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Now we come to the Bund by the Huangpu River in Shanghai. First of all, Iwould like to welcome you to visit the Bund and wish you a pleasant trip.

There are five tourist routes in the new Bund. On your left hand side arethe magnificent buildings and spacious Zhongshan Road known as the "WorldArchitecture Expo". On your right hand side are the sparkling Huangpu River andPudong Lujia financial and trade zone with bright future. In front of you is anew and unique sightseeing area. The buildings, Zhongshan Road, sightseeingarea, Huangpu River and Lujiazui are like the staff in the music score, whilethe industrious Shanghai people are like strings of inter symbol, forming thelatest and most beautiful movement. Welcome to all the guests.

In short, it used to be a grassy wasteland outside the old city ofShanghai.

Although these buildings with European Renaissance style are not designedby the same designer or built in the same era, their architectural style is soharmonious and unified that it seems to be natural. From the the Bund road tothe outer white road bridge, the length of the arc is only 1.5 kilometers, androw upon row of 52 buildings of different styles, including English, French,ancient Greek, etc. At that time, many foreign banks, associations andconsulates gathered here, known as "Wall Street" in the East, forming ahistorical miniature of the semi colonial and semi feudal society in oldShanghai.

Please see, Dongfeng Hotel No.2 on the new Bund used to be a very famousBritish club. It is a typical British classical building. The building is 6stories high (including basement). There is a lookout Pavilion at the north andsouth ends of the roof. The interior decoration is very gorgeous. The firstfloor bar used to be proud of its 110.7-foot bar, which is the longest in theEast. Now KFC is located in the bar.

Before the new Bund 12, it was the famous "HSBC Bank". The building wasbuilt in 1923, which is an antique Greek style dome building. The building is arectangular building close to square, with five stories high and a halfspherical top layer. There are seven stories at the top of the building and asteel frame structure. The interior of the building is decorated with variousreception rooms in the United States, Britain, France, Russia and Japan. Thisbuilding was once regarded by the British as one of the most exquisite buildingsfrom the Suez Canal to the Bering Strait in the Far East.

The building next to HSBC is the Shanghai customs building, a 19th-centuryretro building, built in 1927, which is rare in the world today. The clock onthe top of the building can be seen all around. It plays a short tune every 15minutes. The sound of the bell is melodious and deep, with a sound of 10 Li.

After Wilson, the British designer, the HSBC building and the customsbuilding are affectionately called "sister buildings" in Shanghai, and they arestill one of the important symbols of Shanghai.

The two buildings at the entrance of Nanjing East Road are called peacehotel. The south facing building was built in 1906. It was called Huizhong hotelat that time. It is the earliest existing hotel in Shanghai. It can be used as ahistorical building, belonging to the Renaissance of British culture. Thebiggest feature of the building is that the facade is made of red brick withwaist line and white wall brick with veneer. From a distance, it looks solemnand elegant with unique style, which is a rare masterpiece.

These buildings on the Bund are the crystallization of the industriouswisdom of the Chinese working people, and also reflect the plunder and invasionof Shanghai by the western colonists. Nowadays, in order to let people know thehistory of these buildings, the Chinese and English nameplates are hung in frontof each building.

As for the Bund, the name given to her by Shanghai people has changed withthe passage of time. Shanghai people call the Bund before liberation the oldBund and after liberation the Bund. Now people praise it as the new Bund. Therehave been scenes of seizing the Bund many times in history, but each time has acompletely different historical significance. Since the Third Plenary Session ofthe Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the strategicfocus of Chinas reform and opening up has also changed from south to north. Thedevelopment and revitalization of Pudong has brought Shanghai to the forefrontof Chinas reform and opening up. The spring breeze has awakened Shanghai Bund,which has been sleeping for many years. Chinese and foreign financialinstitutions have also seized the Bund. Shanghai has made a major move to "cleanup the nest and attract Phoenix", replacing the houses on the Bund FinancialStreet, attracting "old customers" at home and abroad to settle down again,showing the style of "Wall Street" in the Far East again.

The Bund is a symbol of Shanghai and a must for Chinese and foreigntourists. But in the past, because of the narrow road and the crowded traffic,the overall image of the Bund was seriously affected. In order to change theappearance of the Bund, the Shanghai Peoples government takes the Bund as a keypoint to transform. The road in front of us is called Zhongshan Road. It isnamed in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of Chinas democraticrevolution. It is also part of the comprehensive transformation of the Bund. Theroad is 826m long and 45m wide with 6 to 10 lanes. This wide traffic line is notonly limited to the Bund area, but also extends with the pace of reform andopening up. It starts from Jiangwan Wujiaochang in the north and ends at NanpuBridge in the south. By the beginning of the next century, the North-SouthCorridor will be 15 kilometers long and will become a landmark of Shanghaitourism.

The riverside road we are taking now is quite unique. It not onlyintegrates culture and greening, but also is a good place for people to practicewriting and martial arts in the morning, a place for tourists at home and abroadto visit in the daytime, and an ideal place for lovers to have a love talk inthe evening. It is said that many foreign friends have come to experiencelife.

Ladies and gentlemen, strolling in the new Bund Sightseeing Area, do youfeel that the new Bund not only has a new look, but also has a strong artisticatmosphere in the bustling city. Lets see: an artistic landscape with the themeof "for tomorrow" is set on the Bund of Yanan East Road, embracing with sixcolumns and combining with the meteorological signal station with a history ofmore than 80 years to form a group of scenery. The customs building and theelectronic waterfall clock are also quite new. The electronic waterfall clock isa ladder type, 27 meters long and 3.5 meters high, with 10 full steps. The wholeoperation process is controlled by computer. There are more than 1000 jets ofwater in various colors of Arabic numerals, which makes the world so far awayand so close to each other. The tourist area has become a scenic line ofShanghai style culture that can accommodate hundreds of rivers.

Huangpu Park is facing the famous Huangpu River at home and abroad. "Theyellow water in Huanglongpu on the moon" vividly depicts the color of HuangpuRiver. Jiangpu river is the mother river of Shanghai. It originates from TaihuLake in Wuxi. It is the longest, widest and deepest river in Shanghai, with atotal length of 114 km, an average width of 400 m and a depth of 7-9 M. Itsoriginal name is Dongjiang, also known as chunshenjiang and huangxiejiang. It issaid that in the 20th century___ Many years ago, Shanghai belonged to the stateof Chu at that time. At that time, there was a great general named Huang Xie inthe state of Chu. He was very talented in governing the country. He wasappointed prime minister by the king of Chu and was granted the title of"fengshenjun" to govern the land of Shanghai. Due to the siltation of the upperreaches of Dongjiang River at that time, he led the people of Shanghai to dredgeand modify the waterway, which greatly developed Shanghais water transportationand agriculture. In order to commemorate Huang Xies achievements, latergenerations changed the name of Dongjiang River to "chunshenjiang" and"huangxiepu", which was not officially named "Huangpu River" until the SouthernSong Dynasty.

Overlooking the other bank, Pudong Lujiazui financial and trade zone andPuxi Bund are facing each other. Its functions are finance, trade and foreignservices. It will be the core and symbol of new Shanghai. "East Bund" BinjiangAvenue, with a total length of 2500 meters, integrates tourism, sightseeing andentertainment, along which there are six distinctive squares. Although I canonly smell the rumbling sound of piling, it is the most gorgeous movement on thestaff and predicts a better future for the Bund.



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大家都知道看中国一百年历史到哪里么?对的,就是上海,那么看二十年的历史呢?就来外滩了。外滩是上海的窗口,它集中反映出我国最大的经济中心城市,国际现代化大都市的风貌,又具有历史文化名城的特点。许多海外侨胞和华人都爱把上海外滩称誉为亚洲第一湾。是的,她美极了,请看,她从北起外白渡桥南至新开河,长约1800多米,弯弯的走势,形如新月,秀美如画。 据资料记载,外滩原来叫扬子路、黄埔滩路。1945年为了纪念孙中山先生,改名为中山一路沿用到今天,外滩过去有着东方华尔街之称。随着上海城市建设的高速发展,更具有现代都市气息。1995年被评为“90年代上海十大新景观”之一,每天慕名前来观光的游客数以万计。 各位:今天当我们沐浴着改革开放的阳光,在这外滩散步,可以欣赏到许多美丽景观。首先,请看西面,那就是上海的象征之一——万国建筑博览会。大家知道,第一次战争以后,上海被辟为商埠(bu)当时的上海逐渐形成了外国资本在中国最集中的地方,而各式各样的西洋式建筑也随之在外滩建立。这黄浦江边集中大批西方国家的银行、俱乐部、夜总会等,反映了西方殖民这对上海的掠夺和侵略。这外滩上的一栋栋高耸的大楼,虽然不是由一位设计师设计,也不是建于同一年代,但却富有共性,它们都是当时西方最流行的样式,采用西方古典建筑形式,整个建筑具有庄重、雄伟的气势,建筑色调基本统一。另外再看东面,人们在观景台上海还可以眺望到宽阔壮丽的黄浦江江面景色,江风拂(fu)面、江面波光粼粼(lin)、百舸争流、白色海鸥高低飞翔,可一览大城市港口风光。遥望浦东跨世纪最新颖的摩天建筑群,恢弘的气势使外滩借得美景。外滩作为上海的象征,融江河景观与建筑景观于一体,集西方古典风情与中国现代文明于一炉,现在让我们由南至北观赏一下外滩边的主要大楼建筑。



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Hello, everyone! Welcome to Shanghai. Im a tour guide of Shanghai travelagency. You can call me Xiao X or director X. Now, we are in the Bund area.Next, Id like to give you an overview of the Bund tourist area.

The Bund tourist area is located at the junction of Huangpu River andSuzhou River in the mother river of Shanghai. It looks across the river from thePearl River scenic spot in Pudong. It is located on the 1300 sides of theZhongshan East Road.

The main tourist attractions in the Bund are known as the highest customsbuilding in the "World Architecture Expo". The largest building in the Bund isthe HSBC building with the largest width, the largest and the largest volume.The Bank of China Building and the outer white bridge are full of Chineseelements, the mother river, the Yellow River Pujiang, the Whampoa Park inShanghai, and the four square completed on the eve of World Expo. (thesurrounding attractions include Broadway building and Bund source which isundergoing comprehensive renovation. )

The Bund, formerly known as "Huangpu Beach", was a beach along the river inthe northeast of Chengxiang, Shanghai. After the opening of Shanghai port in1843, the first British Consul in Shanghai, Balfour, took a fancy to this place.In 1845, according to the so-called "Shanghai land charter" published byShanghai Daotai, 800 mu of land including the Bund was designated as the Britishconcession, and the roads along the river were called "Huangpu Road and HuangpuBeach Road". Around the beginning of last century, there were domestic andforeign banks moving in, and gradually developed into "Oriental Wall Street". Itwas not until 1945 that it was renamed zhongshangdong 1st road.

After liberation, especially in the 1990s and 1920s___ On the eve of theWorld Expo 20__, the Bund experienced two large-scale renovation. It is worthmentioning that: after the transformation on the eve of the World Expo, the Bundtourist area has comprehensively improved the environmental quality of the Bundwaterfront area, highlighted the historical and cultural features of "universalarchitecture", and fully interpreted the theme of "Better City, better life",making the Bund the most iconic and classic urban landscape area inShanghai.

20___ In, the Bund tourist area was named "Bund morning bell" as one of the"Eight Sights on new Shanghai".

In a word, we can say that the Bund tourist area is a classic scenic spotin Shanghai urban tourism, which integrates human landscape and naturallandscape, complements western classical customs and Chinese modern customs. Itis a must for domestic and foreign tourists to visit Shanghai.

Good, ladies and gentlemen. Due to the time limit, the general situation ofthe Bund tourist area is here for the time being. Next, lets visit the scenicspots.



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shanghai travel and tours guide

located at the center of the mainlands coastline, shanghai has long been amajor hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. themunicipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population ofmore than 13.5 million. shanghai is chinas largest economic comprehensiveindustrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city.

the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue forbusiness gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of china.shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporatesland, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system.more than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong internationalairport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annualpassenger volume to some 20 million.

special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboringprovinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes alongnewly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel.shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms.

visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis andgateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in theunique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorfulfestivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such asthe shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culturefestival and shanghai china international art festival.

shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the differentinterests of visitors, such as bicycling tours, hiking tours, gourmet tours,rehabilitation and health care tours, study tours, japanese young womens tours,honey moon tours, and convention and exhibition tours.

the bund

the well-known bund is a must for visitors to shanghai. fifty-two buildingslining the narrow shoreline of the huangpu river offer a living exhibition ofgothic, baroque, roman, classic revival and renaissance architectural styles, aswell as combinations of chinese and western styles. they are also a condensationof the recent history of the city. the wide embankment offers ample room forstrolling and is used by locals for morning exercises and evening gatherings. inthe evening, colorful lights illuminate the area and create a shimmering imagedeserving of the name pearl of the orient.

the yu garden

the yu gardens are a classical landscape in the southern chinese style witha history of more than 400 years. pavilions, halls, rockeries and ponds displaythe finest in landscaping from the southern style as seen in the ming and qingdynasties. more than 40 landscapes were ingeniously separated by latticed walls,winding corridors, and lattice windows.

peoples square

peoples square has become the political and cultural center in shanghaisince 1994, when it was rebuilt. in and around the square are a massive fountainnamed the light of huangpu river, 10,000 square meters of lawns, six groups ofrelief carvings that depict the history of shanghai, the new shanghai museum,the offices of the municipal government, an underground shopping plaza, theshanghai grand theater and the shanghai exhibition center

the orient pearl tv tower

the orient pearl tv tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in asia and thirdtallest in the world. it faces the bund across the huangpu river. when viewedfrom the bund, the tower and the nanpu and yangpu bridges create a vivid imageryknown as "two dragons playing with a pearl." the sphere at the top has adiameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. the observation deck inthe sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. the revolving restaurant is setat 267 meters above pudong new area. the dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaokerooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. the penthouse, which sitsat 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. the towerintegrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping,amusement, and accommodations. it has become the symbol of the city and a majortourist attraction in shanghai.

cruise on the huangpu river

cruising on the huangpu river, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers,the monument tower to the peoples heroes, the famous waibaidu bridge andhuangpu park on one bank, and the orient pearl tv tower, internationalconvertion center, jin mao building and the newly rising pudong new area on theother. the yangpu and nanpu bridges span the river. from the river, visitors canalso view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at wusongand the magnificent view of the yangtze river as it empties into the sea.

nanjing road

nanjing road east, honored as "chinas no. l street", has become anall-weather pedestrian arcade. shops and restaurants provide products andservices with their own characteristics, making it an ideal place thatintegrates shopping, restaurants, amusement and sightseeing.

luxun park

the museum and tomb are located in lu xun park. lu xun was an imminent manof letters. the museum exhibits lu xuns manuscripts, some of his personaleffects, document., and photos. the headstone at the tomb of lu xun is in thecalligraphy of vhio zedong and reads "the tomb of mr. lu xun."

dr. suns residence

dr. sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution, andhis wilr soong ching ling, lived in this building from 1918 to 1924. it was inthe residence that dr. sun yat-sen met representatives of the communist partyand fostered the first cooperation between the chinese communist party and thekuomintang.

soong ching lings residence

this is the former residence of soong ching ling. an honorary chairwoman ofthe peoples republic of china and the widow of sun yat-sen. she lived, worked,and studied here during the last years of her life.

birthplace of the communist party of china.

in july of 1921, the first national communist party congress was held inthis building. the congress passed the partys program and resolutions, electedthe central committee, and declared the founding of the cpc.

shanghai library

the new shanghai library, which covers an area of some 80,000 squaremeters, has a collection of 13 million books and is considered one of the topten libraries in the world. the library incorporates the open-stacks approachfavored in the west, which allows for convenience in borrowing books.

shanghai grand theater

located in the northwestern corner of peoples square. the shanghai grandtheater covers 70,000 squat, meters. it is actually composed of three theaters.the theaters can accommodate performances of ballet opera, symphonies, chambermusic modern dramas, and musicals. the theater also owns the largest, fullyautomatic stage in asia. the theater has become a symbol of modern culture inshanghai.

duolun road

cultural celebrities street, located along duolun road and surroundingareas,is a living memorial to the modern cultural celebrities of shang-hai andis also a condensation of modern culture. such chinese literary giants as luxun, mao dun, guo moruo and ye shengtao lived and wrote here,making the road animportant feature in chinas modern cultural history. in addition, the famousgongfei cafe. celebrities mansion, the shanghai art opera troupe, and hai shangjiu li also display the accumulated cultural atmosphere of duolun roadtoday.



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Je suis venu à Shanghai en octobre.Une ville moderne construite dans unjardin peut être décrite comme Shanghai; Shanghai ma donné limpression dêtrebelle, à la mode et brillante. Bien s?r, les plus belles vues de Shanghai sontles vues nocturnes du Bund.

Lorsque la nuit tomba, les lumières des gratte - ciel de différentes formessilluminaient. Les néons clignotants sur les toits du b?timent Jinmao et duGrand H?tel Shangri La ressemblaient à la Couronne de la reine. Les lumièresséteignaient et le beau Bund semblait charmant.Ja i vu la vue nocturne deChongqing, une ville montagneuse. Les montagnes sont reliées les unes auxautres, et les points sont liés au ciel, mais la vue nocturne du Bund est encoreplus fascinante.Les navires qui naviguaient sur la rivière Huangpu étaienthabillés de néons, comme des palais et des dragons. Chaque navire avait desformes différentes et des milliers de changements. La rivière Huangpu estdevenue un ruban fluide, et les deux c?tés de la rivière étaient hauts et Bas,et divers b?timents hauts et bas comme des diamants incrustés dans le ruban.Leplus éblouissant de ces diamants est la tour de télévision orientale Pearl, quiest en forme de c?ne et se compose de sphères supérieures et inférieuressoutenues par un cadre en perle orientale de la nuit estparticulièrement visible, deux grandes lumières sphériques scintillent et seconfondent, changeant constamment de couleur, très belle.Le vent du soir sesthabitué à marcher sur le Bund et à profiter de cette belle vue nocturne.

Shanghai est le paradis du bonheur, Shanghai est laile de la mode,Shanghai est lendroit où voler le rêve.Expérimentez un go?t différent dansdifférentes villes. La vue nocturne sur le Bund de Shanghai ma fait me demanderquel mot utiliser pour décrire. En bref, la vue nocturne sur le Bund de Shanghaiest trop belle.



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The construction of the Yamen here started in 1303 in Yuan Dynasty, and thepresent buildings were built in Qing Dynasty. It was the most well preservedgovernment office of country level in feudal China. Since our opening up to theoutside world in 1984, it has attracted a number of our government officials andvisitors form both at home and abroad because of its special history, science,attractive value and its own charm. We have the famous saying : Beijing is thedragonhead while the dragon’s tail is in Neixiang. It is also one of theimportant cultural relics of state level.

The front part building of the Yamen was called a screen wall, which wasbuilt with blue brick relief sculpture. In the middle of the screen, there is astrange beast, which is called “Tan”. It was said to be a greedy beast thatcould swallow gold and silver treasures in the legend. Here in the picture wecan see that around it there are treasures everywhere. But he is not satisfied.His mouth opens widely intending to swallow the sun in the sky, but as a result,he falls off the steep cliff, having his body smashed into pieces. The pictureon the screen was first created by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the MingDynasty. The purpose of the drawing is to warn the government officials not totake bribes and break the law. Here is the main entrance, halfway there isanother gate right in the middle, called Yimen, the second main officialentrance. It used to be open only on the day when new governor took his place orwhen higher official came to visit. On both sides of the second gate, there’retwo small doors, the one on the east was called Life door, while the one on thewest was called Death door, or Ghost door, which was used only by the criminalswhen they were sentenced to death and were going to be killed. Passing throughYimen, you can see a grand building here in front of you . That is the greathall. The great hall was the place where the governor of the county announcedthe government orders, and also some important ceremonies were held here andsome important and serious criminal cases were tried here. In the middle of it,a trial desk was placed, and on the desk, the four treasures of the study andthe red and green bamboo pieces used for trial could be found. On the front sideof the screen, there’s a picture of seawater, tide and the sun, meaning that anofficial should be as clear as the sun and the moon and as clean as seawater. Inother words, an official should be honest and upright. When the prosecutor andthe defendant were taken to the hall for trial, they must kneel down on thestones. The square stone on the east was for the prosecutor, and the rectanglestone on the west was for the accused. Since most cases

involved more defendants, the stone for them was longer then. The housebehind the great hall was called doorman house. The man who guarded the housewas called Doorman, who was the county governor’s relative or people who wereclose to him. Now we have come to the second hall. It was the place where theCounty Magistrate dealt with small cases. Please look at these famous couplets,which means that before law everyone is equal. So the judges should pass thefairest judgment on people. This is called Fuzi Yard, an ancient form of addressto a Confucian scholar or to a master by his disciples. Fuzi was usually theofficial’s assistant who was usually their close friend of knowledgeable andartistic talent. Everyone, including the county governor respectfully addressedhim as Lao Fuzi, so the place where Fuzi worked was called Fuzi Yard. Finally,let’s go to the third hall. It was the place where county governor did his dailywork. If the cases he dealt with were of great importance, he would do it here.There was also a garden behind. It was here that county governor enjoyed hisfree life and got away from his government affairs. As we can see now, there’remany succinct couplets with rich intension here. But this one before the thirdhall was the most famous. It was written by GaoYigong , a county governor inNeixiang county. It means that being the local officials, we rearded the commonpeople as our parents. We worked for them voluntarily and willingly.Nowadays ,many of our Party leaders like Chairman Jiang Zemin read it with deep feelings,and Premier Zhu Rongji sings high praise of it. The words can be no doubtregarded as famous saying and epigram, and the only one of its kind. So now theYmen in Neixiang, together with the Museum Palace in Beijing, and the other twoin Hebei and Shanxi, has formed a special international tore route of the fourgreat ancient Chinese Yamens. Neixiang is now going out of Henan and into theworld. We warmly welcome all the reiends from all over the world to visitNeixiang, and enjoy the elegant demeanor of the ancient Yamen.



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上海主要景点: 磁悬浮列车、东方明珠、国际会议中心、金茂大厦88层观光厅、上海博物馆、外滩万国建筑博览 、豫园、中共“一大”会址、大观园等。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 10093 字

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Bonjour à tous les visiteurs et amis. Aujourdhui, nous allons visiterWuzhen, le canton deau de Jiangnan. Wuzhen est lun des six plus grands cantonsdeau de Jiangnan, et aussi le plus beau canton deau de Jiangnan. Liu ruoying aparlé avec affection et a regardé de nombreux films et séries télévisées ici.Cependant, sil y a des amis qui aiment la vie moderne de la métropole avec unrythme rapide, de grands b?timents et du béton arméVous serez dé?u, alorspourquoi?Parce que le rythme de vie de notre ville de Wuzhen est très lent, trèsconfortable et confortable, et il ny a pas de b?timents haut de gamme, certainssont juste un ou deux b?timents en bois avec des murs blancs et des tuilesnoires construits près de leau. Il ny a même pas dascenseur ici. Il ny a pasplus de trois étages de b?timents dans la zone pittoresque. Tout le monde dansla ville de Wuzhen nest quune sorte de sentiment de brume et de pluiebrumeuse, libre et confortable, mais si un ami pense que la vie dans lamétropoleSi la vie est trop fatiguée et trop bruyante, alors Wuzhen est unendroit merveilleux pour se reposer. Vous pouvez obtenir la relaxation delesprit et le confort du corps à Wuzhen. Par conséquent, beaucoup damis prèsde Jiangsu, Zhejiang et Shanghai viendront à Wuzhen le week - end pour sepromener et regarder, manger des p?tisseries, déguster du bon vin et du bon thé,et rester une nuit ou deux. Il ny a rien à faire pour sasseoir sur le bateauagité de Wuzhen, sentir les gens anciens, et faire des progrès chaque jourLa vieau coucher du soleil et au repos, pas de vie nocturne, loin du Centre - Ville,est vraiment très confortable.

La ville de Wuzhen est divisée en porte est et porte ouest, nous visitonsla porte est, pourquoi ne pas aller à la porte ouest, parce que lhistoire de laville de Wuzhen, lhumanité, les sentiments sont dans la porte est, la porteouest nest que ces dernières années le développement de lendroit pittoresque,se concentrer sur lhébergement et le paysage nocturne, mais les amis intéresséspeuvent également aller à la porte ouest pour rester une nuit ou deux, voir labelle vue nocturne de la rivière.De retour à la porte est, la zone pittoresquede la porte est nest pas grande en fait, juste deux rues, la rue est et la rueouest, le milieu est séparé par une rivière de la ville est, la rue ouest lelong de la route il y a quelques petits magasins, il y a des acheteurs dep?tisseries, de lartisanat, et ainsi de suite, les amis intéressés serontlibres daller voir.Les principales attractions touristiques que nous visiteronscette fois sont toutes dans la rue est, qui est de 1300 mètres de long. Lesprincipales attractions touristiques sont la salle des cent lits, la sculpturesur bois, lancienne résidence Maodun, la salle des pièces de monnaie, latelierde vin, latelier de teinture et ainsi de suite. Je ne vous présenterai pas lesdétails. Je vous expliquerai plus en détail une fois arrivé à la zonepittoresque.

Il est donc important de sortir et de manger et de boire. En parlant detout cela, nous devons mentionner les g?teaux de tante et de belle - s?ur deWuzhen. Les g?teaux de tante et de belle - s?ur sont des g?teaux traditionnelscélèbres de Wuzhen. Ils sont gras mais pas gras, croustillants mais pasdispersés. Ils sont parfumés et glutineux, sucrés et salés. Une fois que nousentendrons ce nom, nous penserons que les g?teaux doivent être faits par lesdeux personnes. En fait, ce nest pas le cas. Au lieu de cela, les g?teaux detante et de belle - s?ur sont le résultat de la lutte entre les deux personnes.Il y a aussiUne allusion, ne vous pressez pas, je vais vous donner le cheminlentement.Pendant la dynastie Ming, il y avait une famille nommée Zhang dans laville de Wuzhen. Les g?teaux de s ?ur et de tante de cette famille étaientparticulièrement délicieux et célèbres de loin et de près. Cependant, il y avaitune règle non écrite dans la famille, cest - à - dire que la recette secrèteancestrale Pour faire des g?teaux de tante et de s?ur nétait transmise quà labelle - fille et non à la fille.Dans lantiquité, il ny avait pas un dicton queles filles mariées déversaient de leau, croyant que les filles mariées étaientdautres belle - s?ur de cette famille est mariée à la famille Zhangdepuis plus dun an. Chaque fois que la petite tante voit sa mère apprendre à sabelle - s?ur à faire des g?teaux, elle est particulièrement envieuse et jalouse.Elle pense quelle a vécu dans cette famille pendant plus de dix ans, et sabelle - s?ur est restée dans cette famille pendant plus dun an. La mère nesenseigne pas à elle - même, mais à sa belle - s?ur, ce qui est injuste.

Puis un jour, quand sa belle - soeur faisait ses g?teaux, il pleuvait, etla petite tante lui a dit quil pleuvait. Allez chercher vos vêtements, et labelle - soeur est allée chercher vos vêtements. Pendant ce temps, elle a attrapéune barre de sel et la jetée dans la casserole pour faire des g?teaux.Quandlinvité est venu ce jour - là, il a mangé les g?teaux de s ?ur a?née faits pars a belle - S ?ur. Ils étaient délicieux. Il a dit quils avaient un go?tdifférent de celui davant. S a belle - s?ur a trouvé étrange quelle les aitfaits selon la recette secrète ancestrale. Comment cela pourrait - il êtredifférent? Alors elle a go?té et a découvert que le go?t était vraimentdifférent de celui davant. Par conséquent, elle na pas pu le comprendre. Ellea dit à sa petite tante ce doute. La petite tante a dit, tant que vousDis - moila recette secrète pour faire des g?teaux, et je te dirai le secret de la raisonpour laquelle les g?teaux daujourdhui sont si délicieux. Belle - soeur ne peutpas résister à la petite tante, alors dis la recette secrète à la petite tante15 - 10, et la deuxième petite tante est très honnête de dire à la belle - soeurcomment elle est mauvaise, et comment elle est bénie par le mal.Depuis lors,parce que les g?teaux de tante et de belle - s?ur sont faits par les deux, ilsont été nommés g?teaux de tante et de belle - s?ur. De nombreux petits magasinset magasins dans la zone pittoresque vendent des g?teaux de tante et de belle -s?ur. Les amis préférés peuvent les go?ter. Cest aussi Un bon cadeau dacheterdes g?teaux de tante et de belle - s?ur et de les ramener à leurs parents etamis.En outre, Wuzhen a également beaucoup dautres délicieux petits g?teaux,tels que le g?teau aux graines de ma?s, le g?teau Dingsheng, le g?teau auxharicots Mung, le sucre à la barbe de dragon et ainsi de suite.Il vaut la peinede mentionner quils sont faits à la main naturellement.

Après avoir discuté et mangé, nous avons parlé et bu. Le vincaractéristique de Wuzhen est appelé Sanbai Jiu, Sanbai. Comme son nomlindique, il est fait de riz blanc, de farine blanche et deau blanche. Leaude farine de riz est faite de matériaux authentiques dans la ville de Wuzhen. Ily a un autre surnom dans les gens de Wuzhen, qui est appelé "dudai Jiu". Il y aune ballade folklorique, "chat merde, Taro, dudai Jiu, les invités ne veulentpas partir après avoir mangé." le vin est doux et pur, doux et délicieux,hommeLes femmes, les jeunes et les vieux buvaient, des centaines dannées depopularité dans la région de Wuzhen, une longue période.Il y a un endroitpittoresque dans notre rue est appelé Gao Gongsheng laifang, qui est spécialisédans la fabrication de trois liqueurs. Dites à tout le monde que les troisliqueurs peuvent être go?tées gratuitement Oh, mais les gens ne veulent pas deverre, ne vous asseyez pas sur le tabouret, un peu de vin fenouil entier esttrop confortable, oubliez de visiter lheure, un siège est un après - midi, nousavons un groupe bruyant pour vous.Je veux dire, si tout le monde aime, peutaussi bien acheter, rentrer à la maison avec la famille et les amis comment bienboire, heureux, trois spiritueux ne sont pas chers, une bouteille est aussi20,30 yuans, très abordable.

Après avoir fini de manger et de boire, il est nécessaire de dire quil estutilisé. Wuzhen a également son propre tissu dimpression bleu spécial,également appelé tissu de fleur de chaux, tissu bleu de fleur de fleur de fleurde fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleurDe Fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleurde fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleurde fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur de fleurde fleur de fleur de fleur de fleur deEn marchant dans la rue Wuzhen, vouspouvez voir que certaines maisons sont construites par des gens.Latelier deteinture hongyuantai que nous avons visité est un lieu dexposition de tissubleu imprimé. Il y a des travailleurs et des ma?tres spéciaux qui montrent leprocessus de fabrication de tissu bleu imprimé sur place. Il y a aussi beaucoupde petits magasins ouverts par les gens locaux dans le lieu pittoresque quiachètent toutes sortes de tissu bleu imprimé quils font eux - mêmes. Il y aaussi une grande variété de types, y compris le foulard, le foulard, le ch?le,les vêtements, le cheongsam et ainsi de suite. Il est très beau et unique.

OK, maintenant notre voiture est presque à Wuzhen. Il y a encore des chosesque je dois vous dire. Il y a des autochtones vivant à Wuzhen, et il y abeaucoup de ruelles. Certains endroits sont utilisés par les résidents locauxpour entrer et sortir. Un morceau de papier blanc "Stop touriste" sera collé surLe mur. Alors, nos amis ne doivent pas être trop curieux. Laissez - moi arrêter.Je vais aller voir ce qui se passe.Non, je vais vous expliquer un moment plustard. Le reste du temps est le temps libre pour tout le monde. Rappelez - vousque les billets doivent être bien conservés, parce que chaque attractiontouristique de Wuzhen doit vérifier les billets. Il nest pas facile de leslaisser tomber.Il y a beaucoup deau sur les ponts de Wuzhen, et les routes sonttoutes des routes en ardoise. Rappelez - vous ici que vous ne pouvez pas voir lepont et ne pouvez pas voir le pont. Faites attention à la sécurité et gardez vosobjets de valeur.Dautres notes spécifiques, je vais vous le dire lentementpendant la visite.Maintenant, tout le monde descend avec moi pour visiter.
