





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1596 字

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张家口市区西部群山之中,有一座山峰叫赐儿山,山峰秀丽,风景如画。在山腰深处有古云泉寺,它建于明洪武二十六年(公元 1393 年),至今已有 600 余年。所以叫云泉寺,是取 " 白云深处有清泉 " 之意。它是佛、道建在一处的寺庙。上部为道,下部为佛。寺 内有子孙娘娘殿,旧时每逢农历四月初八庙会,来此登山焚香祈求 " 赐儿 " 的人络绎不绝。故称此山为 " 赐儿山 " 。

远望赐儿山,峭壁如削,万木峥嵘,亭台楼阁,参差错落。若登山而上沿路 铺设台阶路面,陡削路段则安装扶手栏杆,拾级而上即可达云泉寺。蜿蜒山路有三道平台,第一道平台有六角亭一座,有大雄宝殿和南大殿;第二道为望亭;第三道是云泉寺山门,山门也称天王殿。山门之外原 有教稼亭,壁上有民间巧匠画的五谷之神后稷,教人不忘耕稼。稍上是教化堂,壁上画有伏义轩辕,意在告诫后人勤于劳作,时时不忘自己为炎黄子孙。山门前有石狮镇守,旗杆矗立。山门内侧是龙王殿、真武 殿、藏经殿中释迦佛祖合掌闭目,南海观音挥洒拂尘,造型生动,栩栩如生。

在寺院中部,有古柳二株盘抱而生,高 12 - 13 米 ,粗 30 - 40 围,相传为明代所栽。奇怪的是向东横卧的 1 株 主干中空,腹内长出 1 株松树,柳丝袅娜,松枝苍劲,形伴影随,相映成趣。现柳树仍枝茂叶盛,属重点 古柳名木之一。在西边峭壁上曾生出 1 株榆树,高约 13 米 ,粗 20 围,相传为元代所植,已枯死,过去曾有 " 元榆明柳 " 之称。 尤为奇观的是寺的西崖下,排列三个古洞,仅距咫尺,景观迥异。右为水洞,洞中泉水清清,数九隆冬也不结冰。左为冰洞,洞口楹联曰: " 灵液供丹灶,清心照玉壶 " ,洞内 四季结冰,晶莹剔透,即使炎炎夏日也不融化。有诗曰: " 傍山冬日液,侧水夏天凝 " ,就是冰水二洞奇景的写照。中间是风洞,一年四季冷风嗖嗖,有物置于洞口,即被疾风吸入。相传曾有一名儿童向里 探头被风吸入,现洞口已被封闭。

沿山路迤逦而上有 " 万松 ?quot; ,再上有 " 矗霄亭 " ,翼然临于绝顶,登山鸟瞰,张家口市 区尽收眼底。赐儿山云泉寺的山水景观,吸引了众多的佳宾 游客,令游览者惊叹不已。峭壁上,留下不少游人、名士的诗句和题刻。相传, 1923 年冬,康有为偕弟子陈重远从吴中来张家口,前往赐儿山云泉寺游览,深为 " 山川缟素、天地一白 " 而感叹,遂作《雾雪登云泉寺》,诗曰: " 山县关城早,天寒日暮愁。夕晖千白雪,吾爱云泉寺。日出松石上,诗清情复幽。后人今不见,应共忆斯游。 " 康有为游兴 犹浓,便沿石磴道登上山巅,俯视张家口全景,吟出 " 行行积雪里,渐入浮云端;前路青天近,冷冷诗骨寒 " 的诗句。在游了西山崖下的风洞、水洞和冰洞之后,又挥毫写下 " 崖石青天里,悬洞堪称奇。仙人原有宅,醉语也成诗。凝静听崩雪,山空闻折枝。平明出谷口,险尽尚惊疑。

关于 " 赐儿山 " 这名字的来历,还有一段传奇故事呢。传说 500 多年前,有一对夫妇,结婚多年未能生育,很是着急。这年的四月初八,夫妇二人来到张家口西郊的这座山脚下,焚竺祈祷,求助天神地神。正当他们一遍又一遍地诉说自己的求子之心时,突然从山腰石缝间走出一个白发飘飘的老人。老人来到他们面前,没有说话,从怀里取出个泥捏的娃娃,送给他们,然后就无影无踪了。第二年,这对夫妇便喜得贵子。他们真有说不出的高兴。这件事很快传开,塞外山村远近百里祈儿求女的人,每年四月初八,都到西山脚下烧香求子。于是,人们便把西山,称为 “ 赐儿山 ” 了。 现在,在山的半山腰还有一座 580 多年前建造的古刹--云泉寺,寺内有一个佛龛,圆形的门上画着一幅引人入胜的五彩图画, 画面中央是一个笑眯眯的大肚佛,佛像四周烟云缭绕,云雾中布满了一个个白白胖胖的幼儿。相传这里就是当年那位白发飘飘的老人的住地,人称 “ 赐儿大仙 ” 。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7085 字

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Dear tourists

Xinjiang is the largest grape producing area in China, and also thebirthplace of grape cultivation in China. According to the survey, there aremore than 50 grape varieties in Xinjiang. Especially in Turpan, grapes areplanted everywhere, accounting for more than 90% of the total grape plantingarea in Xinjiang, making it a "Kingdom of grapes". The grape of Turpan evokesour infinite reverie. The wonderful lyrics of "the grapes in Turpan are ripe,and anaerhans heart is drunk" sung among people of all ethnic groups inXinjiang fully express peoples admiration for grapes. Grape is known as "Pearland agate" and has become the symbol of "hometown of melons and fruits" inXinjiang. Now lets go to the most beautiful place in Turpan, Grape Valley, toexperience anaerhans intoxicated mood!

Tourists, our car is driving by the flame mountain, and the west end of themountain is the Grape Valley.

Putaogou is a north-south river valley in Huoyanshan mountains, with atotal length of 7 km and a maximum width of 2 km. It is full of vineyards,inhabited by Uygur, Hui, Han and other ethnic fruit farmers. If you walk intothe Grape Valley, you will see the peoples canal from Tianshan Mountain. Thewater passes through the valley. The trees are luxuriant, the air is humid, andthe climate is cool and pleasant, which is in sharp contrast to the blazingflame mountain. Looking up at the volcano and looking down at the green space,it is really a good place for summer.

Vineyard → seedless grapes → raisin drying room now we come to thevineyard. The grapes here are like the green clouds covering the sky and thegreen carpet covering the ground. They are connected by pieces, and the greenshade covers the sun. They are fruitful. The vineyard in the grapevine Valleycovers an area of more than 400 hectares. The main varieties are seedless whitegrape, MARUKI grape, rose red, kashhar, bijiagan, black grape, soso grape, etc.In addition, jingzaojing, aimina, seedless purple, seedless red, rose fragranceand other excellent grape varieties are introduced from abroad. Its fruit shapeis different, there are spherical, oval, cylindrical, oval, some bright likeagate, some crystal like pearls, and some green as jade. With an annual outputof more than 6000 tons of grapes and more than 300 tons of raisins, it can becalled the "world vineyard".

The outstanding grape in Xinjiang is seedless white grape, which is widelyplanted in Grape Valley. Look! The "Green Pearls" with oval fruit grains andlight yellow green fruit hanging on the grape trellis are seedless. It has thinskin, crisp meat, juicy and sweet taste. The sugar content of the fresh fruit ismore than 24%, which exceeds the sugar content of California grape in the UnitedStates and becomes the sweetest grape in the world. Because it has no seeds, itis most suitable for drying raisins. After drying, it contains more than 75%sugar, protein, organic acid and other nutrients. It is a good dry fruit withrich nutrition. The seedless raisins, which are crystal clear and jade like, aregreen and bright in color, sweet and sour to eat, and are known as "China GreenPearl".

The second largest cultivated area in the grape ditch is maruzi grape. Itsfruit is long columnar or spindle shaped, with thin and tough skin, juicy andcrisp flesh, no fragrance, but especially sweet. It is worth mentioning that dueto the unique natural conditions such as low-lying, high temperature, lessprecipitation and strong solar radiation, all grapes in Turpan Basin are free ofdiseases and pests, let alone spraying pesticides. As a result, Xinjiang raisinis famous at home and abroad, becoming a rare natural non-toxic fruit.

Tourists, walking in the green corridor, looking at the attractive grapes,its really very comfortable! Just now some tourists asked: how are raisinsmade? Look! The flat topped, rectangular, civil structure house in front of usis a drying room specially built for drying raisins. The wall of drying room isa perforated wall made of soil blocks, and the rectangular holes mainly play therole of free ventilation. The door of the drying room is mostly located in thenorth or East, which can reduce the sunlight on the one hand, and on the otherhand, when transporting grapes, if the drying room cant hold for a while, itcan be temporarily placed on the north wall outside the drying room, so that itwont be exposed to the sunlight for several hours, and the quality of the driedgrapes will not change. In Turpan, such air drying houses can be seeneverywhere, but most of them are built on the hillside or on the Bank of ditch,where the terrain is open, flat, well ventilated and dry. At this point,tourists may have understood that the method of making raisins in Turpan isunique. It is not only different from other countries that use the sun to exposethemselves to the sun, but also not use artificial heating and drying. Instead,it is completely dried by the dry and warm climate. In this way, the chlorophyllin the grape fruit is completely preserved, and the grape turns dry green. Amongthe raisins with an annual output of about ten thousand tons in the world, itcan also be regarded as an exclusive product.

In addition to raisins, Turpan wine is also very famous for its good color,aroma and long brewing history. Wang Han, a poet of Tang Dynasty, once wrote apoem praising: "the wine is beautiful, sprinkle the luminous cup. If you want todrink pipa, you will be urged immediately. Dont laugh when you are drunk on thebattlefield. How many people have fought in the past The poets famous linesdescribe the charm of grape wine and the heroic spirit of the general gallopingon the battlefield.

Tourists, now we are in the north of Putaogou. On a marble tablet in frontof us is written "Putaogou" 3. This is the handwriting of Peng Zhen, formerchairman of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress. You cantake photos here.

Here the water is gurgling and the grape stands are full. We stroll in thegrape corridor, just like enjoying the gardens in the south of the YangtzeRiver. We dont know that we are in the Flaming Mountain in the scorching sun.Through the stone bridge and in the grape Kingdom, you can see the spring waterseeping from the gravel layer of the cliff, converging into a pool. The fish inthe pool seem to be as happy as the tourists. The fish are happy, the people arehappy, and the spring is clearer.

Tourists, now we have a rest in the corridor of Grape Valley. We all sitaround and enjoy the surrounding landscape. We also taste all kinds of freshgrapes and fruits with different colors, sizes and tastes. We are addicted toeating grapes. By the way, since 1990, the "China Silk Road Turpan GrapeFestival" has been held in Turpan from August 20 to 26 every year. Grape inTurpan has broken through its own boundaries and become a bridge of culturalexchanges and a link of economic and trade exchanges.

There are also grape Museum, wine tasting point, Folk Museum and othervisiting facilities in the tourist area, as well as Uygur folk musicperformances. We will visit them after a short rest.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6311 字

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Hello, everyone! Its a pleasure to be here with friends from all over theworld.

first. On behalf of the travel agency, please allow me to express myheartfelt thanks and warm welcome to all of you. There is a saying that is wellsaid: looking back hundreds of times in the past life can only lead to a brushin this life. Maybe its a fate to get together. Since we are destined, letsget to know each other. Next to me is master Lin, the driver. He has richdriving experience and is escorted by him You can give us two hearts, one is"rest assured" to our escort ambassador, master Lin, and the other is "happy".Please give it to me. Im your guide this time You can call me Xiao Guo, Guo Daoand Xiao Dao, whatever you like!

In fact, tourism is a very happy thing. Travel doesnt have to care aboutits purpose. It only needs to care about the scenery along the way and the moodwhen seeing the scenery. So I hope the good mountains and good water in Lanzhoucan bring you a good mood. So during the whole journey, if you need any help,please feel free to come to me. I will try my best to serve you. At the sametime, I hope my work can be successful With your support and cooperation, I wishyou have a good time in Lanzhou! I hope this trip is just like my name. I warmlywelcome you to come, and then have fun, eat and enjoy In a word, I hope you havea good time. Thank you

Maiji Mountain is located about 45 kilometers southeast of Tianshui City,Gansu Province. It is a strange peak in Xiaolong mountain at the western end ofQinling Mountains in China. It is only 142 meters high, but the shape of themountain is peculiar. The isolated peak rises like a wheat pile, so people callit Maiji Mountain. To the southwest of the mountain is a precipice, on which thegrottoes are cut. Some of them are 20 or 30 meters away from the base of themountain, while others are 70 or 80 meters away. Hundreds of caves and Buddhastatues excavated on such a steep cliff are rare in Chinas grottoes.

The scenery around Maiji Mountain is beautiful. The mountains are denselycovered with cypresses, pines, wild flowers and grass. Climbing to the top ofthe mountain, you can see green hills all around you. You can see thousands ofmountains and valleys, mountains and peaks, pine trees like the sea, clouds andmist, and the distant scenery is intertwined, forming a beautiful picture. Thispicture is known as "Maiji misty rain" which is the first of the eight scenicspots in Tianshui. Among the famous Grottoes in China, Maiji Mountain is thebest natural scenery.

Maijishan Grottoes is a national key cultural relic protection unit. It wasbuilt in 384 ad. after more than ten dynasties of continuous excavation andrenovation, it has become one of the famous large-scale Grottoes in China and aworld-famous art treasure house. There are 194 caves, including more than 7200clay sculptures and stone carvings from the 4th century to the 19th century, andmore than 1300 square meters of murals. The Maijishan grottoes are located in anextremely dangerous position. Most of them are built on cliffs. All the grottoesare accessible by the aerial trestle road erected on the cliff surface. Visitorscant help but thrill when they climb these winding trestle roads. The ancientsonce praised these projects: "between the cliffs, carved stone into Buddha,thousands of niches and caves.". Broken from the human force, suspected to be amiracle. " There is also a saying among the people nearby that "after cuttingthe firewood in Nanshan Mountain, build the Maiji cliff" and "first there is tenthousand Zhang firewood, then there is Maiji cliff". It can be seen that theconstruction of the trestle road was arduous and grand.

Maijishan Grottoes art is famous for its exquisite clay sculpture art athome and abroad. Historian Fan Wenlan once praised Maijishan as "a largeexhibition hall for displaying statues". If Dunhuang is a large mural Museum,Maiji Mountain is a large sculpture museum. The statues here are more than 15meters high and only 20 centimeters small, reflecting the characteristics ofstatues of different ages in the past thousand years and systematicallyreflecting the development and evolution of clay sculpture art in China. Theclay sculptures here can be roughly divided into four types: high floatingsculptures protruding from the wall, round sculptures completely away from thewall, moulded shadow sculptures and wall sculptures pasted on the wall. Amongthem, thousands of life size round sculptures are regarded as treasures becausethey are full of life interest.

The statue of Maijishan has two obvious characteristics: strong nationalconsciousness and secularization. Except for the early works, from the NorthernWei Dynasty, almost all of the Buddha statues have the posture of looking down,with amiable faces. Although they are gods in heaven, they are like secularpeople, becoming the embodiment of peoples good wishes. From the shape andclothing of the statue, it is gradually getting rid of the influence of foreignart, reflecting the characteristics of the Han nationality.

Many caves in Maiji Mountain have been built into a unique "cliffPavilion". The seven Buddha Pavilion, 15 meters above the head of the clayBuddha on Dongya, is a typical Han style cliff Pavilion in China. It was builton a cliff 50 meters above the ground and was excavated in the middle of the 6thcentury. Although Maijishan grottoes are mainly clay sculptures, there are alsoa certain number of stone carvings and murals. Maijishan Grottoes have beenlisted as a key cultural relic protection unit of the state. More than 1300meters of elevated plank road have been newly erected and restored, so thatvisitors can successfully access all the grottoes. The largest statue inMaijishan Grottoes is 16 meters, and the smallest one is only more than 10centimeters. The statue in cave 44 is called "Venus of the East" by theJapanese. The clothes of the statues in caves 78 and 128 of the Western QinDynasty are carefully painted. The statues on the seven Buddha Pavilion, whichis more than 70 meters high, are beautiful. The frescoes on the top of thecorridor are exquisite. The pictures of cars, horses and pedestrians on the topof the west end are not the same no matter from which point of view, which canbe called the classic composition of frescoes in China.



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Tourists friend you are good!


Now we came to Shanghai bund across the huangpu river, first of all, I to your visit welcomed the bund, and wish every travel time.


New bund article were five travel route, on your left is known as the "all nations building expo" grand buildings and spacious zhongshan road, your right hand side is the shimmering huangpu river and the beautiful pudong lujia ornament financial and trade zone, the eyes for novel and unique tourism recreational area. This complex, zhongshan road, sightseeing area, the huangpu river, as if the music lujiazui, Shanghai people are industrious staff like clusters of operators, is between the latest and most colorful movement, welcome to the guests.


The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land.


1840 years after the first opium war, keep the doors were opened, the colonists shelling Shanghai also forced to bi commercial port. From then on, all kinds of western architecture with the colonists were "" subordinate to the stands, 30 s, from Shanghai has little beach towns have had become the far east. The largest cities


With these eyes of European Renaissance period style of architecture, though not by the same design of the hands, is not built in a s, but their architectural style is so harmony, "tiancheng. From the east to the bund jinling BaiDuQiao only 1.5 kilometers long arc, on any account is strewn at random, rows 52 house stands in different style of architecture, a British, French, ancient Greek, etc. When many foreign Banks, always, consulate, etc, have gathered here from the Oriental "Wall Street", which is a form of old Shanghai semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of a miniature history.


You see, the new bund 2 # dongfeng hotel, in the past, it was very famous British always, it is a typical British greco-roman architecture. The high building have 6 layers (even in the basement), the roof at each end north and south have looked out on a pavilion, interior is gorgeous. One floor to bar was 110.7 feet of the east because it has the longest bar and a proud, ark of KFC fast-food restaurants in America today inside.


New bund 12 # before is famous "HSBC bank", the building was built in 1923, is in the Grecian domes archaize. Building is close to the rectangular building, high square five layers, plus the top half spherical layer top food have seven layer, steel frame structure. Inside the building adornment is very exquisite, with the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Japan and other countries all kinds of the reception room. The building britons called himself "from the Suez Canal to the far east the bering strait" a most exquisite architecture.


Close to HSBC side of the building is the Shanghai customs house, for the 19 th century of socialist construction, restore ancient ways was established in 1927 to todays world has to Abraham fierce. The building of the above all can see around the clock, as every 15 minutes played a short melodious song, bell deep, the voice to 10 kilometers away.


HSBC bank building and customs building was out of British designer after Wilson, Shanghai affectionately called them "sisters floor", now still is one of the important signs of Shanghai.


Nanjing east road two building mouth are called the peace hotel. Sit in the north of the building was built in 1906, was called in, is the Shanghai hotel remit the existent earliest a hotel. It can be used as a historic buildings of the Renaissance, British text type. The biggest characteristic is to make the color red brick facade make lumbar line, white wall brick stick a face, do the long distance is grave and elegant, and unique style, is really a rare excellent work.


The bund of these buildings. Is Chinas labor people are industrious and the crystallization of wisdom. At the same time also reflect the western colonists on Shanghais rob and aggression. Now in order to make people know about the history of these buildings. Each building door hang in both Chinese and English are against the nameplate.


For the bund. From Shanghai to her call also with the passage of time and change. From Shanghai to the bund called old bund before liberation. After liberation. Now people called the bund praise for her new bund. History happened DuoCi race to the scene of the bund. But every time has a totally different historical significance. Since the third plenary session of the since Chinas reform and opening up. Also the strategic focus south to north. The development of pudong and revitalize the make Shanghai came to the forefront of the reform and opening up the sleepy. When the spring breeze blows of the bund of Shanghai DuoNian. Chinese and foreign financial institutions have also preempted the bund. Shanghai made "qing nest YinFeng" major step. Will the bund financial street houses big replacement. The "old customers to attract both at home and abroad to come to settle." far east "Wall Street" to show the elegant demeanour.


The bund is the symbol of Shanghai. It is also the place of both Chinese and foreign visitors will come to. But in the past due to the narrow road. The traffic from the crowded. Serious impact on the overall image. In order to change the bund in the face of the beach. The Shanghai peoples government to try to transform the bund as the key. Eyes of the road says all the way is to commemorate the zhongshan. Chinas democratic revolution pioneer of dr. Sun yat-sen named after the comprehensive reform. Also the bund. Which part of the length of 826 m. 45 meters wide. Set 6 to 10 lanes. That is a broad transit not limited to the bund area. It along with the reform and opening-up continues to expand. North up jiangwan wujiaochang. South is worth Nanpu Bridge. To the next century. This article 15 kilometers north and south corridor. Will become the symbol of the Shanghai tourism landscape.


We go now it the binjiang avenue have characteristics. It not only set culture. Green in a body is in the morning. And people exercise is a good place. The day sightseeing tourists at home and abroad is the heaven and earth. Night is the lovers love ideal place. Heard that there are many foreign friends have traveled to come to experience life.


Ladies and gentlemen, walking in new the bund sight-seeing area, do you feel, new bund face not only look brand-new, and prosperity in a lively gives fully in rich artistic breath. You see: the yenan east road with the theme of "in order to set up the bund tomorrow" art landscape, with six columns phase, and has 80 DuoNian embrace of history as a combined meteorological beacon towers in coastal areas DuiJing group. Customs houses building and electronic waterfall clock also is quite new DuiJing. Electronic waterfall is staged, long clock, 27 meters 3.5 meters tall, set all the steps. The whole operation process are controlled by the computer, about 1000 DuoGe shower nozzle of water all sorts of color, Arabic Numbers across the world is so far away, how close to double. Sightseeing areas to become a real hold all rivers of Shanghai regional culture characteristics as well as within the scenery line.


Walking the bund. We know it has entered the huangpu park. Mentioned the park. Every Chinese people forget former foreign powers in the park gate hang the piece of "Chinese and the dog not allowed" sign. The piece of notorious brand. Let the then Chinese people suffered great shame!!!!! Now. See those 60 meters high sight of Shanghai peoples handsome monument stands in the face. The place of water. Terrible spectacular three column HuangGang rock tower body as if to tell people. People always remember the opium war. The may fourth movement and the liberation war. For national shame since wash. For Shanghai to the cause of revolution and dedicated heroes.


Huangpu park in the face of the well-known at home and abroad is the huangpu river. "Month HuangLongPu on water yellow". Very vivid picture of the huangpu river water color. Improve the mother river of the huangpu river of Shanghai is. It originates from wuxi taihu. Is the longest. The most wide territory of Shanghai. The deepest a river. (114 km). The average width of 400 meters. Deep 7 to 9 m. Its name was dongjiang. And there ShenJiang spring.


In 20xx DuoNian down from generation to generation ago. At that time, at that time of Shanghai chu chu a general is called the rest. Hes statecraft. Be the king appointed prime minister. And the "in" Shanghai shen jun. Over the land. It was the dongjiang river upstream siltation. He led the Shanghai peoples on dredging. And fixed channel. Make the water transportation and agriculture of Shanghai got a lot of development. Later generations for memorial yellow jehiel the merit of the dongjiang. Renamed "spring ShenJiang" and "yellow rest." during the song dynasty until miura was officially named as "the huangpu river".


The huangpu river with two "child". One is called Pudong, another called Puxi. New China before birth. They family by three big mountains on the oppression. Mother river anchor is in the ships and merchant ships. "two children" is being overwhelmed. "jump huangpu" me sentence from Shanghais catch phrase is refers to the old days. It cant live people. Here to throw himself into a river.


Overlook the other side, pudong lujiazui financial and trade zone and the bund of Shanghai city, its function is a financial, trade and foreign service, it will be the core of the new Shanghai and symbolism. "East bund" binjiang avenue, a total length of 2500 meters, with travel, tourism and entertainment, as one, along the way with six characteristic square. Although now only smell the rumble, but sound piling into sound, is one of the most magnificent on staff movement, the forecast the bund better future.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3020 字

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Yu Garden is a famous classical garden in the south of the Yangtze River.Yu Garden was built in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. It was built by PanYunduan, a cloth governor in Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty. It has a history ofmore than 400 years. When the Shanghai knives Association uprising was held in1853, the Yu Garden spring hall was used as the North command of the rebel army.It displayed the weapons of the years knives, coins that had been made byitself, and the cultural relics issued. After the liberation, the governmentcarried out a large-scale renovation of Yu Garden, and officially opened to thepublic in 1961.

The Jingguan hall, also known as "Qingxue hall", is the main hall of theinner garden. It is carved and painted with beams. The hall is 5 rooms wide and3 rooms deep. There are two stone lions in front of the hall, and two gildedplaques of "Jingguan" and "lingmarshi" in the hall. The name of "Jing Guan"refers to the old saying "Jing Guan everything is contented" and "moving GuanShui, Jing Guan Shan". On the opposite side of the hall, there are many peaks,such as three officials offering their birthday, white deer watching the moon,bats flying, and nine lions dribbling. It is said that when you watch itquietly, you can distinguish more than 100 animal images. There are many hundredyear old trees between the stone peaks. There is a small courtyard in the East,with a pool of water, winding corridors on both sides, shady trees blocking thesun, tall and straight bamboo, and deep environment.

Guantao tower is located in the southwest of Jingguan hall, also known as"xiaolingtai". It is a three story wooden structure with a height of more than10 Zhang. It was the highest building in the east of the city in the QingDynasty. Once upon a time, one of the "Eight Sights of Shanghai city" was"autumn waves in Huangpu".

Huanyun building and Yanqing building face the Jingguan hall. They areconnected from east to West in the form of a series of buildings, and can leadto Guantao building and chuanting hall. The plaque "Huanyun" in Huanyun buildingis inscribed by Yao Wen, a famous gentry in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty.Also Yun Lou was originally the Shanghai money industry public housing industry,Yu Garden and inner garden were repeatedly destroyed by war, but this buildingwas not robbed.

The pavilion stands on the rockery in the east of Guantao tower. It is adouble-layer pavilion with stone tables and benches at the bottom. Thesurrounding trees are green. Inside the pavilion, a plaque was inscribed withthe name of "Ling Mu PI Fang".

Can be seen in Jingguan Hall East, small square hall, delicate quiet,especially cool summer. In front of the hall, there is a brick carving "thepainting of Guo Ziyis birthday", next to which is a clay dragon wall. In thenorth, there is the Phoenix Pavilion of "Dongtianfudi" and in the south, thereis "bieyoutian". On the wall, there are stone tablets such as "records ofrebuilding the inner garden", recording the history of the inner garden.



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At the end of winter and the end of spring, I once again set foot on theway to and from Chu and Wu. Now it is dusk, and my boat is sailing on Jiangdong.I stood up and looked at the beautiful place I had passed several times. A touchof sunset reddened the thin clouds. The river reflected the beautiful scenery ofJiangbei Gushan in Jiangsu town. A gentle breeze swept over the lake, ripplinglayers of microwaves. I told the boatman to dock here and leave the next day.The boatman did the same.

I sat back again, holding my glass and enjoying the euphemistic night. Idont know when I fell asleep. Maybe Ive been immersed in the beautifulscenery

In the early morning, I was woken up by the sound of rowing. I looked atthe rising sun with mist in my eyes. A thin layer of fog on the river made thedistant green mountains flicker. "The mountains are so far away!" I cant helpsighing! Really, I cant even see the black and blue, and the end of my journeymay still be on the other side of the mountain. The reflection of the mountainis very long. The boat is driving quietly on the emerald green river, as ifafraid of waking up. The sun shines on the lake, and everything turns fiery red.The scene became so fast that there was no time for people to remember it, sothe next scene appeared again. The fish in the water also showed their headscuriously, trying to understand

The tide is slowly rising, making the original flat river more vast Ah, nowon the river, I am alone. I paced to the bow of the boat, and the river wasbeating the boat at a constant speed. Looking at the broad river, looking at thered sky, in my heart there is a feeling that the sea is broad with fish, and thesky is high with birds flying. The sails were full in the breeze. The boatpushed on. The songs of birds and insects near the ears are high, low, slow andurgent. Lie down on your back and enjoy what nature has brought me

So I spent the night again

The night on the river is very cold, and its the night of the old winterand the new spring. I was awakened by the cold. I went back to the cabin and gotthe quilt. I lay on my back in the bow of the boat and looked up. In the coldblack night sky, there was an incomplete crescent moon. This crescent moon makesme familiar and strange. I remember that at this time of last year, thisincomplete crescent moon seemed to accompany me through another waterway. It wasmore desolate than last year. This feeling was very strange. I always felt thatthe moon and I were a family, ha ha!!

So I mixed with all kinds of complex emotions through the cold night, onceagain, ushered in the dawn, but the moon is still hanging half of the sky.Everything that happened last night is in front of us. Looking at the newbornsun, I cant help but feel the sad darkness in my heart. Then there is the warmdawn. A sense of hope arises spontaneously in my heart. Suddenly, I think of thecoming new year, the old mother, wife and children, the cattle and black dog,and the family reunion and mutual respect in the past years Ah

Now Im alone and cant be reunited with my family. I feel sad. But when Ithink that Im busy for my country, I feel sad. I wrote a letter from home onboard. So far, I have written several letters, but I dont know how to send themback to my hometown. Geese just go back to the north, I put a little bit ofemotion in the letter on geese, hope geese can send back my emotion In the backof the letter I couldnt send out, I filled in another sentence: "my son isaway. I hope my mother wont be afraid that my son wont come back. Geese flyingsouth, home in the north, I will return soon after my long journey

With tears in my eyes, the boatman holds the oar and moves closer to thedistant country. I suddenly recited the poem that I had been brewing for a longtime in my heart, "outside the green mountains, before sailing on the greenwater. The tide is flat, the banks are wide, and the wind is blowing. The Seagrows day and night, and the river springs into the old year. Where can thelocal books be reached, they will return to Luoyang. "



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Where to look at China? Beigu building is full of scenery When you hearthis poem written by Xin Qiji, you will never think of Beigu mountain, which isknown as "the best River and mountain in the world". Beigu mountain is locatedon the east side of Zhenjiang City by the Yangtze River.

My father and I came to the foot of Beigu mountain, and a pool came intoview. There were two high and one low stones in the pool, which were cut in halffrom top to bottom. Before I could see it, my father took me up themountain.

We walked along the mountain road, along the steps, a bend, we saw atombstone, the tombstone engraved with an ancient general, wearing armor, waistsword, back a pair of halberds, eyes bright. In the upper left corner of thetombstone is engraved "Donglai taishici". It turned out that he was taishici, ageneral of the eastern Wu Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms period. According to myfather, he is the first military general in Soochow. I suddenly began to admirea commanding general. After walking around his grave, we went up the mountainroad. Halfway up the mountain, you can see a pavilion. There is a tombstone inthe pavilion. On the tombstone, there is also a man wearing an official hat anda wide robe with big sleeves. I watched it for a long time, but I didnt knowwho he was. Dad saw my mind and said this is Lu su. It suddenly dawned on methat he was Lu Su, the general of Soochow. In the cartoon romance of the ThreeKingdoms, he was a famous counselor, and also became the governor ofSoochow.

Farewell to the tomb of Lu Su, we unknowingly came to the top of themountain, on the top of the mountain we saw a big rusty iron tower. Although thetower is no longer shining in gold and rusty, it is still alive with carvedBuddha statues. According to the introduction, the tower was built in the SongDynasty and has a history of more than 1000 years. I marvel at how skilled thecraftsmen were at that time. Then, we continue to go up, above is the Ganlutemple. We just arrived at the gate of Ganlu temple, only to find that it wasclosed. I feel very sorry, but we saw a large stone plaque at the door, on whichwere engraved several powerful characters of "the best River and mountain in theworld". All of a sudden, I think of seeing the Yangtze River flowing in the skyon the mountain side of the iron tower. No wonder Beigu mountain is known as"the best mountain in the world".

We played on the top of the mountain for a while and then went down. Beforeleaving, I saw the two stones in the pool. I asked my father, "Dad, why arethose two stones split into two?" "Oh, thats a sword testing stone. Its thebig stone that Liu Bei and Sun Quan split in the dark. " It turns out that thereis such a story. No wonder these two stone heads were cut by knives!

Im looking forward to the next time - come back to Beigu mountain whenGanlu temple is repaired.



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We are now at the gate of the Qingming River Park, a large folk theme parkin Kaifeng. Many friends who are familiar with Chinese history and art may knowthat the picture of Qingming River is a masterpiece handed down by famouspainters in Song Dynasty. It depicts the life and scenery of Kaifeng in SongDynasty. It is the most concise graphic material for relevant experts to studythe history of Song Dynasty in China. Kaifeng Qingming Riverside painting isbased on Qingming Riverside Garden. According to the layout of the painting, ituses the Song Dynasty construction method, combined with modern architecturalmethods, to reproduce the scenery and folk customs of the original painting, sothat you can "step into the picture once, dream back to a thousand years in aday".

When we walk into Shanghe garden at Qingming Festival, we can see a largerelief with a length of 16 meters and a width of 3 meters. In front of therelief is the white marble sculpture "love Tokyo". Zhang Zeduan, a famousteacher of the generation, is holding the magnificent historical scroll"Qingming Riverside map". Welcome to Qingming Riverside map. Lets get to knowZhang Zeduan and his picture of the river at Qingming Festival!

Zhang Zeduan was born in Northern Song Dynasty and died in Southern SongDynasty. When he was young, he traveled to the capital and was good at painting.He once served as the imperial edict of Hanlin Painting Academy. In memory ofZhang Zeduan, Professor Chen Xiulin, a famous Chinese sculptor, created thistall statue from Baise granite in Laizhou, Shandong Province, the hometown ofChinese stone. Behind the statue, the river circle of Qingming is condensed,vividly representing the prosperous scene and folk life of Kaifeng in the goldenage.

The riverside map of Qingming Festival is 525 cm long and 25 cm or 5 cmhigh. There are not only wealthy businessmen, but also street vendors, Hongqiaocity tower and boaters. Even Mr. Suan Gua can see it. Experts also found theabacus in the shop. At present, experts cant verify when the abacus, theearliest computing tool in the world, was invented. But the abacus on theQingming River map can be said to be the earliest one found in the graphicmaterials in China. Qingming River map is a precious historical material for usto study the economy, culture, architecture and folk custom of Song Dynasty. Inthe present collection with the Chinese history museum.

Now Qingming shangheyuan scenic area covers an area of 500 mu. Among them,the water area is 120 mu, with a total construction area of 10000 square meters.Following the original plan, there are eight functional areas including poststation, folk customs, characteristic food street, song culture exhibition area,flowers, birds, fish and insects, prosperous capital, leisure shopping andcomprehensive services, and four cultural areas including school yard, Hongqiao,folk custom and song capital. When you visit the Riverside Garden during theQingming Festival, you can cross the Hongqiao bridge, wait for shangshanmen andstay at the ancient post station.

Now our bridge is Hongqiao, and the river below is Bianhe river. Accordingto historical records, Bianhe river began in the Wei Dynasty in the WarringStates period, connected with Sui Dynasty, and extended to the Song Dynasty,from Heluo to huaisi, and then to the Yangtze River. It is the main arteryconnecting the North and south of the Northern Song Dynasty. The grain producedand the taxes collected in various places are transported to the capital alongthis river. Bianhe was very important to the Northern Song Dynasty. As boats andboats were flying, merchants gathered. Under todays Hongqiao is the Tokyowharf. If you are interested, you can enjoy the vast expanse of green waves inthe northern water city by the party flag song wooden boat.

Qingming Shanghe garden shows the culture of Song Dynasty. We have foundthat the staff inside are all wearing the clothing of Song Dynasty. There arealso things unique to the Song Dynasty. Yes, you see, these two diviners werespecially invited from Wudang Mountain by Shanghe garden during the QingmingFestival. They are said to be accurate. In addition, there are some Song Dynastyperformances in the garden. For example, Wang Yuanwai recruits relatives, polomatch, Liangshan hero robs the law court and so on. Now councillor Wang hasbegun to recruit relatives. The beautiful lady has already stepped on theembroidery building. Now lets go and see how to rob the embroidered ball!

(Tokyo in love)

Entering the Qingming Riverside Garden, you can see a large relief of 16meters long and 3 meters high. In front of the relief is the white marble statue"love for Tokyo". Zhang Zeduan, a famous teacher of the generation, alsowelcomes you with his magnificent historical scroll "Qingming Riverside". Letsget to know Zhang Zeduan and his Qingming Riverside!

Zhang Zeduans name is Zhengdao and Wenyou. He was born in the NorthernSong Dynasty and died in the Southern Song Dynasty. When he was young, hetraveled to the capital and was good at painting. In memory of Zhang Zeduan,Chinese famous sculpture artists Chen Xiulin and Pang Wang xuanjiao awarded thewhite granite sculpture from Laizhou, Shandong Province, the hometown of Chinesestone materials. Behind the statue is a vivid relief of Qingming Riverside,which vividly reproduces the prosperous city scene and folk life of Kaifeng inthe Taiping and heyday. There are almost all kinds of life scenes in the pictureof Qingming Riverside, which truly depicts the prosperous scene of Kaifeng Cityin Northern Song Dynasty. The picture of Qingming Riverside is a precioushistorical material for us to study the economy, culture, architecture, scienceand other aspects of Song Dynasty. The original work is now in the Museum ofChinese history.

Friends, there are so many places to see in the Riverside Garden during theQingming Festival. Lets go to the famous Hongqiao first! In the picture ofQingming River, we can see a beautiful wooden arch bridge. According to experts,the Hongqiao bridge in the picture of Qingming River is one of the top tenancient bridges in China. It is a famous wooden arch bridge. If it was built in1050, it played a great role in the smooth operation of water and landtransportation in the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. Later it wasdestroyed in the war. The arch bridge shown in front of us today is modeled onthe original drawing. The reconstructed Hongqiao bridge was completed in 1998.It has a span of 25 meters, a height of 5 meters, and a span ratio of 1:5. Onboth sides of the bridge, there are four watchposts and four 9-meter-highcolumns. On the top of the bridge, there is a disc, on which white crane andbird are moored. It turns with the wind. The direction of white crane is knownby comparing with the cross instrument wood below. This is the ancient windvane.

Next to the bridge, please look at the foot shop in the west of Qiaonanroad. The color archway in front of the gate is three or four stories high, andthe name of the shop is hung on the archway: "ten thousand feet shop", whichcauses many tourists to guess: "resting shop?" "A pedicure shop?" Others said,"in Song Dynasty, there was foot washing?" Its just misunderstanding orridicule. In fact, hotels in Song Dynasty can be roughly divided into two types:one is the main store with large storefront and abundant capital, which can makeand sell wine by itself; the other is the foot store with small scale and lesscapital, which can only be sold separately from the main store wholesale wine,which is similar to todays marketing term - "terminal". The name "Shiqian" alsoshows that the shopkeeper is quite talented. The word "Shiqian" first appearedin the book of songs, which means a large number. During the Three Kingdomsperiod, Cao Zhi wrote in the famous capital chapter that "the return banquet isPingle, and the wine is ten thousand." As a result, "ten thousand" then extendedto the meaning of high-quality wine, and later almost became the pronoun of"good wine".

Friends, there is the gate of Shangshan in front of us. There are antiquechimes in the city tower group. Further on, sunyangzhengdian was the leader of72 Zhengdian in Tokyo in the Northern Song Dynasty, with complete facilities andlarge scale, which was a strong proof of the prosperous trade in the NorthernSong Dynasty.

Qingming Shanghe park is a theme park integrating folk custom exhibitionand historical customs. Various performances are displayed all over the country.There is Shangshan gate in front of the park and antique chime bells in thetower group. Further ahead is sun YangZheng Hotel, which was a famous hotel inTokyo during the Northern Song Dynasty and could provide food. There are manyshops along the way. You can choose your favorite arts and crafts. There aremany jugglers and catering shops in the park. Some of the performances in thepark have a fixed time, such as Wang Yuanwais son-in-law recruitment, Liangshanheros law robbery and so on. You can enjoy them freely. Of course, there arealso famous Kaifeng snacks!

OK, friends, thats all for the mornings explanation. Next, lets have afree tour. Thank you for your support

What does "Jiuzhu Wangyuan Waijia" mean: "Jiuzhu" is a signboard, whichmeans old stores and time-honored brands. It is used to promote integrity andattract customers.

Zhengdian and Jiaodian: restaurants in Bianjing are divided into Zhengdianand Jiaodian. Zhengdian is a high-grade hotel. There were 72 Zhengdian inBianjing at that time. Many of the main shops are multi-functional. They are notonly for accommodation, but also for whoring. At the same time, they are alsobreweries. They make famous wines and sell them wholesale to foot shops. Thefoot shop is basically the same as the regular shop in the architecturalpattern, but its scale and style are not as good as the regular shop. So footshop is an ordinary restaurant, thousands of people in Bianjing at that time.Restaurants are places for drinking and catering, because there are alsocanteens, mainly for eating and snacks. It can be seen that the status ofcatering industry was very prominent in Bianjing at that time.

Spare materials

(panjiahu and yangjiahu)

Now you can see the lake outside the car window. Its Yangjia lake.Yangjiahu and panjiahu are connected by Yudai bridge in the Dragon Pavilion, andthe lake is connected by water. There is also a popular story about Panyanglake. It is said that a heroic Yang family general of the Northern Song Dynastymade great contributions to the country, but the emperor did not distinguishbetween good and evil. After Yang Ye was killed, she went to the golden palaceto sue the emperor, but the emperor shielded the treacherous officials and onlyremoved pan Renmeis three false duties. In a rage, she led her family toretire. After the Yang family moved away, it rained heavily, flooding Pan Yangstwo houses into a vast ocean. At that time, the pan family was located in theeast of the lake and the Yang family was located in the west of the lake. Afterthe heavy rain, the water in the East Lake was muddy and smelly, but the waterin the West Lake was as clear as a mirror. People thought that this was aportrayal of the loyalty and treachery of the pan and Yang families to thecountry. In fact, this is not really the reason. In the past, there were manyhouseholds and workshops on the east bank. Due to the discharge of sewage, thewater in the east side of the lake became very turbid, while the water qualityin the west side of the lake was relatively good because there were few homes atthat time. Now, after treatment, both lakes have become clear.

(Mr. Bao welcomes the guests)

The opening ceremony is held every day here to welcome guests from afar.Its magnificent and cant be missed. The first is the horse team. They are allwearing song style short clothes. They are holding colored flags and roaring inthe sound of gongs and drums. Then came the welcome drum. The drummer was alsodressed up in Song Dynasty. The big drum was hanging around his waist with neatmovements and a cheerful and unrestrained sound. Now you can see Bao Qingtian, afamous Prime Minister surrounded by Zhang long, Zhao Hu, Dynasty and Mahan! Youare welcome to the Riverside Garden of Qingming Festival. My friends, BaoQingtians hospitality is really difficult, so we have to obey orders and go infor sightseeing!.

(Bian River)

According to historical records, the Bianhe river began in the Wei Dynastyof the Warring States period, extended to the Sui Dynasty and the Song Dynasty,from Heluo to huaisi, and then to the Yangtze River. It was the main arteryconnecting the north and south of the Northern Song Dynasty. The grain produced,taxes collected and various rare fruits were transported to the capital alongthis river. Therefore, Bianhe was very important to the Northern Song Dynasty.Due to the boat traffic, many merchants, so on both sides of the river appeareda lot of shops, boats, merchants gathered, here has become the most prosperousplace. Under todays Hongqiao is the Tokyo wharf. If you are interested, you cantake a song style wooden boat and enjoy the vast expanse of blue waves in thewater city of northern China

(Kaifeng specialty)

You cant be hungry when you play. There are steamed buns on the firstfloor of Kaifeng that you have to wait in line for three hours to taste. Hereare ma Yuxings barrel chicken and crisp and delicious peanut cake. If its tooshabby to bring some special bags and peanut cakes to relatives and friends,its a valuable and meaningful gift to bring some exquisite Kaifeng embroideryor folding fans, antiques and ancient utensils. "Orange born in Huainan isorange, born in Huaibei is Gardenia", or local characteristics, dont missit!



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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, on behalf of the driverand __ travel agency, I welcome you to the beautiful coastal city Dalian. Imthe tour guide of __ travel agency. My name is Wang Qian. Qian belongs toQianlong. Qian is not money. For the convenience of memory, you can call me XiaoWang. The driver in front is master x, who has many years of driving experienceand excellent driving skills, so we can rest assured in the process of driving.Driving friends may have heard such a sentence: Jilin is Jikai, Mongolia isMengmeng, Shanghai is hukai, Dalian is both black and white. This is becauseDalian is a city with flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool breeze in summerand snow in winter. In a city with four distinct seasons, our roads are black insummer and white in winter, so our master is familiar with both black and white,so we can rest assured. In the next few days, master X and I will serve you.

Theres a Chinese saying that its a good thing to build a ship in onehundred years. Today we are: one hundred years of repair with the car shop. Weall go to the same destination from different places and ride in the same car.Its really a wonderful and perfect fate for us to go through this perfect fate.Xiao Wang was there first to wish you a happy trip to Dalian. He hoped that ourgood mountains, good water, good guides and good drivers in Dalian would bringyou a good mood and make you come here with expectation and longing for Dalianand come back with satisfaction and lingering in Dalian. Finally, I wish you alla happy life in Dalian.

Wonderful live performance of tour guide Grand Prix. Needless to say, theyhave a lot of brilliance, and they are different. However, the only way tointroduce yourself in the opening speech is surprisingly similar, like a moldcast out. They introduced themselves to tourists like this: "dear friends, mysurname is X. please call me Xiao X Its very popular for tour guides tointroduce themselves in this way. Is there any language defect

First, is it appropriate for them to just say "my surname is x"? No, itseems to be dry and not serious. To introduce yourself to guests, thetraditional Chinese courtesy is to give both surnames and common names. Theso-called "big man, horizontal do not change his name, vertical do not changehis surname." Its a big social event to use a common name and surname. It isobviously not standard for tour guides to introduce themselves and tell peopletheir surnames but not their names.

Second, it also shows that I am serious and responsible for my work. Thetour guide leads the group. Tourists will come to him for many things. Forexample, at the end of the tour, the tourist has something to ask for the guidesurnamed x, and the travel agency has more than one guide surnamed X. That willbring unnecessary trouble to the tourist and affect the efficiency. When a tourguide introduces his or her name to the guests, he or she should not cutcorners, hide his or her surname, or be careless, which is a manifestation ofhonesty. The formal name of the guest will give the first impression ofgentleness and modesty. Isnt that important

Third, the reason for this phenomenon may be the influence of overseas tourgroups. For foreign tourists, after the tour guide introduces his name, healways adds "lets call me Xiao X" Because it is relatively difficult forforeign tourists to name Chinese people. In a nutshell, it is easy to learn andmemorize, which improves the efficiency of communication.

In addition, it is a Chinese custom to use the surname "old" or "small". Tointroduce a Chinese address habit to foreign tourists is also spreading aculture. Foreign tourists will find it novel and exciting, so the tour guideshould point it out. For domestic tourists, its tourists right to call tourguides. Tour guides dont have to take over the responsibilities. At the moment,many imitators do not look at the object, do not look at the specific languageenvironment, blind imitation, has become the flavor of yellow rice wine, alittle sour. Our guides explanation to tourists should be like sister-in-law aQing in Shajiabang. We should speak without leakage. Only in this way can weshow our skill and level.



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Volcanic sea erosion landform is developed, which is a part of the WesternRing Pacific volcanic rock belt. It belongs to the fracture zone of the easternmargin of Eurasian plate. Basalt ejected from 26 million to 7 million years agois exposed on the coast and islands, with clear eruption sequence and typicalcharacteristics, such as crater, vent, stomatal column group, majestic columnarjoint group, sea erosion mushroom stone, sea erosion platform column, seaerosion cliff, sea erosion cave, etc There are dozens of wide and flat beacheswith high quality and white, and 8020 of them are buried underground due to thesubsidence of sea rock__ The ruins of the ancient forest, ancient dwellings andancient military fortresses are also beautiful scenery for people to browse.

20__ On March 6, 20__, the Ministry of land and resources of the peoplesRepublic of China approved Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark as one of thefirst national geoparks.

Zhangzhou coastal volcano natural and ecological scenic spot is set off inthe blue sky, blue sea, sand beach and green forest. It integrates sightseeing,leisure, sea entertainment, adventure, scientific research and popular scienceeducation. It is a comprehensive tourist resort returning to nature. The arearetains the typical features of the tertiary central volcanic eruption structureand the landform landscape of the later weathering erosion, represented by fourrare volcanic geological relics in the world, namely the columnar basalt ofNanding Island, the ancient crater, the beaded volcanic vent group and thebasalt watermelon peel structure. It is a natural volcanic geological museumwith high ornamental and scientific value Universality and interest.

Zhangzhou coastal volcano tourist area

It is the only coastal volcanic geological landscape tourist area in China.It is located in the coastal area of qianting Town, Zhangpu County, ZhangzhouCity, Fujian Province, on the west side of the Chinese Taiwan Strait. The planned areaof sea and land is about 100 square kilometers. There are two magical volcanicislands in the scenic area: Linjinyu island and Nanding island. Linjinyu is anellipsoid like island composed of volcanic rocks (basalts). To the southeast ofthe island, there is an island formed in the 20th century__ There are as many as16 volcanic vents and several thousand square meters of rivet shaped stomatalcolumns on the Northeast beach, which constitute a rare ancient volcanic islandlandscape in China. Nanding island is ellipsoidal in shape. The whole island iscomposed of more than 1.4 million columnar jointed basalts originating from70-130 kilometers underground. It is a coastal volcanic island with the mostcolumnar basalts in the world. The basaltic rock columns are 20-50 meters abovesea level. The columnar shape is like a neat row of daisy. It plunges into thesea from the top of the cliff. It is magnificent and spectacular, which can becalled the natural wonder of the world View. There are three high-qualitybeaches of Qisha Bay, Jiangkou Bay and Houcai Bay on the coastline of more thanten kilometers in the scenic area. The clear sea water, gentle beach, fine andeven sand quality and well protected original ecological vegetation constitute apicturesque coastal scenery.

Volcano square

There is a volcano square in the park. In front of it is an antiquebuilding, the water Pavilion corridor, which is called Xuanwu Pavilion. It wasbuilt to commemorate the earths history of volcanic eruptions over a longgeological period. Its background is the towering Xiangshan Mountain, located onthe lava platform at an altitude of 30 meters, which is a volcanic heap. Lookingto the East, this ancient pavilion is Xianggu Pavilion. There are two poolsunder it, one is Tianchi, the other is Dichi. I dont know if you have noticedwhy there are plants growing beside the volcano after watching for so long. Manypeople think that the place where the volcano passes is barren, but the volcanicash terrain gives you the opposite answer. Volcanic ash is the material ofvolcanic eruption, which contains a lot of minerals and carbon dioxide, so aslong as there is water and sunlight, plants can still grow.

green corridor

There is also a unique landscape - green corridor. There are more than 600kinds of exotic flowers and all kinds of bamboos planted here. The whole gardenis mainly represented by Casuarina, Xiaoshun bamboo, Acacia and pengjiju. Youcan enjoy it slowly. Whats more, the content of negative oxygen ion here isvery high, which is good for physical and mental health. Its a good place fortourists to enjoy the forest bath.

From the green corridor to the distance, the volcanic landscape over thereis known as "Queens milk". The queen lies on her back, has a strong body, andis a standard modern woman. Queen milk Shuangfeng is Yandun mountain, Yanloumountain, 30 meters high, is a typical shield like volcanic landform. Ithappened that there was a royal concubine in the local history. In the past,its jiangkouwan beach. To the west is houcaiwan beach, and there is a stonebeach beside the wharf. The antique building in the northwest corner is ourtourist restaurant here. Its special flavor is "wild" seafood from the Strait,which is purchased by fishing boats on the sea.

Beautiful scenery in Xiangshan

Xiangshan Shengjing hundred tree garden, Xiangsi Lake, Wenyue Pavilion. Youmust be very tired all the way climbing. Lets have a rest here. By the way, Idlike to introduce a famous tree friend, that is, the tall and thick tree,"seaweed king". His age is about 100 years old. In order to transplant this treeking, it costs a lot. It costs 100000 yuan.

Xiangshan castle. From a distance, does the building in front look like anancient castle? That is Xiangshan castle. It was designed by a famous architectand has become the symbol of Xiangshan scenic spot. In the scenic spot, there isMinnan folk show hall. Go in and have a look at Zhangzhou puppet show andZhangpu paper-cut show.


The museum also has something to open your eyes to. Thats our temple ofscience, the Museum of Geosciences. We live on the earth, but there are stillmany mysteries about the earth. I think our geoscience museum will be able tosolve them for you. For example, how volcanoes formed, how the sea rose, howmountains piled up and so on can be answered there.

The witness of love

"Eight trigrams lotus plate" and "vow to the throne". The eight trigramslotus plate is a masterpiece of nature. It is formed by crustal movement andmagma eruption. It is mainly composed of several volcanic vents. Its shape isvery similar to the eight trigrams and lotus, so it is called "eight trigramslotus plate". Lets look at this pledge platform. It looms with the tide. It issaid that this is the best place to prove love, so young lovers, happy oldpeople, or friends who yearn for love can come here to make wishes, which canprove your love.

Basalt wall

Basaltic rock wall is 200 meters long and 30 to 50 meters wide. It iscalled dragon vein by local people. When the tide rises and falls, it willappear and disappear like a dragon going to the sea. Therefore, it is known asthe "little dragon head" and can be compared with the "old dragon head" ofQinhuangdao.

Niutoushan ancient Huoshankou

It is an important scenic spot of Zhangzhou coastal Volcano NationalGeopark. It is located in the southeast of Baitang village, Longjiao sheTownship, Longhai City. Niutoushan ancient crater is famous for its completeeruption mechanism, clear layers and complete preservation at home and abroad.It has experienced 15 eruptions with a total thickness of 178.5 meters. The lastthree eruptions in the upper part of the middle part of the third epoch can beseen now. It is 24.6 million years ago. The shape of the ancient crater is likean oval trumpet opening with a diameter of 50 meters at the top and a depth of 3meters at the bottom Now. Within the area of 0.7 square kilometers around theancient crater, the volcanic neck, crater, eruptive facies and overflow area arequite complete and clear On the surface, the basalt with hexagonal columnarjoints formed by magma, as well as the basalt with watermelon like, rhyolitelike and pillow like joints, presents a unique and magnificent landscape, whichis praised by geologists as "a rare ancient volcano museum at home and abroad"and "a soldier horse servant", and is one of the rare and best preservedsubmarine ancient craters in China and the world; With the scientific researchvalue of geological structure, volcanology, paleogeography, earthquake,geotectonics and other disciplines, it is a scenic spot integrating thescientific research of geological heritage protection and tourism. It isseparated from Xiamen Special Economic Zone by water in the north, Shantou portin the south, Chinese Taiwan Strait in the East and Bank of China Zhangzhou EconomicDevelopment Zone of China Merchants Group in the West. There are also Haiweiancient city of bingxu town built in the 20th year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty;the majestic and spectacular South Taiwu mountain, which is famous for its firstpeak in South Fujian, with 24 scenes echoing the North Taiwu mountain in Jinmen;there are cultural and historical sites and natural landscapes such aszhenhaijiao lighthouse, the largest lighthouse in East China, the beautifulsouthwest courtyard of artificial lake, and the 12 kilometer long clean and wideLongjiao Bay day bathing beach.



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Kunming is located in the middle of Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, with a historyof more than 2400 years. The elevation of the city center is 1891 meters. It isclose to Dianchi Lake in the South and surrounded by mountains on three sides.Due to the influence of the warm and humid air flow in the southwest of theIndian Ocean, it has long sunshine, short frost period and an average annualtemperature of 15 ℃. The climate is mild, summer is not hot, winter is not cold,four seasons such as spring, pleasant climate, is very famous "Spring City". Forthis reason, the predecessors have described its characteristics as follows:there is no fur in the December moon of Kunming, the light cotton sweats in thedog days, the plum blossoms in the middle of winter, and the new year leaves ofLiushu will be thick. From December to march of the next year, groups of redheaded gulls, which escape the cold wind in the northern sea area, come fromafar and settle in Kunming city.

Kunming, with an altitude of 746 meters to 4247 meters, covers an area of15942 square kilometers and a built-up area of 98 square kilometers. It isdirectly under the jurisdiction of Panlong, Wuhua, Xishan and Guandu, and eightcounties of Chenggong, Jinning, Anning, Fumin, Songming, Yiliang, Lunan andLuquan. The population is 3635212. There are 25 ethnic groups, including Han,Yi, Hui, Bai, Miao and Mongolia. The minority population accounts for 12.6%, andthe urban population is 1611969.

250000 years ago, there were ancient human activities in Kunming area. Fromthe 13th century, Kunming became the political, economic and cultural center ofYunnan Province. It is the hub and channel connecting the "ancient Southern SilkRoad" in Southeast Asia and Sichuan Yunnan Vietnam. Kunming is the hometown ofgreat navigator Zheng He and peoples musician Nie Er. Patriotic democraticmovements such as the national defense movement and the "one two one" movementcontributed to Chinas democratic revolution. The long history and diversifiedculture have formed the distinctive characteristics of Kunming today, which are"long history, many historic sites, beautiful scenery, many places of interest,a gathering of talents, many celebrities, early development and manycontacts".

Since the reform and opening up, Kunmings economy has always maintained agood momentum of rapid and healthy development, and its comprehensive economicstrength has entered the advanced ranks in the western region. After years ofdevelopment, it has formed five pillar industries, including cigarette,electromechanical, biological resources, information, business and tourism.Agricultural development is sustained, stable and coordinated, structuraladjustment has achieved remarkable results, and its characteristics areoutstanding. "Dounan flowers" and "Chenggong vegetables" have become well-knownbrands at home and abroad. It is the industrial base of Yunnan Province and animportant industrial city in Southwest China. The proportion of the tertiaryindustry in the national economy is increasing. The rapid development ofCommerce, tourism, information and modern service industries has played animportant role in promoting the economic and social development of the city.

Kunming is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China. It isa gathering place of natural landscape and cultural landscape. It is also one ofthe best tourist cities in China. The holding of the World Expo has improvedKunmings popularity in the world. There is no heat in summer, no cold inwinter, four seasons like spring, flowers all year round, known as the "SpringCity" reputation.

Kunming has beautiful mountains and rivers. Kunming has a long history,many nationalities and unique natural conditions, which leave an extremely richcultural relics and scenic spots. Among them, there are 3 national scenic spots,6 national key cultural relics protection units, 66 provincial and municipal keycultural relics protection units, 30 scenic spots, more than 100 scenic spots,11 national tourist routes, 1 provincial scenic spot, ethnic customs with Yunnancharacteristics, 1 large-scale ethnic village, more than 50 Hot Springs, andmore than 400 kinds of flowers It has become a tourism system with Shilin andDianchi Lake as the focus, along Anning Shilin highway as the first line,driving Kunming City and radiating the whole province, integrating tourism,vacation and entertainment.

Kunming is also a multi-ethnic capital city, with fascinating ethniccustoms, numerous historical sites, natural landscape and cultural landscape,depicting a magical and confusing picture.

Kunming is the transportation hub and communication center of YunnanProvince, and Chinas port facing Southeast Asia. Kunming airport is one of thefive major international airports in China. It has six international routes toYangon, Bangkok, Singapore, one regional route to Hong Kong, about 40 routes tolarge and medium-sized cities in China, and seven routes in the province. Atpresent, there are 12 main and branch lines from Kunming to Chengdu, Kunming toGuiyang, Kunming to Hekou, as well as Kunming to Nanning, as well as the vastnumber of Railways in the province, Kunyu railway, etc. Kunmings roads extendin all directions, with more than 5000 kilometers of roads leading to all partsof the province and neighboring provinces.

Facing the new situation and new tasks, we have established the developmentstrategy of building a modern new Kunming and accelerated the process ofbuilding a well-off society in an all-round way. Taking Dianchi Lake as thecenter, the project of "traffic around the lake", "pollution interception aroundthe lake", "ecology around the lake" and "new city around the lake" will beimplemented to further optimize the urban development environment,comprehensively enhance the image of urban and rural areas, enhance thecomprehensive strength of the city, and build Kunming into a prosperous economy,developed culture, beautiful environment, perfect function, "Spring City","famous historical and cultural city", and ecological city of landscapearchitecture It is a modern regional international city facing Southeast Asiaand South Asia.



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Huaxilou is located in the north of Bozhou City, Anhui Province. Bozhou fora major historical sites, but also a national level cultural relics protectionunits. Huaxilou, formerly known as daguandi temple, also known as Shanshan guildhall, is commonly known as huaxilou because its main content is brick carving,wood carving and color painting of local opera. Huaxilou was built in 1656,which was financed by Shanxi medicinal materials merchants. It was rebuilt in1740 and rebuilt in 1784. The gate is a three-story archway with wood likestructure. The brick wall is inlaid with brick carvings, including figures,chariots, horses, cities, mountains, flowers and animals. On the left and rightis the second floor of the bell and drum, with stone lions and iron flagpoles infront of the gate. The flagpole is several feet high and weighs 15 tons. Thereare hanging bells, Panlong and feifeng on it. The opera house is decorated withlarge wood carvings and color paintings, with 18 plays of the Three Kingdoms,and patterns of lotus, lion, fish and caisson; the carvings are exquisite andthe color paintings are magnificent. There are four gates. The screen is carvedwith two dragons playing with pearls.

There are six viewing rooms on the left and right in front of the stage.The front of the stage is facing the main hall. The front hall is richlypainted, and the back hall is tall and grand. There is a courtyard on the leftand right of the main hall. The bamboo path is elegant and pleasant. There arebooks and carvings of Zhao mengshun and Qingliang in Yuan Dynasty. This buildingis of great value to the study of architectural art, sculpture, painting andopera art in the early and middle Qing Dynasty. It has been listed as a nationalkey cultural relic protection unit and an important tourist attraction in AnhuiProvince. It is now the site of the Museum of Mizhou city.



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Beijing is a national historical and cultural city with a history of 3000years. Beijing used to be the capital of Six Dynasties in history. In more than20__ years since the state of Yan, many magnificent palace buildings have beenbuilt, making Beijing the city with the largest number of imperial palaces,gardens, temples and tombs and the richest content in China. Among them, theImperial Palace in Beijing was called the Imperial Palace in the Ming Dynastyand the Forbidden City in the Qing Dynasty. It used to be the imperial palace ofthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, and lived in 24 emperors. The magnificent buildingsperfectly reflect the traditional Chinese classical style and Oriental style. Itis the largest existing palace in China and even the world, and is a preciouscultural heritage of the Chinese nation. The temple of heaven is famous both athome and abroad for its reasonable layout and exquisite construction

Siheyuan is the general name of the traditional northern houses with themain house, inverted seat house and east-west wing house around the middlecourtyard. Beijing siheyuan, originated from the courtyard style houses of YuanDynasty, is the most important residential building in old Beijing. The narrowalleys between the green tile and grey brick quadrangles are the famous oldBeijing Hutong.

The religious temples in Beijing are all over the capital. The existingfamous ones are: Fayuan temple, Tanzhe Temple, Jietai Temple, Yunju temple,Badachu temple, etc. The White Cloud View of Taoism. Beijing Niujie worshipTemple of Islam, etc. Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism), such as the Yonghe temple, theCatholic Xishiku Catholic Church, Wangfujing Catholic Church, etc. There aremany Christian churches, such as gangwa city church and Chongwenmen church.

The central axis of Beijing refers to the central axis of Beijing in yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties. The urban planning of Beijing has the characteristicsof symmetry with the palace city as the center. The central axis of Beijingstarts from Yongdingmen in the South and ends at Zhonggulou in the north, about7.8 km long. From south to north are Yongdingmen, Qianmen Jianlou, Zhengyangmen,Zhonghuamen, Tiananmen, Duanmen, Wumen, Forbidden City, shenwumen, Jingshan,Dianmen, houmenqiao, Gulou and bell tower. From Yongdingmen, the south end ofthe central axis, there are Tiantan, xiannongtan, Taimiao, sheji altar,Donghuamen, xihuamen, Andingmen and Deshengmen, which are symmetricallydistributed along the central axis. Mr. Liang Sicheng, a famous Chinesearchitect, once said: "the unique magnificent order of Beijing is produced bythe establishment of this central axis." Yongdingmen, Zhonghuamen and Dianmenwere demolished after the founding of the peoples Republic of China. In recentyears, Yongdingmen tower has been rebuilt.







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Demarcation islet is a small-shaped island in the south China Sea ,high at both ends low in the middle .Its Chinese name sounds FEN JIE ZHOU DAO .It faces Cow Ridge four or five km away Historically,it was used the geographical demarcation .The islet covers an area of one square kilometer.

Cow ridge gets its name from its shape .seen from either of the sides ,the ridge is a walking cow .If you look at it from Demarcation Islet ,the ridge is a big with its mouth open .Cow ridge is also called Demarcation Ridge ,because it creates an important division of Hainan island .Even in the ancient times ,local people noticed the difference between the lands on each side of the mountain . Climate Boundary

Hainan island is located in the tropical zone ,but the climate on each side of Cow Ridge is different .In the north it is warm,humid and pluvious .However ,in the south the temperature is two or three degrees higher ,and the weather is always sunnier and drier .it is for this reason that from the angle of Demarcation Islet ,you can always see the wonder of "is is rainy at the Cow s head ,but sunny at its tail ". Administrative boundary

Demarcation Islet is the boundary between Wanning City and Lingshui County. Wanning is in the north and lingshui is in the south .a boundary stone tablet is on the ridge . National-culture boundary

In the ancient times ,this natural dividing line was the national boundary of Hainan -the boundary between Han nationality and Li nationality .There were mainly Li people in th south of the ridge ,while there were mostly Han people in the north of the ridge .

Friends ,please follow me .now we are at the harbor of the Demarcation Islet Ecological and Cultural Toursim resort is divided into two parts :the demarcation islet and the harbor service .please look at the north .The ridge is really like a cow .

There are also many kinds of plants on the ridge ,giving the ridge a green coat .So it is not only a boundary ,but also a very beautiful scenic spot .Now ,please enjoy yourselves .



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Hello everyone! Welcome to Badaling scenic spot for sightseeing. Im veryglad to accompany you today. I hope you can have a good time in Badaling.

The Great Wall is a magnificent defensive building in ancient China. Itstarts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends at Jiayuguan in the west, and runsacross the north of China. Winding more than 12000 Li, it is famous for the"Great Wall". It was listed in the world cultural heritage list in 1987. It iscalled "the longest defensive wall in the world" by experts and scholars.

The first time that China built the Great Wall was in the spring and AutumnPeriod in the 7th century BC, and the earliest country to build the Great Wallwas the state of Chu. The great wall of the state of Chu is called "Fangcheng"in historical records, with a length of nearly a thousand li. Qi was also one ofthe earliest states to build the Great Wall. The great wall of Qi started fromPingyin in Shandong Province in the West and entered the sea in the East. It isthe most preserved site of the Great Wall in the spring and Autumn period.

Qin Shihuang was born in 220 BC__ After the unification of China in 1949,the old Great Wall in the north of Qin, Zhao and Yan was first repaired. At thecost of "building a city of thousands of miles and building a people ofthousands of miles", he began to build the Great Wall, which is more than 7000kilometers long, from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East. Since then,the Great Wall has stood in the east of the world, experiencing thousands ofyears of wind, frost, rain and snow.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, in order to resist aggression and protectthe newly developed "Silk Road". It has built a great wall of more than 10000kilometers from Lop Nor in Xinjiang in the west to Liaodong in the East. This isalso the longest Great Wall in the history of our country.

After the establishment of Ming Dynasty, it faced the threat of Mongoliaand Jurchen. From the beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang, General Xu Da was sent northto build the Great Wall. Until the end of Ming Dynasty, it was overhauled 18times, lasting more than 260 years. Until Hongzhi 20__ In, it was completed fromthe Yalu River in the east to Jiayuguan in the West. Through Liaoning, Hebei,Beijing, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu and other provinces andautonomous regions. The Great Wall is more than 12700 Li long. And along theGreat Wall is divided into nine defense areas, known as "nine sides and ninetowns". Moreover, in many important pass areas, especially in the north ofBeijing City, multiple walls were built. These are the Badaling Great Wall wesee now.

The scale of the Great Wall built in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties is thelargest compared with other dynasties. So the three construction climaxes inhistory are the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.

Now, let me introduce the Badaling Great Wall. Badaling Great Wall islocated in Yanqing County, northwest of Beijing. It is the best preservedsection of the Great Wall in Beijing with the best engineering quality and themost rigorous structure. This section of the great wall takes the urn city asthe center, reaching the seventh floor in the South and the twelfth floor in thenorth, with a total length of 4770 meters. It is the only channel leading to theoutside of the Great Wall in Beijing area and the front position of Juyongguan.From here, you can reach Yongning and Sihai in the East, Xuanhua and Datong inthe west, Jingcheng in the south, Yanqing in the north and Badaling in alldirections. Badaling pass was built in 1520__ The city is 7.5 meters high and 4meters thick. There is a plaque on each of the East and West gates, with "JuyongWai Town" in the East and "north gate lock key" in the West. At the entrance ofGuancheng, there is a cannon with a length of 2.85 meters and a caliber of 10.5cm, which is called "Shenwei general". Now lets look at the wall of the GreatWall in Badaling. This section of the city wall is about 5.8 meters narrow atthe top and 6.5 meters wide at the bottom. It consists of four basic structures.1、 City wall, two, city tower, three, pass, four, beacon tower. There is aticket door in the wall and a stone ladder in the middle. The top can hold 5horses in parallel. Beacon tower is also known as beacon, beacon, wolf Yantai.It is independent of the city wall, almost every other mile there is a, composedof the Great Wall defense alarm system.

Whenever enemy troops invade, the beacon towers burn beacon fires to conveymilitary information. Burning smoke during the day is called beacon. At night afire is called a flint. And because wolf dung is often used as fuel, the smokeis high and hard to dissipate, so it is also called "wolf smoke". Moreover, itwas stipulated in the Ming Dynasty. More than 100 of the invading soldiers lit acigarette and fired a gun, about 500 soldiers fired two cigarettes and two guns,more than 1000 soldiers fired three cigarettes and three guns, more than 5000soldiers fired four cigarettes and four guns, if more than 10000 soldiers wereinvolved, five cigarettes and five guns.

From Badaling to the south is the famous Xiongguan, Juyong Pass. JuyongPass is one of the most famous passes of the great wall and an important barrierto the northwest of ancient Beijing. It got its name from Qin Shihuangsconstruction of the Great Wall. That is to say, the prisoners and the people whohave been punished in the palace are caught here to let them build the GreatWall. And lived. Juyongguan was called juyongsai in Han Dynasty and junduguan inSui Dynasty. When it was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty, it became the strongestsection of the Ming Great Wall. There are both military headquarters andadministrative organizations here. Juyong Pass in ancient times was also lushwith extraordinary scenery. Juyong jucui, one of the eight famous scenic spotsin Yanjing, refers to this place. In addition, there are many places ofinterest, such as Yang LIULANGs Shuanmazhuang, Mu Guiyings dianjiangtai, andbaifengzhong, where dragons and phoenixes play. Not only that, but also JuyongGuanzhong has a white jade platform, called Yuntai, which was built in 1345.Because there were three Tibetan pagodas built on the stage and the couponsunder the stage, it was originally called "crossing the street pagoda". In theearly Ming Dynasty, the pagoda was destroyed, and then the Taian temple wasbuilt. In the early Qing Dynasty, the temple was destroyed again, and now thereare only pillar bases and watchposts. There are also six kinds of seal cuttingscriptures in Sanskrit, Tibetan and basiba on the inner wall, which areimportant objects for studying ancient Chinese characters.

Having said so much, let me tell you a story to relax. The name of thestory is called "Meng Jiangnu crying the Great Wall". Its about Qin Shihuangbuilding the Great Wall. At that time, in order to speed up the project, itbegan to draw civil servants from all over the country. Meng Jiangnus husband,fan Qiliang, was also transferred to build the Great Wall soon after herwedding.

In the twinkling of an eye, three years later, fan Qiliang never heard fromhim. Meng Jiangnu couldnt eat well and sleep well. Suddenly, one night. MengJiangnu had a dream that her husband was hungry and cold, and his clothes didntcover her body. She kept shouting "Im cold, Im hungry!" Meng Jiangnu woke upand decided to go to her husband, and brought him dry food and warm clothes. Allthe way along the Great Wall in search of his husband. She went to Shanhaiguanto find out that many people had died to build the Great Wall. Her husband, fanQiliang, was also tired to death and buried under the Great Wall. This news islike a bolt from the blue, Meng Jiangnu immediately began to cry, crying earthshaking, sections of the great wall collapsed, eight hundred miles long. Now theproject manager was in a hurry to report to Qin Shihuang who was coming here toinspect the progress of the project. The first emperor of Qin sent someone toarrest Meng Jiangnu to find out the reason. After seeing her, Qin Shihuang wasfascinated by her beauty and insisted on calling her "empress Zhenggong".Although Meng Jiangnu was full of anger, she still held down her hatred and hadan idea. She had to ask Qin Shihuang to agree to her three conditions before shecould become the "Empress of the palace". The first is to find the body of hishusband fan Qiliang; the second is to hold a state funeral for his husband; andthe third is to ask the first emperor of Qin to wear mourning and flag for fanQiliang. After listening to the three conditions proposed by Meng Jiangnu, thefirst emperor of Qin thought for a moment. In order to get the beautiful MengJiangnu, he insisted. Meng Jiangnu, wearing filial piety, paid homage to thetomb of fan Zhaliang, who died for the construction of the city. Her longcherished wish was fulfilled. Facing the rolling Bohai Sea, she jumped up andthrew herself into the sea.

At the end of the story, do you think Qin Shihuang is fatuous andoverbearing? Lets ignore him first. Start climbing the great wall and be ahero!!
















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Tianmen Mountain is the highest mountain in Zhangjiajie, only 8 kilometersaway from the city. It is named after Tianmen cave, a natural wonder. TianmenMountain, formerly known as Songliang mountain, also known as Yunmeng Mountainand fanghu mountain, is the first famous mountain in Zhangjiajies history. Itsmain peak is 1518.6 meters. It was approved as a National Forest Park in July1992.

Jinggangshan was the territory of Luling County in Jiujiang group since QinDynasty established Qun county system in 221 B.C., but the development of Cipingwas after 668 A.D., and the village of xiaowujing was built after 1644 A.D.,which belongs to Yongxin County and Longquan county (now Zhuchuan county). Itwas not until 1928, during the period of Jinggangshan struggle, that anindependent administrative system was set up here. Jinggangshan AdministrationBureau of Jiangxi Province was established in 1955 and changed to JinggangshanCity in 1984.

(Tianzi Pavilion) friends, before you go upstairs, you might as well readthe Tianzi Pavilion Fu at the gate. Attention, Mr. Guan Shanyue, the master ofvertical painting on this plaque, wrote this inscription. On May 20, 1998, Mr.Guan Shanyue, who was over 90 years old, boarded the emperors pavilion. He wasthinking of flying over the pavilion, smiling and writing for the pavilionhappily. Later, he made a long scroll map of Zhangjiajie, which was launched inHong Kong and caused a sensation in Hong Kong. Some people say that GuanShanyues artistic brilliance in her later years was completed inZhangjiajie.



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Zhangzhou city is located in the southeast coast of Fujian Province,adjacent to Xiamen and Shantou Special Economic Zones and across the sea fromChinese Taiwan. It is a prefecture level city in the southernmost part of FujianProvince. It has one city, two districts, eight counties and 120 townships,towns and streets. The city has a land area of 12600 square kilometers and a seaarea of 18600 square kilometers, with a total population of 4.58 million,including 34 square kilometers of urban built-up area and 340000 permanentresidents.

Zhangzhou, founded in 686 ad (the second year of Tang Dynasty), is a famouscultural city with a long history. It is rich in natural and cultural resourcesand has many places of interest. There are more than 280 revolutionaryhistorical sites and places of interest in the city. Among them, there are 11state-level key cultural relics under protection: Guandi temple in Dongshan, TzuChi palace in Longhai, Eryi building in Huaan, stone archway in Ming and QingDynasties, Dacheng Hall of Zhangzhou Confucian temple, East Bridge of LonghaiRiver, zhaojiabao in Zhangpu, Yianbao in Zhangpu, tianluokeng Tulou group inNanjing, hegui building and Shengwu building. Zhangzhou has five tourismresources with its own characteristics: beautiful and magical coastal sceneryrepresented by Dongshan and Zhangzhou coastal volcanic landform nationalgeoparks; gorgeous and attractive flower and fruit gardens represented by Huashistreet and Makou Flower Expo; long and splendid cultural relics represented byTulou and Kaizhang holy relic Jiangjun mountain; HUBOLIAO National NatureReserve and Mayang River rafting As a representative of the green ecologicallush, pleasant; to the Millennium Temple Sanping temple as a representative ofthe religious pilgrimage is famous. There are 2 national 4A tourist areas(Dongshan fengdongshi scenic area, Zhangpu Tianfu Tea Museum), 1 NationalGeopark (Zhangzhou coastal volcanic landform National Geopark), 3 NationalForest Parks (Huaan County, Dongshan County, Changtai Tianzhu Mountain), 2National Nature Reserves (Nanjing Huboliao, Yunxiao Zhangjiangkou Mangrove), 5provincial key scenic spots There are three scenic spots (Dongshan fengdongshi -Lantau scenic spot, Longwen yundongyan scenic spot, Zhaoan Jiuhou mountainscenic spot, Pinghe lingtongyan scenic spot, Zhangpu qianting - Gulei Bay scenicspot). Zhangzhou is famous for its rich culture. In ancient times, there wereChen Yuanguang, Zhu Xi and Huang Daozhou. In modern times, there were LinYutang, Yang Sao and Xu Dishan. Zhangzhous Xiang opera, Chaozhou Opera, puppetand puppet carving art are well-known at home and abroad. There are rich andcolorful traditional folk arts, such as paper-cut, lantern riddle, drum danceand woodcut New Year pictures.

Zhangzhou is located at 23.6-25 N and 117-118 e. it is a rich land withmountains, rivers and plains. It has superior natural conditions and goodagricultural foundation. The city has 2.5 million mu of cultivated land, 12.3million mu of mountainous areas, and 1.8 million mu of inland waters and shallowsea beaches. The coastline is 680 km, and there are many good natural ports.Zhaoyin port area, Gulei port area and Dongshan port area are deep-waterharbors, many of which can be used to build berths of more than 100000 tons. Thesecond largest river in the province, the 19long River, runs through the wholeprovince. Zhangzhou plain is the largest alluvial plain in the whole province.Zhangzhou has a subtropical monsoon humid climate, with an annual rainfall ofabout 1500 mm, an average temperature of 21 ℃ and a frost free period of 330days. It is a natural "big greenhouse", evergreen in all seasons and rich inproducts. It is known as the "hometown of fish, rice, flowers and fruits". Richin "six famous fruits": citrus, litchi, banana, longan, grapefruit, pineapple,"three famous flowers": daffodils, camellia, orchids, as well as shrimp,grouper, abalone, lobster, scallops and other marine treasures. The beautifulNarcissus, "national treasure medicine" and "light of national products" areknown as "three treasures of Zhangzhou".

Zhangzhou is one of the key hometown of overseas Chinese in FujianProvince. The advantages of Chinese Taiwan Overseas Chinese are outstanding, and it isthe main ancestral home of Chinese Taiwan compatriots. One third of Chinese Taiwans currentpopulation is from Zhangzhou. There is a close relationship between the folktraditional culture of Zhangzhou and Chinese Taiwan, such as Gezai Opera and lanternriddle. Zhangzhou is located in the golden triangle of Southern Fujian, facingChinese Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao in the south. It is between Xiamen and Shantouspecial economic zones. Since ancient times, Zhangzhou has been a transportationhub connecting Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces and leading to Chinese Taiwan,Hong Kong and Macao and Southeast Asia. As early as 1985, Zhangzhou was listedas an open area by the State Council. In 1992, Zhangzhou was listed as an openarea by the State Council In 1993, the State Council approved the establishmentof Dongshan Economic and Technological Development Zone. In 1994, the StateCouncil designated Zhangzhou as a national export-oriented agriculturaldemonstration zone. In 1997, the Ministry of foreign trade and economiccooperation, the Ministry of agriculture and the Chinese Taiwan Affairs Office of theState Council jointly approved Zhangzhou as a cross-strait agriculturalcooperation experimental zone. At present, the city has 15 national andprovincial development zones, forming an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-levelpattern of opening up to the outside world. It has carried out economic andtrade exchanges with more than 140 countries and regions in the world, and hasutilized more than 6 billion US dollars of foreign capital.

Zhangzhou is an important transportation hub in the south of FujianProvince: Yingxia railway passes through the area and national highway passesthrough the area Lines 319 and 324 run across the north and south, XiamenZhangzhou Expressway and Zhangzhao expressway have been completed and opened totraffic, and Zhanglong expressway is speeding up construction; the distance fromthe urban area to Xiamen airport is less than 50 km, and it takes only half anhour to one hour from several counties in the South to Shantou airport;Zhangzhou Port is listed as one of the first batch of pilot ports for directflights to Chinese Taiwan by the state, and Zhaoyin port and Dongshan port are twonational ports Class a ports have been opened to the outside world, and thethroughput capacity of the citys ports exceeds 13 million tons. Houshi PowerPlant, the largest Chinese Taiwan funded project in China, has been built and connectedto the power grid, making Zhangzhou an important power base in Fujian. The postand telecommunication facilities are advanced and the development is ahead oftime. The city has perfect infrastructure and superior investmentenvironment.

After the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, Zhangzhousnational economy has been developing rapidly and healthily, and itscomprehensive economic strength has been significantly enhanced. According tothe argumentation of relevant national departments and experts, 12 of the 13indicators of agricultural development in Zhangzhou are higher than the nationalaverage. The comprehensive development of agriculture has achieved remarkableresults. The city has formed eight export bases of fruits, flowers, vegetables,edible fungi, aquatic products, livestock and poultry, drinks and spices. Amongthem, fruit, aquatic products and vegetables are the top three agriculturalproducts in China. At present, there are more than 4000 agricultural productsprocessing enterprises in the city, and a number of national and provincialleading enterprises have emerged. The city has built the largest green foodproduction base in Fujian, with a total of 11 categories and 99 productsobtaining the right to use the green label, accounting for more than 45% of theprovince. "Zhangzhou Narcissus", "Zhangzhou citrus", "wangguanxi pomelo" and"Tianbao banana" are famous at home and abroad. The city has cultivated andexpanded a number of key industries, backbone enterprises and famous brandproducts, and formed an industrial system dominated by food, electric power,machinery, electronics, household appliances, pharmaceuticals and otherindustries. There are three listed companies including Zhangzhou Development,Longxi shares and Pianzihuang pharmaceutical. They have two national famoustrademarks, 22 provincial famous trademarks and 36 famous brand products. Thecitys utilization of Chinese Taiwan capital is in a leading position at the municipallevel. As of April 20__, 1664 Chinese Taiwan funded projects have been approved in thewhole city, of which 6.63 billion US dollars were contracted and 3.43 billion USdollars were actually utilized, accounting for 47.2% of the total number ofthree funded enterprises, 54.3% of the contracted foreign capital and 57% of theactually utilized foreign capital. The number of large projects and megaprojects with Chinese Taiwan investment is increasing, of which 94 have invested morethan 10 million US dollars and 3 have invested more than 100 million US dollars.Among the 100 large enterprises and listed companies in Chinese Taiwan, FormosaPlastics, cankun, uni president, Taishan and Tianfu have invested and set upfactories in our city. The total number of Chinese Taiwan funded agriculturalenterprises introduced in the city is 731, accounting for 1 / 10 of the totalnumber of the whole country. The actual utilization of Chinese Taiwan fundedagricultural enterprises is 635 million US dollars, accounting for 1 / 3 of theprovinces total.

While firmly grasping the center of economic construction and acceleratingeconomic development, Zhangzhou city has always adhered to the principle of "twohands" and "two hands". The construction of the party and spiritual civilizationhas achieved actual results, and a number of influential advanced models haveemerged in the whole province. Zhangzhou 110 has become a banner of the nationalspiritual civilization construction; the party branches of Xikeng village andDongshan primary school in Pinghe county have been rated as the nationaladvanced grass-roots party organizations; the construction of "three-level corenetwork" of rural Party organizations has been fully affirmed by theOrganization Department of the Central Committee; it has taken the lead incarrying out the construction of organ efficiency in the whole country, andestablished the municipal administrative service center of "one window, one-stopservice" in the whole province It has been awarded the honorary titles of"national advanced city of building spiritual civilization", "national modelcity of double support" and so on, and has been rated as "national advanced cityof landscaping" and "Chinas excellent tourism city".

Todays Zhangzhou is standing on the starting line of the new century. Inaccordance with the goal of building an "ecological industry and Trade City", itis speeding up the implementation of the central city development strategy of"building a new area, developing along the river, and improving the old city",striving to build an ecological brand, improve the urban quality, and create ahigh living environment. A new Zhangzhou with rapid economic development,comprehensive social progress and peoples living and working in peace andcontentment is rising on the West Bank of the Straits!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9399 字

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Hello, everyone. Now our scenic spot is the "Bamboo Sea Grand View" inGuangning. Guangning County is one of the top ten bamboo townships in China. Thearea of bamboo forest is 1.04 million mu, and there are 238 kinds of bamboo. Thewhole scenic area covers an area of 8.13 square kilometers, which is half thesize of Macao. Its landscape has five characteristics: Huangyou, shuibi,Qishuang, Yiya and Jingmei.

[entrance of scenic spot]

Dear tourists, in front of us is the gate of the scenic spot. It uses lightgreen double character roof truss to form a "bamboo" shape. The "bamboo" inChinese characters is formed according to the bamboo leaf pictograph. The whitewalls and grey tiles on both sides of the gate, the top curve like the waves ofthe sea, there are bamboo and sea, which forms the symbol of the Grand View ofthe Bamboo Sea tourist area.

[Lingbo plank road]

This is called Suijiang river. The winding along the river is the "Lingboplank road". Walking on the plank road, there are dense bamboo forests on oneside, clear water on the other side, and a ten mile green bamboo corridor on theother side.

[dragon Turtle Island]

Longguizhou used to be a sandbank by the river, but the villagers nearbyregarded it as a treasure land of geomantic omen, saying that it couldaccumulate wealth.

You see, this is the bamboo water wheel, which is known as "the largest inthe world". It has a diameter of 12.8 meters, full of movement and grand shape.It is also one of the symbols of the Grand View of the bamboo sea.

Please come here, this is another "No.1 in the world" - No.1 Caixia stonedragon turtle in the world. It is also called wucaishi Longgui. This stone wasoriginally produced in Liuzhou, Guangxi. In order to exploit this huge stone,the local people spent three years digging. First, they cut 180 tons of hugestone into 12 tons of Longgui shaped stone. 30 people spent 28 days, with 8jacks and 28 round rolling logs, and finally transported the huge stone to thefoot of the mountain. Then, after three months, nine skilled stonemasons carvedit into 8 tons The heavy one is the tortoise. OK, after watching the stonedragon turtle, lets take a bamboo raft tour of the river.

[Suijiang bamboo Gallery]

The river in front of you is called Su í river. This river used to becalled "shuaijiang", because every three or five years, it will flood the bambooforests, farmland and peoples homes on both sides, so it is cursed as"shuaijiang". Later, after treatment, the flood was reduced, and people changedit to "Suiyuan", which means "Suiyuan". Suijiang river originates from HUAIJIand runs through Guangning. After flowing through Sihui, it joins Xijiang Riverand Beijiang River and becomes a part of Pearl River.

Please see, on both sides of Suijiang River are green bamboos, stretchingfor hundreds of miles. Bamboo used to belong to Gramineae plants with a widevariety, which can be called the big family of plant kingdom. There are about 42genera and more than 400 species in China.

Among the existing bamboos in Guangning, Qingpi bamboo has the largestnumber and the largest planting area.

Green bamboo has a wide range of uses. It can be cut to make fragrantbones. After the fragrant bones are burned, they are gray and white, while inother places, they are black. Another major use of bamboo is to cook and eat, ofcourse, bamboo shoots. Every kind of bamboo shoots in Guangning bamboo townshipcan be eaten, and there are bamboo shoots on the market all year round.

Forget your worries Island

Everybody, lets go ashore and have a look at the island in front of us.This island is called forget worry island. It is a small island covering morethan 100 mu on Suijiang river. The whole island is full of green bamboos, but noone lives in it. It is full of poetry and painting. It is a good place forleisure, relaxation and entertainment. There are more than 20 participatory,interesting and competitive amusement projects on the island, which make peopleenjoy themselves and forget to return.

[central area]

Now we will take the unique bamboo jeep to the central area. What is abamboo jeep? It is a jeep that is replaced by bamboo in addition to the mainmechanical system. Looking at its shape, it seems that it is all made of bambooexcept the wheels.

Ladies and gentlemen, the central district is here. In the shopping mallshere, you can buy Guangning green jade, exquisite bamboo and wood craftproducts, Guangning nano bamboo charcoal, Guangning winter honey, wildmushrooms, fungus, dried bamboo shoots, etc.

In the restaurant, you can eat all kinds of delicacies made with bambooshoots and mountain treasures. There are 38 kinds of dishes mainly made frombamboo shoots, such as bamboo insect, bamboo forest chicken, Dictyophora, sourtaro pod, red fern, mustard, bamboo wine, bamboo core tea, bamboo rice, etc. Ofcourse, the most famous is the whole bamboo shoot banquet I mentioned justnow.

Ladies and gentlemen, the scenery is different throughout the year. Whenwill you come again and stay in the window House Hotel here for a night? Youwill have a deeper understanding of bamboo and be intoxicated with bambooculture and paintings.

Zhaoqing tour guide 5

Zhenshan is located 3 kilometers southwest of Sihui City, with a height of649 meters. In the scenic spot, the trees are verdant, the mountains are clearand the valleys are secluded; the clear spring waterfall, the clouds aresteaming and the fog is blue, which is like a fairyland on earth.

In the Tang Dynasty, Zhenshan was originally named guangzhengshan, but itwas renamed Zhenshan because of the saying that "Wenshi Zhennv was promoted toimmortality here". In addition to the unique natural landscape, Zhenshan iswell-known in Lingnan, which has a lot to do with the legend of WenshiZhenxian.

According to legend, in a small village in yaosha township at the foot ofZhenshan mountain, there is an old couple who are over 50 years old and have nochildren, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment. One night, as soon as thecouple entered the dreamland, they vaguely saw a snow-white lotus floating in,and suddenly felt the fragrance of the house. Soon after, his wife becamepregnant, conceived in October and gave birth to a baby girl. The couple werevery happy. When the girl was full moon, an old friend from a neighboringvillage came to celebrate with his wife and three-year-old brother Qiao. The twofamilies also made an engagement for their children in public. In the twinklingof an eye for more than ten years, when the two families saw that their childrenhad grown up, they began to prepare for their marriage. Unexpectedly, the twofamilies were devastated by the tigers harm. Qiaos father was very ill anddied for half a year. The woodcutters mother was also blind because she was drywith tears. Seeing the miserable situation of the woodcutters family, Miss Wenthought about it again and again. She put on white clothes and resolutely wentthrough the woodcutters family to serve her mother-in-law and shoulder theheavy burden of life. Miss Wens righteous deeds and moral character arewell-known. However, when the local rich men saw that Miss Wen had grown into afair lady, they had already coveted her and had a bad heart. Once they brokeinto the house and wanted to tease her. Miss Wen held scissors and denouncedher, so they had to leave unhappily. However, they didnt give up. Later, theywanted Wengu to submit on the ground of forcing rent and debt. Wengu only gotrefuge in Guangzheng mountain. After a long time, they were found by thosepeople and tried to commit violence. Seeing this, aunt Wen stepped up the stonecliff beside the pool and sternly scolded them: "Id rather die than obey thanhumiliate me!" then she jumped down the deep pool. All of a sudden, there was astrong wind, lightning and thunder, and torrential rain. Those shameless people,being blown into a stampede, rolled down the mountain. After the rain, Wen Gusbody was lying on the pool like a deep sleep, while those shameless people weredead in the mountains. Seeing this, the villagers not only regretted themisfortune of Wen Gu, but also congratulated the gangster for not dying well. Aswe were about to go down to the pool to pick up Wengu . But once upon a time, apiece of yellow paper floated down from the sky, and the book said, "Zhenshan isa piece of white stone, Zhenshan is a piece of white stone; human beings areamorous, and their hair is white. Who worries about Zhenshan?"

Later, Guangzheng mountain was renamed Zhenshan, and Wengu tiaotan wasnamed Zhenya. When the imperial court learned of this, the emperor decreed thatWengu be granted the title of "Wenshi Zhenxian". Sihui county government alsobuilt a temple at the mouth of zhengu Valley in 82019, the 17th year of Zhenyuanreign of emperor Dezong of Tang Dynasty. It was called "zhenlie Temple", alsoknown as "fairy altar". The temple is a Taoist temple, offering a statue ofWengu with a golden body. It is held by the abbot of the Taoist priest. For morethan 1000 years, incense has been burning continuously.

In the past ten years, the memorial archway and Tianyin tower have beenbuilt in Zhenshan scenic area. Around the Zhenshan mountain, there are manyfamous places, such as incarnation pool, fairy fish, fairy snail, stone bowl,stone basket and so on. When you travel here, you can not only enjoy the quietnatural landscape, but also "see things and think of immortals", which is aspecial pleasure.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 14030 字

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Welcome to Turpan. When talking about Turpan, people cant help thinking ofWang Luobin, the "king of Western singing". His "Turpan grapes are ripe, andanaerhans heart is drunk". The beautiful lyrics and moving melody bring us intoa picturesque realm. Now lets go into Turpan and feel its magic charm together!Turpans geographical characteristics → climate characteristics "the hottest,the lowest, the driest and the sweetest" are peoples image description ofTurpan, which also accurately summarizes Turpans geographical and climaticcharacteristics. Tourists, lets first introduce the geographical location andtopographic features of Turpan. Turpan is located in the central part ofXinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, bordering Hami in the East, Bayinguoleng inthe West and south, 183 km from Urumqi in the northwest and Changji in thenorth. It is about 300 kilometers long from east to west and 240 kilometers widefrom north to south, covering an area of 64000 square kilometers, accounting for4.2% of the total area of Xinjiang. The terrain is characterized by twomountains and one basin, Bogda mountain and kuluktag mountain are in the northand south, and Turpan Basin is in the middle. There are two counties and onecity under its jurisdiction, namely Dushan County, Toksun county and Turpancity. The total population is about 520000. The main ethnic groups are Uygur,Han, Hui, Kazak, Manchu, Russian and so on.

Turpan Basin is an olive shaped Intermountain basin in the east of TianshanMountains. It is surrounded by mountains, high in the north and low in thesouth, wide in the West and narrow in the East. Due to the Himalayan orogenyabout 30 million years ago, a variety of geological structures and landformshave been formed. In the north there is Bogda peak, which is covered with snowall the year round at an altitude of 5445 meters. In the middle there is FlamingMountain, which stretches 100 kilometers from east to west. In the FlamingMountain, there is a famous Grape Valley 7 kilometers long. The most peculiar isAiding Lake, which is 154 meters below sea level. It is the lowest basin inChina and the second dead sea of Jordan, which is 391 meters below sea level Thesecond lowest land in the world. Turpan Basin integrates snow mountains, rivervalleys, sand dunes and lakes, just like a giant landscape painting, which makespeople stop and linger.

Because of its unique geographical environment, Turpan has become the placewith the highest temperature in summer in China. From June to August every year,the average temperature here ranges from 35 ℃ to 37 ℃, the extreme maximumtemperature reaches 49.6 ℃, and the surface temperature exceeds 70 ℃. Therefore,people describe it as "a place where eggs can be baked in sand nest and bigcakes can be baked on stone slab". When our cars travel through the village, wecan also see such a novel phenomenon, that is, every familys bed is placedoutside the house, which is how the local residents spend the hot summer.Therefore, it is appropriate for people to call Turpan "Huozhou" since ancienttimes. However, although the absolute temperature here is very high, thetemperature difference between day and night is large. In addition, there areoften strong winds in the basin. Even if it is extremely hot during the day,once the sun sets and night falls, the temperature will gradually cool down.Especially in spring and autumn, the temperature difference is more obvious,

Just like two seasons, "wearing fur coat in the morning and yarn in theafternoon" is a true portrayal of the climate characteristics of TurpanBasin.

Turpan is dry and rainless. Almost 10 months of the year, there is no rainor snow. The average annual precipitation is 16.6 mm, but the evaporation is ashigh as 3000 mm. The precipitation season is mainly in summer. The climate ofTurpan Basin is often described as "dry without rain" because of small rainfall,coarse raindrop and short precipitation time. As a part of precipitation,snowfall is rare in Turpan Basin. The average snowfall in winter is less than2mm. However, the year-round snow on Bogda mountain provides endless water forthe basin. By digging the Kaner well, the local people lead the melting waterfrom the snow mountain to the ground through the underground flow, irrigate thefertile land, and breed a vibrant desert oasis.

The closed basin, thin cloud cover, strong solar radiation and extremelyhigh temperature form abundant heat resources. In Turpan Basin, where the sky ishigh and the clouds are light, the annual sunshine hours are more than 3000hours. Abundant heat resources provide an ideal environment for the growth ofthermophilic crops such as melons, fruits and cotton. For example, Turpan Grape,which is famous at home and abroad, has a history of more than 20__ years andhas more than 300 varieties. After testing, the sugar content of Turpan Grape isas high as 22% - 26%, which is higher than that of California grape (20%) withthe highest sugar content. Turpan Grape is the sweetest grape in the world.Tourists, after introducing the geography of Turpan, lets review itshistory

Turpan, known as Gaochang, Xizhou and Huozhou in ancient times, became thepolitical, economic and cultural center of the western regions more than 20__years ago in the Western Han Dynasty, and was a famous town on the ancient SilkRoad. The former state of Cheshi, built by local Cheshi people, once dominatedhere for a while. In the Jin Dynasty, it was the location of the capital of thewestern regions, where the "Gaochang county" was established. After the fall ofGaochang Kingdom, the Tang Dynasty set up "Xizhou" here. In Song Dynasty, theUighur people moved westward and established the kingdom of Gaochang. In Yuanand Ming Dynasties, "Huozhou" and "Hezhou" were established. Zhili Hall ofTurpan was set up in Qing Dynasty. Turpan county was set up in 1913. In 1985,the county was removed and Turpan city was established. Turpan was also one ofthe earliest regions in Xinjiang to open to the outside world. Since the Han andTang Dynasties, foreign exchanges have been very frequent. Businessmen, monksand envoys from the Central Plains to India, Persia and the Mediterranean coasthave come in an endless stream, leaving Turpan with many beautiful legends.Tourists, coming to Turpan, seem to have read a thick historical picture. Thereare the ancient cities of Jiaohe and Gaochang, which are full of thevicissitudes of war, the exquisite and gorgeous frescoes of bazkrik dry Buddhacave, the ancient tombs of Astana, which is known as the underground museum, andthe Sugong pagoda, which is an ancient building with Islamic style. They showpeople the historical features of different times. History has left Turpan notonly ruins, but also a long culture. The folk customs here are rich andcolorful, and the people here are enthusiastic and good at singing and dancing.If at night in Turpan Hotel grape rack, while tasting fruits, while enjoying"wheat"

The "seraph" party will definitely make you feel relaxed and happy.Tourists, this is the general situation of Turpan. Maybe some tourists have tosay that after talking for a long time, I havent expressed the Chinese meaningof "Turpan". Yes, Turpan is a Turkic language, which means "rich and fertileplace". After listening to the translation of the name and comparing with theprevious introduction, do you have the same feeling? I hope Turpan, a beautifuland rich place, can add more fun to your travel.

2 tour guide to the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik The specialgeographical location of the Silk Road makes Xinjiang an important channel forcultural exchanges between the East and the West. Therefore, religious art inXinjiang is very prosperous, and all major religions have a place here. Inaddition to Islam, Nestorianism and Manichaeism, Buddhism has the mostfar-reaching influence. Caves and stone carvings all over Xinjiang fully provethis. Today we are going to visit Is located in the middle of the flame mountaingorge in the baizikrik thousand Buddha cave. Origin of the name → historicalstatus → general situation of the caves

Bozikrik thousand Buddha cave, known as "ningrong Grottoes" in TangDynasty, is located in mutougou gorge of Huoyan mountain, about 60 km northeastof Turpan City, only 15 km south of the old city of Gaochang. It is one of thelarger and famous Buddhist grottoes in Xinjiang. Bozikrik means "hillside" inUighur and "decorative painting" in Turkic.

Bozikrik thousand Buddha cave was first excavated in the late Northern andSouthern Dynasties, namely the Qushi Gaochang state (ad

During the seven centuries of Tang, Five Dynasties, song and YuanDynasties, it was one of the Buddhist centers in the western regions. GaochangUighur period (9th-13th century A.D.) is the most prosperous period of thegrottoes. Therefore, the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik is considered as "themost important, the most abundant, the most complete and the most representativeart treasure house in Uighur Buddhist art". Tourists, now we come to thethousand Buddha Cave Scenic Area. There are 83 caves and 77 existing numberedcaves. Among them, there are more than 40 caves with residual murals. The totalarea of murals is 1200 square meters. It is the largest number of caves and themost abundant murals in Turpan. There are various forms of grottoes, such ashorizontal top straight cave, central pillar cave, square double set cave anddome square cave, and some built temples and Buddha platform in the middle ofthe grottoes.

[mural content → Jiyue painting in cave 16 → hell change in cave 17 → greatlotus in cave 18 - Uighur king in Gaochang in cave 20 → Manichaeism in cave 38 →small commemorative shadow cave in cave 82 → 83]

Walking down the steps at the entrance, we can see more than a dozen cavesopen to tourists. The light in the caves is not very strong, and the mottledpictures on the inner wall of the arch can be seen faintly. Each line isdepicted in detail. The ribbons of the characters are very dynamic, but many ofthe characters are incomplete, which is a pity.

The frescoes in the bozikrik Grottoes mainly include the "Buddha" with alarge-scale portrait of Buddha as the center

The purpose of these paintings is to glorify the Buddhist Dharma forworshiping good men and women. From the 6th century to the 12th century, it hasalways been an important place for Buddhism in Gaochang kingdom. Manyinscriptions in ancient Huique script, Chinese script and Baltic script arestill preserved in the grottoes, which are valuable materials for studyingancient scripts. The architectural style and painting skills of the grottoes arealso of high research value. In 1982, the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik waslisted as a national key cultural relic protection unit.

Tourists, lets first visit cave 16. Cave 16 was excavated in the middleTang Dynasty. There is a picture of Jiyue in the cave. In the picture,xiaohulei, an ancient musical instrument, appeared for the first time in ChineseBuddhist caves. Hulei, also known as the dragon head pipa, originated fromNanzhao music of Tang Dynasty. It is shaped like a pear with a stick, a dragonhead with two strings, a boa skin covering the abdomen, and a sandalwood groove.Its authentic products are now stored in the Palace Museum of Beijing. Next,lets look at caves 17 and 18. These two caves are the earliest in the wholeGrottoes group, which were excavated in the late Northern and Southern Dynastiesfrom the 6th to 7th century. Lets first take a look at the mural "hell changes"in cave 17, which is very similar to the painting of Manis teaching aidmansion, which is rare in China. There is a big lotus flower in the center ofthe top of cave 18, which is filled with geometric patterns such as triangle andfour leaves in the middle. It is elegant and solemn, with nationalcharacteristics.

Next, lets visit cave 20. The murals in the grottoes show images of theUighur king and queen of Gaochang. The Uighur king of Gaochang was wearing alotus petal shaped crown, a round collar wide sleeve robe, a middle belt, blackboots and other daily necessities. The queen is plump, wearing a crown and a redcoat with lapels and narrow sleeves. The color of the portrait is gorgeous, thelines are smooth and the drawing is exquisite. Beside the portrait is theinscription of Huique. This group of murals is highly artistic and is one of therepresentative works of the whole thousand Buddha cave murals. Unfortunately,the original mural is on display in the Berlin Museum in Germany, and the colorphotos on display in the cave are based on the original. The frescoes in cave 38are different from those before. They are about ancient Manichaeism. There arethree trees in the frescoes behind the grottoes, under which there are manyimages of monks and nuns dressed in white and feathered people with wings, whichshow respect for Manichaeism. Manichaeism is a religion founded by Persian Mani,also known as Mingjiao, which worships the God of light. From the 9th century tothe 12th century, Gaochang Uighur kingdom was the center of Manichaeism in theworld. Manichaeism once became the state religion of Gaochang Uighur kingdom.Then we come to cave 82 and 83, which is under ganfo cave and beside muugou.This is a small commemorative shadow cave specially built for Buddhist eminentmonks during the reign of emperor Gaochang in the 10th and 11th centuries A.D. Apottery relic box and a gold foil wrapping paper used by Buddhists wereunearthed here. The ink mark on it indicates that the gold foil shop was locatedin the south of taihelou street in Hangzhou in Song Dynasty. This gold foilwrapping paper proves that Gaochang Uighur kingdom had quite close economic andtrade contacts with the Song Dynasty from the 11th to the 12th century.

Tourists, from the murals of the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik, we cansee Xinjiang Buddhism

The long history of culture makes us have a deeper understanding of thebroad and profound culture of Xinjiang. The past of Xinjiang is brilliant, andwe believe that the future of Xinjiang will be more brilliant.



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Hengshan, also known as Nanyue, is one of the five mountains in China,located in Nanyue District, Hengyang City, Hunan Province. Because the climateconditions are better than the other four mountains, there are luxuriant forestsand bamboos everywhere, green all the year round; exotic flowers and grasses,fragrant at four seasons, and beautiful natural scenery, so it is also known as"Nanyue unique beauty". Wei Yuan of Qing Dynasty said in Hengyue Yin: "Hengshanis like walking, Daishan is like sitting, Huashan is like standing, Songshan islike lying, only Nanyue is like flying." This is a compliment to Hengshan.

In 1982, Hengshan, as a famous natural and cultural landscape in China, wasapproved by the State Council as one of the first batch of national scenic spotsin the name of Hengshan scenic spot in Hunan Province. On August 1, 20__, NanyueHengshan Mountain was approved as a national nature reserve by the StateCouncil.

Hengshan Mountain is composed of 72 towering peaks, including YueluMountain in Changsha and Huiyan peak in Hengyang. It is also known as "Qingtian72 Hibiscus". The first peak of Nanyue is Huiyan peak, the South Gate ofHengyang City Center. Starting north from "the first peak of Nanyue in theworld", you can drive along North Zhengxiang road for more than an hour. You cansee dozens of graceful peaks like Hibiscus before you and enter the scenic spotof Nanyue.

There are also many places of interest, myths and legends in HengshanMountain, which has attracted all kinds of people in the past dynasties andformed a rich and colorful cultural deposit, just like a huge park with theharmony and unity of the vast humanities and landscape culture.

Hunan Nanyue Hengshan scenic spot is a national AAAAA scenic spot. HengshanMountain is one of the five famous mountains in China. Its main peak is locatedin Hengyang City, Hunan Province. There are 72 peaks in Hengyang City. It isfamous for its "unique five mountains", "holy land of religion", "Olympiccivilization area" and "longevity mountain of China". Now it is a national keyscenic spot, a national civilized scenic spot demonstration site and a nationalAAAAA tourist area.

Hengshan is the religious and cultural center of southern China, and thebirthplace of Chinese southern Zen, Tiantai Sect, caodong sect, Nanyue sect andQingyuan sect. The most famous Taoist Holy Land in the South includes the thirdof the thirty-six Taoist caves, Zhuling cave, and the seventy-two Taoisttemples, including jade altar, Guangtian temple and donglingyuan.

In 1982, Hengshan, as a famous natural landscape and cultural landscape inChina, was approved by the State Council as one of the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots in the name of Hengshan scenic spot; in 20__, it became one ofthe first batch of 4A tourist spots in China; in 20__, it won the honor of"national civilized scenic spot demonstration site" which is the top in Chinaand the only one in Hunan Province; In February 20__, it was selected into thefirst batch of national natural and cultural heritage list; in 20__, it wasrated as one of the 50 places most worthy of foreigners to visit; in March 20__,it became one of the first batch of 5A scenic spots in China; on August 1, 20__,Nanyue Hengshan was approved by the State Council as a National Nature Reserve;in 20__, it was rated as Chinas top ten most popular scenic spots.

Hengshan starts from Huiyan peak in Hengyang City (the first peak of 72peaks in Nanyue) in the South and ends at Yuelu Mountain in Changsha (the tailpeak of Hengshan Mountain) in the north. It is composed of 72 towering peaks,also known as "seventy-two Hibiscus in the blue sky". Hengshan Mountainstretches 800 Li across eight cities and counties in Hunan Province, with 72peaks. Among them, there are 43 peaks in Nanyue District. Huiyan peak, the firstpeak of Hengshan Mountain, is located in the center of Hengyang City, withXiangjiang River in the East, Hengzhou Avenue in the south, South Qiyang road inthe West and south Zhongshan Road in the north. Starting from the "No.1 peak ofNanyue in the world" northward, driving along North Zhengxiang road for onehour, you can see dozens of graceful peaks like Hibiscus in front of you andenter the core scenic spot of Hengshan Mountain.
