





范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1281 字

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1. 寅虎辞旧岁,玉兔贺新春。恬静心自怡,修身定养性。遇事莫慌乱,静思解万愁。祝福化吉祥,富贵又好运。愿您在新的一年里,事事顺心。

2. 迎接春节,惊喜无穷;福星高照,福满家园;禄星进门,加爵升官;寿星贺春,寿比南山;喜神报喜,好运无穷;联袂众仙,共迎新年;祝你新春,吉利美满!

3. 用四季平安贴春联,用祥和健康写福贴,用幸福美丽挂灯笼,用真心诚意送祝愿,今日喜气洋洋是除夕,愿你全家团圆大欢喜。春节快乐!

4. 愿您在新的一年里:一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心;一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安;天天精神百倍,月月喜气洋洋;年年财源广进,岁岁平安祥和!春节快乐!

5. 值此新春之际,祝您:大财、小财、意外财,财源滚滚;亲情、友情、爱情,情情如意;官运、福运、桃花运,天天走运;爱人、亲人、友人,人人平安!

6. 鼠年到了,我们整点特别的东西吧!愿好运平安,带去美满快乐,带去成功健康,带去幸福平安,带去一年的顺利祝春节快乐!

7. 鼠年要到,快和烦闷告别,和快乐拥抱,把劳累消除,与悠闲牵手,把好运聚集,把吉祥罩住,与平安相爱,把财神留住,创事业辉煌,转发祝福,延续幸福。

8. 作别旺旺年的好运,迎来金鼠年的吉祥,舞出幸福的旋律,谱写快乐的篇章,送上真诚的祝福,鼠年到,朋友愿你日子甜蜜依旧,好运总伴左右,如意围在身边,鼠年快乐!

9. 适逢春节,财神兵分五路,向你家进发:东路招财,西路纳财,南路敛财,北路聚财,中路发财。五路财神送宝,一年财运少不了。恭喜发财!

10. 我不止一次的对你说,不要这样玩命工作,要注意身体,可你总是意味深长地说:不趁春节多滚几个粪球,明年我吃什么?千万别累坏自己,祝你春节快乐!

11. 新年祝福:一年一年开心过,开开心心,一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安,一家和和睦睦,愿你生命中的每一个愿望全能得到实现!新春快乐!

12. 等不及了,我决定代全国人民祝你和家人新年快乐!身体健康!你以后几天收到的短信都是我安排他们发的,我为人很低调的,你知道就行,不要声张!

13. 春节到,这年头,祝福也不好送了,快乐被人打包了,煽情被人赶早了,万事如意跟身体健康也不知道被谁拐跑了,可我的祝福还是送到了。春节愉快!

14. 春节喜庆大拜年,祝你合家幸福添,孩子聪明如骐骥,老人健康青春返,生意红火财源广,爱情甜美鸳鸯羡。祝你大吉大利大富大贵。

15. 一祝春节心情好,二祝工作高升早,三祝烦恼都吓跑,四祝开心只到老,五祝欢聚真美妙,六祝快乐乐逍遥。春节钟声还未敲响,我的祝福早来到!

16. 我的新年愿望:从今天起你只准疼我一个,要宠我,不许骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我说的每一句话都要真心。

17. 今年过年不收礼,收礼只收短消息,构思要巧妙,创意要新颖,内容要健康,看了要发笑,回味要无穷,才能记得你!

18. 团聚家人万事福,恩恩怨怨总是情。成亦不喜败无忧,尽情使得乐心事。万富吝舍还是穷,得时知失快乐生。天若有情天亦老,人因无我乐自常!

19. 春节恭喜你,发个短信祝福你,成功的事业属于你,开心的笑容常伴你,健康长寿想着你,最后还要通知你,财神爷爷也要拜访你哦。




范文类型:祝福语,全文共 414 字

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范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1035 字

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范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1491 字

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1. 除夕之夜来守岁,大年三十来贺岁,岁岁平安吉星照,年年福寿又安康。你点灯,我放炮,一起开心多热闹。祝福心情赛蜜糖,祈福今世乐无疆!

2. 春节到了,想送您点钱,发现您比我能挣;想送您点衣服,发现您比我俏;想送您点吃的,发现您比我能吃;想送您点快乐,发现您比我能笑;只好送您四个字:新春愉快!

3. 快过年了,灯笼红红火火,鞭炮热热闹闹,人人高高兴兴,处处欢欢喜喜,愿你平平安安,拥抱开开心心,奔向幸幸福福,享受甜甜蜜蜜。

4. 新春不送礼,短信表情意,祝福加问候,健康陪伴你!绽放烟花行好运,爱情甜蜜家庭美,事业辉煌家业兴!新春快乐,幸福一生!

5. 祝你在新的一年里漂亮点,可爱点,聪明点,运碰点,烦消点,财发点,活干点,乐找点,苦稀点,喜稠点,哭少点,笑多点,还要孝点,总共正好祝你点!

6. 看到那飘落的雪花了吗那是我的片片真情;看到那呼呼的寒风了吗那是我的声声问候。耶稣让我告诉你,你今年会过得很好,从新年开始,忘记过去的烦恼,明天才更好!

7. ☆敲锣打鼓新年到,快乐雪花满天飞,福星照耀祝福来,真诚问候对你笑,愿你事业红火钞票多,一路唱响健康歌,好运旺旺幸福至,快乐吉祥又安康!

8. 天气慢慢转坏,凉风渐渐袭来;因为你的可爱,特意给你关怀;晚上被子要盖,免得手脚冷坏;没事刁根骨头,这样可以补钙;不要说我太坏,祝你新年愉快!

9. 随着新年的钟声敲响,每个人心中都燃起了新的希望,祝愿大家都能在新的一年心想事成!

10. 再高的天也要落在眼里、再大的海也可装在心里、再远的行程也有归期,黑夜的尽头是黎明、花落的尽头是收获,我目光的尽头是祝福:愿你春节快乐!

11. 蝴蝶对蜜蜂说:你也真够小气的,肚子甜言蜜语却一句也不舍得跟我说。蜜蜂说:哼!还说我呢,你头上顶着那么长两根天线,过春节咋不给我发信息呀!

12. 拈一片深冬的雪,斟一杯春天的酒,加一滴快乐的水,添一勺幸运的花,摘一轮皎洁的月,洒一缕灿烂的光,酿一句真诚的话:新年快乐!

13. 新年是美好总结,就像句号;新年是未来的开启,就像冒号;新年是惊喜的祝福,就像感叹号;新年是幸福的未知,就像省略号。愿你新年写满快乐的标点!

14. 新年送福:清晨早起精神抖,晚上早睡做美梦,饮食合理防节症,健康为主享万年,春节聚会酒肉多,祝福关心早送到,祝君节制体强健,来年还要为君送。祝:开心健康!快乐平安!如意吉祥!

15. 新年送你一个饺子:平安皮儿包着如意馅儿,用真情煮熟,吃一口快乐,两口幸福,三口顺利,然后喝全家健康汤,回味是温馨,余香是祝福!祝春节快乐!

16. 又是一年新春佳节!特别的时刻,特别的祝福,祝你身体健康!幸福无尽!心想事成!每天都有一份好的心情!

17. 多一份祝福,让你在鼠年少一份烦恼。多一份关爱,叫你在未年的生活更加阳光灿烂。多一份理解,让所有的郁闷惆怅一去不返。愿你鼠年发洋财,万事如意耀出彩!

18. 架起温馨火炉,照亮光明前途;举起甜美红酒,喝下平安幸福;唱出美好祝福,踏出健康舞步;迈着轻盈脚步,送出鼠年祝福;祝你家庭和睦,鼠年一展鸿图!除夕快乐!

19. 春节您要精神放松,悠闲快乐时常在胸,就像盆儿里一棵葱,对烦恼无动于衷,苦闷不在你心中,来年运程一通百通!

20. 辞旧迎新,新年问好。祝君:新年新面貌、新年新气象、新年新起点、新年新开始、新年新心情、新年新运程、新年新局面、新年新收获、新年新跨越!

21. 年味飘香,全家老少更加和和睦睦;祝福语,知心你我相连永永远远。

22. 过年不收礼,好礼全归你;现金加红包,统统属于你;福利也奉上,全是人民币;还有短信息,写满新祝福;幸福添如意,一切跟随你。新年快乐!



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 324 字

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范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1055 字

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1. 每年的这个时候,祝福就会象海洋涌向你,希望我的祝福象一叶轻舟,载你乘风破浪,到达成功的彼岸!春节快乐!

2. 新年到了,衷心祝福你。祝你年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气!

3. 除夕之夜盼团圆,不远万里来团圆,别的祝福咱不送,祝你全家都团圆;身体健康人康健,快快乐乐有一年;心胸开阔万事顺,福寿团圆过大年!

4. 有人牵挂的日子,有人惦记的日子,有人想念的日子,有人祝福的日子。每一个日子里,问候都属于你,愿你在新年里财源滚滚,幸福绵绵!

5. 花好月圆风雨顺,良辰美景到永远,幸福生活来相伴!冬去春来光阴似箭,流年不复返,人生需尽欢!说一声珍重道一声平安,祝新年快乐!

6. 春节哼着小调,佳节转眼来到,团聚父母身旁,个个眉开颜笑,饺子锅内翻滚,家宴丰盛菜肴,恭贺新春快乐,幸福就给红包。预祝宝宝新春快乐,鼠年顺利!

7. 临近新年,我的祝福穿过山峰尖尖,闯过沙漠滩滩,渡过长江岸岸,躲过冰雪寒寒,绕过栏栏杆杆,以猴儿三级跳的速度来到你面前:祝你鼠年快快乐乐!

8. 有钱不骄傲,无钱不烦恼,生活知足就好;心态调整好,烦恼就会少,生活简单就好;新春已来到,幸福来拥抱,祝你每天开心露微笑!

9. 快乐来自心态平淡;健康来自饮食清淡;轻松就要记得恬淡;交友千万莫要冷淡;成功绝对不能扯淡;祝福一定选择春节祝:新年快乐如愿!

10. 是短信,把距离拉近;是祝福,把心灵吸引;是朋友,把微笑传递;是转发,把开心延续;快乐从我传到你,从你传遍大地祝你新年开心快乐!

11. 句号是圆圈,月像盘是圆月,梦想成真是圆梦。元月1日祝福送你,说明我们今生有缘,所以叫做今世缘。新春来了,你圆我也圆,让我们一起进入快乐园!

12. 来吧,好好把握,没人会介意你脚踏三只船,只期待你在春回大地时平安起步、幸福远航。春节吉祥!

13. 鼠年耳长长,招运进宝;鼠年眼圆圆,风光无限;鼠年腿蹦蹦,事业上冲;鼠年尾短短,烦恼不见;鼠年唇三瓣,快乐无限;鼠年身白白,鸿运不歇;鼠年舌舔舔,新年如愿!

14. 转眼鼠年要到,没有华丽的词藻,不抄袭别人的思考,只送上我真诚的祝福和简单的问好:神啊,希望保佑看短信的人平安到老,有我祝福的日子再无烦恼!

15. 颂一颂新年的美,放一响喜庆的炮,斟一杯美满的酒,奏一曲快乐的歌,描一幅富贵的画,绣一朵幸运的花,酿一句真诚的话:祝朋友新年快乐!

16. 鼠年是闪耀的幸福年,好运从不间断;鼠年是难忘的快乐年,爱情事业美满;鼠年是繁荣的盛世年,安居乐业绵绵。鼠年到了,愿你快乐幸福每一天。



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范文类型:合同协议,全文共 53427 字

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scope of agreement (协定的范围)

all transactions and all contracts entered into between snc ??and the customer, shall be governed by the terms of this customer agreement and the terms of any additional written statements of snc ??trading regulations or snc ??additional schedules which may from time to time be set forth or amended by snc ??and which shall thereupon constitute a portion of this customer agreement, except to the extent (if any) that snc ??shall agree or notify the customer in writing that other or additional terms apply. any proposals for, additions to, or modifications of this agreement, absent written agreement by an authorized person employed by snc ??to the contrary, are void and shall have no effect.

snc 和客户之间所有交易和所有合同应受本项客户协议和任何关于snc 的交易规章,或snc 所有的附加条款约束。snc 可能随时设定或更改这些条款而即时构成客户协议的一部分。如有必要(如果有的话),如须采用其他或附加的条款,snc 应以书面形式同意或通知客户。任何对此协议的补充或修改建议,如没有由snc 聘请的授权人的书面协议,均为无效。

this agreement refers and extends to a potential dealing relationship between the customer and snc in otc non-deliverable foreign exchange (currencies) on a spot settlement basis as is commonly dealt in the international interbank market, and all other provisions of this agreement notwithstanding, the customer agrees, understands and warrants that the dealing relationship between the customer and snc ??hereunder shall not extend at any time to the dealing, trading, brokering of or advice related to any exchange listed.

这项协议提及并延伸到客户和snc 之间潜在交易关系。此关系是指在国际银行间市场,按本协议规定的场外即时外汇交易关系。客户同意、理解和认同其与snc 的交易关系,在任何时候都不涉及任何交易所的做市,交易或代理活动。

subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the full completion of the account setup requirements and acceptance of customer’s application to open an account with snc , snc ?will open and maintain account(s) in customer’s name for the purpose of engaging in cash settled transactions with and for customer in currencies markets on a spot settlement basis, and provide such other services and products as snc ?may, in its sole discretion, determine to offer in the future. unless expressly stated otherwise in writing, all contracts and other transactions entered into between snc and customer shall be governed by the terms of this customer agreement, including the risk disclosure statement and snc ?trading policies, to the extent annexed hereto, as amended from time to time.

根据符此项协议的条件,从接受客户的申请snc 开户到帐户的全面设置和完成,snc 须以客户的名义维护并为客户在帐户从事现金结算和在货币市场上现货结算;并在将来提供其他服务和产品。除非另有书面明文规定,所有合同及其他snc 与客户应受本客户协议,包括风险声明,snc外汇交易政策,需在必要时修订。

risk acknowledgements (风险须知)

customer acknowledges and understands that trading and investment in leveraged otc foreign currency contracts is highly speculative, involves an extreme degree of risk, and is generally appropriate only for persons who can assume risk of loss in excess of their margin deposit. customer understands that because of the low margin/high leverage normally available in foreign currency trading, price changes in foreign currency contracts may result in significant losses. such losses may substantially exceed customer’s investment and margin deposit. by customer directing snc ?to enter into any foreign currency contract, any profit or loss arising as a result of a fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting such currency will be entirely for the customer’s account and risk.

客户确认并明白,交易和投资在场外杠杆式外汇合约是有高度投机性,涉及极端的风险程度,而且通常只适合可承担损失超过其保证金风险的人。客户理解,由于低保证金/高杠杆作用,进行外币交易时,外币汇率收缩引起的价格变动可能导致重大损失。这种损失可能大大超出客户的投资金额和保证金。客户通过snc 进入任何外汇合同,由于货币的汇率波动所造成的利润或亏损将完全属于账户承担的风险。

customer warrants that the customer is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risk of foreign currency trading, and in consideration of snc ??carrying his/her account(s), customer agrees not to hold snc ??responsible for losses incurred through following its trading recommendations or suggestions or those of its employees, agents or representatives. customer recognizes that guarantees of profit or freedom from loss cannot be given and it is impossible to predict performance in foreign currency trading. customer acknowledges that customer has received no such guarantees from snc ??or from any of its representatives or any introducing broker or other entity with whom customer is conducting his/her snc ??account and has not entered into this agreement in consideration of or in reliance upon any such guarantees or similar representations. all transactions effected for customer’s accounts and all fluctuations in the market prices of the contracts carried in customer’s accounts are at customer’s risk, and customer shall be solely liable therefore under all circumstances. customer represents and warrants that customer is willing and financially able to sustain such losses, and that the trading of spot foreign exchange (currencies) is a suitable investment vehicle for the customer. snc ?is not responsible for delays or partial or total failures in any online (electronic) trading platforms or any communications facility or other causes beyond snc ?reasonable direct control. the customer understands and recognizes that the transactions to be conducted pursuant to this agreement are not conducted on a regulated market or exchange. customer represents that it is aware of the risks inherent in the trading of otc foreign exchange (currencies) and is financially able to bear such risks and withstand any losses incurred. (for a further discussion on the risks of trading foreign exchange please refer to the risk disclosure statement).

客户权证,其愿意且能够在财务上承担外币交易的风险;并考虑虽然他/她的帐号是由snc 开通,如其雇员,代理人或代表提供交易建议,他们对建议导致的亏损不负任何责任。客户要知道,在外币交易中担保或保证免受损失和预测交易回报是不可能的。客户要理解snc 或任何其代表或任何介绍经纪人或其他实体对客户在他/她的snc 外汇账户的任何交易也没有这类的担保。在任何情况下,客户须对所有所有与帐户相关的交易或者因市场价波动引起的风险承担全部责任和风险。客户须愿意并在经济上承担交易损失,并同意即时外汇交易是合适的投资产品。在snc 无法直接控制的情况下,snc 对任何因网上(电子)交易平台或任何通讯设施或其他原因造成的延时,部分或完全故障不负任何责任。客户需理解并确认依照本协定进行交易与在规范的市场或交易所进行的交易有所不同。客户须知在场外或电子外汇交易所涉及到的风险并且具有承担亏损的经济能力。(对进一步关于外汇交易的风险的讨论,请参阅风险声明)。

?customer’s representations and warranties (客户的事实陈述和保证)

as of the date hereof, the date of each contract and other transaction in customer’s account and any date on which snc ?risk disclosure statement or trading policies are revised, updated or amended, customer represents and warrants to snc ??and agrees for the benefit of snc ??that:

自每份合同签订的日期及在客户的帐户中任何交易的日期起,或者对任何snc 风险声明或交易规定的修改日起,对于所有修改或更新,客户向snc表明及保证,并站在snc 的利益角度同意以下:

customer is of sound mind, legal age (18 in the usa) and legal competence.


customer (if not a natural person) is duly organized and validly existing under the applicable laws of the jurisdiction of its organization.


execution and delivery of this agreement and all contracts and other transactions contemplated hereunder and performance of all obligations contemplated under this agreement and all contracts and other transactions contemplated hereunder have been duly authorized by customer.


each person executing and delivering this agreement and all contracts and other transactions contemplated hereunder on behalf of customer performing the obligations contemplated under this agreement and any contract and other transaction contemplated hereunder on behalf of customer, has been duly authorized by customer to do so.


execution and delivery by customer of this agreement and all contracts and other transactions contemplated hereunder, and performance of all of customer’s obligations contemplated under this agreement and any contract and other transaction contemplated hereunder, will not violate any statute, rule, regulation, ordinance, charter, by-law or policy applicable to customer. ???????????


customer has full beneficial ownership of customer’s account. customer has not granted and will not grant a security interest in customer’s account with snc ?(other than the security interest granted to snc ?hereunder) to any person without snc ?prior written consent. customer has full beneficial ownership of all collateral and will not grant any security interest in any collateral to any person (other than the security interest granted to snc ?hereunder) without prior written consent of snc .

客户已拥有客户帐户的全部实益。客户在snc 帐户没有且而不会有对未经snc 事先书面同意的任何人给予权益担保(除第二十八条安全利益给予snc )。客户拥有所有抵押的的充分实益,也不会在任何人未经snc 事先书面同意的任何抵押中给予任何权益担保(除下文中利益安全给予了snc )。

customer will execute and deliver all documents, give all notices, make all filings and take such other actions as snc , in its sole discretion, deems necessary or desirable to evidence or perfect any security interest in favour of snc ?or to protect snc ?interests with respect to any collateral.

客户将像snc 一样自主执行和提供所有文件,发出所有通知,进行所有备案和采取其他行动。在其认为必要或适宜时,为了有利于snc ,对任何抵押提供证明或者表示尊重。

customer hereby warrants that regardless of any subsequent determination to the contrary, customer is suitable to trade foreign currency and is a sophisticated foreign exchange investor.


customer has read and understands the risk disclosure statement contained in this agreement. customer will review snc ?risk disclosures, including, without limitation, snc ?risk disclosure statement, each time they are amended. customer will not affect any opening transaction in customer’s account unless customer understands snc ?revised risk disclosures, and customer agrees that in effecting any opening transaction it is deemed to represent that it has read and understands snc ?revised risk disclosures as in effect at the time of such opening transaction.

客户已阅读并了解本协议的风险声明。在每次对snc 风险声明修订后,客户需无限制的重新阅读声明内容。客户不会影响客户的帐户中的任何开盘交易的,除非客户明白snc 风险披露的修改,和客户同意在实际开盘交易时的任何开盘交易进行均被视为已经阅读并理解已修改的snc 外汇风险披露。

customer has read and understands the trading policies contained in this agreement, including, without limitation, snc ?trading policies. customer will review snc trading policies, including, without limitation, snc ?trading policies each time they are amended. customer will not affect any opening transaction in customer’s account unless customer understands snc revised trading policies, and customer agrees that in effecting any opening transaction it is deemed to represent that it has read and understands snc ?revised trading policies as in effect at the time of such opening transaction.

客户已经阅读并理解载于本协议的买卖政策,包括但不限于snc 交易政策。客户将审查snc 买卖政策,其中包括但不限于snc 交易政策每次都被修订。顾客不会影响任何开盘交易的客户的帐户,除非客户明白snc 买卖政策的修改,和客户同意在实际开盘交易时的任何开盘交易进行均被视为已经阅读并理解已修改的snc 外汇买卖政策。

customer acknowledges that customer has conducted simulated trading using the snc demo trading platform for a period that has allowed the customer to develop a full understanding of the snc ?internet trading platform an online trading system for spot foreign exchange real-time trading.

客户承认曾使用snc 进行模拟外汇交易演示平台,已经允许客户建立一个对snc 外汇网上交易平台的全面认识,为即期外汇实时交易的网上交易系统。

all information provided by customer to snc , including information regarding customer’s trading experience and investment sophistication, is true, correct and complete, and customer will notify snc ?promptly of any changes in such information.

所有客户提供给snc 的外汇信息,包括客户真实、正确及完整的交易经验和投资的复杂化,客户将通知snc 外汇及时更改这些信息。

trading (交易)

4.1???? authorization to trade for customer’s account

subject to the terms of this agreement and all related agreements, including the risk disclosure statement and snc ??trading policies document hereto, the customer account application and any applicable addenda thereto, customer authorizes snc ??to enter, purchase, sell, and clear otc foreign exchange contracts on a spot basis for the customer’s account in accordance with customer’s electronic, written or oral instructions received through the snc ?internet trading platform - an online trading system connected directly to the snc ??trade execution desk, via telephone directly to the snc ??trade execution desk, or via any other communicative means available.

本协议相关的条款和所有的承诺,包括snc 外汇风险披露声明和snc 交易政策文件,客户帐户申请书和任何适用的增编,客户授权snc 外汇进行交易。在现货的基础上按照客户的电子、书面或口头指示为客户的账户,通过snc 外汇网上交易平台——网上交易系统直接与snc 连接应用,可以透过电话或其他通信手段直接连接到snc 外汇交易服务台,明确场外外汇买卖合约

customer agrees to be responsible for any transaction instruction received by snc either electronically via the snc ??internet trading platform (or similar product), or orally over the telephone.? before executing a transaction, snc will require the customer at least?? to provide user name and password authorization electronically via a login procedure or if contacted via the telephone, orally via an identification procedure.? correct information will authenticate the customer and allow the customer to conduct transactions in the authorized snc account for that authentication.

客户同意对snc 通过snc 网上交易平台 (或类似产品),或电话收到的任何交易指令负责。在执行一项交易前,snc 会请求客户要至少提供经电子授权登录的用户名和密码,如果是通过电话联系,以口头通过鉴定程序。正确的资料将认证客户,并授予其有在snc 帐户进行交易的权利。

if customer’s account is a joint account, snc is authorized to act on the instructions of any one owner without further inquiry, with regard to trading in the account and/or the disposition of any and all assets in the account. snc shall have no responsibility for further inquiry into such apparent authority and no liability for the consequences of any actions taken or failed to be taken by snc ?and any of its employees in reliance on any such instructions or on the apparent authority of any such authorized person(s).

如果客户的账户是一个联名账户,snc 有权在没有作进一步调查下,识演任何户主的角色,买卖和/或处置任何和所有资产帐户。对于交易账户. snc 不承担对这种表见权力的进一步探讨,并这类表见授权,不对snc 和其信赖的任何雇员,按指示或按任何授权的表见代理人,采取或未能采取的任何行动的后果负责。

????? 4.2 pricing information(定价信息)

snc ?will make available, by posting on the snc ?internet trading platform-- an online trading system, or by customer electronically contacting any alternative designated by snc, by telephoning the snc ?dealing execution desk, or by any other communicative means available to snc ?and it’s customers, bid and ask prices at which snc ?is prepared to enter foreign currency contracts with authorized customers. each bid or ask price shall be for a spot contract with a specified date and for a specific foreign currency pair.? snc makes no warranty expressed or implied; that bid and ask prices shown represent prevailing bid and ask prices in the interbank market.?? in addition, although snc reasonably expects to make available continuous prices during business hours, because of a number of factors including but not limited to technology failures, communication system delays, lack of interbank liquidity or high market volatility, snc makes no warranties that dealing prices and liquidity will be available continuously to customers either electronically or via the telephone or by any other communication devise.

snc 将通过snc 网上交易平台——一网上交易系统,或由客户通过其他任何snc 和其客户指定的方式,拨到snc 或其他任何snc 和其客户协定的交易执行服务台,snc 在已设立的外汇合同与授权客户出价和询价。每次出价或询价应为有具体日期的某一特定外币组合的现货合同。snc 不担保明示或暗示,显示在银行间市场的报价和询价报价为无效的出价或询价。此外,虽然snc 有理由预期在交易时间内定一个持续有效的价格,但由于若干因素,包括但不仅仅是技术故障、通讯系统的延误、银行间缺少流动资金或较大市场波动,snc 不担保客户通过电子或电话或其他任何通信方式下得到的交易价格和流动性可持续有效。

???? 4.3 execution of orders (下单的执行)

all contracts made and entered into between customer and snc hereunder will be entered into by snc ?as principal.? snc ?will reasonably attempt to execute all orders that it may, in its sole discretion, accept from customer for the purchase or sale of contracts in accordance with the customer’s electronic, written or typed, or oral instructions. however, snc shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused, directly or indirectly, by any events, actions or omissions beyond the reasonable direct control of snc , including, without limitation, loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from any delays or inaccuracies in the transmission of orders and/or information due to a breakdown in or failure of any transmission or communication facilities.

所有客户和snc 签订的合同,将被snc 录入。snc 将合理地尝试执行的所有命令,它可在其自行斟酌,接受客户以电子、书面、打字或口头知识的买卖合同。然而,snc 不应对受到任何事件、超出snc 合理直接控制的行为或不行为,直接或间接造成的损失或损害承担任何责任,其中包括但不仅仅是,因任何传输或通讯设施损坏或失败直接或间接造成任何传递订单和/或信息的拖延或不准确。

customer acknowledges, understands and agrees that all market orders and non-market orders such as limit orders, stop-loss orders, one cancels the other orders, or any other non-market order transmitted and accepted by a snc representative, are accepted by snc ?and undertaken on a “best-efforts basis” in accordance with the relevant provisions of the trading policies, as amended from time to time. the customer acknowledges, however, that due to market conditions or other circumstances, snc ?may be unable to execute the order at the market or specified level and the customer agrees that snc ?will bear no liability for failure to execute such orders.? this includes but is not limited to all orders that are entered over a weekend or holiday period when snc is closed for

business.? in such circumstances, orders will be executed on a “best-efforts basis” once the market is reopened on the next snc business day. customer acknowledges that execution may not be immediate or at the price dictated by the opening level due to imbalances in orders, market conditions, market liquidity or other circumstances.? snc shall have no responsibility for delays in the transmission of orders due to disruption, market conditions, failure or mal of communications facilities and shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, to any person or entity as a result of its negligence.

客户承认、理解并同意,所有市场订单和非市场订单,如限价单、止损订单、一放取消另一方订单,或任何其他受snc 的代表传播和接受的非市场订单,都被snc 所接受和在"尽最大努力"的基础上按照有关规定、营运政策、不时修正、客户确认开展。但是,由于市场条件或其它情况,snc 可能无法在市场或客户指定水平上执行。客户需同意,snc 将不承担任何这些命令执行失败的责任。这包括但不仅仅是所有在一个周末或假期期间,snc 停止交易时入场的订单。在这种情况下,当市场在未来snc 的交易日重新开放时,订单将在"尽最大努力"的基础上被执行。客户明确,由于订单不平衡、市场条件、市场流动资金或其他情况,执行不一定是即时的或在规定的价格水平上。snc 不对在发送订单过程中,因扰乱、市场条件、通讯设施的失效或故障造成的延误负责;并不为由于其疏忽造成任何索赔、损失、成本或费用,包括任何人或实体在内的律师费承担责任。

??? 4.4???? positions and orders limitations (仓位和下单限制)

snc ?reserves the sole discretionary right to limit the number of open positions which customer may enter, acquire or maintain with snc , to refuse acceptance of any order entered by customer or to alter its dealing relationship with the customer to include or exclude use of any electronic trading network or other trade execution method in any manner and to any extent.

snc 保留自行裁量,以限制客户与snc 获得或维持,可能进入的未平仓合约数。拒绝接受任何客户的入场命令或改变其与客户,包括或不包括使用任何电子交易网络或其他以任何方式任何程度的办法执行的交易关系。

???? 4.5 netting (对冲)

snc ?retains the right to net all hedged positions at the end of each month at their sole discretion.

snc 有权在每月末自由决定对冲所有仓。

margin requirements (保证金要求)

customer shall provide to and maintain with snc ?margin in such amounts and in such forms, and within such limits as snc , in its sole discretion, may from time to time require. margin requirements, including initial (opening) margin and maintenance margin requirements, are defined in snc ?trading policies. snc ?may change margin requirements at any time. customer agrees to deposit by immediate wire transfer such additional margin when and as required by snc , and will immediately meet all margin calls in such mode of transmission as snc ?shall, in its sole discretion, designate; provided, however, and notwithstanding any demand for additional margin, snc ?may at any time proceed to liquidate customer’s account in accordance with trading policies. any failure by snc ??to enforce its rights hereunder shall not be deemed a future waiver of such rights by snc , and the customer shall impute no liability to snc ??whatsoever for losses resulting from such failure. no previous margin requirement by snc ?shall preclude snc ?from increasing or decreasing that requirement without prior notice. snc ?may call for additional margin (“margin call”) at any time customer’s margin balance falls below the snc ?maintenance margin level as applied to that account and at any time snc , in its sole discretion, believes that it is prudent to do so. snc ?may at any time liquidate customer’s account in accordance with trading policies and paragraph 12 below.

客户应提供并保持snc 一定数额和一定形式的保证金;而在snc 限度可随时斟酌决定保证金的要求,包括初期(开户时) snc 交易政策指定的保证金和维持保证金的要求。snc 可以在任何时候改变保证金要求。客户立即电汇同意并视snc 需要存入额外保证金时,会立即满足所有保证金要求,在这种传播方式为snc 应自行划定提供的。然而,尽管有额外保证金的需求,按照交易政策和第12段,snc 可以在任何时候进行客户帐户的清算。

security agreement (安全协议)

in order to secure any indebtedness or other obligations at any time owing from customer to snc , including, without limitation,

为了确保任何从客户到snc 在任何时间的债务或义务,包括没有限制,

indebtedness or other obligations under any account, contract or other transaction with snc ?; or

任何账户的债务或其他义务,合约或其它与snc 的交易;或者

any indebtedness or other obligations resulting from any guarantee by customer of any account, contract or other transaction with snc ?, customer hereby assigns, pledges and grants to snc ??a security interest in and right of setoff against:

snc 在保障权益下有权取消任何债务或因任何客户帐户的任何保证,合同或其它与snc 的交易,客户的转让、认捐和送赠;

all of customer’s accounts with snc ;

所有snc 帐户的客户

all contracts, cash and other property in customer’s account at snc ??or delivered or otherwise provided by customer to secure its indebtedness or other obligations to snc ??or in snc ??possession or control for any purpose (including safekeeping); and

所有在snc 或交付或客户另有规定的合约、现金及其他在客户帐户的财物,以确保其对snc 欠债或其他义务,或snc 为任何目的的控制包括安全保管);

all products and proceeds of the foregoing (collectively, (i), (ii) and (iii) are referred to as “collateral”).


in the event of indebtedness of customer to snc ??for reasons including but not limited to (a) and (b) outlined above, snc ??shall have the right to sell, pledge, rehypothecate, assign, invest, commingle and otherwise use any collateral it holds (including, but not limited to, using the contracts as collateral for a loan to snc ?) free from any claim or right of any nature whatsoever of the customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the customer and to register any collateral in the name of snc ?, its custodian or a nominee for either. any failure by snc ?to enforce its rights hereunder shall not be deemed a future waiver of such rights by snc . snc ?is irrevocably appointed as attorney-in-fact for customer and is authorized, without notice to customer, to execute and deliver any documents, give any notice and to take any actions on behalf of customer, including the execution, delivery and filing of financing statements, that snc ?deems necessary or desirable to evidence or to protect snc ?interest with respect to any collateral. in the event that the collateral deemed acceptable to snc ?(“eligible collateral”) is at any time insufficient to satisfy customer’s indebtedness or other obligations to snc , including obligations to provide margin in accordance with trading policies and paragraph 7 hereof, customer shall promptly pay upon demand the entire amount of such deficit in accordance with trading policies and paragraph 8 hereof.

因客户的snc 债务原因,包括但不仅仅是上述的(a)和(b),snc 有权出售、抵押、质押、转让、投资,并以其它方式使用任何其所持有的抵押品(包括但不仅仅是,以合同作为snc 的贷款抵押品),客户不具有对包括客户或其监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在snc 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。任何snc 对行使其权利的失败,不被认为是snc 未来放弃这些权利。snc 不可撤消地在不通知客户的情况下作为客户和授权的实际代理人,代表客户执行和提供任何文件,发出任何通知并采取任何行动,包括处理、发送融资档案,snc 在举证和保护snc 利益与尊重任何抵押品上被认为是必要或适合的。snc 认为是可接受的抵押品( "合格的抵押品" ),即在任何时候,当客户不足以抵偿snc 的负债或其他义务,包括按照贸易政策和第7条,提供保证金的义务,客户应按照贸易政策和第八条要求的,迅速支付全部负债金额。

capacity (性能)

any and all contracts and transactions made and entered into by snc ?hereunder as a result of customer directing snc ?to enter into such contracts and transactions, are made and entered into by snc ?as principal. unless otherwise agreed to in writing snc ?shall act as principal in any and all contracts and transactions with the customer and not as broker, intermediary, agent, and advisor or in any fiduciary capacity. the customer understands and recognizes that any and all transactions and contracts entered as a result of customer directing snc ??to enter into such transactions and contracts may be entered by snc , as principal, with financial institutions including, without limitation banks, clearing institutions and foreign exchange dealers (“counter party”) at the sole discretion and option of snc . customer represents, agrees and authorizes snc ??to act as principal in entering, delivering, selling, purchasing and clearing with counter party any and all customer’s contracts. customer shall guarantee and hold snc ?harmless against any loss it may sustain thereby. snc ??may, at its sole discretion and option, act as principal in purchasing, selling, delivering and clearing any contracts, including all customer’s contracts, with the counter party(s).

因客户的snc 债务原因,包括但不仅仅是上述的(a)和(b),snc 有权出售、抵押、质押、转让、投资,并以其它方式使用任何其所持有的抵押品(包括但不仅仅是,以合同作为snc 的贷款抵押品),客户不具有对包括客户或其监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在snc 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。任何snc 对行使其权利的失败,不被认为是snc 未来放弃这些权利。snc 不可撤消地在不通知客户的情况下作为客户和授权的实际代理人,代表客户执行和提供任何文件,发出任何通知并采取任何行动,包括处理、发送融资档案,snc 在举证和保护snc 利益与尊重任何抵押品上被认为是必要或适合的。snc 认为是可接受的抵押品( "合格的抵押品" ),即在任何时候,当客户不足以抵偿snc 的负债或其他义务,包括按照贸易政策和第7条,提供保证金的义务,客户应按照贸易政策和第八条要求的,迅速支付全部负债金额。

rollovers (隔夜利息)

in the absence of an offsetting or closing liquidation trade done prior to the close of business, snc ?is authorized to rollover all or any portion of the foreign currency positions in customers account at snc ?’s absolute discretion and at customer’s risk to the next settlement spot date.?? rollovers will be executed at rates determined by snc and at snc ’s absolute discretion.? rollover debits or credits will be reflected in the customer’s account at a time after the normal close of the business day for snc.? snc reserves the right to change at its sole discretion, any rollover debits or credits at any time if snc, at its sole discretion deems that the amount debited or credited was in error.

在交易结束前未对所完成的交易作对冲或关闭清算,snc 被授权在其自行决定的和对客户在之后现货交收日的风险下,滚转客户帐户中全部或任何外币份额。滚转执行情况由snc 在其自行的决定权基础上决定。滚转的借记或信贷将在正常交易日关闭后一段时间内反映在客户的帐户上。如果snc 的自行决定的借记或信贷数额被认为有错误,snc 保留自行斟酌在任何时候改变任何借记或贷记的权利。

?liquidation of accounts and deficit balances (账户和赤字余额的清算)

in the event of (在以下情况)

the death or declaration of incompetence of customer;


the filing of a petition in bankruptcy, or a petition for the appointment of a receiver, or the institution of any insolvency or similar proceeding by or against customer;


the filing of an attachment against any of customer’s accounts carried by snc ?;

提交一份snc 对任何客户的帐户进行的附件;

insufficient margin, or snc ??determination that any collateral deposited to protect one or more accounts of customer is inadequate, regardless of current market quotations, to secure the account;

保证金不足,或snc 不管目前的市场报价,为保护一个或多个保证金不足客户帐户,以保证账???? 户,而给予的任何抵押存款;

customer’s failure to provide snc ?any information requested pursuant to this agreement; or

客户未能向snc 提供任何这项协定要求的信息;

any other circumstances or developments that snc ??deems appropriate for its protection; in snc ?’s sole discretion it may take one or more or any portion of, the following actions;

任何其他snc 认为是适当保护的情况或发展;在snc 自行斟酌后,可能采取的一个或多个行动如下:

satisfy any obligation customer may have to snc , either directly or by way of guaranty of surety, out of any of customer’s funds or property in its custody or control;

履行任何客户对snc 可能有的义务,或直接由保证人担保,对任何客户的资金或财产保管或控制;

sell or purchase any or all foreign currency contracts or other property held orcarried for customer, and


cancel any or all outstanding orders or contracts, or any other commitments made on behalf of customer. any of the above actions may be taken without demand for margin or additional margin, without prior notice of sale or purchase or other notice to customer, customer’s personal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, legatees, or assigns, and regardless of whether the ownership interest shall be solely that of the customer or be held jointly with others. customer shall at all times be liable for the payment of any deficit balance in customer’s account upon demand by snc ??and, in all cases, customer shall be liable for any deficiency remaining in customer’s account in the event of the liquidation thereof in whole or in part by snc ??or by customer.

取消任何或所有未完成的订单或合同,或任何代表客户的其他承诺。有上述情况,未经买卖或其他事先给客户的通知,客户的代表、继承人、遗嘱执行人、监护人、受托人、遗嘱赠予人,或转让,无论受益人是客户单独提名还是联名提名,可不扣除保证金或额外保证金。客户应随时有支付任何snc 要求的赤字。在所有情况下,客户应承担任何帐户中部分由snc 或由客户清算后剩下的赤字。

in the event that the proceeds realized pursuant to liquidation are insufficient for the payment of all liabilities of customer due to snc, customer shall promptly pay upon demand the entire amount of any such deficit, together with all other deficits and all unpaid liabilities of customer.?? included are?? all costs of enforcement and collection, such as, but not limited to, actual attorneys’ fees, disbursements, travel and other expenses, interest on any such deficit and liabilities at a rate equal to five (5) percentage points above the then prevailing prime rate at snc ’s principal bank or the maximum interest rate allowed by law, whichever is lower and any other cost incurred by snc . in the event snc ?incurs expenses other than those for collection of deficits with respect to customer’s account, customer agrees to pay all such expenses in full.

诉讼使依法清算由于snc 客户不足以支付的所有负债。连同其他所有赤字和所有积欠债务,客户应按要求及时支付全部赤字金额,包括所有执行费用和集资等,但不仅限于实际支付律师的费用、付款、旅费和其他费用,任何此类赤字和负债的利息率在最高法律所允许的snc 主体银行主要利率的五个百分点以上,或法律批准和低于snc 其他任何费用的最低利率。客户同意足额支付snc 支出(除客户帐户部分的赤字的收款)的所有费用。

charges (收费)

snc will supply, upon request, a structure of commissions charged at the time of the request. although snc ?reserves the right to change its fee structure at any time at its sole discretion, snc ?will initially only charge for incidental banking related fees such as wire transfers for deposits/withdrawals and returned check fees.? snc ?will also charge customer for the purchase of optional, added services offered by snc .

snc 会根据要求收取佣金或经纪费。虽然snc 保留在任何时间自行改变收费结构的权利,但snc 只收取银行附带的相关费用,如电汇存款/取款和退还支票的收费。snc 也将收取客户可选择性购买、由snc 提供的增值服务的费用。

customers who are introduced to snc ?by an introducing brokers or third party advisor

被外汇经纪人或第三方顾问介绍给snc 的客户

if an introducing broker or third party advisor introduces the customer to snc , the customer understands that snc ?may pay fees, commissions or other compensation to such person or entity for the introduction. customer acknowledges and agrees that as an introducing broker or third party advisor to snc , the introducing broker or third party advisor does not hold or collect any funds on behalf of snc ?or for the customer’s account.? funds should instead be sent via a wire transfer or other means directly to snc ?for purposes of depositing into your trading account.? snc does not control and cannot endorse or vouch for the accuracy of any information or advice customer may have or will receive by the introducing broker or third party advisor. included in the information and advice without limitation are actual or implied promises made by the

introducing broker regarding the future profit or losses in customer accounts as a result of third party trading systems, research reports, market trading advice or interpretation of economic news and events. if customer receives information or trading advice from an introducing broker or third party, snc ?shall in no way be held responsible for any loss resulting from the customers use of information or advice. snc ?provides or otherwise makes available a snc ?risk disclosure document to customers when they open accounts. any customer introduced by introducing brokers or third parties should carefully read the snc ??account application, snc ??risk disclosure document and snc ??trading policies document and should not rely on information supplied by the introducing broker or third party. customer should understand that introducing brokers or third party advisors are often not regulated by a government agency and that the introducing broker or third party advisor shall have the right to access information regarding the account of the customer including but not limited to account information, customer address, phone number, email address. the introducing broker or third party advisor will not have trade authorization privileges unless granted in writing by the customer via the signing of a power of attorney document authorizing the trading.

如果介绍经纪人或第三方顾问向客户介绍snc 外汇,顾客了解到snc 外汇可能需向个人或实体支付费用、佣金或其他报酬等进行介绍。客户确认并同意介绍经纪人或第三方顾问介绍snc 外汇,介绍经纪人或第三方顾问不持有或收取任何代表snc 外汇的保证金资金或为客户的帐户。资金应该是透过电汇或其他方式直接发往snc ,作为将保证金进入交易的帐户。snc 外汇不管制,并不认同或担保客户可能或会接受经介绍经纪人或第三方顾问的任何资料或意见的准确性。包括介绍经纪人就未来由于第三方电子交易系统、研究报告、市场交易咨询或解释经济新闻和事件致使客户账户盈利或亏损所作为的,没有限制的实际或默示承诺的信息和意见。若客户从介绍经纪人或第三方收到信息或买卖咨询,snc 外汇绝不对由客户使用信息或忠告所致的任何损失负责。snc 外汇提供或以其他方式使snc 现有的外汇风险在客户开户时披露。任何介绍经纪人或第三方的客户应当仔细阅读snc 外汇帐户申请书,snc 外汇风险披露文件及snc 外汇交易政策文件,而不应依赖通过中间商或第三方提供的信息。客户确认并明确,保证金外汇交易涉及的风险非常高,许多人因买卖外汇而损失金钱。所有客户应该明白,他们在买卖外汇时只是买卖风险资本基金。风险资本基金,是指就算损失,也不会改变你或你的家人的生活的资金。客户也应明白,介绍经纪人或第三方顾问不常常政府机构规范,而该介绍经纪人或第三方顾问有权查阅有关客户帐户的信息,包括但不限于帐号客户地址、电话号码、电子邮件地址等。介绍经纪人或第三方顾问不会有贸易授权的特权,除非客户经书面并签署一份授权书,给予其授权买卖的文件。

introducing brokers responsibility to snc ?and to their clients

?(介绍经纪人向snc 和客户应负责任)

introducing brokers have certain responsibilities to clients and snc ?with respect to their introduced accounts:

介绍经纪人为客户和snc 外汇就其帐户介绍的责任:

responsible for communicating with their introduced clients investment objectives and investment opportunities given those objectives,


responsible for complying with all legal requirements, rules and regulations applicable to being a licensed introducing broker


responsible for complying with all legal requirements, rules and regulations applicable to their customers


determining any commission structure and communicating the structure to the introduced clients.


the introducing broker will not be responsible for (介绍经纪人将不负责):

the opening of the account including, but not limiting to the approving, servicing and monitoring of customer’s accounts(s) and obtaining and verifying account information as is required by the law and regulation,


collecting funds from the clients for the purpose of facilitating margin foreign exchange trading or satisfying margin requirements,


executing any transactions or accepting any orders for the customer’s account(s), or performing any action that would cause or appear to cause a change in customer position or account , including but not limited to rolling over spot positions, liquidating positions, paying interest, requiring margin, or accepting additional funds or paying out funds to the customer,


providing any account statements to the customers,


responding to complaints or inquiries.


?statements and confirmations (声明和确认)

confirmation of trades will be made online as the trades are executed and should immediately be reflected in the customer’s snc ?margin monitor, snc ?open positions window, account statement report and in their trade history report. trades done over the telephone will be executed for the customers account on their behalf and also be reflected online snc ?margin monitor, snc ?open positions window, account statement report and in their trade history report.? reports and all online position windows and statements of accounts for customer shall be deemed correct and shall be conclusive and binding upon customer if not objected to by telephone immediately upon receipt and such objection is confirmed in writing within three (3) business days after the transmission to customer or if snc ?does not change the confirmed execution price and details. snc ?reserves the right to change confirmed rates, prices or trade details of executed and confirmed deals if snc ?feels the electronic or verbal price or details from that deal was executed was in error.?? margin calls or trade corrections shall be conclusive and binding unless objected to immediately by telephone, fax or email. written objections on customer’s part shall be directed to snc , attn: customer objections, 46 nelson st, quincy, massachusetts, 02169 and shall be deemed received only if actually delivered or mailed by registered mail, return receipt requested. failure to object shall be deemed ratification of all actions taken by snc, or snc ?agents prior to customer’s receipt of said reports. trades executed online will be confirmed online at the time of the trade and trades entered into by telephone will be confirmed verbally and online by the end of the business day. pending orders or trades executed while the customer is offline will be reflected in the customers snc open position window, in the snc ?margin monitor, account statement report and in their trade history report upon logging back into the snc ?application. customer’s account statements will be available online in the reports section of the snc internet trading platform and customer monthly statements will be available by e-mail, fax and/or mail. customer’s failure to receive a trade confirmation shall not relieve customer of the obligation to object as set out herein. customer understands and acknowledges that oral information provided by snc ?to customer regarding confirmations of trades and statements of account may be unverified and incomplete due to delays in transmission and other factors beyond snc ?reasonable control. customer therefore acknowledges and agrees that any reliance upon such oral information is at customer’s risk and customer further agrees to immediately call to snc ?attention any such oral information which customer has reason to believe is inconsistent with customer’s own information. no provision of this agreement shall operate to prevent snc ?from correcting any error or omission upon discovery. the customer agrees that such errors, whether resulting in a profit or loss, shall be corrected and customer’s account will be credited or debited in such manner and extent as to place the account in the same position in which it would have been had the error not occurred. snc ?reserves the right to be the final arbiter as related to disputed orders.

交易确认将在网上随交易执行,应该立即反映在客户的snc 外汇保证金监测上,snc 外汇平仓窗口,帐目报表及报告及其在其历史上的交易报告。为客户帐户以电话执行业务时,那些也会反映在snc 外汇保证金上。当交易确认将在网上执行,应该立即反映在客户的snc 外汇保证金监测上,snc 外汇开通平仓窗口snc即期外汇帐目报表及其历史上的交易报告。对客户帐户有权用电话执行交易,之后也会反映在网上的snc 外汇保证金检测系统上,snc 外汇开通平仓窗口,snc即期外汇帐目报表及其历史上的交易报告。报告和所有在线的平台及帐目报表,为客户视为正确、确凿和有约束力,如果顾客不反对通过电话立即收到异议书面确认,其会在snc 外汇并不改变已确认的执行价格及细节后的三个营业日内传递给客户。如果snc 外汇认为电子或口头报价的详情有误,snc 外汇储备有权改变已确认的汇率、价格或交易细节的执行情况和已确认的交易。除非不能立即至电、传真或电子邮件通知,否则保证金偿还或交易更正应受约束。顾客书面反对应当邮寄到snc 经办人: 马萨诸塞州昆士市,来尔森街46号, 邮编02169提出,以收到回执为确认。无效的异议,应视为批准snc外汇所执行的交易,或snc 外汇代理人事先收到客户的通知。当在网上或电话执行交易,将以口头和网上在最后一个交易日回复确认。未完成的交易或执行时客户离线,将反映在客户的snc外汇平台中,在snc 外汇保证金检测、帐目报表及在其历史上的交易报告计回snc 中应用。客户的帐户报表,可在网上snc 外汇交易平台查询部门查询;顾客每月报表可通过电子邮件、传真或邮件查询。若客户未能收到确认,客户仍有权再这点上提出异议,客户理解和承认在snc 外汇合理控制下,snc 提供的口头资料可能为在传送和其他因素之外未核实的及因延误导致不完整的。因此,客户需意识到任何依赖等口头资料对客户有一定的风险,对这类即时的口头信息,客户有理由相信与自身的信息不符。本协议没有规定操作可防止或纠正任何错误或遗漏。是否造成了损益,客户都应同意这种错误,在某程度阻止贷记或借记上错误的发生。snc 保留对相关争议的最后仲裁权利。

communications (信息传达)

reports, statements, notices and any other communications may be transmitted to customer at the address set forth herein, or to such other address as customer may from time to time designate in writing to snc. all communications sent, whether by mail, telegraph, e-mail, fax, messenger or otherwise, shall be deemed transmitted by snc ??when deposited in the united states mail, or when received by a transmitting agent, or communications or recording device, designated by customer or otherwise within customer’s actual or constructive control, and such communication shall be deemed delivered to customer personally, whether actually received by customer or not, and customer hereby waives all claims resulting from failures to receive such communications. all communications sent by customer shall not be deemed effective until accepted by snc . customer shall notify snc immediately of any change in customer’s address by e-mail to or by mail or other delivery service to snc attn: customer accounts, 46 nelson st, quincy, massachusetts, 02169.

报告、声明、告示及任何其他通信可发送到客户所阐述的地址,或其它在客户给snc 寄信时流下的地址。所有由客户指定或客户实际上或结构上的控制的信息发送,不管是邮件、电报、电子邮件、传真、信使或其他,应视为由snc 发出的,在美国存放或从转发代理、通信或录音装置收到。无论客户实际收到与否,这种信息发送应视为已交付给客户个人,客户因此放弃所有因通信失败的索赔要求。在收到snc 回复前,所有的客户信函都应视无效。客户应发电子邮件 或邮寄或其他寄递方式到:snc ?经办人:客户帐户,马萨诸塞州昆士市,来尔森街46号, 邮编02169。

force majeure (不可抗力)

snc ??shall not be liable to the customer for any loss, cost, damage or expense sustained or incurred by the customer, directly or indirectly, by reason of any cause beyond snc ?’s control, including but not limited to, natural disasters, acts of god, civil unrest, war, insurrection,? international? intervention,? governmental? action (including,? without? limitation,? exchange? controls,? forfeitures, nationalizations, devaluations), market conditions, inability to communicate with any relevant person or entity or any breakdown or failure of any transmission or communication system or computer facility, whether belonging to snc , customer or any market or any settlement or clearing system.

snc 不对客户,因任何snc 可控制外的原因,包括但不仅限于,自然灾害天灾、动乱、战争、叛乱、国际干预、政府行为(包括但不仅仅限于外汇管制、没收、国有化、贬值)、市场条件、无法沟通、任何有关个人或实体,或任何任何传输、通信系统或计算机设施,是否关于snc 的客户、任何市场或任何结算、清算系统的故障或失效,而客户任何持续或招致的直接或间接损失、费用、损坏负责。

?trading recommendations (交易建议)

customer acknowledges, understands and agrees that


any market recommendations and information communicated to customer by snc ??or any introducing broker affiliated with snc ??do not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any foreign currency contract;

市场上任何介绍经纪人或任何隶属于snc 的经纪人通过snc 传达给客户的建议和信息,并不构成出售或要约购买外币合同的要约;

such recommendation and information, although based upon information obtained from sources believed by snc ??to be reliable, may be incomplete and may be unverified; and

虽然这些建议和信息是由snc 所得,但可能为不可靠、不完整和不核实的;

snc ?makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to, and shall not be responsible for, the accuracy or completeness of any information or trading recommendation furnished to customer; and

snc 不保证或担保,并不负责其提供给客户的任何资料或买卖建议的准确性或完整性;

customer further acknowledges that, should customer grant trading authority or control over customer’s account to a third-party (authorized agent), whether on a discretionary or non-discretionary basis, snc ?shall in no way be responsible for reviewing customer’s choice nor making any recommendations with respect thereto.

客户进一步明确,不论是自愿还是非自愿的基础上,客户向第三方(授权代理人)给予交易授权或帐户控制权,snc 绝不对客户的选择审查负责,也不提出任何建议并表示尊重。

?intellectual property and confidentiality (知识产权和保密)

all copyright, trademark, trade secret and other intellectual property rights in the snc ?internet trading platform (“snc ?pro”), an online trading system, shall remain at all times the sole, exclusive and absolute property of snc ?and customer shall have no right or interest in the snc ?pro except for the right to access and use the fip as specified herein. customer acknowledges that the snc ?pro is confidential and proprietary to snc ?and has been developed through the expenditure of substantial skill, time, effort and money of snc . the customer agrees and warrants that customer will protect the confidentiality of snc ??at all times by allowing access to the snc ?pro only by its employees and agents on a need to access basis. customer will not publish, distribute, or otherwise make any information available to third parties derived from or relating to the snc ?internet trading platform. customer will not copy, modify, de-compile, reverse engineer, and make derivative works of the snc ?internet trading platform or in the manner in which it operates. any violation of the above shall be subject to prosecution under the applicable state and federal laws.

所有在snc 网上外汇交易平台(“snc ?pro”),网上交易系统的版权、商标、商业秘密和其它知识产权,应一直由snc 对财产统一管理。客户除有权查阅和使用规定具体提到的外,在snc ?pro没有权利或利益。客户承认,snc 通过付出大量技能、时间、精力和金钱,使fip为保密和专利的。客户同意并保证,客户要在雇员和代理人因需要对其允许进入snc ?pro的时候,保护snc 的保密性。顾客不公布或以任何其他资料让第三方获得或涉及、snc 网上外汇交易平台。顾客不得利用复制、修改、反向编译、逆向工程,产出盗版snc ,或以其运作方式的网上交易平台。违反上述任何规定,可根据州和联邦适用的法律被检控。

indemnification (赔偿)

customer agrees to indemnify and hold snc , its affiliates, employees, agents, successors and assigns harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by snc ?arising out of customer’s failure to fully and timely perform customer’s agreements herein or should any of the representations and warranties made by customer herein or at any time fail to be true and correct. except as otherwise expressly stated herein, customer also agrees to pay promptly to snc ??all damages, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by snc ??in the enforcement of any of the provisions of this agreement, any other agreements between snc ??and customer, and any contracts and other transactions hereunder.

客户同意,使snc 及其联营公司、雇员、代理、承继人和受让人免受所有债务、损失、损失赔偿、费用和开支,包括因snc 没有充分和及时根据协议满足客户,而引起的律师调解费。除非另有明确说明,客户需同意马上赔偿snc 一切损失、成本及费用,包括snc 在执行任何有关本协定规定,其他关于snc和客户协议、合同和其他下文提到的交易,引起的律师调解费。

disclosure and financial information (披露财务资料)

the customer represents and warrants that the financial information disclosed to snc ?in this document and any and all documents provided by customer in connection with the customer’s account are an accurate representation of the customer’s current financial condition, trading experience and the level of investment sophistication. the customer additionally represents to snc ?that the information provided by the customer in connection with this agreement is full, complete and accurate and snc ?is entitled to rely on this information until snc ?receives written notice from the customer of any change in such information. the customer represents and warrants that the customer has very carefully considered the portion of the customer’s assets which the customer deems to be risk capital; the customer recognizes that risk capital is the amount of money the customer is willing to put at risk and if lost would not, in any way, change the customer’s life style or otherwise materially effect customer.

客户代表及保证,由客户就其帐户的准确财政现状、交易记录和投资行为,向snc 在这份文件和任何所有文件披露财务信息。除此之外,客户需向snc 表示,其提供与本协议有关的信息为充分、完整和准确的,snc 有权收到客户一书面通知其信息的改变。客户代表并保证,已对其资本风险作详细考虑,不因其投资损失而致使其在生活模式上或物质上改变。

disclosure and customer information (披露客户资料)

snc ?will not share or sell information regarding its customers and/or prospective customers, except to its employees, agents, affiliates, partners, and associates as reasonably required in the ordinary course of snc ?business, including, but not limited to, snc ?banking or credit relationships. snc ?may also disclose to federal or state regulatory agencies and law enforcement authorities’ information regarding customer and customer’s transactions in response to a request for such information and may disclose information regarding customer and customer’s transactions in response to a court order or subpoena.

snc 不会共享或出售其客户和/或潜在客户的信息,除非在一般snc 业务过程中,其雇员,代理人,分支机构,合作伙伴,包括但不仅限为,snc 外汇银行或信用关系的合理要求。snc 还可能向联邦或州的监管机构和执法机关透露资料,并就客户和其帐户交易的法庭命令或传票要求披露有关客户及交易信息。

joint accounts and trust accounts (联合帐户和信托帐户)

if more than one natural person as the customer executes this agreement, all such natural persons agree to be jointly and severally liable for the obligations assumed in this agreement. if this agreement is executed by a trust, partnership or unincorporated association, the customer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless and free snc ?for any losses, claims, costs, damages and expenses resulting directly or indirectly from breach of any fiduciary or similar duty or allegation thereof.

如果有一个以上的自然人作为客户执行本协议,所有这些自然人都应同意承担在本协议的连带责任。 如果由信托、合伙企业或法人团体执行本协议,客户在此同意赔偿、保护、保存并免除因任何违反受托人或类似的职责或指控,对snc 直接或间接造成的



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5. 通知:龙王龙颜大悦,发现你是人中之龙,做事龙马精神,说话龙姿凤采,经亲子鉴定你确系为龙子龙孙,鼠年祝愿你做个快乐小龙人!
















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范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1716 字

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1. 今天是母亲节,没有鲜花,没有礼物,只有我深深的祝福!祝愿你最最亲爱的母亲:永远健康,年轻美丽,快乐幸福,顺心如意。

2. 嘻,看你那可爱样,给你点颜色你就发亮,给你点油脂你就发胖,给你一朵玫瑰你就头昏脑胀,给你一个宝宝你就不知方向,母亲节祝你这个年轻妈咪永远漂亮!

3. 爱是妈为孩儿的梳妆;爱是门口深情的张望;爱是粗大的手掌;爱是入睡时妈的吟唱;爱是孩儿病时的热汤;爱是母亲唠叨的过往。母亲节祝母亲们节日快乐!

4. 可怜天下父母心!虽然已为人之母,也体会到做父母的辛苦,但是因为生活的压力,工作的琐事而忽略了父母的感受,想想真的挺惭愧的。对不起,爸爸妈妈!今天天气这么好,我们一起去公园逛逛吧!

5. 妈妈:你辛苦了!要不是中国移动提醒我,我还不知道母亲节的来临,趁着属于母亲的节日,我向天地祈祷,借中国移动证明我的诚心,祝你身体健康!

6. 不会随光阴流逝的,是您的爱;不会随岁月淡漠的,是我的愿:愿母亲节日康乐!

7. 君子之交淡如水,所以每到节日的时候,我总不忘记对你送上一句:节日快乐。等我说完了,我才想起今天是母亲节!

8. 走遍天涯海角,您在的地方才是永远的家;听遍千言万语,您说的话才是拨动心弦的金玉;吃遍四面八方,您做的饭菜才是最香;看遍人情冷暖,您给的关心才是最真挚的爱。母亲节,愿您健康快乐,笑口常开!

9. 洗衣做饭忙不完,每日忙碌不着闲,历经风霜添白发,勤劳持家不知烦,尝尽苦辣皆为甜,养大子女无怨言。在母亲节的日子里,祝福妈妈健康长寿颐养天年!

10. 看着母亲一丝一丝的白发,一条一条逐日渐深的皱纹,多年含辛茹苦哺育我成人的母亲,在这属于您的节日里请接受我对您最深切的祝愿:节日快乐,永远年轻!

11. 没有你就没有我,就没有我数十寒暑的悲伤,也没有我春夏秋冬的欢笑,谢谢你给了我生命中美好的一切与成长。母亲节快乐!

12. 天空广阔,比不上母亲的博爱广阔;太阳温暖,比不上母亲的真情温暖;鲜花灿烂,比不上母亲的微笑灿烂;彩虹鲜艳,比不上母亲的快乐鲜艳。祝妈妈快乐!

13. 初为人母,最是幸福。可爱婴儿,嗷嗷待哺。盈盈笑脸,暖暖盼顾。柔肠百转,倾心呵护。母亲节至,快乐无数。祝新妈妈,尽享为人母的幸福。

14. Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。

15. 亲爱的妈妈:您曾用您坚实的臂弯为我撑起一片蓝天;而今,我也要用我日益丰满的羽翼为您遮挡风雨。妈妈,我永远爱您!祝您节日快乐!

16. 今天是母亲节,愿你永远健康,美丽;一切事情都顺心,如意。没有鲜花,没有礼物,只有我深深的祝福!

17. 道一句谢谢,不能表达我对你的感激之情;送一件礼物,不能报答您的养育之恩;生命的给予,幸福的传递,唯有一生永铭记,妈妈,我爱你!

18. 母亲的伟大, 凝结了我的血肉,母亲的伟大 ,塑造了我的灵魂,母亲的一生, 是一次爱的航行,母亲用优美的年轮,编成一册散发油墨清香的日历,我日日都在母亲的深情里度过。母亲节到了,祝愿亲爱的母亲健康快乐。

19. 母亲节怎么过?A陪母亲聊天;B帮母亲做家务;C陪母亲外出散心。选A:你是个乖孩子;选B:你是个孝顺的孩子;选C:你是个很懂得珍惜的好孩子。祝母亲节日快乐!

20. 您常在给我理解的注视,您常说快乐是孩子的礼物。所以今天,我送上一个笑,温暖您的心。

21. 生我,您承受着痛苦;养我,您承受着艰辛;育我,您承受着劳累;教我,您承受着辛劳;母亲节到了,带着我的孝心,愿妈妈开心,拿着我的诚意,愿妈妈顺心顺意,祝妈妈节日快乐。

22. 妈妈,月日是母亲节,我太忙没有准备什么礼物给你,不过我已经给你的神州行充值一百元,你有时间就跟我通电话不要怕电话费多了,祝母亲节快乐!

23. 妈妈:身在异乡的我不能给您亲手送上一束康乃馨,惟有以此短信一表我的心意,祝您健康、快乐、幸福无边!

24. 愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕着您。愿欢乐年华,永远伴随您。祝您节日愉快!

25. 外边风吹雨打折磨着我,屋内和煦的阳光温暖着我,因为屋内有您,我爱您妈妈,永远永远!童年的青灯里有,你讲的故事,和我的笑声!



范文类型:方案措施,工作计划,适用行业岗位:经理,全文共 2385 字

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一、应该对过去的一年进行全面客观的总结,部门年度工作计划。全面客观地总结过去一年的工作是制定新的一年工作计划地第一步,目的是为了更好的做好今后的工作。没有全面客观地对去年的工作进行总结,就不会发现过去一年工作中的优点和不足,如果不能够很好地对过去一年的工作进行总结和回顾,也不能发现影响过去一年工作成绩的问题所在,在制定工作计划时就会出现盲目性。对过去一年工作总结首先要全面,如果单纯站在成绩上面沾沾自喜,就会迷失前进的方向,就会盲目乐观甚至是夜郎自大,如果是停留在现有的成绩上不充分考虑面临的危机,终究会被别人超过去。总结也不能盲目悲观,一叶障目不见森林,否则就不能够发现发展的光明前景,对未来就会失去信心,信心对于一个部门来讲至关重要。客观总结是在全面分析的基础上,前后左右都进行一次 对照,找准自己所处的“坐标”,这是很关键的问题,如果找不准自己的位置,表现在工作计划中就会出现无所适从的现象。
























范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1166 字

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1. 完美的业绩里,看到的是你的辛勤汗水;过去的一年里,难忘的是你的忘我付出;未来的日子里,还要和你一起创造精彩!感谢你为公司大炉添砖加瓦,新的一年来到,祝你身体健康,万事如意!

2. 昨天的灿烂如日挂中天,辉煌耀眼;今天的团结一心像十指握成拳,众志成城;望明天的宏图如鲲鹏展翅,一飞冲天。祝愿公司齐心协力再创造新的成功。

3. 美丽鲜花,为你荣耀绽放;祝贺掌声,为你快乐响起;醇香美酒,为你庆祝圆满;欢快笑语,为你分享喜悦。辞旧迎新之际,我真诚的祝福你,在新的一年里,再接再厉,让佳绩再续,辉煌再现。

4. 耕耘了,播种了,收获了,欣喜了,年末了,过去了,新年了,开始了,加油了,努力了,奋斗了,拼搏了,祝福你,成长了,成功了,幸福了,圆满了。

5. 在20xx,搜索到快乐,浏览到充实,下载到喜悦,查找到成果,收藏起一切,放到文件夹,带着新期待,在20xx建起人生“如意”网页,祝您鼠年快乐,收获多多!

6. 长空属于飞鸟,瀚海属于潜鱼,业绩属于勤奋,爱情属于恋人,勇气属于战士,成功属于智者,20xx属于你,愿你20xx大展宏图,心有多大,舞台就有多大。

7. 站在这交替的时刻,向20xx挥手告别,告别所有的忧愁和伤感;向20xx张开双臂,拥抱所有的美好和幸福。愿新的一年,万象更新,幸福永久。

8. 拼搏与努力,奠定了卓越的业绩;奋斗与汗水,成就了事业的辉煌;20xx,编织伟大的梦想;20xx,唱响幸福的篇章;新的一年,愿你继往开来,直挂云帆,想着理想尽情翱翔!

9. 用春天般的温暖团结同志,用夏天般的火热认真工作,用秋天里的成功回馈企业,用冬天里的童话犒赏自己。记住以上四句话,让我们一起共勉,为个人成功,企业发展贡献力量。

10. 炮竹声中一岁除,公司胜利好前程,员工积极心向上,一片好景眼前亮。新年朝阳艳如画,天地共舞春又归,白雪纷飞送财富,红霞满天寄好运。新年伊始敬祝公司好景无限,祝愿员工快乐增添。

11. 辛苦付出苦熬实干,换来了硕果累累丰收成片;举起欢庆的酒亮开高歌的喉,灯火辉煌笑容暖暖,预祝来年精诚合作宏图大展,共同开创事业的艳阳天。

12. 时间的火车拉着20xx年的记忆缓缓开走,不管成功亦或失败,开心亦或懊恼,都必须统统忘掉,20xx年的火车已经向我们使来,只有抓住时机的人才不会误了火车,愿你20xx年生福生财不生病。

13. 20xx的风中,有朵彩色的云,云上写满了期待与收获,20xx的天空,接管这片云,用辛勤与汗水,画上新的色彩,祝您新的一年开心幸福!

14. 画个句号祝福你,新年家团聚;顿个叹号感动你,新年聚爱气;圈个括号锁定你,新年聚财气;一行省略号浓缩千言万语,祝您阖家欢喜!

15. 祝大家上班偷偷傻笑,下班活蹦乱跳,嘴里哼着小调,晚上唏里呼噜睡觉,醒来吓一大跳,枕边全是钞票,提前(钱)祝春节幸福快乐!



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