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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1828 字

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橘洲,橘子之洲,位于湖南长沙市岳麓区境内,是湘江的一 个江心小岛,长约五公里,形成于晋惠帝永兴二年(公元三○五年),距今已有一千六百多年的历史。远在唐代,这里就盛产南橘,远销江汉等地...(截取资料--名字由来)我和胖子同事,在桥前一站下了车,慢慢走上了湘江大桥,远远就看到天空飞舞着五颜六色的风筝,桥的一边就是岳麓山,这里水天一色,青山翠屏,我就只喜欢长沙这个地方。站在桥上,远远就看到江中的橘子洲,已经是一条绿绿的长廊。橘子洲正好在江中,把湘江在中间隔了一条绿,湘江大桥,正在洲子上跨过去,洲头是湘江三桥,洲尾有湘江2桥。水从三桥方向流过来。今天水特别清,尽管现在水位不是很高,但是江上不少来往的船,奇怪的是鱼船就没什么了。听说洲子这里住的主要是江上的打鱼人,到了汛期洲子就沫掉大部分,渔人都要撤离洲子,现在洲子听说要改建了。所以洲上住的人也不多了。







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3209 字

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Dear friends

Hello everyone! Im glad to accompany you to visit Yuelu Mountain scenicspot

Yuelu Mountain, located on the West Bank of Xiangjiang River in ChangshaCity, is the tail of the 72 peaks of Hengshan Mountain. It has been a famousscenic spot since ancient times Although Yuelu is not high, it is indeed afamous mountain with rich cultural heritage. There are 15 places listed as keycultural relics protection units at or above the provincial level. Qingfengxia,aiwanting, Lushan temple, baihequan, caies tomb, Huangxings tomb, Yuwangstomb, Yunlu palace, Yuelu Academy and other nearly 100 scenic spots areattractive everywhere.

Now, I come to Qingfeng gorge, the core scenic spot of Yuelu Mountain. Herelush forest, trees into Yin, streams around, three sides against the peak,beautiful scenery in the clip show, intoxicating. From Qingfeng gorge to the topof the mountain, a large number of primitive secondary forests have beenpreserved, with a total of 977 species of plants, 555 of which are wild seedplants, and exotic flowers and plants can be seen everywhere. At the entrance ofQingfeng gorge, one of the most famous pavilions in China, AI Wan Pavilion,stands high. AI Wan pavilion was built in 1972, the 57th year of Qianlong reignof Qing Dynasty. Its founder was Luo Dian, the head of Yuelu Academy, a scholarand educator at that time. In the past, Fenglin was all over Qingfeng gorge, soLuodian named the pavilion "Hongye Pavilion", also known as "Aifeng Pavilion".Later, the governor of Huguang, Bi Yuan, felt that the scenery here was veryclose to Du Mus poem "a trip to the mountains" and changed its name to "Ai WanTing". Indeed, in late autumn, the top of Yuelu Mountain is shrouded in cloudsand mist, and the maple leaves around aiwan pavilion are as red as fire andgorgeous as blazing, which vividly expresses the artistic conception of thepoem.

Now, you can see the whole picture of aiwan Pavilion. It sits in the Westand faces east, surrounded by mountains and craggy rocks. It is surrounded bystreams on the left and right, with mountains, trees, streams and stones flowingin different directions. In his youth, when he was studying and working in HunanNo.1 Normal University, Comrade Mao Zedong often went to aiwanting together withCai Hesen, Luo xuezan, Zhang kundi and other close friends to "point out riversand mountains, excite and pronounce words", sometimes even all night. When thepavilion was rebuilt in 1952, Li Da, the then head of Hunan University, askedChairman Mao to write a title for the pavilion. Chairman Mao happily wrote downthe three characters "Ai Wan Ting", which is the plaque on the lintel of thepavilion.

Now you can see that there is a couplet on the pavilion: "the mountain pathis red and comfortable at night, and five hundred young peaches are new; theclouds in the gorge are deep and green, and a pair of tamed cranes are waitingfor the cage." This is the title of Luo Dian, the builder of AI Wan Pavilion. Itshows the style of AI Wan Pavilion at that time.

When Changsha and Kagoshima became friendly cities, aiwan Pavilion, as asymbol of the ancient city of Changsha, was imitated and built in Japan, thusbecoming a messenger of Sino Japanese friendship.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2405 字

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On August 27, Dad finally finished his work and fulfilled his promise totake me to Daming Lake in Jinan. The long-awaited wish also accelerated with thehigh-speed railway. His excited mood was like the tree shadow beating outsidethe car window, more like a string of active notes.

The first stop to Jinan is Daming Lake. The first thing you can see is theglazed tiles, vermilion painted pillars, and a row of antique gate buildings.Through the gate buildings, you can see the magnificent Daming Lake and the lushlotus leaves blooming on the shoal, just like a green paper umbrella on thelake. If you look carefully, there is another one A lotus pod, and a fewbeautiful lotus, is really "connected to the sky lotus leaves infinite blue,reflecting the sun lotus another red", echoing with the classical pavilions,feel like watching TV in the south of the Yangtze River.

Whats more amazing is the stone Museum in Daming Lake scenic area. Thereare various kinds of stones in different shapes, such as jade, Taishan stone andso on,

At noon, my father and I went boating on the lake, feeling the quiet andpeaceful atmosphere. Sitting on the boat, we watched the water waves quietly.Occasionally, a few red fish came to the surface, and occasionally a few waterbirds flew out of the island in the center of the lake.

In the afternoon, we went to visit Baotu Spring, which is known as "thebest spring in the world". As soon as we entered the gate, I saw the plump Koiunder the small bridge and flowing water. Some of them were glittering with goldand some of them were charmingly naive. Along the Qingshiban Road and the flowdirection of the spring, we came to the memorial hall of Master Li kuchan.Master kuchan had heard of them for a long time This is the most attractiveplace for those who are interested in calligraphy and painting. It is majesticand lifelike. Let me look at it with new eyes.

After turning around the kuchan master memorial hall, and passing thememorial hall of poetess Li Qingzhao, we come to Baotu Spring. There are a lotof people watching it. From a distance, there are three spring eyes, and thespring water is surging, like three blooming flowers,

Spring clear bottom, fish in groups in the water swimming, carefree is veryhappy.

Perhaps in this beautiful environment, time will pass quickly, thetwinkling of an eye is dusk, my father and I with a reluctant mood, set foot onthe return train.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1069 字

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天心阁是楚汉文化长沙之魂,而长沙是国务院公布的我国首批二十四座历史文化名城之一,天心阁是长沙的象征 ,见证了长沙的历史发展和变迁。世界上所有的城市史都有因市成镇,因镇而城的历史,所以长沙城历史由来以久,据史书记载早见于《逸周书·王会篇》的西周王朝,长沙城历经几千年,不迁不移,不动不改,至今繁衍生息,在当今的城市极为罕见。长沙的每一个建设项目都有可能挖掘出一批珍贵文物:如西汉马王堆女尸,商周青铜器,走马楼三国竹简等等……举不胜举。

现在大家看到的这片错落有致的石林,是景区的《历史名人石刻画廊》,它刻绘了33位对我们湖南有过突出贡献的历史名人,他们有的在湖南出生,有的在湖南为官,其中湘籍16人。炎帝神农氏,品百草造福于民,他晚年因误食一种叫“火焰草”(又称“断肠草”)的植物而谢世于湖南,炎帝陵就在我们湖南株州的炎陵县;朱熹、张轼为长沙岳麓山下的岳麓书院主讲;李芾,长沙(古称潭州)知州既湖南安抚使,南宋末期人,在元兵攻打长沙三日守城无望的情况下,领全家十九口人集体自尽,以示忠烈;曾国藩,湖南湘乡人,清朝道光年间洋务派首领之一,创建了“无湘不成军”的湘军,曾疯狂镇压太平军,后被捻军所败,但他的为人处世之道历来被后人所学习、传颂,所著多收入《曾文正公全集》中;魏源,湖南隆回人,提出“师夷长技以制夷”,在林则徐支持下著有50卷《海国图志》,被称为睁眼看世界的第一人;郭嵩焘,湖南湘阴人,清末外交官,近代中国向西方国家派出的第一位常驻使臣,出使(新加坡)期间,取用公款只薪水与房租两项,尝言:“廉才 君子以自责,不宜以责人; 惠者 君子以自尽,不宜以望于人”,时称名言。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7042 字

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Good morning! Welcome to Changsha, the beautiful star city. First of all,on behalf of all the staff of the travel agency, please allow me to extend mywarmest welcome to you. Welcome to the "red sun Tour" organized by thisorganization, because we are taking the red route,. Shaoshan is also the placewhere the sun rises, so our journey is called the journey of the red sun.

Let me introduce myself. Im the tour guide of the red sun tour. My name isZhao. For your convenience, you can call me Xiao Zhao. On the left side of XiaoZhao is our director master X. master X has good driving skills, rich experienceand friendly treatment. So we can rest assured when we take his car. If you haveany problems during the journey, you can put forward them. Xiao Zhao and masterx will do their best To serve you, well, lets have a wonderful journeytogether!

Our journey has begun. Now at our feet is the famous Wuyi Avenue, alsoknown as Wuyi Road, which has "the first road in Sanxiang". It represents thefuture of Changsha. The prosperous area of Changsha radiates from here. It wasbuilt on May 1, 1951, so it gets its name. It is the first asphalt road at thattime. The road width is only 9 meters, but with the development of the times,the traffic is getting better Developed, 9 meters wide is far from enough tomeet the shuttle vehicles. Until 20__, it took five months to renovate, which iswhat we see now

Wuyi Avenue, which starts from the railway station in the East and ends atXiangjiang bridge in the west, has a total length of 4138 meters and a width of60 meters. It is a double ten lane road. The traffic on Wuyi Road is orderly,but most drivers are reluctant to take this road. Why? There are three sets ofTV monitoring equipment and six electronic eyes on this road. Its easy to becopied if you are not careful, so drivers love and hate each other!

Where is the source of Wuyi Avenue? It is Changsha railway station behindyou. It was built in 1975 and completed in 1977. Together with Shanghai railwaystation and Beijing railway station, it is known as Chinas three major railwaystations. There is a bell tower in the middle of the railway station, which is63.7 meters high. The bell tower will play the excellent music "Dongfanghong" onthe hour, as if to tell you that you have come to Dai Wei Hunan, the hometown ofChairman Mao. And there is a building above the clock tower. What does Xiao Zhaothink she looks like? Yes, she is the red torch. Some people may ask, since itis a torch, why not fly with the wind? Instead, why rush straight to the bluesky? Xiao Zhao has to explain this question to everyone, because before thecompletion of the railway station, during the period of the cultural revolution,when the designer designed her to fly to the left, there would be the saying ofleaning to the left; When it was designed to lean to the right, I was afraidthat there would be Rightists, so the designer simply designed her as a torchthat went straight up into the sky. In fact, she is very similar to a specialtyof Hunan: Chaotian pepper, which is a favorite food of Chairman Mao. It alsosymbolizes the hot passion of Hunan people. Isnt there such a saying: Sichuanpeople are not afraid of spicy food, Guizhou people are not afraid of spicyfood, Hunan people are not afraid of spicy food.

Well, now we go to Yuanjialing overpass. Why is it called Yuanjialingoverpass? Its not called lijialing zhangjialing overpass because its said thatthere is a family named yuan living on this large area of land. Therefore, theconstruction of this bridge is named after the yuan family. It is builtdownward, in addition to beautiful, but also play a role in mitigating theearthquake. But there are both advantages and disadvantages. Hunan is a rainyprovince. If it rains, rain will accumulate under the bridge, which will causeinconvenience and trouble for pedestrians. Im afraid its time to goboating!

On the right hand side of Xiao Zhao is Shaoshan Road, because there was noroad leading to Shaoshan at that time, and later this road was built; it wasnamed Shaoshan road.

OK, lets take a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus. Its thecity tree of Changsha: Cinnamomum camphora. The leaves of Cinnamomum camphoraare small but there are many leaves. Its a good place to enjoy the cool underthe big camphor tree. The camphor balls extracted from the camphor tree candrive away mosquitoes and ants. Take off a few leaves of Cinnamomum camphora,clean them, chew them in the import, and wake up. About camphor tree,

There is also a local custom in Changsha, that is, parents give theirmarried daughter a set of furniture made of camphor wood, which is very decent.On Zhaos left is Yingbin Road, a road built in 1972 to welcome PresidentNixons visit to China. On the opposite side of Yingbin Road is a red and whitebuilding, which is the second courtyard of Hunan provincial government.

Just now Xiao Zhao mentioned the city tree. Now lets learn about theprovincial tree in Hunan Province. Its Magnolia grandiflora. Its a treespecies introduced from Guangzhou. The city flower of Changsha City isRhododendron. If you look at the Rhododendron, you have to go to thecountryside. In March and April, the red Rhododendron blooms all over themountain, not to mention how beautiful it is. The provincial flower of HunanProvince is hibiscus. Since ancient times, Hunan has been known as Hibiscuscountry. Chairman Maos poem says well that "the lotus country is full ofsunshine.". Hibiscus is also divided into wood hibiscus and water hibiscus. XiaoZhao asked: "what is water Hibiscus? What is wood Hibiscus?" ha ha! WoodHibiscus is magnolia, water Hibiscus is lotus.

OK, now lets go to Furong Road. Next to Furong Road is the newly builtFurong square in Changsha. You can see a sculpture in the middle, that is thedaughter of Liuyang River. You must be attracted by her long hair. The hair ofthe daughter of Liuyang River has nine bends, which symbolizes the nine bends ofLiuyang River. This can not help but remind us of the beautiful "Liuyang River",that Xiao Zhao here to make a fool of himself, sing a song "Liuyang River", Ihope you can like it.

Well, now we see the building with white doves on the ground floor is thefamous Pinghetang business building. Peace means peace in Japanese, which meansharmonious development. Here is a Sino Japanese joint venture shopping mall.Japanese shareholders account for 60% of the shares, while Chinese shareholdersaccount for 40%. Before the completion of Pinghetang, the largest number ofbamboo slips in China were unearthed here, which recorded the history of theChu, Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Now there is an exhibition on the sixthfloor of Pinghetang. You can visit it after shopping.

In front of the peace hall is the May day square. There is a huge musicfountain in the middle of the square. At eight oclock every night, the musicfountain will dance with the music. Now, please look at the top of May daysquare. You can see a small house like eyes. There is the big eye studio, thevoice of the Golden Eagle.



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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Changsha, a famous historical and cultural city with beautifulscenery, pleasant climate, heaps of delicious food (due to the age of tourists),beautiful women and handsome men!

As the saying goes, "a hundred year old man will be on the same boat, and athousand year old man will be sleeping together." now the popular saying is thata hundred year old man will be in the same car, but we are all in the same cartoday. Xiao x is really honored. There is a saying in China that it is never tooold to learn. When we come to Changsha, first of all, we have to learn the threerepresentatives

First: on behalf of the people of Changsha, I would like to extend a warmwelcome to all the guests coming from afar!

Second: on behalf of all the staff of __ travel company, I would like towelcome you to this happy trip. Welcome, welcome, warm welcome.

The third representative is me, on behalf of myself and the driver, to makea brief introduction. Im a tour guide from X Travel Company, and Im also theground guide of your trip to Changsha. My name is __. You can call me Xiao X orX guide, as long as you let me know that you are calling me. Next, I would liketo solemnly introduce the person who occupies an absolutely important positionin our tour, that is, the driver master x who escorts us. In our industry, thereis such a saying that drivers are in a hurry to drive in Jilin, in a rush todrive in Mongolia, and in hukai in Shanghai. Can anyone think of how to drive inChangsha? Let me answer the riddle. Our masters in Changsha are quite special.They can drive in both black and white. Why do we say that? Its about theclimate of Changsha, "there are flowers in spring, there are months in autumn,there are cool winds in summer, and there are snow in winter." this is theclimate characteristics of Changsha. The four seasons are distinct. The roads inspring, summer and autumn are generally black, and the roads in winter are oneSnow, the road will become white, so our master is very familiar with blackhundred Liang Road, so we can rest assured of our driving safety in recentdays!

Now, Id like to invite our lady friends in the car to focus on our master.There is a saying: first class men have a home outside their home, second classmen have flowers outside their home, third class men look for a home in theflowers, and fourth class men go home after work. Hehe, lets see what kind ofmen our master belongs to? Start your brain and think about it. Oh, remove awrong answer, D. if you think of us like this, its impossible for a master togo home after work in four or five days. Shifu is a good man. Why do you saythat? Please dont think about it. I didnt say that Shifu is a playboy. Letstake a look at the touring car, which is a mobile home for our master. Ofcourse, the master loves it very much. Isnt it a very popular RV now? Letstake our touring car as a new type of RV. What I want to say is that when youleave this mobile home every day, you must be smart: wave your sleeves, dontleave behind A cloud!



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Hello, everyone! Welcome to Hunan for sightseeing. "I want to have a dreamand a bright future in Hibiscus country." Hunan is the hometown of Mao Zedong.It has beautiful scenery, long history and profound culture. It can be said thatit is a treasure of nature and outstanding people.

Hunan is located in the South Bank of the middle reaches of the YangtzeRiver. It is named "Hunan" because it is located in the south of Dongting Lake,the second largest freshwater lake in China. In history, the name of "Hunan"first appeared in the administrative division, which began in the second year ofGuangde in Tang Dynasty (the "Hunan observation envoy" was set up in Hunan),that is, in 764 ad. Hunan is adjacent to Hubei in the north, Guangdong andGuangxi in the south, Jiangxi in the East, Chongqing and Guizhou in the West. Ithas an important strategic position of connecting the East and the West inChina. With a total area of more than 210000 square kilometers and a populationof more than 67 million, the province has residents of 56 ethnic groups livinghere. It has jurisdiction over one autonomous prefecture and 13 prefecture levelcities.

Hunan is called "Xiang" for short. People often use "three Xiangsi and fourrivers" to express the whole territory of Hunan, and "Furong country" is also agood name for Hunan. "Xiang" is named for its mother river, Xiangjiang River.The "three Xiang" of "three Xiang and four rivers" means that the water of Xiangis called "Lixiang" when it flows with Li water at the origin, Xiaoxiang when itflows with Xiaoshui at the middle reaches, and steaming Hunan when it flows withsteam water at the lower reaches. "Four Rivers" refers to the four major watersystems throughout Hunan: Xiangjiang River, Zijiang River, Yuanjiang River andLishui river. Therefore, "three Xiangsi rivers" refers to the whole territory ofHunan. Hunan has the reputation of "Furong country" because Sanxiang has atradition of planting shuifurong (Lotus) and Mufurong (Mulian) since ancienttimes. Tang Dynasty poet Tan Yongzhi once wrote in his poem rain in theXiangjiang River in autumn: "the autumn wind is thousands of miles, the lotuscountry, and the rain is thousands of families, the village of Xue Li." Ofcourse, Comrade Mao Zedongs sentence "I want to have a few dreams, and thebeauty of Hibiscus" in "seven laws to answer friends" makes it famous all overthe world.

The topography of Hunan is like a horseshoe shaped opening to the north. Itis surrounded by mountains in the East, West and south, and only opens toDongting Lake in the north. This topographical feature determines that therivers in Hunan do not "go to the East", but "go to the north of XiangjiangRiver" and pour 800 Li into Dongting Lake. When you walk into Hunan, its hardto see a smooth scene. The hills and lakes, mountains and lakes form the mainbody. Its like wearing a zigzag and pitching coat on the land of Hunan. Underthis coat, there are abundant mineral resources. There are 111 kinds of mineralsdiscovered in Hunan Province and 83 kinds of proven reserves. Among thenonferrous metal mines, the reserves of antimony rank first in the world,tungsten and titanium rank first in China, and manganese and vanadium ranksecond in China. Among the non-metallic minerals, fluorite, barite, feldspar,sepiolite, kaolin, albite and other reserves, output and quality are in theforefront of the country. Hunan is known as "the hometown of nonferrous metals"and "the hometown of non metals".

Hunan has a subtropical humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasonsand an average temperature of about 17 ℃. In spring, the temperature ischangeable, sometimes with "plum blossom and yellow rain"; in summer, the hotperiod is long, known as "stove"; in autumn, although there are many droughts,the air is crisp; in winter, the cold period is short, occasionally withauspicious snow, indicating a good harvest.

Hunan has a long history and the culture of Hunan and Chu is extensive andprofound. According to archaeological findings, primitive people have beenliving in Hunan since 50000-100000 years ago. The excavation of Chengtoushansite in Lixian County proves that the primitive people in Hunan had alreadybegun to live a settled farming life as early as 9000 years ago. In ancienttimes, Chiyou fought with Yanhuang tribes and fled to Hunan after defeat, wherea tribal group called "Sanmiao" was formed. During the spring and Autumn periodand the Warring States period, Chu forces crossed the Yangtze River and DongtingHunan, and the Central Plains culture merged with the local culture, forming aunique style of Chu culture. At that time, Hunans economic development reacheda fairly advanced level, the manufacture and use of bronze ware became moreextensive, and began to enter the iron age. During the Qin and Han Dynasties,Hunans economy and culture got further development. The silk books, silkpaintings, silk fabrics and other cultural relics unearthed from Mawangdui Hantomb fully reflected the level of craft and cultural development at that time.By the time of the Three Kingdoms, there were three pillars in the world. HunanProvince was bounded by the Xiangjiang River and belonged to the sphere ofinfluence of Shu and Wu. In 219 ad, Sun Wu seized the whole territory of Hunanand ruled for 60 years. After the Wei, Jin and southern and Northern Dynasties,Hunan gradually became rich and prosperous, and its agriculture developed byleaps and bounds, and began to become an important rice producing area andsupply place in China. After the Song Dynasty, the water conservancy in DongtingLake area and Sishui River Basin was strengthened day by day, and Hunan became awell-known "land of fish and rice", and gradually gained the reputation of"well-known in the world". Hunan people who "worry about the world and dare tobe the first" began to show their skills from the end of Qing Dynasty to thebeginning of the Republic of China, so that there is a saying that "the generalof Zhongxing, Hunan in the 19th century". In the reform movement, Hunan was "themost dynamic province". During the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution, Hunan Leaguefirst responded to and supported the uprising with practical actions, which madeHunan in the forefront of the revolution. After the May 4th movement, Mao Zedongrushed from Shaoshan to the stage of Chinese history and opened a new page ofChinese revolution. The first battle of the Red Armys long march was on theXiangjiang River. Hunan was also an important battlefield in the Anti Japanesewar. From 1939 to 1942, the Chinese and Japanese armies fought in Changsha forthree times, especially the third battle. It was the first great victory of theAllies after the Pacific War, which made the Chinese fight. "Eight years fromLugou, a paper down the book out of Zhijiang." On August 21, 1945, the Japanesearmy submitted the letter of surrender to the Chinese people in Zhijiang, HunanProvince. The eight year Anti Japanese war ended with the victory of the Chinesepeople.

"When the river goes to the East, the waves will be washed out, and peopleof all ages will be famous." Looking back at the history of Hunan, how manytalented people in Hunan "hit the water in the middle stream, and the wavesstopped the boats" in the long river of Chinese history and culture? AncientHunan was known as the wild land of "Nanman", which became the exile place ofthe criminal generals since the Warring States period. However, it was thearrival of these guilty ministers that brought Hunan precious cultural wealth.Qu Yuan was demoted to Yuanli valley of Hunan Province for many years, andcreated "Sao style". Lisao, Jiuge and Tianwen were published, which created aprecedent in the cultural history. Song Yu exiled linli for 40 years, inheritedthe literary form of "Ci" and carried it forward. Jia Yi was demoted to Changshafor 4 years in the Western Han Dynasty, and wrote "Ode to Qu Yuan" and "Ode topengniao", which started the Han Dynasty. In Tang Dynasty, Liu Zongyuan and LiuYuxi were demoted to Hunan, where they also found the source of creation. LiuZongyuans "on feudalism", "Tian Shuo" and "eight chapters of Yongzhou" cameout; Liu Yuxi completed the famous political paper "Tian Lun" and created hisown "Zhuzhi Ci", which opened a new generation of poetry.

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Li qunyu, the first great poet in China,Ouyang Xun, Ouyang Tong and huaisu, the first class calligraphers in China, ZhouDunyi, the founder of Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism and Wang Fuzhi, were born inHunan.

"Only Chu has talent, and it is prosperous here." This couplet at the headof Yuelu Academy is the best summary of modern Hunan talents. Under theinfluence of Huxiang culture with the core of "managing the world for practicaluse", the reform pioneers Tao Shu, Wei Yuan, Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, anational hero in the Qing Dynasty, and later Tan Sitong, Huang Xing, Cai E, ChenTianhua, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and other Sanxiang heroes were created here.

After the founding of new China, among the 52 leaders of the centralgovernment, 18 are from Hunan; among the 10 marshals, 3 are from Hunan; amongthe 10 generals, 6 are from Hunan; among the 57 generals, 19 are from Hunan;among the 100 generals, 45 are from Hunan. Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and Hu Yaobangsuccessively served as the state presidents, and Zhu Rongji served as the StateCouncil. In addition, a large number of cultural celebrities, such as Qi Baishi,Yang Shuda, Tian Han, Shen Congwen, Ding Ling and Zhou Gucheng, are alsowell-known at home and abroad.

"Its all the past. Ill count the celebrities and look at the present."Todays Hunan people, adhering to the fine traditions of their predecessors andresponding to the call of the central government to "build a harmonioussociety", are making great strides towards a well-off society.

Long history, distinctive culture, talented people, colorful ethnic customsand beautiful natural scenery endow Hunan with rich and unique tourismresources. There are Dongting Lake and Yueyang Tower with the same color ofwater and sky, Nanyue Hengshan with the unique beauty of five mountains, themausoleum of Emperor Yan and Emperor Shun, the paradise of peach blossomdescribed by Tao Yuanming, Zhangjiajie scenic spot listed in the world naturalheritage list by UNESCO, and so on; There are the former residences ofcontemporary revolutionary leaders Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, as well as worldcultural celebrities Qu Yuan, Cai Lun and Qi Baishi; there are world-famouscultural relics unearthed from Mawangdui Han tomb and the ancient city site ofChengtoushan in Lixian County, which is one of the top ten archaeologicaldiscoveries in China; there are also archaeological discoveries such as Zoumaloubamboo slips of Dongwu, Liye ancient city of Warring States and Qin bambooslips. Of course, the unique ethnic customs such as Tujia weeping marriage, Miaosilver ornaments and Jiangyong womens calligraphy will also make youlinger.

With the rapid development of Hunan tourism, Hunan provincial governmenthas taken tourism as a pillar industry to support and build. At present, Hunantourism has been blooming everywhere, and seven tourism routes have beenlaunched, namely Changsha Huaminglou Shaoshan (famous city celebrity tour),Changsha Quzici Yueyang (Xiangchu culture tour), Changsha Zhangjiajie WangcunJishou Fenghuang (landscape and ethnic customs tour), Changsha Nanyue Chenzhou(religious culture and ecological tour), Changsha Liangshan (Geologicalspectacle tour), and Changsha Liangshan (Geological spectacle tour) YanEmperors Mausoleum - Shun emperors Mausoleum (root seeking and ancestorworship tour), Changsha - Taojiang - Taohuayuan (idyllic scenery tour). At thesame time, some special tourism festivals have been launched: YueyangInternational Dragon Boat Festival, nanyueshou Cultural Festival and templefair, Liuyang International Fireworks Festival, Zhangjiajie International ForestProtection Festival, Taohuayuan garden fair, Zhuzhou Yan Emperor Mausoleummemorial ceremony, Huaihua Dong Cultural Tourism Festival, Chenzhou landscapeFestival, etc.

Hunan is rich in natural resources, and its local products are also richand colorful. The famous handicrafts include Xiang embroidery, Liling underglazeporcelain, Liuyang chrysanthemum stone, Yiyang peach stone carving, XiangxiTujia brocade, Tujia paste painting, Miao silver ornaments, etc.; the famousspecialties include Junshan silver needle tea, Guzhang Maojian tea, Xianglian,Dongting silver fish, Liuyang Douchi, furongwang tobacco, Jiugui Liquor, Baishatop grade tobacco, etc.

"Hot girls are hot, hot girls are not afraid of being hot when they areyoung." when you hear song Zuyings "hot girls", you will immediately think ofred peppers. Yes, we Hunan people are famous for not being spicy. Hunan cuisine,as one of the eight major cuisines in China, has a history of more than 3000years. After a long period of development, there are more than 4000 cuisines,including more than 300 famous cuisines. To travel in Hunan, its natural totaste authentic Hunan cuisine. We Hunan people will certainly receive the guestsall over the world with hot enthusiasm!

There are endless beautiful scenery and amorous feelings in Sanxiang.Please open your heart and follow me carefully!



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Hello, everyone. Im the tour guide who is responsible for taking you tovisit Macaos famous place of interest, mage temple. I hope my explanation willgive you a pleasant journey. First of all, let me introduce Mazu temple.

Mage temple was called niangma temple, Tianfei temple or haijue temple inthe early period; later it was named "Mazu Temple", which is commonly known as"mage Temple" in Chinese. Mazu means "mother" in Fujian dialect. The temple isbuilt along the cliff with a back mountain and a sea. It is surrounded bytowering ancient trees. There is a pair of stone lions at the entrance of thetemple. It is said that they are masterpieces of the Qing Dynasty 300 years ago.The temple is composed of four buildings: the main hall, the stone hall, theHongren hall and the Guanyin Pavilion.

The best time to visit mage temple is during the Spring Festival, becausethis time is the most popular, and many traditional activities will be held.Many faithful men and women come to pray for the gods. A large bamboo shed willbe built in front of the temple as a temporary stage for performing miraculousarts.

Mage temple is composed of "the first temple in Shenshan mountain", Hongrentemple, Zhengjue Buddhist temple, Guanyin Pavilion and other parts. Although thescale of each building is small and crude, it can fully integrate nature and thelayout is well arranged.

Entrance gate

You can see the granite building at the entrance gate. It is 4.5 meterswide and has only one door opening. The lintel has the word "Mazu Pavilion" andcouplets on both sides. The three parts are decorated with glazed tile roof. Thetop of the lintel has a cornice shaped ridge with porcelain beads and fish onit.

Memorial Gateway

Immediately behind the gate of MAGE temple is a three room four columnarch, also made of granite, with four stone lions on the capitals.

Hongren Hall

You have now come to the smallest Hongren hall, which is only about 3square meters.

Buddism godness Guanyin Temple

Guanyin hall, located at the highest place, is mainly made of brick andstone. Its architecture is simple and hard mountain style.

Zhengjue Buddhist temple

You are now in the Zhengjue Buddhist temple. This Buddhist temple pays moreattention to both the scale and the architectural form. The building is composedof a temple dedicated to the queen of heaven and a retreat area. The building inthe repair area is a common folk house with a hard Hill brick structure, whilethe temple is a four frame beam structure. There is an inner courtyard in frontof the main hall. The side porches on both sides are shed roofs. The main hallarea is divided into three bays by two rows of three columns. The roof is glazedtile slope top, and the top of the side walls on both sides is a gold shaped"wok ear" gable, which has the meaning of fire prevention and strong southernFujian characteristics. It is located in the front of the inner courtyard, Fromleft to right, it can be divided into five parts. The middle part is the highestand the two sides are gradually lower. The wall is decorated with claysculpture. The top of the wall is decorated with glazed tiles. Under the eavesof the glazed tiles, there are three layers of flowers symbolizing the bucketarch. In addition, there is a circular window opening with a radius of 1.1meters in the middle part. The eaves and porcelain beads on the top of theglazed tiles also show the importance of this hall.

Mazu Pavilion is always full of incense. Every year, on the new years eveof the lunar calendar, the birthday of Mazu on March 23, and the Double NinthFestival on September 9, it is full of people.

Witness the flame

On the afternoon of May 3, 20__, the Beijing Olympic flame passes throughMacaos mage temple. The Olympic flame from Olympia will meet the incense frommage temple, and Macao will show the characteristics of Chinese and Westerncultures in the most representative way of welcoming the Olympic flame.

Well, thats the end of todays tour. I hope this interpretation has left adeep impression on you. Please pay more attention to more Macao scenic spots.Goodbye.



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Everybody is good! Welcome to sightseeing, as cabinet. I am a scenic docentof __, hope that through my explanation, can let everybody to the ancient cityof changsha and the massive historical culture as ancient pavilion has apreliminary understanding.

As cabinet are signs and symbols of the ancient city of changsha, changshais the testimony of history and culture development, ancient times known as"xiaoxiang pavilion, qin and han dynasties city" reputation, as the nationalAAAA level scenic spots. Because its ley uplift, the auspicious trillion, it hasbeen regarded as a geomantic precious place of changsha. Scenic area was builtin 1924, is to protect the ancient city wall with a history of more than 2200years and 2200 years of history of the ancient attic built in changsha firstgarden scenic spot.

First of all you see is "embalm wind pavilion" and "lun jian pool". "Cured"is a kind of vanilla, "kaori wind" namely "sweet wind"; Pavilion built inmidsummer, pleasant fragrance, all around its name. Red rock cliff "Aaron as"two words, "Aaron" is the similar meaning, "learning" as the mirror, meaning isrefers to the water as bright as a mirror. Words taizong account in the proposalmaking official Wei Zheng died, sadness of leaving "for copper mirror, can isthe headgear; with history as a mirror, can know replaced; the looking-glassself, can know the gain and loss" of training, "Aaron as a".

As pavilion is the spirit of chu culture of changsha, changsha is the statecouncil released the first batch of 24 cities in our country one of the famoushistorical and cultural city, heavenly heart pavilion is a symbol of changsha,witnessed the historical development and changes of the changsha. All the citiesin the world history has a city into town, because of the history of the townand city, so the changsha city origin with long history, according to historicalrecords as early as in the shifu, king "of the western zhou dynasty, thechangsha city after thousands of years, dont move dont move, dont change,still thrive, a rare in todays cities. Changsha every construction project islikely to dig up a batch of rare and precious cultural relics, such as thewestern han dynasty mawangdui woman corpse, chow tai bronze ware, cooks floorbamboo slips of The Three Kingdoms, etc... Are legion.

Now you see this piece of strewn at random have the stone forest, is the"historical figures carved stone gallery" scenic area, it is time for us to drawthe 33 hunan had outstanding contribution of historical figures, some of themwas born in hunan, an official in hunan, including XiangJi 16 people. Yanemperor shen nung, tasted grass bouquet to benefit the people, he later becauseof eating a "flame grass" (also known as "graceful jessamine herb") plants andxie in hunan, emperor yandi mausoleum in our hunan ZhuZhou tianxinli; Zhu xi,Zhang Shi under the capital city of changsha yuelu academy lecture; Lee Fei,changsha (called tam states) year hunan conciliation, the late southern songdynasty, yuan soldiers in an attack on guarding city changsha 3 hopelesssituation, bring the whole family 19th mouth people collective suicide, in orderto show the valiant ones; Zeng guofan, hunan hunan assembly of people, the qingdaoguang years one of the westernization movement leader, created the "xiang noof xiang army", was crazy to suppress the taiping rebels, after the defeat bytwisting forces, but his way of life has always been talk of learning, by latergenerations, by income more complete works "once Wen Zhenggong; Wei yuan, fromlonghui, hunan, and puts forward "long skill with barbarians", the Lin zexu,supported by the 50 volumes "sealand disposition, known as the worlds firstperson, I opened my eyes XiangYin guo song-tao, hunan people, diplomat in thelate qing dynasty, to the west in modern China sent the first permanent chiefs,during the missions (Singapore), access to public funds only pay to rent two,and said: "budget before the gentleman to remorse, unfavorable to blame others;hui is the gentleman to suicide, unfavorable in hopes to man", said.

Is engaging you see in front of the pavilion, there are "as whirlwind toheaven, to the party engaging" say, mean as natural began. Please note that theabove couplet, top allied "day if sentient days also old," second line is "heartto the selfless heart wide". This is embedded word couplet, poem is orz. Did yousee it, by the way, is the name of our scenic area "as", this couplet acultivate ones morality philosophy in it.

Please look at the other side of the pavilion "chong DE", this plaque forChiang kai-shek, "fresh call forth the past unforgettable a surprised noondream, thousands of miles to see sunrise" according to legend for Chiangkai-shek, built for the 1946 memorial for those who died in the anti-japanese,also known as "the fierce pavilion". From September 1939 to December 1941, theJapanese aggressively attack changsha three times, in the ninth theatercommander Sir Hsueh yueh as the main body of Chinas armed forces to take theback decisive battle "strategy, strive to resist. Three times in battle, theJapanese were losing from changsha. Changsha become resistance for five years inthe history of world war ii hero city, become one of the main positivebattlefield of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War stalemate. Because, as cabinet inchangsha city high ground, have lost three times as one of the main platforms ofour important department. Hero of changsha city undefeated to figure stands infront of the world, and majestic, magnificent ancient city wall, also became thepride of changsha people.

Now everyone viewed from the looks, is built in the Ming dynasty chongzhenyears ago, has 400 years of history, as cabinet. Attic for a layer, when hefirst built qing qianlong built into two layers, in 1774 as a "ku" always readofficer wang li degrees also made the repairing as pavilion "; As to the qingdynasty jiaqing years, your academy dean luo funding reconstruction, Ohio, southof the city is now everyone can see three layer, and increase the south andnorth two attached to the cabinet, make it more grand, magnificent; 14.6 metershigh, is now the main pavilion two attached cabinet each 10 meters high, theentire attic imitation Ming and qing dynasties south garden architectural style,"not as pavilion, dont know the ancient changsha." Please follow me togetherpavilion to visit.

Main pavilion, a layer for the exhibition in one hundred, changsha,changsha one hundred history of the 20th century is shown. First of all, pleasesee the heavenly heart pavilion overlooking a poem, the poem "tam states that"todays changsha. The poem are taken from the good county annals "(the originalchangsha, good two counties are divided into changsha, as pavilion is a goodcounty), the author YuYi for Ming chongzhen years in Beijing took command, whichcan be concluded as cabinet as early as 400 years ago stand high above the city.Then take a look at the ancient changsha old topographic map, it is the long andnarrow strip, changsha has a picture of a household name, popular pairs: "landand sea chau interstate system boat boat move motionless, as presently livepigeons fly cabinet did not fly", this amphibious continent is j, amphibiouscontinent is about more than 5500 meters long, about 100 meters wide, is thechangsha this special geographic landscape. Changsha geological structure on thebasis of quartz sandstone, through all the year round external force, make a lotof sand and stone are gathered in the surface, thus changsha placenames originin "long Fang Zhou, sandy land".

Main cabinet of the second floor has two large relief, one shows the lateNovember 12, 1938, "Wen Xi fire", zhou enlai and then KMT chairman zhangzhizhong to attic inspect the scene of the disaster of hunan province, wuhan,the Japanese open the portal to southern China, Chiang kai-shek to defend thechangsha lack of confidence; The order after the yueyang lost, zhang zhizhong inchangsha "scorched earth" of the war of resistance against Japan, with theirtorches as cabinet, put a good carry of changsha city into a ruin, destroyed thecity area of 90%, burned more than 3000 people, burns victims of nearly twentythousand people, the city common people homeless, history says "Wen Xi fire",changsha which is listed as a world war ii one of the most serious city fourgreat destruction. But less than three months, heroic unyielding changsha peopleand set up a small hut on the ruins of new changsha, with a burning desire tofight the Japanese again, make the Japanese admitted for the first time in allthe way the successful cases of the Chinese people do not reproach. Second isshown in July 1930, the red headed by peng dehuai SanJunTuan armed attackchangsha, in ShanTing victory stationed in the scene. Hunan liling people atthat time li lisans adventurism authorized by the communist international, putforward the strategic thought of "armed to encircle the cities", after thegeneral strength is too wide, the red army and take the initiative to leavechangsha.

Why call this building as "pavilion"? According to ancient Chinese starlike learning, heaven have 28 stars, including seven southern provinces as "thelinnet", in its tail there is a main life "star" in changsha, and attic builtafter just on the "changsha star" in the sky, as it is the stars in the sky,therefore, formerly known as "star pavilion", is the star of stars, is theancient worship god, stars "gv 10"; We all know that the ancients has alwaysbeen advocating dao, original attic to worship the statue of Confucius, menciusand others, the moral "for Kong Mengchuan orthodoxy, for heaven and earth andheart", so the star of stars and change to the heart of the heart. Anotherstory, the qing emperor kangxi years, emperor kangxi to changsha southern foundchangsha wooden house much more special, very easy to cause HuoHuan, to save thepeople in distress, and local officials in changsha, changsha is highest, fengshui, the best place to build such a disaster in the town of fire prevention,attic, said "the mind of" son of heaven. Written by scholars in the late qingdynasty Huang Zhaomei yunshan all eyes, all around of fireworks always concernedabout "in the name of the union, better generalization for the cabinet in thefirst place.

Now you see, is the ancient city wall in changsha. In 202 BC, that is, thewest five years, emperor gaozu Liu Bangjian han closed his eight majorcontributor to the king, the changsha Wang Wu rui, has formed ram changsha builtthe ancient city wall, according to the present 2200 years of history. In theMing hongwu five years, that is, in 1372 AD, changsha command make Qiu Guangdefence, content of the wall for masonry building, the purpose is to strengthenthe defense, makes changsha is solid "citizen". Ming scored changsha yellowtiger rate army onishi, the wall had been destroyed; Qing shunzhi eleven years(AD 1654), seduction on the plains of hunan, in changsha, dismantle MingFan fubrick building the wall, to return to the old city walls. Two years qingxianfeng (1852 AD), the walls and damaged by taiping rebels, after successivehunan governor LuoBingZhang, Mao Hongbin repair reinforcement, such as designand additional battery around, the ancient city wall to a pattern of arch ringtype in Minnesota. Original ancient city wall is 8.8 kilometers, the north andsouth long and narrow strip, in 1914, the kuomintang government in order torepair the ring road, retain only 251 meters at present this period survives, asan important witness of changsha history development.

Please look the direction of my finger, this is an important component ofthe ancient city wall in changsha - "around", also known as the barbican. As thename implies, named after the deep shaped like a half moon, is an ancient riotpolice, according to the place and the battery. It usually consists of twoparts, the long-range artillery is placed above, the following placed close toTom. In the city as well as storage of ammunition and food with warehouse andthe secret to the outside, it are of great value to the research of ancientChinese military fortifications. Interested friends can visit it.

Tourists friends, everybody in the official kilns are everywhere on thewall. The brick kiln with Ming and qing dynasties, which was the ancient brickfactory brand, another is "responsibility" for the Great Wall brick sample.

Now watch, please "changsha fire" phantom imaging, said it was justintroduced in 1938 "Wen Xi fire".

Occurs under the ancient city wall of the most famous battle, is "the dukeguan war changsha". Chibi war, zhuge liang detachment of the will, andenterprising lingling, guiyang, wuling, changsha county. Guan yu at the gates inchangsha war ShouJiang huang zhong, alternate admire: each a 50 rounds the firstworld war, regardless of the outcome; World war ii, the duke guan "knife meter"and huang zhong up, close the second brother to win and aboveboard, so put huangzhong; Three wars huang zhong cheat, go back to the GuanYuFang three arrows, thefirst two arrows to close the second brother, also Huang Zhongfang is empty ofarrows, in return for first dont kill the grace of huang zhong only shot atguan yus head scarf, this time to turn off the second brother know huang zhong,frighten when hands are off, so today changsha and "fishing knife river". Backto changsha after the satrap han xuan yi huang zhong collaboration, will launchhim beheaded. Saved huang zhong wei, han xuan, han xuan for wei, deliberatelyput the two boots the south and north two places, so today, changsha, and"south, north to take off the boots. Wei yan see through the trick, grasp itskill, the changsha has given "idle lake" (thorn Han Hu). After Wei Yanxian city;Huang zhong home anyway, guan yu, please visit to surrender.

To this end, the interpretation of good, I thank you for your support formy work, I wish you all a pleasant journey, bon voyage!



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AI Wan pavilion was first built in 1792, the 57th year of Qianlong reign ofQing Dynasty. It was founded by Luo Dian, the head of Yuelu Academy, a scholarand educator at that time. In the past, Fenglin was all over Qingfeng gorge, soLuodian named the pavilion "Hongye Pavilion", also known as "Aifeng Pavilion".Later, the governor of Huguang, Bi Yuan, felt that the scenery there was verysuitable for Du Mus poem "a trip to the mountains" of the Tang Dynasty, so herenamed it "Ai Wan Ting".

Far up the cold mountain, the stone path is inclined, and there are peoplein the depths of the white clouds;

Park and sit in maple forest at night, frost leaves are red in Februaryflowers.

Indeed, in late autumn, the top of Yuelu Mountain is shrouded in clouds andmist, and the maple trees around aiwan pavilion are as red as fire and gorgeousas blazing, which vividly expresses the artistic conception of the poem.

At this moment, I can see the panorama of aiwan Pavilion. It sits in theWest and faces east, surrounded by towering green mountains and jagged rocks. Itis surrounded by streams on the left and right, with mountains, trees, streamsand stones flowing.

Aiwan Pavilion is a typical Chinese classical pavilion with a sharp top. Ithas two sets of roofs; it is called "double eaves", which is vigorous; its roofadopts four inclined ridges, which is called "four drapes", which shows thebeauty of being steady and dignified; the sharp roof makes the pavilion have akind of centripetal cohesion. All of these are the embodiment of Confucianism inancient architecture, such as emphasizing "reason", "standing on ones own",emphasizing "golden mean" and "great unification" in Chinese traditionalculture. At the same time, the eaves angle of the pavilion is concave curveupward, which makes the original heavy and sinking pavilion have a lively andelegant feeling. Together with Danzhu Biwa, Baiyu guardrail and painted caisson,the ancient beauty of this century old Pavilion is fully displayed.

Aiwan Pavilion is not only a place of historic interest, but also a holyland of revolution. In his youth, when he was studying and working in Hunan No.1Normal University, Comrade Mao Zedong often went to aiwanting together with CaiHesen, Luo xuezan, Zhang kundi and other close friends to "point out rivers andmountains, encourage writing", sometimes even all night. Old man Zhou Shizhao, amember of Xinmin society at that time, recalled this period of time. He wrote apoem "walking on Shakespeare in autumn, visiting the love Pavilion in theevening"

Bijian sound Qin, red forest for painting, a mountain autumn more naturaland unrestrained. In order to find the past, I went to fangting to pick upyingfengyi school.

When you are in the mountains, you are worried about the world. You cancount on the hurdles and spend the night. We should write the history from thebeginning.

Because of this, when the pavilion was rebuilt in 1952, Li Da, thenpresident of Hunan University, asked Chairman Mao to inscribe the pavilion.Chairman Mao happily wrote down the three characters "Ai Wan Ting", which is theplaque on the lintel of the pavilion.

At the moment, you can see a couplet on the pavilion column: "the mountainpath is red and comfortable at night, and five hundred young peaches are new;the gorge clouds are deep and green, and a pair of tamed cranes are waiting tobe caged." This is the title of Luo Dian, the builder of AI Wan Pavilion. Itshows the style of AI Wan Pavilion at that time.



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长沙国家5A级旅游区:岳麓山—橘子洲旅游区。国家4A级旅游区:长沙世界之窗、湖南省石燕湖生态旅游公园、大围山国家森林公园、湖南省博物馆、雷锋纪念馆和天心阁。国家重点风景名胜区:岳麓山风景名胜区。国家森林公园:天际岭国家森林公园和 大围山国家森林公园。国家水利风景区: 长沙湘江水利风景区(湘江风光带)、长沙市千龙湖生态度假村。









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Welcome to! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x.For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me firstintroduce you.

Changsha media power is can not be ignored, the domestic mainstream media"hunan TV station in changsha kaifu district is located in the" horse barmountain, in addition, changsha, outdoor media, newspapers and magazines inmedia, and digital network media has hugely increased, changsha entertainmentmedia has been becoming a powerful media of mainland China, and even the world.Hunan satellite TV to mainland China earning the most-watched local TV stations,and the snare a large number of famous host and media workers. The main worksare "happy camp", "day day up", "Im a singer" "where dad" drama "the princesshuanzhu", etc.

"Super girl" and "happy boys" talent show held successfully and "dae janggeum", "xuanyuan sword", "(and) see the meteor shower together the mostbeautiful time, such as TV broadcast and further enhance the influence. Hunaneconomic TV as one of the most popular television hunan native, its ratings andsupport all does not matched with hunan satellite TV. Hunan via visual focus onlocal audience, so there are often broadcast with local characteristics ofhunan. Such as variety show more policy more happy, family film "a last-bornsrushed forward" and so on. With qinghai TV in 20__ launched a talent showblossoming flowers, it is a new revision test broadcasts in 20__ launched acivil draft activities, aimed at mining the excellent talents, provide theplatform. The development of Chinas domestic animation in changsha is quickly,this also makes the government is determined to build animation. Stateadministration of radio, film and the first approval of nine animation industrybase, changsha two exclusive.

Golden eagle TV festival in China, changsha as the permanent home, the goldis one of the most important award for Chinese film and television. Changshainfluential newspaper issued by the local newspaper "sansho metropolis daily","changsha evening news", "xiaoxiang morning post, a national newspaper Titansports, and female today newspaper, have repeatedly received" national localnewspaper management advanced unit "title. Titan sports for sports, Chinasbiggest circulation newspaper.

With the continuous development of Internet and computer technology, thetraditional media is turning to the Internet development, major newspapers haveintroduced electronic web version, make people read more efficient, moreconvenient access to information channels, including "sansho metropolis daily","hua sheng electronic online", "xiaoxiang morning herald", "changsha eveningnews", "stars online electronic loved by people. At the same time variousnetworks and changsha, changsha classified information network, Massachusettsare constantly emerging, common prosperity with changsha Internet economy.

Changsha of Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, protestantism, Islam, five majorreligions, religious staff of nearly 300 people, tens of thousands of people, bebaptized and to convert believers followers more than 100000 people. Yamaderafoothill, kaifu temple, temple, stone frost temple, cloud palace, scroll view,green yangshan monastery where foothill, mosques, Catholic church and theChristian north hall 10 religious site is listed as key religious activityplaces at or above the provincial level, the foot yamadera, kaifu temple,temple, stone frost temple monastery, one thousand of which yamadera foothilland kaifu temple is one national key temples of Buddhism in the han nationality;Yamadera foothill, kaifu temple, temple, narathiwat temple, north main street tothe north of the Catholic church, Christian church and Christianity church 7 inreligious activities such as site is listed as key cultural relics protectionunits in hunan province. As the provincial capital, changsha is a municipalreligious group is located, is also the seat of the provincial religious groups,religious people are relatively concentrated.

During the period of the republic of China, changsha have GuKaiFu temple,west yamadera, waring temple, temple, grace temple Lin, valley yamadera, GaoShantemple and tung creek temple known as the "changsha eight big jungle". Becauseexperience Wen Xi fire, after four changsha battle, the "cultural revolution",such as disaster, many temples were destroyed, in recent years, there is a smallpart of the temple rebuilt, such as the taniyama Po lam temple. Very strongGuKaiFu temple, incense every year. Also have the foot of the ancient capitalcity yamadera; Hongshan temple area YouHong yamadera; Ningxiang has a secrettemple, etc., are all important temples in changsha area. Changsha people alsolove to hengshan nanyue temple incense worshipping Buddha, for the purpose ofprayer. Taoist shrine in xingsha Lang pear town narathiwat temple, began in thenorthern and southern dynasties, more than 1500 years ago.

Due to the eight years war of resistance, Wen Xi fire and brokencapitalism, changsha urban area ancient relics of ancient almost wiped out. In1978 the mainland since the reform and opening up was carried out by the rapiddevelopment of urban construction, but there is no full consideration of thehistorical block protection, does not yet exist full of historical and culturalblocks, the remaining four complete granite street. Begin to pay close attentionto in recent years, the ancient city of rescue, set up five protective rescue"historical and cultural blocks, the blocks are: taiping street, tide of street,small order, Simon, historical and cultural blocks as pavilion.

Changsha rich underground cultural relics, important archaeological findshave writing in changsha, ningxiang charcoal relics of bronze ware in the river,but floor slips of changsha, the spring and autumn period and the warring statesperiod age hunan, copper kiln, etc.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2161 字

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Hello, Im Peng Yi, your guide. Welcome to Yuelu Mountain, the scenic spotof Changsha.

Yuelu Mountain is located in the West Bank of Xiangjiang River in ChangshaCity, with a total area of 1 It covers an area of 36 square kilometers. It is apart of Hengshan Mountain, one of the five mountains. There are 72 peaks inNanyue Mountain, headed by Huiyan peak in Hengyang City, Hunan Province. It issaid that the North geese come from the south. From autumn to spring, they nolonger fly south over this peak. They just spend the cold winter in this warmplace like spring. They wait until spring comes and then go north, so they arecalled Huiyan peak. Wang Bo, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem in prefaceto Tengwang Pavilion: "the wild geese are frightened by the cold, and the soundbreaks the Hengyang river.". As we all know, Hengyang City is known as"Yancheng". This is how it got its name. The word "Lu" of Yuelu mountain means"at the foot of the mountain" in the ancient Chinese. Yuelu Mountain is namedbecause it is the last of the 72 peaks in Nanyue.

Yuelu Mountain is not high in the sea. The highest peak is only 300 meters,but it is very famous. The main reason is that at the foot of the mountain thereis one of the four famous pavilions in China, aiwan Pavilion. Aiwanting,formerly known as "hongyeting", is also known as "aifengting", which is namedafter the famous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty who said, "stop and sit in themaple forest at night, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". MaoZedong, a great man of a generation, also had a long history with AI Wan Ting:as early as 1913 to 1921, when he was in the First Normal University of HunanProvince, Mao Zedong often talked with his teachers, friends, elders andrevolutionary comrades at the side of AI Wan Ting at the foot of Yuelu Mountainto point out the country, encourage the writing and freely talk about therevolutionary ideal. After the founding of the peoples Republic of China,Chairman Mao wrote "Ai Wan Ting" in calligraphy at the invitation of PresidentLi Da of Hunan University in 1952. Now, the plaque on AI Wan Ting is ChairmanMaos handwriting.

Well, have a good time!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1447 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1530 字

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长沙历史距今约15—20万年以前,长沙有人类的活动。约公元公元前2520xx年,长沙新石器时代进入龙山文化阶段。传说始祖炎帝和黄帝都曾来过长沙。 长沙,夏代属古三苗之地;到商、周时代,三苗国消失了,但三苗后裔仍然在这片土地上生息繁衍,这时长沙属“扬越”(又叫“荆蛮”),史称“扬越之地”。《逸周书?王会》记载,周初营建雒邑告成,各方诸侯来贺,贡物中有“长沙鳖”一种,这是“长沙”一名见于史籍的最早记载。春秋末期,楚国(荆楚)的势力进入长沙。

战国中期,楚国实行变法,国力强盛,对南展开大规模的军事行动,湖南全境纳入了楚国版图,长沙成为楚国南部的军事重镇,楚国在长沙建立了城邑。 秦国灭掉楚国,在原楚江南之地设立“长沙郡”,长沙为秦代36郡之一。从秦代开始,长沙开始纳入中国统一的政治版图。公元前220xx年封西汉王朝开国功臣吴芮为长沙王,以原秦朝的长沙郡建长沙国,将湘县改名临湘县,临湘县驻所作为国都,也标志着湖南历史上出现了第一个诸侯国,长沙成为王国都城。公元8年,王莽篡位自立为帝建“新朝”,长沙国改名“填蛮郡”,国都临湘改名“抚睦县”。



后何腾蛟兵败被俘,严词拒降,绝食七日后被杀。直至清顺治四年,长沙才归入清朝。李锦、李来亨等率部转入四川继续抗清。 清咸丰二年(1852),太平军领袖洪秀全、杨秀清、萧朝贵、石达开等率军攻打长沙,因长沙城垣高厚久攻未下。光绪二十九年(1903),清政府根据《中日通商行船续约》第十款规定,开放长沙为通商口岸。1898年2月21日,由谭嗣同、皮锡瑞、唐才常等人在长沙发起成立维新派政治团体“南学会”。谭嗣同、皮锡瑞任学会会长,长沙设总会,各县设分会。戊戌政变后解散。由谭嗣同等发起,于1897年10月在长沙创办时务学堂。教学内容包括经、史、诸子和西方的政治法律与自然科学。戊戌政变后改为求是书院。1920xx年2月15日华兴会成立在长沙成立。黄兴为会长,宋教仁、刘揆一为副会长。

武昌起义后,湖南革命党人首先响应。1920xx年10月22日焦达峰、陈作新等率新军革命士兵和会党举义,占领长沙城。1920xx年5月21日,国民党何键所部第35军第33团团长许克祥在长沙发动叛乱,袭击湖南省工会、农会及各革命组织,捕杀共产党员和工农群众100余人。21日电报代日韵目是“马”字,故这一事件称“马日事变”。1930年8月在浏阳永和由红军第一、第三两军团组成,朱德任总司令,毛泽东任总政治委员,亦称“中央红军”或“红一方面军”。 1949年8月5日,驻守长沙的国民党高级将领程潜、陈明仁起义,长沙和平解放。长沙市人民政府成立。
