





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4662 字

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Hunan province is located in the south of the Yangtze river middle reaches, the majority of areas in the south of dongting lake, the name of hunan. Within the territory of the xiangjiang river runs through north and south, and hunan for short. Allegedly, the xiangjiang river basin in the past more than planting lotus, the tang dynasty poet Tan Yongzhi have "autumn wind wan li furong country" of words, so it is called the "lotus" of hunan. Sichuan hunan jiangxi province in the east, west, south which the guangdong, hubei province in the north.

The dongting lake plain is located in the north of hubei province. East range Mimi, yueyang, west to LinLi, changde, taoyuan, yiyang, Joe, XiangYin mouth, south to the north to the south of jingjiang reach of hubei province. Covers an area of 12690 square kilometers (hunan province). At an altitude of 30-50 meters. Long-term deposition of dongting lake, lake of exposed the fluvial alluvial plain. The dongting lake plain and south-central es on the plain of jianghan plain, hubei province, is one of the three great plains is an important part of the Yangtze river plain.

River in hunan province, do so more than 5 km river in 5341, the total length of 90000 km, the basin area in more than 5000 square kilometers of the river article 17. Except a few of the pearl river water system and the gan river in the province, mainly in hunan, endowment, yuan and li four water and its tributaries, along the terrain into dongting lake from the south to the north, the city ling angeles into the Yangtze river and dongting lake water system formed a relatively complete. The largest rivers in the xiangjiang river in hunan province, is also one of the seven major Yangtze river tributaries. Dongting lakes largest lakes in the province. The lake across hunan and hubei provinces. In 1644-1825 in dongting lake area of 6270 square kilometers. In 1937, covering 1937 square kilometers. 1983 measurements, dongting lake water is only 2691 square kilometers, less than half in 1825. Due to the increasing lake sediment loads, 28 years, from 1949 to 1977 in dongting lake shrink 85500 mu per year on average.

Hunan is a minority more provinces, are back, tujia, miao, zhuang, manchu, dong, yao, Mongolian, uygur, yi, Tibetan, Korean, etc. 26 ethnic minorities.

Changsha in hunan province is located in the eastern north of hunan province, the xiangjiang river downstream, jing railway line, the east and jiangxi tonggu, over load, yichun, pingxiang border, south to xiangtan and zhuzhou city, west and loudi and yiyang region adjacent, north borders on yueyang area. Changsha is the provinces political, economic, cultural and transportation center, one is one of the famous historical and cultural city by the state council. About seven thousand years ago, changsha has the original ancestors reproduced here. The name of changsha began in the western zhou dynasty. Dynasty period to the southern town of chu, qingyang, the qin dynasty unified the rear changsha county, the early western han dynasty set up changsha kingdom, han, jin and southern dynasties, changsha as the slag in the county, sui xingsha, tang for tam states, the five dynasties and ten states for capital, and chu yuan to tam state road, and another day in the road, the Ming and qing dynasties for changsha office, set up in 1933 in changsha city. Since the qing dynasty, changsha calendar for hunan. On August 4, 1949, changsha peaceful liberation.

After the founding of new China, this economic development soon, has now formed by mechanical, textile, light industry, chemical industry, building materials, food and other industrial comprehensive industrial system, the main products are cotton, cigarettes, industrial pump, blower, coal, steel, cement, etc., traditional industrial products, changsha, hunan embroidery, liuyang grass cloth, firecrackers, chrysanthemum stone, copper officer, pottery, etc. Agricultural and sideline products is given priority to with rice, pig, fish, tea, citrus, tea oil, rapeseed and other also.

Hunan province rich in mineral resources, is the national important mineral base, known as "the hometown of nonferrous metals," said, nearly is known as "the hometown of non-metallic" again.

A lot of places of interest in hunan, yueyang tower, dongting lake, yuelu academy, writing, as pavilion, orange chau, shaoshan MAO zedongs former residence, xinmin society, water pool revolutionary memorial hall, self-study university site, site of liuyang Wen Gu city meet site, comrade liu shaoqis former residence, residence of comrade Yang Kaihui, lei feng memorial hall, etc., and hengshan, zhangjiajie national forest park, etc.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 14593 字

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欢迎大家来到神奇壮观、美丽多姿的七彩丹霞谷观光游览。张掖丹霞地貌景观区是省级地质公园,地处祁连山北麓,东距张掖39—56公里,海拔高度20xx一3 800米,面积约5 l O多平方公里。景观区主要包括七彩丹霞区和丹霞奇观区两大景观区。七彩丹霞区主要分布在临泽县倪家营乡,丹霞奇观区主要分布在肃南县康乐乡、白银乡地段。张掖丹霞地貌被中国丹霞地貌旅游开发研究会终身名誉会会长、著名的地理学家中山大学教授黄进教授誉为“张掖窗棂状宫殿式丹霞地貌中国第一”, “张掖彩色丘陵中国第一”, “张掖丹霞地貌是中国发育最好的地区之一”。被《中国国家地理》杂志评为中国最美的七大丹霞地貌景观之一,具有非常重要的科学研究价值和极高的旅游观赏价值。

丹霞地貌作为古老的地质遗迹,它发育于侏罗纪至第三纪时期,是喜马拉雅山运动中发育形成的红色岩系随着地壳的抬升,山坡以崩塌过程为主而后退,保留下来的红色砂岩经长期的风化剥离和流水侵蚀形成了孤立的奇岩怪石,所以其突出特点为“色如渥丹,灿若明霞”。丹霞地貌主要分布在中国、美国西部、中欧、澳大利亚等地,在我国分布最广,其中以广东省仁化县的丹霞山最为出名。早在上世纪三十年代,我国著名地质学家、中科院资深院士陈国达教授以发育典型的丹霞山为代表,命名了一种新的地貌类型——丹霞地貌,为学术界所接受与采用。张掖丹霞地貌集广东丹霞山的悬崖峭壁、峰林石柱的奇、险、美于一体,还兼有新疆五彩城 的色彩斑斓、绚丽多姿,是我国干旱地区最典型的丹霞地貌。其气势之磅礴、面积之广阔、造型之奇特、色彩之缤纷,观赏性之强,举世罕见,全国一流,实属大自然之鬼斧神工。


各位游客,我们现在所处的位置是临泽七彩丹霞旅游区1号观景台,我们临泽七彩丹霞区位于倪家营乡南台村二社向南1·7公里处,地处祁连山北麓,东距张掖35公里,北距临泽1 O公里,海拔高度1 800一2200米:,分布面积约50平方公里。临泽七彩丹霞奇观以层理交错、岩壁陡峭、气势磅礴、造型奇特、色彩斑斓而称奇。在阳光的照射下,丹霞奇观远看似朝霞升腾,近看色彩斑斓,有红色、白色、黄色纹理,色带随着山势起伏呈波浪状.犹如艳丽的彩带随风蜿蜒飘动,让观者叹为观止。请大家随着我的手势向远处看,其经典之处依次为有七彩峡、七彩塔、七彩屏、火海、七彩练、琉璃峰、七彩瑚、七彩城、七彩峰、七彩菇、大扇贝等 l l处奇观,这些景观与周边的山峦、河流、田园、村庄、炊烟相辉映,构成了一幅风景名画,满目山峦,是色彩的堆涌,是壮美的组合,像一幅幅壮丽的天然图画,呈现于天地之间,四时不同,景色迥异;晨昏之间,造型奇特。数十公里的绵延群山,连同远处的雪峰,堪称天下绝景。






















幽,即幽静。游览总长3公里的芦苇沟,只见赤壁千仞,峰回路转,一步一景,人移景变,别有一番情趣。环望四周,雄奇诡险,千怪万状,险象环生,怪石嶙峋,幽洞通天。石径两旁山峰耸峙,高山之巅石堡盘踞,犹如神秘的古堡给世人演绎传奇的神话故事,让人禁不住展开漫无边际的遐想与思古之情,“念天地之悠悠”,怀古今之万事,那烟岚雾霭之下,群峰深壑之间,人迹罕至之处,不知隐藏着多少未解之谜,撩拨着人们寻幽探秘的遐想。 [2]



张掖市位于甘肃省西北部,是古丝绸之路重镇,是新亚欧大陆桥的要道,有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、优美的自然风光和独特的人文景观,是全国历史文化名城和中国优秀旅游城市,市人民政府驻甘州区南环路 邮政编码:734000 行政区划代码:620700 长途电话区号:0936 车牌:甘G 拼音:Zhangye 张掖是甘肃省商品粮基地,盛产小麦、玉米、水稻、豆类、油料、瓜果、蔬菜,工业有煤炭、机械、纺织、酿造等10余个部门。自古有金张掖、银武威之美誉。境内有大佛寺、马蹄寺、木塔寺、镇远楼、山丹军马场、丹霞地貌、黑水国遗址等名胜古迹。其独特的人文景观,是全国历史文化名城和中国优秀旅游城市,自古就有“塞上江南”和“金张掖”之美誉。东邻武威和金昌,西连酒泉和嘉峪关,南与青海省毗邻,北和内蒙古自治区接壤。汉武帝元鼎六年(前120xx年)置张掖郡,取“张国臂掖,以通西域”之意。北朝西魏改为甘州。隋恢复郡制。唐初设州。元置甘州路。明设甘州卫。清为甘州府。1920xx年置张掖县,1985年撤县设市,被国务院公布为第二批历史文化名城和对外开放城市。面积40874平方公里,人口131万(截至20xx年)。民族分布以汉族为主,另有回族、裕固族、蒙古族等26个少数民族。


1954年,考古学家安志敏在张掖市山丹县城南6公里发现距今约4000多年的四坝滩遗址,属新石器时代末期的马家窑文化类型;1984年和1987年,在张掖“黑水国”遗址先后发现新石器时代的石斧、彩陶;1987年7月,甘肃省文物工作队在张掖市民乐县六坝乡东北3公里的东灰山遗址,发掘出土大量磨制石器、陶器、炭化粮食籽粒及猪、牛、羊、鹿的齿骨等考古资料,由此证明,距今5000多年左右的新石器时代,张掖先民已在这里从事原始农业生产和畜牧业,能用石球、石纺轮纺织、做衣服,制造彩色陶器,并开始使用青铜器。 九州时期 张掖 属雍州。汉代(前206-220xx年)以前 月氏国称雄于敦煌祁连间,张掖为其属地。西周时期 戎、狄两族在这里居住。春秋战国时 乌孙与月氏共居河西。其后,月氏逐乌孙而独居。秦汉之际 北方的匈奴族强大起来,击败并赶走了月氏人,河西遂为匈奴右贤王的领地。黑河东、西分别由休屠王、浑邪王分领。西汉时期 武帝元狩二年(前121),骠骑将军霍去病进军河西,战败匈奴,浑邪、休屠二王率众归汉。张骞两次出使西域,“丝绸之路”开通。汉元鼎六年(前120xx年),取“张国臂掖,以通西域”之意,置张掖郡。此后,开始大规模徙民垦殖,戍兵屯田,发展农业生产,促进了中原与西域的经济、文化交通和繁荣。“立屯田于膏腴之野,列邮置于要害之路,驰命走驿,不绝于时月,商胡贩客,日款于塞下。”张掖遂为丝绸之路的重镇。西汉(前206-8年)末年,窦融任张掖属国督尉时,注重发展农牧业生产,使人民安居乐业。《后汉书》记载:“窦融据河西时,天下扰乱,唯河西独安。”“政亦宽和,上下相亲,晏然富殖。”“安定北地,上郡流入避饥荒者, 归之不绝。”两晋南北朝时期 沮渠蒙逊在张掖建立北凉国,都建康(今高台县骆驼城),他采取发展农业,大兴儒学,扩大同西域各国的文化交流,继承发扬汉文化,推广佛教,翻译佛经,开凿石窟,并以当地音乐、歌舞与龟兹乐相结合,创造新的音乐《秦汉伎》等措施,使张掖文化呈现出空前繁荣的局面,成为北方中国佛教的中心,同时也使张掖成为中国内地与西域通使和商贸的中介。北魏(386-535年)时,《秦汉伎》传入中原,称《西凉乐》,成为北朝宫廷的“国伎”;张掖的佛教音乐传入中原,称《西凉州呗》,成为北朝佛寺的法乐。西魏废帝三年(554年),因境内之甘泉而改张掖为甘州。唐时期 大力发展农业生产,“开置屯田,尽水陆之利,稻丰收稔,一缣数十斛,积军粮数十年”。河西的国际贸易地位达到前所未有的高峰,张掖成为中国对外贸易的重要场所。经济的繁荣,促进了文化昌盛。著名高僧玄奘去印度(天竺)取经,途径张掖。诗人陈子昂奉旨视察张掖,写有《上谏武后疏》。王维、高适、岑参、马云奇等驻足甘州时均留下著名诗篇。甘州音乐《波罗门佛曲》传入宫廷后,唐玄宗改制为《霓裳羽衣舞曲》。甘州边塞曲流入中原后,成为教坊大曲,以《甘州破》、《甘州子》、《八声甘州》、《甘州曲》等命名的词牌、曲牌流传甚广。唐末,张掖与中原、西域关系密切,通互市,发展贸易;僧侣往返,佛教文化得到进一步交流.北宋时期 天圣六年(1020xx年),党项族首领李元昊击败甘州回鹘,建立西夏。继承汉文化传统继续兴修水利,发展农业,兴办教育,推崇佛教、道教,建成了规模宏大的佛教寺院-大佛寺。元时期 置甘肃行省,张掖为省会。元世祖忽必烈亲诏郎中董文用垦甘州之土为水田,仿宁夏之法种水稻。城内建甘肃最大的粮仓-扎浑仓,供应各路军粮。甘州成为河西走廊的驿道中枢和茶叶外贸的转口城市,商路四通八达,商品交易频繁。意大利旅行家马可波罗前往上都途中,曾在甘州停留一年,在《马可 波罗游记》中记述了张掖的富庶、城市的规模以及宗教寺庙的宏伟.明时期 张掖为陕西行都司及甘肃镇的治所。明王朝大力发展文化教育,建设了一批学校、书院,使甘州自此进士、举人、秀才辈出。从内地大量移民屯垦,大兴水利,使农业生产得到很大发展。在甘州大兴土木,修筑长城等一大批军事设施以巩固边防,形成了完整的军事防御体系,甘州仍然是西北军事补给基地,河西政治、军事和经济中心。商业持续繁荣,成为西北最大的畜产品集散市场,晋商及陕西、山东、京师商人集团云集甘州,建立会馆。明政府利用山西、陕西商人运粮、茶至甘州,充实边储和开展茶马交易。

清时期 张掖为甘州府治所,甘肃提督统军驻地,节制凉州、肃州、西宁、宁夏四镇总兵。清王朝在西部的历次军事行动,均以甘州为军事提调中心和后勤补给基地。这一时期,全国各地商人云集张掖(甘州),建立商帮会馆,如山西会馆、陕西会馆、直东(河北、山东)会馆、凉州会馆、镇蕃(民勤)会馆,两湖会馆、河南会馆。各大商团贸易活动辐射新疆、蒙古等西北广大地区,甘州成为河西商业中心和日用杂品的中转批发市场。清时,文化教育更加兴盛。城乡普设义学、社学、私塾;民间武学林立,百姓习武成风,在一百多年间出现了二十多名武进士和一百多名武举人。清末,张掖人王之佐留学日本时,加入孙中山领导的同盟会,回乡后宣传革命主张,他的《致马安良书》,公开支持武昌起义、拥护共和、废除帝制,风靡全省。

1920xx年 设张掖县。

1985年5月 撤销张掖县,设立县级张掖市以原张掖县行政区域为张掖市的行政区域。

20xx年3月1日 国务院批复撤销张掖地区和县级张掖市,设立地级张掖市。市人民政府驻新设立的甘州区南环路。张掖市设立甘州区,以原县级张掖市的行政区域为甘州区的行政区域。区人民政府驻县府街。地级张掖市辖原张掖地区的临泽县、高台县、山丹县、民乐县、肃南裕固族自治县和新设立的甘州区。




张掖(3张) 截至20xx年12月31日,张掖市下辖甘州区、临泽县、高台县、山丹县、民乐县、肃南裕固族自治县,共六个县区;共有93个乡镇,904个行政村。总面积40874平方千米。居住着汉族、回族、裕固族、藏族、蒙古族等26个民族,总人口131万人。其中聚居在祁连山北麓肃南县境内的裕固族,以畜牧业生产为主。裕固族民族风情独特,是张掖市独有的少数民族之一。 县区名称 面积(平方公里) 人口(万) 邮政编码 政府驻地

甘州区 4240 52 734000 南街街道县府街

民乐县 3687 24 734500 洪水镇

临泽县 2777 15 734200 沙河镇

高台县 4312 16 734300 城关镇

山丹县 5402 20 734100 清泉镇

肃南裕固族自治县 20456 4 734400 红湾寺镇






张掖市资源丰富,有极大的发展潜力。位居全国第二大内陆河黑河中上游,河西走廊腹地,为新亚欧大陆桥沟通国内东西交通的咽喉要道,是国家西部大开发的重点地区之一。全区有耕地400万亩(含山丹军马场),有可垦荒地300多万亩;有大小河流26条,年径流量26.6亿立方米,地下水的储量十分丰富;有草原2600多万亩;有森林580多万亩,森林覆盖率达9.2%;全年日照3000小时。 张掖市还具有丰富的矿产、土地、水利、光热和劳动力资源,有30多种矿藏,其中煤、铁、石灰石、芒销等储量过亿吨。已探明的金属非金属资源有煤、石膏、粘土、砖石、铜、铁、锌、钨等,累计储量居全省之首。 张掖有黑河水灌溉,地势平坦, 土壤肥沃,物产丰饶,以乌江米为有名,盛产小麦、玉米、水稻、油菜、胡麻等农作物,为全国重点建设的12个商品粮基地之一。土特产品有圆葱、苹果梨、乌江米、红枣、发菜、丝路春酒等。 瓜果,蔬菜种类多、品质好,年产60多万吨,洋葱、辣椒、茄子、西瓜及新引进的精细瓜菜畅销全国20多个省、市、自治区,是著名的西菜东运基地。红枣、苹果、苹果梨、桃子、葡萄及其它优质杂果颇负盛名。同时还出产姜活、麻黄等80余种中药材。 1998年,被甘肃省政府批准为省级农业高科技示范园区。多年来农业生产条件的不断改善和科学技术的应用推广,使全市农业发展不断跨上新的台阶,粮食、油料连年增产;分别达到100万吨和7万多吨。张掖市现已成为全国十大商品粮基地、十二大蔬菜瓜果基地之一 。








张掖是一座拥有两个国家级自然保护区的城市,也是一座坐落在湿地上的城市,被誉为山青、水秀、天蓝、地绿的“塞上江南”,宜居、宜游、宜学的“湿地之城”,明净、清新、亮丽的“清凉之都”,文明、和谐、繁荣的“戈壁水乡”.张掖最大的芦苇面积达2万多亩。黑河湿地常见的挺水植物有:芦苇、菖蒲、荻、水蜡烛、水芹、水葱、泽泻、灯芯草、水蓼、水莎草等. 著名景点:丹霞地貌、张掖湿地公园肃南马蹄寺、张掖大佛寺、张掖木塔寺、山丹军马场、山丹新河驿、张掖甘泉公园、张掖河西学院、张掖镇远楼、肃南康隆寺猎场、张掖森林公园、张掖东大山 、龙首山、道巷庙、甘州古塔、诸葛楼、东山寺和西武当、黑水国遗址及汉墓群、许三湾城及墓群、牍侯堡、民勤会馆。

张掖风景及相关图片(20张) 张掖市名胜古迹众多,旅游资源丰富,人文景观奇特,造型各异的古建筑,构建精巧,绚丽多姿,古有"一湖山光,半城塔影,苇溪连片,古刹遍地"之美景。有大佛寺、西来寺、土塔、镇远楼、山西会馆、明粮仓等古代建筑,黑水国遗址、汉墓群、古城墙、长城烽燧等历史足迹;还有甘泉公园、沙漠公园、黑河山庄、大野口自然风景区等融南国秀色与塞外风光为一体的绚丽的自然景观。其中,隋代木塔、明代镇远楼、黑水国遗址等古迹享誉中外,特别是保存完整的西夏大佛寺,以其精湛的建筑艺术和现存全国最大的室内卧佛名扬海内外,大佛寺卧佛身长35米,为全国室内卧佛之最,是国家级重点文物保护单位。 市博物馆馆藏《大明三藏圣教北藏》为目前国内保存最为完整的明代官版初刻初印佛经。其中600卷《大般若波罗密多经》,用泥金书写绘制而成,历史、艺术价值较高,有"张掖金经、国之魂宝"之美誉。市中心镇远楼造型雄伟、比例协调,可与西安钟楼媲美;高32.8米的隋代九层木塔,结构精巧、蔚伟壮观,历来被视为古城之象征。 张掖主要旅游景点:马蹄寺·大佛寺 ·张掖 ·木塔寺 ·张掖丹霞地貌 丹军马场 ·山丹新河驿 ·甘泉公园 ·河西学院 ·镇远楼 ·肃南康隆寺猎场 ·张掖市森林公园 ·东大山 ·龙首山 ·道巷庙 ·甘州古塔 ·诸葛楼 ·东山寺和西武当 ·黑水国遗址及汉墓群 ·许三湾城及墓群 ·牍侯堡 ·民勤会馆 。 著名的旅游区:山丹军马场闻名遐迩,构画出独具西部特色的绚丽画卷,它位于张掖地区山丹县南55公里处的祁连山区大马营草场,是目前世界上历史最悠久,亚洲规模最大,世界第二大马场。横贯东西的祁连山,既是甘肃、青海两省的界山,又是蕴涵甘肃河西丝路谷地湿润气候的天然屏障。每年7-8月间沿国道227线一带的甘肃省张掖市甘州区、民乐县、山丹县、山丹军马场和青海省祁连县、门源县,百万亩油菜花一望无垠,构成一幅金辉飘香的诗意画卷. 山丹军马场地势平坦,水草丰茂,夏季绿草如茵,冬季一片金黄,是马匹繁衍、生长的理想场所。早在三千多年前,这里就已养马。自西汉以来,这里以当地蒙古马为基础,又引进了各种西域良马,杂交培育出的山丹马驰名天下,这里遂成为历代皇家军马养殖基地,经久不衰。山丹马体形匀称,粗壮结实,雄健膘悍,耐粗饲,适应性良好,速度和持久力俱优,是驮、乘用的良骥,目前共有一万多匹马,游客到大马营后,继续东行50公里到军马场一游,可举行骑马旅游、野营,参观赛马或马术表演,并游览自然风景名胜。 位于甘肃省河西走廊中段的张掖市,古为河西四郡之一张掖郡,取“断匈奴之臂,张中国之掖(腋)”之意。张掖,在中国第二大内陆河黑河的滋润下,孕育了广袤的绿洲,方才孕育了河西走廊文化。境内有着得天独厚的自然景观,有着美不胜收的原生态城市湿地,气势磅礴的彩色丹霞地貌,西北最美的油菜花海,亚洲最大的万匹军马驰骋,独特裕固族风情, 祁连山旷野风光,戈壁滩冰川奇峰。雪景、冰山、林海、草地、湖泊、碧水、沙砾相映成趣,既具有南国风韵,又具有塞上风情,所以有“不望祁连山顶雪,错将张掖当江南”这样的佳句。据说,西方旅行家马可·波罗曾痴情在此住了20xx年;如今,中国作家陈运和也采风到此呆了一日。 发现了鲜为人知的地貌景观——被美国《国家地理杂志》评为“世界10大神奇地理奇观”之一的丹霞地貌张掖祁连山丹霞地貌群.张掖丹霞被《中国国家地理》杂志评为中国最美的七大丹霞地貌景观之一。西部最美的平山湖丹霞,作为张掖丹霞的重要组成部分和精华地带,素有大西北的“张家界”之称。迄今已发现的丹霞地貌群坐落于祁连山北麓,以肃南裕固族自治县白银乡为中心,东经99°30’~100°20’、北纬38°;40’~39°10’之间,海拔高度在20xx米至3800米之间,东西长约40公里,南北宽约5~10公里,分布面积在300多平方公里以上。数以千计的悬崖山峦全部呈现出鲜艳的丹红色和红褐色,相互映衬各显其神,展示出“色如渥丹,灿若明霞”的奇妙风采,把祁连山雕琢得奇峰突起,峻岭横生,五彩斑斓,当地少数民族把这种奇特的山景称为“阿兰拉格达”(意为红色的山)。 张掖祁连山丹霞地貌群

张掖丹霞地貌位于临泽倪家营南台子村,距张掖市40公里。在方圆一百平方山地丘陵地带,有造型奇特,色彩斑谰,气势磅礴的丹霞地貌。丹霞是指红色砂砾岩经长期风化剥离和流水侵蚀,形成的孤立的山峰和陡峭的奇岩怪石。这里的丹霞地貌发育于距今约200万年的前侏罗纪至第三纪。 张掖丹霞地貌分布广阔,场面壮观,造型奇特,色彩艳丽,是我国干旱地区最典型和面积最大的丹霞地貌景观,具有很高的科考价值和旅游观赏价值。张掖的丹霞地貌集中分布在临泽、肃南两县境内,面积达300多平方公里以上,是中国丹霞地貌发育最大最好、地貌造型最丰富的地区之一。层级错落交替、岩壁陡峭、气势磅礴、形态丰富、色彩班斓而称奇,有七彩峡、七彩塔、七彩屏、七彩练、七彩湖、七彩大扇贝、火海、刀山等奇妙景观。


张掖的小吃较有名,比如搓鱼子、拉条子、臊面、酿皮、炒炮、揪面片、 鱼儿粉等本地小吃,诸如兰州拉 西北大菜









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亚布力滑雪旅游度假区地处哈尔滨以东193公里,距离牡丹江市120公里。亚布力原名亚布洛尼,即俄语 “ 果木园 ” 之意。清朝时期曾是皇室和满清贵族的狩猎围场。亚布力雪山山高林密,海拔高度1374米 ,年平均气温2 —10℃。冬季山下积雪深度为30-50厘米,山上积雪厚达1.5米左右,雪质优良,硬度适中。年积雪期170天,滑雪期120天,是我国开展竞技滑雪和旅游滑雪的最佳场所。 这里的极端最低气温是 -44 ℃ ,平均气温 -10 ℃ ,积雪期为 170 天,滑雪期近 150 天,每年的 11 月中旬至次年 3 月下旬是这里的最佳滑雪期。
















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First of all, on behalf of __ travel agency, Id like to welcome you. Imyour guide. My name is _ _ and you can call me _ _. The driver on my right ismaster Zhao. Today, we will serve you all. If you have any needs or requestsalong the way, please feel free to put forward them. We will try our best tohelp you solve them. May our service make you have a happy journey. It is saidthat in history, Liu Deng marched into the Dabie Mountains and wrote amagnificent epic of blood and fire in the Dabie Mountains. Today, let me leadyou to this red land and express our feelings for this soil. When it comes tothe Dabie Mountains, I just want to ask you, do you know why it is called theDabie mountains? In fact, there is a moving story in it. It is said that in theworld of flood and famine, heaven and earth are integrated, and hundreds ofmillions of creatures are squeezed between the dark heaven and earth. Later, amountain roared up and lifted up the sky with his back, so that all creaturescould get light. Because the mountain separated heaven and earth, day and night,so that heaven and earth are different, it was named Dabie Mountain. Of course,its just a legend. In fact, from the perspective of geographical location, itscalled Dabie Mountain because it separates the Yangtze River and Huaihe River,and separates the state of Wu and the state of Chu, which makes the climate andcustoms of the two places different.

In addition to being the birthplace and base of Chinas red revolution,Dabie Mountain is also a tourist, summer resort and holiday resort. Withbeautiful scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate, it has been developed as"Dabie Mountain eco-tourism area". Here, you can not only enjoy the magic ofstrange peaks, strange rocks and sea of clouds, but also enjoy the charm ofheavens beautiful water. In May 1996, Dabie Mountain was officially approved asa national forest park. Dabie Mountain National Forest Park is divided into fivescenic spots: Tiantangzhai Dabie Xiongfeng natural scenery tourist area,qingtaiguan Guguan famous temple tourist area, bodaofeng summer resort touristarea, Jiuzihe pastoral scenery tourist area and tiantanghu water park. Thesescenic spots have their own characteristics and are integrated, showing theunique charm of Dabie Mountain.

Tiantang lake is surrounded by mountains and waters, beautiful scenery, andwith the changes of the situation, each has its own wonderful, deep "waterlight, sunny side is good, the mountains are empty, rain is also strange"artistic conception. Qingtaiguan scenic spot is located at the junction of Hubeiand Anhui in the north of the main peak of Dabie Mountain, covering an area of106 square kilometers. It is a scenic spot mainly for visiting ancient times andsightseeing. Bodaofeng scenic spot is located in the west of Tiantangzhai,covering an area of 30 square kilometers, with dense vegetation and long historyand culture. Jiuzihe rural scenic area is mainly composed of ancient countryheritage and agricultural landscape.

Today we are visiting the Tiantangzhai Dabie Xiongfeng scenic area. Themost magical landscape in the scenic area is the mountain! Walking in the heavenmountain, the mountains are overlapping, as if dissolved in the embrace ofmountains. Or to see the solitary peaks stand out alone, or to see the two peaksstand against each other, or to see the peaks stand out, blocking the sky andblocking the sun. Climbing up, you can see the mountains competing. Some roarlike a tiger, some roar like a lion, some sit in like Maitreya, some like areclining Buddha heaven. The shape is lifelike and amazing. The Sleeping Buddhain heaven, the philosopher watching the sea (xugongya) and the turtle in Dabieare known as the "three wonders of heaven" and even more spectacular.Tiantangzhai has many ravines, twists and turns, and springs and rocks arescattered in the stream. The trees beside the stream are green, birds aresinging and flowers are fragrant.

Now our place is Shenxian Valley, which is about 1500 meters long and 30-40meters wide. It is characterized by quiet valleys and beautiful waters. It ispicturesque and full of magical colors. The legend of Shenxian Valley is that itis a place loved by Laojun. Look at this huge stone. Its a natural platform.Its called rooftop. There is a deep hole under the boulder and a pool in frontof the hole. There is a two-stage waterfall on the pool. It is said that a pairof carp in the pool were infected by Laojuns immortal Qi. They swam intoShuanglong Lake not far away to listen to Laojun chanting scriptures.Shuanglongtan is actually the largest two wells in the nine wells of heaven, andthe two wells are connected. There is a huge platform between the two pools,namely "chanting platform", which is the platform for taishanglaojun to chantscriptures and preach. Every time Lao Jun devotes himself to preaching, the twocarp also devote themselves to listening. After a long time, they all emerge asJackie Chan. So later generations called the two wells "shuanglongtan".

The cave in front of you is said to be the place where taishanglaojun livesand eats, so people call it immortal cave. Xianren cave is close to mountainsand waters, with beautiful environment. There is a space of about 10 squaremeters in the cave. There is a huge bed like stone in the cave. It is said thatit is the place where taishanglaojun stayed. Not far away, there is a legendthat taishanglaojun played chess in the "immortal chess cave". In front of thecave, there is a magnificent landscape - "two dragons come out of the valley".Since then, the river of Shenxian Valley has been divided into two parts by ahuge stone. It flows down from both sides, like two silver dragons running outof the valley happily, and the momentum is particularly magnificent.

The tourist route of the main peak of the Dabie Mountains is eitherisolated or confronted by two peaks. The main scenic spots are Xiaohua mountain,Zheren peak, Foguang cliff, etc. Now the place we are going to is thephilosopher peak. Zheren peak is 1518 meters above sea level. Please take acloser look. The cliff is about 100 meters high, which looks like a big head,broad forehead, thick eyebrows, high nose and rich lips. The shape is lifelikeand lifelike. You can see it contemplating the north, as if thinking about amajor philosophical proposition. This is one of the three wonders of heaven, the"philosopher watching the sea.". My friends, the mountain road is rugged. Pleasebe careful of the slippery road and pay attention to safety.

Now we come to the Foguang cliff, which is 1609 meters above sea level.Its named after the occasional magical Buddha light. It has been a holy land ofBuddhism since ancient times, with "old temple", "Maitreya Temple" and othersites. In front of us, the mountains are in various shapes, like immortalsmeeting here, so it is called "gathering of immortals". Here, there is a veryspecial mountain with three Buddhas in one mountain. There are three stoneBuddhas: Sleeping Buddha, Maitreya Buddha and monk. Among them, "Sleeping Buddhain heaven" is known as one of the three wonders of heaven.

We continue to climb along the ridge at the border of Hubei and Anhuiprovinces, and then we can reach the main peak of Dabie Mountain. The ridgerises and falls, long and gentle. There is a stone like a turtle on the ridge,so it is named "Dabie turtle", which is also one of the three wonders of heaven.Well, tourists, after our long journey, we come to the top of Tiantangzhai, themain peak of Dabie Mountain. With an altitude of 1729.13 meters, Tiantangzhai isknown as "the first peak in the Central Plains".

Here, when you look around the world, you can see 100000 mountainsembracing and worshiping you. To the north, you can see the mountains and riversof Wu and Anhui, and to the south, you can see the boundless scenery of Jingchu.Watching the sunrise in the early morning seems to be nine days away, andwatching the sunset in the evening is like walking in the fairy palace. Its apity that we dont have a good time to enjoy the beautiful scenery together. Ifyou have a chance to visit Dabie Mountain next time, you must not miss thebeautiful scenery!

Well, tourists, its getting late. Please come down the mountain with me.When you go down the mountain, please pay attention to safety.

Dear tourists, we are about to break up. The tour of Dabie Mountain iscoming to an end. Thank you all for your support to my work. Thank you! Whiletaking away the good impression, please leave your valuable opinions. Imlooking forward to our next reunion. If there is any chance, Id like to provideyou with better service. Goodbye, friends.



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Lion forest, one of the four famous gardens in Suzhou, has a history ofmore than 650 years and is the representative of garden in Yuan Dynasty. No.23Yuanyuan Road, located in the northeast corner of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,is a rectangle with a width from east to west, covering an area of 1.1 hectaresand an open area of 0.88 hectares. There are rockeries all over the park,surrounded by long corridors, buildings looming, winding paths leading toseclusion, with the general feeling of maze. The wall of the corridor isembedded with the calligraphy steles of Su Shi, Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian and CaiXiang, as well as the inscription of plum blossom poem by Wen Tianxiang of theSouthern Song Dynasty. This garden was built by Zen master tianru of YuanDynasty in memory of his teacher, Zen master Zhongfeng. In the first gate, theteacher of "Shizilin" is the teachers teacher. Later, because there were manyrockeries in the garden, which looked like a lion, it was changed to the LionForest in the way of writing, and has been used up to now. The word "LionForest" on the forehead of the ticket office was written by Emperor Qianlong ofthe Qing Dynasty.

Step into the garden, you can see a hall, which is the Bei ancestral hall.In the middle of the plaque, there is Gu Tinglongs handwritten "Yunlin Yiyun",which is one of the designers of lion forest. Ni Yunlins design has the charmof emptiness and quietness. The wooden railings on both sides of the corridorare carved with peony, Phoenix and Shou characters, and hanging screens withvases and shell leaves. Beiye is used to write Buddhist scriptures, which notonly reflects that Shizilin is a place for Zen to study Buddhism, but also hascommemorative significance, because the last master of Shizilin is Beiye. Theancestral hall is a place for worshiping and worshiping ancestors and gatheringof clansmen. On the roof, there are statues of three immortals, Fu, Lu and Shou,and a child. It shows that the garden owner hopes that his descendants can beoutstanding and glorify their ancestors. At the entrance of the corridor, thereis the word "Chunhua", which means the garden is full of spring. Please goahead.

It is said that the stone lions in the lion forest came from TianmuMountain in Zhejiang Province. The eight immortals tie Guai Li and LV Chunyangwent to the banquet of the queen mother and rode a green lion past TianmuMountain. From the top of the mountain came a clear spring. Li Zheng, Tieguai,was thirsty. He was very happy and fell down to Yuntou. He took down his owngourd and went to the spring to drink. The green lion also jumped into the waterto play. After a moment, the lion climbed up to the shore and shook his body.The water on his body was scattered on the surrounding rocks, and suddenlybecame a group of lively and lovely little lions. The green Lion plays with thelittle lions intimately. Tieguai Li smiles and says to LV Yuyang, "look, thegreen lion has moved everyones heart. Now that there are so many descendants,lets punish him to be a lion king here." After that, with the help of the ironcrutch, the lions turned back to the appearance of stones, and the green lionsturned into a mountain peak because they couldnt bear to leave.

In Song Renzongs time, Zhongfeng monk of Zhejiang Guoshi temple had aprofound Buddhism. One day, he traveled to Tianmu Mountain and recitedscriptures in Jielu. Every morning, he recited scriptures in front of Qingshimountain. It turned out that he was an eminent monk and knew the origin ofshiziyan and shizifeng. Lion is called lion dragon (Su ā nn í) in Buddhism. Itis the beast of Buddhism. He wants to enlighten the green lion and make itreturn to its original appearance. For a long time, because I often listen tothe eminent monks words, I became a spirit and became a green lion again. Thegreen lion became monk Zhongfengs mount. Monk Zhongfeng rode the green lion tovisit his apprentice tianru Zen master in Puti temple in Suzhou. There were manystrange stones in Puti temple, and the shape of them was vivid, like many lions.The green lion was very happy and thought that he had returned to the lioncolony in the Buddhist kingdom, so he changed into a lion bee, and the lion furscattered on the green lion became a variety of lion cubs. Some are playing withHydrangea, some are fighting with two lions, and some are full of prestige. WhenZen master tianru saw his hands together, he even said "Amitabha". He praisedmaster tianru for his boundless power and perfect merits. Bodhi Temple becamethe kingdom of Buddha and lion. Monk Zhongfeng said, "it might as well be calledlion forest." So the stone lions in the lion forest are famous.

Green lion is very happy to stay in the lion forest, but he is worriedabout Tieguai Li. In a fit of anger, he punished the green lion to stay at thetop of Tianmu Mountain. When he went back, he was a little reluctant to thinkabout it. When he went back to look for it, there was no trace. Tieguai Li Yuvisited all the famous mountains and rivers, but he had no whereabouts. One daywhen I passed by Suzhou, I saw the Lion Peak in the lion forest from a longdistance. Isnt it the green lion. After entering the rockery group of lionforest, tie Guai Li walked slowly and lost contact with LV Chunyang. I saw LuChunyang in front of me from a distance, but I couldnt get out of the rockeryto meet him. Tieguai Li was in a hurry and sat in the cave in a hurry. LVChunyang always loses to tie Guai Li in chess. He thinks that this opportunityhas come, so he asks tie Guai Li to play a game of chess in the false cave. IfLV Chunyang wins, he will carry him out. Tieguai Li agreed because he lost lessand won more in chess in the past. Unexpectedly, because he was trapped in arockery, he was in a panic and was killed by LV Chunyang.

Tieguai Li had no choice but to beg for mercy from LV Chunyang. Lu Chunyangsaid: "I think the green lion is very happy to stay in the lion forest, so Illstay here with the lion grandson.". Tie Guai Li was eager to go out and agreed.Lu Chunyang took tieguaili out of the rockery.

Now when you go to the rockery in the lion forest, you have to be careful.Dont be as stubborn as Li. The game of chess he lost in those years is still inthe rockery cave.

The lion forest is mountainous in the southeast and watery in thenorthwest. It is surrounded by high walls, deep houses and winding corridors.Taking the central pool as the center, building houses by piling mountains,transplanting flowers and trees, and erecting bridges and pavilions make thelayout of the whole garden compact and full of the artistic conception of "closeto the mountains and forests". The lion forest is famous for its pavilions,terraces, towers, pavilions, halls, pavilions and corridors. It is also known asthe "rockery kingdom". There are many and exquisite rockeries in Shizilin, withexquisite rocks, winding caves and ravines, which are like entering a maze. Itis known as "Eighteen scenes of Taoyuan". At the top of the cave, there are manystrange peaks and rocks, all like a lion dancing. There are Hanhui, tuyue,Xuanyu, angxia and other famous peaks, and the Lion Peak is the first of them.The main building in the park is Yanyu hall, behind which is a small square halland Lixue hall. To the west, you can get to Baixuan, which is a two-story atticwith a veranda all around. Its tall, cool and exquisite. To the west of Baixuanis guwu pine garden. The southwest corner is jianshanlou. From Jianshan tower tothe west, you can get to the lotus hall. In the northwest of the hall, there isa Jianzhen interesting Pavilion near the pool. The pavilion is decorated withexquisite ornaments, and the figures and flowers are lifelike. There are twostone boats beside the pavilion. The stone boat shore is the dark fragrantstudio, from which you can turn south along the corridor to reach the waterfallPavilion, which is the highest place in the garden. The West scenery center ofthe garden is Wenmei Pavilion, in front of which is shuangxianxiang Pavilion.Shuangxiangxian pavilion has a fan Pavilion in the southwest corner and acourtyard behind it, which is fresh and elegant.

Shizilin used to be the back garden of Bodhi orthodox temple. In 1341 ad,Zen master tianru, an eminent monk, came to Suzhou to preach Buddhist scripturesand was welcomed by his disciples. In the following year (the second year ofemperor Shundi Zhizheng, the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty), the disciplesbought land and set up a house to build a Zen forest for Zen master tianru.Built in 1342 A.D. in the second year of Zhizheng reign of the Yuan Dynasty, thegarden was built by the disciples of Zen master tianru Weize for his master. Itwas initially named "Shizilin Temple", and later renamed "Puti Zhengzong Temple"and "Shengen Temple".

In the sixth year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1373), 73 year old greatcalligrapher Ni Zan (named Yunlin) passed through Suzhou. He once participatedin gardening and wrote poems and paintings (painted with the picture of the lionforest), which made the lion forest famous and became a resort for Buddhistpreaching and literati writing poems and paintings. In the early Qianlong periodof the Qing Dynasty, the temple garden became a private property, isolated fromthe temple hall. It was also called wusongyuan because there were five pinetrees in the garden.

In the 17th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1589 A.D.), monks of theMing family came from Changan to rebuild the Shengen temple and the Buddha Hallin Shizilin, and reappear the prosperous scene. During the reign of EmperorKangxi, the temple and the garden were separated. Later, it was bought by Huangxingzu, the father of Huang Xi and the magistrate of Hengzhou, and named"Sheyuan".

On February 11, 1703, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty toured here andgranted "Lion Forest Temple". Later, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty touredthe lion forest six times and successively granted "mirror wisdom and roundlight", "painting Zen Temple" and existing "zhenqu" plaques. In the 36th year ofthe Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty (1771 AD), Huang Xi was the number onescholar in senior high school. He refined his mansion and reorganized thecourtyard, and named it "wusongyuan". By the middle of the reign of EmperorGuangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Huangs family was in decline, and the garden hadfallen, but the rockery was still there.

In 1917, Shanghai pigment giant Pei Runsheng (the great grandfather of theworld-famous architect I.M. Pei) bought the lion forest from Li Zhongyu, thechief civil affairs officer. It took nearly seven years to renovate the lionforest. Some new scenic spots were added and named "Lion Forest". For a time,lion forest covered Suzhou city. Beirunsheng was preparing for the opening up,but he failed because of the outbreak of the Anti Japanese war. Afterbeirunsheng died in 1945, Shizilin was managed by his grandson beihuanzhang.After liberation, the descendants donated the garden to the state, and Suzhougarden management office took over the renovation and opened it to the public in1954.

Due to the rise and fall of the forest garden, the temple, garden and housewere separated and combined, the traditional gardening techniques and Buddhistideas were integrated, and the modern Bei family introduced the Westerngardening techniques and ancestral temple into the garden, making it a templegarden integrating the principles of Zen and the pleasure of garden.

1、 Hall, car Hall

Enter the east gate of lion forest from Garden Road, which was the maingate of Chengxun Yizhuang. On the door hung a plaque written by EmperorQianlong. Before liberation, when it was a private house, it was not easy toopen it. After liberation, it was opened as the main gate of Shizilin. The highthreshold was the sedan hall, which was the place where the sedan cars used tostop. Opposite to the car door was the west gate. Above the two doors were brickforehead, respectively titled "right access" and "left access".

2、 Yan Yutang

Now we have come to Yanyu hall. Yanyu means peace and happiness. "YanYutang" comes from the book of songs, which says "Yan Yutang is famous for itsstyle, but you cant shoot.". Yan Yu: Yan Er entertainment; Wu she: never stop.Form: as a modal particle. Reputation: Tongyu, happy. Shoot (Y ì): disgust."Zheng Jian" said: "shoot, hate also." How happy it is to have a dinnertogether. I love you forever. This hall is the main hall of the whole garden. Itwas originally used by the master of the garden to entertain guests. This hallis a famous mandarin duck hall in Suzhou gardens. The so-called Yuanyang hall isin a hall, which is divided into North and south parts by screen doors. From theinside, it seems that the two halls are connected, but the layout is different.The beams and columns of the North Hall are made of round logs, and the beamsand columns of the south hall are made of square logs. The door and windowpatterns and furniture layout of the two halls are different, and the plaqueshave their own titles. At the same time, the front hall is generally the placewhere the host entertains the male guests, while the back hall is the placewhere the hostess meets the female guests. The architectural style is absolutelydifferent, which reflects the feudal thought that men are superior to women.Please have a look at the foot of what is the word, right! Its a word "Shou".There are five bats on the side. It means "five blessings" and "Shou" comesfirst, so Shou is the center. It shows that the owner hopes that he and hisfamily will live a long and healthy life, have many children and grandchildren,be peaceful and happy.

3、 Small square hall

Now we come to the small square hall, which is named because it is square.If you look at the large empty windows on both sides, we can feel that they aretwo pictures. Outside the east window are plain preserved Chimonanthus andoutside the west window are urban mountain forests. This is a kind of gardeningart of Suzhou gardens, called frame view. It can change with the change ofseasons and the movement of feet. We might as well have a try. The hall ischaracterized by square architecture and components, and the three pavilions andarches are a small and exquisite gathering place for literary society. Under theback window of the hall is the "golden brick". This brick is specially baked forthe Qing Dynasty palace floor.

4、 Jiushifeng

Out of the small square hall, you can see the nine Lion Peak in the hallgarden. This peak stands in front of the wall. At first glance, it looks likenine lions playing freely. If you look at this stone and see the changing cloudsin the sky, you must cooperate with imagination. The beauty lies between theimage and the non image. There are half pavilions in the East and west of thecourtyard to extrude space to highlight the nine Lion Peak. If you lookcarefully, you will find nine lions in different shapes. They are charming,naive and lovely. There are 500 lions of different sizes and shapes in the lionforest. We will see many more in the future.

5、 Zhibaixuan

Through the brick "fun" (from Tao Yuanmings "garden day care to becomefun" sentence), we come to zhibaixuan. This is where monks preach. In the TangDynasty, when the Zen master Cong Zong (known as Zhao Zhou FA Dao) was teachingZen Buddhism, no matter what his disciples asked him, he always said: "cypressin front of the court", which means that the Zen practitioners should understandit by themselves from the mysterious hints. So it is named Baixuan. This is alsothe place where the relatives of the Bei family get together. The plaque "YifengZhibai", written by Wang Tongyu, is hung above the hall. "Zhibai" refers to thecase of Zen Buddhism, while "Yifeng" refers to the allusion of Shi Feng made byMi Fu in Song Dynasty. The following is the painting of Shoubai, which wasjointly produced by famous calligraphers and painters in 1988. Zhang Xinjiapainted red plum, Wu Mumu wrote ancient cypress, Xu Shaoqing painted Lake stone,and Fei Xini wrote inscriptions. There are stairs behind the screen door to goupstairs. The third floor is also called Tingyu building, which is named afterthe garden owners collection of stone rubbings. Its named after the window.Looking from the window, you can see that there are many strange peaks on theopposite side.

In front of the hall, there are rockeries, cypresses and dragons. Woyunbaois located among the rockeries. This rockery is the most famous rockery in theclassical gardens. There are four paths in it, which are intertwined andintricate. Emperor Qianlong didnt go out after two hours. There is also achessboard hole in it. It is said that LV Dongbin and tie guaili played chess.There are some famous stones such as Hanhui and tuyue on the false peak. Thereare strange pines and cypresses between the stones, just like a beautifullandscape painting. It is said that Emperor Qianlong once took a picture here.Please take a photo here.

6、 Jianshanlou

The false mountain peak can be seen from the window of this building, whichis named after the poetic meaning of Tao Qian of Jin Dynasty: "pickingchrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan". However, thisbuilding is close to the rockery, and there is a direct access to the rockery onthe second floor. It can be said that the building is built on the rockery. Thearea of jianshanlou is only one tenth of that of zhibaixuan. That is to say, itsets off the height of zhibaixuan and does not compete with rockery. It can besaid that it has unique ingenuity.

8、 Hualan Hall

We went west through the corridor to the flower basket hall. The flowerbasket hall is named after the flower basket shape carved on the column end ofthe hall and decorated with the flower basket pattern. In 1945, a Japanesesurrender ceremony was held in this hall. The screen door was engraved with ahuge picture of Matsushita, and the official script horizontal plaque "wind inthe water" indicated that it was a good place to enjoy the lotus in summer.Originally known as "Lotus hall", it was burned down in 1968, and then movedfrom Zheng house in loumen to Hualan hall. The so-called flower blue hall is asmall hall, in which the walking column does not fall to the ground, but ischanged into a very short heavy lotus column, and the end of the column iscarved into a flower blue shape.

9、 Zhenqu Pavilion

Out of the flower basket hall to the west is zhenqu Pavilion. The word"zhenqu" was written by Emperor Qianlong himself. There is such a story. In theQing Dynasty, when Emperor Qianlong visited the garden, Huang Xi, the number onescholar, saw the three words "really interesting" written by Emperor Qianlong.He felt that the word "you" was too vulgar, so he asked the emperor to bestowthe word "you" and left the word "really interesting". There is a "scholar hat"decoration on the pavilion, which has far-reaching implications. It is said that"the scholar is the prime ministers Root Seedling". To become the number onescholar, we must start from the scholar. Garden idea is to educate futuregenerations to study hard, hoping that one day they will win the title of thegold medal. The same principle applies today when tall buildings rise from theground. Now, we can enjoy the scenery of Huxin Pavilion, Jiuqu bridge, stoneboat, waterfall, pool and lake, and take photos as a souvenir. After that, wewill gather in the east of the stone arch bridge, drill holes and climbmountains to really appreciate the charm of the world-famous "rockery kingdom".The plaque of "zhenqu" was inscribed by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty when hevisited the lion forest. The painted pillars and carved beams in the pavilionare resplendent, showing the royal style completely different from the elegantgarden architecture in the south of the Yangtze River. The pavilion issurrounded by picturesque scenery. In the East, you can see the flower baskethall near the water. In the south, you can see the rockery group near the water.In the west, there are mountains and waterfalls. Looking to the west, thepavilion in the center of the lake, the Jiuqu Bridge and the stone arch bridgedivide the lake into three scenes: near, middle and far.

10、 Dark fragrance studio

The name of this building comes from the famous saying: the shadow isslanting, the water is clear, the fragrance is floating, and the moon is atdusk. The shadow of sparse plum is horizontally and obliquely reflected on theclear water surface at dusk



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微山湖生态旅游风景区是微山湖的一部分,位于徐州市北部20公里 铜山区境内,主要范围在徐州微山湖湖西湿地保护区内,沿湖滩涂60公里长,宽1-2公里,面积100平方公里,包括马坡镇、沿湖农场、柳新镇、茅村镇、柳泉镇、利国镇等相邻6个乡镇及铜山岛、龟山岛、黄山岛、套里岛、黄庄岛等低山丘陵岛屿,区内有个自然村。

微山湖湖西湿地保护区位于江苏省 徐州市境内, 东南面与铜山区接壤,西与汉高祖刘邦的家乡——沛县相连,北临山东省微山县。湿地保护区内,有野生脊椎动物300多种,其中有国家一级保护动物中华秋沙鸭、大鸨;二级保护动物有大天鹅、灰鹤等;江苏省重点保护动物刺猬、鹳、雁类、杜鹃、啄木鸟等。湖域湿地内现有林业用地面积约8418平方公里,林地面积约7117平方公里,森林覆盖率为27.2%。在京杭大运河以西已形成宽200米、长达125公里的绿化长廊。

微山湖物产丰富,向来有“日出斗金”的说法,鱼类现有78种,以鲤鱼为主,经济鱼类有 鲫鱼、 黄鱼、 乌鳢、红鳍鲌、 长春鳊和 鲤鱼6种,底栖动物包括 软体动物、 节肢动物、环节动物、昆虫等63种,其资源总量为98876吨,浮游植物共116种,其中优势种14种, 浮游动物248种,优势种共32种, 水生维管束植物74种,全湖现存为304万吨,渔业生物饵料相当丰富。微山湖还是迁徙水禽及其重要的越冬栖息地,区内共有鸟类205种,其中国家一、二级重点保护鸟类主要有 大鸨、 大天鹅、 白枕鹤、灰鹤、 鸳鸯等26种,山东省重点保护鸟类35种,列入《中国与日本保护候鸟及其栖息环境协定》二百二十七种中有一百零九种,占48%;列入《中国与澳大利亚保护候鸟及其栖息环境协定》八十一种中有二十五种,占31%。

湿地植被以 禾本科,菊科,莎章科,豆科,寥科和眼子菜科为主的植物构成。主要植物群落有芦苇群落、茄群落、莲群落等挺水植被带;杏菜群落, 菱角+ 芡实群落等浮叶根深植被带; 马来眼干菜,微齿眼子菜群落,苦草植物群落等沉水植被带, 水生植被盖度达89.9%,有“水下森林”的美誉。受国家一,二,三级保护的植物主要有水蕨,粗梗水蕨,中华秸缕草和野大豆等9种。


有一年秋天,豆子快熟了,豆粒又胖又大,爷俩儿很高兴觉得定是个丰收年,不愁没粮食吃啦。一天傍晚,孙子去豆地里看豆子,抬头见一个白胡子老头,赶着一群绵羊在豆地里放。小孙子跑过去问:“老爷爷,您怎么放羊放到俺豆地里啦?”老头说:“你这豆子收不成啦,十天以内,这座大山就要崩塌啦,这里,就变成一片 汪洋大湖,豆子还能收?!不如喂了我的羊。”停了停,他又说:“您爷俩儿可是好人啊,赶快朝天亮的方向逃走吧,可不能在这里久留啦。”说罢,化作一阵清风不见了,羊群也无影无踪了。


就在第九天的半夜里,只听一阵山崩地裂的响声,随后微山就陷下去了。微山塌陷变成了汪洋,原来微山的最高峰变成了小岛,从此人们就把这片汪洋叫做微山湖,把汪洋中的小岛叫做 微山岛了。



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In hangzhou, there is a legendary famous scenic spot - the west lake. The west lake is a landscape, called "just". Looked from a distance, the greenery yiyi, carpet of flowers. Faint show pavilions in the woods, like a fairyland. Legend su dongpo when local officials in hangzhou, dig deep lake, let it grow more water and drought irrigation field. People later in the deepest place water set the three pagodas as deep water mark, this is the just now.

People in the expansion of the lake, dig out the mud heap became a long beach, is now the su causeway. If walking among them, as if back to ancient times. Great poet su dongpo was fascinated by the beauty of the west lake, in his "the drink attendance after the rain on the lake," a "to the west lake than west, c plus always right", and compare the west lake to xi shi, that is to say the west lake as beautiful as beauty, both in the sunny or rainy days are all the same.

Hangzhou is not only the jingmei, silk is also the world famous. Hangzhou cheongsam, it is with the finest silk carefully sewing together. A cheongsam at least take hundreds or thousands of silkworm cocoon, also explains the great contribution of silkworm.

Hangzhou silk by warm, soft. This is a masterpiece of the workers, they want the silk layers into a quilt, combined with a quilt. This kind of pure handmade quilt is one of the best, so also is very popular with people.

Hangzhou has a good place worth a visit, that is wuzhen. Wuzhen is a genuine water. On either side of the water is black and white tile brick build by laying bricks or stones into the house. Residents here by ship when transport... All this as I went back to the hundreds of years ago, back to the ancient times, was intoxicating.

Beautiful hangzhou! Let people linger!



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大家好! 我是您们的导游,我姓张。大家可以叫我张导游。











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Now we come to Shanghai Huangpu River bank Bund, first, I tour to everybody visit Bund to express the welcome, and wishes in advance each traveling to be happy.

New Bund altogether has five traveling routes, nearby yours left hand is by the reputation is Wan Guo constructs reads extensively the magnificent architectural complex and spacious Zhongshan Road, nearby your right hand is the wave light clear Huangpu River as well as the future resembles the brocade the Pudong land to embellish the financial trade area, at present for is novel uniquely goes sightseeing the tour area. This architectural complex, Zhongshan Road, go sightseeing the area, the Huangpu River, Lu Jiazui in the as if music five spectra, the industrious Shanghai people seem between the string string the symbol, is composing most newly the most gorgeous music movement, is welcome fellow guests presence.

The powder can call Bund? Simple saying, it passed once was the desolate beach place which outside the Shanghai old city the reed grew thickly together.

In 1840 after first Opium War, the tight lock entrance to a country has been driven out by the colonizing ocean artillery, Shanghai also is compelled to ward off for the commercial port. Since then, all kinds of west foreign style construction hastens to ground along with colonizing but towers in abundance, to this century the beginning of 30s, Shanghai as soon as leapt into the far east biggest metropolis from seashore small Yi.

At present these have the Europe Renaissance time style the construction, although stems from hand of the identical design, also is not constructs at an age, but their construction style is such harmonious unification, the day becomes. From Jinling east road Bund to outside white temporary bridge long only 1.5 kilometer arcs in, height scattered about, is standing erect row after row 52 styles each different construction, has England -like, France -like, ancient Greece -like and so on. Same year many foreign banks, the general meeting, the consulate and so on converged to this, some East Wall Street the name, formed the old Shanghai semicolonial and semifeudal society a historical miniature.

Everybody please looked that, the new Bund 2 east winds hotels, in the past once were the English general meetings which extremely is well-known, it is a model English ancient canonical expression constructs. The building high has 6 (continually basement), the roof north and south beginnings and ends respectively suppose □t look pavilion, the interior decoration are extremely magnificent. Inside a yet higher goal bar same year once because of has 110.7 foot Eastern longest bar cabinet but to be arrogant for a while, now USS Kentuckey quick dining room is located in.

New Bund 12 before are famous the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, this building constructed in 1923, was in the style of antiquity Greece -like dome construction. The building for approaches the square the rectangular construction, high 5, a crown hemispheroid level goes against the vegetable to have 7 in addition, the steel portal frame construction. In the building decorates extremely is fastidious, is equipped with country each kind of reception room and so on America, England and France, Russia, date. This place constructed the English once to brag for from The Suez Canal to far east Bering Strait most was fastidious construction.

Nearby close neighbor Hongkong and Shanghai Bank that building is the Shanghai customs building, is 19th century restores the old the principle construction, constructed in 1927, is now the world institute rarely is ominous. Above the building bell all around worthy of looking at arrives is in luck, each 15 minutes play sound section of short tunes, melodious are deep, reputation 10 miles.

After the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank building and the customs building all stem from English designer Wilson, Shanghai kindly called they are the sisters building, at present was still one of Shanghais important symbols.

East Nanjing the street intersection two buildings are called the peaceful hotel. Sat north the Southern Dynasty this Lou Jianyu in 1906, at that time the name collected the hotel, was a Shanghai extant earliest hotel. It may take a historical construction, is the English Chinese world renaissance. This building most major characteristic is sets up the surface color red brick to make the waist line, Bai Qiangzhuan makes the cover, looks by far both gravely is elegant, and other style, the reality is a rare excellent work.

Bunds these constructions, all are the China working people industrious wisdom crystallization, simultaneously has also reflected western colonizing to Shanghais plundering and the aggression. Now in order to let the people understand these constructions the history, in front of each big front door hangs has the data plate which the Chinese and English compares.

Regarding Bund, the Shanghai person also passes for hers name along with the time changes. Shanghai persons is called old Bund, after the liberation liberation before Bund to be called as Bund, now the people approve her are new Bund. In the history occurs has seized Bund many times the scene, but each time all has the completely different historical significance. Since partys 11 sessions of three CCP plenary conferences, the China reform and open policy strategic center of gravity also from the south but north, Pudongs development and the promotion enable Shanghai to walk the nation reform and open policy most front. The spring breeze blew awakes the deep sleep many year Shanghai Bund, the Chinese and foreign financial organ in abundance has also seized Bund. Shanghai has made the clear nest directs the phoenix the significant action, the Bund finance street house big replacement, will attract everywhere the old customer reto come to settle down, again will reveal the far east Wall Street elegant demeanour.

Bund is Shanghais symbol, also is the Chinese and foreign tourists must arrive place. But in before because the path narrow, the pedestrian vehicles are packed like sardines, seriously has affected the Bund overall image. For the change place beach appearance, the Shanghai peoples government performs Bund as the key point to transform. At present this street called, also is Bund which Zhongshan a group, is for commemorate pioneer Mr. Sun Yat-Sen which China democratic revolution names synthesizes the transformation a part. This group span 826 meters, the width 45 meters, suppose 6 to 10 traffic lanes. This broad line of communication not merely is restricted in area Bund, it follows the reform and open policy step unceasingly to extend, north the Jiangwan five jiao fields, south arrive at the Nampo bridge. To the next the beginning of century, this north and south corridor long amounts to 15 kilometers, will become the sign landscape which the Shanghai traveling will go sightseeing.

We now walk this Bin Jiang main road quite has the characteristic. It not only collection culture, afforestation to a body, moreover the morning is the people practices the good place which the article practices martial arts, daytime is domestic and foreign goes sightseeing the tour world, evening is the ideal place which talks love to the lover, heard has many foreign friends all in admiration of somebodys fame to come to experience the life.

Fellow guests, stroll in new Bund to go sightseeing the area, whether you do feel, new Bund not only appearance changed beyond recognition, moreover in lively is lively passes the rich artistic breath. Everybody please looked that, In the Yenan east road Bund establishment subject will be for tomorrow the artistic landscape, will hug by 6 columns, with will have more than 80 years historical meteorological signal to become a group to the scenery. The customs building and the electronic waterfall clock also is quite has the fresh idea to the scenery. The electronic waterfall clock assumes the steps and ladders type, the length 27 meters, the height 3.5 meters, supposes 10 entire stairs. The entire operating process by the computer control, approximately some more than 1,000 nozzles water column is composed each kind of color the Arabic numeral, causes world each place since such remoteness, double is how being intimate with. Went sightseeing the area worthily to become to hold hundred Sichuan, is compatible Shanghai school characteristic culture scenery line which and gathered.

Strolls Bund, we unconsciously entered the Whangpoo River park. In mentioned this park, each Chinese all could not forget the former days foreign country big powers to hang the Chinese people and the dog did not have to enter in park entrance that block the sign, that notorious sign, let then Chinese people suffer the enormous shame! Now, looked at present that 60 meter high Shanghai people outstandingly talented monument, stands erect is facing the water place. The military might magnificent sight three columns yellow hillocks body in has told the people as if, the people forever cherishes the memory of since the Opium War, 54 movements and the war of liberation, is the scrubbing nationality shame, devotes the heroes for Shanghais revolutionary business.

The Whangpoo River park faces is well-known everywhere Huangpu River. On month Huanglong waters edge water yellow, extremely vividly described the Whangpoo River river water color. Improves Pujiang is Shanghais mother river, it originates to the Wuxi Tai Lake, is within the boundaries of Shanghai longest, is widest, deepest rivers, the span 114 kilometers; The mean breadth 400 meters, are deep 7 to 9 meters. Its original name calls Dong Jiang, also has the spring Shenjiang river, alternate name and so on Huang Xiejiang. Hands down before more than 2,000 years, Shanghai was Chu at that time, at that time Chu country has a senior general yellow to call to rest, he had very much rules a nation ability, is appointed by Chu king as prime minister, and sealed for presents Mr. Shen, had jurisdiction over Shanghai this land. At that time because upstream Dong Jiangs clogged with silt, he led the Shanghai people to carry on scours, and revised the route, caused Shanghai the aquatic transportation and the agriculture obtains the very big development, the posterity for commemorate Huang Xie the merit, renamed Dong Jiang as the spring Shenjiang river and yellow , only then officially chose a name until the Southern Song Dynasty time as the Huangpu River.

The Huangpu River has two the child, calls Pudong, another calls Puxi. Before new China is born, their whole family deeply three mountains oppressions, on the mother river body is anchoring is the outside warship and the merchantman, two children also are pressed have not gasped for breath. Jumps Whangpoo River my sentence Shanghai persons pet phrase, refers to the common people which the old society really is unable to live, throws the river to here to commit suicide.

Looks out into the distance the opposite shore, Pudong Lu Jiazui the finance trade area and Puxi Bund distantly faces one another, its function for the finance, the trade and foreign serves, it will be the new Shanghais core and the symbol. East Bund the Bin Jiang main road, the total length 2,500 meters, the collection traveling, go sightseeing with the entertainment and so on are a body, is equipped with 6 multi-faceted squares along the road. Although the present only rumble cuts in line the sound, but the sound sound , is in five spectra the most magnificent music movement, will be forecasting a Bund more glorious future.


Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to fenghuang, the place where were arriving is one of the two most beautiful town in china----the old town of fenghuang,

Its a very important point that connects huaihua hunan and tongren guizhou together.and its the hometown of mr shengcongwen.

Fenghuang has wonderful natural landscapes,its very hot for travelling since the old time. even a lot of teleplays were produced here.fenghuang is also a dradle for famous people ,shencongwen and xiongxiling are both spent their childhood here.

Now, lets set out to enjoy these fantastic good views.

The former residence of shencongwen

This is the former residence of shencongwen,a very famous auther, archaeologist and historian in china.

Lined in the zhongying street in the south part of the fenghuang old town, the residence is a typical spacious ancient countryard with special tectonic style of ming and qing dynasty. walk into the yard, you can find that there is a small patio in the center of the countryard. which is built with red rock. around the patio , there are about 10 rooms which are small but decorated by special carved wooden windows .its so beautiful.

This countryard is built by mr shens grandfather in 1866 on dec.28,1902. shencongwen was born in the old countyard.and spent his childhood here. in 1917,when he was 15 years old, mr shen left family and joined the army. from 1917 to 1922, mr shen had lived with soildiers, farmers, workers and some other

Common people,and know their tragic lives. this special experience stunned up his enthusiasm of writhing . so in 1919, mr shen went to beijing alone, and began his hard writing . after his series of works west of hunan &fringe town were punished, mr shen became nation -wide well -known.at that time, he was even

As famous as luxun, another famous auther in chiese literature area. its said that shencongwen is the one who is the most possible to win the prize.

Mr shen devoted all his life to writing,his 5-million word works are though as the precious legacy to the world literature.meanwhile, these works are also very veluable date for researching the history of hunan province and even china.

This 100-years-old countyard was renovated in 1989.the 1st room on the right hane is for displaying mr shens photos.and what displayed in the 2nd room are mr shens handwritingarticles.at the left side,you ll find a list of mr shens work of different additions. in the center of the middle room .there is a mr shens line drawing hanging on the wall. the left fringle room is mr shens bedroom and another one on the right is full of marble desks and chairs.


When to Visit

Just considering the weather, the cooler dry season from April to October is the best time to visit Bali. The rest of the year is more humid, cloudier and has more rainstorms, but you can still enjoy a holiday.

There are also distinct tourist seasons that affect the picture. The European summer holidays bring the biggest crowds —— July, August and early September are busy. Accommodation can be tight in these months and prices are higher.

Balinese festivals, holidays and special celebrations occur all the time, so dont worry about timing your visit to coincide with local events. It could be a nice treat to fuse into the local culture and enjoy the traditional cuisine and local delicacies.

Have you heard of Bali, a place to the south of Indonesia? Its a small island but is becoming more and more famous by its fascinating tourist attractions enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people from world at large. Bali is so picturesque that you could be fooled into thinking it was a painted backdrop: rice paddies trip down hillsides like giant steps, volcanoes soar through the clouds, the forests are lush and tropical, and the beaches are lapped by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. But the postcard paradise gloss has been manufactured and polished by the international tourist industry rather than by the Balinese themselves who dont even have a word for paradise in their language.

Off-beaten Tourist AttractionsKuta and Legian

Including the two beach sites of Kuta and Legian, this area is a major sightseeing for travelers, offering cheap accommodation, Western food, great shopping, surf, sunsets and riotous nightlife. Although its fashionable to contempt Kuta for its rampant development, low-brow nightlife, the cosmopolitan mixture of beach-party and entrepreneurial energy can be exciting.

Kuta is not pretty but its not dull either, and the amazing growth is evidence that a lot of people still find something to appreciate in Kuta. Its still the best beach in Bali, with the only surf, which breaks over sand instead of coral. Lots of cheap accommodation is available and theres a huge choice of places to eat. Shops and venders offer everything from local handcrafts to genuine antiques. Even the tourists themselves have become a tourist attraction, with visitors swarming into this small island on the tropical area.Behind the beaches, roads and alleys lead back to the most amazing district of hotels, restaurants, bars, food stalls and shops. The renowned Poppies Gang, running directly back from Kuta Beach, is where most of the quieter, inexpensive hostels and restaurants are located. Cheap beachfront accommodation is available in Legian; the lanes running parallel to the beach are the best places to start trawling for a decent bed.

The Bali Museum

The Bali Museum consists of an attractive series of separate buildings, including examples of both palace and temple architecture. The exhibits themselves are not always well presented, but there are enough arts and crafts and everyday items displayed to make it worthwhile. The tiny cane cases for transporting fighting crickets are pretty special. The Abiankapas arts center houses a collection of modern painting and woodcarving. Dancing groups and gamelan orchestras regularly perform here, mostly for the benefit of tourists.


Situated in the hills 20km north of Denpasar, Ubud is the serene cultural center of Bali. Extensive development in recent years has meant that Ubud has engulfed a number of nearby villages, although these have retained their distinct identities. Head off in any direction and youre in for an interesting walk to a secluded craft hamlet, through the rice paddies or into the dense Monkey Forest, just south of the town center.

In Ubud itself, the Puri Lukisan Museum displays fine examples of all schools of Balinese art in a beautiful garden setting. There are several other quality galleries such as Museum Neka, which features work of some Western artists who have painted in Bali, and Agung Rai Gallery, a commercial operation which also houses a small, but important, permanent collection. The homes of influential Western artists Walter Spies and Rudolf Bonnet, who played key roles in transforming Balinese art from the purely decorative, can also be viewed. Ubud is a good place to see Balinese dancing and hear Balinese music, and it has some of the finest restaurants on the island.


The ancient village of Tenganan, inland from the east coast port of Padangbai, can only be reached by motorbike or on foot. Its a walled Bali Aga village, busy with unusual customs, festivals and practices. Its the center for the weaving of the little-seen double ikat cloth, and ancient versions of gamelan and accompanying dances are performed here. The nearby towns of Amlapura and Tirtagangga are known for their decaying water palaces - relics of the power of the Balinese rajahs - which are surrounded by beautiful terraced rice paddies.

The Bali Barat National Park

The Bali Barat National Park covers nearly all the coral reef and coastal waters. Most of the natural vegetation in the park is coastal savanna with deciduous trees, which become bare in the dry season. Over 200 species of plants inhabit the various environments. Animals include black monkeys, leaf monkeys and macaques; Java, barking, sambar and mouse deer; squirrels, wild pigs, buffalos, iguanas and pythons. The bird life is prolific, with many of Balis 200 species represented, including the striking Bali starling. The parks attractions include hot springs, uninhabited Deer Island (which has great diving) and guided jungle treks.


Transport from Ngurah Rai international airport, 2.5km south of Kuta, is quite simple. Choose from an official taxi counter, where you pay a set price in advance, or walk across the airport car park and hail a metered cab. The lightly-laden can walk straight up the road to Kuta, although its a more pleasant stroll along the beach. The main forms of public transport on Bali are the cheap buses and bemos (minibus) that run on more or less set routes within or between towns. If you want your own transport, you can charter a bemo or rent a car, motorcycle or bicycle. The Balinese drive on the left, use their horns a lot and give way to traffic pulling onto the road. Tourist shuttle buses, running between the major tourist centers, are more expensive than public transport but are also more comfortable and convenient.



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Jin temple was built in northern wei dynasty, in honor of ji fa the second uncle danger. Here the house set each other off of each other of, pavilions, halls, Bridges, trees, mountain ring around the water, cultural relic, ancient giant, is a scenery is very beautiful landscape, thus is regarded as a "small jiangnan" in Shanxi Province, is a country one of the few large ancestral hall type classical gardens, renowned Chinese and foreign. Especially the mother house, maid like, fish fen fly beam, difficult old springs scenic spots such as jin temple scenic area is the best. Temple Zhou Bai, difficult old springs, song maid like is known as "quiet" jin temple, has the very high historical value, scientific value and artistic value. Jin temple for the national key cultural relics protection unit, is a shinning pearl of the Chinese culture.

Jin temple scenic spots are from taiyuan, climate conditions and close to downtown, and in accordance with the mountain water, beautiful scenery, is summer, sightseeing visitors. To the jin temple in taiyuan city 8 automated collection bus, 8 road minibus, day and night long time 23:00 early (6 -) and driving time between short (15-20 minutes), comfortable driving environment. Jin temple scenic area convenient accommodation, restaurant, hotel, located around, dozens of hotels, restaurants, restaurant, have excellent service and delicious food, and with local characteristics. Especially the "jin temple rice" with its MingJing bright pure fragrance, taste and drink praise the world. Close to the scenic spot of the jin temple town government effort to catch the tourism in recent years for leading utilities and SanYe (service), catering, entertainment and construction, landscape changes greatly, especially in the scenic spot of accommodation, communications, business, health care, entertainment, shopping environment is more and more get the favour of the Chinese and foreign tourists.

Located in the open ground in front of the jin temple ancient buildings. East of clear water lotus pond, jin temple ancient building is in the west, north and south wing, close to thousands of hectares of paddy field, farmhouse, village. Fu longshan is garden rockery, halfway up the mountain, inlaid stone book "v longshan". Foothills of caves in water, water streaming out from shilong mouth into the pool. Pool has carved stone two arhat, pool have soul stone carving, mago, pool and drinking water, form but wonderful, temperament and interest.

There are DE en lent in central park. Northwest have fairy WengGe, also known as the red cabinet. Because of one of the eight immortals pavilion on consecrate lu dongbin the name. The cabinet was established in the Ming dynasty hongzhi years (1488 1505), the qing emperor kangxi forty-four years (in 1705) rebuilt. And arctic pavilion, the created in Ming dynasty, rebuilt in the qing dynasty architecture, simple dignified, elegant and not common, David has "the ancient tang estate" inscribed copy. Tao ran, village dont house corner, pavilion pavilion show.

Southeast jin temple park, is a water park. Here is commonly known as the south lake, water garden show, there are three Kong Qiao on lake, pedestrian bridge, the bridge on a boat, those jiangnan thorn.

Hexiang assemble, wooden miscellaneous cloth, beautiful scenery, famous taiyuan jin temple, is located in the southwest of downtown hanging urn hill, jin water source, is embedded in the loess plateau of China hexiang garden pearl. It has a long history and was built s no exams, northern wei li daoyuan written book of water injection has been recorded, explain jin temple in more than one thousand five hundred years ago, have a certain scale.

Jin temple is the temple of jinhou, the original is a sacrifice in the early western zhou dynasty Tang Fangguo founding emperor JiYu (i.e., shu yu of tang) ancestral temple. After jin water originating from this, the change of name for jin, so named jin temple.

Jin temple covers an area of more than 40000 square meters, the temple YinYi trees, has been more than thousand years for Qi expansion, development and construction, has been developed from the original sacrifices in the spring and autumn jin the founding emperor of shu yu of tang ancestral temple and become FengSi many people, including various temple, the temple of the god, Buddha, tao, the song, jin, yuan, Ming and qing dynasties, the construction of various temple, hall, building, pavilion, pavilion, Chinese Taiwan hundred bridge, Bridges, pavilions, is a cultural connotation is extremely rich and has an important historical, artistic or scientific value of landscape, thus negative wins at home and abroad for a long time.

The ancient temple, north, south by three parts. Central building to Notre Dame temple as the center, forming a east-west axis. From the temple east gate inside, used to after he in turn water on central axis jingyi, fairy bridge, Jin Rentai, Vietnam lane, on the second floor of the bell and drum, fen fly up, fish beam, the virgin temple, is the main body of the temple building. This set of architectural layout rigorous, modelling is chic, with unique style, art is famous in the world with a high historical value. North east since wenchang palace building, have a lock on hongqiao, dongyue temple, heaven shrines science (guandi temple), neighborhood, jun day joytv, drawing treasure John booth, shu yu of tang temple, lianchi, good spring pavilion, loose water pavilion, branch YunTao original hall, chaoyang hole, hole, hole, laojun cave, stay fung hin, three leaves, reading platform, Lv Zuge, Gu Ting and static grace, etc. This group of construction land criss-crossing, publicizing floor shelf, jagged superimposed, winning by HongLi spectacular, quiet and elegant.

Building in the southern east since - ying building, garden pavilions have flow with LeTing, researched calligraphy and painting, build, Bai Heting, three shrine, really boring pavilion, pavilion, diversion weir, Zhang Lang tower, winding and wash the ear hole, not a ship, the old spring pavilion, jellyfish, floor and Chinese Taiwan Chinese ostrich temple, GongShuZi shrine and so on. This group of buildings are both number crunchers, pavilion bridge ornament, long and springs passing through, beautiful scenery, is landscape characteristics and poetic. South and wang yu temple, JinXi academy, dong shouping art museum, in the holy temple, mountain park, etc. Temple overall layout density, rigorous, yard characteristics of both temples, also rich charm of royal family today, magnificent grand, show originality.

Largest temple and cultural value is the highest building in saint was built in the northern song dynasty years (1023-1032), tang ning first year (AD 1102) rebuilt the virgin of the temple, it was built Shi Gou stylobate, surface width of seven, the deep six, double-hipped roof rested on the top of the hill, surrounded by gallery, between the front porch for two deep, the porch and spacious, are unique in the tang, song building. Deposit in China and in the physical, thus the temple porch around depth reached between the two, this is the earliest one instance. Front pillars carved wooden panlong eight, winding, plate bending, strong of song and yuan period for two years (AD 1087) the original. PanLongZhu shape was seen in sui and tang stone tower door and shrines, in domestic ancient buildings known wooden material, the most ancient.

Inside there are 43 statue of painted sculpture, including Madonna 1, the eunuch like 5, the female officer wearing mens clothing like 4, maid as 33. Except 2 statue of small like the 10) of the Ming dynasty god fill plastic outside, more than the original song dynasty. These statues statue of inherent regulation arrangement broke through the temples, created the real secular life scenes, is song dynasty palace life and reality, guarded hierarchy and vivid, lifelike, is the highest reflect and reflect of sung people aesthetic temperament and interest, is prepared, at home and abroad are extremely rare. Before the house of the marsh fish fly beam structure characteristics of the song dynasty, marsh pillars of the northern wei dynasty relic, is the original song saint years. Marsh flying fish beam is set up on the marsh fish actually modelling cross bridge wings like birds, this peculiar cross bridge type of modelling, beautiful shape, although early recorded in ancient books, occasionally see somewhat in the ancient paintings, but domestic existing physical alone, it is "of collecting the unique, the only one like you", for the study of Chinese ancient bridge construction is extremely valuable. Fly before beam is up, although small, but Jin Dading eight years (AD 1168), the original structure.

Chinas temple architecture for offering pavilion, pavilion, pavilion, enjoy hall, worship at the temple, up sex building although common, is very common, but most are built by the Ming and qing, jin wood up are unique only jin temple, it is all the more precious.

Old before spring, jin temple is the essence of natural sights. On the left side of the true boring booth, is a place where people watch the scenery to stay more. Pavilion on the steps to the waters edge, called "wash ear hole". Water dam, such as jade belt through the waist, chisel holes under the dam has ten, is that the two drainage notoginseng water line.

Jin temple of trees, and people enjoying the scenery. The legendary Zhou Bai, Tang Huai equal within, guandi temple before permanent jingyi, dongyue temple and the virgin north side of the temple, and on to the virgin Zhou Bai most conspicuous on the northern side of the temple. Trees more than 10 m tall, lean lean on south side, green leaf branch, lie in the house above the roof, the virgin into 45-degree Angle with the ground, another cypress supported it in front of the torso, called "last days" parker.

In addition, drawing the treasure John booth in the department of the preface to jin temple inscription and tablet taizong account in dynasty twenty years (AD 646) writing and writing yourself - font for the running script, is deep the romantic charm of wang xizhi, runaway free and easy, bone the grand, elegant tall and straight, is Chinas earliest existing a running script tablet, has important historical and artistic value.

Many scholars in the history of the tour after the jin temple left a lot of good. Great poets in the tang dynasty Li Baiyou "jin temple like jasper water", "microwave squama sedge green" song of eternal; Late song dynasty sima guang has "cold taihang mountain, water garden in the spring" of the sentence; Song OuYangXiuYou "spirit Yu Run vegetation, and cooper with pale smoke".



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镇远是以军兴商的地方,这里的各种文化在这里相互渗透、相互交融,形成了多元特色的包容文化。而我们现在所走进的有“歪门邪道”之称的古巷子就是一个多元文化的代表。大家会发现镇远这些座北朝南的四合院大门,门都开在东南或西南方,这是是财不露白并有避煞之意。这门一歪,道一斜就被称作歪门邪道。我们现在看到的封火墙,最高达10米,这封火墙的造价很高,因为用的是豆腐、糯米、泥巴、桐油、石浆、泥灰参杂而成。您想想吃的糯米往墙上敷是什么概念? 镇远的古驿道特别的多,说到最重要的驿道那就是这座正逢康熙60大寿修建的祝圣桥,因为舞阳河是直达长江的,所以当时东南亚一带的比如说缅甸的、泰国的、老挝的想进入咋们中原,镇远呢就是必经的地方,所以在镇远的明史上用了四句话来概括镇远的重要性"欲通云贵、先守镇远。欲据滇楚、必占镇远",后来镇远知府汪炳敖在桥上建了这座“魁星阁”,我们可以从柱子上的对联:“扫尽五溪烟,汉使浮槎撑斗出;劈开重驿路,缅人骑象过桥来。”去感受古城悠久的文化.




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Hello, everyone. Im the tour guide who is responsible for taking you tovisit Macaos famous place of interest, mage temple. I hope my explanation willgive you a pleasant journey. First of all, let me introduce Mazu temple.

Mage temple was called niangma temple, Tianfei temple or haijue temple inthe early period; later it was named "Mazu Temple", which is commonly known as"mage Temple" in Chinese. Mazu means "mother" in Fujian dialect. The temple isbuilt along the cliff with a back mountain and a sea. It is surrounded bytowering ancient trees. There is a pair of stone lions at the entrance of thetemple. It is said that they are masterpieces of the Qing Dynasty 300 years ago.The temple is composed of four buildings: the main hall, the stone hall, theHongren hall and the Guanyin Pavilion.

The best time to visit mage temple is during the Spring Festival, becausethis time is the most popular, and many traditional activities will be held.Many faithful men and women come to pray for the gods. A large bamboo shed willbe built in front of the temple as a temporary stage for performing miraculousarts.

Mage temple is composed of "the first temple in Shenshan mountain", Hongrentemple, Zhengjue Buddhist temple, Guanyin Pavilion and other parts. Although thescale of each building is small and crude, it can fully integrate nature and thelayout is well arranged.

Entrance gate

You can see the granite building at the entrance gate. It is 4.5 meterswide and has only one door opening. The lintel has the word "Mazu Pavilion" andcouplets on both sides. The three parts are decorated with glazed tile roof. Thetop of the lintel has a cornice shaped ridge with porcelain beads and fish onit.

Memorial Gateway

Immediately behind the gate of MAGE temple is a three room four columnarch, also made of granite, with four stone lions on the capitals.

Hongren Hall

You have now come to the smallest Hongren hall, which is only about 3square meters.

Buddism godness Guanyin Temple

Guanyin hall, located at the highest place, is mainly made of brick andstone. Its architecture is simple and hard mountain style.

Zhengjue Buddhist temple

You are now in the Zhengjue Buddhist temple. This Buddhist temple pays moreattention to both the scale and the architectural form. The building is composedof a temple dedicated to the queen of heaven and a retreat area. The building inthe repair area is a common folk house with a hard Hill brick structure, whilethe temple is a four frame beam structure. There is an inner courtyard in frontof the main hall. The side porches on both sides are shed roofs. The main hallarea is divided into three bays by two rows of three columns. The roof is glazedtile slope top, and the top of the side walls on both sides is a gold shaped"wok ear" gable, which has the meaning of fire prevention and strong southernFujian characteristics. It is located in the front of the inner courtyard, Fromleft to right, it can be divided into five parts. The middle part is the highestand the two sides are gradually lower. The wall is decorated with claysculpture. The top of the wall is decorated with glazed tiles. Under the eavesof the glazed tiles, there are three layers of flowers symbolizing the bucketarch. In addition, there is a circular window opening with a radius of 1.1meters in the middle part. The eaves and porcelain beads on the top of theglazed tiles also show the importance of this hall.

Mazu Pavilion is always full of incense. Every year, on the new years eveof the lunar calendar, the birthday of Mazu on March 23, and the Double NinthFestival on September 9, it is full of people.

Witness the flame

On the afternoon of May 3, 20__, the Beijing Olympic flame passes throughMacaos mage temple. The Olympic flame from Olympia will meet the incense frommage temple, and Macao will show the characteristics of Chinese and Westerncultures in the most representative way of welcoming the Olympic flame.

Well, thats the end of todays tour. I hope this interpretation has left adeep impression on you. Please pay more attention to more Macao scenic spots.Goodbye.



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我们乘船顺流而下,首先经过的是我们每天都在触摸的瞿塘峡。为什么这么说呢?大家不妨掏出一张10元的人民币,在它的背面就是瞿塘峡峡口的标志——變门。瞿塘峡上自刘备托孤的白帝城,下到古文化的宝库巫山大溪镇,全长只有8公里,是三峡中距离最短、航道最窄、最雄伟壮观的一个峡。瞿塘虽短胜景却不少,像古栈道、孟良梯、风箱峡等风景都错落在峡道两岸;此峡中还有神秘的古代巴人悬棺遗址。船行至瞿塘峡出口处就是大溪古镇了。考古工作者先后对这个只有200多户人家的小镇进行过三次发掘,发现古墓208 座,经碳同位素测定,这是一处距今5000多年的新石器时代遗址。这一发现证明,长江和黄河一样,都是中华文明的摇篮、古文化的发祥地。






巫峡全长45公里,西起巫山大宁河口,东到湖北巴东县官渡口。如果说瞿塘峡像一道闸门,那么巫峡就像长江上一条迂回曲折的画廊。在这一幅幅风景画中,主角当然就是我们的巫山十二峰了。说到十二峰,您一定会问哪个是神女峰吧?请大家顺着我手指的方向看,在江北岸的山顶上有一尊人形的石柱,好像一位亭亭玉立的少女在遥望江面,那就是著名的神女峰了。别看它只是一块只有6米多高的石头,可早在20__ 多年前的战国时期,因为楚国著名辞赋家宋玉的《神女赋》而早已闻名天下了。



从这儿,我们也就进入了长江三峡的最后一个峡——西陵峡,它全长76公里,终点是宜昌的南津关。西陵峡在以前是以险而著称,有句行船谚语说:“青滩、泄滩不算滩,崆岭才是鬼门关。”说的就是西陵峡中最危险的三个滩。不过,新中国成立后,西陵峡经过整治,特别是1970年兴建的葛洲坝工程,抬高水位20 多米,原来的礁石险滩早已沉入江底。再加上1994 年破土动工的三峡大坝二期工程完工后,库区已蓄水至海拔135米,整个西陵峡的航运条件得到了根本性的改善。虽然峡内的风景发生了一些变化,但位于两坝之间一段长约38公里的西陵峡东段却原封不动地保留了下来,它保持着三峡的原汁原味,是唯一永远不被淹没的三峡风光。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 840 字

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黄河从黑山峡至沙坡头60多千米流程中,两岸山峰峭立,险滩幽谷,比比皆是,尤其在沙坡头段,先民们利用黄河水资源,开流挖渠,引水浇田,创造了在河心筑堤分水,自流灌溉的奇迹沙坡头黄河“都江堰”。为纪念先民的聪慧与伟大而建造的“白马拉缰”雕塑迎风破浪,巍然耸立,似向游人诉说着古老的黄河故事,是黄河漂流线上的一大亮点。这里的风景更加靓丽,这里的环境更加纯净,世界沙都,风景如画! 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆!千年的水车,岁月的年轮!古老的渡口,感受漂流的那份惬意!沙尽头,美丽的绿洲!王维的诗写尽了这里的天寥地远!黄沙吹老了岁月,吹不老我的思念!曾经多少个夜晚,梦回故园!渺远的沙海,叮当的驼铃,这似乎是从丝绸古道走过的驼队!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4048 字

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Welcome to changsha, hunan! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you cancall me little x. In order to facilitate everyone to visit, let me firstintroduce the history of changsha in hunan province.

15-20__00 years ago, human activity has started in changsha. About 7000years ago, changsha began to form the village. About 2400 years ago in thespring and autumn period and the warring states period chu in changsha city.Until today, the site has not changed, more than 20__ years ago the location ofthe road and even today the streets are still coincidence, therefore, changshabecome the longest in the history of Chinese city one of the cities at the sameaddress.

The different historical period, changsha has "LinXiang", called "tamstates"; Changsha tang and song dynasty and Ming dynasty and qing dynasty, itseconomy and culture as its most prosperous period in history. The earliestdocumented in the name of "changsha" ", wang shifu book will be about tribute"changsha turtle" say, more than 3000 years ago. Chow period of ningxiang countycoal river site unearthed four sheep statue of bronze ware etc reflects thechangsha area with the original a connection. Changsha, about 2400 years historyof city construction, city was built in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, chu. "The millet of changsha, chu also." ChuCheng kingset county in guizhou, changsha as its scope. By qin qin shi huang unifiedChina, changsha county 36 county, one of which is changsha starts with Chinasadministrative division name go down in history. Han period, the capital city ofchangsha, changsha countries. In the early eastern han dynasty waste "changsha"appointed "changsha county" instead.

In The Three Kingdoms and the western jin dynasty period, changsha countygovernance, belong to the ancient jingzhou. The late western jin dynasty and thenorthern and southern dynasties, changsha county and hunan state system ofgovernance.

Sui early withdrawal county, head of changsha as tam state government; Thelate change state for the county, and changsha, changsha county countygovernance. When set pool by the tang dynasty, once jiangnan road, Jiang Naxiway. Changsha kiln in the five dynasties period of the tang dynasty, onceflourished, become the birthplace of under glaze color. Five dynasties and tenstates period for changsha chu capital, which is the only country to changshafor capital.

When the song dynasty by the changsha to pool. Changsha yuelu academy, setup in the northern song dynasty to culture and education to the peak. The yuandynasty in 1274 to pool state road, HuGuang province seat. Is still the tamstate road 1281, hunan DaoXuan comfort seat, subordinate HuGuang provinces; Yuanliterate admired day calendar for two years due to the "good" emperors nameheaven road, yuan state seat change at the end of the pool. Ming to changshaFuZhi, originally department subordinate HuGuang. The qing emperor kangxi threeyears to build "hunan province", changsha as changsha government FuZhi and hunanprovince. When Ming and qing dynasties, changsha, there are four big market andbig four, what he said, one of the most important market for China.

Late qing dynasty, zeng guofan became "the first person of hunan", thechangsha government emerged important figure in Chinese history, such as CengGuoquan, zuo zongtang, Hu Linyi, such as elimination of the taiping heavenlykingdom, started the westernization movement, recovered in xinjiang, etc., causeprofound influence to the late qing dynasty of China. Late qing dynasty andearly republic of China, changsha become important political and revolutionaryactivities. The reform movement of Chen Baozhen, tan sitong, establishment ofThe Times in changsha school. ZiLiJun uprising, China after a sudden flash ofinspiration, symbol of tian-hua Chen and Yao Hongye, clear ping feels ashameduprising, rob rice agitation, are influential activities. Against the qingdynasty in the late qing dynasty made a series of qing dynasty, made greatcontribution to the establishment of the republic of China.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 810 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1652 字

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Good friends! Now, we went to the famous Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River between Chongqing and Hubei, is called the Qutang gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling gorge. The magnificent scenery, pulling insurance yet Ya Zhuang is beautiful, is a good place for leisure.

The total length of two hundred km, we look at both sides are continuous mountains, mountain without a gap, such as a green area. Here the mountains touch the sky, clouds, the sky lock into a belt. Had it not been for midday, the sun would have been invisible?!

The Three Gorges is a "multi view" place. The seasons of the year, this place has radically different views as you enjoy. In summer, the water here is vast and the current is swift. It is a kind of unrestrained beauty. But for the sake of safety, or slightly careful. Autumn, is a sad beauty, with every morning frost, there are monkeys that mourning a whistle, it is copy from rolia.

If youre a quiet person, its time for you! The spring days like this show the beauty of the three gorges. Here is like snow rapids and green pools, swing the Shiba also the reflection of the things in the world are shadow, visitors can explore the head to see, well, there are reflected in the sun! On the peaks on either side of you there are many strange pines and cypresses, very interesting. Now, we are in front of both sides of the falls. The milk shed agitate, is elegant vibrant beauty, well, as the boat forward, we enjoy the beauty of water tree show, mountain grass Sheng!

Happy times always pass so fast that our journey is over. May the Three Gorges Tour leave a good memory in your heart. Bye bye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3658 字

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五指山市是有名的“翡翠山城”,因海南岛上最高山峰五指山而得名,有五指山市热带雨林、海南民族博物馆、七指岭 、热带植物园、中华民族文化村、卧龙山、太平山瀑布、琼州学院 、海瑞祖居、琼崖公学纪念亭、鹦歌岭、甘什岭、民族博物馆和仿古黎村、白沙起义纪念馆、仙龙洞 、黎苗民族歌舞长廊、木色旅游度假风景区等风景名胜。下面是小编收集整理的5篇介绍海南五指山的导游词范文,欢迎借鉴参考。











望海台和望江台均建于阮朝明命年间(公元1820~1840年)。从水山上往西北方向看去,金山和土山相对,直指蓝天;西南方向火山双峰并立;东南方向木山一枝独秀。水山上有华严云洞、华严石洞,灵岩洞、陵虚洞、云通洞、藏珠洞、云月洞、天龙洞。最大最美的要数玄空洞。洞里冬暖夏凉,洞壁有许多钟乳石,形似飞禽走兽。洞内供奉一尊大百佛,高约4米,雕刻精细,神态逼真,栩栩如生。洞顶有五道裂缝,状似大门。透过裂缝,昼可观日,夜可望星月。水山上有三台寺、慈心寺。灵应寺。寺内供奉多尊菩萨、罗汉塑像,山上还有通天路和入地路。通大路可以把游客引向山顶,入地路则把人们一直引到山脚下的海滨。五行山风光秀丽。为此,古人有诗写道: 何处景色胜五行, 不逊仙境是蓬莱。 山光彩石峰浴翠, 古寺香雾绕云岩。




五指山市位于海南岛中南部腹地,平均海拔316米,总人口10.7万人,其中农业人口5.7万人,市区人口5万人,总面积1168平方公里,下辖冲山,毛阳,南圣,番阳4个镇 和畅好,毛道,水满,保国和红山5个乡及国营畅好农场。

五指山市是原海南黎族 苗族自治州首府所在地,是海南省 旅游资源最集中的地区之一和海南热带 山地风光旅游的中心城市,属于海南省六大旅游中心系统,其独特的热带自然景观、气候条件和民族风情 闻名于世,具有不可替代的旅游开发价值。

境内象征海南岛的五指山,被国际旅游 组织列为A级旅游点,市区有太平山旅游区,黎苗风情观光区、黎锦生产基地和民族博物馆。五指山市还是黎族苗族歌舞表演和工艺品制作的主要发源地,是每年三月三庆典的最主要场所,旅游业已成为最具生机、最富活力的优势产业。







五指山古称通什峒,‘通什”是地名,黎语“通什”指山谷中连片的田地。后沿革为通什乡、通什镇、通什市。“通什”是黎语的汉字海南话译写,读tōng zá。







