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Bijiashan scenic spot is located in the west of Liaoning Province inNortheast China, facing the Bohai Sea, adjacent to Jinzhou port, and in JinzhouEconomic and Technological Development Zone. Bijiashan island and "Overpass" arethe main scenic spots in Bijiashan scenic spot, which can be roughly dividedinto five areas: Island Tour, sea sightseeing, shore entertainment, beachbathing and vacation cultivation. The total area is 8 square kilometers,including land area of 4.72 square kilometers and sea area of 3.28 squarekilometers. Here beautiful landscape, beautiful environment, rich resources,life service facilities, convenient transportation. There are many naturalscenic spots, such as MAANQIAO, yixiantian, Shengui going to sea, Shihouswimming, hukendong, Menglan Bay, etc. There are many cultural relics andhistoric sites: Lu Zuting, sun hall, Wumu palace, Wanfo hall, Longwang temple,Sanqing Pavilion, etc.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2662 字

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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to the ancient lotus pond. Im your guide.

Gulianhuachi, a national key cultural relic protection unit and one of thetop ten famous gardens in China, is located in the center of Baoding city. It isfar from the governors office in Zhili. The main gate of the ancient lotus pondfaces north and south, with a pair of stone lions in front of the gate. The gatetower is surrounded by three gates and three couplets. A large horizontal plaqueof "ancient lotus pond" written by President Xu Shichang at the beginning of theRepublic of China is hanging above the middle gate.

White lotus pool, formerly known as Xuexiang garden, was built by ZhangRou, king of Runan in Yuan Dynasty. It was first built in 1220 ad___ In, thetotal area is 24000 square meters, of which the pond area is 790 square meters.The lotus pond has been surrounded by water since ancient times, and is famousfor its water. It also brings together the essence of Chinas ancientarchitecture and gardens in the north and south.

It was destroyed by the earthquake in 1284 ad, and only the pond withwhirling lotus ripples and luxuriant lotus flowers remained, which was called"lotus pond" in the Ming Dynasty. A large-scale renovation and expansion wascarried out in the late Ming Dynasty. Zha Zhilong, the magistrate, took thelotus pond as a "water mirror" and ordered the construction of a four characterhorizontal plaque on the water mirror office to inspire people and encouragethemselves. Lianchi Academy was built in Qingxing, and the Qianlong Jiaqingperiod became the heyday of Lianchi. The mountains, water, buildings, platforms,pavilions, halls, verandahs and pavilions were scattered, forming the famoustwelve scenes of Lianchi, which won the reputation of "Penglai City".

Lianchizang stone carving is a great landscape. The stele corridor on thenorth side of Beitang alone is 33 meters long, with three sections of 82 squaresteles. There are more than 140 stone inscriptions written by famouscalligraphers in Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and even in theperiod of the Republic of China and after liberation, which become an importantpart of Lianchi landscape.

Lianchi, an ancient garden, integrates the artistic styles of North andsouth gardens, and has won the praise of landscape experts and cultural relicsexperts. At present, the restoration of twelve scenic spots in Lianchi and therenovation of the surrounding historical blocks are in full swing. It isbelieved that in the near future, Lianchi will welcome tourists from all overthe world with more charming scenery.

Well, tourists, the ancient lotus pond is here for you. Thank you for yoursupport!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3149 字

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Zhaoqing Seven Star Rock est situé à environ 4 km au nord du Centre - villede Zhaoqing. La zone pittoresque est composée de cinq lacs, six collines, septrochers et huit grottes. La zone pittoresque est de 8,23 kilomètres carrés. Il ya des montagnes dans le lac, des grottes dans les montagnes et des rivières dansLes grottes. Il ny a pas de ville dans la ville. Cest aussi beau quune féesur Roche Qixing est caractérisée par des pics rocheux karstiques etdes paysages lacustres. Sept pics calcaires disposés comme Beidou Qixing sontdisposés sur une surface de lac de 6,3 kilomètres carrés. La digue de plus de 20kilomètres de long divise la surface du lac en Grands Lacs avec un beaupaysage.Connu sous le nom de "Fairyland" et "première merveille deLingnan".LUnit é nationale de protection des reliques culturelles qixingyanCliff Stone est le groupe le plus concentré de sculptures de falaise dans le sudde la Chine, de sorte quelle est nommée qixingyan.

La Roche Qixing est à lorigine un lac Asphalt é formé par lancien chenalfluvial de la rivière Xijiang. Le corps principal est composé de sept sommetscalcaires, à savoir la roche Lufeng, la roche Yuping, la roche shimurite, laroche stigmate, la roche crapaud, la roche palmitique et la roche Po. Ils sontdisposés comme des étoiles de la Grande Ourse qui se dispersent sur près de 600hectares de surface du lac avec des vagues bleues comme des miroirs, et desdigues de lac ombragées de plus de 20 km de long, qui flottent comme desceintures vertes sur le lac fée, le lac central, le lac Bohai, leLe lac estrelié par des montagnes et des lacs magnifiques.

Qixingyan a une longue histoire

Il y avait des documents écrits dès la dynastie Jin.Lécrivain etcalligraphe Li Yong (Beihai) de la dynastie Tang est venu visiter le célèbre"Duanzhou Stone Chamber record", gravé sur le mur de pierre à lentrée de lagrotte.- en avril 1900, lors dune visite à Seven Star Rock, le maréchal écrivitsept versets: ? une fois que leau du lac West a été empruntée, les septmontagnes de Yangshuo ont été déplacées; des saules de soie ont été ajoutés auxremblais et des tableaux ont été laissés entre le ciel et la terre.?Les septétoiles sont magnifiques et colorées. Il y a "Guilin, Hangzhou Water" dans unendroit. Depuis lantiquité, il y a "Peak Risk, Stone Difference, Dongqi, templeancient" dit. Il y a "Seven Rock, Eight Holes, Five Lakes, six Hills" dans lesprincipales zones touristiques, et il ya plus de 80 endroits pittoresques à pierre céleste est la plus haute, avec une altitude de 117 mètres; lagrotte Longyan est la plus étrange, avec des grottes dans la grotte, qui a laréputation de "galerie de poésie Millénaire"; le temple Shigu est le plusancien, avec des temples dans la grotte.

Cinq Lacs: Central Lake, Fairy Lake, Li Lake, Bohai Lake et QinglianLake

Six postes: shipaigang, Shigang, Xianggang, wansonggang, huangmaogang,Yinzi Gang et Fozi Gang

Seven Rock: Lufeng Rock, Yuping Rock, shimurite Rock, tianshu Rock, crapaudRock, cactus Rock, apolitic Rock

Huit grottes: grotte Shishi, grotte Lianhua, grotte Bixia, grotte lusgu,grotte shuangyuan, grotte JinJin Yuye, grotte spirale et grotte de sortie deriz



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Tourists, Shahu is located between Yinchuan and Shizuishan, at theintersection of Yaoxi highway and Baotou Lanzhou railway, 56 kilometers awayfrom Yinchuan. Our tour bus starts from Yinchuan, about 1 hour to the scenicspot. Let me take this opportunity to introduce the general situation ofShahu.

Shahu is a new tourist attraction. It is named after the Wanqing desert inthe South and the thousand mu Pinghu Lake in the north. Relying on the naturalscenic spots and taking the lake and sand as the content, it has formed theunique style of Saishang tourism, which integrates the appreciation andparticipation, and has attracted a large number of tourists from home andabroad. The total area of Shahu Lake is 45.10 square kilometers, including 8.2square kilometers of lakes, 12.74 square kilometers of mobile sand dunes and24.16 square kilometers of marshes.

Perhaps some tourists would like to ask: How did Shahu Lake form? ShahuLake used to be a butterfly shaped depression in Xidatan of Yinchuan plain. Asearly as 407 ad, there were records of garrison here. After the founding of newChina, Shahu was assigned to Qianjin farm. In the autumn of 1958, mountaintorrents broke out, resulting in the breach of drainage ditches and a largeamount of water discharged into depressions, forming a lake with an area of morethan 10000 mu. Because the shape of the lake is very similar to a big Yuanbao,it is called Yuanbao lake.

In September 1989, Bai lichen, then chairman of Ningxia Autonomous Region,visited Qianjin farm. Attracted by the "sand color" of the lake, he proposed theidea of developing Yuanbao lake and establishing a tourist area. In 1990, Bailichen came here again. With the theme of Lake (Park) and sand (Hill), which aretwo unique resources of the scenic spot, he gladly renamed Yuanbao Lake Shahu.Since then, the construction of Shahu tourist area has begun. Since then, in aseries of activities organized by the National Tourism Administration, Shahu hasbeen promoted to the overseas tourism market together with the famous scenicspots such as Guilin landscape in Guangxi, Tianya Haijiao in Hainan andZhangjiajie in Hunan, becoming the second of the first batch of 35 trump touristattractions in China.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 2491 字

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Bonjour tout le monde, je mappelle lu.Je vais vous montrer le lac Ouest deHangzhou, sil vous pla?t ne jetez pas les ordures, gardez vos objets de valeur,je vous souhaite un bon voyage!

Avant de venir à West Lake, je crois que beaucoup de touristes ont entenduparler du paradis et de Suzhou et Hangzhou.En fait, il y a une grande relationentre Hangzhou et West Lake.Le beau paysage du lac West à Hangzhou a laissébeaucoup de poètes oublier de revenir.Bai Juyi na pas réussi à quitterHangzhou, la moitié du lac.Cest une grande preuve.Sil vous pla?t, restez prèsde léquipe et soyez prêt à voir Hangzhou West Lake!

Le lac Ouest de Hangzhou est situé dans le Centre - ville de Hangzhou.Lelac West est long de 32 kilomètres du Nord au Sud et denviron 28 kilomètres delarge de lest à lOuest, couvrant une superficie denviron 568 kilomètrescarré caractéristique la plus distinctive ici est dix vues sur le lune dautomne du lac Pinghu est située à lextrémité ouest de la digueblanche, élégante et simple.Monter et regarder la lune dautomne, sentirlimmensité du lac Ouest dans le calme, laver lhumeur ennuyeuse, faire les genssentir le paysage neutre dans la Ville, leau dans le paysage, les gens dans lapeinture.Quel que soit langle, vous pouvez voir une peinture élégante du Sud dela rivière à lencre deau.Le poème de Sun Rui de la dynastie Song du Sudcontient des poèmes sur la lune, le printemps froid, le chant de bateau, oùnaviguer en bateau, et Hong zhanzu de la dynastie Ming a également écrit dans lepoème: les gens dautomne ont escaladé les vagues et les rides, et la poussièredans le miroir du pavillon de montagne immortel sont tous des paysagesmagnifiques qui célèbrent lautomne du lac lune dautomne du lacPinghu, appelée lac, reflète les paysages et les arbres environnants, jouant unr?le particulièrement calme.Comme une belle peinture.Nous devons nousémerveiller de lingéniosité de la nature. De temps en temps, un bateau passe,et nous ne pouvons nous empêcher de nous plaindre: le bateau a déchiré notrepeinture!

West Lake est un poème, une peinture, une fille touchante.Rappelez - vousJiangnan, surtout Hangzhou.Temple de montagne à la recherche de guizi, pavillonde comté sur loreiller pour voir la marée.Quand reviendrez - vous?Le poème deBai Juyi est un chant unique pour louer le lac West.Chers visiteurs, la agréableexcursion dune journée au lac West est terminée.Tout le monde samusebien?Jespère que les montagnes et les eaux du lac West resteront toujours dansvos bons souvenirs.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4838 字

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Dalian Xinghai Plaza was built in 1997, covering an area of 1.1 millionsquare meters

This is a project to commemorate the return of Hong Kong. In the middle ofthe square is the largest Chinese white jade watch in China. It is 19.97 metershigh and 1.997 meters in diameter, all of which commemorate the return of HongKong in 1997. The base of the watch has eight dragons, and the column body iscarved with a dragon, symbolizing that we are all descendants of the dragon

The center of the square imitates the design of Yuanqiu in Tiantan,Beijing. It is made of 999 pieces of red marble. The marble is engraved withtiangan, dizhi, 24 solar terms and 12 Chinese zodiac. Standing on the Chinesezodiac, photography can bring good luck

Around the square is a large music fountain,

From the central point of the Central Avenue of the square, DalianConvention and Exhibition Center is 500 meters to the north, and the blue sea is500 meters to the south. The Central Avenue is paved with red bricks and greengrass on both sides. Xinghai Square is leaning against the city and facing thesea, which makes people open-minded

Now in front of us is the century old city sculpture of Dalian. The citysculpture consists of two parts, the front part is the footprint relief, and theback part is the desk square in the shape of an open book

As you can see, there are many footprints on the relief of footprints.These footprints are not carved without any reason, but are stepped out by 1000real people. Each pair of footprints has a owner with a name. These footprintslead to the sea from north to south. They are sorted according to age. The firstline was born in 1899 when Dalian was founded. The last line is Born in 1999.These 1000 pairs of footprints prove that Dalians centennial history wascreated by hardworking Dalian people

The square is located in the beautiful Xinghai Bay, named after the Bay,with a total area of 45000 square meters. It is the largest Guangchang projectbuilt in Dalian since 1899. It was completed in 1997. Her design fullyintegrates the traditional Chinese culture. In the center of the square, thereis the largest Chinese white jade watch in China, 19.97 meters high and 1.997meters in diameter, to commemorate the return of Hong Kong to the motherland.The base of the watch and Zhou Changdu are decorated with dragons. The center ofthe square draws lessons from the design scheme of Beijing Tiantan Huanqiu,which is made of 999 Sichuan red marbles. The red marble is surrounded by a bigyellow five pointed star Chinas heavenly stems and earthly branches all thechildren of the Yellow Emperor are the 24 yellow solar term and the 12 zodiac.There are 5 large palace lanterns around the square, which are lifted up by thestone pillars of the white marble pillars, 12.34 meters high, and shiningbrilliance, reflecting the essence of Chinese traditional culture. The greatfive star red flag of the square symbolizes that our republic is from theChinese nation. Around the square, according to the atlas of the eastern andWestern Zhou dynasties, nine tripods with different shapes have been carved.Each tripod is inscribed with a large one in the form of a Wei tablet, whichtogether constitutes "long live the great unity of the Chinese nation". It isheld up by nine tripods, which symbolizes the unity and prosperity of theShenhua nation. It is more important than Mount Tai and shows the Chinesepeoples national spirit at home and abroad This square shows Dalian peoplesadmiration for the ancient culture of the Chinese nation, and also expressesDalian peoples sincere feelings for the Chinese nation. The huge star shapedsquare echoes with the sea. There are stars and the sea, just the symbol of thestar shaped Bay. The inner diameter of the square is 199.9 meters, implying the100th anniversary of the founding of Dalian in 1999; The outer diameter of thesquare is 239.9 meters, implying that Dalian will usher in the 500th anniversaryof the founding of the city in 2399 ad. the exhibition center is 500 metersnorthbound from star distillery along the Central Avenue, and the boundless seais 500 meters southbound. The Central Avenue is paved with red bricks, and theWest side is covered with green grass. The design is composed of small yellowleaved poplar. Every 20 meters, there is a stone pillar lamp in the shape of anavigation mark, and the "heading" goes straight to the sea, expressing thespirit of that year After a hundred years of national humiliation, the Chinesepeople have to deal with the sea and move towards the open-minded and imposingmanner of the people. Standing in the center of Xinghai Square, backed by theprosperity of modern city, facing the endless sea, I feel detached andopen-minded. And the feeling of walking along the square avenue to the seasideand embracing the sea can only be realized in person.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 547 字

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hi尊敬的旅客 现在由我带领你们参观这历史悠久的豫园






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Junction of the Yangtze river and wujiang river within the territory of chongqing is an ancient city, the country make a fuling. In ancient times known as is located in north latitude 29 ° 43 , longitude 107 ° 24 . Total length of 1600 meters, 10 to 15 meters wide, stretching from west to east, show a glyph parallel to the river. Water level elevation 81 meters, 137 beam ridge above the lowest water level 2 meters, 30 meters below the highest water level. 100 meters from south of the Yangtze river, stands at the junction of the Yangtze river and wujiang river in the east. Since the tang dynasty at more than 1200 years of over 170 words inscribed copy engraved on it, this is the famous built inscribed copy.

Built, why the poetic name, although opinions vary, but are associated with a person called er Zhu Tong micro. According to legend, when the northern wei dynasty, er Zhu Tong reluctant to usurp the throne and cousin, Zhu Rong confluence, abandoned the family, as, number, zhu reality. , zhu, an city, to close state, proud satrap. The satrap anger, will cage zhu jiang. Bamboo cage is not heavy, but, down the river to crane fucheng states gathered Shi Liang, encounter a fisherman for network and white stone. , zhu is a deep sleep, fishermans long should not be, qing fang su, hence to alter ego. Fisherman still cloth net, canoe, Zhu Jixu fix true blast; Knee is relatively late chat, tired foot LAN rivers dream. Bamboo flute fishermans song, copper qing scripture, each had its interest, a special love between both sides. Day, take Dan zhu with baishi fisherman and alcoholic drink, drunk after, take the fairy to crane. Built so named.

Built in tang dynasty inscribed copy the beginning moment GuangDe first year (AD 763), the existing 165 segments, 30000 words, 18 stone fish tail, 1, 2 statue of guanyin, crane, which involves the value of the hydrological 108 period, is the worlds only be sharpening the fish as the "water mark", ancient hydrological stations and observation records of hydrology. In the Yangtze river in China than in 1865 set up the first draft - wuhan jianghan shut hydrologic water level observation records 1100 years earlier, so the first ancient hydrological station of the world ".

According to the relevant departments of the observation, built in the tang dynasty stone fish belly, roughly equivalent to fuling district of modern the average of the calendar year low water level, and 24 years of the reign of emperor kangxi burring fish fish eye height, and roughly the same familiar channel department of the local water level zero. In August 1988, published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units.

20xx by the state administration of cultural heritage in the Chinese world heritage tentative list. 175 meters after the impoundment of the three gorges dam, built inscribed copy will always drown in nearly 40 m recently. From central to local leaders at all levels attach great importance to built inscribed copy protection work, to built inscribed copy protection or not, is directly related to the world that the key to whether the three gorges project belongs to the civilization construction. Built protection engineering has produced a total of seven protection plan, more than 10 member of Chinese academy of engineering, academy of sciences has participated in the built in the evaluation of protection scheme. After 10 years of repeated proof, according to the international "Venice charter" in mobile give priority to the principle of protection of cultural relics in situ, 20xx countries have adopted the academy of engineering ge XiuRun offered to "no pressure vessel" way of protection, creatively built the worlds only built with a depth of 40 meters underwater museum. Built the site protection underwater engineering is first of the four cultural relics protection project of three gorges project. Built to protect the project started in 20xx to build, officially opened on May 18, 20xx, the first prize of science and technology innovation by state administration of cultural heritage, and a total investment of about 200 million yuan.

Built underwater museum in April 20xx during the first three gorges international tourism festival official trial opening to the outside world.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1422 字

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Hello, Im Yi Huiqian, the guide of sunshine travel agency. You can call meXiaoqian. Today, I will show you around the island road, a famous scenic spot inXiamen. As the saying goes, "its a pleasure to have friends coming from afar."Im honored to meet you and accompany you to visit Xiamen. I will try my best tomake you understand the scenic spots and our beautiful coastal city Xiamen

Members of the group, our car is now driving on Xiamen Island Road. Theroad is 43 km long, 44-60 m wide, with 6 lanes in both directions, 18-24 mmotorway, 80-100 m green belt and 200 m in some sections. Huandao Road is one ofthe main scenic roads around the sea in Xiamen. There is also a great spectacleon the road around the island sculpture works. These works show the runningposture of the marathon runners, which has become an important scenic spot onthe road around the island. Today, I would like to focus on the famous musicsculpture. The content of the sculpture is that some people are familiar withmusic. This song is the score of the famous song of Gulangyu. Its total lengthis 247.79 meters, and the score of this song is in 20___ It was listed as thelongest five line musical sculpture in the Guinness World in November.

Well, dear group friends, this is the end of todays trip. I hope you canbe satisfied with our service, and also hope you will come back to Xiamen, abeautiful coastal city. Thank you and have a good time!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 486 字

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上海剧院这座用音符串织而成的水晶宫殿是 一座融新技术、新工艺、新材料于一体的艺术殿堂。由市广电局出资亿元建造的上海大剧院,位于人民广场西北侧,建筑面积七万平方米,高米,分地下层、地面层和顶部层。剧院内有个剧场,座的主剧场,用于上演芭蕾、歌剧和交响乐。主剧场舞台由一个平方米的前舞台、一个平方米的后舞台和两个平方米的侧舞台组成,带有舞台平移、升降、旋转、乐池升降和电动布景吊杆等设备,是亚洲最大、世界上最先进的舞台之一。座的中剧场、供室内乐演出;座的小剧场,供话剧、歌舞剧表演。还有个大小不等的排练厅、练功房和各类制景室、化妆间以及宴会厅、文化展示厅、马克西姆咖啡厅、地下车库等辅助设施。

除此以外大剧院的辅助设施还包括八楼屋顶的宴会厅底层的文化展示厅和马克西姆咖啡厅以及能停纳 余辆小汽车的地下车库。




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Hello, everyone! Im your guide. You can call me Xiao Zheng. Today, Imtaking you to Linjinyu, Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark.

Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark includes Linjinyu ancient volcanicisland, Niutoushan ancient volcanic pass, Nanding Island, Yulinshan, etc. Today,I will take you to appreciate the special geological features of Linjinyu, anancient volcanic island.

How did the name "Lin Jin Yu" come from? There is a legend here: long ago,there was a man named Lin Zhen in Changtai County who suffered from leprosy andwas abandoned on this island by his people. He eats the animals and plants onthe island, drinks the water on the island, and concentrates on reading. Later,he recovered from his illness. Soon, he won the number one prize and worked inliupin. He worked in the capital for eight years. He was indifferent to fame andwealth. He was unwilling to flatter and said he was ill. This nameless island iscalled "linzhenyu" by later generations. In order to avoid it, it is also called"Linjinyu".

Now we have landed on Linjinyu, please be careful. Alkaline olivinebasaltic rocks can be seen locally on the island. In the long process ofgeological evolution, a rare volcanic landscape in the world has been formed:first, basaltic rock group with complete mechanism; second, lava lakephenomenon; third, giant columnar joints.

In the middle of the island are lush peaks, 72.7 meters above sea level.The spring on the island is clear, and there are goats running in the forest.The island is surrounded by basaltic rocks formed after volcanic eruption. Onthe islands Beihai beach, you can see that 16 craters are closely connected toform a circular ring, like VCT floppy disks. You feel that you can read itsgreat changes in the past thousands of years. The craters here are small andnumerous, there are giant columnar joints of basalt, and there are neat "giantcolumnar stone forest". How can it be controlled? You can think about it.

The island is full of rocks formed after volcanic eruption. The rocks hereare not as orderly arranged as the "stone pillars" in Niutoushan, but they areof various shapes.

Linjinyu in Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark is an old and energeticisland. It is not only a scientific research base and creative base, but also agood place for sightseeing, leisure and vacation.

Here you are. Next you can visit freely. Please pay attention tosafety.



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Hello, everyone! Im your guide. Today Im honored to show you aroundHongcun.

Tourists, now we are deep behind Huangshan Mountain. The ancient village infront of us is called Hongcun. It has a strange terrain. Youve all heard thestory of Monkey King getting into Princess Tiefans belly in journey to theWest. Now, lets go and swim in the belly of "Bull Demon King". If you look downfrom the mountains where you are going, you will surely see the terrain ofHongcun: two hundred year old ginkgo trees as horns, river as stomach, stream asintestine, road as hide and mountain as head. Lets come out and have a look.Lets go!

We are now standing at the gate of Hongcun. Hongcun, formerly known asHongcun, is located at the southwest foot of Huangshan Mountain, 11 kilometersaway from the county seat of Yixian County. It is a strange cattle shapedancient village in Taohuayuan. The whole village covers an area of 30 hectares,pillow Leigang face south lake, beautiful landscape, enjoy the "Chinese paintingin the village" reputation. Its also a typical Hui style building here. If youlook at it from a distance, Hongcun looks like a cow.

We are going in now, please pay attention to the following: dont litter,dont spit everywhere, please keep Hongcun clean, thank you!

Now we are walking in the country alley. See that magnificent horse headwall? Its the most important building in Hongcun. If a house is on fire, thefire will not burn through the magnificent horse head wall, and the house nextdoor will be spared.

Passengers, we have known each other for a long time. Keep going. The yardin front is Wangs house. Do you know that the servants name is Wang Dinggui.The house covers an area of nearly 400 square meters, with 66 windows, 43 doors,and beams and red pillars made of Tung wood. The house is divided into threefloors: the first floor has a living room, kitchen and servant bedroom; thesecond floor is the bedroom of the female dependents; the third floor is thebedroom of the servant. The total investment of this house is nearly 800 gold.Its really a downwind building!

Look! The lotus pond on my left hand is used to discharge sewage. The lotuspond is bow shaped. Due to its special design, dirty water will not overflow,even if it rains heavily. In order to make the sewage pool less monotonous,people living here planted lotus in it. When the lotus is in full bloom insummer, many tourists will come here to see the lotus.

We continue to go forward. Now, beside the alley we are passing, there is asmall stream, which is the drinking water for people here. In addition, it isspecially stipulated that people can wash clothes with this kind of water before8:00, and then they can drink it later.

Then we went to the house where we used to live. Please keep up with theteam. More than 140 Ming and Qing dwellings are well preserved in the village.Chengzhi hall has exquisite "Three Sculptures" and is known as the "folk PalaceMuseum". The buildings in Hongcun are mainly residential buildings and privategardens, as well as public facilities such as academies and ancestral halls. Allkinds of buildings pay attention to carving, such as wood carving, brick carvingand stone carving, which are exquisite and of high artistic value. Most of thestreets in the village are built near the water.

Then we went to a familys house to have a look. There are women livingupstairs. In the past, women cant go in and out casually, so there are only twobig holes in the wall. When they get married, men cant see women, but women cansee men, so women naturally take a small advantage.

Now, please look in the direction Im pointing out. On such a small porch,there are 101 villains meticulously carved by ancient people. Their exquisiteart and carved villains are lifelike. They are still intact. Isnt that amiracle?

Well, we have finished visiting the most beautiful mountain villa in China:Hongcun. Do you think its worthy of its reputation? Now you can move freely.Well meet in the car in an hour. Goodbye!

There are many places of interest and miracles in Hongcun, which I cantsay enough. Please enjoy yourself and meet in an hour.

Now lets give the master a brief introduction of Hongcuns famous art"Three Sculptures" -- wood carving, stone carving and brick carving. Everyvillage here sharpens its feet, and the carved handicrafts are also very roughand good. There are rough drawings on the handicrafts, including figures,mountains and rivers, flowers and plants Moreover, there are many kinds ofcarvings, and there are almost no different ones among thousands ofcarvings.



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帆船旁边还有一个它曾经使用过的木锚,那木锚长7.4米,重达一吨,在当时也算非常巨大了。木锚的前端是用铁打造的,这样就可以增加摩擦力,使锚紧紧地抓住江底的沙泥,牢牢地固定住船身。 在船旁的房间里,我还惊奇的发现了一个保存完好的,距今有8000多年的独木舟残片,那是世界上最古老的独木舟了!





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The hundred mile wasteland was named after the ancient times when it was ahundred miles away and deserted. Ouyang Xiu, Wenzong of the Song Dynasty, onceleft a famous saying that "a few families gather in the wasteland, and a knifefield is thin and wild". It is located in Yiling township of Yichang City,bordering on Yuanan county and Dangyang city, with a total area of 47700 mu(about 31.8 square kilometers). It is 50 kilometers away from the urban area ofYichang City, 70 kilometers away from the Three Gorges Dam, with an averagealtitude of 1200 meters and the highest temperature of 28oc in midsummer. It isa summer resort in Yichang. At present, five parks have been opened in thescenic area: sightseeing experience area, hawthorn Culture Park, Red Leaf ValleyScenic Area, forest sea and snow leisure area, and primitive ecologicalarea.

It is characterized by "prairie scenery, natural desolation", with theoriginal "desolation" culture and Hawthorn Tree love culture. This is animportant scientific research and experimental base for the project of "raisingsheep in the South" of grassland construction in the south of China in the1980s, with 30000 mu of grassland and 15000 mu of artificial grassland, enjoyingthe reputation of "Grassland in the south of China"; Due to the uniquegeographical environment of high mountains, it has the "desolation"characteristics of "late spring, cool summer, early autumn and cold winter", andthe most important characteristic is to taste desolation.

The desolation in spring, the coolness in summer, the desolation in autumnand the coldness in winter make it "not enough to see the barren scenery in thefour seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter"; the Hawthorn Culture Park isthe biggest highlight of the barren scenery, 20__ In the first half of the year,the film "love of Hawthorn Tree" directed by Zhang Yimou, a famous internationaldirector, was shot in Yichang. The hawthorn tree, the soul tree in the film, wasselected from the scenic spot of the hundred mile wasteland. The film wasreleased in the 20th century__ After its release on September 16, 20__, thescenic spot of the barren land became famous overnight for its hawthorn trees.Countless "Hawthorn fans" came to see the elegant demeanor of the barren landhawthorn trees and explore the true meaning of pure and beautiful love. 20__ Inthe second half of the year, Li Lu, a well-known domestic film and televisiondirector, shot a TV series of the same name in Yichang. The Hawthorn Tree in theplay was also selected from the hundred mile wilderness scenic spot. At present,the scenic spot has been built into a hawthorn Culture Park to protect andcommemorate the hawthorn trees and the location, so that tourists can fullyexperience the Hawthorn love culture.

In addition to summer tourism, the supporting participatory projects in thescenic area are gradually opening up, including yurt, horse racing course, grassskiing course, archery course, paragliding course, field game course, wind powertest course, golf driving range, etc. With the in-depth development of tourism,it will become one of the core scenic spots in the ecological and culturaltourism circle of Western Hubei, which integrates grassland sightseeing, filmand television love culture experience, grassland nomadic leisure, sports andentertainment.



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