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hua shan is the highest of china’s five sacred mountains. it is 120kilometers east of xian. it has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower.the highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 feet).

we had had discussions about going to hua shan with some graduate studentsfrom computer science. that didn’t work out due to changes in schedules on bothsides. also, they were planning to do the climb at night to be able to reach thepeak at sunrise. that did not appeal to us. we wanted to spend a night on themountain. fran’s department arranged a trip for us, making reservations at thesimple hotel on the north peak. they sent two graduate students to accompany us,though they had not been to hua shan before. we met them at 8:00 on saturdaymorning and took a taxi to the train station. there we asked around and locateda mini-bus. the bus made a couple of stops. one was to see a presentation aboutthe traditional medicines grown on the mountain and a chance to buy some ofthem. it probably would have been interesting if we understood chinese. ourguides gave us the general outline about what was said. the other stop was aquick lunch stop.

there are two approaches to hua shan. [chinese proverb: “there is one roadand only one road to hua shan,” meaning that sometimes the hard way is the onlyway.] the west entrance involves 10 kilometers of walking on a road before youstart climbing. we went with the east entrance, where the bus brings you to thebase of a cable car that goes up to the 1500 meter north peak. our plan was towalk up to the north peak, then climb to the four other peaks the next day andtake the cable car down.

we started the climb in the early afternoon. the path consists of stonesteps with rough chain link handrails in the narrowest areas (we wore ourbicycling gloves for hand protection). physically, it is more like climbing thesteps of a skyscraper than trails at home. however, the temperature was about 95degrees and there was not much shade. we brought lots of water, including somebottles that we froze and some gatorade that we got at the fancy departmentstore in downtown xian. there are plenty of refreshment stands along the waywhere you can buy bottled water, the chinese equivalent of gatorade, and otherdrinks or snacks at a premium price.

we reached the north peak before 4:00 pm and rested at the hotel. our roomwas basic, but comfortable and clean enough. because water is scarce on themountain, there were neither showers nor sinks available for washing. in thatsense the experience felt like camping, but we were sleeping in a big tent!

after dinner at the hotel restaurant, we spent some time talking with ourguides. we were a bit surprised to find that they both think of japannegatively, but like the u.s. it seems that japan’s wwii behavior in china hasnot been forgotten, and is emphasized in school.

we saw a beautiful sunset and watched the sky become resplendent withthousands of stars, including the milky way galaxy. this was the clearest skythat we have seen in china. the fresh air at hua shan is a treat!

our guides had both been planning to get up at 4:00 am to watch thesunrise. fran and i made sleep a priority. we did happen to wake up a bit beforesunrise (our room faced east) and went outside to watch the sky become rosy.ironically, our guides missed the sunrise because they had stayed up latewatching the european soccer championships on the television in their room

the plan for the day was to climb the other four peaks, but we reserved theright to shorten the route. the first part was a steep climb to middle peak.after the low north peak, all the others are at roughly __ meters. there werecrowds on the way to middle peak – mostly chinese hikers but we did see a fewother wai guo (foreigners) as well.

we visited two taoist temples en route to middle peak. each one had analtar with incense and offerings of fruit. the friendly monks invited us to saya prayer or to send blessings to loved ones. fran accepted their invitation. atthe first temple, she lit incense sticks and knelt on a cushion in front of thealtar saying a silent prayer for our safe journey to the various summits of huashan (the prayer was answered). at the second temple, she knelt on a cushion infront of the altar and sent silent blessings to several friends who areexperiencing challenging situations in their lives at present. after eachblessing, she leaned forward and the monk struck a drum.

after middle peak, the crowds got much thinner. the next was east peak,which had a steep ladder climbing rock. fran was dubious about this ascent, butrealized that the ladder wasn’t so bad and went for it. that was a good decisionbecause we were then able to do a loop and the trails got almost empty at thispoint. after skirting the top of a cliff with a steep dropoff on both sides, wehad a pleasant walk to south peak and west peak. there was even a small amountof dirt trail! the summit of south peak was the highest point on hua shan, so ofcourse we asked another hiker to take a photo of our guides and us. the viewsfrom the tops of each peak were beautiful. hua shan and the surroundingmountains are very rugged and remind us somewhat of hiking in the southwesternunited states or the sierras.

we took a route that eventually brought us to the main line returning downfrom middle to north peak. we were happy to have ascended each of the five peaks(petals) of flower mountain.

cable car (the longest in asia), it was just 7 minutes down to the parkentrance. we caught a shuttle bus into town, then transferred to a bus forxian.

our guides told us that we had walked up and down a total of 4000 stairs!we were glad that we did not have this information when we started. for threedays after returning home, our sore leg muscles instructed us to take theelevator to our fifth floor apartment rather than climbing the stairs.



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Wufeng temple is called Wufeng mountain because the peak here looks likefive fingers. It used to be one of the eight scenic spots in Huangzhong, but nowit is still a famous scenic spot in Qinghai Province. It was built in Qianlongperiod of Qing Dynasty. Its main buildings are Bodhisattva hall, LongwangPavilion, Yuhuang palace, Xianggong tower, Minsheng Pavilion, Tongle Pavilion,etc. It was destroyed in ten years of civil strife. Since 1979, the localgovernment has renovated the paint to give it a new look and listed it as animportant tourist area.

Pavilions and pavilions, painted with new colors, attract more touristsattention. There is a poem: "the five peaks are like the palms of clouds, andthe waterfalls are flying like turbulence. In the summer of June, the sound ofpines is rustling and the sound of water is cold. " Xinzhi of Xining Prefecturesays that it is the most popular scenic spot in Huangzhong because of its fivepeaks, two big springs on the left and right sides of the mountain, and thebeauty of the forest and gully The mountain here is quiet and elegant, with manysprings and small streams, just like a waterfall.

The main scenery of Wufeng mountain is three forests, three caves and threesprings. The three forests are pine forest, poplar forest and birch forest. Insummer, the three forests are lush and luxuriant everywhere. In autumn, the pineis green, the poplar is yellow, and the birch is red. The layers of the forestsare dyed with their own characteristics. The three caves are East cave, Westcave and North cave. The East cave is 8m deep, 3M high and 3M wide; the Westcave is 7m deep, 2m high and 3M wide; the North cave is 10m deep, 3M high and 4mwide. Inside the cave, the dew is cold and the moss is green. It has a specialcharm. The three springs are Chenghua spring, Yinquan spring and Chakou spring.Among the three springs, Chenghua spring has the best water quality, which is asclear as dew, as fine as spray beads, and as sweet as Qiong liquid. The springwater gushes through the Stone Carving Dragons mouth and flows down the sevenlevel stone wall to form a waterfall. The water splashes along the mountainpath. Around the spring stone, there are poems such as "the mountains aresecluded, the forests are quieter, the songs of the world are endless, the birdsare singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the water in the spring flowscontinuously". It is said that if you drink the water from Chenghua spring onJune 6, you will be able to eliminate disasters and diseases within a year, andeverything will go well, so it is also called "Longgong spring". Yinquan islocated in the north of Chenghua spring, surrounded by Penghao, so it is named.The spring is clear and charming, and you can learn from it. On June 6 everyyear, when Wufeng Temple meets, pilgrims from all over the world often sacrificefragrant flowers to the spring, and many people rush to drink. The Chakou springis not far from the gate of Wufeng temple. It rolls out from the cliff and fallsdown along the stone wall. It sprays beads and splashes jade. It trickles andgurgles.

Wufeng mountain is also a popular folk song singing resort in QinghaiProvince, commonly known as "Huaer Festival". June 6 every year is the mostbeautiful season of Wufeng mountain, and Wufeng mountains "Huaer Festival" onJune 6 is also famous. At that time, singers from all walks of life in NorthwestChina will gather on Wufeng mountain, singing loudly and soundly, singing fromdawn till late at night, "Wufeng June singing Festival, eight townships and fourfields looking for bosom friends." Such a large-scale mass art festival addssplendor to the grand scene of Wufeng.



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张家口市的古遗址数量很多,分布面广。古长城的“大镜门”是长城要隘,也是张家口市的象征。涿鹿县矾山是“黄帝战蚩尢”的古战场,是中华民族的发祥地之一,每年都有众多的炎黄子孙来这里寻根祭祖。此外,还有蔚县代王城汉墓群、怀安县汉墓群、宣化辽壁画墓以及市区的水母宫、云泉寺、清远楼等,都是颇值得一观的古迹。 位于张北中都的中都草原是距北京较近的自然草原,夏季气候凉爽,草场繁茂,来此还可以体验蒙古族风情,是消暑休闲的胜地。





清远楼位于古城宣化正中,又名钟楼,始建于明成化十八年(公元1482年),是一座重搪多角十字脊歇山顶的高大建筑。楼建在高8米的十字券洞上,南与昌平、北与广灵、东与安定、西与大新四门通衡。与城内镇朔楼、拱极楼成一轴线。券洞内500年前的铁轮车辙明显可见。楼外观3层,内实2层,通高25米,楼阁高17米,为3开间,6塔椽,前后明间出抱厦,四周有游廊,支立24根粗大廊柱。上搪为绿色琉璃瓦顶,腰搪、下搪为布瓦顶。梁架斗拱精巧秀丽,循角飞翘,生气盎然。楼上层搪下,悬挂愿额4块,南曰“清远楼”,北曰“声通天颖”,东曰“耸峙严疆”,西曰“震靖边氛”。楼内悬有明嘉靖十八年(公元1539年)铸造的“宣府镇城钟”一口,高2.5米,口径1.7米,重约万斤,用四根通天柱架于楼体上层中央。钟声悠扬宏亮,可传40余里,颇负盛名。该楼造型别致,结构精巧严谨。可与武汉黄鹤楼媚美,在国内同属罕见,索有“第二黄鹤楼”之称。该楼建筑独具一格,为我国古代精美艺术建筑之一。 清远楼历尽沧桑,1986年文化部拨款39万元,对清远楼进行了全面修复,修复后的清远楼碧瓦青砖晶莹剔透,金龙玉兽傲首长空,飞搪翘角宏宇轩昂,廊柱斗拱被红挂翠,雕梁画栋富丽堂皇,古钟高悬,风铃叮当,显得古朴、典雅、雄伟、壮观。






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各位团友!下面就是震撼我们眼里的时刻了,大家请往那边看,里面用钢凝土封盖下的庞然大物就是世界现存最古老、最大的十九世纪海岸炮,被列入世界吉尼斯纪录的28 生克虏伯大炮,该炮身长13.13米,重87吨,大炮口径28生,大炮膛线84条,旋转度360,有效射程1.6万米,说到大炮的威力,有这样一个夸张的传说,据厦门民间传说,当年闽浙总督边保泉前来炮台验收炮弹时,炮弹打到了大担岛海面,因为威力巨大,连胡里山附近的牛都震得大跳起来。









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Distinguished guests, you have come to the ancient city of Qingzhou. Firstof all, on behalf of the leaders and staff of our travel agency, please allow meto extend a warm welcome to you. Here, I would like to introduce the generalsituation of Qingzhou.

Lets explain the place name "Qingzhou" first. As we all know, during theperiod of Dayus flood control, the whole country was divided into nine regionsfor people to live in. The nine regions were called "Kyushu", which became thepronoun of China. In the past, CCTV had a program called "the circle of Kyushu".Qingzhou was one of the Kyushu.

Why is it called Qingzhou? Qingzhou is the Oriental state. According to theancient concept of five elements, it is located in the East, the East is wood,wood color is green, so it is named Qingzhou. Sima Qian said in historicalrecords that "the East is moving, and the Yang animal is spring at that time."Wang Yin of Jin Dynasty said: "the color of Oriental Shaoyang is green, and itsQi is clear. It is the first time of the year and the beginning of the event, soit is also named green." Therefore, in the ancient concept, the East is theplace where the sun rises, the air is clear, the color is green, everything islush, full of vitality, is the spring of the year, the beginning of things. Itcan be seen that Qingzhou is a beautiful home with unlimited developmentvitality and hope.

Because of this, there are so many poems praising Qingzhou. Su Zhe, one ofthe eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, once wrote a poem:"facing the mountains, the ancient princes of the sea are defeated, and theybelieve in the first state in the East." Qingzhou is situated on Mount Tai inthe West and overlooking the sea in the East. It has been prosperous sinceancient times. Therefore, with her beauty, Qingzhou enjoys the title of "thefirst state in the East".

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the current situation of Qingzhou.Todays Qingzhou City is located in the middle of Shandong Province, adjacent toZibo City in the west, Dongying City in the north, Shouguang City and ChangleCounty in the East, and Linqu County in the south. Covering an area of 1569square kilometers, the city governs three streets and nine towns, with apopulation of 900000, including more than 20000 Hui, Manchu and other ethnicminorities. Its economic scale is relatively large. In 20__, the citys GDPreached 22 billion yuan, the total fiscal and tax revenue exceeded 2.6 billionyuan, the local fiscal revenue was 1 billion yuan, the per capita disposableincome of urban residents was more than 10000 yuan, the per capita net income offarmers was 6000 yuan, and the savings of urban and rural residents was 13billion yuan,.

Qingzhou City is located at the junction of the mountainous area in themiddle of Shandong Province and the plain in the north of Shandong Province. Itpresents a variety of geomorphic features and shows a spectacular and beautifulfigure. The southwest is a mountainous area with overlapping peaks, accountingfor nearly half of the citys area. There are more than 30 main peaks, most ofwhich are above 400 meters above sea level. Among them, Yunmen mountain, Tuoshanmountain, Linglong mountain, Yangtian mountain and tangsaier village are famousscenic spots. This mountainous area is mostly limestone, karst karst landformcharacteristics. It can be imagined that this was once a vast sea. Because ofthe violent geological movement, the rock strata deep under the sea were brokenand uplifted, and then the hills were formed. In ancient times, the climate herewas warm and humid, the vegetation was rich and green everywhere. It was anideal habitat for the ancestors of Qingzhou during the cave period.

The northeast is a plain area with fertile land, deep soil layer, good soilquality, long history of cultivation, high degree of maturity, good physicalproperties, suitable for planting a variety of crops, which is the earliestagricultural development area in history. The ancients said, "Qingqi fertilesoil, the name of Dongqin, earth 20__, more than 100000 households, four solidfortresses, negative sea Rao, can be described as a country of military use."The northern plain of Qingzhou is located in the center of "the fertile soil ofQingqi". From the pre Qin period to the Wei Jin period, it is the richest areain China.

There are many rivers flowing through and originating from Qingzhou City,including Mi River, Zi River, Nanyang River, Beiyang River, etc. Zihe River andMihe River are the main stream. If Qingzhou City is regarded as a sedan chair,then the two main streams are like sedan poles, which are divided into left andright. The two rivers are the mother river of Qingzhou, which nurtures thesplendid history and culture of Qingzhou.

Qingzhou City is located at the junction of mountains and plains. Themountains in the western and southern suburbs are green and the city ispicturesque. The eastern and northern suburbs are green and beautiful. The urbanplanning area is 100 square kilometers, the built-up area is 30 squarekilometers, and the population is 300000. It is a national health city, gardencity, historical and cultural city, as well as a national well-known excellenttourist city. Today, Qingzhou City has become an emerging city with prosperouseconomy, advanced culture, beautiful environment, complete functions and thebest living environment.

Qingzhou City is an old and young city. It is ancient because it has ahistory of more than 2200 years. There have been five cities here, namelyGuangcheng County, Guanggu City, Dongyang City, Nanyang city and Qibing city. Ithas been the political center, military town and transportation hub of easternShandong for more than a thousand years. Nanyang city is well preserved now.This ancient city is located in the center of Qingzhou. From a high place, theoutline drawn by the winding wall looks like a strong ox lying there, so peoplecall it "Wo Niu city". For a long time, I dont know who has made a rule: beancurd sellers are not allowed to knock Bangzi in the city for fear of disturbingthe "cattle". Until today, when local people sell bean curd into the city, theywill automatically put away Bangzi and sell along the street instead.

Qingzhou is a city of history and culture. Fangongting road and Shiliancient street are still green stone pavement with antique flavor. Manybuildings with cornices and painted walls, resplendent and resplendent,pavilions and pavilions, pink walls and flower walls, are enchanting in theshade of green trees. There are many gardens in the urban area, such as FangongGanquan, Ouyuan rockery, Songlin academy, Wannian ancient bridge, hengwang stonesquare, Zhenjiao ancient temple, Catholic Church and so on. You can enjoy therich and colorful historical and cultural customs everywhere.

It is said that it is young because the name Qingzhou has disappeared sincethe Republic of China. Only Yidu county exists here. Until 1986, with theapproval of the State Council, Yidu county was abolished and Qingzhou City wasestablished. Up to now, it has only 20 years of history. However, over the past20 years, under the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the city hasdeveloped rapidly, made rapid progress, and is full of vigor and vitalityeverywhere.

Qingzhou is a city of spring and green. The city is full of spring, green,green shade and flowers. Nanyang river is like a green ribbon, passing throughthe city, with willows flying by the riverside, green land like a river, greenbamboo surrounding, and flowing water. Wutong, Sophora japonica, cedar, greenhawthorn trees, and persimmon trees with bonsai on each side of the city streetsform a green corridor. Whenever a flower expo is held, Qingzhou is full offlowers and trees. Qingzhou is also a city of Commerce and trade, a modern city.There are many modern buildings in the new urban area, all kinds of markets arescattered, there are lots of cars, factories are dense, traffic is developed,business and customers are gathered, the flow of people is prosperous, and thelogistics is smooth.

Now, let me briefly introduce the history of Qingzhou. Qingzhou has a longhistory. From the establishment of the Department of the governor of Qingzhou inthe Western Han Dynasty to the capital of Shandong Province in the early MingDynasty, after 1500 years, Qingzhou City has been the residence of thefirst-class national administrative region and the first-class military regionof Qingzhou, Beihai County, Pinglu Ziqing Town, Jingdong Road, Yidu Province andShandong Province, which is equivalent to todays provincial capital.

In the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up theDepartment of the governor of Qingzhou. It has jurisdiction over 10 prefecturesand 93 counties, which is equivalent to North Shandong and East Shandong. Duringthe Han Dynasty, Qingzhou was the richest area in China, with developedagriculture and prosperous commerce. It was the granary of the country and thesource of the silk road. Its status is equivalent to that of the Yangtze RiverDelta. Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, visited Qingzhou several timesand devoted himself to farming in juyangdian, north of Qingzhou.

During the period of Wei, Jin, southern and Northern Dynasties, China fellinto a bloody scuffle. In 311 ad, general Cao Yi occupied Qingzhou and builtGuanggu city. Guanggu city is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it hasbecome a must for military strategists. In the next 200 years, there were morethan 20 Fierce wars and 15 changes of ownership. Along with the national war, italso brought unprecedented national integration. In 399 A.D., murongde, a nobleof Xianbei, was founded in guanggucheng, Qingzhou, and called emperor, which wascalled "Nanyan" in history. The decline of Nanyan Kingdom lasted only 12 years,but Qingzhou became the only place in the history of Qilu.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Qingzhou, also known as Beihai County, wasset up as the capital of Qingzhou, and its position as an important militarytown was more prominent. In 755 A.D., Emperor Xuanzong of the romantic TangDynasty lost his country for pleasure, which led to the "rebellion of an andShi", and Qingzhou became the front line of anti rebellion. Li Zhengji, aKorean, brought Pinglu soldiers from Liaodong to Qingzhou to resist the rebels.Since then, Li Zhengji and his son have been in separate rule of Qingzhou for 50years. He occupies the territory of 15 states, across todays Shandong, Henan,Jiangsu, "supporting 100000 troops, dominating the East, neighboring vassalfear.". It took nine oxen and two tigers for the imperial court to pacify him.After that, Xue Song, the grandson of the famous general Xue Rengui, wasappointed to guard Qingzhou.

Zhao Kuangyin, the great ancestor of the Song Dynasty, beat 300 militaryprefectures with a baton and built the Song Dynasty with a yellow robe. To theeast of Bianliang, the capital city, there is Jingdong road and pacifier. Thegovernor is located in Qingzhou, which has jurisdiction over 20 prefecturalarmies and 81 counties, covering all of todays Shandong and parts of Henan,Anhui and Jiangsu. Most of the prefects of Qingzhou also held important posts aspacifiers on Jingdong road. Most of the officials appointed by the imperialcourt were well-known figures. For example, Cao Bin, the famous founder of thecountry, Fu Bi, an important official of the imperial court, Kou Zhun, anupright and famous prime minister, Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Zeng ofLianzhong Sanyuan, Zhang Shuye of Zhaoan Songjiang and so on all lived inQingzhou. Li Qingzhao, a famous litterateur, has lived in Qingzhou for 20years.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the ancient city of Qingzhou was still thecapital of Shandong Province. In 1376, the imperial court transferred theShandong Provincial envoy from Qingzhou to Jinan. Since then, the status ofQingzhou as the political center of Shandong Province has come to an end.Qingzhou Prefecture was set up in Ming Dynasty, which governed 3 states and 16counties, covering a vast area from Dongying Bohai Sea to Rizhao Yellow Sea.Although Qingzhou Prefecture is a secondary administrative district, it islocated in the hub of eastern Shandong, known as the thoroughfare of the twocapitals and Haidai metropolis. It is still an important place for historicalfigures to meet.

Five thousand years of Qingzhou is like a mottled and splendid historicalpicture, which condenses the profound cultural heritage of Chinesecivilization.

Next, let me introduce the cultural heritage of Qingzhou.

Ancient Qingzhou is the main birthplace of Dongyi culture. In the 1970s,seven pieces of pottery were excavated in Taoyuan Village, Dongxia Town,Qingzhou City. According to textual research, this is a relic of the Beixinculture in the early Neolithic period. The Dongyi ancestors had settled in thefertile gypsum soil of Qingzhou 7000 years ago. Dongyi tribe worships the sunand takes Phoenix as totem. A large number of painted pottery relics unearthedin Qingzhou convey the earliest information of Dongyi culture. Moreover,Qingzhou still retains the traces of Dongyi ancestors activities. There areYaowang mountain where Yao patrols and hunts, Qishan mountain where Xu you andBoyi live in seclusion, and Fushan mountain named after Fubo mausoleum. Su BuTun Shang tomb is the largest Shang tomb in China except Anyang. A large numberof cultural relics have been unearthed in the tomb. The most striking ones aretwo large-scale copper Yue, which are engraved with the inscription of "Ya Chou"with the pattern of "Taotie" carved through the body.

Since ancient times, Qingzhou has developed education, gathered elites andproduced talents in large numbers. It has become the hometown of the topscholars, the place that scholars yearn for, and the hometown of celebrities.From the imperial examination in Sui Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty, theJinshi in Qingzhou City ranked first in Shandong Province. There were 155candidates with names, including 6 number one scholars. The volume of ZhaoBingzhongs number one scholar in Qingzhou museum is the only copy in thecountry before Ming Dynasty, which can be called a national treasure. The bookis 21% off, 3.46 meters long and 2460 words in full. With "solid administration"and "solid", it brilliantly expounds the strategies of improving theadministration of officials and rejuvenating the country, representing theprofound foundation of Confucian culture in Qingzhou.

Qingzhou is one of the earliest places for the spread of Buddhist culturein China. From the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Buddhist temples developed in a largenumber in Qingzhou, reaching more than 200 places. Longxing Temple, a thousandyear old ancient temple, is known as "the first temple in the East". More than400 statues of Buddhas unearthed from the site have been rated as one of the 100major archaeological discoveries in the 20th century. Tuoshan, the largestBuddhist statue group in eastern China, is a national key cultural relicprotection unit. There are 5 grottoes and 638 statues. The big one is more than7 meters high, and the small one is only a square inch. The shape is exquisiteand peculiar, and the carving is smooth and delicate. The exquisite statues ofYunmen mountain were appraised as "the best among kaihuang" in Tang Dynasty byLiang Sicheng, the son of Liang Qichao and a famous architect. The MountainGiant Buddha, composed of nine 2600 meters in a row, is regarded as the thirdmiracle in the history of Chinese Buddhism. The Giant Buddha has a long nose anddeep eye socket. With the observation from different angles, his lips open andclose, as if he was chanting Buddhist scriptures.

After the Yuan Dynasty, Buddhism was silent and Taoism rose in Qingzhou.The king Heng of Qingzhou was a strong advocate of Taoism. In Yunmen mountainand Tuoshan mountain, he restored Bixia palace and Haotian palace, engravedJushou, opened chentuan cave and made relief sculptures of madanyang. Taoistculture was respected for a time. Ju Shou, which is engraved on the cliff, is7.5 meters high and 3.7 meters wide. The inch character below Shou is 2.3 metershigh, so there is a local saying that "no one has inch high". Xiuzhen palace inthe holy water valley in the southeast of Qingzhou City has a beautiful legendof Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty. The Taoist templefaces south to the water. In front of the gate is a thousand year old pagodatree. In the Jade Emperor hall is a memorial tablet of "long live the emperor,long live the emperor".

After the Yuan Dynasty, Qingzhou became a Hui settlement, and Islamicculture took root in the ancient city. Zhenjiao temple, located in Dongguan, aHui community, was built in 1302 ad. it is the only three Zhenjiao temples inthe Yuan Dynasty in China. The scale of the project has been continuouslyexpanded after repair. It combines the essence of architecture in China andabroad. It has both the characteristics of Chinese palace architecture and thearchitectural style of Arabia style.

In the middle of the 19th century, the west wind spread to the East.Qingzhou, located in the important part of Shandong Province, became the centerof cultural collision and infiltration between the East and the West. QingzhouCatholic Church and Christian Church are the witness of this blend.

The long history of Qingzhou has left a magnificent cultural heritage, justlike the pearls of time. The past glory and the present fragrance are enough tomake people appreciate the outstanding beauty of ancient Qingzhou. Qingzhoustourism also closely around the historical and cultural heritage, to create itsown unique brand. At present, the overall pattern of Qingzhou tourism resourcescan be summarized as: one brand, four areas. A brand is the tourism destinationimage brand of "Buddha Shoushan, ancient state blessed land". There are fourmajor areas, namely: the "Buddha Shoushan" cultural tourism area with Yunmenmountain, Tuoshan mountain and Longxing Temple under construction as the mainbody; the "Guzhou Fudi" tourism area with museums, fangongting Park and ancientstreets of Ming and Qing Dynasties as the main body; the "mountain forest"leisure tourism area with Yangtian Mountain National Forest Park as the mainbody; and the "mountain forest" tourism area with Yangtian Mountain NationalForest Park as the main body; Huanglou flower base and Mihe river system are themain parts of "Nongjiale" tourism area. In these tourist areas and theirsurrounding areas, Qingzhou has developed more than 50 sightseeing and leisurelandscapes, mainly including: Yunmen fairyland in the suburbs, cliff longevity,Tuoling Qianxun, grotto statues, mountain Buddha, exquisite beauty, Buddha lightin ancient temples, autumn moon in the sky, Tiancao forest gully, lingzeqi cave,Huanglou flowers, etc., and fan Gong Ganquan, Qingzhao Huihui, Songlin academy,puppet garden rockery, Zhenjiao in the urban area There are also some preciouscultural relics in the museum, such as the statue of Longxing Temple, the numberone scholar volume of Zhao Bingzhong, and the jade Bi of Yis descendants.

We will arrange to visit the above scenic spots one after another in thefuture. I wish you all a happy life in Qingzhou.



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The fast-paced life has turned us into machines, doing overloading operations so everyone need a rest and go to travel with relatives or friends. I think QingDao is the best choice.

QingDao is reputed for its elegant mountains, clean air, blue water, white beach and green trees. Are you feeling the wind from the sea?.That is like a lively girl, she crawl up to kiss your feet when you are lost in admiration of the Beautiful scence, when you sip a mouth of it ,it tastes a little salty.

As known as Seashore Pier, Southern Sea Pier or Big Marina, the Jutting Pier is a symbolic structure of Qingdao,which was first built in 1892. when Zhang Gaoyuan, Commander of Dengzhou, stationed troops in Qingdao, in order to facilitate the transportation of military supplies and anchor the warships of the Northern Navy, a 344meter long simple pier wasthen built on the southwest coast. The dyke connecting the cosdt was built by laying stones,and the fore part of the pier was built of steel paved with wood. The building materials were remainders of Lvshun Boatyard, Northern Navy. In 1894 when Li Hongzhang made his second inspection tour to Qingdao, he gave a high praise for the Jutting Pier and called it an Iron Pier in his memorial to the throne. Hereafter, the Jutting Pier was also called Navy Pier, Seashore Pier and Navy Iron Pier. In 1900, the pier was destroyed by a typhoon, in 1901 when Germany occupied Qingdao,the Jutting Pier was rebuilt and used for freight transporting. When the Dagang Port was completed, the Jutting Pier was opened to the public. In 1923, a park was developed around the Northernend of the pier. From September 1931 to April 1933, the pier was rebuilt of steel concrete, extended to 440 meters long and 8meters wide. A semicircular seawall as built at the end of the bridge.

Now, the Jutting Pier has become a famous attraction and symbolic structure of Qingdao. After the founding of People Republic of China, Qingdao Municipal Government has paid much attention to the maintenance and protection of the Jutting Pier. In the 1950s, the Water Returning Pavilion was once called Sino USSR Friendship Pavilion. In the daytime, the Pier is frequented by stream of visitors, who are leaning on the railing and overlooking the charming sea. When the night falls, the colorfully decorated lights are turned on, glorifying the bridge.

At the Jutting Pier, we can enjoy various attractive sights such as Water Returning at the Pavilion, Listening to the Tide at the Pavilion. Extension of Rainbow and Moon Might at the Pier, which Were reputed as one of the 10 Sights of Qingdao as well as the 24 Top Sights of Qingdao City in the 1930s. Numerous scholars and men of letters have left behind a lot of poems and lines in Praise of the pier. It is a famous seashore attraction frequented by visitors. At the peak season, the daily tourist arrivals are above 200 000. It is a must for the VIPs, important officials and famous celebrities when they visit Qingdao.

Follow me please. Let us climb the stairs and overlook far into distance. A good place for sightiseeing. You can take photos here.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 721 字

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娘娘山又名女郎山,位于小秦岭山脉的最东端。关于娘娘山还有一个美好的传说故事。相传汉时,山下有李姓二女,年及婚嫁,母欲择配,终不允,母曰:妇人以 夫为家,未有终身不嫁者。

二女指山曰:此即吾夫家也。遂逃至山巅,后偕其母羽化而去,常呼风唤雨,广降甘霖,造福百姓,因而又名夫家山。千百年来,有关娘 娘山的传说,在民间广泛流传着许多神奇动人的故事,使娘娘山成为豫西人民心目中的神山。山顶娘娘庙,黄天墓、捞儿撵等景观都留下了极为丰富的人文故事,为 娘娘山披了神秘面纱。

娘娘山共分6大景区29个景点,其中,“秦岭雪橇”,属古灵宝二十景之一。娘娘山之险在靠近主峰顶的马鞍桥段,登山者脚 踏宽不盈尺的石槛,下临千仞深谷,加之耳旁山风呼啸,其险不亚于黄山之鲫鱼背,华山的擦耳崖。娘娘山山体完整,山脊狭窄峻峭,尖峭的山峰突兀屹立,时见笔 直山柱、石墙横空出世,高耸云间。在风口附近海拔1136米处,有一巨石形千年乌龟,龟盖、龟头浑然天成,整齐完美,龟体、龟头向着向着主峰娘娘庙,称之为“金龟朝圣”。独立的西峰,有风吹巨大的花岗岩体形成了石猴观天、先龟负重、巨龙腾空等各种地貌造形,鬼斧神工,惟妙惟肖,极富美感。娘娘山峡谷地貌发 育独特,河谷多呈V型,幽谷清泉,茂林繁花,如临仙境,著名的山泉就有小龙潭、马刨泉、黑龙潭、白龙潭等十余处。

娘娘山之雄在于登临1556.12米的主峰峰颠,极目东眺,灵宝市高楼林立,人车如流;南望平湖,气象万千,窄口水库宛如一块碧玉镶嵌于群山之间;西伫雪壁,花岗岩森严壁 垒,形成蔚为半观的飞流石瀑;北瞰果海,弘农古塬郁郁葱葱,更有春色黄花,漫山遍野,加之6万亩的松柏林,青黄相肌,层次分明,令人有心旷神怡、阅尽沧 桑、陶然忘我的全新感受。



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7625 字

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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Yan Emperor Mausoleum.

Yandi mausoleum is one of the world-famous Three mausoleums of the firstancestors. It is located in xiluyuanpi, Yanling County, Hunan Province. Themausoleum area is 5 square kilometers. It is a popular place for worshippingancestors and sightseeing for the Chinese people at home and abroad.

Emperor Yan Shennong, the founder of Chinese farming culture, made greatcontributions to the rise and development of the Chinese nation. Emperor Yan wasborn in Suizhou, Hubei Province, and grew up in Jiangshui, Baoji. His name wasJiang Shinian. In his later years, he visited the south, observed the situationof the people, and publicized medical treatment for the people. Due to eatingheartbroken grass by mistake, luyuanpi, Yanling County, was "buried at the endof Changsha Tea Town". According to historical records, there was an imperialmausoleum before the Han Dynasty, which was worshipped in Yichang in the TangDynasty. In 967 ad, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty ascended the throne anddreamed of Emperor Yan at night. So he found the imperial mausoleum in luyuanpi,where he "erected a temple in front of the mausoleum and worshiped it with aportrait". By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties offeredsacrifices to Emperor Yans Mausoleum more than 200 times. After more than 1030years and more than 20 major repairs, the main hall and Xingli Pavilion of YanEmperors Mausoleum were all burnt down in the Spring Festival of 1954 due tothe fire of pilgrims.

The main hall of Yan Emperors mausoleum was renovated in 1986 and listedas a key cultural relic protection unit in 1996.


Ladies and gentlemen: hello and welcome to Yan Emperor Mausoleum.

Yan Emperors mausoleum is one of the world-famous Three mausoleums of thefirst ancestors. It is also a popular place for the Chinese people to worshiptheir ancestors and for sightseeing at home and abroad.

Emperor Yan Shennong was the founder of Chinese farming culture. He madegreat contributions to the rise and reproduction of the Chinese nation.

Dear tourists, we are now in the sacrificial square, where ancestor worshipis generally held. What we are seeing now is the main building Shennong hall.Shennong hall imitates the ancient architecture of Qing Dynasty, with doubleeaves resting on the top of the mountain. It looks very similar to thearchitectural features of the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Well, what we see now is the eight great achievements of Shennong of YanEmperor. The first great achievement of Shennong is "managing hemp for cloth andmaking clothes", which makes human society take a significant step towards thedevelopment of civilization. What we see now is the second great achievement:"the sun is the market, opening up the market for the first time". Shennongadvocates trading and exchanging needed goods to meet the needs of peoples lifeand production. "The string wood is an arc, and each tree is a arrow", whichrefers to the bow and arrow created by Shennong, which improved the huntingtools and productivity; the fourth great achievement is "starting to make LeiLei, teaching the people to cultivate". In order to facilitate planting andimprove efficiency, Shennong invented the early farm tools, and taught everyoneto cultivate, thus solving the great event of "food for the people"; "Taste allkinds of herbs and invent medicine" is his fifth great achievement. In order toremember this great achievement, later generations called the first medical bookin the history of Chinese medicine "Shennongs herbal classic"; this is "makingpottery as utensils and making Jin axes". He made the earliest pottery andgreatly improved the living conditions of human beings; What we can see here isthe seventh great achievement of "cutting the tongs into Qin and connecting thewires into strings". After the improvement of the material life of theancestors, they had a strong pursuit of spiritual life. In labor practice, theyinvented the five stringed Qin, also known as Shennong Qin; The last greatachievement is "building houses and living in Pavilions". The construction ofMingtang originates from bird nests. Birds fly out to look for food in thedaytime and return to their nests to rest in the evening. Shennong thought: ifpeople have such a fixed "nest", they can work at sunrise and rest at sunset,and they are no longer drilling holes. We can learn from the eight meritoriousfigures that Emperor Yans inventions are closely related to our lives.

Well, the main hall of Yan Emperors mausoleum is divided into five parts.The first part is the Meridian Gate. Through the Meridian Gate, you can see thistall white jade tablet of Han Dynasty, which is engraved with three bigcharacters "Yan Emperors Mausoleum". This is the inscription of Yan EmperorsMausoleum by President Jiang Zemin on September 4, 1993. On the left side of thestone tablet lies a beautiful and gentle deer, and on the right side stands aneagle spreading its wings to fly. These are the other two mothers of thelegendary Emperor Yan. The second entrance is the salute Pavilion. Zhou Peiyuan,vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese peoples PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC), wrote the plaque "the ancestor of the nation,shines on the world" hanging above the Xingli Pavilion. Were now in the mainhall. The main hall is the tallest building of Yan Emperors mausoleum. Acouplet is hung on the two big stone pillars: "making Leifu to lay thefoundation of agriculture and industry, tasting a hundred herbs to open aprecedent of medicine". This couplet summarizes the three most importantachievements of Yan Emperor in his life. A horizontal plaque is also hung on thefront door of the hall: "the descendants of the Yellow River, do not forget theancestors", which was inscribed by Comrade Chen Yun at the age of 83. The mainhall is the site of the statue of Emperor Yan. You see, laozong Duan is sittingon the magnificent altar with a kind face and a smile. He holds a bunch of ricein his left hand and two Ganoderma lucidum in his right hand. Between his legsis a bamboo basket filled with herbs he picked by himself. This is exactly theembodiment of Yan Emperors three great achievements in laying the foundation ofagriculture and industry and making a precedent in medicine. Now we have reachedthe fourth entrance - Tomb Pavilion. On the white jade stele, there are sevencharacters: "Tomb of Emperor Yan Shennong". You may ask: why is Emperor Yan alsocalled Shennong? Because Emperor Yan began to make Leifu, which is a kind ofprimitive agricultural tool. He taught people to plant grain and eat it, so itis called Shennong. He is the founder of Chinas agricultural culture, listed asthe three emperors and five emperors in ancient China, and called the emperor ofagriculture. For thousands of years, China has built its country by agriculture.The monument was inscribed by Hu Yaobang, then general secretary of the CPCCentral Committee, on May 15, 1985, for Shennong, Emperor Yan. Behind this isthe mausoleum of Emperor Yan Shennong. Our ancestors, Emperor Yan Shennong, havebeen resting here for thousands of years. OK, next, lets go to the imperialstele garden. Every time the emperors of past dynasties finished their ancestorworship, they would carve a royal stele as a memorial. Well, thats all fortodays visit. Emperor Yans pioneering, innovative and selfless spirit is thefoothold of the Chinese nation. Through the inheritance and development ofcountless ancestors, it has developed into todays national spirit of hard workand self-improvement of the Chinese nation.

Thank you!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 2711 字

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大慈阁建于南宋宝庆三年(公元1227年),位于河北省保定市。大慈阁以 市阁凌霄之美誉位居保定八景之首,成为古城保定的象征,故有不到大慈阁,何曾到保定之说。大慈阁自古为佛教圣地,现为全国重点文物保护单位。




清西陵位于河北省 保定市 易县城西15公里处的 永宁山下,离北京120多公里。清西陵是清代自 雍正时起四位 皇帝的陵寝之地,始建于1730年(雍正八年)。

清西陵共有14座陵墓,包括雍正的 泰陵、 嘉庆的 昌陵、 道光的 慕陵和光绪的崇陵,还有3座后陵。此外,还有怀王陵、公主陵、阿哥陵、王爷陵等共14座。其建筑形式体现着封建的典章制度,帝陵和后陵均用黄色琉璃瓦盖顶;妃嫔、公主、王爷园寝则以绿琉璃瓦或灰布瓦盖顶。清西陵面积达800余平方公里。陵区内千余间宫殿建筑和百余座古建筑、古雕刻。

1961年,清西陵被列入第一批 全国重点文物保护单位,20__年11月,清西陵与清东陵一起,被第24届 世界遗产委员会列为世界文化遗产。20__年1月评为国家首批 4A级景区。


野三坡地处北京西部(行车2.5小时),河北省西北部,保定市涞水县境内。它以雄、险、奇、幽的自然景观和古老的历史文物,享有世外桃源之美誉!是中国北方著名的旅游胜地,国家AAAAA级重点风景名胜区,这里自然风光奇特,生态环境纯净,古老的历史文物独具特色,浓郁的民族风情丰富多彩。野三坡是中国北方极为罕见的融雄山碧水、奇峡怪泉、文物古迹、名树古禅于一身的风景名胜区,总面积520平方公里。这里有嶂谷神奇的 百里峡、森林繁茂的 白草畔、风光旖旎的 拒马河、神秘离奇的 鱼谷洞、九瀑飞泻的上天沟,总揽了泰山之雄、黄山之奇、 华山之险、峨眉之秀、青城之幽,既不乏流水的灵动与秀丽,又有着北方山岭的巍峨和连绵,更有苗、壮、傣、白等12个少数民族的特色建筑与民俗表演。20__年1月14日,经国家旅游局批准,全国旅游景区质量等级评定委员会发布公告,保定涞水县野三坡景区通过国家5A级旅游景区验收。


山海关,也指山海关区,又称榆关,位于河北省 秦皇岛市东北15公里,汇聚了中国古 长城之精华,明长城的东北关隘之一,在1990年以前被认为是明长城东端起点,有 天下第一关之称。与万里之外的嘉峪关遥相呼应,闻名天下。山海关城,周长约4公里,与长城相连,以城为关,城高14米,厚7米,有四座主要城门,多种防御建筑。


万里长城是 世界奇迹。山海关是长城的起点,而山海关又有 天下第一关之称,是中国名胜古迹荟萃风光椅旋、气候宜人的历史文化古城和旅游避暑胜地。主要景区有长寿山景区、鳄鱼湖、 角山长城、 老龙头、 孟姜女庙、孟姜女苑、 悬阳洞、 燕塞湖。20__年5月8日, 秦皇岛市山海关景区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。


承德避暑山庄位于中华人民共和国河北省承德市。曾是中国清朝皇帝的 夏宫。距离北京230公里。是由宫室、 皇家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙群所组成。避暑山庄位于承德市中心区以北,武烈河西岸一带狭长的谷地上,它始建于1703年,历经清朝三代皇帝:康熙、雍正、乾隆,耗时89年建成。山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。内有康熙乾隆钦定的72景。拥有殿、堂、楼、馆、亭、榭、阁、轩、斋、寺、等建筑100余处。它的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。20__年5月8日,承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙景区经国家旅游局正式批准为首批国家5A级旅游景区。




清东陵坐落在河北省唐山市的遵化市境,西距北京市区125公里,据说是顺治到此打猎时选定的,康熙2年(1663年)开始修建。陵区南北长125公里、宽20公里,四面环山,正南烟炖、天台两山对峙,形成宽仅50公尺的谷口,俗称龙门口。清代在此陆续建成217座宫殿牌楼,组成大小15座陵园,诸陵园以顺治的 孝陵为中心,排列于昌瑞山南麓,均由宫墙、隆恩殿、配殿、 方城明楼及宝顶等建筑构成。其中方城明楼为各陵园最高的建筑物,内立石碑,碑上以汉、满、蒙三种文字刻写墓主的谥号;明楼之后为宝顶(大坟头),其下方是停放灵柩的地宫。由陵区最南端的石牌坊向北到孝陵宝顶,由一条约12公尺宽、6公里长的 神道连成一气,沿途 大红门、大碑楼(圣德神功碑楼)、 石像生、龙凤门、七孔桥、小碑楼(神道碑楼)、 隆恩门、隆恩殿、方城明楼等建筑井然有序,主次分明。


崆山白云洞位于 邢台市 临城县境内,南距邢台市56公里,北距石家庄市86公里。崆山白云洞形成于5亿年前的中寒武纪,是我国北方一处难得的岩溶洞穴景观,在已探明开放的五个洞厅中,洞洞连环,厅厅套接,依据其氛围景象之不同,将五个洞厅依次命名为人间、天堂、 地府、龙宫、 迷宫。是 国家重点风景名胜区、国家地质公园、 国家AAAA级景区。荣膺河北省十佳风景区、中国十大奇洞之列。


邢台峡谷群是国家重点风景名胜区、中国国家 地质公园、国家4A级风景区,景区位于邢台市西70公里处,由24条峡谷组成,其中长1000米以上的达8条,是太行群峰中的一大奇观。主要景观有鬼门天堑、卧峡晴虹、云崖撒珠、飞瀑泻玉、瑶池妆台、龙宫玉珠、济公观海、三山销翠等。邢台峡谷群是以石英砂岩峡谷景观为主体,辅以山崖、瀑布、人文风情等景观的峡谷群型旅游区,其所具备的垄断性石英砂岩峡谷群和典型性的 嶂石岩砂岩地貌特点,在 太行山区乃至全国山岳型旅游区中独树一帜,不可多得。



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公园前121年,汉武帝派骠骑将军霍去病西征匈奴,与匈奴打了一场著名的河西之战,大获全胜,武帝从长安赐御酒一坛犒劳征霍去病将军,霍将军认为功劳属于全军将士,于是将酒倒入泉中,与将士取而共饮,所以“ 酒泉 ” 的美名便传承至今。古酒泉流淌至今已有 2100多年的历史,它是汉王朝凿空西域、开疆扩土的历史见证。享有塞上江南、瀚海明珠之美誉。是酒泉地方文化的核心和载体。

西汉酒泉胜迹位于甘肃省酒泉市肃州区城东 1.9 公里 处,占地面积 27 万平方米,其中有天然湖泊 5 万平方米。是一座源于西汉史实、表现大汉雄风、融合江南灵秀的古典园林。是河西走廊唯一保存完整的一座汉式园林,迄今已有20__多年的历史。园内有泉有湖,有山有石,建有酒泉胜迹、月洞金珠、西汉胜境、祁连澄波、烟云深处、曲苑餐秀、花月双清、芦伴晚舟八大景区。古树名木,参天蔽日;亭台楼阁,雕梁画栋,素有"塞外江南"、"瀚海明珠"之美誉。如今,这里已被国家旅游局命名为AAAA级旅游景点




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张家口市的古遗址数量很多,分布面广。古长城的“大镜门”是长城要隘,也是张家口市的象征。涿鹿县矾山是“黄帝战蚩尢”的古战场,是中华民族的发祥地之一,每年都有众多的炎黄子孙来这里寻根祭祖。此外,还有蔚县代王城汉墓群、怀安县汉墓群、宣化辽壁画墓以及市区的水母宫、云泉寺、清远楼等,都是颇值得一观的古迹。 位于张北中都的中都草原是距北京较近的自然草原,夏季气候凉爽,草场繁茂,来此还可以体验蒙古族风情,是消暑休闲的胜地。





清远楼位于古城宣化正中,又名钟楼,始建于明成化十八年(公元1482年),是一座重搪多角十字脊歇山顶的高大建筑。楼建在高8米的十字券洞上,南与昌平、北与广灵、东与安定、西与大新四门通衡。与城内镇朔楼、拱极楼成一轴线。券洞内5XX年前的铁轮车辙明显可见。楼外观3层,内实2层,通高25米,楼阁高17米,为3开间,6塔椽,前后明间出抱厦,四周有游廊,支立24根粗大廊柱。上搪为绿色琉璃瓦顶,腰搪、下搪为布瓦顶。梁架斗拱精巧秀丽,循角飞翘,生气盎然。楼上层搪下,悬挂愿额4块,南曰“清远楼”,北曰“声通天颖”,东曰“耸峙严疆”,西曰“震靖边氛”。楼内悬有明嘉靖十八年(公元1539年)铸造的“宣府镇城钟”一口,高2.5米,口径1.7米,重约万斤,用四根通天柱架于楼体上层中央。钟声悠扬宏亮,可传40余里,颇负盛名。该楼造型别致,结构精巧严谨。可与武汉黄鹤楼媚美,在国内同属罕见,索有“第二黄鹤楼”之称。该楼建筑独具一格,为我国古代精美艺术建筑之一。 清远楼历尽沧桑,1986年文化部拨款39万元,对清远楼进行了全面修复,修复后的清远楼碧瓦青砖晶莹剔透,金龙玉兽傲首长空,飞搪翘角宏宇轩昂,廊柱斗拱被红挂翠,雕梁画栋富丽堂皇,古钟高悬,风铃叮当,显得古朴、典雅、雄伟、壮观。











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