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First of all, on behalf of all the staff of Sitong travel agency, I wouldlike to extend a warm welcome to you and thank you for your support and trust inour travel agency. My name is carving time. Im a tour guide of Sitong travelagency. Please call me Xiao Liu.

Sitting in the front driving position is our team driver master Zhang.Master Zhang has rich driving experience. I believe you will feel comfortableand safe on the way. Today, I feel very honored to be our tour guide and know somany teachers and friends. If you have any difficulties and requirements duringyour journey, please put forward them in time and I will try my best to serveyou. I also hope that you can actively support and cooperate with my work. Here,I wish you a pleasant journey, happy to come and satisfied to return.

Today, we are going to visit Panshan, which is located at the south foot ofYanshan mountain, 90 kilometers east of Beijing, at the intersection of Beijing,Tianjin, Tang and Chengde. In ancient times, Panshan was called Panlongmountain, Sizheng mountain and Wuzhong mountain. So how did the name of Panshancome from? There are two versions: first, Ji Zhizhen of the Yuan Dynasty said inhis Yunshan collection: "Mr. Tian pan came from Qi in ancient times and livedlate in this mountain, so its called Panshan." The other is what Zhipu, a monkof the Qing Dynasty, said in his records of Panshan: "Wei Tianchou lived inseclusion here, so it was named tianpanshan. Today, if we call it Panshaninstead of Tianpan, we will call it Lushan. "

Panshan is known as "the first mountain in the east of Beijing" in theworld, with the famous sites of "five peaks", "eight stones" and "three plates".The main peak, Guayue peak, is 864.4 meters above sea level. It is surrounded byzigai peak in the front, Zilai peak in the back, Jiuhua peak in the East andWujian peak in the West. At the same time, it is especially famous for Songshengin Shangpan, Shisheng in zhongpan and Shuisheng in xiapan. It is called "Sanpanscenic spot" and is known as "scenery step by step and classic scenery". EmperorQianlong visited Panshan many times and wrote down the famous sentence "if youknew there was Panshan, why go to Jiangnan".

After listening to the above introduction, I believe you have a generalunderstanding of Panshan. How about Panshan? Please visit it in person and thenmake an evaluation. We have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Pleaseremember that our car is a white golden dragon, and the license plate is Jina2345. The car is parked on the left side of the parking lot. We are stillgathering on the car at 1 pm. Please lock the window. Please take your valuableswith you. OK, please get off.

Now we have come to the entrance of the tourist area. There is a tall threehole memorial archway. On the front is AI xinjueluo puzuos inscription: "thefirst mountain in Jingdong", and on the back is fan Runhuas inscription: "themountains are Emerald". Now lets go inside and pass the three hole MountainGate with yellow tiles and red walls. On the huge stone facing us, there arefour big characters of "three plates of dusk rain", which was written by MaoChang, the former vice mayor of Tianjin.

Lets walk up the stone ladder path now. Please slow down. Lets come hereand have a look at this huge stone. The word "enter victory" is written on it.Its five feet in diameter and powerful. Its written by Rong Lu, the Bachelorof Wenhua hall, the Minister of military aircraft in the late Qing Dynasty.Enter victory, enter victory means that we have begun to enter the realm ofvictory.

Keep going. Here are two lines of inscriptions on the cliff. One line is"sizhengmenjing". Panshan is also called sizhengshan, which means that it passesthrough the gate of Panshan. The other line is "the sound of horses entering thevalley", which refers to the sound of cars and horses from the rich. There is ahuge stone not far from here. What is it? I knew from the past that this is thefamous yuan gem. It is named because it is wide at the top and narrow at thebottom, and it looks like a yuan treasure. There are several lines on it withbig words: "there are mountains, strange rocks and rare pines here.". If you gofurther, what we see now is Dashiqiao. Emperor Qianlong had a rest here when hevisited Panshan. Now I invite you to have a rest here to have an emperorsaddiction. While you rest, I will tell you a story.

One year, Emperor Qianlong came to Panshan and went to Dashiqiao. Seeingthe beautiful scenery here, he made a decree to have a rest. He wrote the firstcouplet: traveling in Panshan and circling for several days. Liu Yong beat thesecond couplet: visiting Rehe and drinking hot wine for a few days. As soon asQianlong heard of Rehe, he immediately lost his face. It turned out that beforethat, Qianlong had gone to Rehe to leave the palace for the summer. At thattime, there was a popular saying: the emperors villa is really a summer resort,but the people are in Rehe. This word spread into his ears, naturally greatlyangry. Seeing this, Liu Yong quickly broke in and said, "long live, the sceneryhere is so beautiful. You should make another couplet to let everyone be right."so Qianlongs mood got better and he added another couplet: bafangqiao Bafang,standing on bafangqiao, watching bafangbafang. This baffled several ministers,and Ji Xiaolan knelt down in front of Qianlong and blurted out: "long livegrandfather, long live kneel down, long live grandfather, long live grandfather,long live grandfather. So Emperor Qianlong was very happy, and Longyan was veryhappy.

Well, after listening to the story and having a rest, please continue tofollow me. Our next scenic spot is Tiancheng temple, which is the key landscapeof Panshan tourist area, also known as Tiancheng Fushan temple, also known asTiancheng Dharma Realm. Well, now we have come to Tiancheng temple. It was firstbuilt in the Tang Dynasty. It was expanded and rebuilt in Liao, Ming and QingDynasties. Since the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, emperors of severalgenerations have visited Tiancheng temple. Emperor Qianlong has visitedTiancheng Temple most frequently, and his double monk Kong Hai has become a monkhere. "Tiancheng Temple" on the temple gate was mentioned by Qianlong. Beforeentering the temple gate, please turn around and take a look at the buildingbehind you - woyunlou, which is two stories high, six Ying, Huadong carved beamsand high ridge cornices. It is very spectacular. Every rainy day, white cloudsoften pass through the valley, or hide the building, or pass through thebuilding. It is very interesting, so it is named woyunlou. At the foot of themountain opposite woyunlou, there is a platform, which is the site of a smallstage. In the past, when Emperor Qianlong was resting in woyunlou, the imperialtroupe performed on the stage.

Now, lets walk into Tiancheng Temple together. The first thing we see isJiangshan Pavilion. These five words were also mentioned by Emperor Qianlong.Please follow me this way, through the winding corridor, we came to a high damplatform, facing the huge stone lying on the back, engraved with the word"quiet". On the east side of the hall, there is a stele made by EmperorQianlong, on which are his personal notes of traveling to Panshan and his poemsabout Panshan. Lets take a look at this ancient Buddha relic Pagoda in theWest. It has thirteen octagonal stories and a delicate structure. On thethirteen stories of dense eaves, there are 104 bronze statues. The pagoda isglittering with gold, and the mountain breeze is blowing slowly. The pagoda wasbuilt in the Liao Dynasty and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. It is now listed as akey cultural relic protection unit in Tianjin.

Now lets continue to go up. OK, we have come to Wansong temple. Wansongtemple, formerly known as Li Jingan, got its name in memory of the famousgeneral of the early Tang Dynasty who once lived here. Wansong temple is aBuddhist temple, and there used to be a luzu hall here. Whats the matter? Itssaid that this luzu hall was built in memory of LV Dongbins spirit to findwater for the temple.

Well, we have visited all the major scenic spots here. Now you can movefreely. You can have a rest, eat something, take photos, or continue to climb tothe main peak of the moon. But you must pay attention to safety. You dont watchthe scenery when you walk, and you dont walk when you watch the scenery. Nowwere disbanded. Dont forget 1:00 in the parking lot down the mountain. Wellget together on time. Our license plate is Jin a2345.

With the passage of time, todays trip to Panshan has come to an end. Thankyou for your support and cooperation in my work. Im very happy to get alongwith you at the end of this day. Im really reluctant to be separated from you.If there is anything unsatisfactory in my service today, please forgive me. Ihope you can give me more valuable opinions. I look forward to our next visitHappy cooperation, I wish you good health, happy work and all the best in thefuture!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 759 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 10184 字

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good afternoon. Now we come to the Bund by the Huangpu River in Shanghai.First of all, I would like to welcome you to visit the Bund and wish you apleasant trip.

There are five tourist routes in the new Bund. On your left hand side arethe magnificent buildings and spacious Zhongshan Road known as the "WorldArchitecture Expo". On your right hand side are the sparkling Huangpu River andPudong Lujia financial and trade zone with bright future. In front of you is anew and unique sightseeing area. The buildings, Zhongshan Road, sightseeingarea, Huangpu River and Lujiazui are like the staff in the music score, whilethe industrious Shanghai people are like strings of inter symbol, forming thelatest and most beautiful movement. Welcome to all the guests.

What about the Bund? To put it simply, it used to be a reed coveredwasteland outside the old city of Shanghai.

After the first war in 1840, the locked door was opened by the colonists,and Shanghai was forced to become a commercial port. Since then, all kinds ofwestern style buildings have sprung up with the colonists "seizing the beach".By the early 1930s, Shanghai had leapt from a coastal town to the largest cityin the Far East.

Although these buildings with European Renaissance style are not designedby the same designer or built in the same era, their architectural style is soharmonious and unified that it seems to be natural. From the the Bund road tothe outer white road bridge, the length of the arc is only 1.5 kilometers, androw upon row of 52 buildings of different styles, including English, French,ancient Greek, etc. At that time, many foreign banks, associations andconsulates gathered here, known as "Wall Street" in the East, forming ahistorical miniature of the semi colonial and semi feudal society in oldShanghai.

Please see, Dongfeng Hotel No.2 on the new Bund used to be a very famousBritish club. It is a typical British classical building. The building is 6stories high (including basement). There is a lookout Pavilion at the north andsouth ends of the roof. The interior decoration is very gorgeous. The firstfloor bar used to be proud of its 110.7-foot bar, which is the longest in theEast. Now KFC is located in the bar.

Before the new Bund 12, it was the famous "HSBC Bank". The building wasbuilt in 1923, which is an antique Greek style dome building. The building is arectangular building close to square, with five stories high and a halfspherical top layer. There are seven stories at the top of the building and asteel frame structure. The interior of the building is decorated with variousreception rooms in the United States, Britain, France, Russia and Japan. Thisbuilding was once regarded by the British as one of the most exquisite buildingsfrom the Suez Canal to the Bering Strait in the Far East.

The building next to HSBC is the Shanghai customs building, a 19th-centuryretro building, built in 1927, which is rare in the world today. The clock onthe top of the building can be seen all around. It plays a short tune every 15minutes. The sound of the bell is melodious and deep, with a sound of 10 Li.

After Wilson, the British designer, the HSBC building and the customsbuilding are affectionately called "sister buildings" in Shanghai, and they arestill one of the important symbols of Shanghai.

The two buildings at the entrance of Nanjing East Road are called peacehotel. The south facing building was built in 1906. It was called Huizhong hotelat that time. It is the earliest existing hotel in Shanghai. It can be used as ahistorical building, belonging to the Renaissance of British culture. Thebiggest feature of the building is that the facade is made of red brick withwaist line and white wall brick with veneer. From a distance, it looks solemnand elegant with unique style, which is a rare masterpiece.

These buildings on the Bund are the crystallization of the industriouswisdom of the Chinese working people, and also reflect the plunder and invasionof Shanghai by the western colonists. Nowadays, in order to let people know thehistory of these buildings, the Chinese and English nameplates are hung in frontof each building.

As for the Bund, the name given to her by Shanghai people has changed withthe passage of time. Shanghai people call the Bund before liberation the oldBund and after liberation the Bund. Now people praise it as the new Bund. Therehave been scenes of seizing the Bund many times in history, but each time has acompletely different historical significance. Since the Third Plenary Session ofthe Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the strategicfocus of Chinas reform and opening up has also changed from south to north. Thedevelopment and revitalization of Pudong has brought Shanghai to the forefrontof Chinas reform and opening up. The spring breeze has awakened Shanghai Bund,which has been sleeping for many years. Chinese and foreign financialinstitutions have also seized the Bund. Shanghai has made a major move to "cleanup the nest and attract Phoenix", replacing the houses on the Bund FinancialStreet, attracting "old customers" at home and abroad to settle down again,showing the style of "Wall Street" in the Far East again.

The Bund is a symbol of Shanghai and a must for Chinese and foreigntourists. But in the past, because of the narrow road and the crowded traffic,the overall image of the Bund was seriously affected. In order to change theappearance of the Bund, the Shanghai Peoples government takes the Bund as a keypoint to transform. The road in front of us is called Zhongshan Road. It isnamed in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of Chinas democraticrevolution. It is also part of the comprehensive transformation of the Bund. Theroad is 826m long and 45m wide with 6 to 10 lanes. This wide traffic line is notonly limited to the Bund area, but also extends with the pace of reform andopening up. It starts from Jiangwan Wujiaochang in the north and ends at NanpuBridge in the south. By the beginning of the next century, the North-SouthCorridor will be 15 kilometers long and will become a landmark of Shanghaitourism.

The riverside road we are taking now is quite unique. It not onlyintegrates culture and greening, but also is a good place for people to practicewriting and martial arts in the morning, a place for tourists at home and abroadto visit in the daytime, and an ideal place for lovers to have a love talk inthe evening. It is said that many foreign friends have come to experiencelife.

Ladies and gentlemen, strolling in the new Bund Sightseeing Area, do youfeel that the new Bund not only has a new look, but also has a strong artisticatmosphere in the bustling city. Lets see: an artistic landscape with the themeof "for tomorrow" is set on the Bund of Yanan East Road, embracing with sixcolumns and combining with the meteorological signal station with a history ofmore than 80 years to form a group of scenery. The customs building and theelectronic waterfall clock are also quite new. The electronic waterfall clock isa ladder type, 27 meters long and 3.5 meters high, with 10 full steps. The wholeoperation process is controlled by computer. There are more than 1000 jets ofwater in various colors of Arabic numerals, which makes the world so far awayand so close to each other. The tourist area has become a scenic line ofShanghai style culture that can accommodate hundreds of rivers.

Walking on the Bund, we unconsciously entered Huangpu Park. When it comesto this park, every Chinese cant forget the sign that "Chinese and dogs are notallowed to enter" hung by foreign powers at the gate of the park in the past.The infamous sign brought great shame to the Chinese people at that time! Now,look at the 60 meter high Shanghai Peoples handsome monument standing in frontof the water. The majestic three pillar huanggangyan tower seems to tell peoplethat the people will always remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives forthe national humiliation and Shanghais revolutionary cause since the war, theMay 4th Movement and the liberation war.

Huangpu Park is facing the famous Huangpu River at home and abroad. "Theyellow water in Huanglongpu on the moon" vividly depicts the color of HuangpuRiver. Jiangpu river is the mother river of Shanghai. It originates from TaihuLake in Wuxi. It is the longest, widest and deepest river in Shanghai, with atotal length of 114 km, an average width of 400 m and a depth of 7-9 M. Itsoriginal name is Dongjiang, also known as chunshenjiang and huangxiejiang. It issaid that more than 20__ years ago, Shanghai belonged to the state of Chu. Atthat time, there was a great general named Huang Xie in the state of Chu. He wasvery talented in governing the country. He was appointed prime minister by theking of Chu and was granted the title of "fengshenjun" to govern the land ofShanghai. Due to the siltation of the upper reaches of Dongjiang River at thattime, he led the people of Shanghai to dredge and modify the waterway, whichgreatly developed Shanghais water transportation and agriculture. In order tocommemorate Huang Xies achievements, later generations changed the name ofDongjiang River to "chunshenjiang" and "huangxiepu", which was not officiallynamed "Huangpu River" until the Southern Song Dynasty.

Huangpu River has two "children", one is Pudong, the other is Puxi. Beforethe birth of new China, their family was oppressed by three mountains. Themother river was full of warships and merchant ships, and the "two children"were also overwhelmed. "Tiaohuangpu" is the catchphrase of Shanghai people. Itmeans that the common people who cant survive in the old society come here tothrow themselves into the river.

Overlooking the other bank, Pudong Lujiazui financial and trade zone andPuxi Bund are facing each other. Its functions are finance, trade and foreignservices. It will be the core and symbol of new Shanghai. "East Bund" BinjiangAvenue, with a total length of 2500 meters, integrates tourism, sightseeing andentertainment, along which there are six distinctive squares. Although I canonly smell the rumbling sound of piling, it is the most gorgeous movement on thestaff and predicts a better future for the Bund.



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The rippling green lake of Kunming cant compare with the sunrise of thehigh slope with the brilliant rays; the sunrise of the high slope with thebrilliant rays cant compare with the magnificent Huangshan of Anhui; themagnificent Huangshan of Anhui, in my opinion, cant compare with the quiet andcomfortable paradise! This is the real feeling of my visit to Yichang.

When we arrived in Yichang, it was in the morning. We went to the ThreeGorges Dam first. Standing in front of the grand dam in the scorching sun,looking around at the clear and incomparable lake water, the green terraces, therolling dark green mountains, I feel very relaxed and quiet. "If the scenery isdifferent, the Three Gorges is the first one.". Guo Moruos poem is the voice ofmy heart.

In the afternoon we stayed in paradise. I have also experienced thebeautiful scenery described in Tao Yuanmings Peach Blossom Land. First of all,through a narrow and steep stone steps, we came to the Ba tribe under theguidance of the peach trees which were not blooming but were also luxuriant. Inthe article, the plain clothes and hard-working farmers didnt see it, but thefriendly and honest Ba people were also very lovely.

Among all kinds of grapefruit trees and banana leaves, they set up highlofts from the ground, with hollow windows, sharp roofs and comfortable straw.This is their home. The open-air challenge arena is covered with thatch on bothsides, and surrounded by colorful rhombic shaped handicrafts, decorated likeChinese knots. On a bamboo pole in the center, there are two big wooden tubesfor shouting. This is the place where they "recruit relatives by voice". Thewooden stakes stand in the woods. A pavilion is set up by Brown logs. The top ofthe pavilion is covered with gray and huge ox head bones. This is theirsacrificial platform. Pakistan Peoples life is really interesting, very simple,but full of adventure and strong tribal culture.

After leaving the Ba tribe, we set out for Baima cave under the guidance ofour guide. More than 30 people, in a long narrow wooden boat slowly forward. Thelight green water of the lake, which was fluctuating, swayed into a dark hole.The boat had not rowed long before it reached out. I only heard the longrhythmic sound of rowing, the clear sound of spring water ticking on thestalactite, and the small sound of bat wings from time to time. All of a sudden,the bow of the boat was knocked, and a little white light was seen at thecorner. Looking up, the top of my head was gray, and the stalactites stoodupside down. The body was rugged and of different lengths, just like playing thehigh and low notes on the keys quickly, wave after wave. On both sides are allkinds of unknown rocks, shining silver smoothly. As like as two peas looked downat the water, the shallow lake suddenly became unfathomable. The shape of thewater reflected the shape of the rock.

At this time, we seem to be in a quiet, peaceful, dreamy, isolated world.Its so beautiful that no one on the boat speaks, for fear that it will breakthe magnificent scenery! The boat stops in front of us, and we step on thewooden bridge one after another to get off the boat and walk towards the depthof the cave which is completely closed by rocks.

The wet stone surface in a variety of brilliant lights under the light of alayer of mist, the surrounding stones are like a giant standing in the cloud,reflecting a colorful light. Through the zigzag stone road, while listening tothe sound of dripping water, while enjoying another wonderful masterpiece ofnature along the road. I dont know how long Ive been walking, there is adazzling white light in front of me. Ive been in the dark space for a longtime, and suddenly I see the sun shining high. Its like Im in another worldwhen Im outside with luxuriant flowers and plants.

Out of Baima cave, we appreciate the beautiful landscape again. Themountains that cant be seen in the distance merge with a corner of the lightblue sky. The artistic conception of "water and sky meet" is all here. Afterwatching the paradise in the afternoon, we got on the bus and left Yichangreluctantly.

Different cities have different places of interest, such as the ancientcity of Jingzhou, the Three Gorges of Yichang, the plateau of Yunnan and thethousand lakes of Hubei. These masterpieces of ancient people and nature arereally amazing



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Xiangshan is located in the western suburb of Beijing. Besides appreciatingmaple, it is also a royal garden with a long history and rich culturalheritage.

There are "Xishan Qingxue", one of the eight sceneries in Yanjing; Biyuntemple, a temple with the architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties; theonly existing wooden and gilded "500 arhat hall" in China; Zongjing Dazhaotemple, a palace to welcome the sixth Panchen Lama; jianxinzhai, a quaintcourtyard with Jiangnan characteristics; Here is Shuangqing villa, the firstplace where the great man of the century Mao Zedong and the Central Committee ofthe Communist Party of China lived and worked in Peiping; here is the temporaryresidence of the great man of the Century Sun Yat Sens coffin, the King Kongthrone tower of Biyun temple, the Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall of Biyun temple andthe Sun Yat Sens tomb.

Xiangshan Park is located in the western suburb of Beijing, covering anarea of more than 180 hectares. It is a royal garden with a long history, richcultural heritage and mountain forest characteristics. As early as 1186, thehuman landscape appeared in Xiangshan. Xiangshan temple was once the highesttemple in the west of Beijing. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong built 28Jingyi gardens. Xiangshan and Jingyi gardens are one of the famous "threemountains and five gardens" in western Beijing. In 1860 and 1900, Xiangshan andjingyiyuan were burned by the Allied forces of Britain, France and the eightcountries. After 1949, most of the scenic spots have been restored.

Xiangshan Park has steep terrain, emerald peaks and lush springs. Xianglupeak, the main peak, is 557 meters above sea level. There are more than 260000trees in the park, including more than 5800 ancient and famous trees, accountingfor about a quarter of the urban area of Beijing, and the forest coverage rateis as high as 98%. In recent years, it has been determined by relevantdepartments as one of the areas with the highest negative oxygen ion in Beijing.In the park, people live in harmony with nature, birds sing and insects sing,squirrels play in the gully forest. Here, flowers are blooming in spring, cooland pleasant in summer, and plain silver makeup in winter. In particular,Xiangshan red leaf is most famous. Every frost autumn, all over the mountain,like a raging fire, magnificent incomparable. During the period of Ci poetry,the number of visitors doubled, and it was once rated as one of the "16 newsceneries of Beijing".

Xiangshan Park has complete tourism service facilities. Up the mountain,you can take the large hanging chair type sightseeing cableway h, with a totallength of 1400 meters and a drop of 431 meters). Songlin restaurant andXiangshan villa are ideal places for sightseeing, vacation and leisure. Livinghere, you can walk to the botanical garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing Botanical Garden and Wofo temple. A few kilometers to the East is thefamous summer palace. To the south, there are Badachu Park and other touristattractions.



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今日的「上海」,是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化大都市。繁华的大上海处处显现着她的独特魅力,她的现代化和古典的融合,让人们无法抗拒,而位于黄浦江西岸的「外滩」,百余年来也一直作为上海的象征出现在世人面前。 ●上海的象征---黄浦江。浦江游览一直是上海旅游中的一个传统旅游节目,每天从上海外滩“浦江之光”码头启航,把您从繁华的上海市区,带到黄浦江与世界第三大河长江汇流入海的地方——吴淞口外的“三夹水”。行驶江心,眺望一江之隔、跨越百年沧桑的建筑群,不能不心生感慨。 水,有灵气有财气。水,孕育着蓬勃的生机。黄浦江,城市的母亲河,上海的黄金水道。黄浦江“清游江”游览船,从大达码头起航往北,浦西举世知名的外滩万国建筑群,浦东矗立于云霄之端的陆家嘴金融中心,逐渐映入眼帘。入夜,两岸灯火辉煌,繁华城市的古典与现代建筑风格,交相辉映,相得益彰,缤纷多姿,尽显江岸美景。放眼远眺,建筑是凝固的美,江水是流动的美;两岸喧闹是繁华的美,江中宁静是淡雅的美。上海的黄浦江,处处都能享受到美的存在。



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Dear tourists

How do you do!

Welcome to the beautiful Sanqing mountain. First of all, let me introducethe general situation of Sanqing mountain

Sanqingshan is located at the junction of Yushan and Dexing in thenortheast of jiubei. The main peak, Yujing peak, is 1817 meters above sea leveland is located on the top of the Huaiyu mountains. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the towering peaks of Yujing, Yuhua and yuxu, just like the three gods ofYuqing (Yuanshi Tianzun), Shangqing (Lingbao Daojun) and Taiqing (TaishangLaojun) worshipped by Taoism, and the ancient Sanqing palace.

Sanqing mountain is located in the subtropical climate zone, but it has thecharacteristics of alpine climate. The annual average temperature is between10-12 ℃, the average temperature in July is 21.8 ℃, and the average annualprecipitation is about 20__ mm.

The scenery of the Fourth Committee of Sanqing mountain is beautiful, withazaleas in full swing in spring and flowers in full bloom; at the turn of springand summer, with flowing springs and clouds; in midsummer, with thick shade, itis cool and pleasant; around mid autumn, with thousands of peaks competing andlayers of forests flying; in the cold of March, with ice flowers and jadebranches, it is like a glass fairyland.

Sanqing mountain scenic spot is rich in tourism resources, with largescale, complete types and many scenic spots. The area of the scenic spot is morethan 220 square kilometers, and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.It is divided into seven scenic spots: Sanqing palace, tiyunling, sandongkou,Yulingguan, xihuatai, shiguling and Yujingfeng. Shandong Province in the threeQing Dynasty is unique in the west, North and south. It has the characteristicsof "the grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke andclouds of Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu". It has the characteristics ofQifeng and Yishi, Yunwu and Foguang, Cangsong and ancient trees, canyons andcaves, Xiquan waterfall, ancient buildings, stone carvings and stone carvings,which are wonderful and lifelike.

Next, lets visit the above scenic spots everywhere!



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Dear tourists

When you come to Turpan, people cant help but ask: how can there be largeoases in places with extremely dry climate, known as "Huozhou" and "Fengku"?Whats the secret? The secret is the Karez group distributed in Xinjiang, whichis like the blood of human body, extending to the vast Gobi and irrigating alarge area of Xinjiang. The wonderful Karez is also the most widely distributedin Turpan, becoming the spring of life and the source of evergreen, wateringTurpans verdant grapes and sweet melons. Now lets visit this world-famousirrigation project.

Structure of Karez → construction method of Karez

Tourists, now we come to Karez paradise. First of all, please follow me toKarez museum to learn about the construction of Karez.

Karez is a kind of underground water diversion project created by theworking people of all ethnic groups living in Xinjiang according to the localclimate and hydrological characteristics. There are about 1600 Karez inXinjiang, among which Turpan is the most concentrated. According to statistics,there are 1158 Karez in Turpan, with a total length of about 5000 km, which isequivalent to the mileage from Urumqi to Harbin. Karez is one of the greatestunderground water conservancy projects in ancient China. It is called"underground canal" by experts in geography. Together with the great wall andBeijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is called the three major projects in ancientChina.

You may have heard about Karez, but its structure may not be very clear.Now Ill introduce it to you. Karez was called "Jingqu" in ancient times, whichmeans "Jingxue". It is composed of four parts: vertical shaft, undergroundchannel, open channel and waterlogging dam.

The reason why a large number of Karez were built in Turpan is inseparablefrom the natural conditions here. First of all, the terrain of Turpan Basin isvery low, with an area of 2085 square kilometers below sea level. Turpan issurrounded by mountains. Every year, a large amount of snow on the mountainsmelts and flows into the valley. When the snow water flows through the Gobi, itseeps into the ground to form a subsurface flow, which provides a rich source ofwater for Karez.

Then how is the Karez built? Please see: the construction method of Karezis to find the water source at the snow water undercurrent in the high mountainsand valleys, and then drill a vertical shaft every 20 to 30 meters, the depth ofthe shaft varies from 10 to tens of meters, to gather the groundwater toincrease the water potential, and then according to the terrain, dig anunderground channel at the bottom of the shaft to connect with each well, drainit straight down, and connect it to a distant place Oasis, water will be led outfrom the open channel to the ground for irrigation. Waterlogging dam is areservoir for regulating water quantity. A Karez is generally about 3 km long,and the longest one is usually several Karez connected for tens or even hundredsof kilometers, in which there are at least dozens of shafts and more than 300shafts. The shaft in the upstream is relatively deep, up to 100 meters in somecases, and the shaft in the downstream is relatively shallow, generally only afew meters. The function of Karez is to avoid water evaporation. This project isa great innovation to adapt to the characteristics of dry climate. What isparticularly praiseworthy is that the local people rely on their hands andsimple tools to dig deep wells and underground canals. The vastness of theproject and the ingenious structure are amazing.

I would like you to recall that when we drove near Turpan City, we couldsee piles of round earth bags down the slope on the Gobi outside the lush oasis,extending to the oasis in an orderly way. Those are the vertical wellheads ofKarez. If you look down from high altitude, those mounds are like necklaces tiedwith pearls, decorating Turpan, an ancient but still youthful place.

Reasons for the construction of Karez → origin of Karez tour guide ofXinjiang general situation tour guide of Putaogou in Turpan tour guide of Niyasite

Now lets talk about the reasons for the construction of Karez. Due to thedrought and less rain in Xinjiang, the amount of evaporation is large, and theKarez is an underground channel for water delivery, with small evaporation andstable flow, which can be irrigated by gravity all the year round. In addition,the soil here is calcareous clay, so the dug Karez is very solid and not easy tocollapse. The temperature of snow water in high mountains is very low, if directirrigation is unfavorable to the growth of crops, while the surface temperaturein Turpan is very high, the temperature rises naturally after snow water flowsthrough Karez, which is very suitable for watering crops. Therefore, in thelong-term struggle against drought, people of all ethnic groups in Xinjianginvented this method of digging wells and irrigating fields. A Karez is a freshspring that is not dry. It forms the lifeline and lifeline of Huozhou, whichmakes Xinjiang, a place with little rainfall, accumulate water and become anindispensable spring of life in Xinjiang peoples life.

There are always three theories about the origin of Turpan Karez: one isthe theory of Guanzhong well canal in Han Dynasty. This view holds that the"well canal method" invented by people in Han Dynasty was introduced intoXinjiang and developed into Karez now. The second is related to Lin Zexu. AfterLin Zexu was exiled to Xinjiang in the late Qing Dynasty, he went through Turpanin 1845 and found that it was hot and rainy. So he carefully checked the terrainand water sources, and guided the people of Xinjiang to invent this method ofdigging wells and irrigating fields according to their own geographicalcharacteristics. The third view is that Karez was first created by the Persiansin Western Asia 2500 years ago and later passed down to Xinjiang. Of course,these three views need to be verified.

But what I want to tell you is that the distribution of Karez on the earthis connected with the Silk Road, which connects Eastern and Western cultures.Karez have been found in Pakistan, Iran and along the Caspian Sea. Therefore, itis no exaggeration to say that Karez is a pearl in the world cultural heritage.Until today, Karez still plays an important role in the agricultural developmentof Turpan, Xinjiang.

Karez open channel → Karez culvert

After visiting the Karez Museum and walking out of the museum, you can seethe clear spring beside the road. This is the pure snow mountain water flowingout of the Karez canal. It is crystal clear. If you reach for it, you will feelcool. Its really "crystal clear and cool".

The underdrain of Karez can only be seen when you enter the cave. You canonly see the water gurgling in the underdrain, which makes you feel very happy.There are thousands of such wells and canals in Xinjiang. The total length ofthe underground rivers is twice as long as that of the Great Wall, and far morethan that of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Tourists, todays Karez is not only an important water conservancyfacility, but also a great cultural landscape for Chinese and foreign tourists.In particular, a folk song and dance performance full of Xinjiang Uygur strongcustoms in Karez paradise will make you feel restless. The bright rhythm, lightmelody and passionate mood make you join them while enjoying. You cant helpsinging and dancing like Uygur girls and young men, and feel the pure fun ofthis song and dance hometown.

Ladies and gentlemen, the melodious singing in Karez paradise has alreadybeen sung. Now, please go to enjoy it!



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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Duanyan culture village of Zhaoqing City. Now I will give you adetailed introduction of Zhaoqing Duanyan Culture Village and some scenicspots.

First of all, Zhaoqing Duanyan culture village is in Zhaoqing BaishiVillage. Duanyan, the origin of Chinas "four treasures of the study" in thebest. It has a long history, excellent stone quality and exquisite carving. Inthe 1980s, collectors in Japan and Southeast Asia recognized the artistic valueof Duan inkstone, which further recognized its collection value and investmentvalue. In recent years, with the holding of Duan Inkstone Cultural Festival,Duan Inkstone market continues to heat up, the "four treasures of the study"circle, the collection circle, the art circle and more lovers pay more and moreattention to Duan inkstone, the craft value of Duan inkstone is more and morefavored, so that the collection and investment value of Duan inkstone isincreasing day by day. For example, at an auction held in Hong Kong in April1993, a pair of Qing Dynasty rectangular and eye-catching pine inkstones (34.1cmlong) were bought at a high price of 368000 Hong Kong dollars. In Ming Dynasty,Jins Duan inkstones with inscriptions and sea water patterns sold for 220000and 105800 Hong Kong dollars. In Qing Dynasty, Qilins Duan inkstones sold for155000 yuan. In recent years, the auction price of Duan Inkstone continued torise. For example, Laokeng Duan inkstone of "Duanzhou Bajing" sold for 980000yuan; at the Duan Inkstone Cultural Festival, one party of "China JiulongBaoyan" sold for 2 million yuan. The value of ancient Duan inkstone is veryhigh, but now few buyers spend a lot of money on it. For most collectors andinvestors, those modern Duan inkstones with low price and excellent productionwill become the first choice. As long as we carefully study the stone materials,stone patterns and carving technology, and choose the best to buy, we will get alarger appreciation space.

Duan inkstone is valuable because of its excellent material. There aredozens of pit types, such as Laokeng (also known as Shuiyan), kengziyan,mazikeng and songkeng, which are the four famous pits of duaninkstone. Inaddition to the special tender, pure, delicate, moistening, solid and tightquality of the stone, the Duan Inkstone also has the characteristics ofbreathing, grindable ink, silent grinding, no loss of water storage, no damageto hair and no freezing in winter. In Tang Dynasty, Liu Yuxis poem "Tang Xiucaigives Duanzhou Zishi inkstone a poem to answer it" praises: "Duanzhou Zishiinkstone is very important in the world. In the eyes of literati, Duan inkstoneis regarded as a treasure. Su Dongpo said: "I was born without land and atebroken inkstones. "SUV" ink and inkstone are excellent, life is a joy ", whichshows that people attach importance to and cherish inkstone. In addition to "alllife", the famous inkstones are also treasured and handed down from generationto generation.

Second, the stone pattern is rich and colorful. Duanshi has unique and richstone products. At the beginning of its appearance, Duan Inkstone attracted theworld with its gorgeous stone patterns. The title of song of blue and whitepurple stone inkstone written by Li He, a poet of Tang Dynasty, points out theprecious stone "blue and white" of Duan inkstone. The rare stone products ofDuan inkstone are mostly concentrated in Laokeng, kengziyan and mazikeng. Inaddition to blue and white, there are __ eye, ice pattern, fish brain jelly,banana leaf white, azure, gold and silver thread, etc. The rich patterns ofDuanshi and shipin can be seen as "gorgeous Wen ban and sound of jade".

The third is exquisite carving technology. The artistic value of Duaninkstone in ancient and modern times is reflected in the composition design andknife carving. Inkstone making technology is a unique form of national sculpturein China. The shape of inkstone embodies the cultivation of carving, painting,calligraphy, seal cutting and writing. It should not only be shaped according tothe stone, but also be designed according to the needs of grinding and inkstorage. Due to the exquisite carving technology and the gorgeous purple naturalstone, the Duan inkstone is ingenious and smart. Li he said: "Duanzhou inkstoneis as skillful as a God, stepping on the sky to sharpen the knife and cut thepurple clouds. "As for a certain defect or defect of inkstone, skillfulcraftsmen will use complex and gorgeous carving or unique modeling to achievethe effect of concealing the defect and turning the ancient inkstone which wasregarded as a stone defect into a rare unique stone product of Duan inkstone,instead of adding value.

Well, through my brief introduction and your listening and visiting, Ibelieve we should all have a certain understanding of the specific situation ofDuanyan cultural village. Finally, our time is almost up. If you have anyquestions, well talk in the car later. Zhaoqing Duanyan culture village peoplewelcome you to come again, thank you!



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Huiyan peak is located on the Bank of Xiangjiang River in the south ofHengyang City, with a height of 96.8 meters. Although Huiyan peak is not high,it is said in ancient times that "the North geese fly to the south, and thenstop flying back". Therefore, it has become the dividing point of thenorth-south temperature difference line in China since the southern and NorthernDynasties. The name of Huiyanfeng also comes from this, and Hengyang City isalso called "Yancheng" because of it. The famous sentence in the preface toTengwang Pavilion written by Wang Bo, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, "thewild geese are startled by the cold, and the sound breaks the HengyangRiver".

Once back to Yanfeng, the first thing you see is Yanyu pool. Yanyu poolused to be a deep pool under Huiyan peak. When it is going to rain, the watervapor in the pool rises slowly, like smoke and fog, and appears and disappearsfrom time to time, so it is named "Yanyu pool". In the past, when wild geesecame to the south, they stopped here to recuperate. When spring returns to theearth, they set out to return to the north. Later, Yanyu pool was graduallyabandoned, and Yanfeng Park was restored in the 1980s.

Please look at the rocks beside the Yanyu pool, which are engraved withsome poems and calligraphy works of famous artists in the past dynasties. Thestone in the middle is engraved with the three characters of "Huiyanfeng"written by general Tang Tianji. The old general was 83 years old when he wrotethese three words, but his handwriting is still vigorous and powerful, whichshows his solid foundation. Next to them are Wang Bos "wild geese are cold andthe sound breaks Hengyangs PU" in "preface to Tengwang Pavilion" and Chenzongqis "seventy-two Hibiscus in the blue sky, the first peak of geese comingback to the South" in "Ode to Nanyue".

Around the Yanyu pool to the right is the "Shangda archway". The archwayused to be the entrance gate of Yanfeng temple on the mountain. It has a longhistory, but it was destroyed in the war.

After SHANGDA memorial archway, we boarded the "Wangyue terrace". Here youcan have a panoramic view of the whole Hengyang City. In the west, it was thebattlefield of Hengyang during the Anti Japanese war. Looking to the north ofYueping mountain, the Zhuhui tower and Laiyan tower at the confluence ofXiangjiang River, Zhengshui River and Leishui River echo each other; looking tothe East, there are a lot of sails in Xiangjiang River. During the Double NinthFestival, there are always many Hengyang people supporting the old and carryingthe young. They come here to look far and cultivate their temperament.

Turning around, the magnificent temple in front of us is Yanfeng temple, athousand year old temple. Yanfeng temple, formerly known as Chengyun temple, wasfirst built in the 12th year of Liang Tianjian in the Southern Dynasty, that is,in 5L3 ad. The temple was renamed "Yanfeng Temple" in Sui Dynasty, "ShanmenTemple" in Tang Dynasty, and "shoufo Temple" in Ming and Qing Dynasties. It wasofficially named "Yanfeng Temple" when it was rebuilt in 1980s. It has a historyof nearly 1500 years. In the past, monks from all over the world would come hereto worship, and many eminent monks and Zen masters started their talks here toenlighten the world. There is an endless stream of pilgrims here every year.Until today, every morning on the first day of the first lunar month, many localpeople come to burn "toujixiang"!

On the main gate of the temple, there is a clay and gold plaque with threecharacters "Yanfeng Temple" inscribed by Zhao Puchu. On both sides of thecouplets, it reads: "look at the open heart, and wash away the common dust withthe words" Yanfeng Temple "on a sunny day and the bells on a moonlit night. Whenyou go to the scenic spot, you can see the river, mountains and the rain by thepool, all of which are collected from the Vatican."

Yanfeng temple is divided into two parts. In front of it is the Guanyinhall, where the statue of Guanyin is worshipped. She holds a pure bottle and hasa dignified Dharma. Next to her are the good fortune boy and the Dragon Girl. Itseems that she is about to sprinkle the happiness to the world.



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Ladies and gentlemen, as the oldest and largest millennium old temple inHangzhou, Lingyin Temple is the most famous temple in Hangzhou. Lingyin Templepays attention to the open Mountain Gate to show off its Dharma. However, themagnificent Lingyin Temple is hidden in the dense forest of the West Lake. Evenin front of the temple, the name of Lingyin Temple can not be found. If you wantto understand the reason, I have to briefly introduce the history of LingyinTemple.

Lingyin Temple, founded in the first year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, has ahistory of more than 1600 years. It is the largest jungle temple in Hangzhou andone of the top ten ancient temples in China. There is always a saying amongBuddhist believers that "the pilgrimage to Putuo must first go through Lingyin".According to the records of Lingyin Temple, in 326 ad, a monk named Huili cameto India. Seeing the picturesque landscape and jagged rocks here, it is verysimilar to the lingjiu mountain in India. It was thought that it was the placewhere the spirits were hidden. For a moment, it built a temple here and named itLingyin

Ladies and gentlemen, now we are in front of the first Hall of Lingyin, theheavenly king hall. Look at the two horizontal plaques hanging under the doubleeaves of the main hall. One of the plaques is mentioned by Huang yuanxiu, afamous Buddhist calligrapher in modern times, and the other is written byEmperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. Why did Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynastychange "Lingyin Temple" into "Yunlin Temple"? According to the records ofLingyin Temple, in the 28th year of Kangxi of Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi,accompanied by master Dihui, the abbot of the temple, ascended the north peak ofthe temple in the early morning. The temple was shrouded in the morning fog. Infront of the temple, the Yunlin forest was deserted and quiet. When he came backto the temple, he felt the scene and feelings, quoting Du Fus saying "the endof Jianghan, the end of Yunlin" In his poem "Cao", he wrote down "Yunlin Temple"and gave it to the temple. However, for more than 300 years, people in Hangzhouhave never acknowledged the change of Kangxis name, and they still call it"Lingyin Temple".

The two Scripture buildings in front of Tianwang hall, carved in the secondyear of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty, are the relics of Fengxian Temple,the family temple of the king of Wu and Yue. They were moved here by Yingshan inthe Song Dynasty. The scripture buildings are also called stone buildings. Theyare stone pillars engraved with the living Sutra mantra of the Buddhas name.They are ancient Buddhist symbols. They are used to suppress evil spirits andpray for blessings. Please follow me to visit them.

Since its establishment, Lingyin Temple has been destroyed and built 14times. In history, the largest scale of Lingyin Temple was in Wu and Yuedynasties. At that time, the whole temple had 9 floors, 18 pavilions, 72 halls,more than 1300 monk rooms and more than 3000 monks. Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty made six trips to the south of the Yangtze River and four tours toLingyin Temple. Emperor Qianlong also made six trips to Lingyin Temple, whichshows the status of Lingyin Temple at that time. Unfortunately, the LingyinTemple was seriously damaged by natural and man-made disasters. Especiallyduring the Anti Japanese War, most of the buildings were reduced to ashes. Afterthe founding of new China, the party and government carried out threelarge-scale restoration of Lingyin Temple. Now there are five main halls on thecentral axis of Lingyin Temple, including Tianwang hall, Daxiong hall,pharmacist hall, Dharma hall, sutra collection building and Huayan hall. On bothsides, there are eastern and Western Zen rooms, stele rooms, Abbots courtyardand five hundred arhat halls. It has realized Lingyins dream of "returning themagnificence of the spirit vulture and restoring the beautiful scenery of themountain".

Explanation of the palace of the eight Heavenly Kings (2 minutes and 10seconds)

Please look up. There is a plaque of "Weizhen Sanzhou" on the temple ofheavenly king. According to ancient mythology, Xumi mountain is the center ofthe world. There are four continents in its four directions: Dongsheng Shenzhou,nanzhanbuzhou, xiniuhezhou and beijuluzhou. It is said that the north is thepure land, so Weituo only needs three continents in the East and southwest ofWeizhen.

Dear tourists, what we are seeing now is the "happy Maitreya" woodenstatue. He is the first pillar of incense to welcome pilgrims with his barechest and open stomach. He is teaching us a kind of wisdom of life:broad-minded, tolerant, contented, healthy and long-lived. There are fourheavenly kings on both sides of the hall, commonly known as the "four KingKong".

Holding Qingfeng sword is the king of growth guarding the south. "Feng" and"Feng" are homonymous. Growth means that all living beings can grow good roots.Holding the sword is to protect the Dharma from infringement. The one who playsthe lute is the king of the East. The lute has no strings and needs to be tuned.He wants to use music to influence all living beings and convert them toBuddhism. Duowen heavenly king, who guards the north, holds an umbrella liketreasure house to show "rain". He is not only the God of Dharma protection, butalso the God of wealth of Buddhism. He uses the treasure house to subdue thedemons and protect the property of all living beings. He is the leader of thedragons, and the dragons must obey him. These four majestic four heavenly kingsare not only the patrons of Buddhism, but also the spokesmen of the good wishesof the common people.

On the back of Maitreya is the Bodhisattva Weituo with a magic wand. He isone of the Eight Generals of the southern growth heavenly king, ranking firstamong the 32 generals. It is said that Sakyamunis relic was once robbed by thedemon king. Wei Tuo was not afraid of difficulties and tried hard to recover it.Therefore, in Buddhist temples, most of the statues of Wei Tuo face the Buddhastatue of Sakyamuni in the main hall, which means to protect the Buddha andexpel the evil spirits. The statue of Wei Tuo, 2.5 meters high, was carved froma whole piece of camphor wood in the early Southern Song Dynasty. Ladies andgentlemen, there are two ways for the Chinese Bodhisattva Weituo to hold themagic wand in Chinese Temples: one is to hold his hands together and hold thewand horizontally on his wrist; the other is to hold the wand with one hand.There are different ways to take the magic pestle, and the meaning is alsodifferent. If Wei Tuo seems to be holding a pestle with both hands, it meansthat this is a reception temple, and monks can eat and sleep for free. If WeiTuo holds a pestle on the ground, it means that this place is not a receptiontemple. From the posture of Wei Tuo in Lingyin Temple, this is a non receptiontemple.

Explain the nine main hall (4 minutes and 5 seconds)

Dear tourists, the majestic building in front of us is the great hall."Daxiong" means all the fearless warriors. It is the honorific name of Sakyamuniby ancient Hindus. Therefore, believers call the main hall where Buddha statuesare worshipped as the main hall. The main hall was built in the second year ofXuantong of Qing Dynasty. It is a triple eaves Xieshan building, 33.6 metershigh, only 0.1 meters lower than Tiananmen tower. This "wonderful and solemnrealm" is inscribed by famous calligrapher Zhang Zongxiang, and "Da Xiong BaoDian" is the leader of the calligraphy hall, which was written by ChangshaMenghai of the former Xiling society.

On both sides of the hall are two gold pagodas built in the first year ofJianlong in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has eight sides and nine floors, onwhich are engraved the stories of Bodhisattvas and Buddhist scriptures. Togetherwith the two scriptures in front of the gate of Tianwang hall, it is the oldestrelic of Lingyin temple and listed as a provincial cultural protection unit.

Now, please follow me into the hall. Look, on the lotus stone seat in themiddle is the statue of Sakyamuni. It is said that he was the son of Kinggujingfan in the northern part of ancient India, formerly known as GautamaSiddhartha. He was born in the 6th-5th century BC. At the age of 29, he wasdeeply moved by the pain of life, aging, illness and death. He abandoned thelife of the royal family and became a monk. After six years of hard practice, atthe age of 35, he "achieved Tao" under the bodhi tree of Bodhisattva Kaya andfounded Buddhism, which is said to free all living beings from suffering. He washonored as Sakyamuni by Buddhist disciples, which means "sage of Sakyamuni" and"sage of Sakyamuni".

This Buddha statue was conceived and designed by Professor Deng Bai of EastChina branch of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1953 when Lingyin Temple wasrebuilt. It is based on the famous Zen sculpture of Tang Dynasty. The SculptureDepartment of East China branch of Central Academy of fine arts and folk artistsof Dongyang wood carving factory jointly created it. The whole Buddha statue iscarved from 24 pieces of camphor wood. It is 19.6 meters high, and the totalheight of xumizuo stone foundation is 24.8 meters. The whole body is coveredwith gold, sharing 86 taels of gold. It is the largest camphor wood statue inChina. The Buddhas head leans slightly forward, his eyes gaze, and his righthand is slightly raised, as if he was preaching to the pilgrims. The Buddha sitson the lotus platform. The lotus flower is holy, pure and fragrant, and comesout of the mud without dyeing. The spiral hair of the Buddha is sky blue,symbolizing that it is level with the sky. There are two "white spots" betweenthe forehead and eyebrows, one of the thirty-two statues of the Buddha. The"white hair with light" represents good luck. The mirror behind the head iscalled "mani mirror", symbolizing wisdom and brightness; There is an umbrellalike cover on the top of the Buddha, which is called tiangai. It is decoratedwith national jewelry, also known as "Baogai".

Please look at the 20 standing statues on the East and west sides of thehall. They are called twenty heavens. They were originally twenty gods whopunished evil and protected good in ancient Indian mythology. Buddhism adoptedtheir theory as the gods who protected Buddhism. The goddess with children onthe east side is the ghost mother God, whose name seems not good. It is truethat the ghost mother God was originally an evil god who ate children. Later,inspired by Sakyamuni, she converted to Buddhism, "lay down the butchers knifeand become a Buddha on the spot", and transformed from an evil god into a goodGod who specialized in protecting children. Twenty days after entering China,they have been sinicized. Many of the clothes they wear are imitations of thecivil and military officials of the feudal dynasty of our country.

At the back of the hall, there are twelve statues of sitting down. They arethe twelve great disciples of the Buddha. Among the people, they are called"Twelve predestined senses", which means people who are fully enlightened likethe Buddha. It is said that the present Buddhist scriptures are compiled by themaccording to Sakyamunis sermons and his own opinions. The layout of the mainhall with twelve senses is very rare in temples all over the country.



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Hello, everyone! Today I will take you to Lijiang River.

Do you know that the most beautiful place in Guilin is Lijiang River, whichis the largest and most beautiful karst landscape browsing area in the world.There are not only "clear mountains, beautiful waters, strange caves andbeautiful rocks", but also "green continents, dangerous beaches, deep pools andflying waterfalls".

The Lijiang River originates from the "No.1 peak in South China" MaoerMountain in northern Guangxi. It flows through Guilin, Yangshuo and Chachengestuary in Pingle County, with a total length of 170 km. It is the most typicalsection of karst landform. Like a Qingluo belt, it winds through the tenthousand odd peaks. People call it "Baili Lijiang River, Baili Gallery". Theback of the new version of RMB 20 is a section of the Lijiang River.

When browsing the Lijiang River, there is a wonderful place. The landscapeis not affected by the time, the place and the climate, but has its own uniquefeatures. The Lijiang River has its own flavor in different weather: sunny day,the reflection of Qingfeng peak; cloudy day, the mountain is covered withclouds; rainy day, the Lijiang River is misty and rainy. Even rainy days, butsee the vast river, mountains looming, floating through the peaks, rain likesand over the mountains, like a variety of ink paintings. It is "the bestlandscape in Guilin, the wonderful picture of Lijiang River in autumn".

From the Guilin to the 83 km Lijiang river reach of Yangshuo, it is calledthe essence of the Li River. It has the beautiful scenery of deep pools,dangerous shoals, flowing springs, and waterfalls. It is a typical, rich andconcentrated area of karst topography, which concentrates the essence of GuilinScenery. It makes people swim in the water and people feel tired in thepaintings.

Today I will talk about this. I wish you a happy journey and have a goodtime.



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Hunan assembly product resources and rich. The city has 660000 mu offarmland, and is the commodity grain and lean pig production base, ranks the piggrain production counties (cities). Mineral deposits more than 30, "chesscatalpa limestone", natural mineral water containing zinc, dolomite, silica,gypsum, talc, iron, manganese, etc. High quality and more. Formed by buildingmaterials (cement), leather, environmental protection equipment, wine, beer,liquor), cast pipe, electronic six pillar industries.

Hunan assembly convenient transportation, communications. Multipleelectricity xiangqian trunk railway and is building on highway crosses thething. Wear and the city, 320 state road, LouXiang highway. The total mileage of3200 kilometers. , mobile phone has more than 50000 door opened more than 4000households, the Internet accounts for nearly 200 households, famous waterconservancy project built in the 60 s of shaoshan irrigation system throughoutthe whole city 63 kilometers. Hunan assembly has a long history, talents andheroes, build county has been 20__ years since the han dynasty. The three phasejiang wan shu xiang chief zeng guofan, our star Huang Gonglve, Chen Geng, TanZheng, proletarian revolutionist zhuo-ran li, international poet xiao,childrens literature writer takes are born here. Generation great man MAOzedong and CAI he-sen bases his partys early leaders, a group of revolutionarymartyr in dongshan school.

Since the founding of new China, hunan assembly economic construction andsocial development made great achievements. Present value of GDP reached 4.7billion yuan in 1998. Industry has formed by metallurgy, building materials,food, electrical and mechanical, chemical, leather as the main body of themodern industry, has more than 5000 enterprises, more than 4000 kinds ofproducts, output value of 5.3 billion yuan. The central and provincial, tobelong to enterprise have ShaoFeng cement group co., LTD., hunan assemblyaluminum plant, ferroalloy plant in hunan, hunan assembly plant.
