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界湖桥的南边是豳风桥。清漪园时期,此桥名为桑苧桥,光绪年间重建后,慈禧太后一是为了避咸丰皇帝的名讳,二是忌讳其发音如“丧主”,故改名“豳风桥”。“豳风”二字出自《诗经》中的《豳风 七月》,这首诗是描写西周时期豳地百姓耕田采桑场景的。豳风桥西面的耕织图中水乡泽国,男耕女织的生产生活场面与诗意相合。








南湖岛位于 十七孔桥西面,是昆明湖中最大的岛屿。岛上主要有南北两组建筑,南部是广润灵雨祠,俗称“龙王庙”,始建于明代。“广润”是宋真宗诏封西海龙王的封号,而昆明湖在明代有“西湖”之称,故将龙王庙命名为“广润祠”。乾隆皇帝80岁时,曾亲至这里祈雨,结果当晚大雨滂沱,第二天,乾隆皇帝又亲自来谢雨,并改名为“广润灵雨祠”。北部是涵虚堂,原名望蟾阁,乾隆年间仿黄鹤楼建造。嘉庆年间将3层的望蟾阁改为一层的涵虚堂,光绪年间,慈禧太后曾在这里效仿乾隆皇帝检阅水操战船和阵法演练。




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广州近代西方新古典主义建筑的代表作之一的粤海关大楼• 广州当今八大百货商场之一的南方大厦• 第一码头之称的天字码头• 孙中山先生于1924年8月15日亲手创办的中央银行旧址• 有名的海鲜食府西贡渔港• 新西堤码头、“骑楼建筑”的代表作爱群大厦• 江湾大酒店、国际级音乐表演殿堂星海音乐厅• 被称为欧陆建筑大观园的国家级重点文物保护单位旧租界沙面• 孙中山大元帅府纪念堂• 省内首个开放式校园广场的中大广场• 海珠大桥、沿江酒吧廊、二沙岛、解放大桥、海印大桥、黄金海岸水上乐园、塔影楼、白鹅潭风情酒吧街等。



2、从大沙头码头出发: 海印桥-中山大学北门牌坊广场-广州大桥-广州塔-猎德大桥-海心沙-花城广场-星海音乐厅-岭南会-二沙岛-大沙头码头结束。





1、轮船的话最好选大船,旁边的小船真不咋样,而且它们开得还快,一下子就走完了,所以这也是团购的一大陷阱,各位要小心,选择船也很重要。 2、珠江夜游,一定要选择顶楼,即三楼的座位,因为一、二楼只能从窗户看出去,基本看不到什么东西,更别说拍照了,至于神马自助餐都是浮云!犯不着去这里吃自助餐,时间也就45分钟左右。3、最好选择19:00左右的游船,听船上一个人说,一般晚了的话两边的灯光就熄灭了。



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开展登山探险、野外拓展、休闲观光、养生度假、科普教育、民俗文化体验等多种旅游活动。海南省是中国第一个生态省,而“亚龙湾热带天堂”就是离城市最近的天然森林氧吧 。她与亚龙湾国家旅游度假区形成强烈的差异、互补和互动,是亚龙湾由滨海向山地、由海洋向森林、由平面向立体、由蓝色向绿色的重要延伸,使亚龙湾真正形成了大景区的概念,填补了三亚森林生态旅游的空白。




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首先我代表我们得旅行社对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎,我是咱们此次旅行的导游员崔邦峰,大家可以叫我小崔货崔导,相信有小崔的陪同大家一定会玩的开心游得快乐,坐在我身边的是咱们的司机王师傅,王师傅有着多年的驾驶经验和娴熟的驾驶技巧,安全问题大家尽可以放心,我和王师傅很荣幸也很乐意为大家服务,如果大家有什么问题都可以向我们提出我们会尽可能慢走大家的合理要求。 相聚是一种缘分,我希望大家在相聚的日子里相互关心相互爱护,为这段旅程留下一个美好而难忘的回忆。

接下来我把咱们今天的旅程向大家简单介绍一下,现在我们处得位置是郑州火车站,我们跨黄河,穿武陟,过修武 大约有两个小时的行程就到了我们今天的旅游目的地。云台山风景区。

云台山属太行山系,位于焦作市修武县境内,距焦作市30公里,云台山山势险峻,主峰峰峦秀矗,形似一口巨锅,覆盖在群峰之上。因山间常年云雾缭绕儿得名,这里有大小名山36座,峰峦叠嶂,雄奇险峻。自古就是豫北名山,现已建成云台山风景区也是国家级森林公园,和世界地质公园 现在开放的景区有红石峡,茱萸峰,老谭沟,小寨沟,云台山山险水秀气候凉爽宜人,这里泉源丰富,植被茂盛,原始次生林覆盖了整座山峦,各种树木奇花异草种类多达400多种,中药材蕴含丰富,除人参灵芝外,还有闻名国内外的四大怀药,怀地黄,怀牛膝,怀山药,怀菊花。以及茱萸当归等200多种。

朋友们,我们的旅游车已经行驶到了武陟境内,到了武陟就不得不提起黄河了,众所周知,黄河是中华民族的母亲河,同时它又是中华民族的灾难河,上古时代大禹就和黄河进行了不屈不挠的斗争,据史书记载黄河中下游决口竟达1600多次,不到两年黄河就要撒一次欢。从康熙60年到雍正元年黄河在武陟就决口四次,雍正曾在病重期间亲自指挥了黄河的堵口筑坝工作,并派知名匠师遵照当时北京皇宫的标准在黄河岸边营建了一座集宫、衙、庙三位一体的大型黄淮诸河龙王庙-——嘉应观。 嘉应观是我国历史上唯一记述黄史的庙观,也是河南省保存最好规模最大的清代建筑群文化内涵丰富,是黄河文化的代表之一有 万里黄河第一观的”美誉。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:二年级,导游,全文共 746 字

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各位尊敬的游客你们好!很荣幸可以陪同大家领略松花江的风光. 松花江是黑龙江的最大支流。本身也有两条主要支流,其一为源于白头山天池的第二松花江,另一为源于小兴安岭的嫩江,两条支流在扶余县汇合始称松花江,折向东北流至同江县注入黑龙江。


矿产蕴藏量亦极丰富,除主要的煤外,还有金、铜、铁等。 首先我要为大家介绍的是松花江的农作物。松花江流域的土地肥沃,盛产大豆、玉米、高粱、小麦。此外,亚麻、棉花、烟草、苹果和甜菜亦品质优良。

松花江也是中国东北地区的一个大淡水鱼场,每年供应的鲤、卿、鳇、哲罗鱼等,达四千万公斤以上。因此松花江的确是东北地区的一条大动脉。 然后我介绍的是松花江的树挂奇景。冬季的松花江,气候严寒,有时会降至摄氏零下三十度,结冰期长达五个月。

但是在丰满水电厂这一段从不结冰,据说是因为通过发电厂流入江里的水温甚高所致。这一段夹带暖流的江面,不断冒起团团蒸汽,凝结在岸边的柳丝、松叶上,形成一簇簇、一串串晶莹似玉的冰花,十里长堤顿时成了玲珑剔透、玉树银枝的世界。这就是闻名全国的“树挂”奇景。 最后我要介绍的是冰灯。


根据东北文献记载,早在清代已有冰灯制作,历史相当悠久。初期的冰灯,不过是当地贫穷人家过年过节时张挂的一种简陋装饰,其后才逐渐发展成为造型复杂、多姿多采的冰制艺术品。 今天我们的松花江之游就已经结束了,希望大家能再次来到松花江游玩。



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Hello, tourists! My name is Wang Xiangyu. Im your tour guide. Just call meXiao Wang. Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. Lets first introduce the generalsituation of Jiuhua Mountain. Jiuhua Mountain is located in Chizhou City, AnhuiProvince. It is the main scenic spot of the "two mountains and one lake" goldentourist area in Anhui Province. It has beautiful scenery and numerous ancienttemples. It is also known as the four famous Buddhist mountains in China withMount Emei in Sichuan, Mount Wutai in Shanxi and Mount Putuo in Zhejiang.

Jiuhua Mountain was not originally called Jiuhua Mountain, but Jiuzimountain in the Tang Dynasty. Because of its beautiful peaks, there are ninepeaks above the clouds, so there are nine Jiuzi mountains. During the reign ofTang Tianbao, Li Bai, an immortal poet, had been there twice

Next, we first enter the Jiuhua Street scenic spot, and the first thing wesee is a stone gate square. It is carved out of marble, 9 meters high, and is animitation of the Hui style architecture of the Qing Dynasty. The banner isengraved with the four characters "Jiuhua Shengjing" written by Emperor Kangxi.There are stone lions carved under the two pillars of the middle gate. The gateis dignified and elegant. After passing the gate, you can see Yingxian bridge.This bridge was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. It is a single holestone arch bridge. Please follow me to this ancient bridge and step into thefairyland!

Well, after visiting Zhiyuan temple, we are now at the center of Jiuhuastreet. What you can see is Huacheng temple, the kaishanzu Temple of JiuhuaMountain. Under the stone steps of Huacheng temple, there are a pair of stonelions in Song Dynasty, one female and one male, which are ancient and clumsy.Huacheng Temple gradually rises according to the terrain, with rigorousstructure, simple and elegant, basically preserving the original style ofkaishanzu temple.

Well, our tour of Jiuhua Mountain has come to an end. Thank you for yoursupport and cooperation in Xiao Wangs work. I hope we will continue to serveyou in the future. Have a good trip! Thank you!



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Hello, everyone,

We are now going to pay a visit to a place of special interest. This scenic spot is located at the center of Beijing and is characterized by thousands of palatial architectures and purple walls as well as yellow glazed tile roofs- it is simply a sea of palaces. This is the world – famous wonder – the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum has served as the royal residence during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was here that a total of 24 monarchs ascended the throne and wielded power for some 500 years. The Palace Museum, as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout Beijing, is unique for its location: to the northwest is Beihai(North Sea) Park, famous for its white pagoda and rippling lake; to the west is the Zhongnahai (central and south sea); to the east lies the the Wangfujing Shopping Street; and to the north id Jinshan Park. Standing in the Wanchun (Everlasting Spring) Pavilion at the top of Jingshan(Charcoal Hill) Park, you overlook the skyline of the palace Museum. At the southern end of the palace is Tian` anmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace) and the famous square named after it . This is the symbol of the People` s Republic of China.

A world-famous historical site, the Palace Museum is on the World Heritage List of UNESCO and is an embodiment of oriental civilization.

The Palace Museum is rectangular in shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, covering a space of 720,000 square meters of which 150,000 is building area . It has 9000-strong rooms in it . According to legend there are 9999.5 room-units in all .The whole compound is enclosed by a 10-meter-hign wall and is accessed through four entrances, namely, the meridian Gate in the south ,the Gate of Military Prowess in the north, Donghua(Eastern Flowery ) Gate in the north, Donghua ( Eastern Flowery) Gate in the east and Xihua(Western Flowery ) Gate in the west. On each corner there is a turret consisted of 9 roof beams, 18 pillars and 72 ridge . Encircling the compound there is a 3,800-meter-long and 52 meter-wide moat, making the Palace Museum a self-defensive city-within-a city.

The Palace Museum was made a center of rule during the Ming Dynasty by Zhun Di, The fourth son of the founding emperor Zhuyuanzhang. The whole complex straddles on an 8-kilometers-long central axis that stretches from Yongding (Forever Stable) Gate in the south to Gulou (Drum Tower) in the north. Prominence was given to the royal power by putting the “three main front halls” and “three back halls ”on the axis while arrange other subsidiary structure around them .The construction of the Palace Museum involved manpower and resources across China. For example, the bricks laid in the halls ,known as “gold brick, ” underwent complex, two –dozen processes. As the final touch ,the fired bricks were dipped in Chinese wood oil. Involving complicated processes and high cost, these brick are called “golden bricks.” The Palace Museum serves as a living embodiment of good tradition and styles unique to China` s ancient architecture. It reflects to the full the ingenuity and creativity of the Chinese working people. A carefully preserved and complete group of royal residences, the Palace Museum is a prominent historical and tourist site.

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What we are now approaching is the main entrance to the Palace Museum-the Meridian Gate, which is characterized by red walls, yellow glazed –tile roofs and upturned eaves. On top of this walls, yellow glazed-tile roofs and upturned eaves. On top of this magnificent building ,there stand five lofty halls with a main hall in the center. The main hall is roofed by multiple eaves and covers a space of 9 room-units. It is flanked by two wings on each side .The wings are square in shape ,complete with multiple and four edged eaves and pinnacles. All of these structures are connected by a colonnade. Because these halls resemble a soaring bird, it was also know as wufenglou (Five-phoenix Tower) . Inside the main hall there is a throne. Drums and bells were stored in the wings. Whenever the emperor presided over grand ceremonies or observed rites in the Hall of Upreme Harmony, drums, bells and gongs would be struck to mark the occasion.




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Before I came to Qufu, many of my friends may have known a lot about Qufuand Confucius, but some of them didnt know much about them. Now, before I enterthe scenic spots, Id like to briefly introduce Qufu and Confucius.

Qufu is located in the southwest of Shandong Province, China. There are620000 people in Qufu, including an urban population of 100000 and an area of890 square kilometers. The word "Qufu" first appeared in Erya. Ying Shaoexplained in the Eastern Han Dynasty that there was a Fu in the city of Lu, andWeiqu was seven or eight Li long, so it was named "Qufu". In 1012, the fifthyear of dazhongxiangfu, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, in order tocommemorate the birth of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinesenation, in Qufu, he once changed his name to Xianyuan county. In 1129, EmperorTaizong of the Jin Dynasty renamed Qufu, which is still in use today. Qufu is asmall city. However, Qufu is also an ancient city with 5000 years ofcivilization and culture. In this sacred and ancient land, there are four peopleleft traces of the three emperors and five emperors in ancient Chinese legend.According to historical records, Emperor Century and other historical records,"the Yellow Emperor was born in Shouqiu", "SHAOHAO ascended the throne from thepoor sang, called Qufu as the capital, and was buried in Yunyang mountain". Now,eight miles east of Qufu, there is still a pyramid tomb, SHAOHAO mausoleum.There is a Chinese saying that "people go to the top, water flows to thebottom". Can we understand that our ancestors of the Chinese nation migratedfrom here, from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to the CentralPlains, to the Loess Plateau, while our mothers rivers, the Yellow River andthe Yangtze River, galloped down from the Loess Plateau, and finally flowed intothe sea In fact, most of the sages in Jiangbei came from Qufu. In the feudaltimes of China, there were six saints granted by the emperor. They wereConfucius, Mencius, fushengyanzi, shushengzisi, zongshengzengzi andyuanshengzhougong. The first four were born in Qufu. The last two were disciplesof Confucius and fiefdoms in Qufu. Zhougong was the king of the state of Lu for33 generations, and Shandong has been called Lu since then. Now there are manycultural relics in Qufu, including 4 national cultural relics, 11 provincialrelics and more than 100 municipal relics. In 1982, Qufu was announced by theState Council as one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities inChina. In 1994, Qufus "three Confucius" was officially listed as a worldcultural heritage by the United Nations. Because of its important contributionto Oriental culture, many people call Qufu one of the three holy cities in theworld: "Oriental Mecca". Here, you have to ponder, but also can not helpfeeling, because here is deeply rooted in the Chinese nation, deeply rooted intraditional Chinese culture.

Dear friends, in China, in the East, a land with a history of 5000 years ofcivilization, you may not understand the inscriptions on bronzes, or what thehuman head and animal body represent or symbolize. However, when you walk intothe life of the Chinese people and walk on the ancient land where the Chinesenation thrives and works to create, you can feel and touch the Confucian culturein the daily life of the Chinese people, and then you can experience thedifferences between the Chinese people and other nationalities in their way oflife, customs and ideals. No matter from which angle or level you explore thepersonality and character of the Chinese nation, it is not difficult to find thegene of Confucian culture. In the long process of historical evolution,Confucian culture has almost become the synonym of Chinese traditional culture.The founder of Confucian culture is Confucius.

Confucius was born in 551 B.C. and died in 479 B.C. at the age of 73. WhenConfucius was 3 years old, his father uncle Liang he died. When he was 16 yearsold, his mother Yan Zheng died. Young Confucius became an orphan and began hislife of making a living, studying and struggling alone in a hierarchical feudalsociety.

As a young man, Confucius studied hard and asked questions frequently. Inhis youth, he mastered the six arts of etiquette, music, archery, imperial,calligraphy and mathematics, and then mastered the six classics of poetry,calligraphy, etiquette, music, changes and spring and autumn, which laid thefoundation for the establishment of Confucian culture.

At the age of 30, Confucius set up a school to teach students, and began along education career. He was the first to give private lectures in China, toface the public, and to advocate "education without discrimination". He becamethe first great educator in China and the world.

When Confucius was 51 years old, he became a magistrate of Zhongdu county.Later, he worked as a prime minister in Lu. However, not long after that, heresigned and left the state of Lu to begin his 14 year tour of othercountries.

When Confucius returned to the state of Lu at the age of 68, he devotedalmost all his energy to teaching and literature collation until his death.Confuciuss life is a life of wandering and suffering, a life of hard work andencouragement, a life of spring breeze and rain, a life of cultivating talents,a life of writing books and writing stories, and a life of saving the world.Today, although his body has gone up in smoke and ashes, his thoughts havepenetrated into the hearts of every Oriental. He has cast the personality andcharacter of the Chinese nation. With the development of history and socialprogress, Confucius will also guide mankind to stride into the 21st century.

There are many cultural relics and tourist attractions in Qufu, most ofwhich are related to Confucius and Confucius culture. Now we are located in theSouth Gate of the ancient city of qufuming. To the north of the gate is theConfucius Temple, which is known as one of the three ancient buildings in China.There are four characters "Wanren palace wall" above the gate. Ren is an ancientunit of length, one Ren is about 8 feet. It is said that some people praisedConfucius disciple Zigong for his knowledge. After hearing that, Zigong said,"human knowledge is like a palace wall. My knowledge is only as high as the topof the wall. People can see everything in the wall when they see it. ButConfucius, my teacher, has several walls. If you dont find other doors, youcant see the beauty of the temple and the variety of houses inside the wall.".In order to express their admiration for Confucius, Hu zuanzong in Ming Dynastywrote "Wanren palace wall" on the city gate. In order to show his worship forConfucius, Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty took down the stele and replaced itwith "Wanren palace wall". This is the origin of "Wanren palace wall".

Confucius Temple is a temple built by later generations to offer sacrificesto Confucius. It was built in the second year after Confucius died. With an areaof 327.5 mu, it imitates the Imperial Palace system. It is divided into ninecourtyards and arranged symmetrically on the left and right. The whole buildingcomplex has 466 rooms, including five halls, one Pavilion, one altar, twoverandas, two halls, 17 stele pavilions and 54 gate squares, with a length ofabout 1 km from north to south. Confucius Temple is the only isolated example inthe history of architecture in the world, which is magnificent, large in area,long in history and well preserved.

Outside the east wall of the gate of Confucius Temple, there is a tabletsaying "officials and people wait to dismount here". In the past, any officialwho came here, military officials would dismount and civil officials woulddismount to show respect for Confucius.

The first stone square of Confucius Temple is called "Jin Sheng Yu Zhensquare". Mencius once had such a comment on Confucius, he said: "Confucius iscalled jidacheng, jidacheng, Jinsheng and yuzhenzhi.". "Jin Sheng, Yu Zhen"refers to the whole process of playing music, which starts with striking thebell and ends with striking the rock. It refers to the great achievement ofConfucius thought of gathering ancient sages and sages. On the lotus throneabove the stone square, there is a unicorn monster called "ward off evilspirits" or "roar from the sky". This is the only ornament that can be used inthe Royal Palace of feudal society.

The first gate of Confucius Temple is called "Lingxing gate". "Latticestar" is also known as Tiantian star. The ancients worshipped heaven first."Lingxingmen" was written by Qianlong. "Taihe Yuanqi" square is similar to"Jinsheng Yuzhen" square. The inscription is written by Zeng Mian, governor ofShandong Province in Ming Dynasty, praising Confucius thought as heaven andearth produce all things. There is a waist gate in the East and west of thecourtyard, and it is written in the East that "demou is as big as heaven andearth, and his theory is the best in ancient and modern times.". This gate iscalled "Shengshi gate". From here, we can feel profound and profound. The word"holy time" is taken from the sentence "Confucius, the sage of the time" inMencius, which means that among the sages, Confucius is the most suitable onefor the times.

When you cross the Shengshi gate, you will face the small stone bridge,which is called Bishui bridge. There are two gates on both sides of the bridgeto the south. The east gate is called "quick view gate", which means to seefirst. The west gate is called "Yanggao gate", which praises Confucius profoundknowledge. When we enter the gate, we call it "Hongdao gate". These three wordsare taken from the sentence "people can promote Taoism" in the Analects ofConfucius. Weixing Gong, in order to praise Confucius for expounding the "Tao"of Yao, Shun, Tang and Wenwu. This gate is also the gate of Confucius Temple in1377. Then there is "dazhongmen". Dazhongmen is the gate of Confucius Temple inSong Dynasty. Its original name is "gonghemen". Its meaning is related toConfucius doctrine of the mean. Looking south from this gate, we can see thehistorical evolution of Confucius Temple on the one hand, and the continuousexpansion of Confucius temple on the other. These buildings include Qing Dynastybuildings, Ming Dynasty buildings and Song Dynasty buildings. They were built indifferent times The craftsmen are different, but they all cooperate with eachother and complement each other to form a whole. Looking at the Confucius templearchitecture, we can see part of the development history of Chinese feudalsociety.

This monument was erected in 1468, the fourth year of Chenghua in MingDynasty, so it is also called "Chenghua monument". It was erected by ZhuJianshen, Emperor Xianzong of Ming Dynasty. The monument is 6 meters high and 2meters wide. This tablet is famous for its exquisite calligraphy, and itsinscription is written in the form of argumentation, which can be said to be themost highly respected of Confucius. Please look at the upper right corner. Itsays: "only the way of Confucius can not be absent in one day when there is aworld." it also says: "the way of Confucius is in the world, like cloth, silk,millet and Shu, and peoples daily use can not be absent.". The animal under themonument is not a tortoise. Its called _ 屭. Its the son of the dragon. It canbear heavy loads, so its used to carry the monument. Theres a saying that "adragon has nine sons, but not a dragon". In the Confucius Temple, you can seethe dragon and his nine sons. Local people often come here to touch _ 屭. Theysay: "touch _ 屭s head, never worry, touch _ 屭, never get sick.".

The wooden structure in front of us is called "Kuiwen Pavilion", which usedto be the library of Confucius Temple. "Kuixing" is one of the twenty-eightconstellations, with sixteen stars, "buckled and hooked, like a painting ofwords". Later, people evolved it into the head of civil servants. The feudalemperors compared Confucius to the Kuixing star in the sky, so Confucius wasalso known as "civil servants of all ages". The pavilion is 23.35 meters high,30.1 meters wide and 17.62 meters deep, with triple cornices and four layers ofbrackets. Its structure is solid and reasonable. During the reign of EmperorKangxi, there was a big earthquake in Qufu, where "nine houses in the worldexist, one in the world exists". However, Kuiwen Pavilion stands upright andsafe, which shows the wisdom and superb architectural art of the ancient workingpeople in China.

We are now entering the sixth courtyard of the Confucius Temple. In frontof you are 13 stele pavilions, 8 in the South and 5 in the north. There are 55stone tablets of Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties in the pavilion. Mostof the inscriptions are in Chinese, Ba Si Ba and Manchu. The stone tablet in themiddle of this row, weighing about 65 tons, was collected from Xishan Mountainin Beijing. At that time, it was a miracle to transport such a weight stonetablet from thousands of miles away to Qufu. There is one gate in the East andone gate in the west of the courtyard, which is the third waist gate of theConfucius Temple.

Now we enter dachengmen. Dachengmen refers to dachengmen in the world.There are five gates in this row. The most western gate is qishengmen, which isdedicated to Confucius parents. Dachengmen in the middle road is supplementedby jinshengmen and yuzhenmen. The middle road is the most central place ofConfucius Temple, and chengshengmen in the East, which was Confucius formerresidence.

As we all know, Confucius is a great thinker, educator and statesman. Inour opinion, Confucius is first of all an educator. He is the first teacher inChina. The feudal emperor named him "the most sage and the first teacher" and"the model of all ages". It should be said that he is a teacher of all mankindand is worthy of the name of "engineer of human soul". The "apricot altar" infront of us is said to be the place where Confucius set up the altar to givelectures, and the pavilion was built in the Jin Dynasty to commemorate it. Thefamous scholar Dang huaiying wrote the word "apricot altar". There is an apricottree beside the altar, planted by later generations. In early spring, redflowers bloom and green leaves sway. Therefore, when Emperor Qianlong came topay homage, he once wrote a poem praising it. The poem said: when the rice wasin full bloom again, how could it be that there were many flowers in the world,and the civilization was prosperous all the time.

The main hall standing in front of us is the world-famous "Dacheng hall".It is one of the "three main halls" in China. It is as famous as the "Taihehall" in the Forbidden City of Beijing and the "Tianfu hall" in the Dai Templeof Mount Tai. The hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78 meters wide and 24.8 metersdeep, with carved beams and painted buildings. The golden wall is brilliant,especially the 28 stone pillars around it. They are all world culturaltreasures. They are all carved with whole stones. The front 10 are deep reliefs,with two dragons playing with pearls on each pillar. They are coiled and rising,lifelike, powerful and varied. In the past, when the emperor came, he wrappedthe pillar in yellow cloth. If they see it, they will be ashamed. There are 72dragons in each column, a total of 1296. In the Dacheng hall, there are fourstatues of Confucius on both sides. The East and West are Fusheng Yanhui,Shusheng Kongji, and the west is Zongsheng Zengshen and Yasheng Mencius. Another12. Every year, on September 26 and 28, we hold a grand international ConfuciusCulture Festival and a ceremony to commemorate the birth of Confucius, performlarge-scale music and dance for Confucius and "Xiao Shao music and dance", andhold a variety of cultural and tourism activities. Welcome to our time.



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Ladies and gentlemen, everybody is good:

I am the "summer tour" the second leg of the three gorges tour - Liao Xueyao, the second leg is that we visited yichang three gorges, speaking of the three gorges, as everybody knows, but how many people know? We will go to find out now! Behind me is the "garden of the three gorges project", it is by the SongMing valley, the racecourse, the aquarium... , because the time is pressing, we just visit SongMing valley.

SongMing valley, the existing more than 100 kinds of birds, such as pigeons, larks, peacocks... Countless, peacock train over there! Lets go and see! Today is "May Day" golden week, the three gorges travel agency launched a parrot performance for you, arithmetic, fetching water, cycling... Its fun and we go and see. Finished watching the show, I will take you to a mysterious place, that is, the dam, the dam being built at zhongbaodao island built in accomplishment, for up to 2309 meters, up to 18 meters, is a Great Wall across the Yangtze river water.

The three gorges project is the worlds largest water conservancy hub project, has been listed as one of the worlds super engineering, it is the last has flood control, power generation, storage, ecological type, navigation development goal of water resources and hydropower engineering. Do you remember chairman MAOs poem? Truncation wushan, high pinghu. If fairy unscathed, when surprised the world different. The tour, go home.



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Tourists friends, everybody! Welcome to the world heritage - huangshan scenic area. Very glad to be a tour guide! My name is Tian Huicong, everybody call me field guide.

As the saying goes: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot spring, snow "five greats" famous Chinese and foreign. Today I will give everyone focuses on huangshan pines.

Everyone see, huangshan pine trees can survive in rock seam, strong vitality. Their shapes, the intricacies of: black tiger, African, come loose loose knot, welcoming pine and so on, a lot of pine trees because they shape the name! Huangshan welcoming pine is one of the famous scenic spot, shape is special, its central trunk out of the two lateral branch of up to 7.6 meters exhibition to the front, like a hospitable host, waved his arms, warmly welcome guests from home and abroad to visit huangshan, become the symbol of the Chinese people warm hospitality. Later we can over there to take photos, as a souvenir.

The wonders of huangshan said also said not over, see also not enough. Now, please enjoy to enjoy the beautiful scenery of huangshan! Please dont throw the peel and in play and food packaging bags, not to a dangerous place.

I wish you all have fun!


Visitors to kiss love, everybody is good, I am your tour guide, my name is meng, you can call me meng guide; Welcome to visit huangshan. Huangshan huangshan, anhui, China is the natural and cultural heritage, has been included in the "world heritage list". Or in the top ten scenic spots unique mountain huangshan scenic spot. Huangshan mountain "loose", "strange", "sea of clouds", "hot springs," four famous in the world. Speaking of "loose" to "guest-greeting pine". Guest-greeting pine stand in the jade screen on the east side, manjusri hole, broken stone, the life of more than eight hundred years. Loose name found in the huangshan mountain guide.

Tree height of 15 meters, diameter at breast height sixty-four cm, diameter seventy-five centimeters, under branch height is two point five meters. This attitude pale neck, cui Ye Rugai, polite, cute image. Speaking of rocks, have to say "flying stone". Green mountain peaks appearing in the west, there is a stone stands on the top of the mountain rocks. Stone is 12 meters high, seven point five meters long, two point five meters wide. Rock and rock interface is small, so the name "flying stone". Dear passengers, please free activities, please dont smoke, in case of fire, thank you for your cooperation.


Dear friends, now we have been to huangshan, please pay attention to watch.

The huangshan mountain, the highest lotus peak, 1864 meters high, not the second, 1841 meters high, tiandu feng third, 1829.5 meters high.

In the huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs are very famous. , there is a pine tree is called a visitor, because its posture like in greeted her guests, so call it a visitor. There is a poem: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Explains the beauty of huangshan. Huangshan hot spring can cure, but cant drink, please note!

Note: when climbing the mountain, if its raining, dont be an umbrella, mountains, the upper hand, careful umbrella becomes a parachute, let the wind blow you away! Please dont throw stones down the hill, be careful on people! Please walk steps, dont go where no steps, or youll fall off! Please dont run, one thousand lost their way, you might become a "wild man".

In huangshan and the cable car, if you dont have the strength, or do you have a fear of heights, you can take the cable car, there will be a great feeling. Do you know what is called a cable car? The cable car is to give "lazy people" in the car.

Huangshan mountain caves, warm in winter and cool in summer, there are also strange stone, stone types are: limestone, stalactites, etc.

My introduction, I wish you all look happy, play happy!



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