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Hefei City, with a long history, was called Luzhou in ancient times, alsoknown as Luyang. It is located in the middle of Anhui Province, between theYangtze River and Huaihe River, and on the North Bank of Chaohu Lake. It governsfour districts of East City, West City, middle city and suburb, and threecounties of Changfeng, Feidong and Feixi. It has a total area of 7266 squarekilometers (458 square kilometers in the urban area) and a population of 4.259million (1.2794 million in the urban area). The city is an old and young citywith wide roads, green trees and beautiful scenery. It has many modern buildingsand places of interest.

As the capital of Anhui Province, Hefei is the center of politics, economy,science and education, culture, information, finance, commerce andtransportation in Anhui Province. It is also a first-class open city in Chinaand an important scientific research and education base in China. It has morethan 30 institutions of higher learning including University of science andtechnology of China. High tech Industrial Park and Synchrotron RadiationLaboratory of University of science and technology are famous at home andabroad. There are different opinions on the origin of the name "Hefei". LiDaoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty wrote "notes to the classic of water", whichstates: "the water in summer rises sharply, and Shi He is in Fei, so it iscalled He Fei." Generally speaking, Shi Shui is called Nanfei River and Fei Shuiis called Dongfei river. In the Tang Dynasty, someone put forward anothertheory: Feishui flows out of Jiming mountain and flows 20 Li to the north, whichis divided into two parts: one flows southeast (Nanfeihe River) and entersChaohu Lake; the other flows Northwest (Dongfeihe River) and flows 200 Li fromShouchun to Huaihe River. In Erya, it is pointed out that "returning to thedifferent is the same as being fat". The two rivers are all called Fei. Theycome from one source and are divided into two, so they are called Hefei. Hefeiis known as "the old land of the Three Kingdoms and the hometown of Bao Zheng"in the world. It has a strategic position of "the right throat of Huaihe Riverand the lips and teeth of Jiangnan". It is often a place for militarystrategists. In the Three Kingdoms period, the battle of Xiaoyaojin, in whichZhang Liao defeated Sun Quans 100000 troops, took place. More than 20__ yearsago, a commercial metropolis began to form here. In the Qin and Han Dynasties,prefectures and counties were set up here. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, itwas governed by Luzhou Prefecture. In the Republic of China, it was the capitalof Anhui Province. Now it is a commercial city with thousands of scales andmerchants.

Hefei is known as "green city" and "garden city". Its park around the cityis built on the basis of the ancient city wall of Hefei, along the undulatinghills, plus the original green belt and moat. The total length of the park isabout 9 km, which is divided into six scenic spots, among which the more famousare the Milky Way scenic spot with luxuriant forests and bamboo trees and thesummer river facing the dew; the Xishan Scenic Spot with lakes and mountains andclear water; and the Huanbei scenic spot with verdant trees and evergreen grass.Such a park around the city has no barrier of the city wall and stands facingthe water, which is a charming and beautiful Jiangnan scenery.

In recent years, Hefeis economy has made rapid progress, urbanconstruction is changing with each passing day, the five mile rainbow flies fromeast to west, and the lights of Luzhou are shining. High tech Development Zone,economic and Technological Development Zone, Longgang Industrial Zone and othersurrounding areas. Feishui passes through the city, and the park around the citylooks like a jade necklace; Xiaoyao Gujin, Baohe Xiuse, Yaohai Park and so onare scattered among them like pearls; Chunxiao in Shushan, Baogong cemetery,jiaonu Fanzhong, and the remains of King Wu are wandering among them, which makepeople nostalgic and forget to return.

There are many places of interest in Hefei. Once upon a time, there wereZhenhuai Jiao rhyme, Fancha bell, Cangzhou grass color, jiaonu pine shade,Shushan snow Ji, huaipu Chunrong, Chaohu night moon, four top Chaoxia eightplaces, collectively referred to as "eight scenes of Luyang". Among them, thenight moon of Chaohu Lake and the four peaks of morning glow are no longer partof Hefei city; the scenery of Zhenhuai Jiaoyun has disappeared and become ahistorical relic because of the long time and the change of things. Now the mostfamous places of interest are jiaoluotai, Mingjiao temple, Xiaoyaojin andBaogong temple.

The reform and opening up has brought a new era to Hefei. Now, Hefei istaking a brand-new attitude of Science City, industrial city, garden city andhealth city to welcome the worlds guests and make friends all over theworld.



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亲爱的旅客朋友们,您好。我是白浩江,这次就由我来带您游赏这美丽的黄山。黄山有泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之瀑,雁荡山之巧石,峨眉山之秀丽,黄山无不兼而有之。明代旅行家、地理学家, 徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:“登黄山天下无山,观止矣!”又留“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。黄山更有“天下第一奇山”之称。可以说无峰不石,无石不松,无松不奇,并以 奇松、怪事、云海、温泉著称于世著称于世。其二湖,三瀑,十六泉,二十四溪相映争辉。春、夏、秋、冬四季景色各异。黄山还兼有“天然动物园和天下植物园”的美称,有植物近1500种,动物500多种。






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The birth of the University of Macao can be traced back to March 1981. Atthat time, Ricci Island West Limited obtained the land lease from the Macaogovernment and founded the first university in Macao, the private East AsianUniversity, which is also the predecessor of the University of Macao. Theestablishment of the University of East Asia marks the beginning of Macaosmodern higher education.

In the early years of the University of East Asia, most of its studentscame from Hong Kong. Later, in order to meet the needs of human resources duringthe transition period of Macaos regime transfer, in 1988, the Macao Foundationacquired and reorganized the University of East Asia, established the school ofArts, School of business administration, School of social and human sciences andSchool of science and technology, changed the three-year curriculum to four-yearcurriculum, and then established the school of law and School of education.English is still the main teaching language.

In 1991, the constitution of the new university was formulated, and theUniversity of East Asia was officially renamed as the public university ofMacao, with the goal of cultivating talents in Macao. After the reorganizationof the University, the number of students has risen sharply, from hundreds atthe beginning to more than 5000 at present, and the proportion of local studentsin Macao has increased from 39% when the University was founded to 90% atpresent.

After more than 20 years of transformation, the University of Macau hasestablished a complete teaching system, including the school of businessadministration, the school of social and Human Sciences, the school of scienceand technology, the school of law, the school of education, the preparatorycourse center, and the off campus courses and special programs center. Confersbachelors degree, masters degree, doctors degree and junior college degree.The University of Macau has a faculty of more than 350 people with rich teachingand professional experience. Some of them graduated from famous universities inCanada, China, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, Chinese Taiwan, Britain and the United States.They have published hundreds of papers in a number of international seminars andinternational academic journals, and three scientific research achievements havebeen patented. At present, the University of Macau has participated in andcompleted ten scientific research projects funded by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China and four Eureka research and development projectsorganized by the European Union.

There are more than 1000 computers and more than 100 workstations andservers with powerful computing power on the campus of the University of Macau,and the largest wireless campus network in Macao has been established. More than40 laboratories are set up to meet the needs of teaching and research. TheInternational Library of the University of Macau is committed to the developmentof electronization. Although there are only more than 180000 books in itscollection, the number of electronic materials is increasing. The library hasthe largest collection of international organizations in Southeast Asia.

The University of Macau is a member of many international universityorganizations, such as the International Association of universities, theInternational Association of university presidents, the Asia Pacific UniversityAssociation, etc. it started international exchanges in 1991. At present, it hassigned academic cooperation or exchange student agreements with more than 90universities in more than 20 countries and regions, including China, Europe,Japan, New Zealand and the United States. More than 100 foreign exchangestudents come to the university every year . In addition to recruiting studentsfrom Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan, the university has been able to recruitstudents from 14 provinces and cities in mainland China since 20__. As thepioneer of higher education in Macao, the University of Macao aims at providinghigh-quality higher education in Macao. In response to the requirements ofsocial development in the future, the university will expand teaching buildings,laboratories, offices, research centers, student activity centers anddormitories, and set up courses to meet the needs of social development.

The University of Macau attaches equal importance to teaching andscientific research. In the future, it will continue to make progress towardsthese two goals and be fully prepared to meet all challenges, so as to make theUniversity of Macau an important institution of higher learning withinternational level in the region.



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Tianmen Mountain was called Songliang mountain in the Han Dynasty. In theThree Kingdoms period, a door was opened on the wall of the mountain. Sun Xiu,king of Wu, regarded it as an auspicious omen and renamed it Tianmen Mountain.Tianmen Mountain is a masterpiece of nature. In the long geological history, ithas experienced marine sedimentation rising to continental sedimentation,forming a high mountain, and suffered hundreds of millions of years of wind andrain erosion, especially the Triassic Yanshan movement. At the end of theCretaceous, the large-scale Himalayan orogeny further uplifted the TianmenMountain, which was cut into isolated mountains by two fault canyons, resultingin a great height difference between the high mountains and the valley, with aheight difference of more than 1300 meters within a few kilometers, thuscreating the majestic momentum of the isolated peaks of the TianmenMountain.

Tianmen Mountain is a mysterious carrier of historical culture and Buddhismculture, and a perfect combination of natural landscape and human landscape.

In order to speed up the process of tourism development in Zhangjiajie,Tianmen Mountain is in the process of large-scale development and construction.Some scenic spots have not been officially opened; the worlds longest ropewayand Tianmenshan temple are under construction.

So, how did Tianmen cave form? Geologist Mr. Qin gongjiong thought that itwas the result of "funnel" dissolution. He thinks that the terrain on the eastside of Tianmen cave inclines slightly to the west, while the terrain on thewest side inclines slightly to the East, and the core of syncline is facingTianmen cave road. The East and west walls are cut by two joints with a strikeof about 320 degrees, and a joint with a strike of 40 degrees intersects withthem at Tianmen cave. Two karst funnels at the top of the cave also play animportant role in the karst process. After the rain falls, the surface waterflows along the slope to the funnel, and part of the water flowing into the soilflows down the interlayer cracks of the stratum towards the core of thesyncline. The long-term continuous dissolution process makes the local collapse,and finally makes the two groups of caves merge into one, forming the Tianmencave. However, some people disagree with this: the Tianmen cave was formedaccording to this principle. Why is the base of the cave a huge platform? Canthese rocks "collapse" out of the cave? Therefore, the formation of Tianmen caveis still an unsolved mystery. (Tianmenshan Temple) Tianmenshan temple was firstbuilt in the Tang Dynasty. It was called Yunbo temple, Lingquan courtyard andSongliang hall in ancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, due to improper siteselection, it was repeatedly destroyed by wind and often suffered from watershortage, so Tianmenshan temple was moved from the eastern peak. It used to be aplace with towering ancient trees and thick shade. The lintel of the ancienttemple is engraved with the four characters "Tianmen Xianshan". The couplet onboth sides of the gate is: "there is no night in the sky, and there is nomountain on the mountain. It is said that Li Zicheng wrote a book by Ye Fu. Theentrance is the Great Buddha Hall, behind which is the Guanyin hall, with sixbungalows on both sides. The last one is the ancestral hall, which is of greatscale. Folk can be summarized as "three into the hall, six ear room, brick wall,iron pot, such as Kuang". The original architecture of the temple is veryparticular, with cornices and angles, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, andstatues of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There is also a big drum, a big bell, aseven level stone tower and a Dahua money stove. According to the inscriptions,Tianmenshan temple was repaired seven times during the 163 years from theQianlong period of the Qing Dynasty to the fifth year of the Republic of China.At that time, there was an endless stream of believers from more than tencounties along the border of Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou. Now TianmenshanTourism Co., Ltd. is repairing Tianmenshan temple on a large scale, and theformer prosperity will reappear. (longtouyan) its called longtouyan. In thepast, there were stone taps that could be turned on the collapse. Longtou rockfaces a cliff. It is said that in the past, many pilgrims, in order to showtheir sincerity in praying for God and worshiping Buddha, held the dragons headin their hands and made a circle around the cliff. As long as they were sincere,they would guarantee you nothing. Later, the dragon head was lifted off thecliff. Now we can only see the stone pit where the dragon head was placed.Longtou rock is the best viewing platform for sunrise. Li Jing, the magistrateof Yuezhou in the Ming Dynasty, wrote a poem praising the Tianmen Mountain: themountain has reached its peak, and the Tianmen gate is close to the mountain.Looking up at Penglai under the red sun, looking forward to Lufu white clouds.Cangya abrupt pine fir ancient, Qujing remote horse trace empty. If you want tobuild the highest peak, flying must rely on the sky wind. (chisongfeng goldpool) this small pool is about 1.3 meters long, 0.6 meters wide and only a fewcentimeters deep. No matter how dry it is, the water will not dry up all theyear round. It is said that this is the gold pool of chisongzi, the rain masterof Shennong emperor in ancient times. Under the northern cliff, there is a peaklike Danzao peak, which is called Danzao peak. At the top of the peak, there areclouds and mist, like the smoke rising from the stove. It is said that it is astove used by red pine nuts for alchemy. There is a poem by predecessors: "inthe past, there were immortal places. The relics are left in Danzao, and theyoften come and go. " There are thunder cave and electricity cave under the peakof Danzao. It is said that in addition to using the water from the golden pool,the red pine nut can reach a certain degree of fire with the help of thunder andelectricity. There are many strange things in Tianmen Mountain, but the way isnot clear. Among them, there are four ancient mysteries, which have been handeddown from generation to generation. The first is the mystery of Tianmen opening,the second is the mystery of developing sweet potato millet, the third is themystery of turning water on the top of the mountain, and the fourth is themystery of wild Buddhas treasure. It is said that under the beech tree is thetreasure house of the wild Buddha. In the chapter "Tianmen Mountain" in thelocal records of Yongding County written by Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, it issaid that "in the Ming Dynasty, the wild Buddha flew to this mountain fromJiashan temple. The wild Buddha was a bandit. After the incident, he cut off hishair and became a monk. He escaped from heaven. " (ghost Valley cave) it is saidthat when Li Zicheng took Yefu up the mountain, he took more than 100 people andhorses and many gold and silver treasures, hired nine wooden boats to sneak intoDayong secretly against the Li River, and went up Tianmen Mountainunconsciously. This time Yefu became a monk, he didnt really want to become aBuddha. Instead, he "sleeps" every day and "draws his sword to the altar" to"restore the Central Plains" and "wipe out the whole world" one day. However,the situation took a sharp turn, the peasant army collapsed, the Qing governmentwas established, and Yefu finally died of anxiety. It is said that before hedied, he scattered all the treasures he had brought and hid them in severalsecret places in Tianmen Mountain. And poisoned all the migrant workers todeath. For hundreds of years, I dont know how many bandits, pilgrims andmysterious monks of Tianmen Mountain have come to Tianmen to worship. In fact,they have come back empty handed to peep at the terrain and search for treasure.Where the treasure is hidden is always a mystery.



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Facing the autumn wind, stepping on the grass. Our whole family went toTianshui for a tour. In this trip to Tianshui, the most impressive touristattraction is the famous "Maiji Mountain Grottoes".

After more than four hours journey, we arrived at Tianshui city. Afterstaying in the hotel and having lunch, we rushed to the first touristdestination, Maijishan grottoes.

"Its a coincidence that it was sunny just now, but now its drizzling. Oh,how to play when it rains! "I murmured. "Youre wrong," my father said. "Maijimisty rain is a wonderful sight in Maiji Mountain, which I cant touch." afterhearing this, my eyes lit up and I was looking forward to seeing it earlier.

At the foot of Maiji Mountain, fresh air came. From a distance, themountain looks like a farmers wheat pile. The fog formed by rain surrounds thetop of the mountain. The hazy scene brings a mysterious atmosphere, just like afairyland.

With the fresh air and the smell of grass, we walked to the Maijishangrottoes.

According to the guide, Maijishan grottoes were first excavated in the lateQin Dynasty of the Sixteen Kingdoms. After more than ten dynasties, they wereexcavated and rebuilt. It has a history of about 1600 years. It is one of thefour largest Grottoes in China. There are 194 caves with more than 7200 statuesof different sizes. They are divided into three categories: clay sculpture,stone sculpture and stone stele. Clay sculpture is the main one, and it is knownas "Oriental Sculpture Exhibition Hall". Deep national tradition, distinctsecularization and strong interest in life are the prominent features ofMaijishan grottoes.

Listening to the guides explanation, we reached the top of the mountainunconsciously. Looking at lifelike statues, I seem to see our ancestors on thissteep mountain, using their wisdom to create this magical statue. Some of themare carving, some are coloring, some are fixing In short, they are industriouseverywhere.

Among so many statues, I admire two. The first is the sculpture of the"three saints of the west" on the Shandong side. The amituo Buddha in the middleis 13 meters long, majestic and has both spirit and shape. The eyes made ofglass beads are bright and bright, and the folds on the clothes are meticulous.Because hair and other materials are added when mixing with mud, the Buddhastatue looks smooth and delicate, just like the real one. The second is called"Oriental smile". His eyes are slightly closed, his mouth is up and his head isslightly down, showing the loveliness and implicitness of Oriental people. Itsvery likable.

After the tour of Maiji Mountain, I feel very much that our ancestors,using their wisdom, diligence and perseverance, left such a proud cultural relicfor future generations. As the descendants of the dragon, we should carryforward the industrious, simple and persistent spirit of our ancestors to makeour motherland more prosperous.



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Xiangshan is located in the western suburb of Beijing. Besides appreciatingmaple, it is also a royal garden with a long history and rich culturalheritage.

There are "Xishan Qingxue", one of the eight sceneries in Yanjing; Biyuntemple, a temple with the architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties; theonly existing wooden and gilded "500 arhat hall" in China; Zongjing Dazhaotemple, a palace to welcome the sixth Panchen Lama; jianxinzhai, a quaintcourtyard with Jiangnan characteristics; Here is Shuangqing villa, the firstplace where the great man of the century Mao Zedong and the Central Committee ofthe Communist Party of China lived and worked in Peiping; here is the temporaryresidence of the great man of the Century Sun Yat Sens coffin, the King Kongthrone tower of Biyun temple, the Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall of Biyun temple andthe Sun Yat Sens tomb.

Xiangshan Park is located in the western suburb of Beijing, covering anarea of more than 180 hectares. It is a royal garden with a long history, richcultural heritage and mountain forest characteristics. As early as 1186, thehuman landscape appeared in Xiangshan. Xiangshan temple was once the highesttemple in the west of Beijing. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong built 28Jingyi gardens. Xiangshan and Jingyi gardens are one of the famous "threemountains and five gardens" in western Beijing. In 1860 and 1900, Xiangshan andjingyiyuan were burned by the Allied forces of Britain, France and the eightcountries. After 1949, most of the scenic spots have been restored.

Xiangshan Park has steep terrain, emerald peaks and lush springs. Xianglupeak, the main peak, is 557 meters above sea level. There are more than 260000trees in the park, including more than 5800 ancient and famous trees, accountingfor about a quarter of the urban area of Beijing, and the forest coverage rateis as high as 98%. In recent years, it has been determined by relevantdepartments as one of the areas with the highest negative oxygen ion in Beijing.In the park, people live in harmony with nature, birds sing and insects sing,squirrels play in the gully forest. Here, flowers are blooming in spring, cooland pleasant in summer, and plain silver makeup in winter. In particular,Xiangshan red leaf is most famous. Every frost autumn, all over the mountain,like a raging fire, magnificent incomparable. During the period of Ci poetry,the number of visitors doubled, and it was once rated as one of the "16 newsceneries of Beijing".

Xiangshan Park has complete tourism service facilities. Up the mountain,you can take the large hanging chair type sightseeing cableway h, with a totallength of 1400 meters and a drop of 431 meters). Songlin restaurant andXiangshan villa are ideal places for sightseeing, vacation and leisure. Livinghere, you can walk to the botanical garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing Botanical Garden and Wofo temple. A few kilometers to the East is thefamous summer palace. To the south, there are Badachu Park and other touristattractions.



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Is the bIrthplace of ChInese CIvIlIzatIon and one of the sIx ancIentcapItal cItIes In ChIna. DurIng the last 3000 years It served as a capItal forseveral dynastIes. It Is the second largest cIty In ChIna wIth a populatIon ofmore than 11 mIllIon. Is neIther cold In wInter nor very In summer. The bestseasons In are SprIng and Autumn. BeIjIng Is Indeed an Ideal place to vIsIt allround the year.

Temple of Heaven In the southern part of BeIjIng Is ChIna`s largestexIstIng complex of ancIent sacrIfIcIal buIldIngs. OccupyIng an area of 273hectares, It Is three tImes the area of the ForbIdden CIty. It was buIlt In 1420for emperors to worshIp Heaven. The prIncIple buIldIngs Include the Altar ofPrayer for Good Harvests, ImperIal Vault of Heaven and CIrcular Mound Altar.

ForbIdden CIty, so called because It was off lImIts to commoners for 500years, Is the largest and best-preserved cluster of ancIent buIldIngs In ChIna.It was home to two dynastIes of emperors -the MIng and the QIng - who dIdntstray from thIs pleasure dome unless they absolutely had to.

Great Wall of ChIna, Also know n to the ChInese as the 10,000 LI Wall, theGreat Wall of ChIna stretches from ShanhaIguan Pass on the east coast toJIayuguan Pass In the Desert. Standard hIstorIes emphasIze the unIty of thewall.



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Dear tourists, my name is Chen Yinbai. Please call me guide Chen. You arenow in Xishuangbanna. Do you want to know where Xishuangbanna is? Its in thesouthwest of our country. In this beautiful and rich land, there are 14 ethnicgroups such as Dai, Hani and Han.

Tourists, we are now in the plant kingdom of Xishuangbanna. There areskygazing trees and arrow poison trees. Im here to remind you: dont get closeto arrow poison trees, or your life will be in danger. There are also 1700 yearold tea trees, dancing grass and water cane in the path. Its raining, and youdont have to worry. Because there is a kind of "natural umbrella". Cut off apiece of plant called "Hai Yu Ye" to avoid heavy rain.

Tourists, we are now in the animal kingdom of Xishuangbanna. At this point,the gibbon and the black civet may be looking at you. At this time, theleisurely elephants are swinging their noses in the jungle for a walk and play.At this time, the Green Peacock is unfolding its colorful feathers to dance foryou, the vultures are hovering in the air, the tigers and leopards are hauntingin the depths of confusion

When we walk into the village of Xishuangbanna, you will see manyinteresting buildings: bamboo buildings, bamboo pavilions, spire pagodas Men,women and children in all kinds of ethnic clothes are talking and laughinghappily. They are the most beautiful scenery in this land

There are many beautiful sceneries in Xishuangbanna. Next time, I will leadyou to Xishuangbanna again.



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Bali, known as the provincial administrative, located in Indonesia, is a famous tourist resort. Provincial capital in Dan pasha, south of the island is 1000 miles from the capital, Jakarta, and Java is only 3.2 kilometers wide channel between apart, area of about 5630 square kilometers and a population of about 3.15 million.

Main attractions: Bali sea temple: Bali is one of the most important temple of the sea, sea. GOLF course: BALI BALI GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB boasts one of the best five stadium in Asia. Ubud palace: the whole palace is spectacular, attracts many art lovers come every year. Gold balaam beach: gold balaam beach is famous for its sea sunset. Kuta beach, billed as the most beautiful coast on Bali. St monkey forest park: Bali residents think the monkey is (monkeys are) the monkey god hanuman men, should also be gods worship. Padang food Padang food beach: heres the basic no commercial breath, beach water Elizabeth Barbara ohm, pleasant scenery.

Balinese is by a variety of south island immigration and about 2500 BC in prehistoric times half-blood. Is generally believed that in about 300 BC, the Bronze Age, Bali has very progress of culture; Still in use of farmland irrigation organization (Subak), and is inherited from the irrigation system. About the tenth century, when Indian civilization influence the whole southeast Asia, through Java to Bali, Bali later literature, art, social organizations and politics.

Bali because of the history of Indian culture and religion, the influence of the residents mostly Hindu, Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs. But the Hindu here with Indian Hindu not the same, is the combination of the Hindu teachings and Bali customs, known as the Hindu Bali. Residents three main worship god (brahma, Vishnu and shiva) and Buddhism sakyamuni, also worship the sun god, water god, fire, wind, etc.

Dont shake hands with his left hand; Dont ask others to come over by bending fingers; The head is sacred, dont take someone elses head, even if the other party is a child; Most local Hindu, go to the restaurant dining before it is better to see first whether halal restaurants; Walking to pay more attention to the road of sacrifice supplies, dont trample. Some local people often put offerings at the door, the streets we looks very ordinary things such as trees were gods worship, so street also often put the ritual supplies; To the local home, to take off their shoes when enter the room; Dont wear shorts skirts into the temple; The door of the temple has a salon and belt for free use, but should be appropriate alms.

And from the (Galungan) : January each year. Every household will put a big sacrifices and meet at the door god exorcism. To nie a (Nyepi) : 3-4 months each year. This festival is to give people to reflect on their own heart. The Bali arts festival: June 15 - July 14. Dancers from all over the world, the dramatist, musician, painter gathered here, to show their works. Independence day: August 17, 1945: Indonesia national holiday, is Indonesias independence day.

Rainy season after the end of a month (April) is the hottest season of the Bali, may to September its cooler (at this time is the best season for traveling to Bali). Bali area weather conditions, in addition to slightly lower temperatures in the central mountains, the sea areas outside air temperature is higher, other regions are mostly sunny hot weather.



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Xiaogushan is different from Dagushan in Poyang Lake. Standing in theYangtze River 60 kilometers southeast of Susong City, Xiufeng is independent andformed during the Quaternary glacial period. "Block hundreds of rivers inthousands of miles, accept the mountains at the foot.". "Haimen stone pillar","Yangtze River unique", "river scenery" are the worlds praise ofXiaogushan.

The mountain is 86 meters high and only about one mile in circumference. Itwas once called Jishan because it looks like a bun on the head of an ancientwoman. The boat moves in the middle of the river, and the mountain graduallychanges. The villager said: "look at a pen in the south, look like a bell in thewest, look at the chair in the East, look at Xiaotianlong in the north." Lu You,a patriotic poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, praised: "the attitude ischangeable, and the belief in nature is also a beautiful thing."

The South Bank of Xiaogushan is opposite to penglangji. The river is soturbulent that the tide cant go up here. Because of the name of Haimen pass, itis called "Chu Sai Wu pass" which locks the Yangtze River. The main building ofXiaogushan is Qixiu temple, which was built in the Tang Dynasty. It is locatedon the hillside with green tiles and red walls. The statue of little girl isworshipped in the temple, which is called "Xiaogu Temple" by the people. Mysister-in-law is a pure and beautiful girl in folklore. She fell in love withPeng Lang, but in the end she couldnt get married, so she threw herself intothe river and died. After her death, she turned into a "little lonely mountain"named "Xiaogu mountain". Because Peng Lang was sad for his sister-in-lawsdeath, he turned into Shiji and stood by the river, which is also calledpenglangji. The "dressing Pavilion" on the top of the mountain is said to be myaunts dressing place. The pavilion is very elegant, with two layers of sixcorners, and you can view the fertile fields of Yunshan mountain from thewindow. The "evergreen tree" behind the pavilion, also known as the "Thoreautree", grows out of the stone, strong and luxuriant. The old man said: "thistree is like the divine tree in the moon. The shuttle used by Vega in the skywas gouged out by this tree. Xiaogu temple has always had a large number ofpilgrims.

Small isolated mountain, everywhere scenery, no scenery is not strange;Temple pavilions, hierarchical. There are longjiaoshi beside the mountain, steepby the river; there are longerdong in the mountain, warm in winter and cool insummer, unfathomable; there is Longkou on the top of the mountain, which is aspowerful as a roar in the sky. There are also yitianmen, longan stone, QiongYaDiCui, Mituo Pavilion, xianyuelou, banbianta, Haishen niche, Tianfei hall,jiechao temple, biyunti, Woyang stone, Guantao stone, Yushi stele, Temple relicsand Haimen stone carvings chanted by famous scholars. These historic sites add alayer of complicated aura to the mythical small isolated mountain cage.Traveling alone is like walking in fairyland. Xie Jin of the Ming Dynasty wrotea poem praising: "a high platform is built on rocks in the middle of the sky,and passers-by come here. Pei Yu still hears that the fairy is going, and takesLuan to suspect that the girl is coming back. Chengjiang autumn water brightmakeup mirror, the top cloud bin Wan bun pile. Why ask Penglai on the sea whenyou look at the southeast? There is an endless stream of Chinese and foreigntourists coming to Xiaogu mountain.



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