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Shenyang fant happy world located in the northern new district of shenyang shen shengjing street, covers an area of about 600000 square meters, the investment of 2 billion yuan, meticulously by shenzhen huaqiang group is the largest in the northeast of the fourth generation of theme park. Party, happy world with science fiction and interactive experience as the biggest characteristic, USES the international first-class technology and the concept of meticulously, equivalent to that of the most advanced western theme park, known as "the Oriental fantasy land", "Asian science magic".

Shenyang fant happy world by over limit, interstellar flight, dinosaur crisis, film and television special effects studio, light of my life, conch bay, the exposition, serial, du than adventure, du than talk, bolide, mysterious valley, mount Vesuvius, joy and a dozen major theme of the project area, covering themes, attractions, recreation and landscape projects for more than 300, including many of the worlds leading large amusement projects, most of the projects for young and old. Flying here has the international first-class high experience project "fly across a limit", large dynamic space flight experience project "interstellar flight," the original "Vesuvius" large volcanic exploration projects, currently the worlds most advanced large dinosaurs resurrection disaster experience project "dinosaur crisis", let a person cant figure out the traditional Chinese myth magic deduce project "serial", colorful, dreamlike project "conch bay", the magic of cartoon interactive projects "du than talk show"...

This is a feast to the joy of the pomp! This is a full of magic dreamland! This is a kingdom of future science fiction adventure! Wonderful world of dreams, waiting for your confidential...

To joy, go to the party! Welcome to join the partys dream of fantasy!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2298 字

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During the winter vacation, I went back to my hometown Zhangjiajie andvisited the world-famous scenic spot Tianmen Mountain.

Tianmen Mountain cableway entrance is located in Zhangjiajie City, only 40minutes drive from my home. After buying the tickets, we took the cableway upthe mountain. The whole ride in the cableway lasted about 20 minutes. The morewe went to the top of the mountain, the more exciting it was.

Finally, we arrived at the top of the mountain. We started along the Shanxiline of Tianmen. The steep mountain road along the way, coupled with the coldwinter and the fog, made us feel as if we were in a fairyland. The more you goto the east line, the lower the temperature is. There are strings of icicles onthe cliff surface, and even the water droplets on the leaves form ice. At aglance, it looks like countless crystal clear ornaments. My family and I alljoked that it was like Japan in winter, even more beautiful.

Walking on the glass plank road built on the cliff, looking at the bottomof the foot, you can see that the whole plank road is built on the stone walllike a knife cut, which is covered with thick ice and snow, and then down, it isshrouded in white fog, you cant see anything clearly, which adds a mystery tothe beautiful scenery.

We walked from the west line to the east line like flying through theclouds. Along the way, some people are lamenting the magic of nature, whileothers are glad that the fog has covered the foot of the cliff, otherwise thetourists who are afraid of heights will not be so comfortable along the way.

We stop and go, about three hours later, we came to the most famous Tianmencave. But this time, because of the ice and snow weather at the top of themountain, the entrance has been closed. We cant go down the stairs to thebottom of Tianmen cave, we can only look down at Tianmen cave from the top ofthe mountain. Although I just looked down and far away, I was already amazed athow such a big natural cave was formed! My aunt who had been to Tianmen cavetold me that the cave is very big, and people would feel very small when theystand under it! The cave is so big that even a plane stunt once flew throughit!

If you want to experience the magic and mysterious Tianmen Mountain, pleasecome to my hometown Zhangjiajie, I can be your guide!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3278 字

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Chers amis visiteurs,

Bonjour tout le monde!

Cest un plaisir de rencontrer des Amis du monde entier à maijishan.Je suisle Guide de ce voyage, Xiao Pan, jespère que nous ferons un bon voyageensemble.

La montagne Maiji est située à environ 50 km au Sud - est de Tianshui, dansla province de Gansu. Cest un pic isolé dans la montagne Xiaolong dans lesmontagnes Qinling en zone pittoresque couvre une superficie totale de215 kilomètres carrés, y compris la montagne maijishan, la falaise xianren, laporte de pierre, la rivière quxi et lancienne ville de Jieting.Les grottes demaijishan sont les principales reliques culturelles protégées en Chine et sontégalement des trésors dart mondialement célèbres.Des centaines de grottes et destatues de Bouddha ont été creusées sur les falaises, ce qui est très rare dansles grottes de notre pays.Descendons et regardons.

En entrant dans la zone pittoresque, quest - ce que le Mont Maijiressemble maintenant?La montagne maijishan est un relief typique de Danxia, avecune hauteur de 80 mètres. Il y a plus de 7200 statues de plus de dix dynasties,y compris la dynastie Qin, la dynastie Qin occidentale, la dynastie Wei du Nord,la dynastie Wei occidentale, la dynastie Zhou du Nord, la dynastie Tang sui, lesCinq dynasties, la dynastie Song, la dynastie Yuan, la dynastie Ming et ladynastie Qing, et plus de 1300 mètres carrés de fresques réparties dans 194grottes, qui sont célèbres comme les quatre plus grandes grottes de notre paysavec les grottes Mogao à Dunhuang, les grottes Yungang à datSi lon considèreles caractéristiques artistiques, Dunhuang se concentre sur les muralesmagnifiques, Yungang et Longmen sont célèbres pour leurs magnifiques sculpturesen pierre, tandis que maijishan est célèbre pour ses belles statues dans lemonde entier.Comme la loué le sculpteur Chinois Liu kaiqu, le Mont maijishanest ? un grand musée de sculpture dans toutes les dynasties de notre pays ?.

Tout le monde doit faire attention à la sécurité en marchant sur lapromenade.Ce que vous voyez maintenant, cest un ensemble de sculptures tailléessur une falaise.Au milieu dun Bouddha, jusquà 15 mètres de haut, deuxbodhisattvas se tiennent à gauche et à droite, souriant et accueillant lesvisiteurs.Cest aussi la plus grande statue de Bouddha du Mont Maiji.Ce que vousvoyez maintenant, cest le pavillon des sept bouddhas dans la grotte 4 la plusmagnifique.Il y a 42 statues de Bodhisattva dans 7 sanctuaires bouddhistes, quisont majestueux et aimables, magnifiques et non vulgaires.

Maintenant, nous arrivons à la grotte de la falaise Ouest, qui est la plusgrande des grottes 133 et grotte no 133 est la grotte la plus spéciale duMont Maiji.Il y a non seulement beaucoup de sculptures dargile dans la grotte,mais aussi 18 tablettes de pierre, et plusieurs tablettes de Pierre sontempilées avec des milliers de statues de Bouddha, qui sont appelées "dix millesalles de Bouddha".Les numéros 10, 11 et 16 sont lessence des tablettes.Lagrotte 127 est encore plus merveilleuse. Cette statue, sans parler du MontMaiji, est un trésor rare dans lart bouddhiste mondial.

Nous avons dabord visité la zone pittoresque principale du Mont Maiji, etnous vous remercions encore une fois pour votre soutien au travail de xiaopan!Bienvenue à Gansu et au Mont Maiji!

Merci à tous!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7577 字

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Today we are going to visit Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot.

Fenghuang mountain, located 60 kilometers northwest of Dandong City, hasbeen known as "the first famous mountain in Eastern Liaoning" since ancienttimes. During the reign of Daoguang and Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, Fenghuangmountain, together with Yiwulu Mountain, Qianshan Mountain and Yaoshan mountain,was known as the "four famous mountains in Fengtian province". Now it is knownas "the famous mountain of the country" and "the first famous mountain of theGreat Wall".

Now the road we take is Shendan Road, that is, the road from Dandong toShenyang. The highway is about 280 kilometers long, and Fenghuang mountain isjust next to Shendan. It is 60 kilometers from Dandong to Fenghuang mountain,and 220 kilometers from Fenghuang mountain to Shenyang. It takes about half anhour from here to Fenghuang mountain. Id like to use this time to tell youabout Fenghuang mountain.

The reason why Fenghuang mountain is called Fenghuang mountain is notbecause it looks like a Phoenix, but according to a legend: during the reign ofemperor Zhenguan of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty,came to visit the mountain in admiration of his name. The Phoenix danced on the"ancestor worship stone" and nodded to Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. EmperorTaizong of Tang Dynasty was very happy and immediately gave the mountain"Fenghuang Mountain". Fenghuang mountain is located in the remaining vein ofChangbai Mountain, covering an area of more than 120 square kilometers. Thehighest peak is Zanyun peak, with an altitude of 836.4. Fenghuang mountain isdivided into Xishan, Dongshan, Miaogou, Gucheng, Yulong lake and other scenicspots. It is often said that Fenghuang Mountain has the characteristics ofTaishan, Huashan, Huangshan and Emei. Because of the time constraint, we cantvisit every scenic spot of Fenghuang mountain today. Id like to visit severalrepresentative scenic spots of Xishan Mountain with you, so that we can have aglimpse and see the whole picture.

Now we stop here. Please get ready for climbing.

We are now at the gate of Fenghuang mountain. This is an antique stylebuilding. On the left is Phoenix, male bird, on the right is Phoenix, femalebird.

What we see in front of us is Ziyang temple. It is said that Ziyang isauspicious in Taoism, so the Taoist temple takes this as its name. Today, wealso come to Ziyang Temple early. Its a good opportunity for us to "come fromthe East". It seems that this will bring us good luck and good luck. Ziyangtemple is hosted by Fenghuang mountain, also known as Sanguan hall. It was firstbuilt in the early years of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty. It is composed of Sanguanhall, dongxipeidian hall, bell and Drum Tower.

Now lets go into the Sanguan hall and have a look. In the hall of threeofficials, there are statues of heaven, earth and water. In the middle is TianGuan Yao, who can bless; on the right is di min Shun, who can forgive sins; onthe left is Shui Guan Yu, who can punish evils. If devout people worship infront of the three official statues, they will get rid of their sins and enjoythe blessings of heaven. On the left side of the three official statues are thegroup sculptures of "jinnv in yaochi" (legend), on the right side are the groupsculptures of "Eight Immortals crossing the sea" (legend), and on the east sideof the main hall are the "Dharma protector Lingguan" (legend) Everyone is equalbefore the law. The prince is guilty of the same crime as the common people. Onthe west side is the "law protecting land". The pictures on the wall are "Maguxianshou", "Dayu Zhishui", "emperor zhanchiyou", "Shennong tasted a hundredherbs" (Legends). These legends can bring you to the distant past and arouseyour continuous nostalgia for the past. As partners of Ziyang temple, thelegends of the four ancient pines have been guarding Ziyang temple for more thanhalf a century. The ancient pines and the ancient temples complement each other,making Ziyang Temple more solemn and simple.

There are two holes on the left and right in the three church cave. To theleft is the "tongxuan cave". After drilling through the "tongxuan cave" andpassing through the "Tongtian Biequ", after getting out of the cave, climbingthe hanging wall is the "Guanyin Pavilion". At the top of this huge stone, therewas a chair like depression that could only accommodate one person, which is theGuanyin seat. Why does Guanyin sit here? Because there are many deities andBuddhas living in its cave, and there are many different sects, it isinconvenient for her to practice the skills there, so she changed the place ofmeditation to here. Over time, the rock was set in a pit. Guanyin Bodhisattvaoften teaches magic, preaches scriptures and preaches to the flute here. Thebelievers feel very uneasy. In order to be grateful and praise virtue and showthe sincerity of respecting the teacher, a temple has been built on the rock onthe right, which is now the Guanyin Pavilion. From then on, faithful men andwomen went back and forth like shuttles, worshiping and offering incense.Guanyin pavilion was built in the reign of emperor Shenzong of Ming Dynasty. Itis divided into two layers, one for Guanyin and the other for Weituo. "Guanyin"is the name of a Buddhist Bodhisattva. According to the Buddhist "Dharma Sutra ·Pu men pin", if all the dead people recite their name, that is "Guanyin", theBodhisattva immediately observes their voice and goes to rescue and extricatethemselves. According to this statement, "Guanyin" is paraphrased. Later, LiShimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, taboo the word "Shi", so he had to omit"Shi" and change it to "Guanyin". It is said that Guanyin was originally maleand female. Guanyin began in the northern and Southern Dynasties, and there aremany legends about Bodhisattvas with thousands of hands and thousands of eyesand giving away children and wealth. As for the "pure water bottle" and the"willow branch" in Guanyins hand, they were originally the meaning of universalBuddhism and a symbolic "prop". Later, it became a magic weapon to control theweather in the world, a panacea to treat all kinds of diseases. Wei Tuo is aBuddhist God. His surname is Wei and his name is Hun. He is one of the EightGenerals of the southern Changtian king, ranking first among the 32 generals ofthe four heavenly kings.

Now we come to Phoenix cave. There is a doggerel when visiting FenghuangMountain: "come to Fenghuang mountain, explore Fenghuang cave, climb arrow eyepeak, and enjoy endless scenery.". When it comes to Fenghuang mountain, you haveto experience the interesting Fenghuang cave and climb the famous "arrow eyepeak". It seems that climbing arrow eye peak is too difficult. As the sayinggoes, "the mountain is not high, there are Fairy Spirit.". We have worshippedmany immortals. It can be said that the aura of Fenghuang Mountain has beenappreciated. Now we go into Fenghuang cave to find out. I dont think we haveany regrets. It is said that Phoenix cave is the habitat of Phoenix, whichcontains phoenix eggs. When Emperor Taizong visited Fenghuang mountain,Fenghuang flew out of the cave to worship his ancestors. Phoenix cave is about200 meters long. After entering the cave, the sky is bright, and the darker yougo, you need to hold a candle.

OK, now we have the lighting tools ready. Lets experience the Phoenix cavepersonally?

Everybody, Phoenix cave is really good ~!

OK, I think everyone is a little tired now. Lets have a rest here. If youhave any questions, lets learn from each other, and Ill learn from you. OK,thank you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2607 字

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Yongchuan has a long history, mountains and rivers beautiful, peoples enthusiasm is good, more prosperous economy. Yongchuan because "sanhe city garden, shape such as seal letter and words" the name. Tang dynasty in the 11 years of Dali period, county in 776, more than 1200 years ago. Was a metro section, yongchuan administrative office is located. Yongchuan is in the west of chongqing, 56 km away from downtown east, west, 276 km from chengdu. Chengdu-chongqing railway, chengdu-chongqing expressway across the whole territory, the Yangtze river flows through the southern tip of the calendar for yuxi and ChuanDongNa traffic, communication hub and commercial, cultural, financial, energy center. County in 776 AD, withdraw county built city, 1992, 20xx from the city divided into districts. Yongchuan is an area of 1576 square kilometers and a population of 1.09 million people, including urban area is 35.3 square kilometers, with a population of 3620xx people, the urbanization rate of 55%. In 20xx, the district regional GDP totaled 19.207 billion yuan, per capita GDP reached 20703 yuan, and local budget revenue of 1.426 billion yuan, gross industrial output value of 19 billion yuan, 7.539 billion yuan total retail sales of social consumer goods. Is the chongqing municipal planning and construction of vocational education base and a regional central city.

Located in the west of chongqing municipality directly under the central government, yongchuan district, chongqing nine area 55 kilometers away from downtown, because "sanhe city garden, such as seal letter form and words" the name, is planning counties of chongqings third largest city, established in 1992, the market in 20xx, the building of the area the east metro, bishan, hejiang city, lugu county in the south, west to rongchang, dazu county area, the north side of tongliang. By the end of 20xx, yongchuan area resident population of 1.068 million people, including urban resident population of 648700 people, urban area is 74.73 square kilometers, the urbanization level of 61.78%, for the highest level of urbanization area outside chongqing urban Kowloon. Yongchuan traveling resources are rich, tea mountain national forest park has 4 a level scenic spot bamboo, chongqing wild animals in the world, tea and bamboo, etc., is the national excellent tourism city. Yongchuan city construction in the front rank in the city, is the regional central city of chongqing yuxi region, since ancient times for ChuanDongNa and yuxi area important hub of transportation, communication and information flow, logistics, distribution center.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 5653 字

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Dear friends

hello everyone!

"The mysterious Chishui River is flowing quietly, with a variety ofcustoms, fragrance all the way. The magical Chishui River has a long history.The waves are thousands of miles away, making wine and intoxicating everywhere!"welcome to Chishui, the world natural heritage site of "China Danxia", which hasthe reputation of "city of thousand waterfalls, garden of thousands of bamboos,Kingdom of Alsophila spinulosa". I am the tour guide to show you around. Isincerely wish you endless beautiful scenery, endless delicious food, endlessstories and endless exclamations during your two-day trip to Chishui. I will trymy best to make your journey happy and fruitful. Please allow me to brieflyintroduce Chishui, a beautiful and peaceful city.

Chishui City is located in the northwest of Guizhou Province, in the middleand lower reaches of Chishui River, bordering on the south of Sichuan Province.It has been a border trade link between Sichuan and Guizhou, an importanteconomic and cultural town, and an important gateway from northern Guizhou toBashu. It is known as "key of Sichuan and Guizhou" and "border city of NorthernGuizhou". Chishui has beautiful mountains and beautiful scenery. The forestcoverage rate of the whole city is 76.2%, ranking the first in Guizhou Province.It is a national ecological demonstration area, known as "ecological bordercity".

Chishui is famous for its beautiful and mysterious Chishui River runningthrough the whole territory, and also for the "four crossing Chishui" of the RedArmy of workers and peasants. On August 1, 20__, in sunny Brasilia, Chishui wasofficially listed in the world natural heritage list as "China Danxia" project,becoming the second world natural heritage site in our province after the karstin southern China of Libo. This has become the pride of Guizhou, but also thepride of Chishui people.

Chishui is rich in tourism resources. Chishui is the only national scenicspot named after the administrative region of the State Council. Its landscapefeatures waterfall, bamboo sea, lake, forest, Alsophila spinulosa and Danxialandform. It also has ancient human landscape and the remains of the long marchof the Red Army. It is praised as "the city of thousand waterfalls", "the crownof Danxia", "the hometown of bamboo" and "Alsophila spinulosa kingdom" byChinese and foreign experts ”It has five characteristics, namely, the site ofthe long march. Dear tourists, what I want to introduce to you today is abrilliant red water. The beauty of red water lies in the gorgeous colors.

The "white" red water is the beauty of waterfall and the mellow of wine.Here is a saying that "all water forms a waterfall, and all bamboo forms aforest", which vividly describes the spectacular waterfall of Chishui and thebeautiful scenery of water forest blend. The waterfalls in Shizhang cave andSidonggou, two national scenic spots, present different customs due to theirdifferent shapes and changes. It can be said that one is a lady from a bigfamily, the other is a jasper from a small family, the other is majestic andheroic, and the other is a bird depending on a person.

Chishui River passes through the city. Because of its unique geographicalenvironment and hydrological and climatic characteristics, Chishui River hasbrewed more than ten kinds of famous wines at home and abroad, such as Maotai,Jiangling, Xijiu, Chishui Goujiang, Langjiu, huaijiu, etc. The "white" ofChishui is the purity of spirituality, the gift of nature and the mystery of"the unity of man and nature".

The "green" red water is a vast sea of bamboo and a forest of Alsophilaspinulosa. Bamboo sea and Chishui River are closely related. The vast bamboo seaconserves the water source for Chishui River and makes it continuously flowing.The surging Chishui River makes the bamboo sea flourish. They help each other tocreate a green world. Some people say that when you come to Chishui, you arehere to wash your lungs. There are pre glacial plants growing here, which arecalled "living fossils" of scientific research. They are of great value inscientific research and appreciation. They are first-class rare and endangeredplants under national protection. At this point, you can take as many deepbreaths as possible in Chishui. Some people even joke that you can sell a lot ofmoney when you go back with a bag of Chishui air in a plastic bag!

The "red" of Chishui has two important components. One is that it is themost incisive "magic stroke" of Chairman Maos campaign, guerrilla warfare andthe battle tactics of winning more with less during the long march of the RedArmy. Although todays peaceful and happy life has replaced the smoke and war,the respect for "red" in peoples hearts will never go away. The second "red" isDanxia, the world-famous geomorphic feature of Chishui. After a special visit toChishui by famous Danxia geomorphologists in China, they came to the conclusionthat "the Danxia Landform in Chishui is the largest in China in terms of itslarge area, typical development and spectacular beauty.".

Dear tourists, when you come to Chishui, you can see the "red" and "green"in your eyes, as well as the intoxicating "white". Have you been deeplyattracted. Todays Chishui has beautiful scenery, numerous delicious food, andpeople live and work in peace and contentment. In such a peaceful city, we oftenstay in it, and we are happy not to think of Sichuan. Lets enjoy themagnificent beauty, mysterious beauty, quiet beauty, and distant beauty ofChishui, and feel the beauty of harmonious existence between nature and humanbeings. This is a place you must come to in your life, and it is always open toyou!



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Liaocheng city is a famous cultural city with a long history. Named after the deep chat is located in the ancient river west bank, has a "city" reputation. Liaocheng city in shandong province is located in the economically developed, the highest in luxi, henan, hebei, is located in east China, north China, central China at the junction of three administrative region.

Liaocheng as early as in primitive society have ancestors in the breeding, engaged in agricultural production. Can be traced back to about sixty-seven thousand years ago the eight longshan culture city, found they are by far the largest of the longshan culture. Visible, the ancient west bank dhi water was an important political and cultural center.

Xia period, liaocheng economic and social development faster, agriculture and handicraft industry is developed. Minister of early shang yi zhi has "put his ideas into the field of qixin", for Thomson destroyed xia jie, he xian phase. There is "one of the 24 filial piety" MinZiQian. During the spring and autumn period, liaocheng for qi west important cities. There are counselors meter. During the warring states period, liaocheng fight for governors. There is a famous town sun bin, LuZhongLian fame spread far to celebrities.

Glorious period in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties is liaocheng, yuan to $26 years (1289) to the Ming yongle nine years (1411) brought several times between the open river, motivated throughout much of north and south China grand canal boom brought vitality to the development of liaocheng, linqing, liaocheng along one of the nine largest commercial port. "Chan liaocheng city of fireworks, more than thousand households", many businessmen, doing well in all sectors, boat and ZhouLu connect, horses and chariots, goods product, however. Foreign merchant guild alongside the river, a famous chung building shelf, a house, the qing emperor kangxi emperor 4 times to chat, qianlong emperor nine times in liaocheng.

ChengJianLi after the Peoples Republic of China, liaocheng people inherit the historical tradition, the arduous struggle, forge ahead, in all walks of life have made significant achievements. Liaocheng called dongchang, has a long history, the humanities landscape and the natural landscape is very rich. 446 places of interest, of which 3 national key cultural relics protection units, the provincial key cultural relics protection unit 15. Picturesque fairmont lake, covers an area of 4.2 square kilometers, the ancient liaocheng city is located in the middle of the lake, formed "the city has a lake, the lake city, lake city" of the unique pattern and style of the ancient city, is a famous city in northern China, is known as the "Oriental Venice". The citys major tourist resources of liaocheng ShanShan hall, linqing stupas, mosques, the companys tomb, si 5 jingyang hill, etc.

Dccement built in the Ming dynasty, grand, "yellow crane, yueyang also when looking at worship". ShanShan hall built in the qing dynasty, fine carving, layout rigorous, is a rare masterpiece in our guild buildings. Is known as "dongchang sambo" one of the song dynasty tower, of primitive simplicity is bold, vigorous tall and straight, is one of the few remaining tower in our country. Four private realm, one of the library in qing dynasty, the collection of the rich "map of armour to view". Around the city, wu song also distributed on the west door celebrate lion pavilion, wu3 song dozen tiger jingyang hill, fishs tomb, at the foot of the mountain and the ancient well, labyrinths, topped the rocky, stupas etc. A large number of famous places of interest.

Liaocheng is a beautiful place, and is a famous scholar fu sinian, ji, his traditional Chinese painting master flavor, national hero and the partys good cadre kong fansen hometown.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3991 字

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Ludiyan is located in the northwest suburb of Guilin City, 5 kilometersaway from the city center. It is a scenic spot mainly for visiting caves,supplemented by landscape and idyllic scenery. Ludi cave is 240 meters deep and500 meters long. There are a large number of exquisite stalagmites, stalagmites,stone pillars, stone mantles and stone flowers in the cave, which make up ofShiling Zhaoxia, hongluobaozhang, Panlong pagoda, primeval forest, CrystalPalace, Huaguo Mountain and other landscapes, making tourists dazzled, just likea fairyland, known as "the art palace of nature". Since the Tang Dynasty, therehave been traces of tourists in all dynasties, and there are 77 murals in thecave. Since its discovery and development in 1959, it has built restaurants,teahouses, waterside pavilions, Lake pools, curved bridges, pleasure boats, andwidely planted flowers and trees. It has become a hot spot for Chinese andforeign tourists when they visit Guilin.

Guangming mountain, where reed flute rock is located, was once calledMaotou mountain. It turned out that there was only a small hole in the hillside,which only allowed one person to go in and out. The hillside was covered withreed grass, which did not attract peoples attention. In Lingui county annals,Guangming mountain is recorded, but there is no cave on the mountainside. In thecave, there are more than 70 pieces of wall script since the eighth year ofZhengyuan (792) of Tang Dynasty. Most of them are inscribed on the cave wallwith ink. These wall books show that the reed flute rock is not unknown fromancient times. The villagers nearby have known about this ingenious cave for along time, but people have kept it secret for a long time.

"The reed flute, the rock head, the shackles are broken, and the fairiessing in the Peach Blossom Land." After liberation, peoples life was stable andthere was no need to take refuge. So they told the secret of ludiyan. In 1959,villagers nearby provided information about the cave. After investigation andconstruction, it was officially opened in 1962. Because there is reed grassgrowing near the entrance of the cave, it is said that it can be made intoflute, named reed flute rock.

Reed flute rock is a saclike cave, the entrance is adjacent to the exit,the entrance is the original natural hole, and the exit is the artificial hole.The cave is 240 meters deep and the journey is about 500 meters. The cave wasformed by the flow and dissolution of groundwater along the fracture zone ofrock more than 700000 years ago. A large number of stalactites, stalagmites,stone pillars, stone mantles and stone flowers in the cave are formed after theformation of the cave. The groundwater containing carbonates flows out along therock fissures, and the water evaporates, and the carbonates precipitate andcrystallize, and gradually accumulates. There are thousands of states in thecave.

The characteristics of the reed flute rock are that there are many drops ofwater in the cave, and stalactites, stalagmites, and stone pillars develop intofillings in the cave. Visitors into the cave, in the forest of stone pillars inthe middle of the gap to turn around, coupled with color lights shining, as infairyland in general.

The poem praising Ludi cave by Xiong Jinding gives a vivid description

Guilin cave more dexterous, reed flute new open dexterous different.

Colorful from the present and the past, strange trace exploration, forgetthe West and the East.

When I first came to the precipice, I felt like I was in the JadeHouse.

Dont blame me for my pride. There is such a fairy palace in the world.

The poet praises reed flute rock and takes it as the pride of China.

The landscape of reed flute rock is not only exquisite and beautiful, butalso close to the wall. The stalactites, stalagmites and stone pillars in thecave are like ivory carvings or boxwood carvings. They are very beautiful andare known as the "palace of nature art".

We can enjoy many wonderful sceneries when we visit reed flute rock.



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The "51" section, I play with mom and dad go to changsha, big aunt. In theevening, we went to the riverside sight for a walk and play.

Just to the sight, a wide bright river caught my eye. "Wow! Noah cruise!Can eat, sleep and play inside!" My fathers eyes flashing dazzling light. Ilooked over at: cruise ships lined with regular level, each layer with a light,crowded, noisy, really enviable!

The river is more interesting. River water wave ripples, rolling, roll upgently, like a small fish play with joy.

The most compelling is that a row of light on the bridge. The light is verydifferent. Inscribed with many of the verses of the poet, the content changedfrom time to time and the head of the poet can see clearly. Such Settings arebeautiful and elegant, make a trip to visit the people side of the whileenjoying the famous poem.

There are many rockery. Rockery is very realistic, modelling is coloredlights illuminate the delicate small pavilion, all sorts of color of the tree...It is a beautiful park. People comfortable to sit in the pavilion, a rockery onthe lush, green trees and bright, breathing the fresh air of kawakazebrings.

Some people walked on the road, stop-start, talk with joy; Some people aresinging, dancing, dancing; Some people sat on the stool, do nothing, comfortablerest; Others move, dont you let me, I wont let you.

Walking on the road, sitting on the edge, on everyones face is relaxedsmile. Beautiful sight let people enjoy a comfortable life. Changsha people livein the beautiful changsha! Enjoying the beautiful sight landscape, dad taught mea new word: peaceful country and safe people. Oh, this is called the peacefulcountry and safe people!



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My hometown is in the beautiful Ningbo, which is a coastal city with a longhistory and developed economy.

There are sweet and sour red bayberry, juicy Fenghua peach, delicious newyear cake, fragrant dumplings and seafood.

Historical sites include the Ming Dynastys private library "TianyiPavilion", which has a splendid stage and thousands of ancient books. Someancient books you cant even find a second one in the whole world. There arealso drum towers that are still well preserved, on which there is a huge clock,which tirelessly tells people the time every day and rings the bell for peopleto make progress; there are Tianfeng pagodas built in the Tang Dynasty, whichhave four floors underground, in which there are valuable treasures; There isalso the Baoguo temple built in the Qing Dynasty, in which there is a woodenBuddhist hall with complex and exquisite structure. Even spiders cant weavewebs in it, and mice dare not go in. There are also Tiantong temple, Asokatemple and other places of interest.

Come to the busy street, the long road, a car come and go, stream. The tallbuildings are almost to the top of the sky. Come to the shopping mall TianyiSquare, there are all kinds of goods in it. If anyone goes in, he will come outwith a big bag of clothes. Tianyi Square is surrounded by music fountains ofdifferent shapes, and the square is surrounded by colorful beauties, likegraceful beauties. There is a big screen in the middle of the square, which isplaying animation. In the evening, the square lights up, each fountain isflashing colorful lights, playing moving music. Ningbo also has a piano bridgelike a lyre. Cars come and go on the bridge like playing wonderful music.Qinqiao is also connected with beautiful Haishu and tidy Jiangdong.

There are so many places of interest in Ningbo, and there are more materialgoods. I love my beautiful and prosperous hometown Ningbo.



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(nach dem Betreten des Meridian-Tores) wenn Sie in die Verbotene Stadteintreten, ist das erste was Sie sehen MenschenWarum sind so viele Leutehier?Denn w?hrend der Yongle-Zeit der Ming-Dynastie dauerte es eine MillionArbeiter 14-Jahre, um die Verbotene Stadt zu bauen, die der grte Palast derWelt ist und sehr berühmt ist.Zehntausende Touristen kommen jeden Taghierher.

Das Gebiet der Verbotenen Stadt ist etwa doppelt so gro? wie derTiananmen-Platz, grer als der Versailles-Palast und etwa zehnmal so gro? wieder Heian-Tempel in Japan.Die Geschichte der Verbotenen Stadt begann vor 570Jahren. Bitte bringen Sie Ihre Gedanken zurück nach 570 Jahren und besuchen Siedie Verbotene Stadt!

Dieses Geb?ude ist das südliche Haupttor der Verbotenen Stadt, das MeridianGate genannt wird.Mittags ist Mittag, was bedeutet in der Mitte.Unter demMeridian Tor gibt es fünf B?gen. Nur der Kaiser kann in und aus dem mittlerenTor. Selbst die hochrangigen Minister k?nnen nur die Tore auf beiden Seitennutzen. Die lokalen Beamten k?nnen nur die kleinen Tore an den beiden Endennutzen.Diese sind streng nach Identit?t und Rang geregelt.In der Vergangenheitkonnte nur die K?nigin das Meridian Gate betreten, als sie verheiratet war, undanderen Frauen wurde verboten, das Meridian Gate zu betreten.Natürlich kannjetzt jeder eintreten.In der Vergangenheit waren sie so streng mit denVertrauten des Kaisers, ganz zu schweigen vom einfachen Volk.Nicht mal in derN?he der Verbotenen Stadt.Deshalb wird die Verbotene Stadt auch Verbotene Stadtgenannt.Lila ist lila.In der Vergangenheit gab es einen Sohn des Himmelsherrn.Natürlich musste der Ort, an dem ich lebte, ein lila Palast sein!Also wurde einlila Wort benutzt.Das Wort "Verbot" bezieht sich auf das Wort "kein Eintrag",was "kein Eintrag" bedeutet.

Der Weg in der Mitte ist dem Kaiser gewidmet.Dies ist die zentrale Achseder Verbotenen Stadt und der gesamten Stadt Beijing.Die meisten Hauptgeb?ude inPeking sind entlang dieser Achse gebaut, und die Geb?ude auf beiden Seiten sindmeist symmetrisch.Der Palast des Kaisers befindet sich in der Mitte derMittelachse, was zeigt, dass "unter dem Himmel ich der Einzige bin".Die Stra?eist aus Marmor.Diese Marmorstra?e ist h?her als die Stra?en auf beidenSeiten.Als der Kaiser diesen Teil der Stra?e gehen wollte, musste er Teppicheund andere Dinge darauf legen, also war es hoch.Obwohl der Kaiser klein war, warer gro? und m?chtig, als er darauf ging!

Der Kaiser ist ein gro?er Mann, und die Tür in der Mitte ist auch eingro?er Mann.Immer, wenn der Kaiser durch die mittlere Tür kam, l?utete er dieGlocke und Trommel.Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong, Dong,Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong,Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong,Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!Der Kaiser fühlte in seinem Herzen:Laozi ist immernoch gro?artig!Als n?chstes tun wir alle so, als w?ren wir der Kaiser underleben das Gefühl des Kaisers laufen!

Dieses Geb?ude wird Taihe-Tor genannt, das grte Holztor in der VerbotenenStadt.Vor dem Tor befinden sich zwei L?wen, die in der Ming-Dynastie aus Bronzehergestellt wurden.L?we stark, brüllend, so dass Tiere Angst haben, hier, imNamen der Majest?t des Kaisers.Es gibt etwas aus Stein wie ein Briefkasten. Esist ein Minister. Wenn Sie nach dem Kaiser fragen, sollten Sie eine Bewerbungschreiben und es in sie setzen. Der Diener des Kaisers wird es dem Kaiserübermitteln: "Lang lebe, ist es in Ordnung für diese Person, um ein Treffen zubitten?"Gut. Gut.Ja, ja.Du kannst einsteigen.Wenn Kaiser Gef?ngnis: "Auf keinenFall!"Die Person, die fragt, wird ausgemustert.Auf der anderen Seite gibt esetwas aus Stein. Seine Form ist wie ein gro?es Siegel, das die Macht des Kaiserssymbolisiert.Das hei?t: Laozi s Macht ist so fest wie ein Fels, egal, was sichin der Welt ?ndert, Laozis Macht wird sich niemals ?ndern!

Das Haupthaus vor ihm hei?t Taihe Hall. Es ist das grte Geb?ude in derVerbotenen Stadt und das h?chste Geb?ude in Peking in der Vergangenheit.DerKaiser befahl, dass das Haus von niemandem h?her sein sollte als von Laozi.Somusste Beijing Bungalows bauen, Beijing war früher als die "Stadt der Bungalows"bekannt.

Der Platz unten ist Taihe Hall Square. Warum bauen Sie so einen gro?enPlatz?Wenn wir diesen Platz nicht bauen oder einen kleinen Platz bauen, dannwerden die Menschen die Pracht der Halle Taihe nicht spüren.Nur um einen sogro?en Platz zu bauen, stehen Sie hier und schauen Sie über: Unter dem blauenHimmel leuchten die gelben Fliesen.Und die wei?e Steinplattform unten gibt denMenschen ein Gefühl von Luxus und Sch?nheit.Als die Zeremonie stattfand, sa? derKaiser auf dem Thron in der Mitte des Taihischen Saals, und die zivilen undmilit?rischen Beamten knieten auf dem Platz nieder.Zu dieser Zeit wurden grüneBl?tter und Kiefernzweige in das gro?e Stativ auf der steinernen Plattformgelegt, um zu verbrennen, was den Rauch herum gew?lbt hat. Die Halle von SupremeHarmony war wie ein Pavillon in der Wolke. Die Zivil- und Milit?rbeamten sahensich den Pavillon in der Wolke an und riefen lange Leben. Man kann sichvorstellen, wie gut sich der Kaiser auf dem Thron fühlte.

Obwohl es zehn Meter hohe W?nde und 52 Meter breite Gr?ben um die VerboteneStadt gab, war der Kaiser immer noch besorgt, dass jemand einen Tunnel in dieVerbotene Stadt graben würde, um ihn zu ermorden. Er war so ver?ngstigt, dass ernicht gut schlafen konnte. Er schlug sein Gehirn, um einen Weg zu finden, dashei?t, den Platz mit 15-Schichten Ziegelsteinen horizontal und vertikal zuverlegen.Aus diesem Vorfall k?nnen wir sehen, wie heftig der Machtkampf damalswar!W?hrend der Zeremonie riefen die Zivil- und Milit?roffiziere drei Mal langeLeben, aber der Kaiser war immer noch misstrauisch: dieser Kerl, dieser Kerl,vielleicht ein Kerl wollte Lao Tzu ermorden, aber er hat nicht daraufgeachtet!Die Ziegelschicht des Quadrats ist etwa drei oder vier Meter tief.

(auf der steinernen Plattform der Halle des H?chsten Harmony) hei?t diesesDing aus Stein Jialiang. Jialiang war damals das Standardma?. Es zeigte, dassder Kaiser fair war. Er wusste, wer halb ein Jin war und wer acht Liang war.Aufder gegenüberliegenden Seite befindet sich auch ein Stein, der Sonnenuhr genanntwird.Die Aussprache ist die gleiche wie das Tagebuch, aber es ist kein Tagebuch.Es ist eine Steinuhr, um die Zeit anzusehen.Die Bedeutung des Kaisers ist: hierist der Ma?stab für Gewicht und Zeit.

Dort drüben gibt es Kr?ne und Schildkr?ten. Sie sind das Symbol derLanglebigkeit.China unterscheidet sich jedoch von Japan, da es "zehntausendJahre alter Kran, tausend Jahre alter Schildkr?te" genannt wird.Warum ist dieAussage anders?Wahrscheinlich in der Vergangenheit, nachdem sie Worte und S?tzein China gelernt hatten, kehrten japanische Schüler mit dem Boot nach Hause.Aufgrund der Turbulenzen des Bootes waren ihre Gedanken verwirrt und ihreErinnerungen wurden umgekehrt.Es gibt auch viele Beispiele, wie: Japan betontgute Frauen und gute Mütter, China betont gute Frauen und gute Mütter; Japanbetont Frieden, China betont Frieden; Japan betont die Universit?t des Rechtsund der Politik, die die Universit?t der politischen Wissenschaft und des Rechtsin China genannt wird.Die Bedeutung des Artikels ist genau die gleiche, aber nurin unterschiedlicher Reihenfolge, wahrscheinlich aufgrund der Turbulenzen desBootes.Der Kran und die Schildkr?te sind nicht nur Dekorationen, sondern auchZenser.Ihre Rücken sind mit Deckeln bedeckt. Wenn die Zeremonie gehalten wird,heben sie die Deckel und legen sie in Sandelholz, um zu verbrennen. Der Rauchstr?mt langsam aus ihren Mündern, als ob sie alle Wolken schlucken.

Bitte betrachten Sie den Platz von der Steinplattform zurück.Wir habenkeine B?ume gesehen, seit wir in die Verbotene Stadt kamen.Warum pflanzst dunicht an so einem weiten Ort einen Baum?Nicht um Morde zu verhindern, sondern umeine Atmosph?re zu schaffen.Wenn ein Baum gepflanzt wird, wird er grün sein, unddie V?gel werden darauf singen und singen, was den Geschmack des Lebens zeigenwird.Wenn Sie es nicht pflanzen, wird es eine feierliche Atmosph?reschaffen.Stellen wir uns vor: in der Vergangenheit, als Minister und Vasallenden Kaiser sehen wollten, mussten sie alle von Tiananmen Gate rein gehen, aufdie weite Stra?e gehen und die hohen Geb?ude anschauen. In der feierlichenAtmosph?re fühlten Minister und Vasallen immer mehr Druck. Als sie zum Kaiserkamen, fielen sie natürlich mit zitternden Beinen nieder.

Aixinjueluo Puyi, der letzte Kaiser in der chinesischen Geschichte, wurdeKaiser, als er drei Jahre alt war.Beginnen wir fünf Minuten freie Aktivit?t undversammeln uns in fünf Minuten am kühlen Ort.



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据上述记载,该寺可能始建于唐、宋时期,元延祜间阿老丁重建,明清时重修。1920xx年因改建马路,拆除原5层塔式大门,使寺院地盘缩小。全寺面积约 2600平方米,建筑面积2203平方米。现存大殿中3组并排的后窑殿,据中国建筑学家鉴别,中间一组为宋时所建,其余两组为元代增建,后由明代依原型重修。全用砖砌成,四壁上端转角处砌菱角牙子叠涩收缩,上覆半球形拱顶,不用梁架,故称“无梁殿”。殿中通面阔28.15米,以拱券门分隔成3大间,每间有半球形穹窿顶,穹顶建有3座中国式攒尖顶,中间为八角重檐,南北次间为六角单檐,筒瓦板垅,翼角起翘。殿内礼拜朝向墙砌有凹壁,壁面装有精湛的明代木雕,镌刻有书法精美的《古兰经》文。朱漆贴金,富丽堂皇。殿后墙有青砂石制“经香台”4座,两侧为雕竹节望柱,束腰刻有花草,构图洗炼,刀法遒劲,当是元代遗物。殿中间为木制“经函”,雕刻阿拉伯文,工艺精致,可能是明景泰二年(1451)重修时设置,是我国伊斯兰教艺术珍品。进正门,穿门厅,为1953年新建之礼堂。寺北墙内建有碑廊,存有阿拉伯文,波斯文碑石24块,还存有明永乐,弘治敕谕碑以及清顺治、康熙年间重修寺碑记等文物。该寺建筑具有伊斯兰教与中国建筑风格相结合的特点,是中国和阿拉伯文化交流的历史见证。



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