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The imperial mausoleum is the first mausoleum built in Ming Dynasty. Thereare three walls in the imperial mausoleum. The inner part is the Imperial City,with a perimeter of 251 meters. The four gates are decorated with red clay. Themiddle part is the brick city, with a perimeter of about 3 kilometers. The outerpart is the Earth City, with a perimeter of 14 kilometers. The overall layoutadopts "three sets of square cities", and the cemetery is developed into apattern of three walls. The stone carvings are placed in front of the ImperialCity, the mausoleum is behind the Imperial City, the hall is in the ImperialCity, and the Huabiao is placed between the stone beast and the stone horse.Because the direction of the mausoleum faces north by East, the buildings on theNorth-South central axis face north, and the north gate of the outer city is themain gate, which is obviously inclined to the Northeast central capital. Fromnorth to south, the main Red Gate of Tucheng is Hongqiao, lingxingmen,zhuanchengminglou, Shinto, Yuqiao, huangchengjinmen, huangtang,huangchenghouhongmen, Fenqiu, zhuanchengnanminglou and Tucheng Nanmen. On bothsides of the 3.4-kilometer-long central axis, there are the east corner gate andthe west corner gate symmetrically. There are two rows of stone statues on theleft and right, the imperial mausoleum stele and the wordless stele, the Eastand West veranda, the Dongming tower and the Ximing tower, the east gate and theWest gate. Other buildings inside and outside the mausoleum wall are alsogenerally East-West or north-south symmetrical.

Imperial city

When the imperial mausoleum was built, it was built with a brick base, twofeet high, seventy-five feet high, and red clay. Main hall nine, Dan Bi three,yellow glazed tile, green painted color. Five rooms in Kinmen. There are elevenrooms on the left and eleven on the right. One stove. There is a corner gate onthe left and right. Back Red Gate Five. There are two stele pavilions on theleft and one on the left. There are five royal bridges across Jinshui River.Huabiao, together with 36 pairs of stone man and stone beast, is in the northgate, and the two sides reach to the north of jinmenwai Yuqiao. Above all yellowglazed tile, green and blue painted, 20 families take turns to keep.

Brick city

A brick city was built in the imperial mausoleum. It was built with bricksinside and outside. It was two feet high. On Saturday, it was 118 steps away andopened four doors. All of them had buildings. The tower has four gates, fourseats and five double eaves. There are six rooms in Jufu hall. There are twokitchens. There are six government offices. There are four straight rooms, fiveon each side, and eleven on each side. All above are Fuwa. There are threeLingxing gates with green glaze. There are five red bridges. The above-mentioned11 groups are guarded in turn. A magic kitchen, in the east of the north gate.Twenty cooks were directly in charge. There are five famous cooks. There arefive rooms in the north and five in the south. There are six slaughter kitchens.There are five wine rooms. There are three doors. Its the Tianchi Lake. A drumroom, a sacrifice to the more. Zhaigong a, to the northeast of the north gate amile, new income households take turns to keep watch. There are five rooms inthe main hall. There are three halls. There are five bedrooms. There are fivekitchens. There are five rooms on the left and five on the right. Three rooms inred gate. There are five rooms in the middle gate. There are five rooms in thewing room and five in the East and five in the West. Two corner gates. There arethree rooms in the East and three in the West. Three red bridges have beenbuilt. Mix a hall, go to North Gate northeast two Li, new income householddirect guard. There are five rooms in the main room. Two pools. Theres adoor.


The imperial mausoleum was built into an earthen city. On Tuesday, 18 Li,44 families took turns to keep watch, and set up the imperial mausoleum guardpatrol Chuo. Red gate three, in the north, to the northeast. Shenlu is three lilong, with pines and cypresses planted beside it. It reaches the capital city,and also has its own guards. Two East West corner doors. There are two officialhalls, namely the Yamen of the ancestral temple, three in the East, three in theWest and three in the south. Straight landlord, West, South three outside thedoor. Dismount eight, outside the fourth gate. There are thirteen pavilions.Shuiguan and dashuiguan are located in the northeast corner of Tucheng, fromwhich water flows into Huaihe River. There are 19 xiaoshuiguan on all sides.Huangtang bridge, north of dashuiguan. There are forty straight rooms outside,outside the gate of Dongjiao, where the sacrificial officials of the Yamen arestationed.




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Tiantangzhai National Forest Park is located in the southwest corner ofJinzhai County, Luan Prefecture, Anhui Province, bordering Luotian and Yingshanin Hubei Province. It is the last primeval forest in East China. The landscapeof Tiantangzhai includes waterscape, mountain view, stone view, Cloud View andcave view. It enjoys the reputation of "plant Kingdom", "animal paradise", "seaof clouds" and "cool Xianzhuang" .

The total area of Tiantangzhai Forest Park is 120 square kilometers. Thereare 15 kilometers of peaks in Tiantangzhai. The main peak of Tiantangzhai is1729.13 meters above sea level. It is the main peak and the second peak of DabieMountain. In the park, there are many majestic passes, steep mountains,luxuriant forests and bamboos, Longtan waterfalls, strange pines and rocks. Itis called "the first pass in the southeast of Wu and Chu" in ancient times.

The forest landscape is the main part of Tiantangzhai forest park. Relyingon trees, it has formed a "flower ocean, bird paradise". There are more than3000 kinds of higher plants, more than 1700 kinds of vascular plants, 38 kindsof rare species and more than 200 kinds of animals.

Tiantangzhai forest area is a water conservation forest, with uniqueclimate conditions, forming a beautiful landscape of how high the mountain isand how high the water is. There is a Tiantang at the top of Tiantang, which ismore than 1700 meters above sea level. The water in the pond does not overflowor dry up. It is commonly known as yaochi;

There are 108 waterfalls in the area, including 18 waterfalls with a dropof more than 50 meters. According to statistics, there are 6 waterfalls within aradius of less than 3 km. The wonderful pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds,streams and waterfalls of Tiantangzhai are of extraordinary craftsmanship andare full of changes.

A tour expert after visiting Heaven Village, called it "travel all over theYellow River, Tai Tai, only the water of heaven" praises Heaven Villagescollection of the essence of Mount Huangshan, Mount Emei, Mount Emei, Tai (Shan)and other well-known mountains and rivers.

At present, Tiantangzhai National Forest Park has initially formed aone-stop tourism supporting service system of food, housing, transportation,tourism, shopping and entertainment, and also has a 1500 meter long aerialropeway cable car.



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Today, we are going to visit the Aoyuan scenic spot in Jimei. The Aoyuanwas built by our patriotic overseas Chinese leader, Mr. Tan Kah kee. It startedin 1951 and was not completed until 1961. It took ten years. It covers an areaof about 9000 square meters and costs 650000 yuan. It is mainly composed of aporch, a Liberation Monument in Jimei, a tomb of Chen Kah Kee and stone carvingssurrounding the wall, Facing the sea on three sides and the land on the west, itis called Ao garden because it is shaped like a big Ao, which is a symbol ofgood luck and longevity in Southern Fujian. Now lets take a look at the Aoyuanthat Mr. Tan Kah Kee spent ten years to complete! The time we will visit will beone and a half hours.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a big disc set at the gate of Aoyuan. Everytime the astronomical spring tide occurs in September of the lunar calendar, thesea water will pour into the hole and quickly fill all around the disc. At thistime, Aoyuan is like a big aoxizhu, and the whole Aoyuan is like a white waterlily lying on the sea, full of fun. This implicit design shows Mr. Tan Jiagengsgood intentions.

Ladies and gentlemen, on the screen wall directly opposite the monument,there are 12 relief sculptures on the left and right of the museum view in themiddle. Most of the contents are public health and sports. There are five mapsin the middle, one of which is the complete picture of Baodao province. Thiskind of sculpture form is called flat sculpture or line sculpture. It expressesMr. Tan Kah Kees good wishes for realizing the great cause of peacefulreunification across the Chinese Taiwan Strait We firmly believe that with the return ofHong Kong and Macao, the implementation of "one country, two systems" andpeaceful reunification on the treasure island will not be far away, and the dayof great reunion of the Chinese people will come. This is the wish of Mr. TanKah Kee and that of all the Chinese people! When Tan Kah Kee was alive, he oncesaid that after the completion of Aoyuan, a park would be built in the northwestof Aoyuan. In order to fulfill his last wish, Jimei School Committee startedconstruction of Jiageng Park in September 1992 and opened it to tourists on the120th anniversary of Tan Kah Kees birth in 1994. In the park, there are alsoaoting and Mingshi Pavilion completed at the same time as Aoyuan.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of our tour today. Aoyuan is like anencyclopedia, which integrates politics, economy, history, society, culture,education and art. It is also a monument built by Mr. Tan Kah Kee in his lastten years, which is imbued with his strong patriotic feelings. What impressiondo you have? Then we are about to separate. There is no banquet that will neverend. Welcome to bring your friends and relatives next time. Lets get togetheragain in Xiamen and have a bright future! Thank you for your support and trustin my work! thank you! bye.



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看,这是一块具有纪念意义的人工岩石,上面有个醒目的篆体 “功”字,那是为纪念一代又一代在植树造林中立下汗马功劳的英雄们而特意刻写树立的。


























沽源县得名于“沽河”(又名白河)之源。沽源又是黑河、白河、滦河的发源地,可以称之为“三河之源”,属内蒙古高原南缘,古长城外侧的坝上地区,北靠内蒙,东依承德,西接大同,南距北京仅270公里,距离省会石家庄600公里。位于河北省北部,闪电河上游,邻内蒙古自治区。东邻承德市丰宁县,南与张家口市赤城、崇礼县接壤,西与张北、康保两县相连,北与内蒙古太仆寺旗、正兰旗、多伦县毗邻。总面积3654平方公里,县辖4镇10乡,总人口23.1万,县城平定堡镇距北京市287公里,距张家口170公里。境内山脉起伏连绵,属阴山余脉,全县平均海拔1536米,华北著名的第三高峰冰山梁,海拔2332米,山顶洞内结冰终年不化。气候属温带大陆性草原气候。年平均气温+1.6℃,年日照时数最长3246小时,最短2616小时,年降水量426毫米,无霜期日数117天。汛期主要反映在6、7、8三个月,期间降水量占全年降水量的53%。 大旱气候多,风沙大。









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6069 字

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Dear tourists

As we all know, the hottest place in the country is Turpan, and the hottestplace in Turpan is fangdangtui Huoyan mountain. In summer, the highesttemperature of Huoyanshan is above 47.8 ℃. In midsummer, when the sun is red,the earths atmosphere is transpiration and the clouds are shrouded, which isvery spectacular.

The name of Huoyanshan → mountain characteristics

Tourists, through the window, we can see that the thing in front is like afire dragon lying in the middle of Turpan Basin. The red mountain isYanshan.

The name of Huoyanshan mainly comes from its appearance. Look! The bedrockof Huoyanshan is exposed, the reddish brown sandstone glows in the hot sun, andthe hot air is rolling up, just like thousands of flames burning. The name of"Huoyanshan" comes from this. Huoyanshan is called chishi mountain in ancientbooks, and kiziltag in Uighur language, which means red mountain. CEN Shenci, apoet of the Tang Dynasty, passed through Huoyanshan and wrote "the volcanostands out at the mouth of chitingkou, and the fire clouds are thick in May.".The mountains are full of volcanoes and the birds are flying far away. "Dare notcome". Chen Cheng, a traveler in the Ming Dynasty, once wrote a poem to describeit: "a piece of smoke and a piece of red, burning to the sky. At the end ofspring, its half as clear as summer. Who knows that there is Zhu Rong in thewest? " It can be called a vivid portrayal of Huoyanshan.

Huoyanshan is a long and narrow mountain in east-west direction, with atotal length of 98 km and a north-south width of 9 km. The general height isabout 500 meters, and the highest peak is 831.7 meters. Despite the fact thatthere is no grass on the surface of Huoyan mountain, due to crustal movement andriver cutting, there are many picturesque gullies and canyons hidden in themountain, such as Putaogou, tuyugou, taoergou, mumugou, shengjinkou Canyon, etc.In these valleys, the streams linger, the melons and fruits are fragrant, theflowers and trees are verdant, and the scenery is charming, just like the"flower and fruit dock" scene in "Huozhou".

The formation of Huoyanshan → the best observation point is shengjinkou

Perhaps some tourists will ask: How did the flame mountain form? How manyyears ago? The answer to these two questions can be traced back to 140 millionyears ago. At that time, due to the short and small folds in the front of Bogdamountain in the east of Tianshan Mountain, the crust changed, and after theHimalayan orogeny, the rudiment of the mountains gradually formed. Since then,it has experienced a long geological period, spanning several geological periodsof Jurassic, Cretaceous and tertiary, together with the special climateenvironment, showing the current geological shape.

Tourists, the best place to observe the structure of Huoyanshan isshengjinkou. Please get out of the car and take photos in front of the stonepedestal with the sign of "Huoyanshan", and then listen to my explanation.

Shengjinkou is 30 kilometers away from Turpan City in the west, connectingXinjiang with the mainland of 312 national highway, and crossing the Huoyanshanby the mugou river. Shengjinkou mountain is a precipitous place for militarystrategists since ancient times. As for the name of shengjinkou, there isanother origin: in the past, the local people called shengjinkou "seepingmouth". Thats because after the water from mutugou flowed out of TianshanMountain, it became less and less. When they arrived at the Gobi desert nearshengjinkou, the water almost seeped clean, so they called it "seeping mouth".Later, people thought the name was not very auspicious, so they changed itshomonym to "shengjinkou", so it has been used to this day.

[story of Huoyanshan: myth of journey to the West → Uyghur folklore]tourists, Huoyanshan is named not only because of its unique appearance andstructure, but also because of its legendary mythology.

Journey to the west is one of the stories in which the master andapprentice of Tang monks and disciples of the Tang Dynasty are hindered fromlearning from the Buddhist scriptures in Huoyan mountain. In the 59th and 60thchapters of journey to the west, "Tang Sanzang road blocks Flame Mountain, andsun Xingers three tune banana fan," it is written: "there is a state of Sri onthe Western Road, which is the place where the sun sets. It is commonly called"the end of the sky. ". There is a flame mountain here. It is hot all the yearround. The Flame Mountain has a flame of 800 Li, surrounded by nothing. If youcross the mountain, you will turn your copper skull and iron body into juice. "Although this description is exaggerated, the basic characteristics of hotseasons and barren grass are completely consistent with the actual situation ofHuoyanshan. It can be seen that the author did not invent it out of thinair.

In the eyes of the common people, good is the highest beauty, so the endingof the story in Huoyanshan is that justice will defeat evil, which has beendescribed in detail in Uygur folklore. It is said that a long time ago, therewas a dragon in the depths of Tianshan Mountain, which ate only boys and girls.The local top leader was determined to kill the dragon for the people, so hesent a warrior named Hala and Zhuo to subdue the dragon. After a thrillingbattle, Hara and Zhuo beat the dragon with their swords and finally subdued thedragon. After the dragon was injured, it rotated along the mountain, and thewhole mountain was dyed red by blood. Therefore, Uighur people called thismountain "Red Mountain".

Beautiful legend, profound meaning, reverie. Tourists, when we stop andthink about the flame mountain, we will feel that the wonders of Flame Mountainare not enough, and the story of Flame Mountain is endless. In order to makesure that you dont have any regrets, the next time you visit the old city ofGaochang and the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik, you have to pass by the flamemountain. Therefore, we can fully enjoy the wonderful scenery of the flamemountain from different directions. I hope the trip to flame mountain will leaveyou a good memory.



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Dear friends

Hello everyone! Welcome to Tianmen Mountain, the national AAAAA scenic spotand National Forest Park. Tianmen Mountain, 1518.6 meters above sea level, isthe highest mountain in Zhangjiajie. It is named after Tianmen cave, a naturalwonder. It is known as "the soul of Zhangjiajie" and "the first holy mountain inWestern Hunan" for its profound historical culture and colorful cultural relics.Tianmen Mountain is divided into four scenic spots, namely "Tianmen dongkai","Biye Yaotai", "fairyland" and "Tianjie Buddhist kingdom". There are only winterand spring in four seasons. Summer is a good place to cool off and winter is agood place to ride on ice and snow. The mountains are foggy, with an average of230 days a year. The sea of clouds and waterfalls often appear, which isamazing.

Tianmen Mountain is not only unique in natural scenery, but also has manyof the worlds most artificial wonders. From the worlds longest high mountainpassenger ropeway, Tongtian Avenue, the worlds first highway wonder, toZhangjiajies first high-altitude viewing cable car, to Guigu plank road andglass plank road above the cliff, every landscape facility can give you adifferent surprise.

With a total length of 7455 meters, Tianmen Mountain ropeway is the longestpassenger ropeway in the world. From the cableway station out, in front of thistwo-story building is Li Na villa. In 1997, Li Na, a famous singer, came toTianmen Mountain. She saw that the mountains and rivers here are strange, thewater is clear, and the human relationship is simple. For many years, she hasbeen deeply attracted by the religious culture of Tianmen Mountain, so she movedto Zhangjiajie to pursue her ideal state of Zen.

Lingxiaotai is one of the best scenic spots in Tianmen Mountain. Theterrain here is extremely high and the vision is vast. You can have a panoramicview of the mountains, rivers, countryside and cities. Sometimes there areclouds and fog around your feet, which makes you feel like a fairy. This sceneis just like overlooking the mortal scenery in the mythical Lingxiao hall, so itis named Lingxiao terrace.

Lingxiao platform for Yihong pass. There is a red pine peak here, which wasnamed after the rain master of Shennong, chisongzi, who practiced here. There isa bottomless Canyon in the middle of Chisong peak. There is a natural stonebridge on the canyon, which is like a rainbow connecting the two ends. It iscalled "Duanshan Hongqiao", and the name of yihongguan comes from it. Its anatural echo wall. Especially, you have to wait patiently for 5 seconds to hearthe echo here.

The ghost Valley plank road under your feet is named because it issuspended above the ghost Valley cave. Because of its high risk and wide fieldof vision, it has become a star scenic spot of Tianmen Mountain, which has beenpraised by people all over the world. With a total length of 1600 meters and anaverage altitude of 1400 meters, the trestle road is an unforgettable cliffexperience.

Tianmenshan temple, known as the Buddhist Center in Western Hunan, wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. After the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism andBuddhism, the temple has been prosperous ever since. Now the temple is rebuiltin the original site, covering an area of more than 20000 square meters. It isthe highest Buddhist building complex in Hunan at present. The whole templeadopts the official style of ancient China, and is composed of the main hall,Guanyin Pavilion, sutra Pavilion and other buildings. The temple also worshipsthe real body relic of Sakyamuni, his two disciples muqianlian and the relicBuddha. It is also the only temple in Hunan Province to offer the Buddharelic.

Next, we are going to challenge the glass plank road, which is known as"the road of Oriental sky". The plank road is 60 meters long and the highestaltitude is 1430 meters. In addition to the trestle road every one meter or sowith reinforced concrete to build a section of support, all are highlytransparent tempered glass, each piece of glass can withstand 1000 kg, sopersonal safety is completely guaranteed.

Tianmen cave formed in the Three Kingdoms period, is the essence ofTianmenshan Mountain attractions. To get to Tianmen cave, you have to passthrough the Tongtian Avenue, which is known as "the first highway wonder in theworld". With a total length of 11 kilometers and sharp curves, Tongtian Avenueis also known as "Tianlu" because of its unique and high risk. After 99 bends ofTongtian Avenue, you can enjoy the style of Tianmen cave from a short distance.The towering cliffs on both sides make the Tianmen cave particularlyspectacular. There is no human landscape in the cave, only blue sky, whiteclouds and wisps of mist. It seems that you can reach the heaven directly afteryou step over. Before and after the rain, when the water vapor is abundant, thewind and cloud in Tianmen cave are surging, and the transpiration fog is like awhite dragon circling in and out of the cave, forming a unique and spectacular"Tianmen spitting fog".

Tianmen cave is the highest natural karst cave in the world. It runs fromnorth to south. The gate is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and 60 metersdeep. In 1999, the worlds aerobatic master once flew through Tianmen cave,achieving another feat of human challenging nature. The performance caused asensation in the world, with 800 million viewers watching the live broadcast,and Tianmen Mountain has become the focus of the world since then.

Well, thats all for the explanation of Tianmen Mountain. Please give usmore valuable opinions on the shortcomings. Thank you!



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Beigu mountain is located in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. It is close tothe Yangtze River in the north, so it is named Beigu. It is 55.2 meters high and200 meters long. The mountain is steep, and the situation is dangerous andsolid. Emperor Liang Wu of the Southern Dynasty once wrote a book to praise itsvictory. Ganlu temple, located on the top of the mountain, was built in theGanlu period of the eastern Wu Dynasty. There are many legends and relics aboutthe Wu state in the Three Kingdoms period. At this point, visitors cant helplooking for the famous places and legends with the story of Liu Beisrecruitment as a clue. Beigu mountain, Jinshan mountain and Jiaoshan mountainhave become horns. The three mountains stand in the balance. Beigu mountain ismore majestic and dangerous in controlling Chu and Wu. In order to resist theJapanese garrison, the prefects of Ming Dynasty cut off the front peak and themiddle peak.

Beigu mountain is composed of front peak, middle peak and back peak. Themain peak is back peak, which is the best scenic spot. The former Qianfeng isthe site of the ancient palaces of the eastern Wu Dynasty, which has been turnedinto Zhenjiang martyrs cemetery; the former meteorological building onZhongfeng is now changed into a traditional Chinese painting Museum; the latteris the main peak of Beigu mountain, facing the Yangtze River (Yangtze River) inthe north, with three cliffs and steep terrain. The mountain is full of treesand many places of interest are on it. Known as "the best River and mountain inthe world". Houfeng is the main peak of Beigu mountain, facing the Yangtze Riverand lying on the water. It is the best place for scenery. When you climb to thetop of the mountain, you can see Jiaoshan in the East, Jinshan in the west, andPingshan hall across the river. You can see it clearly. It really makes peoplefeel that "the two mountains of Jinjiao are small, and the two mountains ofwuchu are separated." In the past, a famous poet once wrote a doggerel: "theYangtze River is like an inkstone pool wave. When you mention the gold coke asan ink mill, an iron tower can be used as a pen, and the blue sky can write morethan a few lines" to praise the magnificent scenery of Beigu mountain.

From the southern foot of the middle peak of Beigu mountain, climb themountain, pass the weather station, and go northward along the ridge to QinghuiPavilion. There is an iron tower in the east of the pavilion, which was built byLi Deyu, the Duke of Wei of Tang Dynasty, in the first year of Baoli (825). Itwas originally a stone tower, but later it was destroyed. In the first year ofYuanfeng in the Northern Song Dynasty (1078), it was rebuilt into a nine leveliron tower with a plane and octagonal shape. In the Ming Dynasty, it was rebuiltto seven levels, about 13 meters high. After the tsunami, lightning, war andother disasters, only two floors of the tower remained in 1949. Now it has beenrenovated into four floors, about 8 meters high. The tower base and the firstand second floors are the original objects of the Song Dynasty. The third andfourth floors are the fifth and sixth floors of the original tower, which werecast in the Ming Dynasty. The existing tower base and body have exquisitepatterns, unique shape, vivid.

From Qinghui pavilion to the north, on the wall of the hillside on the eastside of Ganlu temple, there is a stone inlaid with six characters of "the bestRiver and mountain in the world", which is said to be written by Emperor Wu ofLiang Dynasty. On the arch leading to the Ganlu Temple opposite the Tiaoshi,there is an inscription of "South Xu Jingyu". In the Eastern Jin Dynasty,Zhenjiang was changed to Xuzhou, so it was named "Nanxu".

Through the arch, that is to reach the top of the north peak of the Ganlutemple. It is said that this is the place where Liu Bei recruits his family, andthe Peking Opera "dragon and Phoenix present auspiciousness" takes this as thebackground. In fact, the ancient Ganlu temple was built in the Liang Dynasty. Itwas originally at the foot of the mountain. It was rebuilt on the mountain by LiDeyu in the Tang Dynasty. The temple has the main hall, Laojun hall, Guanyinhall, Jiangsheng Pavilion and other buildings, forming the characteristics of"temple crown mountain". It is said that Qing Dynasty was its heyday. EmperorKangxi and Emperor Qianlong built a palace here and left a stele. It is one ofthe famous ancient temples in ancient China. It is said that it is the"liumajian" where sun and Liu raced side by side. The multi view building behindGanlu temple is the best scenic spot in Beigu mountain. The second floor of thebuilding faces the river. The name of the building is taken from Li Deyus poem"multi view hanging window" in Tang Dynasty. It is one of the three famousbuildings in ancient Yangtze River, and is as famous as yellow crane tower andYueyang Tower.

The plaque of "the first building in the world" written by Mi Fu is highabove the floor. Since the song and Yuan Dynasties, famous scholars, dignitariesand dignitaries of all dynasties have made a lot of famous poems here, such asOuyang Xiu, Su Shi, Mi Fu, Xin Qiji and Lu you. Climbing on the multi viewbuilding and looking out from the fence, you can see the scenery of mountainsand rivers, and the wonderful scenery.

In the east of duojinglou, lingyunting is also called Jijiang Pavilion. Itis said that sun Shangxiang, Lius wife, once sacrificed herself in the riverafter hearing the news of Liu Beis death. When Xin Qiji, a patriotic poet ofthe Southern Song Dynasty, ascended the pavilion, he touched the scene withemotion, and wrote a famous article: "where to look at China, with a full viewof Beigu building.". The rise and fall of the ages are long. The Yangtze Riveris rolling. As a young man, the southeast war is not over. Who is the enemy ofthe heroes in the world, Cao Liu. Having children should be like sun Zhongmou."

Due to the various legends of Liu Beis recruiting relatives, todays Beigumountain has become a hot spot for friends who travel to Zhenjiang.



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hello everyone! My family name is Zhang. You can call me tour guide Zhang!Ill explain it to you now.

Wuyishan in Fujian Province was listed in the World Biosphere ReserveNetwork in 1988. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1999.

Wuyishan Scenic Spot is located in Wuyishan City, northwest of FujianProvince, about 15 kilometers south of the urban area and at the southeast footof the northern section of Wuyishan mountains, with an area of about 70 squarekilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. With hundreds of millions ofyears of natures uncanny workmanship, it has formed a beautiful scenery ofQifeng, Xiushui Juhui, Bishui Danfeng and absolutely beautiful scenery. Theancients said that it "has three or three wins in water and six or six strangepeaks", and is known as "Qixiu a Southeast".

There are 36 peaks, 72 caves, 99 rocks and 108 scenic spots in WuyishanScenic Area. Not only has the scenery throughout the year, the four seasons aredifferent, and the weather is cloudy and sunny, the scenery of the mountains andrivers is also unpredictable and magnificent. Now it is divided into sevenscenic spots: Wuyi palace, Jiuqu River, Taoyuan cave, yunwo Tianyou, yixiantianhuxiaoyan, tianxinyan and shuilian cave. It has the wonders of Huangshan, thebeauty of Guilin, the power of taidai, the danger of Huayue and the beauty ofWest Lake.

The essence of Wuyishan scenery is in the nine bend brook. Jiuqu Riveroriginates from Sanbao mountain. Its water is clear and twists and turns aroundthe mountain, which forms the victory of Jiuqu. Some of the most famous peaks inWuyi Mountain and the mysterious hanging coffins on the cliffs are listed besideJiuqu River. There are also Yulin Pavilion, porcelain kiln site of Song Dynasty,Wuyi palace and other tourist attractions in the scenic area, which are of greathumanistic value. Wuyishan also has many places of interest, such as ChongyouWannian palace, Hongqiao and Jiagou boat coffin, as well as rare animals andplants in the world. It is a national key nature reserve. There is also aWuyishan Nature Museum.

Wuyi Mountain is also a famous historical and cultural mountain, theancients said: "Confucius and Qiu in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Zhu Xi in theSouthern Song Dynasty, Taiyue in the north, Wuyi in the south.". Zhu Xi, a neoConfucianist of the Southern Song Dynasty, lived here for more than 40 years. Heset up an account to teach disciples and wrote books, which made it the culturalcenter of Southeast China and known as "Daonan Li cave". Taoism also called it"the 16th cave". There are no less than 20__ hymns written by literati andscholars in the past dynasties. There are more than 400 inscriptions on thecliffs. These rich cultural and historical relics also add to the style of thefamous mountains. The ancient Yue peoples boat coffins, the ancient city ruinsof the Han Dynasty, the ancient porcelain kiln ruins of the Song Dynasty and theimperial tea garden of the Yuan Dynasty make Wuyishan a place for people tovisit and explore ancient times.

Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the largest and most complete forest ecosystemin Southeast China. It has many peaks, dense primeval forest, magnificent,simple and beautiful scenery, and rich biological resources. It is included inthe United Nations "man and nature" reserve.



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Hefei is flow during the day, very busy, but what a night of hefei look like? Let me introduce to you!

Night, I walk on the sidewalk and watch people, some in rushing to work, some go to the supermarket, and people are walking, and chat in the street... Compared with remote and quiet village are much more lively.

On the road, a variety of fast car. The car is like a big black mouth, light like mouth teeth around to bite you. When the red light, the car has stopped, a car, behind a lamp as each cars chain, put together by every car. On both sides of the road, the hotel ah, Internet cafes, department stores and other signs, these signs puts glorious greatly, strange shape Portuguese men-of-war: at the gate of the hotel sign is green square for a while, then becomes yellow triangle, then become a red circle. Internet bar the door of the characters the strange light, let a person see the felt afraid. Compared with the square lamp, the lamp is not important. High-rise buildings by people with the edge of white light, from a distance like a rectangle on the ground. As other buildings, and bloom of his own color. When people through buildings below, like the little people in the picture. The moon has risen into the air, hand in photograph reflect with the colorful lights, beautiful! Hefei at night is a real beauty!



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How to play the scenic spots in Dalian? How to eat seafood in Dalian? Inaddition to searching for answers in extensive reading, Liu Kai embarked on ajourney to find Dalian stories when he found that some materials could not beread from the books.

Go to the Central Street Library of Harbin to find the footprints ofentering Kanto; look up the history of the Middle East Railway in the MoscowNational Archives; go to Kitakyushu to see the buildings that have becomeDalians friendly city Liu Kai spent a total of 100000 yuan, in order to havemore substantial information in his tour guide. "When tourists come to Dalian,their initial impulse is to rush to the sea of Dalian, but they have tounderstand that there are many seas in the country. Why do they choose Dalian?The history and story of the sea should be different. For example, if you travelto Shandong, you may pay more attention to the seaside life of chuangdong. So mypurpose is to tell tourists the difference of Dalian sea through personal searchand self footprints. "

In __s eyes, Dalian is a very inclusive city, with both historicalprecipitation and the atmosphere of petty bourgeois life such as fishermansWharf, Binhai Road and urban nightscape. Liu Kai said that Dalians toleranceand Dalians temperament can meet different needs. To a certain extent, the tourguide is required to make the guests realize these, "all we have to do is tomake the guests realize that its not a good time to come to Dalian Its not anordinary trip, but a full and perfect tour.



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Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China andone of the first batch of national key scenic spots. It is one of the threemajor mountain systems (Huangshan, Jiuhua, Tianmu and Baiji) in southern Anhui.Located in the southeast of Chizhou City, Anhui Province, it faces TianzhuMountain across the Yangtze River in the northwest and Taiping Lake andHuangshan Mountain in the southeast. It is the main entrance and scenic area inthe north of the golden tourist area of "two mountains and one lake" (Huangshan,Jiuhua Mountain and Taiping Lake) in Anhui Province. The scenic area covers anarea of 120 square kilometers and the protection area is 174 square kilometers.The geographical coordinates of Jiuhua Street are 117 ° 8 ′ E and 30 ° 5 ′ n.Now it is a national AAAA tourist area and a demonstration site of nationalcivilized scenic tourist area, known as an International Buddhist Taoisttemple

1. Picturesque scenery and famous mountains

Jiuhua Mountain is famous for its wonderful natural scenery. In theSouthern Dynasties, the mountains were so beautiful that they were higher thanthe clouds, and the peaks were so strange that there were nine of them, so theywere called Jiuzi mountain. When Li Bai visited the mountains in the TangDynasty, he saw the nine peaks like lotus flowers, and wrote the verses of "thewonderful is divided into two parts, the Lingshan opens the nine flowers" and"the green water in the Tianhe River shows the nine lotus flowers", and changedthe name of Jiuzi to Jiuhua. The main body of Jiuhua Mountain is composed ofgranite. Due to the influence of structure, lithology and external force, it hasformed a magnificent and beautiful landscape with peaks as the main body, basinsand valleys, streams and springs interwoven. There are more than 70 famous peaksin Jiuhua Mountain, more than 30 peaks over 1000 meters, and the highest Shiwangpeak is 1342 meters above sea level. Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty praised whenhe viewed the mountain: "the sight of a strange peak is breathtaking" and "he isa creature of nature". Five streams in Shanxi flow into liuquankou and into theYangtze River through Wuxi River and Jiuhua River; three streams in Shannan andtwo streams in Shandong flow into Taiping Lake through Sanxi River and LingyangRiver respectively. The mountains are full of ravines, ravines, pools, flowingsprings and waterfalls. "A Wang Wei painting by the river, a poem written by LiBai for thousands of years.". Jiuhua Mountain is a fresh and natural landscapepainting. Jiuhua Mountain is full of sceneries, which change step by step. InQing Dynasty, there are "ten sceneries of Jiuhua". After opening to the outsideworld, eight new scenic spots and more than 100 new scenic spots have beenopened up. The new and old scenic spots complement each other, and the naturalbeauty and cultural landscape blend with each other. In addition, the fourdistinct seasons, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, fog, snow, graupel, Buddhalight and other celestial wonders make people forget to return.

2. Dizang Daochang, a famous Buddhist mountain

Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous mountains of Buddhism in China.The famous Tibetan Bodhisattva Daochang, whose founder is xinluoseng dizang. Inthe 7th century, under the background of frequent exchanges between the TangDynasty and the Korean Peninsula, King qiaojue, the prince of Silla, came tovisit famous mountains, Zhuo Xi Jiuhua, and practiced hard for decades. Afterhis death, he was regarded as the "spiritual manifestation" of the Bodhisattvain dizang. Because of his common surname Jin, he was called jindizang. Sincethen, Jiuhua Mountain has been established as a way of Bodhisattva in Tibet. Inthe Tang Dynasty, there were more than 20 temples in Jiuhua Mountain, whichdeveloped to more than 40 in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the maintemple, Huacheng temple, became the total jungle with dozens of squatters. Therewere more than 100 temples in the whole mountain, and the incense wasflourishing, which was "the top of southeast mountains". So Jiuhua Mountain,together with Wutai, Emei and Putuo, is known as the four famous mountains ofChinese Buddhism. In the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 150 temples inJiuhuashan. From the total jungle Huacheng temple, there were four big jungles:Zhiyuan temple, Dongya temple, baishuigong temple and Ganlu temple. Among thefour big Foshan temples, it was famous for "the best incense in the world".After the opening to the outside world in the late 1970s, Foshan, an ancientcity, was bathed in the sunrise of the flourishing age, with its vitalityreappeared and its old appearance revived. At present, there are more than 90monasteries, including 9 National Key monasteries and 30 provincial keymonasteries, more than 600 monks, more than 10000 Buddha statues and more than20__ Buddhist cultural relics. Temples are generally maintained, Buddhistactivities are carried out normally, and foreign exchanges are frequent. MountJiuhua Buddhism keeps friendly exchanges with Buddhist groups in Japan, SouthKorea, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Thailand, Hong Kong and Baodao,and more than 100 monks have visited abroad. In todays Buddhist monasteries inChina, Jiuhua Mountain is widely praised for its profound Buddhist culture,International Buddhist taste, and integration of monks and customs. It hasbecome a distinctive and influential Buddhist holy land.

3. It has a long history and famous culture

The combination of religious culture and landscape culture and a largenumber of historical and cultural activities make Jiuhua Mountain a famouscultural mountain with a long history and rich accumulation. More than 20__years ago, Taoists stopped at Jiuhua Mountain, and Jiuhua is called "thirty-nineblessed places" in the book of "a study of blessed places". Up to now, there aremore than 20 sites of Taoist activities and Taoist temples. In 401, the fifthyear of Longan in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tianzhu monk Beidu founded Maoan inJiuhua, and Buddhism began to spread to Jiuhua Mountain. In the Tang Dynasty,the new Buddhist monk established the dizang Daochang, which was "a magnificentplace with great splendor"; in the Ming Dynasty, it became one of the fourfamous mountains of Buddhism in China, which lasted for a long time. Taoism andBuddhism make Jiuhua Mountain famous and attract numerous celebrities and poets.After Li Bai, many scholars came one after another. They lived in seclusion inJiuhua and wrote books. They created books: gathering people to give lectures.They went out to study and visit Taoism. They expressed their love for mountainsand rivers and wrote poems and paintings. There are more than 20 Book sites inJiuhua Mountain, such as Taibai book Hall, Yangming book and Ganquan book.Jiuhua Mountain is also the hometown of folk songs. There are more than 300childrens songs, labor songs and ritual songs, many of which have Buddhistcolor and vividly express the thoughts, feelings and life interests of theworking people. The imperial court of the past dynasties also attached greatimportance to Jiuhua. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty issued imperial edicts andsilver grants. The Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty wrote"Jiuhua Holy Land" and "fantuo PuJiao". More than 50 temples in Jiuhua Mountainwere granted by the imperial court. A large number of historical and culturalactivities have left a wealth of historical relics. There are more than 20__historical relics in Jiuhua Mountain, including nearly 100 precious relics.After opening to the outside world, we attached great importance to thedevelopment of cultural resources, made great efforts to excavate and sort outBuddhist culture, established "jindizang Research Association" and BuddhistCulture Research Association, founded Buddhist Academy, and set up culturalrelics museum. Cultural resources were initially developed and had a wideinfluence at home and abroad. The culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism,ghost culture, architecture culture, stone carving culture, folk culture, foodculture, tea culture and body culture are amazing. Jiuhua Mountain is a famouscultural mountain with profound cultural heritage.



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Dear friends hello! Welcome to visit zhouzhuang. Zhouzhuang as zeguo, river street, present a quiet, composed of primitive simplicity, jiangnan is a typical "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else", although after 900 years of vicissitudes of life, still intact in the original in style and pattern, like a pearl inlaid in dianshan lake. Believe that everyone cant help but want to go in to see see! Dont try so hard, the first before we entered the town main attraction, let me briefly introduce the zhouzhuang.

Zhouzhuang is located in kunshan city, suzhou, wujiang, Shanghai qingpu at the boundary of three counties, the east is the famous dianshan lake, not far from here by bus to Shanghai grand view garden only need ten minutes. So someone said: "zhouzhuang is a pearl of dianshan lake."

Zhouzhuang, which is a jiangnan ancient town with a history of more than nine hundred years, its long tradition, simple morals, ancient buildings, clear river and legendary characters, become a very attractive tourist resort. Famous ancient architecture expert Mr. Luo said. "Zhouzhuang is not only a treasure in jiangsu province, and it is a treasure of the country." Chinese Taiwan jinwei magazine called zhouzhuang is "Chinas first water town". There are a lot of people after visited zhouzhuang, said: "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou, there is also a zhouzhuang in the middle." To zhouzhuang holds so many buildings in the Ming and qing dynasties and admiration, to the exquisite pattern of "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else" and dazzled, for everywhere can draw, always have amorous feelings of the poem and intoxication, feel the beauty of zhouzhuang is impossible to remake water.



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Located in the southeast of Dayan Pagoda, Tang Furong garden was built onthe original Tang Dynasty Royal Furong garden site. Today, it has the largestimitation Tang architecture group in China. Come here to enjoy the magnificentimitation Tang architecture, the beautiful scenery set off by the lights, andthe song and dance dream back to the Tang Dynasty with the style of theprosperous Tang Dynasty.

Taking Furong Lake as the geographical center, Tang Furong garden issurrounded by many scenic spots such as ziyunlou, Luyu tea house and FengmingJiutian theater. The park is further divided into 12 cultural theme areas, whichrepresent the splendid civilization of the Tang Dynasty from the aspects ofemperors, poetry, folk, food, singing and dancing.

The night scene in the garden is also very bright. When the night falls andthe lights begin to shine, you can see the splendid Tang culture corridor,Fanglin garden, Ziyun building and other places. Against the moonlight andlights, Tang Furong garden is more elegant.

There will also be wonderful performances in the park, including Qitiandrum dance, "Jiaofang music and dance" palace performance, "Yanying nishang"costume performance, etc. The worlds largest water screen movie, staged everynight in the north square of ziyunlou, will bring you a new three-dimensionalshock. And the large-scale dance drama "dream back to the Tang Dynasty" stagedin Fengming Jiutian theater is a music and dance performance integrating thestyle of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the essence of song and dance. For moreperformances, please refer to the official website.

To visit Furong garden, it is recommended to enter the garden from the westgate (also known as yuyuanmen). After entering the garden, follow the lakesidepath and circle the Furong Lake clockwise to visit various scenic spots. In theevening, I went back to the Fengming Jiutian theater near the south gate toenjoy the dream of the Tang Dynasty. In the evening, I watched the water curtainmovie in the ziyunlou square to the north of the theater.



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Nansha North Lake, Lake run Jinsha, sand embrace green lake, lake waterlike the sea, soft sand like silk, Tianshui color. Shahu Lake is rich inresources. In the clean, warm and cool lake water, there are dozens of kinds offish all the year round. There are not only common carp, silver carp, grass carpand crucian carp, but also Wuchang fish, giant salamander (giant salamander),which is 160 cm long and weighs more than 60 Jin, and big turtle, which is morethan 1 meter in circumference. There are more than 130 kinds of birds living inthe Sand Lake. In addition, there are amusement park, watchtower, aquariumpalace, reed maze, yurt Hotel, Xixia palace, desert dry boat, water slide, waterparachute, water motorcycle, sand ropeway, boating in the lake, natural bathingbeach and other tourism projects. It was here that Zixias rafting scene wasshot at the beginning of dayua journey to the West. [1]

Shahu in Ningxia is a masterpiece of nature. The lake is bright and sandy,with flocks of migratory birds, picturesque reeds and beautiful scenery. Thereare not only deserts, but also ten thousand mu of Pinghu Lake. It is not onlythe gift of God, but also the earth shaking artistic creation of the industriousand intelligent people in northern part of the Great Wall. It used to be a farm.After the founding of the peoples Republic of China, it has gradually become anatural scenic spot integrating the ruggedness of the northwest and the beautyof the south of the Yangtze River. With its unique tourism resources andsuperior reception conditions, it has become an ace scenic spot and a nationalaaaaa eco-tourism area determined by the National Tourism Administration.

The boat ploughed open the sparkling surface of the lake, the rolling waveslike a thousand hectares of good farmland, green reeds, just right scattered onthe surface of the lake, the wind blowing, the branches and leaves whirling,rustling, the sound of the motor startled a bird standing at the top, anddisappeared. With the sound of the resting motor, a new world appeared in frontof us: Desert, camel, crowd .

Shahu scenic spot in Ningxia: one of the worlds 500 environmentalprotection units, awarded the honorary title of "global top 500 environmentalprotection" by the United Nations.

Shahu in Ningxia is a unique and beautiful landscape, which integrates thewater town in the south of the Yangtze River with the desert scenery, and thenatural landscape as the main body. The combination of sand, water, reed, birdand mountain constitutes a unique and beautiful landscape. It has become ascenic spot integrating scenic tourism, sightseeing and entertainment, sportscompetition, recuperation and summer vacation; The beauty of Shahu Lake inNingxia is reflected by the reeds and the wonder of Shahu Lake in Ningxia isreflected by the birds flying and the fish leaping. The North Lake in Nansha andthe green lake in shabaocui are the best combination of primitive eco-tourism,which not only highlights the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River, but alsohighlights the power of the fortress.

Lakes, deserts, reeds, lotus, migratory birds and lake fish combine thegreat wall and the south of the Yangtze River, forming a beautiful landscape.Shahu in Ningxia is a miracle created by heaven and a heaven on earth.



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Jin temple was built in northern wei dynasty, in honor of ji fa the second uncle danger. Here the house set each other off of each other of, pavilions, halls, Bridges, trees, mountain ring around the water, cultural relic, ancient giant, is a scenery is very beautiful landscape, thus is regarded as a "small jiangnan" in Shanxi Province, is a country one of the few large ancestral hall type classical gardens, renowned Chinese and foreign. Especially the mother house, maid like, fish fen fly beam, difficult old springs scenic spots such as jin temple scenic area is the best. Temple Zhou Bai, difficult old springs, song maid like is known as "quiet" jin temple, has the very high historical value, scientific value and artistic value. Jin temple for the national key cultural relics protection unit, is a shinning pearl of the Chinese culture.

Jin temple scenic spots are from taiyuan, climate conditions and close to downtown, and in accordance with the mountain water, beautiful scenery, is summer, sightseeing visitors. To the jin temple in taiyuan city 8 automated collection bus, 8 road minibus, day and night long time 23:00 early (6 -) and driving time between short (15-20 minutes), comfortable driving environment. Jin temple scenic area convenient accommodation, restaurant, hotel, located around, dozens of hotels, restaurants, restaurant, have excellent service and delicious food, and with local characteristics. Especially the "jin temple rice" with its MingJing bright pure fragrance, taste and drink praise the world. Close to the scenic spot of the jin temple town government effort to catch the tourism in recent years for leading utilities and SanYe (service), catering, entertainment and construction, landscape changes greatly, especially in the scenic spot of accommodation, communications, business, health care, entertainment, shopping environment is more and more get the favour of the Chinese and foreign tourists.

Located in the open ground in front of the jin temple ancient buildings. East of clear water lotus pond, jin temple ancient building is in the west, north and south wing, close to thousands of hectares of paddy field, farmhouse, village. Fu longshan is garden rockery, halfway up the mountain, inlaid stone book "v longshan". Foothills of caves in water, water streaming out from shilong mouth into the pool. Pool has carved stone two arhat, pool have soul stone carving, mago, pool and drinking water, form but wonderful, temperament and interest.

There are DE en lent in central park. Northwest have fairy WengGe, also known as the red cabinet. Because of one of the eight immortals pavilion on consecrate lu dongbin the name. The cabinet was established in the Ming dynasty hongzhi years (1488 1505), the qing emperor kangxi forty-four years (in 1705) rebuilt. And arctic pavilion, the created in Ming dynasty, rebuilt in the qing dynasty architecture, simple dignified, elegant and not common, David has "the ancient tang estate" inscribed copy. Tao ran, village dont house corner, pavilion pavilion show.

Southeast jin temple park, is a water park. Here is commonly known as the south lake, water garden show, there are three Kong Qiao on lake, pedestrian bridge, the bridge on a boat, those jiangnan thorn.

Hexiang assemble, wooden miscellaneous cloth, beautiful scenery, famous taiyuan jin temple, is located in the southwest of downtown hanging urn hill, jin water source, is embedded in the loess plateau of China hexiang garden pearl. It has a long history and was built s no exams, northern wei li daoyuan written book of water injection has been recorded, explain jin temple in more than one thousand five hundred years ago, have a certain scale.

Jin temple is the temple of jinhou, the original is a sacrifice in the early western zhou dynasty Tang Fangguo founding emperor JiYu (i.e., shu yu of tang) ancestral temple. After jin water originating from this, the change of name for jin, so named jin temple.

Jin temple covers an area of more than 40000 square meters, the temple YinYi trees, has been more than thousand years for Qi expansion, development and construction, has been developed from the original sacrifices in the spring and autumn jin the founding emperor of shu yu of tang ancestral temple and become FengSi many people, including various temple, the temple of the god, Buddha, tao, the song, jin, yuan, Ming and qing dynasties, the construction of various temple, hall, building, pavilion, pavilion, Chinese Taiwan hundred bridge, Bridges, pavilions, is a cultural connotation is extremely rich and has an important historical, artistic or scientific value of landscape, thus negative wins at home and abroad for a long time.

The ancient temple, north, south by three parts. Central building to Notre Dame temple as the center, forming a east-west axis. From the temple east gate inside, used to after he in turn water on central axis jingyi, fairy bridge, Jin Rentai, Vietnam lane, on the second floor of the bell and drum, fen fly up, fish beam, the virgin temple, is the main body of the temple building. This set of architectural layout rigorous, modelling is chic, with unique style, art is famous in the world with a high historical value. North east since wenchang palace building, have a lock on hongqiao, dongyue temple, heaven shrines science (guandi temple), neighborhood, jun day joytv, drawing treasure John booth, shu yu of tang temple, lianchi, good spring pavilion, loose water pavilion, branch YunTao original hall, chaoyang hole, hole, hole, laojun cave, stay fung hin, three leaves, reading platform, Lv Zuge, Gu Ting and static grace, etc. This group of construction land criss-crossing, publicizing floor shelf, jagged superimposed, winning by HongLi spectacular, quiet and elegant.

Building in the southern east since - ying building, garden pavilions have flow with LeTing, researched calligraphy and painting, build, Bai Heting, three shrine, really boring pavilion, pavilion, diversion weir, Zhang Lang tower, winding and wash the ear hole, not a ship, the old spring pavilion, jellyfish, floor and Chinese Taiwan Chinese ostrich temple, GongShuZi shrine and so on. This group of buildings are both number crunchers, pavilion bridge ornament, long and springs passing through, beautiful scenery, is landscape characteristics and poetic. South and wang yu temple, JinXi academy, dong shouping art museum, in the holy temple, mountain park, etc. Temple overall layout density, rigorous, yard characteristics of both temples, also rich charm of royal family today, magnificent grand, show originality.

Largest temple and cultural value is the highest building in saint was built in the northern song dynasty years (1023-1032), tang ning first year (AD 1102) rebuilt the virgin of the temple, it was built Shi Gou stylobate, surface width of seven, the deep six, double-hipped roof rested on the top of the hill, surrounded by gallery, between the front porch for two deep, the porch and spacious, are unique in the tang, song building. Deposit in China and in the physical, thus the temple porch around depth reached between the two, this is the earliest one instance. Front pillars carved wooden panlong eight, winding, plate bending, strong of song and yuan period for two years (AD 1087) the original. PanLongZhu shape was seen in sui and tang stone tower door and shrines, in domestic ancient buildings known wooden material, the most ancient.

Inside there are 43 statue of painted sculpture, including Madonna 1, the eunuch like 5, the female officer wearing mens clothing like 4, maid as 33. Except 2 statue of small like the 10) of the Ming dynasty god fill plastic outside, more than the original song dynasty. These statues statue of inherent regulation arrangement broke through the temples, created the real secular life scenes, is song dynasty palace life and reality, guarded hierarchy and vivid, lifelike, is the highest reflect and reflect of sung people aesthetic temperament and interest, is prepared, at home and abroad are extremely rare. Before the house of the marsh fish fly beam structure characteristics of the song dynasty, marsh pillars of the northern wei dynasty relic, is the original song saint years. Marsh flying fish beam is set up on the marsh fish actually modelling cross bridge wings like birds, this peculiar cross bridge type of modelling, beautiful shape, although early recorded in ancient books, occasionally see somewhat in the ancient paintings, but domestic existing physical alone, it is "of collecting the unique, the only one like you", for the study of Chinese ancient bridge construction is extremely valuable. Fly before beam is up, although small, but Jin Dading eight years (AD 1168), the original structure.

Chinas temple architecture for offering pavilion, pavilion, pavilion, enjoy hall, worship at the temple, up sex building although common, is very common, but most are built by the Ming and qing, jin wood up are unique only jin temple, it is all the more precious.

Old before spring, jin temple is the essence of natural sights. On the left side of the true boring booth, is a place where people watch the scenery to stay more. Pavilion on the steps to the waters edge, called "wash ear hole". Water dam, such as jade belt through the waist, chisel holes under the dam has ten, is that the two drainage notoginseng water line.

Jin temple of trees, and people enjoying the scenery. The legendary Zhou Bai, Tang Huai equal within, guandi temple before permanent jingyi, dongyue temple and the virgin north side of the temple, and on to the virgin Zhou Bai most conspicuous on the northern side of the temple. Trees more than 10 m tall, lean lean on south side, green leaf branch, lie in the house above the roof, the virgin into 45-degree Angle with the ground, another cypress supported it in front of the torso, called "last days" parker.

In addition, drawing the treasure John booth in the department of the preface to jin temple inscription and tablet taizong account in dynasty twenty years (AD 646) writing and writing yourself - font for the running script, is deep the romantic charm of wang xizhi, runaway free and easy, bone the grand, elegant tall and straight, is Chinas earliest existing a running script tablet, has important historical and artistic value.

Many scholars in the history of the tour after the jin temple left a lot of good. Great poets in the tang dynasty Li Baiyou "jin temple like jasper water", "microwave squama sedge green" song of eternal; Late song dynasty sima guang has "cold taihang mountain, water garden in the spring" of the sentence; Song OuYangXiuYou "spirit Yu Run vegetation, and cooper with pale smoke".



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Tangshan Nanhu Park is located in the south of the city center, in the coalmining subsidence area. The total area is 1300 hectares and the water surface is165 hectares. [it turns out that there are few people and weeds in the collapsearea, and the ecological environment and natural landscape have been seriouslydamaged. The barren scene of black water overflowing and fly ash blocking thesun is everywhere. 】At the beginning of 1997, Tangshan Municipal Party committeeand government began to implement the ecological greening project, planning tobuild this place as a large-scale comprehensive ecological park integratingrecreation and water activities. At present, 400 hectares of green area, 300000trees and 200000 square meters of lawn have been completed. The park is full oftrees, green lawns and clear water. It has become a place for leisure andentertainment.

In the future, Nanhu Park will focus on "green" and rely on environmentalforests. It will make full use of the existing land resources and water surfaceto build a city of transportation and entertainment, three golf courses, horseriding range and military shooting range, four parks of upstream water park, wetland ecological park, waterfowl park and water fishing park; Six areas:comprehensive recreation area, youth activity area, Earthquake Memorial area,agriculture and mulberry area, plant landscape area and management area. Travelroute: Nanhu Park Gate - fishing area - voluntary tree planting base - waterrecreation area (motorboat, water boating, battery boat) - racecourse.Sightseeing items: at present, you can carry out recreational activities such asfishing and boating in Nanhu Park. After the park is completed, you can ridehorses, shoot and play golf here.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6007 字

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Zhouzhuang known as "three wu jin state, hundreds of the vessel and vehicle will be" the reputation of zhouzhuang, has a long history, nature, culture has a long history. More than 6000 years ago have ancestors settled here. Their fishing and hunting tillage weave, thrive, created splendid ancient civilization. 2450 years ago, Confucius said, one of the seventy-two xian suppress a come to zhouzhuang, meet the people here are fishing and hunting tillage weave, is peaceful, "warehouse often known etiquette", decided to settle down in the teaching, and the Yellow River civilization into the zhouzhuang. Male plow female weave is zhouzhuang form a pattern of traditional production since ancient times. Period of Ming dynasty, the folk cloth is quite prosperous, walked to the peak in the qing dynasty, nissan cloth one thousand, sold to great river north and south and southeast Asia, become a famous textile town, has a high reputation of "jiangnan cloth terminal".

Zhouzhuang industrial economy developed, the investment environment is superior, the development prospect. Formed the textile, light industry, machinery, metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials, food, electronic, etc more than ten industrial categories, has more than 600 kinds of products, products cover all over the country and exported to hundreds of countries and regions. In November 1984, the first township enterprises in jiangsu province with foreign joint venture of jiangnan mould plastic co., LTD. Was set up, has a total of more than 50 foreign companies, with a total investment of $380 million, the foreign invested more than $7900, through the joint venture cooperation, zhouzhuang in the implementation of economic internationalization strategy, vigorously develop the open economy has made a historic breakthrough, in 1998, the national department of agriculture and the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation to zhouzhuang by the national foreign exchange earning management of township enterprises advanced units. Since reform and opening up, zhouzhuang town industry has been the top ranked forefront, jiangyin in jiangsu province. As early as 20xx, zhouzhuang is realized "three ones" historic leap: average daily industrial output one hundred million yuan; Per capita GDP of over $; Farmers per capita net income of over ten thousand yuan. In 20xx, realize the regions GDP totaled 15.15 billion yuan, to complete the whole caliber fiscal revenue was 1.276 billion yuan, complete the export trade volume of $720 million, realize the circulation of commodities business revenue of 10.8 billion yuan, realize the service industry added value 3.552 billion yuan, the whole town per capita net income of farmers reached 16250 yuan.

Today zhouzhuang, developed economy, powerful, with four listed companies, enterprise group, the six provinces and cities in the top in villages and towns of the nations economic development. In 20xx, the whole town industrial and commercial sales RMB one hundred billion for the first time of make out an invoice. The annual 86.8 billion yuan of industrial sales of make out an invoice, continue to top the first in the city. 22.8 billion yuan of GDP, gross industrial output value of 87.5 billion yuan, the size of the gross value of industrial output 79 billion yuan, year-on-year growth of 4.8%, 4.8% and 6.3%, respectively; To complete the export trade volume of $1.5 billion, the foreign trade exports continue to stay in the villages and towns (street) plates in the city for the first place. Now six Banks set up branches in zhouzhuang, in building "financial center", the countrys first township-level venture investment company, division double surplus venture investment company founded in zhouzhuang.

Zhouzhuang industrial park of science and technology was founded in 1996, is established with the approval of the government at a higher level, by the peoples government of zhouzhuang planning, development, development of high and new technology industry industrial park, planning a total area of 30.21 square kilometers, built up area of 10 square kilometers, after years of construction, has begun to take shape, in December 20xx by the national ministry of agriculture named the national science and technology park of township enterprises. Zone has two 100000 mw and 25000 mw thermal power plant, 35 kv substation and 110 kv substation four four, pipeline water and network covers the whole park in the south of jiangsu, the amphibious transportation extending in all directions, postal service, telecom, cable TV network, business hotel, environmental protection and other supporting facilities, cultural entertainment, finance, industry and commerce, taxation, insurance, public security, transportation has offices in town, courteous service. Zhouzhuang has now in Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong, Chinese Taiwan, more than 30 countries and regions to come for investment of up to hundreds of enterprises.

Economic development and get rich quick Zhou Zhuangren pay more attention to the construction environment, the development of culture education career, comprehensive coordinated development of social programs. Won the national hygiene, zhouzhuang, national beautiful environment township, national chemical fiber cotton town, the national science and technology park of township enterprises, Chinas industrial cluster economy ShiFan Town, China top 100 county industrial clusters competitiveness, by the ministry of construction of small towns ShiFan Town ShiDian Town, provincial civilized town of comprehensive reform, small towns, the province sports advanced town, province advanced mass culture town, the first new type of small town construction ShiFan Town, province hygiene, chemical fiber textile town, jiangsu provincial innovative villages and towns billions clothing industry cluster and new industrialization industry demonstration base of jiangsu province and other honorary titles.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2102 字

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The famous tourist spot of Tianzhu Mountain is SANZU temple. Enter theSouth Gate of Tianzhu Mountain, yerenzhai, not far up to the SANZU temple.According to legend, the temple was first built in the Southern Dynasty, and nowthere are only a few Sutra collection buildings, side rooms and jueji towerstanding in front of the temple. In the west of SANZU temple, there is a valleyfull of boulders. The steep rocks on the side of the valley stand upright. Thewater in the valley is gurgling and the pine and bamboo block out the sun. It iscalled "Valley flowing spring". There is a stone cave at the gate of the valley.In front of the cave, there is a huge stone shaped like a crouching cow, whichis called "ancient stone cow cave". It is said that Huang Tingjian, a native ofthe Northern Song Dynasty, once studied on this stone and called himself "Taoistof the valley". A huge stone here is engraved with a poem by Huang Tingjian anda portrait of Huang Tingjian sitting on a stone ox painted by Li Gonglin, agreat contemporary painter. This precious stone carving of ancient poetry andpainting is still clearly visible.

Tianzhu peak is as magnificent as Qingtian giant pillar, with extraordinarymomentum. On the cliff in front of Tianzhu peak, there are eight charactersengraved on it: "isolated Jingxiao, Zhongtian Yizhu". "Indomitable" fourcharacters written directly under it, magnificent and amazing. On the left andright sides of Tianzhu peak are Feilai, Santai and Liangfeng, which are evenmore majestic.

The Mysterious Valley under the Feilai peak of Tianzhu Mountain is called"Tianzhu Yijue" by tourists. The mysterious valley is about five or six li long.The bottom of the valley is composed of 54 caves of different shapes. The cavesare connected with each other, and the caves cover each other. In the caves,there are bamboos, courtyards, doors, stone ladders and stone railings. Walkingthrough the dark cave, its difficult to distinguish things, I dont knowwhether its cloudy or sunny, and its depressing; but as soon as I get out ofthe cave, I can see the light, which is exciting and joyful.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2608 字

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各位游客:你们好,欢迎你们来到张家口,我是你们的导游。 张家口市地处京晋冀蒙交界处,距北京约180公里,这里地势险要,有“塞外山城”之称。张家口市辖4区、13县,总面积3.7万平方公里,人口450万。京包、丰沙、大秦铁路横穿东西,京张、宣大高速公路和109、110、112、207国道穿市而过,北京西直门汽车站从早6时开始,每半小时就有一趟至张家口的快速客运班车发出,交通旅行十分方便。

张家口市的古遗址数量很多,分布面广。古长城的“大镜门”是长城要隘,也是张家口市的象征。涿鹿县矾山是“黄帝战蚩尢”的古战场,是中华民族的发祥地之一,每年都有众多的炎黄子孙来这里寻根祭祖。此外,还有蔚县代王城汉墓群、怀安县汉墓群、宣化辽壁画墓以及市区的水母宫、云泉寺、清远楼等,都是颇值得一观的古迹。 位于张北中都的中都草原是距北京较近的自然草原,夏季气候凉爽,草场繁茂,来此还可以体验蒙古族风情,是消暑休闲的胜地。




清远楼位于古城宣化正中,又名钟楼,始建于明成化十八年(公元1482年),是一座重搪多角十字脊歇山顶的高大建筑。楼建在高8米的十字券洞上,南与昌平、北与广灵、东与安定、西与大新四门通衡。与城内镇朔楼、拱极楼成一轴线。券洞内520xx年前的铁轮车辙明显可见。楼外观3层,内实2层,通高25米,楼阁高17米,为3开间,6塔椽,前后明间出抱厦,四周有游廊,支立24根粗大廊柱。上搪为绿色琉璃瓦顶,腰搪、下搪为布瓦顶。梁架斗拱精巧秀丽,循角飞翘,生气盎然。楼上层搪下,悬挂愿额4块,南曰“清远楼”,北曰“声通天颖”,东曰“耸峙严疆”,西曰“震靖边氛”。楼内悬有明嘉靖十八年(公元1539年)铸造的“宣府镇城钟”一口,高2.5米,口径1.7米,重约万斤,用四根通天柱架于楼体上层中央。钟声悠扬宏亮,可传40余里,颇负盛名。该楼造型别致,结构精巧严谨。可与武汉黄鹤楼媚美,在国内同属罕见,索有“第二黄鹤楼”之称。该楼建筑独具一格,为我国古代精美艺术建筑之一。 清远楼历尽沧桑,1986年文化部拨款39万元,对清远楼进行了全面修复,修复后的清远楼碧瓦青砖晶莹剔透,金龙玉兽傲首长空,飞搪翘角宏宇轩昂,廊柱斗拱被红挂翠,雕梁画栋富丽堂皇,古钟高悬,风铃叮当,显得古朴、典雅、雄伟、壮观。


奇台山景区(即登山 区),包括奇台山、悬空洞、双狮奔、清凉亭、夫妻峰5个景点。奇台山由山脊拔地而起,山势高峻、沟堑纵横。台下17米处有一悬空洞,游人可穿梭自如,别具风趣。,登悬梯可上奇台顶一览群山。夫妻峰、双狮奔山也让人留连忘返。翠云山森林游览区,该区以森林为主体,碧波荡漾,繁花似锦,木欣欣以向荣,泉泪渭而始流,使群山五彩纷呈。另有垂钓区、野餐区、打靶、狞猎、射箭等娱乐场。公园还设有服务区,有餐馆、招待所、商店等服务设施。以其独特的雄姿和魁力迎接备方游客的到来。




司马迁曾在《史记·五帝本纪》中说:黄帝的政治、军事、文化等主要活动 在涿鹿一带。先“与炎帝战于贩泉之野”,后“与堂尤战于涿鹿之野,遂擒杀室尤”,又巡视各地,东至于海,西至于空桐,南至于江,北逐荤粥,从而保障了南北地的安宁。于是黄帝威信震,被各部族首领尊为天子,并与之“合符釜山,而邑于涿鹿之阿”。即兴建了我国历史上第一座都城。黄帝在涿鹿之野的活动开创了华夏民族文化发展的新纪元,使其由“野蛮”进入“文明”时代。

