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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 671 字

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天堂寨国家森林公园位于安徽省六安地区金寨县西南角,与湖北省罗田、英山接壤,是华东地区最后一片原始森林,天堂寨景观集山水风光之大全,有水景、山景、石景、云景 和洞景等,享有“植物王国”、“动物乐园”、“云雾的海洋”、“清凉的仙庄”等美誉。

天堂寨森林公园总面积为120平方公里,境内千米高峰有15座,主峰天堂寨海拔1729.13米,为大别山主峰及第二高峰,其间雄关漫道,崇山峻岭,茂林修竹,龙潭飞瀑,奇松怪石颇多,气势雄伟壮观,古称“吴楚东南第一关”。 森林景观是天堂寨森林公园的主体,以林木为依托,形成了“花的海洋、鸟的乐园”。这里的植被为原始次生天然林,覆盖率达95.4%,天然林错落有致,色调鲜明,经考察保护区高等植物有3000多种,维管束植物1700余种,珍稀孓遗属国家保护的树种38种,动物200余种。


天堂寨奇松、怪石、云海、溪泉、飞瀑巧夺天工,变幻无穷。一位旅游专家在游览天堂寨后,称之谓:“游遍黄峨庐岱,唯有天堂之水”赞誉天堂寨集黄山、峨眉山、庐山、泰(岱)山等全国名山大川之精华。 目前,天堂寨国家森林公园已 初步形成了吃、住、行、游、购、娱一条龙旅游配套服务体系,还修有一条长达1500米的高空索道缆车。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5230 字

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“漫山层林染,银河落九天;幽谷烟云迷,苍松挂崖间。”这诗中描绘的真实意境就是闻名遐迩的国家级森林公园一一天堂寨。天堂寨地处大别山北麓,位于将军的摇篮安徽省六安市金寨县西南部,东南与湖北省英山县接壤,西南与湖北省罗田毗邻,主峰天堂寨雄居鄂皖两省三县结合部,海拔1729.13 米,是大别山第二高峰,为江淮分水岭,境内总面积120 平方公里,千米以上高峰就有十四座,有“ 崖石寨插云间,吴楚东南第一关”之称。在漫长的历史长河中,天堂寨留下了许多古迹,也多次更名中,隋朝以前称为“衡山”,唐朝称“多云山”,因晴日当空,云亦不断而得名,唐朝诗人李颀有“秦淮奉使千余里,敢告云山从此始”,后唐诗人杜牧有“东望云山日夕佳” 之千古名句,自元末徐寿辉聚众起义,为寓吉祥之意,改名为“天堂寨”。雄伟博大的天堂寨因其云多、雾重、山高、树密、水碧,形成了风光绮丽无与伦比的自然景观,被誉为生态名山、资源名山、文化名山。天堂寨是华东地区最后一片原始森林,它的森林覆被率高达96.5 % , 位居我国所有风景名胜区的第一位。

天堂寨素有“植物的王国、动物的乐园、云雾的海洋、圣水的世界、杜鹃花的领地、娃娃鱼的故乡,旅游休闲、科学考察的佳境”之美誉。景区内峰、石、树、花、云海相映成趣,景色宜人。进入天堂寨,有“我在山里行,赛过做神仙”的意境。天堂寨于1992 年被林业部批建为国家级森林公园,1997 年被批准为省级风景名胜区,1998 年被国务院批准为国家级自然保护区,20xx 年被批准为省级旅游扶贫实验区。20xx 年4 月16 日,安徽旅游集团以市场运作的方式,与金寨县政府搭成合作共识,整体接管天堂寨景区经营权,实现了所有权与经营权的分离。

天堂寨处于南暖温带向北亚热带过渡地段,是华北、华东、华中三大植物区系交汇点。景区内森林生态系统保存得相当完整,植物种族古老,层次复杂,群落地带性分布明显。造钱坳上海拔1400 米的高山草甸为世界海拔最低的沼泽地。保护区内高等植物1746 种,仅国家级珍稀植物就有30 多种,如连香树、领春木、金钱松、巨紫茎、天目木姜子等;有数百种观赏植物和花卉;还有一大批药用植物;更有世界上新近发现的白马鼠尾草、白马苔草等特有物种,脊椎动物近300种,属国家保护的珍稀动物有18 种,如金钱豹、香璋、小灵猫、花面狸、白冠长尾雉、勺鸡、娃娃鱼等。

天堂寨云山高耸,森林广阔,气候湿润,泉眼密布,湿度达80.7 % , 大面积的森林植被涵养水份,独特的地理条件,使山间水资源十分丰富,瀑布高悬,溪水长流。景区内泉、溪、湖、潭、瀑应有尽有,“山中一夜雨,处处挂飞泉”。来到天堂寨,你不可不去观赏天池、马尾平湖、九影瀑布、风龙潭等著名景点。置身其中,哗哗的流水声伴着悦耳的鸟鸣声,犹如进入了一个清凉的世界,有游人赋诗赞日:“踏遍黄峨岱与庐,唯有天堂水最佳”。天堂寨之美,美在它良好的生态环境。天堂寨远离都市喧嚣,环境不受人为破坏,没有污染,这里水质清冽甘甜,沁人心脾,空气中弥漫着因瀑布湍流、森林电位差的物理作用而产生的大量负氧离子,每立方米空气含量达70000个,是进行天然森林淋浴的极好场所。

“东南第一清白地,山是本色水是源。” 在天堂寨玩水,一定得徒步去瀑布群景区登山游览。天堂寨,山有多高,水就有多长,这一丝一缕玉泉在林问流动、在融合、在汇聚,最后形成天堂寨气势磅礴的瀑布群,它们中有的像彩虹从天而降,有的似飞珠泻玉,有的像一条白链频频摆动。到了冬季更有那上不着天下不着地的瀑布,原来是那后面的瀑布把雾雨下到树枝上,慢慢形成冰瀑。这动态各异、相映成趣的冰雾漫天的景象,给天堂寨增添神秘的色彩。景区内大小瀑布有四十道之多,实属人间罕见。最著名的五道瀑布落差都在40 米以上,接力式地展现在游人面前,冰肌浸骨,清澈透明,千载不涸。





从风景区大门沿蜿蜒的盘山公路行驶六华里,便到达景区中心地带虎形地,由虎形地沿石阶步行两华里,一道高71 米、宽10 米的瀑布展现在眼前,这就是九影瀑布。相传神话中的八仙,每次上天庭,都必请本方土地爷来此潭中淋浴,然后踏着天上的五彩云去见玉帝,因八仙和土地爷在此留下倒影而得名。冬日里,气温骤降,整个瀑布结成68 米高、6 米宽的中空冰瀑,又被人们称为“冰魂瀑布”。伫立瀑前,令人心旷神怡,悠然想起前人咏瀑诗“疑是龙池喷瑞雪,如同天际挂飞流”的佳句。顺此攀行300米,便是第二道瀑布“情人瀑”,此瀑高44 米,瀑面宽阔,温柔尔雅,仿佛情人在窃窃私语、卿卿我我。顺石阶继续登行,山涧豁然开朗,第三道瀑布“泻玉瀑”下跌深潭,如浪卷白雪,站在此处,俯看绿树染百障,仰望银瀑浇九天,恍然身临仙境。,再往上攀行300米,第四道瀑布“淑女瀑”浮现在山涧之中,此瀑高57 米,因水流石壁形成曲线分明的三宽两窄,左右摇摆,宛如一位身着长裙冰清玉洁的少女,又似一道银光闪烁的冰晶铺就的冰道,它长流深涧,热忱地呼唤清纯和美好。顺山道继续攀行200米,站在踏雾桥上,透过绿树繁花的缝隙,咱们便真切地看到高68 米的第五道瀑布一银弓瀑的倩影,这道瀑布下的泉池有不少娃娃鱼在自由的游动,在浓浓的涛声中观瀑赏鲵,一幅悠然自得的自然风情画尽现眼前。这五道一线相连的瀑布犹如五道洁白的素练从长空飞挂,又似五条银色的蛟龙破天而来。仰望,它们从应在蓝空中的松影间喷溅而出;俯瞰,它们击落深潭卷起玉树琼花,或如万马奔腾,或如风雨骤至,这五道瀑布在全一国风景名胜区中可谓风姿独树,令人留连忘返,遐思翩翩。




翻过龙剑峰,便可到达天堂寨又一胜景——盆景园,站在盆景园的极顶,你会感到山有情,水有情,遍山野花带笑盈。那高山杜鹃,红、黄、白、紫、蓝五彩缤纷,腊梅瓣、玉兰花、天女花、蓝心花、玉灵花争芳斗艳。我想在那飘渺的天上定然有美丽的街市,郭沫若先生曾赋予街市无限的遐思,在天堂寨也有一处如诗人笔下所描绘的具有美好意境的“天街”。沿着五道瀑布攀登石迹,或者由泻玉瀑乘高空缆车登上山顶,便到达天街景区,它是天堂寨主峰的延伸地带,由东南走向西北,大约八公里,平均海拔在1600 一1700 米之间。天街景区中天成石佛、剪刀石、书箱石、笔架岩、落笔峰、龟爬石,无不传神写真,展现了大自然的鬼斧神工。在天街的朝阳处,一尊慈眉善目巨型石佛仿佛正在施展法术,驱散沟壑,拨开云雾,让游人一览千里。徒步走在天街上,身边云海翻腾,天池水碧波荡漾,天堂松风吹倚拂,登高远瞩,烟波浩淼,飞珠迷茫,宝岛蜃楼,奇松骏马,奔涌而来,八百里荆楚大地尽现眼底,据说在晴天无雾之时,通过高倍望远镜可见武汉三镇的踪影。



天堂寨是一首隽永的山水诗,一幅秀美的山水画,更是一部高亢的田园交响曲。在这诗画曲谱中,无时无刻不让游客体味到历史的丰厚。大别山自古为兵家必争之地,楚汉相交的天堂寨更是首当其冲,被誉为“平时有藜霍不捋之成,临时得高屋建瓴之势,中枢独用,妙用无穷”。在南宋时,文天祥曾派同榜进士程伦倡导淮西抗元,天堂寨(时称多云山)义民傅高率乡人响应。元至正十一年(公元1351 年)红巾军领袖徐寿辉在此建立天堂寨,招募义军,义旗一举,万民响应,同年攻下罗田、薪水,后发展到百万之众,席卷东南数省,割据一方达十一年,国号“天完”。明代这里是战略防守重地,清顺治、乾隆年间分别有过农民起义,后还成为太平天国与清军对垒的战略要地。至今这里还有清代咸丰年间的关卡、义军用的石臼、古炮台、议事厅等历史遗址。大革命时期,天堂寨所在的金寨县,有十万群众参军参战,这里诞生过两支工农红军,是鄂豫皖革命根据地的重要组成部分。红军北上抗日后,大别山红旗不倒,进行了艰苦卓的游击战争。解放后,金寨县在全国工作的省部级以上干部500多人,诞生59 位共和国将军,为全国第二大“将军县”。1947 年刘邓大军南下,在天堂寨一线跃进大别山,西逼武汉,东指南京,为全中国的解放建立了不朽的功勋。在全国上下轰轰烈烈开展红色旅游的今天,六安市金寨成为一方热土。在前往天堂寨的旅游热线上,分一布着六安市皖西烈士陵园、独山革命旧址群、金寨革命博物馆、许继慎陵园、红25 军和28 军旧址、下楼房刘邓大军指挥部旧址等,这些都成为大别山红色旅游区的重要目的地。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7952 字

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Hello friends, welcome to the beautiful Anhui Province. Im Wang Ping, tourguide of Anhui travel agency. Im very glad to meet you. I will serve you withmy sincerity and infect you with my smile. I hope you have a good time here.

Before arriving at the scenic spot, ask you, have you ever been to heaven?I guess you havent been. It doesnt matter. Xiao Wang will take you today.Although this paradise is a copycat version, it is also the only one in theworld, such as fake exchange. Tiantangzhai scenic spot is located in thesouthwest of Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, at the north foot of DabieMountain, bordering Yingshan County, Hubei Province and Luotian County, HubeiProvince. The total area of the scenic spot is 120 square kilometers. The wholemountain is high in the South and low in the north. There are dozens of peaksover 1000 meters. The main peak, Tianji peak, is 1729.13 meters above sea level,which is the second peak of Dabie Mountain. Tiantangzhai is not only thejunction mountain of Anhui and Hubei, but also the watershed of Yangtze Riverand Huaihe River. Because of its good ecological environment, it is known as theterritory of plants, the kingdom of animals, the world of water purification,the sea of clouds, the hometown of giant salamanders and the territory ofRhododendron. The scenic spot is now a national geopark, a National Forest Park,a National Nature Reserve and a national 5A tourist attraction.

I believe you cant wait for so much. Dont worry. Before you get off thebus, first of all, Id like to make three rules with you: when you visit thescenery, you must pay attention to safety, so that you dont watch the scenerywhen you walk, and dont walk when you watch the scenery. At the same time, weshould protect the environmental health of the scenic spot, not littering andcigarette butts, not to mention learning from the monkey king lettering.Practice has proved that "celebrity" is not so good.

When we enter the scenic area, we have to transfer to the bus. Pleasefollow me and line up for the bus. The destination ahead of us is tiger shaped.Now we are walking on the winding mountain road in the scenic area. You can seethe peak on your left. It is called Baima peak, with an altitude of 1488 meters.It is named because the mountain looks like a horse. It is composed of saddle,horseback and horsetail. What we see in front of us is the horses buttocks. Thecliff of Baima peak is 1000 meters long, and it is an abyss; the rock on theridge is exposed, which is magnificent and precipitous. Every time after therainstorm, the clouds and fog rise in the valley, just like a white horsegalloping in the sea of clouds, causing peoples imagination of flying in thesky. On a fine day, the sun shines on the white cliff, just like the white snowon the mountain. The formation of Mawei clear snow, Anshan sunset and otherunique landscape, very magnificent. Look, its the plank road of Baima peak.Visitors can go to the top of Baima peak directly through the plank road. Theplank road is built against the cliff, which is daunting. If there is a chance,those who have courage can try to climb and practice courage.

This is the tiger shaped parking lot. We are going to climb on foot

I believe you have heard the rumble of water. Thats right. Qianfang is thefirst waterfall in Tiantang village. The first waterfall is called jiuyingwaterfall. The mountain spring water falls from 70 meters high into the deeppool, which is very quiet and beautiful. The white veins on the cliff behind thewaterfall are winding, like an eagle and a dragon. There is a famous saying thatmountains are not deep, immortals are famous, water is not deep, and dragons arespirit. This place is also a place where aura gathers. The content of negativeoxygen ions in the air here is very high. It is a natural oxygen bar. We musttake a few deep breaths here to touch the spirit of immortals.

Lets move on from the wooden plank road on the right. Come on, everyone.Well, after coming up, we come to the second waterfall. The second waterfall iscalled lover waterfall, also called curtain waterfall. She is 44 meters high,the water is gentle, several twists and turns, just like a girl playing with herhair, how charming. In the second waterfall, there is another bright spot.Please look up. This is a huge chestnut tree. Lets find out where the brightspot is. Yes, a small pine tree grows in the middle of the trunk of the chestnuttree. In this era of fighting father, Maoli tree is the godfather of little pinetree. Im kidding. This is a unique phenomenon in the mountains, which is acommon method of plant reproduction in mountainous areas. This is the legendaryoffshoot.

Go on to the third waterfall, which is Xieyu waterfall. Xieyu waterfall hasboth the magnificence of jiuying waterfall and the softness of lover waterfall.The flowing water clings to the cliff and rolls up the white water, just likeXieyu. The name of Xieyu waterfall comes from this. We will take the cableway upthe mountain from here. Ropeway two people a group, please free combination. Payattention to your left side when sitting in the cableway. You will see theremaining two waterfalls from the air, lady waterfall and silver bowwaterfall.

After a 20 minute air walk, you will arrive at Tianping peak, which is 1660meters above sea level. From here, you can have a panoramic view of Jingchu. Alittle to the right is a stone tablet with the inscription "the border of Anhuiand Hubei". Now the road we take is the junction of Anhui Province and HubeiProvince. It is no exaggeration to say that your left foot is in Hubei and yourright foot is in Anhui. It is the so-called one foot across the two provinces,looking at the Yangtze and Huaihe River. On the back of the monument, there arefive words engraved with the Yangtze Huaihe River watershed. Yes, this is thewatershed between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River. The waterfalls andsprings you see when you go up the mountain belong to the Huaihe River system.When you pass here, on the other side of the mountain, there is the YangtzeRiver system. Its just like a persons life. When you are born, everyone is atthe origin. If you choose different roads, you will have completely differentscenery. Therefore, its very important to choose. Behind every choice is anopportunity, which tells us that we should make the best use of it Grasp everychoice of life.

If you go further, the peak in front of you is Matou peak. Do you think itlooks like a horse that is eating grass with its head down? This is the mouth ofthe horse. The pine tree on its back is like a horses mane. Its verybeautiful. In fact, there is something hidden in this mountain. If you look fromright to left, does it look like a camel? There are two humps over there. Thisis camel head. According to the ancient poem, it is different in height from farto near. This is the truth.

OK, over a small hill, what we see next is jiangjunyan, the landmark scenicspot of Tiantangzhai, which is the scenery printed on your tickets. From thisangle, you can see the opposite cliff, leaning against a human face profile. Wecan clearly see his forehead, eyes, nose, chin, chest and slightly erect Generalbelly. Like an extraordinary general, he has firm eyes and looks up at the bluesky. How proud, how brave. As we all know, Jinzhai County is the cradle of theRed Army and the hometown of the general. There are 59 founding generals in thecounty, the number of which ranks second in the country. During therevolutionary years, our forefathers fought hard and built a new China. Theirsacrifice and dedication should always be remembered. We should know that peaceis hard won and we should cherish it.

Here, todays journey to Tiantangzhai is over. Thank you very much for yourcooperation and understanding. If there is anything that Xiao Wang cant do, Ihope you can include it. Thank you again. Finally, I wish you all good luck,health and beauty in your future life. thank you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 19290 字

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Hello everyone, Im your guide!

Tiantangzhai is located in the hinterland of Dabie Mountains, in thesouthwest of Jinzhai County, Luan City, bordering Yingshan County in HubeiProvince in the southeast and Luotian County in Hubei Province in the southwest.It is the watershed between Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and the main sourceof Huaihe River. Tiantangzhai, the main peak, is 1729 above sea level. 13meters, one of the main peaks of the Dabie Mountains. The scenic area covers anarea of 120 square kilometers, with 33 peaks above 1000 meters and 15 peaksabove 1500 meters. In 1987, Tiantangzhai was approved as the first batch ofprovincial scenic spots by the government; in 1992, it was approved as anational forest park by the Ministry of forestry; in 1998, it was approved as anational nature reserve by the State Council; in August 20__, Anhui DabieMountain (Luan), including Tiantangzhai Park, was approved as a nationalgeopark by the Ministry of land and resources, and Tiantangzhai is the main parkof Dabie Mountain Geopark; In 20__, it was approved as a national 4A touristattraction.

The forest coverage of Tiantangzhai is as high as 96. 5%, ranking in theforefront of Chinas scenic spots, it retains the last piece of virgin forest inEast China. Animal and plant resources are very rich, and the ecosystem is quitecomplete. The characteristics of its resources can be summarized as follows:rare forest species, magnificent waterfall landscape, wonderful mountain andstone bonsai, and pleasant air.

Tiantangzhai was named Hengshan before Sui Dynasty, Duoyun mountain in TangDynasty and Tiantangzhai after Ming Dynasty. From the spring and Autumn periodand Warring States period to the founding of new China, there were heroes in alldynasties who built villages and trained their troops to fight against tyranny.In the 11th year of the reign of the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Shouhui, the leader of thepeasants, revolted against the rule of the Yuan Dynasty and changed "Tiantangvillage" into "Tiantang village". From then on, there was a magnificent mountaincalled "Tiantang village" in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains.

Tiantangzhai park consists of five scenic spots, namely: Waterfall groupscenic spot; shengguafeng scenic spot; Baima peak scenic spot; zaoqianao scenicspot; Canyon Scenic spot.

Tiantangzhai scenic spot covers an area of 120 square kilometers. It is aplace of tourism, recuperation, vacation, summer vacation, scientific researchand teaching. Tiantangzhai has two characteristics of "beixiong and nanxiu",which is a mountain scenic spot in China. It belongs to the transition zone ofwarm temperate zone in the South and subtropical zone in the north. This is thenorthern boundary of many plant species in the South and the southern boundaryof many plant species in the north. It is the intersection of three plantsystems in East China, central China and North China. According to thepreliminary investigation of experts, there are 1882 species of wild vascularplants belonging to 648 genera and 173 families in this area. There are 28cosmopolitan species and genera, 77 rare species and genera, and 16 endemicspecies and genera in China.

The main highlight of Tiantangzhai is water, which is pure and sweet withpH value of 6. 7. It is the first grade drinking mountain spring water on thesurface. "The most pure land in the southeast, mountain is the natural color,water is the source" is a sincere praise to the water of Tiantangzhai. Theforest coverage of Tiantangzhai is as high as 96. Its annual precipitation isabout 2200 mm, and it is located on the northern slope of the Dabie Mountains,with annual evaporation of 1840 mm. In addition to frequent rainfall, itsometimes rains several times a day. Therefore, within a radius of 2 km, fiverelay waterfalls are formed, which is rare in East China. There is a poem thatsays that "only heaven water is the best for huangedai and Lu".

Now our car is walking on the 6th Street to the waterfall group scenicarea. Its three kilometers on the winding mountain road. Please look at thefront left of us. This is Baima peak, 1480 meters above sea level. On the westside of the mountain, there is a cliff and a deep; on the ridge, the rocks areexposed, magnificent and precipitous. The lithology is monzonitic granite. It iscomposed of saddle, horseback and horsetail, stretching for tens of miles. Thehead is in Yingshan County of Hubei Province, facing us is its buttocks. Thereare "Mawei clear snow", "Anfeng sunset", "Penglai Ark" and other attractions.Every time after the rainstorm, the flowing spring forms a waterfall, the lightfog turns into white clouds, and the white horse suddenly takes off in thesky!

On the left of Baima peak are the main scenic spots such as Mawei Pinghu,Xianren bridge, Xianren cave, piaoer cave, Leigu stone, Fengdong stone, etc. Inparticular, the hole is 9 meters wide, 18 meters deep and about 2 meters high. 4meters, can accommodate more than 100 people. In ancient times, it was a placefor military strategists to garrison troops. Today, it is an excellent place forcamping and rest. In summer, the wind is cool and the fragrance of wild flowersis strong; in winter, icicles are colorful. Baima peak is currently underplanning and development, and will soon unveil its mysterious veil for touriststo visit.

Here is the gate to the waterfalls. There are parking lots and manyreception facilities. There are high mountains, dense forests and bamboo groveshere. Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said in his poem, "sitting alone inthe secluded bamboo groves, playing the piano and whistling again.". People inLin Shen dont know that the moon shines on each other.

Along the stone steps, we come to the waterfall group scenic area. Thewaterfall Longtan is the central landscape of Tiantangzhai. Tiantangzhai parkhas many faults, and all kinds of joints and fissures are developed in thegranite body. After long-term weathering and erosion, collapse and rolling, andwater erosion, a series of cliffs are formed in the canyon, which provides thebasic conditions for the formation of the waterfall.

If you dont plan your face, you should hear your voice first. Do you hearthe roar of water? This is the roar of jiuying waterfall, the first waterfall inthe waterfall group scenic area. Jiuying waterfall is a perennial waterwaterfall, 71 meters high and 8 meters wide. It is formed by lithologydifference and faulting. Monzonitic granite at the bottom of the waterfallintrudes into hornblende plagioclase gneiss as a rock bed. There is a deep poolunder it, with a surface of about 500 square meters. It does not dry up all theyear round. The water curtain of the waterfall flies down in the air and roars.(waterfall is a kind of river pouring phenomenon when the river flows throughthe cliff bed. The smaller one is called falling water. The waterfall has strongscouring effect. Seeing this waterfall, we can really understand the truemeaning of Li Bais famous saying "flying down 3000 feet, it is suspected thatthe Milky way falls nine days". Friends, do you feel comfortable standing here?The negative oxygen ion content in the atmosphere of this area is as high as 16IU / m3, which is a natural forest bathing place. Please take a look at the"waterfall Pavilion" above and the "Xiaoyao bridge" on the river. Take a deepbreath and enjoy the gift of nature!

We continue to climb up. Walking along this avenue, there are many rareplants on both sides of the road, such as purple stem, Acer palmatum, pepper,Tianmu ginger, jiaorang wood, sizhaohua, Baizi and so on. They are all veryprecious. "Good forest vegetation, the transition zone of North and southclimate, the virgin forest dominated by natural mixed forest, and the endlesswaterfall and spring in all seasons.".

Look, Valentines waterfall, the second waterfall in the waterfall group,is here. This waterfall is 44 meters high and 10-15 meters wide. It is a clifftype waterfall. Under the pool, monzogranite of different sizes can be seen, andthe xenoliths of Dabie complex (Xenoliths: the surrounding rock fragmentscaptured by the underground magma in the intrusion process) can be seen. Thewaterfall is soft and folds several times. Its like a girl playing with herbeautiful hair. There is a poem that says, "the waterfalls and emeralds servethe old, and the ferries have been built for thousands of years.". Friendslooked up and looked across, a huge chestnut tree, pengpeng vigorous growth of asmall pine. It is a common way for plants to multiply in mountain area to growinto forest by flying seeds. This is also a scene. We call it "extraneous". Theplants in Tiantangzhai are so wonderful!

Lets keep climbing. Weve passed 200 stone steps. On the roadside, this isa sword cleaving stone. It is 8 meters high, and the gap in the middle is only10 cm. It is said that Lu Dongbins sword, one of the eight immortals, split themark left by the fox spirit. In fact, geologically, it is a group of paralleljoints in the rock formed by weathering, denudation and gravity. (joint: arelatively flat fracture surface in the rock, and there is no relativedisplacement or only slight displacement in the rocks on both sides)

Dear friends, the third waterfall in the waterfall group, Xieyu waterfall,has arrived. The waterfall is 62 meters high and 12 meters wide. Its aperennial waterfall. The water flows on it and drips down to the stone flat,just like the waves rolling snow. Standing here, you can look down at the greentrees and the Milky way for nine days.

From Xieyu waterfall, there are two routes for climbing. One is to crossBuyun bridge on the left and climb the mountain by cableway. Tiantangzhaipassenger ropeway, with a total length of 1500 meters and a height difference of450 meters between the upper station and the lower station, adopts the singleline circulating fixed cable carrier double car mode to carry guests. It is adifferent scene to see the waterfall in the ropeway hanging box. The cablewaystation leads to Tianping peak, which is 1605 meters above sea level. "If youwant to see the scenery of heaven, the immortals love to walk overhead.". If youare willing to experience the feeling of mountain climbing and the majesticdanger of Tiantangzhai, lets continue to walk along the stone steps. Up theright stone step is the top of "Xieyu waterfall". The scenic spot beside thewater is called "yaochi". It is an erosion cave, oval in shape and about 1 meterdeep. It is a relic of neotectonic movement. The two groups of intersectingfissures in the rock form vortices under the scouring and erosion of flowingwater and sand and stone, and form caves over time.

On the right, to the northwest, the climbing stone steps lead to the"longjianfeng" scenic spot. The scenery of longjianfeng is magnificent. We cango up the steps to longjianfeng directly, but today well go up the waterfalland down the mountain from longjianfeng to save you some energy.

OK, lets keep going up. Look, the fourth waterfall in the waterfall groupscenic area, lady waterfall, is here. The waterfall is 57 meters high and 10-16meters wide. It is a perennial waterfall. Flowing water flows down the inclinedjoint surface of monzonitic granite and flows into the pool. The stone walls ofthe water flow form a clear curve, three wide and two narrow, just like a girlin a long skirt dancing in the depth of the forest.

Climb up again. Now we stand on the "listen to fog bridge" and see that thefifth waterfall in the waterfall group Scenic Area - Yingong waterfall isdisplayed in front of us. The waterfall is 68 meters in fall and 11-15 meters inwidth. It is a second-order perennial waterfall. The water slides down along theoblique joint surface of monzonitic granite and flows into a deep pool of about100 square meters. Giant salamander (salamander) can be seen in the pool. Thiswaterfall is just like a silver bow with arrows waiting to go. It is looking forthe target to shoot under the cover of green trees and flowers. What amagnificent momentum!

Go up and walk through the "listening to the wind bridge". This isduiwaogang. It is said that this is the place where Xu Shouhui and other peasantuprising troops camp and make grain. The sound of pines and springs is like thesound of rebel soldiers processing rice in a pestle pit, or the roar of warriorscharging against the enemy.

Further up, it is Tianping. Friends slowly forward, you can see thebeautiful landscape of the vertical distribution of primeval forest vegetation.This large area is full of rhododendrons, which we call "Dujuan Ping".Rhododendrons belong to the family rhododendraceae, evergreen or semi evergreenshrubs. The Corolla is funnel-shaped in width, rose red in color and differentin depth. It opens in spring (March may) and autumn (September October).According to its varieties, it can be divided into: Rhododendron huangshanica,Rhododendron Tianmu, Rhododendron Yunjin, etc. Cheng Yanxiongs "Rhododendronpoem" says: "Rhododendron and bird, whats the difference between them. I doubtits blood in my mouth, dripping into a flower on a branch. " In the forestrock, wild fragrance, red flowers all over the mountain, just like Jinping, Shais beautiful.

This large area is full of Pinus Chinese Taiwanensis, which we call "PinusChinese Taiwanensis Ping". Pinus Chinese Taiwanensis is an evergreen tree belonging to thefamily Pinaceae. Its crown is umbrella shaped. Its annual branchlets areyellowish brown or dark reddish brown, glabrous, with two needles in a bunch.The posture of Pinus Chinese Taiwanensis is tough, proud, beautiful and peculiar, butthe growth environment is very difficult, so the growth speed is extremely slow.A tall Pinus Chinese Taiwanensis is often hundreds of years old, or even hundreds ofyears old. The root is often several times or dozens of times longer than thetrunk. Because the root is very deep, Pinus Chinese Taiwanensis can stand firmly on therock, and it still retains its youth despite wind, frost, rain and snow.

This large area is full of Indocalamus, which we call "Indocalamus Ping".The stem height of Indocalamus is 1-1. 5 m, diameter 0. 5—0。 The length of themiddle segment is 10-20 cm, with a light yellow ring under the segment. Thepractical value of Indocalamus is high: the stalk can be used as pen holder andbamboo chopsticks; the leaf can be used to make hat, boat canopy and Zongye.This line is a large area, full of Quercus. We call it "Quercus flat". Quercus,a deciduous tree, is 30 meters high. It is a typical plant at the intersectionof north subtropical zone and South warm temperate zone.

There are clear and uniform boundaries between them. This is a masterpieceof nature!

After walking through Tianping, we are now at the upper station of thecableway and the line of tianpingfeng at both ends. Tianping peak is 3kilometers long from the bonsai garden, Tiancheng stone Buddha. It wasoriginally for fire prevention. A fire prevention road left by cutting downtrees artificially is also the boundary between Anhui and Hubei provinces. "Onefoot on two provinces, take a broad view of Jianghuai." From the southwest, youcan have a panoramic view of the land of Jingchu. Looking back to the northeast,the vast forest. Tianping peak is located on the west side of the waterfallgroup scenic area, at the end of the cableway, at the junction of Anhui andHubei, with an altitude of 1605 meters. Standing here, you can enjoy the goldenlion roaring sky, scissors stone, Laojuns party, lovers peak, dreambrush,turtle stone, lovers turtle, frog moon and other attractions. So many landscapesare formed in 1. Granite peak cluster landform and pictograph landscape formedby long-term tectonic uplift, weathering and denudation of granite body 300million years ago.

Along the boundary between Anhui and Hubei provinces, to the East, you cango to the main peak of Tiantangzhai, one of the main peaks of Dabie Mountain,with an altitude of 1729. 13 meters. The peak rocks are porphyritic biotitemonzogranite. On a lonely hill, there is a huge stone called "Chaqi stone".Because there is a stone hole with a thick mouth in the middle of the stone, itis recorded that the flag of Xu Shouhui, a peasant uprising army at the end ofthe Yuan Dynasty, was inserted there. Because of the time, we wont go to themain peak. Next, Ill go westward along the boundary.

This area is called basin garden. Among the cliffs, there are many kinds ofstrange pines; on the gullies, there are strange rocks and strange shapes, andthe flowers and flowers at the feet are smiling.

Friends! Look, its lovers peak. The rock is monzonitic granite withvertical joints developed. Its formed by gravity collapse, weathering anddenudation. The two stones are beautiful side by side, like lovers. Look, acouple of lovers are embracing and kissing each other. Look down, the boulderattached to the mountain on the front left is "lovers turtle". The rock ismonzonitic granite with developed vertical joints, which is formed by gravitycollapse, weathering and denudation. A thousand year old tortoise, like acouple, has fallen in love and cant extricate himself. The two tortoises, bigand small, are climbing up to the peak of lovers. It is formed by long-termweathering and denudation of granite. Dont disturb them. Look at the cicadanext to them. They cant bear to disturb them and stop singing. Friends, thisscenic spot is called "white elephant playing in the water". It is a pictographformed by weathering and denudation of granite body for hundreds of millions ofyears.

Now, we are Wu chuting. Here, the altitude is 1660 meters. Standing on Wuchuting, you can have a panoramic view of the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers, and thegranite peak cluster landform is magnificent. From a distance of 300 degrees, wecan see the power of Crouching Tiger Mountain, the wonder of whales going out tosea at 320 degrees, and the precipitousness of Baima peak at 20 degrees. Pleasetake a look at the distant mountain in front of you. Its called "golden lionroaring sky". The distant view is vivid. Its formed by the collapse ofmonzonitic granite along the joints.

Take a closer look. The "dream brush produces flowers" on the lower leftside. Dont underestimate it. Its a two hundred year old Pinus Chinese Taiwanensis.Its tenaciously rooted in the rock and never stops growing. This is the spiritof Pinus Chinese Taiwanensis.

Continuing westward, in front of my right hand is camel peak, which isformed by three sets of joints of monzonitic granite due to weathering, erosionand gravity collapse. Its like a camel, so its named.

Friends, please stop again and see the statue in front of you, with yourback against the cliff and looking up at the sky? Natures uncanny craftsmanshipchisels the natural stone Buddha. Back against the cliff, looking up at the sky,is praying for the health of the people of Jianghuai. This is monzogranite,about 1. 300 million years. The vertical joints are well developed in the rocks,which are pictographs formed by gravity collapse, weathering and denudation.

Young friends and I hiked down the mountain from longjianfeng scenic spot.Others came back the same way. We could take a cableway down from tianpingfeng.We gathered in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain.

Longjian peak is located between Tianping peak and Xieyu waterfall. Thewhole peak is made of stone



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am todays tour guide. Today I willaccompany you to visit the Dabie Mountains.

Dabie Mountain is located at the junction of Hubei, Henan and Anhuiprovinces. It has high mountains and overlapping peaks. It connects Huaihe Riverin the north and Yangtze River in the south. It is of great strategicsignificance to overlook the Central Plains. Therefore, it has been a must formilitary strategists since ancient times. It has always been said that those whoget the Dabie Mountains get the Central Plains, and those who get the CentralPlains get the world.

As early as in feudal society, the cruel exploitation and oppressionaroused the peoples resistance to the ruling class. At the end of Qin Dynasty,yingbu led the peasants to fight against Qin peasants. At the end of the YuanDynasty, Xu Shouhui, the leader of the peasant uprising, established the Tianhuiempire in Qingquan town of Xishui based on the Dabie Mountains, and then dividedthe troops into four groups. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolutionary movementwas in full swing here for several years.

Dabie Mountain is a famous mountain in the history of Chinese revolution.This is because the people of Dabie Mountain, under the leadership of theCommunist Party of China, fought bravely and made great contributions to theestablishment of new China.

During the agrarian revolution, "jute uprising", one of the three majoruprisings in China, took place here; the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, oneof the three main forces of the Red Army, was also born here; during the war ofliberation, Liu Dengs army leaped into the Dabie Mountains and fought here.

Jute uprising is an event of great significance in todays Huangan andMacheng. On November 11, 1927, according to the spirit of the "August 7th"meeting of the CPC Central Committee and the autumn harvest riot plan of theHubei provincial Party committee, the CPC jute special committee held a meetingof the Communist Party and League activists in Huangan and Macheng at Wenchangpalace in Qiliping, Huangan County, and decided to launch the "September riot"in Huangan and Macheng On the night of November 11, more than 20000 peasantsled by the general headquarters of the uprising, with the support of thousandsof people, captured Huangan County in the early morning of the next day. Twentyone days later, because the Kuomintang troops attacked Huangan city secretly,the enemy was outnumbered, and Huangan City, which was not liberated long ago,fell back into the enemy again Hands. The Eastern Hubei army also withdrew fromthe county seat and arrived at Mulan mountain to carry out guerrilla activities.On January 1, 1928, it was reorganized into the seventh army of the Chineseworkers and peasants revolution. In July of the same year, it was reorganizedinto the Chinese workers and peasants Red Army, and created the firstrevolutionary base in the region of Hubei, Henan and Anhui.

On November 7, 1931, the Fourth Front Army of the Chinese workers andpeasants Red Army was established in Qiliping, Huangan. Its commander-in-chiefYu Qianxiang and political commissar Chen Changhao had more than 30000 peopleunder the jurisdiction of the fourth and 25th Red Army. Before itsestablishment, the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army had achieved the goal ofsmashing the enemys three "suppression" campaigns, two "encirclement andsuppression" campaigns and going south, The victory of the battle and theestablishment of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army marked the growingstrength and maturity of the Dabie Mountains. It trained and trained a largenumber of excellent senior military leaders and commanders for Chinasrevolutionary cause.

In June 1947, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping led 120000 troops to cross theYellow River from the southwest of Shandong Province with superhuman courage andcourage in accordance with the strategic principles of the Party CentralCommittee, breaking through the Kuomintangs hundreds of thousands ofencirclement and interception, and leaping from the Yellow River to the DabieMountains, which successfully opened the prelude of the PLAs strategiccounterattack. In October, Chiang Kai Shek sent troops to prevent the PLA fromcrossing the river. Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping decided to seize thisfavorable opportunity and concentrate their superior forces to annihilate it. OnOctober 1, under Liu Dengs personal deployment, the main force of the fieldarmy annihilated the Kuomintangs integrated 40th division and the 82nd brigadeof the integrated 52nd division. In this battle, 12600 people were annihilated,70 guns of various kinds, more than 4800 long and short guns were seized, andone plane was shot down. We have achieved great success in gaoshanpu. Thisbattle laid the foundation for Liu Dengs army to rebuild the Dabie mountainbase, and realized the strategic policy of the Party Central Committee andChairman Mao on leading the war from the liberated area to the enemys war zone.In the Central Plains area to the north of the Yangtze River, it formed a pinshaped strategic layout with the brother main forces advancing into the areas ofJiangsu, Shandong, Henan, Anhui and Henan, Shaanxi and Hubei, which directlythreatened the security of the Nanjing Kuomintang government. It fundamentallyshook the Kuomintangs reactionary rule in the Central Plains and greatlyaccelerated the liberation process of the whole country. It took only one yearand eight months from August 1947 to the liberation of the whole territory ofHubei, Henan and Western Anhui. In this short period of 20 months, Liu Dengsfield army, who was brave and good at fighting, not only led the war from thenorth of the Yellow River to the Yangtze River basin with a leap forward actionrarely seen in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history In other words, itpushed forward 1000 kilometers southward, and at a speed much faster than peopleexpected, it won the vast area with the Dabie Mountains as the center, andsuccessfully achieved the goal of stabilizing the overall situation of theCentral Plains and then marching into the south. As the front position of thestrategic counter offensive, the Dabie liberated area has also become animportant base for our army to move forward. In its glorious history, a newchapter has been added to support the battle of crossing the Yangtze River andthe liberation of the southern half of China.

Located in Luotian County, Hubei Province, Tiantangzhai, the main peak ofDabie Mountain, is 1729 meters high, known as the first peak in the CentralPlains. When you climb the main peak and look around the world, you can see100000 mountains embracing and worshiping you. Looking at the Central Plains inthe north and Jingchu in the south, there is a poem that says: "there is a peakstraight up, and all things are dense. When you look at it, your mind is stillwide, and the Phoenix is like heaven." Watching the sunrise in the early morningis like walking in the fairy palace. When the rain is over and the sky is clear,climbing the main peak in the morning to view the sea of clouds is even morespectacular. The green and black mountains are like fishing boats in the whitesea, sometimes looming and sometimes appearing. They are also like black dragonsflying, dancing and swallowing clouds.

On the west side of the main peak, large and small scenic spots can be seeneverywhere, with nine hoops and monks more eye-catching. As soon as visitors getclose to the park management office, they can see a cliff hundreds of metershigh when they look up to the East. They are born like a monk with a big stomachand a smiling face. It is said that this cliff was changed by Maitreya Buddha.There is a yellow aperture on the top of the cliff.

We go up the ladder, and here is the famous gathering of immortals. Withina half kilometer radius, there are 90 peaks, large and small, most of which areformed by weathering and denudation of ancient rock strata. Looking up from therock, you can see the clouds directly; looking down from the top, you can seethe past like smoke. The magic of its shape, uncanny workmanship. One of themost famous is Zheren peak. In a small view, the cliff is about 100 meters high,like a huge head, broad forehead, thick eyebrows, high nose, fleshy lips,contemplating the north, as if thinking about a major philosophical proposition,visitors stop, marvel and ponder.

"Benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water.". ParadiseForest Park can also let you enjoy the charm of Paradise water. The water ofheaven is "divine water". On the mountain peak with an altitude of more than1700 meters, there is a spring. The spring is always clear and sweet. There isanother square meter pool in front of us. It is said that Xu Shouhui, the leaderof the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, once bathed in public inthis pool and put a purple light on his body. All the believers thought MaitreyaBuddha was born, and they embraced him as the Lord. They gathered millions ofpeople at one stroke.

Fairy Valley is also full of magical colors. Less than 200 meters west ofthe pedestrian road from the park management office, you enter the picturesquefairy valley. The legend of Shenxian Valley is a place loved and frequentlymoved by taishanglaojun. A huge stone stands at the entrance of the valley, onwhich a flat roof is naturally formed. There is a deep hole under the boulder.There is a pool in front of the hole. There are two cascades on the pool. It issaid that a pair of carp in the pool are infected by taishanglaojuns immortalQi. They swim into shuanglongtan not far away and listen to Laojuns chantingand preaching. Shuanglongtan is actually the biggest two "Wells" in the ninewells of heaven, and the two wells are connected. There is a huge platformbetween the two pools, namely "songjingtai", which is taishanglaojun A platformfor chanting and preaching. Every time Lao Jun devotes himself to preaching, thetwo carp also devote themselves to listening. After a long time, they all emergeinto Jackie Chan and achieve the right results. Therefore, they are later called"shuanglongtan".

OK, Ill explain it to you. If you have anything else you want to know, youcan bring it up to me. Lets discuss it together. The rest of the time is foryou to take photos. Please dont have to return to the hotel before 5:30. Youcan take the road on the left or return the same way.



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说到大别山,我想大家的第一个反映就是这是一片红色的土壤,是革命根据地无数革命先辈们在这里留下了战斗的足迹。其实,大别山还是一个旅游、避暑、度假的胜地,这里山清水秀,空气清新,气候宜人,已经被开发为大别山生态旅游区,在这里不仅可以让你饱赏奇峰、险岭、怪石、云海之神奇,还可以让你尽情领略天堂秀水的风韵大别山共有天堂寨大别雄风自然风光游览区青台关古关名刹游览区 薄刀峰避暑休闲游览区 九资河大别山田园风光游览区天堂湖水上乐团等五个景区,公园总面积300平方公里,公园常年降雨量1350mm,平均气温16.4c 现有野生植物1487种,动物634种一九九六年五月林业部组织专家组对大别山国家森林公园旅游资源进行了综合考察和评审,一致认为具有极大的开发价值,并正式批准为国家森林公园今天我们主要游览天堂寨景区 天堂寨是大别山主峰,号称中原第一峰。

公园内最神奇的景观便是山!景区以山雄 壑幽 水秀而著称行于天堂山中,层峦叠障,仿若溶入万山怀抱之中 或见孤峰独秀,拔地而起,直刺苍穹 或见双峰对峙,壁立千仞,一争高下 或见群峰林立遮天蔽日,气势磅礴 攀缘而上,遥见群山争雄竞秀,千姿百态有的如同猛虎长啸,有的神似雄狮怒吼,有的仿似静坐弥勒,有的如佛卧天堂,有的好像巨型笔架 形态逼真,令人叹为观止 天堂睡佛 哲人观海徐公崖 大别神龟被人们誉为"天堂三绝",更是尉为奇观 天堂寨沟壑纵横,曲折幽长,竞显深奥之形 涧中泉石错落,鸟语喃喃溪畔林木掩映,翠竹藏幽,尽显自然本色 天堂水色秀丽,碧波流长 这里的水以清澈透明 甘甜滋润而称著景区内溪流蜿蜒曲折,萦回于山谷之中,常呈幽邃深奥之形,时而流水穿山破岩,挥洒自如,似银河倾泻,如玉练常舞,喷珠溅玉,吞吐琼浆,造就了美妙绝伦的瀑布景观时而涧流潇然舒缓,时而迂回辗转,碧绿澄清,波光粼粼 谷中流水,大堰如镜,小潭似珠 堰潭相连,镜珠相嵌,清纯透明,幽雅绝俗这儿就是神仙谷,它美景如画,充满了神奇色彩 神仙谷传说是太上老君所钟爱的和活动频繁的地方大家看,块巨石,巨石上天然生成一平台,叫做天台巨石下有一深洞,洞前有一水池,水池上有一两级相连的瀑布,相传池中有一对鲤鱼被太上老君的仙气所感染,游入不远处的双龙潭,听老君诵经传道双龙潭实为天堂九井中最大的两口 井 ,且两井相连,两潭之间有一巨大平台即 诵经台 此即太上老君诵经

布道之道台每当老君潜心布道时,两鲤鱼也潜心聆听,日久皆羽化成龙,修成正果,所以后人称此二井为 双龙潭大家眼前的这个洞,相传是太上老君的起居饮食的地方,所以人们为它取名叫仙人洞 仙人洞依山傍水,环境优美洞内有10平方米左右的空处,靠洞底还有太上老君下榻的石床,这是太上老君的仙人灶,在不远处还有太上老君下棋的 仙奕洞 ,在仙人洞旁边还有双龙出谷 神仙谷河水至此被一巨石一分为二,从其两侧潺潺流下,似两条银龙欢快地奔出山谷而去大家现在所看到的就是被人们誉为"天堂三绝"之一的哲人峰大家请细看,这个峭壁高约100米,酷似一硕大头颅,阔额浓眉,高高隆起的鼻梁,肉质丰厚的嘴唇,凝思北望,仿佛在思索着一个重大的哲学命题这里的建筑,统一为明清式 大多都是依山就势掩映布局 相当具有山寨特色 山路崎岖,请大家小心脚下,注意安全这里看似不起眼,其实呀它具有相当有利的军事条件。

在解放战争中,刘邓大军挺进大别山,是我军由战略防御转入战略进攻的历史转折点 1947年6月30日,刘伯承 邓小平率晋 冀 鲁 豫野战军主力刘邓大军,依照党中央的战略方针,以超人的胆识和气魄人鲁西南强渡黄河,跃进大别山,胜利的揭开了人民解放军战略大反功的序幕到10月中旬,刘邓大军已控制了长江北岸江防150多公里 现在我们已经到达了哲人峰的峰顶了,在这儿,环视天下,则可见十万大山拥拜于下向北可望中原,南眺荆楚山水尽收眼底 凌晨观日出好似置身于九天之外,傍晚看日落则如在仙宫信步每当雨过天晴,早晨登峰观云海更是气象万千,茫茫云海,层层烟流,青黛色的群山,像白浪淘天的大海中的渔舟,时隐时现,又似条条苍龙翱翔起舞,吞云吐雾景色壮观,令人叹为观止。

可惜呀,我们时间有限,不能一同欣赏这种美景,如果下次你有机会再来大别山,一定不要错过这景色哦!这边就是摘星峰,故名思意,我们已经快到天边了 它两面都是万丈深渊,只有一条石径攀援而上,其险境程度令人处目惊心山脊上长满了千年古松,松树的根皆攀崖而生,向人们展示其巨大的生命力 摘星峰顶上的几块巨石,独立于峰顶之上,仿佛天外飞来之物如果站在摘星峰上向东北方向远眺,还有一险景会跃入你的眼帘一支山脉至此戛然中断而成万丈悬崖,与其他处不同的是,此处每逢春夏之时,便有无数石燕结伴飞来,栖身于悬崖壁缝之间,飞翔于山野丛林之上,人称石燕崖时间已经不早了,请大家和我一道下山吧 下山的时候还请大家一定要注意安全 短暂的大别山之旅就要结束了,感谢大家给予我的配合与帮助如果你们对我的工作有什么意见或建议,请告诉我,以利于我日后改进,为你们提供更好的服务 希望这次的游览能给你们留下一个美好难忘的回忆祝大家一路平安,万事如意 在此我再一次向大家表示感谢 再见!



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从风景区大门沿蜿蜒的盘山公路行驶六华里,便到达景区中心地带虎形地,由虎形地沿石阶步行两华里,一道高71 米、宽10米的瀑布展现在眼前,这就是九影瀑布。相传神话中的八仙,每次上天庭,都必请本方土地爷来此潭中淋浴,然后踏着天上的五彩云去见玉帝,因八仙和土地爷在此留下倒影而得名。冬日里,气温骤降,整个瀑布结成68米高、6米宽的中空冰瀑,又被人们称为“冰魂瀑布”。伫立瀑前,令人心旷神怡,悠然想起前人咏瀑诗“疑是龙池喷瑞雪,如同天际挂飞流”的佳句。顺此攀行300米,便是第二道瀑布“情人瀑”,此瀑高44米,瀑面宽阔,温柔尔雅,仿佛情人在窃窃私语、卿卿我我。顺石阶继续登行,山涧豁然开朗,第三道瀑布“泻玉瀑”下跌深潭,如浪卷白雪,站在此处,俯看绿树染百障,仰望银瀑浇九天,恍然身临仙境。,再往上攀行300米,第四道瀑布“淑女瀑”浮现在山涧之中,此瀑高57米,因水流石壁形成曲线分明的三宽两窄,左右摇摆,宛如一位身着长裙冰清玉洁的少女,又似一道银光闪烁的冰晶铺就的冰道,它长流深涧,热忱地呼唤清纯和美好。顺山道继续攀行200米,站在踏雾桥上,透过绿树繁花的缝隙,我们便真切地看到高68米的第五道瀑布一银弓瀑的倩影,这道瀑布下的泉池有不少娃娃鱼在自由的游动,在浓浓的涛声中观瀑赏鲵,一幅悠然自得的自然风情画尽现眼前。这五道一线相连的瀑布犹如五道洁白的素练从长空飞挂,又似五条银色的蛟龙破天而来。仰望,它们从应在蓝空中的松影间喷溅而出;俯瞰,它们击落深潭卷起玉树琼花,或如万马奔腾,或如风雨骤至,这五道瀑布在全一国风景名胜区中可谓风姿独树,令人留连忘返,遐思翩翩。




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