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Wuyishan in Fujian Province was listed in the World Biosphere ReserveNetwork in 1988. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1999.Wuyishan Scenic Spot is located in Wuyishan City, northwest of Fujian Province,about 15 kilometers south of the urban area and at the southeast foot of thenorthern section of Wuyishan mountains, with an area of about 70 squarekilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. With hundreds of millions ofyears of natures uncanny workmanship, it has formed a beautiful scenery withsteep peaks, beautiful waters, clear water and Danfeng. The ancients said thatit has three or three wins in water and six or six odd peaks, so it is known asQixiu a. There are 36 peaks, 72 caves, 99 rocks and 108 scenic spots in WuyishanScenic Area. Not only has the scenery throughout the year, the four seasons aredifferent, and the weather is cloudy and sunny, the scenery of the mountains andrivers is also unpredictable and magnificent. Now it is divided into sevenscenic spots: Wuyi palace, Jiuqu River, Taoyuan cave, yunwo Tianyou, yixiantianhuxiaoyan, tianxinyan and shuilian cave. It has the wonders of Huangshan, thebeauty of Guilin, the power of taidai, the danger of Huayue and the beauty ofWest Lake.

The essence of Wuyishan scenery is in the nine bend brook. Jiuqu Riveroriginates from Sanbao mountain. Its water is blue and clear. It turns aroundthe mountain, forming the victory of Jiuqu mountain. Some of the most famouspeaks in Wuyi Mountain and the mysterious hanging coffin on the cliff are listedbeside Jiuqu River. There are also Yulin Pavilion, porcelain kiln site of SongDynasty, Wuyi palace and other tourist attractions in the scenic area, which areof great humanistic value. Wuyishan also has many places of interest, such asChongyou Wannian palace, Hongqiao and Jiagou boat coffin, as well as rareanimals and plants in the world. It is a national key nature reserve. There isalso a Wuyishan Nature Museum. Wuyi Mountain is also a famous historical andcultural mountain. The ancients said: Confucius and Qiu in the Eastern ZhouDynasty, Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty, Taiyue in the north and Wuyi inthe south. Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianist of the Southern Song Dynasty, lived herefor more than 40 years. He set up an account to teach disciples and wrote booksand theories, making it the cultural center of Southeast China and known asDaonan Li cave. Taoism also calls it the 16th cave. There are no less than 20__hymns written by literati and scholars in the past dynasties. There are morethan 400 inscriptions on the cliffs. These rich cultural and historical relicsalso add to the style of the famous mountains. The ancient Yue peoples boatcoffins, the ancient city ruins of the Han Dynasty, the ancient porcelain kilnruins of the Song Dynasty and the imperial tea garden of the Yuan Dynasty makeWuyishan a place for people to visit and explore ancient times.

Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the largest and most complete forest ecosystemin Southeast China. It has many peaks, dense primeval forest, magnificent,simple and beautiful scenery, and rich biological resources. It is included inthe United Nations human and nature reserve.



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望天树(学名:Parashorea chinensis Wang Hsie.),别名擎天树,大乔木,高40-60米,胸径60-150厘米;树皮灰色或棕褐色,树干上部的为浅纵裂,草包下部呈块状剥落。幼枝被鳞片状的茸毛,具圆形皮孔。叶革质,椭圆形或椭圆状披针形。



在距勐腊20公里补蛙原始湿润雨林内,生长着40-70多米高的望天树,架设在望天树上的"空中走廊",全长2.5公里,它把公路两旁的原始森林连接起来,可在广阔的视野上尽情地领略热带雨林的风光。沿着密林中的溪流,钻入幽深沟谷,还可观赏热带植物群落,森林里还生存着野象、野牛、长臂猿等动物30多种;生长着竹柏、石梓、苏铁 、云南鸡毛松、西双版纳团花树等十多种珍贵树木,并有珍贵药用植物马前子、美橙木,花叶龙血树等30多种。





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Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Here are (第一范文网) bring tianjin attractions English commentaries, welcome to enjoy!


Temple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channels ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: The earliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preserved now; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; The biggest clay sculptured statue of Avalokiteavara inside a pavilion in China; The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more precious fact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient Monastery of thousand years.


Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on the arch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy. The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the western Tsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which was called Siadading in ancient time and now it is called big roof. On the two ends of the plane ridge, there are inward Chiweis. Chi denoted sparrow hawk in ancient time, which is a kind of fierce bird. The stand base of the gate is comparatively low, but the hall pinnacle is much higher above eaves and the pottery animal figures look sturdy; solemn and sturdy. There is no ceiling inside the pinnacle, therefor the painted beam and purlieus are visible. The whole piece is exquisitely wrought, simple arranged and skillfully done, for which people gasp in administration.

Crossing the gate, one comes to the core building - Avalokitesvara Pavilion, 23 m in height. Form outside appearance, it is two storeyed, but inside there is a hidden storey, thus three storeyed in fact. On the eaves corners, pottery unicorns are sculptured, on which little Buddha statues ride. Copper bells are hung under eaves corners, swaying with the wind, a specially refined scene. The most attractive thing is the structure of Dougong (sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without——each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called Gong, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called Dou). It is made of overlapping Dougong shaped wood blocks and bow shaped horizontal wood bars by adopting 24 forms with each layer stretching out as bracket, big in upper part and small in lower part, thinly scattered, steady and sturdy. It makes eaves of the pavilion look like flying, far and deep in the sky, a beautiful and magnificent view.

Entering the Avalokitesvara Pavilion, the very sight is a huge standing Avalokitesvara Statue. If one stands by it, his height is only up to her ankle. The Statue, 16.27 m in height, is the biggest clay sculpture of Avalokitesvara in China. Two statues of attendant Bodhisattvas under the knee of Avalokitesvara are also 3 m in height. On the crown of the head of Avalokitesvara, there are 10 small Avalokitesvares heads, hence it is called 11 faces Avalokitesvara. Reviewing around the inner part of the pavilion, one can discover that pillars of high and low storeys are not directly linked through, but the pillars of the upper storey are inserted into the arch head of that of lower storey. The upper storey of the pavilion is in a form of six corners empty well, while the lower storey is in a form of square empty well. This kind of structure is not only beautiful and strong, but also adds the space of the upper part of Budha statues. On the four walls inside the pavilion, colorful murals are painted, the theme of which is the images of 16 Arhats and 2 Ming Dynasty Emperors, which are the earliest subjects of Buddhism. On he murals, 2 m high Arhats with 3 heads and 4 arms are extremely lifelike and Ming Emperors on the four walls are full of power and grandeur. On the upper part of the murals, there are mountains, forest, cloud and river, while on the lower part, there are paintings of secular themes with vivid and natural lines, which embody the superb the skill and arts of painting of ancient Buddhism in China.


Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative sites of the Chinese revolution will illuminate Tianjins past, present and future. Tianjin is honored as Building Museum as it was occupied by nine imperial powers before the founding of the new China, leaving behind many buildings with extraordinary and exotic architectural styles, a real feast for the eye! In the following text let me give you a brief introduction to the Jinmen Shijing (top ten scenic attractions in Tianjin).

Huangyaguan Great Wall :

Located in the mountainous area of Tianjins northern Ji County, the Huangyaguan Great Wall was first built during the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 - 557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). When appointed as the chief commanding officer in the Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons of the Ming Dynasty), Qi Jiguang added watch towers and other defensive works.

The Huangyaguan Great Wall comes out first in the ten most-visited sites in Tianjin. It is considered to be a miniature of the Great Wall. The entire section is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. Being endowed with both natural beauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot and a summer resort. The major scenic area is composed of Huangyaguan Pass and Taiping Mountain Stronghold.

Huangyaguan Pass: In 1984, the people of Tianjin spent three years repairing 3,308 yards of the main wall from Banlagang Mountain in the east to Wangmaoding Mountain in the west. They restored 20 terraces, the Huangyaguan Water Gate, and the Bagua Castle (the Eight Diagrams Castle). The defensive system of the wall is complete. Watch towers, frontier cities, drain holes, emplacements, barracks and other indispensable military facilities are arranged orderly along the wall. Besides, the stele forests of the Great Wall, Beiji Temple, the exhibition hall of famous couplets, the Great Wall Museum (the first museum along the Great Wall) and the Phoenix Fortress have been newly built within the area.

Taipingzhai Great Wall :

Six miles southeast of Huangyaguan Pass is the Taipingzhai Great Wall, another important mountain stronghold of the wall during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). It is also called Taipinganzhai, meaning "a village of peace and prosperity". Starting from Banlagang Mountain in the east and arriving at Guafu Tower (Widow Tower) in the west, it winds through the precipitous mountains for about 955 yards.

The wall is an important component of Huangyaguan Great Wall. There are six watch towers, one battlement, and one shortcut leading to the wall. The architectural styles of the military towers vary considerably. There are square, round, solid and hollow towers, with some inside and others outside the wall. Beside the shortcut, there is a small citadel where an 8.5-meter statue of Qi Jiguang, the chief commanding officer of Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons in the Ming Dynasty) is located. The local people built this statue in order to commemorate his great contribution to frontier peace and stability in that period. To the west of the citadel, a section of the wall extends 33 yards out to where a sentry post was situated.

At the western end of the wall is a square stone tower called Guafu Tower, "Widow Tower" in English, built by twelve wives whose husbands died during the construction of the wall in the Ming Dynasty. The widows erected this tower to commemorate their husbands notable exploits. The tower has two levels and measures 13-meters (14-yards) high. Arched arrow windows are on the four sides of the tower.

Besides these cultural points of interest, Taipingzhai Great Wall is also famous for its amazingly impressive scenery. Zigzagging along the mountain ridge for over 984 yards, the wall looks very much like a giant dragon flying through clouds.

Mt. Panshan Scenic Area :

Covering an area of 106 square kilometers (about 26193 acres), Mt. Panshan Scenic Area is located in Jixian County, 110 kilometers (68.4 miles) away from Tianjin, 88 kilometers (54.7 miles) away from Beijing. As the name suggests, the scenic area is mainly Mt Panshan–oriented. Endowed with natural beauty and a historical heritage, Mt Panshan is known as The First Mountain East of Beijing and is listed as one of the top fifteen mountains in China.

The mountain acquired its present name, early in the Eastern Han (25-220). Taizong , the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was prodigal of his praise of its scenery on his chance visit when he led the army in a campaign. Seventy-two temples, thirteen pagodas and numerous Xanadus and towers were built on the mountain in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Qianlong, a brilliant and wise Qing Dynasty emperor was so impressed that he made thirty or so visits and wrote 1366 poems to express his admiration of the area. In the first half of the twentieth century, the whole resort all fell to ruin due to hostilities and neglect. It has undergone a process of restoration since the 1990s and is now regaining its fame.

It is famous for jade pine trees, strange and astonishing peaks, clear waters, grotesquely shaped rocks and clusters of ancient temples. On the mountaintop, numerous pines hide the sky from view and block out the sunshine. Rugged rocks in a variety of shapes, some of which resemble a toad, a general or a boa, will greet you in the middle of the mountain. At its foot, clear water splashes on the rocks. The mountain consists of five peaks, with the main one, Guayue (Moon Hanging) Peak. Although Guayue Peak is only 857 meters (2811.7 feet) above sea level, to the north it is possible to see a section of the Great Wall while to the west Mt Taihang can be seen.

From the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280) onwards, emperors enthusiastically commissioned the building of temples, towers and Xanadus resulting in over 160 such sites. There are four main temples: Tiancheng Temple (God Proposing Temple), Yunzhao Temple (Cloud-Hiding Temple), Wanfo Temple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) and Wansong Temple (Ten Thousand-Pine Temple). Tiancheng Temple built in the Tang Dynasty, was enlarged and repaired in the Ming and the Qing dynasties. To the east of this temple stands the Ancient Dagoba. As the biggest tower in this mountain, it has thirteen floors. The roof of the Yunzhao Temple was a golden yellow, a color that normally was only allowed to be used on imperial buildings. By granting permission for this, Emperor Qianlong demonstrated his approval and admiration of the mountain. Wanfo Temple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) has 10,960 small Buddhas statues.



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Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province. Itgoverns Yangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi County, Jiangcheng district andhailing Economic Development Experimental Zone. The coastline (Island) is 390.8km long, with a total area of 7813.4 square kilometers and a population of 2.4million. It enjoys preferential policies granted by the state, such as coastalopen areas, pilot economic development zones, industrial satellite towns,mountainous areas and small amount of trade with Chinese Taiwan. It is one of thecoastal open cities in Guangdong Province.

Yangjiang City is rich in marine industrial resources. There are six famousfishing ports in China, such as Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou, Hebei and theother side. The fishing ground is vast and the beach is gentle. It is suitablefor deep-sea fishing and mariculture, and rich in high-quality and valuablefresh aquatic products. Yangjiangs mineral resources mainly include iron ore,copper ore, pyrite, quartz sand, tin ore, gold ore, rare earth ore, etc. Thereare abundant forest and hydropower resources for comprehensive utilization. Theindustry has formed ten pillar industries, including automobile, rare earth,electromechanical, building materials, metallurgy, food, hardware, textile,clothing and forest industry. Yangjiang knife, Yangjiang Douchi, Yangjianglacquerware and leather plastic, clothing, packaging, stainless steel utensilsand other famous, excellent and special products are also very popular.

Yangjiangs scenery also has its own characteristics, such as the beautifuland peculiar Moyang mountain and sea scenery, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan,longguanyan and sandongtian, which are known as the first scenic spot in SouthChina, shachao of Mawei Island natural beach, which is also known as EastHawaii, and Hebei tourist resort, etc. Since the reform and opening up, theinvestment environment of Yangjiang has been gradually improved. Yangjiang portand Xingneng diesel power plant have been built. The second phase expansionproject of Mojiang water plant with daily water supply of 200000 tons has beencompleted. The Yangchun section of Sanmao railway has been put into operation.The reconstruction of national highway 325 has been completed. The station porthighway, access to Island Highway, access to port highway, Jianshan bridge andshouchang bridge have been completed and opened to traffic, connecting withSanmao railway The railway from Yangchun railway station to Yangjiang port isunder construction. The third nuclear calling station in Guangdong has beenlocated in Yangjiang and has entered the stage of feasibility study.

The citys urban and rural telephone exchange capacity has reached 223000,and mobile phones and wireless paging have been fully opened. Yangjiang port, aclass I port approved by the State Council to open to foreign nationality shipsin February 1993, was officially opened to the outside world in July 1996. Theinfrastructure was further improved, creating a broader and solid social andeconomic foundation for investors to come to our city for extensive economic andtechnological cooperation. In order to make our citys industrial andagricultural productivity leap to a new level through the use of foreign capitaland the introduction of technology and equipment, the municipal government hasformulated a series of preferential measures to further simplify procedures andprocedures and improve service quality and efficiency. At the same time, themunicipal government has set up a special administrative service center toprovide "one-stop" services for domestic and foreign investors. Over the pastfew years, with the improvement of the investment environment, the utilizationof foreign capital in Yangjiang City has doubled, foreign economic andtechnological trade, cooperation and exchange have made gratifying achievements,and a new economic situation of all-round opening has initially formed.



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hello, everyone,

we are now going to pay a visit to a place of special interest. this scenic spot is located at the center of beijing and is characterized by thousands of palatial architectures and purple walls as well as yellow glazed tile roofs- it is simply a sea of palaces. this is the world – famous wonder – the palace museum.

the palace museum has served as the royal residence during the ming and qing dynasties. it was here that a total of 24 monarchs ascended the throne and wielded power for some 500 years. the palace museum, as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout beijing, is unique for its location: to the northwest is beihai(north sea) park, famous for its white pagoda and rippling lake; to the west is the zhongnahai (central and south sea); to the east lies the the wangfujing shopping street; and to the north id jinshan park. standing in the wanchun (everlasting spring) pavilion at the top of jingshan(charcoal hill) park, you overlook the skyline of the palace museum. at the southern end of the palace is tian` anmen (gate of heavenly peace) and the famous square named after it . this is the symbol of the people` s republic of china.

a world-famous historical site, the palace museum is on the world heritage list of unesco and is an embodiment of oriental civilization.

the palace museum is rectangular in shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, covering a space of 720,000 square meters of which 150,000 is building area . it has 9000-strong rooms in it . according to legend there are 9999.5 room-units in all .the whole compound is enclosed by a 10-meter-hign wall and is accessed through four entrances, namely, the meridian gate in the south ,the gate of military prowess in the north, donghua(eastern flowery ) gate in the north, donghua ( eastern flowery) gate in the east and xihua(western flowery ) gate in the west. on each corner there is a turret consisted of 9 roof beams, 18 pillars and 72 ridge . encircling the compound there is a 3,800-meter-long and 52 meter-wide moat, making the palace museum a self-defensive city-within-a city.

the palace museum was made a center of rule during the ming dynasty by zhun di, the fourth son of the founding emperor zhuyuanzhang. the whole complex straddles on an 8-kilometers-long central axis that stretches from yongding (forever stable) gate in the south to gulou (drum tower) in the north. prominence was given to the royal power by putting the “three main front halls” and “three back halls ”on the axis while arrange other subsidiary structure around them .the construction of the palace museum involved manpower and resources across china. for example, the bricks laid in the halls ,known as “gold brick, ” underwent complex, two –dozen processes. as the final touch ,the fired bricks were dipped in chinese wood oil. involving complicated processes and high cost, these brick are called “golden bricks.” the palace museum serves as a living embodiment of good tradition and styles unique to china` s ancient architecture. it reflects to the full the ingenuity and creativity of the chinese working people. a carefully preserved and complete group of royal residences, the palace museum is a prominent historical and tourist site.

what we are now approaching is the main entrance to the palace museum-the meridian gate, which is characterized by red walls, yellow glazed –tile roofs and upturned eaves. on top of this walls, yellow glazed-tile roofs and upturned eaves. on top of this magnificent building ,there stand five lofty halls with a main hall in the center. the main hall is roofed by multiple eaves and covers a space of 9 room-units. it is flanked by two wings on each side .the wings are square in shape ,complete with multiple and four edged eaves and pinnacles. all of these structures are connected by a colonnade. because these halls resemble a soaring bird, it was also know as wufenglou (five-phoenix tower) . inside the main hall there is a throne. drums and bells were stored in the wings. whenever the emperor presided over grand ceremonies or observed rites in the hall of upreme harmony, drums, bells and gongs would be struck to mark the occasion.

as the legend goes, the meridian gate used to be a place where condemned ranking officials would be executed. this not true. however, flogging was carried out here by the ming emperors ,if a courtier falls afoul of the emperor, he would be stripped of his court dress and flogging with a stick .at one point the punishment became so harsh that a total of 11 people died from fatal wound on a single occasion .on the other hand, this building was also used to observe important occasions like the traditional chinese lantern festival (15th day of the first lunar month). on these occasions, chinese lanterns would be hanged and sumptuous banquets would be given in honour of the whole court of ministers and other ranking officials.

upon entering the meridian gate we began our tour of the palace museum. the river foowing in front of us is known as jin shui he (golden water river) and the five marbles bridges spanning it are known as the inner golden water bridges. the on in the middle was used exclusive by the emperor and its banisters were carved with dragon and phoenix designs. the bridges flanking the imperial one were reserved for princes and other royal members. the rest were used by palatines. aside from decoration, the golden water river was also dug as precaution against fire. most of the structures within the palace museum are made of wood. what is more ,according to ancient chinese cosmology, the south is the abode of fire, so this brook was dug on the southern tip of the palace. in this way, the palace museum reflects traditional chinese culture.

this building is called the gate of supreme harmony .in the foreground stand two bronze lions. can anybody tell which is male and which is female? the one on the east playing with a ball is male, symbolizing power and universal unity. the other on the west with a cub cuddling underneath its claw is female? the one on the east playing with a ball is male, symbolizing power and universal unity. the other on the west with a cub cuddling underneath its claw is female, representing prosperity the endless succession. a layout of the palace museum is posted by the entrance . from it ,you can see that the palace museum has two main parts: the forecourt and the inner court. the three main halls constitute the mainstay of the forecourt, and it was here that the emperor announced decisions and observed rites. behind the forecourt there is the inner court, consisting of major halls and the imperial garden .it was where the emperor attended state affairs, lived and enjoyed his luxurious life. the exhibition system of the palace museum involves historical court relics and articles of ancient art and culture. the palace museum houses nearly one million articles of rare treasure, or one sixth of the total number in all of china `s museums. there are the three main halls of the palace museum, built on a triple marble terrace . since most of china `s architecture is made of wood, the buildings cannot be too tall. to gain the height of the architecture, ingenious ancient artisans built the hall on a gigantic stone terrace .it is also to this end that not a single plant was grown in the square. on stairways of triple marble terrace there are 18 bronze tripods .the verandah is flanked by bronze tortoises and cranes, which served as symbols of longevity .on the east is a sundial, an ancient timepiece. on the west there is a grain measure suggesting that the emperor was just and equitable.

in the front and on each flank ,there is a pair of gilt bronze vats (caldrons ) molded during the reign of emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty .each of these weights 2 tons and is filled with water as a precaution in the event of a fire .the structure in the very middle is the hall of supreme harmony ,also known as the throne hall. it is 64 meters in width and is 38 meters from entrance to rear. with terrace exclusive ,the hall is 26.92 meters in height and is 35.03 meters in all .covering and areaof 2,377 square meters, the hall of supreme harmony is china` s largest exiting wooden structure. the hall is supported by 6 thick ,round pillars carved in a design of coiling dragons. as the holiest place in the hall, the ceiling and colored patterns were made of the finest material available at that time. the throne was placed on a terrace and is flanked by statues of elephants, luduan (a unicorn which could travel 18,000 kilometers a day and understand all languages), cranes and incense barrels .over the throne there is the caisson ,or covered ceiling ,which consists of a coiling dragon playing with a ball in its mouth .this ball is known as xuanyuan mirror ,and was supposedly made by a chinese emperor of remote times to serve as a reminder that thee rulers to follow were his hereditary heirs. the throne is made of nanmu and painted in gold .magnificently built and luxuriously decorated ,this hall did not serve as a place in which the emperor attended to daily affairs. he used his hall for major events such as his birthday, conferral of title of empress or dispatch of generals to war.

behind the hall of supreme harmony ,there sits the hall of complete harmony. this structure is square in shape .each side is 24.15 meters. this was the place where the emperor relaxed and greeted his courtiers before proceeding to the hall of supreme harmony to observe rites. this was also the place where the emperor prepared prayers or examined seeds and sowers bef ore he attended ancestral sacrifices or participated in snowing ceremonies. a grand ceremony was also held here once every 10 years for the emperor to genealogize the royal blood. there are two sedan chairs on display in the hall. behind the hall of complete harmony ,you will see the hall of preserving harmony, which was used as a place where imperial examinations were held. the imperial examination was the hignest level of competing for meritorious appointment under the feudal system dating back to the sui dynasty. china` s last imperial examination was held in 1904 during the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty. to the rear of hall there is a marble ramp carved with cloud and dragon designs, the largest of its kind in the whole country . it is 16.57 meters in length, 3.07 meters in width, 1.7 meters thick and weighs 250 tons. it was quarried in fangshan county in suburban beijing. to bring this giant piece of stone to beijing people poured water onto the road and applied rolling blocks during the process.

we are now standing before the square of the hall of heaven purity. it served as a divide separating the forecourt from the inner court .this building is known as the gate of heavenly purity. emperor qianlong held court here. proceeding further north ,you can find three main rear halls ,i.e. the hall of heavenly purity. the hall of union and peace and palace of earthly tranquility. the hall of heavenly purity if flanked on either side by two gates named after the sun and moon .inside the enclosure there are 12 palaces and halls symbolizing constellations. all of the other buildings are centered around the palace of heavenly purity , which was meant to suggest that the monarch` s power was endowed by heaven. the empress and concubines lived in the inner court.

the hall of heavenly purity was where the emperor lived and attended to daily affairs. later the emperor moved to live in the palace of mental cultivation. looking up you can see a plaque bearing the chinese inscription “be open and above-board,” a manifesto to court struggle .behind the plaque a strongbox was stored containing a will bearing the name of the would –be royal successor. this approach of secretly selecting the next emperor was adopted by emperor yongzheng of the qing dynasty. two copies of the will were prepared .one was stashed by the emperor in person ,the other was placed inside the strong box behind the plaque. after the death of the emperor, the two copies would be compared and successor would be announced. it was in this way that emperor qianglong and others have ascended the throne.

behind the hall of heavenly purity you will see the hall of union and peace , which is indentical to the hall of complete harmony. it was there that the emperor received congratulations and tributes from imperial officials on major calender occasions , a total of 25 imperial seals are stored there. in the hall, you will see a plaque with the handwritten inscription of “we wei,” exhorting taoist doctrines.

further northward is the palace of earthly tranquillity, which once served as the living room of the empresses` . the hall was later converted into a sacrificial place .through the windowpanes on the eastern wall you can see the royal bed decorated with dragon and phoenix designs. this hall has also served as the bridal chamber of monarchs.

the gate of earthly tranquilliity leads to the imperial garden (known to westerners as qianlong` s garden ),which was used by the emperor ,the empress, and the concubines. a magnificent structure stands in the middle. it is called the qin `s an (imperial peace) hall. it is the only building in the palace museum that was built in taoist style. it served as a shrine to the taoist deity. the garden covers a space of 12,000 square meters ,and is 130 meters from east to the west and some 90 meters from north to the south. there are a dozen halls, verandahs, pavilions and waterside houses in the garden . on each of the fur corner there is a pavilion dedicated to the four seasons which is different in construction style and shape. the garden also features an imperial landscape. with rare trees and exotic rockery, the imperial garden served as a model for china` s imperial parks .in all ,a total of 10-strong building styles were applied.

the tall building we are now passing is the gate of military prowess, the back door of the palace museum. our visit is now drawing to a conclusion but the architectures of the palace are not . on the other side of the road is the 43-meter-hign charcoal hill , providing natural protection for the forbidden city. this was also an embodiment of china` s construction style-putting a pool in the front and a hill in the rear. now let` s climb up to wanchun (everlasting springs ) pavillion where we` ll have a great view of the palace museum.


Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Park), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park was formerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.

The Working People’s Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( common Bridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meant as sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway. In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon. Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it was originally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and now it serves as an ornament.

The beast sitting on the top of the column is called” hou”, a legendary animal, which is said to have been a watcher of an emperor’s behaviour. He was doing such duties as warning the emperor against staying too long outside the palace or indulging in pleasure and urging him to go to the people for their complaints or return in due time. Therefore, the two pairs of beasts were given the names” Wangjunhui”( Expecting the emperor’s coming back) and “ wangjunchu”( Expecting the emperor’s going out) respectinvely.

In the old days, Tian’anmen, as a part of the Imperial City, was meant for important occasions. The two rows of chaofang( antechamber), on the sides behind the main gate, wre reserved for civil and military members of the government waiting for imperial audience and in front of the gate, were offices of imperial administration.

On October 1, 1949, chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed on Tian’anmen Rostrum the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Since then Tian’anmen has been the symbol of New Chinea. Chairman Mao’s portrait is hung above the central entrance, flanked by two slogans:” Long Live the Great Unity of the Peoples of the World”. Today , the splendour of Tian’anmen attracts million of visitors from all over the world. The Rostrum on its top was opened in 1988 to the public for the first time in its history. It offers a panoramic view of the Square and the city proper.

Tian’anmen Square

Situated due south of Tian’anmen, the Square has an area of 44 hectares( 109 acres) that can accommodate as many as one million people for public gatherings. It has witnessed may historical events in China’s modern history and is a place for celebrations on such festive days as international Labour Day on May 1st and national Day on October 1st.

Around the Square are several famous buildings:

1 The Great Hall of the People

This is one of the largest congressional buildings in the world. Built in 1959, the hall consists of three parts: a 10,000-seat auditorium in the center, a banquet hall in the north wing facing Chang’an Street, with a seating capacity of 5,000, and offices for the Standing Committee of the National Peoples’ Congress of China in the south. In addition, thirty-four reception chambers are named after various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly unde the Central Government, plus Hong Kong and Macao. Each is different from the other in decoration and furnishings to stress their local features.

2 The Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution

These two museums were also built in 1959. the museum of Chinese History houses a permanent exhibition in four parts, covering the entire process of Chinese history spanning from 1.7 million years ago to 1919:

1) The Primitive Society( 1.7 million years ago to the 21st century BC);

2) The Slave Society(21st century BC to 476 BC.);

3) The Feudal Society(475 BC. To 1840 AD.);

4) The Semi-Colonial and Semi- Fedual Society(1840 to 1919.)

The Museum of the Chinese Revolution covers the period from 1919 to 1949.

3 The Monument to the People’s Heroes

the monument was built in memory of thousands of martyrs who died for the revolutionary cause of the Chinese people. Its construction began on August 1, 1952 and was not completed until 1958. in the form of an obelisk, the Monument as made of more than 17,000 pieces of tranite and white marble. The purple piece inlaid in the front of the Monument was brought from Qingdao, Shandong Province. It is 38 meters(124ft 8 in) high, the loftiest of its kind ever seen in the country. Not only is it an historic memorial for immortal heroes, but also it is an artistic work of excellent architectural value.

On the front side of the Monument is an engraved inscription in Chinese characters written by Chairman Mao Zedong, which reads” Eternal Glory to the People’s Heroes!”. On the back of the Monument is an article written by Chairman Mao, but in Chinese calligraphy by the late Premier Zhou Enlai.

At the top of the Monument are eight gigantic carved wreathes of such flowers as peony, lotus and chrysanthemum, symbolizing nobility, purity, and fortitude. At the base of the monument are eight marble reliefs depicting the Chinese historic events since 1840. They are:

1) The Burning of Opium in 1840:

2) The uprising of 1851 in Jintian, Guangxi;

3) The Revolution of 1911;

4) The May Fourth Movement of 1919;

5) The May 30th Movement of 1925;

6) The Uprising of 1927 in Nanchang, Jiangxi;

7) The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression from 1937 to 1945;

8) The Victorious Crossing over the Yangtze River by the Peoples’s Liberation Army in 1949. This relief is flanked by two smaller ones—“ Supplying the Front” and “ Greeting the P.L.A.”.

4 Chairman Mao’s Mausoleum

Chairman Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Pepublic of China, passed away on Sepember 9, 1976. In commemoration of this great man, a mausoleum began to be constructed in November 1976, and was completes in August the following year. The Mausoleum was officially opened on September 9, 1977.

The mausoleum is surrounded by four groups of sculpture. East of the northern entrance is the sculpture depicting the period of the New Democratic Revolution( 1919-1949), and west of it is the one signifying the great achievements of the Chinese people during the period of slcialist revolution and construction since 1949. The sculptures in front of the southern gate are figures of workers, peasants soldiers, intellectuals, technicians and children.

Inside the Mausoleum are three main sections: A white marble statue of Chairman Mao is mounted on a platform in the front lobby. On the wall behind the statue is a 24-metre-long( 79-foot-long) tapestry, a fine needlepoint work with beautiful landscapes of the country.

In the main hall there is a crystal coffin, in which Chairman Mao’s body lies stately with the Communist Party’s flag covering over him.

On the wall of the southern lobby, a poem by Chairman Mao and in his own calligraphy is inscribed in gold inlay. It expresses his full great expectations for the country.

Tian’ anmen Square has now completed its renovation after eight months’ hard work to welcome the 50th anniversary of the People’s Republic in 1999.


The Sujiawei Hakka Village Tourism Zone is a must for tourists who are interested in the Hakka culture and customs.

Bordering Dongjiang River in the north and Jiushe River in the south, the village is located in the Heshui Township, 26km away from the city of Heyuan.

Today the village is described as a “picturesque village in south china”, featuring old trees and houses, wild lands, bamboos and fresh air. Also it has a profound cultural history and is said to be the habitat of descendants of Su Shi, who also known as Su Dongpo, a famous Chinese literate in Northern Song Dynasty. Hence All people living in the village now are surnamed “Su”.

It also provides some performances for travelers to get a better known of Hakka culture such as their wedding customs. You can take part in the producing lines of making bean curd, wine or oil; or enjoy yourself in activities like fishing, swimming and boating.

The first spot we encounter is the Yingqing Bridge, where has a panoramic view of Sujiawei. The bridge is a place to welcome all families, relatives and friends.

Here is purple perilla park. The purple perilla can be used as medicine to cure cold, or purple dye or cooking. The origin of this park is as follows: one day one of Su Shi’s offspring passed by this place, he dreamed five old men pointed a big tree and told him it is perilla tree. When he woke up, he found this place is full of perilla, and the environment is quite beautiful, so he thought the old men would like he move the Su clan here. So after he came back, he always mentioned this dream to his late generations. To fulfill his this dream, over 700 years ago, the Su clan moved here and Sujiawei started its story.

From this purple perilla park to Pool lips estate, is gallery of Hakka villages gender culture, which shows the Hakka people’s moral ideas and customs, they think everything has two opposite extremes like negative and positive. In Hakka dialect, have a boy baby is named “tian deng”, the same pronunciation as “add a lantern”. So in Chinese lantern festival, any family which has a new boy baby will hang a big lantern in their ancestors’ shrine.

Later we will visit Sugong Shrine Yongsi Hall, Guanghua hall, Su school and Yi Jiang temple. You may find the Hakka architecture is well preserved here. These ancient buildings are square flat houses with dark blue bricks and roof tiles that belong to the style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The oldest house, Yongsi Hall, was built in 1481 in memory of Su Dongshan, the eighth-generation descendant of Su Dongpo and as a place for the villagers to worship their ancestors and discuss important affairs.

Now we walk along the Dongjiang river and enjoy the Hakka folk music. At the riverside you see bamboo everywhere. Su Dongpo loved bamboo, he once said “I can eat without meat, but I can not live without bamboo. No meat to eat only makes me thin; but live without bamboo makes me vulgar”!

Walking so long time, are you a bit tired and thirsty? Let’s go to Her Workshops to taste Hakka traditional snacks and tea. There are tea leaf, sesame, peanut, red jujube and longan in the tea. Do you taste them?

Ok, after a break, we go to experience traditional Hakka wedding performance. If you are lucky to be chosen and act as the bridegroom, you will be invited to the stage and join their show.

The village also preserves many slogans printed on the walls during 1950s to 1970s, which are silent witnesses to Chinese modern history.

Do you see the big bamboo hats holding by bamboo sticks in line? It is farm four seasons gallery. On the bamboo hats marked farming planting and harvesting dates and festivals.

Finally we have 15-minutes free activity in the countryside vegetable fields. You may like farmers to pick fruits, vegetables you like in the fields.



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我们从分界洲岛的名字可以知道,这个岛属于分界线,那么,具体是什么的分界线呢?让我来一一为大家讲解。 分界洲岛的“三分天下” 气候之分:分界洲岛位于海南省陵水与万宁交界的海中,是牛岭向南海延伸塌陷地段。据说,整个牛岭是五指山山脉的延续,这是由于亿万年前,大陆板块的挤压所形成的。分界洲岛是牛岭的下部分,后来冰川期,海水的浸入,淹没了较低的部分,切断了分界洲岛与牛岭的联系,从而形成了现在的样子。虽说整个海南岛都处于热带,但是由于北面以平原地地型为多,南面以山地为多,这样来自南边的暖气流受到东西走向山脉的阴隔,导致山体迎坡(南面)和背面坡(北面)的气候出现差异,以致这座小小的山岭对海南岛东南的气候也产生了影响。也正因为这样,站在分界洲岛上,经常就可以看到牛岭“牛头下雨,牛尾睛”的奇观。 行政区域之分,这里是万宁市与陵水县行政区域的分界岭,岭北为万宁市,岭南是陵水黎苗族自治县,两个县市的分界碑就在这山岭上。 人文分界,分界岭连接着中部的五指山山脉和西部的鹦哥岭,构成了一条东西纵横山脉分隔了海南岛南北,自然的分界也成为古代海南人文分界,也就是汉族、黎族聚集程度的分界,岭南主要聚居黎族,岭北主要以汉族为主。所以不要小看了这个小小山岭以及这小小岛屿,竟可以如此“三分天下”呢。 分界洲岛的传说 分界洲岛由寿龟湾、福龟湾两个海滩组成。现在的龟寿湾是游人们喜爱的海滨浴场,各位走在这绵软的沙滩上是否感觉象是踩在了鸟的羽毛上一般呢?没错这就是着名的“平沙落雁”,相传就是飞经此地的海鸟们为帮助前来此地产卵的海龟而用羽毛混以细沙铺成的,这样海龟宝宝们就能顺利出生在既温暖又柔软的沙滩上了。那么,海鸟们为什么要帮助海龟呢?而海龟们又为什么要在这里产卵了,周围都是坚硬的岩石,并不适合生育下一代呀?而且从上岛以来我们就见到了好多形态各异的海龟雕塑,尤其还有一只小海龟破壳而出的石雕非常生动可爱,难道这小岛与海龟之间有着什么样不解的渊源吗?这与我下面为大家讲的一个故事有关。 传说在很久很久以前,这里久旱无雨,河水都干涸了,稻田也都旱死了,唯一可以引用的水井又被当地的恶霸占据,并用以高价售水敲诈勒索,生灵涂炭,百姓民不聊生。南海龙宫中一只负责巡海的老仙龟知道了这件事后,心中很不安宁,便瞒着南海龙王,带上自己的龟子龟孙,来到这里,假传龙王的口谕,扣开天门,降下雨水,并帮助当地黎民百姓挖井掘泉,开沟筑渠,灌溉禾田,供给饮水,使老百姓终于度过了难关,开始新的生活。 但是,恶霸岂能善罢甘休,他们毁坏沟渠,结果沟渠变得凶猛把前来破坏的狗腿子一个个淹死;他们想霸占新挖的水井,结果他们一靠近水井就冒着黑烟发着恶臭,恶霸们只好败兴而去。当老百姓来但井边时,井水就依然清甜沁心,从此百姓们过上了幸福的生活,百姓们都非常感谢这口充满灵性的井水。久而久之,人们就把这个地方叫成了“灵水”。后来才改名为现在的名字“陵水”。 而那只善良正义的老仙龟,为了当地百姓的长治久安,风调雨顺,便决定留在这里,驻足在山坡上,日夜守护着这里,直到年老寿终,便化成了一块巨大的龟形巨石。还有更神奇的呢?据说当年老仙龟的子孙们为了不引起龙王的注意,它们决定在这里产卵孵化,所以就有我们先前看到的“平沙落雁”。这件善事最终被玉帝知道了,玉帝深受感动,于是下令,凡是在这里出生成长的海龟,寿命一律延长500岁,由原先的100岁,变成了600岁。同时这里的海赐名为“福海”,岛上的山岭为“寿山”。 至此以后,南海里的许多的动物都纷纷游到这里来产卵繁殖,希望沾点瑞气,借点吉祥;听当地人每年的八月十五中秋节前后,果然会有大量的海龟来到这里产卵,这里沙滩柔软,温度适宜,产卵的成活率很高,而东海、北海的海龟听说了消息后也不远千里万里来这里产卵,希望自己的子孙们也能得以长寿,真像现代人想尽千方百计地去国外生孩子,希望自己的孩子一生下来就成“小洋人”。



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在今天的贵州安顺,聚居着一支与众不同的汉族群体―――屯堡人,他们的语音、服饰、民居建筑及娱乐方式与周围村寨截然迥异,这一独特的汉族文化现象被人们称之为“屯堡文化”。 这里的居民由于都是古时屯堡军户的后裔所以人们把他们称为“屯堡人”。 600多年前,明洪武帝朱元璋为加强连疆地区的统治。在江浙招幕士兵,让他们携妻带子进入贵州,居住在设置的卫所里,占时出征,闲时屯垦。当时卫所广布全省各地,军户达数万人之多。

沧海桑田,而今这些卫所的遗迹大多散落到了历史的时空中了,但在“黔之腹,滇之喉”的安顺,至今还保存着一此卫所旧址及当时人们生活的遗风,云山屯就是其代表。 屯堡人的服饰,主要表现在妇女身上,她们的装束通常是宽衣大袖,大衣袍长及膝下。领口、袖口、前襟边缘皆镶有流绣花纹,腰间以两端垂于膝弯部的织锦丝带系扎。长发挽成圆髻网罩挽于脑后,圆髻上插有玉簪、银链等首饰。

妇女婚否的区别在于:未婚少女梳长独辫;已婚者则除了挽髻外,尚须剃额修眉。妇女装束中往往还配有耳坠、手镯、戒指、手笼、长圆裙以及用绣、补、镂、镶、滚等方法制作的高帮单勾凤头布鞋。 如果游客来得适时,可以领略到许多独具特色而又韵味无穷的节日文化;正月初九的玉皇会,正月十六迎汪公,六月初六土地会,六月二十四敬雷神……这些节日中,以迎汪公最具屯堡特色。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 750 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9537 字

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La salle dexposition de lancienne résidence de Zhang Xueliang est situéeau 48 shaoshaifu Lane, Chaoyang Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang City.

La salle dexposition de lancienne résidence de Zhang Xueliang estégalement connue sous le nom de "Manoir du grand commandant" ou "Manoir du jeunecommandant".Zhang Zuolin, chef des seigneurs de guerre de la République deChine, et son fils a?né, le général Zhang Xueliang, sont des voisins officielset des maisons privées.

Le complexe du pavillon dexposition de lancienne résidence de ZhangXueliang a été construit de 1914 à 1933, formant un complexe de b?timents destyle différent composé de quatre parties: la Cour centrale, la Cour est, laCour Ouest et la cour exté salle dexposition de lancienne résidencede Zhang Xueliang couvre une superficie totale de 36 000 mètres carrés et unesuperficie totale de 29 000 mètres carrés.En mars 1985, le Gouvernementpopulaire municipal de Shenyang a désigné la salle dexposition de lanciennerésidence de Zhang Xueliang comme site municipal de protection des reliquesculturelles.

En décembre 1988, le Gouvernement populaire de la province de Liaoning aannoncé quil était un site provincial de protection des reliques culturelles.Enjuillet 1991, le Ministère de la construction de la République populaire deChine et ladministration nationale des reliques culturelles ont publiéconjointement un document faisant de lancien complexe de la salle dexpositionde Zhang Xueliang lun des meilleurs b?timents du pays.En 1996, il a été inscritsur la liste des principaux sites culturels protégés par l?tat.

La Cour centrale a été fondée en 1914 et achevée en Cour centraleest larchitecture traditionnelle chinoise - la Cour quadrangle à trois entrées,située au nord et au Sud, avec le caractère chinois "eye", les briques bleues entuiles, les avant - toits et les bêtes sembrassant et sélevant sur les crêtes,les poutres sculptées et les b?timents peints, et les colonnes de porche peintesen Fondation de la colonne de tambour de pierre, les marches enpierre et le plancher en brique carrée et en pierre carrée sont des b?timents enbrique et en bois de style palais.Lensemble de lh?pital couvre une superficiede 3 900 mètres carrés, 13 maisons au total, 57 chambres, avec une surface deconstruction de 1 460 mètres carrés.

Devant lentrée principale de la Cour centrale, il y avait des marchespavées de pierres bleues, et des pierres de cheval se tenaient de haut en basdes deux c?tés des marches.Sur les deux c?tés de la porte principale, il y avaitdes sculptures en pierre tenant des tambours et des pierres, et le lion couchétenait le Petit Lion.Il y a sept chambres à lentrée principale, avec desouvertures au milieu, des porches rétractables dans trois Chambres, des pilierssculptés en bois et des oiseaux peints et des fleurs sculptées dans le ciel.Il ya deux dieux de porte peints sur la Feuille de la porte de peinture Zhu, QinQiong et Jingde. Il y a une plaque horizontale accrochée à lintérieur de laporte. Il y a quatre grands caractères sur "gouverner le pays et protéger lesgens".

Par la porte, nous entrons dans la Cour.Il y a trois Chambres de chaquec?té de louverture de la porte dentrée de la Cour, la salle de garde et lasalle de réception à lEst, et la salle électrique et la salle téléphonique àlOuest.Il y a trois chambres est et Ouest, et la chambre est est la Chambre decompte intérieure du Manoir du Gouverneur, qui est responsable des dépensesfinancières du Manoir du Gouverneur.Xixiang Room est un lieu de présentation etdinitiation. Il est spécialement con?u pour recevoir les rapports et introduireles officiels de la culture et des arts martiaux qui viennent à la résidence duGouverneur pour être justes ou visiter.

Entre la Cour et la Cour, il y a un mur de 7 mètres de haut avec une porteouverte au milieu. La porte est sculptée à lintérieur dun plafond de fleursdécoratives, connu sous le nom de porte de pendaison de fleurs.Les deux piliersde porte ont des piliers de protection tenant des pierres de tambour et descoussins de tambour en pierre.? lintérieur de la porte, il y a un double murdécran en bois, qui peut être ouvert en face, et les deux c?tés peuvent être lelong du couloir autour des piétons.Cest ici que Zhang Zuolin a accueilli lesinvités distingués pour la cérémonie.En cas darrivée dinvités importants,lécran en bois souvre et Zhang Zuolin souvre. Les invités peuvent entrerdirectement dans la deuxième Cour par la porte lourde ouverte.Le personnel duManoir du Gouverneur et les invités ordinaires ont fait le tour du couloir desdeux c?tés de lécran en bois.Aujourdhui, tous les invités sont des invitésdistingués, donc la porte de linstrument sest ouverte et vous êtes invités àentrer dans la deuxième maison.

La deuxième Cour dentrée est rectangulaire et entourée dun clo?tre deplate - forme.Cest lendroit où Zhang Zuolin travaille et rencontre desinvités.Il y a 7 chambres dans lentrée principale et une au milieu est le halldentrée.Devant la porte, il y a une porte sculptée, juste au - dessus de laporte suspendue à une plaque, le livre "Wangcheng Great Wall",Cétait un cadeaude lécuyer de lépoque à Zhang Zuolin, louant le prestige de Zhang Zuolin commela Grande Muraille.Les trois portes est de la Chambre principale sont la chambreet le Bureau de Zhang Zuolin.Les trois Chambres Ouest sont des salles deréception et des bureaux.

Il y a cinq chambres est et Ouest, une salle au milieu de la chambre est,une salle du Secrétaire général dans la Chambre Sud et une salle du courrierdans la Chambre Chambre Ouest est une salle de secrétariat générale.

Les trois chambres à lest de la Chambre principale, où vivait ettravaillait Zhang Zuolin, sont maintenant exposées avec des statues de cire deZhang Zuolin et de six dames.Au milieu se trouve Zhang Zuolin, grand maréchal delarmée et de la marine de la République de Chine.Zhang Zuolin est né en 1875 etest mort en 1928 à l?ge de 54 ans.Zhang Zuolin porte le collier à gauche de lafemme originale de Zhang Zuolin, Mme Zhao, qui est la mère biologique de ZhangXueliang. Mme Zhao et Zhang Zuolin ont le même ?ge et se marient à 21 ans.Il y ala première fille a?née, Fang, le fils a?né apprend bien, après lapprentissagede linscription.Il est mort en 1912 à l?ge de 38 ans.

Je nai jamais vécu au Manoir du Gouverneur.Lautre personne assise sur leKang était Mme jipalu.Marié à Zhang Zuolin à lautomne 1900, il a deuxfilles.Après la mort de Mme Zhao, les trois frères et s?urs de Zhang Xueliangont été élevés par elle, de sorte que Zhang Xueliang a toujours respecté MmeLu.Décédé en 1974.? droite de Zhang Zuolin se trouve Mme Sanfu Dai.

Lautre à droite est la quatrième dame, Mme Xu.Mme Xu est née pour ZhangZuolin avec deux hommes et deux femmes. Zhang XueSi est née pour Mme Xu. ZhangXueSi est un membre du Parti communiste Zhang Jiawei. Il a été chef détat -major de la marine.Mme Xu est morte en 1928.Sur le c?té sud de la maison setrouve Mme Fifty life.Manchu, a un certain niveau déducation, intelligent etcompétent, toutes les affaires intérieures de la famille Zhang sont gérées parelle seule.Il avait quatre fils pour Zhang Zuolin, et sa mère, Yugui, était lafemme préférée de Zhang Zuolin.Décédé à Chinese Taiwan en 1966.Au Nord se trouve maYueqing, la sixième femme a cinq ans de moins que Zhang Zuolin, qui estmort à l?ge de 23 ans.Zhang Zuolin a donné naissance à la plus jeune fille,Zhang huaimin.Décédé à Chinese Taiwan en 1975.

Après avoir visité lexposition de cire, nous avons visité la Cour Sanjindu Manoir du Gouverneur.Lh?pital Sanjin est similaire à lh?pital erjin. Cestla maison intérieure du Manoir du Gouverneur. La plupart des membres de lafamille de Zhang Zuolin y vivent.Il y a 7 chambres principales, au milieudesquelles les ancêtres de zhangjia sont consacré maison est habitée par ladeuxième épouse de Zhang Zuolin, Lu (lépouse originale de Zhang Zuolin, Zhao,est morte en 1912 et nest pas encore entrée dans la résidence duGouverneur).Westinghouse était à lorigine la résidence de la troisième dameDai. Après sa mort, Zhang Zuolin a épousé la femme de wufu Life en 1917 et avécu dans cette Chambre est est habitée par la quatrième dame Xu, dontle camarade Zhang xuese est né.

La Chambre Ouest est lendroit où Zhang Xueliang et Yu Fengzhi vivent.Enentrant dans la Chambre Ouest, il y a une bannière en face, et il y a un livreintitulé "le monde est un grand public", qui est le trésor dencre écrit par M.Sun Yat Sen pour Zhang Xueliang en avril 1924. Sun Yat Sen apprécie beaucoup letalent de Zhang Xueliang et espère quil prendra le monde comme son propredevoir.Au - dessous de la bannière se trouve une grande horloge. Au - dessus dela bannière se trouve lheure de minuit deux. Cest lheure de la chute deShenyang dans lincident du 18 septembre.

La Chambre Nord est la Chambre de Zhang Xueliang et Yu Fengzhi. Lorsquedeux personnes se marient, la nouvelle chambre est située dans cette chambre, oùdeux personnes vivent trois hommes et une femme.Il y a maintenant un lit en boisdans la maison, qui a été collecté auprès des gens ordinaires; une commode, quia été utilisée par Mme Shou, a été trouvée dans la petite maison verte etdéplacée ici; une table à thé sculptée à la racine de jade blanc Han, qui estlobjet original de la Chambre Sud est létude de Zhang Xueliang.

Après 1922, le grand b?timent vert a été construit et Zhang Zuolin adéménagé au premier étage du grand b?timent vert pour y plupartdes membres de la famille ont emménagé dans le grand b?timent vert et sontentrés dans la Cour de triage et ont été transformés en bureaux depatrouille.



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在关林庙大门的上方有“关林”二字,解说员阿姨说:“为明末清初洛阳有名书画家王铎老先生书写。远看这两个大字,其笔力刚劲,又不乏俊美之感,其神韵深透于匾外,颇有独到之处,令游人叹为观止。这是唐朝的一位书法家王轩亲笔题写的,因为他的笔法奇特所以人们叫他‘神笔王轩’”,“ 站在仪门的正下方,我们仰头可以看到一块大匾,上书“威扬六合”,是慈禧皇太后题写的。六合,指的是东西南北上下六方。这块匾是光绪二十六年七月八国联军侵略北京时,光绪帝率后宫奉慈禧皇太后懿旨逃往陕西,第二年九月回北京时路过河南,前来瞻礼关公,看到关帝庙破旧不堪,想到大清江山,不禁圣容黯然,回北京后即发帑银两千两,命河南太守文悌修葺关林,并书“威扬六合”,意在宣扬关羽威镇天下,远播宏宇的美誉。












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文殊院位于成都市城北文殊院街,是现存市区保存最完整的一座佛教寺院.文殊院始建于唐代,原始”信相寺”,明代毁于战火.清康熙三十年重建.传说清朝康熙年间,有位慈笃禅师在此修行,老百姓常在夜里看见有灵光现于成都西北角,便以为慈笃禅师是文殊菩萨在此应身,于是在康熙三十六年(1697)改寺名为文殊院.公元 1703年,康熙皇帝亲笔题写了“空林”匾额一块赐给文殊院,所以,文殊院又叫“空林堂”,在清康熙三十年后,又有两次扩建,发展至今天的规模。成都文殊院是川西“四大丛林”之一,四川省和成都市的佛教协会就设在 寺内。 俗话说“天下名山僧占多”,入名山必游寺庙,。大家在游览大小名山的时候,一般都会游览山中的寺庙。但 今天我们去游览位于城市市区的寺庙,或许会给大家一些不一样的感受。文殊院坐北朝南,有五重殿宇,进山门往里走依次是天王殿,三大士殿,大雄宝殿,说法堂,藏经楼。建筑面积 2 万余平方米,全院共有 房舍 190多间,房舍为木石结构,各殿堂的缕空花窗式样繁多,图案精美。文殊院文物荟萃,宝物众多。 就拿供奉的佛像来说,寺内供奉大小 300余尊佛像,有钢铁铸造,有脱纱、木雕,有石刻、泥塑,十分丰 富。从年代而论,有出土的梁代石刻,有唐宋年间铁铸戒神,更有清代青铜铸像,还有缅甸玉佛,这些塑像具有很高的文物价值和艺术价值,为我们研究古代雕塑、铸造等工艺提供了宝贵的资料。 门口有 1、2、3三道门,象征佛教中的“三解脱门”,就是佛家通常所说的:空门、无相门、无作门, 所以又称三门。进门的时候请大家抬头看正门上方“古信相寺”。这第一殿便是天王殿了。首先请大家往房梁上看:有一个八卦图形,因为这些建筑毕竟是中国式的建筑,尤其是在古代,看风水,看日子是修建房屋的必要程序。所以有这个八卦图了。 我们率先看到台座上这位袒胸露肚,笑口常开的弥勒佛。请大家看,左边第一位和右边第一位是守卫山门的哼哈二将; 左边这第二位是北方多闻天王,手拿混元珍珠伞,任管‘雨’之职;左边第三位是南方增长天王,手持青光宝剑(或塔)一口,任管‘风’之职;右边第二位是西方广目天王,手拿紫金龙蛇一条,任管‘顺’之职;右边第三位是东方持国天王,手拿碧玉琵琶一面,任管‘调’之职。总的来说,他们掌管着世间的“风调雨顺”又预示着“五谷丰登、天下太平”。他们各护一方,负有神圣的职责,民间还希望他们能掌握“风调雨顺”,因为风调雨顺了,就国泰民安了,所以常用他们手中的法器来象征“风、调、雨、顺

”四大天王脚下各踏着两 个鬼,分别象征欲谷与邪恶。 天王殿背面供奉的是阿弥陀佛。阿弥陀佛是西方极乐世界的教主后边的这位是接引菩萨,长伸手 ,他的职责就是接引人们去到西方净土极乐世界,所以一般我们不拜他。接近有生之末时才拜他。 东西两侧是钟楼和鼓楼,六朝时有一位僧人告诉梁武帝,说屈死鬼每次听到钟声,他们的痛苦就会 暂时平息。于是梁武帝诏告天下寺院设钟,从此,凡寺皆有钟,并有“名刹不可无钟”之说。现在我们看到的是文殊院的第二重殿——三大士殿 前面这重殿宇是三大士殿,门口对联:见了便做 做了便放下了 了有何不了,慧生于觉 觉生于自 在生生还是无生。这幅对联预示我们:自己想到的事情或想做的事情要敢于尝试,即使没能成功,做了就放下了,也没什么大不了的。人们的智慧产生于觉悟,而觉悟则来自无数次的实践经验,这就取决于自己 愿意去实践还是不愿意实践了。三大士殿便施奉观世音、文殊、普贤三位菩萨的殿堂。正中是“大悲菩萨”。又叫“观世音”,唐代因避唐太宗李世民讳,略去“世”字而简称“观音”。观音脚下的坐骑,叫做金鳖。据说金鳖原是海中恶害众生的庞然大物,它力大无穷,海船如果遇上了它,成为观音的坐骑。但他也会破戒,在海上吞食众生或者翻身引起地震,然而它只要一听到观音的声音,马上自悟闭口,训服以待。她的道场在浙江的普陀山左边的这位是普贤菩萨,“普”是遍一切处,“贤”是指具德才者,故名普贤。她手持如意,他的坐 骑是六牙白象。道场在四川的峨嵋山;右边的这位是文殊菩萨,。文殊的坐骑是一头狮子,表示智慧威猛。 手持文稿表示智慧锐利,当然也象征思想精进。他的道场在山西的五台山;三大士象征佛的悲、智、行。用我们老百姓的话来说就是,要有善良的大悲心肠、明锐的智慧和脚踏实地的行动。对了,大家可能已经发现了,这三尊塑像有点没对。左边的这位普贤菩萨怎么拿着一份书稿,而右边的这位文殊菩萨则手持如意。是不是他们拿错了?其实不是,工匠们在用铜铸造的时候为了展现菩萨、佛主不分贵贱,融恰相处,互换着拿一天也无妨。正可以说:天上方一日,世上已千年。从唐代到今天的这一拿, 果真已经是一千多年了。左边的这一位守圣大帝。他的原身是三国时的关羽。由于关羽的忠义,被历代君主所推崇。不断的 给他封号,封为关圣大帝。由于他是一员武将,所以这里主管习武之职。右边的这位是文昌帝君。他其实是道教中的一位星神。就是文曲星又叫文昌官。是一位主大贵的吉 星。

特别是科考的人拜这颗星,民间信仰准能考上。他在这里主管习文之职。当然大家可能会说:佛堂内怎么也供上了道教的神了。因为佛教认为,佛主有无比宽阔的胸怀。这是佛教的求同存异的一个典范。 我们不难明白,这座殿堂是文武双全之殿了。好,清大家跟我往后走。在三大士殿的背面,供奉着佛教中的一位护法神——韦驮,他相当于现在的警察局长吧。韦驮手里拿的金刚忤,就是驱魔降妖的有力武器。同时,也是寺院是否为接待寺的标志。韦驮像的塑造方式普通的有三种,如果韦驮像手持着地金刚杵,表示寺庙为世袭制子孙丛林,不甚富裕,对外来云游僧不开放,至多只能在寺中吃两餐,不得留宿;假如金刚杵是横放在韦驮的手臂上,表示寺庙较富裕,是十方丛林,云游僧人是可以免费食宿的;若韦驮左手卡腰,右手握金刚杵过额,就说明这寺庙对僧要适当收费。有些寺庙起先是子孙丛林,所以塑的韦驮像的金刚杵是着地的,后来在历史上又改为十方丛林后,塑像就没有改变, 仍保持原样。但按十方丛林的寺规,云游僧人仍然可以免费食宿。大殿前挂着“南无释迦牟尼佛”的匾。“南无”的意思是顶礼、皈(guī)依之意。昭示人们皈依佛主释迦牟尼佛。那么平时僧人们所念:“南无阿弥陀佛”又是什么意思呢?阿弥陀佛西方净土极乐世界的教主。大雄宝殿是文殊院的正殿,“大雄”是释迦牟尼的德号,又是佛教徒对释迦牟尼的尊称,意思是说佛如同勇士一样,一切无畏,同时佛还具有很大的法力。能够降伏群魔。所以,大雄宝殿的主尊必是释迦牟尼佛。释迦牟尼佛是佛教的创始人,他的俗名叫乔达摩悉达多.生于公元前565年,与我国孙子生活在统一时代.他逝印度北部迦毗罗卫国净饭王的王子,他29岁出家,经过六年苦行僧的修行和七天七夜悟道,终于一切烦劳烟消云散,洞彻了宇宙,人生的真谛成就了正觉.后来他又用45年时间云游四方,说法度生,直到80岁涅磐.释迦牟尼是佛教徒对他的尊称.意思是”释迦族的圣人”. 在他的两旁是他的两位第子:阿难和伽叶。殿堂古朴洁净,是院内高僧理佛场所。雄宝殿东西两壁,塑有“十八罗汉”像,“罗汉”又称“阿罗汉”,是佛教中已达到自觉但不能觉他的神.也就是他自己已断除一切烦劳,超脱于生死轮回之外,但还不能普度众生. 佛是第一果位的,其次是菩萨,再 次是罗汉我们来到的这重殿是说法堂,院内的这通尊胜幢是文殊院内的“空林第一观”,名叫《双杉表瑞》 。在 大雄殿后的屋檐下,逝信相寺遗留的古杉两株。慈笃禅师当年重修



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三将军墓 在普陀山半山腰的博望坪。1944年11月, 在抗击日本侵略军 的桂林防卫战中,第31军参谋长吕旃蒙、防山军司令部参谋长陈济桓、第131师师长阚维雍壮烈牺牲。1946年, 国民党政府建“三将军墓”以示纪念, 蒋介石、李宗仁、白崇禧均有题字。1982年重修, 墓地呈葫芦形, 宽16米, 长20米, 占地320平方米。

忆昔亭 在普陀山博望坪八百壮土墓旁, 1946年建。以纪念抗日阵亡将士, 抚今忆昔, 吸取血的教训, 亦名纪忠亭。高7.5米, 宽5.3米, 长4.2米, 面积22.26平方米, 为砖柱、单檐、尖顶、青瓦、方形的仿古亭, 中有石桌凳供凭吊憩息。

普陀精舍 在普陀山半山腰、第2道山门“超尘净境”后的山坡上。原为普陀寺旧址, 1959年拆除全部旧建筑, 重新修建, 更名“普陀精舍”。精舍为红柱、粉墙、硬脊、翘檐、坡顶、绿瓦的2层楼阁式建筑。1层长17.3米, 深12米, 2层长度略小, 总建筑面积约为400平方米。正屋开敝, 楼上四面开窗, 上有观景厅。普陀岩崖壁前的天然石屏, “超尘净境”山门、普陀精舍、文昌亭、小蓬莱等一组错落有致的建筑, 形成封而不闭的多变格局, 登楼观赏, 城市风光、山林奇趣, 各呈勃勃生机。

普陀石林 在普陀半山腰的普陀精舍前, 高9米, 面积约150平方米, 呈不等边多边形。相传, 唐代地方官员在这里选石进贡朝廷, 深得唐太宗李世民喜爱, 视为“瑞石”, 镌刻著名书法家欧阳询的《九成宫醴泉铭》于其上, 钱藏宫中。李靖出任桂州总管时, 唐太宗嘱咐他考查“瑞石”产地, 得悉产于普陀山, 敕命建庆林观, 并御书“庆林观”赐额。普陀石林, 林峰嶙峋, 突兀峥嵘, 最为奇美, 为桂林三大石林之冠。

小逢莱 园林建筑。在普陀山半山腰, 普陀精舍前, 普陀石林左侧, 建于光绪十八年(1892)。为亭阁式长廊, 红柱、坡顶、青瓦, 长16米, 宽6米, 顶高6.5米, 建筑面积96平方米。廊西有矮围墙, 可凭栏眺望城东佳景。山墙上有“小蓬莱”匾额, 亭柱分悬著名教育家马君武联句: “城中佳境, 常绕梦魂, 叹半世飘零, 遂与名山成久别; 岭表旧都, 屡经离乱, 望故乡英俊, 共筹长策致升平。”

博望亭 在普陀山天玑峰半山坳上, 为钢筋混凝土结构, 8柱、单檐、翘角、绿瓦、长方形仿古亭, 宽约4米, 长10余米, 面积40平方米左右。亭建于山脊, 与米, 深180米, 面积20__平方米。宋南西路经略安抚使曾布, 性喜访奇, 元丰二年(1079)发现并开发, 辟为景点。宋刘谊《曾公岩记》详载其事。曾公岩是个迷人的山体地势配合, 宜于近观远眺山前山后景物, 俯仰顾盼, 处处入画。

栖霞亭 在普陀山四仙岩口。始建于宋, 名“簪带”, 刘克庄《簪带亭》有“上列青林杪, 凭栏尽桂州”之句·清代重建 后易名“倚岚”, 后改“碧虚亭”, 毁于抗日战火。抗战胜利后在原址建“栖霞亭”。1979年再新建, 沿用“栖霞”之名。亭有月门, 又称“步月亭”。亭为两层钢筋混凝土结构、单檐方亭、面积25平方米。底层作售票处, 上层为观景亭。游人上下, 若穿云步月, 与碧虚阁对应。渲染了“天上人间”的意境。

玄武洞 在普陀山北半山腰, 与白鹤洞相连。洞口向西北, 高5~6米, 宽2~15米, 深21米, 面积230平方米。洞呈喇叭形, 前大后小。洞中有全真观, 为元代所建, 明改名真武阁, 后因避讳又改为玄武阁, 洞亦更名玄武洞。玄武客早废, 抗战胜利后重盖, 1989年拆除原格, 重新修建。一偏一正, 分别为45、100平方米的仿古混凝土结构, 飞角、单檐, 高6.5米。偏客南向, 正阁西向, 均有“玄武阁”匾额。从偏阁登10数级石阶, 达正阁, 为8柱大厅, 前可凭栏眺望普陀山麓秀色, 后通白鹤洞,经四仙岩, 达名闻遐迩的七星岩。透过阁楼南窗, 可以看见明代浮雕《龟蛇合一》。

玄武, 是中国古代神话中的北方水神, 后为道教所信奉, 同青龙、白虎、朱雀合称四方四神, 其形象为龟或龟蛇相缠。这座浮雕, 巧妙地利用岩石的天然色泽, 雕成青灰色的龟、淡红色的蛇的玄武形象。龟, 水母类, 披甲, 有防御水火刀兵之意, 表达了人民群众追求安定吉祥的愿望。

白鹤洞 在普陀山北半山腰间, 与四仙岩、玄武洞相连。洞高3~4米, 宽6~7米, 深23米, 面积150平方米, 呈圆管形。洞壁石纹如白鹤飞翔, 洞中一石柱, 如鹤腿, 故有白鹤洞之称。白鹤洞是从普陀岩、玄武洞进入七星岩的必由之路, 地势较高而曲折, 且洞内幽暗, 通过时自卑而高、由明转暗, 再出敝亮的四仙岩, 给人以变幻无穷的神秘感。
