





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2636 字

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My name is , this year is 21 years old, graduated from PLA information engineering university computer science and technology professionals, in the four years of college life, I have grasped the development and application of technology, but also in the development of the network have the profound understanding. So to lay a solid foundation of professional knowledge. In the thoughts and behavior, thought progress, positive enterprising, has the self-confidence, have very strong work sense of responsibility and the dedication to work, work steadfast, bears hardships and stands hard work, have a high comprehensive quality training.

During the period of school has many social practice experience, has participated in college online virtual laboratory development needs analysis, the university period as many times more course lesson representative. Professional knowledge, proficient in C/C programming language, capable of using the language for software development; Master Visual C 6.0 programming software, has the rich based on Windows platform write software experience. Understand TCP/IP protocol, familiar with the basic principle of database; Have relatively rich web design and development experience, was instrumental in construction and maintenance institutes web site.Actively participate in a number of research projects. Has a strong professional ability. Have a solid Core Java foundation, good programming style; Familiar with Tomcat, Jboss server and so on, familiar based on Linux and Unix environment of software development.

Although the actual work experience is not very full, but point four years developed my full confidence and professional dedication and solid base of the discipline knowledge and strong professional skills, four years of military school life, I strict demands on themselves, and consciously, observance of discipline and punctuality. I am honest and have the sense of responsibility, has the independent enterprising character, is industrious hands, good at ones brains, adapt to the new environment ability. Can be in the shortest time to finish from students to professional staff transformation, try your best into the new work and life.

After four years of study, training I become a moral right, has a strong will and a lofty ideal, has the enterprising spirit and team cooperation spirit of good students. Believe what I have knowledge and competence can fit for any hard work. If I am lucky enough to become a member of your company, I will put all the youth and enthusiasm bend force into work, obtain due scores, for the development of the company to contribute their strength.




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1401 字

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i learned from that your company is offering a positing for a secretary,and it’s a great pleasure for me to write to explore the possibility of seeking the job.

i graduated two years ago from ,and obtained degree in the field of business management.during my stay in the university my major course included macro-economic,business communication skills,marketing and computer applications.i was especially fond of the coumnication skills which enabled me to dead with people and things around well.

upon graduation i engaged with as an assistant to the head of *department. my responsibilities consisted of carrying out market surveys,writing reports and organizing meetings within the department.this two-year experience has helped me a lot in many ways.in particular, i become increasingly aware of the importance of co-ordination and co-operation among coworkers. i also believe that the experience will qualify me for the current vacancy in your company.

i passed both cet-4 and cet-6 with high marks. my spoken english is also fulent enough to organize meetings in english.and my former boss was a native english speaker.

i enclose here in my resume and some relevant documents as required.and if you need any further information on me,i also refer you to mr., my ex-colleague, who is available at -.

i appreciate your sincere consideration of me, and am looking forward to an early interview with you.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 774 字

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作为一名刚出来的学生,我的经验不足或让您犹豫不决,但请您相信我的干劲与努力将 祢补这暂时的#不足,也许我不是最好的,但我绝对是最努力的。我自信,我执着,我的付出定能使我在工作中有不俗的表现。






范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:党工团,全文共 410 字

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hello,大家好,我叫,小女芳龄 18岁。我今天是来面试学校团委的。 我的小毛病很多,天知道我们会被缘分紧紧缠在一起,好吧,你们呢就认了吧, 注定我们是朋友了!“高调做事,低调做人”是我的做人准则,所以有时候会小矫情,还希望大家多多关照。 小女子我性格活泼开朗(幽默的孩子的共 性,呵呵),爱好广泛,喜爱交友。 大学四年的时间说长也不长说短也不短 ,我们会看到彼此的颓唐或者进步,好了 不说了,总之一句话——(此处顿一下)此 时不搏何时搏。

男生嘿,大家好,我是. 青春年少的我,和大部分男孩子一样喜 欢运动,最爱篮球(什么爱好不重要)。 我呢交友有三不,有人会问了,什么不 呢,那就是不矫揉造作不自命清高不 哗众取宠.从各位炯炯有神的眼睛中, 我看到了这三个元素,好吧我小小的拍了 下马屁。

作为新生我们都是盲目的小羔羊,还是希望能够众人拾柴火焰高,一只筷子折不断,什么什么的。哎呀 ,新同学如旧友,想说的话说不完啊……



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:银行,全文共 639 字

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范文类型:自我评介,全文共 926 字

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Im a clinical medical professional level undergraduate students at college, will graduate from 20xx in July.

In the upcoming at social this gate, I am very sincere and sense of responsibility to move closer to you in my life. Five years of college life, I set a correct outlook on life, value view of the formation of a warm, aspirant, refuse to be cowed or submit character and an honest, trustworthy, responsible, loving life creed. Five years, five years to accumulate steadily, my "tap chaifei" leaving a confident and loud voice.

In the coming society, sincerely hope that your organization a comprehensive survey of the situation, if you look, I would be honored, and work in the days after, the unremitting struggle of the strong, aggressive without losing heart, can do can dedicate myself to believe in your unit business. You have the support, I would like your leadership, sail sea, ride the wind and waves sometimes!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 362 字

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我叫,是卫校护理专业的毕业生。为了心中的理想,探索生活的真谛,凭者对知识的渴望,人生的追求,我孜孜不倦,不骄不馁 ,终于迎来了新的起点。

光阴似箭,在3年的院校生活中,我对护理事业怀有很高的热情,坚持以学为主,取得良好的成绩,且在其他各方面表现良好,被评为 优秀团员 、获的区级三好学生的荣誉,有计算机一级证书等.通过在校的理论学习和实践学习,我掌握了有一定的操作能力,且有很强的责任心,集体荣誉感。





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:银行,全文共 457 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:会计,经理,全文共 677 字

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在校期间,学习成绩优秀,大一通过全国计算机等级考试(二级C语言),大二通过大学英语四、六级考试,同年,获得全国大学生英语竞赛三等奖,大三,自学ACCA(英国特许公认会计主管师),现为第二阶段考生,大四,开始对金融投资很感兴趣,报名了6月的CFA(Chartered Financial Analyst)考试.






范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:银行,全文共 1295 字

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一、工作简历: 我生于1964年12月,现年42岁,于1982年元月参加农行工作,1986年毕业于农村金融专业中专班,1993年获助理经济师职称,1996年--20xx年曾先后担任营业所副主任、营业所主任、支行营业部副经理、支行信贷计划部副经理兼支行法律审查岗、公司业务部副经理,20xx年被聘任为支行个人业务部副经理至今.

二、工作目标: 如果在这次竟聘中能得到支行党委和领导的信任,得到同志们的拥护,赢得支行法律审查岗位的话,我将在20xx年聘任期内岗位工作目标是:依照各项法律法规制度的规定,认真履行法律审查岗的岗位职责,做好全行信贷业务涉及法律风险的审查,防范和监控全行信贷风险预警,定期写出法律书面分析报告,同时做好lms系统的管理工作,并完成支行交办的其他工作任务.

三、自我优势: 支行党委、各位同仁,我之所以参与法律审查岗位的竟聘,主要基于一下几点:





四、竟聘态度: 假如我竟聘如愿,我将不辜负组织、领导和大家对我的信任、期望,以此为新的起点,努力履行和实现任期内工作任务,确保我行各项涉及法律事务的工作不会存在法律风险,为全行20xx年各项经营合规合法,顺利实现跨越式发展贡献出自己的力量! 假如我竟聘落选,我也不会灰心和气馁,因为能够勇敢竞争,对我来说就是一次自我挑战和磨砺意志的考验,一次难得的学习和锻炼,一次重新认识自我和展示自我的体验,我会从中找出不足和差距,今后的进步和提高才能更快,并积极投身到经营岗位去,把自己锻炼成为一名让组织和领导信任、让群众满意的优秀员工.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:学生,全文共 524 字

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范文类型:自我评介,全文共 7333 字

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一、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions)

1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)


In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I‘m very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.

2、What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)


I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also.

3. What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I‘d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor‘s thesis.

4. What is your greatest weakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


I‘m such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.

5. How do you feel about your progress to date?“(对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?)


I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.


6.Why did you choose peking university?

7.Why did you choose MBA?

8.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?

9.What has been your greatest accomplishment?

10.Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses.

11.What have you learned from the jobs you have held?

三、行为面试问题(Sample Behavioral Interview Questions):

12.Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member.

13Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done?

14.Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.

15.Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.

16.Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.

17.Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.

四、压力面试问题(Sample Stress Interview Questions):

18.What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?

19.What are some of the things you find difficult to do?

20.How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?

21.What interests you least about MBA?

22.How do you handle rejection?

23.What is the worst thing you have heard about our school?

24.See this pen I‘m holding. Sell it to me.

五、案例面试问题(Sample Case Interview Questions):

25.A chain of grocery stores currently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. Each store deals independently with its suppliers. The president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. What are the key considerations in making this decision?

A magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits. She has extensive historical sales volume data for each of the outlets. How should she determine delivery quantities?


26.It is the 15th Century. How do convince the Pope that the Earth is round?

27. If I gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?

28. Why are soda cans tapered on the top and bottom?

29. How much RAM does a PC need to run Windows95?

30. You are in a boat on a fresh water lake. In your hand is a rock. You throw the rock into the lake. How is the lake‘s water level affected?

31. If it rained music, what would grow?

32. Describe your best friend and what he or she does for a living.

33. In what ways are you similar or different from your best friend?

34.What are your career‘s strengths and how do you capitalize on them?

35. Are you a happy person?

36. According to JRM, Jr., a fast growing software company asked this question…… You have a wealthy aunt who weighs 300 pounds. Tell me how you would redesign her toilet.


37.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?

38.Why did you take the MBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China?

39.Why do you choose RENMIN University to study MBA? Tell me a little about RENMIN University form your understanding.

40.How do the people around you review MBA?

41.What‘s the difference between MBA program at home and abroad?

42.If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?

43.Why do you want to be a part of MBA students?

44.Why do you think you are qualified for MBA program?

45.Do you have a career plan in 5 years?

46.Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student?

47.What‘s your opinion about the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience?

48.How do you define marketing or management?

49.Do you think English is quite important in MBA study? Why?

50.Do you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life? Why?

51.What do you want to do after your MBA study?

52.What is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have?

53.Say a little about teamwork.

54.Say a little about management.

55.How communication works in organizations?

56.Tell me the relationship between the management and management theory.

57.What will you do if you can‘t find a job?

58.Do you think that the economy will get better?

59.Who are you currently employed with?

60.What kinds of opportunities are you looking for?

61.What is your biggest accomplishment on the job?

62.What joy did you enjoy the most and why?

63.What would your former boss say about you?

64.Why did you leave your last job?

65.Please tell me a little about your working history? What kind of fields?

66.Say a little about your educational background.

67.What are your strengths and weakness?

68.What do you do in your spare time?

69.What is your impression of Beijing?

70.What is CFO? If you were a CFO, what would you do?

71.What is the difference between sales and marketing?

72.What do you think is the most important as a manager?

在面试快结束的时候,一般考官都会问,你有没有什么要问的。除非你是最后一个面试者,你明显感到所有的考官都急切的想离开,一般不适合说“I don‘t have any question.”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题(Questions you should ask the recruiter):

73.What changes do you anticipate in our school?(你希望我们学校会有些什么样的变化)



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 658 字

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在校期间,学习成绩优秀,大一通过全国计算机等级考试(二级c语言),大二通过大学英语四、六级考试,同年,获得全国大学生英语竞赛三等奖,大三,自学acca(英国特许公认会计师),现为第二阶段考生,大四,开始对金融投资很感兴趣,报名了6月的cfa(chartered financial analyst)考试.






范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:培训,教师,全文共 4486 字

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Good morning my name is it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview i would like to answer whatever you may raise and i hope i can make a good performance today .

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995 I entered the Nanjing University of Science &Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999 I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.

At the period of my graduate study my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.

Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In 1997 I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in Prof. Wang’s lab. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. In 1998 I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis &dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

In 1999 I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Network flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research. Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. My duty was to pick up the useful information among different kinds of gene matching format. Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristic algorithms I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm -- Multi-population Genetic Algorithm. By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations. It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments too. In the second semester I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making process that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances. To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost I proposed a Dynamic layered Scheduling method based on hybrid Petri Nets. The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale. I also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea. Recently I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system assisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel. I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Composite Predictive Problem. This project is now under construction.

Besides In July 20xx I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference (ASCC) which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation. In my senior year I met Prof. Xiao-Song Lin a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside I learned graph theory from him for my network research. These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture.

I hope to study in depth

In retrospect I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network) Supply chain network research Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1023 字

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After I have worked in business area for eight years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in business administration. I have practiced my professional expertise in accounting, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication skills. But I have yet to become an entrepreneur in my own right, and to fully master the art of modern business. I want to be trained more vigorously in scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. There are a lot of opportunities and challenges in China that I do not yet fell fully confident to seize. My business career has so far benefited mostly the companies that I worked for, but a good business education in your university will probably become a new era for me.

Your university is well known for its excellence in China’s business education. I am sure that, with my extensive business experience, I can be a worthy student of yours. I am anxious to benefit from your seasoned guidance and take advantage of your research facilities.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 299 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高中,教师,全文共 878 字

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