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The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces-Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC--1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today. The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors. The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze. A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night.

Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications. There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing. Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911) Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each. Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages. As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.




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大家好!欢迎你 们来到北京旅游,我先自我介绍一下,我叫赵尼,大家可以叫我赵导。我相信这次旅游必将成为一次难忘的旅行。我简单介绍一下行程,我们这次要去的是中外闻名的景山公园,大家下车后请跟我走,以免走丢。


大家请一起跟我走,看! 这崇祯自缢处,老北京人管这叫歪脖子树,还有一个历史故事呢,景山东边,原有一个棵长歪了的老槐树,这是崇祯皇帝上吊的地方。明朝末年,李自成带领起义军于1644年3月攻入北京,崇祯3月19日逃到景山,自觉有愧于祖先的基业,用腰带上吊在这棵树之上。十年动乱期间,当成“四旧”砍掉,198年在原址又多移植了一棵古槐。





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跟大家说,游览故宫,一是欣赏丰富多彩的建筑艺术;二是观赏陈列于室内的珍 贵的文物。故宫博物院藏有大量珍贵文物,据统计总共达1052653件之多,统称有文物100万件,占全国文物总数的1/6,其中有很多是绝无仅有的国宝。




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从南门入园,走过门厅,穿过曲折的彩绘长廊,迎面矗立着一座蓝琉璃瓦顶的由郭沫若题写的“保卫和平”汉白玉石坊(原称“克林德”坊和“公理战胜”坊)。放眼北望,古柏成林,大多是明代所栽。其中有7株挺拔参天,要三、四人方能合抱。形态各异的古柏相传为辽时种植,迄今已逾千年。还有一株槐树与柏树相抱而生。称“槐柏合抱”,至今仍枝繁叶茂,蔚为奇观。由此西行就到了坛门外,一对雄 中山公园(北京)俊的石狮系北宋遗物,是1920xx年从河北大名的一座古庙废墟中发掘迁来守门的。




公园后部植一片柏树林。筒子河上可划船,冬天冰封期能滑冰。隔河与故宫相辉映,波光楼影 中山公园(北京)景2,景色如画。在加拿大的温哥华,有一座中山公园,旅居这里的华人、华侨和学子们的强烈的怀乡之情,从山水、林桥、路廊中折射出来。中山公园坐落于温哥华市中心东部,紧靠唐人街,与中华文化中心毗邻。据说这是迄今为止中国境外建造的第一个全景中国古典式花园——苏州园林的再现。公园始建于1985 年3 月,1986 年4 月24 日正式开园,由中国苏州52 位专家组成的承建队在建筑师王祖欣和冯小麟先生的带领下,同温哥华建筑师韦亚祖和布景师邓云密切配合,用了整整一年的时间,建成此园。中山公园所用的建筑材料,大部分来自中国,如玲珑光洁的琉璃瓦,雕刻精美的木制工艺品,各式各样的花格窗、假山石,铺曲径、小路用的鹅卵石等。



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Tian’anmen Rostrum

Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Park), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park was formerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.The Working People’s Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

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The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( common Bridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meant as sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway. In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon. Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it was originally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and now it serves as an ornament.




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各位朋友,现在我们来到了乾清宫,这是皇帝在紫禁城中居住和处理日常政事的地方。乾清宫分为中殿、东暖阁及西暖阁三个部分。正殿是皇帝处理日常政务、临时按见大臣的地方,殿中设有皇帝宝座及御案,正中挂着一块“正大光明”匾,那是清朝皇帝的祖训,作为治国、修身、平天下的基本准则。东、西暖阁是皇帝晚上住宿的地方。 现在请各位随我去参观交泰殿。各位请看,这座四角攒尖顶的大殿叫交泰殿,这座建筑是明清两朝皇后过生日时举行寿庆活动的地方。在大殿后墙匾额上有“无为”二字,那里是康熙皇帝的御笔,意思是希望后代能够以德制国,施以仁政,以图国家长治久安。各位朋友,现在我们来到了紫禁城的后花园--御花园,这里是帝后们的休闲娱乐的场所。等一会儿大家可以在这座名字叫堆秀山的假山前拍照留念。




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Dear tourists, we are now here to Tiananmen Square, the largest city centersquare in the world, with an area of 440000 square meters. Moreover, thegeographical location of Beijing in the world is determined by the longitude andlatitude of the square (east longitude: 116 ° 23 ′ 17 ″, north latitude: 39 ° 54′ 27 ″),. It is located in the center of Beijing and has been watching thehistorical changes of Beijing since ancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, it wasonce called chengtianmen square. There was a T-shaped square. Of course, it isno longer there. In the Qing Dynasty, it was changed to Tiananmen Square. Afterthe revolution of 1911, Tiananmen Square became the best gathering place formass movements. The famous May 4th movement, the 129 student movement and so ontook place here. The most famous event here, I believe you all know, was thefounding ceremony on October 1, 1949, when 300000 people gathered here tocelebrate the founding of new China. After liberation, the T-shaped square wasdemolished and large buildings such as the monument to the peoples heroes, theGreat Hall of the people, the history museum and the revolutionary museum werebuilt. In 1976, after the death of the president, the memorial hall of thepresident was built on the original position of the Chinese gate, thus formingthe architectural pattern of the square today. In the 50th anniversary of thenational day, Tiananmen Square has undergone a series of renovation, making thesquare more beautiful, spectacular and clean. You must be looking forward to theTiananmen Square I described. It doesnt matter. I will introduce it to you oneby one in the next tour.

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, it was called Chengtian gate.It was just a wooden archway, which means "to carry out the transportation fromheaven, to be ordered by heaven". However, it was burned down in the MingDynasty. Later, the city building with nine wide faces and five deep faces wasbuilt, which truly reflected the emperors respect of 95. But at the end of MingDynasty, it was destroyed again. During the reign of emperor Shunzhi of the QingDynasty, after the reconstruction of the city tower, it was renamed Tiananmen,the other three imperial city gates were renamed daian, and the three mainhalls of the Forbidden City were renamed daihe, which reflected the good wishesof internal and external security. This is what we are looking at now. It iscomposed of three parts: the foundation, the platform and the tower. The base iswhite marble xumizuo, which is the highest level base in ancient China, with aheight of 1.59 meters. The platform is 14.6 meters high. And the double eaves ofthe city tower rest on the top of the mountain, which was also the highest levelof the temple roof at that time. The whole building is 33.7 meters high. After70 years of renovation, it has risen by one meter.

This is a very high-grade building, and its role is also very important. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, whenever there was a national ceremony, theceremony of "Jinfeng imperial edict" was held on the city tower. After theimperial edict was announced, a wood carved Golden Phoenix was put on the yellowsilk thread machine. The Golden Phoenix carried the imperial edict down thewall. The officials of the Ministry of rites caught it with a cloud tray, andthen put it into the Dragon Pavilion to praise the Ministry of rites, and thenpromulgated it. )And whenever the emperor went out of the palace to sacrifice,this was the only way. The most important moment for new China was also bornhere. The chairman solemnly announced the founding of new China on the TiananmenGate Tower, and personally angered the first five-star red flag of new China.The portrait of the chairman on the city floor is replaced every year before thenational day.

The river in front of Tiananmen tower is called Jinshui River. Then why isit called Jinshui River? Because this river is drawn from the northwest ofBeijing, and in the Yin Yang and five elements, the West belongs to Jin and theNorth belongs to water, so this river is named Jinshui River, and the sevenwhite jade bridges on the river are Jinshui bridge. The two bridges next to themare called Gongsheng bridge, which correspond to the Taimiao temple and thesheji altar, which are now the Cultural Palace of the working people andZhongshan Park. The one in the middle is the royal road bridge, which isspecially used by the emperor and queen. The two bridges beside it are royalbridges, which are used by the royal princes. The two bridges beside them aregrade bridges, which can only be passed by officials above grade three.

In front of Jinshui bridge, there is a stone lion on the left and right.The one on the left is the master, and the one on the right is the lioness. Howcan we tell the male from the female? Because the male masters foot is on thehydrangea, while the female lion is the cub. Now in order to protect thecultural relics, the lions have been fenced up. There were a pair of Huabiaobefore and after Tiananmen Square. In fact, the original name of Huabiao was FeiMu. It was set up by the emperor to show that he could accept and acceptopinions, and gradually evolved into todays Huabiao. The monster at the top ofit is called Hou. The one on the North China watch is called wangjunchu, whichmeans to let the emperor go out of the palace to observe the peoples feelings.The one on the south end is called wangjungui, which means that the emperorshould not be nostalgic for the world outside the Palace, but should go back tothe palace in time to deal with government affairs.

Now please turn back. Behind us is Tiananmen Square. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it was T-shaped, with a north-south royal road in the middle. On bothsides of the royal road, there were Qianbu corridor, with 110 corridors on bothsides. On the south side of Changan Street, with the red wall extending to theEast and West, there were 34 corridors, so Qianbu corridor had 228 corridors. Atthe southernmost end of the imperial Road, damingmen was in the Ming Dynasty,but it was changed to daqingmen in the Qing Dynasty; The gates on the East andwest sides are Changan left gate and Changan right gate, which are also calledLongmen and Humen respectively. After the scientific examination, Huang Bangannounced in the left gate of Changan that the Jinshi in the examination wouldenter the imperial city from here, so they are called Longmen. The reason forHumen is that after the frost falls every year, the imperial court has toexamine the prisoners, and the prisoners who are examined and approved are takenout of the right gate of Changan, which is tantamount to falling into thepalace Hukou is called Humen. These are all related to the five elements.

In ancient China, there was a saying of "wendongwuxi", so on the East andwest sides of qianbulang is the location of Wufu Liubu. On the east side of thesquare, the area around the present history museum is basically the centralcivilian organs, while on the west side, that is, the area around the Great Hallof the people, are the five army governors office and the secret service royalguards. In order to facilitate these officials to enter the Imperial City, anorth-south gate, donggongsheng gate and xigongsheng gate, were built outsideLongmen Humen.

Now we cant see the trace of that time. Instead, we have modern buildingswith more historical significance and political characteristics.

On the west side of the square is the Great Hall of the people. It startedconstruction in October 1958 and lasted for one year. It was completed beforethe National Day in 1958, covering an area of 171800 square meters. The wholebuilding is like a "mountain". The highest point in the center is 46.5 meters,which is the highest building in Tiananmen Square. The great hall is dividedinto three parts: in the center is the auditorium of the ten thousand peoplesCongress, with a total area of 36000 square meters and 10000 seats. There is ahuge red five pointed star on the top of the auditorium, giving off 70 to 70rays of light. The decoration layout of the whole dome is not only magnificent,but also a symbol of the unity of the people around the Party Central Committee;in the north is the banquet hall, with a total area of more than 7000 squaremeters, which is the largest banquet hall in China; In the south is the officebuilding of the National Peoples Congress, which includes the conference hallsof 37 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the centralgovernment, such as Chongqing hall, Hong Kong hall, etc.

In the northeast of the square is the Museum of the Chinese revolution,which was officially opened to the public on July 1, 61. The main exhibits arerevolutionary materials since the May 4th movement, and the contents of theexhibits in the museum are extremely rich. Southeast of the square is theChinese history museum. Its predecessor is the Beijing History Museum. In 26, itwas changed into the National History Museum. Four years later, it was changedinto the Beiping History Museum of Academia Sinica. In April 34, it was changedinto the Preparatory Office of the Central Museum and the Beiping HistoryMuseum. Its exhibits cover more than 300000 pieces of cultural relics, coins,pictures, etc. with thousands of years of history from the slavery society ofXia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the end of Qing Dynasty.

Facing the Tiananmen Gate Tower is the monument to the peoples heroes.According to the resolution of the first plenary session of the Chinese peoplesPolitical Consultative Conference in September 49, the monument to the peoplesheroes was built in Tiananmen Square. More than 240 design schemes werecollected from the whole country, and three schemes were selected. Finally, itwas decided that Liang Sichengs design scheme should be taken as the main one,and the other three schemes should be integrated. Thats what we see today.52.8.1 was officially built, completed in 58.4 and ceremoniously unveiled in5.1. The 100 ton core stone was transported from Qingdao to Beijing. After aseries of processing and carving, the finished product is 14.7 meters high, 2.9meters wide, 1 meter thick and weighs 60 tons. The body of the stone is composedof 413 pieces of granite. The base of the stele is composed of more than 17000pieces of granite and white marble, covering an area of more than 3000 squaremeters.

The front of the monument faces Tiananmen Square and is inlaid with goldplate. The chairman wrote "the peoples heroes are immortal". On the back is a158 character inscription drafted by the chairman and written by Premier Zhou(over the past three years, the peoples heroes who died in the peoplesLiberation War and the peoples revolution are immortal) Over the past 30 years,the peoples heroes who died in the peoples Liberation War and the peoplesrevolution are immortal, which dates back to 1840 years. Since then, in order tofight against internal and external enemies, strive for national independenceand peoples freedom and happiness, the peoples heroes who died in previousstruggles are immortal. There are eight reliefs around the pedestal, 2 metershigh and 40.68 meters long. From the East, the order is: Humen tobacco, thedestructed opium, the Wuchang movement, the 54 Movement, the May 30 movement,the Nanchang uprising, the Anti Japanese War, and the victory across the river.On both sides of the victory crossing, there are two decorative patterns, whichare: supporting the front line and welcoming the peoples Liberation Army. Thereare 180 characters in all the reliefs.

To the south of the monument to the peoples Heroes is the chairmansmemorial hall. The construction of the memorial hall started on November 24,1976, and it took only six months to complete. Officially opened on the firstanniversary of the chairmans death. In front of the north gate of the memorialhall are two groups of clay sculptures, both of which are based on revolutionaryepics. The South Gate of the main building is to inherit the will of thepresident and show the confidence of the people of all ethnic groups. The 30 redflags outside the South Gate represent 30 provinces and autonomous regions inChina. The platform foundation of the memorial hall is built with jujube redgranite from the Dadu River. Around the foundation stone are stones from MountEverest and water from the Chinese Taiwan Strait. The main building of the memorial hallis composed of three parts: one enters the stele hall, facing a three meter highstatue of the chairman, where commemorative activities are held; one enters fromthe golden Phoebe gate on the south side of the North Hall, where the chairmansbody is placed; the South Hall is on the south side of the hall, where thechairmans poem "Manjianghong" is engraved. On the East and west sides of thethree halls are the rest hall and the memorial room of the old revolutionary.Now the memorial room of Deng Xiaoping has been added.

Behind the chairmans memorial hall is the main gate of the inner city,Zhengyang gate. In the past, Zhengyang gate was the tallest building in thecountry, which meant that the LORD was in the sun, the sun was in the sky, andall nations were looking forward to it. Now its the only complete preservedtower and arrow tower in Beijing.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the traffic hub between Xicheng andNancheng was Qipan street. Now it is probably located in the square between thechairmans memorial hall and Zhengyangmen tower.

In fact, Tiananmen Square also has a very famous landscape, which is theflag raising and flag lowering ceremony. Tens of thousands of people come towatch the ceremony every day. Zeng Liansong, the designer of Chinas nationalflag design, is the first national flag maker. This super large national flag ismore than 5 meters long and 3 meters wide. At the founding ceremony, thepresident personally raised this national flag, which symbolizes the birth ofnew China.

The original flagpole base of Tiananmen Square was closed, which made itinconvenient to raise and lower the flag, and the equipment was old. So the newbase and flagpole were rebuilt on February 25, 1991. The plane of the new baseis three layers. The first layer is made of white marble, and there arepassageways all around. The second layer is reddish brown granite, whichsymbolizes the red of the people. The third layer is green belt, whichsymbolizes the prosperity of the socialist motherland. In addition, there are 56golden copper separation piers around, which symbolize the unity of 56nationalities hand in hand and heart in heart under the national flag.

The new flagpole is made of seamless steel pipe made by Shougang. It isdivided into four sections, weighing 7 tons and 32.6 meters high. It will notrust in 20 years.

The flag raising and lowering ceremony should be held on the first day ofevery ten days or important national celebrations, and the flag raising andlowering ceremony should also be held on other days. Every day, the time ofraising the flag is based on sunrise, and the time of lowering the flag is basedon sunset. The national anthem is played. During festivals, the military bandplays live, while at ordinary times, the recording is played. If you areinterested, you can also watch this important landscape at your convenience.



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