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Visitors to kiss love, everybody is good, I am your tour guide, my name is meng, you can call me meng guide; Welcome to visit huangshan. Huangshan huangshan, anhui, China is the natural and cultural heritage, has been included in the "world heritage list". Or in the top ten scenic spots unique mountain huangshan scenic spot. Huangshan mountain "loose", "strange", "sea of clouds", "hot springs," four famous in the world. Speaking of "loose" to "guest-greeting pine". Guest-greeting pine stand in the jade screen on the east side, manjusri hole, broken stone, the life of more than eight hundred years. Loose name found in the huangshan mountain guide.

Tree height of 15 meters, diameter at breast height sixty-four cm, diameter seventy-five centimeters, under branch height is two point five meters. This attitude pale neck, cui Ye Rugai, polite, cute image. Speaking of rocks, have to say "flying stone". Green mountain peaks appearing in the west, there is a stone stands on the top of the mountain rocks. Stone is 12 meters high, seven point five meters long, two point five meters wide. Rock and rock interface is small, so the name "flying stone". Dear passengers, please free activities, please dont smoke, in case of fire, thank you for your cooperation.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 532 字

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大家好,我是本次迪斯尼乐园的导游。我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。 现在大家乘坐的是迪斯尼专线,本专线将在1小时候到达香港迪斯尼乐园,途中我会为大家做一些有关迪斯尼的介绍。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,导游,全文共 735 字

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古城形成于南宋后期,已有八百多年的历史。1986年成为家级历史文化名城,1997年又被列入世界文化遗产,丽江古城除了同苏州古城一样具有“小桥流水人家”的特色外,还在古城选址、街道和房屋布局、纳西民居等方面别具一格 丽江古城又叫大研镇,它由大研、白沙、束河三部分组成,大研古城是它们的集中代表,所以人们常常把它叫作大研古城或大研镇。而且大研古城位于丽江盆地的中心,古城的西南角耸立着酷似书天巨笔的文笔锋,丽江盆地则象一方碧玉做成的大砚台,古时“研”和“砚”相通,所以古城叫大研。说话间我们便到了古城,城口最引人注意的应该是一双水车吧,有人说它是子母水车,也有人说它是情人水车。过去古城里就有水车,今天在、些偏远之地也在使用。 讲了这么多,各位游客心目中一定有这样一个问题,象这样的古城在中国有的是,为什么这个高原上的偏僻的古城竟被评上呢?想要得到答案,请各位游客随小高一同去游览一番。一条小巷、一户人家,一不小心你就站在了一百年的历史上了,这种感觉,在路上、在各个庭院中,您随处都能感受到。所以这座古城不是因为拍戏或是故弄玄虚而建的,是一座真实的活着的古城。相信古城一定会给你们留下美好的印象。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 499 字

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你们知道吗?从北京出发,行车一百多里就能来到长城脚下。这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,高大坚固,是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的。城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整,像很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行。城墙外沿有两米多高的成排的垛子,垛子上有方型的瞭望口和射口,供瞭望和射击用。城墙顶上,每隔三百多米就有一座方型的城台,是屯兵的堡垒。打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。 各位游客,现在你站在长城上,踏着脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石,不知是否能想起古代的劳动人民是怎样修筑长城的。看,单是这数不清的条石,一块有两三千斤重,那时候没有火车、汽车,没有起重机,就靠着无数的肩膀无数的手,一步一步地抬上这陡峭的山岭。





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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8445 字

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Fellow friends everybody is good, welcome to lotus buddhist - the jiuhuamountain tourism, Im anhui travel guide, wang ping, you can call me xiao wangor Wang Dao, was sitting beside the driver wu teacher, he has many years ofdriving experience, you can feel free in his car. In the next few days will haveour service for everyone. We met just like my name, "welded" is also a kind ofpredestination. We will do our best to bring you the best service, hope you havea happy journey of jiuhua mountain, and now I want to introduce you to the firstan overview of our jiuhua mountain:

Jiuhua mountain is located in the territory, county in anhui is our countrykey scenic spot, national 5 a grade scenic spot, with shanxi wutai mountain,mount emei of sichuan province, zhejiang mount putuo and said the four famousbuddhist mountains in China. Wutai mountain is manjusri bodhisattva, emeisamantabhadra bodhisattva dojo, mount putuo is the dojo guanyin bodhisattva, andwe are the jiuhua mountain like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. Jiuhua mountainoriginally called nine mountain, because jiuhua greatly small 99 peaks, ninepeaks particularly prominent, so called nine mountain, later it by Li Bailaijiuhua mountain, see stack jade green peaks, wrote "miao have two gas, lingshanjiu hua" of verse, then people will be nine mountain renamed the jiuhuamountain. In the tang dynasty kaiyuan years, ghost kingdom prince Jin Qiao sleepin our jiuhua practice, finally died at the age of 99. The Buddhism thought hisasceticism and passed away the flesh and the records in the buddhist scriptureshave similar like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, so I think he is the embodiment oflike ksitigarbha bodhisattva, buddhists call him a heart of gold. The jiuhuamountain and therefore is regarded as like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. Nowhave the temple more than 90, monks, more than 600 people, is a characteristicand has important influence on buddhist shrine. Says the us has arrived, we arenow ready to get off, please take your belongings and dont put your valuablesin the car, wait a moment we will close the car doors and Windows for us masterwu, also please remember our bus license plate number, color, and parkingspot.

To the holy land of Buddhism, of course, to feel the Buddha of dust, so,today well begin with this temple street nine China most scenic area, enter thejiu hua street scenic area, is a cross lane. He is carved from marble, 9 metershigh, please look up the banners on the engraved with the "nine degrees have"four characters, but the emperor kangxi hand! Through the door, welcomedeveryone to see is below the fairy bridge, the bridge is built in the qianlongyears, everybody with me on this ancient bridge, we together into thewonderland!

You see, across the bridge facing us is the temple of gion. He is a keynational temple, is the only a palatial jiuhua mountain temple, the scale is oneof the biggest in jiuhua mountain four big jungle. It consists of the gate, thegreat hall, Ursa major, the guest room, lecture hall and the scripture-storeddozen monomer building composition and so on. Dear visitors please pay attentionto look at the entrance, you have found it deviated from the centerline of thehall? Do you know why? Because ah! Slanting gate is to have cultured, it to wardoff evil spirits, and secondly is the door toward the mountain temple citytemple. Before entering the temple, we should pay attention to the followingpoints: one is in when it entered the temple of one foot across the threshold,the threshold of the temple is the Buddhas shoulder, you must not be trampledon, the second is not to talk loudly in it or to bring to temple in the world ofmortals joke, 3 it is please do not touch the monks at random.

Here you go with me into the gion temple appreciate its unique charm! Ourposition is great now, on the opposite side of the hall, to the four major Kingsstatues. They are a pop singer, south growth, east west wide eyes pop, northernbook pop, folk, also known as four major Kings, good crop is Buddhism guardiandeity. Look at the center of the hall, here to the smile Mimi is maitreya, thebehind the maitreya, is bodhisattva wei tuo, he is guarding the Buddha godwill.

Also good, fellow tourists friends please follow tight wang, watch yourstep, from the great hall to go outside, just came to the Ursa major. Here tothe three Buddha is 12 meters in height, is in the middle of the Buddha, bothsides respectively is amitabha and medicine Buddha, and on both sides of thehall, as most of you have guessed, right! For setting the 18 arhats statue. Yougo back with me again, the back hall, honours is manjusri, samantabhadrabodhisattvas statue. The "island of guanyin" large-scale three-dimensionalrelief, the carving is behind the sakyamuni Buddha, this is a picture of aconcentrated Chinese buddhist bodhisattvas map.

Please keep up with the good, behind friends, followed by our team, out ofthe temple of gion, we came to the city temple, temple is the jiuhua mountaintemple city. You can see into a temple there is a stone outside platform,platform with empress tower with a well, because when the cultural revolutiondestroyed, now only a stylobate, reportedly Jin Qiao sleep at that time in theside, very very miss him, his mother ran to look for him, because the thoughtsof love, she cried for three days and three nights, the cry blind, Jin Qiaosleep he will use this well help her to wash eyes, his mother will see later. Sothis well known as known as bright eye springs, later generations to commemoratehis mother nearby tower built empress. You follow me into the temple to visitthe city, look at the stone lion, legend has it that this is a relic of tang andsong dynasty era, because of long time, has been unable to identify theoriginal. We walked up next to the stone steps, and now we are dedicated to likeksitigarbha bodhisattva stands resemble the Ursa major. You carefully look atthe figure of Buddha, lowered his hands, palms outward, can satisfy the desireof all beings.

We call it to print. Wang told everyone an unwritten custom, now to thejiuhua mountain if you want to burn incense, course as long as is the main 3temple worship, into a temple, halls of the flesh, tiantai temple. Now we are inthe halls of the flesh, please look at the words on the board: month halls ofthe body! Why call on body halls? Because the previous month and meat areinterlinked, so now many people describe body organs words next to the word willhave a month. Halls of the building has distinguishing feature very flesh, thetemple tower, tower have stone, stone here is gold hid in the flesh, the lunarJuly 30 is his birthday, and he died, on the day of the day there will bethousands and thousands of people to worship. Entered the halls of the physicalbody you can see the door head hanging like ksitigarbha bodhisattva vows: aspeople all parties bodhi. Hell is not empty. Dont become Buddha. So likeksitigarbha bodhisattva, known as the great bodhisattvas. Believe there aregreat bodhisattva bless, you will be good is always in the future.

We will go to the century palace, for the next hundred years old palace wasbuilt in the Ming dynasty, dedicated to the monks body. This legend to themonk, main edible yellow fine. Salvia miltiorrhiza and other wild plants, andthorns tongue blood mixed powders copying a buddhist scriptures, with more than20 years to finish copy books, died 110 years. At the age of the temple, palaceflesh can see to the monks of the gold body of Buddha, wore a capuchin, Khmer,sits a lotus, enjoy all family. Jiuhua mountain has found 14 with flesh, andstay around for hundreds of years old, may be a vegetarian for a long time withthem, parinirvana less water in the body, when death porcelain jar sealing andother factors. Behind please keep up with friends, then we will go to tiantaiscenic spot, as the saying goes, "not ShangTianTai, equal to did not come,"explain the jiuhuang scenic spot in tiantai. Tiantai peak is the jiuhuamountain, 1300 meters above sea level. Standing on the tiantai peak can see apanoramic view of jiu hua street, tiantai guanyin rock scenic areas mainattraction. Dapeng rocks such as listening to the stone, and gold hid in the hidin the hole, just to the jiuhua practice with signs the ancient worship of theunits like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, preaching of tiantai temple main places likeksitigarbha bodhisattva, okay, lets take a cable car to tiantai scenic spotsgo!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 829 字

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首先,为大家介绍一下绍兴兰亭的概况:想必大家都已知道兰亭是著名的书法圣地, 在曲水流觞活动中王羲之写下了天下第一行书《兰亭集序》,王羲之由此被尊称为了书圣,兰亭也因此成为了书法圣地,也成为历代书家朝圣之地。整个景区概括起来讲有四大特色,分别是:景幽、事雅、文妙、书绝。


现在我们看到的是非常著名的景点:“曲水流觞”。大家可以看到面前有一条“之”字形的曲水,看上去是非常普通的景点,但它却包含了一段非常著名的典故:王羲之邀请了共41位名人雅士,围坐在曲水两边,他们在酒杯里斟上一点酒让它从曲水上游缓缓漂下来,如果漂到谁面前停住了,谁就要作诗,诗不成则要罚酒三杯 。 这次活动共赋了37首诗,汇集成《兰亭集序》。如今每年农历三月初三都要举行“中国兰亭书法节”,中外许多书法家云集兰亭参加书会、朝拜书圣,举行曲水流觞、饮酒赋诗的活动。


走上惠风亭便是景区的出口了, 是仿造明清时期江南水乡古镇的建筑风格而建,分为古砚街、兰坊和水街,大家不妨去逛一逛!记住1小时以后,我们在这里集合。谢谢大家!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 14224 字

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Kunming lake is located in the Summer Palace in Beijing, its area is aboutthree-quarters of the total area. Former northwest Beijing many springs convergeinto natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake.

Kunming lake, a former northwest Beijing many springs converge into naturallakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake. Due to thelongevity hill after the predecessor has the name of urn hill, also known as urnhill parking. Kunming lake is a natural, artificial lake. Here is the originalxishan hill arch fans, former reason springs to assemble a lowland swamp.

In 1153 AD, after gold yanjing (as) in its capital, gold master yan honglight out the chicken water land, built in the jinshan palace. More from thewest to the aim of yuquan hill spring note at the foot of the jinshan, make itbecome a plain, storage called the golden stream. This is the precursor of thekunming lake today. To the yuan dynasty, to increase the golden stream of waterwill be needed to supply the Kyoto grain transportation, water conservancy, guoshoujin guided ChangPing County white water from springs and yuquan hill intothe mooring floating village. Jinshan was renamed urn hill, lake was renamed urnhill berth, the surface than had previously been expanded. In the Ming dynasty,white village water channel (white floating weir) disrepair, the water dried up,urn hill parking area is narrow. Emperor qianlong in the qing dynasty carveddeep to expand mooring and urn hill, become larger than when Ming dynasty triplegiant leaching, the beginning of the kunming lake.

This name, is the emperor that is applied in the qianlong emperor inchangan capital kunming pool practicing wenhuan allusions. The name used today.After the yuan dynasty Beijing its capital for grain transportation, presidedover by the water conservancy experts guo shoujin, upstream water development,changping along the mountain spring water and running water into the lake,became mostly in the city of grain transportation by using the reservoir. Manyplanting lotus in the lake in the Ming dynasty, around the paddy planting rice,lake have temples, pavilions, wins again, like the jiangnan scenery, hence thereare "west lake", "west lake scenery" of reputation.

MingWu of land god, Ming has been on a boat to go fishing for fun here.Qing qianlong built qingyi garden, the lake will develop, become the size of thenow, and take the emperor in changan kunming digging pool exercises war story,named kunming lake, on the lake every summer training exercise. Kunming lake onthe main subject is west dike and six bridge, east dike, the west embankment inthe south lake island, the marble seventeen-arch bridge which and so on. Flowaround the longevity hill river at the foot of the mountain, known as thelake.


Appropriate county village of Venus, if there are mountain shape lie lion,said fu lion mountain. Five mountains rise steeply, rock mountains toweringmountain. Rock under clear spring flowing day and night, good water quality, andlarge flow. Water xiushan jung, bamboo forest, beautiful YaJing. Because of thelandscape, also known as yanquan mountain. "The monk of the ancient mountains".Yuan to early is (about 1341) monk panlong father to name, "MAO as the temples,carry forward the catch. Edge, full followers build patriarch temple consecrateand handed down. After the monks found here is "land", among them. Yanquanancient concurrently in a way together in the release, and temples.

The XFX years (1450 ~ 1450), mu fu man Zhu Fuhai beginning, monks and widebetween wanli rebuilt. It is advisable to have said "yanquan wash jade", one ofthe eight sights "good". Kangxi 26 years (1687 years), city Gao Shilang,teachings to work is glad to invite scholars city investment management, build apavilion pavilion, built half moon pool. Yanquan has since become somethingnatural and cultural landscape are all places of interest. Salty, with BingXianDianGe damaged. In 1915, the magistrate of a county Qian Liangjun rebuiltpavilions, "half ShanTing". In 1929, city yun-xiang ma, raised mother fightspavilion, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion the cool new pavilion, wide plantflowers and trees, and mass of cliff stone carvings. Temples look brand-new,into the most prosperous period. In 1940, the Japanese bombing of kunming, thedisabled in hospital, scenery to avoid damage.

Published in July 1987, moya carved stone county, it is advisable to goodkey cultural relics protection units. In February 1993, the county governmentapproval, yanquan office allot the ownership of the temple of Venus. In recentyears, the office on a large scale comprehensive reconstruction. New Ursa major,the great hall, temple, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion, the gate, swimmingpool, etc., and wide planting flowers and trees, lawns, and roads, adding stonetable bench, making yanquan changes today than yesterday. In April 1999, kunmingexpo garden gave nameboards headquarters and tourism bureau of yunnan provincetourism fixed-point units, for the expo.

20_, yanquan temple management committee carved stone steles commemorativetee: "professor mu book place", "Yuan Jiagu tea place", "hidden pavilion site".Modern three historical facts recorded yanquan temple, very creative, greatlyimproving the yanquan temple culture grade.


Andy scenic spot located at the side of the east suburb of kunmingmingfeng, covers an area of 1773 mu of 8 km away from downtown. Mirage resortsto create next thirty years wanli (1602) Ming chongzhen decade (1637) movedtongdian struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years(1671), the day the king wu sangui reconstruction of the existing buildingdouble-hipped roof mountain type zhenwu bronze, bronze weighing 250 tons, isChinas largest copper construction, it is the Summer Palace in Beijing mirageof the longevity hill intact; More than, the wudang mountain in hubei Andy isthe largest remaining pure copper temple in China. The famous Andy belongs totaihe palace, as part of the total weight of 250 tons, for double-hipped roofflying pavilion imitation wood square building, the temple 6.7 meters high, 6.2meters wide, deep, including stone, corrugated roof eaves beams, statues,curtain, bottle opener, you had plaque jacaranda with banners, etc werebronze.

Andy since with Chen bin Yu Wanli nonyl Yin (1602) years, ding, has morethan 380 years; Wu sangui reconstruction has more than 210 years. Built duringMing wanli period. With Chen bin modeled on hubei all counties within theterritory of mount wudang tianzhufeng taihe palace and mirage, built a littlechange. The late Ming dynasty ruled yunnan mus evil, court repeatedly beingdisciplined, family decline. But, he is not on its own to find root cause, andto seek relief from the superstition. Letter is: YingWuShan in the east of thecity, the mountain stands the bronze, "copper is the genera, of the west can gwood", so the tour by Zhang Feng He, mount tongdian down to chicken feet ofwestern yunnan, fengshan mirage, existing Wu Sanjia rebuilt at the beginning ofthe qing dynasty. There were "on the beam, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years,were the big lv, ten door day, the day prince wu sangui worship", etc.

From the bottom up the car and walk, fairy bridge, into the "mingfeng","first tianmen", "two tianmen" and "three doors. Climbing the tianmen, visibleancient grave taihe palace gate. Al cloud: "painting lianyun, three acres ofcastle peak, zhu LouYing, dont drive wizard a heavy day". Again into the templegate, lingxingmeng door, visible stand tall brick city, blow about severalzhangs, just like the Forbidden City. Along the order into the "city", rightagainst the face high steps and is the center of the taihe palace architecture,famous mirage. Spot with three layers of 36 wing Angle of 29 meters high tower,the third floor of the dome, hung Ming yongle (1432) 21 years big bronze, castby 3.5 metres high, caliber 6.7 meters circumference, 14 tonnes, to yunnanslargest antique clock. New "China golden expo garden", the wudang mountain inhubei, wutai mountain in shanxi, shandong taishan, and Beijing copper buildinghoused a garden of the longevity hill. Estates in the pile of marble, Bridgeswater, step rail, road Shi Fang, plant flowers, such as landscape set each otheroff, form small and exquisite imitation bronze culture landscape. Andy botanicalgarden has 500 acres of gardens, has built the tea garden, azalea garden,magnolia, rose garden, WenShi District ten park, introduction of more than 20_ kinds of garden plants. Andy area is a combination of humanities landscape,natural landscape features of tourist attractions. Seven kilometers to thenortheast in the city of kunming on phoenix mountain, have completely in bronzecasting bronze, a house in the hot sun yi yi is unripe brightness, dazzling, sopeople called the mirage, is key protected cultural relics in China.

Spring city in qing dynasty kangxi nine years (AD 1670), wu sangui afterpeasant uprising, the rate of division into ju kunming, reconstruction ofmirage. Can be seen on the mirage girders now ", the qing emperor kangxi 10years, were the major of ji lu month (October) 6, day prince wu sangui to build"the copper. The inside of the Buddha, signboards, beams, level, doors andWindows, panlong, decoration and so on are made of bronze. Andy, floor, thesteps of the railings are unique marble build by laying bricks or stones. Thewhole house majestic, beautiful and easy. Outside the temple built with walls,gates, battlements. The city on the floor. In behind the side, there are thickfolded more than two strains of camellia one individual plant and crape myrtle,legend has it for the kind of the Ming dynasty, before and after the SpringFestival every year, thousands of camellia flowers in full bloom, bonus asfire.


Kunming lake dianchi lake for short, is located in the southwest of yunnankunming, around 300 square kilometers, in more than 1800 meters above sea level,even your depth of 5 meters. Pool of the surrounding mountains, acquainting,famous countless, wide, green lake, excellent scenery. As a result, was regardedas one of the jewels in the yunnan-guizhou plateau. The formation of the dianchilake is located in the bottom because the fall of faults, forming lakes. Heavenear the mountains, endless miles. Underground cave not counted, liaoning benxiwater tunnel and devoted WangTianDong, shenyang Tibetan army hole and itscontrast, like a snail and elephants. Composition nets

Magnificent grand view pavilion, in the lake. Chinas most famoushistorical records a coupon from the long, recommended by chairman MAO. Thewestern hills near the risks and magnificent, haigeng sports park, zheng hepark, famous in the world, nie ers tomb, let a person respect, stone mountainvillage, white fish mouth, kuanyinshan magnificent appearance, the prosperity ofancient tomb complex sites let person fancy here.

, looking up, lakes and mountains, loud and clear, that look very cool. Whynapa lake, breeding and growing fast. Years, built roads and tourism, touristsas a cloud. Brigitte chicken mountains and golden horse very image, between theshores of lake shi, tree forest. A and a looming temple, especially yan templemonks chanting loud voice to the morning bell and evening drum reminders,echoing in the mountains, is a beautiful picture.

Many mainland minorities, such as bai, dai, SaNiZu, fine clothes. Standbefore is not expensive ethnic handicrafts, such as batik dress and jewelry.Many flavor snack, I just dont back to the assembly meeting to eat lunch anddinner, as some are full.

Yang Dian scholars in Ming dynasty there are poems said: climate is oftenas one, 4 flowers on spring. Is singing the weather and beautiful scenery here,seems to be added to travel a vacancy.


Huating temple, formerly known as great circle sleep temple, the yuandynasty to treat three years (1323) XuanFeng monk is adding site of gause villa,the Dali kingdom period tomorrow shun six years (1462), temple monk sheng hostrebuilt, the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor kangxi (1688) rebuiltafter the expansion of the name huating temple.

Virtual cloud presided over the old monk rebuilt in 1920, called "by thecloud of Buddha, the most jinzhou.would in kunming area. 1984 to carry out thepartys religious policy, huating temple on the first temple, open wide bycourtesy of the merits of good people, to reconstruct the scripture-stored,overhaul hall, the newly built five hundred arhat hall, repair of culturalrelics and ancient and modern famous inscriptions, increase the moderncalligraphy couplet, fully protect the famous buddhist temple.

Huating temple complete structure, layout, exactly, imposing manner isthick, the study of religious culture and ancient architectural art hasimportant value. Main building are: Ursa major, the scripture-stored tower, theclock tower, the abbot, meditation room, ancestors hall, monastery, guest room,bell and drum tower, and the sea will tower, etc. A rectangular plane layout, inthe buddhist architecture of axisymmetric, closed courtyard type. Have thatplastic Ursa iii golden body of Buddha, the south China sea guanyin and fivehundred arhats, great plastic maitreya, four major Kings, fire, water, and twotransformers and bodhisattva wei tuo, the scripture-stored consecrate Buddhawhite marble statue. Temple treasures have: yuan tai (1324) of the first year ofSanskrit mantra stone statue of sheng tuo Ronnie after building, tomorrow theYang Ming dynasty the imperial tablet, number one scholar of the couplet "holdwest monohydrate, with or without haze, column outside the monk to be diffusedrod; peaks toward you, sunny rain shade, lean on a bar person" in the drawing,and other precious historical relics.

Too hua temple years of vicissitudes of life after seven hundred years ofwind and rain BingXian, Ming and qing dynasties expansion and repair for manytimes, but the rule is still keeping the yuan dynasty architectural style.Summer temple east west, scale, layout rigorous, five mixture patio, circusturrets, showed more traditional wear bucket structure, temple pavilion,pavilion, gallery, ChiHuiCheng, quiet quiet.



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Tian’anmen Rostrum

Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Park), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park was formerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.The Working People’s Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

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The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( common Bridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meant as sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway. In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon. Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it was originally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and now it serves as an ornament.




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Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. Im Xiaoyu, the tour guide. Im very glad thatwe are here. I hope we can have a perfect tour together. There are 99 peaks inJiuhua Mountain, which is the holy land of Buddhism. Therefore, in order toensure safety, people will come to Jiuhua Mountain to worship Buddha and visitthe magnificent scenery of Jiuhua Mountain.

From the foot of Jiuhua Mountain, you can see that there are clouds and allkinds of strange pines and rocks. Isnt it beautiful. Now we go to the top ofthe mountain by car. There are two tall ginkgo trees on the top of the mountain.One is a male tree and the other is a mother tree. It is said that these twoancient trees were planted by Li Bai, the "immortal poet". Now we are going toDaxiong hall, the oldest palace in Jiuhua Mountain. There is a semicircularreleasing pool in front of the door of Daxiong hall. Why? Because the front doorof the palace is facing a mountain peak like a climbing tiger. A feng shuimaster said that this is a bad omen, so he asked the little monks to build apond in front of the palace A semicircular releasing pool is used as a bow, andthe stone elephant beside it is used as a bow and arrow to guard the palace. Youcan worship in the hall. The Bodhisattva in the hall is kind-hearted and lookslike the real one.

Now we come to the most famous scenic spot of Jiuhua Mountain - Tiantai.Standing on the rooftop, looking up, the rooftop is shrouded in clouds, themountain path is rolling, like a ribbon falling from the clouds. You can see thetourists up the mountain like little white dots scattered on the ribbon.

Well, now we are ready to go down the mountain. We can come back when wehave a chance. If we have a chance, Xiaoyu will be our guide again.



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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to visit Langshan. From Guilin, Guangxi,through Quanzhou and resources, you can cross over the Yuechengling and enterXinning, Hunan. There is Langshan in Xinning County. "Lang" is seen in Cihai,saying: "Lang, a place name, is in Xinning County, Hunan Province." The beautyof Lang mountain can be seen from the good of Lang mountain. Langshan is not anindividual mountain, but a general name of the local landscape. Local myths andeven local chronicles say: it is said that when Emperor Shun visited Xinning, hesaw the beautiful landscape and blurted out, "the good mountain is Langshan,Langshan." Therefore, master Shun created the word "Lang". Good mountain isLang. It is said that the poet Ai Qing once taught in the local area. His famoussentence: "why do I always have tears in my eyes? Because I love this landdeeply", is here. Langshan has a unique natural landscape, with many strangestone peaks and deep caves. The Fuyi River (Fuyi River) in the upper reaches ofZijiang River winds through the north and south, with picturesque scenery. Ithas the beauty of Guilin, the quiet of Qingcheng Mountain and the majestic ofMount Tai. Langshan has a subtropical humid monsoon climate with four distinctseasons and pleasant climate, with an average annual temperature of 17 ℃. Fuyiwater flows continuously all the year round and is clear to the bottom. Thevegetation is luxuriant, and there are many rare and precious species, such as"plant Panda" Cathaya argyrophylla, Davidia involucrata, South China tiger,clouded leopard, golden pheasant, civet cat, giant salamander, etc. The forestcoverage rate is over 70%, and the ecological environment is very superior.Langshan is also rich in cultural landscape. There are unearthed macaque skullfossils of 100000 years ago, Neolithic cultural sites of 4500 years ago, ancientwar castles of peasant uprisings of past dynasties, ancestral halls and tombs ofimportant ministers in the late Qing Dynasty. Han, Yao, Miao and Zhuangnationalities live together, with colorful ethnic customs. Ancient and modernscholars have written many well-known poems here, and Ai Qing, a famous poet,has also chanted that "Guilins landscape is the best in the world, andLangshans landscape is the best in Guilin".

In October, __, in the World Heritage Centers evaluation report on ChinasDanxia, it was pointed out that "Lang mountain and Danxia Mountain demonstratethe typical characteristics of Chinas Danxia most clearly."

Langshan is a newly developed tourist attraction with a total area of 108square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over bajiaozhai, tianyixiang, chili peak,zixiadong and fuyijiang. Langshan has a unique geological structure withcomplete elements of mountain, water, forest and cave. It is a typical Danxiapeak forest landform, which is unique in domestic scenic spots. There arevarious types of Danxia Landforms in the scenic area, which are high, steep,deep, long and narrow. They are majestic, strange, dangerous, secluded andbeautiful. In particular, there are more than 10 scenic wonders such asyixiantian and Tianshengqiao, which are difficult to develop. According toexperts research, Langshan is a rare large area Danxia Landform Scenic Spot inChina and even in the world. It seems that it is not too much to call Langshan"the soul of Danxia in China". Among them, the famous landscape is "six wondersof Langshan", which can be called a world wonder.

There are many beautiful scenic spots here, and my explanation is overhere. Next, we will visit the six wonders of Langshan. I hope todays visit toLangshan will leave you unforgettable memories.



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Ladies and gentlemen, everybody is good:

I am the "summer tour" the second leg of the three gorges tour - Liao Xueyao, the second leg is that we visited yichang three gorges, speaking of the three gorges, as everybody knows, but how many people know? We will go to find out now! Behind me is the "garden of the three gorges project", it is by the SongMing valley, the racecourse, the aquarium... , because the time is pressing, we just visit SongMing valley.

SongMing valley, the existing more than 100 kinds of birds, such as pigeons, larks, peacocks... Countless, peacock train over there! Lets go and see! Today is "May Day" golden week, the three gorges travel agency launched a parrot performance for you, arithmetic, fetching water, cycling... Its fun and we go and see. Finished watching the show, I will take you to a mysterious place, that is, the dam, the dam being built at zhongbaodao island built in accomplishment, for up to 2309 meters, up to 18 meters, is a Great Wall across the Yangtze river water.

The three gorges project is the worlds largest water conservancy hub project, has been listed as one of the worlds super engineering, it is the last has flood control, power generation, storage, ecological type, navigation development goal of water resources and hydropower engineering. Do you remember chairman MAOs poem? Truncation wushan, high pinghu. If fairy unscathed, when surprised the world different. The tour, go home.



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hello everyone! Welcome to Jiuzhaigou for sightseeing. Jiuzhaigou is knownas "fairy tale world" and "fairyland on earth" because of its originalecological environment, spotless fresh air, snow capped mountains, forests andlakes, and its wonderful, fantastic and beautiful natural scenery. Jiuzhaigouspeak, Cailin, cuihai, Diebao and Tibetan customs are known as the "fivewonders". Now lets walk into Jiuzhaigou to enjoy its beautiful scenery.

In todays world, there are numerous scenic spots which are famous fortheir lakes and waterfalls. However, none of them can match Jiuzhaigou in therichness and fantasy of lakes, waterfalls, beaches and springs.

Jiuzhaigou was called zhongyangdong in ancient times, also known as cuihai.It is named after nine Tibetan villages, such as lotus leaf, tree and zharu.

First of all, we came to bonsai beach, where the water is clear, and avariety of high and low shrubs are all over the water, forming a naturalpicture. Further forward is the Reed Sea, where the reeds are full of wild fun.On the boundless reed marsh, the breeze blows, and layers of green reeds riseand fall, like green waves rolling. Groups of mandarin ducks and wild ducks livehere. Sometimes they fly on the water, sometimes they chase and play in the ReedSea, sometimes they beat the water with their wings, and they stir up waterspray after spray, which makes people flow Even forget to return.

There are many waterfalls in Jiuzhaigou, all of which are fascinating. Themomentum of Pearl Beach waterfall is particularly magnificent. It sounds liketen thousand horses galloping from afar and thunder rolling from afar. Thewaterfalls fly down like pearls splashing. Winter is more beautiful, and it is aworld of ice and jade.

The most beautiful and magical place in Jiuzhaigou is the sea of fiveflowers. According to legend, the sea of five flowers is the place where the Godof the north. Here, zeyiram, the daughter of the earth God, married darji, abrave and kind-hearted Tibetan youth, punished the chieftain father and son whobullied the Tibetan people, built nine mountain strongholds for the poor Tibetanpeople, and made them live a happy life. This beautiful love story has beenhanded down from generation to generation among local Tibetans. The legend isbeautiful, and the sea of five flowers is more beautiful. In the water area,there are many colors, such as goose yellow, dark green, dark blue and Tibetanblue.

The colors painted by nature are so bold, strong and varied. From thetigers mouth overlooking its panorama, it looks like a plump peacock withHuaping. Through the clear water, we can see that there is a spring rising atthe bottom of the lake, which is dazzling. As the mountain breeze comes, allkinds of colors permeate, inlay, mix and synthesize each other, and the sea offive flowers is full of life, active and beating. My heart is also beating withthis beating water wave, as if injected with a new blood in general, full ofvitality. In the face of such a gorgeous and fresh pool of clear water, my heartis full of joy and hope. Wuhuahai is the pride of Jiuzhaigou.

What I want you to pay attention to is that Jiuzhaigou is located in theplateau area. When you come here, you should bring more medicine and clothes,and eat more fruits and vegetables. Jiuzhaigou has beautiful scenery everywhere.I cant say enough. Please enjoy it slowly.
