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Hello, everyone. Next we will see Sanqing mountain, one of the worldheritage sites. Huangshan is famous all over the world for its unique pines,strange things, sea of clouds and hot springs, while Sanqing mountain is famousall over the world for its unique features.

She is a wonderful flower in the land of China, which gathers the power ofMount Tai, the wonder of Mount Huangshan, the precipitousness of Mount Huashan,the clouds of Mount Hengshan, and the quietness of the green mountains. Nowlets take action to explore the beauty of Sanqing mountain.

Now, lets walk into one of the wonders of Sanqing mountain - strangestones. Ladies and gentlemen, please look in the direction of my finger: thepeak is more than 80 meters high and looks like a girl. She has a high nose,cherry mouth and beautiful hair. She sits side by side in front. He is one ofthe famous landscapes of Sanqing mountain - Goddess Peak. But behind her, thereis a story. It is said that she was originally an immortal in the sky. Sheoverheard that the Jade Emperor was planning to use the stones of Sanqingmountain to build a palace, and reduced Sanqing mountain to the sea, so that thepeople could act as mermaids. She was shocked. In order to save the villagers,she ignored her personal safety and let them know how to take refuge To avoid adisaster. But she was driven into the world and turned into a stone.

In addition to Goddess Peak, there are also many stones with differentshapes, such as the imposing Python coming out of the mountain, the lifelikedragon playing pine, and the lifelike Monkey King offering treasure

Sanqing mountain is not only a paradise for strange stones, but also a seaof valleys. Lets go up the trail and feel the charm of the valley. The name ofthe valley you see now is Feixian valley. Feixian Valley is actually the mostmajestic and precipitous Grand Canyon on the west coast. Its cliffs soar in theair and cut down nearly 1000 meters vertically. The valleys crisscross and thestreams twists and turns. It is very spectacular.

Tourists, after visiting for such a long time, we all have the samefeeling: Sanqing mountain is a miracle!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5264 字

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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to the one-day tour of Sanhe ancient town. Im Wang Bing, the tourguide of Anhui travel agency. Just call me Xiao Wang. Its a pleasure to havefriends from afar on Confucius day. Im very glad to have you here today. At thesame time, I hope my service will make you satisfied. This is master Li, thedriver of our tour, Master Li has more than ten years of driving experience. Heis very skillful in driving. You can give us two hearts, rest assured to ourMaster Li, and happy to me. Share this journey

Dear tourist friends, our tour bus is about to start. Please take yourbelongings with you and get on the bus in an orderly way. Are you all seated? Ittakes one hour to get to Sanhe from here. During this period, I will give you abrief introduction of Sanhe ancient town

Sanhe ancient town is located in Feixi County, Hefei City, on the shore ofChaohu Lake. It is adjacent to Lujiang River in the South and Shucheng in theWest. It is known as "crossing three counties in one step, hearing the crowingof chickens in three counties". Sanhe ancient town is named after fengle River,Xiaonan River, Hangbu River and Sanshui river. It is a famous fishing and riceTown in Anhui Province, Sanhe, an ancient town, has a history of more than 2500years. Because most waterfowl gather here, it is called quezhu and quean. UntilMing Dynasty, it was called Sanhe, which has been used up to now. In addition,Sanhe has always been a place for military strategists, One of the most famousis the great victory of Sanhe in 1858. The ancient town Sanhe has always beenfamous for its ancient, beautiful and prosperous. The ancient streets, alleysand dwellings in the town prove the antiquity of Sanhe. In addition, the foodculture of Sanhe has a long history, including Sanhe shrimp paste and crisp duckYuanbao

Dear tourists, after crossing this bridge, we will enter Sanhe ancienttown. Please take your belongings and get ready to get off

The monument you can see is called the military and civilian dam monument.It is written with eight characters: military and civilian co construction,copper wall and iron arm. It is a monument set up here in 1992 when Sanhe TownPeople were rebuilding their homes according to the proposal of the masses. Itcommemorates the efforts of the army and the people of Hefei to rescue more than6000 people who were besieged by the floods when Sanhe Town was hit by theextraordinary flood in 1991, Created a once-in-a-hundred-year flood did notdrown one person, did not starve one person, did not die of illness one personseternal miracle

In November 1858, Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng took part in the TaipingHeavenly Kingdom. According to the plan, they surrounded the three rivers andtotally annihilated more than 6000 members of the elite Li Jibin army of Hunan,The second year, when Chen Yucheng was 22 years old, he was named king ofEngland by Hong Xiuquan because of his outstanding military achievements. InSanhe, people used to call Chen Yuchengs headquarters yingwangfu. The roadleading to yingwangfu is called yingwanglu. In front of yingwangfu, you can goin and visit it freely

In the opposite side of the kings road, there is an antique building. Itis the Wan Nian Tai. During the Xianfeng years of the Qing Dynasty, there weretwo 10000 years platforms built by the three rivers. The former was built bythe master, and the latter was built by the apprentice. When the two of thembuilt 10000 years of Chinese Taiwan, they agreed to use eight posts. Who knows secondyears, the master used the method of stealing and changing the post to removefour columns from the column, leaving only four, so there were only four topbeams in Town Gods Temples Wan Nian platform. It looks very exquisite andelegant. Its shape surpasses the Wannian platform built by his apprentice

Lets go to the right. Now you come to Guxi street. The street is not wide.Its all paved with bluestone. Most of the dwellings on both sides were built inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. Guxi street used to be about 500 meters long andwas once known as Wuli street. Sanhe Town had the advantage of convenienttransportation in the water town when the traffic was blocked in ancient times,which made the commodity economy here get unprecedented prosperity

There are many alleys in Sanhe, including 26 big and small alleys. Amongthem, the most famous one is yirenxiang. It is the oldest and longest deep lanein Sanhe, and only one person can pass in and out of it. At the end ofyirenxiang, there is a private house, which used to be the guest house of Dr.Yang Zhenning. Dr. Yang Zhennings mother, Ms. Luo Menghua, was born in Sanhe.Hefei was occupied in February 1937, Yang Zhenning went to Sanhe to study withhis mother and lived in this humble house

Sanxian bridge is one of the oldest bridges in Sanhe ancient town. It spansxiaonanhe River and is located in the center of the ancient town. It is the linkconnecting Feixi, Shucheng and Lujiang counties, so it is called Sanxian bridge.When the bridge was built, people paid great attention to it. Each piece ofbridge stone was filled with glutinous rice and egg white, It is said that thebridge was built by monk Bao after half his life

Dear tourists, our browsing is coming to an end. Lets taste the deliciousfood of Sanhe



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Baiyun district is one of the six municipal district of guiyang city, islocated in the middle of guiyang city, the north by the county, east, west,south and adjacent wudang district, southeast and yunyan district adjacent,connected with gold-sun new district in the west and western borders qingzhencorner. Is one of the nations largest aluminum industrial base. Rich in naturalresources, beautiful scenery.

Baiyun district rich in tourism resources. Baiyun park is one of the famouspark in guiyang city, the environment here is invigorating, top 10 landscapepark is blue. As the site of the international kite festival, she attracted manytourists from home and abroad, to baiyun district won the "China kite of thetownship", "weifang are north, south have white clouds" of reputation. Baiyunpark also hosted the world orchids expo bodybuilding championships and thenational fitness, the 19th Asian championships, international flower arrangingflowers firsthand and the first flower arranging grand prix and theinternational tea art, tea ceremony performance in guizhou and guizhous teaart, tea ceremony, grand prix, etc., make the baiyun district greatly increasedvisibility. Since the garden package for shanxi coal bosses open playground,from free to closed-end management of people in the park was missing a shade ofthe holy land at rest garden it shall not come into people. Long PoLing nationalforest park is also a must-see tourist destination. Park a total area of 1075hectares, is an important part of guiyang city green belt around the city,baiyun district and gold-sun is the new "green barrier", it has the best qualityin southwest of natural forest grassland, forest coverage rate is as high as82.96%, is called "ecological museum" guiyang, fresh air and made it a naturaloxygen bar "forest".

Park distribution for five scenic area, respectively, cherry blossoms lake,forest lawn, streams forest farm, two ethnic minority villages. Park set ofmountain, forest, water, grass, monuments to a body, with a quiet, beautiful,wild, kuang, ancient landscape features, such as is the ideal leisure vacation,popular science education, tourism, sports good place. Baiyun district also hasthe national AA level scenic spot of swan lake forest park (lake, willow droop,refresh. Billow the lake blue waves, Lin Ying cloud print, birds suddenly over,to leave a daydream. Spring, cherry blossoms in full bloom, red and white,tender is about to drip, inspiring --), jinshan temple and the Buddha, adultmountain ecological park (construction), air strange car site and otherwell-known scenic spot. New build mic stand township green fruits andvegetables, flower production base trip (such as baiyun district near the rosegarden is located in guizhou normal university, is the recent rise of thepopular and attractive leisure tourism resort, visitors here can hand-pickeddifferent design and color of the rose, is romantic and unique, the price ofeach flower is less than 0.5 yuan, very cheap) and aluminum plant tour ofindustrialization is also healthy and fashionable leisure tourism.

Baiyun district four seasons all appropriate travel. Baiyun districtsubtropical climate zone, changes in temperature air current strong alternately,monsoon plateau climate, summer without heat and winter without cold, in theannual average temperature around 14 ℃. The extremely pleasant climate, theenvironment is very beautiful, the four seasons is not clear, small temperaturedifference, is an ideal summer cold for many tourists.

In 1959, guiyang city government to set up McCauley, equivalent tomunicipal district level administrative units, baiyun district building resumedin 1973. Baiyun district history, although less than fifty years, the humanitiesatmosphere. This culture education career development quick, productivity wasfierce to increase science and technology, talent, a high efficiency. Guizhounormal university is located in baiyun district dam. Baiyun district there aremany famous schools and scientific research institutions, such as the fourfamous schools: baiyun 2, sug gested, baiyun no.6 middle school, and the whiteclouds in middle school.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9399 字

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Hello, everyone. Now our scenic spot is the "Bamboo Sea Grand View" inGuangning. Guangning County is one of the top ten bamboo townships in China. Thearea of bamboo forest is 1.04 million mu, and there are 238 kinds of bamboo. Thewhole scenic area covers an area of 8.13 square kilometers, which is half thesize of Macao. Its landscape has five characteristics: Huangyou, shuibi,Qishuang, Yiya and Jingmei.

[entrance of scenic spot]

Dear tourists, in front of us is the gate of the scenic spot. It uses lightgreen double character roof truss to form a "bamboo" shape. The "bamboo" inChinese characters is formed according to the bamboo leaf pictograph. The whitewalls and grey tiles on both sides of the gate, the top curve like the waves ofthe sea, there are bamboo and sea, which forms the symbol of the Grand View ofthe Bamboo Sea tourist area.

[Lingbo plank road]

This is called Suijiang river. The winding along the river is the "Lingboplank road". Walking on the plank road, there are dense bamboo forests on oneside, clear water on the other side, and a ten mile green bamboo corridor on theother side.

[dragon Turtle Island]

Longguizhou used to be a sandbank by the river, but the villagers nearbyregarded it as a treasure land of geomantic omen, saying that it couldaccumulate wealth.

You see, this is the bamboo water wheel, which is known as "the largest inthe world". It has a diameter of 12.8 meters, full of movement and grand shape.It is also one of the symbols of the Grand View of the bamboo sea.

Please come here, this is another "No.1 in the world" - No.1 Caixia stonedragon turtle in the world. It is also called wucaishi Longgui. This stone wasoriginally produced in Liuzhou, Guangxi. In order to exploit this huge stone,the local people spent three years digging. First, they cut 180 tons of hugestone into 12 tons of Longgui shaped stone. 30 people spent 28 days, with 8jacks and 28 round rolling logs, and finally transported the huge stone to thefoot of the mountain. Then, after three months, nine skilled stonemasons carvedit into 8 tons The heavy one is the tortoise. OK, after watching the stonedragon turtle, lets take a bamboo raft tour of the river.

[Suijiang bamboo Gallery]

The river in front of you is called Su í river. This river used to becalled "shuaijiang", because every three or five years, it will flood the bambooforests, farmland and peoples homes on both sides, so it is cursed as"shuaijiang". Later, after treatment, the flood was reduced, and people changedit to "Suiyuan", which means "Suiyuan". Suijiang river originates from HUAIJIand runs through Guangning. After flowing through Sihui, it joins Xijiang Riverand Beijiang River and becomes a part of Pearl River.

Please see, on both sides of Suijiang River are green bamboos, stretchingfor hundreds of miles. Bamboo used to belong to Gramineae plants with a widevariety, which can be called the big family of plant kingdom. There are about 42genera and more than 400 species in China.

Among the existing bamboos in Guangning, Qingpi bamboo has the largestnumber and the largest planting area.

Green bamboo has a wide range of uses. It can be cut to make fragrantbones. After the fragrant bones are burned, they are gray and white, while inother places, they are black. Another major use of bamboo is to cook and eat, ofcourse, bamboo shoots. Every kind of bamboo shoots in Guangning bamboo townshipcan be eaten, and there are bamboo shoots on the market all year round.

Forget your worries Island

Everybody, lets go ashore and have a look at the island in front of us.This island is called forget worry island. It is a small island covering morethan 100 mu on Suijiang river. The whole island is full of green bamboos, but noone lives in it. It is full of poetry and painting. It is a good place forleisure, relaxation and entertainment. There are more than 20 participatory,interesting and competitive amusement projects on the island, which make peopleenjoy themselves and forget to return.

[central area]

Now we will take the unique bamboo jeep to the central area. What is abamboo jeep? It is a jeep that is replaced by bamboo in addition to the mainmechanical system. Looking at its shape, it seems that it is all made of bambooexcept the wheels.

Ladies and gentlemen, the central district is here. In the shopping mallshere, you can buy Guangning green jade, exquisite bamboo and wood craftproducts, Guangning nano bamboo charcoal, Guangning winter honey, wildmushrooms, fungus, dried bamboo shoots, etc.

In the restaurant, you can eat all kinds of delicacies made with bambooshoots and mountain treasures. There are 38 kinds of dishes mainly made frombamboo shoots, such as bamboo insect, bamboo forest chicken, Dictyophora, sourtaro pod, red fern, mustard, bamboo wine, bamboo core tea, bamboo rice, etc. Ofcourse, the most famous is the whole bamboo shoot banquet I mentioned justnow.

Ladies and gentlemen, the scenery is different throughout the year. Whenwill you come again and stay in the window House Hotel here for a night? Youwill have a deeper understanding of bamboo and be intoxicated with bambooculture and paintings.

Zhaoqing tour guide 5

Zhenshan is located 3 kilometers southwest of Sihui City, with a height of649 meters. In the scenic spot, the trees are verdant, the mountains are clearand the valleys are secluded; the clear spring waterfall, the clouds aresteaming and the fog is blue, which is like a fairyland on earth.

In the Tang Dynasty, Zhenshan was originally named guangzhengshan, but itwas renamed Zhenshan because of the saying that "Wenshi Zhennv was promoted toimmortality here". In addition to the unique natural landscape, Zhenshan iswell-known in Lingnan, which has a lot to do with the legend of WenshiZhenxian.

According to legend, in a small village in yaosha township at the foot ofZhenshan mountain, there is an old couple who are over 50 years old and have nochildren, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment. One night, as soon as thecouple entered the dreamland, they vaguely saw a snow-white lotus floating in,and suddenly felt the fragrance of the house. Soon after, his wife becamepregnant, conceived in October and gave birth to a baby girl. The couple werevery happy. When the girl was full moon, an old friend from a neighboringvillage came to celebrate with his wife and three-year-old brother Qiao. The twofamilies also made an engagement for their children in public. In the twinklingof an eye for more than ten years, when the two families saw that their childrenhad grown up, they began to prepare for their marriage. Unexpectedly, the twofamilies were devastated by the tigers harm. Qiaos father was very ill anddied for half a year. The woodcutters mother was also blind because she was drywith tears. Seeing the miserable situation of the woodcutters family, Miss Wenthought about it again and again. She put on white clothes and resolutely wentthrough the woodcutters family to serve her mother-in-law and shoulder theheavy burden of life. Miss Wens righteous deeds and moral character arewell-known. However, when the local rich men saw that Miss Wen had grown into afair lady, they had already coveted her and had a bad heart. Once they brokeinto the house and wanted to tease her. Miss Wen held scissors and denouncedher, so they had to leave unhappily. However, they didnt give up. Later, theywanted Wengu to submit on the ground of forcing rent and debt. Wengu only gotrefuge in Guangzheng mountain. After a long time, they were found by thosepeople and tried to commit violence. Seeing this, aunt Wen stepped up the stonecliff beside the pool and sternly scolded them: "Id rather die than obey thanhumiliate me!" then she jumped down the deep pool. All of a sudden, there was astrong wind, lightning and thunder, and torrential rain. Those shameless people,being blown into a stampede, rolled down the mountain. After the rain, Wen Gusbody was lying on the pool like a deep sleep, while those shameless people weredead in the mountains. Seeing this, the villagers not only regretted themisfortune of Wen Gu, but also congratulated the gangster for not dying well. Aswe were about to go down to the pool to pick up Wengu . But once upon a time, apiece of yellow paper floated down from the sky, and the book said, "Zhenshan isa piece of white stone, Zhenshan is a piece of white stone; human beings areamorous, and their hair is white. Who worries about Zhenshan?"

Later, Guangzheng mountain was renamed Zhenshan, and Wengu tiaotan wasnamed Zhenya. When the imperial court learned of this, the emperor decreed thatWengu be granted the title of "Wenshi Zhenxian". Sihui county government alsobuilt a temple at the mouth of zhengu Valley in 82019, the 17th year of Zhenyuanreign of emperor Dezong of Tang Dynasty. It was called "zhenlie Temple", alsoknown as "fairy altar". The temple is a Taoist temple, offering a statue ofWengu with a golden body. It is held by the abbot of the Taoist priest. For morethan 1000 years, incense has been burning continuously.

In the past ten years, the memorial archway and Tianyin tower have beenbuilt in Zhenshan scenic area. Around the Zhenshan mountain, there are manyfamous places, such as incarnation pool, fairy fish, fairy snail, stone bowl,stone basket and so on. When you travel here, you can not only enjoy the quietnatural landscape, but also "see things and think of immortals", which is aspecial pleasure.



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There are islands in the lake, and the shape of the moon lake becomes likea maple leaf, with a total of 365 steep stone steps. On the third floor of thetemple, there is a small tower with beautiful scenery. Who is beautiful? It hasbeen built into a mountain cultural village, which can be called the crown ofthe Pearl and the king of the sea dragon. From the foot of the lake to thetemple gate, it is known as "another cave overseas", about one third larger thanthe West Lake in Hangzhou. Among them, the most attractive are Xuanzang templeat the foot of Qinglong mountain in the south of Tan and Wenwu temple on thehillside in the north of tan. The blue waves and the moon shine together. It isan excellent place to enjoy the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. Thewater in shuishe village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, to the south of themountains, radiates beautiful colors. Tourists often compare it with the WestLake, which is worthy of being the outstanding representative of Chinese Taiwansbeautiful scenery. When the sun goes down in the west, it is called "the road toheaven".

The lake is made of stagnant water, and its surface is even wider. It iscalled "zhuziyu". Every time you see the beautiful clothes, the tourists rush toopen the screen. In the sunny spring, it can be said that it is a holyachievement. It is 45-78 meters high and is located to the north of AliMountain. The average water depth is 30 meters. The mainland compatriots arealso proud of its wonderful scenery of "Mingtan emerging from the mountains". Itis also known as the Jade Emperor. It is also known as shuishe Li, including thevillages with beautiful scenery. It is quiet and elegant.

Diefeng, rich in national characteristics, the king of Yue, the scenery ofMingtan, the water spray from the water inlet, appears particularly clean andgloomy, and looks like a bead floating on the water from afar. The beautifulscenery of "the surrounding mountains are like washed by the ground, and theMing Lake embraces Green Pearls" is dedicated to master Xuanzang, an eminentmonk of the Tang Dynasty, but its scenery is still poetic and picturesque,especially in the autumn night! The Sun Moon Lake is not only the pride of thepeople of Chinese Taiwan, but also the four seasons of the year. After the victory ofthe Anti Japanese war.

There are many pavilions and pavilions built at the foot of the mountain,but they reflect peoples yearning for the motherland. They are different. Themountain people are singing and dancing, and the Sun Moon Lake is called themoon lake. It adds more light to the tourists when the sky is high and theclouds are light. It is the largest natural fresh water lake in Chinese Taiwan. Thetemple also worships emperor Shennong and changes its name to "Guanghua island"by flying eaves and picking corners. The poem praises Sun Moon Lake as "greenmountains and green waters". This is the water from the 18 km long tunnel in theupper reaches of the chuoshui river. It is not beautiful. The City God hascolorful feathers, which makes it more elegant. At the top of Qinglong mountainbehind the temple is an octagonal pagoda, which is as powerful as a dragonspitting water. It is called "Cien pagoda". The beautiful natural sceneryaround is dotted with six theme parks, such as temples, pagodas, religions,water society, peacocks and butterflies. Some people say that the name of theSun Moon Lake is not worthy of the name. The top of the building is the waterinlet of the Sun Moon Lake. On the top of the tower, you can see the spire ofthe Six Harmonies tower on the Bank of Xizi lake. Xuanzang temple is built atthe foot of the mountain. West of Sun Moon Lake. There are six theme parks inthe area. In the Qing Dynasty, it was selected as one of the eight scenic spotsin Chinese Taiwan. In fact, there are dozens of peacocks in the two service areas ofDehua society and Dehua society. In the southwest, the lake is like the moon,and everything is quiet. The temple buildings are very gorgeous, and the sceneryis beautiful in the morning and dusk. So that the Sun Moon Lake has a continuousand sufficient source of water. Although the lowlands by the lake are flooded,Sun Moon Lake

hello everyone. In front of the temple, there is a gatehouse with whitepillars and the great emperor of three officials. The spiritual bones of masterXuanzang are worshipped on the top of his head. The mist like gossamer floats onthe lake. The pagoda imitates the style of the ancient pagodas of Liao and Songdynasties. A few years ago, a nine storey tower was built, which is the firstheaven of the Yuan Dynasty and the mountains and rivers of the motherland. Thereis a small island in the Sun Moon Lake.

Qun and Guan Yu. In the northeast of the island, the lake is as round asthe sun. In the temple, there is a plaque of "national mage". It is a uniquePeacock Garden. It is located in the old shuishalian, surrounded by emeraldmountains, with small bells hanging at the end of each eaves. When the morninglight rises, it suddenly changes into a reservoir of hydropower station.

From a distance, you can hear the roar of the current like thunder. Thereare mountains in the water. Some people jokingly say that it will take "a year"to get there. The moon shines brightly on the lake. In order to celebrateChinese Taiwans recovery and nature, the embankments are winding and mysterious. Zengzuolin, a native of the Qing Dynasty, once used the phrase "water in themountains, water in the mountains, panoramic view of the mountains; the vastlake, especially the performance of chunmis" Pestle Dance "to attract manytourists. Although similar to myth, it is lovely green, overlooking the towerand waterfowl. With a circumference of 35 kilometers, there are eight specialscenic spots around the lake. The water of the lake is blue. Now the dam isbuilt beside the lake, with a water area of more than 900 hectares. In case ofdrizzle, the water is as flat as a mirror, which is collectively referred to asSun Moon Lake, which is like a fairyland



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At the head of Tangyue village, there are seven magnificent ancientarchways. These archways are arranged in the order of "loyalty, filial piety andrighteousness". It tells the rise and fall of this village for hundreds ofyears. These beautiful stone squares and the male and female ancestral halls inthe village have become an important tourist attraction in Huangshan City.

In the feudal society, in order to commend the officials who had madeoutstanding contributions to the prosperity of the imperial court, thegovernment often approved the construction of "Gongde memorial archway" at thehead of their hometown village, in order to call on people to take this as anexample to serve the imperial court. The Tangyue memorial archway group inShexian county has changed the previous characteristics of wood structure,almost all of them are made of stone, and the "Shexian green" stone with goodquality is the main one. This kind of blue stone archway is solid, tall,magnificent and dignified. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the art of archwayarchitecture was also improving.

Tangyue memorial archway group is the representative works of architecturalart in Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are seven buildings in a row, and thearchitectural style is integrated. Although the time span is as long as severalhundred years, they are in the same shape. According to architectural experts,Tangyue memorial archway is of great value to the study of politics, economy,culture, architectural art, the formation and development of Huizhou merchants,and even the folk custom of dwellings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The first mahogany archway: it was built in the Jiaqing period of MingDynasty, more than 450 years ago. The four pillars of the archway fall down onthe pier, which is simple and magnificent. On the "dragon and Phoenix board"under the overhanging eaves, two "imperial edicts" are inlaid in it. There is apair of relief lions on both sides of the crossbeam, which is extremely heroic.According to reports, Bao can, who was praised by the emperor, had never been anofficial in his whole life. Because of his ability to educate his descendants,his grandchildren made many wonderful achievements in defending the MingDynasty. He was honored by the emperor for three generations and established asquare for his ancestors.

The second archway: the "cixiaoli" archway, which was built in the Yongleperiod of the Ming Dynasty, was approved by the Emperor himself. Its highpolitical treatment can be seen. The "Ci Xiao poem" engraved on the archwayrecords a touching story. When a son of the Bao family saw that his father wouldbe killed, he asked to die instead. The father for the Bao family continue toincense, asked to kill themselves, do not harm their children. Baos father andsons kindness and filial piety moved the world and the robbers. When EmperorQianlong went down to the south of the Yangtze River, after hearing this story,he happily wrote down that "cixiaoli is unparalleled in the world and the mostbeautiful town in the south of the Yangtze River", and allocated money torenovate the memorial archway of "cixiaoli". And add its old system, engrave theimperial couplet on it. It is rare in Chinese history that a memorial archwaywas sealed by emperors in several dynasties.

The third, the fourth and the fifth archways: the "Li Jie Wan Gu" archway,"Le Shan Hao Shi" archway, "Jie Jin San Sheng" archway and so on. Each archwayhas many touching stories. It is worth mentioning that the "thrifty threewinters" square was built for a stepmother. It is said that after the death ofher husband, the stepmother went through all kinds of womens ways and put theson of her ex-wife before her own. When she was old, she poured out her familyproperty to repair the ancestral grave for her dead husband. This move moved thelocal officials, breaking the convention that the stepwife of "Confucius andMencius" was not allowed to set up a memorial archway, and making an exceptionto build a memorial archway of the same scale for her. In spite of this love, itleft a foreshadowing on the festival of "thrifty and thrifty" on the archforehead. The grass head of the festival and the "zhe" below are wrongly carvedon it to show that the stepmother and the original mate can never be equal instatus.



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Hello, everyone! Welcome to the beautiful Tianzhu Mountain scenic spot. ImWang Bing, guide of Anhui travel agency. You can call me Xiao Wang. The one nextto me is master Liu, who drives for us. Master Liu has many years of drivingexperience, so you can rest assured. Im glad to meet you here. Ill try my bestto provide you with warm and thoughtful tour guide service. I hope you canactively supervise and cooperate with me.

OK, our car has arrived at Tianzhu Avenue. Looking forward, there stands atall gate building. This is the landmark gate of Tianzhu Mountain: "ancientSouth Mountain Tianzhu Mountain". The words "ancient South Mountain TianzhuMountain" were inscribed by the late president of China Buddhist Association,Mr. Zhao Puchu. This is also the last ink treasure left by the old man.

Now that our car has passed Jingjia bridge, we enter the SANZU Templescenic spot, the South outpost of Tianzhu Mountain. Tianzhu Mountain is the mostconcentrated cultural scenic spot with the highest cultural grade. Here, we willexperience the mysterious religious culture and imperial culture of TianzhuMountain, and enjoy the cliff stone carvings group, a national key culturalrelic protection unit, which is known as the gallery of calligraphy art of pastdynasties.

As we all know, Tianzhu Mountain is a national key scenic spot, a national4A scenic spot, a national civilized Forest Park and a national geopark. Thismountain is located at the intersection of North and south, with abundantprecipitation, pleasant climate and lush branches and leaves. It is a famousecological mountain. The Buddhism culture of Tianzhu Mountain has a longhistory. Huike, the second ancestor of Chinese Zen, established a sect here.Seng can, the third ancestor, completed the theoretical system of Zen here andleft a rich heritage in Tianzhu Mountain. Therefore, Tianzhu Mountain is also afamous Buddhist mountain. The geological structure of Tianzhu Mountain is quitecomplex. Originally, it was a vast ocean. After a long geological change, itbecame what it is today,

Here, scientists discovered the largest and deepest exposed high pressureultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt in the world. The discovery makes TianzhuMountain one of the best places in the world to study continental dynamics, soit is also a famous geological mountain.

Today we are going to visit the scenic spot of SANZU temple and the cliffcarvings of Valley Liuquan. Before I get off the bus for sightseeing, I wouldlike to give you two small reminders:

1. In the tour, I hope you adhere to the principle of walking withoutviewing, and watching without walking. At the same time, you should take goodcare of your belongings. 2. During the tour, you should not litter and fire, andprotect the environment. Thank you for your cooperation!



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Qingdao trestle is one of the scenic spots in Qingdao seaside scenic area.It is one of the first national scenic spots announced by the State Council in1982, and also one of the first 4A national tourist areas. Qingdao trestle iscomposed of Huilan Pavilion, Zhongshan Road, little Qingdao, bathing beach andother scenic spots.

Qingdao trestle is located at the south end of Zhongshan Road, which isfull of tourists. The bridge is for tourists to visit and stop at the touristship, from which you can see Qingdao on the sea.

Qingdao trestle was built in 1892. It is the earliest military Wharf inQingdao. Now it is an important landmark and a famous scenic spot inQingdao.

Qingdao trestle is 440 meters long and 8 meters wide, with steel-concretestructure. A semicircle breakwater is built at the south end of the bridge. Inthe breakwater, there are two national octagonal buildings, named HuilanPavilion. Visitors stand beside the pavilion to enjoy the huge waves coming.Feige Huilan is known as one of the "ten sceneries of Qingdao". Along the NorthBank of the bridge, there is a "trestle Park" with sparse flowers and trees,green pines and green grass, and stone chairs for visitors to sit and enjoy thesea and sky scenery.



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Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province,close to the Pearl River Delta, the hub of western Guangdong. It is adjacent toNanhai in the south, Yunfu in the north, Jiangmen in the East and Maoming in theWest. It is located at 21 ° 28 ′ 45 ″ - 22 ° 41 ′ 02 ″ N and 111 ° 16 ′ 35 ″ -112 ° 21 ′ 51 ″ E. It is 112 km from east to west and 132 km from north tosouth. The total land area is 7813.4 square kilometers, including 26.03% hillyarea, 42.73% mountainous area and 22.17% plain area. The total population is2.8281 million, and the permanent resident population is 2.42 million(20__).

Yangjiang is 247 kilometers away from Guangzhou, 300 kilometers away fromShenzhen and Hong Kong, 160 kilometers away from Zhuhai and Macao, and 230kilometers away from Zhanjiang. The coastline is 341. There are 30 major islandswith a coastline of 49.3 km. The terrain inclines from north to south, close tomountains and sea. The highest peak in the territory is e Huang Zhang (thesecond highest peak in western Guangdong) of Wangfu mountains, with an altitudeof 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River (one of the six major riversin Guangdong), with a total length of 199 kilometers. It runs through the cityfrom north to South and flows into the South China Sea from north to south. In20__, the provincial Environmental Protection Department announced that the airquality of Yangjiang reached the national first-class standard.

Water resources: there are 24 rivers in the city with a rainfall collectionarea of more than 100 square kilometers. The water resources reserve is 677000kW and 317000 kW can be developed and utilized. 251 large, medium and smallhydropower stations with an installed capacity of 187200 kW have been built.

Marine resources: the coastline of Yangjiang sea (Island) is 476 km long,the sea area is 34000 square kilometers, the sea beach area is 197000 mu, andthe aquaculture area is 166000 mu. There are seven fishing ports approved by theMinistry of agriculture in the city, including Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou,Hebei, the opposite bank and Jiangcheng. Among them, Zhapo fishing port is thenational central fishing port, and Dongping fishing port is the nationalfirst-class fishing port for the masses. Rich squid, shark fin, jellyfish, crab,shrimp, mackerel, grouper and so on. Marine fishing has a long history, richexperience in mariculture, and the output of marine products ranks first in theprovince.

Mineral resources: the proven reserves of coal mine are 7.536 million tons,iron ore 35.216 million tons, copper ore 61.55 million tons, pyrite 70.79million tons, and titanium, tungsten, tin, molybdenum, zinc, coal, gold, rareearth, limestone, granite, quartz sand and other minerals.

Tourism resources: Yangjiang is an excellent tourism city in China withrich tourism resources. Mountains, seas, springs, lakes, forests and caves areall over the city. The natural tourism resources are full of varieties, highgrade and good spatial combination, ranking second to none in GuangdongProvince. Zhapo dajiaowan scenic spot is a national AAAA scenic spot. Lingxiao,Yangchun Bay, has been rated as a national geopark. Hailing Island was named"Chinas top ten most beautiful islands" by China National Geographic magazine,and it is also the only island selected in Guangdong Province. In 20__,Yangjiang City was rated as "Chinas excellent tourism city". The main scenicspots are Dongyue Park, forest park, Beishan Park, Yuanyang Lake Park, BeihuPark and Shijue temple in the urban area, dajiaowan, Mawei island and Shilisilver beach in Hailing Island, Yangjiang hot spring, Donghu, Dongping Pearl Bayand Xinzhou hot spring tourist resort in Yangdong County, Dadongshan andYueliangwan tourist resort in Yangxi County, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan,longgongyan and Shijue temple in Yangchun City Yuwangshi, Chunwan stone forest,Yuxi three caves, Bajia Baishui waterfall, Baiyong primeval forest area,etc.



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The imperial mausoleum is the first mausoleum built in Ming Dynasty. Thereare three walls in the imperial mausoleum. The inner part is the Imperial City,with a perimeter of 251 meters. The four gates are decorated with red clay. Themiddle part is the brick city, with a perimeter of about 3 kilometers. The outerpart is the Earth City, with a perimeter of 14 kilometers. The overall layoutadopts "three sets of square cities", and the cemetery is developed into apattern of three walls. The stone carvings are placed in front of the ImperialCity, the mausoleum is behind the Imperial City, the hall is in the ImperialCity, and the Huabiao is placed between the stone beast and the stone horse.Because the direction of the mausoleum faces north by East, the buildings on theNorth-South central axis face north, and the north gate of the outer city is themain gate, which is obviously inclined to the Northeast central capital. Fromnorth to south, the main Red Gate of Tucheng is Hongqiao, lingxingmen,zhuanchengminglou, Shinto, Yuqiao, huangchengjinmen, huangtang,huangchenghouhongmen, Fenqiu, zhuanchengnanminglou and Tucheng Nanmen. On bothsides of the 3.4-kilometer-long central axis, there are the east corner gate andthe west corner gate symmetrically. There are two rows of stone statues on theleft and right, the imperial mausoleum stele and the wordless stele, the Eastand West veranda, the Dongming tower and the Ximing tower, the east gate and theWest gate. Other buildings inside and outside the mausoleum wall are alsogenerally East-West or north-south symmetrical.

Imperial city

When the imperial mausoleum was built, it was built with a brick base, twofeet high, seventy-five feet high, and red clay. Main hall nine, Dan Bi three,yellow glazed tile, green painted color. Five rooms in Kinmen. There are elevenrooms on the left and eleven on the right. One stove. There is a corner gate onthe left and right. Back Red Gate Five. There are two stele pavilions on theleft and one on the left. There are five royal bridges across Jinshui River.Huabiao, together with 36 pairs of stone man and stone beast, is in the northgate, and the two sides reach to the north of jinmenwai Yuqiao. Above all yellowglazed tile, green and blue painted, 20 families take turns to keep.

Brick city

A brick city was built in the imperial mausoleum. It was built with bricksinside and outside. It was two feet high. On Saturday, it was 118 steps away andopened four doors. All of them had buildings. The tower has four gates, fourseats and five double eaves. There are six rooms in Jufu hall. There are twokitchens. There are six government offices. There are four straight rooms, fiveon each side, and eleven on each side. All above are Fuwa. There are threeLingxing gates with green glaze. There are five red bridges. The above-mentioned11 groups are guarded in turn. A magic kitchen, in the east of the north gate.Twenty cooks were directly in charge. There are five famous cooks. There arefive rooms in the north and five in the south. There are six slaughter kitchens.There are five wine rooms. There are three doors. Its the Tianchi Lake. A drumroom, a sacrifice to the more. Zhaigong a, to the northeast of the north gate amile, new income households take turns to keep watch. There are five rooms inthe main hall. There are three halls. There are five bedrooms. There are fivekitchens. There are five rooms on the left and five on the right. Three rooms inred gate. There are five rooms in the middle gate. There are five rooms in thewing room and five in the East and five in the West. Two corner gates. There arethree rooms in the East and three in the West. Three red bridges have beenbuilt. Mix a hall, go to North Gate northeast two Li, new income householddirect guard. There are five rooms in the main room. Two pools. Theres adoor.


The imperial mausoleum was built into an earthen city. On Tuesday, 18 Li,44 families took turns to keep watch, and set up the imperial mausoleum guardpatrol Chuo. Red gate three, in the north, to the northeast. Shenlu is three lilong, with pines and cypresses planted beside it. It reaches the capital city,and also has its own guards. Two East West corner doors. There are two officialhalls, namely the Yamen of the ancestral temple, three in the East, three in theWest and three in the south. Straight landlord, West, South three outside thedoor. Dismount eight, outside the fourth gate. There are thirteen pavilions.Shuiguan and dashuiguan are located in the northeast corner of Tucheng, fromwhich water flows into Huaihe River. There are 19 xiaoshuiguan on all sides.Huangtang bridge, north of dashuiguan. There are forty straight rooms outside,outside the gate of Dongjiao, where the sacrificial officials of the Yamen arestationed.



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Good morning, dear friends! Welcome to the beautiful riverside city ofWuhan! Today, I feel very honored to have this opportunity to introduce thecentral cultural tourism area of Wuhan - chuhehan street. If you have anyspecial needs, please let me know and I will try my best to meet your needs. Ihope all of you will enjoy the following Sightseeing time!

Located in the main area of Wuhan City, chuhehan street is a culturaltourism project in the center of the city. It covers an area of 3400000 squaremeters and is divided into five functional areas - Wanda corporate culture area,tourism area, business area, business area and residential area Area.This Theproject has invested 5 billion US dollars, and the design orientation in thisaspect is the first in China. First class world.

Chu River, which runs through the whole project and connects East Lake andShahu Lake, is a man-made river. It is known as the soul of tourist resort. Theriver is excellent. If you want to have its cruise, dont worry, luxury boatsare waiting for you. The environment of these ships, I am sure, they willprovide total water for visiting new ships

The core of this project is the Han commercial pedestrian street. Locatedin the south of Chu River, Han street, 1500 meters long, covers an area of180000 square meters. When you are walking, you may feel as if you are in thepicture of "Riverside Scene on Qingming Festival". There are more than 300first-class brands, including food, gifts, clothing, entertainment, etc. Most ofthe buildings on this street are in the style of Li Mingguo. They areinterspersed with the current fashion style and European style buildings. Fromthese buildings, we can easily find peoples respect for history

The future vision of the area west of Han street, there is a unique filmculture indoor theme park, visit in this fantastic Park, you can enjoy 10interactive entertainment projects. At the same time, 4D cinema, 5D cinema, 6Dcinema, XD cinema and interactive cinema will make you impressive andexciting

Wanda cinema is in the central area of Han street, which is also a placeyou cant miss. There are 25 movie halls and 4500 seats. In China, it is thelargest and most advanced cinema. I think youll like it, wont you?

Hanzhan theater is located in the east of Hanjie. Wanda enterprises and thefamous Frank performing arts company American.The Cinema, which is designed bytop architect mark Fisher, looks like a beautiful red lantern. Its a largevariety show. Everyone will fall in love with it at first sight.

Finally, I would like to recommend to you that there are five remarkablesquare cultural tourist areas, which are Quyuan square, Zhaojun square, Libaisquare, ZhangZhidong square and Yuefei square. After you visit here, you willdeeply feel the charm of Chu culture, and get that their lost era has goneforever. Soon and our visit is to draw a close. I want to tell you that it hasalways been my guidance for you, and I want to thank you for all yourcooperation and support. I am very happy. There is a Chinese saying, "a goodfriend from afar brings a land far away. "I hope it can leave good memories inyour trip, and I welcome you back sometime in the future. I wish you a happyjourney in the next few days!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 627 字

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Among the Western tombs of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Yongzhengs Taimausoleum is the earliest and the largest, which can be called the firstmausoleum. This is a group of ancient buildings left from the flourishing periodof the Qing Dynasty. Its site selection, planning and layout reflect theprosperity of the country and the stability of the political situation at thattime. It is also very exquisite in building materials, engineering technologyand traditional crafts.

Contemporary architects say that tailing is a typical geomantic model.Standing on the Wukong bridge in front of dahongmen and looking around, you cansee the rolling Yongning mountain in the north, which is like a barrier.Yongning mountain is the remaining vein of Taihang Mountain, which belongs tothe same vein system with Changrui mountain of Dongling. This mountain comesfrom Shanxi, such as the dragon lying across the central plains; the East andWest Huagai mountains on both sides of dahongmen are the natural gateway; theJiulong and Jiufeng mountains are the low mountains protecting the left andright; the dignified Yuanbao mountain in the south is the Chaoshan mountain oftailing; In the middle of the vast plain is located in the magnificent,scattered buildings. The Yishui river flows under the Wukong bridge, forming apattern of mountains reflecting water and water supporting mountains. Thecosmology of "the mausoleum system is commensurate with the mountains andrivers, and the unity of heaven and man" is fully reflected here. At the sametime, it shows the superb art of the ancient architects. As Mr. Simmond, theauthority of American landscape architecture, said, "the Egyptians go all theway to the end on an unchangeable demand road predetermined by themselves. Whenthe Chinese wander alone in their world, they have a friendly nature to guidethem to visit heaven and ancestral graves. So there is no place where scenerycan really become an architectural art material. "

The architectural layout of the mausoleum is also very elegant, which iscompletely in accordance with the layout of the palace where the emperor lived,and according to the needs of etiquette. With Shinto as the central axis runningthrough the north and south, the main buildings are arranged on the centralaxis, all of which face south; the underground palace is located at the end ofthe central axis, with Dangyang in the middle, and the rest of the buildings arearranged along the central axis. These buildings are made up and combined withaccurate scale, appropriate volume, colorful colors and flexible and ingeniousmethods, which makes the memorial and ritual theme of the mausoleum unfold anddeepen in an orderly way.

Stone archway is one of the most distinctive buildings in the mausoleum oftailing. There are three archways in the mausoleum of tailing, which are uniquein both quantity and arrangement. One plane faces the south, two East and West,and forms a spacious courtyard with the dahongmen in the north. Each archway is12.75 meters high and 31.85 meters wide, with five rooms, six columns and elevenfloors. All of them are made of huge blue and white stones. Each part is alsocarved with rich patterns. The layout of the picture is reasonable, the shape isvivid, the carving is exquisite, exquisite and full of vitality. This is stillan isolated work in the mausoleum of the emperors of the past dynasties inChina. It has become one of the most valuable buildings listed in the worldcultural heritage.

The whole mausoleum area pays attention to the treatment of the door, whichcan be used not only for access, but also to cut off the space interface.Dahongmen is the main entrance to the mausoleum. It has a single eaves and averanda roof. It looks simple, dignified, solid and steady. It looks like adragon reclining in front of the mausoleum. There are 42 Li Fengshui walls onboth sides, which extend meandering and cover the mausoleum area, showing thesolemn style of dahongmen.

It is a place for emperors and concubines to change their clothes when theycome to visit the mausoleum and worship their ancestors. It is built along theFu Zuo Hall of the Ming Dynasty. There is a clean room in the hall, which issimilar to the toilet now. There is an embroidered toilet in it. Now, for theconvenience of tourists, there is a flushing toilet beside the clean room.



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Huangdi mausoleum, the mausoleum of Xuanyuan family, the ancestor of theChinese nation, is located in Beiqiao mountain, Huangling County. In 1961, theState Council announced the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor as the first batchof national key cultural relics protection units, known as "the first mausoleumin the world". The three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" before the mausoleumof Huangdi were mentioned by Chiang Kai Shek. The mausoleum of the YellowEmperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in ancient times. It was a place foremperors and famous people to worship the Yellow Emperor. According to records,the earliest sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor began in 442 BC. Mausoleumattractions include: the worlds first mausoleum, Xuanyuan bridge, mausoleumarea, Xuanyuan temple, Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress, sincere Pavilion,guajia cypress, etc.

Qiaoshan mountain is thick and majestic, surrounded by JuShui at the footof the mountain. There are ancient cypresses on the mountain, which areevergreen and lush all the year round. The whole mausoleum is magnificent. Thetomb of the first mausoleum in the world is 3,6 meters high and 48 meters long.It is surrounded by a green brick wall. In front of the mausoleum, there is theinscription "Long Yu in Qiaoshan" in the 15th year of Jiajing reign of the MingDynasty, which means "Long Yu ascends to heaven" of the Yellow Emperor. In frontof the pavilion for a sacrifice, Xie hilltop, cornices up warped, dignified.Inside the pavilion stands the stone tablet of "mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor"written by Guo Moruo. The cemetery area is surrounded by red walls, withLingxing gate on the southeast side and imitation stone towers of Han Dynasty onboth sides.

Just south of the front of the mausoleum, outside the wall of themausoleum, is a high earthen platform, namely "Hanwu Sendai". According to thebook of Fengchan in historical records, "Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty visitedShuofang in the north, and killed more than 100000 soldiers to sacrifice to theYellow Emperors tomb." Hanwu Sendai, which was built by Hanwu emperor tosacrifice to Huangdi, is more than 20 meters high. It has been built with blockstones and has stone steps, cloud plates and guardrails. The front area ofHuangdi temple is magnificent, covering an area of about 10000 square meters.5000 large river pebbles are selected for paving, which symbolizes the 5000 yearcivilization history of the Chinese nation.

The Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress is located in Xuanyuan Temple ofHuangling County in the middle of Shaanxi Province. It is more than 20 metershigh and 11 meters in diameter at breast height. It is vigorous and straight,with a canopy covering the air. Its leaves keep growing all the year round. Itis thick and dense, like a huge green umbrella. It is said that it was plantedby the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan himself, more than 5000 years ago. It is theoldest cypress in the world. There is a local proverb: seven arms eight half, GeGe Ge is not worth it. It is said that seven people are not surrounded by eachother.



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During National Day my parents and I went to Hong Kong in South China.It isa beautiful seaside city because there are many places of interest in it.Atfirst we visited my cousins house.His house is quite different from mine.It isbig and clean.Each room is decorated in different kinds of styles.Those made usfeel excited.And then we visited Hong Kong Disneyland.It is one of the mostfamous theme parks in the world and includes four parks—Main StreetUSAFantasylandTomorrowland and Adventureland.There we did some meaningfulactivitiesfor examplewe took some wonderful photos with Disney characterswatchedall kinds of showshad lunch in a fast food restaurant and went to buy somesouvenirs in Main Street.Finallywe went to many other interesting places.In allwe stayed in Hong Kong for five days.It was a really exciting trip and we allhad a good time.

A visit to Hong Kong During National Day my parents and I went to Hong Kongin South China. It is a beautiful seaside city because there are many places ofinterest in it. At first we visited my cousins house. His house is quitedifferent from mine. It is big and clean. Each room is decorated in differentkinds of styles. Those made us feel excited. And then we visited Hong KongDisneyland. It is one of the most famous theme parks in the world and includesfour parks—Main Street USA, Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Adventureland. Therewe did some meaningful activities, for example, we took some wonderful photoswith Disney characters, watched all kinds of shows, had lunch in a fast foodrestaurant and went to buy some souvenirs in Main Street. Finally, we went tomany other interesting places. In all we stayed in Hong Kong for five days. Itwas a really exciting trip and we all had a good time.



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My hometown is Baotou, where there is a beautiful alding botanical garden,baobai building, meiligeng, wudangzhao

Id like to introduce you to the Aldin botanical garden today. In thegarden, the scenery is unique, elegant and quiet, with pavilions and watersidepavilions... The beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, the singing of birdsand the fragrance of flowers will surely make you linger on.

In spring, willows grow green leaves and peaches are full of red flowers.The tender grass on both sides of the river seems to want to have a look. Theyrush out their heads and look around. Far and near, there is a light greeneverywhere.

In summer, the garden is full of trees and flowers, red, purple, pink andyellow, like spots embroidered on a large green carpet.

In autumn, the garden is golden. In the sky, fallen leaves are dancing inthe sky. On the ground, like a thick, golden carpet. Oh, I know what they aredoing, they are welcoming the arrival of winter!

In winter, after a heavy snow, the sun came out, the snow melted, andfrozen into icicles, hanging under the eaves, like a string of pearls, thisscene is really beautiful!

There are many flowers in the garden, such as lily, chrysanthemum,Narcissus, peony, rose and jasmine

I love the four seasons of my hometown, I love the Aldin botanical gardenin my hometown!



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The name of Xiangtan comes from its geographical features. On the one hand,it is said that this place is located in the Xiangjiang River, and "Tan" isnamed "Xiangtan". On the other hand, it is more widely accepted, that is, it isnamed Xiangzhou Tan, or zhaotan, in the Xiangjiang River under Zhaoshanmountain. This tan is actually a deeper section of the Xiangjiang River, but itis quite famous because of its legendary connection with King Zhao of Zhou. As amain geographical feature, it has been named Xiangtan County since the TangDynasty.

In Xiangtan City, Xiangnan County, the first county government, was set upin Han Dynasty, and the county town (now Shitan Town, Xiangtan County, GuchengVillage) was built. Since the Tang Dynasty, Xiangtan County was transferred toLuokou (now Yishuhe town of Xiangtan County), which has been established formore than 1200 years. The ancient residents in Xiangtan are known at least 5000years ago.

Xiangtan city is a typical low Mountain hilly landform, which belongs tothe basin range mountain system of pseudo mountain, Hengshan and Juanshui basin.The landform outline is higher in the north, West and south, surrounded by lowand medium mountains with Shaofeng, Baozhong, Changshan and Xiaoxia mountains asthe main body; In the middle and East, the terrain is low and flat, withXiangjiang River, Lianhe River and Juan River as the main water systemdistribution. The whole city takes "four mountains, one river and two rivers" asthe skeleton to form a hilly basin terrain opening to the northeast. The urbanarea is located in the valley plain of the lower reaches of Xiangjiang River atthe opening of the basin. The highest point is located in the Western Baozhongmountain, 793 meters above sea level. The lowest point is jinmazhou at the footof Zhaoshan mountain, 30.7 meters above sea level. It can be roughly dividedinto three geomorphic types, i.e. tectonic erosion low hill landform, tectonicerosion denudation low hill landform and erosion accumulation valley plainlandform.



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Dear tourists

When you come to Turpan, people cant help but ask: how can there be largeoases in places with extremely dry climate, known as "Huozhou" and "Fengku"?Whats the secret? The secret is the Karez group distributed in Xinjiang, whichis like the blood of human body, extending to the vast Gobi and irrigating alarge area of Xinjiang. The wonderful Karez is also the most widely distributedin Turpan, becoming the spring of life and the source of evergreen, wateringTurpans verdant grapes and sweet melons. Now lets visit this world-famousirrigation project.

Structure of Karez → construction method of Karez

Tourists, now we come to Karez paradise. First of all, please follow me toKarez museum to learn about the construction of Karez.

Karez is a kind of underground water diversion project created by theworking people of all ethnic groups living in Xinjiang according to the localclimate and hydrological characteristics. There are about 1600 Karez inXinjiang, among which Turpan is the most concentrated. According to statistics,there are 1158 Karez in Turpan, with a total length of about 5000 km, which isequivalent to the mileage from Urumqi to Harbin. Karez is one of the greatestunderground water conservancy projects in ancient China. It is called"underground canal" by experts in geography. Together with the great wall andBeijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is called the three major projects in ancientChina.

You may have heard about Karez, but its structure may not be very clear.Now Ill introduce it to you. Karez was called "Jingqu" in ancient times, whichmeans "Jingxue". It is composed of four parts: vertical shaft, undergroundchannel, open channel and waterlogging dam.

The reason why a large number of Karez were built in Turpan is inseparablefrom the natural conditions here. First of all, the terrain of Turpan Basin isvery low, with an area of 2085 square kilometers below sea level. Turpan issurrounded by mountains. Every year, a large amount of snow on the mountainsmelts and flows into the valley. When the snow water flows through the Gobi, itseeps into the ground to form a subsurface flow, which provides a rich source ofwater for Karez.

Then how is the Karez built? Please see: the construction method of Karezis to find the water source at the snow water undercurrent in the high mountainsand valleys, and then drill a vertical shaft every 20 to 30 meters, the depth ofthe shaft varies from 10 to tens of meters, to gather the groundwater toincrease the water potential, and then according to the terrain, dig anunderground channel at the bottom of the shaft to connect with each well, drainit straight down, and connect it to a distant place Oasis, water will be led outfrom the open channel to the ground for irrigation. Waterlogging dam is areservoir for regulating water quantity. A Karez is generally about 3 km long,and the longest one is usually several Karez connected for tens or even hundredsof kilometers, in which there are at least dozens of shafts and more than 300shafts. The shaft in the upstream is relatively deep, up to 100 meters in somecases, and the shaft in the downstream is relatively shallow, generally only afew meters. The function of Karez is to avoid water evaporation. This project isa great innovation to adapt to the characteristics of dry climate. What isparticularly praiseworthy is that the local people rely on their hands andsimple tools to dig deep wells and underground canals. The vastness of theproject and the ingenious structure are amazing.

I would like you to recall that when we drove near Turpan City, we couldsee piles of round earth bags down the slope on the Gobi outside the lush oasis,extending to the oasis in an orderly way. Those are the vertical wellheads ofKarez. If you look down from high altitude, those mounds are like necklaces tiedwith pearls, decorating Turpan, an ancient but still youthful place.

Reasons for the construction of Karez → origin of Karez tour guide ofXinjiang general situation tour guide of Putaogou in Turpan tour guide of Niyasite

Now lets talk about the reasons for the construction of Karez. Due to thedrought and less rain in Xinjiang, the amount of evaporation is large, and theKarez is an underground channel for water delivery, with small evaporation andstable flow, which can be irrigated by gravity all the year round. In addition,the soil here is calcareous clay, so the dug Karez is very solid and not easy tocollapse. The temperature of snow water in high mountains is very low, if directirrigation is unfavorable to the growth of crops, while the surface temperaturein Turpan is very high, the temperature rises naturally after snow water flowsthrough Karez, which is very suitable for watering crops. Therefore, in thelong-term struggle against drought, people of all ethnic groups in Xinjianginvented this method of digging wells and irrigating fields. A Karez is a freshspring that is not dry. It forms the lifeline and lifeline of Huozhou, whichmakes Xinjiang, a place with little rainfall, accumulate water and become anindispensable spring of life in Xinjiang peoples life.

There are always three theories about the origin of Turpan Karez: one isthe theory of Guanzhong well canal in Han Dynasty. This view holds that the"well canal method" invented by people in Han Dynasty was introduced intoXinjiang and developed into Karez now. The second is related to Lin Zexu. AfterLin Zexu was exiled to Xinjiang in the late Qing Dynasty, he went through Turpanin 1845 and found that it was hot and rainy. So he carefully checked the terrainand water sources, and guided the people of Xinjiang to invent this method ofdigging wells and irrigating fields according to their own geographicalcharacteristics. The third view is that Karez was first created by the Persiansin Western Asia 2500 years ago and later passed down to Xinjiang. Of course,these three views need to be verified.

But what I want to tell you is that the distribution of Karez on the earthis connected with the Silk Road, which connects Eastern and Western cultures.Karez have been found in Pakistan, Iran and along the Caspian Sea. Therefore, itis no exaggeration to say that Karez is a pearl in the world cultural heritage.Until today, Karez still plays an important role in the agricultural developmentof Turpan, Xinjiang.

Karez open channel → Karez culvert

After visiting the Karez Museum and walking out of the museum, you can seethe clear spring beside the road. This is the pure snow mountain water flowingout of the Karez canal. It is crystal clear. If you reach for it, you will feelcool. Its really "crystal clear and cool".

The underdrain of Karez can only be seen when you enter the cave. You canonly see the water gurgling in the underdrain, which makes you feel very happy.There are thousands of such wells and canals in Xinjiang. The total length ofthe underground rivers is twice as long as that of the Great Wall, and far morethan that of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Tourists, todays Karez is not only an important water conservancyfacility, but also a great cultural landscape for Chinese and foreign tourists.In particular, a folk song and dance performance full of Xinjiang Uygur strongcustoms in Karez paradise will make you feel restless. The bright rhythm, lightmelody and passionate mood make you join them while enjoying. You cant helpsinging and dancing like Uygur girls and young men, and feel the pure fun ofthis song and dance hometown.

Ladies and gentlemen, the melodious singing in Karez paradise has alreadybeen sung. Now, please go to enjoy it!
