





范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:培训,招生,广告,全文共 295 字

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范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 1287 字

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Fu Le mattress: shape your health every day

Tiangong furniture: Heavenly furniture · Excellence

Furniture: to give you a warm home

Yabao: Furniture good home better

Large class sofa: diamond quality leader style

Smith Barney furniture: wealth and elegance to do in Smith Barney furniture

Kyle Furniture: A Masterpiece of Art with Synchronous Growth of Value and Time

Ron Weber Furniture Company: Its beauty meets the standards of any era

Cindiller Furniture Company: full of intrinsic value, there is no inherent danger

Kramack Furniture Company: the first name in the field of furniture, the quality of the final say Golden Medal of furniture: only the best house was placed with the "Golden Medal" Weber furniture: beyond the beauty of time

McCall Furniture Company: Furniture is the jewelry of every family

Weidick Furniture Company: command the US furniture industry for a whole century

Cornevage Furniture Company: Konevag - the beauty of the everlasting

NITTE SOFA: A sofa that resembles an accordion

Royal furniture company: craftsmans pride above all else

Dunbar furniture company: Tomorrow to do "Dunbar" friend

Nanyang Hu: a sign of success

Hi to the United States Furniture: home, more warm to the hi to the world (love your beauty)

Europe to send: home, there is love, there are European camp.



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 3993 字

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- milk fragrant, silky feel


From a sky flying birds began, the background music sounded, the camera turned to the balcony is reading a woman, a fashionable sexy white-collar women, male patrons of the terrace cafes eyes have been falling on her, the woman took out the chocolate action Smooth, a piece into the mouth, the picture into a blend of milk and chocolate scene, and then close-up products, background music soft and comfortable highlights the delicate silky chocolate feel. Smooth silky feeling from the mouth continued to the side, brown light around the woman bare side of Xiangjian, and then wind the breeze in the stroked book page on the back of the hand, the last gently around the walk in the Male paternity, a womans face a sweet smile, immersed in reading and Dove brought pleasure. Silk finally opened, the middle line of the word picture: pleasure moment, but also enjoy silk slippery. At the same time low, emotional monologue sounded: pleasure moment, more enjoy Durs silky. Compatibility: "Dove" ad "milk fragrant, silky feel", the delicate and smooth feeling of chocolate to describe with silk, silk texture and taste of pure chocolate analogy, imagine. Dove ad first "silk sense" Introduction, highlighting the delicate and smooth chocolate feeling. Rich, and enhance the advertising expression.


The entire advertising picture screen simple, elegant color, gray light against the background of the rich chocolate, the plot is simple, but impressive. This advertising background music is also a lot of extra points in advertising, music, romantic atmosphere to make the protagonist to enjoy the pleasure of chocolate, the audience is accompanied by intoxicating music experience romantic life. Advertising is very interesting to show, giving the aesthetic feeling, so you think as long as eating a Dove, life will be more wonderful, can be reading time, it can be time to listen to music, "" with a product Quality of life linked to not only highlight the characteristics of the product also shows the fun of life.


Chocolate seems to have become people to pass the emotion, to enjoy the best moment to share. Love is a good thing, chocolate and flowers are now to become the symbol of love, the typical expression. See the chocolate people will think of love.Relative relationship: Although the advertising is not known to the big star, but it uses the beauty of the contrary can reflect the beauty of advertising. In the sexy woman, attracted male waiter, no dialogue, but from beginning to end the traction between the two is very clear, like chocolate rich taste. Silky feeling, half refers to the taste of people, the other half is a comprehensive sensory experience when people eat chocolate, including the pleasant mood, ecstasy of the spiritual level of feelings. "Dove silky feeling" is a spiritual call, wake up the public positive taste Dove taste and spirit of the double enjoyment of interest.


The success of this commercials is not only creative ideas, but also technical achievements, of course, not less advanced special photographic equipment and technology to help. Because before you use a special camera, you see a rapid rotation of the chocolate sea, there is no

What the magic at all, the need for a wealth of imagination Caixing. The picture is inverted milk as usual milk down as simple as fast, when in the photo-sonics lens capture, in order to show the beauty of slowly rotating movement; and very exciting chocolate stirred the crown screen, the magic charm is In this 35 mm camera, 360-cell high-speed per second under the show its unique charm. These special equipment and techniques have played a magical effect in the entire filming process using 50 different materials, as is to show as Dove milk chocolate product itself, high-quality texture, through the picture to convey the characteristics of that product And the visual appeal, like to eat Dove milk chocolate experience as unforgettable.



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 1229 字

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man always remember love because of romantic only!(marlboro) 男人只记住浪漫的爱情!(万宝路)

nothing can come of nothing .(莎士比亚) 物有其本, 事有其源。

one world, one dream.(北京奥运会) 同一个世界,同一个梦想.

take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢)

time is what you make of it.(swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)

make yourself heard.(ericsson) 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)

engineered to move the human spirit.(mercedes-benz) 人类精神的动力。(梅塞德斯-奔驰)

intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

fresh-up with seven-up.(seven-up) 提神醒脑,喝七喜。

connecting people.(nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

for the road ahead.(honda) 康庄大道。

the relentless pursuit of perfection.(lexus) 追求完美永无止境。(凌志汽车)

communication unlimited.(motorola) 沟通无极限。(摩托罗拉)

focus on life.(olympus) 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)

the new digital era. 数码新时代。

seeing is not believing (hollywood) 视觉创新影(好莱坞)

a diamond is forever. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传.

english means science, english means peace.(english) 英语意味着科技, 英语意味着和谐。

the relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

it`s not enough that we do our best, we have to do what`s required. 人尽其力,力尽其能。 (荣威轿车)

come to where the flavour is. marlboro country. 光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路)

world in hand , soul in cyber. (microsoft) 掌中乾坤, 梦之灵魂。 (微软)

to me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却一直是彩色的(轩尼诗酒)

every time a good time 更多欢笑更多欢乐就在麦当劳



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 212 字

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The worlds three largest drinks - Coke, tea and coffee. Coke filed, naturally think of is Pepsi. I remember it along the way advertising: a new generation of choice, eager to unlimited, breakthrough desire, there



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 1070 字

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Noble, no end. Peak, from entry. -------- Land Rover - Range Rover advertising slogan

Open up, not the provision of areas. New Audi A8L advertising language

Life results, your share. ------ Volvo advertising language

Sitting on luxury, fearless world. - Volvo XC90 advertising language

For your outstanding achievements. ------- Camry advertising slogan

Camry Camry, where the realm. -------- Camry advertising slogan

Buick car: aiming a thousand miles.

Mercedes - run: the driving force of human energy.

Toyota: dynamic poetry, dance to me.

Mitsubishi Motors: not all cars have the same moral character.

Buick: Buick - the secret to a better life.

Isuzu: Our wheels are constantly turning

Mazda: the harmony of style and performance makes the new Mazda 6 different. Quality is the core of Mazda.

Audi A4: We basically do not have to say that the new Audi A4 similar cars in the best. There is no need for this

Honda: Hong Chong Avenue.

Chevrolet: The future, come for me.

NISSAN car: life is a trip, I wish you a happy journey

NISSAN: Change the future

Lexus: relentless seek perfection.



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 604 字

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April 30, 20xx, four of our sisters sitting in Changzhou KFC restaurant on the second floor of the temporary window to write down the "Kentucky Fried Chicken about."

At that time we are just four students, friendship let us Xiangxi, so agreed in 20xx on May 1 together.

Today, we gather more than away from the four sisters, some people do the mother, some people love, some people busy with work, but we always miss the day in May 1 party, with her husband children, boyfriend or single hand together, together KFC restaurant in Changzhou on the second floor.

Hoping to keep that seat, Im afraid, sit down!



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 1609 字

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摘 要:言语行为理论自20世纪50年代由奥斯汀提出之后对语言界产生了重要的影响。众多学者对其进行了大量的研究。本文主要从言语行为理论角度研究英语广告语的特点和作用。












广告语经常运用押韵、象声、谐音等手法来吸引消费者的眼球从而使消费者听起来朗朗上口并且将其熟记于心并以此来达到促进消费的作用。如:The best the man can get---Gillette Razor(吉列剃须刀)[1]。在此则广告中,运用了 best, man ,can 和get中的四个元音,使读者读起来能够具有韵律和节奏。



2.3 广告语的句法特点





“以商品或服务为基础,广告建构了广告商和消费者之间的桥梁”。[5] 广告语的最终目的便是让消费者采取行动来满足其自身需求。为了说服消费者,广告商便会采取十分有效的广告设计手法来吸引消费者,而言外行为在广告语中的应用便会有很好的效果。以下几种言外行为在广告语中经常出现。



2.2 指令类的言外行为


2.3 承诺类的言外行为







[3]胡壮麟. 语言学教程[M].北京大学出版社,20xx.





范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 4426 字

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1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

4. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

5. Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

7. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)

10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)

11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

19. Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

20. No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 (IBM公司)

21.We lead. others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

22.Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

23.Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

24.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

25.Come to where the flavour is. marlboro country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)

26.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.....对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却多姿多彩(轩尼诗酒)

27.Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

28.Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

29.The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

30.Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

31.Iintelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

32.The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

33.We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

34.Take Toshiba, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

35.No business too small, no problem too big. ....没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 (ibm公司)

36.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

37.Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

38.The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

39.We lead.Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

40.Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

41.Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

42.The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

43.Poetry in motion,dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

44.Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)

45.To me,the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)

46. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

47. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

48. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

49. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

50. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

51. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

52. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

53. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

54. Let‟s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

55. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。

56.Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride. 生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途愉快。(NISSAN 汽车)

57. Life is a sport,drink it up. 生活就是一场运动,喝下它。(Gatorade 饮料)

58. Life is harsh,your tequila shouldn‟t be. 生活是苦涩的,而您的tequila 酒却不是。(Tequila 酒)

59. There‟s life after sex. 在性之外还有生活。(防止艾滋病公益广告)

60. Life is discovery. And we have directions to get you there. 生活就是发现,让我们去发现吧。(Wolderness 系统)

61. Five feet nine inches in his socks. Ten feet tall in his shoes. 光脚身高五英尺九英寸。穿上“锐步”身高10英尺。(“锐步”运动鞋)

62. The world has a big backyard. Our planet is filled with hidden Places. Dramatic examples of earth‟s evolution. Witness seven Of the world‟s most diverse landscapes. Come out and play in The Greatest Places. 世界有个大后院。我们的星球到处都有不为人知的地方。它们是地球演化的生动例证。目睹世界上七种完全不同的自然景观。来吧,在最壮观的地方畅游吧。(美国明尼苏达州科学博物馆)

63. Trying to do it all yourself doesn‟t always make you look like a hero. 所有重担一肩挑并不会总使你像英雄一般。(金科专业办公服务)

64. Feel like a million for $970,000 less. It cost less than breakfast at the White House. 少付了97万美元,却得道百万美元的享受。它比白宫的一顿早餐还便宜。(梅塞德兹—奔驰汽车)

65. With our new E-ticket, all you have to bring is yourself. 选用我们的E号机票,阁下不需携带任何东西,只要带着自己。(British Airways)

66. With our line,you detect the fish before the fish detects you. 用我们的钓线,你可以在鱼儿发现你之前先找到它。(约翰逊的钓具)

67. Make yourself heard. 倾听自我。(ERICSSON移动电话)

68. Just do it. 跟着感觉走。(耐克运动鞋)

69. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

70. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

71. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

72. Focus on life. 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯相机)

73. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)

74. A Kodak moment. 就在柯达一刻。(柯达胶卷)

75. Started Ahead. 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔洗发水)

76. Make yourself heard. 理解就是沟通。(爱立信手机)

77. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

78. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

79. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

80. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 2064 字

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1、Just do it. 跟着感觉走。(耐克运动鞋)

2、The taste is great. (Nestle coffee) 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

3、Ask for more. (Pepsi) 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

4、Pepsi: Generation next 百事:新的一代

5、Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

6、The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

7、Seven-up: fresh-up with Seven-up 七喜:提神醒脑,喝七喜。

8、Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

9、Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

10、Olympus: focus on life 奥林巴斯: 瞄准生活。

11、We lead,Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

12、Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

13、Nokia: connecting people 诺基亚:科技以人为本。

14、Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

15、Intel Pentium: Intel Inside 英特尔奔腾:给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。

16、Apple/Macintosh: kids cant wait 苹果公司:不尝不知道,苹果真奇妙。

17、Never Stop Thinking! (探索未来,永无止境!) 英飞凌科技公司

18、Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

19、The choice of a new generation. (Pepsi) 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

20、We integrate, you communicate.(Mitsubishi) 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

21、Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

22、Lets make things better. (Philips) 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

23、Fresh-up with seven-up. (Seven-up) 提神醒脑喝七喜。(七喜)

24、Connecting People. (Nokia) 沟通无处不在。(诺基亚)

25、A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)

26、Intel inside. (Intel Pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔)

27、Focus on life. 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯相机)

28、Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)

29、A Kodak moment. 就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸 / 胶卷)

30、Started Ahead. 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔洗发水)

31、Make yourself heard. 理解就是沟通。(爱立信手机)

32、Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

33、The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

34、We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

35、The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

36、Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

37、Lets make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电器)

38、Good teeth, good health. 牙齿好,身体就好。(高露洁牙膏)

39、Cant beat the real thing. 挡不住的诱惑。(可口可乐)

40、Tides in, dirts out. 汰渍到,污垢逃。(汰渍洗衣粉)

41、Apple thinks different. 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。(苹果电脑)

42、Not all cars are created equal. 并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。(三菱汽车)

43、Anything is possible. 没有不可能的事。(东芝电器)

44、Our wheels are always turning. 我们的车轮常转不停。(五十铃汽车)

45、The world smiles with Readers Digest. 《读者文摘》给全世界带来欢笑。(《读者文摘》)

46、Nobody is perfect. 没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。(苗条健身器材)

47、The Globe



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 3163 字

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This holiday, can not go to Paris, can not dream of the princess, then do his queen it! With supple silk skin, graceful graceful posture, exquisite beauty of the nose, exquisitely carved bright eyes - with a quarter of evolution to capture the romantic life. Only for this moment, to "he" the most beautiful date.

With fine delicate face, slender beauty of the nose, white supple skin, graceful graceful figure - in exchange for the charm of the world, with beautiful light crown cover the city gorgeous, this season, Wanjia Denghu, a bright, appearance US Allure.

Breast is the pride of a woman, a womans charming and graceful, because the breast set off and show more moving, love life, so love breasts, not only for you to present the perfect moment after surgery, your breasts provide life-long Protection, so that your beautiful life, to maintain life, vitality Feng Ting, care of life.

I want the beauty is not to maintain a moment, would like to speak Hydrocarbon chest flat, loose, sagging defects, in the running, jumping, sitting, lying in bed distributed charming charm, in the years tick feel long-lasting breast charm.

Deep spring peach, see your white flawless face, bright smile, charming, enchanting, turned, your transparent skin for my temporary temptation, then, only to the spring season, and you meet again.

Woman flowery, thin management as vases, so that women enjoy blooming beautiful! Faster, more accurate, more secure, more durable, smoother, weight-loss management, safety liposuction, slim, now, a shape, refused to rebound, Come enjoy it.

A womans summer, is the season of the charm of competition, but the summer is also not perfect for some women to bring distress. In the cool busty clothes conceal the physique of the season, how to shape the perfect curve. So that the chest upright fullness, slim and slim waist, in this charming summer to turn himself into a beautiful landscape?

You have been looking forward to the perfect moment of the bride bloom?You are still reviewing, for the brides flawless beauty? Exquisite figure, swaying self-confidence, snow porcelain skin, sparkling glory, stare beautiful eyes, flowing honey, white teeth lips, blooming joy.

Wine, coffee, elegant life, everything, looks beautiful, until inadvertently found under the shallow possession of the eye bags under the smile, in fact, beauty and life, need to carefully manage.

Skin is a woman to the United States of the coat, such as bright Blizzard-like crystal whitening, such as shelling eggs as flawless and tender, dream of perfect skin you can have.

Successful women are more concerned about the image, Washington, Ming Pao can bring out the elegant temperament, and youth beautiful face is your tool to ride the mall, enhance the cup, create sexy focus, shape charming cleavage, small woman have great wisdom.

Men like to race against time to make money, women like to compete with the time anti-aging. When a lot of money to buy a variety of expensive wrinkle cream, but always can not stop the time that the blade in the face of the mark, the smart woman how to quickly and effectively eliminate the years left in the face of traces, The pace of it?



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 2637 字

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1. Time always follows me. (Rossini) 时间因我存在。(罗西尼表)

2. Buick—your key to a better life and a better world. ( Buick) 别克—通往美好生活的秘诀。(别克)

3. To be true forever. (Haier) 真诚到永远。

4. NBA, where amazing happens. NBA 奇迹发生的地方。

5. Time is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃琪)

6. The sign of excellence. (Omega) 凝聚典雅。(欧米茄)

7. For the road ahead. (Honda) 康庄大道。(本田)

8. Quality never goes out of style (Levi’s) 质量与风格共存。(李维斯)

9. Our wheels are always turning. 我们的车轮常转不停。(五十铃汽车)

10. Nobody is perfect. 没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。(苗条健身器材)

11. The Globe brings you the world in a single copy. 一册在手,纵览全球。(《环球》杂志)

12. Live well, snack well. 美好生活离不开香脆的饼干。(斯耐克威尔士饼干)

13. Were the dot. in. com. 我们就是网络。(太阳微系统公司)

14.Good to the last drop. ( Maxwell) 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

15.Obey your thirst. (Spirit) 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

16.The new digital era. (Sony) 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

17.We lead. Others copy. (Ricoh) 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

18.Impossible made possible. (Canon printer) 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

19.Take time to indulge. (Nestle ice cream) 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

20.The relentless pursuit of perfection. (Lexus) 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

21.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. (Toyota) 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

22. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)

23. To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. (Hennessey) 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)

24. Just do it. (Nike) 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

25.Ask for more. (Pepsi) 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

26.The taste is great. (Nestle coffee) 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

27.Feel the new space. (Samsung) 感受新境界。(三星电子)

28.Intelligence everywhere. (Motorola) 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) Communication unlimited. 沟通无极限

29.The choice of a new generation. (Pepsi) 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

30.We integrate, you communicate.(Mitsubishi) 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

31.Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

32.Lets make things better. (Philips) 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

33.No business too small, no problem too big. (International Business Machines) 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)

34.Fresh-up with seven-up. (Seven-up) 提神醒脑喝七喜。(七喜)

35. Connecting People. (Nokia) 沟通无处不在。(诺基亚)

36. A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)

37. Intel inside. (Intel Pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔)

38. Focus on life. (Olympus) 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)

39. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)

40. Live well, snack well. 美好生活离不开香脆的饼干。(斯耐克威尔士饼干)

41 The world smiles with Reader’s Digest. (Reader’s Digest) 《读者文摘》给全世界带来欢笑。(《读者文摘》)

42. Good teeth, good health. (Colgate) 牙齿好,身体就好。(高露洁牙膏)

43. Apple thinks different. (Apple) 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。(苹果电脑)

44. Tide’s in, dirt’s out. 汰渍到,污垢逃。(汰渍洗衣粉)

45. A Kodak moment. (Kodak) 就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸 / 胶卷)



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 4147 字

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"Shenyang and Dalian are very important cities for the Porsche Porsche, and we will do everything in the Chinese market for the Porsche Porsche," said Mark Bishop, Managing Director of Porsche China - Jebsen (China) Automotive Sales Co., Ltd. We will maintain a consistent growth momentum in FY20xx and plan to sell more than 1,350 Porsche vehicles in China and today we have opened 11th and 12th Porsche Porsche in the Chinese mainland. Center, which also represents our commitment to all Chinese customers. "

Liaoning Baoshi Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. is the worlds best car - Germany Porsche in Liaoning, China set up an exclusive authorized agency. With the German Porsche the same strain, when the majority of Liaoning will provide pure Porsche imported cars and exclusive Porsche exclusive services. This is the first German Porsche car sales and after-sales service agencies, Porsche is Chinas regional sales network is one of the most important members.

Porsche Center Shenyang, construction area of thousands of square meters, the German Porsche planning and design for Chinas inland Porsche Centers flagship store and model projects. Adhering to the architectural concept of Porsche in Germany, Porsche Center Shenyang decoration materials from Germany Porsche designated suppliers from Germany, North America and other avant-garde decoration materials to create a Shenyang Porsche Center aristocratic temperament and artistic temperament, called the car building Of the boutique. Shenyang Porsche Center is located in the city of Shenyang, Tiexi District, two levels of government effort to build the North Second Road gold car industry to bring the most valuable lot. North Road is a pearl of the automotive industry, bringing together many automotive trade enterprises. North Second Road is located in the northeast railway hub - the rear of the Shenyang Railway Station, and Taiyuan Street, West Tower, northbound three business district close at hand, a strong business climate, great potential for development, accessibility, accessibility Quartet place. The same quality Porsche Center in Dalian is located in the Zhongshan Road in the South. Zhongnan Road is the only road leading to the Hutan Scenic Area in Dalian City, and its left is Zhongling Yuxius seashore scenery, and its right is the thriving prosperous city.

Following the German Porsche rigorous, innovative and accurate principles, Liaoning Baoshi Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. to build a high-capacity, high-quality management team. The companys management staff are senior automotive industry, has a wealth of top-brand car operating experience, with strong personal ability and overseas working background. Sales and after-sales service team in accordance with the Porsche unified global standard recruitment and selection, the companys human resources and Porsche brand complement each other.

Because of excellence, so confident. Excellent hardware and software configuration so that when the Liaoning Baoshe Sales and Service Co., Ltd. on the sustainable development of enterprises is full of confidence in the win. Is committed to the development of high-end auto industry, to create a global trade enterprises are Liaoning Baoshi Automotive Sales and Service Co., Ltd.s corporate vision. According to this strategic approach, Liaoning Baoshi Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. will be the fastest speed to build sales service network, the worlds high-end car brand culture spreaders. At the same time, the development of automotive-related industries, such as exclusive membership services, car boutique, car tourism, in order to enhance the quality of the city, to promote regional economic growth to contribute.

As a member of the Automotive Chamber of Commerce, Liaoning Baoshi Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. is actively active in the Liaoning auto industry on the big stage. Young enterprises, the cause of extraordinary, so that more people enjoy the pure blood of the driving experience of the famous car, the world of China is impressive when the car sales Services Limited Baoshi unswerving commitment to the direction of struggle.



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 4050 字

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1. To friends a box of chocolate, hui friends -- -- -- -- -- you will soon understand why people called it "friendly messenger" hui friend brand chocolate

2. With the one you love, and gold Gold emperor chocolate

3. The patches of fragrance tasty, always health accompany! Shanghai love chocolate

4. Will pass, in the love of beauty! Shanghai love chocolate

5. The milk fragrant farmers as silk feel - dove chocolate The dove chocolate

6. Communication throughout the world, only music and chocolate is not restricted by the language Japans mouth chocolate candy

7. The Meiji chocolate: taste the apex, praising the announcer of youth Japan Meiji chocolate

8. The wise entertained friends of top grade Swiss chocolate company

9. Only dissolve in the mouth, insoluble in hand Swiss chocolate company

10. Along with the Alps of chocolate Swiss chocolate company

11. A hand, a lasting pleasant taste The royal candy company

12. It has a wonderful heart inside The royal candy company

13. Do you have the best appraisal The royal candy company

14. Each box is full of happiness Rescuers chocolate

15. If shes still cold ling ice ice, may wish to try on a box of rescuers chocolate Rescuers chocolate

16. Only dissolve in the mouth, insoluble in hand M&M s chocolate candy


1. The fall in love with you that cadbury chocolate

2. In the worldwide communication, only music and chocolate is not limited by language - Japans mouth chocolate shop

3. The taste of the apex, praise the announcer of youth, Meiji chocolate

4. As snow melt - Japan Meiji chocolate

5. The wise entertained friends of the top grade -- Swiss chocolate company

6. Along with the Alps of chocolate - Swiss chocolate company

7., and a lasting pleasant taste - the royal candy company

8. It is punctuated with a wonderful heart - the royal candy company

9. You really have the best appraisal force - the royal candy company

10. Each box is full of happiness -- -- rescuers chocolate

11. If shes still cold ice ice, might as well send you a box of rescuers try -- rescuers chocolate chocolate

12. The next payday more? - Pay - day nut chocolate

13. It is not only sweet, nestle chocolate

14. Let the life more flavor, nestle chocolate

15. "nestle" in your heart -- -- nestle chocolate

16. A ShenFeng chocolate for you, for everyone to have a taste, let us sweet, life becomes happier - ShenFeng chocolate

17. The most beautiful honest chocolate - UKs Canterbury food companies

18. The angel of friendly, will pass - chocolate

19. Love is chocolate, love is the heart - melting chocolate


1. The next payday more? Pay - day nut chocolate

2. It is not just a sweet nestle chocolate

3. Let the life more taste! Nestle chocolate

4. "nestle" in your heart the nestle chocolate

5. The British old chocolate taste beauty Britains "food companies

6. With the front of the person you love, and the gold emperor - gold emperor chocolate

To thick to alcohol, love gold emperor emperor chocolate - gold

8. To love -- -- gold emperor chocolate

9. Milk fragrance thick, as silk feeling, dove chocolate

10. At heart, cheerful silky, pleasure anytime and anywhere, enjoy the pleasure anytime and anywhere with heart - dove chocolate

11. Discover new dove more silky feel more pleasant surprise - dove chocolate

12. Did you get your happiness of my life - dove chocolate

13. Ferrero Luo Jinsha fulfill, ferrero chocolate filled Luo Jinsha chocolate

14. Mortals irresistible, ferrero rocher chocolates

15. Patches of mellow delicious, always healthy, Shanghai like beauty, chocolate company

16. Will pass, in the love of beauty the thought of beauty - Shanghai thought chocolate

17. Only deep in the mouth, insoluble in hand -- M&M s chocolate

18. Good equipment, good material, good product natural, hsu fu chi, chocolate

19. Cherish yourself, starting from the galler - galler chocolate

20. Grace deep thicker -- -- diet rich chocolate

21. This deliberately confused, the moments together seamlessly, for chocolate



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 489 字

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a sport winning sport

Win to want

With sports labeled

Also played tricks

Play with fun sports

More play out of the heartbeat

With the movement, or to the opponent point of color, or to return some of his teammates

Even if they say you can not prove with the movement

Because of the movement, will not look down on who uses exercise

Get rid of boredom

Cross friends

Traveled the world

See the hearts of God

To create their own miracle

With exercise

No matter why

Because of sports, do not care about reason



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 215 字

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20xx Lenovo Tianyi advertising language

Design lit classic,

designed to trigger passion,

design open horizons; low tide, sweat, failure?

It does not matter, t

hat is my preparation for the victory;

beliefs allow no limit;



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 4266 字

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ANTA will never stop Keep Moving ...

Background music:

We are the champions This is a very inspirational song "We are the champion", and the screen content is very appropriate, Anta never stop, everyone is the champion, as long as you never stop working hard.


Anta in the second half of 20xx launched its new ad - We are the champions. Accompanied by the "Anta, Keep moving never stop," the atmosphere and inspirational advertising language. The advertisement screen is composed of one athletes sweaty but sadly fragmented, supplemented by a highly motivating copy of "Let the Scar be Your Medal," emphasizing "Let the worlds injustice bow in front of you!" Inspiring people to rise up with Fight their own fate, telling young people to face life attitude.Relative to the simple product introduction of the ad, it is undoubtedly unique. I believe that as long as people see this slogan, will feel the power forward! Keep moving never stop ... ...

"" Let the heart be your declaration, so that the scars become your medal, let the world unfair in front of you bow "" "Farmhouse in the unknown table tennis players, no one cheer on the country road running teenager, fence In the hard training practicing basketball player, scarred extreme sports enthusiasts, repeated failure of the weightlifting girl, accompanied by the queen of the band "We are the champion" rhythmic music, Anta in September 20xx launched a new commercials, which is A picture of a strange but sincere face. Advertising ideas:

Advertising is ANTA products, but it does not directly describe the quality of the product, but an indirect expression, the athletes strong will, unyielding spirit given to the product, so that the product has a human vitality.

Advertising is a little story about, high-pitched music, hard training, coupled with incomparably passionate text, "Let the scars become your medal," but we never stop, the perfect combination of music and picture, People touched endlessly, and establish the vitality of Anta will never stop the brand image.

Advertising appeals

Advertising appeals: young and lively, full of vitality, the pursuit of individuality. Thus, Anta will be its user base fixed in 14 years old to 26 years old between young consumers. Like adventure, the pursuit of challenges, unique personality, ahead of consumption, large number of groups, is the overall characteristics of these young consumers.

Ways of appeal:

Anta never stop advertising design in the emotional appeal, through the manufacture of mood to prompt advertising theme, to pull peoples heartstrings, and make people memorable, the feelings of the Department of Huai. Therefore, the mood, although based on the ordinary but can play an unusual connotation, which belongs to a visual starting point, but far beyond the picture point of view, it creates a rendering of the atmosphere and mood to people a word A sense of endless aftertaste. In the design of advertising, the aesthetic will be integrated into the creative surface, cleverly "emotional input", through the use of a variety of lyrical techniques, the introduction of consumers, "emotion, blend of things, I blend, , The natural will make the consumer emotional resonance.

Anta never stop the emotional appeal of advertising the target audience is the consumer, and todays consumers are no longer purely the pursuit of material satisfaction, they not only require ads to inform them of the product information, and information on goods and artistic entertainment, To meet their psychological aesthetic needs, therefore, has a strong artistic and expressive emotional appeal advertising is always easy to attract the attention of consumers and interest, play a guiding role in consumption.

Ad appeal subject:

Focus on publicity product image, Anta this brand is through the efforts to be successful. "Peace of mind entrepreneurship, practical life, a hundred years brand" business philosophy


Anta is Chinas domestic sporting goods in the king! All along, Anta to the price for mass consumption, excellent design by the peoples favorite! The pursuit of dynamic, the pursuit of excellence, the pursuit of beauty, which is ANTA to pass the information! It is the pursuit of sports spirit, but also for people to praise the other side!



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 800 字

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1. Todays free beauty salon

Romance from the beauty salon began

3. Midsummer interest-bearing nursed back to health

4. "whitening summer self-confidence happy" activities

5. "Color of the lure of summer love" activities

6. Summer is not a good body fat

Have a real breast to do real woman

8 .. everything from the "new" start!

9. Free trial to do, effective payment

10. beauty salon three years to repay the big rebate

11 free trial to do, effective payment

12. Input a point, beautiful very!

Beauty salon allows you to revisit the young dream

4. A beautiful investment, a gift of love

15. repair bright eyes to regain the golden years

16. Note, beauty salons rest assured beauty

17. An inch of an inch of gold, inch gold hard to buy face new!

18 good summer body fat no longer come

Have a real breast to do real woman



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:旅游,广告,全文共 2856 字

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1.time is what you make of it.(swatch)天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)

2.make yourself heard.(ericsson)理解就是沟通。(爱立信)

3.engineered to move the human spirit.(mercedes-benz)人类精神的动力。(梅塞德斯-奔驰)

4.start ahead.(rejoice)成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)

5.a diamond lasts forever.(de bierres)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)

6.fresh-up with seven-up.(seven-up)提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)

7.intel inside.(intel pentium)给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔 奔腾)

8.connecting people.(nokia)科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

9.for the road ahead.(honda)康庄大道。(本田)

10.let us make things better.(philips)让我们做得更好。(飞利浦)

11.enjoy coca-cola.(coca-cola)请喝可口可乐。(可口可乐)

12.generation next.(pepsi)新的一代。(百事)

13.the relentless pursuit of perfection.(lexus)追求完美永无止境。(凌志汽车)

15.feast your eyes.(pond’s cucumber eye treatment)滋润心灵的窗户。(旁氏眼贴片)

16.focus on life.(olympus)瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)

17.behind that healthy smile,there ’s a crest kid.(crest toothpaste)健康笑容来自佳洁士。(佳洁士牙膏)

18.good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

19.obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

20.the new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

21.we lead,others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

22.impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

23.take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

24.poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

26.to me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.....对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却多姿多彩(轩尼诗酒)

27.just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

28.ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

29.the taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

30.feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

31.intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

32.the choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

34.take toshiba, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

35.no business too small, no problem too big. ....没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 (ibm公司)


1. good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未荆(麦斯威尔咖啡)

2. obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

3. the new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

4. we lead. others copy.领先一步。(理光复印机)

5. impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

6. take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

7.the relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

8. poetry in motion,dancing close to me动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)光临风韵之境万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)

10.to me,the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)

11. just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

12. ask for more.渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

13. the taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

14. feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星电子)

15. intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

16. the choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

18. take toshiba, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

19. lets make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

20. no business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。


spain西班牙: everything under the sun 阳光下的一切

newyork纽约: i love newyork 我爱纽约

pennsylvania宾西法尼亚: america starts here 美国从这里开始

hershey,pennsylvania:the sweetest place on earth 地球上最甜的地方detroit,michigan 底特律(密西根州):the renaissance city 再生的城市boston,massachusetts 波士顿(麻省):the bicentennial city 两百年的城市quebec 魁北克:it feels so different 感觉如此不同aruba 阿鲁巴:our only business is you 我们唯一的事情就是为你服务

Our Only Business Is You 我们唯一的事情就是为你服务



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——连续五年,我们都杀入四强,却与冠军无缘 ——有人说,这是没有冠军命






——Five years. Final four. No championship.

——They said it was fate.

——We dont believe in fate.

——We believe, on the court, fight.

——Final four is not final.

——Meant to be conquered is the obstacle.

——Anta, keep moving.



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 473 字

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buick: in search of excellence.


mercedes-benz:engineered to move the human spirit.


toyota:poetry in motion, dancing close to me.


三菱汽车: 并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。

buick: buick-your key to a better life and a better world. 别克轿车: 别克--通往美好生活的秘诀.

our wheels are always turning.

五十铃汽车: 我们的车轮常转不停。

mazda :harmony of style and performance set this new mazda 6 a part. qualities are at the heart of every mazda.

