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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 20409 字

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Lion forest, one of the four famous gardens in Suzhou, has a history ofmore than 650 years and is the representative of garden in Yuan Dynasty. No.23Yuanyuan Road, located in the northeast corner of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,is a rectangle with a width from east to west, covering an area of 1.1 hectaresand an open area of 0.88 hectares. There are rockeries all over the park,surrounded by long corridors, buildings looming, winding paths leading toseclusion, with the general feeling of maze. The wall of the corridor isembedded with the calligraphy steles of Su Shi, Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian and CaiXiang, as well as the inscription of plum blossom poem by Wen Tianxiang of theSouthern Song Dynasty. This garden was built by Zen master tianru of YuanDynasty in memory of his teacher, Zen master Zhongfeng. In the first gate, theteacher of "Shizilin" is the teachers teacher. Later, because there were manyrockeries in the garden, which looked like a lion, it was changed to the LionForest in the way of writing, and has been used up to now. The word "LionForest" on the forehead of the ticket office was written by Emperor Qianlong ofthe Qing Dynasty.

Step into the garden, you can see a hall, which is the Bei ancestral hall.In the middle of the plaque, there is Gu Tinglongs handwritten "Yunlin Yiyun",which is one of the designers of lion forest. Ni Yunlins design has the charmof emptiness and quietness. The wooden railings on both sides of the corridorare carved with peony, Phoenix and Shou characters, and hanging screens withvases and shell leaves. Beiye is used to write Buddhist scriptures, which notonly reflects that Shizilin is a place for Zen to study Buddhism, but also hascommemorative significance, because the last master of Shizilin is Beiye. Theancestral hall is a place for worshiping and worshiping ancestors and gatheringof clansmen. On the roof, there are statues of three immortals, Fu, Lu and Shou,and a child. It shows that the garden owner hopes that his descendants can beoutstanding and glorify their ancestors. At the entrance of the corridor, thereis the word "Chunhua", which means the garden is full of spring. Please goahead.

It is said that the stone lions in the lion forest came from TianmuMountain in Zhejiang Province. The eight immortals tie Guai Li and LV Chunyangwent to the banquet of the queen mother and rode a green lion past TianmuMountain. From the top of the mountain came a clear spring. Li Zheng, Tieguai,was thirsty. He was very happy and fell down to Yuntou. He took down his owngourd and went to the spring to drink. The green lion also jumped into the waterto play. After a moment, the lion climbed up to the shore and shook his body.The water on his body was scattered on the surrounding rocks, and suddenlybecame a group of lively and lovely little lions. The green Lion plays with thelittle lions intimately. Tieguai Li smiles and says to LV Yuyang, "look, thegreen lion has moved everyones heart. Now that there are so many descendants,lets punish him to be a lion king here." After that, with the help of the ironcrutch, the lions turned back to the appearance of stones, and the green lionsturned into a mountain peak because they couldnt bear to leave.

In Song Renzongs time, Zhongfeng monk of Zhejiang Guoshi temple had aprofound Buddhism. One day, he traveled to Tianmu Mountain and recitedscriptures in Jielu. Every morning, he recited scriptures in front of Qingshimountain. It turned out that he was an eminent monk and knew the origin ofshiziyan and shizifeng. Lion is called lion dragon (Su ā nn í) in Buddhism. Itis the beast of Buddhism. He wants to enlighten the green lion and make itreturn to its original appearance. For a long time, because I often listen tothe eminent monks words, I became a spirit and became a green lion again. Thegreen lion became monk Zhongfengs mount. Monk Zhongfeng rode the green lion tovisit his apprentice tianru Zen master in Puti temple in Suzhou. There were manystrange stones in Puti temple, and the shape of them was vivid, like many lions.The green lion was very happy and thought that he had returned to the lioncolony in the Buddhist kingdom, so he changed into a lion bee, and the lion furscattered on the green lion became a variety of lion cubs. Some are playing withHydrangea, some are fighting with two lions, and some are full of prestige. WhenZen master tianru saw his hands together, he even said "Amitabha". He praisedmaster tianru for his boundless power and perfect merits. Bodhi Temple becamethe kingdom of Buddha and lion. Monk Zhongfeng said, "it might as well be calledlion forest." So the stone lions in the lion forest are famous.

Green lion is very happy to stay in the lion forest, but he is worriedabout Tieguai Li. In a fit of anger, he punished the green lion to stay at thetop of Tianmu Mountain. When he went back, he was a little reluctant to thinkabout it. When he went back to look for it, there was no trace. Tieguai Li Yuvisited all the famous mountains and rivers, but he had no whereabouts. One daywhen I passed by Suzhou, I saw the Lion Peak in the lion forest from a longdistance. Isnt it the green lion. After entering the rockery group of lionforest, tie Guai Li walked slowly and lost contact with LV Chunyang. I saw LuChunyang in front of me from a distance, but I couldnt get out of the rockeryto meet him. Tieguai Li was in a hurry and sat in the cave in a hurry. LVChunyang always loses to tie Guai Li in chess. He thinks that this opportunityhas come, so he asks tie Guai Li to play a game of chess in the false cave. IfLV Chunyang wins, he will carry him out. Tieguai Li agreed because he lost lessand won more in chess in the past. Unexpectedly, because he was trapped in arockery, he was in a panic and was killed by LV Chunyang.

Tieguai Li had no choice but to beg for mercy from LV Chunyang. Lu Chunyangsaid: "I think the green lion is very happy to stay in the lion forest, so Illstay here with the lion grandson.". Tie Guai Li was eager to go out and agreed.Lu Chunyang took tieguaili out of the rockery.

Now when you go to the rockery in the lion forest, you have to be careful.Dont be as stubborn as Li. The game of chess he lost in those years is still inthe rockery cave.

The lion forest is mountainous in the southeast and watery in thenorthwest. It is surrounded by high walls, deep houses and winding corridors.Taking the central pool as the center, building houses by piling mountains,transplanting flowers and trees, and erecting bridges and pavilions make thelayout of the whole garden compact and full of the artistic conception of "closeto the mountains and forests". The lion forest is famous for its pavilions,terraces, towers, pavilions, halls, pavilions and corridors. It is also known asthe "rockery kingdom". There are many and exquisite rockeries in Shizilin, withexquisite rocks, winding caves and ravines, which are like entering a maze. Itis known as "Eighteen scenes of Taoyuan". At the top of the cave, there are manystrange peaks and rocks, all like a lion dancing. There are Hanhui, tuyue,Xuanyu, angxia and other famous peaks, and the Lion Peak is the first of them.The main building in the park is Yanyu hall, behind which is a small square halland Lixue hall. To the west, you can get to Baixuan, which is a two-story atticwith a veranda all around. Its tall, cool and exquisite. To the west of Baixuanis guwu pine garden. The southwest corner is jianshanlou. From Jianshan tower tothe west, you can get to the lotus hall. In the northwest of the hall, there isa Jianzhen interesting Pavilion near the pool. The pavilion is decorated withexquisite ornaments, and the figures and flowers are lifelike. There are twostone boats beside the pavilion. The stone boat shore is the dark fragrantstudio, from which you can turn south along the corridor to reach the waterfallPavilion, which is the highest place in the garden. The West scenery center ofthe garden is Wenmei Pavilion, in front of which is shuangxianxiang Pavilion.Shuangxiangxian pavilion has a fan Pavilion in the southwest corner and acourtyard behind it, which is fresh and elegant.

Shizilin used to be the back garden of Bodhi orthodox temple. In 1341 ad,Zen master tianru, an eminent monk, came to Suzhou to preach Buddhist scripturesand was welcomed by his disciples. In the following year (the second year ofemperor Shundi Zhizheng, the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty), the disciplesbought land and set up a house to build a Zen forest for Zen master tianru.Built in 1342 A.D. in the second year of Zhizheng reign of the Yuan Dynasty, thegarden was built by the disciples of Zen master tianru Weize for his master. Itwas initially named "Shizilin Temple", and later renamed "Puti Zhengzong Temple"and "Shengen Temple".

In the sixth year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1373), 73 year old greatcalligrapher Ni Zan (named Yunlin) passed through Suzhou. He once participatedin gardening and wrote poems and paintings (painted with the picture of the lionforest), which made the lion forest famous and became a resort for Buddhistpreaching and literati writing poems and paintings. In the early Qianlong periodof the Qing Dynasty, the temple garden became a private property, isolated fromthe temple hall. It was also called wusongyuan because there were five pinetrees in the garden.

In the 17th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1589 A.D.), monks of theMing family came from Changan to rebuild the Shengen temple and the Buddha Hallin Shizilin, and reappear the prosperous scene. During the reign of EmperorKangxi, the temple and the garden were separated. Later, it was bought by Huangxingzu, the father of Huang Xi and the magistrate of Hengzhou, and named"Sheyuan".

On February 11, 1703, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty toured here andgranted "Lion Forest Temple". Later, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty touredthe lion forest six times and successively granted "mirror wisdom and roundlight", "painting Zen Temple" and existing "zhenqu" plaques. In the 36th year ofthe Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty (1771 AD), Huang Xi was the number onescholar in senior high school. He refined his mansion and reorganized thecourtyard, and named it "wusongyuan". By the middle of the reign of EmperorGuangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Huangs family was in decline, and the garden hadfallen, but the rockery was still there.

In 1917, Shanghai pigment giant Pei Runsheng (the great grandfather of theworld-famous architect I.M. Pei) bought the lion forest from Li Zhongyu, thechief civil affairs officer. It took nearly seven years to renovate the lionforest. Some new scenic spots were added and named "Lion Forest". For a time,lion forest covered Suzhou city. Beirunsheng was preparing for the opening up,but he failed because of the outbreak of the Anti Japanese war. Afterbeirunsheng died in 1945, Shizilin was managed by his grandson beihuanzhang.After liberation, the descendants donated the garden to the state, and Suzhougarden management office took over the renovation and opened it to the public in1954.

Due to the rise and fall of the forest garden, the temple, garden and housewere separated and combined, the traditional gardening techniques and Buddhistideas were integrated, and the modern Bei family introduced the Westerngardening techniques and ancestral temple into the garden, making it a templegarden integrating the principles of Zen and the pleasure of garden.

1、 Hall, car Hall

Enter the east gate of lion forest from Garden Road, which was the maingate of Chengxun Yizhuang. On the door hung a plaque written by EmperorQianlong. Before liberation, when it was a private house, it was not easy toopen it. After liberation, it was opened as the main gate of Shizilin. The highthreshold was the sedan hall, which was the place where the sedan cars used tostop. Opposite to the car door was the west gate. Above the two doors were brickforehead, respectively titled "right access" and "left access".

2、 Yan Yutang

Now we have come to Yanyu hall. Yanyu means peace and happiness. "YanYutang" comes from the book of songs, which says "Yan Yutang is famous for itsstyle, but you cant shoot.". Yan Yu: Yan Er entertainment; Wu she: never stop.Form: as a modal particle. Reputation: Tongyu, happy. Shoot (Y ì): disgust."Zheng Jian" said: "shoot, hate also." How happy it is to have a dinnertogether. I love you forever. This hall is the main hall of the whole garden. Itwas originally used by the master of the garden to entertain guests. This hallis a famous mandarin duck hall in Suzhou gardens. The so-called Yuanyang hall isin a hall, which is divided into North and south parts by screen doors. From theinside, it seems that the two halls are connected, but the layout is different.The beams and columns of the North Hall are made of round logs, and the beamsand columns of the south hall are made of square logs. The door and windowpatterns and furniture layout of the two halls are different, and the plaqueshave their own titles. At the same time, the front hall is generally the placewhere the host entertains the male guests, while the back hall is the placewhere the hostess meets the female guests. The architectural style is absolutelydifferent, which reflects the feudal thought that men are superior to women.Please have a look at the foot of what is the word, right! Its a word "Shou".There are five bats on the side. It means "five blessings" and "Shou" comesfirst, so Shou is the center. It shows that the owner hopes that he and hisfamily will live a long and healthy life, have many children and grandchildren,be peaceful and happy.

3、 Small square hall

Now we come to the small square hall, which is named because it is square.If you look at the large empty windows on both sides, we can feel that they aretwo pictures. Outside the east window are plain preserved Chimonanthus andoutside the west window are urban mountain forests. This is a kind of gardeningart of Suzhou gardens, called frame view. It can change with the change ofseasons and the movement of feet. We might as well have a try. The hall ischaracterized by square architecture and components, and the three pavilions andarches are a small and exquisite gathering place for literary society. Under theback window of the hall is the "golden brick". This brick is specially baked forthe Qing Dynasty palace floor.

4、 Jiushifeng

Out of the small square hall, you can see the nine Lion Peak in the hallgarden. This peak stands in front of the wall. At first glance, it looks likenine lions playing freely. If you look at this stone and see the changing cloudsin the sky, you must cooperate with imagination. The beauty lies between theimage and the non image. There are half pavilions in the East and west of thecourtyard to extrude space to highlight the nine Lion Peak. If you lookcarefully, you will find nine lions in different shapes. They are charming,naive and lovely. There are 500 lions of different sizes and shapes in the lionforest. We will see many more in the future.

5、 Zhibaixuan

Through the brick "fun" (from Tao Yuanmings "garden day care to becomefun" sentence), we come to zhibaixuan. This is where monks preach. In the TangDynasty, when the Zen master Cong Zong (known as Zhao Zhou FA Dao) was teachingZen Buddhism, no matter what his disciples asked him, he always said: "cypressin front of the court", which means that the Zen practitioners should understandit by themselves from the mysterious hints. So it is named Baixuan. This is alsothe place where the relatives of the Bei family get together. The plaque "YifengZhibai", written by Wang Tongyu, is hung above the hall. "Zhibai" refers to thecase of Zen Buddhism, while "Yifeng" refers to the allusion of Shi Feng made byMi Fu in Song Dynasty. The following is the painting of Shoubai, which wasjointly produced by famous calligraphers and painters in 1988. Zhang Xinjiapainted red plum, Wu Mumu wrote ancient cypress, Xu Shaoqing painted Lake stone,and Fei Xini wrote inscriptions. There are stairs behind the screen door to goupstairs. The third floor is also called Tingyu building, which is named afterthe garden owners collection of stone rubbings. Its named after the window.Looking from the window, you can see that there are many strange peaks on theopposite side.

In front of the hall, there are rockeries, cypresses and dragons. Woyunbaois located among the rockeries. This rockery is the most famous rockery in theclassical gardens. There are four paths in it, which are intertwined andintricate. Emperor Qianlong didnt go out after two hours. There is also achessboard hole in it. It is said that LV Dongbin and tie guaili played chess.There are some famous stones such as Hanhui and tuyue on the false peak. Thereare strange pines and cypresses between the stones, just like a beautifullandscape painting. It is said that Emperor Qianlong once took a picture here.Please take a photo here.

6、 Jianshanlou

The false mountain peak can be seen from the window of this building, whichis named after the poetic meaning of Tao Qian of Jin Dynasty: "pickingchrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan". However, thisbuilding is close to the rockery, and there is a direct access to the rockery onthe second floor. It can be said that the building is built on the rockery. Thearea of jianshanlou is only one tenth of that of zhibaixuan. That is to say, itsets off the height of zhibaixuan and does not compete with rockery. It can besaid that it has unique ingenuity.

8、 Hualan Hall

We went west through the corridor to the flower basket hall. The flowerbasket hall is named after the flower basket shape carved on the column end ofthe hall and decorated with the flower basket pattern. In 1945, a Japanesesurrender ceremony was held in this hall. The screen door was engraved with ahuge picture of Matsushita, and the official script horizontal plaque "wind inthe water" indicated that it was a good place to enjoy the lotus in summer.Originally known as "Lotus hall", it was burned down in 1968, and then movedfrom Zheng house in loumen to Hualan hall. The so-called flower blue hall is asmall hall, in which the walking column does not fall to the ground, but ischanged into a very short heavy lotus column, and the end of the column iscarved into a flower blue shape.

9、 Zhenqu Pavilion

Out of the flower basket hall to the west is zhenqu Pavilion. The word"zhenqu" was written by Emperor Qianlong himself. There is such a story. In theQing Dynasty, when Emperor Qianlong visited the garden, Huang Xi, the number onescholar, saw the three words "really interesting" written by Emperor Qianlong.He felt that the word "you" was too vulgar, so he asked the emperor to bestowthe word "you" and left the word "really interesting". There is a "scholar hat"decoration on the pavilion, which has far-reaching implications. It is said that"the scholar is the prime ministers Root Seedling". To become the number onescholar, we must start from the scholar. Garden idea is to educate futuregenerations to study hard, hoping that one day they will win the title of thegold medal. The same principle applies today when tall buildings rise from theground. Now, we can enjoy the scenery of Huxin Pavilion, Jiuqu bridge, stoneboat, waterfall, pool and lake, and take photos as a souvenir. After that, wewill gather in the east of the stone arch bridge, drill holes and climbmountains to really appreciate the charm of the world-famous "rockery kingdom".The plaque of "zhenqu" was inscribed by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty when hevisited the lion forest. The painted pillars and carved beams in the pavilionare resplendent, showing the royal style completely different from the elegantgarden architecture in the south of the Yangtze River. The pavilion issurrounded by picturesque scenery. In the East, you can see the flower baskethall near the water. In the south, you can see the rockery group near the water.In the west, there are mountains and waterfalls. Looking to the west, thepavilion in the center of the lake, the Jiuqu Bridge and the stone arch bridgedivide the lake into three scenes: near, middle and far.

10、 Dark fragrance studio

The name of this building comes from the famous saying: the shadow isslanting, the water is clear, the fragrance is floating, and the moon is atdusk. The shadow of sparse plum is horizontally and obliquely reflected on theclear water surface at dusk



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Now we come to the flower theater. First of all, let me give you a briefintroduction. Huaxilou was built in the 13th year of Shunzhi reign of QingDynasty. It was formerly known as Shanshan guild hall, also known as daguanditemple. In the old days, the local people called it Getai. It was the contactand distribution center for Shanxi and Shaanxi pharmacists to manage medicinalmaterials in Bozhou at that time. The reason why it has todays name is thatthere is a gorgeous flower theater in the courtyard.

The entire building area of the flower theatre is 3163 square meters, butthe essence of it is still reflected in the fascinating three wonders. Do youwant to know which is the best? Dont worry, lets walk and see.

Now you can see these two iron flagpoles in front of the main entrance areunique to Huaxi theater. Each flagpole weighs 15 tons and is more than 16 metershigh. Each flagpole is divided into five sections, each of which is made ofeight trigrams, flat dragons and other patterns. Each flagpole is also hung with24 exquisite iron wind bells. Whenever the wind blows, it will make a pleasantDing Dong sound.

Lets take a look at the second unique feature of huaxilou, which is thethree-story archway building with imitation wood structure in front of you -Shanmen. It is inlaid with world-famous three-dimensional water mill brickcarvings. On the less than 10 cm thick water mill brick carvings, there are 115characters, 33 birds, 67 animals, and many buildings, platforms, halls andpavilions. Here, 16 character stories are created, which are permeated with theessence of the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in traditionalChinese culture. It is Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Its almostomnipotent, showing the world in every inch.

In particular, we should pay attention to the third masterpiece of huaxilou- wood carving, which has 18 plays of the Three Kingdoms, hundreds of charactersand different expressions. Look at the one above the stage in the middle. Ittells us the story of Cao Caos cherishing of talents. The treacherous heroesdescribed by Sima Qian are still highly respected in his hometown.

Huaxilou, a collection of brick carving art, is of great value to the studyof ancient architectural carving art and drama in China. I wonder if huaxilouhas left a deep impression on you?



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Xinxiang City is the political, economic, cultural and traffic center ofNorthern Henan. There are many historical sites and rich cultural relics.

There are hundreds of natural landscapes in the city, including fournational cultural relics protection units, one National Forest Park, oneNational Wetland Bird Nature Reserve, more than 50 provincial scenic spots andcultural relics protection units, more than 500 municipal cultural relicsprotection units, one historical and cultural city and one historical andcultural town.

Xinxiang has obvious location advantages, forming an important commoditytrade center in Northern Henan. Beijing Guangzhou line, Xinhe and Xinjiao linesintersect here in a cross shape. National roads 107 and 106 run through thenorth and south, forming a fast and convenient transportation network with thecombination of trunk and branch, extending in all directions and running throughin all directions. The citys commercial facilities are complete, and thenetwork is densely distributed in urban and rural areas. The grand comprehensiveshopping centers, such as Pingyuan shopping mall, Huabin commercial building andXindaxin shopping mall, which represent the advanced level of modern metropolis,are luxurious; various standardized and grand supermarkets, commercial streetsand pedestrian streets have become the beautiful scenery of the urban area;Baiquan herbal medicine fair, which has a history of 600 years and is one of thethree national herbal medicine exchange conferences, is known as "less thanBaiquan medicine is incomplete", and its turnover ranks first among the threenational herbal medicine fairs. Changyuan glasses market, Xinxiang electronicsmarket, Yubei building materials market and Yanjin peanut market, which are oneof the four major glasses markets in China, are of considerable scale and enjoyhigh reputation both inside and outside the province. The development ofcommunication has built a bridge of modern commodity economy and society. Thecitys installed capacity is 572000 units, 363000 users are installed, and 28telephones are owned by 100 people in the urban area. The number of data userssuch as digital data network, packet switching network and computer Internet hasreached 8273. The governments Internet access project has been completed firstin the country, and three-level websites of cities, counties and townships havebeen opened, making it the largest communication hub in Northern Henan. Theestablishment of the status of business center has accelerated the pace of urbanconstruction.

In accordance with the pattern of building a modern city, on the basis ofincreasing the transformation of the old city, the urban skeleton has beenstretched to the East and south. In the past two years, more than 20 urban trunkroads have been reconstructed and widened; the first phase of Weihe Rivertreatment has been completed; Yiyuan, xingfuli and other residential areas havebeen newly built; five water plants and sewage treatment plants have beenreconstructed and newly built; and; Through the implementation of "city imageprojects" such as removing walls to make the streets green and one street, onelandscape, one tree and one lamp, the city has greatly changed and the wholeurban area has taken on a new look. Xinxiang has rich cultural heritage andoutstanding people. Xinxiang was called Yong state in ancient times. It belongedto Wei in the spring and Autumn period, Wei in the Warring States period, andHuojia in the Han Dynasty. It was founded in 586 a.d. by Emperor Wen of the SuiDynasty and has been more than 1400 years. At the beginning of the founding ofnew China, it was the capital of Pingyuan province. Ancient history breedssplendid civilization. Yangshao and Longshan cultural sites are indisputable;the nomadic war led by King Wu of Zhou Dynasty and the alliance of 800 princesis dependent on historical sites; Jiang Shangwei river fishing, Bigans loyaladvice, Wei Wei rescuing Zhao, Zhang Liangs assassination of Qin, the battle ofGuandu and Chen Qiao mutiny are all originated from this hot land; Confuciusslecture "apricot altar" is still in existence, Li Bais song is before his loyalministers; Zhang Cang thought of "nine chapters arithmetic", Chen Yuchengsdeath in heaven; The tomb of Lu Jian, the younger brother of Ming Shenzong, is areference to the history of the twelve prime ministers.

During the war of resistance against Japan, the "pinghan guerrillas"shocked the enemy; during the war of liberation, the people of Xinxiang foughtwith blood. After the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the ancientpastoral land is full of talents. Together with Jiao Yulu, Wang Jinxi, Lei Fengand Qian Xuesen, Secretary of Liuzhuang Party committee Shi Laihe is known asone of the five party members who have had a wide influence since the foundingof the peoples Republic of China; Wu Jinyin, alternate member of the CentralCommittee, deputy secretary of Xinxiang Municipal Party committee and Secretaryof Tangzhuang Party committee, is known as "a good example of township partysecretary"; Liu Zhihua, one of Chinas top ten outstanding women, Liu Bingyin,the leader of Xinfei electric group, Liu zhixia, a famous writer, Guan Mucun, asinger, Zhang Mingxue, an academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, LiuGuoguo, a mathematician known as "the second ramanuyan" by the InternationalMathematical circles, and so on, have won the pride and pride for Xinxiangpeople. The long history, splendid culture and beautiful environment have leftrich tourism resources for Xinxiang. At present, the city has 2 nationalcultural relics protection units and 42 provincial cultural relics protectionunits, 4 national scenic spots, such as Bigan temple, Luwang mausoleum, NationalForest Park baiyun temple and National Wetland Bird Nature Reserve, and 54provincial scenic spots, such as Baiquan, Wanxian mountain, baligou and Jinghuagarden. In recent years, the municipal Party committee and the municipalgovernment take the development of tourism as an important pillar industry, andstrive to cultivate it as a new bright spot of economic growth in XinxiangCity.

The new century is pregnant with new hope. Xinxiang people will carryforward the "Five Spirits" in accordance with the requirements of the "ThreeRepresents", closely focus on the theme of development, grasp the main line ofstructural adjustment, highlight the improvement of the quality and efficiencyof economic growth, be pragmatic and efficient, unite and forge ahead, work hardand innovate, and show a new Xinxiang to the 21st century



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Yulong Snow Mountain is located in Baisha Township, 15km north of YulongCounty. Its main peak is fan steep, with an altitude of about 5596m. It is thelowest latitude and the highest altitude peak in the northern hemisphere. It islocated in the northwest of Lijiang in Yunnan Province of China, with anorth-south trend. It is about 13 kilometers wide from east to west and 35kilometers long from north to south. It faces the Haba snow mountain and thesurging Jinsha River rushes through it. The 13 peaks and peaks of the mountainare covered with snow all the year round. Like a vigorous jade dragon lying onthe top of the mountain, it has the potential to jump into the Jinsha River, soit is called "Jade Dragon Snow Mountain".

Yulong Snow Mountain in Lijiang has been a magnificent Snow Mountain sinceancient times. In the era of Yimou Xun in Nanzhao kingdom of Tang Dynasty, YimouXun, the leader of Nanzhao Kingdom, granted Yulong Snow Mountain as Beiyue. Upto now, Beiyue temple in Baisha village still exists, with deep courtyard andbright Buddha face. There are many pilgrims to the mountains.

Yulong Snow Mountain is the sacred mountain in Naxi peoples heart and theembodiment of "three gods".

Yulong Snow Mountain is rich in plant resources. From the Jinshajiang RiverValley at an altitude of 1800 meters to the permanent snow belt at an altitudeof more than 4500 meters, there are a variety of climates from subtropical zoneto frigid zone, and a variety of plants grow at different heights of themountain according to different climatic zones, forming a very obvious andcomplete zonal spectrum of mountain plants. It is the epitome of HengduanMountain flora in Northwest Yunnan.

Yulong Snow Mountain is one of the first national key scenic spots andprovincial nature reserves.

Yulong Snow Mountain has important tourism value and natural scienceresearch value, especially in meteorology, geology, animals and plants. YulongSnow Mountain is a treasure house of plants, many plants have precious medicinalvalue. Yulong Snow Mountain is still a virgin peak, waiting for brave climbersto conquer it.

In 1988, Yulong Snow Mountain, in the name of Yulong Snow Mountain scenicspot in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, was approved by the State Council to be listedin the second batch of national scenic spots. On May 8, 20__, Yulong SnowMountain scenic spot in Lijiang City was officially approved as a national 5Ascenic spot by the National Tourism Administration.

Yulong Snow Mountain is famous for its danger, wonder, beauty and beauty.It is magnificent and exquisite. With the change of seasons and climate,sometimes the clouds are shining, sometimes the jade dragon is disappearing,sometimes the sky is cloudless, and the peaks are shining. Mu Zhengyuan, a Naxischolar in the Qing Dynasty, has vividly summed up 12 scenes of Yulong, namely:three spring smoke cages, cloud belts in June, dawn before dawn, sunset afterdusk, five colors of clear and rosy clouds, double glow of the moon at night,dazzling green snow peaks and silver lights, reflection of Yuhu lake, cloud ofdragon early life, golden water Bi flow, and white spring jade liquid. Thelandscape of Yulong Snow Mountain can be roughly divided into mountain and snowscenery, spring pool water scenery, forest scenery, meadow scenery, etc. themain scenic spots are jade pillar, yunshanping, snow mountain cableway, HeishuiRiver, Baishui River and Baoshan stone city, etc. It is a multifunctionaltourist resort integrating sightseeing, mountaineering, exploration, scientificresearch, vacation and outing.


Ganhaizi is an open meadow in the east of Yulong Snow Mountain. Ganhaizi isabout 4 kilometers long, 1.5 kilometers wide and 2900 meters above sea level. Itgives people a feeling of openness and emptiness when you come to Ganhaizi. Infront of the towering east slope of Yulong Snow Mountain, there is such a bigmeadow, which provides a good place for visitors to enjoy Yulong Snow Mountain.Here you can see the peaks of Yulong Snow Mountain and Fandou be visible beforethe eyes. From the Ganhaizi meadow to the 4500 meter snow line, you can see avariety of flowers and trees, such as orchids, wild peonies and Saussureainvolucrata, and tall trees such as Pinus yunnanensis, Cedrus deodara, fir,Castanea spinosa, Castanea mollissima, etc. Ganhaizi meadow is a natural ranch.Every year, the flowers bloom in spring and the grass sprouts. Tibetan, Yi andNaxi herdsmen living in the mountain streams near Ganhaizi have to wear feltawnings and ride high headed horses to drive yaks, sheep and cattle to themeadow for grazing.

Baishui River

From Ganhaizi to yunshanping, there is a deep valley. There are many treesin the valley, and the clear stream flows long. The river with clear springflowing at the bottom of the valley is called Baishui River. Because theriverbed and terrace are composed of white marble and pieces of Carboniferousstone, it is gray. The clear spring flows through the stone, and it is alsowhite. It is named "Baishui River" because of its color. The water of BaishuiRiver comes from the melting water of glaciers and snow plains at a height offour or five kilometers. It is very cool and pollution-free. It is a naturaliced drink.


Also known as "the land of love death", with an altitude of 3240 meters, itis a holy place in the heart of Naxi people. It is said that from here we canget to the third country of jade dragon. According to the records of DongbaScripture, "there are endless silks and satins, endless fresh fruits andtreasures, endless wine and sweet milk, endless Jinsha silver ball, red spottedtiger as riding, silver horned deer as farming, wide eared fox as hound, andgolden pheasant as heralding the dawn". Take the cable car built in Baishuihemountain villa to take you to the station in only ten minutes. Then you can goalong the wooden plank plank path set up in the forest, or ride the Lijiang ponyrented by the local Yi girls to yunshanping, another beautiful place in YulongSnow Mountain. Yunshanping is a forest grassland in the east of Yulong SnowMountain, about 0.5 square kilometers, about 3000 meters above sea level. Thesnow mountain is as high as jade screen, and the spruce terrace is as lush asDaicheng. In the dense forest around yunshanping, there are towering trees, deadbranches hanging upside down, tree beards on the branches, rotten treeseverywhere in the forest, dead branches and leaves, covered with moss, as if noone had come to disturb for thousands of years, just like a natural paradise. Itis said that if young men and women die in yunshanping at the foot of YulongSnow Mountain, their souls will enter the third country of Yulong and geteternal happiness.


There are 19 modern glaciers in Yulong Snow Mountain, with a total area of11.61 square kilometers. Among them, baishui-1 is the most suitable glacier forsightseeing.

The baishui-1 glacier is 2.7 km long and is located just below the fansteep peak of Yulong Snow Mountain. From the foot of the mountain, it looks likea waterfall hanging in the sky, which is shocking. The ice Pagoda Forest in theice tongue is like a knife and halberd piercing into the sky. Under thesunlight, it is not white but green and snowy. It looks like huge Jadeitesinlaid in the jagged rocks. This scene is the "green snow peak" described by thelate vice president of the National Palace Museum of Chinese Taiwan, Li lincan. Close tothe glacier, I can only hear the sound of "Hua la la", which is the glacierformed after the melting of the glacier. The fan in front of it makes a loudnoise. Its the sound of avalanche, just like "snowing cow". For thousands ofyears, fans have been supplying new snow to the glacier. The ever-changing snowmountain is full of snowflakes from time to time, which makes it difficult forpeople to walk; the wind and clouds from time to time make people feel a littlechilly; the light from time to time makes people feel as if they are separatedfrom each other.

Snow mountain cableway

There are three Cableways in the snow mountain, big cableway, yunshanpingcableway (small cableway) and Maoniuping cableway. The scenery is different.Generally speaking, the big cableway can let you touch the snow, while the smallcableway (yunshanping) is in the middle of the snow mountain, which can let youtake a panoramic view of the snow mountain. Maoniuping, like yunshanping, islocated in the middle of the mountain. It is open and has more foreign tourists.The most crowded Cableways are yunshanping and the big cableway.



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone, welcome to Yueyang Tower, one of the three famous buildingsin Jiangnan.

Yueyang Tower is a national key cultural relic protection unit and one ofthe first batch of national 4A tourist areas. The landscape characteristics ofYueyang Tower can be summarized into four aspects. First, it has a long history.Yueyang Tower, formerly known as Yuejun tower built by Lu Su, was built in the19th year of Jianan in the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 220__) and was namedYueyang Tower in the 2nd year of Qianyuan in the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 759). It hasthe longest history among the three famous buildings in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

Second, the scenery is unique. Yueyang Tower is composed of river, lake,mountain and city. "Baling Sheng shape, a trace in the Dongting, the title ofthe distant mountains, swallow the Yangtze River, vast, boundless horizontal,morning and evening Yin, magnificent." The poet Du QinYong said: "the vast snowwaves with smoke, the sky and the West back painting, the building is verybeautiful scenery, a mountain nine lake." Yueyang Tower is a marvelous praisefor its geographical shape. It is strong with water, beautiful with mountainsand better than Jiangnan in shape. Third, it has a profound culture. YueyangTower poetry anthology contains more than a few famous works, a large number ofcouplets, plaques, paintings and inscriptions, most of which are permeated withthe "sense of hardship" of the Chinese nation. _In Du Fus "climbing the YueyangTower", he said, "I heard the Dongting water in the past, but now Im going tothe Yueyang Tower. In the southeast of Wu and Chu, heaven and earth float dayand night. Family and friends have no word, old and sick have their own boat.The army passes the mountain north, depending on the Xuan tears Si flow Hisconcern for the prison and the people is beyond expression. Fan Zhongyans"Yueyang Tower" is the development of this excellent tradition to the peak. Thephilosophy of "not to be happy with things, not to be sad with yourself", Atthat time, Su Dongpo expressed his emotion that "although it is not easy for asage to rise again", which Liu Shaoqi introduced as the criterion for thecultivation of Communist Party members, Hu Yaobang praised as thecrystallization of traditional Chinese virtues. It is indeed the most preciouscultural relics of Chinese spiritual civilization. Among the three famousbuildings in the south of the Yangtze River, only Yueyang Tower is a nationalcultural relic with historical, artistic and scientific value. The Yueyang Towernow seen is a pure wood structure. It was overhauled in 1983 according to theprinciple of "keeping the old as it is". It has four columns, three floors,cornices and helmet top. The whole building is made of wood without a brick or anail. The door joints are mortise and tenon. The workmanship is very exquisite.In history, Yueyang Tower has been destroyed and repaired for more than 50times. Friends, this couplet in front of the door, "Dongting Tianxia water,Yueyang Tianxia tower", is extracted from the five character quatrains of WeiYunzhen, a poet of the Ming Dynasty. The last two sentences of this poem are"who is the scholar in the world, drinking on the top of the building." Today,you are going to be the corporal of the day. Lets enjoy the profound YueyangTower culture and the magnificent mountains and rivers of Yueyang with Dongtingas the wine. Maybe you will be as drunk as Li Bai.

On the wall of Baling ancient city, the "Xiaoxiang archway in the SouthPole" and the "Wuxia archway in the north" were built in the Qing Dynasty. Thecouplets of chanting scenery in the two places are all written by famousartists. In the north of the ancient times, he Shaoji, a great calligrapher ofthe Qing Dynasty, wrote couplets, and Li duo, a famous calligrapher of thecontemporary era. In the south, Zhang Zhao, who wrote Yueyang Tower in the QingDynasty, and Liu Haisu, a contemporary master of calligraphy and painting, wrotethe couplet. From then on, we can see that Yueyang Tower was loved by literatiof all ages.

Now in front of you is Yueyang Tower. The three characters of "YueyangTower" on the horizontal plaque were inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo, and now it hasbeen compiled into the book named plaque of Zhongjun. Yueyang Tower is 2135mhigh, 1724m wide and 14.56m deep. Three story three eaves, helmet top type woodstructure, covered with yellow glazed tiles. The helmet top is a prominentfeature of Yueyang Tower. You can see that it looks like the helmet of anancient general. It is powerful and majestic. With cornices, it has smoothcurves and gives people a sense of power. Looking at the Ruyi Dougong under thehelmet top, it looks like a beehive. It is decorated with dragon head, phoenixhead and cloud head. It not only supports the gravity of the helmet top, butalso makes the whole building more exquisite, solemn and harmonious. The top ofthe roof, ridge ornaments, head up and other components are all ceramic productsleft over from the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Yueyang Tower has madeamazing achievements in aesthetics, mechanics, architecture and technology.

When you enter the main building, the first thing you see is the carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower, which is composed of 12 pieces of red sandalwood. Asmentioned above, the name of Yueyang Tower was only used in the Tang Dynasty. Atthat time, Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi, Li Shangyin and other talented personagesand poets came one after another. They look out from the cantharidin tower, goboating in Dongting, and write hard. In his poem "climbing Yueyang Tower withXia 12", Li Bai described it as follows: "the tower views Yueyang as far aspossible, and the Sichuan Dongting opens. The wild goose leads the sorrowfulheart to go, the mountain holds the good month to come. Even stay in the clouds,the sky line cup. After getting drunk, the cool wind blows and the people danceLi Shangyin, a poet in the late Tang Dynasty, also wrote the poem Yueyang Tower:"if you want to get rid of your worries, you can go to Yueyang Tower on DongtingLake. Its a pity that thousands of Li can take advantage of the prosperity.Its a dragons solution to the shipwreck. " The Yueyang Tower became more andmore famous because of these new words.

However, it was after Teng Zijing rebuilt Yueyang Tower and Fan Zhongyanwrote Yueyang Tower. In the fourth year of Qingli period, Ying Zijing wasdemoted to be the governor of Yuezhou. After he took office, he organized threemajor events: first, building a rainbow dike under the Yueyang Tower to defendthe waves of Dongting Lake; second, setting up a county school to cultivatetalents; third, rebuilding the Yueyang tower. Teng Zijing has both literarytalent and military strategy. He thinks that "it is not long for Louguan to becalled a reporter by writing, and the writing is not written by those who aretalented and powerful.". So he thought of his friend Fan Zhongyan, who was aJinshi in the same middle school. He wrote a Book of Qiuji, which introduced thestructure and momentum of Yueyang Tower after it was revised. He poured out hiseagerness to ask Fan Zhongyan to write a record. He also asked someone to draw apicture of autumn evening in Dongting, which copied the poems and Odes ofYueyang Tower chanted by famous scholars of all ages. He sent people to FanZhongyans demoted residence day and night It is located in Dengzhou. FanZhongyan was a famous statesman, litterateur and militarist in the Northern SongDynasty. Like Wei Zijing, he was rejected and attacked because he advocated theinnovation of politics. After receiving the letter from Teng Zijing, he read itrepeatedly and thought about it carefully, and finally wrote the famous story ofYueyang Tower. Although the full text of this article is only 368 words, it hasbroad content, profound philosophy, majestic momentum, sonorous language andpearly words. It has become a masterpiece for thousands of years. However, thesaying "first worry about the world, and then joy about the world" has become afamous saying handed down from generation to generation, and has become theaccumulation of the noble personality culture of the outstanding knowledge ofthe Chinese nation. The story of Yueyang Tower, with its supreme content andartistic charm, has been handed down for thousands of years and nourishedpeoples hearts. After receiving Fan Zhongyans Yueyang Tower, Teng Zijing wasoverjoyed. He immediately asked Su Zimei, a great calligrapher, to write it andShao Songhui, a famous sculptor, to engrave it on a wooden plaque. As a result,Lou, Ji, calligraphy and sculpture are collectively known as the "four wonders".Unfortunately, the sculpture was destroyed in the fire during the reign ofemperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty. The screen we see now is written by ZhangZhao, a famous calligrapher and Minister of the Ministry of punishment in theQianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

The whole building is supported by four big nanmu columns. It runs from thebottom of the building to the top of the building, and then uses 12 gold pillarsas the inner ring to support the second floor. Around it, 20 wooden pillars areused to control the door joints and tenons, and connect them as a whole. Thewhole Yueyang Tower is of pure wood structure, and no iron nail can be found. Onthe first floor, there are couplets chanting Yueyang Tower by ancient and modernmasters. The one in the middle of the hall is the longest of the couplets. Thefirst couplet begins with "whats strange on the first floor", listing theachievements and legends of poets, famous Confucians, virtuous officials andwine immortals left in Yueyang Tower, expressing the authors regret for thepast and the present; the second couplet introduces the famous mountains andrivers, the magnificent and dangerous city of baling. If you write down thiscouplet, you will have a general understanding of Yueyang Tower.

A carved screen of Yueyang Tower is hung on the front of the second floor.There is a story circulating here. During the reign of Daoguang in the QingDynasty, a magistrate surnamed Wu came to Yueyang. He took a fancy to the carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower, and bribed a master of folk art carving with a largesum of money to make another carved screen. Taking advantage of the opportunityof being transferred out of Yueyang, Wuzhi county took advantage of theopportunity to steal the beam and change the column, and fled on a stormy nightwith the carved screen of Jiaxiao and Zhang Zhao. The boat was overturned in thejiumazui section of Dongting Lake by wind and waves, and the carved screen sankto the bottom of the lake. It was salvaged by local fishermen and collected byWu Minshu, a local scholar. After 120 silver from the hands of Wus descendantswill screen back. During the cultural revolution, the red guards wanted to smashthe feudal carved screen. In order to protect it, the workers covered thewriting with plaster and wrote Chairman Maos poems. In this way, the carvedscreen escaped another disaster. This one and the one on the first floor areboth true and false, just like the list of merits and demerits.

The third floor is the top floor of Yueyang Tower. Looking from the window,you can appreciate the majestic momentum of "holding the distant mountains andswallowing the Yangtze River" and enjoy the beautiful scenery of lakes andmountains, which is "the same color of water and sky, boundless wind and moon".Signed "Changgeng libaishu". When we stand on the third floor and look out fromthe window, we can see that the water and sky of Dongting Lake are united, theclear wind and the moon are boundless, and the mountains and lakes are all onthe first floor. Isnt the feeling that "the water and the sky are united, thewind and the moon are boundless"?

In the middle is the strip screen of Deng Yueyang Tower written by Du Fu inMao Zedongs handwriting. You can see that it has rigorous layout, bold andunrestrained brushwork, iron and silver hook, vigorous and straight, which isdeeply rooted in huaisus wild grass style, and has its own style. This is arare art treasure, hanging here, making Yueyang Tower even more icing on thecake.

Out of the Yueyang Tower is the three drunk Pavilion, which is the place toworship Lu Xian. Lu Dongbin used medicine to save people and did good deeds. Hewas deeply respected by the people. In addition, he was named "Fuyou emperor" bythe emperor of Yuan Dynasty. He was one of the five northern ancestors ofTaoism. Yueyang Tower was built with yellow glazed tiles specially used by theemperors in feudal times as the place where LV Xian stopped. Why is Lu Xian soprominent in Yueyang? It turns out that there are anecdotes about Lu Xian in theannals of Yueyangs prefectures and counties, saying that he had drunk with TengZijing, played chess with Wang Taishou, the national chess player, and stoppedQiao Taishous sedan chair when he was drunk. In particular, Zhizhou Li Guan notonly records the origin of LV Xiantings story, but also includes two poems byLV Xian. At that time, they were carved in front of Yueyang Tower with hugestones. One of them is "when you travel to the north, the dusk of Cangwu, thecourage of the green snake in your sleeve, when you are drunk in Yueyang, youcant recognize it, and you can fly over Dongting Lake with langyin." The nameof sanzui Pavilion comes from this poem.

Finally, visit Yueyang Tower culture and Art Center. There are not only thecarved screen of Yueyang Tower written by the famous calligraphers Mi Fu, ZhuYunming, Dong Qichang and Zhang Zhao, but also the image display of theconcentrated landscape of Yueyang Tower in song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.There are also a large number of works of art and crafts with Yueyang Towerculture as the theme, as well as various books and periodicals about YueyangTower. Besides enjoying, you can choose your favorite souvenirs forcommemoration.



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各位朋友大家好,欢迎来到莲花佛国——九华山旅游,我是安徽旅行社导游王萍,大家可以叫我小王或者王导,坐在旁边的是司机吴师傅,他有着多年的驾驶经验,坐他的车大家可以尽管放心。接下来的几天就有我们为大家服务。我们会尽自己最大的努力给大家带去最好的服务,希望大家有一个开开心心的九华山之旅 ,现在呢我先想大家介绍一下我们九华山的概况:





好的,各位游客朋友请跟紧小王,注意脚下,由天王殿向外走,就来到了大雄宝殿。这里供奉着三尊身高12米的大佛,中间的是释迦牟尼,两边分别是阿弥陀佛和药师佛,而大殿两边上,想必大家一定都猜到了,对!供置着的就是十八罗汉塑像。大家再随我往后走,大殿后侧呢,供奉着的是文殊、普贤菩萨坐像。 这幅“海岛观音”大型立体浮雕,是雕在释迦牟尼佛像背后的,这是一幅浓缩中国佛教诸佛菩萨的全图。





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Hello, tourists! Welcome to Wuyishan. Im your guide today. My name isOuyang. If you are satisfied with me. Lets call me Ou Dao. Our schedule todayis to go sightseeing, that is, in the morning and in the afternoon.

Wuyishan is a world dual cultural heritage (World Natural and culturalheritage). )As the saying goes: Guilins landscape is better than Wuyis. Its agreat honor for you to have a glimpse of Wuyi Mountain. We are walking throughZhuxi garden now. We warm up before climbing to the top of the mountain -climbing a miraculous little line of sky. The friends who walk in either useflashlights or stare at the light on their heads. They have to help the side tomove forward. Its wide at both ends and narrow in the middle. Pay attention tosafety. And if there is bat stool fall on you, dont panic, its a blessing. Howkind of, after a day, thrilling, and you all can have a day, that means you areall national standard figure, dont have to lose weight. (the introduction ofxiaoyitian is exquisite and mature. )

Now you are standing at the foot of Tianyou peak, the highest, steepest,characteristic and most dangerous peak in Wuyi Mountain. You look up as if thereare many high, low and zigzag steps on the big stone. The chain escalator seemsto be hanging from the sky. The steps are all made of stone. Only two or threepeople can stand on each step. There are more than 800 steps in total. If youare interested, you may as well count while climbing. Later, you can see who hasthe most accurate number. Halfway up the mountain, we look back and look down:green vegetation - trees, flowers and crops, like a carpet, and the stream yousee is the famous Jiuqu stream. Look, the winding Jiuqu River is like a silkmirror. The tea gardens are really like human footprints. Lets look forward andlook up. Its like a group of people carrying bones. Originally, it was only anhours journey, because there were so many people. It took us two hours to getto the top of the mountain. Everyone worked hard. Could you tell me how manysteps there were? Yes, it was 826. If you look to the west, thats San JiaoFeng. If you look to the East, thats Dawang Feng. Looking down, you can have apanoramic view of the whole landscape of Wuyi Mountain. No wonder Xu Xiake said:this peak should be the first. This is the end of the tour of Tianyou peak.Please have a rest. The next stop is to row bamboo rafts. (to introduce Tianyoupeak in the order of the itinerary, to grasp the characteristics, or to focus onthe scene and feelings, or to focus on the history, just like the officialcommentary, lifelike. )

Now we are at the upper reaches of the Jiuqu River, which is the soul ofWuyi Mountain. It turns from west to East into Jiuqu, so it is called JiuquRiver. Its drainage area is 5 square kilometers, the whole course is 9.5kilometers, the average width is 7 meters, each song has a different scenery.The so-called person in the middle of the painting not only refers to theLijiang River, but also refers to the Jiuqu River. Later we will see thebeautiful jade girl peak, the majestic King peak and the stout iron plate peak.They also spread a touching folk story: it is said that a long time ago, thedaughter of the Jade Emperor went down to earth to play. When she passed WuyiMountain, she was fascinated by the scenery here, so she secretly stayed in theworld and fell in love with the hardworking young man. However, these thingsmade the ironclad monster understand, so he told the jade emperor about it. TheJade Emperor was very angry and fell in love with him The Jade Emperor had nochoice but to turn them into stones and separate them on both sides of the JiuquRiver. The iron plate monster was also turned into a big stone and inserted inthe middle of them. The two of them had to look at each other. Next, you can siton the bamboo rafts and enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Strait.Every stone there has a beautiful legend; every mountain has a moving story;every antique has a puzzle; even every tea tree has a wonderful song (searchingfor the typical scene of Jiuqu River, combining with relevant information andmaking the finishing point with beautiful legend, which is impressive. )

Im very glad that we have finished the days sightseeing. I hope you willremember todays happy journey. (a typical guide style language is used tofinish the farewell, which is in harmony with the language style of the fulltext.



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HANGZHOU---The Heaven on Earth --------By Day Day The Great “It’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous Italy traveler Macro Polo describes the HangZhou in his memory. The saying goes that in China---Above is heaven, below is HangZhou. The reputation of HangZhou lies in the picturesque West Lake. The lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in Song dynasty named DongPo Su highly praised the scenery. Travelling in the West Lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products. The Su dam and White dam are of the most famous scenic spots in China. They divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. There are there islands in the center of the lake: RuanGong, HuXin, and YingZhou. HangZhou is one of the six ancient capitals in China, and it last 2,000 years history.

Not only famous for the Natural scenery and Cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures. As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products;tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea.

Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two days, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment.



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Dear visitors! Today Ill be your tour guide. Today, we can go to visit guilin, elephant trunk hill park.

Everyone to see! The SLATE the park door. All the above recorded by the ancient seen an elephant in the world.

Everyone went east. Visitors, this is a natural formation of the hole, "anus" is an elephant. Before this "anus" did you feel there is a scent wafts of wine. This is one of sambo guilin osmanthus wine fragrance.

We continue to go forward, that is the whole elephant trunk hill. You see, the lijiang river in the set up of the pillars and the elephant head connection, with four legs apart, plus the and like body together like tail, formed a lifelike elephant trunk hill.

The elephant trunk hill there is a touching legend, everyone to take a look by yourself:

The elephant trunk hill, this is the jade emperor is used to carry a drop the magic of a head of Aquarius. Once, the jade emperor go out and fell on the way, god like ill. The jade emperor in order to catch time to god, like to stay in guilin. Of guilin people found the only passion, cured, god like to repay, also in order to appreciate the beautiful scene, so I live in guilin. But not for long, it was made known to the jade emperor, he sent a god to except it. God and the god wars for ten days and ten nights, fully JiuJiuBaShiYi round, hasnt been a tie. God like a thirsty, drink water to lijiang, is god a sword to kill. God like into a mountain, to stay in guilin.

Ladies and gentlemen, to the east, thus ended the travel today, hope you can "visit" in guilin.


Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Elephant trunk hill, also known as xiangshan. Kong Yong Ming dynasty poet wrote: "trunk and clear drink YuHe zephyr, the west should a suction wave. Castle peak naturally RaoJi bone, the day and get more." The blue elephant trunk hill is located in the south of the city of the li river and peach blossom river confluence. Yamagata resembles a giant elephants, and elongation nose river water absorption, thus its name.

Between the trunk and like body hole, is the famous hidden holes. Fan Chengda said it "its shape is round, looking at the end of the whole, such as month". Hidden cave river flow, can be a boat, in the bright moon night, its reflection of "the bright moon floating underwater has the bright moon, water" "xiangshan shui" wonders, perpetual than all previous dynasties poet. Hole inside and outside the cliffs has more than 50 pieces of cultural relics, ancient stone carving in the song dynasty patriotic poet Zhang Xiaoxiang, Fan Chengda and lu yous work is the most famous. Although lu you havent been to guilin, but the odd hill xiushui here longing. His poems and letters sent to Ren Zhao states (now in guangxi guilin pingle county) Du Sigong satrap friends. Carved with cliffstone Du Sigong is "life work, communicate with the world".

Elephant trunk hill has a stair bottom of the path to the top of the mountain. The top flat, tree-lined, the taiping rebels in the gun siege. The eastern end of the Ming dynasty solid 2-foot-tall tower at the top of the mountain, because named as samantabhadra bodhisattva samantabhadra tower are embedded. Tower like round vase, and as a sword, and someone called bottle tower or the tower of the handle.

Elephant trunk hill in the south have converted to originate in recent years with the tang dynasty yunfeng temple, temple in the history of the taiping heavenly kingdom relics on display. In the west of the temple is a stupas, there had been a, fujiang here. Fifth dongdu Japan failure, distinguishing from the tang dynasty monk floated, hainan island after guilin, on our way to the north to live in, fujiang, presided over the ceremony, he said to pass on ones experience. But old temple early waste, leaving only the stupa narrative event of the year. Elephant trunk hill, the scenery, is the symbol of guilin landscape and symbol of the city of guilin, the most Chinese and foreign tourists love.


"Ah, here to sing there and hey..." Also I heard someone in the song on the shore. The singing like sounds of nature.

"Hi, Im your guide. You just call me aunt huang." Aunt huang blossom opened a smile: "we had to know guilin landscape! We play there are a lot of limestone in the lijiang river, the limestone terrain around, make the guilin mountains mountain forest, such as folded brocade hill, elephant trunk hill, fubo hill. They are like a giant elephant, jade bamboo shoots, forms. From a distance, everywhere is scenery of guilin mountain, everywhere is to draw, the hills in the picture is sharp, less beautiful round. Today we are going to visit is the elephant trunk hill, the hill looks like a huge elephant stretching nasal suction the name."

"There was a giant elephant?" A little girl sound tender tender asked. "I dont know that." Aunt huang laugh more happy. "But I know a few of the elephant trunk hills legend!" "Tell us!" We shouted in chorus. "I said." The aunt. "The first story is this: the elephant is the jade emperors side a. One day, it quietly came to the earth, see the beautiful guilin, had forgotten to eat, sleep. Later, it became ill, local people care fed medicines. The elephant was ill after the kindness, help the guilin people dredge water, irrigation, fertile land and want to stay in the room. The jade emperor learned that flew into a rage, immediately sent tota Li Tianwang to seize. When the elephant is the lijiang river water, unfortunate shot to death by Li Tianwang, elephant trunk hill."

"This will it stabbed to death. The elephant into the elephant trunk hill, from then on, standing quietly in the side of the lijiang river, long nose draw water in water as if is in congjiang." "Elephant also attracted by the beautiful scenery of guilin to live." The little girl said again.

Aunt huang then introduce us to guilin. Elephant trunk hill mountain is hidden hole, she says, is like a body, and trunk naturally formed round hole, clear river water injection flow, float above the boat. Standing on the elephant trunk hill, the castle peak emerald green, bamboo to show small river boat leisurely, the shore of cigarette smoke.

"There will be many poets read poetry?!" She suddenly turn temper: "song ji north ChuShi and hidden hole rhyme poem:" the bottom has a bright moon, bright moon floating water. Current month, month to water flow. "Vividly depicts the scene; Ming dynasty poem Kong Yong have great way: clear drink YuHe trunk, westerly winds should a water wave, castle peak naturally RaoJi bone, can at more than one hundred days." "Looks like guilin fame good big!" The little boy cried sat behind me. "

The lijiang river like a jade belt winding, winding in the green mountain, swim the li river boat, yamagata, reflection, clear water, green hill, the shepherd boy, handsome, and ancient legends, the rural people, pure and fresh breath of of primitive simplicity, it is no wonder that scholars and the people, all with. Rock down into the water like a trunk the lijiang river water, scenic, let people couldnt help feeling the creations of nature.



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Beijing is a national historical and cultural city with a history of 3000years. Beijing used to be the capital of Six Dynasties in history. In more than20__ years since the state of Yan, many magnificent palace buildings have beenbuilt, making Beijing the city with the largest number of imperial palaces,gardens, temples and tombs and the richest content in China. Among them, theImperial Palace in Beijing was called the Imperial Palace in the Ming Dynastyand the Forbidden City in the Qing Dynasty. It used to be the imperial palace ofthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, and lived in 24 emperors. The magnificent buildingsperfectly reflect the traditional Chinese classical style and Oriental style. Itis the largest existing palace in China and even the world, and is a preciouscultural heritage of the Chinese nation. The temple of heaven is famous both athome and abroad for its reasonable layout and exquisite construction

Siheyuan is the general name of the traditional northern houses with themain house, inverted seat house and east-west wing house around the middlecourtyard. Beijing siheyuan, originated from the courtyard style houses of YuanDynasty, is the most important residential building in old Beijing. The narrowalleys between the green tile and grey brick quadrangles are the famous oldBeijing Hutong.

The religious temples in Beijing are all over the capital. The existingfamous ones are: Fayuan temple, Tanzhe Temple, Jietai Temple, Yunju temple,Badachu temple, etc. The White Cloud View of Taoism. Beijing Niujie worshipTemple of Islam, etc. Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism), such as the Yonghe temple, theCatholic Xishiku Catholic Church, Wangfujing Catholic Church, etc. There aremany Christian churches, such as gangwa city church and Chongwenmen church.

The central axis of Beijing refers to the central axis of Beijing in yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties. The urban planning of Beijing has the characteristicsof symmetry with the palace city as the center. The central axis of Beijingstarts from Yongdingmen in the South and ends at Zhonggulou in the north, about7.8 km long. From south to north are Yongdingmen, Qianmen Jianlou, Zhengyangmen,Zhonghuamen, Tiananmen, Duanmen, Wumen, Forbidden City, shenwumen, Jingshan,Dianmen, houmenqiao, Gulou and bell tower. From Yongdingmen, the south end ofthe central axis, there are Tiantan, xiannongtan, Taimiao, sheji altar,Donghuamen, xihuamen, Andingmen and Deshengmen, which are symmetricallydistributed along the central axis. Mr. Liang Sicheng, a famous Chinesearchitect, once said: "the unique magnificent order of Beijing is produced bythe establishment of this central axis." Yongdingmen, Zhonghuamen and Dianmenwere demolished after the founding of the peoples Republic of China. In recentyears, Yongdingmen tower has been rebuilt.







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Dear tourist friends

Today, let me show you around the Forbidden City.

Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is the imperial palaceof Ming and Qing Dynasties, also known as the Forbidden City. The Palace Museumwas built from the 4th to 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, which is nowknown as 1406 to 1420. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the top five palaces inthe world. The other four palaces are the palace of Versailles in France, thepalace of Buckingham in England, the Kremlin in Russia and the White House inthe United States. The Palace Museum is 961 meters long from north to South and753 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of 725000 square meters. Thebuilding area is 15. 50000 square meters. Is the Forbidden City big enough!

It is said that there are 9999 people in the Forbidden City. Five rooms,someone has made a figurative metaphor: if someone starts living from the birth,they can live until they are 27 years old. According to 1973 experts, there are8704 rooms in the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum has four gates. The main gate is called Meridian Gate.There are five holes in the Meridian Gate. Its plane is concave, magnificent.Behind the Meridian Gate, there are five exquisite white jade arch bridgesleading to the Taihe gate. The east gate is named Donghua gate, the west gate isnamed Xihua gate, and the north gate is named Shenwu gate. The four corners ofthe Forbidden City have exquisite turrets, which are 27 meters high. 5 meters,Cross Ridge, triple eaves, surrounded by mountains, multi angle crisscross, isthe structure of the building.

The back door is Shenwu gate, which was called Xuanwu Gate in Ming Dynasty.Xuanwu is one of the four sacred beasts in ancient times. In terms of location,the left green dragon, the right white tiger, the front rosefinch, the backXuanwu, and Xuanwu dominates the north. Therefore, the north gate of theImperial Palace is mostly named Xuanwu. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi ofQing Dynasty, it was renamed "shenwumen" because of taboo. Shenwu gate is also agate tower form, with the highest level of double eaves veranda roof, but itsmain hall has only five bay plus Gallery, no left and right forward extension ofthe two wings, so in the form of a lower level than Meridian Gate. Shenwu gateis the entrance guard for daily access to the palace. Now Shenwu gate is themain gate of the Palace Museum.

Donghuamen and xihuamen correspond to each other. There are Xiama stelesoutside the gate. The golden water inside the gate flows to the north of HenanProvince. There is a stone bridge on the top of the gate, and there are threegates in the north of the bridge. Donghua gate and Xihua gate have the sameshape, with rectangular plane, red platform, white jade xumizuo, and threecoupons in the middle. The coupons are square outside and round inside. On theplatform of the city, there is a tower with yellow glazed tiles and double eaveson the top of the hall. The tower is 5 rooms wide and 3 rooms deep, withcorridors on all sides.

The first three halls are the largest buildings in the palace, covering anarea of 8 square meters. 50000 square meters, which is 12% of the palace city,while the latter three temples are 25% of the former three palaces, which areexpected to decrease in turn, mainly highlighting the main position of theformer three palaces and the latter three palaces. In 1961, it located the firstbatch of national key cultural relics protection units in China.

Well, you can move freely. Pay attention to safety and keep the scenicspots clean. Have a good time.



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Hello, everyone. Im your guide. In the next few days, you can just call meseason guide. First of all, welcome to this beautiful and magnificent temple ofheaven! Today we mainly visit the Qigu altar, Qinian hall, Yuanqiu altar,zhaigong and other places of interest. When visiting, please throw the garbageinto the dustbin, or carry plastic bags, strive to be civilized tourists!

In fact, the temple of heaven is the place for the Ming and Qing emperorsto "worship heaven" and "pray for the valley", which is located in the east ofZhengyang gate. The altar is round in the north and square in the south, whichmeans "round heaven and round place". Neitan, where we are now, is divided intoNorth and south parts. Tourists, look at the building in the north. Its called"Qigu altar". It is said that in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, because theproductivity was very low at that time and the harvest was controlled by God, aspecial "grain praying altar" was built in the north to pray for a good harvest.Every year, the emperor prayed to God in spring to give the world a goodharvest.

Please follow me. We are now at the "Hall of praying for new year" in thecenter of the inner altar. It is located on a three story round stone platformtomb. It is a round hall with triple eaves, 38 meters high and 30 meters indiameter. The three halls have dark blue glazed tiles, which are reduced layerby layer and radiate in shape. The top is crowned with a huge gilded top. Thishall has great artistic value in architecture and modeling. The white platformsymbolizes white clouds, the dark blue ceiling symbolizes the sky, and thepillars, colored paintings and gilded ceiling symbolize the rosy clouds. All ofthese make a beautiful shape of blue sky and jade world.

Tourists, look at this magnificent building in the south, the "round MoundAltar", which is specially used to worship heaven on the winter solstice. Thecentral building is a huge round stone platform called "round mound". The totallength between the two altars is 360 meters, which is higher than the groundcorridor. The Danbi bridge is connected to form a 1200 meter long north-southaxis of the temple of heaven, with a large area of ancient Berlin on bothsides.

Through the corridor, we see the building is the "Zhai Palace" on the southside of the west gate. It is said to be the residence of the emperor duringfasting before praying. "Zhaigong" also got its name.

After listening to my introduction, you must want to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the temple of heaven carefully, take photos and leave a message. Thefollowing time is for you, you have enough time to swim. One hour later, we arestill gathering here. I hope you will observe the time and keep the gardenclean. See you later!



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人民广场已经成为上海最大的公共广场,总面积约14万平方米。 是融文化、绿化、美化为一体跨世纪的政治文化中心。

















回过头来就是人民大厦西侧的上海大剧院:上海大剧院占地面积约为2.1公顷,由法国夏邦杰建筑设计公司设计,总建筑面积为62803平方米,总高度为 40 米,分地下2层,地面6层,顶部2层,共计10层。大剧院结构为简洁流畅的几何形造型,皇冠般的白色弧形屋顶弯翘向天际, 上面有古典的户外剧场和空中花园,形似聚宝盆,象征着上海吸纳世界文化艺术的博大胸怀。其建筑风格新颖别致,融汇了东西方的文化韵味。白色弧形拱顶和具有光感的玻璃幕墙有机结合,在灯光的烘托下,宛如一个水晶般的宫殿。晶莹、透明的大剧场在平台、花园、喷泉、水池的簇拥下,成为人民广场又一大文化景观。建筑风格独特,造型优美。它成为上海又一个标志性建筑,使人民广场成为上海名副其实的政治文化中心。




大剧场的舞台设施也是世界一流的,它由日本三菱重工株式会社设计、制造, 分为主舞台、后舞台和左右两个侧舞台,可作平移、升降、倾斜、旋转等变换。

大剧场的建声要求极高,音响和灯光设备更具独特性能。音响系统选用美国 jbl专业设备,灯光系统采用比利时adb公司的顶级产品。舞台设备全部采用计算机控制,能满足世界上级别最高的剧团的演出要求。

除了演出功能外,上海大剧院还有一个1600平方米的观光餐厅。此外,还备有贵宾厅 、咖啡厅、地下车库等配套设施。

上海大剧院自1998年8月27日开业以来, 已成功上演过歌剧、音乐剧、芭蕾、交响乐、室内乐、话剧、戏曲等各类大型演出和综艺晚会,在国内外享有很高的知名度,许多国家领导人和外国政要、国际知名人士光临大剧院后,给予了高度评价,认为上海大剧院是建筑与艺术的完美结晶。上海大剧院正日益成为上海重要的中外文化交流窗口和艺术沟通的桥梁。




这就是人民广场! 总面积约14万平方米。它的南边就是上海市内东西向的市内交通大动脉----延安路高架,东边联着外滩,西边直达虹桥国际机场。人民广场的东侧隔西藏中路的就是上海工人文化宫。北隔南京西路和闻名遐尔的国际饭店相望;西北上海大剧院身后那高耸云天的就是明天大厦。


人民广场---见证了上海百年的屈辱; 见证了上海改革开放的成就; 也必然要见证明天的灿烂与辉煌!



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