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Ladies! Gentlemen! Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am a tour guide zhi-xian li, nine years old this year. Everybody call me xiao li.

Welcome to the Great Wall to play! Do you know why the Great Wall is one of the world heritage? This is because, the Great Wall of a stone LiangSanBaiJin heavy. Then, there has been no crane, all rely on folks countless countless hands and shoulders, and that is a world heritage site.

The Great Wall, after numerous reconstruction. Do you know the legend of the Great Wall? Ill give you said a!!!!

According to legend, there are two kinds of family watermelon. One day, ripe watermelon, found to have a special big watermelon, open on see, there was a little girl. They give her two named: meng jiangnu.

Meng jiangnu grew up, to find a husband. One day, the officers and soldiers came and took her husband took to build the Great Wall.

A few years later, her husband is dead. Meng jiangnu very sad, just go to the Great Wall edge to find her husband. She found while crying, the Great Wall was her tears fall down.

The Great Wall, theres still a lot of defensive ability. However, qin shi huang is to kill many innocent people, let people panic, in this way, qin eventually perished.

Well, to the Great Wall, you can get off carefully browse our Great Wall!




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Hello, welcome you to Beijing Summer Palace! My horse is, today I have for you is to explain Beijing Summer Palace! Please note: please dont littering, dont spit, protect the environment, with good team! Now lets go! Hope I can let you remember the interpretation of the good time, I wish you have a lot of fun!

The earliest dynasties era in the emperor had started to build in Beijing imperial garden. In todays longevity hill kunming lake area will be built here, jinshan kingsoft, called JinShanBo. To this, there was renamed aung, aung tabor. And early Ming is renamed lake and built the temple, named static good mountain park. At sixteen, wanli is also is in here has 1588 landscape scale, enjoy certain green line li, like the white jiangnan ode. But let there really become a royal garden of the qing dynasty is. In the emperor kangxi years was built in the emperor qianlong palace, came to fourteen years, namely 1749 - jehoaddan in 1764 built on the basis of the original qingyi park, lake, mountain, kunming lake, the lake is called mountain called longevity hill. And here also became famous gardens. And most of the imperial palace in ancient China, here also cant escape the invaders in 1860, be spoiled by the anglo-french allied forces and destroyed.

After some years, the empredowager cixi embezzled funds for the navy, and under the emperor guangxu reconstruction has renamed the Summer Palace here. But in 1900, the Summer Palace again by the anglo-french allied forces (Russia), meaning the serious destruction. Since then the rebuilt in here, so, because of the financial HouShan parts are not long. In 1912, QingShi according to the conditions, the Summer Palace is still in Hudson emperor puyi hands. After two years, and there was a his private property, but because once open transportation fares expensive, no one came. In 1924, after the Summer Palace, pu excommunicated beiyang government will formally to opening to the park. December 1948, the peoples government, after accepting here after comprehensive governance, still holding the royal garden style. And it also became the world, architecture, landscape on the best-preserved imperial gardens.

We will see the total covers an area of 290 hectares, including land quarter, water reached three-fourths. According to the royal garden, the garden USES and can be divided into political scenic area, the Summer Palace built residential and the scenic area three parts.

We came to visit the eastern will formally began.

In the east gate, there is a han xu yan xiu Yan, the archway. The meaning of han xu is open, beautiful scenery, all-encompassing. Yan xiu is capture the beautiful scenery. But as the main palace also. On the door of the property of the Summer Palace is the emperor guangxu board of calligraphy. Yi and two words are taken, the remaining calm mood.



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Badaling this name, when the earliest poet in the jin liu ying long poems in the late badaling, on my computer screen is "and" badaling ". The yuan dynasty, here say "north", and nankou in relative terms. Living in suburb of Beijing ChangPing County from nankou to north mouth, canyon, that grow in the middle is a 40 famous canyon in the Great Wall of juyongguan, therefore this glen was named "gap". The badaling crests of ditch north end of the top.

By named "eight DaLing" homophonic. By cascading mountains in this area, the rugged, built the Great Wall is said to be here to turn eight curved, over eight big mountains, in those days to build the Great Wall is very difficult, time limit for a project has been slow to finish, has eight supervisors to die for it. Finally through the enlightenment of fairy, take "city eight method", namely "tiger with bridle sheep back saddle, the swallow bit mudskipper a shoulder, stone turtle carry a rabbit guide, the magpies bridge ice shop stack", to carry building materials in the mountains. So people would call this period of the Great Wall "eight DaLing Great Wall", then place names homophonic into "badaling".

By named "bada ridge" homophonic. From the yuan dynasty, there was a call to this "bada she walked" emperor, see here the mountain steep, lofty mountain jade green, so much yue, given to the name "bada ridge", after the myth of "badaling". But access to the recorded every emperor, Chinese emperors timelines and other historical materials, all with the yuan dynasty had called "bada she walked" the emperor, but there is a call love bada Li Ba force, his fourth is the yuan dynasty emperor injong. Yanqing county is where he was born in badaling.

By named "the tatar" homophonic. Once rumored in the Ming dynasty, the badaling area to become defensive in the forefront of the manchu troops, hetuvidya han Chinese northeast of the manchu people referred to as "tartars", so some people think that the badaling is "give Tartary (guard) of the mountain of Tartary.

By named "eight ridge" homophonic. Legend of the late Ming dynasty li rate army uprising in to this, they blocked, the article analyzes anxiously. When the qing, said there are eight XianGuan ahead. Article analyzes listen with a sigh: "the eight ridge here is really difficult to cross, storm appears to be no way!" So command uprising army diverted, then here is called the "eight ridge".

More than four is definite no written records, difficult to textual research. In fact the most trusted, should be in "changan guest words" explanation: "road, convenient." Because the badaling is the mouth outside juyongguan, north to yanqing, akagi, Mongolia, west datong, zhangjiakou, shore, xuanhua, east to yongning, universal, south to changping, Beijing and other regions, is convenient, so it is a important traffic arteries and ancient defense outpost, known as the "Beijing north first barrier".

In 1982, the badaling as Beijing badaling - an important part of the Ming tombs scenic areas, by the state council approved the first batch of state-level scenic spot list.



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我们现在看到的便是栈桥了。它位于青岛湾中,目前全长440米,宽8米, 与市区繁华的中山路成一条直线,由海岸前伸入海。从远处看,它像一条长虹横卧在大海之上。


关于栈桥的解释是:"凡是伸到海里的简易码头都称为栈桥。"那它为什么又会成为青岛的标志呢?青岛在100多年前是一个小渔村,1891年清政府下诏书在青岛建置。1892年清政府派登州总兵章高元带兵驻扎青岛,为便于部队军需物资的运输, 建了两座码头,一座就是现今的栈桥。该码头原称谓很多,有海军栈桥、前海栈桥、 南海栈桥、李鸿章栈桥、大码头等,长200米,宽10米。另一座位于总兵衙门前方的"衙门桥"长100米,宽6米,亦称"蜗牛桥"。这两座码头都是中国工程师自己设计的, 也是青岛港最早的码头建设。


德帝国主义侵占青岛后,将原桥北端改为石基,水泥铺面,南端下立,钢制桥架上面铺有木板,并设轻便铁轨,南端仍是铁木桥,桥身延长到350米,仍为军用码头。192019年大港第一码头建成后,栈桥逐渐失去它作为码头的历史使命,开始向游人开放。1922年青岛被中国收回,1931年国民政府出巨资由德国信利洋行承包重建,桥身加长到440米,桥南端增建了半圆型的防浪堤, 并在防浪堤上修建了具有民族形式的二层八角凉亭,亭子由彩色琉璃瓦覆盖,24根红漆柱子支撑,取名"回澜阁"。整个工程至1933年4月竣工。 栈桥从此成为青岛第一景。

建国后,政府多次拨款对栈桥进行维修, 1985年青岛市又对栈桥进行了大规模的全面整修,两侧围以铁索护栏,12对欧式桥灯相峙而立,外铺砌花岗岩石台阶。1998年底至1999年6月市政府再次拨款对栈桥进行了大规模整修,此次维修既达到防风浪、防腐蚀要求,保持原有的风韵,又与两侧护岸设施相匹配,增加了美观效果,使整个桥体焕发了青春。

























1931年,南京国民政府出巨资由德国信利洋行承包重建,桥身加长到440米。桥南端增建了箭头型的防浪堤, 并在防浪堤上修建了具有民族风格的回澜阁。整个工程至1933年4月竣工。 栈桥从此成为青岛第一景。新中国成立后,政府多次拨款对栈桥进行维修,1985年青岛市又对栈桥进行了大规模的全面整修,两侧围以铁索护栏,12对欧式桥灯相峙而立,外铺花岗岩石台阶。1998年底至1999年6月,市政府再次拨款对栈桥进行了大规模整修,此次维修既达到防风浪、防腐蚀,保持原有的风韵的要求,又与两侧护岸设施相匹配,增加了美观效果,使整个桥体焕发了青春。













范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:学校,导游,全文共 411 字

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龙潭景区位于龙源风景名胜区东南方的药姑山主峰、海拔1261米,景区面积为40 00多亩,这里山势雄奇峭拔,千山万壑,飞瀑流泉,景点密布。令人拍手称奇叫绝的要数由老龙潭、鸳鸯潭、仙姑洗药潭、观音潭组成的“七星银河”瀑布群。30米长的金角老龙在瀑布中栩栩如生,潭中的鸳鸯戏水,观音座莲,仙姑洗药更是令人陶醉,顺千步石级而上峰顶“三仙亭”,似乎要把您送入天宫。 在三仙亭北观楚景,南极巴陵,滚滚长江,绿波洞庭,看日出,观云海,好象置身云烟缭绕的蓬莱仙境之地。还有百年连理树、仙人洞、神仙屋、关云庙供您大饱眼福。





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越秀公园位于广州市内北部、广州火车站东南约一公里处, 是全市最大的公园,面积达92万平方米。除越秀山处,还包括周围的6个小山岗及东秀湖、南秀湖、北秀湖3个人工湖。









五羊仙子降临广州,给羊城人民带来了吉祥与幸福,他们赠稻于民,并祝“愿此闤闠(huan hui,意为街市),永无饥荒”,然后腾空而去,五羊化为巨石。











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Contrary to appearances, this walkway is not a bridge at all . But how so ? This road is 4 meters above the ground and there is a cavern underneath that was reserved for sacrificial oxen and sheep. The cattle were slaughtered at a slaughterhouse about 500 meters away and brought here for sacrifice. All in all ,it can be said this walkway did serve as bridge and can be looked upon as the first cloverleaf in Beijing.

Looking back at the thoroughfare, you may realize that this walk is gaining height toward its northern end. As people approach the architectural group of the Hall of Prayer for good Harvest, the flanking groves of cypress recede and perspective widens. Here you are in Heaven.

(Costume-Changing Terrace)

the marble terrace up ahead is called jufutai, or CostumeChanging Terrace. It is located to the east of the Red Stairway Bridge and covers a space of 25 square meters .IT has marble Slab balustrades. The day before the service ,officials in charge would put up a yellow satin tent on the terrace for the emperor to change out of his yellow dragon robe into blue ceremonial clothes. After the service, the emperor would return to the tentand change back into his imperial robe before returning to the palace. (Proceed to the South Gate of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

(At the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest)

this structure is called the Gate of Pray for Good Harvest. We can catch a slight glimpse of the central building ,the Hall of Prayer for Good harvest, though the colonnade of the Gate. A gigantic and lofty group of buildings, the complex includes the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest, the hall of prayer for good harvest, eastern and western annex halls ,the Huanqian (Imperial heaven) Long corridor, Heaven Kitchen, slaughterhouse, etc.

the annex halls were symmetrically built on a 1.5-meter-hignbrick-and-marble terrace ,to set off the loftiness and magnificence of the main hall .This unique building ,38 meters in height, is characterized by a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a top that is crowned by a gilt ball. The roofing is made of blue glazed tiles, the color of the sky .Underneath the roof, the beams and bracket are decorated with colored paintings. The base of the structure is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace. At a distance, the terrace looks like a gigantic, spiraling cloud with the structure perched on top of it .

Today the hall of prayer for good harvest is the hallmark of Beijing, which enjoys a prolonged history of civilization.

(At the base of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

The base of the hall is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace, which is 90 meters in diameter and 6 meters in height ,covering a space of 4,000 square meters. Meticulous accuracy was given to the layout of the structure. In the middle of each three-tiered flight of stairs, there is a giant marble ramp carved in cloud, dragon and phoenix designs. To set off the ramps, the top of the balustrades and downpipes are designed with corresponding floral scrolls. In southern part of each tier, a gigantic bronze incense burner is placed. Sandalwood was burnt in them when rites were observed.

(In front of the hall of Prayer for good harvest)

climbing up this marble terrace, we see the main hall ,a masterpiece of ancient China. Looking up you will see the caisson, or covered ceiling, characterized by complex designs of dragons and phoenixes. In and out , the hall is decorated with colored drawing of dragons and phoenixes.

Without the use of steel ,cement and nail, and even without the use of big beams and crossbeams, the entire structure is supported by 28 massive wooden pillars and number of bars, laths, joints and rafters. The four central pillars, called the dragon-Well Pillars, are 19.2 meters high and painted with designs of composite followers, representing the four season. There are two rings of 12 scarlet pillars each. The inner ring represents the 12 months and the outer rings the 12 divisions of the day and night .Between the two rings there are 24 partitioned spaces to mark the solar terms of the Chinese lunar year. The pillars, 28 in number, also represent the 28 constellations in the universe- the ancient Chinese believed that there were 28 constellations that made up the sky.

The center of the stone-paved floor is a round marble slab, which is 88.5 centimeters in diameter. Interestingly, the slab features natural black and white veins, corresponding to the dragon-phoenix design on the ceiling. This particular slab is known as the Dragon-phoenix stone and is regarded as a treasure inseparable from the hall.

The furnishings within the hall are placed in their original positions dating back to when Emperor Xianfeng ruled .In the forefront and above the throne are enshrined tablets in commemoration of Heaven. On either table on each side tablets of the emperor` s ancestors were placed. Each tablet is fronted by an altar. A total of 24 kinds of offering were made on it ,including soup, wine, assorted cereals, and a calf.

The sacrificial rites were observed in the wee hours of the morning, sometime in the first month of the Chinese lunar year. Because it was still dark, candles, lanterns and torches were lit. This lighting coupled with the incense being burnt inside the hall ,helped make the ceremony both grand and mystical.

By the time the service began,207 musicians and dancers would be performing on platforms outside the hall. The emperor, in his blue sacrificial robe and with an air of piety and sincerity, would walk slowly into the hall, kowtow, and offer wine and prayer in hornor of the deities and his ancestors. All of the offerings would then be taken to incinerators on the eastern side of the gate of prayer for Good Harvest. With this we conclude our visit to the Temper of Heaven. The feudal monarchs and their sacrificial rites have long vanished in history .However, this group of magnificent and lofty structures remain as a fine testament of the ancient Chinese` s ingenuity and as one of the cultural heritages of mankind.

(On the Long Corridor)

From the Eastern Gate of the hall of prayer for good harvest, we have now enter a 300-meter-long corridor. Consisting of 72 sections, this corridor served as a connecting building between the Slaughterhouse. Heaven Kitchen, and the main hall ,It is said that this once served as a sacrificial food production line. Flanking the corridor are shopping stalls. You may find some souvenirs for your family and friend there.

Well ,that is all for this tour. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your next visit. Good luck and bon voyage.



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华山(Mount Hua),古称“西岳”,雅称“太华山”,为中国著名的五岳之一,中华文明的发祥地。下面第一范文网小编为大家带来了陕西华山英文导游词范文,希望对你有所帮助!


Hua Shan is the highest of Chinas five sacred mountains. It is 120 kilometers east of Xian. It has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. The highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 feet)。

We had had discussions about going to Hua Shan with some graduate students from Computer Science. That didnt work out due to changes in schedules on both sides. Also, they were planning to do the climb at night to be able to reach the peak at sunrise. That did not appeal to us. We wanted to spend a night on the mountain. Frans department arranged a trip for us, making reservations at the simple hotel on the North Peak. They sent two graduate students to accompany us, though they had not been to Hua Shan before. We met them at 8:00 on Saturday morning and took a taxi to the train station. There we asked around and located a mini-bus. The bus made a couple of stops. One was to see a presentation about the traditional medicines grown on the mountain and a chance to buy some of them. It probably would have been interesting if we understood Chinese. Our guides gave us the general outline about what was said. The other stop was a quick lunch stop.

There are two approaches to Hua Shan. [Chinese proverb: “There is one road and only one road to Hua Shan,” meaning that sometimes the hard way is the only way.] The west entrance involves 10 kilometers of walking on a road before you start climbing. We went with the east entrance, where the bus brings you to the base of a cable car that goes up to the 1500 meter North Peak. Our plan was to walk up to the North Peak, then climb to the four other peaks the next day and take the cable car down.

We started the climb in the early afternoon. The path consists of stone steps with rough chain link handrails in the narrowest areas (we wore our bicycling gloves for hand protection)。 Physically, it is more like climbing the steps of a skyscraper than trails at home. However, the temperature was about 95 degrees and there was not much shade. We brought lots of water, including some bottles that we froze and some Gatorade that we got at the fancy department store in downtown Xian. There are plenty of refreshment stands along the way where you can buy bottled water, the Chinese equivalent of Gatorade, and other drinks or snacks at a premium price.

We reached the North Peak before 4:00 PM and rested at the hotel. Our room was basic, but comfortable and clean enough. Because water is scarce on the mountain, there were neither showers nor sinks available for washing. In that sense the experience felt like camping, but we were sleeping in a big tent!

After dinner at the hotel restaurant, we spent some time talking with our guides. We were a bit surprised to find that they both think of Japan negatively, but like the U.S. It seems that Japans WWII behavior in China has not been forgotten, and is emphasized in school.

We saw a beautiful sunset and watched the sky become resplendent with thousands of stars, including the Milky Way galaxy. This was the clearest sky that we have seen in China. The fresh air at Hua Shan is a treat!

Our guides had both been planning to get up at 4:00 AM to watch the sunrise. Fran and I made sleep a priority. We did happen to wake up a bit before sunrise (our room faced east) and went outside to watch the sky become rosy. Ironically, our guides missed the sunrise because they had stayed up late watching the European soccer championships on the television in their room

The plan for the day was to climb the other four peaks, but we reserved the right to shorten the route. The first part was a steep climb to Middle Peak. After the low North Peak, all the others are at roughly 20xx meters. There were crowds on the way to Middle Peak – mostly Chinese hikers but we did see a few other wai guo (foreigners) as well.

We visited two Taoist temples en route to Middle Peak. Each one had an altar with incense and offerings of fruit. The friendly monks invited us to say a prayer or to send blessings to loved ones. Fran accepted their invitation. At the first temple, she lit incense sticks and knelt on a cushion in front of the altar saying a silent prayer for our safe journey to the various summits of Hua Shan (the prayer was answered)。 At the second temple, she knelt on a cushion in front of the altar and sent silent blessings to several friends who are experiencing challenging situations in their lives at present. After each blessing, she leaned forward and the monk struck a drum.

After Middle Peak, the crowds got much thinner. The next was East Peak, which had a steep ladder climbing rock. Fran was dubious about this ascent, but realized that the ladder wasnt so bad and went for it. That was a good decision because we were then able to do a loop and the trails got almost empty at this point. After skirting the top of a cliff with a steep dropoff on both sides, we had a pleasant walk to South Peak and West Peak. There was even a small amount of dirt trail! The summit of South Peak was the highest point on Hua Shan, so of course we asked another hiker to take a photo of our guides and us. The views from the tops of each peak were beautiful. Hua Shan and the surrounding mountains are very rugged and remind us somewhat of hiking in the southwestern United States or the Sierras.

We took a route that eventually brought us to the main line returning down from Middle to North Peak. We were happy to have ascended each of the five peaks (petals) of Flower Mountain.

By cable car (the longest in Asia), it was just 7 minutes down to the park entrance. We caught a shuttle bus into town, then transferred to a bus for Xian.

Our guides told us that we had walked up and down a total of 4000 stairs! We were glad that we did not have this information when we started. For three days after returning home, our sore leg muscles instructed us to take the elevator to our fifth floor apartment rather than climbing the stairs.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Hello! I am your guide on this trip to Huashan Mountain, Gu Shiyin. I will show you the beautiful scenery of Huashan Mountain.

Let me introduce Huashan to you first. Huashan Mountain is a scenic spot in the " Natural and Cultural Heritage List" or a national AAAAA scenic spot.

The place where we are now is Yuquan Hospital. There is a story about it. Princess Jin Xian of the Tang Dynasty accidentally dropped a jade hairpin into the water while washing her hair in the jade well of Yuegong in Shanshan Town. After returning to Yuquan Hospital, when washing hands with spring water, I found the jade hairpin and knew that the jade spring eye was connected with the jade well. So the spring was named Yuquan, and Yuquan Hospital was named for it.

This is the most famous place in Huashan - Changkong plank road. The place where you tread can only hold one foot. The chain around your waist can protect you, so dont be afraid. Everybody go up.

After walking along the long and empty plank road, I came to the place where Chen Xiang splits the mountain. There is also a legend here. Three Notre Dame fell in love with an ordinary man and got married. Due to the violation of the heavenly rules, her brother Erzhi pressed the Holy Mother of Three under the Huashan Mountain. She gave birth to a child named Chen Xiang. Ten years later, Chen Xiang knew the truth and fought with Er Lei God. With the help of the gods, he defeated Er Lei God and saved his mother.

Here is the kite turning over. All tourists should pay attention to safety and take a rest here.

There are too many beautiful scenery in Huashan Mountain to see today. Lets continue our tour tomorrow.


Dear friends: Hello everyone!

Today, we will visit Huashan Mountain, also known as Taihua Mountain, which is located 120 kilometers east of Xi an City and south of huayin city.

Huashan Mountain, known as Xiyue in ancient times, is one of the five mountains in our country. It is named Huashan Mountain because of its natural arrangement of peaks like flowers. In December 1992, Huishan Mountain was rated as one of the 40 best scenic spots in the country. Even friends who have not been to Huashan Mountain will learn about the situation of Huashan Mountain from some interesting myths and anecdotes, such as " A Road to Huashan Mountain Since Ancient Times", " Huayue Xianzhang", " Chenxiang Ripping Mountain to Save Mother", " Huashan Mountain to Discuss Sword" and modern wisdom to take Huashan Mountain. These beautiful myths, legends and stories reflect peoples yearning for and worship of Huashan Mountain since ancient times.

South Chinas mountains overlook the Yellow River to the north and Qinling Mountains to the south. They are called " Huashan Mountain is like a standing mountain". The whole mountain has simple lines, sharp shapes, sharp axes, and towering and magnificent peaks. It is called " the most dangerous mountain in the world".

When it comes to oddity, it is made up of a huge and complete granite. The ancients said, " Mountain is not strange without stones, and pure stones are not strange." Huashan Mountain is cut into four sides, with a width of ten miles and a height of 5,000 feet. A stone is also called " Daqi". Huashan Mountain has five main peaks, of which the east, west and south peaks are the highest, and the three peaks stand upright. " It is said to have" three peaks outside the sky " as it flies out of the clouds, and its shadow falls into the Yellow River. When it comes to risks, it is a" long plank road " erected in the air. The " Quanzhen Rock" carved on the hanging rock has three faces: the " Harrier Turnover" with hollows, convexes and concaves, and the thousands of feet Children carved on the hanging rock on the cliff, Baichi Gorge, Laojun Plough, Moer Cliff, Canglong Ridge, etc. are all extremely dangerous and unusual. " Since ancient times, there has been a road in Huashan Mountain". The road in the mountain has only a north-south line. It is about 10 kilometers long, winding and rugged. Many places are really " and while one man guards it, ten thousand cannot force it".

In addition to its magnificent natural landscape, Huashan Mountain is also rich in historical and cultural accumulation and is full of cultural landscapes. Only at the foot of the mountain and along the valley road, inscriptions, poems and stone carvings will make people forget to return.

Friends, we are now in Yuquan Hospital. It is said that because the spring water here is connected to the Yujing on the top of the mountain and the water quality is clear and sweet, it is called " Yuquan Hospital". It is said to be the only place to climb Huashan Mountain. It was built by hermit Chen Tuan. The temple in the hospital has pavilions, winding corridors and flowing spring water. It is a tourist attraction. Yuquan Hospital and host institute and Zhenyue Palace, which we will see later, are Taoist activities. There are 53 temples in total. Most of the buildings in the hospital were rebuilt during the Ganlong years of Qing Dynasty.

Dear friends, we are now located at the foot of north peak, one of the five peaks, about 10 kilometers from the mouth of Huashan valley. this is the source of water flow in Huashan valley. please look at those trees along the direction of my fingers. maybe many people will know them. yes, it is the green kok tree. here, the green kok tree floats here, hence the name " green koping".

From Qingkeping to Yangshi, the mountain climbing road has changed from a flat stone slab road to a narrow stone ladder dug in the cliff. Seeing the mountain road spiral upward, many weak-willed tourists will come back here to watch the mountain come back in frustration.

Friends, we have now reached Beifeng. After the first three passes, I think everyone has a certain understanding of the risks of Huashan Mountain. Beifeng is double named Yuntai Peak, with an altitude of 1550 meters. The mountain here is majestic, overhanging on three sides, majestic and unique, and has a cloud shape. It is named after a cloud platform. Its height is the lowest, but it has a very important geographical location. The four peaks it guards are pivotal. The pavilion in front of us is called " Junhun Pavilion", which derives its name from the scenery movie " Zhizhuhuashan".

Now we are in Zhongfeng. Zhongfeng is also known as Yunv Mountain. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period, the hermit Xiao Shi of Huashan Mountain was fond of playing cave flute and the beautiful sound of flute won the admiration of Qin Mugongs little daughter Nong Yu. She gave up her luxurious and comfortable court life and lived in seclusion here with the history of flute. After many years, the two became immortals and took advantage of phoenix, hence the name of many scenic spots on the mountain. There were a jade female shampoo basin and a tree. Due to this beautiful love story, Huashan Mountain was endowed with some romance and tenderness after it was broad, solemn and deep.

Jingzhongfeng, I accompany you to visit dongfeng.

Dongfeng, also known as Chaoyang Peak, has a Chaoyang terrace on its summit, which is the best place to watch the sunrise. The mountain is not high, but the immortal is famous. Huashan Mountain is said to be a place where many immortals live. Taoist fairyland. Legend has it that Zhao Kuangyin in Song Taizu and Laozu Chen Tuan, a hermit of Huashan Mountain, have a chess terrace on it, which is the place where they play chess. Chen Tuan, also known as Mr. Xi Yi, is an immortal with a Taoist walk. After discussion, the two of them bet on Huashan Mountain. As a result, they lost to Chen Tuan. According to pre-established conditions, Huashan has since become a Taoist temple and has always received food. on the eastern cliff of dongdong peak, there is a natural pattern. as you can see, like a giant palm, this giant palm has more than 20 feet, with uneven five fingers, and the middle finger runs straight through the peak. when sunlight shines, the five fingers leap like a hanging picture. this is the " huayue fairy palm" at the head of the so-called " eight sights of Guanzhong". it is said that long ago, Huashan mountain was connected with zhongtiao mountain, and its right foot ascended zhongtiao mountain to open a passage for the yellow river. now what we see is the finger of the river god

Nanfeng, also known as Luoyan Peak, is the highest peak of Huashan Mountain, with an altitude of 2160 meters. It is like a fairyland when you come here. As the ancient poem says, " There is only heaven above, and there is no mountain and qi. You look up."



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西津渡古街全长约 1000 米 ,始创于六朝时期,历经唐宋元明清五个朝代的建设,留下了如今的规模,因此,整条街随处可见六朝至清代的历史踪迹。西津渡,三国时叫“蒜山渡”,唐代曾名“金陵渡”,宋代以后才称为“西津渡”。千百年来,发生在这里的重要战事有数百次之多。西津古渡依山临江,风景峻秀,李白、孟浩然、张祜、王安石、苏轼、米芾、陆游、马可 · 波罗等都曾在此候船或登岸,并留下了许多为后人传诵的诗篇。著名的《泊船瓜洲》就是王安石从西津渡扬舟北去,舟次瓜洲时写下的。

英籍华人女作家韩素音置身西津渡古街时,也不由发自内心地连声赞叹说:“漫步在这条古朴典雅的古街道上,仿佛是在一座天然历史博物馆内散步。这里才是镇江旅游的真正金矿。” 中国文物学会会长 罗哲文 先生更是把这里誉为“中国古渡博物馆”。这就是我们镇江的古迹。




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横店影视城广州街·香港街是拍摄两个影视剧留下的实体观光外景基地,目前看来似乎是同一时所建。广州街占地300亩,建筑面积 23400平方米,香港街占地120亩,建筑面积25600平方米,还有占地7000平方米的摄影棚。







据介绍,横店影视城共有七大景区,分别是秦王宫景区、清明上河图景区、江南水乡景区、大智禅寺景区、广州街香港街景区以及明清宫苑、屏岩洞府景区。 今年1-10月份,共接待游客1040余万人。横店影视城作为国内拍摄场景最多、规模最大、设施最全的影视拍摄基地,每天都有剧组在这里演绎着上至帝王将相,下至黎民百姓的悲欢离合,酸甜苦辣。自《鸦片战争》开始,已有包括《荆柯刺秦王》、《雍正王朝》、《绝代双骄》、《杨门女将》、《英雄》、《天下无双》、《天地英雄》、《天下粮仓》等100多部电影和电视剧在中国横店影视城拍摄完成 。




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Everybody is good, welcome you in this hot summer to the picturesque zhouzhuang, here every second of every moment, you feel relaxed and happy, big open horizon. Oh -- -- -- -- -- by the way, forgot to introduce my name, my name is Zhang Hongrui - your guide.

This season, willow branches in relaxed swaying in the wind, the leaves dancing in the wind. Here is full of water, jiangnan water. Everyone has seen the sea, it is spectacular, and zhouzhuang water more. Zhouzhuang water really green ah, green as a flawless jade. "Yi jiangnan" a poem is well said: "spring to bluish green, such as blue, can not have jiangnan?"

In zhouzhuang, can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, the most direct feeling, or because the houses.

Look at the house, now seems to feel in the qing dynasty. Although these house humble, as the city of science and technology, but somehow, staring at the house, still can feel a kind of additional and beautiful.

Night, the moonlight on the one hundred ancient town, zhouzhuang is becoming more ancient and mysterious. The stars blink of an eye in the sky, the moon in the night a gentle sheen. People with a day of joy and tiredness, to the south of the lower reaches of the yangze river into the sweet dreams together.

Happy time always passes by quickly. You must linger? There are good chances but it doesnt matter, later, I hope you to often come!



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香港(简称:港,英语:Hong Kong,缩写:HK),目前是中华人民共和国的一个特别行政区。香港位于南中国海沿岸,地处珠江口以东,北接广东深圳,南望万山群岛,西迎澳门和广东珠海,由香港岛、九龙和新界所组成,共263个岛屿。香港华人普遍通行广府片粤语,当地惯称广东话。香港的英文名称Hong Kong是广府系香港原住民的语言蜑家话音译,并非广府片粤语的念法Heong Kong。











上环一带为英军开路,因而得名。她极有可能是一名疍家婆,因为路是阿群带的,所以就称之“阿群带路”了。英人即以疍音"HONG KONG"为记,便因而成为全岛的总称。这也成了香港名字由来的其中一说。


香港的英文名称,是照广州语音,原译作Heung Kong,香港有很多水上居民读“香”为“康”(蜑家话),所以英文名称也就随着改拼为Hong Kong。

【资源物产】受到环境的限制,香港自然资源匮乏,香港最宝贵的天然资源是一个优良的深水港。香港食用淡水的60%以上依靠广东省供给。矿藏有少量铁、铝、锌、钨、绿柱石、石墨等。香港邻近大陆架,洋面广阔,岛屿众多。有得天独厚的渔业生产的地理环境。香港有超过150种具有商业价值的海鱼,主要是红衫、九棍、大眼鱼、黄花鱼、黄肚和鱿鱼。农业方面,香港主要出产少量的蔬菜、花卉 、水果和水稻,饲养猪、牛、家禽及淡水鱼,日常需要的农副产品近半数需中国内地供应。

























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公园环境舒适,草坪舒展,山丘起伏,林木苍翠,湖波粼粼,好一派自然清新的郊野风情。气势宏伟的南北大门景色,门前广场横跨宽度达 100 米,建筑风格独特,植物色彩配置艳丽,布置紧凑,颇有现代公园气派。最为壮观的南门中轴广场,两侧种植风景林,配置各类棕榈植物,衬托着中央的立体八角花坛,更加洋溢着岭南园林的气息。象征着和平和希望的白鸽广场,群鸽飞翔在蔚蓝的天空,自由自在,无拘无束。园内更有极具岭南特色、清雅晖盈的园林精品——“粤晖园”,它坐落在绿柳环抱、秀色怡人的柳湖湖畔,更与天河公园(6张)欢跃嬉戏的湖中锦鲤相映成趣。精巧秀丽的“粤秀园”建在风光如画、具有“水中琪林”之称的翠湖帝国,使湖色幽美的翠湖成为人们写生、摄影、休闲的好地方。


