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Dear tourists

hello everyone.

Now we come to the Bund by the Huangpu River in Shanghai. First of all, Iwould like to welcome you to visit the Bund and wish you a pleasant trip.

There are five tourist routes in the new Bund. On your left hand side arethe magnificent buildings and spacious Zhongshan Road known as the "WorldArchitecture Expo". On your right hand side are the sparkling Huangpu River andPudong Lujia financial and trade zone with bright future. In front of you is anew and unique sightseeing area. The buildings, Zhongshan Road, sightseeingarea, Huangpu River and Lujiazui are like the staff in the music score, whilethe industrious Shanghai people are like strings of inter symbol, forming thelatest and most beautiful movement. Welcome to all the guests.

After the first war in 1840, the locked door was opened by the colonists,and Shanghai was forced to become a commercial port. Since then, all kinds ofwestern style buildings have sprung up with the colonists "seizing the beach".By the early 1930s, Shanghai had leapt from a coastal town to the largest cityin the Far East.

Although these buildings with European Renaissance style are not designedby the same designer or built in the same era, their architectural style is soharmonious and unified that it seems to be natural. From the the Bund road tothe outer white road bridge, the length of the arc is only 1.5 kilometers, androw upon row of 52 buildings of different styles, including English, French,ancient Greek, etc. At that time, many foreign banks, associations andconsulates gathered here, known as "Wall Street" in the East, forming ahistorical miniature of the semi colonial and semi feudal society in oldShanghai.

Please see, Dongfeng Hotel No.2 on the new Bund used to be a very famousBritish club. It is a typical British classical building. The building is 6stories high (including basement). There is a pavilion at the north and southends of the roof. The interior decoration is very gorgeous. The first floor barused to be proud of its 110.7-foot bar, which is the longest in the East. NowKFC is located in the bar.

Before the new Bund 12, it was the famous "HSBC Bank". The building wasbuilt in 1923, which is an antique Greek style dome building. The building is arectangular building close to square, with five stories high and a halfspherical top layer. There are seven stories at the top of the building and asteel frame structure. The interior of the building is decorated with variousreception rooms in the United States, Britain, France, Russia and Japan. Thisbuilding was once regarded by the British as one of the most exquisite buildingsfrom the Suez Canal to the Bering Strait in the Far East.

The building next to HSBC is the Shanghai customs building, a 19th-centuryretro building, built in 1927, which is rare in the world today. The clock onthe top of the building can be seen all around. It plays a short tune every 15minutes. The sound of the bell is melodious and deep, with a sound of 10 Li.

After Wilson, the British designer, the HSBC building and the customsbuilding are affectionately called "sister buildings" in Shanghai, and they arestill one of the important symbols of Shanghai.

The two buildings at the entrance of Nanjing East Road are called peacehotel. The south facing building was built in 1906. It was called Huizhong hotelat that time. It is the earliest existing hotel in Shanghai. It can be used as ahistorical building, belonging to the Renaissance of British culture. Thebiggest feature of the building is that the facade is made of red brick withwaist line and white wall brick with veneer. From a distance, it looks solemnand elegant with unique style, which is a rare masterpiece.

These buildings on the Bund are the crystallization of the industriouswisdom of the Chinese working people, and also reflect the plunder and invasionof Shanghai by the western colonists. Nowadays, in order to let people know thehistory of these buildings, the Chinese and English nameplates are hung in frontof each building.

As for the Bund, the name given to her by Shanghai people has changed withthe passage of time. Shanghai people call the Bund before liberation the oldBund and after liberation the Bund. Now people praise it as the new Bund. Therehave been scenes of seizing the Bund many times in history, but each time has acompletely different historical significance. Since the Third Plenary Session ofthe Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the strategicfocus of Chinas reform and opening up has also changed from south to north. Thedevelopment and revitalization of Pudong has brought Shanghai to the forefrontof Chinas reform and opening up. The spring breeze has awakened Shanghai Bund,which has been sleeping for many years. Chinese and foreign financialinstitutions have also seized the Bund. Shanghai has made a major move to "clearthe nest and attract Phoenix", replacing the Bund Financial Street houses,attracting "old customers" from home and abroad to settle down again, showingthe style of "Wall Street" in the Far East.

The Bund is a symbol of Shanghai and a must for Chinese and foreigntourists. But in the past, because of the narrow road and the crowded traffic,the overall image of the Bund was seriously affected. In order to change theappearance of the Bund, the Shanghai Peoples government takes the Bund as a keypoint to transform. The road in front of us is called Zhongshan Road. It isnamed in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of Chinas democraticrevolution. It is also part of the comprehensive transformation of the Bund. Theroad is 826m long and 45m wide with 6 to 10 lanes. This wide traffic line is notonly limited to the Bund area, but also extends with the pace of reform andopening up. It starts from Jiangwan Wujiaochang in the north and ends at NanpuBridge in the south. By the beginning of the next century, the North-SouthCorridor will be 15 kilometers long and will become a landmark of Shanghaitourism.

The riverside road we are taking now is quite unique. It not onlyintegrates culture and greening, but also is a good place for people to practicewriting and martial arts in the morning, a place for tourists at home and abroadto visit in the daytime, and an ideal place for lovers to have a love talk inthe evening. It is said that many foreign friends have come to experiencelife.

Ladies and gentlemen, strolling in the new Bund Sightseeing Area, do youfeel that the new Bund not only has a new look, but also has a strong artisticatmosphere in the bustling city. Lets see: an artistic landscape with the themeof "for tomorrow" is set on the Bund of Yanan East Road, embracing with sixcolumns and combining with the meteorological signal station with a history ofmore than 80 years to form a group of scenery. The customs building and theelectronic waterfall clock are also quite new. The electronic waterfall clock isa ladder type, 27 meters long and 3.5 meters high, with 10 full steps. The wholeoperation process is controlled by computer. There are more than 1000 jets ofwater in various colors of Arabic numerals, which makes the world so far awayand so close to each other. The tourist area has become a scenic line ofShanghai style culture that can accommodate hundreds of rivers.

Walking on the Bund, we unconsciously entered Huangpu Park. When it comesto the park, everyone in China cant forget the sign "Chinese and dogs are notallowed to enter" hung by foreign powers at the entrance of the park. Theinfamous sign brought great shame to the Chinese people at that time. Now, the60 meter high Shanghai Peoples handsome monument stands in front of the water.The majestic three pillar huanggangyan tower seems to tell people that thepeople will always remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for thenational humiliation and Shanghais revolutionary cause since the war, the May4th Movement and the liberation war.

Huangpu Park is facing the famous Huangpu River at home and abroad. "Theyellow water in Huanglongpu on the moon" vividly depicts the color of HuangpuRiver. Jiangpu river is the mother river of Shanghai. It originates from TaihuLake in Wuxi. It is the longest, widest and deepest river in Shanghai, with atotal length of 114 km, an average width of 400 m and a depth of 7-9 M. Itsoriginal name is Dongjiang, also known as chunshenjiang and huangxiejiang. It issaid that more than 20__ years ago, Shanghai belonged to the state of Chu. Atthat time, there was a great general named Huang Xie in the state of Chu. He wasvery talented in governing the country. He was appointed prime minister by theking of Chu and was granted the title of "fengshenjun" to govern the land ofShanghai. Due to the siltation of the upper reaches of Dongjiang River at thattime, he led the people of Shanghai to dredge and modify the waterway, whichgreatly developed Shanghais water transportation and agriculture. In order tocommemorate Huang Xies achievements, later generations changed the name ofDongjiang River to "chunshenjiang" and "huangxiepu", which was not officiallynamed "Huangpu River" until the Southern Song Dynasty.

Overlooking the other bank, Pudong Lujiazui financial and trade zone andPuxi Bund are facing each other. Its functions are finance, trade and foreignservices. It will be the core and symbol of new Shanghai. "East Bund" BinjiangAvenue, with a total length of 2500 meters, integrates tourism, sightseeing andentertainment, along which there are six distinctive squares. Although I canonly smell the rumbling sound of piling, it is the most gorgeous movement on thestaff and predicts a better future for the Bund.




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在这九华街上的化城寺,是九华山历史最悠久的晋代古寺,也是九华山的主寺,寺的建筑依山势布局,反映了高超的 建筑设计艺术。寺内有一口高一丈有余,重约20xx斤的古钟,铸造精美,声音洪亮,用槌撞击,凝重清扬的钟声,在山谷回荡,往往使人有超凡脱 俗之感。“化城晚钟”遂成为“九华十景”之一。





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这组建筑群均为琉璃瓦,卷棚出厦,飞檐四出,建造精式卷棚,前殿、后殿和后窑联结而成,称为勾莲塔式,建筑面积为423平方米,红漆木棱门上端悬有“无方净域”、“其尊无对、”“泽被苍生”匾额,殿内有阿拉伯文匾额两块、卷棚和前殿房顶由绿琉璃瓦覆盖,后殿和后窑是灰筒板瓦盖顶。脊上均为浮雕花草纹饰,整个大殿,古朴肃穆。 北大清真寺是穆斯林从事宗教活动的场所上海景点导游词上海景点导游词。有关部门从1982年开始,分期进行修葺,现在大殿、望月楼、大门已维修完毕,面貌焕然一新,以迎接国内外宗教界人士的来访。



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Longgong, located 27 kilometers southwest of Anshun City, Guizhou Province,more than 30 kilometers away from Huangguoshu waterfall, belongs to LongtanVillage, Matou Township, Anshun county. The Dragon Palace was discovered in1980. It is called a strange cave in the dark lake. Boating on the lake can beused as the midstream of the cave.

The Dragon Palace is more than 3000 meters long and consists of five groupsof caves connected by an underground river. The masses used to call it "WujinDragon Palace". The first entrance to the Dragon Palace is from the gate to bengKe Yan, the second from Beng Ke Yan to Hua Yu Tang, the third from Hua Yu Tangto Qing Yu Dong, the fourth from Qing Yu Dong to Feng Shu Dong, and the fifthfrom Xuantang to xiaocaihua lake. The deepest part of the dark river is 28meters, the widest part is more than 30 meters, and the narrowest part can onlyaccommodate a small boat.

In front of the Dragon Palace is an open deep pool, named "Tianchi", alsoknown as "Longtan". It is a small high mountain lake, covering an area of morethan 10000 square meters, with clear water and a depth of 43 meters. On the edgeof the pool, there are cliffs and rocks, which are covered by ancient trees andvines. When you enter the palace gate, you will be faced with a group ofdragons. More than ten stalactites hang down from the Green Cave top, whichlooks like a dragon. The underground river is stable and dignified, deep andunpredictable, and the water port is tortuous and confusing.

Dragon Palace is different from ordinary dry cave, it is immersed in a poolof blue water. Boating through the caves is like boating in the Dragon KingCrystal Palace.

In the Longgong scenic area, which covers an area of about 8 squarekilometers, there are more than 20 large and small dry caves formed by karstdevelopment, including Xinzhai cave, Longqi cave, Tianjian cave and Huxue cave.Among the four caves, Xinzhai cave is the largest, also known as "Yuzhu cave".The cave is about one kilometer deep, with seven cave halls and colorful karstlandscape. Yuzhu cave, Longqi cave and Tianjian cave are named for theirpeculiar stone pillars, stone curtains and stalagmites, which are similar inshape to Yuzhu, Longqi and Baojian. Tiger cave is named because there is amountain nearby that looks like a fierce tiger.

The scenic spots outside the Dragon Palace include Longmen waterfall,bengyan flying swallow, Huayu Taoyuan, Yunshan stone forest, Wolong pool,Bashang bridge, etc. Longmen waterfall is near the gate of the Dragon Palace. Itis formed by the water from the Tianchi Lake pouring down through the cavewindow. The waterfall is about 25 meters wide and 34 meters high. The sound ofthe waterfall is like avalanche and thunder. The width and height of thewaterfall in the cave are rare. Local people call this scene "white dragon outof nest". There is a stone forest park on the mountain behind Tianchi.

Xuantang is located near Qingshui cave, which is called "sijinlonggong". Itis a pond name, and it is the name of the village. The diameter of the whirlpoolis 120 meters. The water in the pond rotates all the year round from the edge tothe center of the pond. The reason for the continuous rotation is that there isa water dissipation pit in the center of the pond, and the water is rapidlydiving, forming a unique landscape. There are two beautiful stone mountains inthe stockade. The mountains, water and stockade are picturesque.

"Flying swallow of clam shell" is located in clam shell rock. The clamshellrock is a huge partial rock, the upper part of which inclines forward and lookslike a clamshell. There are caves, big and small, in which swallows nest. Thereare thousands of swallows competing up and down. At the foot of bengke mountain,a "tiger cave" is opened, in which there are many landscapes, such as "heavymountains", "panoramic scenery", "shangyaotai" and so on.

Longgong Longgong is a national scenic spot, 27 kilometers away from AnshunCity, the western tourism center of Guizhou Province. There is a high-gradehighway directly to the scenic spot.

The Longgong scenic spot is mainly composed of karst caves. It alsointegrates karst caves, waterfalls, canyons, peaks, cliffs, lakes, rivers,ethnic customs and religious culture, forming a picture of a wonderland onearth.

Longgong scenic spot is famous for its wonderful scenery, especially thewater cave in the central scenic spot is the longest in the country, thewaterfall in the cave is the highest in the country, and the natural radiationrate is the lowest in the country, which is called the "three best" by expertsand tourists in China. The adjacent Xuantang scenic area is also famous for its"three wonders", namely, the wonder of Xuanshui, the number of short rivers andthe size of the Buddha Hall in the cave. Stepping into the Dragon Palace is likeentering a fairyland and a paradise, which makes people forget to returnhome.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 4739 字

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Ceux qui ont visité le lac Qiandao sont en développement et peuvent pendreleurs ancêtres.Autour du lac, les pics et les arcs, la vallée de JINAO, le lacTianchi et dautres endroits.Dans le lac central, il y a 1078 ?les couvrant unesuperficie de plus de 375 Mu. Les principales attractions touristiques sontl?le meifeng Guan, qui est plus de 3000 fois plus grande que le lac Ouest deHangzhou. Les collines près du lac ont été développées en base de fruits de thé.Le paysage est dominé par La culture de Pierre et la culture bouddhiste.Lessites pittoresques ici ont été développés plus t?t et le pic de colonne dePierre est le principal passage vers la montagne Huangshan dans la provincedAnhui. Vous pouvez visiter les chutes deau de Liuxiang et le port estvertical et horizontal.Chen shuozhen, la première femme empereur de Chine, dansle nord - ouest de la Chine, en raison des problèmes de circulation qui nontpas encore été développés, peut encore profiter de lancien style de montagneYue.

La région du lac central est dominée par des paysages naturels et culturelset de nombreuses ?les.

Lenvironnement écologique de la région du lac nord - Est est extrêmementbon.Il y a une chute deau de Lingyan au bon endroit.

La région du lac nord - Ouest est située à la jonction des provinces duZhejiang et de lAnhui, yushun qifeng, Guihua Island, shuangxiangbao Island etSoutheast China. Elle peut être vue à travers les ruines de shuozhen, SouthwestChina. Les montagnes sont vertes, de sorte quelle est appelée le lac Qiandao etsurfer dans Leau.

Le lac Qiandao couvre une superficie de 573 kilomètres carrés.Comment lenom charmant du lac Qiandao est - il venu? Il y a cinq sites pittoresquesuniques dans le nord - est de la Chine, qui sont riches en ressourcestouristiques. Actuellement, il ya des sites pittoresques à grande échelle àvisiter, y compris l?le Mishan.Les montagnes et les ?les polymorphes quiséparaient tout le lac en son centre étaient autrefois là.Les attractionstouristiques comprennent pingfeng Dangerous Cliff, Longshan Island et xianshanIsland, qui ressemblent aux trois gorges de la rivière Yangtze. Il est dit quele lac Qiandao est aussi beau quune peinture de paysage colorée et une chutedeau dautomne, qui peut être facilement visité en bateau.Cest un excellentendroit pour se reposer et prendre des vacances, Fang la, le chef du soulèvementpaysan de la dynastie Song du Nord.

Le lac Qiandao est - il un lac artificiel formé par la construction de lacentrale hydroélectrique Xinanjiang à la fin des années 1950?Selon le Comité desnoms géographiques du comté de Chunan.

Le paysage pittoresque du lac Qiandao est un monde vert.

La région du lac sud - Est était à lorigine la terre des poissons et duriz du comté de Chunan.Le lac est étroit, long et profond, se complétant lesuns les autres, le paysage pittoresque de langmao et dautres endroits, lessommets étranges des deux c?tés sélèvent, les sites historiques de la montagneYingshan (lieu de conférences de Zhuxi), les cent lacs de Longchuan, l?lechaude et ainsi de suite.Après la formation du lac Qiandao, leau est égalementverte, de sorte que les gens aiment lappeler le lac Qiandao Vert, qui peut êtreexploré pour larchéologie. Cest le plus grand lac artificiel dans lest de laChine, qui est appelé le lac des cinq grands lacs, le lac xianren et dautrespaysages. Leau du lac est claire et verte, et le champ antique de mu sec.

Les ?les du lac sud - Ouest sétendent lune sur lautre et sont appeléesle réservoir Xinanjiang et l?le Wulong à lépoque. Par conséquent, les poèmesde Guo Moruo contiennent 3000 maisons folkloriques célèbres, culturelles etuniques de Xizi et la grotte sainte de fangla. Cest lun des principaux sitespittoresques nationaux. Les paysages culturels et naturels se complètentmutuellement, ce qui équivaut à 108 fois le lac Ouest de Hangzhou. Les montagneset les rivières sont de retour. Vous pouvez également profiter pleinement de ladégustation de poisson et de nourriture verte sauvage, ouAllez pique - niquersur l?le, le paysage naturel est très beau, jardin paon, il est situé dans lecomté de Chunan, Province du Zhejiang.Les montagnes du lac Qiandao sont verteset tortueuses.Les visiteurs viennent ici, le réservoir Xinanjiang est situé à108 mètres daltitude, le lac Qiandao, avec un beau niveau deau; le volumedeau est de 17,8 milliards de mètres cubes, et les eaux sont vastes

Le beau lac Qiandao est lun des principaux sites pittoresques nationaux.Il est situé dans le comté de Chunan, Province du Zhejiang.Tous ceux qui ontvisité le lac Qiandao disent que le lac Qiandao est aussi beau quune peinturede paysage colorée.Le lac Qiandao est un lac artificiel formé par laconstruction de la centrale hydroélectrique Xinanjiang à la fin des années1950.



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Everybody is good, as a changsha people I in changsha is familiar scenery,let me tell you tourists introduce civilization and beautiful changsha!!!!

Scenic spots one: capital city

Capital is the only one in changsha about mountain tourist attractions.Walk into, it seems you can smell the breath of the mountain, the scent ofwater, saw the waving grass, flowers bloom. Trees surrounded by mountains, amongthe green world, you might as well sit in love late pavilion, watch thepicturesque scenery, listening to the singing of birds. Into the depths of themountains, not the noise of the people, also have no the chanting of the birds,everyone is silent looked at the one thousand ancient tree, feel the power oftheir survival. Got to the top of the mountain, you can let go of mind, to facethe trees at the foot of the mountain, say the secret of the heart, tell thenature, so it wont be oppressed in psychological and uncomfortable. Down themountain, you can also go to have a look, to steal some COINS to make a wish,perhaps return will come true.

Attractions 2: as cabinet

As pavilion is originally by the Japanese invasion in China used to fight afortress, as cabinet had only one floor, then build into three layers, it islocated in changsha is the central, standing on the top floor can seeeverything. Building with the anti-japanese soldiers legacy, and cabinetfurniture such as bed. There are three fort on the top floor, terrible standingon it. As cabinet of the north and the south side still have an attic, andrecords the other heroes of the story in south tower, north building plays theAnti-Japanese War film.

Three places are the orange continent park

There are a lot of trees in the orange continent park, a lot of oranges, alot of birds. Robin in the curved path,

Color ribbon like falling from heaven. Can hear birds singing into thegate, smell the fragrance of the flower is really charactizing a fine springday. Park is flowing around the xiangjiang river, the xiangjiang river thatmirror j, like a vivid landscape, is really beautiful. I want the orangecontinent park quickly become a continent of China.

This is a civilized and beautiful scenery of changsha.



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Do you know where to look at Chinas 100 year history? Yes, its Shanghai.What about the 20-year history? Im coming to the Bund. The Bund is the windowof Shanghai, which reflects the features of Chinas largest economic center cityand international modern metropolis, as well as the characteristics of a famoushistorical and cultural city. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese love to callShanghai Bund the first Bay in Asia. Yes, she is beautiful. Please see, fromnorth to south, she rises from the south of Baidu bridge to Xinkai River. It isabout 1800 meters long, with a curved trend like a crescent moon, beautiful andpicturesque.

According to records, the Bund was originally called Yangzi road andHuangpu beach road. In 1945, in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, it was renamedZhongshan, which is still used today. The Bund used to be known as the OrientalWall Street. With the rapid development of urban construction in Shanghai, ithas more modern urban flavor. In 1995, it was rated as one of the "ten newlandscapes of Shanghai in the 1990s", attracting tens of thousands of touristsevery day.

Ladies and gentlemen: today, when we are bathed in the sunshine of reformand opening up, we can enjoy a lot of beautiful scenery by walking on the Bund.First of all, look to the west, which is one of the symbols of Shanghai - theWorld Architecture Expo. As we all know, after the first war, Shanghai wasturned into a commercial port. At that time, Shanghai gradually became the placewhere foreign capital was most concentrated in China, and various western stylebuildings were also built along the Bund. A large number of banks, clubs andnightclubs of western countries are concentrated along the Huangpu River, whichreflects the plunder and aggression of Western colonization on Shanghai.

Although the tall buildings on the Bund were not designed by a singledesigner or built in the same era, they have a lot in common. They were the mostpopular styles in the west at that time. They adopted the western classicalarchitectural form. The whole building has a solemn and majestic momentum, andthe architectural tone is basically unified. In addition, on the east side,people can also see the broad and magnificent scenery of the Huangpu River fromthe observation platform in Shanghai. With the wind blowing on the river, theriver is shimmering, and the white seagulls are flying high and low, you can seethe port scenery of big cities. Looking from afar at the most novel skyscrapersin Pudong, the grand momentum makes the Bund beautiful. As a symbol of Shanghai,the Bund integrates river landscape and architectural landscape, and integrateswestern classical customs and modern Chinese civilization. Now lets have a lookat the main buildings near the Bund from south to north.



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Ladies and gentlemen

How do you do!

Im the tour guide who will show you around Huangshan scenic area thistime. You can call me Lu Dao.

Please pay attention to safety. Now we have reached Tangkou, an importanttown in the south of Huangshan scenic spot. First of all, I would like tointroduce the general situation of Huangshan.

Huangshan Mountain, located in the south of Anhui Province, China, is partof the Nanling Mountains, covering an area of about 1200 square kilometers. TheMount Huangshan mountain system is interrupted. It is the essence of MountHuangshan. That is the Mount Huangshan scenic spot we want to browse, with anarea of about 154 square kilometers. It is located in Huangshan City, adjacentto she County, Huizhou District, Xiuning County and she County in the south, andHuangshan District in the north; these five counties and districts are alsounder the jurisdiction of Huangshan City.

There is also a magic legend in Huangshan. Before the Tang Dynasty, it wascalled Yi mountain, which was black in appearance. Because there were many rockson the mountain, it was green black, and the ancients gave it such a name. It issaid that the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, wasin business after the unification of the Central Plains. After the founding ofChinese civilization, he came here to collect herbs and refine alchemy, bathe inhot springs, and became an immortal. Li Longji, the famous emperor of the TangDynasty and the Ming emperor, believed this very much. In the sixth year ofTianbao (747), he issued an imperial edict to change the name of Yishan toHuangshan, which means that this mountain belongs to the Yellow Emperor. Sincethen, the name of Huangshan has been up to now. Do you understand.

Next, Id like to introduce the "four wonders" of Huangshan.

When it comes to Huangshans "four wonders", of course, Qi song ranksfirst. Huangshan strange pine is first of all strange in its extremely tenaciousvitality, you cant help but call it strange. Generally speaking, where there issoil, plants and crops can grow, while Huangshan grows from hard Huanggangstone. There are pine trees growing everywhere in Huangshan Mountain. They growon the top of peaks, cliffs and deep valleys. They are lush and full ofvitality.

Grotesque stones are another unique feature of Huangshan. Strange rocks canbe seen everywhere in Huangshan. The shapes of these rocks vary greatly. Someare like people, some are like objects, and some reflect some myths, legends andhistorical stories. They are vivid and interesting. Among the 121 famous stones,the more famous ones are "feilaishi", "immortal playing chess", "magpie climbingplum", "monkey watching the sea".

Some of these strange stones are huge, some are exquisite, some areindependent, some are several combinations or combined with Qisong.

Lets talk about the sea of clouds. Although the sea of clouds can be seenin other famous mountains in China, none of them is as spectacular andchangeable as Huangshan.

About this reason, Huangshan has another name, Huangshan sea. This is not afalse claim, it is a sign of history. Pan Zhiheng, a famous historian in theMing Dynasty, lived in Huangshan for several decades and wrote a 60 volume book,Huangshan Mountain chronicles, which is called Huanghai. The names of somescenic spots, hotels and many landscapes in Huangshan are all related to thisspecial "sea". If some landscapes are viewed in the sea of clouds, they will bemore authentic and have more charm. All these also prove that the name "YellowSea" is worthy of the name.

There are many, many, many views of Huangshan, which cant be explainedcompletely. Please go and watch it yourself. Its hot spring. Please payattention to safety. This tour is over. thank you!



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Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot is located across Longhai, Zhangpuand Dongshan, adjacent to Chinese Taiwan Strait in the East, Xiamen and Zhangzhou PortArea in the north, and Shantou Special Economic Zone in Guangdong Province inthe south. Its coastline is nearly 300 km long and consists of three peninsulas(Gulei, liuao and Quanwei), many bays and many islands. With convenienttransportation, it is a good tourist attraction. There are mainly five wonders,namely, the landscape of sea eroded volcanic canisters, the landscape ofvolcanic vent group - sea eroded buried lava lake, the landscape of sea erodedbasalt large columnar joints, the landscape of granite spherical weathering seaeroded sky "abstract Gallery", the landscape of sea eroded special wind rockgroup, and the ancient cultural heritage of Southern Fujian with zhaojiapu asthe main body, which constitute the coastal Geopark, the coastal Stone Park, andthe coastal wind park Dongshi Park and Grand View Garden of ancientdwellings.

Zhangzhou coastal volcanic landform National Geopark is one of the firstbatch of 11 National Geoparks in China and the only one with marine landform inChina. It covers an area of more than 100 square kilometers and has a coastlineof more than 20 kilometers. It is mainly distributed in Niutoushan, Linjinyu,Nanding Island, Xiangshan, yandunshan, qianhuwan and other sea areas. Accordingto the investigation of experts, it is confirmed that there were 15 volcaniceruptions in three periods in Zhangzhou coastal area from 26.44 million to 4.1million years ago, which eventually formed a rare, perfect and precious volcaniclandscape in the world. Among them are:

Niutoushan ancient crater sea erosion volcanic landscape - "volcanicbonsai";

Linjinyu volcanic exhalation crater group - the landscape of sea erosionburied lava lake;

The landscape of large columnar joints of sea eroded basalt in Nandingisland is "lava stone forest" and "lava Coral";

The ancient forest remains of qianhuwan more than 8000 years ago;

Xiangshan lava cone scenic spot (the best place to watch the sea, sunrise,Bay Beach);

There are also a large number of unique landscapes, such as volcaniceruption discontinuities, volcanic agglomerates, "watermelon peel" structure,mantle derived xenolith basalts, sea erosion "Overpass", "a line of sky", marine"terracotta warriors" and other scenic spots, forming a diverse, lifelike andlifelike group of rocks.

In Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot, there is also a unique landscapeof sea eroded granite. The landscape here is composed of 23 islands, includingGulai Caiyu archipelago, Shazhou Island, Jingan island and Hongyu island. Onthe island, there are various kinds of granite wind-driven stone groups withdifferent shapes. In addition, the "abstract Gallery" formed by the sea erodedstone landform and granite spherical weathered stone in Laoya mountain of liuaohas high tourism value.

In Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot, many beaches along the coast,such as Qisha Bay, Houcai Bay, Jiangkou Bay, Jiangjun Bay and DAAO Bay, arecrescent shaped, with small slope, fine sand, snow white and no mud. Besides,there is no pollution in the surrounding environment and no shark disturbance inthe coastal area. The beach here is large in scale, excellent in quality andbeautiful in scenery. It is the best gold coast on the coastline of East andSouth China Sea.

Rich historical and cultural heritage is another feature of Zhangzhoucoastal volcano scenic area

Two national cultural relics protection units, zhaojiabao and yiancheng,and six provincial cultural relics protection units, form a concentrated andcontinuous cultural tourism route: zhaojiabao is the descendant of the king ofZhao and Song Dynasties, and lived together during the Wanli period of MingDynasty__ The castle built in 1949 has a grand scale, unique layout and richculture. Yian city has a well preserved, scientific planning and reasonablelayout of the city walls and ancient buildings. Moreover, the owner of thecastle is closely related to the history of Chinese Taiwan. The key cultural relicsprotection units at the provincial level are lantingzhen mansion, zhenhaiwei,one of the "four Davids" in the Ming Dynasty, huangdaozhou lecture hall built390 years ago to teach the book of changes, Shigou Tiandi pan, huangdaozhoutomb, Jinjiang tower, a three circle and four story round earth building, andliuao ancient city built 600 years ago and well preserved.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2978 字

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Rime island is a small island on the Songhua River, located in Wula StreetManchu Town, Longtan District, Jilin City, Jilin Province. Hantun, zengtongtunand other villages in Wula Street Manchu town are the most concentrated placesof rime, and also the best places to watch and photograph rime. Especially inzengtong village, there is a saying that "enjoy rime, to zengtong". The bestviewing season of rime island is from late December to the end of February ofthe next year, and the best shooting time is between 10:00-11:30.

Jilin city is famous for its rime. However, most people know about the tenmile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is a rime island inthe lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away from Jilin City. Rimeisland is named for its many and beautiful rime. The trees on both sides of theSonghua River are luxuriant and the branches are numerous. In winter, the watermist rising from the unfrozen river water condenses into frost flowers on thetrees when encountering the cold air. It is called "Wusong" by meteorology and"shugua" by local people. Wusong in Jilin Province, together with Guilinmountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the Three Gorges of theYangtze River, is known as Chinas four natural wonders. Since 1991, Jilin Cityhas held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" every year.

Since 1991, Jilin City has held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" everyyear. Jilin City has long been famous for its rime. However, most people knowabout the ten mile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is arime island in the lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away fromJilin City. Rime island is named for its many and beautiful rime. Zengtongtun onthe island is the best place to enjoy Wusong. There was a saying that "toappreciate Wusong, to zengtong". The trees here are peculiar in shape. Theweeping willows along the river are covered with white and crystal frostflowers. The river breeze blows and the silver wire flickers. The scenery isboth wild and beautiful. Rime, commonly known as shugua, is one of the fourwonders in China. There is a saying that "at night to see the fog, morning tosee the hanging, until near noon to enjoy the falling flowers", which is theprocess of rime from nothing to have, from there to nothing. The most famousscenic spots of rime are Jilin, Lushan and Huangshan, among which "Jilin rime isa wonder in the world".

The rime of Jilin is unique in the world. Together with Guilin landscape,Yunnan Stone Forest and Yangtze River Gorge, Jilin rime is known as Chinas fournatural wonders. Rime is not snow or ice, but frost on the branches. Along thebanks of the Songhua River, the pines and willows are covered with frost andsnow, and the jade is covered with silver. To see rime in Jilin, the best placeis rime island in the lower reaches of Songhua River. Most of the people whocome here are photography enthusiasts, but now, more and more tourists knowit.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2094 字

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One day, my uncle took us to visit Tianmen Mountain. Tianmen Mountain islocated at the junction of Xinning County in Hunan Province and Ziyuan County inGuangxi Province. It is also a natural scenic spot of Danxia Diyan.

In the early morning, my uncle drove all the way, and the cool mountainwind came in front of me. It was chilly. "Its July. It was so cold yesterday.It seems that the temperature difference between the mountain and the city isreally big." I muttered. About 40 minutes by car, finally came to thedestination - Tianmen Mountain.

As soon as I get out of the car, I dont know when the "depressed" sky hasopened a smiling face. Come to the foot of the mountain, a piece of denseforest, covering the distant view of the line of sight, a tortuous andmysterious stone path curved to the far peak. Climbing up the path, the greentrees sprout in the mountain. From the gap between the leaves, there are a fewrays of sunshine occasionally. The birds are singing tactful "Songs" on thetrees intermittently. A clear stream murmurs, and clusters of bright redwildflowers sometimes emerge from the bushes. I took a deep breath, the airmixed with a faint fragrance.

The mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, and the climbing is notas easy as before. Passing a pavilion halfway up the mountain, I hesitatedwhether to continue. Suddenly, a bright light not far away attracted my eyes.There is a dazzling light between the two cliffs, which seems to light a brightlight on the dark valley. Looking up, people are like frogs at the bottom of awell, only a line of blue sky can be seen. Do I really want to stop and be atoad? No, I should be the "Eagle" at the top of Lingfeng mountain. I gritted myteeth and persisted. I climbed countless steps and finally reached the top ofTianmen Mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the mountains, the clouds,the river like a green belt, the wind passing, the mountains rolling, the wildflowers swaying in the jungle, the endless scenery, its like a naturallandscape painting

I love climbing, and I love the "scenery" after climbing!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8451 字

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Now let me introduce Mount Everest to you. Qomolangma means "the thirdgoddess" in Tibetan. Mount Everest is the main peak of the Himalayas, with analtitude of 8848 meters. It is the highest peak in the world. The mountain is inthe shape of a huge pyramid, with steep terrain and complex environment. Thereare various types of glaciers with a total area of 1500 square kilometersdistributed between the ridges and cliffs. On top of the glaciers, there are avariety of beautiful and rare ice pagoda forests. Within 20 kilometers aroundMt. Everest, there are many peaks. Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in theworld, there are 5. The peaks of 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming amagnificent landscape with many peaks. According to the analysis of geologicalstructure, in ancient times, the whole Himalayas and the vast area nearby werestill a corner of the sea. From about the late Tertiary of Cenozoic era, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong Himalayan orogeny,rising to the top and the youngest "roof of the world". Standing on the top ofthe earth, Qomolangma itself is the most typical fault block mountain in theHimalayas. Its pyramid shaped peak is composed of Ordovician brown marble andcrystalline limestone. According to the determination of scientists, Everest isstill rising, with an average annual speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing toset a new world record.

Now let me tell you two myths about Mount Everest. It is said that whenSongzanganbu was king of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mount Everest were beautifulplaces with flowers in full bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that this place shouldbe specially used for raising a hundred birds. Its original name was"rozamarang", which means "the place for raising birds in the South". In the 8thcentury, the Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome thelotus grandmaster into Tibet to preach Buddhism, and Buddhism graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses sitting in the monthly sacrificesto the gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the Himalayas in China. They are known as the"five sisters of longevity", and Qomolangma ranks third. They are the goddess ofdefending and reproducing the race. The other four peaks are Fushou fairy,Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren fairy. People think that the thirdgoddess is the most beautiful. She is called zhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so sheuses her name to call Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world.

There is also a beautiful legend. Once upon a time, it was a sea. On theseashore, there were flowers and trees, flowers that never withered and neverwithered. On the hillside, there were forests and fruit trees. In the forest andflowers, there are many birds and other animals. Its a rich and beautifulplace! But one day, a group of monsters suddenly came to occupy this good place.The demons are coming, catching birds and animals, destroying flowers and trees.At this time, a five color auspicious cloud came from the sky. On the cloudstood a fairy in a plain dress. She was the goddess of snow mountain -zhumulangsangma. With her boundless magic power, she subdued the demons andspirits, and pressed them under a mountain. At the same time, in this area,cattle and sheep were raised, plant seeds were sown, and ice lakes were dug.From then on, she not only restored the original appearance, but also made itmore beautiful. The goddess subdued the demons and ghosts, and poured snow waterfrom the snow mountain and ice lake to irrigate the surrounding land. So, beforeand after the mountain, cattle and sheep are fat, crops are flourishing, and ahundred flowers are blooming. Therefore, people living in this area have greatrespect for the goddess and often praise her in various beautiful words.

From the summit of Rongbu temple, we have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300 metersaway from the peak. In 1960, it took eight days for the national mountaineeringteam to reach the top from the base camp, including six days from Beiao to thetop. The last 50 meters took 19 hours to reach the top without oxygen. Beforeand after the national mountaineering teams opened up five routes to climbEverest. In 1953, the British mountaineering team ascended along the southeastridge from the south slope; in 1960, the Chinese national mountaineering teamascended along the North Ridge from the north slope over Beiao; in 1975, theBritish mountaineering team ascended from the south slope; in 1980, the Japanesemountaineering team ascended from the vertical cliff on the front of the northslope, which is the most difficult route to climb Mount Everest. In 1988, China,Japan and Nepal jointly formed a team to climb from the north and south sides ofQomolangma at the same time, realizing a "double leap" in human history. In1990, China, the United States and the Soviet Union joined forces to climb MountEverest. In 20__, it reached the summit again.

The most interesting thing on Mount Everest is the cloud floating on thetop of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on the top of the peak, so thiskind of cloud is vividly called flag cloud or flag cloud. The shape and postureof the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various, sometimes like a flag flutteringin the wind; sometimes like the rough waves; sometimes it turns into a curlingsmoke; just like a galloping horse; for a while, it is like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the worlds major wonders.

What causes the formation of flag clouds on Mt. Qomolangma? It turns outthat the flag clouds are formed by convective cumulus clouds. According to theposition and height of the cloud, we can infer the size of the wind force on thepeak. If the flag cloud moves upward, it means that the upper air wind issmaller; if it tilts downward, the wind will be stronger; if it is level withthe peak, the wind will be about level 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of MountEverest is also known as "the highest wind vane in the world".

Let me introduce Mount Everest National Nature Reserve to you. MountEverest Nature Reserve was designated as a National Nature Reserve in 1993. Thereserve is located at the junction of Tibet Autonomous Region and the kingdom ofNepal, with a total area of 3.38 million hectares and a population of more than70000. The area is divided into 7 core protection areas, namely tuolonggou,rongha, xuebugang, Jiangcun, gongdang, Zhufeng and Xixiabangma, and 4 scientificexperimental areas, namely Chentang, Nyalam, Jilong and gongdang.

At the southern foot of the Himalayas, the nature reserve is the highest inChina. It has one of the worlds top ten landscapes, the Kama Valley, with analtitude of 2300 meters, a length of 55 kilometers from east to west, an averagewidth of 8 kilometers from north to south, and an area of 440 square kilometers.There are 2101 species of angiosperms, 20 species of gymnosperms, more than 200species of pteridophytes, more than 600 species of bryophytes and lichens, andmore than 130 species of fungi in the reserve; there are more than 50 species ofmammals in the wild animals, among which there are more than 10 species ofnational first-class protected animals, such as langur, Tibetan wild donkey,Tarr sheep, leopard, snow leopard, black pheasant, etc. Snow leopard is thesymbol animal of Everest nature reserve.

The original forest is dense, including Abies himalayana, larch, birch,juniper, shrub, Fargesia, alpine pine, spruce, Nepalese sandalwood, Magnolia,arbor pine, Rhododendron and other major tree species, as well as wild plantswith high ornamental value and medicinal value such as magnolia, Panaxnotoginseng and Coptis chinensis.

In the upper part of the vast forest sea, altitude: 3800 meters to 4500meters is alpine grassland, with Artemisia, fleas and other plants. The area5500-6000 meters above the snow line is covered with permanent snow. Glaciersare formed year by year due to non melting ice and snow. Rongbu glacier is thelargest glacier in the reserve. In addition, there are iceberg glaciers andsuspended glaciers.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 8272 字

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It is located on the Nanlang mountain between Sham Shui Wan and Wong ChukHang on Hong Kong Island, covering an area of 150 acres. The park is dividedinto low land and high land. The low land is called "huangzhukeng Park", whichis the main entrance of Ocean Park. The high land is called "Nanlang MountainPark", which is located in the south of Nanlang mountain. There is an overheadcrane between the high land and the low land for tourists. As early as 1955, theplan for the construction of the park was put forward. At the beginning, thegovernment agreed to allocate 30 acres of land and the Jockey Club invested HK$78 million. Later, the land was allocated to 150 acres and the investmentincreased to HK $150 million. At first, only a "Marine Aquarium" was planned tobe built. Later, it was changed into an ocean park, which was officiallycompleted and opened on January 10, 1977.

There are three pavilions in Nanlang mountain highland of Ocean Park,namely marine animal performance hall, Haitao hall and ocean hall. The marineanimal show hall has a huge pool with a stand for more than 3500 spectators. Theanimals performing here include specially trained sea lions, dolphins and killerwhales. Their wonderful performances often arouse the audiences cheers andcheers. Haitao Pavilion is equipped with rock coast like rockery and pool. Assoon as the electric wave machine starts, the waves roll and rise and fall up toone meter high. There is an underwater glass viewing room here. Through theglass, you can watch all kinds of beauty of marine animals roaming in theunderwater. The aquarium is divided into two parts, the shallow lake and thedeep lake. There are more than 300 kinds of fish, 30000 of which live in thelake, including shark, devil fish, grouper and so on. There are three layers ofglass walls around the lake, outside which visitors can watch the activities ofunderwater fish.

An important symbol of Ocean Park is the aerial cable car (crane), with atotal length of 1.4 km. It connects the lowland at the foot of the mountain withthe highland of Nanlang mountain. When walking at an altitude of 200 meters, thewhole journey can be completed in 6 minutes. Visitors can overlook the sceneryof deep water bay, shallow water bay and lowland park at an altitude. There are250 cranes, each with six seats, which can carry 5000 passengers per hour. Inrecent years, in order to attract more tourists, the park has continuously addednew facilities, including various video games, such as Ferris wheel and rollercoaster, and opened up a large-scale water park.

Key points of Tour: to the ocean park, you can not but take the cable carto overlook the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the sea. Otherattractions that cant be missed are: aquarium, Ocean theater, Haitao Pavilion,shark Pavilion, crazy roller coaster, mountaineering elevator, Pacific coast,ocean skyscraper, super dynamic cinema, bird paradise, butterfly house, DinosaurTrail, childrens Kingdom, speed trip, adventure in ancient countries and HongKong Jockey Club giant panda Park.

Cable car and elevator: Ocean Park is divided into two parts: lowland andhighland. The two are connected by cable cars. There are 252 cable cars, whichcan carry 4000 people per hour. The whole journey of the cable car is 1.5km longand takes about 8 minutes to complete. From the cable car, visitors can enjoythe beautiful scenery of deep water bay and Aberdeen. In addition to taking thecable car, another way to get to the highland is to take the second longestoutdoor covered escalator in the world from the entrance of Dashu Bay. This 225meter long climbing elevator can carry 4000 people up and down a 30 degree slopeevery hour. I believe that in addition to people who are afraid of heights,taking this elevator is definitely an exciting and interesting program.

Ocean World: most of the exhibitions on marine life are in highlands. TheOcean Museum is one of the most popular places for tourists. After a renovationcost of HK $65 million, the new aquarium takes the coral environment in theIndian Ocean and Pacific Ocean as its new theme. The aquarium is not only hometo more than 4000 fish belonging to 400 species, but also one of the largestsimilar facilities in the world. The aquarium can accommodate up to 600 visitorsat the same time. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful posture of various fish fromdifferent angles through the glass in the four storey aquarium.

Pacific Coast: the newly established Pacific coast of Ocean Park imitatesthe natural environment of California coast in the United States, breedingCalifornia sea lions and spotted seals, composing another "unique ocean worldjourney", bringing unprecedented interactive fun to tourists.

Ocean theater: Ocean theater is a good place for marine mammals to showtheir skills. There are 3500 seats in the theater, providing visitors withseveral wonderful, interesting and lovely dolphin and sea lion performancesevery day.

Shark house: in highland, the shark house, which cost 40 million Hong Kongdollars to build, has raised nearly 70 sharks, with a total of about 35 species,including the fun looking "fat baby" Brown shark. There is an 11.5-meter-longtransparent fiber viewing tunnel, in which tourists feel as if they are in thedeep sea, and the sharks are also within reach.

Motorized Games: Crazy roller coaster is located on the Highlands,extremely exciting and fun, but also the worlds longest and fastest rollercoaster. In addition, other mobile games, such as flying swings, Ferris wheeland flying eagle, are also very exciting, which cant be missed by tourists wholike excitement.

Overlooking the scenery - Ocean skyscraper: in addition to dynamic games,visitors who like to watch can go to the ocean skyscraper built with HK $30million and look around from the tower 72 meters above the ground. Oceanskyscraper tower was built in highland in 1992. With air conditioning, it is thetallest observation tower in Southeast Asia. On the top floor of the skyscraper,visitors can view the charming scenery of Aberdeen, peak, Lantau Island, LammaIsland and Cheung Chau from 360 degrees.

Bird Paradise: located in Dashu Bay, bainiao house is one of the largestbird houses in the world. There are more than 20__ birds belonging to 200species flying in bainiaoju, and visitors can walk around in the forest scenerywithout separation. Bainiaoju also has parrot garden, bird theater, red storkpool and artificial lake.

LVYE Garden: Super Dynamic cinema covers an area of 900 square meters, witha total of 100 seats. With the oil pressure seats, the picture on the 15 meterhigh screen swings up and down, and the lifelike image and high fax soundeffect, visitors will have unlimited exciting "super dynamic feeling" when theyare in it.

Butterfly House: in the green garden of lowland. Butterfly house is acocoon type glass greenhouse, in which the temperature and environment are mostsuitable for butterfly life. There are more than 25 species of butterflies inthe butterfly house, with a total number of more than thousands.

In the Dinosaur Trail, 17 dinosaur models were built. Tourists can followthe footprints of dinosaurs, slowly step into the primitive era, and return tothe world of the jungle Dinosaurs: to see the life of dinosaurs from hatching,growing up to adulthood. In the green garden, the ancient adventure will takeyou back to the ruins of the ancient rainforest. All the wild animals and plantswe met during the journey are real objects, large and lifelike, as well ashigh-altitude diving performance, which will make you refreshing.

Childrens Kingdom: the "childrens kingdom" with an area of 3.5 Mu wasopened in the summer of 1993, providing a new and interesting thing for afamily, especially children. In the childrens Kingdom, there are sightseeingtrains, "sea lion happy station" performance of "happy little theater",remote-controlled cars and boats, technical Games "happy game city", and"Dolphin school" mode.

"Journey at top speed" downer: the "journey at top speed" downer allowspassengers to slowly rise vertically, rise to the top of a 60 meter tower in 20to 25 seconds, then stay in the air for a few seconds, and then make a 40 milesteep descent to the ground. The whole descent is about 30 to 40 seconds, whichis extremely dangerous.



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Ladies and gentlemen, through the dalinggeng tunnel, its Zhapo town.

As for the origin of Zhapos name, some people say that once upon a time,when men went out to sea, the women in their families often stood on the highslopes and waited for their husbands to come back, so they called it "zhanpo";ganmin in Yangjiang pronounced "Zhan" and "Zhapo", so they called it "Zhapo";others said that Zhapo was originally built on a very messy hillside, so it wascalled "zapo" In fact, the origin of Zhapos name comes from the couplets at thegate of Mayuan temple.

In ancient times, on the island along the coast of Yangjiang, fishermenlived happily and peacefully.

It is said that since then, an evil dragon has been swimming in the sea,often making waves, and the fishermens life is not peaceful.

When the tsunami came, families were destroyed and devastated.

Later, Ma Yuan, the Fubo General of the Eastern Han Dynasty, passed throughYangjiang. Knowing this, he called for a big stone from the sea to suppress thewaves.

This big stone is now the "Butterfly Island" in front of Zhapo town.

From then on, the sea did not raise waves, and fishermen moved in one afteranother, making it a new fishing port.

In memory of the Fubo General Ma Yuan, people built a Ma Yuan Temple on theseaside mountain. A couplet was written at the entrance of the temple: "chishisilently protects the stability of the boat, and the gate wave maintains thepeace of Hailing." it means: General Ma Yuan moved the big stone here to protectthe safety of the fishing boat; the big stone blocked the waves, and the windand waves were calm from then on, maintaining the peace of Hailing Island.

Later, the local fishermen were grateful and nostalgic for General MaYuans kindness of "chishizhapo", so they named the new port "Zhapo".



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Hometown is always unforgettable for drifters. Harbor is also the eternalhope of people. Looking at the beautiful scenery; listening to the familiarsound of the sea Oh, every bit of my hometown, I am intoxicated, drunk on athousand reef island; drunk on a piece of rich land Yes! The same blue sky,different "square inch" of the land, this may be the nature of the creation andpreference of it.

Pingtan, my hometown, is endowed with enchanting beauty by nature. I amproud of it. Once someone asked: "Pingtan is just a desolate island with onlystones but no grass. What can I be proud of when I eat it up and down?" Ireplied with pride: no! Its just the past

Now in the reform and opening up today, the face of my hometown hasundergone earth shaking changes. Dont you believe it? When you see it with yourown eyes, you may be amazed!

First of all, the living conditions of the people in their hometown havebeen significantly improved. Beautiful environment and new residential areashave sprung up. Most of the people in their hometown have moved out of thebungalows without kitchens, sewers or bathrooms and into the spacious and brightnew buildings. People have constantly improved their civilized behavior, live inharmony and enjoy themselves. When my hometown was still in a poor county, mostof the wardrobes of every family were monotonous colors. Now the wardrobes havebecome larger, and it is not new to have several sets of famous brandclothes.

In addition, one broad and flat concrete road after another has replacedthe stone road of the past, with rows of bright street lamps erected on theroadsides; the rainbow like cross sea bridge has also been opened to traffic.Now, with the unique tourism resources, my hometown is a golden cornucopia

My hometown is not only beautiful but also rich in products. It is not onlya tourist attraction, but also a history textbook. It is the crystallization ofthe hard work and wisdom of more than 300000 parents and villagers. It is abright pearl in the treasure house of the motherland. I long for the rapiddevelopment of my hometown. Today I want to turn my love for my motherland andhometown into a driving force for learning. Tomorrow I will devote my talents tomy hometown and make my hometown look younger and more beautiful.



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Dear tourists

hello everyone! Now we are driving on Zhengbian Avenue. We will arrive atKaifeng by Zhongmou. It will take about an hour. Before we arrive, lets knowabout the famous city Kaifeng.

British historian Toynbee once said a famous saying that if I had a choice,I would like to live in the Song Dynasty of China. Because the Song Dynasty wasthe heyday of Chinese feudal society, Bianjing, the capital of the Song Dynasty,is todays Kaifeng, the largest city in the world at that time. With apopulation of one million, it was known as the international metropolis at thattime.

Today we will talk about Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern SongDynasty.

Kaifeng is an ancient capital with a history of more than 2700 years. Inhistory, seven dynasties successively established their capitals here. How canthis ancient capital be named Kaifeng? Who named it?

The name of this city is very strange? Some people once said two metaphors:Kaifeng is the name of the city, just like the thawing of the river. Kaifeng iscalled when the river thaws in winter and thaws in spring. Another way is to saythat Kaifengs name is contradictory, because "one Kaifeng and one Kaifeng" isjust the opposite. In fact, both of these two metaphors are incorrect, becauseKaifengs original name is not Kaifeng, but Kaifeng and Qifeng Fengcheng wasbuilt in the spring and Autumn Period 2700 years ago. In order to resist theinvasion of Song state in the East and Wei state in the north, zhengzhuanggongof Zheng state built a city for storing grain and weapons, which means "qituofengjiang" for short. In the Western Han Dynasty, the name of Emperor Wu of HanDynasty was Liu Qi. In order to avoid the taboo of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty,he changed "Qi" to "Kai". Because Qi and Kai are synonyms, the name of Kaifenghas not changed since Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty.

This city is one of the eight ancient capitals. It is also a very strangecity.

Very strange first point: this city is a stack of layers like a stack ofcities, why? Kaifeng we see today is Kaifeng in the Qing Dynasty. A few metersbelow the city of Kaifeng in the Qing Dynasty is Kaifeng in the Ming Dynasty,then Kaifeng in the Song Dynasty, and then Kaifeng in the Tang Dynasty. At thebottom of Kaifeng, which is 13 meters deep, is the state of Wei in the WarringStates period. Therefore, Kaifeng City shows a form of superposition of cities,so we call this form City on city.

Of course, the main reason for this citys pile of cities is the flood ofthe river, the silt inundating the old city, and then building a new city on thesite of the old city, so this is a very painful process. But it also causes aunique phenomenon, that is, the phenomenon of city on city. Moreover, ourarchaeological excavation today not only found the phenomenon of Kaifeng Citypiled on top of the city wall, but also found that the city wall was piled ontop of the city wall, the road was piled on top of the road, and the centralaxis was piled on top of the central axis. That is to say, when the city ofKaifeng was built, its central axis did not change. Today, there is a road inKaifeng city called Zhongshan Road, which is a vertical overlapping road ofsongduyu street. Therefore, this phenomenon is very unique in Kaifeng, and thereis no similar phenomenon in other cities in the world. Of course, thisphenomenon has also brought great disaster to Kaifeng. The phenomenon of citystacking in Kaifeng means that Kaifeng has experienced five floods Thedestruction of Kaifeng, because Kaifeng city more than 20 miles north of theplace is the Yellow River, until today, the Yellow river bed than Kaifeng to 11meters higher.

In the 2700 years since the founding of Kaifeng City, Kaifeng burst intoflood 42 times, five of which completely destroyed Kaifeng City. Of course,after each time Kaifeng City was destroyed, people from each dynasty moved backto build a new Kaifeng City on the original site. The history of Kaifengsdevelopment and the history of its being destroyed for several times has longbeen a kind of cultural character of the city, that is, "yellow water cant bedrowned, sand cant be buried, fire cant be burned down, disaster cant becrushed.".

The turbulent history of Kaifeng has long been the civilization of Kaifeng.In the turbulent Yellow River, what kind of historical figures have become theeternal memory of the people of Kaifeng?

There are many historical celebrities in the history of Kaifeng. In ancientChina, the most well-known are the two people who appeared when Kaifeng was thecapital of the Northern Song Dynasty. One is Bao Zheng, and the other is thefamous general of the Yang family. These two people have their historical relicsin Kaifeng, including Baogong temple and Kaifeng mansion. You can see thehistorical relics left until today in Kaifeng mansion The title of Kaifengmansion. The title of Kaifeng Prefecture is a biography of people who haveserved as Fu Yin in Kaifeng for more than 100 years since the founding of theNorthern Song Dynasty. In fact, it is a roster of the chief executive of thecapital of the Northern Song Dynasty. One of the depressions is said to be BaoZheng. When he was 59 years old, he served as the official of Kaifeng, becauseKaifeng was the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the official ofKaifeng was the highest official of the capital. But his name is now out ofsight, just a hollow groove,. It is said that the title of the Kaifeng mansionis written by the common people who touch the name of the Baogong with theirhands when they visit the mansion. The name of the Baogong is depressed, and agroove appears in the Southern Song Dynasty. In fact, Bao Zheng has only been aFu Yin in Kaifeng for more than a year. People miss him because he was a Fu Yinin Kaifeng In addition, he punished corrupt officials, rich people, bullies inthe capital, who were upright and did not harm the people, so he was deeplyloved by the people.

Another popular story in Kaifeng is the general of the Yang family. Thereis a Tianbo Yang mansion in Kaifeng to commemorate the story of Yang Ye and hisdescendants fighting against the Khitans at that time.

Yang Ye was originally a famous general in the Western Han Dynasty. Later,after he was attached to the Song Dynasty, he guarded the Shaanxi frontierfortress for the Song Dynasty. At last, he was framed by Pan Mei, the commanderin chief, and then injured. After that, he was captured and died on hungerstrike. This man was called "Yang linggong". Therefore, starting from "Yanglinggong", his descendants, including his daughter-in-law, became a series ofheroes who would rather die than surrender to resist foreign enemies Xiang hasbecome the pride of Kaifeng people in Chinese history and an important source ofthe cultural spirit of Kaifeng people today.

Kaifeng is a very dedicated city. We know that Kaifeng became the capitalof the Song Dynasty in the Northern Song Dynasty. Later, with the development ofhistory, Kaifeng has always been a down payment of Henan Province. Until theRepublic of China, the capital of Henan Province was always located in Kaifeng.In 1954, the capital of Henan Province moved from Kaifeng to Zhengzhou. Thereasons for moving to Zhengzhou are as follows Such a story.

At the end of the 19th century, after the rise of the WesternizationMovement, China began to have modern railways. At that time, the Beijing Wuhanrailway was built across the north and south, that is, the railway from Beijingto Zhengzhou to Hankou. Later, the railway from Hankou to Guangzhou was alsobuilt, and then the two railways were opened, that is, our Beijing Guangzhourailway. When the railway was originally built, it was originally planned to gothrough Kaifeng After Kaifeng, first of all, he took a straight line. If he tookZhengzhou, he needed to take a turn. At that time, Kaifeng was the capital ofHenan Province. But when Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Huguang at that time,was undertaking this project, he felt that the riverbed area of Kaifeng sectionof the Yellow River was too wide to be repaired. If it was repaired to Mangshan,Zhengzhou, it was the narrowest place of the Yellow River, which was easy torepair. In order to save money, Zhang Zhidong decided that the railway would notpass through Kaifeng, so he moved 70 kilometers westward. At that time, therewas a small county called Kaifeng Zheng county. Today, Zhengzhou is the capitalof Henan Province, so in this way, the Beijing Wuhan railway passes throughZheng county, that is, Zhengzhou instead of Kaifeng, which brings a big problemto Kaifeng. Because Kaifengs transportation is not convenient, and it is not acity on the Beijing Guangzhou railway line, Kaifeng handed over the importanttask of leading the people of Henan Province and carrying out socialistconstruction to Kaifeng in 1954 Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, movedfrom Kaifeng to Zhengzhou in this year.

As a famous historical and cultural city, Kaifeng has its own unique taste.Kaifeng culture is greatly influenced by the Song Dynasty culture. Theinheritance of the Song Dynasty culture is abundant in Kaifeng, which can besummarized as follows:

First, high end. The high end of the Song Dynasty culture is mainlyreflected in the famous painter Zhang Zeduans Qingming Riverside. The birth ofQingming Riverside has a very touching story. Zhang Zeduan was born in ZhuchengCounty, Shandong Province. He was a young painter. During the period of Huizongof Song Dynasty, he lived in daxiangguo temple, the largest temple in Bianjingat that time. He worked as a young painter in daxiangguo temple. Later, whenHuizong of Song Dynasty and his Prime Minister Cai Jing went to daxiangguotemple to make incense, he found Zhang Zeduan and recruited him to the imperialpalace

After entering the royal temple, Zhang Zeduan asked him to draw a pictureof Bianjing city. It took him a long time to draw the prosperous scene on bothsides of Bianhe river. This is the famous picture of Qingming River. After ZhangZeduan finished painting, the versatile song Huizong used a unique calligraphystyle called thin gold style to inscribe on it. This picture is the nationaltreasure of our country. It was collected in the palace five times and stolenfrom the palace four times. Fortunately, it is still well preserved.

Second, the richness of song culture. Ancient China has always had fourmajor inventions, but in addition to Cai Luns papermaking was invented in theHan Dynasty, such as the compass, gunpowder, printing these three majorinventions appeared in the Song Dynasty, so the Song Dynasty is an extremelyprosperous period in ancient China.

There are four calligraphers in the Northern Song Dynasty: Su Shi, HuangTingjian, Mi Fu and Cai Jing. Their calligraphy has been influencing Kaifengscalligraphy to this day. There are many people learning calligraphy in Kaifeng.Kaifeng is the first "famous city of Chinese calligraphy" named by the ChineseCalligraphers Association. There is a forest of Steles called Hanyuan forest ofSteles in Kaifeng. It is the first famous garden of calligraphy named by theChinese Calligraphers Association. There are 121 national calligraphy members inKaifeng, which is more than the number of Chinese calligraphy members in otherprovinces.

Kaifeng also set up a professional university called Wenxiu Academy in SongDynasty, which is specialized in studying embroidery. Therefore, Kaifeng Bianxiuis also famous all over the country. On the 10th anniversary of the founding ofthe peoples Republic of China, we once sent a famous Bianxiu painting "QingmingRiver Painting" to the Great Hall of the people and put it in the Henan Hall ofthe Great Hall of peoples names.

Kaifeng is also famous for its night market. The famous night market inKaifeng is Gulou night market, which originated from Zhouqiao night market inNorthern Song Dynasty. Zhouqiao night market is the most famous one in NorthernSong Dynasty. Today, it is Gulou night market. The varieties of Gulou nightmarket are not only popular in Kaifeng, but also popular in Zhengzhou, Xuchangand Xinxiang Night market, after eating and then back.

There are many kinds of snacks in the night market with different tastes,including stewed fish, wonton, roasted mutton, Camellia oleifera, bean curd andHu chili soup, as well as Babao porridge, Bingtang red pear and peanut cake.There are many cold noodle stalls in the night market. The "old Kaifeng people"are very particular about eating cold noodle. The cold noodle made of sweetpotato powder and mung bean powder is cut into thin slices and added with soysauce and pepper. If it is not yellow and scorched, they will not be satisfied.Tourists who have tasted Kaifeng fried jelly once said, "if you dont eatKaifeng fried jelly, you dont come to Kaifeng.".

Among many Kaifeng delicacies, the barrel chicken is a unique one. It ismade from hens over three years old and simmered in a hundred year old soup. Itis golden in color, fat but not greasy, fresh and crisp. The barrel chicken ofmayuxing in Kaifeng, which was founded in the Northern Song Dynasty, is one ofthe best.

Almond tea, known as "girl killer", is said to be a folk snack introducedby the court of Song Dynasty. It has not only the color and fragrance, but alsothe effect of beauty.

Especially in Kaifeng, we have to eat steamed buns with soup. Stuffed bunwith soup means that there is soup in it. Eating steamed stuffed buns in Kaifengsoup is an important process. The skin of steamed stuffed buns is thin, white asJingdezhen fine porcelain, with a sense of transparency. There are 32 folds onthe steamed bun, which are not even. Placed on a white porcelain plate, thesteamed buns filled with soup look like white chrysanthemums, lifted and clampedup, hanging like lanterns. This is aestheticism

The process of appreciation is indispensable. To eat, there is meatstuffing inside and fresh soup at the bottom. But remember, when you eat steamedstuffed buns with soup, you should pay attention to the bottom. Otherwise,before you can absorb the soup, the soup will flow to your hands along thechopsticks. Lift your wrist to suck it. The soup will flow along your arms andreach your vest. Therefore, we must pay close attention to the soup and eat itwholeheartedly.

Guantang baozi is not only beautiful in form, but also exquisite incontent. Meat stuffing and fresh soup live in the same room, eating it, will bethe north to eat noodles, meat, soup three integration, is a kind of integratedcharm. When eating steamed stuffed buns with soup, the existence of soup rankedfirst, followed by meat stuffing and dough. In Tang Rus poetry, the meat isprose and the skin is novel. Because what is contained in fiction is the essenceof prose.

Well, having said so much, we should have a general understanding ofKaifeng. We are about to arrive at the scenic spot we are going to visit today.Lets have a rest.
