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闻名中外的外白渡桥(Garden Bridge ofShanghai)是旧上海的标志性建筑之一。处于苏州河下游河口,位于黄浦公园西侧,架在中山东一路,东大名路之间的苏州河河段上。是一座全钢结构的桥梁,两跨52.16米,宽18.3米,是上海市区连接沪北、沪东的重要通道,过桥人流量和车流量很高。



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步行街上另一大景观——步行街观光车同样引人注目。车由一节节小巧玲珑的车厢组成,车厢上画满了精美的图案,每节车的图案色彩各不相同。登上车,仿佛钻进了玩具车里,任它带着你逛个够。 步行街上最多的是人,或从容信步,或匆匆疾走,或闲坐休息,或饶有兴致地转进每一家商店。街上跟人一样多的就是各种商店了,且都是上海店家中的“大腕”:华联商厦、第一食品商店、第一百货、新华书店南京东路店……当然也少不了各大专卖店,“麦当劳叔叔”、“肯德基爷爷”自然不甘落后,而哈根达斯、天使冰王、必胜客也为有闲阶层提供了世界各地著名的美食。








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现在大家看到的是宗祠的门楼,为重檐歇山式建筑,面阔七开间,近深两间.建筑面积145平方米,是由28根立柱和33根月梁组成主体结构,前后16驾斗,将三个层次,5个屋顶屋檐前挑达一米多,前后8大戗角,呈凤凰展翅腾飞之势.所以门楼又称五凤楼.胡氏宗祠以木雕艺术殿堂著称于世.原由的600多件木雕作品经过100多年的风风雨雨,现存400余件,分布在额坊,梁,柱,搁扇,斗拱,轩顶等十余类型的大小部件上,最大的是寝楼隔扇门中的腰华板,仅有34厘米长,13厘米宽,再那木梁之下,大家看到那弯弯的勾子没?那钩子的方向是朝胡氏宗祠的里面,寓意着把财气给勾进去. 进入宗祠大家一眼看到的呢就是我们的大额坊,上刻着"九龙戏珠满天星",下面3根普柏坊刻的是历代胡姓文官祖先勤于政,重教育的种.种业绩.而中间屋檐下的那根额坊刻的则是"九龙戏珠遍低锦".其他3根普柏坊雕刻的是历代胡姓祖先血战沙场,建功立业,精忠报国的场面。






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The rippling green lake of Kunming cant compare with the sunrise of thehigh slope with the brilliant rays; the sunrise of the high slope with thebrilliant rays cant compare with the magnificent Huangshan of Anhui; themagnificent Huangshan of Anhui, in my opinion, cant compare with the quiet andcomfortable paradise! This is the real feeling of my visit to Yichang.

When we arrived in Yichang, it was in the morning. We went to the ThreeGorges Dam first. Standing in front of the grand dam in the scorching sun,looking around at the clear and incomparable lake water, the green terraces, therolling dark green mountains, I feel very relaxed and quiet. "If the scenery isdifferent, the Three Gorges is the first one.". Guo Moruos poem is the voice ofmy heart.

In the afternoon we stayed in paradise. I have also experienced thebeautiful scenery described in Tao Yuanmings Peach Blossom Land. First of all,through a narrow and steep stone steps, we came to the Ba tribe under theguidance of the peach trees which were not blooming but were also luxuriant. Inthe article, the plain clothes and hard-working farmers didnt see it, but thefriendly and honest Ba people were also very lovely.

Among all kinds of grapefruit trees and banana leaves, they set up highlofts from the ground, with hollow windows, sharp roofs and comfortable straw.This is their home. The open-air challenge arena is covered with thatch on bothsides, and surrounded by colorful rhombic shaped handicrafts, decorated likeChinese knots. On a bamboo pole in the center, there are two big wooden tubesfor shouting. This is the place where they "recruit relatives by voice". Thewooden stakes stand in the woods. A pavilion is set up by Brown logs. The top ofthe pavilion is covered with gray and huge ox head bones. This is theirsacrificial platform. Pakistan Peoples life is really interesting, very simple,but full of adventure and strong tribal culture.

After leaving the Ba tribe, we set out for Baima cave under the guidance ofour guide. More than 30 people, in a long narrow wooden boat slowly forward. Thelight green water of the lake, which was fluctuating, swayed into a dark hole.The boat had not rowed long before it reached out. I only heard the longrhythmic sound of rowing, the clear sound of spring water ticking on thestalactite, and the small sound of bat wings from time to time. All of a sudden,the bow of the boat was knocked, and a little white light was seen at thecorner. Looking up, the top of my head was gray, and the stalactites stoodupside down. The body was rugged and of different lengths, just like playing thehigh and low notes on the keys quickly, wave after wave. On both sides are allkinds of unknown rocks, shining silver smoothly. As like as two peas looked downat the water, the shallow lake suddenly became unfathomable. The shape of thewater reflected the shape of the rock.

At this time, we seem to be in a quiet, peaceful, dreamy, isolated world.Its so beautiful that no one on the boat speaks, for fear that it will breakthe magnificent scenery! The boat stops in front of us, and we step on thewooden bridge one after another to get off the boat and walk towards the depthof the cave which is completely closed by rocks.

The wet stone surface in a variety of brilliant lights under the light of alayer of mist, the surrounding stones are like a giant standing in the cloud,reflecting a colorful light. Through the zigzag stone road, while listening tothe sound of dripping water, while enjoying another wonderful masterpiece ofnature along the road. I dont know how long Ive been walking, there is adazzling white light in front of me. Ive been in the dark space for a longtime, and suddenly I see the sun shining high. Its like Im in another worldwhen Im outside with luxuriant flowers and plants.

Out of Baima cave, we appreciate the beautiful landscape again. Themountains that cant be seen in the distance merge with a corner of the lightblue sky. The artistic conception of "water and sky meet" is all here. Afterwatching the paradise in the afternoon, we got on the bus and left Yichangreluctantly.

Different cities have different places of interest, such as the ancientcity of Jingzhou, the Three Gorges of Yichang, the plateau of Yunnan and thethousand lakes of Hubei. These masterpieces of ancient people and nature arereally amazing



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Je suis venu à Shanghai en octobre.Une ville moderne construite dans unjardin peut être décrite comme Shanghai; Shanghai ma donné limpression dêtrebelle, à la mode et brillante. Bien s?r, les plus belles vues de Shanghai sontles vues nocturnes du Bund.

Lorsque la nuit tomba, les lumières des gratte - ciel de différentes formessilluminaient. Les néons clignotants sur les toits du b?timent Jinmao et duGrand H?tel Shangri La ressemblaient à la Couronne de la reine. Les lumièresséteignaient et le beau Bund semblait charmant.Ja i vu la vue nocturne deChongqing, une ville montagneuse. Les montagnes sont reliées les unes auxautres, et les points sont liés au ciel, mais la vue nocturne du Bund est encoreplus fascinante.Les navires qui naviguaient sur la rivière Huangpu étaienthabillés de néons, comme des palais et des dragons. Chaque navire avait desformes différentes et des milliers de changements. La rivière Huangpu estdevenue un ruban fluide, et les deux c?tés de la rivière étaient hauts et Bas,et divers b?timents hauts et bas comme des diamants incrustés dans le ruban.Leplus éblouissant de ces diamants est la tour de télévision orientale Pearl, quiest en forme de c?ne et se compose de sphères supérieures et inférieuressoutenues par un cadre en perle orientale de la nuit estparticulièrement visible, deux grandes lumières sphériques scintillent et seconfondent, changeant constamment de couleur, très belle.Le vent du soir sesthabitué à marcher sur le Bund et à profiter de cette belle vue nocturne.

Shanghai est le paradis du bonheur, Shanghai est laile de la mode,Shanghai est lendroit où voler le rêve.Expérimentez un go?t différent dansdifférentes villes. La vue nocturne sur le Bund de Shanghai ma fait me demanderquel mot utiliser pour décrire. En bref, la vue nocturne sur le Bund de Shanghaiest trop belle.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 12131 字

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Dear tourist friends, Hello everyone! Today we visit Huangdi mausoleum,which is known as the first mausoleum in the world. Im your tour guide. My nameis Jiang. You can also call me director Jiang. If you encounter problems in yourtravel, you can ask me and I will help you. I wish you a happy trip! In order tolet you have a deep understanding of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, Iwould like to introduce to you the ancestor of our Shenhua nation - the YellowEmperor.

Huangdi was an outstanding leader of tribal alliance at the end ofprimitive society about 5020 x years ago. According to ancient records, theYellow Emperor was the son of Shaodian. His surname was Gongsun. Because he wasgood at Jishui, his surname was Ji. There is a bear in the seal, and there is abear in the name. Once lived in Xuanyuan hill, also known as Xuanyuan. It isalso known as the "Yellow Emperor" because of its advocating of local moralityand yellow color.

According to legend, the Yellow Emperor is not only the leader of a hero,but also the embodiment of wisdom. Many inventions and creations are attributedto the Yellow Emperor or his wife and subordinates. For example, making boatsand carts, making clothes and crowns, sericulture, creating medicine, settingtemperament, writing, distributing grains, burning painted pottery, andregulations in political life, wedding and funeral rituals in customs andhabits, etc. later generations regard the era of the Yellow Emperor as thebeginning of the Chinese civilization, so the Yellow Emperor is respected as the"ancestor of humanity".

There are many opinions about where the Yellow Emperor was buried. However,from the records of historical materials and the attitude of successivegovernments, the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor that you are about to see isthe only resting place for the Yellow Emperor in a hundred years. Sima Qian, ahistorian of the Western Han Dynasty, clearly states in his historical recordsthat "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in the bridge mountain". Themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in history, and itwas renamed in 1944. According to ancient Chinese documents, the yellow emperorascended to heaven by riding a dragon in Qiaoshan of Huangling County. Latergenerations buried the Yellow Emperors clothes here and built a tomb for it.This is the origin of the Yellow Emperors mausoleum. In addition, the Huangdimausoleum area has been proved by archaeology to be the settlement of primitiveclans in this area. The unearthed pottery and stone tools have distinctivecharacteristics of Yangshao culture.

Huangdi mausoleum is located in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province, about180 kilometers north of Xian. Huangling County, formerly known as ZhongbuCounty, was renamed Huangling County in 1944 with the approval of the formergovernment of the Republic of China. In June 1997, Huangdi mausoleum wasannounced by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee as one ofthe 100 patriotic education demonstration bases in China.

You are now in Xuanyuan square. This is the starting point of Yiling. Theground of Xuanyuan square is paved with natural river pebbles in QinlingMountains, with a total of 5000 pieces, which means that it represents the longhistory of the Chinese nation for 5020__ years. The pool in front of us iscalled YinChi. It is said that it is the place where the Yellow Emperor washedhis pen. The water of YinChi comes from Juhe river. In ancient Chinese, Juheriver is also regarded as the river of ancestors. When night comes, there willbe a beautiful landscape of "JuShui moon night".

Now, the bridge we pass is called Xuanyuan bridge. The bridge, which spansYinChi, is built of all granite stone and is known as "the first bridge of allstone in modern China". At the north end of Xuanyuan bridge, Longwei Road, whichleads to the temple, has 95 steps, implying the lofty status of the YellowEmperor as the "king of __". In recent years, most of the public sacrificeactivities have been held here, which has been widely known by modern media.Stand in front of the broad Temple Square, please look back at Xuanyuan square,you will feel a "majestic, solemn, solemn, simple" grand momentum.

Generally speaking, worshiping the Yellow Emperor means "worshiping thetemple first, then paying homage to the mausoleum". Xuanyuan temple is locatedin the north of JuShui, facing south, commanding and magnificent. Please followme into this sacred place. It is said that this ancient temple was built in theHan Dynasty. It was originally in the West foot of the bridge and moved here inthe Song Dynasty. Xuanyuan temple is composed of four courtyards. The gate ofthe temple is in the architectural style of Han Dynasty, with white walls, blackglazed tiles, tall and lofty, simple and generous. "Xuanyuan Temple" was writtenby Mr. Jiang Dingwen. Stepping into the gate of Xuanyuan temple, you can see atowering ancient cypress on the left. The branches of ancient cypress arevigorous and green, and the crown is like a canopy. The tree is about 4720__years old. It is said that it was planted by the Yellow Emperor himself, so itis called "Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress". In 1982, British forestryexpert Robert and others came to China after inspecting 27 countries in theworld and marveled that it is "the father of cypress in the world". In 1998, thetree was recognized as one of the first batch of "100 ancient and famous treesin China".

This pavilion is called "stele Pavilion". There are four stone tabletshere. The content of the first inscription on the right hand is a memorial poemwritten by Dr. Sun Yat Sen when he was the provisional president of the Republicof China. The second pass on the right hand is the three big characters"mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor" inscribed by Chiang Kai Shek in 1942. Thefirst passage on the left is a sacrificial essay written by Mao Zedong on April5, 1937 when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly sacrificed to themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. The second one is Deng Xiaopings handwritten"descendants of the Yellow River".

After leaving the pavilion, continue to walk in, you will see a one metersquare blue stone on your left side, with a huge inscription on it

The footprints of the Yellow Emperor. The stone was excavated in Guowa,Southeast of Huangling. It is said that there are three footprints of the YellowEmperor. One is in Henan, one is in Shandong, and the other is in Huangling.According to the local people, if someone hits the big toe with a coin acrossthe fence, it indicates good luck and good luck.

On the left side of Xuanyuan hall, there is a cypress tree. The tree trunkswere covered with spots and lines, as if there were broken nails. It is saidthat in 120__ BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty returned from his northernexpedition to Shuofang, and when he sacrificed to the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor, he nailed a nail on the tree trunk to hang his armor. So its called"guajia cypress", also called "general cypress". Every year before QingmingFestival, cypress juice will overflow in the tree hole and condense into beads,like tears. After the Qingming Festival, it returned to its original state andwas called "the wonder of Qunbai".

Now, the building in front of us is called Xuanyuan hall. The hall wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. On the forehead of the hall is a four characterplaque entitled "the first ancestor of humanity" by Cheng Qian, the formerpatriotic general of the Kuomintang in 1938.

Entering the main hall, we see a semi relief statue of the Yellow Emperor.Based on the rubbings of the stone portraits of Wuliang ancestral temple in theEastern Han Dynasty, this sacred statue of the nations ancestor was enlargedand carved with the approval of the State Administration of cultural relicsafter soliciting the opinions of relevant experts.

At the north end of Xuanyuan Temple lies the hall of ancestor worship,which was newly built in 20__. In 20__, the first national ceremony ofsacrificing Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of China, was held hereduring the Qingming Festival. The whole building of the hall adheres to thestyle of Han and Tang Dynasties, and integrates the ancient tradition with theflavor of the new era. The ancestral square in front of the hall is paved withgranite, covering an area of more than 10000 square meters, and can accommodate5000 lines of sacrificial activities at the same time.

Well, here is Xuanyuan temple. Next, we will climb mountains and visit themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Huangdi mausoleum is the mausoleum of Xuanyuan Huangdi, the ancestor of theChinese nation, known as "the first mausoleum in the world". In 1962, it wasannounced by the State Council as the national key cultural relics protectionunit "No.1 ancient tomb". Lingjia is located in Qiaoshan, 1km north of HuanglingCounty.

Huangdi mausoleum has a unique "bridge mountain ancient cypress.". Nomatter which direction you enter the county, you can see the 5800 mu Qiaoshanmountain, full of green cypresses and lush. At present, there are more than81000 cypresses in Xuanyuan Huangdi Mausoleum scenic area, which is located inHuangling County, Shaanxi Province. There are more than 30000 ancient cypressesmore than 1000 years old. It is the oldest and best preserved group of ancientcypresses in China. This is really "the Yellow Emperors Mausoleum with toweringancient cypresses. Its full of smoke and light breeze. Qiaoshan completelytowering green, Ju water around the waist for thousands of years. All theseancient cypresses are priceless. Therefore, the ancient Chinese governmentsattach great importance to the protection of the ancient cypresses in themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Dear friends, we are now at the gate of the cemetery. Please look to theleft side of the gate. This 20 meter high conical platform is called HanwuSendai. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after worshiping hisancestors, was very envious of the Yellow Emperors ascending to heaven andbecoming an immortal. So hundreds of thousands of soldiers were ordered to carrya bag of soil on their backs to build this high platform overnight. He went onthe stage to pray for immortals and said to the people, "if I can go back toheaven like the Yellow Emperor, its nothing to leave my wife, but its justlike leaving my shoes." Today, there are two stone curved paths leading to thetop of the platform. Up 77 steps, down 78 steps, called "seven up and eightdown.". Its said that one visit to the stage can add years and blessings.

Friends, this tomb in front of us is the resting place of our ancestors,the Yellow Emperor. The tomb is a oblate earth tomb. In front of the tomb, thereis another stele engraved with the four characters of "Qiaoshan Longyu", whichmeans that this is the place where the yellow emperor ascended to heaven bydriving a dragon. It is said that the Yellow Emperor lived for more than 100years. The emperor felt that he had made great achievements and sent a dragon totake him up to heaven. His subjects didnt want the Yellow Emperor to leave andsurrounded him. The dragon carries the Yellow Emperor into the air. In a panic,people pull off the Yellow Emperors skirt, boots and sword. People bury theYellow Emperors clothes, boots and swords here, and build a mound as amemorial. This is the origin of the saying that the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor is the family of clothes and crowns, but the legend is a legend afterall. Historical records and other books clearly record that "the Yellow Emperorcollapsed and buried in the bridge mountain.". Moreover, Emperor Wu of the HanDynasty and other emperors came here to pay homage to the Yellow Emperor, so itis recognized as the location of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

In front of the "Qiaoshan Longyu" stele, there is another stele engravedwith three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" written by Guo Moruo in 1958.

Well, tourists, due to the time constraint, this is the end of ourexplanation of Huangdi mausoleum today. You can visit it by yourself. We willgather at the gate in half an hour. Please pay attention to safety. Thankyou!



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Nanjing Road und Huaihai Road sind die wohlhabendsten Bl?cke in Shanghai,bekannt als "die erste kommerzielle Stra?e in China". Sie starten vom Bund imOsten und enden an der Kreuzung von Jingan Temple und Yanan West Road imWesten, mit einer Gesamtl?nge von 5.5km. Es gibt viele kommerzielle Geb?ude aufbeiden Seiten, und es gibt mehr als 600 Gesch?fte.Die ?stliche Tibetanstra?ewird Nanjing East Road genannt (früher bekannt als huayuannong, umbenanntNanjing Road in 1865), und der Westen der Tibet Stra?e wird Nanjing West Roadgenannt (früher bekannt als Jingan Temple Road).

Nach dem Opium-Krieg in 1840 war Shanghai gezwungen, sich als Handelshafenzu ?ffnen und wurde sp?ter zu einer imperialistischen ?ffentlichen Konzession.Inden 1920er und 1930er Jahren war die Nanjing-Stra?e nicht nur eine "Zehn Meilenfremde Arena" für die Imperialisten, sondern auch eine Stra?e vollerrevolution?rer Tradition. Auf der Nanjing Road fand das berühmte "30-teMassaker" statt.

In den letzten Jahren haben sich gro?e Ver?nderungen in der Nanjing Roadvollzogen. Es entstanden neue Gesch?ftsgeb?ude und Hotels. Gro?eGesch?ftsgeb?ude, jahrhundertealte Gesch?fte, berühmte Gesch?fte undcharakteristische Gesch?fte sind miteinander verbunden und losgel?st.Modernegro?r?umige und Hochh?user, wie z.B. Laojiefu-Gewerbegeb?ude,Elektroger?teherstellung, Mankerton-Platz, Hailun Hotel, Seidenwerbungsgeb?ude,neue weltwirtschaftliche Stadt, Hualian Commercial Building, 100-kommerzielleGeb?ude, Radio- und Fernsehgeb?ude, Lichtindustrie, Shanghai Commercial City,Jincang Wenhua Hotel, machen Nanjing Stra?e pr?chtiger und wohlhabender,LautStatistik hat Nanjing Road einen t?glichen Passagierfluss von mehr als 1.7Millionen Menschen. Shanghais erster Kaufhaus, Shanghai Hualian CommercialBuilding und Shanghai New World Mall, die seit vielen Jahren zu den Top-dreiEinzelhandelsunternehmen in China z?hlt, sind alle auf Nanjing Road.

Die kommerzielle Baugruppe der Nanjing Road ist voll mit berühmtenProdukten.Es gibt nicht weniger als Hunderttausende von berühmten, besonderen,hochwertigen und neuen Produkten, sowie importierte berühmteMarkenwaren.Besonders bekannt sind die Produkte verschiedener renommierterFachgesch?fte.

Die Nachtszene der Nanjing Road ist besonders charmant.Die Neonstra?e istein toller Anblick in Shanghai.Viele ausl?ndische Touristen loben, dass dieBeleuchtung hier nicht weniger als in Tokio, Hongkong, Bangkok und anderenDowntown-Bereichen ist.



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as is known to all, the silk road into xinjiang, south, north is dividedinto three sections, the word. and of every faith scenery lets a person miandthoughtful. therefore, it is the silk road trip to travel.

brief introduction of the first description: xinjiang is located in chinasnorthwest border regions in china, also called, the second-largest pasture,ecological environment. north of continental climate, the winters are long andhard, summer, autumn season and hot chirp is not obvious, relatively strong,solar radiation temperature changes. so remind everybody must pay attention toprevent bask in the night and temperature is too big and prepare appropriateclothes. meanwhile, xinjiang has the advantageous sunshine, light, heat andplanting trees and the crops of thermophilic melon, improve sugar accumulation.so a luscious taste the melon and fruit in xinjiang.

our first stop was the urumqi. it is the farthest from the oceans of theworld cities, capital of xinjiang uygur autonomous region, meaning "beautiful",but also the ranch along. we recommend the attraction is the natural pasture,carefree nanshan pasture flocks, paolo maldini, compose in green grassland,spruce, combining the deep valley, and a 20 meters high, the waterf-all. hereyou can live on the shores of the zhanfang, taste herdsmen nang, dairy products,roast lamb kebabs, zhuafan hand, etc. bake complete sheep is a choice jieyangsurrounding xinjiang, or under the age of two lambs as raw materials, to fatwith flour and entrails, feet, salt water, eggs, pepper, alone powder evenlyinto paste, in the whole body, then add the sheep are soaking pit, nang bakeuntil cooked. baked sheep, golden oil, fragrance waft through the meat,delicious! you can rent a horse galloping on the kazakh nomads, acrothe vastgrassland of the thick forest. also can realize kazak ethnic customs: racingnomads, thanks to the sheep, chasing girls. urumqi seasons all appropriate, eachhave different seasons.

our second station is well known in turpan: its very hot and dry thelowest place. is extremely arid region unique ecological environment and therepresentatives of the oasis civilization. you may have noticed that a foot onthis land, and we are the only dry! the sun is so frankly, the bakingtemperature has reached 50 to 60 degrees celsius, i.e., steaming eggs. you alsodont too boring, let us imagine a pleasant trip to the sauna. first, we went tothe fire, the authors of shanxi, surrounded by the farmhouse here, secludedspot, vines with green, a very cool and refreshing and comfortable come, here isthe "huozhou" summer in heaven. in these grape, as long as the timbrel rang, menand women will be averted dance. believe that everyone heard that song familiar"to", covering your journey has a small talk "uncle"? how does not show guide sonow you for it.

small guide a bit embarrassed, here but dance, unexpectedly township inhere, please everybody to me. now please follow me to visit the shadow ofraisins for washing room. raised my hand against the grapes can be picked youcant decapitation, later will have to taste the free of grapes, let everybodyfan.

to see the city will be kanerjing, it is spots with wall, thebeijing-hangzhou grand canal and called chinas three projects, it is the sourceof life of the local people. because it is in the ground, also very cool andrefreshing and comfortable.

now we came to the tomb asidana - hara and is, there are many rooms vividfresco, lifelike lifelike, still have the "turpan documents", it is the currentinternational academic research foundation of words - turpan. because theclimate is hot dry form natural germ-free environment, so the dead bodies andobjects, although calendar millennium items without corruption, the body is dueto rapid dehydrate and formed the pyramids in egypt mummy "than" also mummifiedcorpses of exotic, some even seems visible eyes eyelash.

now we reached the place, also is the hami melon is executed. two thousandyears ago, here is the han dynasty zhangqian first opened the silk roadfortress, known as "the macroscopic throats, western". as the saying goes, "theeast sea crab hami melons as shrimp," beauty of hami words cant express. silkroad and the grassland culture were also it nurture...

millions of years ago cengfanhua noisy here, all the time, the flowers arecirculation of vast desert mysterious buried. numerous archaeological explorershave again and again into a history to touch, the dust, touch the soul ofhundreds of years ago. loulan ancient site actually is the capital of kingdom ".have luobubo beside the river, clear. after the han and the tarim river waterdiverted, though, because human resource and spent a cross-sectional noteglacier diversion into loulan, but soon, the time of ancient lou-lan and wastewater. from ancient lou-lan died in history!
