





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4548 字

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Welcome to Yuhuatai scenic spot. Now we are in the north gate of Yuhuataiscenic area. Before we begin our tour, please listen to me tell a legend.

The story takes place during the Tianjian period of the Liang Dynasty, whenBuddhism was very popular. There were many temples and cigarettes aroundYuhuatai. It is said that an eminent monk named master Yun Guang set up an altarto preach scriptures in a place where the peak is high and the forest is deep.The eminent monk has profound Buddhism, and his mouth is full of lotus flowers.Those who hear the Tao are infatuated and gather for several days. On this day,a few colorful clouds floated across the lecturing altar. Suddenly, the skyflashed. In an instant, colorful flowers, like rain, fell down all over thehills. But the way is that the cloud light theory actually makes the God movethe true feelings, tears whirling. From then on, the eminent monks preachingoffice left the name of Yuhuatai. And the falling seven color flowers turnedinto the well-known Yuhua stone.

In fact, the real name of Yuhuatai has to start from geology. You are nowstanding in the ancient Yangtze River. At that time, the surging river wasrolling under our feet. Later, due to the crustal movement, the river channelmoved northward, resulting in gravel deposition, which is called "Yuhuashilayer" geologically. The stone is oval in shape, with agate in quality. It islustrous, crystal clear, multicolored and beautiful in texture. Because theterrain here is high, reaching an altitude of 60 meters, and rich in Yuhuashi,it is called Yuhuatai, which is worthy of the name.

As Yuhuatai is a commanding height in the south of Nanjing, itsgeographical location is very important, and it has always been known as the"south gate of Jinling". Since ancient times, Yuhuatai has been a must formilitary strategists. It was here that sun ce of the eastern Wu Dynasty defeatedLiu Yao. During the invasion of Jin soldiers in the Southern Song Dynasty, theycamped in Yuhuatai; during the Tianjing defense war of the Taiping HeavenlyKingdom, during the Xinhai Revolution, they crusaded against the Qing soldiers,and during the "capital defense war" of the Anti Japanese War, they all set offa series of wars. Yuhuatai was devastated by war, desolate and desolate, and therain did not appear.

From the legend just now, we must think that Yuhuatai must be a verybeautiful place. Yes, in history, Yuhuatai is a famous scenic spot, withundulating hills, verdant trees, flowing water, clear springs, singing birds andfragrant flowers. Literati, poets, emperors and generals of the past dynastiesvisited the scenic spots and left many well-known poems. According to therecords of Danyang in the Southern Song Dynasty, Yuhuatai is the place wherepeople visit in the south of the Yangtze River. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Yuhuatai was listed as one of the 18 scenic spots of Jinling and the 48 scenicspots of Jinling.

From 1927 to 1949, Yuhuatai wrote another page of startling and weeping.Tens of thousands of outstanding Chinese sons and daughters, for the liberationof the Chinese people and the birth of new China, have sacrificed their preciouslives on the rain flower terrace and composed a solemn and stirring song ofpioneers with their blood.

After the founding of the peoples Republic of China, in order to rememberthe martyrs, pursue the sages, educate the future generations and enlighten thefuture generations, on December 12, 1949, the second session of the firstpeoples Congress of Nanjing made a resolution to build the Yuhuatai Martyrscemetery. According to the principle of "greening before construction" in theinitial stage of the mausoleum construction, after more than 40 years ofafforestation, Yuhuatai scenic spot has planted more than 240 ornamental trees,such as cedar, juniper, Ginkgo biloba, Magnolia, Begonia, Osmanthus fragrans andred maple, with a greening coverage rate of 87%. Since the end of 1970s, theparty and the government have invested a lot of money to build large-scalememorial buildings.

After nearly half a century of planning and construction, Yuhuatai hasformed a basic pattern that is not only a solemn and solemn memorial site, butalso a pleasant tourist attraction. Today, the solemn, simple, fresh, elegantand beautiful environment in Yuhuatai scenic area, the magnificent memorialbuildings across the central axis, and the natural landscape with beautifulscenery in spring, summer, autumn and winter, as well as the rich and colorfulcultural landscape with a long history blend with each other.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2990 字

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上海市位于长江和钱塘江入海汇合处。北靠长江,东濒东海,南临杭州湾,西接江苏和浙江两省。是长江三角洲冲积平原的一部分,平均高度为海拔4米左右。全市总面积6340。5平方公里,东西最大距离约100公里,南北最大距离约120公里。其中河道、湖泊面积532平方公里。陆海岸线长约172公里。在上海北面的长江入海处,有崇明、长兴、横沙3个岛屿。崇明岛为中国第三大岛。上海解放后,至1964年5月,上海市辖有黄浦、南市、卢湾、徐汇、长宁、静安、普陀、闸北、虹口、杨浦10个市区,以及上海、嘉定、宝山、川沙、奉贤、南汇、松江、金山、青浦、崇明10个郊县。 从1980年至20xx年底,撤县建区后,上海市辖有浦东新区、徐汇、长宁、普陀、闸北、虹口、杨浦、黄浦、卢湾、静安、宝山、闵行、嘉定、金山、松江、青浦、南汇、奉贤18个区,崇明1个县。


上海市地处长江入海口,主要河道有黄浦江及其支流苏州河、蕰藻浜、川杨河、淀浦河、大治河、斜塘、园泄泾和大泖港等。 黄浦江干流全长82。5公里,河宽300~700米。 苏州河全长125公里,上海境内54公里,为黄浦江主要支流。 最大的湖泊为淀山湖,面积约为62平方公里。上海地区年降水量为1100毫米。梅雨量为235。0毫米,上海年平均气温,市区为17。8℃。其它地区为16。3℃(崇明)~17。6℃(宝山)。年极端最高气温市区38。8℃,其它地区为35。7℃~37。6℃;年极端最低气温市区为-2。0℃,其它地区为-4。8℃~-1。9℃。
















范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4070 字

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Hello, everyone. Im the tour guide who is responsible for taking you tovisit Macaos famous place of interest, mage temple. I hope my explanation willgive you a pleasant journey. First of all, let me introduce Mazu temple.

Mage temple was called niangma temple, Tianfei temple or haijue temple inthe early period; later it was named "Mazu Temple", which is commonly known as"mage Temple" in Chinese. Mazu means "mother" in Fujian dialect. The temple isbuilt along the cliff with a back mountain and a sea. It is surrounded bytowering ancient trees. There is a pair of stone lions at the entrance of thetemple. It is said that they are masterpieces of the Qing Dynasty 300 years ago.The temple is composed of four buildings: the main hall, the stone hall, theHongren hall and the Guanyin Pavilion.

The best time to visit mage temple is during the Spring Festival, becausethis time is the most popular, and many traditional activities will be held.Many faithful men and women come to pray for the gods. A large bamboo shed willbe built in front of the temple as a temporary stage for performing miraculousarts.

Mage temple is composed of "the first temple in Shenshan mountain", Hongrentemple, Zhengjue Buddhist temple, Guanyin Pavilion and other parts. Although thescale of each building is small and crude, it can fully integrate nature and thelayout is well arranged.

Entrance gate

You can see the granite building at the entrance gate. It is 4.5 meterswide and has only one door opening. The lintel has the word "Mazu Pavilion" andcouplets on both sides. The three parts are decorated with glazed tile roof. Thetop of the lintel has a cornice shaped ridge with porcelain beads and fish onit.

Memorial Gateway

Immediately behind the gate of MAGE temple is a three room four columnarch, also made of granite, with four stone lions on the capitals.

Hongren Hall

You have now come to the smallest Hongren hall, which is only about 3square meters.

Buddism godness Guanyin Temple

Guanyin hall, located at the highest place, is mainly made of brick andstone. Its architecture is simple and hard mountain style.

Zhengjue Buddhist temple

You are now in the Zhengjue Buddhist temple. This Buddhist temple pays moreattention to both the scale and the architectural form. The building is composedof a temple dedicated to the queen of heaven and a retreat area. The building inthe repair area is a common folk house with a hard Hill brick structure, whilethe temple is a four frame beam structure. There is an inner courtyard in frontof the main hall. The side porches on both sides are shed roofs. The main hallarea is divided into three bays by two rows of three columns. The roof is glazedtile slope top, and the top of the side walls on both sides is a gold shaped"wok ear" gable, which has the meaning of fire prevention and strong southernFujian characteristics. It is located in the front of the inner courtyard, Fromleft to right, it can be divided into five parts. The middle part is the highestand the two sides are gradually lower. The wall is decorated with claysculpture. The top of the wall is decorated with glazed tiles. Under the eavesof the glazed tiles, there are three layers of flowers symbolizing the bucketarch. In addition, there is a circular window opening with a radius of 1.1meters in the middle part. The eaves and porcelain beads on the top of theglazed tiles also show the importance of this hall.

Mazu Pavilion is always full of incense. Every year, on the new years eveof the lunar calendar, the birthday of Mazu on March 23, and the Double NinthFestival on September 9, it is full of people.

Witness the flame

On the afternoon of May 3, 20__, the Beijing Olympic flame passes throughMacaos mage temple. The Olympic flame from Olympia will meet the incense frommage temple, and Macao will show the characteristics of Chinese and Westerncultures in the most representative way of welcoming the Olympic flame.

Well, thats the end of todays tour. I hope this interpretation has left adeep impression on you. Please pay more attention to more Macao scenic spots.Goodbye.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 19185 字

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Distinguished guests, you have come to the ancient city of Qingzhou. Firstof all, on behalf of the leaders and staff of our travel agency, please allow meto extend a warm welcome to you. Here, I would like to introduce the generalsituation of Qingzhou.

Lets explain the place name "Qingzhou" first. As we all know, during theperiod of Dayus flood control, the whole country was divided into nine regionsfor people to live in. The nine regions were called "Kyushu", which became thepronoun of China. In the past, CCTV had a program called "the circle of Kyushu".Qingzhou was one of the Kyushu.

Why is it called Qingzhou? Qingzhou is the Oriental state. According to theancient concept of five elements, it is located in the East, the East is wood,wood color is green, so it is named Qingzhou. Sima Qian said in historicalrecords that "the East is moving, and the Yang animal is spring at that time."Wang Yin of Jin Dynasty said: "the color of Oriental Shaoyang is green, and itsQi is clear. It is the first time of the year and the beginning of the event, soit is also named green." Therefore, in the ancient concept, the East is theplace where the sun rises, the air is clear, the color is green, everything islush, full of vitality, is the spring of the year, the beginning of things. Itcan be seen that Qingzhou is a beautiful home with unlimited developmentvitality and hope.

Because of this, there are so many poems praising Qingzhou. Su Zhe, one ofthe eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, once wrote a poem:"facing the mountains, the ancient princes of the sea are defeated, and theybelieve in the first state in the East." Qingzhou is situated on Mount Tai inthe West and overlooking the sea in the East. It has been prosperous sinceancient times. Therefore, with her beauty, Qingzhou enjoys the title of "thefirst state in the East".

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the current situation of Qingzhou.Todays Qingzhou City is located in the middle of Shandong Province, adjacent toZibo City in the west, Dongying City in the north, Shouguang City and ChangleCounty in the East, and Linqu County in the south. Covering an area of 1569square kilometers, the city governs three streets and nine towns, with apopulation of 900000, including more than 20000 Hui, Manchu and other ethnicminorities. Its economic scale is relatively large. In 20__, the citys GDPreached 22 billion yuan, the total fiscal and tax revenue exceeded 2.6 billionyuan, the local fiscal revenue was 1 billion yuan, the per capita disposableincome of urban residents was more than 10000 yuan, the per capita net income offarmers was 6000 yuan, and the savings of urban and rural residents was 13billion yuan,.

Qingzhou City is located at the junction of the mountainous area in themiddle of Shandong Province and the plain in the north of Shandong Province. Itpresents a variety of geomorphic features and shows a spectacular and beautifulfigure. The southwest is a mountainous area with overlapping peaks, accountingfor nearly half of the citys area. There are more than 30 main peaks, most ofwhich are above 400 meters above sea level. Among them, Yunmen mountain, Tuoshanmountain, Linglong mountain, Yangtian mountain and tangsaier village are famousscenic spots. This mountainous area is mostly limestone, karst karst landformcharacteristics. It can be imagined that this was once a vast sea. Because ofthe violent geological movement, the rock strata deep under the sea were brokenand uplifted, and then the hills were formed. In ancient times, the climate herewas warm and humid, the vegetation was rich and green everywhere. It was anideal habitat for the ancestors of Qingzhou during the cave period.

The northeast is a plain area with fertile land, deep soil layer, good soilquality, long history of cultivation, high degree of maturity, good physicalproperties, suitable for planting a variety of crops, which is the earliestagricultural development area in history. The ancients said, "Qingqi fertilesoil, the name of Dongqin, earth 20__, more than 100000 households, four solidfortresses, negative sea Rao, can be described as a country of military use."The northern plain of Qingzhou is located in the center of "the fertile soil ofQingqi". From the pre Qin period to the Wei Jin period, it is the richest areain China.

There are many rivers flowing through and originating from Qingzhou City,including Mi River, Zi River, Nanyang River, Beiyang River, etc. Zihe River andMihe River are the main stream. If Qingzhou City is regarded as a sedan chair,then the two main streams are like sedan poles, which are divided into left andright. The two rivers are the mother river of Qingzhou, which nurtures thesplendid history and culture of Qingzhou.

Qingzhou City is located at the junction of mountains and plains. Themountains in the western and southern suburbs are green and the city ispicturesque. The eastern and northern suburbs are green and beautiful. The urbanplanning area is 100 square kilometers, the built-up area is 30 squarekilometers, and the population is 300000. It is a national health city, gardencity, historical and cultural city, as well as a national well-known excellenttourist city. Today, Qingzhou City has become an emerging city with prosperouseconomy, advanced culture, beautiful environment, complete functions and thebest living environment.

Qingzhou City is an old and young city. It is ancient because it has ahistory of more than 2200 years. There have been five cities here, namelyGuangcheng County, Guanggu City, Dongyang City, Nanyang city and Qibing city. Ithas been the political center, military town and transportation hub of easternShandong for more than a thousand years. Nanyang city is well preserved now.This ancient city is located in the center of Qingzhou. From a high place, theoutline drawn by the winding wall looks like a strong ox lying there, so peoplecall it "Wo Niu city". For a long time, I dont know who has made a rule: beancurd sellers are not allowed to knock Bangzi in the city for fear of disturbingthe "cattle". Until today, when local people sell bean curd into the city, theywill automatically put away Bangzi and sell along the street instead.

Qingzhou is a city of history and culture. Fangongting road and Shiliancient street are still green stone pavement with antique flavor. Manybuildings with cornices and painted walls, resplendent and resplendent,pavilions and pavilions, pink walls and flower walls, are enchanting in theshade of green trees. There are many gardens in the urban area, such as FangongGanquan, Ouyuan rockery, Songlin academy, Wannian ancient bridge, hengwang stonesquare, Zhenjiao ancient temple, Catholic Church and so on. You can enjoy therich and colorful historical and cultural customs everywhere.

It is said that it is young because the name Qingzhou has disappeared sincethe Republic of China. Only Yidu county exists here. Until 1986, with theapproval of the State Council, Yidu county was abolished and Qingzhou City wasestablished. Up to now, it has only 20 years of history. However, over the past20 years, under the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the city hasdeveloped rapidly, made rapid progress, and is full of vigor and vitalityeverywhere.

Qingzhou is a city of spring and green. The city is full of spring, green,green shade and flowers. Nanyang river is like a green ribbon, passing throughthe city, with willows flying by the riverside, green land like a river, greenbamboo surrounding, and flowing water. Wutong, Sophora japonica, cedar, greenhawthorn trees, and persimmon trees with bonsai on each side of the city streetsform a green corridor. Whenever a flower expo is held, Qingzhou is full offlowers and trees. Qingzhou is also a city of Commerce and trade, a modern city.There are many modern buildings in the new urban area, all kinds of markets arescattered, there are lots of cars, factories are dense, traffic is developed,business and customers are gathered, the flow of people is prosperous, and thelogistics is smooth.

Now, let me briefly introduce the history of Qingzhou. Qingzhou has a longhistory. From the establishment of the Department of the governor of Qingzhou inthe Western Han Dynasty to the capital of Shandong Province in the early MingDynasty, after 1500 years, Qingzhou City has been the residence of thefirst-class national administrative region and the first-class military regionof Qingzhou, Beihai County, Pinglu Ziqing Town, Jingdong Road, Yidu Province andShandong Province, which is equivalent to todays provincial capital.

In the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up theDepartment of the governor of Qingzhou. It has jurisdiction over 10 prefecturesand 93 counties, which is equivalent to North Shandong and East Shandong. Duringthe Han Dynasty, Qingzhou was the richest area in China, with developedagriculture and prosperous commerce. It was the granary of the country and thesource of the silk road. Its status is equivalent to that of the Yangtze RiverDelta. Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, visited Qingzhou several timesand devoted himself to farming in juyangdian, north of Qingzhou.

During the period of Wei, Jin, southern and Northern Dynasties, China fellinto a bloody scuffle. In 311 ad, general Cao Yi occupied Qingzhou and builtGuanggu city. Guanggu city is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it hasbecome a must for military strategists. In the next 200 years, there were morethan 20 Fierce wars and 15 changes of ownership. Along with the national war, italso brought unprecedented national integration. In 399 A.D., murongde, a nobleof Xianbei, was founded in guanggucheng, Qingzhou, and called emperor, which wascalled "Nanyan" in history. The decline of Nanyan Kingdom lasted only 12 years,but Qingzhou became the only place in the history of Qilu.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Qingzhou, also known as Beihai County, wasset up as the capital of Qingzhou, and its position as an important militarytown was more prominent. In 755 A.D., Emperor Xuanzong of the romantic TangDynasty lost his country for pleasure, which led to the "rebellion of an andShi", and Qingzhou became the front line of anti rebellion. Li Zhengji, aKorean, brought Pinglu soldiers from Liaodong to Qingzhou to resist the rebels.Since then, Li Zhengji and his son have been in separate rule of Qingzhou for 50years. He occupies the territory of 15 states, across todays Shandong, Henan,Jiangsu, "supporting 100000 troops, dominating the East, neighboring vassalfear.". It took nine oxen and two tigers for the imperial court to pacify him.After that, Xue Song, the grandson of the famous general Xue Rengui, wasappointed to guard Qingzhou.

Zhao Kuangyin, the great ancestor of the Song Dynasty, beat 300 militaryprefectures with a baton and built the Song Dynasty with a yellow robe. To theeast of Bianliang, the capital city, there is Jingdong road and pacifier. Thegovernor is located in Qingzhou, which has jurisdiction over 20 prefecturalarmies and 81 counties, covering all of todays Shandong and parts of Henan,Anhui and Jiangsu. Most of the prefects of Qingzhou also held important posts aspacifiers on Jingdong road. Most of the officials appointed by the imperialcourt were well-known figures. For example, Cao Bin, the famous founder of thecountry, Fu Bi, an important official of the imperial court, Kou Zhun, anupright and famous prime minister, Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Zeng ofLianzhong Sanyuan, Zhang Shuye of Zhaoan Songjiang and so on all lived inQingzhou. Li Qingzhao, a famous litterateur, has lived in Qingzhou for 20years.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the ancient city of Qingzhou was still thecapital of Shandong Province. In 1376, the imperial court transferred theShandong Provincial envoy from Qingzhou to Jinan. Since then, the status ofQingzhou as the political center of Shandong Province has come to an end.Qingzhou Prefecture was set up in Ming Dynasty, which governed 3 states and 16counties, covering a vast area from Dongying Bohai Sea to Rizhao Yellow Sea.Although Qingzhou Prefecture is a secondary administrative district, it islocated in the hub of eastern Shandong, known as the thoroughfare of the twocapitals and Haidai metropolis. It is still an important place for historicalfigures to meet.

Five thousand years of Qingzhou is like a mottled and splendid historicalpicture, which condenses the profound cultural heritage of Chinesecivilization.

Next, let me introduce the cultural heritage of Qingzhou.

Ancient Qingzhou is the main birthplace of Dongyi culture. In the 1970s,seven pieces of pottery were excavated in Taoyuan Village, Dongxia Town,Qingzhou City. According to textual research, this is a relic of the Beixinculture in the early Neolithic period. The Dongyi ancestors had settled in thefertile gypsum soil of Qingzhou 7000 years ago. Dongyi tribe worships the sunand takes Phoenix as totem. A large number of painted pottery relics unearthedin Qingzhou convey the earliest information of Dongyi culture. Moreover,Qingzhou still retains the traces of Dongyi ancestors activities. There areYaowang mountain where Yao patrols and hunts, Qishan mountain where Xu you andBoyi live in seclusion, and Fushan mountain named after Fubo mausoleum. Su BuTun Shang tomb is the largest Shang tomb in China except Anyang. A large numberof cultural relics have been unearthed in the tomb. The most striking ones aretwo large-scale copper Yue, which are engraved with the inscription of "Ya Chou"with the pattern of "Taotie" carved through the body.

Since ancient times, Qingzhou has developed education, gathered elites andproduced talents in large numbers. It has become the hometown of the topscholars, the place that scholars yearn for, and the hometown of celebrities.From the imperial examination in Sui Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty, theJinshi in Qingzhou City ranked first in Shandong Province. There were 155candidates with names, including 6 number one scholars. The volume of ZhaoBingzhongs number one scholar in Qingzhou museum is the only copy in thecountry before Ming Dynasty, which can be called a national treasure. The bookis 21% off, 3.46 meters long and 2460 words in full. With "solid administration"and "solid", it brilliantly expounds the strategies of improving theadministration of officials and rejuvenating the country, representing theprofound foundation of Confucian culture in Qingzhou.

Qingzhou is one of the earliest places for the spread of Buddhist culturein China. From the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Buddhist temples developed in a largenumber in Qingzhou, reaching more than 200 places. Longxing Temple, a thousandyear old ancient temple, is known as "the first temple in the East". More than400 statues of Buddhas unearthed from the site have been rated as one of the 100major archaeological discoveries in the 20th century. Tuoshan, the largestBuddhist statue group in eastern China, is a national key cultural relicprotection unit. There are 5 grottoes and 638 statues. The big one is more than7 meters high, and the small one is only a square inch. The shape is exquisiteand peculiar, and the carving is smooth and delicate. The exquisite statues ofYunmen mountain were appraised as "the best among kaihuang" in Tang Dynasty byLiang Sicheng, the son of Liang Qichao and a famous architect. The MountainGiant Buddha, composed of nine 2600 meters in a row, is regarded as the thirdmiracle in the history of Chinese Buddhism. The Giant Buddha has a long nose anddeep eye socket. With the observation from different angles, his lips open andclose, as if he was chanting Buddhist scriptures.

After the Yuan Dynasty, Buddhism was silent and Taoism rose in Qingzhou.The king Heng of Qingzhou was a strong advocate of Taoism. In Yunmen mountainand Tuoshan mountain, he restored Bixia palace and Haotian palace, engravedJushou, opened chentuan cave and made relief sculptures of madanyang. Taoistculture was respected for a time. Ju Shou, which is engraved on the cliff, is7.5 meters high and 3.7 meters wide. The inch character below Shou is 2.3 metershigh, so there is a local saying that "no one has inch high". Xiuzhen palace inthe holy water valley in the southeast of Qingzhou City has a beautiful legendof Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty. The Taoist templefaces south to the water. In front of the gate is a thousand year old pagodatree. In the Jade Emperor hall is a memorial tablet of "long live the emperor,long live the emperor".

After the Yuan Dynasty, Qingzhou became a Hui settlement, and Islamicculture took root in the ancient city. Zhenjiao temple, located in Dongguan, aHui community, was built in 1302 ad. it is the only three Zhenjiao temples inthe Yuan Dynasty in China. The scale of the project has been continuouslyexpanded after repair. It combines the essence of architecture in China andabroad. It has both the characteristics of Chinese palace architecture and thearchitectural style of Arabia style.

In the middle of the 19th century, the west wind spread to the East.Qingzhou, located in the important part of Shandong Province, became the centerof cultural collision and infiltration between the East and the West. QingzhouCatholic Church and Christian Church are the witness of this blend.

The long history of Qingzhou has left a magnificent cultural heritage, justlike the pearls of time. The past glory and the present fragrance are enough tomake people appreciate the outstanding beauty of ancient Qingzhou. Qingzhoustourism also closely around the historical and cultural heritage, to create itsown unique brand. At present, the overall pattern of Qingzhou tourism resourcescan be summarized as: one brand, four areas. A brand is the tourism destinationimage brand of "Buddha Shoushan, ancient state blessed land". There are fourmajor areas, namely: the "Buddha Shoushan" cultural tourism area with Yunmenmountain, Tuoshan mountain and Longxing Temple under construction as the mainbody; the "Guzhou Fudi" tourism area with museums, fangongting Park and ancientstreets of Ming and Qing Dynasties as the main body; the "mountain forest"leisure tourism area with Yangtian Mountain National Forest Park as the mainbody; and the "mountain forest" tourism area with Yangtian Mountain NationalForest Park as the main body; Huanglou flower base and Mihe river system are themain parts of "Nongjiale" tourism area. In these tourist areas and theirsurrounding areas, Qingzhou has developed more than 50 sightseeing and leisurelandscapes, mainly including: Yunmen fairyland in the suburbs, cliff longevity,Tuoling Qianxun, grotto statues, mountain Buddha, exquisite beauty, Buddha lightin ancient temples, autumn moon in the sky, Tiancao forest gully, lingzeqi cave,Huanglou flowers, etc., and fan Gong Ganquan, Qingzhao Huihui, Songlin academy,puppet garden rockery, Zhenjiao in the urban area There are also some preciouscultural relics in the museum, such as the statue of Longxing Temple, the numberone scholar volume of Zhao Bingzhong, and the jade Bi of Yis descendants.

We will arrange to visit the above scenic spots one after another in thefuture. I wish you all a happy life in Qingzhou.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5057 字

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Qingyuan mountain scenic spot is an important part of Quanzhou, a famoushistorical and cultural city in China. It is a national key scenic spotannounced by the State Council. It is located in the southeast of FujianProvince, on the Northeast Bank of the lower reaches of the Jinjiang River,between the longitude of 118 ° 30 - 118 ° 37 and the latitude of 24 ° 54 - 25° o. It borders on the developing Quanzhou City on three sides. It is 106 kmaway from Xiamen and 196 km away from Fuzhou.

Qingyuan mountain has beautiful natural scenery and excellent humanlandscape. It is also called "Quanshan" because of its many springs. It iscalled "Qiyun mountain" because of its high altitude. Located in the northernsuburb of the city, also known as "Beishan", there are three peaks on themountain, also known as "Santai mountain". According to the records of QuanzhouPrefecture, Qingyuan mountain was first developed in the Qin Dynasty, flourishedin the Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the song and Yuan Dynasties. After thedevelopment of past dynasties, a large number of cultural relics and historicsites have been left on the mountain. There are 7 stone sculptures and 9 statuesin song and Yuan Dynasties, more than 600 cliff stone carvings in pastdynasties, and many stone chambers with granite imitation wood structure in Yuanand Ming Dynasties. The most famous statue of Laojun in the Song Dynasty is thelargest Taoist stone carving with the highest artistic value in China; theQifeng stone carving in jiuri mountain is a precious material for studying thehistory of ancient Chinese overseas transportation and calligraphy art; duringthe Wude period of Tang Dynasty, three and four disciples of Muhammad came toQuanzhou to preach and died in Lingshan, which is called Islamic holy tomb. Nextto it is the "Xingxiang stele" of Zheng Hes fifth voyages to the west, which isan important historical site of Chinas overseas transportation.

Qingyuan mountain scenic area is a hilly area with granite landform, withundulating terrain and abrupt rocks. The highest altitude of the main scenicarea is 498 meters. The geological structure is formed by multiple tectonicmovements and intrusion of rock mass. The exterior of rock mass is dark brown,the rock joints are underdeveloped, the soil forming factors are mainly slopesediments, and the soil is warm and moist; the annual average temperature isbetween 17-21.3 ° C, the annual average precipitation is between 1202-1550 mm,and the annual frost free period is 358 days; Qingyuan mountain is warm inwinter and cool in summer. The climate is warm and humid. It is suitable forsightseeing all year round.

The largest extant Taoist stone statue of Laojun in Song Dynasty in Chinais under yuxianyan in the artistic conception area of "minhai Penglai" inQingyuan mountain scenic spot. In January 1988, it was announced as a nationalkey cultural relics protection unit.

Laozi was a famous philosopher and thinker in the spring and Autumn periodof ancient China. Sima Qian recorded in the biography of Laozi Han Fei inhistorical records: "Laozis surname is Li Shi, his name is er, his name isBoyang, and his posthumous title is Che Yue. He was born in Chu, kuxian, Lixiangand qurenli. "Taoism regards him as its leader and flatters Tao Te Ching as itsmain classic. Lao Tzus philosophy occupies an important position in our countryand has a far-reaching influence.

The statue of Laojun was carved in the Song Dynasty. According to therecords of Quanzhou Prefecture, "the stone statue is made in heaven, and thegood one is slightly carved.". "A few words make it more mysterious. The stonestatue is 5.63 meters high, 6.85 meters thick and 8.01 meters wide, with a floorarea of 55 square meters. With his left hand on his knee and his right hand on afew feet, he has a drooping ear and a floating beard. His fingers can playthings, and his eyes are bright. He has the unique charm of being worldly andimmoral. The whole stone statue is magnificent, amiable, shining and full ofcharm, which can be called the gem of stone carving art in Song Dynasty.

Laojunyan was originally a Taoist complex with Zhenjun hall, Beidou halland so on. It was grand in scale and magnificent. It was praised by literati ofall dynasties. The Taoist temple was abolished in Ming Dynasty, but the statueof Lao Jun has survived the wind and rain so far, attracting more and moretourists and scholars from home and abroad. Now laojunyan has become a touristhot spot in Quanzhou, a famous historical and cultural city. As an expert fromthe Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of culture of the peoples Republicof China, Diana Li, a scholar of the French Republic, left a title in laojunyanwhen she visited Quanzhou with a group of foreign experts: "this is my secondvisit to laojunyan, but Im still as excited as last time, because this old manis closely integrated with the earth, and he seems to know everything andunderstand everything.". Ren Zhenying, a famous planning expert in China,praised the statue of laojunyan as "Laozi is the best in the world"



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Dear tourists

Welcome to Tianzhu Mountain! Tianzhu Mountain scenic spot is more gloriousbecause of your coming!

Let me first introduce the general situation of Tianzhu Mountain! TianzhuMountain is located on the North Bank of the Yangtze River and in the buriedhills of Anhui Province. It is named for its towering height, such as the giantpillar holding the sky. Tianzhu Mountain used to be known as Qianshan, Wanshanand Wansui mountain. It is said that Wansui mountain was called Wansui mountainbecause Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty visited Wanshan mountain to set up aplatform to offer sacrifices to the mountain during his southern tour, andgranted Wanshan mountain the title of "Nanyue". During the sacrifice, the crowdchanted long live, so this mountain was called Wansui mountain. After Sui andTang Dynasties, Nanyue was changed to Hengshan, and Tianzhu Mountain was listedas the "middle town" of the five major towns in China. Li Bai, a great poet ofthe Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem praising the beautiful scenery of TianzhuMountain: "Wangong mountain on the river". Wangong mountain is Tianzhu Mountain,and the poem says: "Qifeng mountain, Qiyun mountain, Xiumu mountain isbeautiful. In the Qing Dynasty, Wangong mountain was absolutely satisfactory. "After passing the Jingjia bridge, we entered the SANZU Temple scenic spot, theSouth outpost of Tianzhu Mountain. SANZU Temple scenic spot is a culturalboutique scenic spot with the most concentrated cultural attractions and thehighest cultural grade in Tianzhu Mountain. Here, we will experience themysterious religious culture and imperial culture of Tianzhu Mountain, and enjoythe cliff stone carvings group, a national key cultural protection unit, whichis known as the gallery of calligraphy art of past dynasties.

(enter the yerenzhai village in the south gate and go up not far to theSANZU temple. This is the most famous scenic spot of Tianzhu Mountain. Accordingto legend, the temple was first built in the Southern Dynasty, and now there areonly a few Sutra collection buildings, side rooms and jueji tower standing infront of the temple. In the west of SANZU temple, there is a valley full ofboulders. The steep rocks on the side of the valley stand upright. The water inthe valley is gurgling and the pine and bamboo block out the sun. It is called"Valley flowing spring". There is a stone cave at the gate of the valley. Infront of the cave, there is a huge stone shaped like a crouching cow, which iscalled "ancient stone cow cave". It is said that Huang Tingjian, a native of theNorthern Song Dynasty, once studied on this stone and called himself "Taoist ofthe valley". A huge stone here is engraved with a poem by Huang Tingjian and aportrait of Huang Tingjian sitting on a stone ox painted by Li Gonglin, a greatcontemporary painter. This precious stone carving of ancient poetry and paintingis still clearly visible.)

Lets leave now. Soon we will arrive at the yerenzhai scenic spot! Yezhaiis the abbreviation of "yerenzhai". How can a picturesque place like this benamed "yerenzhai"? There are two moving legends here: one is that long ago, wildpeople often haunted this area, harming people and animals. At that time, acounty magistrate was determined to sacrifice himself to save the people. Hetook good wine and vegetables, went deep into the cave, accompanied the savageto drink, and ordered people to use pig iron water to coagulate the cave and diewith the savage. Second, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, local tyrantLiu Yuan led 100000 Yibing to fight against the Yuan Dynasty in TianzhuMountain. He called himself "Liu Yeren" and named the first village in gukou"Yeren village". In the 18 years before and after Liu Yuans resistance to theYuan Dynasty, he was finally betrayed by a traitor and died. In memory of him,the name of yerenzhai has been used to this day.

Now I give you an hours rest time, you can take photos at will, please payattention to safety, then well see you in an hour!

One hours time is really fast, I dont know whether we have fun or not!OK, now lets continue our journey!. Now we have come to the square in front ofSANZU temple. Looking up, the temple buildings with red walls and Daiwa aresurrounded by green trees and bamboos. The whole mountain is like a colorfulPhoenix fluttering its wings to fly. Jueqi tower is built on the Phoenix crown.The winding hills on the East and west sides are encircled, just like thePhoenix wings guarding the solemn Buddhas land. As the saying goes: "seeShanbao Temple far away, and see Sibao mountain near." SANZU temple, the fullname of "SANZU Valley Qianyuan Temple", is the place where the three patriarchsof Chinese Zen spread the Scriptures and spread the Dharma, and occupies a veryimportant position in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In 1983, the StateCouncil approved and announced the opening of temples in Han nationalityareas.

The buildings of SANZU temple are erected from bottom to top along theFengxing mountain. All the way from the mountain gate to the ancestral hall ison a central axis. Burning incense and worshiping Buddha should enter from themountain gate. The gate of SANZU temple is also called Sanmen hall. The name ofthe main gate is Prajna gate, which is the gate of wisdom; the name of the eastgate is liberation gate, which means to get rid of the bondage of trouble andkarma and obtain freedom, also known as the gate of freedom; the name of thewest gate is Jingjin gate, which means to make unremitting efforts in theprocess of decontamination and filtration, also known as the gate of diligentcultivation. On the lintel, there is a plaque of "Qianyuan Temple" inscribed byZhao Puchu, President of the National Buddhist Association.

Entering the mountain gate, you can see that on both sides of the hall,there are 5.5-meter-high "jinganglishi" standing on each side. After theSinicization of Buddhism, the two statues were shaped according to the images of"hum" and "ha" in the list of gods. Through the gate hall, step on the "Tongtianstep.". Because of the steep mountain, SANZU temple has 360 steps all the wayup. You may as well count from now on, the height difference of "Tongtian stage"is 15 meters.



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Each friend: hello! Very glad to know you, today let me take you to watch the famous world culture heritage in China, qin shihuang terracotta warriors. My name is Jiang Zhiyou, you can call me jiang guide. Before the qin Terra Cotta Warriors pit, I first to introduce the basic situation of qin Terra Cotta Warriors: qin Terra Cotta Warriors is a more than 20xx years ago the qinshihuangs large Terra Cotta Warriors PeiZangKeng. Xiyang village, it is in March 1974, farmers in drilling Wells. In 1987 by UNESCO listed in the "human world cultural heritage list", are the only one like you, is famous in the world of rare and precious cultural relics, known as "the eight wonders of the world". Well, to the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, please get off the bus. After get off after me, please. Attention, please be sure to do a civilization of passengers, consciously protect cultural relics. Ok. Now we have entered the pit.

Pit no. 1 thing is 230 metres long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of - square meters, is the largest in all the Terra Cotta Warriors pit pit; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, most also have more than 60. In addition to a pit, and no. 2 pit, pit no. 3, its enough to large-scale visible the Terra Cotta Warriors. The variety of the terracotta warriors grand not only, and personality is distinct. Then, we will go to watch the beautiful works of art - the Terra Cotta Warriors. You see, that a man named general figurines, it wore a He crown, wearing armor, sword in hand, with pride, filled with the general spirit; You look at that in short armour again, under wear tight pants of mouth of the warrior figures, that call cavalry figurines. And here, you see that wearing a shirt, wear armor oh, the foots front end up the cock combat boots warrior figures, that is called the warriors. The most striking is the horse figurines, we look at the horse figurines, a horse horse body, muscle plump, see the itch to try, like cracks, casting its hooves, taking off, on a journey.

When it comes to the beauty of qin Terra Cotta Warriors, one thousand thousand of the terracotta figures beauty, make the person aftertaste endless. Among them there are promising, general big sound; A terrible resolute, battle-hardened army collectors; More different expression, vivid and soldiers. These Terra Cotta Warriors, let we have to marvel at the ancient sculptors how exquisite skill is! Qin Terra Cotta Warriors, is unique in DiaoSuShi of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. Arrange it perfectly simulate the ranks, vividly the qin soldier millions, thousand chariots grand qin Terra Cotta Warriors commentaries, vividly demonstrates the power of the Chinese nation and heroism. It is no wonder that former U.S. vice President walter mondale said: "this is the real miracle, take a look at the people all over the world should be here."

From his words of the concentrated, it is easy to see that army, historical value and artistic value. Dear friends, today we are together to watch the world famous cultural heritage - qin Terra Cotta Warriors, feeling the ancestral splendid culture. Thank you for your cooperation! Wish everybody safe and pleasant journey, goodbye!



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第 一站前往坛子岭,听解说员说:“三峡大坝是世界上最大的水利发电站。坝高185米、长2309.49米。年发电量1820亿千瓦。到了至高点坛子岭,向左 看是世界上目前最大的五级船闸,向右看是雄伟的三峡大坝,向上看是一片汪洋,水面很平静,这就是毛爷爷曾经说的:“高峡出平湖”的景色。




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Dear tourists, now our car is driving on the Badaling Expressway, and weare about to enter the Badaling scenic area.

The mountain in front is Jundu mountain, on which the Badaling Great Wallsits. In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the ancientpeople of our country began to build the Great Wall. At that time, the vassalsfought for hegemony. In order to protect their territory from invasion, theybuilt the Great Wall one after another on their respective borders, which iscalled the mutual defense great wall.

In China, there were three peaks of building the Great Wall, namely, theQin Great Wall, the Han great wall and the Ming Great Wall. In 221 BC, the firstemperor of Qin unified the Central Plains and established the Qin Dynasty. Inorder to strengthen the rule and defend against the invasion of northern nomads,he sent General Meng Tian 300000 and a lot of labor to connect and expand thegreat wall of Yan, Zhao and Qin in the north. It took nine years to build agreat wall stretching from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East, which isthe first great wall in Chinese history the Great Wall.

In the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty built a great wall ofnearly 20000 Li in order to strengthen the defense, "not called Hu Ma Du YinMountain", which also protected the newly developed silk road. The great wall ofthe Han Dynasty was a forward position and defense line of the great wall of theQin Dynasty. It started in the West and reached Liaodong in the East, which wasthe longest Dynasty in the history of China.

The great wall of Ming Dynasty is the highest peak of the Great WallConstruction in the history of China. The great engineering and the finetechnology are unique. In the process of unifying the whole country andestablishing the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang adopted the suggestion of "buildingwalls high, accumulating grain widely and being king slowly". At that time,although the Yuan Dynasty had perished, it still maintained a relativelycomplete military strength, coupled with the continuous invasion of the risingNuzhen people, so it began to build the Great Wall.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Great Wall was built 18 times on a large scale. Itwas not completed until the end of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Great Wall, with atotal length of 6350 km, starts from Hushan on the side of Yalu River inDandong, Liaoning Province in the East and ends at Jiayuguan, Gansu Province inthe West. The great wall of Ming Dynasty has three characteristics: completeconstruction, perfect management and strict layout. The Badaling Great Wall wesee today is a part of the Ming Great Wall. Although the original purpose of theGreat Wall in ancient China was defense, it also played other roles.

The first is the military role. The second is the economic role. It notonly promotes the development of farming and the economic development ofNorthern Xinjiang, but also promotes the people of the Central Plains to liveand work in peace and contentment. The third is to promote the integration ofall ethnic groups. In addition, it protects communications and promotes openingup.

It is worth mentioning that in ancient China, there were not only threeexperiences of building the Great Wall. According to statistics, more than 20vassal states and feudal dynasties had built the Great Wall in the past twothousand years. Some people have made rough calculations. If the Great Wall isrebuilt into a big wall with a height of 5 meters and a thickness of 1 meter,there will be more than 10 circles around the earth. Famous Folklore: the GreatWall was also built on the Great Wall.

Today, after several renovations, the Great Wall has basically restored itsformer appearance. In 1987, it was listed in the world cultural heritage list byUNESCO. Moreover, it is also one of the six regions in the world, with a totallength of 10 kilometers. 80000 Li.

The road we passed just now is in the ditch. Guangou is the intersection ofYanshan Mountains and Jundushan mountains. It starts from Nankou town ofChangping District in the South and ends at Chengguan of Badaling Great Wall inYanqing County in the northwest, with a total length of 40 Li. It is the throatof the Central Plains to the Northwest Plateau. In the Ming Dynasty, there werefour lines of defense, namely Nankou pass, Juyong Pass, Shangguan pass andBadaling pass. On Diecui mountain in Guangou, there was one of the eight famousYanjing sceneries in Jin Dynasty: Juyong Diecui, but now the sceneries no longerexist.

The railway we saw just now is the first one designed and built by Chinesepeople, the Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway designed by Zhan Tianyou. Because theterrain of Badaling area is complex and there are many technical difficulties,the herringbone railway designed by Zhan Tianyou has successfully solved theproblem that the car cant climb and turn directly, and the 1091 meter longtunnel has also made people at home and abroad admire.

Now the bronze statue set up in Qinglongqiao railway station is ZhanTianyous, as well as the monument. Guangou is famous for Juyong Pass. We cansee that the magnificent building in front of it is Juyong Pass. Its nameoriginated from the Qin Dynasty. It got its name because the first emperor ofQin migrated "Yongtu" to live here. In Guannei, there is a famous white marbleplatform, which is Yuntai. It was a street crossing Pagoda in Yuan Dynasty.There were three Tibetan pagodas on it, which were destroyed in theearthquake.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Taian temple was built in the original place, butit was destroyed in the Kangxi period, leaving only the plinth and pillar thatwe see now. The cloud platform covers an area of 310 square meters. On theticket door under the platform are relief sculptures of lions, elephants, fourelephants and golden winged birds, representing the mounts of five Buddhas andfive Buddhas of Tantric Buddhism, as well as the relief sculptures of the eightDharma protectors of Tianlong. On the inner wall, there are relief carvings offour heavenly kings and the design of divine beasts. On the top of the ticket,there are Mandala designs. Among the flowers, there are 2215 Buddha statues.

There are also six kinds of inscriptions of the Dharma Sutra and the storyof the merits and virtues of building pagodas, which are fine works of art ofthe Yuan Dynasty and have high artistic value.

Badaling Great Wall is an outstanding representative of the great wall ofMing Dynasty. Because it extends in all directions, it becomes Badaling. You mayask why the Great Wall was built here? In fact, this is mainly because of theimportant geographical location of Badaling area. It not only guards the Mingmausoleum, but also the northwest gate of the capital.

Badaling Great Wall is the witness of many important events in history,such as empress dowager Xiaos tour, the entrance of emperor Taizu of the YuanDynasty, Empress Dowager Cixis flight to the west, etc.

Heres another story to tell: there is a huge stone beside the east gate ofGuancheng. Its said that in 1900, the Eight Power Allied forces invadedBeijing. Cixi passed here on her way to escape to the West. She once stood onthis stone and looked back at the capital, so this stone is also called Wangjingstone. But now the stone is less prominent.

There is a saying that we all know: not to the Great Wall is not a hero.Just introduced so many landscapes, you must be eager to come to the scenic spotfor sightseeing, dont worry, you will become a hero soon. Well, here is thefamous Badaling Great Wall. In the distance, there is a magnificent scenery.Looking down, it is Wengcheng, an important part of the Great Wall. It isusually built on the roads with dangerous terrain.

The distance between the two gates of Wengcheng is 63.9 meters. The plaqueon the west gate is the key to the north gate. I have already said that. Theplaque of the east gate is: Juyong Town, which means another important townoutside Juyong Pass. Now lets look down to the right. On the south side ofdengchengkou, there is a cannon named Shenwei general. It was made in Chongzhenperiod.

Badaling Great Wall is composed of three platforms and two walls. What isthree platforms and two walls? Now let me explain to you that the threeplatforms are city platform and enemy platform. The structure of city platformis very simple, just a place for garrison officers and soldiers to stay awayfrom the wind and cold.

The structure of the enemy platform is relatively complicated. It isdivided into two layers. The lower layer is composed of fields, wells, loops andother shapes. The upper layer has crenels and observation holes for observingmilitary information and archery. Therefore, it also has the function ofdefending the enemy.

Next came the beacon tower, also known as beacon, wolf Yantai. It is anindependent building not connected with the Great Wall. Once the enemy invades,it will light a beacon to inform the military. The ancients said that the smokelit in the daytime is called beacon, and the smoke lit in the evening is calledflint.

In the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between the beacon fire and the enemywas strictly regulated: more than 100 enemies, one smoke and one gun; five whitepeople, two smoke and two guns; more than 1000 people, three smoke and threeguns; more than 5000 people, four smoke and four guns; more than 10000 people,five smoke and five guns. In this way, the military information at the bordercan be quickly transmitted to the imperial city.

Having said that, lets talk about the two walls. The high wall on theoutside of the Great Wall is called Diqiang, which has crenels to defend theenemy. The inner side less than one meter high is called the parapet, also knownas the Yu wall.

In the beginning, there was no parapet inside the Great Wall, but peopleoften fell off the cliff, so this wall was built. At the base of the wall of theGreat Wall, there is a small ditch not far away. On rainy days, the water isdrained from the spout to prevent water from scouring the wall.

And the wall of the Great Wall is made of stone blocks inside, with brickson the outside and stone slabs on the top, which makes the building veryfirm!



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Gulou is located in the southeast of Hongqiao District, Tianjin, at thejunction of Heping District, adjacent to Haihe River in the East, West Road inthe west, South Road in the South and North Road in the north. With Gulou as thecenter, there is southeast northwest street, which is now a commercialpedestrian street.

On the morning of April 30, we took the harmony train from Beijing southstation to Tianjin west station, and then took bus 840 to get off at Guloustation, which is located in the South Road, after passing through the Italianstyle area, and then went north into Gulou South Street. At the entrance of thestreet, there are ancient Chinese style Paifang. The buildings on both sides ofthe street have the characteristic style of ancient Chinese architecture. Mostof them are small buildings with four floors. There are all kinds of Tianjincharacteristic shops and hotels. On both sides of the street are restaurants,Goubuli steamed stuffed bun shops, handicraft shops, gold hand jewelry shops,Mahua food shops, chongyangfu Hotel, Hongyan seafood restaurant, jiyoujie Hotel,lefo Hotel, Longdao Hotel, North Antique City, "clay figurine Zhang" clayfigurine handicraft shops, Tianjin laochengxiang Museum, Guangdong guild hall,gegefu, photo shop, etc. There are sculptures in the street, landscapingsketches and pavilions beside the street. The magnificent Drum Tower stands inthe central square of the East, West, North and South streets of the drumtower.

We have lunch in Gulou North Street to taste tianjin famous food Goubulisteamed stuffed bun. This is our first time to Tianjin to taste local specialsnacks.

We go shopping, take landscape photos and watch all kinds of handicrafts.The most attractive place is the clay figurine shop. There are many kinds ofclay figurines on display in the shop.



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Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Im very glad to be here with friends from all over the world. Im pan, thetour guide of this trip. I hope we can have a good time.

Maiji Mountain, about 50 kilometers southeast of Tianshui, Gansu Province,is an isolated peak in Xiaolong mountain of Qinling Mountains in China. Thetotal area of the scenic spot is 215 square kilometers, including MaijiMountain, Xianren cliff, Shimen, Quxi four scenic spots and Jieting ancienttown. Maijishan Grottoes is a national key cultural relic protection unit and aworld-famous art treasure house. The difficulty and wisdom of digging hundredsof caves and Buddha statues on the cliff is very rare in Chinas grottoes. Comedown, lets go and have a look.

After entering the scenic area, what does Maiji Mountain look like now?Yes, it looks like a wheat stack. Maiji Mountain is a typical Danxia landformwith a height of 80 meters. There are more than 7200 statues and murals frommore than ten dynasties, including the later Qin Dynasty, the Western QinDynasty, the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern ZhouDynasty, the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, theYuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. They are distributed in 194caves with an area of more than 1300 square meters. They are known as the fourmajor caves in China, together with Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Datong YungangGrottoes and Luoyang Longmen Grottoes. In terms of artistic features, Dunhuangfocuses on gorgeous murals, Yungang and Longmen are famous for their magnificentstone carvings, while Maiji Mountain is famous for its exquisite statues. As oursculptor Liu Kaiqu praised: Maijishan is "a large sculpture museum in Chinesehistory."

When you step into the plank road, you must pay attention to safety. Nowyou can see a group of carved statues chiseled by the cliff. There is a Buddhain the middle, which is 15 meters high. There are two Bodhisattvas standing infront of them, smiling and welcoming the tourists. This is also the largestBuddha statue in Maiji Mountain. Now what you can see is the most magnificentseven Buddha Pavilion in Cave 4. There are 42 statues of Bodhisattvas in theseven niches, which are solemn and amiable, gorgeous and not vulgar.

Now you come to Xiya grottoes, the largest of which are caves 133 and 127.No.133 stele cave is the most special cave in Maiji Mountain. In the cave, thereare not only many clay sculptures, but also 18 stone tablets, some of which arecovered with thousands of Buddha statues, so they are also called "ten thousandBuddha Hall". Among them, No. 10, No. 11 and No. 16 are the essence of numeroustablets. Cave 127 is even more wonderful. This statue, not to mention MaijiMountain, is a rare treasure in the world Buddhist art.

Lets enjoy the main scenic area of Maiji Mountain first. Thank you againfor your support for Xiaopans work! Welcome to Gansu and Maiji Mountainagain!

Thank you!



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Zhao Mausoleum called clear zhaoling is the second generation of the founding emperor qing dynasty emperor taizong huang taiji and filial piety end wen queen bo le dhi corps tomb, covers an area of 160000 square meters, is the largest "commissioner of three ling" at the beginning of the qing dynasty, imposing manner is the most magnificent one. Located in the ancient city of shenyang (shengjing) NATO ten li, so also known as "Zhao Mausoleum", is in the qing dynasty royal mausoleum and the resort of the unity of modern landscape architecture. Garden ancient pine trees towering, grass green, lake water ripples, and building the temple, watts, fully shows the royal tombs of the majestic, magnificent, and the modern garden of elegant and beautiful. Zhaoling besides buried with emperor after, also buried the have no opinion of GongChen princess, toe GongGuiFei, 洐 GongShuFei etc. A batch of empresses beauty, is the most representative in the mausoleum of the commissioner of the qing dynasty of the mausoleum of hadrian, is our country one of the most complete existing ancient imperial mausoleum building.

Zhaoling mausoleum was built in the qing chong DE eight years (in 1643), to shunzhi eight years (1651 years) basic completion of after reconstruction and Labour market and present it with many times the size of the now. Mausoleum building layout follow lay after the "power" of the catacombs principle from south to north by the before, during and after the three parts, the main buildings are built on the central axis, symmetrically arranged on both sides, is imitated from the tomb of the Ming dynasty and has the characteristics of the manchu mausoleum.

Zhaoling mausoleum all covers an area of 180000 square meters, is divided into three parts. From south to north in the order: the front, from the horse monuments to the red door, including huabiao, stone lions, stone memorial arch, change clothes, slaughter hall hall; Central, from red gate to mahjong layout, including huabiao, stone animal, monuments, buildings and buildings for sacrifice; Back, is a mahjong layout, crescent city and city, this is the body of the mausoleum.

Mahjong layout called long gate, main entrance on the gate house. Mahjong layout has four corners watchtower. Mahjong layout inside the long house, things peidian peidian, things dry fruit room and burn silks. Long behind the surface there are two columns and door, five for David and vouchers, coupons hole at the top is daming. After mahjong layout is the crescent city and city, in the city, to treasure top, for dungeons. Treasure mountain city is long behind industry, mountain climbing, cemetery landscape panoramic view.

Zhao LingQian in sheet wall, went on both sides of the pavilion have huabiao, shishi, change clothes, etc., and the middle is arched. Arch is the front of the main body construction, bluestone, four pillars three layers, carving exquisite, elegant, is a rare art treasures. Swim alone arched, then to red gate, this is the beginning of the tour in central. Is red door for sheet wall is the south gate, storeys tall, very solemn, and its two wings adornment coloured glaze is panlong wall, because of the shape and vivid, more conspicuous. Is red and went up on both sides of the door, huabiao, stone and large column, they two relatively. Slash and solemn. The beast is the most admirable in "white" and "white". The two stone horse horse image lifelike, as if, in love ride two horses were alive as the prototype carve. Appreciate the stone horse ", then to the pavilion. Pavilion and was relatively red door, to celebrate were built, inside the vertical tablet called "zhaoling alkaloids in SAN DE tablet".

The pavilion is to long. Long the door is mahjong layout is the south gate, as opposed to a pavilion. Mahjong layout for the back, as it has built the city, is located in the sheet wall, asing if is a city within a city. To travel to swim long temple city first. Long temple in mahjong layout center, and have long before the door, after the Ming building, about peidian peidian, four corner has turrets, like month, so it was extremely ambitious. Long temple carved granite steps as base, with golden yellow glazed tile roof, coupled with the painted carved beams, jinbian red walls, so it is extremely magnificent. Long stay behind after Ming building, you can treasure. Treasure city in the northern end of the mahjong layout, as crescent. City is also called the treasure treasure top, namely dungeons underneath, and placed the coffins were couples and interred. , looking on treasure top, looked round, green trees and cyclization, beautiful scenery, like the trees in the city, a ease feeling arises spontaneously.

Sixteen years of the republic of China (1927) in May, bi is "Zhao Mausoleum park" for the center with mausoleum, now covers an area of 3.32 million square meters. Centered on the overall planning of tomb, tomb, LingQian and ling after three parts. Campus beautiful natural scenery, colorful, aromatic show garden is the YuanZhongYuan Zhao Mausoleum park, a total area of 40000 square meters, planted nearly 200 kinds of plants, four points are, each has its own characteristics. Early spring cherry blossom in full bloom, garden fragrance; A new summer lotus, the willows; Late autumn full mountain red leaves, CengLinJinRan; Winter snow mountains, pine and forceful. Across the garden, spring flowers, summer has Yin, autumn fruit, winter green, strange flowers, stone Bridges, there is quite a show of jiangnan. Campus architecture and landscape clever union, with Chinese traditional garden architecture combines natural beauty and artificial beauty as a whole, constitute a natural landscape, attract a large number of tourists to visit. Zhao Mausoleum park has 300000 square meters of artificial lake water, rippling in summer, life in suzhou as the shadow, a pedal boat, the boat for sightseeing, boating on the lake, dont have a taste. Is now Zhao Mausoleum park is a world-famous tourist scenic spot. Now the national key cultural relics protection units.

Visit long temple ", after the Ming building, you can treasure. Treasure city in the northern end of the mahjong layout, as crescent. City is also called the treasure treasure top, namely dungeons underneath, and placed the coffins were couples and interred. , looking on treasure top, looked round, green trees and cyclization, beautiful scenery, like the trees in the city, a ease feeling arises spontaneously. Now zhaoling has warded Zhao Mausoleum park.

Another feature of zhaoling is boundless example in several groups. Existing ancient pine trees more than two thousand, more than three hundred years old, tall and straight, swaying towering our day. These green ling loose in its golden tiles zhaoling and composed a magnificent landscape, one of the "making", "flame", "husband and wife tree", "sisters" trees, "turtle tree" is distinctive, etc.

Shenyang zhaoling ancient history, mysterious tomb, beautiful natural landscape, as tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign visitors find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind, linger for browsing resort, also become the window of the people all over the world understand China, know about shenyang.



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Where to look at China? Beigu building is full of scenery When you hearthis poem written by Xin Qiji, you will never think of Beigu mountain, which isknown as "the best River and mountain in the world". Beigu mountain is locatedon the east side of Zhenjiang City by the Yangtze River.

My father and I came to the foot of Beigu mountain, and a pool came intoview. There were two high and one low stones in the pool, which were cut in halffrom top to bottom. Before I could see it, my father took me up themountain.

We walked along the mountain road, along the steps, a bend, we saw atombstone, the tombstone engraved with an ancient general, wearing armor, waistsword, back a pair of halberds, eyes bright. In the upper left corner of thetombstone is engraved "Donglai taishici". It turned out that he was taishici, ageneral of the eastern Wu Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms period. According to myfather, he is the first military general in Soochow. I suddenly began to admirea commanding general. After walking around his grave, we went up the mountainroad. Halfway up the mountain, you can see a pavilion. There is a tombstone inthe pavilion. On the tombstone, there is also a man wearing an official hat anda wide robe with big sleeves. I watched it for a long time, but I didnt knowwho he was. Dad saw my mind and said this is Lu su. It suddenly dawned on methat he was Lu Su, the general of Soochow. In the cartoon romance of the ThreeKingdoms, he was a famous counselor, and also became the governor ofSoochow.

Farewell to the tomb of Lu Su, we unknowingly came to the top of themountain, on the top of the mountain we saw a big rusty iron tower. Although thetower is no longer shining in gold and rusty, it is still alive with carvedBuddha statues. According to the introduction, the tower was built in the SongDynasty and has a history of more than 1000 years. I marvel at how skilled thecraftsmen were at that time. Then, we continue to go up, above is the Ganlutemple. We just arrived at the gate of Ganlu temple, only to find that it wasclosed. I feel very sorry, but we saw a large stone plaque at the door, on whichwere engraved several powerful characters of "the best River and mountain in theworld". All of a sudden, I think of seeing the Yangtze River flowing in the skyon the mountain side of the iron tower. No wonder Beigu mountain is known as"the best mountain in the world".

We played on the top of the mountain for a while and then went down. Beforeleaving, I saw the two stones in the pool. I asked my father, "Dad, why arethose two stones split into two?" "Oh, thats a sword testing stone. Its thebig stone that Liu Bei and Sun Quan split in the dark. " It turns out that thereis such a story. No wonder these two stone heads were cut by knives!

Im looking forward to the next time - come back to Beigu mountain whenGanlu temple is repaired.



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Hello, everyone!

As the saying goes, "its a pleasure to have friends from afar." Im yourtour guide in Chuzhou today. My name is Xiaoxi. You can call me lonely. Im fromXingyue travel agency. Next, Ill give you a brief introduction of Chuzhou.

Chuzhou is located in the east of Anhui Province, known as "East Anhui".Since ancient times, Chuzhou has been known as "Jinling key" and "Jianghuaisecurity", and has the reputation of "Wu Chu" and "Qi Yue Huai Yang". Afterlistening to my introduction, do you have any impulse to go and find out?

Well, next Ill take you to Langya Mountain scenic area. When it comes toLangya Mountain, do you think of a popular TV series "Langya list" not long ago?Yes, the Langya Pavilion mentioned in it is here. Now let me introduce LangyaMountain to you. Langya Mountain, formerly known as motuoling, enjoys thereputation of "no other mountain after Penglai" and "the Pearl of East Anhui".In addition to Langya Pavilion, there are many scenic spots such as ZUIWENGPavilion, fengle Pavilion, Chengxi lake, Gushan lake, etc.

Talking about the drunken man Pavilion, I believe friends who have read Mr.Ouyang Xius the story of the drunken man Pavilion should be deeply impressed.In the story of the drunken man Pavilion, Mr. Ouyang Xiu describes in detail itsgeographical location and who built it. Among them, the sight of the Taishoutouring and enjoying with the people is more and more enviable. Later, it wasexpected that "the government was in harmony with the people, and all kinds ofwastes prospered.". Today, lets cross the barriers of time and space and havefun with the eunuch who is also in April. Lets feel the scene of the morningand evening in the mountains of "if the sun is early, the forest will open, theclouds will return and the cave will be dark".

The place we are going to is called Da Xiong temple. Many friends should bevery interested when they hear the name, but the Da Xiong we mentioned here isnot the Da Xiong in Doraemon.

The main hall is magnificent. There is a bright moon pool in the center ofthe courtyard in front of the hall. An arch bridge on the pool is called thebright moon bridge. In the north of the pool, there is a house for the brightmoon view. It is said that it is a scripture collected by Xuanzang, the eminentmonk of Tang Dynasty, from the West. From the right side of the building, youcan get to the garden. The green Pavilion in the garden is particularly unique.After the moon view, there is Sanyou Pavilion, which is named after the "threefriends of winter" of pine, plum and bamboo beside the pavilion. You can enjoyit by yourself, but you should pay attention to the maintenance of environmentalhygiene.

Today, our journey is coming to an end. Although its "hard to meet eachother, its also hard to leave each other", we still have to make a difference.Its a permanent rule that the end of the song and the separation of people. Ihope we can all play together next time. I hope you pay attention to safety inthe next play process, happy to come, happy back.



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Today Im going to show you the memorial hall of the former residence ofthe famous Anti Japanese national hero General Yang Jingyu.

The memorial hall of General Yang Jingyus former residence is 15kilometers away from Queshan county. Before arriving at the memorial hall, Iwould like to introduce the glorious life of General Yang Jingyu to you.

General Yang Jingyus surname was Ma, his name was Shangde, his breast namewas Shunqing, and his name was Jisheng. He was born on February 26, 1905 (the10th day of the first lunar month) in a farmers family in Liwan village,Queshan county. He studied in a village private school when he was a child. In1918, he was admitted to the first primary school of Queshan county withexcellent results. In 1919, the May 4th Youth Patriotic Movement swept acrossthe country. At the age of 14, Yang Jingyu devoted himself to the fiercestruggle. In the autumn of 1923, he was admitted to Kaifeng weaving and dyeingschool in Henan Province, where he joined the Communist Youth League of China in1926. In the winter of the same year, under the instruction of the party andLeague organization, he led the peasant movement in huiqueshan county. In thespring of 1927, Yang Jingyu was elected as the president of the farmersAssociation of Queshan county. In April, he led the shocking peasant uprising insouthern Henan, organized 50000 peasants to besiege Queshan county. After fourdays of fierce fighting, he occupied the county, defeated a brigade of theEighth Army of the Northern Warlords, captured Wang Shaoqu, the countymagistrate, and established the county-level peoples political power led by theCommunist Party of China -- the temporary Public Security Commissioner ofQueshan county At the meeting, Yang Jingyu was elected as the Standing Committeemember. On June 1, Yang Jingyu was transferred from a member of the CommunistYouth League to a member of the Communist Party of China in the tiger cage(place name) of Chengguan Town, Queshan county. On July 15, the Wuhan governmentof the Kuomintang defected and revolutionized, and the new revolutionary regimewas attacked by the local stubborn forces in Queshan county. Yang Jingzi, ZhangJiaduo, Zhang Yaochang, Li Mingqi and other comrades led their troops to move tothe East Liudian area of the county to continue their struggle and open up a newbase.

On September 30, he, Li Mingqi, Zhang Jiafeng and Zhang Yaochang led theAutumn Harvest Uprising in Liudian, reorganized the Queshan County Committee ofthe Communist Party of China, and established the southern Henan guerrillas ofthe Chinese workers and peasants Red Army, with Yang Jingyu as commander inchief. During this period, General Yang Jingyu led his troops to fight fiercelywith several times the enemy, and beat back the attack of Kuomintang reactionaryforces and the harassment of local gentry forces. At that time, the armycontrolled a large area as far as Ma Xiang in the East, Minggang in the south,county town in the West and Shuitun in the north, and established the Sovietregime. Under the direction of the Party Central Committee, in order to carryout a long-term guerrilla war, establish a consolidated revolutionary base, andlead the victory to the whole country, the troops left the plains and rushed tothe mountainous areas to open up the siwangshan revolutionary base. In the lateautumn and early winter of 1927, General Yang Jingyu was transferred to work inHenan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. During this period,he was arrested and jailed three times. All of them were rescued and released bythe party, and then transferred to Shanghai. Soon, he was transferred fromShanghai to Northeast China. During his stay in Northeast China, he servedsuccessively as secretary of Fushun Special Branch of CPC, Secretary of DaowaiDistrict Party committee of Harbin, Secretary of Harbin municipal Partycommittee, President of Anti Japanese general League, Secretary of MilitaryCommission of Manchuria Provincial Party committee of CPC, political commissarof Panshi guerrillas, commander of the first division of the first army ofNortheast Peoples Liberation Army, and commander of the first army of NortheastDemocratic Anti Japanese Alliance.

On February 23, 1940, in sandaoweizi, Baoan village, Mengjiang county (nowJingyu County), Jilin Province, Yang Jingyus troops were unfortunatelysurrounded by the Japanese army. While suffering from hunger, cold, fatigue andinjury, Yang Jingyu still insisted on fighting and died at the age of 35. Out ofadmiration and love for the general, the people in his hometown built thememorial hall of General Yang Jingyus former residence. The memorial was firstbuilt in the autumn of 1966 and then shut down during the ten years of turmoil.It was opened in 1981 after expansion, with a construction area of 4466 squaremeters.

Dear friends, we have come to Liwan village, Queshan County, the hometownof General Yang Jingyu.

The gate of the memorial hall of the former residence of General YangJingzi faces north. It is of brick and stone structure. The building ismagnificent, with double eaves and brackets, and glass and green tile top. Onthe lintel of the door was written "Memorial Hall of the former residence of theAnti Japanese hero General Yang Jingyu.". On the back, chairman Zhu De wrote"the peoples hero Comrade Yang Jingyu is immortal" with strong handwriting. Aneat passageway leads south, and the stone bust of General Yang Jingyu standsmajestically in the courtyard. There is a marble base 2 meters high, 0.8 metersthick and 1.20 meters wide. It was written: "General Yang Jingyu, 1905-1940". Inthe south is a row of nine exhibition halls, displaying 92 pictures, charts, oilpaintings and so on, which systematically introduces the life story of GeneralYang Jingyu. North of the statue is a common farmyard. A plaque was hung on thelintel, which read: "former residence of General Yang Jingyu". There are fourrooms in the North (one in the West and one in the East) and two small rooms ineach. There are three rooms in the East and three in the west, all of which areof brick and wood structure with small yellow tile top. On the west side of thecourtyard is a Sophora tree planted by General Yang Jingyu when he was young.Beiwu is the birthplace of General Yang Jing and the residence of his youth. Atthe east end of the north room, there are simple tables and benches. This is theplace where General Yang Jingyu led the peasant revolution in southern HenanProvince in his youth, and where some major struggle strategies came into being.The East and West rooms are exhibition rooms with 101 photos, charts, documents,books and so on. It mainly introduces Yang Jingyus revolutionary activities inhis youth and youth, especially his revolutionary cultural relics during thepeasant revolution in southern Henan, as well as the enamel bowls, militarypots, chopping boards, fur coats, leather mattresses and other military articlesused as commander-in-chief in Northeast China and the generals childhood Thereare more than 30 learning tools. These precious cultural relics vividlyrepresent the revolutionary history and the glorious life of the general. Theyare vivid teaching materials for patriotism education and the construction oftwo civilizations.



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When it comes to Henan, people cant help but think of the ancient capitalsof Luoyang and Kaifeng, Shaolin Temple, oracle bone inscriptions, bronzes and soon. However, if the distinguished guests want to bring some special products ofHenan to their relatives and friends after enjoying these places of interest,then I recommend one gift to you, which is Xinyang Maojian, Chinas famoustea.

Xinyang Maojian, produced in Jigong Mountain, Xinyang, Henan Province, isone of the famous teas in China. It gets its name because it is all picked fromthe tender leaves of the tea plant and then refined. It often drinks XinyangMaojian, which has the functions of clearing heart and improving eyesight,lowering blood pressure, refreshing mind and prolonging life. For a long time,it has been called the best tea.

Speaking of tea, this is the pride of Chinese people.

Tea has a long history in China. The hometown of tea is China. Both tea andsilk are important inventions dedicated to the world by the Chinese workingpeople. As early as 5000 years ago, it is said that when Shennong, the distantancestor of the Chinese nation, was in power, he was unfortunately infected with72 kinds of viruses in order to find herbs for curing diseases. He was in greatpain and finally found tea to detoxify the virus. Since then, people know thattea can cure diseases and has medicinal functions. Later, in the long-termproduction and life, people gradually found that tea boiling water also had astrong thirst quenching effect. Therefore, Chinese people began to have aspecial preference for tea, and Chinese tea culture was born.

Speaking of Chinese tea, its really a university. First of all, lets knowthe classification of tea. Generally speaking, tea is divided into twocategories: basic tea and reprocessed tea. The basic tea categories includegreen tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and black tea.Reprocessing tea includes flower tea, pressed tea, fruit tea and health tea.

These two kinds of tea have different characteristics. For example, greentea is characterized by green leaves and clear soup. Its main varieties areLongjing in Hangzhou, Biluochun in Suzhou, Yunwu in Lushan in Jiangxi, Guapianin Luan in Anhui and Maojian in Xinyang in Henan.

The basic characteristic of black tea is that the leaves are red and thesoup is red. The main varieties are Qimen black tea from Anhui, Dianhong teafrom Yunnan and Ninghong tea from Jiangxi.

Oolong tea belongs to semi fermented tea. Its main varieties are Wuyishanrock tea in Fujian, Tieguanyin in Anxi, and frozen top Oolong in Chinese Taiwan.

White tea is a slightly fermented tea, mainly produced in Fujian. Black teahas a long fermentation time and dark leaves, so it is called black tea and canbe drunk directly.

The flower tea in reprocessing tea is usually made by green tea afterabsorbing the fragrance of flowers, which is popular in northern China. The mainvarieties are jasmine tea, brandy tea and osmanthus tea.

Pressed tea is processed and autoclaved into a certain shape, such as bricktea, Puer tea, etc., so it is easy to store and transport, and is generallysold to Chinas border areas. In ancient China, the tea sold to the border areaswas monopolized by the imperial court. Whether it was sold to the borderminority areas was a means for the central court to control the border areas. Atthat time, the tea sold to the border areas was mainly brick tea.

The invention of fruit tea and health tea is relatively late. Fruit tea isa kind of tea beverage made by adding fruit juice into the production, such aslemon tea and orange tea. Health tea is made by adding Chinese herbal medicineinto the tea, which strengthens the prevention and treatment effect of tea.



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This time, lets witness the so-called "living world heritage" - YongdingTulou! See the Hakka culture in Tulou. Now we are going to the Hakka Tulou.During this time, I will briefly introduce the Hakka Tulou to you. Hakka Tulouis located in the Yongding boundary of Longyan, Fujian Province. It is a uniquemagical mountain residential building in the world and a wonderful flower ofancient architecture in China. It has a long history, unique style, large scale,exquisite structure, warm in winter and cool in summer. It is a very uniquebuilding.

Look at the earth buildings. The most conspicuous ones are round ones. Theyare like ancient official hats. They are welcoming tourists from all over theworld. It seems that they want us to have some official luck. Round earthbuildings are Hakka dwellings. The round building is generally composed of twoor three circles, from the inside to the outside, with rings covering eachother. Tulou is a precious heritage of Chinese civilization, reflecting thewisdom of the nation and a long culture. In the mountains of Yongding, there arethousands of Tulou, which is known as "a pearl of Oriental civilization". From adistance, we cant help sighing at the circular enclosure - "flying saucersfalling from the sky, mushrooms emerging from the ground". It is said that inthe 1960s and 1970s, US spy satellites took photos of China and were surprisedto find that there were many unidentified large-scale buildings, either round orsquare, distributed in the mountainous areas of Fujian Province. After analysis,they were considered as "missile launch bases", and Chinas military strengthcan not be underestimated. Only after the establishment of diplomatic relationsbetween China and the United States did the United States know that theso-called "missile launch base" was actually a typical Hakka residentialbuilding, Tulou!

I hopped forward and introduced as I walked - the magnificent earthbuilding Prince "Zhencheng building" was displayed in front of us! The roundearth building is like a dish, a castle and an iron ring Approaching Zhenchengbuilding, you can see that it is a civil structure building made of clay andstone. Although there is no reinforced concrete, it is as strong as stone. Thethickest wall is more than one meter. Years have left cracks on the wall, makingthe earth building more simple. Standing at the gate of Zhencheng building,there are mountains in the back, flower beds, bamboo groves and streams in thefront. The flowers and plants match each other, and the flowing water murmurs.Under the blue sky, in the chirp of robins, and in the natural air conditioningwith gentle breeze, looking around, it is like a beautiful picture offairyland!

Zhencheng building is mainly composed of two round buildings inside andoutside, forming a building with buildings inside and outside, which is veryspectacular. The outer building has four floors, with many rooms on each floor.In addition to ventilation, the upper floor has windows, which can also be usedto defend the enemy in ancient times. The bottom floor is the kitchen and diningroom, as well as the bath room and livestock pen. The most amazing thing is thatthere are two wells on the bottom floor, which are clear on one side and muddyon the other. Therefore, they are called "Yin Yang wells"; the second floor isthe grain warehouse, and the third and fourth floors are bedrooms. The floor ofthe corridor on each floor is paved with green bricks to achieve soundinsulation and fire prevention. The whole floor is composed of eight units. Eachunit is equipped with a staircase, and there are doors between the units. Thewonderful thing is that there is a fire wall between the units, and a fire willnot affect the whole building. The door of the building is made of wood about 10cm thick and nailed with iron plate, which can defend the enemy When attacking,even if the enemy attacks with fire, he will have nothing to do. Once the thiefenters the house, he can close the unit door with a bang, and then he will beable to catch a turtle in a jar. Earth buildings with the function of fireprevention, enemy prevention and earthquake prevention are not earth at all!

Tulou village has beautiful mountains and waters, without the hustle andbustle of a big city. The winding ancient stone path, teahouses and shops on thestreet, and cooking smoke in Hakka houses all show a picture of the folk customsof Yongding town, giving people a simple and novel feeling. In addition, thereare the king of Tulou - Chengqi building, Tulou Princess - Zhenfu building, thesmallest Tulou - such as shenglou!

Lets introduce it here! Of course, there are many places of interest inHaixi. Standing in a tall, strong and magical earth building, standing in themajestic mountains of the majestic mountains, before the solemn and sacredGutian site, arent you proud of _ Haixi?

Welcome to Haixi tourism again. Ill introduce you one by one!
