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天成巷巴渝风情街为世人展示的一种不同于以往的时尚潮流,他以2300前年的巴渝盛景为载体,展示出当时盛行于世的青砖、石瓦、红檐绿瓦的古典民居,早以流传的前店后厂“民间工艺作品”也将现身于此。让你仿佛有返回到“陪都火锅、看两江汇流,品天下美食、玩不夜风情的休闲娱乐新天地。她将是解放碑的宴会客厅,重庆人的休闲胜区,再现老重庆的真实写照,重庆市最亮丽的城市名片吊脚楼风貌为主体,依山就势,沿江而建,让解放碑直达江滨。外来游客可观吊脚群楼、观洪崖滴翠,逛山城”长江、嘉陵江重庆位于重庆市核心商圈解放碑·洪崖洞 沧白路、两江交汇的滨江地带,坐拥城市旅游景观、商务休闲景观和城市人文景观于一体。以最具巴渝传统建筑特色的“老街、赏巴渝文化,烫山城。




提起洪崖洞,山城市民都耳熟能详,作为目前重庆主城区惟一一处老山城人文景观,其特有的吊脚楼令中外游客痴迷 重庆名片千年洪崖洞:洪崖洞位于重庆市渝中区沧白路旁,拥有2300多年的历史。“洪崖洞民俗风貌区”项目是20xx年重庆市政府“八大民心工程”之一,总面积4.6万平方米,是“重庆市重点景观工程”和“AAA级重点旅游项目工程”。该景区以拥城市旅游景观、商务休闲景观和城市人文景观于一体而闻名,并以最具巴渝传统建筑特色的“吊脚楼”风貌为主体,依山就势,沿崖而建,让解放碑直达江滨,是游吊脚群楼、观洪崖滴翠、逛山城老街、赏巴渝文化、看两江汇流、品天下美食的好去处,也是解放碑的会客厅。










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寺内僧侣80 多人,万年全右增人自己管理。每年的农历四月初八,十八,二十八为庆佛日,热闹非凡!



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命名缘由。秦岭西起甘肃经陕西至河南,绵延1600余公里,横贯华夏之东西,被尊为中华龙脉。秦岭东出陕西入河南,南支为八百里伏牛山,谓之伏牛即秦岭之首,龙隐又为伏牛之东启,故今龙隐所在,实为中华龙脉之端首。秦岭西高东低,俯潜向海,状若潜龙,而今龙隐之地,群龙盘聚,若隐若现,是故,命为龙隐。 “潜龙于渊,飞龙在天”,龙隐同时还象征着修养和闲隐之意。


龙隐现由七大游览区组成: 浪漫花溪、神奇灵龙峡、高山湖泊飞来湖、童话世界桃花源、原始林区杜鹃岭、“华夏之顶”中央峰和“中原第一云梯”通天云梯(也叫通天峡)。



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General situation of Ningde: Ningde, commonly known as East Fujian, islocated in the northeast of Fujian Province, in the middle of Chinas "GoldCoast", on the West Bank of Baodao Strait, and in the center of threeeconomically developed regions, namely the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl RiverDelta and Baodao province. Ningde is adjacent to Fuzhou, the capital of ZhejiangProvince in the south, Wenzhou in the north, Nanping in the West and Baodaoprovince across the sea in the East. The newly established prefecture levelNingde city is a new coastal port city, including Jiaocheng District, XiapuCounty, Gutian County, Shouning County, Pingnan County, Zhouning County, ZherongCounty, Fuan City and Fuding City. The land area is 13500 square kilometers,and the sea area directly adjacent to it is 44600 square kilometers, with apopulation of more than 3.2 million, of which 170000 are of She nationality,accounting for 1 / 2 of the total population of She nationality in the wholeprovince and 1 / 4 of the whole country. It is the largest She nationalitycommunity in China. There are nearly 300000 overseas Chinese and compatriotsfrom Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan.

There are many famous scenic spots at home and abroad. Fuding Taimumountain, a national key scenic spot, is known as the "fairyland on the sea" forits strange rocks, different caves, dangerous peaks and illusory fog; YuanyangRiver in Pingnan, a National Nature Reserve, is known as the "peerless sceneryin the world" for its Baishuiyang "water square"; Yangjia River in Xiapu isknown as the "peach garden in the sea" for its beautiful water and clearmountains; Ningde Zhiti mountain, a key Buddhist temple in China Zhiti templehas a long history, known as "the first Buddhist temple in the sea"; ZhouningJiulongji waterfall group is magnificent, praised as "rare in East China, thefirst in Fujian".

Eastern Fujian has a long history, rich cultural accumulation and uniqueregional cultural characteristics. According to the archaeological findings oflupinggang, there were human activities in eastern Fujian 10000 years ago. Theexcavation of the peiqiu cultural site in Cucumis mountain in Xiapu shows thatthere were a certain scale of Minyue ancestors living and working around3500-4000 years ago. In the Xia and Shang Dynasties, Eastern Fujian belonged toancient Yangzhou. In the Zhou Dynasty, it belonged to Qimin. In the spring andAutumn period, it belonged to Yue. In the Warring States period, it belonged toChu. In the Qin Dynasty, it belonged to Minzhong county. In the Han Dynasty, itbelonged to Minyue state. Eastern Fujian and the ancient Yue culture come downin one continuous line, belonging to the southeast coastal Indian potteryculture system. As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was a legend thatRong Chengzi, Tai Mu and Huo Tongzhen practiced Taoism and became immortals inTai Mu mountain and Huo Tongshan. During the northern and Southern Dynasties,Eastern Fujian was an important place for the golden elixir sect of Taoism. Inthe Tang Dynasty, Buddhism developed rapidly in the territory, with theemergence of eminent monks such as Ling you, the founder of the Buddhist worshipsect. Since the Qing Dynasty, Catholicism spread rapidly in eastern Fujian, andchurches and monasteries were set up in some places. There are four majorreligions in eastern Fujian, namely Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism andChristianity. There are 1479 places for religious activities and more than200000 religious believers. It constitutes the unique connotation andcharacteristics of eastern Fujian culture. Zhu Xi, Lu You, Wen Tianxiang, FengMenglong, Qi Jiguang and others all left traces and poems here. Xue Lingzhi, thefirst Jinshi in Fujian Province, Gan Guobao, the chief soldier of Baodaoguarding the sea, Xie Ao, the patriotic poet who wrote the collection ofBuddhist works, Luo Wenzao, the first Chinese bishop in the history of ChineseCatholic missionary, and Yuan Ying, the first president of the Chinese BuddhistAssociation.

FUDING profile: Fuding is located in the northeast of Fujian Province, atthe junction of Cangnan and Taishun counties in Zhejiang Province. It is 94kilometers away from Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province in the north, and about onehours high-speed travel is enough. It is 224 kilometers away from Fuzhou, thecapital of Fujian Province in the south, and about two hours high-speed travel.It is only 42 miles away from Keelung port in Baodao. FUDING covers an area ofmore than 1500 square kilometers, with a sea area of 15000 square kilometers anda total population of 560000, of which the Han nationality accounts for 93%, andthe rest are She nationality and Hui nationality.

FUDING has a long history. Since the Neolithic age, human beings have beenliving and reproducing here. During the Warring States period, Fuding has been apart of Qimin (Note: Qimin refers to the snake totem tribes scattered in FujianProvince and southern Zhejiang during the Zhou Dynasty, and its name has beenused until the northern Song Dynasty. Since the Southern Song Dynasty, Fujianhas eight Jianzhou systems, namely Fuzhou, Jianzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou,Tingzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou) Nanjianzhou, Shaowu army and Xinghua army arecalled "eight Min". Wenma county was established in the second year of Taikang(AD 282, that is, 1700 years ago). In the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty,the Prefecture was promoted to the prefecture, and Xiapu County was set up underthe prefecture. In the fourth year of Qianlong, Fuding county was set upindependently from Xiapu County. It is said that the name of the county comesfrom Fuding peak of Taimu mountain. Because "Fu" and "Fu" are homonymous, it iscalled "Fuding". The county is located in Tongshan, which is also called"Tongcheng" because Tongshan is rich in tung trees. In 1995, the county wasremoved from the municipal government. At present, Fuding has jurisdiction over10 towns, three townships, three sub district offices and one developmentzone.



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是根据火神祝融氏的名字命名的,相传祝融氏是上古轩辕黄帝的大臣,人类发明钻木取火后却不会保存火种和不会用火,祝融氏由于跟火亲近,成了管火用火的能手。黄帝就任命他为管火的火正官。因为他熟悉南方的情况,黄帝又封他为司徒,主管南方事物。他住在衡山,死后又葬在衡山。为了纪念他对人们的重大贡献,将衡山的最高峰命名祝融峰。在古语中,“祝”是持久,“融”是光明,让他永远光明。 祝融峰顶有祝融殿,原名老圣帝殿,明万历年间(1573—1620)始建为祠。现在的建筑是后来重新修建的,殿后岩石上装有石栏杆,北山风光尽收眼底。

在祝融殿的西边,有望月台,月明之夜,皓月临空,银光四射,景色格外明丽。游人站在台上,欣赏月色,较在平地上别有一番景象。即使月亮西沉,这里也留有它的余辉。正如明代孙应鳌的诗所描绘的:“人间朗魄已落尽,此地清光犹未低。”幽妙的情景,可以想见了。 祝融峰附近寺庙林立,其南面有上封寺,隋代以前叫光天观,是道教活动的地方。隋炀帝大业年间(605—618),下令改为上封寺。上封寺的正前方是南天门。上封寺后的山上有观日台,现设有气象台。在观日台旁边,有一块石碑,上面刻有“观日出处”四个大字,在秋高气爽,特别是雨后初晴的日子里,游人可以看到“一轮红日滚金球”的奇景。



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而 导游员的工作就是通过内容丰富、妙趣横生的导游讲解告诉旅游者应具有的审美观,并介绍相关知识,告诉他们美在何处,指点他们去欣赏某一景点的美,帮助他们获得美的享受,使观光游览活动达到最佳效果,同时也宣传了旅游景点的绝胜之处。因此,导游词的好坏直接影响着导游服务的好坏。所以导游词的创作绝不能掉以轻心。



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6、 导游词中,恰当地运用比喻、比拟、夸张、象征等手法,可使静止的化为活动的,使无生命的变为有生命的,使抽象的成为具体的,可使死的景观变为活生生的画面,从而产生浓厚的趣味性,如:“有人说三峡象一幅展不尽的山水画卷,也有人说,三峡是一条丰富多彩的文化艺术长廊。我们说,三峡倒更象一部辉煌的交响乐。它由‘瞿塘雄、巫峡秀、西陵险’这三个具有各个不相同旋律和节奏的乐意所组成”。《说话长江》这一段导游词中用四个生动的比喻提示出长江三峡内在这美。

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Ladies and gentlemen:

First of all, let me, on behalf of travel agency, for everyone to mount tai tourism, sightseeing, a warm welcome!

During our stay in taishan, I hope you can have fun, eat, live at ease, at the same time I hope you in taishan tour will be able to get a big harvest, leave a good memory.

Mount tai, called temple, it is located in eastern shandong province, the eastern side of the great plains of north China, covers an area of 426 square kilometers, the elevation 1545 meters, bearing for 6 minutes east longitude 117 degrees, 36 degrees north latitude 16 points. Majestic mount tai, has a long history and numerous cultural relics, in order to "first five" the reputation of the island at all. Wei tai standing as a national monument in the earth, has attracted worldwide attention.

In 1982, mount tai was listed as the first batch of national key scenic area, under the state council in 1987, UNESCO world natural and cultural heritage, in 1992 named the national tourist resort 40 +. Taishan protection so far better buildings there are 22, a total construction area of more than 140000 square meters. Between the ancient architectural complexes, and 12 Shi Fang 7, 6 stone bridge, stone pavilion, one copper pavilion and 1 steel tower. Taishan sharpening has more than 2200, is known as "Chinas cliff burring museum", here is Chinas earliest stone system burring tai shan qin burring; There are precious, HengFang memorial tablet and jin han dynasty of lady tablet; There is known as "big word" and "zong" of BangShu beiqi the stone valley burring; Have all the plethora of tang dynasty > and double beam tablet in the tang dynasty, etc. Mount tai is fomous trees is various, is known as "the living world natural heritage". Taishan fomous trees more than one hundred, more than one hundred strains, opzoon 6 strains, of which 2100 years ago, 1300 years ago Tang Huai, 500 years ago at people, 5 doctors, come loose and a 600 years ago has been hailed as a national treasure in the bonsai pines "small six dynasties". Mount tai are famous for their grandeur, present a male, strange, risks, show, deep and remote, Mr, kuang, and many other beautiful image, 12 taishan scenic spot with famous mountains, cliff ridge, 78, 18, cave stone 58, valleys of article 12, 56, tam pool waterfall mountain spring 64, is the famous ying tan, the fan cliff, TianZhuFeng, peach blossom valley landscape such as 10 nature; The sunrise, sunset afterglow, Huang Hejin belt, sea of clouds tracts of ten natural wonders.

Taishan sunrise, it is an imaginary world, magical world, is the beauty of pen and ink indescribable sunrise scene. Since the ancient times, numerous poets of taishan sunrise spectacular landscape has a vivid description. Song dynasty ci MeiShengYu "morning RiGuanFeng, yellow sea melting. Bath the wheel light, follow day." Rhyme is especially peoples love, in the morning before dawn, stood RiGuanFeng, lifted up his eyes, and the east, and the morning star fadeout, faint show, a sea of clouds rolling between heaven and earth, slightly hectares, a gleam of dawn through clouds illuminated the east, then by the grey sky become yellow, then orange, purple, red and magnificent sunrise, like waves of the clouds, the sun, composed of series design of colorful, beautiful and colorful, the sun in the sun tingting nana rose from the clouds, the sun, due to the influence of the waves rolling revealing and flickering, disc gently and influenced by peaks and troughs propulsion when jumping up and down, gradually into a round shape, majestic, golden light, qunfeng do dye, the earth is bright.

At sunset the clouds cloud floating in the sky, the afterglow of the setting sun, like a coin golden light through the clouds with the mountain. The sun is like a huge tracts, change from white to yellow, more and more big, the sky like satin brocade, until the sunset sink to the bottom of the cloud, diffused into a piece of red, the sky clouds, mountains like in combustion, day is red, the mountain is red, the cloud is red, the earth also is red. A ribbon, lifted up his eyes, and looked, Huang Hexiang wound its way from the sky, in the backdrop of the sunset, white ribbon of the Yellow River, on the smooth roll, give a person with illusion. "A including stopped here, worn out in the world through the Milky Way". The sun slowly on to the Yellow River, ribbons the Huang Hexiang is tied on the sun, like dancing in the sky to the garnet. A cloud of mount tai is changeable. Attendance after the rain, a lot of actual evapotranspiration, combined with the summer monsoon from the sea to the warm air, cloud fog. Sometimes large cloud to form a long strap on a mountainside, like robes jade belt, and the mountain mountain are fine; Sometimes the dark clouds rolling, a worldshaking streak; Also sometimes baiyun tile, such as the earth spread flocculant, valley pile of snow, and clouds of white clouds, like thousands of tracts, diffuse light over chung, arrangement, like calm as the mighty ocean, and this is the famous "yun tracts.

Brigitte chardonnay baoguang is another wonders of mount tai. "Bao guang" commonly known as "Buddha", and more appear in the azure clouds temple east, west, south gate, god azure clouds temple is located in the jade emperor peak before the bosom, the terrain is relatively dips, cloud and mist is relatively thicker and more stable, in the air behind, according to figures appear in the fog, ultraviolet in formation around the red color ring, shall unripe brightness, color ring appears red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet seven color, sometimes there will be double loop, more beautiful and moving. Visitors standing in front of the tent of fog gestures, aura of shadow dance, also arises spontaneously is immortal fluttered about the feeling of people.

Mount tai in the winter, the temperature in - 20 degrees Celsius, the temperature warmed up, after that the weather is fine continental air down slightly, the southern warm air masses of fog mountain, breeze blowing, floating cloud droplets hit a tree, rock, roof, condense into ice crystals, the layer cascade folds, formed "thousand branch Joan jade", "Wan Shuhua" the rime of wonders. Mount tai and became a world as white as silver, like the dragon palace abode of fairies and immortals, dont have some kind of emotional appeal.

Mount tai in the winter, also very cool rain, down to the ground, an object, rapid forming a hard, smooth and transparent ice, that is "sleet. Whenever the sleet, mountains down trees like ice, the ground spreads rock like mirror, mount tai is turned into ice sculpture YuZhuo "coloured glaze in the world". Sunny after the rain, red sun reflected the climb, the blue sky line xiashan, sparkling, golden light path, full mountain conifers white snow, snow mountains everywhere, good pack Edward Chen north scenery.

Taishan district unique natural environment and long history culture breeding has produced various li shan xiushui and cultural attractions, vividly recorded the historical development of our Chinese nation civilization chapter. Modern archaeological scientific research has revealed in the paleolithic period of 50000 years ago, around mount tai have traces of human activity. A large amount of historical data were recorded taishan area in early stage of matriarchal society has revealed the dawn of civilization. In the 5000 years ago the neolithic age, at the northern foot of mount tai foothill of dawenkou culture, longshan culture, not only affect the shandong, and affects large areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. The spring and autumn period and the warring states period of "the state of qilu" is highly developed in the history of Chinese politics, economy, culture, Confucius, mencius is one of the historical and cultural celebrities. History tells us that tai shan area as early as in ancient times has become the important birthplace of Oriental culture, and taishan in the pre-qin period has become Chinas first famous mountains, as five mountains.

Taishan actual altitude is not too high, is inferior to mount heng, huashan in the mountains, only accounted for a third. Compared with the national many mountains are not nearly as well. But why does it become a renowned in the ancient and modern "yue long", "with its unique and exclusive reputation? This is from the geographical environment and the primitive religion of mount tai.

Taishan rise in the east of north China plain, over plains of qilu, wide sea in the east, the west has a long history of the Yellow River, the south has graduated, see, the water of huai, plains, hills and relative elevation 1300 meters, form sharp contrast, thus stands tall on the vision; Making sense and see the mountains small high kuang momentum; Mountains spanning more than 100 kilometers, 426 square kilometers, its basic AnWenGan wide, form large and concentrated massiness, are produced by a "town of d but not shake," the dignity. The so-called "firmly" ", "as heavy as mount tai", it is its natural characteristics in a reflection of peoples physiological and psychological.

Throughout history, people always put mount tai as a tall, beautiful, noble, determination of image, passion to sing. The second century BC, sima qian in his > in wrote: "death, or heavier than mount tai or lighter than a feather". Chairman MAO had cited the words of sima qian teach people, "to die for the people is weightier than mount tai". This spirit of the mount tai is closely linked to the meaning of life, the outlook on life, plays a big role in the education of the peoples.

Six dynasties as the >, qin and han dynasties, the folk legend of pangus (ancient beginning, all things of god) death come to dongyue, left arm of nanyue, right arm as beiyue, sufficient for the west. Pangu corpse head east and dongyue, mount tai is, of course, the five mountains. Apparently according to >, > theory creation myth, reflects the historical background of taishan exclusive mountains.

The east is the place where the sun were to rise up, the ancients that happens is all things change, the beginning of spring. Therefore, the east is the source of life, hope and auspicious symbol. And ancient ancestors and majestic peculiar dongyue often regarded as gods, the gods as object to worship, pray for the good so, mount tai is located in the east - the borne to pull a behemoth has become "by" everything is "auspicious mountain", "home of the gods". Emperor by destiny "son of heaven" more see taishan as national unity and the symbol of power. Thanks to sent the "man", by the grace of also will come to mount tai worship god. Chow, shang Kings east soil at the foot of mount tai, the base to build taishan to qilu; Legend in the qin and han dynasties ago, 72 to the Kings of the taishan god, after emperor qin, qin ii, the emperor, han GuangWuDi its chapter, han emperor, han, sui wendi, the emperor, wu zetian, tang dynasty, tang emperor song zhenzong, the qing emperor kangxi and qianlong heels the ancient emperors to taishan I send offerings, sharpening JiGong. Every emperor with the aid of taishan compared to consolidate his rule, make mount tai an unbounded was lifted to a divine status.

With every emperor I sacrifice, mount tai became the important place of various religious sects activity. As early as the warring states period had Huang Boyang monastery in the mountain, after all previous dynasties famous Taoist celebrities have been preaching on mount tai, built temple built concept. Buddhism since the eastern jin lang lang and create a good buddhist temple began, also growing in mount tai.

Taishan attracted numerous cultural celebrities, generations of poets and painters, dachaoshan usually go there on special trip for them, writing, left a rich cultural products. Confucius, guanzhong, sima qian, zhang heng, zhuge liang, liu yuxis, li bai, du fu, and su dongpo, ouyang xiu, fan zhongyan, wang shizhen, yao nai, guo moruo scrawled JiShu, left a vast adais poems, the visitors from the mountain god worship to sightseeing, the new direction of aesthetic knowledge. By foot ascend the stairs, to the top of mount tai, there are thousands of cliff stone carvings alone, from qin dynasty to qing dynasty, dynasties have extravaganza. The color, style meaning every generation is different, its scale, work, time of continuity, genre and style, exquisite art, construct the clever are world famous mountains of unparalleled scene. Carved ancient high charm contained in deep feeling and wei the majestic mount tai fuses in together, fully embodies the unyielding noble spirit of the Chinese nation.

In taishan in thousands of years of civilization, the working people have created a series of brilliant cultural landscape and the combination of tall, magnificent natural landscape, formed the image of a noble mount tai, mount tai constitute the unique scenery landscape. Humanities landscape layout and creation, is based on the natural landscape, especially the topographic characteristics and the needs of the I, sightseeing, ornamental activity design. The most representative is the route I emperor, and the people dachaoshan pilgrimages. Its main body is to pull tongtian natural landscape, the theme is sealing day zen thought content, the layout form is focused on the artemisia in the land of the mountain, the emperors yi dai to seal day the jade emperor peak form as long as more than 10 kilometers of hell - a triple space axis - heaven on earth. Southwest in city nai river crossing to mountain in artemisia (at taian station of anji) as the "land of the dead"; Taian city for the world; Since north temple lane, along the 6666 level "ladder" to DaiDing "tianfu".

TaiAnCheng is due to the ancient emperors I sacrifice, and the people dachaoshan pilgrimages and sightseeing development. s dai temple are undoubtedly visitors choice of Thai city on the central axis of the main body, the central axis from south of the city gate, extends to the temple, and then into the mountain bends and leads to the "heaven", make not only mountains and cities, on the function and form in architectural space sequence. The sequence according to the mountain worship of another program, runs through a from "people" to "wonderland". Look from the terrain, is by the gentle slope, slope until a steep slope, people from low to high, rising step by step, finally boarded the tianfu like; Look from the scale of construction, it reaches to the sky by human imperial palaces, gradually into the wonderland; Look from the color, red walls Huang Wa always with pines seem to form contrast. Through three mile a flagpole, five miles a memorial arch, a door, two doors (zhongtian gate), three doors (worse), triple rhythm, constituted a day, step by step the spectacular sequence.

Mount tai is the most prominent feature of ancient buildings is the use of geographical environment, it skillfully by natural trend, and with the artificial force to strengthen and beautify the environment. For I ritual activities, the choice of sequence space position, make full use of the tai shan south by gradual steep slope, causes the artistic conception of "ladder". All the streams, people in the valley of the bank of China, is a "closed" natural landscape, the segment is tightly contraction, until DaiDing to open. Prelude to long, contrast is very strong, for "worship" activity, produce environmental induction psychological state, if heaven, breathless. Step into the worse suddenly open, like fairy. Therefore, the geographical environment is the masterpiece of I sacrifice space sequence. Second, the location choice of single or group under construction and the creation of structures, have built across the way portal construction, have a climbing turn with the guidance of building, facing the creek and reward JingJianZhu, mid-levels suspension religious buildings, there are towering mountain of buildings, etc. Thirdly, from the construction of the structure, materials, decoration and garden space as the basic unit of group composition, are able to meet the requirements of terrain environment variable, this pavilion pavilion of building construction, set the cabinet of a cabinet; Need to open fully in the modelling and lighter, need to shrink in space real thick, fully embody the set by scene, due to the condition of construction thought.

Taishan main preserved ancient architecture is the style of the Ming and qing dynasties, it is not only the value of building the painting, sculpture, rocks, trees, become the example of ancient Chinese culture, preserve a huge I sacrifice sequence and a three-dimensional painting recorded history, but also left for us to keep up with the architecture model of natural by its unique artistic image to coordinate and strengthen the natural beauty, to performance and deepen the natural environment. Because of them, to make the natural landscape and human landscape set each other off of the mount tai is unripe brightness, make strict excessively day to taishan go deep into the heart of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, and famous in the world, become a whole a kind of precious heritage.

Mount tai, 3 road since ancient times. It was destroyed in the original east road, the original road naturally became now east road, visitors at taian station after the train, can swim first dai temple, and then from dai temple back door to the temple, walking through zhongtian gate to the worse, or walking to transfer to the cable car to the worse after zhongtian gate, along the Yin again by the azure clouds temple on mount tai is the utmost. If walk road (the original west road), from taian station to get off, can take tour bus along the mountains roads by ying tan, zhulin temple direct zhongtian gate, then to tianmen take the cable car or walk to the worse, until the Yin DaiDing again. If from the road up the hill, from taian station take tour bus to claimed yesterday (taian and jinan border) to the north, along the new monarch round hill road, in the flowers, spring ding-dong of maolin travel to shangri-la in the sunlit cableway station passenger ropeway from here until the northern tip of Yin, really is magic!

My dear friends, my introduction here. As the saying goes: seeing is believing, everybody wants to have a deep knowledge of mount tai, also need according to their own interest, personal into the arms of mount tai, footsteps slowly along the history and culture to visit, to watch carefully.



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Dear tourists

Welcome to Ningxia for sightseeing. First of all, please allow me tointroduce Ningxia to you.

Ningxia is located in the northwest inland area of the motherland, in themiddle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, with a total land area of 66400square kilometers. Now it has jurisdiction over Yinchuan and Shizuishan, Yinnanand Guyuan, Wuzhong, Qingtongxia and Lingwu, 6 districts and 15 counties. Thepopulation of the whole region is 5.36 million.

Ningxia is the only Hui Autonomous Region in China, and the Hui populationaccounts for about 1 / 3 of the total population of the region. Hui peoplebelieve in Islam, and there are more than 3000 large and small mosques in thewhole autonomous region, so Ningxia is also known as the "hometown of Muslims"in China.

(history and Culture)

Ningxia is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. The excavationof Shuidonggou site in Lingwu City on the Bank of the Yellow River shows thathuman beings lived and multiplied in the Paleolithic age 30000 years ago. In theQin Dynasty, it belonged to Beidi County, where the Qin army garrisoned thefrontier to fight against the Huns. In Han Dynasty, it was divided into twoparts: Shuofang and Ciliang. In the Tang Dynasty, the economy of agriculture andanimal husbandry was greatly developed. At the beginning of the 11th century,the Dangxiang nationality took Ningxia as the center, established the Xixiaregime and created the splendid Xixia Culture. After the Yuan Dynasty destroyedXixia, Ningxia Province was set up, which means "pacify Xixia forever", so itbegan to have the name of Ningxia. In the Ming Dynasty, Ningxia Wei wasreformed, and in the Qing Dynasty, Gansu Province was established. NingxiaProvince was founded in 1928. In 1654, the provincial system was abolished anddivided into Inner Mongolia and Gansu provinces. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regionwas established in 1958.

Ningxia is located in the transitional zone between the Central Plainsculture and grassland culture, and also the blending zone of Hetao culture andthe silk road. The ancient and far-reaching Yellow River culture, distinctiveIslamic culture, unique Xixia Culture, distinctive immigrant culture and richand broad frontier cultural tools have left many precious relics and explorationopportunities for future generations in this magical land The mystery of theworld.

(topography and climate)

Tourists, the terrain of Ningxia is high in the South and low in the north.Mountains and plateaus account for about 3 / 4 of the whole area. The rest isplain area, of which desert accounts for 8% of the area of Ningxia. In terms ofterrain distribution, from north to South are Helan Mountain, Ningxia Plain,Ordos grassland, Loess Plateau, Liupan Mountain, etc., with an average altitudeof more than 1000 meters. The Helan Mountains in the North stretch for 250kilometers and become the natural barrier of Ningxia Plain, while the lushLiupan Mountains in the south. The ancient Yellow River flows northward throughthe central and northern parts of Ningxia, with a total flow of 397 kilometersin Ningxia and 12 counties and cities. The Ningxia section of the Yellow Riverhas a wide water surface and is irrigated and cultivated. Their hard work hasmade Ningxia a beautiful "south of the Yangtze River" with crisscross ditches,fragrant rice and fish, fragrant melons and fruits. This can be confirmed by thepoem of the Tang Dynasty poet "orchards under Helan Mountain, old famous innorthern and southern China".

In addition, Ningxia is located in a high latitude, with large temperaturedifference between day and night, relatively high temperature of direct sunlightduring the day, significantly lower temperature of residual heat of air swept atnight, and about 15 ℃ temperature difference between day and night in summer.The rainy season is concentrated in summer, but the precipitation is small.Ningxias sky is bright, "blue sky, white clouds floating, white clouds underthe horse run" is a true portrayal of Ningxias weather and customs.

(Tourism Landscape)

Various types of natural landscape and eclectic multi-culturalcharacteristics bring rich tourism resources to Ningxia. As "the last virginland of Chinas tourism", Ningxia has been favored by tourists at home andabroad in recent years. When you come to Ningxia for tourism, you can enjoy its"six characteristics" from different angles: Ancient Yellow River culture,majestic desert scenery, mysterious Xixia Dynasty, rich homecoming customs,charming six scenes, and beautiful south of the Great Wall. There are Xixiamausoleum known as "Oriental pyramid", 108 towers, the largest lama stylearchitectural complex in China, Helan Mountain rock painting, the Pearl of sandsea, Shapotou, and Shahu Lake, which is rated as one of Chinas 35 ace touristattractions by the National Tourism Administration. At present, some specialtourism projects have been developed, such as riding on sheep skin rafts,crossing the Tengger Desert by camel, imitating the ancient style of Xixia, Huicustoms, sand lake bird watching, walking on the Great Wall, ecologicalagriculture sightseeing and so on. The tour of Ningxia has many points, a widerange, a long line, such as songs, poems, and paintings, giving people uniqueenjoyment.

(Hui customs)

Tourists, when they come to Ningxia, they should especially accept thecustoms of the Hui people, because Ningxia is the area with the largest numberof Hui people in China (the number of Hui people in Chinas 55 ethnic minoritiesis second only to Zhuang people). Lets talk about the Hui peoples beliefs,programs, customs, emergencies and costumes.

Hui people believe in Islam, so they have a close relationship with Islam.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese Islamic scholars introduced Islamicdoctrines in terms of "purity and pollution", "truth is the only one", "supremelove and truth" and "Allahs original supremacy is called halal". Ancient Islamwas also known as "halal religion". Islamic mosque is called "mosque", Muslimfood is called "halal food", Muslim restaurants and food stores are used to usethe word "Qingzhen" as a sign. There are more than 3000 mosques in Ningxia, allover the country. According to the requirements of the ancient x Sutra, HuiMuslims should observe five tasks, namely, recitation (prayer), ritual(worship), fasting (fasting), lesson (donation) and pilgrimage (pilgrimage).

Islams Eid al Fitr, guerbang Festival and holy Ji Festival are also thethree major festivals of Hui Muslims. As the name suggests, Eid al Fitr is thefirst day after the end of Ramadan. It is 70 days after Eid al Fitr. The Arabicword "gurbang" means killing animals, so it is also called Eid al Fitr. The holyseason is held on the 12th of March every year to commemorate the birth ofMuhammad __, the founder of Islam.

The Hui nationality is also deeply influenced by Islam in birth naming,marriage and funeral. After the birth of the Hui children, they should be namedafter the imam, which is called "Jing Ming". After fulfilling the legalprocedures, the Imam presided over the ceremony, recited the ancient x Sutra andtestified the marriage of the Hui youth. Three days later, the bride and groomgo back to their parents home, which is called "return door". The Hui peoplesfuneral is an earth burial, which advocates plain burial instead of coffin.After the body is washed, it is wrapped in white cloth and buried in the earthcave. Relatives first meet seven, and then meet the annual sacrifice. Hui peoplehave good health habits. Before worship, they have to take a bath. "Xiaojing"washes their hair, hands and feet with a soup bottle, "Dajing" washes theirwhole body with a hanging jar. The courtyard of Hui nationality is clean andorderly. The bucket used to carry water is buckled on the stone slab, and thebucket used to lift water from the well is hung on the wall and cannot fall tothe ground.

Hui people avoid idolatry. Fasting of dead animals, blood, pigs, horses,donkeys, mules, dogs and other non ruminant animals. The Hui people take martialarts and fitness as their virtue, so most of them have a long life.

In terms of clothing, most Hui men wear small white or black hats, whichare called worship hats. Women usually wear a white cap or cap without edge tocover their hair. Girls usually wear green, married women wear black, and theelderly wear white. Hui women like to wear earrings, rings, bracelets andheadwear.

(specialty and flavor)

Tourists, the specialty and flavor of Ningxia can be summed up in twosentences: "Wu Baoyao is a tourist, long thought, long thought, do not want toreturn."

Ningxias special products, which want to be praised by the world, aremedlar, licorice, helanshi, tanyangpi and Nostoc flagelliforme. They are calledfive treasures because of their red, yellow, blue, white and black colors.Lycium barbarum timely Chinese medicine boutique, advantage kidney health food.Licorice is praised as "the king of traditional Chinese medicine". The inkstonemade of Helan stone is not only a practical product of the four treasures of thestudy, but also a precious craft collection. Ningxia Tan sheep is one of theexcellent fur sheep in China. It is usually made of Tan sheep lambs second furfor about one month. Its excellent quality and unique style are well-known athome and abroad. Nostoc flagelliforme is one of the "eight treasures", which hasboth edible function and medicinal value. However, digging Nostoc flagelliformewill seriously damage the environment and lead to land desertification.Therefore, Nostoc flagelliforme has been listed as a national first-class keyprotected and managed wild sand fixing plant, and its collection and sale areprohibited.

The local flavor of Ningxia is unique because it has Chinese traditionalflavor. Its halal flavor snacks are not only cherished by the majority ofMuslims, but also enjoyed by people of all ethnic groups. They are fragrant withoil, crispy and crisp Sanzi, as well as the most distinctive beverage, Gaiwantea. Muslim chefs also created a series of Muslim dishes, such as bowl steamedsheep, instant boiled mutton, crystal sheep head, stewed beef tendon, braisedmutton, pan fried duck, pigeon egg steamed vegetables, sweet and sour YellowRiver carp and so on. Among them, "eight bowls", the Hui peoples feast withstew as the main dish, is the Hui peoples festive feast. Ningxia snacks alsoinclude beef and mutton, Tuanbao, niangpizi, Hui rape, niuganba, etc., withvarious names and characteristics. There is a snack street in the downtown areaof Yinchuan. Tourists may as well go through the streets and enjoy it.

Dear tourists, this is the general situation of Ningxia. Maybe after youtake you to Ningxia, you will feel the same sigh as me: Ningxia is the mostbeautiful after you travel all over the mountains and rivers!



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?白洋淀地处燕南赵北,自古多慷慨悲歌之士,历史上不乏名臣硕辅、文人墨客、艺人工匠。关于白洋淀的文字记载,最早见于晋代辞赋家左思的《魏都赋》,书中写道"…掘鲤之淀,盖节之渊…"。掘鲤淀特指今天的白洋淀,北宋年间始称白羊淀,后因"汪 洋浩渺,势连天际",遂称白洋淀。据史志记载,北宋杨延昭曾在白洋淀屯兵御辽,现在境内的营、寨、口、垒等村名即来源于此;明成祖朱棣曾带兵到留通淀、莲花淀修筑台田,并在洛王淀边修建"乐驾台"记功;清代康熙、乾隆皇帝多次到过白洋淀,在端村、郭里口、赵北口、圈头等地修过行宫,康熙皇帝以"溪光映带"赞美白洋淀大淀风光。此外,众多文人墨客来白洋淀观光游览,写出大量的诗词歌赋,留下了许多千古传颂的奇闻逸事。







