





范文类型:请假条,全文共 722 字

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Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on April 4th, this Wednesday.

This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth. I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. The situation could worsen, should infection occur.

Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.

Thanks. I will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time.

One possible version:

June 8, -




范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2506 字

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(2)party b shall twice send its specialists to party as factory to provldetechnicalservice for a total of 30 working days man.

(3)the first technical service sha1l start in the sixth month after the contraytcomesinto effect. party b shall send a specialist to party as factory to providetechnical service for 12 working days/man.

(4)the second technical service shall start during the verification of thecortractedproduets.parth b shall send a specialist to party as factory to providetechnical servicefor18 working days/man.

(5)party b shall, for its specialists, bear their travelling expensee. parthashall be responsible for boarding and lodging and affording the means of conveyance fromthe lodgingplace to the factoty.

5.2 technical training

(1)party b shall train party as technical personnel so as to enable them tomasterparty bs design, performance test and technology in machining, erection andinspection of the contracted products, so that party a can use the technical documentsand know-how supplied by p arty b toproducethe same products in the contract factory. party b shall do its best to arrange for party as personnel to visit the majorusersand the manufacturing process of the components from other countries of the contractedproducts.

(2)party a shall send twice its technical personnel to party bs factory fortraining, andthe total number of the participants shall not exceed 320 days/man (excluding the inter-preter).

(3)the first training shall be from the third to the fourth month after thecontract comes into effect. there shall be 4 technical persons and an interpreterto besent to party b for training for 16o working days/man (5 days week). the training shallcover the design of the contracted products and manufacturing technology.

(4)the second training shall be from the eighth to the nineth month. party a shallsent 4 technical persons and an interpreter to party bs factory for training for 160working days/man (5 days per week). the training shall cover the designing, themanufacturing technology,erection and adjustment of the contracted products.

(5)party a shall bear the travelling expenses of its trainees; party b shallprovide party as trainees free of charge with boarding, lodging and means ofconveyance for travel- ling between the lodging place and the factory.article 6 technical documents

6.1 party b shall, according to the delivery schedule and details stpulated inappendix 2to the contract, deliver the documents at_________.




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 406 字

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I will appreciate it that you give me an opportunity to introduce myself now. My name is and you can call me . I come from . Now I am a senior student and I will graduate from Nanhai Neusoft Institude of information Technology. My major is Networking . I am not only good at my major but also English . I will do my best in my working if you can give me the chance. Thats all. Thank you for your listening.



范文类型:工作总结,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 629 字

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范文类型:自荐稿,材料案例,适用行业岗位:党工团,全文共 6451 字

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党的基层组织是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,是思想政治工作最主要的着力点,直接担负着宣传、联系、团结、组织群众去贯彻落实党的路线、方针、政策的艰巨任务。自觉加强党的基层组织建设,充分发挥干部党员的先锋模范作用,带领广大教职工为全面贯彻第三次全教会精神、全面推进素质教育提供思想组织保证,是党支部的经常性大量的工作。三年来,我校党支部在局党委的正确领导下坚持在经常性大量思想政治工作中从本校实际出发,不断分析研究新情况,不等、不靠,把握教育时机,务本求实,创造性地开展工作,较充分地体现了党支部在思想、组织、作风等方面的保证作用,使学校各方面工作充满生机、富有活力。经全体党员讨论一致同意自荐先进党支部。一. 坚持党管干部的原则,加强领导班子建设坚持“党管干部”的原则,以“三讲”、“三个代表”为行为准则,不断加强领导班子建设,在实践中把班子建设成在群众中有威信的战斗集体。加强领导班子建设,在学校党的基层组织工作中,始终处于重中之重的位置,在班子建设中我们坚持: 1. 以“三讲”和“三个代表”为主要学习内容,加强中心组理论学习,提高干部自身素质。理论武装是解放思想的动力和源泉,我们坚持每周五上午半天的干部学习制度,作到时间、人员、内容、制度、考核五落实。三年来,我们坚持学习邓小平理论、十五大精神、第三次全教会精神和市区教育工作会议内容、学习有关党的建设、干部队伍建设,以及有关教育改革有关论述,并联系我校干部队伍和教师队伍思想工作实际,做到针对每个不同时期的学校重点任务,选学了有关的理论。提高干部的理论素质,提高干部的思想政治觉悟,使干部即有满腔的政治热情,积极投身学校各项工作,发挥模范作用,又有清醒的政治头脑,冷静分析判断识别该做什么、提倡什么、反对什么。即要解放思想敢于闯,大胆的试,又要务本求实,尊重科学、尊重群众,讲究工作方式、方法,在学习中理论联系实际,理论指导实践,开创性的推动学校各方面工作的进展,在实践中提高干部的能力水平。在认真组织集体学的同时,党政主要领导干部还坚持自学,已经学习了《邓小平党的建设理论纲要》、《邓小平教育理论教程》,现在正在学习《论校长工作创新》。自觉提高党政一把手自身的素质水平。 2. 在实践中把班子建设成讲学习、讲政治、讲正气的有战斗力的集体。在市场经济大潮中,党员干部经受不住经济利益的驱使犯错误已屡见不鲜,同样在我们的队伍里个别人出现问题也不奇怪,问题是我们应以什么立场、态度去对待个别人的错误,在这一点我校党支部经受了锻炼和考验,在99年里我校党支部查处了原工会主席、总务主任某预备党员的问题,领导班子成员各个站在党的原则立场上,讲政治不讲私情,讲原则不讲面子,同这位同志的错误进行了面对面的斗争。这件事出现在我校预备党员身上,反映出支部工作中的失误(98年7月发展入党),但在问题面前,我们旗帜鲜明,捍卫党的尊严,荡涤了党的肌体上的污点,在群众中树立了从严治党,党要管党,干部不官官相护的良好形象,在斗争中,章雯同志作为这位预备党员的介绍人,即要顶住来自部分不明真相的群众的冤枉,还要面对面的与这位同志的错误态度进行周旋、斗争,做为一名年轻干部,这种精神、毅力、胆识都是难能可贵的,在群众中树立了良好的党的干部的形象。我们的干部就是这样以我们的实际行动证实我们是讲政治,有正气,坚强有力的战争集体,是勇于剖析自我,不护短,对党对人民负责任的集体。问题已经出现,我们除了吸取教训之外,更重要的是以我们的实际行动把这位同志的问题在群众中所造成的影响降低到最低点,实践证明我们的作法不仅维护了党和党支部在群众中的威信,反而扩大了党的影响力,党支部的政治核心作用在增强。在与错误行为的斗争中,我们的同志也从反面再次认识到在市场经济大潮中,一批又一批党的干部,甚至是党的高级干部倒下去,学校也不再是一块净土,科艺学校的杨莲义、永二中的王宝珍、和我校的这位预备党员的犯错误事实,一次又一次的为我们敲响警钟,我们决心不辜负党和人民的信任,并从制度上保证把党员干部置于广大群众监督之下,上半年结合党员评议,广泛、认真听取群众对党员、干部的反映,下半年结合书记、校长述职,(付主任以上干部也要述职)全面听取群众对党员干部的反映和评议。并由书记、校长及时找问题相对比较集中的同志谈话,指出问题,提出改进意见。通过多种渠道努力把我校领导班子建设得更加团结、坚定、有力。 3. 坚持民主集中制原则,充分发挥班子成员每个人的积极性。在学校党政班子建设中,我们坚持民主集中制原则,实行集体领导、分工负责制,充分发挥每个成员的积极性,重大问题,如学校的人事安排、奖励办法、考核制度、结构工资方案、职称评定、奖励晋级、学校资金的使用以及学生收费等重大人、财、物的安排都要经过校务委员会、党政领导、党支部会议等各种形式的集体讨论决定,绝不书记校长个人说了算。校长章雯同志正确理解把握校长负责制的内涵,正确行使手中的权力,民主意识强,虚心好学,遇事总是先听一听班子成员的看法,群众的呼声、反映,在广泛民主的基础上,三思而后行,减少工作的盲目性,增强了集中的科学性,实践证明这样做效果是好的,群众是满意的。在坚持集体领导的同时,我们强调分工负责,每位干部对自己所承担的工作要尽职尽责、工作到位。三年来,我校党支部能从我校实际出发,通过不断学习加强班子建设,班子成员的思想水平、工作作风、群众观点等都发生了明显变化。解决了三个问题:第一学校党政领导团结、协作,讲政治、讲正气,民主气氛浓,精神状态好,不等、不靠,从学校实际出发,带领群众奋发向上,在群众中有威信。第二打破教师沉闷、僵化局面,思想解放。敢于改革,大胆实践,我能行不服输的精神状态基本形成;同志之间配合协作,通过磨合,宽松和谐的工作氛围初步形成。敬业精神,师德水平明显加强。第三学校工作全面展开,并已经取得明显成绩。现在我校领导班子的年龄结构、知识结构基本合理,有两位35岁以下的同志在班子里。二. 坚持党要管党的原则,加强党的队伍建设 1. 坚持在群众中树立党员的完美形象。党员在学校各项工作中发挥着骨干和先锋作用,但我们没有满足现状,仍坚持“响鼓也要重锤敲”,坚持每周一次党活动,坚持每学期最少有针对性的讲一次党课,坚持每学期一次党内生活会的制度,坚持经常交流思想,开展谈心活动,有话讲在明处,同志之间坦诚相待,光明磊落,遇到问题可以争得面红耳赤,但为了我们的共同事业,为了党的利益要讲团结,要相互支持和协作。实践证明我们这支党员队伍的素质是高的。 2. 加大积极分子的培养力度,为发展壮大党的组织打下坚实的基础。我校党员数量少,且多集中在领导层,加大培养积极分子的力度,做好教学一线教师的发展工作就显得格外重要。三年来,我们坚持每学期分析二次积极分子状况,并由联系人及时进行谈话,指出每个积极分子的进步,同时指出努力方向。在谈话中突出体现党政工作中心,联系我校实际从每位积极分子的实际水平出发,加强思想政治工作的实效性,针对性,使积极分子每通过一次谈话都有一定的启发和提高。我们曾对党的重点培养对象如郝洪雁,隗春艳同志让她们参加党的会议,对她们采取面对面评议的办法,让她们直接听到党员对她们的看法,既使她们感受到党对她们的关心和温暖,同时也要让她们清醒看到自己的不足,既鼓励她们更快健康成长,同时也为她们的成长,提供必要的条件。实践证明这样做,有益于她们的成长,99年12月10日我们召开了发展会,接收郝洪雁同志入党,今年3月份又召开发展会,接收隗春艳同志入党,壮大了我校党员队伍。实践证明,面对面评议积极份子这种办法很好。上学期我们采取了同样的办法对闫建龙、艾华、周孟晖、董朝红、侯巍等5位同志面对面评议,他们进步都很大。 在党员和积极份子的影响下,新参加工作的同志又有黄可欣写了入党申请书,使党的积极分子队伍扩大。今年我们正在抓紧工作,准备发展一名同志入党。三. 努力开创教师思想政治工作新局面,加强教师队伍建设当前我国正在进行着一场伟大的历史变革,社会生活发生了深刻变化,经济成份、组织形式、就业方式各种利益关系等都在进行调整,这些变革也必然体现在教育战线,也必然影响到教师的工作和生活,影响到教师的思想观念和心理,并呈现了新的变化和特点。面对新形势我们按照江泽民同志指出的新形势下思想政治工作“重点是努力创新和改进”,不断进行探讨,总结出: 1. 思想政治工作要适应新形势,拓展新思路多年来我们往往把思想政治工作看的很呆板,常常把思想政治工作等同于谈心,自觉不自觉地形成了一种模式——谈心,是居高临下的谈话,是我说你听,对者,总是领导,错者,总是群众。在人们思想日益活跃的今天,如果还照搬、延袭旧办法,非但不能有效地解决教师们的思想政治问题,还会造成教师对思想政治工作强烈的逆反心理。面对新形势和教师队伍反映出的新问题,我们采取群众恳谈会的形式,每周利用星期五中午休息的时间,教师自愿参加,恳谈会每次一个专题,由一个老师主持(本周定下周的专题和主持人),围绕着教师们在思想、认知和工作中的热点问题、难点工作,有经验说经验,有问题摆问题,八仙过海各显其能,围绕一个中心实话实说。大家对“减负”、学生主体地位、分层教学、创新精神、新形势下怎样体现爱生、师德等问题各抒已见。大家围坐在一起,一是没顾虑、没压力,平起平坐的谈,气氛融恰,心态平和;二是谈的真心话、实在话,不装腔做势,联系自己的思想认知,工作实际,务实;三是选题新颖,是教师关心的焦点、敏感问题,是教师工作中的棘手问题,时代气息强,解渴;四是教师轮流主持,给每个教师以展示自己的机会。教师们对恳谈会这种形式很满意,表现出极大的热情。 2. 思想政治工作要紧密结合工作实际,充实新内容在现实生活中各种媒体传播着各种思想观点、价值观念和生活方式。人们接触东西多了,思想活动的选择性就会增强。因此不是你宣传什么,教师就接受什么,而是什么吸引教师,教师就选择什么,教师选择什么就接受什么教育,受到什么样的影响。思想政治工作的内容就要紧扣时代的脉搏,选择教师关注的重点、热点问题,讲究超前性、预见性。因此思想政治工作就要与教育改革紧密结全,并且工作到位才会迸发出强大的生命力。根据形势的发展我们在思想政治工作中坚持主动参与,积极渗透,围绕教育改革开展“五调研,两参与”的活动,使思想政治工作内容由“虚”变“实”,由“弱”变“强”。五调研即:A、抓住重大改革工作部置和重大决策之前的调研,为正确决策提供依据;B、抓好先进典型的调研,宣传典型经验,以点带面,推动学校工作的进展;C、抓好论文、“教育教学一得”等成果的推广应用的调研,走科教兴校之路;D、抓住学校管理工作中存在问题,分析原因,找准对策,提高管理水平;E、抓住职工关心的热点、疑点调研,有针对性的做好释疑、解难工作,使教师轻装上阵。两个参与即:A、主动参与教育教学管理,掌握了解学校教改的进程和问题,及时进行宣传教育和思想发动,把教师的工作热情和精力引导到推进素质教育改革和两个文明建设上来;B、主动参与学校管理,扩大学校在本地区的影响,以实现群众满意的办学方向与管人、管思想政治工作的统一,使学校思想政治工作活起来,促进学校的健康发展。 3. 思想政治工作必须通过丰富多彩的活动为载体,创造新形式思想政治工作要紧密结合精神文化生活的新发展,充分利用各种有效的渠道和载体,寓教于乐和各种活动之中,努力把形式搞的活泼、新颖、轻松一点,在愉快和谐的气氛中密切教师之间的关系,调整教师们的思想情绪,陶冶教师们的情操,从中受到教育。如同志之间工作不协调,甚至出现矛盾是通过磨合,逐步适应,还是你挑我的毛病,我看你不顺眼,这是一个单位凝聚力、向心力形成团队精神必须要解决的问题,我们通过99年10月教职工运动会准备过程较好的解决了这个问题。 4. 思想政治工作要体察群众情绪,探讨新方法在人们思想日益活跃的今天,为了有效的做好教师的思想政治工作,在做思想政治工作时我们还要考虑教师的情绪,许多时侯,人们是否接受某种道理,不仅取决于这种道理对不对,是否讲的清楚明白,还取决于听者的心情,情绪不好时就会什么道理也听不进去,或者是勉强听进去,也承认有理,但就是不去照办,这就要求我们努力调节好教师的情绪,而情绪的调节就同教师的精神需求是否得到满足有关。学校就要创设一种宽松和谐的人际氛围,尽量满足教师的精神需求。如满足教师人际交往的需求,使教师的苦恼、欢乐、意见都要有交流的机会,需要同他人分享,或者至少要有倾诉的对象,教师遇到挫折时需求得到安慰、理解和激励。遇事不回避,尽量给教师创造一种表述心情的时机,让人家把埋在心里的话倒出来,在本来不平衡的社会环境下,尽量使教师“心平、气顺”,以平和的情绪面对现实。也是做好思想政治工作必不可少的一个方面。 5. 思想政治工作要适应新要求,健全新体制加强教师思想政治工作,是一项长期艰巨的系统工程,需要多层面、多渠道的协调工作。党支部要加强领导,党政工团要协调配合,每学期召开两次思想政治分析会。一次在期中,另一次是期未结合考核总结、论文交流进行。我校成立了党建、思政工作研究会,并能针对我校思政和教育教学实际开展调研活动。我校工会、共青团的工作纳入学校支部工作计划,他们的工作计划都是经支部讨论通过,围绕党政工作重点,开展多种形式的教师活动,如举办教师书法比赛、演讲比赛、单项体育运动比赛、开展公开课、观摩课、电教课等评比活动、扑克牌比赛、秋季登山活动、组织教师钓鱼、每周一歌、家属联谊会等多种群众喜闻乐见的活动,通过活动把大家的心凝聚在一起,真正做到党、政、工职责上分,思想上合,工作上分,目标上合,制度上分,关系上合,形成齐抓共管思想政治工作的“大政工”格局,各自发挥自己的优势。经过近三年的努力我们从北小实际出发,处处体现思想政治工作的“新”字,努力营造务本求实、敢于创新、积极进取的工作氛围,激励教职工那种有所作为不服输的精神状态,创设一种相互理解、宽容、和谐的人际关系,形成团结协作,相互补台,奋发向上的教师群体。学校各方面工作都有了良好开端,并初步取得了一些成绩,如:99年教职工运动会上我校拔河比赛荣获了乙组亚军,是我小仅有30多名教职工那种不服输、我能行精神状态的良好体现,继拔河比赛之后,于2000年5月25日在石景山区第十七届古城之春艺术节合唱比赛中我校教师合唱团力挫群雄,夺取全区冠军,再次展示我校全体教师的精神风貌;学校党政领导率领班子和“两会”成员联系学校实际认真开展思政调研、科研,厉文明同志的《最值得注意的教育问题——对学生创新能力的培养》获1999年度党政领导干部优秀调研报告论文二等奖,章雯、苏卫东同志的《扎实有效地开展爱国主义教育》获三等奖,学校荣获优秀组织奖;书记、校长的论文分别在市区级刊物上发表。 在局第五次思想政治工作会议上,学校被评为思想政治工作先进单位,学校思想政治工作经验以书面形式下发各单位。 2000年学校工会被评为局先进单位;继续保持市电教优类校的称号;2000年学校被评为敬老文明单位;学校连续两年被评为社区工作先进单位;2000年艾友凤老师被评为区级师德标兵;张桂文被评为紫禁杯优秀班主任;侯巍在12届青年教师评优课中获一等奖,并在2000年上市级公开课;她的论文《低年级教与学的共振效应》获99年市级论文二等奖,她的论文《浅谈教师在自主学习过程中应扮演的角色》获2000年市级论文一等奖;苏卫东获北京市少先队工作论文二等奖,区三等奖;学生合唱团获区第七届合唱节一等奖。在刚刚结束的一级教师评优课上侯巍获自然学科一等奖;周孟晖获数学学科二等奖,实践证明广大教师的教学、教科研水平在大幅度提高。我们将在局党委的正确领导下,按照学校新的三年党建规化努力开创学校工作的新局面。



范文类型:自我评介,介绍信,全文共 791 字

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Self Introduction

My name is Li peipei. I was born in Beijing in 1993 and now I was 13 years old. There are five people in my family now: my grandparents my father, my mother, and I. I love the members of my family very much. I was the only child. And when I was small I usually play with my friends in the park.

I am a very easy-going man. So, I have a lot of friends. I love English, because it’s one of the most famous languages in the world. In the future, I have a good dream, my dreams are going to America for further education and devoting myself to communication. So, in order to make the dream come true, I’ll try my best! I believe through my hard working, I am sure the God will provide better chances for me to build up my future career and personal characters.

That’s all, thanks.



范文类型:提示标语,全文共 1783 字

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1.The time is passing. .时间在流逝。

2.One day, has not been able again to come. 一天过完,不会再来。

3.The education level represents the income. .教育程度代表收入。

4.Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow. 勿将今日之事拖到明日。

5.Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow. 今天不走,明天要跑。

6.Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid. 请享受无法回避的痛苦。

7.Has not been difficult, then does not have attains.没有艰辛,便无所获。

8.The dog equally study, the gentleman equally plays. 狗一样地学,绅士一样地玩。

9.Now drips the saliva, will become tomorrow the tear. 现在淌的哈喇子,将成为明天的眼泪。

10.Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time. 觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。

11.Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page .即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。

12.Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。

13.The investment future person will be, will be loyal to the reality person.投资未来的人是,忠于现实的人。

14.Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long.学习时的苦痛是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的

15.Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds must arrange the position.幸福或许不排名次,但成功必排名次。

16.Only has compared to the others early, diligently, can feel the successful taste.只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。

17.Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.谁也不能随随便便成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力。

18.This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream. 此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。

19.I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored. 我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日

20.The study certainly is not the life complete. But, since continually life part of - studies also is unable to conquer, what but also can make?学习并不是人生的全部。但,既然连人生的一部分——学习也无法征服,还能做什么呢?



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1389 字

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I think that life is a continuous improvement of their thinking, morality, professional skills and quality of life process. I am a perfectionist with an obsessive pursuit of ideals, but I am more concerned with the pursuit of the ideal than the final result of the hard process. I think gold is always shining. A person, no matter what his current situation, his realm of life can not be completely limited. Of course, a persons current talent can not fully determine his future all the social contribution. A persons life should be a work hard, and constantly exceeded and breakthrough process!

I am passionate, generous, fluent in English, and pure mathematics and applied mathematics through basic professional skills. In the past three years, I have learned a wide range of modern mathematics courses related to differential geometry, partial differential equations, and topology, with great interest in specialized courses. In the aspect of thinking and cognition, I have carefully studied the basic contents and history of philosophy, science and technology, aesthetics, etc., and have a deep and profound reverence for the wisdom of the sages.

As for my future work, I have a strong ability to work in teams, can withstand stress, and like challenging and creative issues. In particular, in the work I can Chikunailao, humbly communicate with others, continue to learn to forge ahead.



范文类型:邀请函,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 386 字

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Dear Sirs,

We are staging an important exhibition in Shanghai Exhibition Centre from October l to October 7. We would like to invite your corporation to attend. Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.

We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend.

Yours faithfully,







范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:职员,全文共 1101 字

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范文类型:请假条,全文共 377 字

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Dear teacher,

I am not feel very well this days,and cough Seriously,so,I went to see a doctor yesterday, the doctor told me that I have had a badly cold, he let me stay in bed day and night, taking pills three times a day.As you know, I can not go to scholl.Cared by my families,I am sure I will get well soon,I will try my best to catch up with my classmates. Thanks!





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 346 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 785 字

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* administrative professional, has good professional theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

* Two years engaged in personnel administration, according to the companys development system in line with the concept of corporate governance policies, personnel recruitment and other related systems.

* Able to multi-disciplinary work, adaptable, in two years with a single work, safeguard interests of the company, self-denial and dedication.

* For a substantial foreign trade operations, to manage the operation Ali International Station and other international trade platform Global Vision

* Learning genus pragmatic type of staff. Serious and responsible work. Good at innovation in a challenging environment. The courage to take responsibility and enjoy work. He emphasizes teamwork



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 1011 字

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Dear Mr. Gokhale:

I’m writing this letter to congratulate you on your new post in New Delhi. I am very delighted to hear of your promotion after three exciting and hardworking years in Chinese Taiwan. The diligence and enthusiasm contributed a great deal to the economic ties between India and Chinese Taiwan.

It has been a great pleasure and privilege for me to have had the opportunity of working closely with you over the past three years. You have been one of the most capable representatives in Chinese Taiwan. The cooperation and friendship that you so kindly extended to me has been most gratifying.

No doubt our paths will continue to crofrom time to time, and I look forward to maintaining close contact with you in your new capacity. Likewise, please let me know if I can be of help in Taipei. At last, I would like, once again, to expremy sincere gratitude for your efforts to improve India-Chinese Taiwan trade and investment exchange and cooperation, and I wish you a prosperous and successful future.



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 1322 字

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I was deeply saddened to learn of ____ (name A)’s death and I would like to express my sincere sympathy to you and your family on behalf of the senior management team here at Interconnect Corp. Your husband was highly respected by managers and employees alike throughout the entire company. He was regarded as a visionary leader by anyone who ever worked with him. ____ (name A)’s contributions to this company during his 27 years of dedicated and selfless service were many and varied. In the early years he was a major part of our initial expansion overseas, and a number of the offices he set up in Europe are still operating very successfully. In recent years ____ (name A) was a key player in our transformation to full digital technology, a move which catapulted us into a leadership position in the industry. Believe me, his contributions to this company will not be forgotten.

Please accept my heartfelt condolences at this difficult time and I ask you to please pass these sentiments on to your children. Your husband was a remarkable man in many ways. Knowing him personally as I did for many years, I am well aware of the difference he made in the lives of many people, both here in the company, and in his private life. He will be missed by many. With sincere sympathy,

____ (name B)

President and CEO



范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,全文共 3673 字

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The writer of the novel is Jane Austen . Jane Austen was born at Steventon on December 16, 1775, the youngest of seven children. She received her education—scanty enough, by modern standards—at home. Besides the usual elementary subjects, she learned French and some Italian, sang a little, and became an expert needle-woman. Her reading extended little beyond the literature of the eighteenth century, and within that period she seems to have cared most for the novels of Richardson and Miss Burney, and the poems of Cowper and Crabbe. Dr. Johnson, too, she admired, and later was delighted with both the poetry and prose of Scott. The first twenty-five years of her life she spent at Steventon; in 1801 she moved with her family to Bath, then a great center of fashion; after the death of her father in 1805, she lived with her mother and sister, first at Southampton and then at Chawton; finally she took lodgings at Winchester to be near a doctor, and there she died on July 18, 1817, and was buried in the cathedral. Apart from a few visits to friends in London and elsewhere, and the vague report of a love affair with a gentleman who died suddenly, there is little else to chronicle in this quiet and uneventful life.

But quiet and uneventful though her life was, it yet supplied her with material for half a dozen novels as perfect of their kind as any in the language. While still a young girl she had experimented with various styles of writing, and when she completed "Pride and Prejudice" at the age of twenty-two, it was clear that she had found her appropriate form. This novel, which in many respects she never surpassed, was followed a year later by "Northanger Abbey," a satire on the "Gothic" romances then in vogue; and in 1809 she finished "Sense and Sensibility," begun a dozen years before. So far she had not succeeded in having any of her works printed; but in 1811 "Sense and Sensibility" appeared in London and won enough recognition to make easy the publication of the others. Success gave stimulus, and between 1811 and 1816, she completed "Mansfield Park," "Emma," and "Persuasion." The last of these and "Northanger Abbey" were published posthumously.

The most remarkable characteristic of Jane Austen as a novelist is her recognition of the limits of her knowledge of life and her determination never to go beyond these limits in her books. She describes her own class, in the part of the country with which she was acquainted; and both the types of character and the events are such as she knew from first-hand observation and experience. But to the portrayal of these she brought an extraordinary power of delicate and subtle delineation, a gift of lively dialogue, and a peculiar detachment. She abounds in humor, but it is always quiet and controlled; and though one feels that she sees through the affectations and petty hypocrisies of her circle, she seldom becomes openly satirical. The fineness of her workmanship, unexcelled in the English novel, makes possible the discrimination of characters who have outwardly little or nothing to distinguish them; and the analysis of the states of mind and feeling of ordinary people is done so faithfully and vividly as to compensate for the lack of passion and adventure. She herself speaks of the "little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work," and, in contrast with the broad canvases of Fielding or Scott, her stories have the exquisiteness of a fine miniature.

we are always pride and think something in our mind but not right,we assess the others only depend on their background or their color of skin , we hide our true heart and pretend ,we dispise the others without any reason.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 495 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 707 字

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范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,全文共 684 字

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Dear HR Leadership:

I regret that I give my official resignation to the company

I came to the company just three months, and Im very honored to be able to become a member of our company. During three months , I learned a lot, and the companys financial situation is also in good shape. Im very grateful that the company gave me such a good environment to work and learn.

But I need to resign for personal reasons. In regularization with my salary after the nature of work and measure my ability to work, I feel the salary is not with my expectations. So, I decided to resign.

I hope my applications can be approved before June 20,

I wish you good health .

Applicant: Jack

Date: June 22, 20xx



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1342 字

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Good afternoon, teachers.

I am very glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is abc, 25 years old. I come from Weifang, a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I graduated from Commercial College in July, 20xx and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “the florilegium of Mao ZeDong”. From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism.

I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in abc University, I’ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as possible. If it is possible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis.

Personally, for today’s China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a process of construction. That’s to say, we should understand Marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 385 字

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How are you, I call .This year is 22 years old.Graduate from college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, there is the person of responsibility.A fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, etcThankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview!
