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Rime island is a small island on the Songhua River, located in Wula StreetManchu Town, Longtan District, Jilin City, Jilin Province. Hantun, zengtongtunand other villages in Wula Street Manchu town are the most concentrated placesof rime, and also the best places to watch and photograph rime. Especially inzengtong village, there is a saying that "enjoy rime, to zengtong". The bestviewing season of rime island is from late December to the end of February ofthe next year, and the best shooting time is between 10:00-11:30.

Jilin city is famous for its rime. However, most people know about the tenmile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is a rime island inthe lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away from Jilin City. Rimeisland is named for its many and beautiful rime. The trees on both sides of theSonghua River are luxuriant and the branches are numerous. In winter, the watermist rising from the unfrozen river water condenses into frost flowers on thetrees when encountering the cold air. It is called "Wusong" by meteorology and"shugua" by local people. Wusong in Jilin Province, together with Guilinmountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the Three Gorges of theYangtze River, is known as Chinas four natural wonders. Since 1991, Jilin Cityhas held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" every year.

Since 1991, Jilin City has held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" everyyear. Jilin City has long been famous for its rime. However, most people knowabout the ten mile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is arime island in the lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away fromJilin City. Rime island is named for its many and beautiful rime. Zengtongtun onthe island is the best place to enjoy Wusong. There was a saying that "toappreciate Wusong, to zengtong". The trees here are peculiar in shape. Theweeping willows along the river are covered with white and crystal frostflowers. The river breeze blows and the silver wire flickers. The scenery isboth wild and beautiful. Rime, commonly known as shugua, is one of the fourwonders in China. There is a saying that "at night to see the fog, morning tosee the hanging, until near noon to enjoy the falling flowers", which is theprocess of rime from nothing to have, from there to nothing. The most famousscenic spots of rime are Jilin, Lushan and Huangshan, among which "Jilin rime isa wonder in the world".

The rime of Jilin is unique in the world. Together with Guilin landscape,Yunnan Stone Forest and Yangtze River Gorge, Jilin rime is known as Chinas fournatural wonders. Rime is not snow or ice, but frost on the branches. Along thebanks of the Songhua River, the pines and willows are covered with frost andsnow, and the jade is covered with silver. To see rime in Jilin, the best placeis rime island in the lower reaches of Songhua River. Most of the people whocome here are photography enthusiasts, but now, more and more tourists knowit.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 618 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 647 字

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沙逊大厦与中国银行大楼 沙逊大厦因当时内部装修豪华被称为是“远东第一楼”。现在是和平饭店的北楼。外形象大写英文字母A。中国银行大楼是万国建筑博览中唯一一个中国人自己建造的大厦,他比沙逊大厦低60厘米,这还有一个故事。当被中国资本家觉得在外滩全是西方列强建造的形式各异的高楼,而且反映了各国列强的雄厚的经济实力,为了不让我们中国人丢脸面,于是中国官僚资本主义也决定造一个大楼,而且要造比其他国家的都要高,于是原计划要造34层,但是后来受沙逊大厦的业主也就是沙逊的阴挠,他说“你们们中国人是一点地位没有的,造的楼怎么可以比我们英国人的还要高呢?”于是打官司打到英国伦敦,结果大家是可想而知的,中国人败诉了,后来只能造成15层,比沙逊大厦低了60厘米。但是中国人还是不服气“上有政策下有对策”,你楼房不让我超过你,我在楼底上竖了两杆国旗,这两个棋杆比你们沙逊大厦高,这回你们应该没话讲了吧?所以我们现在看到的这两个棋杆就是鉴证。中国银行大厦外形有中为民族特色,楼底国角微翘,檐口用斗拱装饰。窗框是中国钱币的变形的形状。







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4637 字

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人民广场已经成为上海最大的公共广场,总面积约14万平方米。 是融文化、绿化、美化为一体跨世纪的政治文化中心。

















回过头来就是人民大厦西侧的上海大剧院:上海大剧院占地面积约为2.1公顷,由法国夏邦杰建筑设计公司设计,总建筑面积为62803平方米,总高度为 40 米,分地下2层,地面6层,顶部2层,共计10层。大剧院结构为简洁流畅的几何形造型,皇冠般的白色弧形屋顶弯翘向天际, 上面有古典的户外剧场和空中花园,形似聚宝盆,象征着上海吸纳世界文化艺术的博大胸怀。其建筑风格新颖别致,融汇了东西方的文化韵味。白色弧形拱顶和具有光感的玻璃幕墙有机结合,在灯光的烘托下,宛如一个水晶般的宫殿。晶莹、透明的大剧场在平台、花园、喷泉、水池的簇拥下,成为人民广场又一大文化景观。建筑风格独特,造型优美。它成为上海又一个标志性建筑,使人民广场成为上海名副其实的政治文化中心。




大剧场的舞台设施也是世界一流的,它由日本三菱重工株式会社设计、制造, 分为主舞台、后舞台和左右两个侧舞台,可作平移、升降、倾斜、旋转等变换。

大剧场的建声要求极高,音响和灯光设备更具独特性能。音响系统选用美国 jbl专业设备,灯光系统采用比利时adb公司的顶级产品。舞台设备全部采用计算机控制,能满足世界上级别最高的剧团的演出要求。

除了演出功能外,上海大剧院还有一个1600平方米的观光餐厅。此外,还备有贵宾厅 、咖啡厅、地下车库等配套设施。

上海大剧院自1998年8月27日开业以来, 已成功上演过歌剧、音乐剧、芭蕾、交响乐、室内乐、话剧、戏曲等各类大型演出和综艺晚会,在国内外享有很高的知名度,许多国家领导人和外国政要、国际知名人士光临大剧院后,给予了高度评价,认为上海大剧院是建筑与艺术的完美结晶。上海大剧院正日益成为上海重要的中外文化交流窗口和艺术沟通的桥梁。




这就是人民广场! 总面积约14万平方米。它的南边就是上海市内东西向的市内交通大动脉----延安路高架,东边联着外滩,西边直达虹桥国际机场。人民广场的东侧隔西藏中路的就是上海工人文化宫。北隔南京西路和闻名遐尔的国际饭店相望;西北上海大剧院身后那高耸云天的就是明天大厦。


人民广场---见证了上海百年的屈辱; 见证了上海改革开放的成就; 也必然要见证明天的灿烂与辉煌!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 15334 字

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Dayan Pagoda, an ancient Tang Dynasty pagoda, is a unique symbol of theancient city of Xian. As one of the eight scenic spots in Guanzhong, the bigwild goose pagoda stands high in the Cien Temple in the southern suburb ofXian. It is one of the famous Buddhist pagodas in China. Dayan Pagoda scenicspot is a Buddhist holy land, which has a close relationship with masterXuanzang, a famous monk of Tang Dynasty. The story of Tang Monks Sutraacquisition and translation takes place here. All Buddhist temples are templesfor monks to worship, worship and chant Buddhist scriptures. Whats specialabout Dayan Pagoda compared with other temples? There are so many eminent monksat all times and in all over the world, so who is Tang Monk Xuanzang? Why is thestory of Tang Monks scriptures widely spread? Today, after you visit thisscenic spot, you will find the answer to the above question.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the South Square of Dayan Pagoda. Inthe center of the square stands a tall bronze statue of monk Xuanzang of TangDynasty. He was dignified, dressed in cassock, holding a staff in hand, withfirm steps, as if he was on the way to the West.

You must have seen journey to the west, one of Chinas four famous works,and the TV series of the same name adapted from it. Is the Tang monk in journeyto the West Xuanzang? Xuanzang, a native of Yanshi, Henan Province, isintelligent and studious. He became a monk at the age of 13. He worshipsclassics and exhausts all kinds of theories. He is well-known in the capital andis known as "the great tool of Shimen and the great horse of Buddhism." Afterstudying all over the country, he found that the sutra was incomplete and therewere many mistakes in it. He decided to go to Tianzhu, the birthplace ofBuddhism, which is now India, to explore the essence of Buddhism, so as to solvethe doubts and promote Buddhism. In the first year of Zhenguan (620__), he wentto India to apply for law, but he was not approved by the imperial court. In thethird year of Tang Zhenguan (620__ AD), he set out from Changan, along the SilkRoad, through the Gobi desert, where there were no birds on the top and noanimals on the bottom, and traveled westward to Tianzhu. He studied Buddhism inthe famous nalandao temple for 20__ years. At a grand Dharma meeting, Xuanzangread out his Buddhism It is said that for 18 days in a row, no one could arguewith Xuanzang. All the kings invited Xuanzang to take the magnificent Xiangyuparade. The venue cheered and thundered. The Mahayana monks called masterXuanzang "Mahayana heaven", the Hinayana monks called him "liberation heaven",and the Buddhist "heaven" refers to the Bodhisattva gods. Xuanzang was highlyhonored and respected in India. Then he resolutely declined the hospitality ofthe kings and monks and set foot on his way home. In the 19th year of Zhenguan(645 AD), Xuanzang returned home with a large number of Buddhist relics and 657Buddhist scriptures. He was warmly welcomed by the Emperor Taizong and theChinese. When they arrived in Changan, millions of monks and customs went outto welcome them, which was unprecedented. After returning to China, with thesupport of the Tang royal family, he gathered erudite eminent monks from allover the country to form an unprecedented Buddhist scripture translation site,and acted as the translator himself. The quality and quantity of translatedBuddhist scriptures are far more than those of their predecessors, which usheredin a new era in the history of translation in China. The author of the book, arecord of the western regions in the Tang Dynasty, has attracted the attentionof scholars all over the world. It should be said that journey to the west iswritten in the background of xuanleis going out to the west to seek scripturesin the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang monk in the story does not refer to Xuanzang,but a figure in an artistic literary work.

Now we come to the gate of the Great Mercy Temple. The main gate of thetemple is called the mountain gate, also called the three gates, which arecalled the empty gate, Wuzuo gate and Wuxiang gate respectively, symbolizing thethree liberation gates of Buddhism. We call becoming a monk "stepping into theempty door" and thats probably where it comes from. You see, the plaque on thedoor is a few glittering characters of "dacien Temple" inscribed by Comrade __himself.

Cien Temple was originally named Wulou temple. In 648 ad, when Li Zhi,Emperor Gaozong, was the crown prince, he built a temple for his mother, empressWende, and ordered the temple to be built in jinchangfang, Changan. Facing theHanyuan Hall of Daming Palace in the north, it covers an area of 26570 squaremeters and is surrounded by beautiful scenery. It is the most magnificent andspectacular Buddhist temple in Changan, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. At thebeginning of the construction of Cien Temple, the imperial court speciallyinvited Xuanzang, who came back to Changan from India, to be the abbot of thetemple. Thus, dacien Temple became the highest institution of Buddhism inChina at that time. After the end of Tang Dynasty, because of the constant wars,the temple gradually became desolate. After many times of maintenance, it wasnot until the Ming Dynasty that the scale of todays temple was established.

When we walk into the mountain gate, we can see the confrontation on thesecond floor of the bell and drum. To the East is the bell tower, in which thereis an iron bell. The clock was cast in the 27th year of Jiajing reign of theMing Dynasty (1548 AD). It is 3.4 meters high and weighs 15 tons. It has fourbig characters of "morning bell of wild goose pagoda". To the west is the drumtower, in which there is a big drum. The bell and drum are important tools ofBuddhism, which are used to summon monks to do rituals. It is also an importanttime tool. Monks in the temple wake up at the bell and sleep at the drum everyday.

Now we come to visit the main hall of the temple. The main hall is thecentral building of the temple. There are Sakyamunis three body Buddha in thehall. The middle one is Dharma Buddha piluzana Buddha. Dharma Buddha refers tothe pure body of Buddhas nature. The west one is paoshen Buddha Lushena Buddha.Paoshen Buddha means to obtain the Buddhas fruit and perfect body. The east oneis Yingshen Buddha. Yingshen Buddha refers to all changeable bodies and theuniversal body. On both sides of the three body Buddha are Sakyamunis Kaya andAnanda, and on both sides are eighteen Arhats.

On the west wall of the main hall, there are several steles of "Yan TA TiMing Ji". "Yanta inscription" began in the Tang Dynasty. All the top scholars inthe Changan examination had to have a banquet in Qujiang first, and thengathered together to inscribe the name of the big Yanta. They thought it was avery glorious thing to inscribe the name of the big Yanta, and they thought thatthey could ascend step by step by climbing the big Yanta. Bai Juyi, a poet ofthe Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem here after he was admitted as a Jinshi in theexamination: "the youngest of the seventeen people is at the title under thetower of mercy." Its a good story for a while.

On the north side of the hall is the Sutra collection building of Fatang(two floors). On the upper floor is the Sutra collection building, whichcontains the scriptures translated by Xuanzang. On the lower side is the Fatang,where the monks preached. There is a statue of Amitabha in it. Amitabha is incharge of the Western Paradise. That is to say, if you recite Amitabhawholeheartedly before you die, you will be led to the paradise by him after youdie, so it is also called "Jieyin Buddha". There are also three rubbings in theDharma hall, one of which is the picture of Xuanzangs negative collection, andon both sides are the portraits of his two great disciples yuancha and peepingJi. Xuanzang was carrying a basket of Buddhist scriptures on his back. He waswalking on the road of collecting Buddhist scriptures with Buddhist dust in hishands and hemp shoes on his feet. After suffering, only the little oil lamp thatnever went out was with him.

Behind the Dharma hall is the famous wild goose pagoda. Please follow me tovisit.

As for the origin of the name of "wild goose pagoda", there are severalopinions. Its name comes from a Buddhist story. According to Indian Buddhistlegend, there were two schools of Buddhism, Mahayana and Hinayana, and HinayanaBuddhism did not avoid meat and fishiness. One day, it was Bodhisattva givingday, but a monk in a Hinayana Temple couldnt buy meat for dinner. At this time,a group of geese flew by in the sky. A monk looked at the geese and said tohimself, "today there is no meat in the house. The merciful Bodhisattva willnever forget what day it is." Before the voice fell, the leading goose foldedits wings and fell to the ground. So the monks in the temple were shocked andthought that it must be the manifestation of Bodhisattva. They built a stonepagoda at the site where the wild geese fell. They gave up meat and turned toMahayana Buddhism. Since then, people have also called Bodhisattvas the king ofgeese and pagodas the "geese pagodas.".

The great wild goose pagoda was built with the approval of the imperialcourt by master Xuanzang to preserve a large number of Buddhist scripturesbrought back from India. Master Xuanzang personally participated in theconstruction of the tower, which took two years to complete. However, the pagodawas gradually destroyed more than 40 years later because of the erosion of thebrick surface and soil core. Later, Wu Zetian rebuilt the wild goose pagoda inher reign, and there were further repairs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Whatwe see now is the repaired wild goose pagoda.

Dayan Pagoda is a typical wooden pavilion style brick pagoda, which iscomposed of tower base, tower body and Tasha. Its height is 64.7 meters. Thepagoda is square cone-shaped, with a total of 7 floors. There are spiral stairsinside. We can climb up the pagoda along the spiral stairs to see the beautifulscenery of the ancient city. Now please come up with me.

When we come to the bottom of the Dayan Pagoda, we can see that the brickniches on both sides of the South Gate of the pagoda are inlaid with two steles,preface to the three Tibetan holy teachings of the Tang Dynasty, written byEmperor Taizong Li Shimin and Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty. Bothsteles were written by Chu suiliang, a famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty,and are the best of the steles in the Tang Dynasty. Next we can visit the firstfloor. Lets take a look at the tablets on both sides of the wall. Among them,there are two stone tablets, one is the picture of Xuanzangs negativecollection, which reflects the process of his Scripture acquisition, and theother is the picture of Xuanzangs scripture translation, which reflects theprocess of his scripture translation. The pictures of the two steles are vividportraits of master Xuanzangs glorious life. Now lets start climbing up.Please step up the tower and pay attention to safety. On the second floor, wesee a sitting statue of Maitreya. You can worship it and make your wish. Then weascend the third floor. Here is the Buddhist relic presented by Indian Buddhistmonks. All right, lets keep climbing. On the third floor, there are rubbings ofthe original steles of Jiwang Shengjiao preface and Tongzhou Shengjiao preface,which are kept in Xian Beilin Museum. In the fourth floor, we can see hugefootprints, which are said to be left by Sakyamuni when he passed away. It issaid that before his death, Sakyamuni went to a small river and said to hisdisciples, "this is the last footprint I left to mankind." After that, hugefootprints were formed. At that time, people vied to pay homage to each other.When Xuanzang came to India, he heard this story and went to pay homage to itspecially. He also drew the footprints with a brush when paying homage. What wesee now is carved by Xuanzang in his later years. On the fifth and sixth floors,there are Xuanzangs poems and calligraphic works of several great poets in theTang Dynasty. Lets go up to the seventh floor. You can look up and have a lookat the very interesting poems above us. No matter where we start, these wordscan be very smooth. You can read with me, "you have to travel to the west, youhave to travel to the West.". The former worshipers praised the Tang monk, whilethe latter was praised by others. " There is also "monk Tang has to travel tothe West.". Before worshiping the Buddha in the west, the predecessors praisedhim. " And so on. No matter from which angle, it can be read as a poem aboutTang Monks learning scriptures.

When you climb to the top of the pagoda, do you have a wonderful feeling of"climbing out of the world"? You can see the magnificent scenery of the ancientcity from all sides, which makes you forget to return.

Tourist friends, now lets walk slowly down the tower and pay attention tosafety. Continue to visit Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard in the back.

Now, everyone comes to the gate of Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard. XuanzangSanzang courtyard is a group of buildings imitating Tang style, which iscomposed of dabianjue hall, Prajna hall and Guangming hall.

If you want to ask: what are the treasures of Da Cien Temple in Xian? Itis the parietal bone relic and Buddha bone relic of master Xuanzang, becauseboth of them are very precious Buddhist relics. We have just seen the Buddhistbone relic on the third floor of the Dayan Pagoda, and a portion of Xuanzangsparietal bone relic is stored in the dabianjue Hall of the Sanzang academy,where the statue of Xuanzang is still worshipped.

There are nearly 400 square meters of exquisite large murals in XuanzangsSanzang courtyard, reflecting the holy scenery of Buddhism and the life story ofXuanzang. In particular, it reflects Xuanzangs brilliant life of seeking Dharmaand translating scriptures.

In summary, Xuanzangs translation is characterized by large quantity, highquality, complete content and new way. Xuanzang alone translated 1335 volumes ofBuddhist scriptures. Because Xuanzangs translation is accurate and reliable,and the original Indian Sanskrit version on which he bases is lost, Xuanzangstranslation is regarded as "quasi Sanskrit version". Thus there was the heydayof Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty and a new situation in which many overseaseminent monks entered the Tang Dynasty to seek Dharma. The translation ofBuddhist scriptures in China begins with the translation of Buddhist scriptures.Xuanzang is a famous Buddhist, translator and traveler in the history of ourcountry. At the same time, he is a great patriot who is loyal to the motherland.He also translated Laozi, an important ancient Chinese philosophical work, intoSanskrit and introduced it to India, which promoted the cultural communicationbetween China and India and established the friendship between the twopeoples.

In 20__, Xuanzang finally died in Yuhua temple in Tongchuan. Although heasked for simplicity, the emperor buried him in Bailuyuan, which is on the Bankof Chanhe river. People have expressed their admiration and mourning for thisgeneration of eminent monk who sacrificed his life to seek Dharma, painstakinglytranslated scriptures, lived a glorious life and died with a reed mat. It hasbecome a Buddhist holy land to pay homage to and commemorate Xuanzangforever.



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Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

The ends of the earth, unique scenery. Into the heart, that pair of springing up on the beach more than 10 meters high, more than 60 meters long green gray boulders suddenly into the eye. Two stone engraved with "tianya" and "cape", meaning the edge of the day, the end of the sea. Clear water, blue sky here in color, vast lake, why napa. Culture and coconut trees swaying, the stone forest. The engraved with "tianya", "cape", "south tianyi column", "sea to south day" stones more than south China sea, hainan special skill.

Came to the ends of the earth, except for sightseeing to the natural and humanistic landscape, believe that everyone will trigger a variety of lenovo and comprehension, "sea life bright moon, tianya" at this time of the family, "love you to the glebes old, accompany you to the end of the world" love, distance separates no bosom friends, "" friendship," alone on tall building, at the end of the world road "sad," tianya reduced people at the same time, why should meet had met "comfort," the end of the world where no fangcao "open-minded," the ends of the earth are not sharp, far more days "detachment, and" backward "mentality, and so on. Fusion of natural landscape and human emotion, it is the end of the worlds unique charm.

First, we went to the beach. Ready to ride boats to RiYueShi located at sea. On the boat, the wind blowing my face, and the seagulls flying on my head, boats passing rolled up heavy waves on the sea. In the sea, I cant express my joy for such an environment. Not for a moment, then to the RiYueShi. There are two pieces of stone like, like month. Appreciate for a while. And in a place called "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. Unexpectedly, open boat people begin to blackmail to us, or take us straight to tianya stone, or charge a small boat to take us to 100 "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble and diaoyutai". We thought for a while, anyway to came, then continue to go to "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. That is just a rock. Then went to the diaoyutai state guesthouse. There are lots of seafood to sell, are expensive. And the turtles. A man decides to 10 yuan. So start haggling. But still not settled at last. So we called up the open boat, sit on the left the diaoyutai state guesthouse. Straight toward the tianya stone on the shore. We came to cape tianya stone and stone. Two separate stone engraved with the end of the world and the cape. Legend has it that a couple in love of men and women, respectively from two feudal family, they love their ethnic opposition, and forced to flee to both jumped into the sea, into two pieces of stone, forever. Later generations to commemorate their firmness love, quartering "tianya" cape ", "then the men and women in love with" the ends of the earth forever at your feet "to show their own accomplishments.

Then we came to the "south tianyi column". "Tianya" "cape" two being walk about three hundred meters, a statue standing tall conical stone, like a magic at the sky, that is "south tianyi column" stone, about 7 meters high, look like a philosophers head, the side like a ship sets up "a ketch". The design is on the reverse of the fourth edition of RMB 2 "south tianyi column" here. Legend has it, it is "gong gong anger and touch not island, bl 10 fold, d the land" of "sky column," south alone were sent here to hold the day. Qing xuantong first year (1911), the time of the scarp state the year Fan Yun ladder is according to the above, inscribed copy of "south tianyi column" this four characters.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 4642 字

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Guanlan Lake, situé dans la ville de Guanlan, Shenzhen.En fait, GuanlanLake na pas de lac, mais à travers Shenzhen, Dongguan Guanlan Lake GolfClub.

Guanlan Lake est entièrement investi, construit et exploité par le GroupeJunhao. Lensemble du projet sétend entre Shenzhen et Dongguan et se compose deGuanlan Lake Shenzhen Cluster, Guanlan Lake Dongguan Cluster et Guanlan Lakeliguang Cluster.Le projet a été construit à partir de 1992, avec uninvestissement de plus de 10 milliards de dollars de Hong Kong, et a développéGuanlan Lake International Leisure Tourism Resort qui intègre 7 fonctions:Sports, loisirs, affaires, santé et loisirs, tourisme de conférence, culture etdivertissement, shopping gastronomique et loisirs courts.Il sagit notamment duplus grand club de golf du monde, du plus grand club de tennis et de campagnedAsie, de nombreux h?tels, clubs internationaux, centres de congrèsinternationaux, parcs écologiques et récréatifs, ainsi que dune variétédinstallations sportives, alimentaires, récréatives et récréatives.Dès 20__,Guanlan Lake Leisure Tourism Resort a été évalué comme le premier lot de 4attractions touristiques nationales par ladministration nationale dutourisme.Depuis que l?tat a lancé la nouvelle norme pour la création de 5Aattractions touristiques en 20__, Guanlan Lake a participé à la création de 5attractions touristiques au début de 20__. Au cours de cette période, le Comiténational dévaluation de la qualité des attractions touristiques a effectué denombreuses visites sur place pour évaluer la qualité du Service, delenvironnement et du paysage de Guanlan Lake.Le 13 mai 20__, le lac Guanlan aété officiellement classé comme attraction touristique nationale 5. Le 25 mai,ladministration nationale du tourisme a tenu une cérémonie de remise desplaques à Beijing.? lheure actuelle, il y a 5 attractions touristiques danstout le Guangdong.

Les journalistes ont appris quil y a 1,8 million dinvités au pays et àlétranger qui visitent le lac Lan Chaque année, et environ 1,2 million devisiteurs à létranger chaque année, principalement de lAmérique du Nord, delEurope, de lAsie du Sud - Est, du Japon, de la Corée, de Chinese Taiwan, de Macao etde Hong Kong, représentant environ 70% du nombre total de visiteurs du laclan.

En tant que projet touristique de Guangdong, la province pionnière de laréforme et de louverture de la Chine, Guanlan Lake a créé une stationtouristique internationale avec des vacances et des loisirs comme pointculminant, qui sest pleinement conformée à la tendance à la croissance la plusrapide du tourisme de loisir thématique sur le marché mondial du tourisme àlavenir et a attiré des clients au pays et à létranger.Dans notre pays,lindustrie touristique cherche activement à passer de léchelle quantitative àlefficacité de la qualité, et les produits touristiques cherchent également unenouvelle période de transition du Tourisme touristique aux loisirs de vacances.Le Lac Guanlan, caractérisé par le tourisme de loisir thématique, a créé unnouvel échantillon de 5 sites pittoresques en Chine.

It is reported that the Highlights of Guanlan Lake Leisure and TourismResort include: Golf and Outdoor Aerobic Sports as the Theme of Sports andLeisure; in which the Sports and Leisure Facilities represented by Golf have 12international level courts, is the only Worlds first Greatest Golf LeisureResort Gathering the Style of the five continents.Soins de santé et loisirs surle thème des Spa de soins de santé; loisirs daffaires sur le thème desconférences daffaires et des voyages daffaires;Jusquà présent, Guanlan Lake aintroduit et organisé plus dune centaine dévénements de golf, de tennis, debillard et de vélo, ainsi que des activités déchange économique, commercial,sportif et culturel, et a également organisé de nombreuses visites de célébritésinternationales. Gr?ce à des projets touristiques, Guanlan Lake a mis en placeune plate - forme déchange international bien connue au pays et àlétranger.

En outre, Guanlan Lake attache une grande importance au développementdurable et à la protection de lenvironnement, et a mis en ?uvre la pratiquebénéfique de ? transformer les montagnes stériles en terres précieuses ? au fildes ans.En labsence de ressources touristiques naturelles avantageuses, un belenvironnement écologique vert a été créé et 13 kilomètres carrés de ressourcesécologiques vertes ont été construits.En novembre 20__, toute la région deGuanlan Lake Shenzhen Cluster a été incluse dans la réserve de contr?leécologique permanent de Shenzhen. Cest aussi le seul exemple de la formation dela Réserve écologique par le développement écologique dentreprise àShenzhen.



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Dear ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, everyone:

Very honored to be your tour guide, my name is xu, you can call me Mr. Xu guide, if you have any questions, you can ask me.

We went to the attractions is the Great Wall.

You see, today we go to one of the world famous heritage of the Great Wall like a dragon? He winding between mountains, we now stand at the foot of the mountain, look, you may be more than only a few thousand miles, in fact, he has more than thirteen thousand. We are now on to take a look! Everyone to see, how magnificent Great Wall spirit show in front of our eyes, look! Our feet stepping is square brick, now lets hold the stone on the wall, a walk, you feel? Right, before how hard working people, they put their own wisdom and sweat to the Great Wall, we must cherish now the Great Wall, the Great Wall is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress and the nozzle mouth, for observation and shooting, and on the top of the wall, there is a square more than three hundred miles every ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops.

As we all know the story about the badaling and the legend of the Great Wall? Badaling the title of the story is called "must play leud" : the zhou dynasty had a king named zhou you king, he has a beauty called praised si, her temper is very strange, always dont smile, you think of some way to the king. So he lit up a distress signal (fire), as a result, drew leud come white, but praised si ha ha laugh, you king is also very happy. But, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, and he was killed by the enemy.

The legend of the Great Wall is also very good to listen, named "meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" : the story of meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall, is Chinas famous ancient folklore, it in the form of drama, songs, poems, rap, etc, widely circulated, household can stomach. Mouth hard heavy when qin shihuang, young men and women Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu just married three days, the groom was forced to start to build the Great Wall, soon died of cold and tired, bones buried under the long wall. Meng jiangnu with woolies, through hardships, wanli predicament came to the Great Wall, got the news of her husband. More than three days and three nights, she cry at the gate, the city of cleft, revealing Fan Xiliang corpses, meng jiangnu sea died in despair. From then on, shanhaiguan is considered by later generations as "meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall", and cover the meng jiangnu temple, there are often stationed here with one of the leaders of tears.

Now, stories and legends to listen to, we can free to play, remember after 1 hour, we set here, pay attention to, dont litter.



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Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty is located at the foot of MountQomolangma in Dulong Fuwan, south of Zhongshan Mountain in Nanjing. It is themausoleum of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and empress Ma Shi. It is thefirst batch of national key cultural relics protection units. This royalmausoleum of the Ming Dynasty, which has a history of more than 600 years, isfamous for its prominent owner, large scale, unique shape and beautifulenvironment. In 20__, the Ming Xiaoling was successfully declared as a worldheritage site, which made the Ming Xiaoling, which initiated the imperialmausoleum system of Ming and Qing Dynasties, become the focus of worldattention.

After more than 600 years of historical vicissitudes, the wooden structureof many buildings no longer exists, but all of its architectural remains areintact in place, the spatial layout is intact, and the natural landscape wherethe cultural remains are located is not damaged. They are enough to show theunique design concept, system pattern, construction scale and cultural value ofMing Xiaoling in the development process of Chinese imperial mausoleum Artisticachievements. Nowadays, the Royal mausoleums of Ming and Qing Dynastiesdistributed in Beijing, Hubei, Hebei and other provinces and cities are allbuilt according to the regulation and mode of Ming Xiaoling. In this sense, MingXiaoling is a masterpiece of art and a comprehensive achievement in the highlymature period of Chinese culture. It has created a new generation of Ming andQing Imperial Mausoleums and has a long history in the development of ChineseImperial Mausoleums The value and status of the monument.

It is the crystallization of political thought, social culture, aestheticconsciousness, architectural technology and national financial resources in theearly Ming Dynasty. The layout design and architectural form of the mausoleumhave distinctive style of the times and exemplary spirit. It not only inheritedthe excellent elements of the imperial mausoleum system of Han, Tang and SongDynasties, but also created a new imperial mausoleum system. The mausoleumsystem of Xiaoling in Ming Dynasty regulated the overall pattern and style ofmausoleum construction in Ming and Qing Dynasties for more than 500 years. Itsstatus was lofty and its influence was far-reaching.



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东方明珠广播电视塔(The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower)是上海的标志性文化景观之一,位于浦东新区陆家嘴,塔高约468米。该建筑于1991年7月兴建,1995年5月投入使用,承担上海6套无线电视发射业务,地区覆盖半径80公里。下面是小编收集整理的20xx年5篇上海东方明珠的导游词范文,欢迎借鉴参考。


东方明珠全高468米是现今亚洲第二、世界第四之高塔。仅次于广州新电视塔、加拿大多伦多电视塔和俄罗斯莫斯科奥斯坦金诺广播电视塔。东方明珠电视塔曾是上海最高的建筑物,现在已被环球金融中心取代,但是东方明珠塔依然卓然秀立于陆家嘴地区现代化建筑楼群 东方明珠电视塔位于浦东新区内,与外滩的“万国建筑博览群”隔江相望,与纽约的自由女神、悉尼歌剧院、巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔一样,成为了上海的标志性建筑,与左侧的南浦大桥和右边的杨浦大桥一起,形成双龙戏珠之势。东方明珠塔卓然秀立于陆家嘴地区现代化建筑楼群,与隔江的外滩万国建筑博览群,与后方新耸立而起的金茂大厦和环球金融中心交相辉映,展现了国际大都市的壮观景色。东方明珠塔集观光餐饮、购物娱乐、浦江游览、会务会展、历史陈列、旅行代理等服务功能于一身,成为上海标志性建筑和旅游热点之一。目前,“东方明珠”年观光人数和旅游收入在世界各高塔中仅次于法国的艾菲尔铁塔而位居第二,从而挤身世界著名旅游景点行列。


享誉中外的东方明珠空中旋转餐厅位于东方明珠塔267米上球体,以其得天独厚的景观优势、不同凡响的饮食文化、宾至如归的温馨服务,傲立于上海之巅,作为亚洲最高的旋转餐厅,其营业面积达到 1500平方米,可容纳350位来宾用餐。餐厅同时提供多款豪华套餐和中西结合自助餐,百余种美味佳肴不间断供应,让游客美食与美景共享。

东方明珠塔各观光层柜台里1000多款造型独特、制作精美的各式旅游纪念品琳琅满目,令人目不暇接、留连忘返。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客 280 多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。作为全国旅游热点之一,东方明珠塔又以其优质服务,在 20xx 年初被 国家旅游局评为全国首批 AAAA 级旅游景点。



风和日丽时,在上海东方明珠塔上举目远望,外滩的万国建筑博览群,南浦大桥,杨浦大桥全部尽收眼底。 是饱览上海全貌的最佳地。但是一定要在大晴天去哦,阴雨天去的话看出去外面全部是雾蒙蒙的,会感觉白白浪费那么多钱。而且上海东方明珠塔上各种陈列也很具有历史和时代意义!在旋转餐厅里用自助餐虽然感觉有点贵,但却非常值得!美食美景当前,值得留念终生!




旋转餐厅 -- 誉名中外的东方明珠空中旋转餐厅,坐落于上海东方明珠广播电视塔267米上球体,是亚洲最高的旋转餐厅。其营业面积为1500平方米,可同时容纳350位来宾用餐。她以得天独厚的景观优势、不同凡响的饮食文化、宾至如归的温馨服务,傲立于上海之巅。旋转餐厅更值得骄傲的是她的贵宾包房,布置着豪华富贵的大圆桌、高背靠椅和休闲沙发,能同时招待20位贵宾,金碧辉煌的背景灯光打在冰花玻璃上,更造就了人间仙境般的效果。宽敞明亮的落地球体玻璃窗外,浦江美景一览无余,自267米高空俯视而下,真有“会当临绝顶,一览众山小”的豪迈感觉。每2小时旋转一圈的设计,让您全方位360度尽收申城的林立高楼、纵横大道、卧波长桥、争流百响。而夜晚灯火辉煌的申城更是流光溢彩、美不胜收,点点繁星、闪闪霓虹衬出勾勒出无与伦比的浦江夜色。友善温馨的服务是空中旋转餐厅鲜明的特色。各位迎宾小姐、往来穿梭的服务生均以典雅的服饰、规范的服务构筑了东方明珠的绰约风采。

电视塔入口 -- 位于4.2米检票大厅的豪华电梯将以7米/秒的高速把您在40秒内平稳地送至263米观光层,这种绝无仅有、风驰电掣的感觉将是您到东方明珠的难得体验。沿着明亮华贵的弧形梯道拾级而上,登上267米平台,迎面的便是亮丽的迎宾厅,乳白色的墙面连同光可鉴人的黑色大理石反射柔和的灯光,把您环绕在一片尊贵的气氛中。上海东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于上海浦东新区陆家嘴嘴尖上,以其468米的绝对高度成为亚洲第一、世界第三之高塔。东方明珠塔背拥陆家嘴地区崭新的现代化建筑楼群,与隔江的外滩万国建筑博览群交相辉映,展现了国际大都市的壮观景色。

东方明珠游船码头 -- 位于黄浦江畔,占地面积2200余平方米,乘坐东方明珠浦江游览船沿江畅游,即可尽情领略百业兴旺、百舸争流的都市情怀。东方明珠游船码头外形犹如一只凌波汲水、展翅欲飞的海鸥,清新自然、富有时代气息。乘坐东方明珠浦江观光游览船沿浦江航行,可以让游客饱览两岸现代化都市风景线。

夜色中的明珠 -- 入夜后,遥望东方明珠塔,则是华灯齐放、色彩缤纷;而在塔上俯瞰都市夜景,更是一派流光溢彩、灯火辉煌。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。

上海城市历史发展陈列馆 -- 上海城市历史发展陈列馆位于东方明珠塔零米大厅内,展示面积超过六千平方米,已于5 月12日正式对外开放,是集历史、文化、鉴赏、旅游、娱乐于一体、具有创新理念的历史陈列。徜徉历史长河、追寻海上旧梦、品味文化上海——陈列馆充分注重观赏性与参与性,采用“融物于景”的场景化展示手法,凭借其高科技的技术手段,将文物、道具、模型、音视频多媒体、声光电等表现手法融于一体:静态展示主要以蜡像人物和文物道具为主,而动态的展示以实景和影视相结合,十分逼真。让人既感受到历史文化的底蕴,又领略了现代化高科技的魅力。

上海国际新闻中心 -- 上海国际新闻中心坐落于巍然屹立的东方明珠塔下,是集新闻发布、观光、会展、餐饮等功能于一体的综合性新闻中心。 1100 平方米的新闻发布厅配置有最先进的同传、背投、音响与灯光等会务设施,可容纳 800 人规模的新闻发布会或国际会议。

















1. 高耸云天的金茂大厦,地标

2. 环球金融中心,更以其中国大陆第一高楼的雄姿成为上海新地标。

3. 东方明珠电视塔,地标。



















第四馆:海上旧踪。 第五馆:建筑博览。上海近代优秀建筑模型组成。





上海海洋水族馆 陆家嘴环路1388号,有中国保利集团和新加坡星雅投资有限公司共同投资兴建,总投资5500万美元。















东方明珠塔坐落于浦东新区陆家嘴的嘴尖上,,于1991年动工兴建,落成于1995年。塔的高度是468米,是亚洲第一高塔,世界第三高塔,仅次于加拿大多仑多电视塔(553米)和俄罗斯的莫斯科 奥斯坦金电视塔(533米)。东方明珠电视塔挺拔俊秀,是上海的标志性建筑,被列为上海十大新景观,同时被评为国家4a风景区。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6192 字

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Dear tourists

Welcome to Tianzhu Mountain! Tianzhu Mountain scenic spot is more gloriousbecause of your coming!

Let me first introduce the general situation of Tianzhu Mountain! TianzhuMountain is located on the North Bank of the Yangtze River and in the buriedhills of Anhui Province. It is named for its towering height, such as the giantpillar holding the sky. Tianzhu Mountain used to be known as Qianshan, Wanshanand Wansui mountain. It is said that Wansui mountain was called Wansui mountainbecause Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty visited Wanshan mountain to set up aplatform to offer sacrifices to the mountain during his southern tour, andgranted Wanshan mountain the title of "Nanyue". During the sacrifice, the crowdchanted long live, so this mountain was called Wansui mountain. After Sui andTang Dynasties, Nanyue was changed to Hengshan, and Tianzhu Mountain was listedas the "middle town" of the five major towns in China. Li Bai, a great poet ofthe Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem praising the beautiful scenery of TianzhuMountain: "Wangong mountain on the river". Wangong mountain is Tianzhu Mountain,and the poem says: "Qifeng mountain, Qiyun mountain, Xiumu mountain isbeautiful. In the Qing Dynasty, Wangong mountain was absolutely satisfactory. "After passing the Jingjia bridge, we entered the SANZU Temple scenic spot, theSouth outpost of Tianzhu Mountain. SANZU Temple scenic spot is a culturalboutique scenic spot with the most concentrated cultural attractions and thehighest cultural grade in Tianzhu Mountain. Here, we will experience themysterious religious culture and imperial culture of Tianzhu Mountain, and enjoythe cliff stone carvings group, a national key cultural protection unit, whichis known as the gallery of calligraphy art of past dynasties.

(enter the yerenzhai village in the south gate and go up not far to theSANZU temple. This is the most famous scenic spot of Tianzhu Mountain. Accordingto legend, the temple was first built in the Southern Dynasty, and now there areonly a few Sutra collection buildings, side rooms and jueji tower standing infront of the temple. In the west of SANZU temple, there is a valley full ofboulders. The steep rocks on the side of the valley stand upright. The water inthe valley is gurgling and the pine and bamboo block out the sun. It is called"Valley flowing spring". There is a stone cave at the gate of the valley. Infront of the cave, there is a huge stone shaped like a crouching cow, which iscalled "ancient stone cow cave". It is said that Huang Tingjian, a native of theNorthern Song Dynasty, once studied on this stone and called himself "Taoist ofthe valley". A huge stone here is engraved with a poem by Huang Tingjian and aportrait of Huang Tingjian sitting on a stone ox painted by Li Gonglin, a greatcontemporary painter. This precious stone carving of ancient poetry and paintingis still clearly visible.)

Lets leave now. Soon we will arrive at the yerenzhai scenic spot! Yezhaiis the abbreviation of "yerenzhai". How can a picturesque place like this benamed "yerenzhai"? There are two moving legends here: one is that long ago, wildpeople often haunted this area, harming people and animals. At that time, acounty magistrate was determined to sacrifice himself to save the people. Hetook good wine and vegetables, went deep into the cave, accompanied the savageto drink, and ordered people to use pig iron water to coagulate the cave and diewith the savage. Second, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, local tyrantLiu Yuan led 100000 Yibing to fight against the Yuan Dynasty in TianzhuMountain. He called himself "Liu Yeren" and named the first village in gukou"Yeren village". In the 18 years before and after Liu Yuans resistance to theYuan Dynasty, he was finally betrayed by a traitor and died. In memory of him,the name of yerenzhai has been used to this day.

Now I give you an hours rest time, you can take photos at will, please payattention to safety, then well see you in an hour!

One hours time is really fast, I dont know whether we have fun or not!OK, now lets continue our journey!. Now we have come to the square in front ofSANZU temple. Looking up, the temple buildings with red walls and Daiwa aresurrounded by green trees and bamboos. The whole mountain is like a colorfulPhoenix fluttering its wings to fly. Jueqi tower is built on the Phoenix crown.The winding hills on the East and west sides are encircled, just like thePhoenix wings guarding the solemn Buddhas land. As the saying goes: "seeShanbao Temple far away, and see Sibao mountain near." SANZU temple, the fullname of "SANZU Valley Qianyuan Temple", is the place where the three patriarchsof Chinese Zen spread the Scriptures and spread the Dharma, and occupies a veryimportant position in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In 1983, the StateCouncil approved and announced the opening of temples in Han nationalityareas.

The buildings of SANZU temple are erected from bottom to top along theFengxing mountain. All the way from the mountain gate to the ancestral hall ison a central axis. Burning incense and worshiping Buddha should enter from themountain gate. The gate of SANZU temple is also called Sanmen hall. The name ofthe main gate is Prajna gate, which is the gate of wisdom; the name of the eastgate is liberation gate, which means to get rid of the bondage of trouble andkarma and obtain freedom, also known as the gate of freedom; the name of thewest gate is Jingjin gate, which means to make unremitting efforts in theprocess of decontamination and filtration, also known as the gate of diligentcultivation. On the lintel, there is a plaque of "Qianyuan Temple" inscribed byZhao Puchu, President of the National Buddhist Association.

Entering the mountain gate, you can see that on both sides of the hall,there are 5.5-meter-high "jinganglishi" standing on each side. After theSinicization of Buddhism, the two statues were shaped according to the images of"hum" and "ha" in the list of gods. Through the gate hall, step on the "Tongtianstep.". Because of the steep mountain, SANZU temple has 360 steps all the wayup. You may as well count from now on, the height difference of "Tongtian stage"is 15 meters.



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Hello, tourists! Im your guide, Xiao su. Today, Id like to take you toHuguangyan, a 4A scenic spot in Zhanjiang City.

Huguangyan is located in the southwest of Zhanjiang City. Huguangyan is oneof the eight scenic spots in Zhanjiang, and is also a famous Crater tourist areain China. The air is rich in negative ions, so it is called "natural oxygenbar"___ It was also named "World Geopark" in. In the morning, a layer of whitefog shrouded Huguangyan, like a little girl in white clothes. At noon,Huguangyan was golden, as if it had been sprinkled with gold dust. At night, thelake is as quiet as a mirror.

Tourists, Huguangyan not only has beautiful scenery, but also has abeautiful legend. Legend has it that there is no lake here, only a smallvillage, the village has a pair of dependent mother and son. Unfortunately, herson died when he went to the mountain to collect firewood. The old mother criedto death. In the haze, the old mother saw a calf coming to farm for her son.From then on, grain grows automatically in the field. One year there was asevere drought, and the calf brought food to his mother. When the villagersfound the white cow, they seized it, slaughtered it and distributed the beef toeach household to satisfy their hunger. The old mother cried and threw the beefover the sky. The beef soared to the outside of the village, and the old motherstumbled to catch up. A bamboo branch suddenly fell from the sky for her. Whenwe got to Sangtian, the beef suddenly disappeared. Then the sky collapses andthe earth collapses, thunder and lightning suddenly rises, and the villagebecomes Jiangze. In a hurry, the old mother inserts the bamboo branch into thefield. Suddenly, the flood receded, leaving only one lake, which is todaysHuguangyan. Of course, this is just a myth. In fact, according to theinvestigation of geologists, Huguangyan was formed by a volcanic eruption 200000years ago.

Please enjoy the beautiful scenery of Huguangyan carefully. I hopeHuguangyan can leave good memories for you.



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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Fuling Baiheliang underwater Museum. Im your tourguide this time. You can call me Xiao Huang. Im very glad to have theopportunity to serve you. I hope the charming white crane beam and my servicecan bring you an easy booking journey.

Now Id like to introduce the general situation of Baiheliang. FulingBaiheliang is located in the north of Fuling District, Chongqing, on the Bank ofthe Yangtze River. It is a national key cultural relic protection unit, ahistorical and cultural cultural cultural scenic spot, and a natural rock andsand beam in the vast river. The total length of the stone beam is 1600 meters,with an average width of 15 meters. There are 165 inscriptions, 18 stone fish,two Guanyin statues and a pair of white cranes. They are mainly distributed onthe middle stone beam with a length of 220 meters. Known as "the worlds firstancient hydrological station", underwater stele forest. The inscriptions are notunderwater all the year round. They only come out of the water when the river isdry in winter and spring. However, due to the high water storage of the ThreeGorges, in order to prevent Baiheliang from submerging in the water, theunderwater museum was built in February 20__ to protect the inscription, and wascompleted at the end of 20__.

Baiheliang is called baziliang. As for the origin of its name, it is saidthat the white crane group gathered on the beam and got its name. It is alsosaid that the immortal Er Zhu of the Tang Dynasty practiced here, and later gotthe way and went west by crane, so it was named white crane beam. The stonecarvings on Liang are not underwater all the year round. They only come out ofthe water when the river is dry in winter and spring. In ancient times, stonefish were carved as low water mark. Whenever the river water recedes and thestone fish meet, it means that a dry season with less rain has passed and a goodharvest year is coming. Therefore, there is another saying that "the stone fishcome out, and it is a good harvest year".

Baiheliang recorded 72 years of low water data from the Tang Dynasty to thepresent. Among them, the most famous ones are the Tang Dynasty fish and the QingDynasty heavy pickaxe Pisces, which are used as the original low water mark.According to modern survey, "the abdominal height of the fish in the TangDynasty is equivalent to the average of the lowest water level in Fulinghydrological station over the years; the eye height of the Qing Dynasty doublecarp is roughly equal to the zero point of the water level in Fuling area ofSichuan river shipping department.". It has been used for more than 1200 years,and the ancient ancestors have long known, observed and mastered the law of lowwater change through long-term understanding of the low water cycle. The stonefish water mark has a small exposure every three or five years, a severe droughtevery ten years, and an extremely low water level in 600 years. Many carefulpeople measured the time when the stone fish came out of the water, the name andnative place of the fish watcher, and the distance between the stone fishexposed to the river and the dry water line with ruler, and engraved it on thestone beam. Over time, it has formed an extremely precious hydrological recordof more than 1200 years. It is the earliest well preserved ancient hydrologicalstation in China and even in the world with "stone fish" as the symbol of lowwater.

Baiheliang inscription also has important artistic value. The inscriptionson the Liang Dynasty are crisscross, with seal, Li, Xing, Kai and Cao allavailable. Yan, Liu, Su and Huang are all available. There are also inscriptionsin minority languages, most of which are made by famous artists of pastdynasties. Huang Tingjian, a famous litterateur, calligrapher and great poet inthe Northern Song Dynasty, is the most precious. In addition, there are morethan 700 inscriptions of officials, scholars and poets in the past dynasties,such as Zhu ang, Wu Ge, Chao Gongwu, Liu Zhongshun, Pang Gongsun, Liu Shiwen andWang Shizhen. They are a collection of literature, calligraphy, painting andinscription art. They can be regarded as the great achievements of calligraphersin the past dynasties and are known as the "forest of Steles in the water" .

With the construction of the Three Gorges project, the world-famousBaiheliang inscription will sink underwater forever. In order to protect thisprecious cultural site, a creative protection scheme of "no pressure vessel" isadopted, and an underwater museum is built on the original site to effectivelyprotect the inscription. In 20__, the underwater Museum of White Crane RidgeInscription was built and opened to the public. Baiheliang museum is composed ofthree parts: underwater protection body, visiting corridor and traffic corridor,and ground exhibition hall. From the ground exhibition hall, people can go downto the horizontal traffic corridor through the ramp of the slope shaped trafficcorridor, and then enter the visiting corridor to view the inscription throughthe special window. They can also transmit the image to the demonstration hallof the ground exhibition hall in real time through the underwater camera systemfor all-round viewing. This innovative idea has become a unique underwaterMuseum in the world.

Well, Ill introduce the basic situation of Baiheliang to you first, andthen let me lead you to experience the unique charm of Baiheliang. Please besafe and follow me.



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! We Chinese are all "descendants of the dragon". The dragonis the totem of the Chinese. Do you know where the dragon lives? Yes, you havearrived at the Dragon Palace, the home of the dragon. The Dragon Palace scenicspot we are visiting today is located in the southern suburb of Anshun City,Guizhou Province, adjacent to the famous Huangguoshu scenic spot at home andabroad. It has convenient transportation and is 116 kilometers away from theprovincial capital Guiyang city. The Dragon Palace is the most mature and mostscenic gold tourist spot in Guizhou. It is also a national 5A scenic spot.

As the saying goes, when you come to Guizhou, you have to see three things:the mountains, the water and the caves. The Dragon Palace is famous for itsbeautiful caves. It is a typical karst terrain with five most famous caves inChina: the longest water cave in China, the largest cave Buddha Hall in China,the largest waterfall in the cave in China, the lowest natural radiation doserate in the world, and the most concentrated water and drought caves in theworld, These five are the best, which make the Dragon Palace famous all over theworld. So its a great blessing for you to come to the Dragon Palace today.

Now, lets walk into Longmen waterfall. Its more than 50 meters high and26 meters wide. Its a waterfall in the cave. Its made by the pouring waterfrom Tianchi Lake. The flowing water dries through the mountains and splitsrocks with the momentum of sprinkling. It is magnificent and magnificent. It isjust like ten thousand horses galloping. When we approach the Longmen waterfall,our hearts will be shocked. You can see that the rainbow formed by the flowingwater under the sunlight is like a fairyland, very beautiful. This waterfallgoes down the river, another 30 kilometers, is the famous Huangguoshuwaterfall.

Let me introduce the overall situation of the Dragon Palace. The total areaof the Dragon Palace is 60 square kilometers, which is divided into four scenicspots: the center, Xuantang, rape lake and xianrenqing. The Dragon Palace isvery beautiful and spectacular, showing four characteristics. One is theunderground river cave, which is called "Chinas only beautiful water cave" bytourists. Longgong water cave is 15 kilometers long, ranking first in China. Atpresent, there are two sections of the scenic area open to the public, 1260meters long. There are many kinds of Bell and milk in the cave. Compared withthe northern cave, it is more delicate and exquisite. Compared with the southerncave, it is more mysterious and strange. The structure of the cave Hall is likethe Dragon King Palace in myth, which is why it is called the Dragon Palace. Ofcourse, with the development of the times, I believe that all of them will notbe open for a long time. You are welcome to visit again. Moreover, it is also aparadise for Buddhists, because there is the largest cave temple in China - theDragon Palace Guanyin cave. Its biggest feature is that all the temples arenatural caves. There are 32 artificially carved Buddha statues, of which thestatue of Guanyin is as high as 12.6 meters. On the main hall, there is astalactite with a natural spirit similar to Guanyin. The natural and artificialBuddha statues are integrated. In our country, there are many temples on famousmountains, but the temples in Karst caves can be called the top of the countryin terms of scale and popularity. The third feature is the waterfall in thecave. We have just visited it. I believe you have already had your own feelings.The last feature is the Dragon Palace whirlpool, which is a round pond with anarea of more than 10000 square meters. The water in the pond is rotatingclockwise without wind. You can look at your watch and compare it Its also agood feeling to have a look at Xuantang. Even the science education channel ofCCTV "into science" has explored and reported this strange phenomenon.Therefore, we are very lucky to have come to Xuantang.

After a days play, I believe you are all tired. When you come to Longgong,you can have some good food. Because its Longgong, we dont have many famousfish and shrimp dishes. The more famous ones are Huajiang dog meat, buckwheatjelly, Changwang noodles and fried chicken cake. I believe you will have abetter appetite after enjoying the beautiful scenery, and come to taste the foodof Longgong.

OK, distinguished guests, this dragon palace tour is over. You are welcometo come next time, and you are also welcome to criticize our work. I wish youall good health and happiness!



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Dear friends, now we enter Huaqiao toll station, it marks that we begin toenter Shanghai. Its strange why we always add the word "big" in front ofShanghai because it is the largest city in the world in terms of scale, area andpopulation. Even Istanbul in Turkey cant be compared with Shanghai. When wecome to this city, we can see Shanghai style, modern rendering, traffic andpeople everywhere, foreigners everywhere. Therefore, Mark Hughes, a famousAmerican traveler, said that "coming to Shanghai is like coming to the West.".Indeed, Shanghai, a metropolis, gives people the impression that it is a verywesternized city.

So how big is Shanghai? Lets analyze it from three aspects. First, it hasmany cars. It is estimated that the number of vehicles in Shanghai is thelargest in the world. There are more than 48000 taxis in Shanghai alone, rankingthe first in the world. Second, there are many people. Shanghai has a permanentresident population of about 12 million, not counting immigrants. Its totalpopulation is about 30 million. The population density is about 20000 per squarekilometer. If you come here on holiday, especially in several major businessdistricts, you should say, "look at your mouth and look at your legs.". Finally,louduo. What impressed us most when we came to Shanghai is, wow, what a tallbuilding! It seems that we have entered a city like a concrete forest. Shanghaihas developed rapidly in recent years. High rise buildings have sprung up likebamboo shoots after rain. There are 1026 high-rise buildings with more than 30floors in Puxi, Shanghai alone. Lets see if its very powerful. Whats theactual area of Shanghai? Its more than 9000 square kilometers. Through theabove groups of figures, do you feel that it is big? I dont think I need to saymore.

If the speed of Shanghais development can be described as a miracle, Idont think its too much. But if we go to read its history, I think it is adwarf of history, not even the history of the United States. Why do you saythat? Because the history of Shanghai started in 1843, and no one paid attentionto it before that. In the course of Chinese history, there is no place for it atall. But in a short period of one and a half centuries, it has created a myth, amiracle like a gold pagoda. Dont worry. Listen to me. A long time ago, in theSong Dynasty, the most powerful historical stage in China, Shanghai was just asmall fishing village. Local residents are mainly fishing. Later, with thedevelopment of trade, the small fishing village became lively. At that time,there were 18 Dapu, including Shanghai and xiahaipu. Later, peoples tradecenter was mainly concentrated in Shanghai puzhuli, so more and more peoplecalled it Shanghai. During the reign of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, Huatingcounty was officially renamed Shanghai, which is still called today. In 1840,the British launched the first war, which lasted two years. Finally, the Qinggovernment and the British government signed the Nanjing Treaty, the firstunequal treaty in Chinese history. In the treaty, Shanghai, Guangzhou and otherplaces were forced to open up as trading ports, and Hong Kong Island was cededto Britain. In June 1843, the gate of Shanghai was officially forced to open. Itis precisely because of such a treaty that Shanghai has really got rid of theshackles of history and started its legendary career as a machine. In this way,Shanghai came into our sight.

With the passive development of Shanghai, it is no longer a small townforgotten by Chinese feudal government, but a paradise for foreigners andadventurers. Soon, Shanghai was divided up by the United States, Britain andFrance, forming a unique "concession" in world history. In fact, it is a countrywithin a country. Then where were the concessions of the three countries locatedin todays Shanghai? The British concession was the largest and most developedarea in Shanghai. It was located in the south of Suzhou River, east of JinganTemple and north of yangjinbang (todays Yanan Road). North of Chinas city(Town Gods Temple) is a French concession, and Hebeis east part of Hebei isthe site of the Americans. Later, the Ministry of industry set up a publicconcession, which is today Zhongshan Park area. Im afraid the term concessioncant be found in the whole world. It is a manifestation of Chinas backwardnessand being beaten. It was not until the middle of the Second World War and afterthe Cairo conference that the national government officially abolished allforeign privileges in China. The concession disappeared completely in theterritory of China. However, its legacy has become the witness of thedevelopment of Shanghai today, and the valuable architectural heritage left byShanghai today to the later Shanghainese, the Bund complex.



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Welcome to changsha, hunan! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you cancall me little x. In order to facilitate everyone to visit, let me firstintroduce the history of changsha in hunan province.

15-20__00 years ago, human activity has started in changsha. About 7000years ago, changsha began to form the village. About 2400 years ago in thespring and autumn period and the warring states period chu in changsha city.Until today, the site has not changed, more than 20__ years ago the location ofthe road and even today the streets are still coincidence, therefore, changshabecome the longest in the history of Chinese city one of the cities at the sameaddress.

The different historical period, changsha has "LinXiang", called "tamstates"; Changsha tang and song dynasty and Ming dynasty and qing dynasty, itseconomy and culture as its most prosperous period in history. The earliestdocumented in the name of "changsha" ", wang shifu book will be about tribute"changsha turtle" say, more than 3000 years ago. Chow period of ningxiang countycoal river site unearthed four sheep statue of bronze ware etc reflects thechangsha area with the original a connection. Changsha, about 2400 years historyof city construction, city was built in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, chu. "The millet of changsha, chu also." ChuCheng kingset county in guizhou, changsha as its scope. By qin qin shi huang unifiedChina, changsha county 36 county, one of which is changsha starts with Chinasadministrative division name go down in history. Han period, the capital city ofchangsha, changsha countries. In the early eastern han dynasty waste "changsha"appointed "changsha county" instead.

In The Three Kingdoms and the western jin dynasty period, changsha countygovernance, belong to the ancient jingzhou. The late western jin dynasty and thenorthern and southern dynasties, changsha county and hunan state system ofgovernance.

Sui early withdrawal county, head of changsha as tam state government; Thelate change state for the county, and changsha, changsha county countygovernance. When set pool by the tang dynasty, once jiangnan road, Jiang Naxiway. Changsha kiln in the five dynasties period of the tang dynasty, onceflourished, become the birthplace of under glaze color. Five dynasties and tenstates period for changsha chu capital, which is the only country to changshafor capital.

When the song dynasty by the changsha to pool. Changsha yuelu academy, setup in the northern song dynasty to culture and education to the peak. The yuandynasty in 1274 to pool state road, HuGuang province seat. Is still the tamstate road 1281, hunan DaoXuan comfort seat, subordinate HuGuang provinces; Yuanliterate admired day calendar for two years due to the "good" emperors nameheaven road, yuan state seat change at the end of the pool. Ming to changshaFuZhi, originally department subordinate HuGuang. The qing emperor kangxi threeyears to build "hunan province", changsha as changsha government FuZhi and hunanprovince. When Ming and qing dynasties, changsha, there are four big market andbig four, what he said, one of the most important market for China.

Late qing dynasty, zeng guofan became "the first person of hunan", thechangsha government emerged important figure in Chinese history, such as CengGuoquan, zuo zongtang, Hu Linyi, such as elimination of the taiping heavenlykingdom, started the westernization movement, recovered in xinjiang, etc., causeprofound influence to the late qing dynasty of China. Late qing dynasty andearly republic of China, changsha become important political and revolutionaryactivities. The reform movement of Chen Baozhen, tan sitong, establishment ofThe Times in changsha school. ZiLiJun uprising, China after a sudden flash ofinspiration, symbol of tian-hua Chen and Yao Hongye, clear ping feels ashameduprising, rob rice agitation, are influential activities. Against the qingdynasty in the late qing dynasty made a series of qing dynasty, made greatcontribution to the establishment of the republic of China.



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Zhouzhuang zhouzhuang town, founded in 1086, because Mr Zhou Digong city people to donate to the named QuanFu temple, in the spring and autumn for prince when Jane shakes fief, called once called zhenfengli, is affiliated to the kunshan city, jiangsu province, is located in Shanghai at the junction of a typical jiangnan water town, is one of jiangnan six ancient town. In 20xx was named the famous town of Chinese history and culture, the most famous attractions: shen three thousand former residence, FuAnQiao, build, shen hall, strange house, zhouzhuang eight sights, etc. FuAnQiao stereo shape was left of the jiangnan bridge wall construction; Build by two bridge is linked together as a whole, the modelling is unique; Shen hall for qing court curtilage, the overall structure in neat formation, local style each different; In addition to the clear virtual Taoist temple, QuanFu speak temple and other places of religion. Zhouzhuang is "Chinas first water town" reputation. The first 5 a grade scenic spot.

Zhouzhuang [Chinas jiangnan a waterfront town with a history of more than nine hundred years, and was officially named as zhouzhuang, is in the early years of the qing emperor kangxi. Zhouzhuang in the southwest of kunshan under the jurisdiction of suzhou, called once called zhenfengli. If you want to choose one of the most representative in China of the waterfront town, there is no doubt that it is "Chinas first water" zhouzhuang. One thousand years vicissitudes of life history and rich culture of zhouzhuang, wu the watery place with its exquisite style, unique human landscape, plain folk customs, become the treasure of the Oriental culture. As a representative of the outstanding Chinese excellent traditional culture of zhouzhuang, become the cradle of wu culture, a model of jiangnan.

Zhouzhuang is located in the southeast of suzhou city, kunshan southwest, "Chinas first water town" reputation. Zhouzhuang about 45 km from suzhou city, about 100 kilometers from Shanghai. Near Shanghai hongqiao and pudong, and xiaoshan international airport, the hongqiao nearest (about 90 kilometers) from zhouzhuang, pudong and xiaoshan international airport about 150 kilometers (above). Zhouzhuang impassability train, direct, temporarily no highway from Shanghai Sue high-speed, high-speed suzhou-jiaxing-hangzhou down still need to take ordinary highway. Famous attractions are: the APEC meeting boat fang (Zhou Zhuangfang), QuanFu speak temple, shen hall, build, fan floor, south lake and zhang hall, etc. Tang survial, song water yiyi, misty rain jiangnan

Zhouzhuang jade zhouzhuang (12). By UNESCO world heritage site preparation list, their dubai international to improve the living environment for best example, the United Nations world cultural heritage protection outstanding achievement in the asia-pacific region, the United States government, the worlds most attractive water and the first Chinese famous historical and cultural town, 10 Chinese environment prize, the national hygiene, the beautiful environment township.

With unique waterfront town tourism resources, adhere to the "protection and development, simultaneously" the guiding ideology, to develop the tourism industry. Based on waterfront town, constantly excavate the cultural connotation, perfect the construction of scenic spots, enriching the content of tourism, and strengthen the promotion, after ten years of effort success to build the "Chinas first water" brand of tourism culture, created the beginning of jiangnan ancient town tour, become the nations first AAAAA level scenic spots, for "the most foreigners like 50" and the national tourism system advanced group, Chinas famous tourism brand of honor.

Constantly committed to explore, promote and develop the excellent traditional culture, actively explore cultural tourism, to shape the "folk zhouzhuang, zhouzhuang, cultural zhouzhuang life", is increasingly becoming the window to show Chinese culture to the world, but also got the favour of tourists, attracted over 2.5 million visitors a year to sightseeing, leisure, vacation, tourism income of 800 million yuan in the whole society. At the same time increase the intensity of investment promotion and capital introduction, riches and honour, the jiangnan people, Qian Longcheng etc. Suitable for modern leisure experience respectively tourism project launched and perfect, expand the scale of tourism, big tourism plate, makes zhouzhuang tourism to leisure vacationing industry tourism development step by step.

, 38 km southeast of geography editor zhouzhuang is located in suzhou, kunshan city within the territory of 33 kilometers south-west, Shanghai about 70 kilometers from zhouzhuang, drive about 1.5 hours, hu qing ping road opened, only 40 minutes drive.

Zhouzhuang recorded in 1086, is located in Shanghai, suzhou and hangzhou. For zeguo town, surrounded by water, stone, are required to the boat. The whole town in river street, bridge street, deep curtilage courtyard, heavy high ridge eaves, langfang, river port, crossing the street wear bamboo columns, linhe ShuiGe, quiet school of of primitive simplicity, is typical of the jiangnan water bridge the somebody else.



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闻名中外的外白渡桥(Garden Bridge ofShanghai)是旧上海的标志性建筑之一。处于苏州河下游河口,位于黄浦公园西侧,架在中山东一路,东大名路之间的苏州河河段上。是一座全钢结构的桥梁,两跨52.16米,宽18.3米,是上海市区连接沪北、沪东的重要通道,过桥人流量和车流量很高。
