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新推出的《永恒的文明洛阳文物精品陈列》由史前时期、夏商时期、两周时期、汉魏时期和隋唐时期五大部分组成,展示文物珍品近千件。 其中在展品方面重点突出了五万年前的大象化石、新石器时代的彩陶器、夏商周时期的青铜礼器、汉魏时期的彩绘陶器及百戏俑、隋唐时期的彩绘乐舞俑和釉色鲜艳、形态各异的唐三彩等。其中的夏代青铜爵、战国时期的错金银铜鼎、北魏时期陶塑、唐代的三彩灯、三彩马堪称国之瑰宝。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 673 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6048 字

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Beigu mountain is located in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. It is close tothe Yangtze River in the north, so it is named Beigu. It is 55.2 meters high and200 meters long. The mountain is steep, and the situation is dangerous andsolid. Emperor Liang Wu of the Southern Dynasty once wrote a book to praise itsvictory. Ganlu temple, located on the top of the mountain, was built in theGanlu period of the eastern Wu Dynasty. There are many legends and relics aboutthe Wu state in the Three Kingdoms period. At this point, visitors cant helplooking for the famous places and legends with the story of Liu Beisrecruitment as a clue. Beigu mountain, Jinshan mountain and Jiaoshan mountainhave become horns. The three mountains stand in the balance. Beigu mountain ismore majestic and dangerous in controlling Chu and Wu. In order to resist theJapanese garrison, the prefects of Ming Dynasty cut off the front peak and themiddle peak.

Beigu mountain is composed of front peak, middle peak and back peak. Themain peak is back peak, which is the best scenic spot. The former Qianfeng isthe site of the ancient palaces of the eastern Wu Dynasty, which has been turnedinto Zhenjiang martyrs cemetery; the former meteorological building onZhongfeng is now changed into a traditional Chinese painting Museum; the latteris the main peak of Beigu mountain, facing the Yangtze River (Yangtze River) inthe north, with three cliffs and steep terrain. The mountain is full of treesand many places of interest are on it. Known as "the best River and mountain inthe world". Houfeng is the main peak of Beigu mountain, facing the Yangtze Riverand lying on the water. It is the best place for scenery. When you climb to thetop of the mountain, you can see Jiaoshan in the East, Jinshan in the west, andPingshan hall across the river. You can see it clearly. It really makes peoplefeel that "the two mountains of Jinjiao are small, and the two mountains ofwuchu are separated." In the past, a famous poet once wrote a doggerel: "theYangtze River is like an inkstone pool wave. When you mention the gold coke asan ink mill, an iron tower can be used as a pen, and the blue sky can write morethan a few lines" to praise the magnificent scenery of Beigu mountain.

From the southern foot of the middle peak of Beigu mountain, climb themountain, pass the weather station, and go northward along the ridge to QinghuiPavilion. There is an iron tower in the east of the pavilion, which was built byLi Deyu, the Duke of Wei of Tang Dynasty, in the first year of Baoli (825). Itwas originally a stone tower, but later it was destroyed. In the first year ofYuanfeng in the Northern Song Dynasty (1078), it was rebuilt into a nine leveliron tower with a plane and octagonal shape. In the Ming Dynasty, it was rebuiltto seven levels, about 13 meters high. After the tsunami, lightning, war andother disasters, only two floors of the tower remained in 1949. Now it has beenrenovated into four floors, about 8 meters high. The tower base and the firstand second floors are the original objects of the Song Dynasty. The third andfourth floors are the fifth and sixth floors of the original tower, which werecast in the Ming Dynasty. The existing tower base and body have exquisitepatterns, unique shape, vivid.

From Qinghui pavilion to the north, on the wall of the hillside on the eastside of Ganlu temple, there is a stone inlaid with six characters of "the bestRiver and mountain in the world", which is said to be written by Emperor Wu ofLiang Dynasty. On the arch leading to the Ganlu Temple opposite the Tiaoshi,there is an inscription of "South Xu Jingyu". In the Eastern Jin Dynasty,Zhenjiang was changed to Xuzhou, so it was named "Nanxu".

Through the arch, that is to reach the top of the north peak of the Ganlutemple. It is said that this is the place where Liu Bei recruits his family, andthe Peking Opera "dragon and Phoenix present auspiciousness" takes this as thebackground. In fact, the ancient Ganlu temple was built in the Liang Dynasty. Itwas originally at the foot of the mountain. It was rebuilt on the mountain by LiDeyu in the Tang Dynasty. The temple has the main hall, Laojun hall, Guanyinhall, Jiangsheng Pavilion and other buildings, forming the characteristics of"temple crown mountain". It is said that Qing Dynasty was its heyday. EmperorKangxi and Emperor Qianlong built a palace here and left a stele. It is one ofthe famous ancient temples in ancient China. It is said that it is the"liumajian" where sun and Liu raced side by side. The multi view building behindGanlu temple is the best scenic spot in Beigu mountain. The second floor of thebuilding faces the river. The name of the building is taken from Li Deyus poem"multi view hanging window" in Tang Dynasty. It is one of the three famousbuildings in ancient Yangtze River, and is as famous as yellow crane tower andYueyang Tower.

The plaque of "the first building in the world" written by Mi Fu is highabove the floor. Since the song and Yuan Dynasties, famous scholars, dignitariesand dignitaries of all dynasties have made a lot of famous poems here, such asOuyang Xiu, Su Shi, Mi Fu, Xin Qiji and Lu you. Climbing on the multi viewbuilding and looking out from the fence, you can see the scenery of mountainsand rivers, and the wonderful scenery.

In the east of duojinglou, lingyunting is also called Jijiang Pavilion. Itis said that sun Shangxiang, Lius wife, once sacrificed herself in the riverafter hearing the news of Liu Beis death. When Xin Qiji, a patriotic poet ofthe Southern Song Dynasty, ascended the pavilion, he touched the scene withemotion, and wrote a famous article: "where to look at China, with a full viewof Beigu building.". The rise and fall of the ages are long. The Yangtze Riveris rolling. As a young man, the southeast war is not over. Who is the enemy ofthe heroes in the world, Cao Liu. Having children should be like sun Zhongmou."

Due to the various legends of Liu Beis recruiting relatives, todays Beigumountain has become a hot spot for friends who travel to Zhenjiang.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5589 字

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Fuzhou. Im your tour guide. Im from sunshinetravel agency. My name is Ke. You can call me Ke Dao or Xiao Ke. The one besideme is our driver, master Chen. As a gold medal driver of travel agency, masterChen has rich driving experience. I believe that with his escort, our journeywill be more comfortable and safe. In the next few days, master Chen and I willprovide services for you. I hope our services can satisfy you. I wish you allthe best in this trip to Fuzhou. Well, members of the group, we are still 15minutes away from our hotel. Let me tell you about the general situation ofFuzhou. I hope that through my explanation, we can have a better understandingof Fuzhou.

Fuzhou was built in the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, it was renamedFuzhou because of Fushan mountain in the north of Fuzhou. Later, in the SongDynasty, banyan trees were planted all over the city. There was a strangelandscape of "green shade all over the city, not covered in summer". Therefore,Fuzhou has the reputation of "banyan city". Banyan trees have become the citytrees of Fuzhou. Please look out of the window. Banyan trees are planted on bothsides of the road. Having said the city tree, lets talk about the city flower.The city flower of Fuzhou is jasmine, which is known as "the first fragrance inthe world". The jasmine planted in Fuzhou is recognized as one of the mostfragrant jasmine. Many people dont know that this jasmine is not Chinesenationality. It comes from Persia, which is now India and Arabia. It has beensettled in Fuzhou since it was introduced into China in the Western Han Dynasty.It has a cultivation history of 20__ years. Fuzhou is not only the first placeto introduce Jasmine in China, but also the birthplace of jasmine tea. Jasmineis an imported product and a witness of Fuzhous marine culture. It can be seenthat as early as the Han Dynasty, Fuzhou began to have trade with overseascountries, and from ancient times on Up to now, it is an important internationaltrade port city in China.

As an excellent tourist city in China, Fuzhou has rich natural and culturaltourism resources. If you like climbing, you can go to Gushan, Qishan andQingyun mountains. Almost every mountain around is a good tourist attraction. Ifyou like to play with water, you can not only visit the West Lake and Zuohai,enjoy the scenery on both sides of Minjiang River, but also go to Pingtan andChangle to catch the tide. If you like to see historic sites, Fuzhou has ahistory of more than 2200 years. There are many ancient buildings, temples andformer residences of celebrities. As long as you have time, you will have a goodtime.

OK, let me give you a brief introduction of Fuzhous landscape culture.Fuzhou is a blessed state. It is blessed with the spirit of mountains, thespirit of water and the talent of people. It is said that it is boring to havemountains without water, monotonous to have mountains without water, andwonderful to have mountains with water. Fuzhou is not only surrounded bymountains, but also has Wushan, Yushan and Pingshan mountains in the city. TheWhite Pagoda and Wuta towers face each other, and the mother river MinjiangRiver passes through the city, forming a unique urban pattern of "threemountains, two towers and one river". The city is not big, there is water isspirit. Fuzhou is the city with the highest density of inland rivers in China,with 42 inland rivers so far. Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, once visitedFuzhou. In his travel notes, he said that Fuzhou was the most beautiful watercity with bridges among the Chinese cities he visited. When it comes to water,we have to talk about the hot springs in Fuzhou. Fuzhou is one of the three hotspring areas in China

1、 It has a good reputation of "bathing in Fuzhou" since ancient times. Thehot springs here are widely distributed, shallowly buried, with hightemperature, large water volume and good water quality. The most rare thing isthat they are all concentrated in the city center, which is extremely rare inmajor cities in the world. Fuzhou people began to enjoy hot springs more than1000 years ago. When busy, after work, to the bath to bubble hot spring, it isabsolutely a great enjoyment of life.

When it comes to talent, Fuzhou is full of outstanding people and talents.According to historical records, from the Tang and Song Dynasties to the Mingand Qing Dynasties, there were 23 top scholars from Fuzhou, and more than 4000Jinshi. Especially since the modern history of China, there have been manycelebrities, including Lin Zexu, a national hero, Yan Fu, a western scholar,Bing Xin, a literary grandmother, and Chen Jingrun, a mathematician. It can beseen that Fuzhou people not only enjoy life, but also study hard.

Members of the group, wherever we go, we cant help but pay attention toits food culture. In Fuzhou, its food culture has a long history. Fujiancuisine, represented by Fuzhou Cuisine, is one of the eight major cuisines inChina. Among them, fo Tiao Qiang is the chief dish of Fujian cuisine, which hasa history of more than 100 years. As for snacks, they are all over the streets,such as meat swallow, fish balls and so on. Our travel agency has also arrangedfor you to have a good taste.

Having said so much, do you have a certain understanding of Fuzhou? In thenext journey, lets feel the charm of the ancient city of Fuzhou, and believethat the blessed state will make you return with good fortune. OK, everyone, wehave arrived at the hotel unconsciously. Now, please take your belongings andget off with me. Please be careful and walk slowly. Thank you!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2052 字

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Trestle is the symbol of Qingdao.

Located in Qingdao Bay, it is in a straight line with Zhongshan Road, themost prosperous road in the city, stretching from the coast to the sea. It isknown as "Changhong Yuanyin".

Zhanqiao was first built in 1892. It is the earliest Wharf in Qingdao.After reconstruction in 1931 and renovation in 1985, it is now 8 meters wide and440 meters long. A semicircular breakwater is built at the south end of thebridge. Inside the breakwater is a two-story octagonal pavilion with nationalstyle. It has golden tiles and vermilion walls, and a flying eaves on the top ofa helmet. It is named "Huilan Pavilion".

The trestle cuts the waves like a long dragon lying across the blue sea.Its like walking into the arms of the sea gradually by the bridge; standingbeside the pavilion, the huge waves are surging in layers, beating the dykes andlifting up thousands of broken jade; entering the pavilion, you can climb up thespiral stairs to the upstairs, surrounded by spacious windows. Looking around,its another pleasant scenery. Therefore, "Feige Huilan" is known as one of the"ten sceneries of Qingdao".

When the tide rises in autumn, the West Bank has the best scenery. Thewaves beat on the bank, causing tens of meters of huge waves, which isspectacular. After the tide ebbs, the sea water retreats 100 meters, and thereef beach is full of tourists chasing the sea to dig clams. In recent years,Qingdao has carried out the activity of "retaining seagulls". Every autumn andwinter when the wind is calm, thousands of seagulls fly back in the Bay, forminga harmonious picture with the blue sky, the Huilan Pavilion in the distance andthe people enjoying the sea nearby.

On the North Bank of the bridge, there is a trestle park with green pinesand green grass, sparse flowers and trees, and a corridor stone chair, which isintegrated with the beach and rocks. At night, the lights are in full bloom. Onthe bridge and on the bank, magnolias are in full bloom, the water is sparkling,and the distant "Qinyu floating lights" are shining.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 10653 字

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Tourists, no matter which city you come from, every city will have somecommon places, such as rush hour, smoke from big chimneys, river pollution, foodsafety concerns, continuous noise at night, constant temperature of office airconditioning; our city residents are like fighting machines, bearing thepressure and helplessness of city life every day. We gradually lose the feelingof getting along with nature unconsciously.

So many friends hope to go to a pure place, looking for some of theancients simple life fun. As a result, ancient towns, small towns and villageshave become temporary paradise for our tired body and mind. Many friends chooseto go to Tibet, because there are holy snow mountains and mysterious customs.However, the long journey, high altitude reaction and high cost may delay ourplan for the time being.

But at this time, you came to Guizhou, I said: This is your wisechoice!

First of all, you dont have to worry about the thin air and cold climate,because we all feel the mild and humid climate here. The pure air makesbreathing a kind of enjoyment. Although there is no endless snow mountain, it isfull of verdant forests. If you want to experience the rich customs of ethnicminorities, you can get it everywhere in our mountains, rivers, restaurants andwindows.

Referring to the 17 ethnic minorities living in Guizhou, I would like toask you which ethnic groups you know? (after listening to the tourists answers,add: Miao, Dong, Buyi, Shui, Yi, Gelao, Zhuang, Yao, Tujia, man, Bai, Hui, she,Mongolia, Maonan, Qiang, Mulao)

You may not have thought that in Bijie and Dafang areas of NorthwestGuizhou, there are Mongolian and Manchu nomads who can live here. In fact, themost representative Miao people in Guizhou came here more than __ years ago. AsI have said before, Guizhou is a province composed of political parties of allages, and the Miao compatriots can be said to be the earliest political partiesin Guizhou.

Miao is an ancient nationality, which originated from the "Jiuli" tribe inthe Yellow Emperor Period more than 5000 years ago. At that time, "Jiuli" livedin the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the war with Huangditribe, Huangdi and Yandi United. Chiyou, the leader of Jiuli, was captured andkilled by Huangdi. The rest of the tribe retreated to the middle and lowerreaches of the Yangtze River, forming "Sanmiao" tribe and establishing Sanmiaostate.

Four thousand years ago, the northern Chinese tribes headed by Yao, Shunand Yu fought against the "Sanmiao" again and again; finally, the state ofSanmiao was destroyed by Xiayu. Some of them were expelled to southern Sichuan,Northeast Yunnan, Northwest Guizhou and other places, forming the Miaonationality with Western dialect; some of them were integrated with Chinese; theother part was called "Nanman" in Shang and Zhou Dynasties; because they livedin the middle reaches of Han River, they were called "Jingchu barbarians".Later, the advanced part of Jingchu barbarians gradually developed into Chunationality and established Chu state, while the backward part continued to moveto Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hubei and other mountainous areas, most of whichstayed in Southeast Guizhou and developed into Miao compatriots living in thedepth of Miaoling in Guizhou Province.

According to the fifth census, there are 8.9 million Miao people in China,and more than 70% of them live in Guizhou. Over the past few years, our Hancompatriots have been converging and developing into a modern society, withoutany traces of ancient ancestors. The trace of slash and burn cultivation hasbeen preserved by this group of Miao people in the mountains of Guizhou. TheMiao culture has a long history, and its strong cultural charm is reflected fromthe Miao familys clothing, food, housing and transportation, song and danceentertainment, weddings and funerals.

Miao is a hospitable people, toast is the best courtesy Miao people use toentertain guests, so no matter which Miao village you visit, Miao people willuse the cup filled with wine to sing a toast song for you. After drinking theMiao rice wine and entering the Miao village, the Miao compatriots will welcomethe guests with their thousand year old songs and dances. Among them, woodendrum dance is the most famous in Fanpai village of Taijiang County in SoutheastGuizhou. Whenever there are sacrificial activities and festivals, the wholevillage will dance with wooden drum accompaniment. This dance is bold and fullof rhythm, which is called "Oriental disco" by European and Americantourists.

Most of the songs and dances of Miao people are hip twisting, which isrelated to their living environment. Miao tribes are basically in the mountains,along the way are mountain paths, and Miao costumes, women are wearing thickskirts, when carrying items on their shoulders, in order to walk conveniently,they have to carry skirts and twist waist to walk, so their crotch is relativelydeveloped, so dance is mainly to twist crotch.

In addition to the colorful long skirt Miao, there are also short skirtMiao. For the convenience of walking, in the short skirt Miao village of DatangVillage, Leishan County, Southeastern Guizhou, the super short skirt is not arecent international fashion, but a womans clothing that has been handed downfrom generation to generation. They like to wear it as super short skirt, whichis very convenient to go up and down the mountain. The short skirt Jinji danceis also a classic dance. Wearing short skirts, the women imitate the brisk paceof the natural golden pheasant in the accompaniment of Lusheng, which is verybeautiful. When dancing, the silver ornaments and bells on the body are ringing,full of youthful vitality. originate

Miao people have their own language and no culture. Their history and lifeare often passed on from generation to generation through clothing embroiderypatterns and songs. When it comes to our Miao peoples singing, its amazing! Weknow that song Zuying, a famous Chinese singer, is Miao people, but his familyis Guzhang County in Xiangxi, Hunan Province, which is closely connected withQiandongnan. She has sung the "flying song of the earth" we are very familiarwith, flying song is our Miao unique singing form. But why is it called "Feige".This has something to do with where our Miao compatriots live. When we come tothe center of Miao peoples settlement, the Balahe River Valley, Leishan County,Taijiang county and other places in Southeast Guizhou, we will find that mostMiao villages are built on the mountain. It takes a lot of effort to transferinformation between villages. In the past, there was no modern communicationtool, so it took a lot of effort to go up and down the mountain. Smart Miaocompatriots found that the intensity of singing is greater than that ofspeaking, and the transmission is far away, so they use singing to transmitinformation. Lets think about it. Its like flying when singing in themountains. So this kind of dynamic and energetic singing form is gradually leftbehind. Now the Miaos flying songs have gone across the sea. The sweet and highpitched songs of a Youduo, a Miao singer from Guizhou, have been sung in theyouth song competition of CCTV, the Golden Hall of Vienna and the concert hallof the United States.

Speaking of which, let me dedicate a flying song of our Miao nationality toyou. Thank you again for your coming. The singing is not necessarily authentic,just to give you more feelings. Thank you for your encouragement.

When we go to the village, we will see the neat farmland and the clearriver. The environment of the village is elegant and the layout is reasonable.The clean stone path in the village winds to every household. Miao people need alot of wood to build houses, but they have a strong sense of sustainabledevelopment. Every child is born, they have to plant a forest. Every tree is cutdown, they have to get the approval of the whole village. Every village issurrounded by dense forests, and every village will have the largest ancienttree as its patron saint. Miao people live in a house called Diaojiaolou, whichis not as solid and closed as Fujian Tulou, nor as slim and transparent asYunnan bamboo building, but has a kind of simplicity and persistence rooted inmountains. Diaojiaolou is generally built on the hillside, using the local wholefir log support structure, the support is combined by wood wedge, without nails.Then the wooden groove is carved on the bracket, and the wooden plate is used asthe wall. In the past, the roof was made of fir bark, but now it is made ofsmall green tiles. This kind of Miao folk house is generally built with threefloors. The bottom floor is used to pile up sundries and feed livestock; thesecond floor is used for the living of the owner; and above the third floor isthe roof for stacking grain. On the second floor, there is a place similar tothe balcony, which is the place where our Miao girls communicate with theoutside world. Its called "meirenrely". When a Miao girl grows up, she willembroider her dowry and sing folk songs while waiting for a lover.

There is a fixed festival for young Miao men and women to fall in love -sister meal day. On March 15 of the lunar calendar, unmarried girls go up to themountain to pick leaves and flowers, which are used to dye red, yellow, white,blue, black and other colors into "colorful glutinous rice". This is sistersrice. The girls set up tables and displayed meals. Several or more peoplegathered together to warmly receive the young men who came to beg for "sistersdinner". Young men from other places who go to any family to express theircongratulations and admiration to the girls and ask for "sister meal" from themcan be warmly treated. After dinner, the girl and the young man make anappointment to go to the square or other places in the village to sing lovesongs and fall in love all night. Through the festival of "sister meal", youngmen and women can choose their favorite person and form a lifelong partner.Therefore, their marriage is relatively open.

If we visit the Miao family for dinner, we may not be used to their specialdishes. However, if you can eat the most famous sour soup fish, it is ablessing. Sour soup is fermented by Miao family with rice soup and wild redpersimmon. Every family has prepared it. Fish, of course, are wild fish from theriver. Fish in sour soup tastes sour and sweet. The fish is tender anddelicious. Then cook some tofu and vegetables. Its appetizing and nutritious.During the meal, when everyone sits around the fire pool, the host will sing atoast song and offer sweet rice wine to the guests, which will make you feelhappy and forget to return.



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Each friend: hello! Very glad to know you, today let me take you to watch the famous world culture heritage in China, qin shihuang terracotta warriors. My name is Jiang Zhiyou, you can call me jiang guide. Before the qin Terra Cotta Warriors pit, I first to introduce the basic situation of qin Terra Cotta Warriors: qin Terra Cotta Warriors is a more than 20xx years ago the qinshihuangs large Terra Cotta Warriors PeiZangKeng. Xiyang village, it is in March 1974, farmers in drilling Wells. In 1987 by UNESCO listed in the "human world cultural heritage list", are the only one like you, is famous in the world of rare and precious cultural relics, known as "the eight wonders of the world". Well, to the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, please get off the bus. After get off after me, please. Attention, please be sure to do a civilization of passengers, consciously protect cultural relics. Ok. Now we have entered the pit.

Pit no. 1 thing is 230 metres long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of - square meters, is the largest in all the Terra Cotta Warriors pit pit; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, most also have more than 60. In addition to a pit, and no. 2 pit, pit no. 3, its enough to large-scale visible the Terra Cotta Warriors. The variety of the terracotta warriors grand not only, and personality is distinct. Then, we will go to watch the beautiful works of art - the Terra Cotta Warriors. You see, that a man named general figurines, it wore a He crown, wearing armor, sword in hand, with pride, filled with the general spirit; You look at that in short armour again, under wear tight pants of mouth of the warrior figures, that call cavalry figurines. And here, you see that wearing a shirt, wear armor oh, the foots front end up the cock combat boots warrior figures, that is called the warriors. The most striking is the horse figurines, we look at the horse figurines, a horse horse body, muscle plump, see the itch to try, like cracks, casting its hooves, taking off, on a journey.

When it comes to the beauty of qin Terra Cotta Warriors, one thousand thousand of the terracotta figures beauty, make the person aftertaste endless. Among them there are promising, general big sound; A terrible resolute, battle-hardened army collectors; More different expression, vivid and soldiers. These Terra Cotta Warriors, let we have to marvel at the ancient sculptors how exquisite skill is! Qin Terra Cotta Warriors, is unique in DiaoSuShi of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. Arrange it perfectly simulate the ranks, vividly the qin soldier millions, thousand chariots grand qin Terra Cotta Warriors commentaries, vividly demonstrates the power of the Chinese nation and heroism. It is no wonder that former U.S. vice President walter mondale said: "this is the real miracle, take a look at the people all over the world should be here."

From his words of the concentrated, it is easy to see that army, historical value and artistic value. Dear friends, today we are together to watch the world famous cultural heritage - qin Terra Cotta Warriors, feeling the ancestral splendid culture. Thank you for your cooperation! Wish everybody safe and pleasant journey, goodbye!



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说道中国的书法家,都是 “字如其人”。颜真卿可以说是“字如其人”的典范。我们都














范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6772 字

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Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Dongming county is located in Zhukou village,5 kilometers northeast of the county. It is adjacent to the Yellow River flowingeastward in the north and the Ridong expressway running through Qilu in thesouth. It is another beautiful cultural landscape of Dongming County, thehometown of Zhuangzi.

1、 The whole process of construction

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Dongming County was raised by she Shicheng, avillager of Zhukou village, Chengguan town. It was built in 20__ and officiallycompleted in August 20__. Why she Shicheng devoted all of her resources to theconstruction of the Chairman Mao Memorial? This is because she Shicheng, who wasborn in Shegang village, wusheng Township in September 1944, lived in the oldsociety by begging and farming land for a large family in Zhukou village. Aftersuffering a lot, she moved to Zhukou Village. It was Chairman Mao who led thepeople to turn over and become the masters. From then on, he had land and liveda good life. After two social experiences, she Shicheng deeply felt that withoutChairman Mao, there would be no today. Therefore, since his youth, he has alwaysthought of the party and Chairman Mao.

She Shicheng studied carpentry in her early years and engaged inarchitecture. She is a famous expert in architecture. Especially after the ThirdPlenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, he and many villagersgradually embarked on the road of becoming rich. With the development of societyand the great changes in peoples lives, he realized more deeply that withoutthe foundation laid by Chairman Maos overthrowing the three mountains, therewould be no happiness today. Dont forget the well digger. Gratitude is not onlythe unique traditional quality of the Chinese people, but also the outstandingpersonality of she Shicheng, a loyal peasant. Therefore, how to rememberChairman Mao and how to pass on the admiration for Chairman Mao from generationto generation has become a problem he often thinks about in his heart. Afterdecades of deliberation, he decided to express his admiration for great men in atraditional way. In order to celebrate Chairman Maos achievements and rememberthe kindness of great people, on February 16, 20__, he raised money everywhere,stripped off his house, made room for his own design, and built a Mao Pavilionon his homestead for the villagers to admire. Then, he and villagers Zhu Faqistarted the activities of preparing for the construction of Chairman Maosmemorial hall, and set up a preparation group with him as the main body and 10villagers as participants. She Shicheng did her best to contribute her familyscapital. First, she contributed her contracted responsibility land of sevencents per mu. Then she negotiated with the villagers overnight to exchangeanother piece of responsibility land of seven cents per mu for eight cents permu depression. She also borrowed money to compensate the other party for eightthousand yuan in cash. She planned to build a memorial base of three acres andfive cents per mu. He designed it himself, laid the foundation on August 1,20__, and completed it in one year. The main building area of the memorial hallis 220 square meters, with a height of 83.41 meters (symbolizing Chairman Maosdeath at the age of 83 and 41 years in power). The main hall is 49 meters high(symbolizing the founding of the peoples Republic of China in 1949). The fronteaves of the memorial hall is 71 cm (symbolizing the founding of the ChineseCommunist Party on July 1, 1999), and the second floor, third floor andcorridors on both sides. The total project cost is more than 710000 yuan. Amongthem, she Shicheng raised more than 460000 yuan, and the surrounding peopleraised about 250000 yuan. Because of the construction of the memorial hall, theoriginal houses are all 0, and she Shicheng and her two are still living in thetemporary shed in the southwest corner of the memorial hall. Because of theresponsibility of the whole family, all the fields have been replaced by thebuilding base. There is no income, and life depends on one daughter and twosons.

After the completion of the memorial, it has become the only privatememorial tourist attraction in China. On December 17, 20__, Mao Xinyu, theeldest grandson of Mao Zedong, Liu Bin and his wife, Mao Ningke, the eldestgrandson of Mao Zemin, and Mao Xiaoqing, the granddaughter of Mao Zelian,cordially received Comrade she Shicheng at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and had acordial conversation with 18 Chinese news media reporters.

2、 Current situation and pattern

As soon as you walk into Chairman Maos memorial hall, the first thing youcan see is the memorial Pavilion renamed from the original "Mao Gong Pavilion".There is a gold bronze statue of Chairman Mao more than one meter high inside,which is vivid and magnificent. In front of the pavilion, the five-star red flagflutters in the wind, surrounded by pines and cypresses, Holly evergreen.

Entering the exhibition hall, the most eye-catching one is the goldenfull-length bronze statue of Mao Zedong (2.83 meters high) created by the famousChinese Art Master Mr. Liu Kaiqu and cast by Hunan Shaoshan xuritang bronzestatue Casting Co., Ltd., standing in the center of the hall on the first floor,with the magnificent Great wall behind it. When I came to the center of the hallon the second floor, I saw a golden bronze statue of Chairman Mao Zedong infront of the large-scale painting "welcoming pine". The whole exhibition hall isdivided into nine exhibition areas: going out of the country, creating a newworld, agrarian revolution, anti Japanese War, war of liberation, dream of apowerful country, looking to the world, feelings of poets and old age. On theleft and right corridors of the memorial hall are the abstract of the speechdelivered at the Symposium Commemorating Chairman Mao Zedongs 110th birthday,the preface of the memorial hall and the banner of Chairman Maos poems writtenby famous calligraphers. The layout is reasonable and magnificent.

3、 Normal activity

After the completion of the memorial, people from all over the world cometo visit it every day. In particular, every year, on December 26, Chairman MaoZedongs birthday, the memorial hall has held grand commemorative activities,which have been held four times in a row. The activities are presided over bythe Management Committee of Chairman Mao Zedongs memorial hall, and large dramatroupes are invited to perform for 3-4 days. On the day of the activity, thelocal Yangko team, Huagu team, Taiji team and martial arts team performed, whichwas very lively.

At each event, the surrounding people, just like the Spring Festival, cameearly to pay homage to Chairman Mao and cherish his great cause. The villagersin this village are in a continuous stream.



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各位游客:你们好,欢迎你们来到张家口,我是你们的导游。 张家口市地处京晋冀蒙交界处,距北京约180公里,这里地势险要,有“塞外山城”之称。张家口市辖4区、13县,总面积3.7万平方公里,人口450万。京包、丰沙、大秦铁路横穿东西,京张、宣大高速公路和109、110、112、207国道穿市而过,北京西直门汽车站从早6时开始,每半小时就有一趟至张家口的快速客运班车发出,交通旅行十分方便。

张家口市的古遗址数量很多,分布面广。古长城的“大镜门”是长城要隘,也是张家口市的象征。涿鹿县矾山是“黄帝战蚩尢”的古战场,是中华民族的发祥地之一,每年都有众多的炎黄子孙来这里寻根祭祖。此外,还有蔚县代王城汉墓群、怀安县汉墓群、宣化辽壁画墓以及市区的水母宫、云泉寺、清远楼等,都是颇值得一观的古迹。 位于张北中都的中都草原是距北京较近的自然草原,夏季气候凉爽,草场繁茂,来此还可以体验蒙古族风情,是消暑休闲的胜地。




清远楼位于古城宣化正中,又名钟楼,始建于明成化十八年(公元1482年),是一座重搪多角十字脊歇山顶的高大建筑。楼建在高8米的十字券洞上,南与昌平、北与广灵、东与安定、西与大新四门通衡。与城内镇朔楼、拱极楼成一轴线。券洞内520xx年前的铁轮车辙明显可见。楼外观3层,内实2层,通高25米,楼阁高17米,为3开间,6塔椽,前后明间出抱厦,四周有游廊,支立24根粗大廊柱。上搪为绿色琉璃瓦顶,腰搪、下搪为布瓦顶。梁架斗拱精巧秀丽,循角飞翘,生气盎然。楼上层搪下,悬挂愿额4块,南曰“清远楼”,北曰“声通天颖”,东曰“耸峙严疆”,西曰“震靖边氛”。楼内悬有明嘉靖十八年(公元1539年)铸造的“宣府镇城钟”一口,高2.5米,口径1.7米,重约万斤,用四根通天柱架于楼体上层中央。钟声悠扬宏亮,可传40余里,颇负盛名。该楼造型别致,结构精巧严谨。可与武汉黄鹤楼媚美,在国内同属罕见,索有“第二黄鹤楼”之称。该楼建筑独具一格,为我国古代精美艺术建筑之一。 清远楼历尽沧桑,1986年文化部拨款39万元,对清远楼进行了全面修复,修复后的清远楼碧瓦青砖晶莹剔透,金龙玉兽傲首长空,飞搪翘角宏宇轩昂,廊柱斗拱被红挂翠,雕梁画栋富丽堂皇,古钟高悬,风铃叮当,显得古朴、典雅、雄伟、壮观。


奇台山景区(即登山 区),包括奇台山、悬空洞、双狮奔、清凉亭、夫妻峰5个景点。奇台山由山脊拔地而起,山势高峻、沟堑纵横。台下17米处有一悬空洞,游人可穿梭自如,别具风趣。,登悬梯可上奇台顶一览群山。夫妻峰、双狮奔山也让人留连忘返。翠云山森林游览区,该区以森林为主体,碧波荡漾,繁花似锦,木欣欣以向荣,泉泪渭而始流,使群山五彩纷呈。另有垂钓区、野餐区、打靶、狞猎、射箭等娱乐场。公园还设有服务区,有餐馆、招待所、商店等服务设施。以其独特的雄姿和魁力迎接备方游客的到来。




司马迁曾在《史记·五帝本纪》中说:黄帝的政治、军事、文化等主要活动 在涿鹿一带。先“与炎帝战于贩泉之野”,后“与堂尤战于涿鹿之野,遂擒杀室尤”,又巡视各地,东至于海,西至于空桐,南至于江,北逐荤粥,从而保障了南北地的安宁。于是黄帝威信震,被各部族首领尊为天子,并与之“合符釜山,而邑于涿鹿之阿”。即兴建了我国历史上第一座都城。黄帝在涿鹿之野的活动开创了华夏民族文化发展的新纪元,使其由“野蛮”进入“文明”时代。




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陕西历史位于小寨东路大雁塔西北1公里处,是一组雄伟壮观的仿唐建筑群,占地约7万平方米,建筑面积为5万多平方米。它汇集了陕西文化精华,展现了中华文明的发展过程,鉴于陕西在中国历史上的地位,国家共投资1.44亿元人民币,兴建了陕西历史博物馆,于1991年6月建成开放。 博物馆建筑古朴典雅,别具特色。珍藏出土文物精品11.3万件,展室面积达1100平方米。




陕西历史博物馆建筑造型继承唐代博大雄浑、典雅凝重的风 格,借鉴我国传统宫殿“轴线对称,主从有序,中央殿堂, 四隅 崇楼”的布局形式,同时运用现代先进技术,把我国盛唐时期古 典建筑风格与现代博物馆功能要求有机地结合为一体,既保持了 古老风貌,又有现代化的特点。屋顶采用唐代盛行的灰绿色琉璃 瓦,显得华贵庄重,古朴大方,墙面材料为仿石棉砖,门窗则采 用大块茶色玻璃和铝合金框架,馆内配备可控制温湿度的全封闭 中央空调系统,多功能的照明系统,自动防火防盗系统,计算机 控制管理系统;设有文物保护科技中心,具有先进的化验、测试 技术和文物保护修复手段。为加强中外文化交流,建有电脑控制 并拥有30万册藏书的图书馆和6国语言同声传译的国际学术报 告厅。此外,还有设施完善的文物库、资料室、购物中心等。



进入博物馆大厅,迎面巨幅照片向人们展现出奔腾咆哮的黄 河和绵亘无垠的黄土高原。这是孕育诞生陕西历史文化的地理环 境。陕西的历史是黄土地文明的历史。昂首屹立在大厅中央的巨 狮是这种文明的标志。它造型雄伟,气势澎湃,石刻之精美,气 魄之弘大,堪称“东方第一狮”。这头石狮来自中国历史上唯一的 女皇帝武则天母亲杨氏的顺陵。中国古代的狮子及狮子雕刻艺术 由阿富汗传入,中亚的浪漫奇特与东亚的深沉浑厚在这里如此完 美地融合为一体,集中体现了陕西历史文化的基调。 近1500米的展线由基本陈列、专题陈列和临时陈列三部分组成。 首先,我们先来看下陕西古代史的第一部分是史前史,从距今约115万年至公元前21世纪。1964年在陕西省蓝田县发现头骨化石是目前亚洲北部最早的直立人。新石器时代区别于旧石器时代的标志有3个:一是出现磨制石器;二是发明陶器;三是开始定居并出现了原始农业。仰韶文化距今7000至5020xx年,处于仰韶文化社会的半坡人生产力已大大提高。从半坡出土的陶埙,是我过迄今发现最早的吹奏乐器,引起了国际音乐界极大兴趣。











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Ancient lotus pond is one of the famous ancient gardens in China. As soonas you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a rockery. On the archwaybehind the gate, there are four bright words: "ancient lotus pond". They areplaced in the middle, as if to welcome the guests here.

On the right side of the gate is a row of black stone tablets. Thecharacters on the stone tablets are written by famous calligraphers of differentdynasties. Further on, you can see a white Jiuqu bridge, through which you cometo the water Pavilion. The pavilion has eight corners, and each corner is hungwith a lovely wind chime. As long as mother-in-law Feng blows gently, the littlewind chime will make a pleasant sound. There are six pillars around thepavilion, which are all connected together. Tourists can sit on it and have arest, or look at the wind in the distance.

When I went into the pavilion, I found that it was spacious and cool. Therewere many patterns on the pavilion, and the structure was very fine. There wasnot a nail in the whole pavilion. This shows the wisdom and ability of theancient people.

Standing in the water Pavilion, I saw many lotus leaves and flowers in thelotus pool. Walking back from the water Pavilion, there is a famous library inChina.

Beautiful lotus pool, beautiful water, beautiful scenery, I am very proudof my hometown with such a beautiful scenery.



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Wuhan Central Cultural District is located in the core area of Wuhan City,Hubei Province, between East Lake and Shahu Lake in Wuchang District, which isthe geometric center of Wuhan city. With a planning area of 1.8 squarekilometers and a total construction area of 3.4 million square meters, theproject is a world-class cultural tourism project with the core of culture andthe functions of tourism, commerce, business and residence invested by WandaGroup with 50 billion yuan. The overall planning of the project is led by WandaCommercial Planning Institute, and the design is completed with theparticipation of top design companies in various industries at home and abroad.Chuhehan street in Wuhan Central Cultural District phase I is an important partof the whole project. It is also the start-up project of Wuhan Dadong lakeecological water network construction project and the core project ofcommemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution.

On September 30, 20__, chuhehan Street opened, with a total constructionarea of 210000 square meters. It took only eight months from the commencement tothe opening. The construction speed has set a record in the industry, and theconstruction quality and investment promotion brand are leading in the country.It has been highly praised by leaders at all levels in Hubei Province and WuhanCity, and has been widely recognized by all walks of life.

After the opening of chuhehan street, the National Day holiday attractedmore than 2 million people, becoming the top three hot spots of holiday flow inChina. The Han street of Chu River is a modern picture of Qingming River.Chuhehan street is not only a commercial project, but also an urban historical,cultural and ecological landscape project. The comprehensive economic and socialeffects are very significant. "Chu River" runs through the East and west ofWuhan Central Cultural Area and is the soul of the cultural area. With a totallength of 2.2 km, Chuhe River connects East Lake and Shahu Lake, which is thefirst project of "six lake connected water network treatment project" approvedby the State Council in Wuhan. The width of the water surface is 40 to 70meters, and the width of riverside greening and road is 150 meters. RiversideLandscape with tree shade, step-by-step landscape change, provide a beautifulleisure place for Wuhan citizens.

Wanda Group has invested heavily in building five luxury, low-noise, zeroemission environmental protection cruise ships for water tourism in Wuhan EastLake, Shahu Lake and Chuhe River. "Han Street" commercial pedestrian street islocated on the South Bank of Chu River. It is built along the river, with atotal length of 1500 meters and a total area of 210000 square meters. Itincludes shopping, catering, culture, leisure, entertainment and otherbusinesses, and gathers more than 200 first-class businesses at home andabroad.

Han street is mainly built in the style of the Republic of China. Modernarchitecture and European architecture with fashionable elements areinterspersed in it. Tradition and modern are in harmony. The planning and designorientation of Wuhan Central Cultural District is "the first in China, the firstin the world, and a place of worship in the industry", which will become a newbrand of world culture. Chuhehan street, phase I of Wuhan Central CulturalDistrict, is an important part of the whole project. The perfect combination ofchuhehan street can be called the modern "Qingming River map".



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My hometown is in Baoding. There are many places of interest in Baoding,including Mancheng Han tombs, Yixian Xiling, ancient lotus pond Among them, I ammost impressed by the ancient lotus pond.

Spring came, I followed my grandfather to the ancient lotus pond. As soonas you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a grotesque rockery. Some looklike lively and clever little monkeys with their hands in front of theirforehead to look into the distance. Some look like the mighty king of beasts,the tiger with vigorous steps. Some look like exquisite and beautiful fairiescoming down to earth, scattering beautiful flowers

Go ahead, you will see an antique Zhuojin Pavilion. The red and browndoorposts, the colorful pictures on the eaves, the singing of birds and thefragrance of flowers, the landscape, the mandarin ducks playing in the water,the pavilions and pavilions, all of them are so lifelike and fascinating. Thewhole pavilion is perfect.

Then, on the right, you come to the stele gallery. There are 94 stonetablets, some of which are engraved with ancient characters, which I cantunderstand.

Step on the bridge and look around, ah! Although its not the season forlotus to bloom, the breeze is passing over the water, sparkling, and the sun isshining on the water. You can vaguely see a small fish and a small insectswimming in the water. This kind of scenery cant be compared. Its morecharming than the most charming painting in the world!

I love every plant in my hometown, I love the ancient lotus pond in myhometown, but I love my beautiful hometown Baoding, Hebei more.



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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Changsha, a famous historical and cultural city with beautifulscenery, pleasant climate, heaps of delicious food (due to the age of tourists),beautiful women and handsome men!

As the saying goes, "a hundred year old man will be on the same boat, and athousand year old man will be sleeping together." now the popular saying is thata hundred year old man will be in the same car, but we are all in the same cartoday. Xiao x is really honored. There is a saying in China that it is never tooold to learn. When we come to Changsha, first of all, we have to learn the threerepresentatives

First: on behalf of the people of Changsha, I would like to extend a warmwelcome to all the guests coming from afar!

Second: on behalf of all the staff of __ travel company, I would like towelcome you to this happy trip. Welcome, welcome, warm welcome.

The third representative is me, on behalf of myself and the driver, to makea brief introduction. Im a tour guide from X Travel Company, and Im also theground guide of your trip to Changsha. My name is __. You can call me Xiao X orX guide, as long as you let me know that you are calling me. Next, I would liketo solemnly introduce the person who occupies an absolutely important positionin our tour, that is, the driver master x who escorts us. In our industry, thereis such a saying that drivers are in a hurry to drive in Jilin, in a rush todrive in Mongolia, and in hukai in Shanghai. Can anyone think of how to drive inChangsha? Let me answer the riddle. Our masters in Changsha are quite special.They can drive in both black and white. Why do we say that? Its about theclimate of Changsha, "there are flowers in spring, there are months in autumn,there are cool winds in summer, and there are snow in winter." this is theclimate characteristics of Changsha. The four seasons are distinct. The roads inspring, summer and autumn are generally black, and the roads in winter are oneSnow, the road will become white, so our master is very familiar with blackhundred Liang Road, so we can rest assured of our driving safety in recentdays!

Now, Id like to invite our lady friends in the car to focus on our master.There is a saying: first class men have a home outside their home, second classmen have flowers outside their home, third class men look for a home in theflowers, and fourth class men go home after work. Hehe, lets see what kind ofmen our master belongs to? Start your brain and think about it. Oh, remove awrong answer, D. if you think of us like this, its impossible for a master togo home after work in four or five days. Shifu is a good man. Why do you saythat? Please dont think about it. I didnt say that Shifu is a playboy. Letstake a look at the touring car, which is a mobile home for our master. Ofcourse, the master loves it very much. Isnt it a very popular RV now? Letstake our touring car as a new type of RV. What I want to say is that when youleave this mobile home every day, you must be smart: wave your sleeves, dontleave behind A cloud!



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潍坊世界风筝博物馆(原潍坊风筝博物馆)是我国第一座大型风筝博物馆,建筑面积8100平方米,建筑造型选取了潍坊龙头蜈蚣风筝的特点,屋脊是一条完整的组合陶瓷巨龙,屋顶用孔雀兰琉璃瓦铺成,似蛟龙遨游长空伏而又起,设计风格在国内独树一帜。 潍坊世界风筝博物馆旨在收藏、陈列古今中外的风筝珍品及有关风筝的文物资料。


此外,我馆还设有书画、民俗、奇石、工艺品、景德镇精品瓷器等展厅,生动展示了中华民族璀灿文化所独具的艺术魅力。 “银线连四海,风筝传友谊”风筝文化的吸引力把您与我们潍坊风筝博物馆联结起来,祝愿风筝展览能给您留下深刻而美好的印象。



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Hello, everyone. Have you ever been to Beijing?

Whats the weather like in Beijing?

Beijings cold weather is not to see the sun outside, what to see? Look atthe wind! As long as the wind blows, the weather will be relatively cold. Whatsthe wind blowing in winter? Whats the wind blowing in summer? The primaryschool teacher said that southeast wind blows in summer and northwest wind blowsin winter. Please remember. A student stood up and said: No, my mother said thatshe married my father and drank all year round

You choose to come to Beijing at the end of October. Generally speaking,the time is very good. Its neither cold nor hot. Its an ideal tourist seasonin Beijing. As the saying goes: in good travel time, meeting a good guide is akind of happiness; in good travel time, meeting a poor guide is a kind ofsadness. Its a sigh to meet a good tour guide in a bad travel time; its a kindof helplessness to meet a poor tour guide in a bad travel time. I hope we have agood time to travel, and I hope I am a good guide.

Id like to introduce myself. My family name is Li and my name is Tianyun.After you met me, I wish you good luck every day. Li is Muzi Li. You can call medirector Li, but dont call me director Li. You can also call me Xiao Li, butdont add Zi. Xiao Li is Li Lianying, the eunuch next to Empress Dowager Cixi.Eunuch is an incomplete man. Besides being thin, the function of other parts ofhis body is quite normal. I was born on December 26. Whats the specialsignificance of this day? My mothers birthday is also on this day, and myemperor Taizus birthday is also on December 26. My emperor Taizu is ChairmanMao Zedong. I want to have the same birthday as a great man. I cant be worse inmy life. But after living for more than 20 years, I found that Im not tall, notshort, not fat, not thin, not old, not tender, and so on So far, no miracle hashappened to me, but it doesnt matter. As the saying goes, height is not thedistance, weight is not the pressure, age is not the problem, so I still have toconfidently take everyones activities in Beijing these days.

In addition to taking you on a tour, we also have a master in charge of ourtransportation. Our master has more than ten years of driving experience. Heusually receives deputies to the National Peoples Congress, and receives VIPguests and athletes during the Olympic Games. There has been no accident formore than ten years. He is very professional and safe. During our time inBeijing, we have master _ _ driving for us. We have to work hard for him in thenext few days. Lets give him some applause first!

Although the roads in Beijing are very broad now, Beijing, as the capital,has many people and cars, and the traffic condition is not very good most of thetime. During our travel time, there may be traffic jams or people waiting forthe bus. I hope you can understand.

People live on food. When they come to Beijing, the first thing they shouldpay attention to is eating. When they come out, they wont be as comfortable asthey are at home. Especially when they join a tour group, they should beprepared: the tour group meal in Beijing is very bad. What is despair? Despairis two dishes served in a restaurant, Eat the first one: "is there anythingworse in the world?" eat the second one "Kao! Its really there!" although thegroup meal is bad, its still quite hygienic. You can rest assured to eat it.The principle is to have enough food, eight dishes and one soup, and all therice. When you see that the food is not enough, drink the soup quickly. If wedont have enough to eat, we can see the mountains far away and have a pot ofsteamed bread. If you come back to China for tourism in the future, if thenumber of people is small, you should try not to arrange group meals by travelagencies. Youd better have what you want (for Hong Kong and overseasChinese).

Next is the accommodation. Beijing is the capital, the political andcultural center. People come and go very frequently, so hotels of the same levelin Beijing are not as good as those in other places. Then it gives a briefintroduction of the hotel (such as stars, how far to the airport, how far to therailway station, how far to Tiananmen Square). In the evening, when we go backto the hotel, we should pay attention to rest. When we go shopping, we are notfamiliar with the place, so we should not go too far. The three things you mustdo when you come to Beijing are climbing the Great Wall, eating roast duck andwatching acrobatics. I think we have arranged to climb the great wall and eatroast duck in our itinerary, but we havent arranged to watch acrobatics. Imvery sorry. About in the Neolithic age, Chinese acrobatics had sprouted. Soacrobatics has a history of more than 20__ years in China. Diving, rings andother sports in our Olympic Games are all evolved from acrobatics. Trampoline,which was officially an Olympic event in 20__, is also evolved from acrobatics.Chinas trampoline won two Olympic gold medals in 20__ Beijing Olympic Games.Chinese people can be proud to announce to the world that we cant do football,we cant do track and field, we cant do swimming pool, but we cant do it inbed! Chaoyang theater is the only designated theater for external performance inBeijing. During the Olympic Games, all foreign leaders came to China to watchacrobatic performances. Modern acrobatics combined with sound, color, light andother advanced elements are more gorgeous and exciting than traditionalacrobatics. It really reflects the brilliance of one minute on stage and tenyears off stage. Almost all the performances have won awards in theinternational arena, so we are visiting Beijing During this period, acrobaticsis absolutely not to be missed if you have time in the evening. If you dont go,you will be sorry, but you will be shocked.

The most important thing to come to Beijing is to visit. Apart fromclimbing the Great Wall, eating roast duck and watching acrobatics, what elsecan we play? Generally speaking, we can enter Guangzhou to watch cars, fly toGuilin to watch mountains, go to Xian to watch tombs, visit Beijing to watchwalls, pass Tianjin to watch docks, visit Qinghai to watch the source, visitTibet to watch Buddhas head, visit Nanjing to watch stones, visit Shanghai towatch peoples heads drunk, visit Shanghai to watch peoples heads;Unforgettable Hangzhou girl. What you see in Beijing is the top of the wall,that is, the most important thing is the history and culture left over from theancient capital. If you join this tour group and meet guide Xiao Li, you are ina Beijing history and culture crash course, so you should listen to mecarefully. Cant get on the car to sleep, get off the car to pee, take photos ofscenic spots, go home and ask nothing. Especially when there are many touristsin Beijing, adults look at their heads and children look at their buttocks, sowe should play with me, hold the hand of the guide, and travel together inBeijing!

Beijing is the capital of Liao, Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, thelast five feudal dynasties in Chinese history. Its design and planning embodiesthe highest achievement of ancient Chinese urban planning, and is known as "thegreatest individual project of human beings on the surface of the earth". Weshould not only look at the history, but also the modern development of Beijing.Now lets briefly introduce the situation of Beijing.

Beijing covers a total area of 16808 square kilometers and is divided into18 districts. Beijing is surrounded by Hebei Province. From the map, HebeiProvince surrounds the whole of Beijing, and it is not far from Beijing

Chengde Mountain Resort is the largest classical Royal Garden in China. In1984, it was rated as one of the top ten scenic spots in China. In 1994, it waslisted in the world heritage list. It is very worth seeing. If we can arrange itsometimes, we should go there for a day or two.

The terrain of Beijing is high in the northwest and low in the southeast,which is in line with the artistic conception of an ancient poem that a riverflows eastward. Beijing plain accounts for 1 / 3, mountain accounts for 2 / 3.There are more than 16 million permanent residents in Beijing, more than 4million people from other places, and more than 20 million people live in onethird of the plain. Therefore, the traffic pressure just mentioned is veryheavy.

To this end, Beijing has made great efforts to improve the trafficenvironment. The cost of bus is also very cheap. Basically, one yuan is enoughfor taking the bus, and 20% or 40% discount can be given for those with buscard. We work in the suburbs because its expensive to rent or buy a house inthe urban area. Although its cheap to take the bus, it takes a long time. Weneed to get up early in the morning to go to work. Sometimes it only takes 30minutes to do a business in the urban area, but it takes two hours to come bybus, and it takes two hours to go back, so one day is spent on the bus. Becauseof the long journey, we usually have to take the bus home from work, so thenightlife in Beijing is not very rich. Talk about the four idiots in Beijing:eat lobster, go shopping to Yansha, sing and love flowers, and go home afterwork. The poor go home after work, the drunkard go home at 9, the luster go homeat 11 and the gambler go home at 2-3.

The starting price of a taxi is 10 yuan for 3 km, and 2 yuan per km after 3km. In addition to improving the above ground transportation, we should focus onthe development of the subway. The cost of the subway is also very cheap. Itcosts 2 yuan to get through. As long as you dont go out of the subway door, youcan take a ride for a day, so as to stimulate the reduction of private cars,reduce road congestion, improve air quality and environmental protection. Butthe rich should buy a car or buy a car, and the poor should take what kind ofcar, so we should not climb, compare, and be angry with ourselves in our dailylife; eat less salt, be jealous, play less mahjong, and take more walks; sleepon time, get up on time, and do boxing and aerobics.

Good health is really good. According to official statistics, the averagelife span of Beijingers has reached 80 years old. Before the reform and openingup, it was 60 years old. Why? With the improvement of living standards, Chinesesociety is developing, and Beijing is developing. In the past, only the emperorcan eat, but now ordinary people can also eat the palace flavor. In the past,the emperor can wear silk, but now ordinary people can buy it, too The jadebrought by the emperor is good for our health. We can also buy it now. Themedicinal materials of Tongrentang, which has a history of more than 300 years,used to be used exclusively by the royal family, especially the Empress DowagerCixi, who used to take the Wuji Baifeng pill of Tongrentang all the year round.Now we can also buy it. We can also buy the Royal Cloisonne ornaments. In short,the royal family can eat, wear and play Good health, we can do now, in additionto the emperors harem three thousand, so many women we cant do. When we cometo Beijing for tourism, if we need to use these things or give them as gifts tofriends and relatives, they are very helpful. They can support the developmentof Beijings tourism industry and improve our taste in life. When it comes totaste, men are divided into six grades: first-class men have a home outsidetheir home, second-class men have flowers outside their home, third-class menfind a home in their flowers, fourth-class men go home from work, fifth classmen go home from work, and their wives are not at home, sixth class men go homefrom work, and there is a man beside their wives. Women can be divided into fourclasses. First class beauties travel abroad, second class beauties ShenzhenZhuhai, third class beauties Beijing Shanghai, and fourth class beauties wait athome.

So what do we usually call a beautiful woman in Beijing? The older one iscalled sister, the older one is called aunt, and the younger one is called girl.Generally speaking, men are called elder brother, and the elderly are calledelder brother. Children are called children. But pure Beijingers, that is, oldBeijing, call girls girls girls instead of girls. I dont call a beauty abeauty, but a honey. Call him or not, call him ya. I dont care if you call meinside. Call a woman a woman, not a woman. Call a man a man, not a man. Call afriend porcelain instead of a friend. A lover is not called a lover, but an ace.I dont call a little girl a little girl, but a girl.

This is Beijings address, Tianjins address is more special, for example:there are people calling sister, not sister, anyway, no matter how old you are,even if you are only a teenager, there may be 50 or 60 years old people callingyour sister, not sister. There are those who call big brother, but not brothersor brothers. Even an elderly grandmother will call a young man in her 20s bigbrother, but she wont call brothers. Some call uncle, but not uncle. That is tosay, no matter what is your fathers ranking at home, you should call his otherbrothers uncle, and your fathers younger brother is not uncle. In a word, itsbasically shouting. Thats what Tianjin is called. Tianjin is called the backgarden of Beijing. During holidays, Beijingers will drive there for holidays.Tianjin is more than 100 kilometers away from Beijing, and the whole journey isonly two hours to Tianjin. If we have time, we can play one more city by the waywith little fare.

The road we are taking now is the capital airport expressway, which wasbuilt in 92 and opened to traffic in 93. The capital airport expressway is 18 kmlong, with 34.5 m wide subgrade and 6 lanes in both directions. There are 3 mwide emergency parking belts on both sides of the road. It is fully closed andinterchange. The design speed is 120 km / h. The starting point is Sanyuanqiao.It takes 10 minutes from Sanyuanqiao to the Capital International Airport.Expressway pavement structure layer, the introduction of foreign asphaltmodification technology, in the ordinary asphalt mixed with plastic or rubber,change the high temperature and low temperature stability of asphalt, make itnot soften at 60 ℃ high temperature, not brittle at minus 30 ℃ low temperature,but also enhance the anti-wear ability, reduce noise, greatly extend the servicelife. The use of modified asphalt, which is the first in domestic highwayconstruction. The capital airport expressway costs 100 million yuan perkilometer, which is known as the first road to China. No matter how old anofficial or ordinary person you are, you have to enter Beijing from thisexpressway.

Usually when we talk about Beijing, where is it called Beijing? Accordingto the official regulations, the third ring road is called Beijing. Sanyuanqiao,the starting point of our airport expressway, connects the third ring road. Whatis "three yuan"? The imperial examination system is called "three yuan". Thefirst place of the provincial examination, the imperial examination and theimperial examination is Jieyuan, Huiyuan and the number one scholar. One afteranother, he won the first place in the provincial examination, the generalexamination and the palace examination, which is called Lianzhong Sanyuan.Taking the Qing Dynasty as an example, the whole process of imperial examinationin the old days started from the grass-roots level of government, prefecture andcounty, which was called childrens examination. Those who enter for theexamination are called Tong Sheng, and those who pass the examination are calledXiucai. The first one is called desk. The formal higher level nationalexamination is called the local examination, which is held in the provincialcapital. The examinees are scholars from all over the country. After passing theexamination, they are called Juren, and the first place is "Jieyuan"; the nexthigher level is the joint examination, which is held in the Ministry of rites.The examinees are Juren, and after passing the examination, they are calledGongsheng, and the first place is "Huiyuan"; The imperial examination was heldin the palace. The emperor personally presided over the examination. Thecandidates were Gongsheng, who were called Jinshi after winning the examination.The imperial examination system in ancient China has a history of more than onethousand years, in which 17 people were able to connect the three yuan.



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Dear tourist friends

Today, let me show you around the Forbidden City.

Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is the imperial palaceof Ming and Qing Dynasties, also known as the Forbidden City. The Palace Museumwas built from the 4th to 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, which is nowknown as 1406 to 1420. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the top five palaces inthe world. The other four palaces are the palace of Versailles in France, thepalace of Buckingham in England, the Kremlin in Russia and the White House inthe United States. The Palace Museum is 961 meters long from north to South and753 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of 725000 square meters. Thebuilding area is 15. 50000 square meters. Is the Forbidden City big enough!

It is said that there are 9999 people in the Forbidden City. Five rooms,someone has made a figurative metaphor: if someone starts living from the birth,they can live until they are 27 years old. According to 1973 experts, there are8704 rooms in the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum has four gates. The main gate is called Meridian Gate.There are five holes in the Meridian Gate. Its plane is concave, magnificent.Behind the Meridian Gate, there are five exquisite white jade arch bridgesleading to the Taihe gate. The east gate is named Donghua gate, the west gate isnamed Xihua gate, and the north gate is named Shenwu gate. The four corners ofthe Forbidden City have exquisite turrets, which are 27 meters high. 5 meters,Cross Ridge, triple eaves, surrounded by mountains, multi angle crisscross, isthe structure of the building.

The back door is Shenwu gate, which was called Xuanwu Gate in Ming Dynasty.Xuanwu is one of the four sacred beasts in ancient times. In terms of location,the left green dragon, the right white tiger, the front rosefinch, the backXuanwu, and Xuanwu dominates the north. Therefore, the north gate of theImperial Palace is mostly named Xuanwu. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi ofQing Dynasty, it was renamed "shenwumen" because of taboo. Shenwu gate is also agate tower form, with the highest level of double eaves veranda roof, but itsmain hall has only five bay plus Gallery, no left and right forward extension ofthe two wings, so in the form of a lower level than Meridian Gate. Shenwu gateis the entrance guard for daily access to the palace. Now Shenwu gate is themain gate of the Palace Museum.

Donghuamen and xihuamen correspond to each other. There are Xiama stelesoutside the gate. The golden water inside the gate flows to the north of HenanProvince. There is a stone bridge on the top of the gate, and there are threegates in the north of the bridge. Donghua gate and Xihua gate have the sameshape, with rectangular plane, red platform, white jade xumizuo, and threecoupons in the middle. The coupons are square outside and round inside. On theplatform of the city, there is a tower with yellow glazed tiles and double eaveson the top of the hall. The tower is 5 rooms wide and 3 rooms deep, withcorridors on all sides.

The first three halls are the largest buildings in the palace, covering anarea of 8 square meters. 50000 square meters, which is 12% of the palace city,while the latter three temples are 25% of the former three palaces, which areexpected to decrease in turn, mainly highlighting the main position of theformer three palaces and the latter three palaces. In 1961, it located the firstbatch of national key cultural relics protection units in China.

Well, you can move freely. Pay attention to safety and keep the scenicspots clean. Have a good time.
