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Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty is located at the foot of MountQomolangma in Dulong Fuwan, south of Zhongshan Mountain in Nanjing. It is themausoleum of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and empress Ma Shi. It is thefirst batch of national key cultural relics protection units. This royalmausoleum of the Ming Dynasty, which has a history of more than 600 years, isfamous for its prominent owner, large scale, unique shape and beautifulenvironment. In 20__, the Ming Xiaoling was successfully declared as a worldheritage site, which made the Ming Xiaoling, which initiated the imperialmausoleum system of Ming and Qing Dynasties, become the focus of worldattention.

After more than 600 years of historical vicissitudes, the wooden structureof many buildings no longer exists, but all of its architectural remains areintact in place, the spatial layout is intact, and the natural landscape wherethe cultural remains are located is not damaged. They are enough to show theunique design concept, system pattern, construction scale and cultural value ofMing Xiaoling in the development process of Chinese imperial mausoleum Artisticachievements. Nowadays, the Royal mausoleums of Ming and Qing Dynastiesdistributed in Beijing, Hubei, Hebei and other provinces and cities are allbuilt according to the regulation and mode of Ming Xiaoling. In this sense, MingXiaoling is a masterpiece of art and a comprehensive achievement in the highlymature period of Chinese culture. It has created a new generation of Ming andQing Imperial Mausoleums and has a long history in the development of ChineseImperial Mausoleums The value and status of the monument.

It is the crystallization of political thought, social culture, aestheticconsciousness, architectural technology and national financial resources in theearly Ming Dynasty. The layout design and architectural form of the mausoleumhave distinctive style of the times and exemplary spirit. It not only inheritedthe excellent elements of the imperial mausoleum system of Han, Tang and SongDynasties, but also created a new imperial mausoleum system. The mausoleumsystem of Xiaoling in Ming Dynasty regulated the overall pattern and style ofmausoleum construction in Ming and Qing Dynasties for more than 500 years. Itsstatus was lofty and its influence was far-reaching.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 37264 字

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Tianshan Tianchi, known as "yaochi" in ancient times, is located in FukangCity, Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang, on the north side of Bogda peak. It is about110 kilometers away from Urumqi city. It is a famous tourist attraction inXinjiang. In ancient Chinese mythology, it was also the place where the queenmother of the Western Heaven bathed.

Tianchi Lake is 1910 meters above sea level, and the deepest reaches 105meters. The lake reflects Bogda peak, surrounded by spruce, and the scenery islike a fairyland. The scenic area includes mountain lakes, wetland meadows,forest canyons and other natural landscapes. In 20__, the scenic spot was alsorated as a national geopark by the state.

There are three water surfaces in Tianchi scenic area. In addition to themain lake, there are two water surfaces on the East and west sides. On the eastside is "dongxiaotianchi", also known as Heilongtan. It is 500 meters to theeast of Tianchi. At the bottom of the pool is a hundred Zhang cliff. There arewaterfalls flying down like a long rainbow. The scenic spot is called "XuanquanYaohong". On the west side is the "West small Tianchi", also known as the jadepond. It is about two kilometers northwest of Tianchi. Because the shape of thepond is like a full moon, surrounded by tasong around it, if you encounter thebright moon in the sky, the static shadow will sink into the wall, so it isnamed "Longtan Biyue". On the side of the pool, there is also a waterfall, whichis tens of meters high. The water flows like the Milky way and falls to theground. The scenery is called "jade belt and silver curtain". There is WentaoPavilion on the pool. Its very interesting to watch the waterfall in thepavilion. The scenic spots in the scenic area are connected by plank road, whichcan be reached on foot.

On the East Bank of Tianchi, there is the West tianwangmu temple, which wasfirst built in the Yuan Dynasty. What we see now is the building rebuilt on theoriginal Temple site in 1999, where the queen mother is worshipped, so it isalso called "Niangniang Temple". The bus stop is close to the East Bank ofTianchi. Walk along the plank road to the Queen Mother Temple on the West Bankfor about 1.5 hours. Compared with the beautiful natural scenery of Tianchiscenic spot, this temple is not very worthwhile to spend time visiting.

From mid November to the end of March of the next year, "Tianshan Tianchiice and Snow Festival" will be held. At that time, tourists can go to theTianshan ski resort near the scenic spot for skiing and other ice and snowprojects.

The Kazakh tents in the scenic area can be used for accommodation, but mosttourists return to the urban area on the same day after the tour. Most of thetourists outside Xinjiang start from Urumqi to visit Tianchi, and they canreturn to the urban area of Urumqi for accommodation on the same day. There arelocal meals in the scenic area, but the price is higher than that outside thescenic area, and the quality of food is also worse than that outside the scenicarea. It is suggested that tourists bring their own food and wait to return tothe city to enjoy Xinjiang food in the city.


Tianshan lake, which enjoys the reputation of "the Pearl of Tianshan", is anatural alpine lake. It is located in the middle of the mountain below Bogdapeak in the eastern part of North Tianshan Mountain, with an altitude of 1980meters. The lake is half moon shaped, with a length of 3400 meters and a maximumwidth of 1500 meters, covering an area of 4.9 square kilometers. The lake isseveral to 105 meters deep. The lake is crystal clear. Surrounded by mountains,green grass and wild flowers. Tall and straight, green spruce, tasong, all overthe mountains, blocking the sky. Southeast of Tianchi is the majestic main peakof Bogda (Mongolian "Bogda", meaning Lingshan and Shengshan), with an altitudeof 5445 meters. There are two peaks on both sides of the main peak. Looking upfrom afar, the three peaks rise together, suddenly, like a penholder. Theglaciers and snow on the top of the peak are shining with silver light, and thewater of Tianchi Lake is blue and clear, forming a colorful natural landscape ofthis high mountain Pinghu Lake.

Tianchi is a moraine lake. Geoscientists believe that: since theQuaternary, the global climate has experienced many severe cold and warmmovements. As far as 200000 years ago, the earths climate turned cold for thethird time, and the ice age came, and the spectacular valley glaciers developedin the Tianchi area. The glaciers carry gravels and move slowly down the valley.They strongly erode the ice bed. They excavate and carve the valley and form avariety of ice erosion terrain. The Tianchi Valley becomes a huge ice cellar.The front end of the glacier tongue gradually stops and accumulates due toextrusion, melting water and discharge, and becomes the end moraine of thevalley. After that, the climate became warmer and the glaciers subsided and thelake became _. It is todays Tianshan Tianchi. According to historical records,from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Tianchi had the names of Bingchi,Longqiu, Longtan, Shenchi, etc., but there are few records about the trueappearance of Tianchi in historical records. In fact, it is difficult forancient people to reach Tianchi.

In the feudal era of Da - Zhong, who really visited Tianchi, and namedTianchi for the first time was Ming Liang, a former Minister of Urumqi in 200years. In 1783, he climbed up Bogda mountain and found the Tianchi Lake. He dugthe water outlet to irrigate the farmland. He named the lake after the word"Tianchi" in the inscription on the sparse canal in Lingshan Tianchi, whichdescribes the event. It is said that later some officials and rich people whoworshiped Lingshan and Tianchi built eight temples near Tianchi, such as Fushoutemple, Wangmu temple, Wuji temple and Zhenren temple, for mountain visitors toburn incense and worship Buddha. Unfortunately, these ancient temple relics havebeen destroyed one after another, and the Qing Dynasty ministers bright stonetablet can not be found. Today, people can only see some general informationfrom historical data. In the past, due to the high mountains and dangerousroads, only the bold, ambitious and skilled riders could explore the TianchiLake.

After the 1950s, the peoples Government specially allocated funds to buildthe Panshan road leading to the Tianchi Lake, and built unique pavilions,waterside pavilions, hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities on thelakeside, opening this famous tourist resort to Chinese and foreign tourists. In1982, the State Council listed Tianshan Tianchi as the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots. Tianchi is 90km away from Urumqi. In the early morning, thetourists get on the bus from Urumqi and enter the mountain pass after two hoursof eastward travel. The bus spirals up the mountain side road. On the side ofthe road, there are cliffs, craggy rocks, secluded woods and streams, flowersand birds. On the right side of the road, there is a small round pool with aradius of tens of meters. On the side of the pool, there is a waterfall with aheight of several feet. It spits out beads and splashes jade. This is commonlyknown as "Xiaotianchi". Then hover up the mountain, climb the broad ridge,Tianchi suddenly in front of you. Visitors here will sigh for the wonderfulscenery of lakes and mountains. Here, people can enjoy the gift of nature. Youcan climb the mountain together, walk through the dense forest, climb themountain and enjoy the panoramic view of the Tianchi Lake; you can also take ayacht to break the waves and enjoy the "sea" style of the plateau beyond thegreat wall; you can also come to the restaurant building by the pool, drink bythe window, enjoy the distant mountains and waters, paint and write poems, andpour out your intoxication. Over the years, many poets and painters have beeninspired here. When Guo Moruo visited Tianchi in September 1971, he wrote thispoem impromptu

Visit Riga,

The scenery here is better than before.

Singing and dancing at the water,

Cloud paper in the sky waiting for a new chapter.

A pool of thick inkstone,

Wan Mu Chang has a pen

More like this mornings double roe deer,

Feast and wine are like springs

Tianchi is not only a summer resort for Chinese and foreign tourists everysummer, but also an ideal Alpine skating rink in winter. Every time the lakewater freezes, ice athletes from Xinjiang or other provinces gather here. On thebroad lake, they are bathed in bright sunshine and fresh air for skatingtraining and competition. The mountains surrounding the Tianchi Lake are also"baibaoshan" with rich resources. There are fattening pastures for cattle andsheep, forest farms for logging and deer farms for artificial breeding. Thereare Saussurea involucrata and Snowcock growing on the snow line, roe deer in thepine forest, mushrooms everywhere, and dangshen, Huangqi, Fritillaria and othermedicinal materials. There are rare birds and animals in the valleys, fish andwater birds in the lake area, modern glaciers on the top of the peaks, andcopper, iron, mica and other minerals buried under the mountains. The abundantresources and unique natural landscape in Tianchi area are more attractive tothe biological, geological and geographical workers who are keen on fieldinvestigation. Tianchi is indeed a place that people in Xinjiang have tovisit.


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Tianchi mountain. Tianshan Tianchi nationalscenic spot is located 33 kilometers south of Fukang City, Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region. Tianshan Tianchi is located in the middle of the mountainbelow Bogda peak in Fukang County, 110 kilometers east of Urumqi, with analtitude of 1980 meters. With different altitudes, it can be divided into fournatural zones: Glacier snow zone, alpine subalpine zone, mountain coniferousforest zone and low mountain zone. At the same time, you can enjoy the sceneryof snow mountain, forest, clear water, lawn and flowers. Its a natural mountainlake. The lake is half moon shaped, with a length of 3400 meters, a maximumwidth of 1500 meters, an area of 4.9 square kilometers, and a maximum depth of105 meters. The lake is crystal clear. Surrounded by mountains, green grass andwild flowers. It is known as the "Pearl of Tianshan". Tall and straight, greenspruce, tasong, all over the mountains, blocking the sky. Southeast of Tianchiis the majestic main peak of Bogda (Mongolian "Bogda", meaning Lingshan,Shengshan), with an altitude of 5445 meters. There are two peaks on the left andright of the main peak. Looking up from afar, the three peaks rise together,suddenly, like a penholder. The glacier and snow on the top of the peak areshining with silver light, which is in contrast with the clear water of theTianchi Lake, forming a colorful natural landscape of the high mountain PinghuLake. It is one of the first batch of national key scenic spots announced by theState Council. Tianchi Lake is an alpine moraine lake formed in the Quaternaryglacial activities more than two million years ago. The lake is 1980 metersabove sea level. The lake is half moon shaped, 3400 meters long from north tosouth, 1500 meters wide at the widest, covering an area of 4.9 squarekilometers. The average depth of the Lake is 40 meters, 105 meters deep at thedeepest, with a total water storage of 160 million cubic meters. It is aworld-famous alpine lake. It was listed as one of the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots in 1982 In ancient times, Tianchi was called "yaochi". It issaid that the queen mother of China and the West entertained King Mu of Zhou. LiShangyin, a poet of Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem: "yaochis mothersbeautiful window is open, the yellow bamboos singing is moving, and the eightsteeds travel 30000 Li a day. Why doesnt King Mu come back?" it is said thatTiandi is the silver mirror on the dressing table of Queen Mother of West, andit is also called the bathing pool of Queen Mother of West. The clouds and fogaround heaven and earth are the neon clothes and feathers of Queen Mother ofWest Xiaotianchi is the foot basin of Queen Mother of the West These wonderfulmyths and legends give a mysterious color to the beautiful natural scenery ofTianchi Lake. In summer, it is an excellent summer resort with beautifulmountains and rivers, fresh and pleasant. Visitors can climb mountains, passthrough dense forests, and have a panoramic view of the world. They can alsosail across the vast blue water of the lake to enjoy the scenery of the lakesand mountains. In winter, Tianchi Lake is covered with snow, snow and snow. Thelake is as ice as jade. It is a rare mountain skating rink in China. The naturalscenery of heaven and earth is summarized as "Shimen line", "Longtan Biyue","Dingtian Sanshi", "Dinghai Shenzhen", "Nanshan wangxue", "Xishan xiansong","Haifeng Exhibition" Xuanquan waterfall ". Every year, the world attracts alarge number of Chinese and foreign tourists. Longtan Biyue Longtan refers tothe "West small Tianchi" which is located about 2 kilometers below Tianchi and1660 meters above sea level on the west side of Panshan highway. It is said thatit was a foot basin used by Queen Mother of the West. In fact, it was a deeppool of stagnant water formed in the low-lying area where the water of TianchiLake leaked through the thick ice stains of the underground dam. At night, thebright moon is in the sky, and the shadow of the trees and the blue moon arereflected in the pool. The still shadow sinks into the wall, and the shadow ofthe moon trembles slightly. A poem praises "a great green flows into the dragonpool, green pines and white snow inlaid with green plates, and the golden autumnmoon sinks into the bottom of the wall. It is suspected that Change is out ofthe cold." Looking at the snow in Nanshan, tourists stand on the moraine dam ofTianchi, looking south at Bogda snow mountain, but see "snow in the distance,pine near, wild flowers like brocade, green and red. The scenery of lakes andmountains is splashed with ink, and the scenery of spring, summer, autumn andwinter melts together "(Xie Yukang). The view of this scenic spot is like afairyland. According to the legend of dinghaishen needle, the great sage of QiTian returned the golden cudgel to the Dragon King of the East China Sea aspromised after he got the Sutra. There is a water monster in the Tianchi Lake,who often uses lewd power to make waves. The water of the Tianchi lake rises andinundates the residents, leaving the people homeless and wandering around. Oneyear, the queen mother held a grand peach party in Tiangong. At the meeting, allkinds of immortals were invited, but the water monster of Tianchi was forgottento be invited. The water monster is not happy, vent his anger. In an instant,the muddy waves were surging and the floods overflowed. The heavenly soldierreported to the queen mother, who was very angry. She immediately took out thesea calming needle and put it into the lake. All at once, the wind was calm andthe water was back. The golden cudgel became an elm. From then on, he grew upbeside the water of Tianchi and became the treasure of Zhenshui. This elm waslater known as the "dinghaishen needle". The west side of guansongtianchi inXishan Mountain is relatively gentle, and it is also located on the shady slope.The slope composed of moraine and debris flow deposits is relatively loose, withgood water storage conditions, especially suitable for the growth of trees. ThePicea forest here is the best place for tourism. "Xishan pine" is a kind ofpleasant and refreshing. In the morning of Haifeng, watching the sunrise inTianchi is more interesting than watching the sunrise in Mount Tai. In themorning light, the iceberg, fir forest and colorful lake of Tianshan areintegrated, making people feel like they are in a fairyland. There is a poempraising that "the clouds cover the fog, and thousands of people are hidden, andthe dawn is beginning to show, and the scenery is new.". A man-made sluice isbuilt on the end moraine dike of the glacier in the northeast of the lowerreaches of the Tianchi Lake, and the water from the Tianchi Lake forms awaterfall. The waterfall runs straight down the rocky rapids. It is called"dongxiaotianchi" because of the sound of the waterfall. The environment here isvery secluded. The North Bank of dongxiaotianchi is a precipice with a height of100 meters. It flows silver and jade. The sound of the waterfall is likethunder. Under the sunlight, the rainbow dances, forming a beautiful scene of"hanging spring and waterfall". There is a poem that "Pearl number spring ishanging in the air, silver chain is hanging high and foggy. The misty water ischarming and bright, and the rainbow is flying among the green hills. "


Dear tourists

In Xinjiang, there is a place to explore and explore. It integratesmythology, geology, biology and human landscape, and is known as the "Pearl ofthe plateau". It is the Tianshan Tianchi lake that we are going to visittoday.

Tianchi is located in the mountains of Tianshan Mountains to the south ofFukang County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 110 kilometers away fromUrumqi. Its about 2 hours drive from Urumqi to Tianchi. Along the way, we willenjoy the magnificent scenery around Tianchi and the ethnic customs of Kazak andUygur. I believe the trip to Tianchi will leave you a deep impression. Now Iwould like to introduce the general situation of Tianchi.

[overview of Tianchi Lake]

Tianchi, about 41 kilometers away from Fukang City, is located on thehillside of Bogda peak in the east of Tianshan Mountain. Tianchi natural scenicarea has a total area of 158 square kilometers, including 87 square kilometersof scenic area. It is a typical mountain natural landscape in arid areas ofNorthwest China. The snow mountains, glaciers, forests, grasslands, highmountains and lakes in the scenic area reflect each other, and are harmoniouslyintegrated with the long-standing myths and legends and the local Kazakhcustoms. In 1982, the State Council listed it as one of the first batch ofnational key scenic spots. The beauty of Tianchi can be summed up by "thousandsof years of scenery and thousands of Customs", which is comparable to GenevaLake in Switzerland. She shows people a strange world of central and WesternAsia. Jiang once praised: "Im afraid there are few scenery like Tianchi in theworld." Its true.

[scenery along the way → Kazakh yurt]

Tourists, now our car has entered Tianchi scenic spot. Looking from thewindow, we can see that the water of Sangong River flows down from a distance.The water comes from the melting water of ice and snow on Tianshan Mountain. Itis clear and refreshing. The blue sky, white clouds and fresh air make usrelaxed and happy. In this beautiful place, there are hardworking, brave, simpleand friendly Kazakh people.

As Tianchi gets closer and closer, we can see that there are more and moreyurts living along the river. They are the homes of Kazakh herdsmen living onthe banks of Sangong River. These white yurts are called "prairie hostels". Itis said that the white swan is the ancestor of Kazakh, so they have the customof worshiping white, which symbolizes purity, auspiciousness and happiness. TheKazakh people, who live by water and grass, are hospitable, United and mutualaid. Usually in front of the mountain, dozens of families gather together toform a "awul", that is, a small tribe and village, engaged in animal husbandry.They are also good at singing and dancing. There is a saying that "horse andsong are the two wings of Kazakh."

[Shimen line → eight sceneries of Tianchi → West small Tianchi]

Unconsciously, we have come to the first scenic spot of Tianchi, Shimen.The width of the two sides of the gate is about 100 meters, and the narrowestpart is only more than 10 meters. The two peaks are facing each other, and thereis a line between them, just like two open gates, so it is called "Shimen line".Geologically speaking, Shimen is a gorge formed by ancient river cutting, so itis also called "Shixia". After entering the stone gate, the Sangong River on theleft side is turbulent, with its peaks and paths turning and its sound vibratingthe valley. It can be said that "the two cliffs of the mountain are opposite,and the Tianmen gate is connected by a line". Before we get to the Tianchi Lake,we can already enjoy the wonderful scenery of the Tianchi Lake.

Tourists, the stone gate line we saw just now is one of the eight scenicspots of Tianchi. The beautiful Tianchi scenic spot is famous for its naturallandscape. Among them, the most famous are Shimen line, Longtan Biyue, XuanquanYaohong, Dinghai Shenzhen, Haifeng Chengan, Xishan Hansong, Dingtian Sanshi andQingtian Xuefeng. I will introduce them one by one in the following tour.

Now our car has been driving at an altitude of 1660 meters. From the footof the mountain to this place, there are more than 50 bays on the windingmountain road, so it is also called "Fifty dishes". Please look at the rightwindow. In front of you is a pool with a diameter of tens of meters, which isthe famous West Xiaotian pool. It is said that the water of the pool here isfrom Tianchi Lake, which seeps into the pool from the ground. The place wherethe spring comes out is like a cave, but not a cave. It is hard to find. It iscommonly known as "yinru cave", also known as "Yongquan cave". Because thespring from the ground is clean and sweet, the queen mother once came here tocomb, so it is also known as "comb cave". At the top of the pool, there is awaterfall, tens of meters high, flying down into the deep pool, forming a "JadePool silver curtain" landscape.

[the shape of Tianchi → the magic water → the cause of Tianchi]

Dear tourists, our car has reached the peak parking lot. Please get off andfollow me to Tianchi.

Now in front of you is the beautiful Tianchi Lake. We stand here at analtitude of 1910 meters. The appearance of such a strange lake on such a highmountain really makes us sigh about the natural craftsmanship of nature. Pleasesee: Tianchi is as flat as a mirror. The water surface is open and half moonshaped. It is about 3400 meters long from north to south, 1500 meters wide fromeast to west, with an average width of about 1000 meters. The perimeter of thelake is 9700 meters. The area of Tianchi Lake in wet season is 4.9 squarekilometers, usually 3.55 square kilometers.

Looking at this magical pool water, perhaps you will think, where does thewater of Tianchi come from? Of course, I want to explain to you. Tianta water isformed by melting ice and snow in Bogda mountain and the main water source isthe confluence of four tributaries. In the middle of April every year, therainfall increases, the rain water flows into the pool with snow, and the poolwater rises. After the last ten days of August, the climate changes from warm tocold, the temperature drops gradually, and glaciers begin to appear. The riverwater at the source decreases, and the water level of the pool drops gradually.This stage will last until April of the next year, which is just a cycle ofreincarnation. Therefore, the water temperature of Tianchi is low all yearround, with an average of 7.4 ℃. In ancient times, the water of Tianchi wasregarded as "divine water". Kazakh people said that it was "holy water". Interms of water quality, it basically maintained the chemical state of naturalwater, and was indeed very pure and holy.

After explaining the source of water, I will introduce the depth andcapacity of the water. In the west of Tianchi, the slope is relatively large,and the water depth is about 20 meters. In the northeast, the funnel-shapedcenter is the deepest, and the maximum water depth is 102 meters. Therefore, itis estimated that the normal water storage capacity of Tianchi is 160 millioncubic meters, and the maximum water capacity is 200 million cubic meters.

After talking about the shape and water of Tianchi, let me reveal to youthe mystery of the formation of Tianchi.

Tianchi is a moraine lake. Most of the alpine lakes in Xinjiang are formedby the change of valley by external forces. As early as 280 million years ago inthe Paleozoic era, it was once a vast ocean. Later, due to the movement of theearths crust, the bottom of the sea became a land, forming the original outlineof Bogda mountain. In the past two million years, the climate change has causedthe Bogda mountain to be eroded, eroded and cut while it is rising, forming amountain landform with many gullies and peaks. A large amount of material istransported to the front of the mountain by running water, and accumulated intofan-shaped land and vast plain. The Tianchi Lake was formed and developed in theQuaternary ancient glacial trough of Sangonghe River Basin. Huge glaciers sweptover the dam body and covered it with huge rocks. It was again blocked and thewater level rose. Due to the geological formation conditions of Tianchi, theunique and complete natural vertical landscape belt and modern glacier landformof Tianchi scenic area are formed. Therefore, the landscape value and status ofTianhe are incomparable and irreplaceable by any other scenic spots. If youdont visit Tianchi in Xinjiang, you will arrive in Xinjiang in vain.

[myth of Tianchi → origin of Tianchis name]

Tianchi is so beautiful that it naturally produces many beautiful myths andlegends among the people. The most famous one is the story of the meeting ofQueen Mother of the West and Mu Tianzi in Tianchi. Tianchi was called "yaochi"in ancient times. It is said that around the 10th century BC, King Jiman, alsoknown as emperor mu, the fifth generation monarch of the Zhou Dynasty, drove tothe state of Queen Mother of the West and met her. This queen mother is thefemale chief of a matriarchal clan in Xinjiang. She hosted a banquet for muTianzi and his party in the beautiful yaochi lake. During the banquet, the queenmother of the West and the emperor Mu exchanged gifts and invited the emperor Muto visit the scenic spots of yaochi and the mother country of the West. When heleft, Emperor Mu was reluctant to give up. He shook hands when he met, and hewas very glad to see his clothes stained with tears. We can imagine that thissituation, this scene and this person must be very infectious.

Tianchi is also known as Bingchi, Shenchi, Longqiu and Longtan. Qiu Chuji,a famous Taoist in the Yuan Dynasty, visited the Tianchi Lake, which means "iceand snow shining on the sun". In the Qing Dynasty, Ji Xiaolan also called thiswater the hiding place of mosquito dragon, and named it Longqiu. In fact, beforethese two celebrities, Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem:"please redeem the emperor mu, you can still dance in Tianchi." Li Baisoriginal intention is that Tianchi is located on the top of a high mountain,implying that "the pool is higher than the sky". Therefore, it should be Li Baiwho changed the name of "yaochi" to "Tianchi".

[climate of Tianchi → four seasons of Tianchi]

A tourist asked: whats the climate like in Tianchi? When is the best timeto come to Tianchi?

The climate in Tianchi scenic spot varies greatly with the terrain. Tianchiis located in the inversion layer of Tianshan Mountain in winter. Due to theinfluence of atmospheric reflux, the temperature is relatively stable. Theannual average temperature is 2 ℃, the coldest in January, the averagetemperature is - 11.9 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 15.5 ℃. Inwinter, it generally snows in Tianchi scenic area, and the snowfall period canbe from late September to early April of the next year. After the middle ofNovember every year, the pool water freezes, and the ice layer is more than 100cm thick. The ice breaking period is at the end of April of the next year.Therefore, the best season to visit Tianchi is from the first ten days of May tothe last ten days of October every year. At this time, the Tianchi Lake is arare summer resort because of its melting ice and pleasant climate.

Although Tianchi is cool all year round, the landscape of the four seasonsis changeable. When spring comes to Tianchi Lake, ice and snow melt away. Thelake water is clear and crystal clear as jade. The mountains around the lake areemerald. Spruce is like a sea. The lakeside is green as grass. Birds are singingand jumping. Its really beautiful. In summer, the flowers and trees in Tianchiare more colorful. The orange Saussurea, the golden Trollius, the red valerianand thyme, the blue gentian and blue orchid, and the white plum blossom are allcompeting for splendor. Visitors here seem to walk into a beautiful big garden.At this moment, boating in high mountains and lakes, walking in the woods,exploring the snow peak plateau, or riding up the Tianshan Mountains, people aredizzying and happy. This season is the peak of sightseeing. Tianchi in autumn,the summer to frost, ushered in the brilliant season of frost leaves red sky,blue sky, golden leaves, dark green pine tower, reflected in the autumn water,colorful, gorgeous, just like a natural picture. In severe winter, Tianchi Lakeis covered with thick ice, which makes it a good skating rink. Overlooking Bogdapeak, the lake is covered with silver, adding a magnificent northern scenery tothe silent Tianchi Lake.

[Bogda mountain peak → wonderful landscape]

Tourists, the beautiful Tianchi Lake and Bogda peak shine together. Bogdamountain is the main peak of Bogda mountain. Bogda mountain is a natural barrierof Tianchi Lake. Hengdou is in the east of Tianshan Mountain, stretching formore than 300 Li. The peaks overlap and fluctuate vertically and horizontally.The top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. Overlooking themountain, it can be said that "the snow on Tianshan Mountain is high in the sky,rolling silver waves straight from the ground", which is magnificent. Bogdamountain is called "Lingshan" and "Shengshan" because it means "spirit" inJunggar. Three peaks stand side by side on the top of the mountain. The mainpeak is Bogda peak, which is 5445 meters above sea level. It is famous for itswonder and danger. It is known as "the first peak of Eastern Tianshan Mountain".In the minds of the ancient herdsmen, Bogda peak was respected as "Zufeng". TheEast peak is 5287 meters above sea level, commonly known as "Lingfeng", whilethe West Peak is 5213 meters above sea level, commonly known as "Shengfeng", andknown as "three peaks in the snow sea". Qiu Chuji, a Taoist of the Yuan Dynasty,wrote a poem praising: "the three peaks rise together, the clouds are cold, andthe four walls are arranged in a horizontal way. If the heaven and man are notin the snow range, it is hard to see the ice pool shining on the sun and thecustom. " Today, however, its not difficult to climb Bogda. Its only 18kilometers from the southeast of Tianchi. Bogda has become one of the 10mountaineering peaks open to the outside world, attracting countlessclimbers.

After seeing the mountains, lets enjoy the scenery around Tianchi. Tianchiscenic spot rises from the mountain pass along Sangong River to Bogda peak. Itsvertical height rises from 1200 meters above sea level to 5445 meters, with arelative height difference of 4245 meters. Its geomorphic landscape presentsobvious zonal distribution. I will introduce it one by one from bottom to top.At an altitude of 1200 meters to 1500 meters, due to the weathering of rocks,there are many stone peaks, jagged rocks, tufted water and grass, and lushvegetation. Elms are tall on the beach, and the river terraces are covered withfelts on the roof. It is close to the mountains and rivers. "Cattle and sheepcan be seen in the grass when the wind blows." it is a pastoral village scenery,known as the grass belt on the low mountain platform. Between 1500 meters and2700 meters above sea level, the mountain is composed of massive andesite andtuff. Ancient glaciers are extremely eroded and scoured by flowing water. It isa "wet island" in arid areas with undulating mountains, crisscross gullies, warmand humid climate and abundant rainfall. There are dense spruce trees growing inthe area, and the shady slope in the lower part of it often intersects withmountain meadow grassland, becoming a park like sparse forest landscape, whichbelongs to the forest belt of Zhongshan gorge. Tourists, please look up again.Below the snow line, between 2800 and 3500 meters above sea level, most of themountains are gentle slopes, where ancient glacial sites, glacial troughs,glacial lakes, swimming pools and other landforms are well developed. Theclimate is cold and humid, the ice and snow melt in spring, and the water isabundant. There are cold resistant Laoguan grass, edelweiss, raincoat grass andTrollius. In summer, the grass becomes shady and full of vitality. It is anatural pasture and becomes the original grass belt of Alpine platform. Finally,lets take a look at the extremely high mountain permanent ice belt above 3500meters above sea level. The climate is very cold, with perennial snow, permanentice, and steep terrain. Glacial landforms such as knife ridge, horn peak, icedebt dike and snake shaped mound are everywhere. The huge glacier is like agiant dragon, perched between the iceberg and the surrounding valley, stretchingin the trough. The cold light twinkles, crystal clear as jade, and the icecovered silver world is amazing.


Tourists, the Tianchi Lake and its surrounding landscape can be enjoyedhere. Lets go to the East Xiaotianchi lake to enjoy the magnificent waterfallswith endless aftertaste.

After about half a kilometers trek, we now come to the East small Tianchi,which is located in the northeast of Tianchi. The scenic area here is about10000 square meters, with an altitude of 1860 meters. Dongxiaotianchi is formedwhen the water of Tianchi passes through bailongba on the north bank and thenflows into bailongzha to form a 10 meter high waterfall and splashes into thevalley. The flowing water looks like a white dragon, with a hundred curtains,forming a "Xuanquan Yaohong", one of the eight scenic spots in Tianchi. Togetherwith the "Yutan silver curtain" of the West small Tianchi and the "three pearlsof the white dragon" of the bailongzha, it is called the three waterfalls ofTianchi.

Here, you may already understand that there are three pools in Tianchi. Thethree pools are connected by veins. The West small Tianchi, the East smallTianchi and Tianchi can be called "mother daughter pools". The big Tianchi isthe mother, and the small Tianchi in the East and West is the daughter.Therefore, the East and West small Tianchi are also known as "sister pool". TheEast small Tianchi is located in the East with high terrain and slightly largerpool, which is the "big sister"; the West small Tianchi is located in the Westwith low terrain and the smallest pool, which is the "little sister". Inaddition, there are legends that the big Tianchi is the bathing pool of thequeen mother of the west, and the small Tianchi is the foot basin of the queenmother of the West. These legends have brought people beautiful reverie.

Dear tourists, the tour of Tianchi and Xiaotianchi is coming to an end. Thebeauty of the Tianchi Lake is not only hidden, but also full of spirit. It isbeyond the pen and ink. It is beyond the words. I think its left for you tosavor


Dear friends, with the rolling wheels, we have come to the foot of themagnificent Tianshan Mountain in the twinkling of an eye. There are snow peaks,overlapping peaks, cliffs, connected canyons, lush trees, flowers and plants allover the slope, gurgling springs and fresh air. Here live hard-working and braveKazakh herdsmen. You can enjoy the rough and bold Kazakh customs.

From the beginning of entering the mountain, the natural landscape ofTianshan mountain can be roughly divided into four natural landscape zones: lowmountain zone, low mountain coniferous forest zone, high mountain and subalpinezone, glacier and snow zone. It is not difficult to find that the trees onTianshan Mountain are luxuriant and various, and most of them grow on the northslope of Tianshan Mountain. This is because the water vapor over Xinjiang mainlycomes from the westerly and northerly air currents. The tall Tianshan mountaincan intercept more upper air currents, and there is more precipitation on thewindward slope, forming a unique natural landscape.

Now, we have come to the Tianchi Lake, which you have been fascinated byfor a long time. The broad surface of the lake is in the shape of a half moon.The elevation of the lake is 1980 meters, the length of the lake is more than3000 meters from north to south, and the widest part from east to west is 1500meters. The area of the lake reaches 49000 square kilometers when the water isflowing, the deepest part is 105 meters, and the total water storage is 160million cubic meters. This is a high mountain moraine lake formed in theQuaternary glacial activities two million years ago, and the natural water onits north bank A dam is a moraine.

Tianchi is the fairyland of yaochi in mythology. It is said that 3000 yearsago, Mu Tianzi had a banquet with Xiwangs mother in Tianchi, leaving a goodstory for thousands of years. Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, oncewrote poems on it“



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Erhai Lake, once known as yeyuze, kunmichuan, Xierhe and Xierhe in ancientliterature, is located in the northwest of Dali City, Yunnan Province. It is thesecond largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province and the seventh largestfreshwater lake in China. Erhai Lake starts from Eryuan in the north, with alength of about 42.58 km. The only outlet of Erhai Lake is near Xiaguan town andflows out through Xier river.

Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake depend on each other. Erhai Lake is one ofthe four scenic spots in Dali. It is said that it is named Erhai Lake because itlooks like an ear. Erhai Lake has excellent water quality and rich aquaticresources. At the same time, it is also a scenic spot with beautifulscenery.

The scenery of Erhai Lake is changeable and colorful. In the early morning,the mist is light, the lake is confused, the smoke is endless, waiting for thesunrise in the east to open the veil, revealing the beautiful face; the risingsun, the rising sun, the golden waves, the fishing boat sail. As the sun sets inthe west, the afterglow falls, the boat returns to the shore, and the fishingsongs sing late. On a moonlit night, the water is still, the wind is light, theshadow of the moon is shining, and the waves are lapping on the shore. "Nightmoon in Erhai Lake" has become one of the four wonders of Dali, "Shangguan wind,Xiaguan flower, Cangshan snow and Erhai Lake moon". Whats more strange is thatdue to the strong wind in Shangguan, the water waves of the Xier River areblown back. Originally, Erhai Lake flows out of the Xier River, but it lookslike the Xier river flows into Erhai Lake.

Erhai Lake is a fault subsided lake with clear water and high transparency,which has been called "flawless jade among mountains" since ancient times. It issaid that there is a huge jade cabbage growing on the bottom of the sea. Thegreen water of the lake is the jade liquid pouring out from the bottom of thejade cabbages heart. A boat tour of Erhai Lake

Although this is an old-fashioned link, Dali is flexible because of thewater, so Erhai Lake has almost become one of the scenic spots that cant bemissed.

Step 1: take the No.8 bus to yuer road and buy the ticket from any ticketcenter. Or you dont have to go to the ticket center. There will be persistentlocal people on the road. Ticket sellers will stop you to buy tickets. If theprice is almost the same, just buy one. The price is about 140 yuan, usually80-100 yuan in non peak season.

Step 2: buy some water and snacks for the cruise.

Step three: get on board. The ship will be dispatched at different times.Tour route: xiaoputuo Nanzhao style island. In fact, its not very interestingto be on the island. Its a serious business to blow the wind on the Erhaisea.

Step four: disembark. The place to get off the ship is not Dali port.Generally, you get off at Taoyuan wharf and go back to Dali ancient city at 10yuan per person. You can also take a taxi here to the next scenic spot. Such asthe Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple.



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上海立县之前,在镇西约 6 里处的淡井里,有一座华亭城隍行殿,俗称淡井庙。建县后经过一百五十余年,明永乐年间 (1403—1424) 才将方洪北岸原金山神庙加以扩充,改为上海县城隍庙。相传,城隍是道家保护城池的神,同时也庇佑着市民,城隍庙是地方神的祭祀之地,城隍神则多为生前有惠于民的清官良吏,以期其殁后也能为民“御大灾、捍大患”。上海城隍庙其前身原为金山神主、西汉大司马霍光神祠,故今庙内前殿仍由霍光坐镇,后殿供奉上海城隍神秦裕伯,民间俗称“一庙二城隍”,国内罕见。


位于城隍庙西北面的沉香阁,原由豫园主人潘允端所建。潘允端于明万历二十八年(1600 年)督办漕运疏浚淮河打捞沉船时觅得一尊精美观音佛像,甚为喜欢,又于当夜梦见其母嘱托,即派人护送佛像回上海建阁供奉。因佛像由名贵海琼水沉香木雕制,芳香十分浓郁,故名“沉香阁”(据考,该佛像系隋代大业年间南洋赤土国回赠隋炀帝之礼,在淮河中遇风浪沉没,已卧伏河底近千年)。明代之后,沉香阁迁址重建,曾改名为“慈云禅寺”,拥有丛林寺院规模,与龙华、静安、玉佛三大名刹齐名今沉香观音虽非原像,但仍形神兼具、仪态万方,为佛中珍品,香火终日兴盛。阁内现还开设尼众班,已成为全国最大的比丘尼寺院之一。


明代豫园为沪上重要的传统旅游胜地,享有“奇秀甲于东南”之誉。该园由明代进士、曾任四川布政史的上海籍人士潘允端于 1559年(明嘉靖 38年)始建,有“愉悦双亲”之意。初占地 70余亩,曾盛极一时,后几经战乱,现尚存 30余亩。园中布局精致、景色宜人。亭台楼阁参差错落,曲经回廊交相掩映,池水萦绕与假山怀抱,名贵花木与奇石争辉,尽显“江南名园”之风范,并留有清代上海著名“小刀会”起义的遗址。





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Dear tourists, now our car is driving on the Badaling Expressway, and weare about to enter the Badaling scenic area.

The mountain in front is Jundu mountain, on which the Badaling Great Wallsits. In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the ancientpeople of our country began to build the Great Wall. At that time, the vassalsfought for hegemony. In order to protect their territory from invasion, theybuilt the Great Wall one after another on their respective borders, which iscalled the mutual defense great wall.

In China, there were three peaks of building the Great Wall, namely, theQin Great Wall, the Han great wall and the Ming Great Wall. In 221 BC, the firstemperor of Qin unified the Central Plains and established the Qin Dynasty. Inorder to strengthen the rule and defend against the invasion of northern nomads,he sent General Meng Tian 300000 and a lot of labor to connect and expand thegreat wall of Yan, Zhao and Qin in the north. It took nine years to build agreat wall stretching from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East, which isthe first great wall in Chinese history the Great Wall.

In the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty built a great wall ofnearly 20000 Li in order to strengthen the defense, "not called Hu Ma Du YinMountain", which also protected the newly developed silk road. The great wall ofthe Han Dynasty was a forward position and defense line of the great wall of theQin Dynasty. It started in the West and reached Liaodong in the East, which wasthe longest Dynasty in the history of China.

The great wall of Ming Dynasty is the highest peak of the Great WallConstruction in the history of China. The great engineering and the finetechnology are unique. In the process of unifying the whole country andestablishing the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang adopted the suggestion of "buildingwalls high, accumulating grain widely and being king slowly". At that time,although the Yuan Dynasty had perished, it still maintained a relativelycomplete military strength, coupled with the continuous invasion of the risingNuzhen people, so it began to build the Great Wall.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Great Wall was built 18 times on a large scale. Itwas not completed until the end of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Great Wall, with atotal length of 6350 km, starts from Hushan on the side of Yalu River inDandong, Liaoning Province in the East and ends at Jiayuguan, Gansu Province inthe West. The great wall of Ming Dynasty has three characteristics: completeconstruction, perfect management and strict layout. The Badaling Great Wall wesee today is a part of the Ming Great Wall. Although the original purpose of theGreat Wall in ancient China was defense, it also played other roles.

The first is the military role. The second is the economic role. It notonly promotes the development of farming and the economic development ofNorthern Xinjiang, but also promotes the people of the Central Plains to liveand work in peace and contentment. The third is to promote the integration ofall ethnic groups. In addition, it protects communications and promotes openingup.

It is worth mentioning that in ancient China, there were not only threeexperiences of building the Great Wall. According to statistics, more than 20vassal states and feudal dynasties had built the Great Wall in the past twothousand years. Some people have made rough calculations. If the Great Wall isrebuilt into a big wall with a height of 5 meters and a thickness of 1 meter,there will be more than 10 circles around the earth. Famous Folklore: the GreatWall was also built on the Great Wall.

Today, after several renovations, the Great Wall has basically restored itsformer appearance. In 1987, it was listed in the world cultural heritage list byUNESCO. Moreover, it is also one of the six regions in the world, with a totallength of 10 kilometers. 80000 Li.

The road we passed just now is in the ditch. Guangou is the intersection ofYanshan Mountains and Jundushan mountains. It starts from Nankou town ofChangping District in the South and ends at Chengguan of Badaling Great Wall inYanqing County in the northwest, with a total length of 40 Li. It is the throatof the Central Plains to the Northwest Plateau. In the Ming Dynasty, there werefour lines of defense, namely Nankou pass, Juyong Pass, Shangguan pass andBadaling pass. On Diecui mountain in Guangou, there was one of the eight famousYanjing sceneries in Jin Dynasty: Juyong Diecui, but now the sceneries no longerexist.

The railway we saw just now is the first one designed and built by Chinesepeople, the Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway designed by Zhan Tianyou. Because theterrain of Badaling area is complex and there are many technical difficulties,the herringbone railway designed by Zhan Tianyou has successfully solved theproblem that the car cant climb and turn directly, and the 1091 meter longtunnel has also made people at home and abroad admire.

Now the bronze statue set up in Qinglongqiao railway station is ZhanTianyous, as well as the monument. Guangou is famous for Juyong Pass. We cansee that the magnificent building in front of it is Juyong Pass. Its nameoriginated from the Qin Dynasty. It got its name because the first emperor ofQin migrated "Yongtu" to live here. In Guannei, there is a famous white marbleplatform, which is Yuntai. It was a street crossing Pagoda in Yuan Dynasty.There were three Tibetan pagodas on it, which were destroyed in theearthquake.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Taian temple was built in the original place, butit was destroyed in the Kangxi period, leaving only the plinth and pillar thatwe see now. The cloud platform covers an area of 310 square meters. On theticket door under the platform are relief sculptures of lions, elephants, fourelephants and golden winged birds, representing the mounts of five Buddhas andfive Buddhas of Tantric Buddhism, as well as the relief sculptures of the eightDharma protectors of Tianlong. On the inner wall, there are relief carvings offour heavenly kings and the design of divine beasts. On the top of the ticket,there are Mandala designs. Among the flowers, there are 2215 Buddha statues.

There are also six kinds of inscriptions of the Dharma Sutra and the storyof the merits and virtues of building pagodas, which are fine works of art ofthe Yuan Dynasty and have high artistic value.

Badaling Great Wall is an outstanding representative of the great wall ofMing Dynasty. Because it extends in all directions, it becomes Badaling. You mayask why the Great Wall was built here? In fact, this is mainly because of theimportant geographical location of Badaling area. It not only guards the Mingmausoleum, but also the northwest gate of the capital.

Badaling Great Wall is the witness of many important events in history,such as empress dowager Xiaos tour, the entrance of emperor Taizu of the YuanDynasty, Empress Dowager Cixis flight to the west, etc.

Heres another story to tell: there is a huge stone beside the east gate ofGuancheng. Its said that in 1900, the Eight Power Allied forces invadedBeijing. Cixi passed here on her way to escape to the West. She once stood onthis stone and looked back at the capital, so this stone is also called Wangjingstone. But now the stone is less prominent.

There is a saying that we all know: not to the Great Wall is not a hero.Just introduced so many landscapes, you must be eager to come to the scenic spotfor sightseeing, dont worry, you will become a hero soon. Well, here is thefamous Badaling Great Wall. In the distance, there is a magnificent scenery.Looking down, it is Wengcheng, an important part of the Great Wall. It isusually built on the roads with dangerous terrain.

The distance between the two gates of Wengcheng is 63.9 meters. The plaqueon the west gate is the key to the north gate. I have already said that. Theplaque of the east gate is: Juyong Town, which means another important townoutside Juyong Pass. Now lets look down to the right. On the south side ofdengchengkou, there is a cannon named Shenwei general. It was made in Chongzhenperiod.

Badaling Great Wall is composed of three platforms and two walls. What isthree platforms and two walls? Now let me explain to you that the threeplatforms are city platform and enemy platform. The structure of city platformis very simple, just a place for garrison officers and soldiers to stay awayfrom the wind and cold.

The structure of the enemy platform is relatively complicated. It isdivided into two layers. The lower layer is composed of fields, wells, loops andother shapes. The upper layer has crenels and observation holes for observingmilitary information and archery. Therefore, it also has the function ofdefending the enemy.

Next came the beacon tower, also known as beacon, wolf Yantai. It is anindependent building not connected with the Great Wall. Once the enemy invades,it will light a beacon to inform the military. The ancients said that the smokelit in the daytime is called beacon, and the smoke lit in the evening is calledflint.

In the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between the beacon fire and the enemywas strictly regulated: more than 100 enemies, one smoke and one gun; five whitepeople, two smoke and two guns; more than 1000 people, three smoke and threeguns; more than 5000 people, four smoke and four guns; more than 10000 people,five smoke and five guns. In this way, the military information at the bordercan be quickly transmitted to the imperial city.

Having said that, lets talk about the two walls. The high wall on theoutside of the Great Wall is called Diqiang, which has crenels to defend theenemy. The inner side less than one meter high is called the parapet, also knownas the Yu wall.

In the beginning, there was no parapet inside the Great Wall, but peopleoften fell off the cliff, so this wall was built. At the base of the wall of theGreat Wall, there is a small ditch not far away. On rainy days, the water isdrained from the spout to prevent water from scouring the wall.

And the wall of the Great Wall is made of stone blocks inside, with brickson the outside and stone slabs on the top, which makes the building veryfirm!



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Shangrao is a big tourism resource city in Jiangxi Province and a strongeco-tourism city in East China. It is a fresh, natural, quiet and sweet greenhome. There are many scenic spots in Shangrao. Let me give you a briefintroduction.

Sanqing mountain, the most famous Taoist mountain in China, was approved asa "World Natural Heritage" by UNESCO in 20__. It has become the Seventh WorldNatural Heritage in China and the only one in Jiangxi. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the three peaks of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua. It is a national scenic spot.From the name of Sanqing mountain, we can see that Sanqing mountain is a famousTaoist mountain, known as "the first fairy peak in Jiangnan".

Guifeng is a typical Danxia landform. All the 36 peaks are scenic, praisedby Xu Xiake, a great traveler in Ming Dynasty as "turtle peak on the river israre in the world", and also praised by tourists as "bonsai in the world".

Wuyuan, with a large number of ancient trees, ancient caves, ancientbuildings and cultural relics, is the only demonstration county of culturaltourism in southern China, with green mountains, green water, small bridges andflowing water, and a quiet pastoral scenery.

Wuyuan is rich in local products. In four words, "red, green, black andwhite" is the specialty of Wuyuan. Red carp, green tea, dragon tail inkstone andJiangwan Sydney are well-known in Wuyuan. Wuyuan has the worlds endangered birdspecies, the Yellow throated bunting, and the worlds largest wild mandarin duckwintering habitat, Yuanyang Lake. However, the vegetation is well preserved,

In addition, there are also red tourist attractions in Shangrao, such asthe former site of Shangrao concentration camp, Fang Zhimin Memorial Hall andthe former site management committee of Fujian Zhejiang Anhui JiangxiRevolutionary Base

It should be said that it is the creators preference for this land, whichmakes people sincerely admire the "uncanny workmanship" of creation. Shangrao isrich in red, green and ancient tourism resources. With these advantages,Shangraos tourism industry is rising, tourism facilities are constantlyimproving, and tourism economy is booming.



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看,这是一块具有纪念意义的人工岩石,上面有个醒目的篆体 “功”字,那是为纪念一代又一代在植树造林中立下汗马功劳的英雄们而特意刻写树立的。


























沽源县得名于“沽河”(又名白河)之源。沽源又是黑河、白河、滦河的发源地,可以称之为“三河之源”,属内蒙古高原南缘,古长城外侧的坝上地区,北靠内蒙,东依承德,西接大同,南距北京仅270公里,距离省会石家庄600公里。位于河北省北部,闪电河上游,邻内蒙古自治区。东邻承德市丰宁县,南与张家口市赤城、崇礼县接壤,西与张北、康保两县相连,北与内蒙古太仆寺旗、正兰旗、多伦县毗邻。总面积3654平方公里,县辖4镇10乡,总人口23.1万,县城平定堡镇距北京市287公里,距张家口170公里。境内山脉起伏连绵,属阴山余脉,全县平均海拔1536米,华北著名的第三高峰冰山梁,海拔2332米,山顶洞内结冰终年不化。气候属温带大陆性草原气候。年平均气温+1.6℃,年日照时数最长3246小时,最短2616小时,年降水量426毫米,无霜期日数117天。汛期主要反映在6、7、8三个月,期间降水量占全年降水量的53%。 大旱气候多,风沙大。









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Changsha city, referred to as "long, nickname" star city ", "chu city", isalso the provincial capital of hunan province, my hometown. By mountain city isthe most valuable gift of nature to changsha. The beautiful land of write toomuch better on historical spanning, dufu.longhai left "jiangnan landscape, thefallen petal season and every gentleman" song of eternal; Zhang Shi songdynasty, zhu xi in yuelu academy teaching twice; More generation great man MAOzedong crowd j head, high-spirited, encouraging words...

When it comes to changsha, people naturally think of j head, the xiangjiangriver sight. Orange continent, some people say that it is a painting, plum forspring, zhu qing Elizabeth Barbara ohm, orange, yellow, orange, green, silver.Orange continent, someone says it is a poem, between heaven and earth day flow,the ancient and modern in character. The emotion recalling ancientry, master theups and downs. Orange continent, is the green pearl inlaid in the xiangjiangriver, changsha is the pride of the people. Xiangjiang river sight all sightfully reflects the natural scenery in hunan province, a beautiful environment,is a good place for tourists sightseeing trip, and citizen exercise night tourof the state. Xiangjiang river is the mother river of the changsha, it surgingsouth, bubbling to the north, zhao mountain in changsha city, the three han alumturned to the northwest, to Joe for wangcheng, in yueyang dongting, through thechangsha city about 25 kilometers. The xiangjiang river on both sides of the redcliff, such as chardonnay, white as snow, sand willows, such as silk, Qiangsails as a cloud, make a beautiful sight along the river in changsha.

When it comes to changsha, nature is little not food. Hunan cuisine is oneof the eight great cuisines of China. Today changsha delicacies already known:squid spicy small lobster, iron plate, stinky tofu, hot and sour powder...Eating in changsha, oneself of breath, "food" is interesting, such as "eat" suchas drunk. In star city streets, how many traditional snacks waiting for, and howmany trendy snack make people hope.

With the expansion of the city, the changes of flickering skyscrapers. Atthe same time, the street is lined with trees on both sides, we like to live inthe garden. Straight, clean, clean, spacious avenue of traffic of the citychanges with each passing day, make the camp of the new road tunnel urbanizationconstruction on a new stage; Wuhan-guangzhou high-speed accelerated economicexchanges and coastal cities in central China, greatly improved the livingstandards of people; The city subway and light rail would be built and alsogreatly facilitates peoples travel.

Changsha, zhuzhou and xiangtan urban agglomeration in 20__ formallyapproved by the national construction of a resource-conserving andenvironment-friendly comprehensive reform pilot area, become the rise of centralChina "engine", drive the economic development of China. Was to pressevaluation, "changzhutan economic integration both experience and lessons,whether success or setbacks, will be to the Yangtze river delta, the pearl riverdelta, bohai sea region these newcomers profound enlightenment." Believe inchangsha will be more beautiful tomorrow.

I love my hometown, my beautiful star city - changsha.



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First of all, on behalf of all the staff of Sitong travel agency, I wouldlike to extend a warm welcome to you and thank you for your support and trust inour travel agency. My name is carving time. Im a tour guide of Sitong travelagency. Please call me Xiao Liu.

Sitting in the front driving position is our team driver master Zhang.Master Zhang has rich driving experience. I believe you will feel comfortableand safe on the way. Today, I feel very honored to be our tour guide and know somany teachers and friends. If you have any difficulties and requirements duringyour journey, please put forward them in time and I will try my best to serveyou. I also hope that you can actively support and cooperate with my work. Here,I wish you a pleasant journey, happy to come and satisfied to return.

Today, we are going to visit Panshan, which is located at the south foot ofYanshan mountain, 90 kilometers east of Beijing, at the intersection of Beijing,Tianjin, Tang and Chengde. In ancient times, Panshan was called Panlongmountain, Sizheng mountain and Wuzhong mountain. So how did the name of Panshancome from? There are two versions: first, Ji Zhizhen of the Yuan Dynasty said inhis Yunshan collection: "Mr. Tian pan came from Qi in ancient times and livedlate in this mountain, so its called Panshan." The other is what Zhipu, a monkof the Qing Dynasty, said in his records of Panshan: "Wei Tianchou lived inseclusion here, so it was named tianpanshan. Today, if we call it Panshaninstead of Tianpan, we will call it Lushan. "

Panshan is known as "the first mountain in the east of Beijing" in theworld, with the famous sites of "five peaks", "eight stones" and "three plates".The main peak, Guayue peak, is 864.4 meters above sea level. It is surrounded byzigai peak in the front, Zilai peak in the back, Jiuhua peak in the East andWujian peak in the West. At the same time, it is especially famous for Songshengin Shangpan, Shisheng in zhongpan and Shuisheng in xiapan. It is called "Sanpanscenic spot" and is known as "scenery step by step and classic scenery". EmperorQianlong visited Panshan many times and wrote down the famous sentence "if youknew there was Panshan, why go to Jiangnan".

After listening to the above introduction, I believe you have a generalunderstanding of Panshan. How about Panshan? Please visit it in person and thenmake an evaluation. We have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Pleaseremember that our car is a white golden dragon, and the license plate is Jina2345. The car is parked on the left side of the parking lot. We are stillgathering on the car at 1 pm. Please lock the window. Please take your valuableswith you. OK, please get off.

Now we have come to the entrance of the tourist area. There is a tall threehole memorial archway. On the front is AI xinjueluo puzuos inscription: "thefirst mountain in Jingdong", and on the back is fan Runhuas inscription: "themountains are Emerald". Now lets go inside and pass the three hole MountainGate with yellow tiles and red walls. On the huge stone facing us, there arefour big characters of "three plates of dusk rain", which was written by MaoChang, the former vice mayor of Tianjin.

Lets walk up the stone ladder path now. Please slow down. Lets come hereand have a look at this huge stone. The word "enter victory" is written on it.Its five feet in diameter and powerful. Its written by Rong Lu, the Bachelorof Wenhua hall, the Minister of military aircraft in the late Qing Dynasty.Enter victory, enter victory means that we have begun to enter the realm ofvictory.

Keep going. Here are two lines of inscriptions on the cliff. One line is"sizhengmenjing". Panshan is also called sizhengshan, which means that it passesthrough the gate of Panshan. The other line is "the sound of horses entering thevalley", which refers to the sound of cars and horses from the rich. There is ahuge stone not far from here. What is it? I knew from the past that this is thefamous yuan gem. It is named because it is wide at the top and narrow at thebottom, and it looks like a yuan treasure. There are several lines on it withbig words: "there are mountains, strange rocks and rare pines here.". If you gofurther, what we see now is Dashiqiao. Emperor Qianlong had a rest here when hevisited Panshan. Now I invite you to have a rest here to have an emperorsaddiction. While you rest, I will tell you a story.

One year, Emperor Qianlong came to Panshan and went to Dashiqiao. Seeingthe beautiful scenery here, he made a decree to have a rest. He wrote the firstcouplet: traveling in Panshan and circling for several days. Liu Yong beat thesecond couplet: visiting Rehe and drinking hot wine for a few days. As soon asQianlong heard of Rehe, he immediately lost his face. It turned out that beforethat, Qianlong had gone to Rehe to leave the palace for the summer. At thattime, there was a popular saying: the emperors villa is really a summer resort,but the people are in Rehe. This word spread into his ears, naturally greatlyangry. Seeing this, Liu Yong quickly broke in and said, "long live, the sceneryhere is so beautiful. You should make another couplet to let everyone be right."so Qianlongs mood got better and he added another couplet: bafangqiao Bafang,standing on bafangqiao, watching bafangbafang. This baffled several ministers,and Ji Xiaolan knelt down in front of Qianlong and blurted out: "long livegrandfather, long live kneel down, long live grandfather, long live grandfather,long live grandfather. So Emperor Qianlong was very happy, and Longyan was veryhappy.

Well, after listening to the story and having a rest, please continue tofollow me. Our next scenic spot is Tiancheng temple, which is the key landscapeof Panshan tourist area, also known as Tiancheng Fushan temple, also known asTiancheng Dharma Realm. Well, now we have come to Tiancheng temple. It was firstbuilt in the Tang Dynasty. It was expanded and rebuilt in Liao, Ming and QingDynasties. Since the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, emperors of severalgenerations have visited Tiancheng temple. Emperor Qianlong has visitedTiancheng Temple most frequently, and his double monk Kong Hai has become a monkhere. "Tiancheng Temple" on the temple gate was mentioned by Qianlong. Beforeentering the temple gate, please turn around and take a look at the buildingbehind you - woyunlou, which is two stories high, six Ying, Huadong carved beamsand high ridge cornices. It is very spectacular. Every rainy day, white cloudsoften pass through the valley, or hide the building, or pass through thebuilding. It is very interesting, so it is named woyunlou. At the foot of themountain opposite woyunlou, there is a platform, which is the site of a smallstage. In the past, when Emperor Qianlong was resting in woyunlou, the imperialtroupe performed on the stage.

Now, lets walk into Tiancheng Temple together. The first thing we see isJiangshan Pavilion. These five words were also mentioned by Emperor Qianlong.Please follow me this way, through the winding corridor, we came to a high damplatform, facing the huge stone lying on the back, engraved with the word"quiet". On the east side of the hall, there is a stele made by EmperorQianlong, on which are his personal notes of traveling to Panshan and his poemsabout Panshan. Lets take a look at this ancient Buddha relic Pagoda in theWest. It has thirteen octagonal stories and a delicate structure. On thethirteen stories of dense eaves, there are 104 bronze statues. The pagoda isglittering with gold, and the mountain breeze is blowing slowly. The pagoda wasbuilt in the Liao Dynasty and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. It is now listed as akey cultural relic protection unit in Tianjin.

Now lets continue to go up. OK, we have come to Wansong temple. Wansongtemple, formerly known as Li Jingan, got its name in memory of the famousgeneral of the early Tang Dynasty who once lived here. Wansong temple is aBuddhist temple, and there used to be a luzu hall here. Whats the matter? Itssaid that this luzu hall was built in memory of LV Dongbins spirit to findwater for the temple.

Well, we have visited all the major scenic spots here. Now you can movefreely. You can have a rest, eat something, take photos, or continue to climb tothe main peak of the moon. But you must pay attention to safety. You dont watchthe scenery when you walk, and you dont walk when you watch the scenery. Nowwere disbanded. Dont forget 1:00 in the parking lot down the mountain. Wellget together on time. Our license plate is Jin a2345.

With the passage of time, todays trip to Panshan has come to an end. Thankyou for your support and cooperation in my work. Im very happy to get alongwith you at the end of this day. Im really reluctant to be separated from you.If there is anything unsatisfactory in my service today, please forgive me. Ihope you can give me more valuable opinions. I look forward to our next visitHappy cooperation, I wish you good health, happy work and all the best in thefuture!



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"The west lake, thirty six", but the west lake of yangzhou, the formation of the lake, with its delicate and pretty beautiful charm of a fitting "thin" words.

West lake scenic area is shu he - the core and essence of west lake national key scenic spot. A song of water just like brocade belt, such as gone with the wind, such as breeze, when closed, when compared with hangzhou west lake, another thin verve. Sui and tang dynasties, the west coast is established in succession. When the qing dynasty, because the two emperors kangxi and qianlong six degrees of "southern", formed a "two dike flower LiuQuan depends on water, gazebo all the way until the mountain". The qiantang river in the qing dynasty poet wang kang hang to yangzhou west lake with the hangzhou west lake, wrote: "chueiyang constantly meet the residual weeds, wild goose tooth hongqiao yanyan drawing. Also pin a pot of gold, reason should be called west lake." West lake, hence the name and approval by people, was the Chinese and foreign.

West lake scenic area as the representative of lake landscape in our country, the classical garden group combines south show north male, combination is clever, are due to borrow, constitutes the common space, a west lake as the scene outside view, garden art realm, the garden are twenty scene in the history of famous throughout the world. Graceful zigzag a lake water, the list with volume Shi Dongtian, west park water, hongqiao evoque, causeway spring willow, pu misty rain, a warm southerly breeze, four bridge MeiLing spring depth, water clouds - almost, cloud, spring the bright moon, three white pagoda shine leave a trace, shu gang WanZhao, Wan Song jade green, flower island double spring the wins, pearl inlaid burging mixed on the jade belt, formed a picture of a thorn natural stereoscopic landscape picture scroll, and small jinshan 24 bridge scenic spot, the five pavilion bridge, is this picture of the pen.

The beauty of the west lake scenery, very early for people to yearn for. Qing liu observatory said: "to shop at lake mountain - hangzhou, suzhou, yangzhou garden house wins". Another qing Shen Fu in of SCFL (six chapters of a floating shout: "odd illusions, natural ornament, namely LangYuan jade pool, a fabulously rich residence, we trust this though. The beauty in the garden house one of more than ten, contact to mountain, imposing manner consistent." In the history of li bai, tu mu, ouyang xiu, liu yuxi, bai juyi, su shi, Wang Yuyang, pu songling, direction, wu ching-tzu, yu dafu, zhu zi-qing cultural celebrities such as leave or deep or shallow footprints in this area and a large number of popular discourse. "March fireworks yangzhou", "garden is more curtilage, horses and chariots, less than ship", "twenty-four bridge moon night, jade where people teach flute", "bead curtain volume spring breeze", "green eroilor guo is yangzhou" countless words such as lovers, eternal, added dazzling part for west lake.

West lake scenic area is due to its long history, rich cultural landscape, beautiful natural charm of elegance, already become the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign guests is a famous tourist attraction. West lake scenic area is the first important external window of China excellent tourist city of yangzhou, with national key scenic area, the national "AAAA level tourist area, the national civilized scenery tourist area demonstration site. In recent years, the west lake scenic area to develop the construction of scenic areas, attractions, has amounted to 168.32 hectares, food, travel, tour, shopping, entertainment, tourism increasingly perfect supporting facilities, with the ISO9001 international quality system certification, for the sustainable development of the new century and to inject new connotation of the international tourism market.

Ten mile lake, clear pale green garden, garden pond, sweeping dicui, pavilions, strewn at random have send. Humanities landscape, unique charm. West lake is eight visitors with open arms, warmly welcome the distinguished guests gaopeng. Five pavilion bridge The lake is unique among the national garden, five pavilion bridge is a sign of west lake, there is a place for in garden in the country. Its biggest characteristic is the perfect combination of masculine, feminine and southern north male organic harmony. The bridge was built in the lotus pangde, qing qianlong is twenty-two years (1757) tour salt empire built by emperor youzhu of northern qi, because was built in the lotus pangde, or because is shaped like a blooming lotus flower, so it is also called the lotus bridge.

To this, it is said that emperor qianlong southern lamented it is like spring QiongDao Yin scene, it points out the view of the bridge is draw lessons from Beijing in the north sea. Indeed, the bridge is affected by the north sea the five dragon pavilions, deep five pavilions built by the water, the five dragon pavilions longtzer, China and Japan faced on the bottom round, symbol looks; West for chung red, emerald green, chung is square double-hipped roof, floating cui is square single eaves; East is auspicious, zi xiang, chengcheng auspicious is square double-hipped roof. Five pavilions are green glazed tile roof, pavilion and pavilion Shi Liang connected between the two, tactfully if flying, another longtzer, zi xiang, floating cui three kiosks have single-arch stone bridge into the rock bank, draw bead column building, shining ripples. Yangzhou five pavilion bridge without the north sea open water, of course, cant put the five dragon pavilions. But clever craftsman dont make up, combine the pavilions, Bridges, form the pavilion bridge, for the five pavilions of cluster on a bridge, pavilion and pavilion with a short corridor, between form complete roof.

Bridge pavilion, poured male, both how to configure the harmonious? The key here is how to put the bridge construction so dainty, with bridge pavilion ratio, appropriate configuration harmony. ZaoQiaoZhe rolled the arch bridge built form, made up of three different roll contact hole, span a total of 15, center span is the largest, span of 7.13 meters, a large semicircle, direct injection, next to a dozen span arrangement on bridge based on three sides, can connect the north and the south, also a small semicircular, bridge hole for the fan, can pass. Positive, along with reflections, five hole formation, sizes and shapes their forms, thus on the bridge foundation of massiness, arranged the ethereal arch volume, placed in the straight line of the seam Angle curve little tunnel, and the bridge pavilion configuration naturally harmonious. No wonder the posterity to bridge foundation than into northern mighty men of valor, and compares the bridge pavilion south beautiful girl, this is combination of force and beauty, the harmony of zhuang and show.

The white

Yangzhou still circulating "night made white pagoda" story. The story of the qing dynasty grand view "unofficial history. One day, emperor qianlong tour in the west lake, ship to five pavilion bridge, suddenly to yangzhou accompanying officials said: "here is much like a city in the north sea QiongDao spring Yin ah, but a poor white tower". Early the next morning, the emperor xuan open a look, and see five pavilion bridge beside a white pagoda standing, thought it was from the sky, the eunuch hurriedly knelt beside play a way: "upstream of the west lake is a salt merchants who, to make up for the regret, rushed into the" overnight.

, is said to be one of the eight salt merchants, qianlong about the stories with describe, please graphed, and then the voice of night package with salt as the foundation, to push into the surface of the paper. Hyperopia, although only can close to climb, but the qianlong regrets ground say: "humanitarian yangzhou salt merchants rich of guilin, really liked".



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We went straight to the waterfall by sightseeing bus. Along the way, onemountain after another is steep and lush. We got off the sightseeing bus andheaded for the Three Gorges waterfall. When you enter the scenic area, you cansee an ancient forest path. On the left side of the path is a flowing streamwith clear water. On the right side of the path are the continuous mountains,with dense forests and abundant grass, flowers blooming and butterflies dancing,birds singing and mountain streams. If youre lucky, you can see groups ofmonkeys playing in the mountains. I was intoxicated with the beautiful sceneryby the side of the road, and suddenly there was a loud thunder in my ear.Following the prestige, a huge hundred chains hang high in the mountains,straight down to the bottom of the valley. Its really "flying down 3000 feet."this is the Three Gorges waterfall. I yelled excitedly, put on my raincoat andran to the waterfall. I went through a cave first, and a cool wind came,followed by a water mist, which floated like a gossamer, and the crystal clearwater droplets sprinkled on my face...... We frolic, we fight, we go through thewater.

Suddenly, someone yelled, "rainbow, rainbow..." I ran out of the waterfalland saw a big arch bridge hanging in the sky, which was colorful. Red, orange,yellow, green, blue and purple. Its so beautiful. Ive never seen a rainbow,but today I see its beauty. I stand in the middle of the rainbow, my mothergrabs this beautiful moment for me. Its really worth the trip.

If you want a cool summer, please come to the Three Gorges waterfall!



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Hello, everyone. Have you ever been to Beijing?

Whats the weather like in Beijing?

Beijings cold weather is not to see the sun outside, what to see? Look atthe wind! As long as the wind blows, the weather will be relatively cold. Whatsthe wind blowing in winter? Whats the wind blowing in summer? The primaryschool teacher said that southeast wind blows in summer and northwest wind blowsin winter. Please remember. A student stood up and said: No, my mother said thatshe married my father and drank all year round

You choose to come to Beijing at the end of October. Generally speaking,the time is very good. Its neither cold nor hot. Its an ideal tourist seasonin Beijing. As the saying goes: in good travel time, meeting a good guide is akind of happiness; in good travel time, meeting a poor guide is a kind ofsadness. Its a sigh to meet a good tour guide in a bad travel time; its a kindof helplessness to meet a poor tour guide in a bad travel time. I hope we have agood time to travel, and I hope I am a good guide.

Id like to introduce myself. My family name is Li and my name is Tianyun.After you met me, I wish you good luck every day. Li is Muzi Li. You can call medirector Li, but dont call me director Li. You can also call me Xiao Li, butdont add Zi. Xiao Li is Li Lianying, the eunuch next to Empress Dowager Cixi.Eunuch is an incomplete man. Besides being thin, the function of other parts ofhis body is quite normal. I was born on December 26. Whats the specialsignificance of this day? My mothers birthday is also on this day, and myemperor Taizus birthday is also on December 26. My emperor Taizu is ChairmanMao Zedong. I want to have the same birthday as a great man. I cant be worse inmy life. But after living for more than 20 years, I found that Im not tall, notshort, not fat, not thin, not old, not tender, and so on So far, no miracle hashappened to me, but it doesnt matter. As the saying goes, height is not thedistance, weight is not the pressure, age is not the problem, so I still have toconfidently take everyones activities in Beijing these days.

In addition to taking you on a tour, we also have a master in charge of ourtransportation. Our master has more than ten years of driving experience. Heusually receives deputies to the National Peoples Congress, and receives VIPguests and athletes during the Olympic Games. There has been no accident formore than ten years. He is very professional and safe. During our time inBeijing, we have master _ _ driving for us. We have to work hard for him in thenext few days. Lets give him some applause first!

Although the roads in Beijing are very broad now, Beijing, as the capital,has many people and cars, and the traffic condition is not very good most of thetime. During our travel time, there may be traffic jams or people waiting forthe bus. I hope you can understand.

People live on food. When they come to Beijing, the first thing they shouldpay attention to is eating. When they come out, they wont be as comfortable asthey are at home. Especially when they join a tour group, they should beprepared: the tour group meal in Beijing is very bad. What is despair? Despairis two dishes served in a restaurant, Eat the first one: "is there anythingworse in the world?" eat the second one "Kao! Its really there!" although thegroup meal is bad, its still quite hygienic. You can rest assured to eat it.The principle is to have enough food, eight dishes and one soup, and all therice. When you see that the food is not enough, drink the soup quickly. If wedont have enough to eat, we can see the mountains far away and have a pot ofsteamed bread. If you come back to China for tourism in the future, if thenumber of people is small, you should try not to arrange group meals by travelagencies. Youd better have what you want (for Hong Kong and overseasChinese).

Next is the accommodation. Beijing is the capital, the political andcultural center. People come and go very frequently, so hotels of the same levelin Beijing are not as good as those in other places. Then it gives a briefintroduction of the hotel (such as stars, how far to the airport, how far to therailway station, how far to Tiananmen Square). In the evening, when we go backto the hotel, we should pay attention to rest. When we go shopping, we are notfamiliar with the place, so we should not go too far. The three things you mustdo when you come to Beijing are climbing the Great Wall, eating roast duck andwatching acrobatics. I think we have arranged to climb the great wall and eatroast duck in our itinerary, but we havent arranged to watch acrobatics. Imvery sorry. About in the Neolithic age, Chinese acrobatics had sprouted. Soacrobatics has a history of more than 20__ years in China. Diving, rings andother sports in our Olympic Games are all evolved from acrobatics. Trampoline,which was officially an Olympic event in 20__, is also evolved from acrobatics.Chinas trampoline won two Olympic gold medals in 20__ Beijing Olympic Games.Chinese people can be proud to announce to the world that we cant do football,we cant do track and field, we cant do swimming pool, but we cant do it inbed! Chaoyang theater is the only designated theater for external performance inBeijing. During the Olympic Games, all foreign leaders came to China to watchacrobatic performances. Modern acrobatics combined with sound, color, light andother advanced elements are more gorgeous and exciting than traditionalacrobatics. It really reflects the brilliance of one minute on stage and tenyears off stage. Almost all the performances have won awards in theinternational arena, so we are visiting Beijing During this period, acrobaticsis absolutely not to be missed if you have time in the evening. If you dont go,you will be sorry, but you will be shocked.

The most important thing to come to Beijing is to visit. Apart fromclimbing the Great Wall, eating roast duck and watching acrobatics, what elsecan we play? Generally speaking, we can enter Guangzhou to watch cars, fly toGuilin to watch mountains, go to Xian to watch tombs, visit Beijing to watchwalls, pass Tianjin to watch docks, visit Qinghai to watch the source, visitTibet to watch Buddhas head, visit Nanjing to watch stones, visit Shanghai towatch peoples heads drunk, visit Shanghai to watch peoples heads;Unforgettable Hangzhou girl. What you see in Beijing is the top of the wall,that is, the most important thing is the history and culture left over from theancient capital. If you join this tour group and meet guide Xiao Li, you are ina Beijing history and culture crash course, so you should listen to mecarefully. Cant get on the car to sleep, get off the car to pee, take photos ofscenic spots, go home and ask nothing. Especially when there are many touristsin Beijing, adults look at their heads and children look at their buttocks, sowe should play with me, hold the hand of the guide, and travel together inBeijing!

Beijing is the capital of Liao, Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, thelast five feudal dynasties in Chinese history. Its design and planning embodiesthe highest achievement of ancient Chinese urban planning, and is known as "thegreatest individual project of human beings on the surface of the earth". Weshould not only look at the history, but also the modern development of Beijing.Now lets briefly introduce the situation of Beijing.

Beijing covers a total area of 16808 square kilometers and is divided into18 districts. Beijing is surrounded by Hebei Province. From the map, HebeiProvince surrounds the whole of Beijing, and it is not far from Beijing

Chengde Mountain Resort is the largest classical Royal Garden in China. In1984, it was rated as one of the top ten scenic spots in China. In 1994, it waslisted in the world heritage list. It is very worth seeing. If we can arrange itsometimes, we should go there for a day or two.

The terrain of Beijing is high in the northwest and low in the southeast,which is in line with the artistic conception of an ancient poem that a riverflows eastward. Beijing plain accounts for 1 / 3, mountain accounts for 2 / 3.There are more than 16 million permanent residents in Beijing, more than 4million people from other places, and more than 20 million people live in onethird of the plain. Therefore, the traffic pressure just mentioned is veryheavy.

To this end, Beijing has made great efforts to improve the trafficenvironment. The cost of bus is also very cheap. Basically, one yuan is enoughfor taking the bus, and 20% or 40% discount can be given for those with buscard. We work in the suburbs because its expensive to rent or buy a house inthe urban area. Although its cheap to take the bus, it takes a long time. Weneed to get up early in the morning to go to work. Sometimes it only takes 30minutes to do a business in the urban area, but it takes two hours to come bybus, and it takes two hours to go back, so one day is spent on the bus. Becauseof the long journey, we usually have to take the bus home from work, so thenightlife in Beijing is not very rich. Talk about the four idiots in Beijing:eat lobster, go shopping to Yansha, sing and love flowers, and go home afterwork. The poor go home after work, the drunkard go home at 9, the luster go homeat 11 and the gambler go home at 2-3.

The starting price of a taxi is 10 yuan for 3 km, and 2 yuan per km after 3km. In addition to improving the above ground transportation, we should focus onthe development of the subway. The cost of the subway is also very cheap. Itcosts 2 yuan to get through. As long as you dont go out of the subway door, youcan take a ride for a day, so as to stimulate the reduction of private cars,reduce road congestion, improve air quality and environmental protection. Butthe rich should buy a car or buy a car, and the poor should take what kind ofcar, so we should not climb, compare, and be angry with ourselves in our dailylife; eat less salt, be jealous, play less mahjong, and take more walks; sleepon time, get up on time, and do boxing and aerobics.

Good health is really good. According to official statistics, the averagelife span of Beijingers has reached 80 years old. Before the reform and openingup, it was 60 years old. Why? With the improvement of living standards, Chinesesociety is developing, and Beijing is developing. In the past, only the emperorcan eat, but now ordinary people can also eat the palace flavor. In the past,the emperor can wear silk, but now ordinary people can buy it, too The jadebrought by the emperor is good for our health. We can also buy it now. Themedicinal materials of Tongrentang, which has a history of more than 300 years,used to be used exclusively by the royal family, especially the Empress DowagerCixi, who used to take the Wuji Baifeng pill of Tongrentang all the year round.Now we can also buy it. We can also buy the Royal Cloisonne ornaments. In short,the royal family can eat, wear and play Good health, we can do now, in additionto the emperors harem three thousand, so many women we cant do. When we cometo Beijing for tourism, if we need to use these things or give them as gifts tofriends and relatives, they are very helpful. They can support the developmentof Beijings tourism industry and improve our taste in life. When it comes totaste, men are divided into six grades: first-class men have a home outsidetheir home, second-class men have flowers outside their home, third-class menfind a home in their flowers, fourth-class men go home from work, fifth classmen go home from work, and their wives are not at home, sixth class men go homefrom work, and there is a man beside their wives. Women can be divided into fourclasses. First class beauties travel abroad, second class beauties ShenzhenZhuhai, third class beauties Beijing Shanghai, and fourth class beauties wait athome.

So what do we usually call a beautiful woman in Beijing? The older one iscalled sister, the older one is called aunt, and the younger one is called girl.Generally speaking, men are called elder brother, and the elderly are calledelder brother. Children are called children. But pure Beijingers, that is, oldBeijing, call girls girls girls instead of girls. I dont call a beauty abeauty, but a honey. Call him or not, call him ya. I dont care if you call meinside. Call a woman a woman, not a woman. Call a man a man, not a man. Call afriend porcelain instead of a friend. A lover is not called a lover, but an ace.I dont call a little girl a little girl, but a girl.

This is Beijings address, Tianjins address is more special, for example:there are people calling sister, not sister, anyway, no matter how old you are,even if you are only a teenager, there may be 50 or 60 years old people callingyour sister, not sister. There are those who call big brother, but not brothersor brothers. Even an elderly grandmother will call a young man in her 20s bigbrother, but she wont call brothers. Some call uncle, but not uncle. That is tosay, no matter what is your fathers ranking at home, you should call his otherbrothers uncle, and your fathers younger brother is not uncle. In a word, itsbasically shouting. Thats what Tianjin is called. Tianjin is called the backgarden of Beijing. During holidays, Beijingers will drive there for holidays.Tianjin is more than 100 kilometers away from Beijing, and the whole journey isonly two hours to Tianjin. If we have time, we can play one more city by the waywith little fare.

The road we are taking now is the capital airport expressway, which wasbuilt in 92 and opened to traffic in 93. The capital airport expressway is 18 kmlong, with 34.5 m wide subgrade and 6 lanes in both directions. There are 3 mwide emergency parking belts on both sides of the road. It is fully closed andinterchange. The design speed is 120 km / h. The starting point is Sanyuanqiao.It takes 10 minutes from Sanyuanqiao to the Capital International Airport.Expressway pavement structure layer, the introduction of foreign asphaltmodification technology, in the ordinary asphalt mixed with plastic or rubber,change the high temperature and low temperature stability of asphalt, make itnot soften at 60 ℃ high temperature, not brittle at minus 30 ℃ low temperature,but also enhance the anti-wear ability, reduce noise, greatly extend the servicelife. The use of modified asphalt, which is the first in domestic highwayconstruction. The capital airport expressway costs 100 million yuan perkilometer, which is known as the first road to China. No matter how old anofficial or ordinary person you are, you have to enter Beijing from thisexpressway.

Usually when we talk about Beijing, where is it called Beijing? Accordingto the official regulations, the third ring road is called Beijing. Sanyuanqiao,the starting point of our airport expressway, connects the third ring road. Whatis "three yuan"? The imperial examination system is called "three yuan". Thefirst place of the provincial examination, the imperial examination and theimperial examination is Jieyuan, Huiyuan and the number one scholar. One afteranother, he won the first place in the provincial examination, the generalexamination and the palace examination, which is called Lianzhong Sanyuan.Taking the Qing Dynasty as an example, the whole process of imperial examinationin the old days started from the grass-roots level of government, prefecture andcounty, which was called childrens examination. Those who enter for theexamination are called Tong Sheng, and those who pass the examination are calledXiucai. The first one is called desk. The formal higher level nationalexamination is called the local examination, which is held in the provincialcapital. The examinees are scholars from all over the country. After passing theexamination, they are called Juren, and the first place is "Jieyuan"; the nexthigher level is the joint examination, which is held in the Ministry of rites.The examinees are Juren, and after passing the examination, they are calledGongsheng, and the first place is "Huiyuan"; The imperial examination was heldin the palace. The emperor personally presided over the examination. Thecandidates were Gongsheng, who were called Jinshi after winning the examination.The imperial examination system in ancient China has a history of more than onethousand years, in which 17 people were able to connect the three yuan.



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Its a great honor to meet you. My name is Xia Jianan. Youcan call me Xiao Xia or Xia Dao. If you have anything to do during the journey,you can call me at any time. My number is

We are going to Longhu Mountain scenic spot, which is 18 kilometers awayfrom Yingtan City. Ladies and gentlemen, now we come to the tourist center ofthe scenic spot. Were going to take the plank road first today. You see, thereis elephant trunk mountain. Because it is like an elephant drinking water, so itis called "elephant trunk mountain". OK, lets take a bamboo raft and enjoy thescenery on both sides of the Luxi river. Because there are many people and fewboats today, and a bamboo raft can only make eight people, so please payattention to safety!

Well, please see, this is the book mountain, this is the mushroom mountain,this is the lion looking back, is it a bit like the Sphinx? Behind the mushroommountain is the literary giant meditation, this "literary giant" is Lu Xun. Thisis a mosquito free village. Because there are a lot of camphor trees in thevillage, the fragrance of camphor trees drives away mosquitoes, so there are nomosquitoes for many years. This is what is called "ass kissing hill". Why is itcalled "ass kissing hill"? Because the grass grows very strange on the cliff,and there is a bunch of grass, which looks like Chairman Maos "Mao". It lookslike Jiangs "Jiang" on the side. It looks like Xi Jinpings "practice", so itis called the "ass kissing hill".

Now we went to xianshuiyan to watch the cliff tombs. Most of these clifftombs belong to the 2500 year old Guyue people. The cliff tombs are 300 metershigh, and the low ones are also 300 meters. These cliff tombs have single tombsand group tombs. There is a hanging coffin show at 2 and 4 p.m. every day, whichis performed by the five brothers of the compatriots who collect herbs on thedragon and tiger mountain. You can enjoy it.

Longhu Mountain is also the birthplace of Taoism in China. There are 63generations of heavenly masters living here. There are 91 Daogong, 81 Daoguan,30 Daoyuan, 24 daodian and 36 Daoyuan. Such palaces, temples and courtyards arerare. However, the large-scale Shangqing palace and the "heihan Tianshimansion", where Tianshi lived, still exist today.

Ladies and gentlemen, please dont move. Keep the balance of the raft.Dont litter with peels, gum, etc. You cant Scribble in the scenic spots. Havea good trip!



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朱家角镇,隶属于上海市青浦区,位于上海市西部、青浦区中南部,紧靠淀山湖风景区。东临西大盈与环城分界,西濒淀山湖与大观园风景区隔湖相望,南与沈巷镇为邻(20xx年与之合并),北与江苏省昆山市淀山湖镇接壤。朱家角镇处于北纬30°~31°,东经120°~121°之间,东距青浦镇6公里,上海市中心48公里。318国道贯穿镇境。全镇总面积138平方公里(含水域)。1991年,被列为上海四大历史文化名镇之一。 20xx年,被评为第三批“中国历史文化名镇(村)”。下面是小编收集整理的关于上海朱家角古镇的导游词5篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。



















进入朱家角古镇,我们先到了泰安桥。泰安桥非常漂亮,据说象征着国泰民安。人们只要站在桥上一小会儿,保证一年里平平安安,万事如意。走在石板小路上,可以看到很多粽子店,都叫"阿婆粽子店"。可想而知,一定是阿婆包的粽子哦!还有香喷喷的稻香插肉,用粽叶包红烧肉,再用稻子插起来,肥而不腻,让人看着嘴里就流口水,忍不住想吃一口!走着走着,我们走到了五孔石拱桥——— 放生桥。许多人买了小金鱼、小乌龟等水生动物,然后从桥上放下去,被称为放生。因此,这座桥的名字成了放生桥。看着桥下清澈的湖水,我不禁有了坐船的念头。于是,我们乘船观赏了朱家角古镇的美景。我这才发觉,朱家角古镇就像一幅美丽的画卷。







上海有着一种任何城市都无法比拟的气质,就是她的"洋气",自1843年,帝国主义列强进驻上海,形成了她海纳百川,中西交融的特色,大家一定不会忘记, 20xx年的金秋,身穿唐装的各国元首参加了在上海举行的APEC会议,为什么忘不了?吸引大家眼球的,不仅仅是用上等的江南丝绸做成的唐装,还因为上海已成为新世纪国际经济、金融、贸易中心和大型港口城市。










真是多危险呀,他哪是那个料呀,就是猴子都没办法。此时,大家也许想,导游让我们去金茂欣赏美景,是不是也要我们爬楼呀?不会的,大家的安全就是我的安全,我们可在45秒内就到340米高的88层,因为我们乘坐的是世界上最快的最安全的电梯,到了那上面,可谓"会当凌绝顶,一览众山小"了。上海尽收眼底。这时你会感叹,上海真美呀,华灯初上的上海就像穿着晚礼服的张曼玉,流光溢彩灯火像她的宝石制成的披肩,咦,难不成是李湘送她的?李湘家好多哟!唉,耳听为实,眼见为虚,究竟如何,Lets go。








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"Zijunxuan" is the birthplace of Mr. Wang Chuanshan, a famous philosopher,thinker, writer and historian in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. Thepresent building is reconstructed according to the records of ancient books.Inside the pavilion, there is a sculpture by Mr. Wang Chuanshan. Wang Chuanshanwas born in wangyaping, ancient Hengzhou Prefecture. He once studied in YueluAcademy in Changsha. In his middle age, he participated in the anti Qing Dynastyand the restoration of Ming Dynasty. After his failure, he lived in seclusion atthe foot of shichuanshan mountain in Hengshan County. He studied astronomy,geography, calendar, mathematics, especially classics, history and literature.His works include historical works Yongli Shilu, philosophical works Zhouyiwaizhuan, zhangzizheng mengfa, Huangshu, siwenlu, etc., 1645 poems and 325poems. Later generations compiled them into Chuanshan Yishu, a total of 358volumes and more than 8 million words. Wang Chuanshan hated the Qing soldiersand vowed not to be an official. Every time he went out of the house, he wouldwear high soled shoes and play bamboo umbrella, which means "not to step on theland of the Qing court, not to share the sky of the Qing court.". In thepavilion, bamboo is used as decoration from guardrails to window lattice, stairsto murals, symbolizing the noble spirit of Mr. Chen. On the walls of thepavilions and corridors, there are also "eight scenes of ancient Hengzhou"inscribed in Wang Chuanshans writings and Xiao Shanqings writings: Yanfengmisty rain, shigujiangshan, Dongzhou taolang, Xihu lotus, Zhuling fairy cave,anther Chunxi, yuepingxueling, Qingcao Yudeng.

Out of this junxuan, up the steps, you can see the Xiangjiang River.Hengyang is the confluence of the Xiangjiang River and the steaming water. Inancient times, every autumn, the water potential subsided, the beach was full ofsnow-white sand, and geese from the South came down one after another. This isthe famous "wild geese falling from the flat sand" in the ancient "eightsceneries of Xiaoxiang". However, due to the changes of time, the scenery ofthat year has been lost, which makes the later generation have infinitereverie.

Nanyue Hengshan is eight hundred Li in length and breadth, among which themost beautiful and concentrated scenic spot is the central scenic spot in NanyueDistrict of Hengyang City, covering an area of about 85 square kilometers.

Nanyue ancient town

After Nanyue Hengshan memorial archway, turn forward and step into Nanyueancient town. The specific formation age of the ancient town can not be tested,but at least in the Tang Dynasty, it has formed a very prosperous Xiangshi. Lookat the bluestone road under your feet. It has been polished for thousands ofyears. The heel of your shoes makes a clear sound on it, just like the woodenfish of Zen bell, beating the soul of every pilgrim!

The streets of Nanyue ancient town are all paved with stone slabs. On bothsides are two-story buildings with the same height. The same color of whitewalls, high raised eaves and carved dragons and painted Phoenix roofs allmaintain the style of is, reflecting the ancient beauty of Nanyue ancient towneverywhere. If you buy a stick of incense in the shop here and taste a cup oftea in the teahouse, you will surely benefit a lot from the comprehensivenessand profundity of Chinese Buddhism and the remote artistic conception oftraditional culture. Another wonder about the streets of the ancient town isthat there is a long corridor under the houses on both sides. In this way, evenin rainy days, you dont need to take an umbrella to walk leisurely along thelong street, which truly realizes the situation described by the famous writerLi Jianwu in "climbing Mount Tai in the rain" which is "interesting in the rainbut not bitter".

Although the ancient town is small, it also has all kinds of internalorgans, such as restaurants, inns, incense shops, shops, Buddhist halls, andeven the study where the smell of ink still exists. In particular, therestaurants here serve local specialties, such as fresh and delicious wildmushrooms, Hengshan tofu with unique taste and nutritious bamboo shoots. If youdont try local dishes in Hengshan, its just like if you dont eat muttonsteamed bun in Xian, 18 Street flowers in Tianjin and hot pot in Chongqing!

After going through the blue stone road full of vicissitudes, the ancienthouses full of history, and the Buddhist halls and incense shops that cleansethe soul, do you have a bright light in your heart? Do you have a differentfeeling for Nanyue? Do you have a meditation on life? This is the real beauty ofthe ancient town!



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Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province. Itgoverns Yangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi County, Jiangcheng district andhailing Economic Development Experimental Zone. The coastline (Island) is 390.8km long, with a total area of 7813.4 square kilometers and a population of 2.4million. It enjoys preferential policies granted by the state, such as coastalopen areas, pilot economic development zones, industrial satellite towns,mountainous areas and small amount of trade with Chinese Taiwan. It is one of thecoastal open cities in Guangdong Province.

Yangjiang City is rich in marine industrial resources. There are six famousfishing ports in China, such as Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou, Hebei and theother side. The fishing ground is vast and the beach is gentle. It is suitablefor deep-sea fishing and mariculture, and rich in high-quality and valuablefresh aquatic products. Yangjiangs mineral resources mainly include iron ore,copper ore, pyrite, quartz sand, tin ore, gold ore, rare earth ore, etc. Thereare abundant forest and hydropower resources for comprehensive utilization. Theindustry has formed ten pillar industries, including automobile, rare earth,electromechanical, building materials, metallurgy, food, hardware, textile,clothing and forest industry. Yangjiang knife, Yangjiang Douchi, Yangjianglacquerware and leather plastic, clothing, packaging, stainless steel utensilsand other famous, excellent and special products are also very popular.

Yangjiangs scenery also has its own characteristics, such as the beautifuland peculiar Moyang mountain and sea scenery, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan,longguanyan and sandongtian, which are known as the first scenic spot in SouthChina, shachao of Mawei Island natural beach, which is also known as EastHawaii, and Hebei tourist resort, etc. Since the reform and opening up, theinvestment environment of Yangjiang has been gradually improved. Yangjiang portand Xingneng diesel power plant have been built. The second phase expansionproject of Mojiang water plant with daily water supply of 200000 tons has beencompleted. The Yangchun section of Sanmao railway has been put into operation.The reconstruction of national highway 325 has been completed. The station porthighway, access to Island Highway, access to port highway, Jianshan bridge andshouchang bridge have been completed and opened to traffic, connecting withSanmao railway The railway from Yangchun railway station to Yangjiang port isunder construction. The third nuclear calling station in Guangdong has beenlocated in Yangjiang and has entered the stage of feasibility study.

The citys urban and rural telephone exchange capacity has reached 223000,and mobile phones and wireless paging have been fully opened. Yangjiang port, aclass I port approved by the State Council to open to foreign nationality shipsin February 1993, was officially opened to the outside world in July 1996. Theinfrastructure was further improved, creating a broader and solid social andeconomic foundation for investors to come to our city for extensive economic andtechnological cooperation. In order to make our citys industrial andagricultural productivity leap to a new level through the use of foreign capitaland the introduction of technology and equipment, the municipal government hasformulated a series of preferential measures to further simplify procedures andprocedures and improve service quality and efficiency. At the same time, themunicipal government has set up a special administrative service center toprovide "one-stop" services for domestic and foreign investors. Over the pastfew years, with the improvement of the investment environment, the utilizationof foreign capital in Yangjiang City has doubled, foreign economic andtechnological trade, cooperation and exchange have made gratifying achievements,and a new economic situation of all-round opening has initially formed.
