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Dayan Pagoda, an ancient Tang Dynasty pagoda, is a unique symbol of theancient city of Xian. As one of the eight scenic spots in Guanzhong, the bigwild goose pagoda stands high in the Cien Temple in the southern suburb ofXian. It is one of the famous Buddhist pagodas in China. Dayan Pagoda scenicspot is a Buddhist holy land, which has a close relationship with masterXuanzang, a famous monk of Tang Dynasty. The story of Tang Monks Sutraacquisition and translation takes place here. All Buddhist temples are templesfor monks to worship, worship and chant Buddhist scriptures. Whats specialabout Dayan Pagoda compared with other temples? There are so many eminent monksat all times and in all over the world, so who is Tang Monk Xuanzang? Why is thestory of Tang Monks scriptures widely spread? Today, after you visit thisscenic spot, you will find the answer to the above question.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the South Square of Dayan Pagoda. Inthe center of the square stands a tall bronze statue of monk Xuanzang of TangDynasty. He was dignified, dressed in cassock, holding a staff in hand, withfirm steps, as if he was on the way to the West.

You must have seen journey to the west, one of Chinas four famous works,and the TV series of the same name adapted from it. Is the Tang monk in journeyto the West Xuanzang? Xuanzang, a native of Yanshi, Henan Province, isintelligent and studious. He became a monk at the age of 13. He worshipsclassics and exhausts all kinds of theories. He is well-known in the capital andis known as "the great tool of Shimen and the great horse of Buddhism." Afterstudying all over the country, he found that the sutra was incomplete and therewere many mistakes in it. He decided to go to Tianzhu, the birthplace ofBuddhism, which is now India, to explore the essence of Buddhism, so as to solvethe doubts and promote Buddhism. In the first year of Zhenguan (620__), he wentto India to apply for law, but he was not approved by the imperial court. In thethird year of Tang Zhenguan (620__ AD), he set out from Changan, along the SilkRoad, through the Gobi desert, where there were no birds on the top and noanimals on the bottom, and traveled westward to Tianzhu. He studied Buddhism inthe famous nalandao temple for 20__ years. At a grand Dharma meeting, Xuanzangread out his Buddhism It is said that for 18 days in a row, no one could arguewith Xuanzang. All the kings invited Xuanzang to take the magnificent Xiangyuparade. The venue cheered and thundered. The Mahayana monks called masterXuanzang "Mahayana heaven", the Hinayana monks called him "liberation heaven",and the Buddhist "heaven" refers to the Bodhisattva gods. Xuanzang was highlyhonored and respected in India. Then he resolutely declined the hospitality ofthe kings and monks and set foot on his way home. In the 19th year of Zhenguan(645 AD), Xuanzang returned home with a large number of Buddhist relics and 657Buddhist scriptures. He was warmly welcomed by the Emperor Taizong and theChinese. When they arrived in Changan, millions of monks and customs went outto welcome them, which was unprecedented. After returning to China, with thesupport of the Tang royal family, he gathered erudite eminent monks from allover the country to form an unprecedented Buddhist scripture translation site,and acted as the translator himself. The quality and quantity of translatedBuddhist scriptures are far more than those of their predecessors, which usheredin a new era in the history of translation in China. The author of the book, arecord of the western regions in the Tang Dynasty, has attracted the attentionof scholars all over the world. It should be said that journey to the west iswritten in the background of xuanleis going out to the west to seek scripturesin the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang monk in the story does not refer to Xuanzang,but a figure in an artistic literary work.

Now we come to the gate of the Great Mercy Temple. The main gate of thetemple is called the mountain gate, also called the three gates, which arecalled the empty gate, Wuzuo gate and Wuxiang gate respectively, symbolizing thethree liberation gates of Buddhism. We call becoming a monk "stepping into theempty door" and thats probably where it comes from. You see, the plaque on thedoor is a few glittering characters of "dacien Temple" inscribed by Comrade __himself.

Cien Temple was originally named Wulou temple. In 648 ad, when Li Zhi,Emperor Gaozong, was the crown prince, he built a temple for his mother, empressWende, and ordered the temple to be built in jinchangfang, Changan. Facing theHanyuan Hall of Daming Palace in the north, it covers an area of 26570 squaremeters and is surrounded by beautiful scenery. It is the most magnificent andspectacular Buddhist temple in Changan, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. At thebeginning of the construction of Cien Temple, the imperial court speciallyinvited Xuanzang, who came back to Changan from India, to be the abbot of thetemple. Thus, dacien Temple became the highest institution of Buddhism inChina at that time. After the end of Tang Dynasty, because of the constant wars,the temple gradually became desolate. After many times of maintenance, it wasnot until the Ming Dynasty that the scale of todays temple was established.

When we walk into the mountain gate, we can see the confrontation on thesecond floor of the bell and drum. To the East is the bell tower, in which thereis an iron bell. The clock was cast in the 27th year of Jiajing reign of theMing Dynasty (1548 AD). It is 3.4 meters high and weighs 15 tons. It has fourbig characters of "morning bell of wild goose pagoda". To the west is the drumtower, in which there is a big drum. The bell and drum are important tools ofBuddhism, which are used to summon monks to do rituals. It is also an importanttime tool. Monks in the temple wake up at the bell and sleep at the drum everyday.

Now we come to visit the main hall of the temple. The main hall is thecentral building of the temple. There are Sakyamunis three body Buddha in thehall. The middle one is Dharma Buddha piluzana Buddha. Dharma Buddha refers tothe pure body of Buddhas nature. The west one is paoshen Buddha Lushena Buddha.Paoshen Buddha means to obtain the Buddhas fruit and perfect body. The east oneis Yingshen Buddha. Yingshen Buddha refers to all changeable bodies and theuniversal body. On both sides of the three body Buddha are Sakyamunis Kaya andAnanda, and on both sides are eighteen Arhats.

On the west wall of the main hall, there are several steles of "Yan TA TiMing Ji". "Yanta inscription" began in the Tang Dynasty. All the top scholars inthe Changan examination had to have a banquet in Qujiang first, and thengathered together to inscribe the name of the big Yanta. They thought it was avery glorious thing to inscribe the name of the big Yanta, and they thought thatthey could ascend step by step by climbing the big Yanta. Bai Juyi, a poet ofthe Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem here after he was admitted as a Jinshi in theexamination: "the youngest of the seventeen people is at the title under thetower of mercy." Its a good story for a while.

On the north side of the hall is the Sutra collection building of Fatang(two floors). On the upper floor is the Sutra collection building, whichcontains the scriptures translated by Xuanzang. On the lower side is the Fatang,where the monks preached. There is a statue of Amitabha in it. Amitabha is incharge of the Western Paradise. That is to say, if you recite Amitabhawholeheartedly before you die, you will be led to the paradise by him after youdie, so it is also called "Jieyin Buddha". There are also three rubbings in theDharma hall, one of which is the picture of Xuanzangs negative collection, andon both sides are the portraits of his two great disciples yuancha and peepingJi. Xuanzang was carrying a basket of Buddhist scriptures on his back. He waswalking on the road of collecting Buddhist scriptures with Buddhist dust in hishands and hemp shoes on his feet. After suffering, only the little oil lamp thatnever went out was with him.

Behind the Dharma hall is the famous wild goose pagoda. Please follow me tovisit.

As for the origin of the name of "wild goose pagoda", there are severalopinions. Its name comes from a Buddhist story. According to Indian Buddhistlegend, there were two schools of Buddhism, Mahayana and Hinayana, and HinayanaBuddhism did not avoid meat and fishiness. One day, it was Bodhisattva givingday, but a monk in a Hinayana Temple couldnt buy meat for dinner. At this time,a group of geese flew by in the sky. A monk looked at the geese and said tohimself, "today there is no meat in the house. The merciful Bodhisattva willnever forget what day it is." Before the voice fell, the leading goose foldedits wings and fell to the ground. So the monks in the temple were shocked andthought that it must be the manifestation of Bodhisattva. They built a stonepagoda at the site where the wild geese fell. They gave up meat and turned toMahayana Buddhism. Since then, people have also called Bodhisattvas the king ofgeese and pagodas the "geese pagodas.".

The great wild goose pagoda was built with the approval of the imperialcourt by master Xuanzang to preserve a large number of Buddhist scripturesbrought back from India. Master Xuanzang personally participated in theconstruction of the tower, which took two years to complete. However, the pagodawas gradually destroyed more than 40 years later because of the erosion of thebrick surface and soil core. Later, Wu Zetian rebuilt the wild goose pagoda inher reign, and there were further repairs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Whatwe see now is the repaired wild goose pagoda.

Dayan Pagoda is a typical wooden pavilion style brick pagoda, which iscomposed of tower base, tower body and Tasha. Its height is 64.7 meters. Thepagoda is square cone-shaped, with a total of 7 floors. There are spiral stairsinside. We can climb up the pagoda along the spiral stairs to see the beautifulscenery of the ancient city. Now please come up with me.

When we come to the bottom of the Dayan Pagoda, we can see that the brickniches on both sides of the South Gate of the pagoda are inlaid with two steles,preface to the three Tibetan holy teachings of the Tang Dynasty, written byEmperor Taizong Li Shimin and Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty. Bothsteles were written by Chu suiliang, a famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty,and are the best of the steles in the Tang Dynasty. Next we can visit the firstfloor. Lets take a look at the tablets on both sides of the wall. Among them,there are two stone tablets, one is the picture of Xuanzangs negativecollection, which reflects the process of his Scripture acquisition, and theother is the picture of Xuanzangs scripture translation, which reflects theprocess of his scripture translation. The pictures of the two steles are vividportraits of master Xuanzangs glorious life. Now lets start climbing up.Please step up the tower and pay attention to safety. On the second floor, wesee a sitting statue of Maitreya. You can worship it and make your wish. Then weascend the third floor. Here is the Buddhist relic presented by Indian Buddhistmonks. All right, lets keep climbing. On the third floor, there are rubbings ofthe original steles of Jiwang Shengjiao preface and Tongzhou Shengjiao preface,which are kept in Xian Beilin Museum. In the fourth floor, we can see hugefootprints, which are said to be left by Sakyamuni when he passed away. It issaid that before his death, Sakyamuni went to a small river and said to hisdisciples, "this is the last footprint I left to mankind." After that, hugefootprints were formed. At that time, people vied to pay homage to each other.When Xuanzang came to India, he heard this story and went to pay homage to itspecially. He also drew the footprints with a brush when paying homage. What wesee now is carved by Xuanzang in his later years. On the fifth and sixth floors,there are Xuanzangs poems and calligraphic works of several great poets in theTang Dynasty. Lets go up to the seventh floor. You can look up and have a lookat the very interesting poems above us. No matter where we start, these wordscan be very smooth. You can read with me, "you have to travel to the west, youhave to travel to the West.". The former worshipers praised the Tang monk, whilethe latter was praised by others. " There is also "monk Tang has to travel tothe West.". Before worshiping the Buddha in the west, the predecessors praisedhim. " And so on. No matter from which angle, it can be read as a poem aboutTang Monks learning scriptures.

When you climb to the top of the pagoda, do you have a wonderful feeling of"climbing out of the world"? You can see the magnificent scenery of the ancientcity from all sides, which makes you forget to return.

Tourist friends, now lets walk slowly down the tower and pay attention tosafety. Continue to visit Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard in the back.

Now, everyone comes to the gate of Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard. XuanzangSanzang courtyard is a group of buildings imitating Tang style, which iscomposed of dabianjue hall, Prajna hall and Guangming hall.

If you want to ask: what are the treasures of Da Cien Temple in Xian? Itis the parietal bone relic and Buddha bone relic of master Xuanzang, becauseboth of them are very precious Buddhist relics. We have just seen the Buddhistbone relic on the third floor of the Dayan Pagoda, and a portion of Xuanzangsparietal bone relic is stored in the dabianjue Hall of the Sanzang academy,where the statue of Xuanzang is still worshipped.

There are nearly 400 square meters of exquisite large murals in XuanzangsSanzang courtyard, reflecting the holy scenery of Buddhism and the life story ofXuanzang. In particular, it reflects Xuanzangs brilliant life of seeking Dharmaand translating scriptures.

In summary, Xuanzangs translation is characterized by large quantity, highquality, complete content and new way. Xuanzang alone translated 1335 volumes ofBuddhist scriptures. Because Xuanzangs translation is accurate and reliable,and the original Indian Sanskrit version on which he bases is lost, Xuanzangstranslation is regarded as "quasi Sanskrit version". Thus there was the heydayof Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty and a new situation in which many overseaseminent monks entered the Tang Dynasty to seek Dharma. The translation ofBuddhist scriptures in China begins with the translation of Buddhist scriptures.Xuanzang is a famous Buddhist, translator and traveler in the history of ourcountry. At the same time, he is a great patriot who is loyal to the motherland.He also translated Laozi, an important ancient Chinese philosophical work, intoSanskrit and introduced it to India, which promoted the cultural communicationbetween China and India and established the friendship between the twopeoples.

In 20__, Xuanzang finally died in Yuhua temple in Tongchuan. Although heasked for simplicity, the emperor buried him in Bailuyuan, which is on the Bankof Chanhe river. People have expressed their admiration and mourning for thisgeneration of eminent monk who sacrificed his life to seek Dharma, painstakinglytranslated scriptures, lived a glorious life and died with a reed mat. It hasbecome a Buddhist holy land to pay homage to and commemorate Xuanzangforever.




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In Tang Dynasty, zhuyuwan was also a port between countries. Tang poetrydescribes the water scenery here: "half of the kite full of trees, new yearspeople still alone.". Falling flowers and flowing water arrive at Zhuyu Bay"Where there is land, there is only bamboo, but where there is no home, there isno goose. When the spring breeze blows around the city, the ears are filled withSheng songs. "

No matter which season you are in at four oclock, or when you visitzhuyuwan park with friends or your family, you will personally feel the beautyof "evergreen trees of life - plants": peach blossoms in spring, Hibiscus insummer, Osmanthus fragrans in autumn and wintersweet wintersweet. The changes ofthe phases of the four seasons are like the ink painting scenes blooming in thegood days, which are so beautiful and harmonious on the green land of ZhuyuBay.

The thousand hectares of green space in zhuyuwan park is surrounded by manygreen plants, which constitute a beautiful landscape of plants. Such as "He FengQu Qiao", "Mei Shan Chun Shen", "Peony Chan Juan", "Han Mei Ao Xue", "Zhuyu GuYun" and so on. The unique volume of these typical plant beauty is differentfrom the limitation of traditional private garden, which covers a small area.The openness of its artistic conception has been able to receive large-scalegroups in line with the modern tourism concept. Although the overall effect ofthese typical plant landscapes is composed of the local space enclosed byplants, it is greater than the overall space effect. When you visit the "plantkingdom" of zhuyuwan Park, you can really experience the dreamlike artisticconception of green yangchengguo.



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Yangjiang City, located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province, is aprefecture level city approved by the State Council in February 1988. It governsYangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi county and Jiangcheng district. It isadjacent to Jiangmen City in the East, Maoming City in the west, Yunfu City inthe north and Nanhai City in the south. The urban area is 219 km away fromGuangzhou, 220 km away from Zhanjiang and 165 km away from Hong Kong. NationalHighway 325 (Guang Zhan highway) and Guang Mao railway run through the city,covering an area of 7813 square kilometers, with a population of more than 2.4million.

The total land area of Yangjiang is 7813.4 square kilometers, of which26.03% is hilly area, 42.73% is mountainous area and 22.17% is plain area. Thepopulation is 2.56 million. It borders Enping and Taishan in Jiangmen City inthe East, Luoding and Xinxing in Yunfu City and Xinyi in Maoming City in thenorth, Gaozhou and Dianbai in Maoming City in the west, and Nanhai in the south.The coastline is 341.5 km long, with 30 major islands and 49.3 km long. Theterrain inclines from north to south, close to the mountain and the sea, withTianlu mountain in the northeast and Yunwu Mountain in the northwest. Thehighest mountain in the territory is e Huang Zhang in Wangfu mountain range,with an altitude of 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River, with a totallength of 199 km, running through the whole city from north to South and flowinginto the South China Sea from north to south.

Yangjiang City is a famous coastal tourist city in Guangdong Province. Itis rich in tourism resources, including coastal beaches, peak forests, karstcaves, hot springs, waterfalls, lakes and mountains, and splendid culturallandscape. Among them, Hailing Island and yangchunwan lingxiaoyan are provincialtourist resorts, and dajiaowan of Hailing Island was rated as 4A nationaltourist area in 20__. In order to continuously open up new ways of tourism,Yangjiang Tourism Bureau has designed and created a new tourism image of"Haitian emotional Yangjiang Tour". Yangjiang tourism highlights four tourismlandscapes with local characteristics. The first is the "sea view", with HailingIsland as the center, highlighting its coastal scenery; the second is the "skyview", represented by Chunwan zaolingxiaoyan, the stalactites, undergroundrivers and lights in the cave constitute the ethereal, illusory and magical skylandscape; the third is the "dynamic view", showing Yangjiang kites flutteringlike colorful clouds in the clear sky; The fourth is the "Scene", that is, thepicturesque Moyangjiang River with green mountains on both sides of the river,nurturing Yangjiangs children. In addition, Yangjiang has opened up two specialtourism lines: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Luns papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach, where oysters can be picked on site.

At present, the city has opened up five tourist routes and two specialtourist routes: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Luns papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach. You can try to pick oysters on site, which has a unique taste.



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In my "11" holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me is to go to Beigumountain, which is known as "the best River and mountain in the world".

It was a sunny morning. There was a big fireball like sun hanging in thesky. The sun was warm and comfortable.

Entering Beigu mountain, it is more lively than I imagined. I saw the waterin the Phoenix pool singing happily, as if to say hello to us. All of a sudden,fountains gushed out, and the crystal clear water jumped playfully on my face.Next to the Phoenix pool were clusters of bright wild flowers. I saw them andthought they were very beautiful. So I bent down and picked a bunch of them. Icarefully tied them with the ribbon in my backpack. Mother said: "you look atyou, usually all day shouting to protect flowers and plants, now?" I spit out mytongue, mischievously said: "well, my fault."

I took Mom and dads hand and went to a place where a hundred flowers wereblooming and fragrant. I saw a high staircase. So we climbed to the "riverworship Pavilion" on the top of the mountain. From the pavilion, we can see thatBeigu mountain looks like a dragon with head raised, tail raised and backarched. When we are on the mountain, we have the momentum of "looking at all thesmall mountains".

Then we went to Ganlu temple, a famous scenic spot in Beigu mountain. Whenyou enter the temple, you will first see the sculptures of Wu Guotai, Sun Quan,Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and others. They are all lifelike and lifelike, representingthe historical scene of Liu Beis recruitment. Lets enter into the story of theromance of the Three Kingdoms, infatuated and marvelous.

Magnificent Beigu mountain, how many poets marvel at your style!



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Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Im very glad to be here with friends from all over the world. Im pan, thetour guide of this trip. I hope we can have a good time.

Maiji Mountain, about 50 kilometers southeast of Tianshui, Gansu Province,is an isolated peak in Xiaolong mountain of Qinling Mountains in China. Thetotal area of the scenic spot is 215 square kilometers, including MaijiMountain, Xianren cliff, Shimen, Quxi four scenic spots and Jieting ancienttown. Maijishan Grottoes is a national key cultural relic protection unit and aworld-famous art treasure house. The difficulty and wisdom of digging hundredsof caves and Buddha statues on the cliff is very rare in Chinas grottoes. Comedown, lets go and have a look.

After entering the scenic area, what does Maiji Mountain look like now?Yes, it looks like a wheat stack. Maiji Mountain is a typical Danxia landformwith a height of 80 meters. There are more than 7200 statues and murals frommore than ten dynasties, including the later Qin Dynasty, the Western QinDynasty, the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern ZhouDynasty, the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, theYuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. They are distributed in 194caves with an area of more than 1300 square meters. They are known as the fourmajor caves in China, together with Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Datong YungangGrottoes and Luoyang Longmen Grottoes. In terms of artistic features, Dunhuangfocuses on gorgeous murals, Yungang and Longmen are famous for their magnificentstone carvings, while Maiji Mountain is famous for its exquisite statues. As oursculptor Liu Kaiqu praised: Maijishan is "a large sculpture museum in Chinesehistory."

When you step into the plank road, you must pay attention to safety. Nowyou can see a group of carved statues chiseled by the cliff. There is a Buddhain the middle, which is 15 meters high. There are two Bodhisattvas standing infront of them, smiling and welcoming the tourists. This is also the largestBuddha statue in Maiji Mountain. Now what you can see is the most magnificentseven Buddha Pavilion in Cave 4. There are 42 statues of Bodhisattvas in theseven niches, which are solemn and amiable, gorgeous and not vulgar.

Now you come to Xiya grottoes, the largest of which are caves 133 and 127.No.133 stele cave is the most special cave in Maiji Mountain. In the cave, thereare not only many clay sculptures, but also 18 stone tablets, some of which arecovered with thousands of Buddha statues, so they are also called "ten thousandBuddha Hall". Among them, No. 10, No. 11 and No. 16 are the essence of numeroustablets. Cave 127 is even more wonderful. This statue, not to mention MaijiMountain, is a rare treasure in the world Buddhist art.

Lets enjoy the main scenic area of Maiji Mountain first. Thank you againfor your support for Xiaopans work! Welcome to Gansu and Maiji Mountainagain!

Thank you!



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Today is July 10, our family asked for Wuhu, the second largest city inAnhui Province, to travel. I enjoyed my trip very much.

When you drive to Wuhu, the first thing you do is to go to the childrensparadise. Its said that the childrens paradise here is newly opened. We seemto be the second batch! "Wow! Its beautiful here." as soon as you enter thegate, there are many houses on both sides, some of which are round,semicircular, some of which are square, rectangular, and some of which areirregular There is a thin rope between every two parallel houses. The nationalflags of all countries are hung on the rope. The three-dimensional sense is verystrong. Many tourists cant help taking photos at the door. I conveniently tookout a map from the bookshelf, "Wow! Its so big here." playground, restaurant,cinema All of them. Its 10 hectares.

Entering the amusement park, I immediately ran to motianlun, "Wow! What ahigh Ferris wheel!" it was as high as a 30 story Ferris wheel building. Finally,we sat up and said, "Wow!" we were slowly rising. After a while, we got to thehighest place and looked down. WOW! The things below became so small! Peoplebecame little ants and cars became matchboxes. Overlooking the distance, greeneverywhere, like a layer of green carpet as beautiful.

When I got off the ferris wheel, I came to the "big pendulum". It wasfrightening to see the towering beam frame. I wanted to shrink back a little,but then I thought: come here, why not try it? Sitting on the big pendulum, myhands and feet were shaking, "Ding Ding Ding Ding!" the game started, the floorwas slowly falling, oh no! We were slowly rising, Gradually turned up, and beganto swing back and forth, swing higher and higher, count up a total of 300degrees ah! Wind blowing my face, my hands tightly grasp the safety bar, eyesclosed to death, mouth shouting "help ah!" my heart has been thinking: in caseof machine failure, stop in mid air do not move, in case of beam suddenly felldown, fell dead how to do What should I do if the safety bar is not fixed andIm thrown away When I stand upside down in the air, my hands hold more tightlyand sweat comes out. Gradually, gradually, the pendulum stops, and my mood calmsdown. Its safe. When I came down, I found that many people had vomited. Mothersaw, said to me: "such a terrible thing you dare to do, courage to grow up?" Igrabbed my head, "hey hey" smile twice.

So we played from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We had dinner and went back to the hotelto have a rest.



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枫泾是人杰地灵,人才辈出,是一块风水宝地。据枫泾古镇记载,这个地方形如荷花状,在1500多年前名就叫“荷花地”。宋朝期间,因屯田员外郎陈舜俞骑白牛往来于白牛荡塘边,而又得名“白牛市”。元代白牛市建镇,又称“白牛镇”。又因镇中遍植荷花,莲花秀美而得名“芙蓉镇”。后因镇周为华亭县风泾乡而得名“风泾镇”。明代又因镇中枫林层层,更名为“枫泾镇”至今。枫泾现代名人榜中,有两位画家,一是国画大师程十发,一是漫画大师丁聪;一位中国 共 产 党 人的亲密战友、中国国民党革命委员会创始人朱学范先生,一代围棋圣手顾水如先生。




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Dear tourist friends: hello and welcome to Langya Mountain, a national keyscenic spot. Im the local tour guide. Of course, you can call me.. First ofall, on behalf of all the staff of Langya Mountain Scenic Area, I would like towelcome you. Next, I will lead you to enjoy the beauty and show of LangyaMountain. Do you know what Langya Mountain is famous for? Well, yes, in fact,Langya Mountain is famous for the book "drunken man Pavilion" written by OuyangXiu, a great literary scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty, In the beginningof the story of the drunken man Pavilion, Langya Mountain was praised as "themost beautiful forest valley, the most magnificent and beautiful one, Langyaalso". In 20__, Langya Mountain was rated as the first batch of 4A scenic spotsapproved by the National Tourism Administration. Its main peaks are Dafengmountain, Xiaofeng mountain, Huashan Mountain, Fenghuang mountain, etc. itshighest peak is Huashan Mountain, with an altitude of 331 meters, and the othersare mostly between 200 and 300 meters. There are more than 50 springs in thescenic spot, with clear water Sweet, as well as Langya River, Shenxiu lake,Phoenix Lake and other streams and lakes, the scenery of lakes and mountains isshining. The arrival of tourists is really a kind of visual enjoyment. Now wesee the South Gate of Langya Mountain. Lets go in from here. Now we come to thefirst scenic spot of Langya Mountain - Langya ink garden, which is a kind ofgarden architecture, displayed in the grand view The white walls and blacktiles, cornices, pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and rockeries in front ofmy home reflect the style of Suzhou gardens. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties,many literati, such as Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Su Shi and Xin Qiji, have left alarge number of precious poems here. In order to better display these Langya inktreasures, the staff of the scenic spot collected and sorted out the informationabout Langya Mountain More than 200 poems and famous calligraphies and paintingsare engraved here, so it is called "Langya ink garden". You can see that thesecalligraphies and paintings are like flowing clouds and flowing water, whichshows the authors deep love for Langya Mountain Now we all walk along thismountain road and come to the most famous scenic spot of Langya Mountain,zuiwongting. In fact, zuiwongting was built in the fourth year of Qingli periodin the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, it was just a small pavilion fortourists to rest. However, because Ouyang Xiu wrote the famous poem "zuiwongtingJi" here, it has become famous all over the world. The current zuiwongtingcovers an area of about 5000 square meters, and was listed as "zuiwongting Ji"in 1956 As a key cultural relic protection unit at the provincial level, you cansee that the three words "zuiwang Pavilion" on the gate of the courtyard werewritten by Quanjiao people in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. Afterwalking eastward through the patio, you will arrive at zuiwang Pavilion, whichis a kind of Xieshan architectural style. The cornice is tilted and 16 columnsare separated in four directions.

You can see the wooden railings around. This is the place where Ouyang Xiuused to drink wine and write poems with his guests. Visitors can stand here toexperience the artistic conception of the great literati at that time. Now wecome to the "Erxian hall", so its named Siyi. It was built in memory of thesages. Erxian hall was built in the Northern Song Dynasty to commemorate twoChuzhou prefects, Wang Yu and Ouyang Now we can see the photocopies of the songand Ming Dynasty edition of "zuiwengtingji" and Ouyang Xius handwriting. Now wewalk westward to "Bao song Zhai". Here we can see the stone tablets carved in"zuiwengtingji" written by Su Shi, Ouyang Xius proud disciple. Because OuyangXius prose and Su Shis calligraphy are the highest in the Northern SongDynasty Therefore, later generations call this monument "two unique steles".Now, if you go further, you can see the spring. This is the well-known rangspring. Around the rang spring now is a square pool made of stones. Look - thereis a stele inscribed "rang spring" by Mr. Wang cikui, governor of Chuzhou in20__ of Kangxi. The square pool is about three feet long and one foot deep. Thespring flows into the square pool first, and then flows northward into the glassmarsh. The water temperature of Fangchi has not changed much all the year round,and it has been kept at 17-18 ℃. The spring water contains a variety of traceelements beneficial to human body, which are sweet and clear. Dear tourists, wecome to Ouyang Xiu Memorial Hall. When we enter the inner hall, do you see thestatue of Ouyang Xiu? There are more than 30 murals that comprehensivelyintroduce Ouyang Xius life. The gallery is inlaid with Su Shi and Zhao Shi fromSong Dynasty Meng? And other great calligraphers wrote the story of the drunkenman Pavilion, which is amazing. Now we walk along the ancient Langya road forabout 400 meters and come to Langya temple, which was formerly known as BAOYINGtemple. It is said that before the temple was built, Li Youqing, the governor ofChuzhou, who was in charge of the construction of the temple, once drew apicture for emperor Zong of the Tang Dynasty. It happened that emperor Zong ofthe Tang Dynasty dreamt that there was a Temple deep in a mountain forest thenight before. The shape and scale of the temple were very similar to those onthe picture. He was very happy, so he was specially named "BAOYING Temple"."BAOYING Temple" has gone through many vicissitudes. Most of the buildings thattourists see now are rebuilt in the 30 years of the Qing Dynasty.

Langya temple was officially named after Langya temple in 1984. There aremore than 80 scenic spots in Langya temple. Now you can see the main building ofLangya temple, which is located in the center of the temple. The hall is 14meters high and 15.3 meters deep. Its shape is simple and elegant, and itsmomentum is majestic. There are vivid statues of Sakyamuni and the eighteenArhats in the hall. The body of the statues is covered with gold, the goldenlight is brilliant, and the expression is vivid. Now we walk to the right andcome to the Sutra Pavilion. Its original name is "Sutra Pavilion". The SutraPavilion we see today was rebuilt in 1919, with the four characters "Sanzangxuanshu" engraved on the forehead. It is said that there was a precious book ofBeiye scriptures in this building. There is a thousand Jade Buddha Halldownstairs, in which more than one thousand jade Buddhas from Myanmar aredisplayed. Listen, I really want to go in and have a look, but now itsgone.

Dear tourist friends, todays tour is coming to an end. Im very glad thatyou all support and cooperate with me very much. In this short time, I hope itwill become an eternal memory in your tour. I hope you will have the opportunityto serve you next time. I wish you happy and smooth every day in your futurelife. Goodbye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 536 字

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各位游客朋友: 大家好,我是本次迪斯尼乐园的导游。我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。现在大家乘坐的是迪斯尼专线,本专线将在1小时候到达香港迪斯尼乐园,途中我会为大家做一些有关迪斯尼的介绍。 香港迪斯尼乐园是一个老少皆宜的童话王国,主要分为:明日世界、探险世界和幻想世界,这三个世界适宜的人群也不一样,下面就来听听你适合哪个世界吧!明日世界时一个充满刺激,变化莫测的游戏王国,它的代表游乐设施就是飞越太空山。飞越太空山又被称作“室内过山车”,乘客在车厢的整个旅途只有不到20秒的时间,可以看到亮光,其余全在黑暗中度过,太空车直上、直下、忽左、忽右,让许多乘客流连忘返;探险世界是一个与充满神秘的地方,丛林历险是探险世界最有趣味性的游戏,乘客们坐在船上,可以看到许多动物,喷水的象宝宝、伺机吃人的食人鱼、晒日光浴的大猩猩,通过船长风趣的讲述,乘客们会通过重重难关,最终到达终点泰山的木屋;幻想世界是每个喜欢童话的人必须要去的地方,那里的有了设施虽然不是很刺激、很神秘,但那是卡通人物的集结地,可以跟它们一起合影留念。对了,还要提醒大家,在整点的时候还会有迪斯尼人物表演的节目哟!下午3点和晚上7点分别有迪斯尼大巡游和星梦奇缘烟花表演。 现在到站了,大家赶快去尽情畅游童话王国吧!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7681 字

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Hello, everyone! First of all, I represent us_ All the staff of the travelagency warmly welcome you and thank you for your support and trust in our travelagency. My name is carving time. Im a tour guide of Sitong travel agency.Please call me Xiao Liu. Sitting in the front driving position is our teamdriver master Zhang. Master Zhang has rich driving experience. I believe youwill feel comfortable and safe on the way. Today, I feel very honored to be ourtour guide and know so many teachers and friends. If you have any difficultiesand requirements during your journey, please put forward them in time and I willtry my best to serve you. I also hope that you can actively support andcooperate with my work. Here, I wish you a pleasant journey, happy to come andsatisfied to return.

Today, we are going to visit Panshan, which is located at the south foot ofYanshan mountain, 90 kilometers east of Beijing, at the intersection of Beijing,Tianjin, Tang and Chengde. In ancient times, Panshan was called Panlongmountain, Sizheng mountain and Wuzhong mountain. So how did the name of Panshancome from? There are two versions: first, Ji Zhizhen of the Yuan Dynasty said inhis Yunshan collection: "Mr. Tian pan came from Qi in ancient times and livedlate in this mountain, so its called Panshan." The other is what Zhipu, a monkof the Qing Dynasty, said in his records of Panshan: "Wei Tianchou lived inseclusion here, so it was named tianpanshan. Today, if we call it Panshaninstead of Tianpan, we will call it Lushan. "

Panshan is known as "the first mountain in the east of Beijing" in theworld, with the famous sites of "five peaks", "eight stones" and "three plates".The main peak, Guayue peak, is 864.4 meters above sea level. It is surrounded byzigai peak in the front, Zilai peak in the back, Jiuhua peak in the East andWujian peak in the West. At the same time, it is especially famous for Songshengin Shangpan, Shisheng in zhongpan and Shuisheng in xiapan. It is called "Sanpanscenic spot" and is known as "scenery step by step and classic scenery". EmperorQianlong visited Panshan many times and wrote down the famous sentence "if youknew there was Panshan, why go to Jiangnan".

After listening to the above introduction, I believe you have a generalunderstanding of Panshan. How about Panshan? Please visit it in person and thenmake an evaluation. We have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Pleaseremember that our car is a white golden dragon, and the license plate is Jina2345. The car is parked on the left side of the parking lot. We are stillgathering on the car at 1 pm. Please lock the window. Please take your valuableswith you. OK, please get off.

Now we have come to the entrance of the tourist area. There is a tall threehole memorial archway. On the front is AI xinjueluo puzuos inscription: "thefirst mountain in Jingdong", and on the back is fan Runhuas inscription: "themountains are Emerald". Now lets go inside and pass the three hole MountainGate with yellow tiles and red walls. On the huge stone facing us, there arefour big characters of "three plates of dusk rain", which was written by MaoChang, the former vice mayor of Tianjin.

Lets walk up the stone ladder path now. Please slow down. Lets come hereand have a look at this huge stone. The word "enter victory" is written on it.Its five feet in diameter and powerful. Its written by Rong Lu, the Bachelorof Wenhua hall, the Minister of military aircraft in the late Qing Dynasty.Enter victory, enter victory means that we have begun to enter the realm ofvictory.

Keep going. Here are two lines of inscriptions on the cliff. One line is"sizhengmenjing". Panshan is also called sizhengshan, which means that it passesthrough the gate of Panshan. The other line is "the sound of horses entering thevalley", which refers to the sound of cars and horses from the rich. There is ahuge stone not far from here. What is it? I knew from the past that this is thefamous yuan gem. It is named because it is wide at the top and narrow at thebottom, and it looks like a yuan treasure. There are several lines on it withbig words: "there are mountains, strange rocks and rare pines here.". If you gofurther, what we see now is Dashiqiao. Emperor Qianlong had a rest here when hevisited Panshan. Now I invite you to have a rest here to have an emperorsaddiction. While you rest, I will tell you a story. One year, Emperor Qianlongcame to Panshan and went to Dashiqiao. Seeing the beautiful scenery here, hemade a decree to have a rest. He wrote the first couplet: traveling in Panshanand circling for several days. Liu Yong beat the second couplet: visiting Reheand drinking hot wine for a few days. As soon as Qianlong heard of Rehe, heimmediately lost his face. It turned out that before that, Qianlong had gone toRehe to leave the palace for the summer. At that time, there was a popularsaying: the emperors villa is really a summer resort, but the people are inRehe. This word spread into his ears, naturally greatly angry. Seeing this, LiuYong quickly broke in and said, "long live, the scenery here is so beautiful.You should make another couplet to let everyone be right." so Qianlongs moodgot better and he added another couplet: bafangqiao Bafang, standing onbafangqiao, watching bafangbafang. This baffled several ministers, and JiXiaolan knelt down in front of Qianlong and blurted out: "long live grandfather,long live kneel down, long live grandfather, long live grandfather, long livegrandfather. So Emperor Qianlong was very happy, and Longyan was very happy.

Well, after listening to the story and having a rest, please continue tofollow me. Our next scenic spot is Tiancheng temple, which is the key landscapeof Panshan tourist area, also known as Tiancheng Fushan temple, also known asTiancheng Dharma Realm. Well, now we have come to Tiancheng temple. It was firstbuilt in the Tang Dynasty. It was expanded and rebuilt in Liao, Ming and QingDynasties. Since the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, emperors of severalgenerations have visited Tiancheng temple. Emperor Qianlong has visitedTiancheng Temple most frequently, and his double monk Kong Hai has become a monkhere. "Tiancheng Temple" on the temple gate was mentioned by Qianlong. Beforeentering the temple gate, please turn around and take a look at the buildingbehind you - woyunlou, which is two stories high, six Ying, Huadong carved beamsand high ridge cornices. It is very spectacular. Every rainy day, white cloudsoften pass through the valley, or hide the building, or pass through thebuilding. It is very interesting, so it is named woyunlou. At the foot of themountain opposite woyunlou, there is a platform, which is the site of a smallstage. In the past, when Emperor Qianlong was resting in woyunlou, the imperialtroupe performed on the stage.

Now, lets walk into Tiancheng Temple together. The first thing we see isJiangshan Pavilion. These five words were also mentioned by Emperor Qianlong.Please follow me this way, through the winding corridor, we came to a high damplatform, facing the huge stone lying on the back, engraved with the word"quiet". On the east side of the hall, there is a stele made by EmperorQianlong, on which are his personal notes of traveling to Panshan and his poemsabout Panshan. Lets take a look at this ancient Buddha relic Pagoda in theWest. It has thirteen octagonal stories and a delicate structure. On thethirteen stories of dense eaves, there are 104 bronze statues. The pagoda isglittering with gold, and the mountain breeze is blowing slowly. The pagoda wasbuilt in the Liao Dynasty and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. It is now listed as akey cultural relic protection unit in Tianjin.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 450 字

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今日的「上海」,是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化大都市。繁华的大上海处处显现着她的独特魅力,她的现代化和古典的融合,让人们无法抗拒,而位于黄浦江西岸的「外滩」,百余年来也一直作为上海的象征出现在世人面前。 ●上海的象征---黄浦江。浦江游览一直是上海旅游中的一个传统旅游节目,每天从上海外滩“浦江之光”码头启航,把您从繁华的上海市区,带到黄浦江与世界第三大河长江汇流入海的地方——吴淞口外的“三夹水”。行驶江心,眺望一江之隔、跨越百年沧桑的建筑群,不能不心生感慨。 水,有灵气有财气。水,孕育着蓬勃的生机。黄浦江,城市的母亲河,上海的黄金水道。黄浦江“清游江”游览船,从大达码头起航往北,浦西举世知名的外滩万国建筑群,浦东矗立于云霄之端的陆家嘴金融中心,逐渐映入眼帘。入夜,两岸灯火辉煌,繁华城市的古典与现代建筑风格,交相辉映,相得益彰,缤纷多姿,尽显江岸美景。放眼远眺,建筑是凝固的美,江水是流动的美;两岸喧闹是繁华的美,江中宁静是淡雅的美。上海的黄浦江,处处都能享受到美的存在。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 465 字

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Sanhe Town is located in the southern end of Feixi County, at the junctionof Feixi, Shucheng and Lujiang counties. Fengle River and Hangbu River convergehere and flow eastward about 15 kilometers through Xinhe River to Chaohu Lake.It is 40 km from Hefei in the north, 24 km from SHANGPAI Town, 32 km fromLujiang County in the South and 30 km from Shucheng County in the West.

A brief introduction to Sanhe ancient town is also very important. When Icame here, I met two old men in dark red and off white robes. They told us thebrief introduction in detail, but I didnt pay attention to it. Following theirsteps, we came to two rickshaws like rickshaws with four big words "Sanheancient town" printed on them.

In this way, we came to this antique town. My elder sister and I are fromAnhui. We cant understand him very well when he talks. He explains to us as hepulls.

What impresses me most is the ladys boudoir. The most amazing thing isthat you can see the rainbow on a sunny day. When we got to the building, we sawa big fish pond. There was a turtle like stone in the middle of the pond, whichwas covered with turtles and frogs. There were two red goldfish in the pond.There are shiny coins on the stone, and nothing special can be seen.

When we went upstairs and looked down, we saw the pond again. The guidecame up, picked up the board beside and put it in the water left from above. Abeautiful scene appeared. There was a rainbow beside the silver pond. To behonest, I dont see many rainbows, so I cherish every time I see them. It was abeautiful moment.

What I admire most is the rich and colorful folk culture of Sanhe, whichembodies the integration of Chinese northern and southern cultures. So far, fromthe Spring Festival to the Lantern Festival, folk activities such as dragonlantern playing, dry boat making, and clam dancing are still held spontaneously.In particular, the custom of door-to-door New Year greeting and candy making ismaintained. Every morning on the first day of the lunar new year, childrengather their good friends to take a bag to ask for candy. No matter whether theyknow each other or not, they just say "Happy New Year!" congratulations and makea fortune, and they can get a lot of candy. After the new years greeting, theysell candy to customers Its fun to change fireworks in a small shop. During theDragon Boat Festival, people make zongzi and play dragon boat. Torch is stillplaying in Mid Autumn Festival. Wedding funeral wedding, still carry sedanchair, please "good play", step on the cloud cake means rising step by step. Thehonest folk customs are preserved.

In this way, we ended our trip to Hefei in Anhui Province with a series of"Sanhe ancient town" honors, such as national civilized town, national key townof small town construction, national pilot town of comprehensive reform, Chinesehistorical and cultural town, national 4A scenic spot and so on.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 11061 字

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to the ancient city of Xian. Today, Id like toshow you the big wild goose pagoda, the landmark of Xian.

When it comes to the big wild goose pagoda, I think your first impressionmust be related to the story of Monk Tang in Pilgrimage to the West. In history,Monk Tang is a real person, and its also true. The bronze statue we see now isthe Tang monk. His common surname is Chen. He was born in Yanshi, Henan Provincetoday. His parents died early. When he was 13, he converted to Buddhism. At theage of 20, he was given a full precept in Chengdu. He had traveled all over theworld and visited famous teachers. In the process of his hard study of Buddhism,he felt that there were many different opinions about Buddhism and there was noway to understand it. So he came up with the idea of seeking Dharma in India. Inthe early Tang Dynasty, he came to India with a large number of businessmen. Ittook him 20__ years to travel more than 100000 miles through more than 100countries and regions. It can be said that he had passed the Gobi desert where"there are no birds on the top and no animals on the bottom", passed through theflame mountain, and "cooking by hanging kettle and lying on ice". With thisamazing perseverance, he overcame all kinds of difficulties and arrived in IndiaThere are 657 Buddhist scriptures. In 20__ of Tang Zhenguan, he returned toChangan. Lets look at this bronze statue. Tang Monk holds a staff in one handand bows in the other hand. His eyes are bright. His pace is calm and hisexpression is firm. He seems to be walking on the long road of learning Buddhistscriptures.

[Cien Temple - Mountain Gate - Bell and Drum Tower - Daxiong Hall - titleof wild goose pagoda]

Next, well visit dacien temple. The former name of dacien temple is "WulouTemple". Wulou means no worries. When Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi was the crownprince of Tang Dynasty, in order to recommend Ming Fu to his mother, empressWende, who passed away, and cherish his mothers great kindness, he rebuilt andexpanded the temple here and renamed it dacien temple. Now we come to the gateof dacien temple. The main gate of the temple is called Shanmen, which is alsocalled Sanmen. The empty gate in the middle, Wuzuo gate and Wuxiang gate on theleft and right sides respectively, symbolize the three liberation gates ofBuddhism. The plaque on the gate is a few big characters of "dacien Temple"written by Comrade __ himself.

Walking into the temple, we can see two small buildings. To the East is thebell tower. Inside is an iron bell cast in the Jiaqing period of the MingDynasty. It weighs 30000 Jin. The patterns, patterns and words on the bell areclearly visible. The front of the bell body is engraved with the words "morningbell of wild goose pagoda". For a long time, "the morning bell of the wild goosepagoda" has been regarded as one of the eight scenic spots in Guanzhong. To thewest is the drum tower, in which there is a big drum. The bell and drum are thelarge-scale magic weapons of the temple, which are basically used to tell thetime. Monks wake up and sleep when they smell the bell and the drum everyday.

As we go on, what we see is the central building of the whole temple, whichis called Daxiong hall. "Daxiong" is the honorific name for Sakyamuni, in whichSakyamunis three body Buddha is worshipped. First of all, we can see that themiddle one is called Dharma Buddha viluzana Buddha, which means the pure body ofBuddha nature. On the left side is the Bodhisattva Buddha lushana Buddha, whichmeans the body of Buddhas fruit is perfect. On the right side is the BuddhaSakyamuni Buddha refers to all changeable bodies, and refers to the body of allliving beings. On both sides of the statue are the disciples of the Buddha, withKaya in the East and Ananda in the West. There are also statues of ManjusriBodhisattva and Puxian Bodhisattva on both sides.

On the west wall of Daxiong hall, there are several steles of "Yan TA TiMing Ji". The "Yan TA Ti Ming Ji" began in the Tang Dynasty, which is a verypopular custom in the Tang Dynasty. That is to say, as long as the candidatesare admitted to the new imperial examinations, they have to come to the Yan TAfor inscription. They feel that it is a very glorious thing to be able toinscribe under the Yan TA, and they feel that climbing on the Yan TA has beenpromoted step by step since then Qingyun, poet Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty, wrote apoem after he was admitted as a scholar in the examination, saying: "theyoungest of the seventeen people is at the title under the tower of mercy".

[Fatang - name of Dayan Pagoda - construction and cultural relics of DayanPagoda - Xuanzang Sanzang academy]

Next, lets visit the Dharma hall, which is usually a Buddhist preachingplace. In Qujiang tourist area, the place we can also visit is equivalent to ourcurrent classroom. In the Dharma hall, Amitabha, who is in charge of the WesternParadise, is worshipped. On the east wall of the Dharma hall, there are threerubbings. The middle one is "the picture of Xuanzangs collection", whichdescribes Xuanzang carrying scriptures and hanging street lamps in front, Onboth sides of the rubbings are yuancha and peep Ji, two of Xuanzangs disciples.Yuancha is the grandson of Xinluo state, peep Ji is the nephew of Yuchi Gong, afamous general in the early Tang Dynasty. Both of them worship Xuanzang as theirteacher, which shows Xuanzangs great reputation at that time.

We can see the big wild goose pagoda behind the Dharma hall. Here I wouldlike to introduce the origin of the name of the great wild goose pagoda. Firstof all, it is called "Gensuo" in the western regions and "Yan" in the TangDynasty, so the name of the wild goose pagoda is pronounced in Sanskrit

In the early days of Buddhism, there were two schools: Mahayana andHinayana. Mahayana Buddhism abstained from eating meat, while Hinayana did not.There is a monastery in mogatuo. The monks of the monastery believe in HinayanaBuddhism. One day, when noon is coming, the monks are hungry, and lunch has notbeen settled yet. They complain very much. One monk sees a group of wild geeseflying by in the air, and says jokingly: "we monks havent eaten meat for manydays. If the Bodhisattva has spirit, we should know our predicament! As soon asthe voice falls, we see that the monks of the leading monastery are in troubleNo meat for dinner. At this time, a group of geese flew by in the sky. A monklooked at the geese and said to himself, "today there is no meat in the monksroom. The merciful Bodhisattva will never forget what day it is." Before thevoice fell, the leading goose folded its wings and fell to the ground. The monkswere shocked and realized that the Tathagata tried to educate them. They kneltdown and buried the goose in the courtyard. He built a pagoda and named itYanta. From then on, he changed his belief to Mahayana instead of eating meat.This is the name of Yanta. The word "big" is added in front of the word "wildgoose pagoda". First, the building of the pagoda is magnificent; second, thelater Jianfu Temple Pagoda is also called the wild goose pagoda. In order todistinguish it, it is called the big wild goose pagoda and the small wild goosepagoda.

The Dayan Pagoda was first built in the third year of Yonghui reign ofEmperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty. It was designed and built by master Xuanzanghimself, and it took two years to complete. At first, the wild goose pagoda wasfive stories, 180 feet high. Later, it was seriously damaged. When Wu Zetiancame, it was rebuilt into seven stories. People often say that "saving one lifeis better than building a seven level putu". Probably from this, the big wildgoose pagoda is a masterpiece of Buddhist art in China with its simple shape andmagnificent momentum. There are stairs in the tower to spiral up. The brickniches on the East and west sides of the South Gate of the tower are inlaid withthe stele of preface to the three Tibetan holy religions of the Tang Dynastywritten by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin and the stele of preface to the threeTibetan holy religions of the Tang Dynasty written by Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi.Both steles were written by Chu suiliang, a famous calligrapher in Tang Dynasty,and are known as "two saints and three unique steles".

Next, we will visit "Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard", which is a group ofimitative Tang Dynasty buildings. The whole courtyard is composed of threeparts: Guangming hall in the West courtyard, dabianjue hall in the middlecourtyard and Prajna hall in the east courtyard. The brilliant life of masterXuanzang is divided into two stages and displayed to the world at threedifferent levels. The Guangming hall in the West courtyard shows the experienceand moving deeds of the master from his birth to his forty years old The contentof Prajna hall in Dongyuan is the grand welcome of master Xuanzangs going backto the east to get the Scriptures and encourage him to translate, spread andspread the Scriptures until his death, which is called "the stage of translatingand spreading the scriptures". The middle dabianjue Hall shows the religiousbackground of the historical event of "Xuanzangs going back to the East" with adeeper connotation.

[Dayan Pagoda North Square - Tang Furong Garden - Qujiang Ocean Museum -hanyao - Hu Hai tomb]

Dayan Pagoda has been the place of Qujiang since ancient times. Lets visitseveral other famous scenic spots in Qujiang tourist area.

First of all, lets visit the north square of the great wild goose pagoda.This is a theme square highlighting the great wild goose pagoda, the great CienTemple and the culture of the Tang Dynasty. It was built in 20__. It is composedof the fountain water scenic area, the relief scenic area of the Tang Dynasty,the East-West pedestrian street of the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang poetry gardenarea. It has the largest music fountain in Asia. It has become the "Cityreception hall" and "city card" of Xian.

Next, we come to Tang Furong garden. It was built on Tang Furong gardensite, completely imitating the architectural form of Tang Dynasty Royal Garden.It was built in 20__ and opened to tourists. It covers an area of 1000 mu, witha total investment of 1.3 billion yuan. There are many Tang style buildings,such as ziyunlou, Fengming Jiutian opera house, Luyu tea house, ladies hall,etc. it has the largest water screen film in the world. It is the first themepark in China to show the culture and style of the Tang Dynasty in an all-roundway, and is known as the "No.1 theme park of the Tang Dynasty in the world". InQujiang tourist area, we can visit Qujiang aquarium. It is the largest aquariumin Western China, covering an area of 90 mu with a total investment of 350million yuan. It is mainly composed of dolphin performance hall, Ocean ScienceMuseum, tropical rainforest Museum, undersea tunnel and underwater Grand ViewGarden. We can also visit hanyao, the place where the love story between XuePinggui and Wang Baochuan took place, and the tomb of Qin II Hu Hai, which wasburied as a civilian.

All right, my friends, this is the end of my explanation. Thank you!



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Hello, Im Yi Huiqian, the guide of sunshine travel agency. You can call meXiaoqian. Today, I will show you around the island road, a famous scenic spot inXiamen. As the saying goes, "its a pleasure to have friends coming from afar."Im honored to meet you and accompany you to visit Xiamen. I will try my best tomake you understand the scenic spots and our beautiful coastal city Xiamen

Members of the group, our car is now driving on Xiamen Island Road. Theroad is 43 km long, 44-60 m wide, with 6 lanes in both directions, 18-24 mmotorway, 80-100 m green belt and 200 m in some sections. Huandao Road is one ofthe main scenic roads around the sea in Xiamen. There is also a great spectacleon the road around the island sculpture works. These works show the runningposture of the marathon runners, which has become an important scenic spot onthe road around the island. Today, I would like to focus on the famous musicsculpture. The content of the sculpture is that some people are familiar withmusic. This song is the score of the famous song of Gulangyu. Its total lengthis 247.79 meters, and the score of this song is in 20___ It was listed as thelongest five line musical sculpture in the Guinness World in November.

Well, dear group friends, this is the end of todays trip. I hope you canbe satisfied with our service, and also hope you will come back to Xiamen, abeautiful coastal city. Thank you and have a good time!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 2996 字

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东方明珠塔仅次于加拿大多伦多电视塔和俄罗斯的莫斯科电视塔。 东方明珠电视塔选用了东方民族喜爱的圆曲线体作为基本建筑线条。主体有三个斜筒体,三个直筒体和11个球体组成,形成巨大空间框架结构。筒体内有6部电梯,其中一部是可载50人的双层电梯,还有一部在上球体和太空舱间运行。 塔体可供游览之处有:下球体、中间球体及环廊、上球体及太空仓等。下球顶高118米,设有观光环廊和梦幻太空城等;上球顶高295米,有旋转茶室、餐厅和可容纳1600人观光平台。上下球之间有5个小球,是5套高空豪华宾馆;太空仓供外宾观光。 灯光在电脑操纵下可以根据天气变化自动调节,产生1000多种变化。电视塔的灯光效果也令人叹为观止。

乘上东方明珠塔的电梯,只需四十秒钟,便可到达263米高的观光球上,在这里,极目远眺,上海景色尽收眼底,原来的高楼大厦,现在都显得矮小了许多,蜿蜒的黄浦江上,巨轮如梭,连绵入海。分列两边的两座大桥,如两条巨龙,腾飞于黄浦江上,与中间的东方明珠一起,巧妙的组合成一幅二龙戏珠的巨幅画面。 入夜,巨大的球体在五彩灯光的装饰下,光彩夺目,群星争辉,更显得晶莹剔透。与浦西外滩的灯光建筑群交相辉映,展现出现代化大都市的迷人之夜。























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Now let me introduce Mount Everest to you. Qomolangma means "the thirdgoddess" in Tibetan. Mount Everest is the main peak of the Himalayas, with analtitude of 8848 meters. It is the highest peak in the world. The mountain is inthe shape of a huge pyramid, with steep terrain and complex environment. Thereare various types of glaciers with a total area of 1500 square kilometersdistributed between the ridges and cliffs. On top of the glaciers, there are avariety of beautiful and rare ice pagoda forests. Within 20 kilometers aroundMt. Everest, there are many peaks. Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in theworld, there are 5. The peaks of 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming amagnificent landscape with many peaks. According to the analysis of geologicalstructure, in ancient times, the whole Himalayas and the vast area nearby werestill a corner of the sea. From about the late Tertiary of Cenozoic era, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong Himalayan orogeny,rising to the top and the youngest "roof of the world". Standing on the top ofthe earth, Qomolangma itself is the most typical fault block mountain in theHimalayas. Its pyramid shaped peak is composed of Ordovician brown marble andcrystalline limestone. According to the determination of scientists, Everest isstill rising, with an average annual speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing toset a new world record.

Now let me tell you two myths about Mount Everest. It is said that whenSongzanganbu was king of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mount Everest were beautifulplaces with flowers in full bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that this place shouldbe specially used for raising a hundred birds. Its original name was"rozamarang", which means "the place for raising birds in the South". In the 8thcentury, the Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome thelotus grandmaster into Tibet to preach Buddhism, and Buddhism graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses sitting in the monthly sacrificesto the gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the Himalayas in China. They are known as the"five sisters of longevity", and Qomolangma ranks third. They are the goddess ofdefending and reproducing the race. The other four peaks are Fushou fairy,Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren fairy. People think that the thirdgoddess is the most beautiful. She is called zhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so sheuses her name to call Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world.

There is also a beautiful legend. Once upon a time, it was a sea. On theseashore, there were flowers and trees, flowers that never withered and neverwithered. On the hillside, there were forests and fruit trees. In the forest andflowers, there are many birds and other animals. Its a rich and beautifulplace! But one day, a group of monsters suddenly came to occupy this good place.The demons are coming, catching birds and animals, destroying flowers and trees.At this time, a five color auspicious cloud came from the sky. On the cloudstood a fairy in a plain dress. She was the goddess of snow mountain -zhumulangsangma. With her boundless magic power, she subdued the demons andspirits, and pressed them under a mountain. At the same time, in this area,cattle and sheep were raised, plant seeds were sown, and ice lakes were dug.From then on, she not only restored the original appearance, but also made itmore beautiful. The goddess subdued the demons and ghosts, and poured snow waterfrom the snow mountain and ice lake to irrigate the surrounding land. So, beforeand after the mountain, cattle and sheep are fat, crops are flourishing, and ahundred flowers are blooming. Therefore, people living in this area have greatrespect for the goddess and often praise her in various beautiful words.

From the summit of Rongbu temple, we have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300 metersaway from the peak. In 1960, it took eight days for the national mountaineeringteam to reach the top from the base camp, including six days from Beiao to thetop. The last 50 meters took 19 hours to reach the top without oxygen. Beforeand after the national mountaineering teams opened up five routes to climbEverest. In 1953, the British mountaineering team ascended along the southeastridge from the south slope; in 1960, the Chinese national mountaineering teamascended along the North Ridge from the north slope over Beiao; in 1975, theBritish mountaineering team ascended from the south slope; in 1980, the Japanesemountaineering team ascended from the vertical cliff on the front of the northslope, which is the most difficult route to climb Mount Everest. In 1988, China,Japan and Nepal jointly formed a team to climb from the north and south sides ofQomolangma at the same time, realizing a "double leap" in human history. In1990, China, the United States and the Soviet Union joined forces to climb MountEverest. In 20__, it reached the summit again.

The most interesting thing on Mount Everest is the cloud floating on thetop of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on the top of the peak, so thiskind of cloud is vividly called flag cloud or flag cloud. The shape and postureof the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various, sometimes like a flag flutteringin the wind; sometimes like the rough waves; sometimes it turns into a curlingsmoke; just like a galloping horse; for a while, it is like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the worlds major wonders.

What causes the formation of flag clouds on Mt. Qomolangma? It turns outthat the flag clouds are formed by convective cumulus clouds. According to theposition and height of the cloud, we can infer the size of the wind force on thepeak. If the flag cloud moves upward, it means that the upper air wind issmaller; if it tilts downward, the wind will be stronger; if it is level withthe peak, the wind will be about level 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of MountEverest is also known as "the highest wind vane in the world".

Let me introduce Mount Everest National Nature Reserve to you. MountEverest Nature Reserve was designated as a National Nature Reserve in 1993. Thereserve is located at the junction of Tibet Autonomous Region and the kingdom ofNepal, with a total area of 3.38 million hectares and a population of more than70000. The area is divided into 7 core protection areas, namely tuolonggou,rongha, xuebugang, Jiangcun, gongdang, Zhufeng and Xixiabangma, and 4 scientificexperimental areas, namely Chentang, Nyalam, Jilong and gongdang.

At the southern foot of the Himalayas, the nature reserve is the highest inChina. It has one of the worlds top ten landscapes, the Kama Valley, with analtitude of 2300 meters, a length of 55 kilometers from east to west, an averagewidth of 8 kilometers from north to south, and an area of 440 square kilometers.There are 2101 species of angiosperms, 20 species of gymnosperms, more than 200species of pteridophytes, more than 600 species of bryophytes and lichens, andmore than 130 species of fungi in the reserve; there are more than 50 species ofmammals in the wild animals, among which there are more than 10 species ofnational first-class protected animals, such as langur, Tibetan wild donkey,Tarr sheep, leopard, snow leopard, black pheasant, etc. Snow leopard is thesymbol animal of Everest nature reserve.

The original forest is dense, including Abies himalayana, larch, birch,juniper, shrub, Fargesia, alpine pine, spruce, Nepalese sandalwood, Magnolia,arbor pine, Rhododendron and other major tree species, as well as wild plantswith high ornamental value and medicinal value such as magnolia, Panaxnotoginseng and Coptis chinensis.

In the upper part of the vast forest sea, altitude: 3800 meters to 4500meters is alpine grassland, with Artemisia, fleas and other plants. The area5500-6000 meters above the snow line is covered with permanent snow. Glaciersare formed year by year due to non melting ice and snow. Rongbu glacier is thelargest glacier in the reserve. In addition, there are iceberg glaciers andsuspended glaciers.
