore very much.In 1991, bead seas taking whole city image as a view is traveled bureau by the nation to review for one of"China travels divine spot 40 good"s.

The bead sea has each kind of tour more than 300 houses in the hotel, the year receives ability to reach to 700, among them, the star class is more than 20 houses in the hotel.Construction in the hotel takes park villa as to design topic more, according to mountain alongside water, constituted together special scenery line in the city.Still set up each kind of meeting center, the exhibition is more than 10s, can hold various international meeting and each kind of exposition, commodity fair etc..

In the bead sea, hold an international aviation aerospace annually exposition and bead sea film festival.Two greatest great event just at home and abroad influence biggest.The bead sea still sets up nations to race car a field, has an international car game to hold annually and has tremendous attraction to the large car sport fancier.

The main tourist attraction of the bead sea City has large history cultural view circle new park clearly, the four greatest Buddhas mountain tour scenic area, pearl paradise, nine continent cities, bead sea the fish is female, bamboo fairies cave, gold sandy beach, white water country romantic feeling area in rattan lake.There is aquarium raising to set up, items, such as ocean park and plank Zhang sightseeing cableway in the mountain city...etc..

Have the bead sea of international advanced level airport currently already and more than 20 city navigations in the whole country.The ocean of Ling Ding that leads to Hong Kong sails across ocean big bridge, wide bead railroad, the wide bead superhighway builds forthcoming.Not far future, the structure and form of the bead sea international city will form, the tourism defends an interest dont moxa, the prospect is glorious.The beautiful bead sea , just with the endless magic power, greets the arrival of domestic and international visitor!

The bead sea surface faces south china sea, the coast line is as long as 690 kilometers, the whole citieses totally have all of the group of islands 140, there is the praise of "the city of 100 islands".

Numerous island sceneries are beautiful, the weather is pleasant.Among them most is famous of is Tung-ao island, blue sea blue sky bottom, the fishing village chimney smoke is curling up in the air, the southern sand gulf on the island has the good reputation of "diamond sandy beach";Spread all over a strange stone on outside island of Ling Ding, going to the island can angle for fish, the slippery wave is the tour that is full of a wild interest to spend a holiday ground;Nine state islands climb mountain light water color, luxuriant tall bamboo wood, the wreath island takes a stroll, oblivion material life of hullabaloo with complicated;The Qi Ao scene in the island is exquisite, the historic monument is numerous;There are still many not well-known islets being like similar dispersal of pearl on the sea surface, the name of "bead sea" is probably consequently and since then.

The bead sea in the bead the south of Tropic of Cancer of Haiti belongs to subtropics monsoon district.Often the year sunshine abundance, rain water is abundant, the year is average air temperature the 22.4 ℃ , average rainfall is 1700-2300 millimeters of, air on the average the opposite temperature is 79%.The natural environment of moist warmth makes the bead sea everywhere green shade spring onion cage, the every month fresh flowers blooms.

The bead sea is located in the western side that the Pearl River goes into the seaport Ling Ding ocean, is rivers sea to hand over to remit, the coastal city of water net interleave.The whole citieses total the ocean in the district of 7660 squares thousand meters of the area had about 80% and reached to 6030 the squares are thousand meters.On this broad waters, encircle bead sea, the waterses of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau of Pearl River thing shore, the pearl sort ground sprinkles 146 jade-green islands, the name of fabulous bead sea is from here and since then.

The history origin and development of bead sea:

The cultural object of discovering proves that the new stone age that up traces into 451000 year agos, has first a people to multiply on this land.Establish Hsiangshan town for Tang Dynasty perfect virtue two years(757 A.D.), belong to Dongguan County to rule over;North Sung establishes Hsiangshan town and produces salt, is a saltworks, past again field in Hsiangshan;Row for the south Sung Shaoxing 22 years(1152 A.D.) south china sea, a time Yu, new meeting, Dongguan four counties be close to the ground of sea as integral whole and establish Hsiangshan County;In 1953 with belonged to ten thousand mountain islands, three mergers, such as cooking stove islands and load pole archipelago...etc. of medium counties, such as mountain and treasure Anne(now Shenzhen)...etc. to establish a bead sea county at first;Withdraw a county to change city in 1979;Build up an economic special area in 1980.

The bead sea administrative area rows:

The bead bottom in sea City establishes area in the joss-stick continent area, Dou door, gold gulf area, the city peoples government halts joss-stick continent area.Up to the end of 20xx, the whole city permanent population is 125.28 myriad people, among them, the household register population is 75.93 myriad people.

The bead sea person has 1 to dream of, that is to let the bead sea become the most beautiful place in the world.Zhu Hai Ren wants to create a miracle:That is the place that lets the bead sea become everyones to look forward to all.

For carrying out a dream, we regard as the life of city to the environment and the ecosystem:For creating miracle, we make people the center to pursue social development and the progress in ages.

The person who has ever been to bead sea, not only to the pleasant breeze sea of the bead sea rhyme, the young and vivid city appearance leaves a deep impression, also will have a feeling to the bead sea persons living status.This is one to brave creative and then easily comfortable place, an ecosystem home that was full of a humanities color.Pure air, washed and brushed the pollution of city with miscellaneous disorderly, all the year round constant of green, accomplished it pure and free from vulgarity qualities:Neighbor HongKong-Macau of the characteristics of niche advantage and emigrant city, make medium Spanish turn to hand over to remit to melt to bring diverse and inclusivity for city mutually;The life style of modern got away from traditional inhospitality and permeated the vitality in ages;The new industrial structure molded to expand innovation, vibrant citizen.The bead sea is one can business and living perfectly combine together of place, the romantic city of a versatile and rapid development.

The environment of bead sea gives it pure and free from vulgarity qualities, bead sea the persons intelligence infused into abundant content and the creative power of everlasting for this city again.The bead sea is a place that was full of a poetry painting idea, a city that was full of youth breathing, young and the beauty is the capital and magic power of this city, world and one nature, easily open of atmosphere, diverse city culture, give bead sea the person the unrestrained imagination dint and creative power.Pursue a personality, pursue special, pursue a development, pursue living quality and personal status, is this biggest characteristics for people lived in city.

From the beginning of 90s in last century, the bead sea judged and decided in "China traveled divine spot 40 good" in, the unique uses the whole city as the view area selected of near 10-year, the bead sea successively acquired a national park green city and national ecosystem environmental protection the model unusual honors, such as city, national health city and Chinese excellent tour city...etc..At national news medium to well-known domestic greatly and in the evaluation of special feature in the city, the bead sea City acquired the title of "the most romantic city".In 1998, United Nations still gives the bead sea as"the best example prize of international improvement living environment" and makes bead sea become to be known for Chinese and Foreign"is the most suitable to match the place that the mankind live".

Bead sea, the place that uses the whole city as to travel scenic area, what to present is a new ideas of modern, annotation of is one dont the concept of comer and nature harmonious development, a natural concept, bead sea just with its outstanding looks and matchless of enthusiasm welcome everyone friend to understand, taste and care and love and even hope that the friends contributes for his development doing one creation.
