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上饶是江西“东大门”,(东邻浙江,南毗福建、北接安徽,)下辖十县一区和一个县级市。 ( 信州区、上饶县、广丰县、玉山县、婺源县、鄱阳县、余干县、万年县、弋阳县、横峰县、铅山县 ) ,代管一市(德兴市)。上饶市政府位于信州区。行政区面积2.28万平方公里,人口670万。市树是香樟.市花是三清山猴头杜鹃.市鸟是婺源鸳鸯湖的鸳鸯。这里历史悠久、资源丰富、经济强劲、风光旖旎。下面分别跟大家简单介绍一下。















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东汉末年,宦官张让、赵忠等弄权作乱,历史上有“十常侍”之称,当时忠臣或被流放、或被杀戳,朝廷一片乌烟瘴气。公元189年,汉灵帝刘宏病逝,皇子刘辩继位,史称汉少帝。大家看到正中的这位就是少帝刘辩,这位就是他的爱妃唐妃,他们两位也就是刘公的父亲和母亲。 少帝即位仅半年时间,就被*臣董卓废黜,董另立其年仅九岁的同父异母弟弟刘协为帝,史称汉献帝。我们看壁画中武士强拉着的小男孩就是当时年仅九岁的汉献帝刘协,这位身材肥胖者就是董卓。




这位是曹操,当时他在宫中担任点军校尉一职,对宫中的一切变故他都耳闻目睹。对董卓的专横跋扈,他尤为不满,于是他便伺机行刺,后来行刺失败,曹操只好连夜逃出了洛阳城。 好,我们对面看一下《刘公齐鲁漂泊图》。




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绕过蝴山栈道,从蝶桥步入曲径通幽的蝶山石林,那如诗如画的羊角山(阳朔以此得名);有小漓江之称的遇龙河等田园风光尽收眼底;特别是那被当代著名诗人贺敬之亲笔题辞为“天下第一蝶”的帝王蝶约280平方米大小,堪称天下一绝。 蝴蝶泉景区不仅有效地把自然景观、历史文化、登山保健、科普及休闲度假集为一体,是一个生态旅游的风景点,而且集奇山、秀水、田园风光为一体,是阳朔山水的典型代表。


阳朔蝴蝶泉景区[2]—— 一个与大自然亲密接触、远离尘嚣的AAA级休闲旅游境地,一个打造爱情的浪漫之都!阳朔蝴蝶泉景区位于阳朔月亮山风景区“十里画廊”的旅游精华地段,占地面积36000多平方米。景区有精巧奇特的岩洞景观,有阳朔唯一的原始吊桥,可欣赏到高山音乐流水瀑布,登高望远,鸟瞰阳朔“香格里拉”遇龙河和羊角山等精华田园风光之精华,感受超脱喧嚣尘世般的仙境。景区有目前中国最大的活蝴蝶观赏园——“蝶缘”,成千上万只蝴蝶在花丛中轻歌曼舞,让您亲切感受人与自然和谐相处的氛围。“梁祝”实景表演,可让您在充满着浓郁的爱情氛围里感受独特的快乐,您还能亲身体验“岩壁上的芭蕾”——攀岩等时尚户外运动项目,让您超脱喧嚣尘世,近距离地感受自然,亲近自然,回归自然。


阳朔蝴蝶泉景区是国家AAA级景区,广西民族风情旅游示范点,景区位于阳朔十里画廊精华地段。以山、水、石、洞,悬空吊桥,泉水瀑布及原汁原味原生态的侗、苗风情而得名,在景区里可与著名的101侗寨寨主及苗王的后裔亲密接触,与侗哥苗妹欢聚一堂,还可以亲身体会做寨主苗王的滋味。倾听传承千年并于20xx年10月荣获世界非物质文化遗产的天籁之音---多情的侗族大歌。俗话说得好:“登上蝶山顶才知阳朔景”,景区蝶山上有观赏阳朔精华田园风光的最佳位置,集奇山、秀水、田园、农舍为一体,浑然一幅天然的山水画卷。这里奇峰罗列,怪石嶙峋,可观赏到奇特的羊角山(“阳朔”因此山而得名)、笔筒峰、雄狮山、手套山、拇指山、孔雀山等,还有被称为小漓江的遇龙河。奇山、秀水、田园、农舍,十里画廊美景尽收眼底,犹如天上人间!无愧于 “桂林山水甲天下,阳朔堪称甲桂林”这样的佳句了。











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Distinguished visitors, everybody is good. I am the guide from xi an travel, my name is guo, you can call me guo. Today we are going to visit is listed as "world heritage list" of qin shihuang terracotta warriors, qin shihuang terracotta warriors is 13 years old when he began to reign, qin shi huang started to build a great project. Until 1974 in xi an lintong was discovered and excavated, it with its magnificent, rare reputation both at home and abroad, has been hailed as one of "the eight wonders of the world".

First of all, we came to a pit, the pit is the largest of three pits a pit, the pit depth of 5 meters, covers an area of about 14260 square meters, how, enough! Not only big and warrior figures is the no. 1 pit, pit is about more than 600 TaoRen, TaoMa, their orderly arranged in annular square, the eastern end of the pit, the warriors have three columns rank them with bows, crossbows, hand weapons, such as long shots like, like for striker troops. Followed by more than 600 armor of the main body of troops, and amraphel, holding spear gun isometric weapon, with 35 by a team of four horses chariots have eleven holes arranged in 38 columns and 30 eight-way columns. The warriors in pit no. 1 unearthed in total more than 500 pieces, horse 24 driving six chariots.

The warrior figures in the no. 1 pit of different, image lifelike, lifelike. You see: some warrior figures in with a smile, seem to come up with a magic weapon to defeat the enemy; Some just looked at the sky, seem to be missing loved ones far away; Some serious face, as if determined defend; And clenched his fist, glared at the front, as if to march at any time. These amazing warrior figures and chariot, truly reflect the generation of emperor qin unified the six countries of ambition.

Now please enjoy freedom, please consciously abide by the relevant regulations of the museum, dont litter, dont spit, graffito of the scribble not to. Ok, please enjoy the condensed the ancient working peoples wisdom and sweat in our country a great miracle, to feel the history of the gut-wrenching, thundering!

Todays trip to the Terra Cotta Warriors came to an end, I hope you come back to visit the ancient city of xi an. Thank you, goodbye!



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承德避暑山庄曾是中国清朝皇帝的夏宫。距离北京180公里。是由皇帝宫室、皇家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙群所组成。避暑山庄位于承德市中心区以北,武烈河西岸一带狭长的 承德避暑山庄牌匾

谷地上,山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。内有康熙乾隆钦定的72景。拥有殿、堂、楼、馆、亭、榭、阁、轩、斋、寺等建筑一百余处。是中国三大古建筑群之一,它的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。避暑山庄兴建后,清帝每年都有大量时间在此处理军政要事,接见外国使节和边疆少数民族政教首领。这里发生的一系例重要事件、重要遗迹和重要文物,成为中国多民族统一国家最后形成的历史见证。 避暑山庄及周围寺庙是一个紧密关联的有机整体,同时又具有不同风格的强烈对比,避暑山庄朴素淡雅,其周围寺庙金碧辉煌。这是清帝处理民族关系重要举措之一。由于存在众多群体的历史文化遗产,使避暑山庄及周围寺庙成为全国重点文物保护单位、全国十大名胜、和四十四处风景名胜保护区之一,承德也因此成为全国首批二十四座历史文化名城。避暑山庄与北京的颐和园,苏州的拙政园,苏州的留园并称全国四大名园。旧版电视剧《还珠格格》第一、二、三部,均在承德避暑山庄取景拍摄,山庄里的烟雨楼就是“漱芳斋”。



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fellow friends:

hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dalis america of scenery.

first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai, west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, here is kings deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600 chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour.

now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps ascendslevel on, we arrive the summit.everybody looked that, this curls upwardsangle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: jade er silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the chinese inadmiration of somebodys fame painter wu zuorens writing skill. looksthe sea building is understands "the jade er silver dark green"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:east side erhai vast, boundless, west cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray.

fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to erhaiin. but i first must to everybody introduction be actually amcangshan. formerly, we in the dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the cangshangrand appearance well. just like the ancient said "does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain"; looks thesea building in the erhai park, the angle of view inclines, also onlycan see the cangshan terminal. now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye cangshan is not clearer? somepeople said that, a hengduan pulse condition great arm, the tibetplateau extended west yunnan from "the roof of the world" to thesouth, cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.

cangshan, also names the diancang, is green because of its mountaincolor, the mountain apex acquires fame in vain. cangshan altogetherhas 19 peaks. this 19 peaks from the north to the south order are: thecloud makes, green, five, the lotus flower, the white clouds, thecrane cloud, three positive, the blue peak, the snowman, should behappy, the goddess of mercy, center and, longquan, the jade bureau,malone, the saint should, buddha go against, ma er, the setting sun.in 19 peaks, the malone peak is highest, elevation 4,122 meters. thecangshan 19 peaks, two peaks clamp a brook, altogether 18 brooks; eastthe mountain stream flows, pours into erhai, 18 brooks from north tosouth, the base arrangement is: south the rosy cloud moves, wan hua,the positive brook, the awn wells up, the brocade brook, the spiritspring, the white stone, the double mandarin duck, hides the immortal,mei xi, the peach brook, center the brook, the emerald, longxi, clearblue, remnant, pavilion mouth, is not positive.

the cangshan scenery by the snow, the cloud, springstone is famous. i firstintroduce cangshan to everybody the snow. after the summer needlesscangshan snow, is dali "the love affair" four given names scenery. thesnow white cangshan snow, all previous dynasties article literatiapproves the refined language quite a lot, the folklore also many. thethe ming dynasty writer li yuanyang once praised: "date li cangshansnow, precioustai 19 peaks".

cangshans cloud is the famous biography is far and wide. the cloudgathers the cloud to disperse, sometimes the pale like light smoke,sometimes is thick like splashes ink. in fluctuates varied center, what is most mysterious is "looks the husband cloud" and "thejade belt cloud". so-called "looks the husband cloud" is referswhenever the winter spring the season, the cangshan jade bureau peakregular meeting appears a lonely cloud, suddenly remembers suddenlyfalls, about flutters, if hoped if attends to. unusual occupying to anits appearance, the diancang then suddenly gets up the storm, blows toerhai. so-called "jade belt cloud", is refers whenever at the end ofthe summer fallinitially, after rainfirst clear, between the cangshan 19 peakshalfways up the mountainside often can appear white clouds, the cloudsgatherscollects, slowly pulls open, if the pure white jade belt horizontallyties the green mountainside. is continuous dozens of miles,unexpectedly the date does not dissipate. marvelous is, "the jade beltcloud" meets the omen agriculture abundant harvest: it appears thenumber of times to be many, same year on good crop weather. local painationality has the farmers proverb: "cangshan is the jade belt, thehungry dog eats the rice".

cangshans spring very is also famous. in 19 peaks the elevation hasmany mountains moraine lake in 3,800 meter above peak, this is thequaternary period glacier stays behind. also has that 18 brooks themountain stream, flies the waterfall to fold the spring, the fourseasons rushes down, in under clear sweet water seepage nourishing,cangshan fills the vitality. the moraine lakeside, the densely coveredvirgin forest and many precious forests, the strange flowers andplants, specially should tell everybody are, cangshans flowers andplants already fine reputation far broadcasts, moreover it also causescangshan to be famous far and wide. american professor luo lancasteronce said that, "has 1000000 in us to know the chinese yunnan the dalicangshan, because they all plant have many beautiful dali cangshan theindian azalea."

cangshans stone, renowned at home and abroad. guo moruo has "chantsmarble" the poem: "three towers are high ancient, along thinksloyalview year. the cangshan rhyme love affair, the wonderful stone spitsthe mist. outside the heart, coolly lives elbowarmpit. the day meritmanpower generation, the overseas compete the treasure biography."

cangshan has bred the marble, the marble is cangshans soul. this kindof magnificent wonderful stone, world many places all have, the alonedalis most wonderful america, also opens the people early, therefore,world every this wonderful stone is called "the marble", "dali" alsoraises the world because of shi erming.

fellow friends, our pleasure boat vanguard, now should introduce thisocean waves wan qing to everybody erhai itself.

erhai, ancient name kunming pond, er river, ye yu ze and so on;because it resembles the person ear, therefore erhai. its north andsouth long 42 kilometers, the thing extends 3-9 kilometer, the lakewaterfront long 117 kilometers, the area more than 250 squarekilometers; the hydraulic mean depth 10.5 meters, the deepest 21.5meters, the water-holding capacity 2.88 billion cubic meters, the areaand the water-holding capacity arrange in order the yunnan lakesecond, occupies seventh in the national fresh water lake.

south erhai has makes up the river and so on to pour into, westnatriumthe cangshan 18 mountain streams, east collect the polo river, dig thecolor river, the south side west er river are the only estuaries,after ripples red circles into lanchan river. erhai is the tectoniclake, the lake shore thing are many cliffwall, north southwest three arethe sandbars.

everybody looked, erhai water depth limpid, if the non- flaw beautifuljade, is beautiful incomparably, it is welcome each position by thebroad mind to come from the distant place guest. erhai is the chinafamous high land moor, as early as it has carried the annals in thehan dynasty.

"er sea month" is dali one of four given names scenery. if goes boatingerhai in the lunar calendar ten in may bright nights, its monthespecially bright, especially circle, its scenery elated: in thewater, the month circle like wheel, floats the light to swing thegold; the sky, the jade mirror high hangs, the clear splendor isshining, the bath leaves from erhai. looks that, looks, the water andsky shines, you unexpectedly cannot distinguish clearly are the daymonth fall the sea, or seamonth ascends to heaven. is er seamonth so whybright? the scientific conclusion is: first, erhai water qualityspecially pure, the transparency is quite high, its reflection greatlystrengthened; second, erhai sea level dust less, air fresh, causes thewater and sky to serve as contrast, the moonlight is brighter. inaddition, er seamonth is famous, but also lies in the pure white non-flaw the cangshan snow to produce an inverted image in erhai, seamonthenhances one anothers beauty with as pure as driven snow er, aconstitution silver dark green jade ers big marvelous sight.

with the cangshan snow, the er seamonth connected dali four given namesscenery also have guan hua, the hsiakuan wind. between erhai andcangshans dam, is a long shape silting alluviation plain. whennanzhao country, nearby two respectively builds a xiaocheng in thisstrip north and south, holds the important location, defends the kingsall safety. north name long shouguan, also called closes; southernregion name dragons tail pass, at once hsiakuan. on so-called closesthe flower, is refers closes "ten mile fragrant wonderful tree", thisflower originally shapings the street and shan sinei in on pass, itsflowered big like lotus, the year opens several hundred, the fragranceoverflows the four directions, the flower opens the season, the viewlike cloud. also therefore the tree ties the husk to be firm, may dofaces the bead, therefore the flower called "faces the pearl headornament". afterwards, this flower vanished. the first years, somepeople had it is said found it in the cangshan forest. west thehsiakuan wind refers to the er river valley to inject hsiakuan thewind, continues all year long, you takedong as is spring abundant, youas soon as enter hsiakuan to be allowed to feel the hsiakuan wind theexistence. it roars nearly every day, sweeps the street to put on thelane, holds up the bottom of garment uncovers the hat, caused hsiakuanobtained "the wind city" the nickname.

dalis love affair four given names scenery, has poem its string inthe same place, is advantageous for remembered, also quite has theappeal: the hsiakuan wind, on closes the flower, the hsiakuan windblows closes the flower; cangshan snow, er seamonth, er seamonth accordingto cangshan snow. speaks of here, asks each position to look our painationality girls embroider flowered baotou. you might not despise it,it have manifested the dali four given names scenery. please lookedthat, the breeze blows, nearby the ear snow white ear with the windfloatingly sprinkled, has appeared hsiakuans wind; in baotou gorgeousflowers, has represented the flower which on closes; the peak this is white silkhead, looked by far likes cangshan the snow; the entirebaotous shape same bright is moving on like erhais in crescent moon.



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Longxing Temple was originally the Longteng garden of yanmurongxi in theSixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In 586, Emperor Wen of theSui Dynasty rebuilt the temple in the garden, which was called longzang temple.It was renamed Longxing Temple in Tang Dynasty.

In the second year of Kaibao (969) of the Northern Song Dynasty, ZhaoKuangyin, the song Taizu, came to Hedong and stayed in Zhenzhou (laterZhengding). When he went to the Dabei temple in the west of the city, which wasfounded by the eminent monks of the Tang Dynasty, he learned that the originalbronze Bodhisattva was four feet and nine feet high, and that there were twocalamities in the later Han Dynastys Khitan invasion and the Later ZhouDynastys destruction of the Buddha to cast money In Longxing Temple of thecity, the body of the great compassion Bodhisattva was recast and the greatcompassion pavilion was built. The project was started in the fourth year ofKaibao (971) and completed in the eighth year of Kaibao (975). With this as themain body, the central axis layout was adopted for Daxing expansion, forming aSong Dynasty architectural complex with north-south depth, large-scale andmomentum.

In 1858, the palace on the west road was occupied by the Catholic Church,and the buildings on the middle and East roads were also damaged. There are fewvisiting monks in the temple, and the gate is deserted.

In 1961, it was announced by the State Council as a national key culturalrelics protection unit.



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Known to the world, places of historic interest and scenic beauty arelocated in the bustling bustling old city of Shanghai on the West Bank ofHuangpu River, North Road by blessing Road, East Anren street, and Shanghai TownGods Temple and Yu Garden shopping mall in the West. It is a world-famoussouthern Shanghai classical garden. Yu Garden is a famous classical garden inthe south of the Yangtze River. Yu Garden was built in the Ming Jiajing period.It was built by Pan Yunduan, a cloth governor in Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty. Ithas a history of more than 400 years.

As soon as I entered Yu Garden, I felt as if I was at the time of the lateMing and early Qing Dynasty. With the stream of people, I gradually walked intoa small square that could hold more than a thousand people. Standing in thesquare, there was a fan exhibition in the center, and some paintings andcalligraphy on the fan side, some of them were undulating, some were gracefuland graceful, some were soft and strong.

Looking around, the top of the 8-story Tianyu Building is Ninghui building.People stand on the painted attic to enjoy the picturesque scenery. On the frontis Huabao building. Every Spring Festival, people like to sit here to watch thepavilion. Behind them is Heye building, also known as the snack square. On theeast side of the small square is Town Gods Temple, the annual "three inspectionday", that is, the days when the God of the city is on patrol. The residents inthe Shanghai city are nine rooms in the house. All the residents are at theChristmas palace of the City God (March twenty-eight). All the businessmen inShanghai and Town Gods Temple, including the nearby temple, are all decoratedwith lanterns and lanterns, celebrating Christmas for the God of the city. If ithappens to be a holiday, it will form a scene of tourists gathering, pedestriansweaving and popularity.

Antithetical couplet, a Shao Huaze couplet hung on the two pillars besidethe gate along with the stream of people, and the ancient city of Town GodsTemple, the God of Pan Gongming, cast the essence of the century. Shen Cityfavours the old temple and rebuilds the glory of the century.

At this time, I was already intoxicated in the beautiful scenery.Unconsciously, I came to the Jiuqu bridge. There were a lot of people on thebridge. Under the bridge, fish were flying to the bottom. The quiet lake wascovered with green lotus leaves, like a dense emerald fan, which covered thelake tightly. On the surface of the lake, there are many colors floating, likesomeone scattering a string of pearls below. When the breeze blows slowly, theripples on the surface of the lake are as beautiful as the wrinkles of a newsatin.

The wall in the garden is winding and undulating. The top of the wall isdecorated with a dragons head, and is made of tiles to form a Lin shape, whichsymbolizes the dragons body. A pile of walls, like a dragon swimming, is calledthe dragon wall. In ancient China, the dragon is the symbol of feudal emperors,which can not be used for decoration on buildings. Yu Garden was built at theend of the Qing Dynasty when the dragon wall was built, and the Dragon had onlythree or four claws to avoid the suspicion of "five claw Golden Dragon".Dianchuntang was the North command post of Shanghai Xiaodaohui uprising army in1853. Yulinglong is a 4-meter-high, exquisitely carved stone standing in frontof Yuhua hall. It is said to be a relic of huashigang in Song Dynasty. The mainbuilding of Sansui is the Sansui hall. The building is spacious. It was theplace where the host held a banquet. In addition, a pair of iron lions of theYuan Dynasty, an old vine of more than 300 years old and a Ginkgo biloba of morethan 400 years old are also worth watching in the garden.

Its ancient and long history, its folk style of color and flavor makesShanghai the most famous tourist attraction in Shanghai.



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La salle dexposition de lancienne résidence de Zhang Xueliang est situéeau 48 shaoshaifu Lane, Chaoyang Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang City.

La salle dexposition de lancienne résidence de Zhang Xueliang estégalement connue sous le nom de "Manoir du grand commandant" ou "Manoir du jeunecommandant".Zhang Zuolin, chef des seigneurs de guerre de la République deChine, et son fils a?né, le général Zhang Xueliang, sont des voisins officielset des maisons privées.

Le complexe du pavillon dexposition de lancienne résidence de ZhangXueliang a été construit de 1914 à 1933, formant un complexe de b?timents destyle différent composé de quatre parties: la Cour centrale, la Cour est, laCour Ouest et la cour exté salle dexposition de lancienne résidencede Zhang Xueliang couvre une superficie totale de 36 000 mètres carrés et unesuperficie totale de 29 000 mètres carrés.En mars 1985, le Gouvernementpopulaire municipal de Shenyang a désigné la salle dexposition de lanciennerésidence de Zhang Xueliang comme site municipal de protection des reliquesculturelles.

En décembre 1988, le Gouvernement populaire de la province de Liaoning aannoncé quil était un site provincial de protection des reliques culturelles.Enjuillet 1991, le Ministère de la construction de la République populaire deChine et ladministration nationale des reliques culturelles ont publiéconjointement un document faisant de lancien complexe de la salle dexpositionde Zhang Xueliang lun des meilleurs b?timents du pays.En 1996, il a été inscritsur la liste des principaux sites culturels protégés par l?tat.

La Cour centrale a été fondée en 1914 et achevée en Cour centraleest larchitecture traditionnelle chinoise - la Cour quadrangle à trois entrées,située au nord et au Sud, avec le caractère chinois "eye", les briques bleues entuiles, les avant - toits et les bêtes sembrassant et sélevant sur les crêtes,les poutres sculptées et les b?timents peints, et les colonnes de porche peintesen Fondation de la colonne de tambour de pierre, les marches enpierre et le plancher en brique carrée et en pierre carrée sont des b?timents enbrique et en bois de style palais.Lensemble de lh?pital couvre une superficiede 3 900 mètres carrés, 13 maisons au total, 57 chambres, avec une surface deconstruction de 1 460 mètres carrés.

Devant lentrée principale de la Cour centrale, il y avait des marchespavées de pierres bleues, et des pierres de cheval se tenaient de haut en basdes deux c?tés des marches.Sur les deux c?tés de la porte principale, il y avaitdes sculptures en pierre tenant des tambours et des pierres, et le lion couchétenait le Petit Lion.Il y a sept chambres à lentrée principale, avec desouvertures au milieu, des porches rétractables dans trois Chambres, des pilierssculptés en bois et des oiseaux peints et des fleurs sculptées dans le ciel.Il ya deux dieux de porte peints sur la Feuille de la porte de peinture Zhu, QinQiong et Jingde. Il y a une plaque horizontale accrochée à lintérieur de laporte. Il y a quatre grands caractères sur "gouverner le pays et protéger lesgens".

Par la porte, nous entrons dans la Cour.Il y a trois Chambres de chaquec?té de louverture de la porte dentrée de la Cour, la salle de garde et lasalle de réception à lEst, et la salle électrique et la salle téléphonique àlOuest.Il y a trois chambres est et Ouest, et la chambre est est la Chambre decompte intérieure du Manoir du Gouverneur, qui est responsable des dépensesfinancières du Manoir du Gouverneur.Xixiang Room est un lieu de présentation etdinitiation. Il est spécialement con?u pour recevoir les rapports et introduireles officiels de la culture et des arts martiaux qui viennent à la résidence duGouverneur pour être justes ou visiter.

Entre la Cour et la Cour, il y a un mur de 7 mètres de haut avec une porteouverte au milieu. La porte est sculptée à lintérieur dun plafond de fleursdécoratives, connu sous le nom de porte de pendaison de fleurs.Les deux piliersde porte ont des piliers de protection tenant des pierres de tambour et descoussins de tambour en pierre.? lintérieur de la porte, il y a un double murdécran en bois, qui peut être ouvert en face, et les deux c?tés peuvent être lelong du couloir autour des piétons.Cest ici que Zhang Zuolin a accueilli lesinvités distingués pour la cérémonie.En cas darrivée dinvités importants,lécran en bois souvre et Zhang Zuolin souvre. Les invités peuvent entrerdirectement dans la deuxième Cour par la porte lourde ouverte.Le personnel duManoir du Gouverneur et les invités ordinaires ont fait le tour du couloir desdeux c?tés de lécran en bois.Aujourdhui, tous les invités sont des invitésdistingués, donc la porte de linstrument sest ouverte et vous êtes invités àentrer dans la deuxième maison.

La deuxième Cour dentrée est rectangulaire et entourée dun clo?tre deplate - forme.Cest lendroit où Zhang Zuolin travaille et rencontre desinvités.Il y a 7 chambres dans lentrée principale et une au milieu est le halldentrée.Devant la porte, il y a une porte sculptée, juste au - dessus de laporte suspendue à une plaque, le livre "Wangcheng Great Wall",Cétait un cadeaude lécuyer de lépoque à Zhang Zuolin, louant le prestige de Zhang Zuolin commela Grande Muraille.Les trois portes est de la Chambre principale sont la chambreet le Bureau de Zhang Zuolin.Les trois Chambres Ouest sont des salles deréception et des bureaux.

Il y a cinq chambres est et Ouest, une salle au milieu de la chambre est,une salle du Secrétaire général dans la Chambre Sud et une salle du courrierdans la Chambre Chambre Ouest est une salle de secrétariat générale.

Les trois chambres à lest de la Chambre principale, où vivait ettravaillait Zhang Zuolin, sont maintenant exposées avec des statues de cire deZhang Zuolin et de six dames.Au milieu se trouve Zhang Zuolin, grand maréchal delarmée et de la marine de la République de Chine.Zhang Zuolin est né en 1875 etest mort en 1928 à l?ge de 54 ans.Zhang Zuolin porte le collier à gauche de lafemme originale de Zhang Zuolin, Mme Zhao, qui est la mère biologique de ZhangXueliang. Mme Zhao et Zhang Zuolin ont le même ?ge et se marient à 21 ans.Il y ala première fille a?née, Fang, le fils a?né apprend bien, après lapprentissagede linscription.Il est mort en 1912 à l?ge de 38 ans.

Je nai jamais vécu au Manoir du Gouverneur.Lautre personne assise sur leKang était Mme jipalu.Marié à Zhang Zuolin à lautomne 1900, il a deuxfilles.Après la mort de Mme Zhao, les trois frères et s?urs de Zhang Xueliangont été élevés par elle, de sorte que Zhang Xueliang a toujours respecté MmeLu.Décédé en 1974.? droite de Zhang Zuolin se trouve Mme Sanfu Dai.

Lautre à droite est la quatrième dame, Mme Xu.Mme Xu est née pour ZhangZuolin avec deux hommes et deux femmes. Zhang XueSi est née pour Mme Xu. ZhangXueSi est un membre du Parti communiste Zhang Jiawei. Il a été chef détat -major de la marine.Mme Xu est morte en 1928.Sur le c?té sud de la maison setrouve Mme Fifty life.Manchu, a un certain niveau déducation, intelligent etcompétent, toutes les affaires intérieures de la famille Zhang sont gérées parelle seule.Il avait quatre fils pour Zhang Zuolin, et sa mère, Yugui, était lafemme préférée de Zhang Zuolin.Décédé à Chinese Taiwan en 1966.Au Nord se trouve maYueqing, la sixième femme a cinq ans de moins que Zhang Zuolin, qui estmort à l?ge de 23 ans.Zhang Zuolin a donné naissance à la plus jeune fille,Zhang huaimin.Décédé à Chinese Taiwan en 1975.

Après avoir visité lexposition de cire, nous avons visité la Cour Sanjindu Manoir du Gouverneur.Lh?pital Sanjin est similaire à lh?pital erjin. Cestla maison intérieure du Manoir du Gouverneur. La plupart des membres de lafamille de Zhang Zuolin y vivent.Il y a 7 chambres principales, au milieudesquelles les ancêtres de zhangjia sont consacré maison est habitée par ladeuxième épouse de Zhang Zuolin, Lu (lépouse originale de Zhang Zuolin, Zhao,est morte en 1912 et nest pas encore entrée dans la résidence duGouverneur).Westinghouse était à lorigine la résidence de la troisième dameDai. Après sa mort, Zhang Zuolin a épousé la femme de wufu Life en 1917 et avécu dans cette Chambre est est habitée par la quatrième dame Xu, dontle camarade Zhang xuese est né.

La Chambre Ouest est lendroit où Zhang Xueliang et Yu Fengzhi vivent.Enentrant dans la Chambre Ouest, il y a une bannière en face, et il y a un livreintitulé "le monde est un grand public", qui est le trésor dencre écrit par M.Sun Yat Sen pour Zhang Xueliang en avril 1924. Sun Yat Sen apprécie beaucoup letalent de Zhang Xueliang et espère quil prendra le monde comme son propredevoir.Au - dessous de la bannière se trouve une grande horloge. Au - dessus dela bannière se trouve lheure de minuit deux. Cest lheure de la chute deShenyang dans lincident du 18 septembre.

La Chambre Nord est la Chambre de Zhang Xueliang et Yu Fengzhi. Lorsquedeux personnes se marient, la nouvelle chambre est située dans cette chambre, oùdeux personnes vivent trois hommes et une femme.Il y a maintenant un lit en boisdans la maison, qui a été collecté auprès des gens ordinaires; une commode, quia été utilisée par Mme Shou, a été trouvée dans la petite maison verte etdéplacée ici; une table à thé sculptée à la racine de jade blanc Han, qui estlobjet original de la Chambre Sud est létude de Zhang Xueliang.

Après 1922, le grand b?timent vert a été construit et Zhang Zuolin adéménagé au premier étage du grand b?timent vert pour y plupartdes membres de la famille ont emménagé dans le grand b?timent vert et sontentrés dans la Cour de triage et ont été transformés en bureaux depatrouille.



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Hello, everyone!

Today, we are going to Wuyuan, the hometown of Zhu, a famous NeoConfucianist in the Southern Song Dynasty. Ill be your guide. I hope that youwill have a good memory through the tour. In order to give you a generalunderstanding of Wuyuan, let me first introduce the situation of Wuyuan CountyWuyuan County is located in the northeast corner of Jiangxi Province. To theeast of Wuyuan County is Quzhou, a famous historical and cultural city of China.To the west of Wuyuan County is Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital. To the northof Wuyuan County is Huangshan, a tourist attraction in southern Anhui Province.To the south of Wuyuan County is Sanqing mountain, a national scenic spot.Wuyuan County is a green pearl inlaid at the junction of Jiangxi, Zhejiang andAnhui provinces. With a total area of 3900 square kilometers, the county governs11 towns and 15 townships, with a population of 330000. The county seat islocated in Ziyang town. Wuyuan County was founded in the 28th year of Kaiyuan inTang Dynasty (740 A.D.), which has a history of 1200 years. Wuyuan, the name ofthe county, got its name because "land is the source of water". There is a riverin the county called Wushui, which means "the source of Wushui". There are manymountains in the county. It is known as "eight parts of the mountain, one partof the field, half of the waterway and Manor". It is a typical mountainouscounty in the south of the Yangtze River.

When it comes to Wuyuan, we must introduce its four famous specialties athome and abroad. These four specialties are represented by four colors, namely"red, green, black and white": Red refers to the "treasure in the water" redpurse fish. It is tender and delicious. It is a good variety of freshwater fishin China and is selected as a state banquet. When American President Nixon andJapanese Prime Minister Tanaka visited China, they all tasted the red fish fromWuyuan. You can enjoy this delicious local specialty when you have dinner today;Green refers to "Wuyuan green tea", which was recorded in the tea classic in theTang Dynasty and called "top quality" in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it was awarded Silver Medal by Jiajing emperor and gold medal byPanama International Exposition for its "Tangbi, high fragrance, thick juice andmellow taste"; Black is the "Pearl of inkstone country" - Longwei inkstone. Asearly as in the Tang Dynasty, it was famous for its "sound like copper, colorlike iron, strong and smooth nature, and good at solidifying ink". Later in theSouthern Tang Dynasty, Li Yu praised it as the "crown of the world"; white isJiangwan Sydney, with large fruit body, thick flesh, crisp and sweet, whichbelongs to the top grade of the fruit.

In ancient times, Wuyuan belonged to the boundary between Wu and Chu. Sincethe establishment of the county in the Tang Dynasty, Wen Fen has flourished,bringing up a generation of celebrities such as Zhu Xi, a master of NeoConfucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, Jiang Yong, a Confucian scholar inthe Qing Dynasty, and Zhan Tianyou, a master of modern railway engineering. Fromthe Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, 550 Jinshi were admitted to the county. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was said that there were nine Jinshi in oneschool and six four Shangshu.

Today, we are going to visit the famous ancient villages and Hui stylebuildings in Wuyuan. Speaking of this, our group members may have a question,that is, why we use the word "Hui" in Anhui to name Wuyuan. This is becauseWuyuan was originally owned by Jiangxi Province when the county was built in theTang Dynasty, but later it was assigned to Anhui in the change of Dynasty, butit was re assigned to Jiang River in modern times West. Although the place iszoned back, whether it is Wuyuan natives or tourists from other provinces, theyhabitually call these buildings and living habits Hui Style Architecture and Huistyle culture. There are many features of these Hui style buildings we are goingto visit, which can not be explained clearly in a few words. However, any houseabides by the basic style of "white walls, dark tiles, cornices and berms".White wall, black tile, both sides are high seal fire wall, also known as "horsehead wall". And the owners of these houses are generally two kinds of people:one is "official", Huizhou has many scholars since ancient times, so it isnecessary to study when the place is poor. After ten years of hard work, mostofficials will build official residences in their hometown to honor theirancestors. The other is businessmen. Because there are too many mountains andtoo few fields in this area to support so many people. When men are 12 or 3years old, many of them go out to make a living and do business. Because of thepopularity of the ceremony of Zhu Zi in Wuyuan, many celebrities have beenfamous since ancient times. They have been influenced by culture and moralitysince childhood. They pay great attention to honesty and diligence when doingbusiness abroad. Many of them have become rich. After they get rich, they willgo back to their hometown to build houses and integrate their dreams into theconstruction of houses. But in ancient times, the status of businessmen was verylow. As the saying goes, "people are divided into three schools and nineschools". Businessmen are not even nine schools. Therefore, their houses werebuilt with luxurious style, which is quite different from those of officials.These differences can make people distinguish the identity and status of thedirector at a glance from the gate. Well leave these to the scenic spots toexplain one by one. Having said that, I have a question for all of us. As I saidbefore, Wuyuan has had many officials since ancient times, so who is the biggestofficial? This person is Jiang Zemin, who is very familiar with our leaguemembers and who we often see on TV - the third generation leader of our country.You must think strangely: isnt Jiang Zemin from Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province?This topic has to start with Jiang Zemins grandfathers grandfather. At thattime, after his ancestor got the title, he took office in Yangzhou and stayed inYangzhou without coming back. However, on May 29, 20__, Jiang Zemin went all theway back to his hometown, Wuyuan, where he inspected the ecological and culturalenvironment, and went to Jiangwan to visit many of Jiangs relatives.



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Emei Mountain is located in the southwest of Sichuan Basin, 7 km away fromEmei city in the West and 37 km away from Leshan City in the East. It is one ofthe four famous Buddhist mountains in China. As a cultural and natural heritage,Leshan Giant Buddha was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1996. Thehighest peak, Wanfo Ding, is 3099 meters above sea level. Jinding (3079.3meters), where the Buddhist holy land Huazang temple is located, is the highesttourist spot of Mount Emei.

Emei Mountain is famous for its "masculinity, beauty, divinity, wonder andspirit" and profound Buddhist culture. In Ming Dynasty, it was once the site ofEmei school, one of the nine famous schools in Central China. The main peak,Jinding cliff, is filled with the worlds highest Golden Buddha, the universalsages in all directions; the worlds largest metal building complex, the goldenhall, the silver hall, and the bronze hall, is magnificent; the worlds mostmagnificent natural viewing platform, with six wonders, namely, the sea ofclouds, the sunrise, the Buddhas light, the holy lamp, the golden hall, and theGolden Buddha. Mount Emei is the treasure house of human culture, with profoundcultural heritage. It is the holy land of Chinese Buddhism, known as the "heavenof the Buddha" and the ashram of the Bodhisattva. It is said in the Sutra ofmiscellaneous flowers that "in the kingdom of Sinian, Emei is the leader of themountain.". Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, has a masterpiece of"there are many fairy mountains in Shu, but Emei is hard to match".

Mt. Emei includes four mountains: dae, ere, sane and sie. Dae mountainis the main peak of Emei. The two mountains of dae and ere are opposite toeach other. Looking from afar at Mount Emei, they are steep and magnificent. Mt.Emei is famous for its foggy weather. The clouds and fog in the mountains are sovaried that Mount Emei is gracefully decorated. Mt. Emei is magnificent andmagnificent, which is known as the metaphor of "one mountain has four seasons,ten miles different days". The scenic area is composed of high, medium and lowtheme tourist areas. There are 28 temples in the whole mountain. The scenicspots are divided into ten traditional scenic spots and ten new ones. Tentraditional sceneries: "auspicious light in Jinding", "moon night inXiangchi"

"Jiulaoxianfu", "Hongchun Xiaoyu", "Baishui Qiufeng", "Shuangqiao Qingyin","Daping Jixue", "Lingyan Diecui", "Luofeng Qingyun", "Shengji Wanzhong". The newten scenes of Emei are: Jinding Golden Buddha, Wanfo Chaozong, Xiaoping love,Qingyin Pinghu, Yougu Linghou, the first mountain Pavilion, cliff stonecarvings, Xiujia waterfall, Yingbin beach and the starting point of famousmountain. In the high scenic area, you can see far and wide, and the scenery ismagnificent.

The view of sunrise, sea of clouds and Buddhas light makes people relaxedand happy; the view of snow capped peak, Gongga Mountain and Wawu mountain inthe West connects the sky; the view of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the south makesthe clouds rolling; the view of a hundred Li plain in the north is like abeautiful shop, with a panoramic view of Dadu River and Qingyi River.Qingyinping Lake in Zhongshan District is the representative of the naturallandscape of Mount Emei. The first Pavilion and food Gallery in the low mountainarea show the profound humanistic culture and fashion and leisure trend of EmeiMountain. In addition, the monkey is a major feature of Mount Emei. They arecharming and humane. They are not surprised when they see people and enjoythemselves with others. They have become a living landscape of Mount Emei.



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Tourists, no matter which city you come from, every city will have somecommon places, such as rush hour, smoke from big chimneys, river pollution, foodsafety concerns, continuous noise at night, constant temperature of office airconditioning; our city residents are like fighting machines, bearing thepressure and helplessness of city life every day. We gradually lose the feelingof getting along with nature unconsciously.

So many friends hope to go to a pure place, looking for some of theancients simple life fun. As a result, ancient towns, small towns and villageshave become temporary paradise for our tired body and mind. Many friends chooseto go to Tibet, because there are holy snow mountains and mysterious customs.However, the long journey, high altitude reaction and high cost may delay ourplan for the time being.

But at this time, you came to Guizhou, I said: This is your wisechoice!

First of all, you dont have to worry about the thin air and cold climate,because we all feel the mild and humid climate here. The pure air makesbreathing a kind of enjoyment. Although there is no endless snow mountain, it isfull of verdant forests. If you want to experience the rich customs of ethnicminorities, you can get it everywhere in our mountains, rivers, restaurants andwindows.

Referring to the 17 ethnic minorities living in Guizhou, I would like toask you which ethnic groups you know? (after listening to the tourists answers,add: Miao, Dong, Buyi, Shui, Yi, Gelao, Zhuang, Yao, Tujia, man, Bai, Hui, she,Mongolia, Maonan, Qiang, Mulao)

You may not have thought that in Bijie and Dafang areas of NorthwestGuizhou, there are Mongolian and Manchu nomads who can live here. In fact, themost representative Miao people in Guizhou came here more than __ years ago. AsI have said before, Guizhou is a province composed of political parties of allages, and the Miao compatriots can be said to be the earliest political partiesin Guizhou.

Miao is an ancient nationality, which originated from the "Jiuli" tribe inthe Yellow Emperor Period more than 5000 years ago. At that time, "Jiuli" livedin the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the war with Huangditribe, Huangdi and Yandi United. Chiyou, the leader of Jiuli, was captured andkilled by Huangdi. The rest of the tribe retreated to the middle and lowerreaches of the Yangtze River, forming "Sanmiao" tribe and establishing Sanmiaostate.

Four thousand years ago, the northern Chinese tribes headed by Yao, Shunand Yu fought against the "Sanmiao" again and again; finally, the state ofSanmiao was destroyed by Xiayu. Some of them were expelled to southern Sichuan,Northeast Yunnan, Northwest Guizhou and other places, forming the Miaonationality with Western dialect; some of them were integrated with Chinese; theother part was called "Nanman" in Shang and Zhou Dynasties; because they livedin the middle reaches of Han River, they were called "Jingchu barbarians".Later, the advanced part of Jingchu barbarians gradually developed into Chunationality and established Chu state, while the backward part continued to moveto Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hubei and other mountainous areas, most of whichstayed in Southeast Guizhou and developed into Miao compatriots living in thedepth of Miaoling in Guizhou Province.

According to the fifth census, there are 8.9 million Miao people in China,and more than 70% of them live in Guizhou. Over the past few years, our Hancompatriots have been converging and developing into a modern society, withoutany traces of ancient ancestors. The trace of slash and burn cultivation hasbeen preserved by this group of Miao people in the mountains of Guizhou. TheMiao culture has a long history, and its strong cultural charm is reflected fromthe Miao familys clothing, food, housing and transportation, song and danceentertainment, weddings and funerals.

Miao is a hospitable people, toast is the best courtesy Miao people use toentertain guests, so no matter which Miao village you visit, Miao people willuse the cup filled with wine to sing a toast song for you. After drinking theMiao rice wine and entering the Miao village, the Miao compatriots will welcomethe guests with their thousand year old songs and dances. Among them, woodendrum dance is the most famous in Fanpai village of Taijiang County in SoutheastGuizhou. Whenever there are sacrificial activities and festivals, the wholevillage will dance with wooden drum accompaniment. This dance is bold and fullof rhythm, which is called "Oriental disco" by European and Americantourists.

Most of the songs and dances of Miao people are hip twisting, which isrelated to their living environment. Miao tribes are basically in the mountains,along the way are mountain paths, and Miao costumes, women are wearing thickskirts, when carrying items on their shoulders, in order to walk conveniently,they have to carry skirts and twist waist to walk, so their crotch is relativelydeveloped, so dance is mainly to twist crotch.

In addition to the colorful long skirt Miao, there are also short skirtMiao. For the convenience of walking, in the short skirt Miao village of DatangVillage, Leishan County, Southeastern Guizhou, the super short skirt is not arecent international fashion, but a womans clothing that has been handed downfrom generation to generation. They like to wear it as super short skirt, whichis very convenient to go up and down the mountain. The short skirt Jinji danceis also a classic dance. Wearing short skirts, the women imitate the brisk paceof the natural golden pheasant in the accompaniment of Lusheng, which is verybeautiful. When dancing, the silver ornaments and bells on the body are ringing,full of youthful vitality. originate

Miao people have their own language and no culture. Their history and lifeare often passed on from generation to generation through clothing embroiderypatterns and songs. When it comes to our Miao peoples singing, its amazing! Weknow that song Zuying, a famous Chinese singer, is Miao people, but his familyis Guzhang County in Xiangxi, Hunan Province, which is closely connected withQiandongnan. She has sung the "flying song of the earth" we are very familiarwith, flying song is our Miao unique singing form. But why is it called "Feige".This has something to do with where our Miao compatriots live. When we come tothe center of Miao peoples settlement, the Balahe River Valley, Leishan County,Taijiang county and other places in Southeast Guizhou, we will find that mostMiao villages are built on the mountain. It takes a lot of effort to transferinformation between villages. In the past, there was no modern communicationtool, so it took a lot of effort to go up and down the mountain. Smart Miaocompatriots found that the intensity of singing is greater than that ofspeaking, and the transmission is far away, so they use singing to transmitinformation. Lets think about it. Its like flying when singing in themountains. So this kind of dynamic and energetic singing form is gradually leftbehind. Now the Miaos flying songs have gone across the sea. The sweet and highpitched songs of a Youduo, a Miao singer from Guizhou, have been sung in theyouth song competition of CCTV, the Golden Hall of Vienna and the concert hallof the United States.

Speaking of which, let me dedicate a flying song of our Miao nationality toyou. Thank you again for your coming. The singing is not necessarily authentic,just to give you more feelings. Thank you for your encouragement.

When we go to the village, we will see the neat farmland and the clearriver. The environment of the village is elegant and the layout is reasonable.The clean stone path in the village winds to every household. Miao people need alot of wood to build houses, but they have a strong sense of sustainabledevelopment. Every child is born, they have to plant a forest. Every tree is cutdown, they have to get the approval of the whole village. Every village issurrounded by dense forests, and every village will have the largest ancienttree as its patron saint. Miao people live in a house called Diaojiaolou, whichis not as solid and closed as Fujian Tulou, nor as slim and transparent asYunnan bamboo building, but has a kind of simplicity and persistence rooted inmountains. Diaojiaolou is generally built on the hillside, using the local wholefir log support structure, the support is combined by wood wedge, without nails.Then the wooden groove is carved on the bracket, and the wooden plate is used asthe wall. In the past, the roof was made of fir bark, but now it is made ofsmall green tiles. This kind of Miao folk house is generally built with threefloors. The bottom floor is used to pile up sundries and feed livestock; thesecond floor is used for the living of the owner; and above the third floor isthe roof for stacking grain. On the second floor, there is a place similar tothe balcony, which is the place where our Miao girls communicate with theoutside world. Its called "meirenrely". When a Miao girl grows up, she willembroider her dowry and sing folk songs while waiting for a lover.

There is a fixed festival for young Miao men and women to fall in love -sister meal day. On March 15 of the lunar calendar, unmarried girls go up to themountain to pick leaves and flowers, which are used to dye red, yellow, white,blue, black and other colors into "colorful glutinous rice". This is sistersrice. The girls set up tables and displayed meals. Several or more peoplegathered together to warmly receive the young men who came to beg for "sistersdinner". Young men from other places who go to any family to express theircongratulations and admiration to the girls and ask for "sister meal" from themcan be warmly treated. After dinner, the girl and the young man make anappointment to go to the square or other places in the village to sing lovesongs and fall in love all night. Through the festival of "sister meal", youngmen and women can choose their favorite person and form a lifelong partner.Therefore, their marriage is relatively open.

If we visit the Miao family for dinner, we may not be used to their specialdishes. However, if you can eat the most famous sour soup fish, it is ablessing. Sour soup is fermented by Miao family with rice soup and wild redpersimmon. Every family has prepared it. Fish, of course, are wild fish from theriver. Fish in sour soup tastes sour and sweet. The fish is tender anddelicious. Then cook some tofu and vegetables. Its appetizing and nutritious.During the meal, when everyone sits around the fire pool, the host will sing atoast song and offer sweet rice wine to the guests, which will make you feelhappy and forget to return.



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有人说“酒能让人古道热肠,茶能让人仙风道骨”,而庐山就生长着中国十大名茶之一的——庐山云雾茶。庐山湿润的环境,非常适合茶叶的生长,因为其常年生长在云雾飘缈的山间,因而得名云雾茶。懂茶的人都知道,茶业按加工工艺的不同,分为绿茶,白茶,黄茶,黑茶,红茶等等。他们并不是茶叶不同,而是生产加工的过程不一样。庐山云雾茶属于绿茶,最早产于汉代,宋代时开始成为贡品。外形条索紧结、卷曲,翠绿多毫,汤色绿而透明,香高锐鲜好似兰花,滋味浓厚、鲜爽,夜底嫩绿明亮。号称“相馨、味厚、色翠,汤清”四绝。所谓“名山出名茶,名茶人人夸”,唐朝茶圣陆羽曾赞之为 “天下之奇茶”。朱德元帅品过之后挥毫写道“庐山云雾茶,味浓性泼辣;若得长年饮,延年益寿法。”古人云“早采为茶,晚采为茗”茶叶以谷雨前茶,清明前茶最好。饮茶从古人到现在,已经形成了一种文化。有人说:喝茶的女人,不一定有魅力,但一定很优雅,喝茶的男人,不一定多潇洒,但一定很从容。据现代科学研究显示,茶具有多种保健性,常喝茶,可以清心、明目、美容、减肥、抗衰老、防癌、防辐射、降血压、降血脂等等。并被誉为天然保健饮品。我们当地对喝庐山云雾茶,有一句俗语:一泡水,二泡茶,三泡四泡是精华。也就是因为庐山云雾茶味到十分浓厚,第一杯是不喝的,称为洗茶,第二杯才开始饮用。随着加工工艺的提高,现在的云雾茶,为适应大众的口味,开发出了浓淡各异的品种。大家在庐山期间,玩累了,可以泡上一壶庐山云雾茶,真可谓“甘甜苦涩壶中煮,湖光山色闲中趣。” 除了云雾茶,在庐山的沟溪山涧里,还生长着石鱼,石耳,石鸡。称为庐山三石。石鱼,生长在溪涧中,通体透明无鳞,因为永远长不大,俗称绣花针,是很有营养的滋补品。石耳,属于地衣类。生长在悬崖峭壁上,外形好似人的耳朵,故名石耳。李时珍在《本草纲目》中说到“石耳气味甘平,无毒、久食益色,至老不衰,令人不饥,大小便少,名目益精”并誉为




介绍了庐山的山水,大家的心中肯定有一个问题,为什么叫庐山,而不叫其他的什么山呢?庐山最早叫“敷浅原”,出现在《尚书》中,但不是专指庐山山体,而是 泛指这一地区中的丘陵平原,至今在庐山的紫霄峰顶仍有“敷浅原”的石刻,在另一部古代地理著作《山海经》中,称庐山为“天子都”“天子障”“南障山”,而史书上真正出现庐山之名的是在我国第一部纪传体通史《史记》中。唐代诗人刘禹锡曾说“山不在高,有仙则鸣”,庐山的得名就来自一个和神仙有关的传说,相传在公元前6世纪,有姓匡名俗子孝的七兄弟来这座山结庐炼丹,以求成仙之道,几百年后的周朝威烈王幕其才学,派使者请他们出山,辅助朝廷,可是使者到时,匡氏兄弟已成仙而去,只有他们住过的茅庐草屋仍在,于是将这些草庐命名为“匡庐”,这座山就称之为“匡山”或“庐山”。在宋代,为避赵匡胤的讳,一度改为“康山”。庐山的历史,三国以前,传闻多于真实,三国以后,大体有据可考。在两千多年的风风雨雨中,庐山一直以“甲东南”秀色吸引着众多游人。历史上有文记录开始,第一个登上庐山的名人是西汉的司马迁。公元前126年他登上庐山,考察大禹治水的历史,在《史记》中他写道“余南登庐山,观禹疏九江”。随后,名人墨客纷至沓来,主要由晋朝的王羲之,陶渊明,唐代的李白,白居易,北宋的苏东坡,王安石,南宋的岳飞,朱熹,明朝的唐伯虎,徐霞客,清朝的康有为,王士桢,民国的陈三立,徐志摩,胡适等等,他们都曾被庐山美景所吸引,留下了大量优美的文章诗篇。中国田园诗派创始人陶渊明,曾在九江的彭泽县做了80天的县令,后因不为五斗米折腰,辞官归隐在庐山北山脚下,并且写出了《归去来兮辞》《桃花源记》等传世名篇。他的名诗“结庐在人境,而无车马喧。问君何能尔,心远地自偏。山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。此中有真意,欲辩已忘言。”其中南山就是庐山。书圣王羲之,曾在庐山的归宗寺养鹅,在庐山的博物馆还珍藏有他的“鹅”墨宝。唐代诗仙李白,为避安史之乱,隐居庐山青莲谷,因为李白又名青莲居士,故取名为青莲谷。在山中他写下很多诗篇,除了《望庐山瀑布》外,还有一首,《与幽人独酌》“两人对酌山花开,一杯一杯复一杯,我醉欲眠卿且去,明朝有意报琴来。”唐代另一伟大诗人白居易曾被贬为江洲司马,在谪居九江期间,他写下了“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识”的千古名句。他也常来庐山,并且筑草堂读书,他曾经在庐山赏桃花的小径,现在已建成“白司马花径公园”。大文豪苏东坡刚到庐山时,就被庐山的风景所吸引,决定不作诗,好好看风景。可是庐山的和尚、道士们听说东坡来了,都请他作诗留念,而庐山的美景又让东坡觉得非作诗不足以表达他心中的激动之情,更何况吟诗填词是他生平第一快事,便觉得当初不写诗的决定很好笑,于是每到一处都挥毫作诗,最后一首诗是在北宋元丰7年(1084年)4月写的并且题写在庐山西林寺的墙壁上,所以诗的名就叫做《题西林壁》。南宋理学家朱熹在庐山创办了“白鹿洞书院”,它和岳麓书院,睢阳书院,石鼓书院并称宋代四大书院。明朝的风流才子唐伯虎,来到庐山后,被庐山的缥缈云雾所折服,不光画画,也挥毫作诗,他说“庐山山高高几重,山雨山烟浓复浓”明国时期,徐志摩在庐山写下了《庐山石工歌》,陈三立在花径修建了景白亭以纪念白居易,胡适在1928年游历庐山之后,把庐山的人文历史和中国的历史结合起来,概括为三大趋势:1、慧远和尚代表着中国佛教化和佛教中国化的大趋势;(关于慧远和尚后面再介绍)2、朱熹的白鹿洞书院,代表着中国近七百年的理学大趋势;3、庐山牯岭的别墅代表着西方文化入侵中国的大趋势。将庐山的历史发展同中国的历史发展完整地结合起来。















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Linyi city is located in the southeast of Shandong Province, adjacent tothe Yellow Sea and North Jiangsu in the south. It has jurisdiction over 9counties, 3 districts, 180 townships, streets and 7151 administrative villages(residences), with 10.36 million people and a total area of 17200 squarekilometers. Plains, mountainous areas and hills each account for one third ofthe total area. It is the city with the largest population and area in ShandongProvince. Linyi is a national model city of double support, Chinas excellenttourism city, national model city of environmental protection, Chinasgeothermal City, Chinas famous calligraphy City, Chinas famous market city,and a national advanced city of civilization.

Linyi is an ancient city with a long history. Linyi has a history of morethan 2500 years. Qiyang city was built in the spring and Autumn period, LangyaCounty in the Qin Dynasty, Linyi County in the Han Dynasty and Yizhou Prefecturein the Qing Dynasty. Linyi district was set up in 1950. In 1994, with theapproval of the State Council, Linyi city was established. Linyi has a splendidhistory and culture. The famous bamboo slips of Sun Tzus art of war and SunBins art of war were unearthed in Linyi city. Thirteen of Confucius 72disciples grew up in Linyi. In history, seven of the 24 filial piety were inLinyi. Zhuge Liang, Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing and abacus inventor Liu Hong wereall born or lived here.

Linyi is a famous old revolutionary base in China. During the Anti JapaneseWar and the war of liberation, our party and our army successively establishedthe revolutionary bases in Binhai, central Shandong and southern Shandong. InAugust 1940, Shandong Provincial wartime work Promotion Committee, the firstprovincial peoples power under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,was established here, and it was renamed Shandong Provincial Peoples Governmentin 1945. Shandong party, government and army organs, the 115th division of theEighth Route Army, the first column of the Eighth Route Army, the New FourthArmy, organs of the East China Bureau, and the East China field army werestationed here for a long time. Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi, Luo Ronghuan, Xu Qianqian,Su Yu and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation all workedhere. Among the 10 marshals and 1604 generals appointed from 1955 to 1965, threemarshals and more than 400 generals fought here. At that time, there were 4.2million people in the base area, more than 200000 of them joined the army, morethan 1 million of them supported the army, and more than 100000 revolutionarymartyrs gave their precious lives here. During the revolutionary war, a largenumber of model figures emerged, such as hongsao and Yimeng six sisters.

Linyi is a city rich in resources. The output of agricultural and sidelineproducts is large and the quality is excellent. There are eight characteristicbases of peanut, tobacco, silkworm, willow, ginkgo, honeysuckle, chestnut andtea, and two advantageous industries of vegetables and fruits. The export volumeof dehydrated vegetables ranked first in China for many years. There are manykinds of mineral resources. 82 kinds of mineral resources have been discoveredand proved, among which diamond reserves rank second in China, quartz sandstone,ceramic soil, dolomite and granite reserves rank first in the province. Freshwater resources are abundant. The total amount of water resources is 5.536billion cubic meters, accounting for one sixth of the total amount of waterresources in the province. More than 90000 water conservancy projects have beenbuilt, including 37 large and medium-sized reservoirs, with a total capacity of3.41 billion cubic meters. Tourism resources are characteristic. At present,there are 8 grade 4A tourist areas and 11 Grade 3A tourist areas in the city.The main peak of Mengshan mountain is 1156 meters above sea level, the secondhighest peak in Shandong Province, known as "Yadai". It is a national 4A scenicspot, known as "natural oxygen bar" and "health preserving longevity mountain";the 3800 meter long natural Reclining Buddha in Junan is known as "worldwonder"; the 6100 meter long Yishui Underground Grand Canyon is known as "thefirst hole of Chinas underground river rafting"; The rubber dam at Xiaobudongof Yihe River is 1247 meters long, all of which are listed in the Guinness Bookof world records. A number of historical sites and tourist attractions, such asYinqueshan Han tomb Bamboo Museum, Wang Xizhis former residence, MengliangguCampaign Memorial Hall, Shandong Tianyu (Pingyi) Nature Museum, are well-knownthroughout the province and even the whole country.

Linyi is a commercial capital with developed logistics industry. Atpresent, there are 1004 markets in the city, with an estimated turnover of 93.37billion yuan in 20__. It has become a systematic and intensive modern logisticsdistribution center. Among them, Linyi Wholesale City has 68 professionalwholesale markets. There are nearly 70000 Zhejiang people doing business in thewholesale city alone. The daily passenger flow of the wholesale city is morethan 300000, and the daily vehicle flow is 50000. The turnover in 20__ reached53.8 billion yuan, forming a pattern of "Yiwu in the South and Linyi in thenorth". The industrial characteristics are outstanding. Relying on theadvantages of Commerce and logistics, we have implemented the strategy of"Prospering industry with commerce", extended the industrial chain of processingindustry, and initially formed eight pillar industries with comparativeadvantages, including machinery, building materials, food, wood industry,medicine, chemical industry, textile and metallurgy.

Linyi is a hub city with obvious location advantages. Beijing Shanghai andRidong expressways and Yanshi and Jiaoxin railways form a double cross in ourcity, with 20000 km of highway traffic mileage, ranking the forefront of theprovince; it is about 100 km away from Lanshan, Rizhao and Lianyungang ports,and 200 km away from Qingdao port; Linyi airport is a national second-classairport, which has opened a number of domestic routes, and a three-dimensionaltraffic pattern has been formed.

Linyi is a growth city with strong advantages. Due to historical andnatural conditions, seven counties in Linyi were listed as poor counties in1985. After 20__ years of hard work, it took the lead in getting rid of povertyin 18 contiguous poverty alleviation areas in China by 1995. In recent years,Linyi has seized the opportunity to speed up its development, and the advantagesof late development have become increasingly apparent, especially the regionaladvantages of connecting the South with the north, the environmental advantagesof beautiful mountains and rivers, the institutional advantages of activeprivate economy, and the political advantages forged by Yimeng spirit, whichhave promoted the economic and social development of Linyi into a fast lane.

In 20__, the gross output value was 1958.82 billion yuan, an increase of13.2%; the annual added value of industries above designated size was 88.42billion yuan, an increase of 16.5%. Investment in fixed assets above designatedscale reached 89.75 billion yuan, an increase of 26.1%. The total retail salesof social consumer goods reached 81.69 billion yuan, an increase of 23.6%, a newhigh in recent years. The total import and export volume of the whole year wasUS $3.99 billion, an increase of 27%; among them, the export volume was US $2.63billion, an increase of 17.1%; the import volume was US $1.36 billion, anincrease of 51.6%. The local fiscal revenue of the city was 8.02 billion yuan,an increase of 16.7%, of which the tax revenue was 5.88 billion yuan, accountingfor 73.3% of the local fiscal revenue. State and local tax revenue totaled 13.54billion yuan, up 13.7%, of which 8.47 billion yuan was from state tax revenue,up 12.8%; 5.07 billion yuan was from local tax revenue, up 15.1%. The per capitadisposable income of urban residents was 14998 yuan, an increase of 17%; the percapita net income of farmers was 5383 yuan, an increase of 14%. At the end of20__, Linyi ranked fifth in the competitiveness of Chinese cities published bythe Chinese Academy of Sciences, and ranked 27th in the "30 most concernedcities in the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up" selected by thepeoples network.

In the next period, the general work idea of Linyi city is: around thegeneral goal of building a prosperous, strong and beautiful "big Linyi, newLinyi", adhere to the "four development goals" of building an economic citymatching the population city, "a strong business city with logistics world", acultural city with ancient and modern culture, and a livable city with superiorwaterfront ecological environment, and actively promote the transformation froman agricultural city to an industrial city "Five transformations and promotions"are made to strengthen the city in industry, from the traditional trade city tothe modern logistics city, from the inward oriented economy city to the outwardoriented economy city, from the ecological resources city to the ecologicalgarden city, and from the population city to the human resources city. Effortsare made to realize "Three Leading Developments" in the Lunan Economic Belt,Huaihai Economic Zone, and the old revolutionary base areas of China. By 20__,we will strive to achieve a regional GDP of 250 billion yuan, a per capita GDPof more than 3000 US dollars, and a local fiscal revenue of 12 billion yuan.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1881 字

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各位朋友:大家好,我是张家界康泰国际旅行社的导游,为大家讲解张家界旅游、凤凰古城、长沙、韶山等地的景点及民俗风情; 袁家界位于张家界森林公园北部,是镶嵌在武陵源核心景区的一颗明珠。袁家界名称相传来源于后唐时期,黄巢起义失败后,朝庭为彻底肃清乱党,四处张榜,捉拿反贼。当时黄巢手下有一名将士,姓袁,为躲避追捕,便来到了这远离人世的深山野岭——青岩山隐居,他在这里结庐为舍,垦荒种粮,并以自己的姓氏为这里命名,起名“袁家界”。 袁家界面积约1200公顷,平均海拔1074米,它东邻金鞭溪、远眺鹞子寨;南望黄石寨,连接天波府;西通天子山;北距索溪峪。从山下往袁家界有两条通道,一是走“金鞭溪”中段上“乱窜坡”到“后花园”;另一条则是乘“世界第一梯”——百龙天梯至下坪,乘电梯上山只需3分钟时间,既轻松又安全,不仅这壮观的电梯工程奇观令人惊叹,更令人叫绝是当电梯驰出竖井的那一瞬间,一幅神奇的画卷直入眼帘,那列队森严,高大威猛的“天兵聚会”,就像是一支整齐、雄壮的仪仗队,正等待着您的“检阅”呢;电梯到达山顶,走出站房,举目远望,一幅清新自然的田园山水画凌空突出,如海市蜃楼般悄然而至,这便是大家向往已久的“空中田园”。 袁家界风景以雄、奇、险、峻著称,在十多华里的环山游道上,沿途景色美不胜数。山上居住着一个村庄,几十家土家族人世世代代居住在这青山绿水之间,他们勤劳善良,与世无争。在居户外面的墙壁上,挂满了一串串火红的辣椒,一串串红薯、土豆;屋内的火炕上,琳琅满目的挂满了腊肉、腊鱼、腊肠、腊豆腐等等。如有幸在他们家里做客,您将会享受一种从未有过的一种尊贵和殊荣,那令人唾涎欲滴的十大碗,那透着诱人醇香的土家米酒,会使您梦回故里,永世不忘! 从百龙电梯乘环保车前往“后花园”约需十分钟车程,沿途峰峦连绵,绿树成荫,中途会经过一片尚未开发的景区,山的名字叫“松子岗”。这里只有本地农民和少量的写生者曾涉足此地,但究其景观并不比其他景点逊色,整个“松子岗”灌木葱茏,山蕨遍野,沿一条幽径小路到达后山一山凹处,眼前豁然开朗:只见千峰嶂叠,万石窜空,婉如仙境,即似是而非;细观眼前,一石婷婷玉立,丹眼、娥眉、巧鼻、小嘴、盘发,秀丽的脸蛋,清晰的面容,这不是大家心目中的“梦中情人”吗?当地人都称她为“美女峰”。左边的石崖下,常年放置着几只筒状蜂箱,因为这里没有任何污染,蜜蜂采摘的都是原始花粉,天然水分,这种蜂蜜营养丰富,含钙极高,其中又有大量对人体有利的微量元素,对美容养颜,延年益寿,增长智力都具有极好的作用,特别是还具有防癌和治癌的功效,品一口这特殊的蜂蜜,会使您沁甜入脾,回味无穷。 下车后小走几步,便是上山游道,再沿着左边的台阶下行50米,便可见一椭圆的石门,请大家屏住呼吸,不要出声:请看在门前的左上角,有一石突出,像一只凶猛的动物,但此时却特别安静,你看它四肢伏地,抿嘴翘鼻,闭目养神,感觉中似乎伴有轻轻的“鼾”声。大家没有想到吧,它可就是镇守后花园的雄狮啊?大家千万别吵醒它。透过石门往里看,这里真是别有洞天啊,您看那生意盎然的“盆景”,那似是而非的“假山”;那栉次枇邻的“屏风”、“壁画”、“雕刻”;那形状逼真的石桌、石椅;还有那川流不断的“小桥流水”这是谁的“大宅院”呢?不是,这是大自然的鬼斧神工造就了如此精美秀丽的“后花园”。进“后花园”往右走,在一石崖下有一条栈道,要猫着腰、低着头,方能过去,站在中间向对面大叫一声:“我爱你——”,将会有经久不息的回声从中传出,爱——你——,爱——你——,爱——你这种释放会使您有一种从未有过的轻松和快感。 在“后花园”的对面,是一座巍峨的山峦,山上古木参天,遮天蔽日。森林中常有野山羊出没,夜深人静之际,常能听到野羊羔“咩洋”地叫声,因此被称作“羊寨”。民国时期,此地曾为土匪占领,直到现地,山上还残留有卡门、暗堡、断壕、屋场、水井、碓臼、磨坊等残迹。粗大的松树上还留有土匪当年留下的“V”字型标志。站在“山寨”上,举目眺望,可看见金鞭溪




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 2111 字

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