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Welcome to changsha, hunan! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you cancall me little x. In order to facilitate everyone to visit, let me firstintroduce the history of changsha in hunan province.

15-20__00 years ago, human activity has started in changsha. About 7000years ago, changsha began to form the village. About 2400 years ago in thespring and autumn period and the warring states period chu in changsha city.Until today, the site has not changed, more than 20__ years ago the location ofthe road and even today the streets are still coincidence, therefore, changshabecome the longest in the history of Chinese city one of the cities at the sameaddress.

The different historical period, changsha has "LinXiang", called "tamstates"; Changsha tang and song dynasty and Ming dynasty and qing dynasty, itseconomy and culture as its most prosperous period in history. The earliestdocumented in the name of "changsha" ", wang shifu book will be about tribute"changsha turtle" say, more than 3000 years ago. Chow period of ningxiang countycoal river site unearthed four sheep statue of bronze ware etc reflects thechangsha area with the original a connection. Changsha, about 2400 years historyof city construction, city was built in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, chu. "The millet of changsha, chu also." ChuCheng kingset county in guizhou, changsha as its scope. By qin qin shi huang unifiedChina, changsha county 36 county, one of which is changsha starts with Chinasadministrative division name go down in history. Han period, the capital city ofchangsha, changsha countries. In the early eastern han dynasty waste "changsha"appointed "changsha county" instead.

In The Three Kingdoms and the western jin dynasty period, changsha countygovernance, belong to the ancient jingzhou. The late western jin dynasty and thenorthern and southern dynasties, changsha county and hunan state system ofgovernance.

Sui early withdrawal county, head of changsha as tam state government; Thelate change state for the county, and changsha, changsha county countygovernance. When set pool by the tang dynasty, once jiangnan road, Jiang Naxiway. Changsha kiln in the five dynasties period of the tang dynasty, onceflourished, become the birthplace of under glaze color. Five dynasties and tenstates period for changsha chu capital, which is the only country to changshafor capital.

When the song dynasty by the changsha to pool. Changsha yuelu academy, setup in the northern song dynasty to culture and education to the peak. The yuandynasty in 1274 to pool state road, HuGuang province seat. Is still the tamstate road 1281, hunan DaoXuan comfort seat, subordinate HuGuang provinces; Yuanliterate admired day calendar for two years due to the "good" emperors nameheaven road, yuan state seat change at the end of the pool. Ming to changshaFuZhi, originally department subordinate HuGuang. The qing emperor kangxi threeyears to build "hunan province", changsha as changsha government FuZhi and hunanprovince. When Ming and qing dynasties, changsha, there are four big market andbig four, what he said, one of the most important market for China.

Late qing dynasty, zeng guofan became "the first person of hunan", thechangsha government emerged important figure in Chinese history, such as CengGuoquan, zuo zongtang, Hu Linyi, such as elimination of the taiping heavenlykingdom, started the westernization movement, recovered in xinjiang, etc., causeprofound influence to the late qing dynasty of China. Late qing dynasty andearly republic of China, changsha become important political and revolutionaryactivities. The reform movement of Chen Baozhen, tan sitong, establishment ofThe Times in changsha school. ZiLiJun uprising, China after a sudden flash ofinspiration, symbol of tian-hua Chen and Yao Hongye, clear ping feels ashameduprising, rob rice agitation, are influential activities. Against the qingdynasty in the late qing dynasty made a series of qing dynasty, made greatcontribution to the establishment of the republic of China.




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帆船旁边还有一个它曾经使用过的木锚,那木锚长7.4米,重达一吨,在当时也算非常巨大了。木锚的前端是用铁打造的,这样就可以增加摩擦力,使锚紧紧地抓住江底的沙泥,牢牢地固定住船身。 在船旁的房间里,我还惊奇的发现了一个保存完好的,距今有8000多年的独木舟残片,那是世界上最古老的独木舟了!





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2018 字

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Qingdao is located in the Yellow Sea, and China has always set the sealevel of the Yellow Sea as the national elevation datum. The level zero of thepeoples Republic of China from this can most intuitively experience thewonderful feeling that the height starts from the foot! Usually, after touristscome to Qingdao, the level zero is a must visit point, because the height startsfrom here, it represents higher and higher, higher and higher!

Located on the east side of Fushan Bay in Qingdao, adjacent to QingdaoOlympic Sailing Center and May 4th Square, China zero scenic spot is a nationalAAAA scenic spot. It is a theme park with Chinas altitude zero as the core. Itis a unique scenic spot in China. Former President Hu Jintao visited it inperson.

China zero scenic spot is a new type of scenic spot in Qingdao, whichintegrates surveying and mapping culture, navigation culture and marine culture.It has Chinas only level zero of the peoples Republic of China, Chinas firstinternational yacht and sailing industry development base, the worlds highestsculpture of "Mazu goddess on the sea", the worlds first mechanicallyretractable Rainbow Bridge on the sea, the sailing capital sightseeing tower andthe Maritime Science and Technology Museum.

Chinas leveling zero is located in the "peoples Republic of Chinaleveling zero" in Yinhai world, Donghai Middle Road, Qingdao, which is the onlyleveling zero in China. The leveling zero is the starting surface of theelevation of the ground point. The average sea level measured by the tide gaugeat different locations is different. In order to unify the national elevationsystem, an average sea level is selected as the elevation datum.

Qingdao Yinhai International Yacht Club scenic spot was rated as nationalAAAA scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 20__. It is the firstnew tourism resource with yacht club as the main body and knowledge of OlympicGames, ocean, sailing and surveying and mapping. It has unique ornamental,knowledge, interest and experience.



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进入朱家角古镇,我们先到了泰安桥。泰安桥非常漂亮,据说象征着国泰民安。人们只要站在桥上一小会儿,保证一年里平平安安,万事如意。走在石板小路上,可以看到很多粽子店,都叫"阿婆粽子店"。可想而知,一定是阿婆包的粽子哦!还有香喷喷的稻香插肉,用粽叶包红烧肉,再用稻子插起来,肥而不腻,让人看着嘴里就流口水,忍不住想吃一口!走着走着,我们走到了五孔石拱桥——— 放生桥。许多人买了小金鱼、小乌龟等水生动物,然后从桥上放下去,被称为放生。因此,这座桥的名字成了放生桥。看着桥下清澈的湖水,我不禁有了坐船的念头。于是,我们乘船观赏了朱家角古镇的美景。我这才发觉,朱家角古镇就像一幅美丽的画卷。























全国首批4A旅游景点金茂大厦88层观光厅,是目前国内最高最大的观光厅,荣膺上海大世界基尼斯之最。两台每秒运行9.1米的垂直升降电梯一次可乘载33位旅客,只需45秒钟可将游客从地下一层直送88层。登高远眺,大上海的景观尽收眼底,浦江两岸高楼林立,黄浦江上百舸争流,您可亲身体验"落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色" 的美景。赏完外景,您还可以从上往下观赏世界举世无双的酒店中庭,它直径27米,28道环廊扶手在霓虹灯的照射下,金光闪闪。一道道环廊如同一排排画廊,美不胜收。此情此景,无不激动人心,您会不由自主地拿起照相机留下永恒的纪念。金茂大厦无与伦比的酒店中庭被建筑师、科学家、文学家誉为“共享空间”、“金色的年轮”、“时空隧道”。




1999年初,上海市又一座标志性建筑傲然屹立黄浦江畔,人们期待已久的世界第三、中国第一的88层金茂大厦终于推向市场,这幢集现代办公楼、豪华五星级酒店、商业会展、高档宴会、观光、娱乐、商场等综合设施于一体,深富中华民族文化内涵,溶汇西方建筑艺术的智慧型摩天大楼,已成为当今沪上最方便舒适、最灵活安全的办公、金融、商贸、娱乐和餐饮的理想活动场所。金茂大厦于1992年2月17日 被批准立项,1994年5月10日动工,1997年8月28日结构封顶,至1999年3月18日开张营业,当年8月28日全面营业。金茂大厦占地2.3公顷,塔楼高420.5米,总建筑面积29万平方米。





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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2885 字

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Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Im __ tour guide. Today Ill show you around Hengshan Mountain. HengshanMountain is located in the central part of Hunan Province. It crosses sixcounties and cities, including Hengyang, Hengshan, Hengdong, Xiangxiang,Xiangtan and Changsha. It spans 800 Li and has 72 peaks. Zhurong peak, the mainpeak, is 1290 meters above sea level. It is outstanding among the hills incentral and Southern Hunan. "All the mountains are small at a glance.". Hengshanis like a piece of Xiang embroidery, with a panoramic view of the Chu Tian andXiang Shui. It is also like a scroll of painting, with thick shading and lightdyeing, unparalleled in the world. It is more like a poem, with high sigh andlow chant, with endless aftertaste.

There are many legends about the origin of Hengshan Mountain. After death,Pangu turned into mountains and trees, the head into Mount Tai in the East, thefoot into Mount Hua in the west, the belly into mount song in the middle, theright arm into Mount Heng in the north, and the left arm into Mount Heng in thesouth; On the other hand, Emperor Yan, one of the ancestors of China, chased theimmortal bird in a Shennong style, and beat the zhuniao into Nanyue with a magicwhip. Therefore, the missing bird pattern was painted on the memorial archway atthe entrance of Nanyue ancient town, and the "zhuniao" of Nanyue Mountain emblemalso came from the mountain. The ancients often used the sky map to dodivination, the so-called "there are stars in the sky, and there are cities inthe earth.". According to the records of Xingjing, Nanyue is located on the wingof Fuxing, which is called Hengshan. There is no "Changsha" star in charge ofhuman life beside the star. Hengshan was originally Changsha, so it is alsocalled "Shouyue". People often say that "Shoubi Nanshan" comes from themountain.

Passing through the ancient town of Nanyue, we are confronted with a groupof magnificent palace like buildings, which is called "Nanyue Temple" as"Jiangnan Imperial Palace".

Nanyue temple is a key protected cultural relic in Hunan Province. It wasbuilt in the early Tang Dynasty, more than 1000 years ago, and has undergone sixfires and 16 reconstructions in song, yuan and Qing Dynasties. Ruicun buildingwas rebuilt in the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the QingDynasty, covering an area of 76800 square meters. Along the central axis, thereare nine entrances and four courtyards, including Lingxing gate, KuixingPavilion, chuanmen gate, yubeiting Pavilion, Jiaying gate, yushulou, main hall,bedroom and North back door.

Now you are crossing Shoujian bridge. In front of it is Lingxing gate, thesouth main gate of Nanyue temple. "Lingxing" is one of the ancient stars. Theperson in charge of the temple is xingguowang. The temple gate named after"Lingxing" naturally hopes that our country will have a large number of talentsand prosper.



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Jin temple was built in northern wei dynasty, in honor of ji fa the second uncle danger. Here the house set each other off of each other of, pavilions, halls, Bridges, trees, mountain ring around the water, cultural relic, ancient giant, is a scenery is very beautiful landscape, thus is regarded as a "small jiangnan" in Shanxi Province, is a country one of the few large ancestral hall type classical gardens, renowned Chinese and foreign. Especially the mother house, maid like, fish fen fly beam, difficult old springs scenic spots such as jin temple scenic area is the best. Temple Zhou Bai, difficult old springs, song maid like is known as "quiet" jin temple, has the very high historical value, scientific value and artistic value. Jin temple for the national key cultural relics protection unit, is a shinning pearl of the Chinese culture.

Jin temple scenic spots are from taiyuan, climate conditions and close to downtown, and in accordance with the mountain water, beautiful scenery, is summer, sightseeing visitors. To the jin temple in taiyuan city 8 automated collection bus, 8 road minibus, day and night long time 23:00 early (6 -) and driving time between short (15-20 minutes), comfortable driving environment. Jin temple scenic area convenient accommodation, restaurant, hotel, located around, dozens of hotels, restaurants, restaurant, have excellent service and delicious food, and with local characteristics. Especially the "jin temple rice" with its MingJing bright pure fragrance, taste and drink praise the world. Close to the scenic spot of the jin temple town government effort to catch the tourism in recent years for leading utilities and SanYe (service), catering, entertainment and construction, landscape changes greatly, especially in the scenic spot of accommodation, communications, business, health care, entertainment, shopping environment is more and more get the favour of the Chinese and foreign tourists.

Located in the open ground in front of the jin temple ancient buildings. East of clear water lotus pond, jin temple ancient building is in the west, north and south wing, close to thousands of hectares of paddy field, farmhouse, village. Fu longshan is garden rockery, halfway up the mountain, inlaid stone book "v longshan". Foothills of caves in water, water streaming out from shilong mouth into the pool. Pool has carved stone two arhat, pool have soul stone carving, mago, pool and drinking water, form but wonderful, temperament and interest.

There are DE en lent in central park. Northwest have fairy WengGe, also known as the red cabinet. Because of one of the eight immortals pavilion on consecrate lu dongbin the name. The cabinet was established in the Ming dynasty hongzhi years (1488 1505), the qing emperor kangxi forty-four years (in 1705) rebuilt. And arctic pavilion, the created in Ming dynasty, rebuilt in the qing dynasty architecture, simple dignified, elegant and not common, David has "the ancient tang estate" inscribed copy. Tao ran, village dont house corner, pavilion pavilion show.

Southeast jin temple park, is a water park. Here is commonly known as the south lake, water garden show, there are three Kong Qiao on lake, pedestrian bridge, the bridge on a boat, those jiangnan thorn.

Hexiang assemble, wooden miscellaneous cloth, beautiful scenery, famous taiyuan jin temple, is located in the southwest of downtown hanging urn hill, jin water source, is embedded in the loess plateau of China hexiang garden pearl. It has a long history and was built s no exams, northern wei li daoyuan written book of water injection has been recorded, explain jin temple in more than one thousand five hundred years ago, have a certain scale.

Jin temple is the temple of jinhou, the original is a sacrifice in the early western zhou dynasty Tang Fangguo founding emperor JiYu (i.e., shu yu of tang) ancestral temple. After jin water originating from this, the change of name for jin, so named jin temple.

Jin temple covers an area of more than 40000 square meters, the temple YinYi trees, has been more than thousand years for Qi expansion, development and construction, has been developed from the original sacrifices in the spring and autumn jin the founding emperor of shu yu of tang ancestral temple and become FengSi many people, including various temple, the temple of the god, Buddha, tao, the song, jin, yuan, Ming and qing dynasties, the construction of various temple, hall, building, pavilion, pavilion, Chinese Taiwan hundred bridge, Bridges, pavilions, is a cultural connotation is extremely rich and has an important historical, artistic or scientific value of landscape, thus negative wins at home and abroad for a long time.

The ancient temple, north, south by three parts. Central building to Notre Dame temple as the center, forming a east-west axis. From the temple east gate inside, used to after he in turn water on central axis jingyi, fairy bridge, Jin Rentai, Vietnam lane, on the second floor of the bell and drum, fen fly up, fish beam, the virgin temple, is the main body of the temple building. This set of architectural layout rigorous, modelling is chic, with unique style, art is famous in the world with a high historical value. North east since wenchang palace building, have a lock on hongqiao, dongyue temple, heaven shrines science (guandi temple), neighborhood, jun day joytv, drawing treasure John booth, shu yu of tang temple, lianchi, good spring pavilion, loose water pavilion, branch YunTao original hall, chaoyang hole, hole, hole, laojun cave, stay fung hin, three leaves, reading platform, Lv Zuge, Gu Ting and static grace, etc. This group of construction land criss-crossing, publicizing floor shelf, jagged superimposed, winning by HongLi spectacular, quiet and elegant.

Building in the southern east since - ying building, garden pavilions have flow with LeTing, researched calligraphy and painting, build, Bai Heting, three shrine, really boring pavilion, pavilion, diversion weir, Zhang Lang tower, winding and wash the ear hole, not a ship, the old spring pavilion, jellyfish, floor and Chinese Taiwan Chinese ostrich temple, GongShuZi shrine and so on. This group of buildings are both number crunchers, pavilion bridge ornament, long and springs passing through, beautiful scenery, is landscape characteristics and poetic. South and wang yu temple, JinXi academy, dong shouping art museum, in the holy temple, mountain park, etc. Temple overall layout density, rigorous, yard characteristics of both temples, also rich charm of royal family today, magnificent grand, show originality.

Largest temple and cultural value is the highest building in saint was built in the northern song dynasty years (1023-1032), tang ning first year (AD 1102) rebuilt the virgin of the temple, it was built Shi Gou stylobate, surface width of seven, the deep six, double-hipped roof rested on the top of the hill, surrounded by gallery, between the front porch for two deep, the porch and spacious, are unique in the tang, song building. Deposit in China and in the physical, thus the temple porch around depth reached between the two, this is the earliest one instance. Front pillars carved wooden panlong eight, winding, plate bending, strong of song and yuan period for two years (AD 1087) the original. PanLongZhu shape was seen in sui and tang stone tower door and shrines, in domestic ancient buildings known wooden material, the most ancient.

Inside there are 43 statue of painted sculpture, including Madonna 1, the eunuch like 5, the female officer wearing mens clothing like 4, maid as 33. Except 2 statue of small like the 10) of the Ming dynasty god fill plastic outside, more than the original song dynasty. These statues statue of inherent regulation arrangement broke through the temples, created the real secular life scenes, is song dynasty palace life and reality, guarded hierarchy and vivid, lifelike, is the highest reflect and reflect of sung people aesthetic temperament and interest, is prepared, at home and abroad are extremely rare. Before the house of the marsh fish fly beam structure characteristics of the song dynasty, marsh pillars of the northern wei dynasty relic, is the original song saint years. Marsh flying fish beam is set up on the marsh fish actually modelling cross bridge wings like birds, this peculiar cross bridge type of modelling, beautiful shape, although early recorded in ancient books, occasionally see somewhat in the ancient paintings, but domestic existing physical alone, it is "of collecting the unique, the only one like you", for the study of Chinese ancient bridge construction is extremely valuable. Fly before beam is up, although small, but Jin Dading eight years (AD 1168), the original structure.

Chinas temple architecture for offering pavilion, pavilion, pavilion, enjoy hall, worship at the temple, up sex building although common, is very common, but most are built by the Ming and qing, jin wood up are unique only jin temple, it is all the more precious.

Old before spring, jin temple is the essence of natural sights. On the left side of the true boring booth, is a place where people watch the scenery to stay more. Pavilion on the steps to the waters edge, called "wash ear hole". Water dam, such as jade belt through the waist, chisel holes under the dam has ten, is that the two drainage notoginseng water line.

Jin temple of trees, and people enjoying the scenery. The legendary Zhou Bai, Tang Huai equal within, guandi temple before permanent jingyi, dongyue temple and the virgin north side of the temple, and on to the virgin Zhou Bai most conspicuous on the northern side of the temple. Trees more than 10 m tall, lean lean on south side, green leaf branch, lie in the house above the roof, the virgin into 45-degree Angle with the ground, another cypress supported it in front of the torso, called "last days" parker.

In addition, drawing the treasure John booth in the department of the preface to jin temple inscription and tablet taizong account in dynasty twenty years (AD 646) writing and writing yourself - font for the running script, is deep the romantic charm of wang xizhi, runaway free and easy, bone the grand, elegant tall and straight, is Chinas earliest existing a running script tablet, has important historical and artistic value.

Many scholars in the history of the tour after the jin temple left a lot of good. Great poets in the tang dynasty Li Baiyou "jin temple like jasper water", "microwave squama sedge green" song of eternal; Late song dynasty sima guang has "cold taihang mountain, water garden in the spring" of the sentence; Song OuYangXiuYou "spirit Yu Run vegetation, and cooper with pale smoke".



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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Dongguan. Im your guide David.

Dongguan City is located in the south central part of Guangdong Province,the East Bank of the Pearl River Estuary, and the Pearl River Delta in the lowerreaches of the Dongjiang River. It is located in the east of Guangzhou and isrich in guancao. It is between 113 ° 31 ′ - 114 ° 15 ′ E and 22 ° 39 ′ - 23 ° 09′ n. Yinpingzui mountain of Qingxi Town borders Huiyang District of Huizhou Cityin the East; datan township of Zhongtang town borders Guangzhou City, ZengchengCity and BOLUO County of Huizhou City in the north; Shiziyang central route inthe northwest of Xidatan of Shatin town borders Panyu District of Guangzhou Cityin the West; Yantian reservoir of Fenggang town connects Baoan District ofShenzhen City in the south. Adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, in the middle ofGuangzhou Shenzhen economic corridor. It is 59 km from Guangzhou in thenorthwest, 99 km from Shenzhen in the southeast and 140 km from Hong Kong. It isabout 70.45 km long from east to west and 46.8 km wide from north to south. Thecity has a land area of 2465 square kilometers and a sea area of 150 squarekilometers.

[geology? Geomorphology] in terms of geological structure, Dongguan City islocated in the south-west of northeast BOLUO fault and Dongguan fault depressionbasin on the southern edge of northeast Luofushan fault zone. The terrain ishigh in the southeast and low in the northwest. The landforms are mainly hillyplatform and alluvial plain, with hilly platform accounting for 44.5%, alluvialplain accounting for 43.3% and mountainous area accounting for 6.2%. There aremany mountains in the southeast, especially in the East. The mountains are huge,strongly divided, concentrated and undulating. The elevation is 200-600 meters,and the slope is about 30 degrees. The main peak of Yinpingzui mountain is 898.2meters high, which is the highest peak in Dongguan City. The low mountains andhills in the central and southern parts are hilly and platform areas. Thenortheast part is close to the Dongjiang River bank, with developed hillockland, land and valley plains, of which the elevation is 30-80 meters In thenorthwest is the delta plain formed by Dongjiang River, which is a low-lyingarea surrounded by water network; in the southwest is the river alluvial plainnear the Pearl River Estuary, which is flat and low-lying, which is ashaxiantian area greatly affected by the tide.

Dongguan City holds the throat of Dongjiang River and Guangzhou waterway tothe sea. It has 115.94 km coastline (including inner waterway), 53 km mainwaterway coastline and Humen Port, a good deep-water port.

[mineral resources] there are 19 kinds of mineral resources in class VIIand 66 ore deposits in Dongguan. Among them, there are 8 types of metalminerals, 34 deposit spots: 10 ferrous metal minerals (9 iron ore spots and 1ilmenite), 23 non-ferrous metal minerals (4 copper deposits, 4 lead-zincdeposits, 10 tungsten deposits, 4 tin deposits and 1 titanium deposit), and 1precious metal gold mineralization spot. There are 32 non-metallic minerals ofclass VI 11 types: 9 metallurgical auxiliary raw material minerals (4 refractoryclay, 4 peat soil and 1 petroleum), 14 chemical raw material minerals (6 pyrite,3 barite, 4 potash feldspar and 1 halite), 3 building material non-metallicminerals (2 cement limestone and 1 cement clay). It is mainly distributed in themountains and hills in the middle, South and east of Dongguan. The distributionof mineral resources is scattered and irregular.

[animal and plant resources] there are many kinds of wild animals inDongguan City, which are mainly distributed in mountainous and hilly areas. Mostof the larger wild animals live in the southeast mountainous areas, and most ofthem are found in plain and hilly areas. The main wild animals are: mammals,birds, fish (134 species), crustaceans and a variety of shellfish, amphibians,reptiles, insects and so on. The main wild plants are: 1 630 species of vascularplants, belonging to 210 families and 805 genera, including 125 species ofpteridophytes, 37 families and 66 genera; 7 species of gymnosperms, 5 familiesand 5 genera; 1 498 species of angiosperms, 168 families and 734 genera(including 143 families, 556 genera and 1135 species of dicotyledons; 25families, 178 genera and 363 species of monocotyledons). There are 8 phyla and110 genera of plankton in inland waters.

[tourism resources] Dongguan is a famous historical and cultural city inGuangdong Province, the opening place of modern Chinese history, Dongjiangpeoples Anti Japanese base, and the pioneer of reform and opening up. In 20__,Dongguan City selected eight new scenic spots: "Songhu Yanyu" (Songshan Lakehigh tech Industrial Development Zone), "Dadao Zhaohui" (Dongguan Avenue),"Plaza yicui" (Central Square), "gusai Feihong" (Humen Bridge), "Huying Diecui"(Huying country park and the surrounding landscape of Yujing Bay), "BanlingNingfang" (green world, shuilianshan Forest Park and other scenic spots) Thesurrounding landscape, Lianfeng Heron (Changan Lianhuashan scenic spot) andJinsha Yangyue (Shilong Jinsha Bay). In the same year, Dongguan was rated as"Chinas excellent tourism city".

Administrative division

On May 1, 20__, Dongguan city governed four streets and 28 towns: Guanchengstreet, Nancheng street, Dongcheng Street, Wanjiang street, Shijie Town, ShilongTown, Chashan Town, Shipai town, Qishi Town, Hengli Town, Qiaotou town, XiegangTown, Dongkeng Town, Changping Town, Liaobu Town, Dalang Town, Huangjiang Town,Qingxi Town, Tangxia Town, Fenggang town, Changan Town, Humen Town, Houjie Townand Shatin town , Daocheng Town, Hongmei Town, Machong Town, Zhongtang Town,Gaocheng Town, Zhangmutou town, Dalingshan Town, Wangniudun town.

[historical evolution]

Dongguan county was established in the sixth year of Xianhe in the EasternJin Dynasty (331 A.D.), initially named Baoan, under the jurisdiction ofDongguan county. In 757, it was renamed Dongguan, and the county government wastransferred from Wucheng (now Baoan Nantou) to Yongcheng (now Guancheng). In the22nd year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1152), Xiangshan town inDongguan was established as Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan City); in the firstyear of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1573), Dongguan was established as XinanCounty (now Baoan District, Shenzhen City) with a total of 56 Li households.The Qing Dynasty was ruled by the Ming Dynasty. During the period of theRepublic of China, it successively belonged to Guangdong Province, GuangdongProvince, Guangdong central administrative region, the first administrativeregion and the fourth administrative region.

On October 17, 1949, Dongguan was liberated. At the beginning, it was underthe jurisdiction of Dongjiang administrative region.

In March 1950, Dongguan county was attached to the Pearl River specialzone.

In 1952, the Pearl River region was abolished, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to the central Guangdong administrative region.

In February 1956, the central Guangdong administrative region was abolishedand Dongguan county was subordinate to Huiyang District.

In November 1958, Dongguan county was once attached to Guangzhou City for ashort time.

In January 1959, Huiyang District was abolished and Dongguan county wasassigned to Foshan district.

In June 1963, Huiyang District was restored, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to Huiyang District.

In 1985, Dongguan county was approved by the State Council as the PearlRiver Delta economic development zone. In September of the same year, Dongguancounty was abolished and Dongguan City was established;

In January 1988, it was upgraded to a prefecture level city. Dongguan Cityis one of the four prefecture level cities without municipal jurisdiction,directly under Guangdong Province. (the other four cities are Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province, Sanya City, Hainan Province and Sansha City, HainanProvince)

In 1986, Dongguan city began to withdraw districts and build towns,implementing the system of villages under the jurisdiction of towns;

On February 4, 1986, with approval, Dongguan City and three districtoffices, including Huangcun District, Wanjiang district and Fucheng District,were abolished, and Dongguan City sub district office, Wanjiang District subdistrict office, Fucheng District sub district office and Huangcun District subdistrict office were established.

In March 20__, the sub district office of Fucheng District was abolishedand the Dongcheng sub district office was established;

In October 20__, (Hu á ng) Huangcun District sub district office wasrenamed Nancheng sub district office;

In January 20__, the sub district offices of the inner and outer districtsof the city, which were set up separately since January 1988, were abolished,and the sub district offices of Guancheng were merged and re established;

In November 20__, Wanjiang District sub district office was renamed asWanjiang sub district office.

In September 20__, Dongguan City has 28 towns and 4 streets, and each town(street) has 383 villages and 214 communities. The village has a number ofvillagers groups and the community has a number of residents groups. DongguanCity, town (street), village (community) three-level administrative districtmanagement; street administrative agencies for the sub district office; villageadministrative agencies for the villagers committee, community administrativeagencies for the community residents committee.

General situation of climate in Dongguan City

[rivers] the main rivers in Dongguan are Dongjiang River, Shima River andHanxi river. 96% of the territory belongs to the Dongjiang River Basin. The mainstream of the Dongjiang River flows from BOLUO county and Huiyang District ofHuizhou City in the northeast, and then along the northern border from east towest to Qiaotou xinkaihekou. It flows into Shima River, which originates fromBaoan District of Shenzhen City, and into Qishi River, which flows into Qishicity. After Shilong is separated from the South tributary, the north main streamflows to Shitan, converges with the tributary from Zengcheng City, Guangzhou,and flows into Shiziyang through Dasheng city. The South tributary flowsobliquely southwest through Shijie and Wanjiang River, and receives Hanxi waterfrom the middle of Shiziyang city at the gorge. Below the gorge, there are threesmaller tributaries, Niushan River, gedishui River and Xiaosha River, which flowfrom east to west, and then flows to Sisheng and flows into Shiziyang . Betweenthe north main stream and the South Branch is the river network area ofDongjiang Delta.

[climate] Dongguan has a subtropical monsoon climate, with long summer andno winter, abundant light, abundant heat, warm climate, small temperaturevariation, abundant rainfall and obvious dry and wet seasons. In 20__, theprecipitation was low, the temperature was low, and there was no positive attackof tropical cyclone. The annual average temperature is 22.1 ℃, 0.5 ℃ lower thanthe annual average; the coldest is January (monthly average temperature is 10.6℃), the hottest is August (monthly average temperature is 29.3 ℃), and the hightemperature (daily maximum temperature ≥ 35 ℃) lasts for 8 days. The annualextreme maximum temperature was 36.2 ℃ (appeared on July 25, 20__), and theannual extreme minimum temperature was 3.2 ℃ (appeared on January 12, 20__). Theannual total rainfall in 20__ was 1298.6 mm, 29.1% less than the annual average;the total rainfall in flood season (April September) was 1014.9 mm, 32.8% lessthan the annual average. During the year, there was no positive attack oftropical cyclones, only affected by the circulation of "Haima" and "Nasha",which did not cause obvious disasters.



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Ancient lotus pond is one of the famous ancient gardens in China. As soonas you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a rockery. On the archwaybehind the gate, there are four bright words: "ancient lotus pond". They areplaced in the middle, as if to welcome the guests here.

On the right side of the gate is a row of black stone tablets. Thecharacters on the stone tablets are written by famous calligraphers of differentdynasties. Further on, you can see a white Jiuqu bridge, through which you cometo the water Pavilion. The pavilion has eight corners, and each corner is hungwith a lovely wind chime. As long as mother-in-law Feng blows gently, the littlewind chime will make a pleasant sound. There are six pillars around thepavilion, which are all connected together. Tourists can sit on it and have arest, or look at the wind in the distance.

When I went into the pavilion, I found that it was spacious and cool. Therewere many patterns on the pavilion, and the structure was very fine. There wasnot a nail in the whole pavilion. This shows the wisdom and ability of theancient people.

Standing in the water Pavilion, I saw many lotus leaves and flowers in thelotus pool. Walking back from the water Pavilion, there is a famous library inChina.

Beautiful lotus pool, beautiful water, beautiful scenery, I am very proudof my hometown with such a beautiful scenery.



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第 一站前往坛子岭,听解说员说:“三峡大坝是世界上最大的水利发电站。坝高185米、长2309.49米。年发电量1820亿千瓦。到了至高点坛子岭,向左 看是世界上目前最大的五级船闸,向右看是雄伟的三峡大坝,向上看是一片汪洋,水面很平静,这就是毛爷爷曾经说的:“高峡出平湖”的景色。




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Hello, everyone. Im your guide. Lets visit the famous HumbleAdministrators garden. Humble Administrators garden is a typical garden workof Ming Dynasty. It is compact, simple and elegant. Humble Administratorsgarden is centered on water. She is divided into three parts: East, middle andWest.

The first thing we came to is the east garden. Please see, the east side ofthe lawn is a broad area. On the west side of the lawn is a mound of earth.There are wooden pavilions on it. The flowing water lingers around the lawn. Thewillows on the bank are low. Among them are Shiji and Lifeng. There arewaterside pavilions and curved bridges near the water. It has a strong featureof Jiangnan Water Town. How beautiful it is!

Through the east garden, we came to the middle garden. The center of thepark is the pool. Pavilions and pavilions are built near the water. Somepavilions and pavilions are straight out of the water. Please see, that antiquehouse is the main hall Yuanxiang hall, which uses lotus fragrance as a metaphorfor character. It has long windows on all sides, and you can enjoy the sceneryin the garden. Ladies and gentlemen, please come to the north of the hall. Thereis a linchi platform. You can enjoy the island mountain and the pavilions in thedistance from the pool. The water here is clear, lotus is planted everywhere,and the mountain island is covered with trees. The scenery of the four seasonsvaries from time to time. Its so beautiful!

Lets go further west to see the west garden. The layout of the west iscompact, with pavilions built close to mountains and rivers. That is the mainbuilding of the west garden, the 36 Yuan Yang hall. It was the place where themaster of the garden entertained guests and listened to music. On a sunny day,you can see the outdoor scenery through the blue glass window, just like a snowscene. The pool of the 36 Yuan Yang Pavilion is in the shape of a curvedruler.

Humble Administrators garden is full of beautiful scenery, which cant befinished in three days and three nights. Please take your time. Please payattention to health and safety when you visit, and dont litter.



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Three Gorges people are picturesque: traditional Three Gorges stilts aredotted in the mountains and rivers, ancient sailing boats and awning boats thathave not been seen for a long time are quietly moored in front of the ThreeGorges peoples doors, girls by the stream are washing their clothes with clubhammers, and leisurely fishermen on the river are casting nets to catch fish Allkinds of customs and customs that have been handed down for thousands of yearsreflect the simple hospitality of Xiajiang people. When you enter XiajiangDiaojiaolou, Xiajiang girl is singing and dancing, and the red Hydrangea in herhand is floating. At this time, the beautiful Three Gorges girl holds a cup ofxiazhou tea for you, and you will feel dreamlike and kind.

The beauty of the stone tablets in the Three Gorges lies in "the urgency ofthe Bay, the strangeness of the stone, the seclusion of the valley, the Jue ofthe cave and the sweetness of the spring". It includes longjinxi, the fourthspring in the world, yepoling, Dengying cave, anti Japanese War Memorial Hall,Shipai ancient town, yangjiaxi military drifting and other scenic spots. Itstourism connotation can be summarized as "one two three four", namely: oneMuseum (Shipai Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall), two special projects (ThreeGorges folk custom project and yangjiaxi military drifting project), and threefirsts (Three Gorges first bay Mingyue Bay, yangjiaxi military drifting project)Shilingpai, the first magic card in China, dengyingshi, the first stone in theYangtze River, and Toad spring, the fourth spring in the world. Among them, theThree Gorges family style projects are divided into water family, stream family,mountain family and todays family. Since ancient times, scholars and poets ofall ages have written many beautiful poems, such as Li Bai in Tang Dynasty,Ouyang Xiu, Su Zhe and Huang Tingjian in Northern Song Dynasty, Lu You inSouthern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zhidong in Qing Dynasty, and Guo Moruo, a greatmodern poet. Poets use their spiritual pen to write about the people in theThree Gorges, the sound of sculls, the sweet spring of toads, the greenmountains and waterfalls, and the beautiful peaks and rocks After reading thesepoems, I feel as if I am on the scene, enjoying the magical scenery and richamorous feelings of the Shipai of the Three Gorges people.

The Three Gorges people integrate the essence of the Three Gorges culture,the Ba style and Chu rhyme, and have a panoramic view of the Xiajiang river. Themagnificent Yangtze River has nurtured the culture of the Three Gorges. It isthe cream of Bachus traditional national art. Bachu culture is blending,multiplying and developing here. When broadness and mystery get married,brilliance and massiness get married, Three Gorges people are destined to be thelegend of Three Gorges tourism.

Sanxiarenjia is located in Xiling Gorge, the most fantastic and magnificentof the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Between the Three Gorges Dam and theGezhouba Dam, it spans both sides of the beautiful Dengying gorge, covering anarea of 14 square kilometers. People in the Three Gorges are picturesque.

With the completion of the world-famous Three Gorges Dam, the water levelin the dam area will rise 175 meters. The magnificent and beautiful scenery ofthe Three Gorges in the past will be greatly improved. Only the Dengying gorgebetween the two dams maintains the original scenery of the gorge.



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In recent years, Pingtan comprehensive experimental area has gradually comeinto peoples view. It is known as a "unicorn" on the southeast coast. In just afew years, with the "Qilin" take-off, Pingtan is changing rapidly.

The original narrow "916" road has taken on a new look and is named"Cuiyuan road". On both sides of the road, row upon row of high-rise buildingsreplace the previous scattered bungalows, adding an urban flavor.

At first, we got out of the island by ferry. The traffic was veryinconvenient. We couldnt get out of the island in case of typhoon. The smallboat in the waves one after another, shaking left and right, people do not havea sense of security. Now you can drive your own car and drive fast on the StraitBridge. In the near future, high-speed rail will also be put into use.

This "unicorn" has not only undergone "external" changes, but also"internal" changes. In the past, garbage can be seen everywhere in the streets,sewage can be discharged at will, and even we can see garbage bags "roaming" inthe sky. Now, to create a civilized city, everyone should take action. Thecleaners work on the roadside, some classify the waste products, some clean thepeel and paper scraps, and some clean the road. I also try my best to pick upthe garbage when I see it and throw it into the garbage can. When I see thesanitation workers working hard, I say hello to them.

Pingtans city appearance and appearance take on a new look: a series offlat roads, winding around the island and stretching into the distance; a lot ofhigh-rise buildings, a modern urban-rural integration of the city in front ofus. At night, the neon lights are bright, and all the streets become the shiningMilky way.

With the development of Pingtan Island, it has changed its role from "smallfishing village" to "international tourism island". It attracts Chinese andforeign tourists to linger: enjoy the unique scenery of "stone house" in Beigangcultural and creative village; taste the authentic snacks of Pingtan in Haitanancient city; watch the spectacular sunrise on the sea in longfengtou beach

Pingtan Island is only 68 nautical miles away from Hsinchu, so Pingtan hasclose ties with Chinese Taiwan. Chinese Taiwans duty-free shops are set up in Pingtan,cross-strait cooperation in swimming, and cross-strait trade cooperation isfrequent. The "Chinese Taiwan Strait" is a bridge linking the two sides of the Strait,implying "one family on both sides of the Strait, realizing the Chinese dreamtogether.".

From the undiscovered small fishing village to todays Pingtancomprehensive experimental area, Pingtan Island is like a soaring "unicorn". Inthe near future, it will attract every friend from all over the world with morecharming style.



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hi尊敬的旅客 现在由我带领你们参观这历史悠久的豫园






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Peoples Square is the biggest public square in Shanghai. It is an awesome area to visit while in Shanghai and it’s a great place to go and see how the people of Shanghai are.

It is the city’s center of politics, economy, culture and art with a group of magnificent buildings like museum, the exhibition hall, and the grand theater.

The crystal-like theater is especially beautiful at night with lights on.


In concession days, together with People’s Park next door, it was a racecourse.

After liberation in 1949, the northern part of the racecourse was built into today’s People Park and the southern part, into the People’s Square.


Located in downtown Shanghai, the People Square is the largest public square.


Under the Square is a large central Metro station where the No.1 and 2 metro lines meet.

Within the station itself are two modern marketplaces: one features popular stores from the Hong Kong, and the other is the Dimei underground market.


In the center of the square is a 320 sq. meter fountain,named the “Light of the Huangpu River”. It is the first giant music-synchronized "dancing" fountain in the country. Red, blue and yellow sculptures in the fountain portray a beautiful, glowing display, creating a grand sight for those who visit the area.

There are two small squares beside the central square. The east square is called the Rising Sun Square; the west is called the Bright Moon Square.


Under the Square is a large central Metro station where the No.1 and 2 metro lines meet.

Within the station itself are two modern marketplaces: one features popular stores from the Hong Kong, and the other is the Dimei underground market.


Southwest of the square is a beautiful blue and white home for pigeons! Thousands of pigeons fly from their house to the Squares lawn to meet tourists each day. Their coming promotes a feeling of peace and serenity to all that visit the area.

Spots brief:

To the north of the Square stands a grand building, the City Hall (the Municipal Government Building of Shanghai).

The Shanghai Museum is located south of the Square and directly faces the City Hall.

The beautiful Shanghai Grand Theatre is situated in the northwest part of the Square, and is close to the Government Building.

To the northeast of the Square is the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.

Shanghai Gallery.

Shanghai Museum


Shanghai Museum is a must-see for foreign visitors to Shanghai.

Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its treasures of bronzes, ceramics, Chinese calligraphy and traditional paintings.


The Shanghai Museum is situated in the heart of People’s Square. Opposite to the City Hall and is surrounded by the moon and sun Corridor.


It was built in the 1930s, formerly occupied by Zhong Hui Bank owned by a Shanghai celebrity Yuesheng Du. In 1952, it was converted into a museum. The new museum building was erected in September 1994 and most of the facilities were installed in 1995. It was entirely opened on October 12 in 1996. The five big gilt characters on the lintel were written by Yi Chen, the first mayor of Shanghai after the founding of new China.

With a collection of over 120,000 pieces of cultural relics in 12 categories, including bronze, ceramics (pottery and porcelain ware), calligraphy, paintings, jade and ivory ware, numismatics, furniture, seal carvings, sculptures, arts and crafts and costumes of Chinese minorities, Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its collection of bronzes, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy. And there is also a special gallery of donated relics and three temporary exhibition halls.

With a collection of over 120,000 pieces of cultural relics in 12 categories, including bronze, ceramics (pottery and porcelain ware), calligraphy, paintings, jade and ivory ware, numismatics, furniture, seal carvings, sculptures, arts and crafts and costumes of Chinese minorities, Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its collection of bronzes, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy. And there is also a special gallery of donated relics and three temporary exhibition halls.


As you view Shanghai Museum from a distance in People’s Square, you will find that the building itself is a work of art, featuring multiple orientations, multi-visual angles and many distinctive characteristics. The elegant construction perfectly combines traditional cultural themes with modern technological innovation. The building uses a round top section to symbolize heaven and a square base representing the earth, implying the Chinese traditional expression of “a round heaven and a square earth”. It is 24 meters high with sever floors, two are underground and five above, covering a total area of 38,000 sqm.

Shanghai Museum has installed advanced security and fire alarm systems, educational services, a computerized library and an automation system. Besides this, Shanghai Museum has facilities for multimedia guide, an information center, a High Definition Graphics system, an audio tour, the lecture room equipped with a system of spontaneous interpretation. You can check out a device that allows you to hear a description of an item after punching in the item number. The audio tour is available in eight languages. The library in the museum has 200,000 volumes of books in collection.

Shanghai Museum has installed advanced security and fire alarm systems, educational services, a computerized library and an automation system. Besides this, Shanghai Museum has facilities for multimedia guide, an information center, a High Definition Graphics system, an audio tour, the lecture room equipped with a system of spontaneous interpretation. You can check out a device that allows you to hear a description of an item after punching in the item number. The audio tour is available in eight languages. The library in the museum has 200,000 volumes of books in collection.

Shanghai Grand Theatre


Shanghai Grand Theatre is located to the west of the City Hall in the People’s Square, the citys heart. The Shanghai Grand Theatre occupies an area of 2.1 hectares, facing the Peoples Boulevard in the south. With its unique style and beautiful outlook, the theatre has become a representative building in Shanghai.

History and brief intro:

It is opened to the public on August 27, 1998.The Shanghai Grand Theatre has successfully staged such shows and evenings as operas, musicals, ballets, symphonies, chamber music concerts, spoken drama and the Chinese operas. It has a high reputation both at home and abroad as many high officials and VIPs, both domestic and international, gave the highest praises of the theatre for its perfect combination of art and architecture.


With a total construction area of 62,803 square meters and a total height of 41 meters, the Shanghai Grand Theatre has 10 storeys, 2 for underground, 6 for above ground and 2 top floors. The new style architecture combines the Eastern and Western flavor together. The theatre represents a fine integration of new technology, new craft and new material. It looks like a crystal palace in the light at night.

The lobby of Shanghai Grand Theatre is approximate 2019 square meters with the white as its main tone, which signifies elegant and pure. The floor is made of a rare marble called "Greece Crystal White".


The Shanghai Grand Theatre has three theatres, a 1,800 seats main theatre for ballet, opera and symphony performances, this lyric theatre is divided into the auditorium, the 2nd-floor, the 3rd-floor and six balconies. The drama theatre has 750 seats and the studio theatre has 300 seats.

In addition to performances, the Shanghai Grand Theatre has a restaurant for tourists with an area of 1,600 square meters and a shopping center for audio-video products with an area of 2,500 square meters. Also there are VIP lounge, which is for government officials to meet world-famous artists and performing groups.

Now it has become an important window of cultural exchange between China and the world and a bridge of artistic ommunication.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall


It is located in the east of the City Hall.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall has a total floor space of 19 thousand square meters. It fully displays the achievements of Shanghai in city planning and construction and embodies the theme of “city, man, environment, and development”. The Exhibition Hall adopts modern exhibition technology and uses high-tech to achieve an integration of professionalism, knowledge, interest, and art, giving stress to the exhibition of the future of the city. Citizens and tourists can see the changes of the leased territory, the vicissitudes of the Bund, the achievements of Shanghai in urban planning and construction ever since the reform and opening-up of the country, in particular, since the 1990s, and the rapid changes of the Pudong New Area. Above all, they can see the bright future of Shanghai there. The main model of urban planning, which is in the proportion of 1:2019, exhibits the urban geography and scenery in an extent of a hundred and more square meters within the inner elevated ring road. It is the world’s biggest model of urban planning.

This amazing building contains an incredibly accurate model of the city in a couple of decades, complete with every tiny little detail and every single building! The model is huge and incredible. There is also a super-cool rotating statue of Shanghais modern buildings in the lobby.



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这也使得今日的婺源,明清建筑遍布全县。官宦府第、家族祠堂、商人住宅、乡民故居,应有尽有。这些建筑,有前堂后堂先后序列者,有数十栋连片者,街巷均由青石板铺成。石建筑以沱川、思口、江湾、流头、浙源、龙山、许村和清华等乡镇的某些村庄更为集中,此外尚有廊桥、路亭、门楼、店面、戏台等。 婺源是我国古建筑保存得最完整的地方之一,青林古木之间处处掩映着飞檐翘角的民居,这里是“最后的香格里拉”。





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Do you know where to look at Chinas 100 year history? Yes, its Shanghai.What about the 20-year history? Im coming to the Bund. The Bund is the windowof Shanghai, which reflects the features of Chinas largest economic center cityand international modern metropolis, as well as the characteristics of a famoushistorical and cultural city. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese love to callShanghai Bund the first Bay in Asia. Yes, she is beautiful. Please see, fromnorth to south, she rises from the south of Baidu bridge to Xinkai River. It isabout 1800 meters long, with a curved trend like a crescent moon, beautiful andpicturesque.

According to records, the Bund was originally called Yangzi road andHuangpu beach road. In 1945, in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, it was renamedZhongshan, which is still used today. The Bund used to be known as the OrientalWall Street. With the rapid development of urban construction in Shanghai, ithas more modern urban flavor. In 1995, it was rated as one of the "ten newlandscapes of Shanghai in the 1990s", attracting tens of thousands of touristsevery day.

Ladies and gentlemen: today, when we are bathed in the sunshine of reformand opening up, we can enjoy a lot of beautiful scenery by walking on the Bund.First of all, look to the west, which is one of the symbols of Shanghai - theWorld Architecture Expo. As we all know, after the first war, Shanghai wasturned into a commercial port. At that time, Shanghai gradually became the placewhere foreign capital was most concentrated in China, and various western stylebuildings were also built along the Bund. A large number of banks, clubs andnightclubs of western countries are concentrated along the Huangpu River, whichreflects the plunder and aggression of Western colonization on Shanghai.

Although the tall buildings on the Bund were not designed by a singledesigner or built in the same era, they have a lot in common. They were the mostpopular styles in the west at that time. They adopted the western classicalarchitectural form. The whole building has a solemn and majestic momentum, andthe architectural tone is basically unified. In addition, on the east side,people can also see the broad and magnificent scenery of the Huangpu River fromthe observation platform in Shanghai. With the wind blowing on the river, theriver is shimmering, and the white seagulls are flying high and low, you can seethe port scenery of big cities. Looking from afar at the most novel skyscrapersin Pudong, the grand momentum makes the Bund beautiful. As a symbol of Shanghai,the Bund integrates river landscape and architectural landscape, and integrateswestern classical customs and modern Chinese civilization. Now lets have a lookat the main buildings near the Bund from south to north.
