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The imperial mausoleum is the first mausoleum built in Ming Dynasty. Thereare three walls in the imperial mausoleum. The inner part is the Imperial City,with a perimeter of 251 meters. The four gates are decorated with red clay. Themiddle part is the brick city, with a perimeter of about 3 kilometers. The outerpart is the Earth City, with a perimeter of 14 kilometers. The overall layoutadopts "three sets of square cities", and the cemetery is developed into apattern of three walls. The stone carvings are placed in front of the ImperialCity, the mausoleum is behind the Imperial City, the hall is in the ImperialCity, and the Huabiao is placed between the stone beast and the stone horse.Because the direction of the mausoleum faces north by East, the buildings on theNorth-South central axis face north, and the north gate of the outer city is themain gate, which is obviously inclined to the Northeast central capital. Fromnorth to south, the main Red Gate of Tucheng is Hongqiao, lingxingmen,zhuanchengminglou, Shinto, Yuqiao, huangchengjinmen, huangtang,huangchenghouhongmen, Fenqiu, zhuanchengnanminglou and Tucheng Nanmen. On bothsides of the 3.4-kilometer-long central axis, there are the east corner gate andthe west corner gate symmetrically. There are two rows of stone statues on theleft and right, the imperial mausoleum stele and the wordless stele, the Eastand West veranda, the Dongming tower and the Ximing tower, the east gate and theWest gate. Other buildings inside and outside the mausoleum wall are alsogenerally East-West or north-south symmetrical.

Imperial city

When the imperial mausoleum was built, it was built with a brick base, twofeet high, seventy-five feet high, and red clay. Main hall nine, Dan Bi three,yellow glazed tile, green painted color. Five rooms in Kinmen. There are elevenrooms on the left and eleven on the right. One stove. There is a corner gate onthe left and right. Back Red Gate Five. There are two stele pavilions on theleft and one on the left. There are five royal bridges across Jinshui River.Huabiao, together with 36 pairs of stone man and stone beast, is in the northgate, and the two sides reach to the north of jinmenwai Yuqiao. Above all yellowglazed tile, green and blue painted, 20 families take turns to keep.

Brick city

A brick city was built in the imperial mausoleum. It was built with bricksinside and outside. It was two feet high. On Saturday, it was 118 steps away andopened four doors. All of them had buildings. The tower has four gates, fourseats and five double eaves. There are six rooms in Jufu hall. There are twokitchens. There are six government offices. There are four straight rooms, fiveon each side, and eleven on each side. All above are Fuwa. There are threeLingxing gates with green glaze. There are five red bridges. The above-mentioned11 groups are guarded in turn. A magic kitchen, in the east of the north gate.Twenty cooks were directly in charge. There are five famous cooks. There arefive rooms in the north and five in the south. There are six slaughter kitchens.There are five wine rooms. There are three doors. Its the Tianchi Lake. A drumroom, a sacrifice to the more. Zhaigong a, to the northeast of the north gate amile, new income households take turns to keep watch. There are five rooms inthe main hall. There are three halls. There are five bedrooms. There are fivekitchens. There are five rooms on the left and five on the right. Three rooms inred gate. There are five rooms in the middle gate. There are five rooms in thewing room and five in the East and five in the West. Two corner gates. There arethree rooms in the East and three in the West. Three red bridges have beenbuilt. Mix a hall, go to North Gate northeast two Li, new income householddirect guard. There are five rooms in the main room. Two pools. Theres adoor.


The imperial mausoleum was built into an earthen city. On Tuesday, 18 Li,44 families took turns to keep watch, and set up the imperial mausoleum guardpatrol Chuo. Red gate three, in the north, to the northeast. Shenlu is three lilong, with pines and cypresses planted beside it. It reaches the capital city,and also has its own guards. Two East West corner doors. There are two officialhalls, namely the Yamen of the ancestral temple, three in the East, three in theWest and three in the south. Straight landlord, West, South three outside thedoor. Dismount eight, outside the fourth gate. There are thirteen pavilions.Shuiguan and dashuiguan are located in the northeast corner of Tucheng, fromwhich water flows into Huaihe River. There are 19 xiaoshuiguan on all sides.Huangtang bridge, north of dashuiguan. There are forty straight rooms outside,outside the gate of Dongjiao, where the sacrificial officials of the Yamen arestationed.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2734 字

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Hello, everyone. Im your guide. In the next few days, you can just call meseason guide. First of all, welcome to this beautiful and magnificent temple ofheaven! Today we mainly visit the Qigu altar, Qinian hall, Yuanqiu altar,zhaigong and other places of interest. When visiting, please throw the garbageinto the dustbin, or carry plastic bags, strive to be civilized tourists!

In fact, the temple of heaven is the place for the Ming and Qing emperorsto "worship heaven" and "pray for the valley", which is located in the east ofZhengyang gate. The altar is round in the north and square in the south, whichmeans "round heaven and round place". Neitan, where we are now, is divided intoNorth and south parts. Tourists, look at the building in the north. Its called"Qigu altar". It is said that in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, because theproductivity was very low at that time and the harvest was controlled by God, aspecial "grain praying altar" was built in the north to pray for a good harvest.Every year, the emperor prayed to God in spring to give the world a goodharvest.

Please follow me. We are now at the "Hall of praying for new year" in thecenter of the inner altar. It is located on a three story round stone platformtomb. It is a round hall with triple eaves, 38 meters high and 30 meters indiameter. The three halls have dark blue glazed tiles, which are reduced layerby layer and radiate in shape. The top is crowned with a huge gilded top. Thishall has great artistic value in architecture and modeling. The white platformsymbolizes white clouds, the dark blue ceiling symbolizes the sky, and thepillars, colored paintings and gilded ceiling symbolize the rosy clouds. All ofthese make a beautiful shape of blue sky and jade world.

Tourists, look at this magnificent building in the south, the "round MoundAltar", which is specially used to worship heaven on the winter solstice. Thecentral building is a huge round stone platform called "round mound". The totallength between the two altars is 360 meters, which is higher than the groundcorridor. The Danbi bridge is connected to form a 1200 meter long north-southaxis of the temple of heaven, with a large area of ancient Berlin on bothsides.

Through the corridor, we see the building is the "Zhai Palace" on the southside of the west gate. It is said to be the residence of the emperor duringfasting before praying. "Zhaigong" also got its name.

After listening to my introduction, you must want to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the temple of heaven carefully, take photos and leave a message. Thefollowing time is for you, you have enough time to swim. One hour later, we arestill gathering here. I hope you will observe the time and keep the gardenclean. See you later!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 737 字

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上饶市位于江西省东北部,素有“豫章第一门户”之称;全市辖有10县1市1区,有中国博士之乡——玉山县、中国最美的乡村——婺源县、鱼米之乡——鄱阳县、叠山故里志敏家乡——弋阳县、武夷山麓的明珠——铅山县、中国铜都——德兴市、政治经济文化中心——信州区 ;全市总面积2.28万平方千米,总人口有648.99万,以香樟为市树、后头杜鹃为市花,鸳鸯为市鸟。



大自然的秀丽风光和祖辈们的文明历史,造就了上饶市众多特色鲜明的风景名胜和文物古迹。拥有世界自然遗产三清山、龟峰;中国最美的乡村——婺源,道教胜地——灵山;全国红色旅游经典景区——上饶集中营;中国最大的淡水湖——鄱阳湖等; 下面具体介绍下三清山。三清山景区位于上饶玉山县和德兴市交界处,这里有着浓厚的道教历史,是道家洞天福地之一,且花岗岩地貌奇特无比,奇峰怪石数不胜数,因此有“天下无双福地、江南第一仙峰”的美誉。全山由三清宫、玉京峰、西海岸、东海岸、石鼓岭等十大景区组成。三清山景色优美,尤以“三清三绝”——巨蟒出山、司春女神、观音赏曲最佳,苏轼、朱熹、王安石、陆游、徐霞客等文人墨客先后到此旅行游览。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:学校,导游,全文共 1298 字

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各位同学,现在我们来到的是食堂,食堂共有两层,楼下是学校里开的平常的食堂,而二楼就是设有一些小吃,快餐等,样式齐全、 品种多样,大家可以不用担心饭菜的单一性,而且这些饭菜都非常美味。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 6566 字

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Xinxiang City is the political, economic, cultural and traffic center ofNorthern Henan. There are many historical sites and rich cultural relics.

There are hundreds of natural landscapes in the city, including fournational cultural relics protection units, one National Forest Park, oneNational Wetland Bird Nature Reserve, more than 50 provincial scenic spots andcultural relics protection units, more than 500 municipal cultural relicsprotection units, one historical and cultural city and one historical andcultural town.

Xinxiang has obvious location advantages, forming an important commoditytrade center in Northern Henan. Beijing Guangzhou line, Xinhe and Xinjiao linesintersect here in a cross shape. National roads 107 and 106 run through thenorth and south, forming a fast and convenient transportation network with thecombination of trunk and branch, extending in all directions and running throughin all directions. The citys commercial facilities are complete, and thenetwork is densely distributed in urban and rural areas. The grand comprehensiveshopping centers, such as Pingyuan shopping mall, Huabin commercial building andXindaxin shopping mall, which represent the advanced level of modern metropolis,are luxurious; various standardized and grand supermarkets, commercial streetsand pedestrian streets have become the beautiful scenery of the urban area;Baiquan herbal medicine fair, which has a history of 600 years and is one of thethree national herbal medicine exchange conferences, is known as "less thanBaiquan medicine is incomplete", and its turnover ranks first among the threenational herbal medicine fairs. Changyuan glasses market, Xinxiang electronicsmarket, Yubei building materials market and Yanjin peanut market, which are oneof the four major glasses markets in China, are of considerable scale and enjoyhigh reputation both inside and outside the province. The development ofcommunication has built a bridge of modern commodity economy and society. Thecitys installed capacity is 572000 units, 363000 users are installed, and 28telephones are owned by 100 people in the urban area. The number of data userssuch as digital data network, packet switching network and computer Internet hasreached 8273. The governments Internet access project has been completed firstin the country, and three-level websites of cities, counties and townships havebeen opened, making it the largest communication hub in Northern Henan. Theestablishment of the status of business center has accelerated the pace of urbanconstruction.

In accordance with the pattern of building a modern city, on the basis ofincreasing the transformation of the old city, the urban skeleton has beenstretched to the East and south. In the past two years, more than 20 urban trunkroads have been reconstructed and widened; the first phase of Weihe Rivertreatment has been completed; Yiyuan, xingfuli and other residential areas havebeen newly built; five water plants and sewage treatment plants have beenreconstructed and newly built; and; Through the implementation of "city imageprojects" such as removing walls to make the streets green and one street, onelandscape, one tree and one lamp, the city has greatly changed and the wholeurban area has taken on a new look. Xinxiang has rich cultural heritage andoutstanding people. Xinxiang was called Yong state in ancient times. It belongedto Wei in the spring and Autumn period, Wei in the Warring States period, andHuojia in the Han Dynasty. It was founded in 586 a.d. by Emperor Wen of the SuiDynasty and has been more than 1400 years. At the beginning of the founding ofnew China, it was the capital of Pingyuan province. Ancient history breedssplendid civilization. Yangshao and Longshan cultural sites are indisputable;the nomadic war led by King Wu of Zhou Dynasty and the alliance of 800 princesis dependent on historical sites; Jiang Shangwei river fishing, Bigans loyaladvice, Wei Wei rescuing Zhao, Zhang Liangs assassination of Qin, the battle ofGuandu and Chen Qiao mutiny are all originated from this hot land; Confuciusslecture "apricot altar" is still in existence, Li Bais song is before his loyalministers; Zhang Cang thought of "nine chapters arithmetic", Chen Yuchengsdeath in heaven; The tomb of Lu Jian, the younger brother of Ming Shenzong, is areference to the history of the twelve prime ministers.

During the war of resistance against Japan, the "pinghan guerrillas"shocked the enemy; during the war of liberation, the people of Xinxiang foughtwith blood. After the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the ancientpastoral land is full of talents. Together with Jiao Yulu, Wang Jinxi, Lei Fengand Qian Xuesen, Secretary of Liuzhuang Party committee Shi Laihe is known asone of the five party members who have had a wide influence since the foundingof the peoples Republic of China; Wu Jinyin, alternate member of the CentralCommittee, deputy secretary of Xinxiang Municipal Party committee and Secretaryof Tangzhuang Party committee, is known as "a good example of township partysecretary"; Liu Zhihua, one of Chinas top ten outstanding women, Liu Bingyin,the leader of Xinfei electric group, Liu zhixia, a famous writer, Guan Mucun, asinger, Zhang Mingxue, an academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, LiuGuoguo, a mathematician known as "the second ramanuyan" by the InternationalMathematical circles, and so on, have won the pride and pride for Xinxiangpeople. The long history, splendid culture and beautiful environment have leftrich tourism resources for Xinxiang. At present, the city has 2 nationalcultural relics protection units and 42 provincial cultural relics protectionunits, 4 national scenic spots, such as Bigan temple, Luwang mausoleum, NationalForest Park baiyun temple and National Wetland Bird Nature Reserve, and 54provincial scenic spots, such as Baiquan, Wanxian mountain, baligou and Jinghuagarden. In recent years, the municipal Party committee and the municipalgovernment take the development of tourism as an important pillar industry, andstrive to cultivate it as a new bright spot of economic growth in XinxiangCity.

The new century is pregnant with new hope. Xinxiang people will carryforward the "Five Spirits" in accordance with the requirements of the "ThreeRepresents", closely focus on the theme of development, grasp the main line ofstructural adjustment, highlight the improvement of the quality and efficiencyof economic growth, be pragmatic and efficient, unite and forge ahead, work hardand innovate, and show a new Xinxiang to the 21st century



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2898 字

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Yunyan district of guiyang city is one of the city center, located in thenorthern half of the city, east, west, north three sides and bordering on wudangdistrict, high-tech zone, nanming district and adjacent to the south, northwestand border baiyun district, a beautiful natural environment, cultural landscaperich; Convenient transportation, communications developed, commercialprosperity.

Yunyan district rich in tourism resources. Domestic scenic spots have to asthe "trait first mountain", qian lingshan park as the main body of the guizhouspirit, park has hong fu temple built by the qing emperor kangxi years, is thefirst big jungle, guizhou Buddhism mountains north slope of kirin hole, theAnti-Japanese War, Chiang kai-shek had been imprisoned in the patriotic generalzhang xueliang and Yang hucheng general, is the domestic and overseas touriststo watch. Domestic sites located on the side out mountain, was built in the qingdynasty jiaqing nineteen years (1841) Yang Yin temple; There is located in thecity built during Ming 37 years (1609) of it, this pavilion is Chinas only nineAngle of three layers and three eaves saving spire building unequal Angle; Lakeis located in guizhou spirit mountains in the west bank, built during Mingyongle (1403) holy spring, the spring clearance fluctuation, and wonder.Jurisdiction revolutionary memorial sites are: the Chinese communist partyunderground working committee, the office of the eighth route army, xinhuadaily, guiyang in guizhou, the distribution of the Anti-Japanese War martyrsmonument, etc.

Yunyan district of the four seasons all appropriate travel. In guiyangfadel circulation loop, a perennial controlled by the westerlies, a subtropicalhumid mild climate, annual average temperature of 15.3 ℃. Guiyang summer withoutheat, the average summer temperature of 23.2 ℃, the highest average temperatureis between 25 to 28 ℃. Guiyang is not severe cold in winter, the coldest inearly January, the average temperature is 4.6 ℃.

Three years of the republic of China (1914), guiyang province crown land toguiyang county, YunYan is within the city of guiyang county. Nine years of therepublic of China (1920), guiyang zhili in guizhou government; Sixteen years(1927), waste the governor, the provincial government, chairman of the committeesystem; 24 (1934) in June, the provincial government has 11 administrativesupervision commissioner, who in charge of counties; Twenty-five years (1936),and for eight area, including yunyan district; November 26 (1937), and for fivearea. In 1949, the liberation of guiyang. "YunYan" district, also made townshipname, group name and village name. In 1952, YunYan for except as a group name,still for a natural villages of soul communes in guizhou. After the peoplescommune was founded in 1958, qian spirit, YunYan brigade is a production brigadeof the commune, after changed to area, continues to this day.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5297 字

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Welcome to Yalu River scenic spot in Dandong!

Yalu River scenic spot is located in Dandong City in the middle and lowerreaches of Yalu River. It starts from Hunjiang estuary in the East and ends atdadonggang in the west, with a total length of 210 kilometers and a total areaof 824.2 square kilometers. The scenic spot faces Sinuiju across the river. Ithas a superior geographical location, warm in winter and cool in summer,beautiful mountains and waters, and unique scenery of China and Korea.

The Yalu River is named for its color. The green water is just like theglittering green of a male ducks neck. People first called it the Yalu River,and it has been handed down to this day. The Yalu River originates from thesouthern foot of Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province, flows through Changbai,Jian, Kuandian, Dandong and other places, and flows southward into the YellowSea, with a total length of 795 km. It is the boundary river between China andKorea. The Yalu River flows about 300 kilometers through Dandong City. Thissection of the river is wide, beautiful scenery on both sides, in the estuaryarea, rich in silver carp.

The Yalu River Bridge has a long history, which can be traced back to theLiao Dynasty. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Yalu River began tobuild iron bridges, and two bridges were built between Dandong and Sinuiju. Thefirst one, built in 1909, is an open and closed bridge. In 1950, it was bombedby American aircraft in the Korean War. The pier still exists today, and nowthere is a tourist area of end bridge. The second bridge, built in 1940, is adual-purpose railway and highway bridge with a total length of 940 meters, whichis jointly managed by China and Korea. It is the main traffic route betweenChina and North Korea, and also a scenic spot for tourists.

Now what we see is the first bridge, also known as "broken bridge". It wasbuilt in 1909 and then in 1900. It was blown off by US aircraft and was built bythe Railway Bureau of the Korean governors office in Japan. This is a singletrack railway bridge with straight beam and slab. In the war of resisting U.S.aggression and aiding Korea, the broken bridge was the main channel for thevolunteers to go abroad and the main artery for transporting strategicmaterials. In 1950, it was blown off by American aircraft and became a wastebridge. It was opened in 1993 as a scenic spot for people to visit.

The turret on the side is the main fortification site of the Japanesepolice force guarding the bridge. The five storey turret is the most intactexisting highway defense turret in China, and also an irrefutable evidence ofJapans war of aggression against China.

Less than 100 meters to our left is the second bridge and the famous "YaluRiver China DPRK friendship bridge.". This bridge is a double track railwaybridge. The bridge goes up the railway and down the highway. At that time, thebridge deck of the highway was paved with wooden boards, but it was replacedwith cement boards in 1977. The steel beams of Yalu River Bridge, which has notbeen overhauled for many years, have been corroded and the pavement has beendamaged to more than 300 places. Some bridge decks have been displaced andbroken, resulting in the weakening of the bearing capacity of the bridge.

Friends, we are now in Hushan scenic area. Hushan scenic spot is located onthe Bank of the Yalu River in the Sino Korean border. It mainly includes theGreat Wall, sleeping beauty, one-step cross of the Sino Korean border, ancientplank road and other scenic spots. Among them, the most representative scenicspot is Hushan Great Wall.

Hushan Great Wall is located in Hushan Township, Kuandian County, DandongCity. According to research, it was built in 1469, which is the starting pointof the east end of the great wall of Ming Dynasty. It spans thousands ofmountains and rivers of the motherland, and is connected with the great wall ofJiayuguan in Gansu Province in the West. It can be called a monument left by theancients.

The Great Wall we see now was rebuilt in 1992. The restored Hushan GreatWall is mainly of masonry structure. In line with the principle of "repair theold as the old" of cultural relics, the trend of the restored great wall and thepositions of the enemy towers, wall towers and beacon towers are consistent withthe original sites of cultural relics and archaeological discoveries, basicallyreproducing the majestic appearance of Hushan Great Wall in history.

This mountain is the tiger mountain. It is an isolated mountain protrudingfrom the Yalu River. If you look at it carefully, it looks like a tigersquatting there, so its named Hushan.

Now please follow me to the Great Wall. The architectural structure of theMing Great Wall is very complete, including the city wall, city tower, enemytower, beacon tower, gateway and other parts. You can basically see the Hushangreat wall here.

This is the peak of Hushan, the first beacon tower of the Great Wall inMing Dynasty. From the beacon tower, you can have a panoramic view of thehigh-rise buildings in Dandong and the city of Sinuiju.

It should be said that the Great Wall culture has deeply embodied ournational spirit. The Great Wall, as a historical monument, will always stand inthe heart of a great nation!

Welcome to Yalu River scenic spot in Dandong again. bye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 5065 字

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Anyone who has read Ouyang Xius famous poem "the story of the drunkenmans Pavilion" in the Song Dynasty is fascinated by its beautiful scenery:"Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains. Its southwest peaks and valleys arebeautiful. Langya is also a beautiful place. Langya Mountain is about 5kilometers southwest of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province. It is a famous scenicspot. Langya Mountain was called motuoling in ancient times, but there aredifferent opinions about why it was named Langya later. One is that Sima Rui,the Langya of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once lived here and changed his name toLangya. Another way of saying is that Sima glazes, the king of Langya, theZhendong General of the Western Jin Dynasty, led several troops to "go out ofTuzhong" (referring to chushui Valley) to destroy Wu, and SUN Hao, the Lord ofWu, offered the seal of "yiglazes to surrender", so the mountain is calledLangya. "The collection of ancient and modern books? The collection of LangyaMountain" contains another saying: "people are similar to Langya Mountain in theEast China Sea of Shandong Province, so it is also called Langya Mountain."

Langya Mountain is steep and beautiful. Its peak is "towering but special";its valley is "leisurely and deep". The trees are thick and the flowers andplants are everywhere. Hundreds of years of pine and plum trees are vigorous andstraight. The unique Langya elm and drunkard elm pavilions are covered. TheLangya river is flowing. The spring and crape myrtle spring are scattered in themountains. Guiyun cave and Xuehong cave are mysterious. Nine caves and elevensprings are fascinating everywhere. Langya Mountain has a quiet scenery, knownas "no other mountain after Penglai".

Shenxiu lake is located at the turning point from Huibei gate to LangyaMountain Temple. It is a pool of water in ancient times and a place for visitorsto hang their hooks near the stream. In 1958, the peoples Government of ChuxianCounty expanded Shuitan into a small reservoir. In 1983, Langya MountainManagement Office adapted measures to local conditions and turned it into a newscenic spot. Because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and hasbeautiful scenery, it is named Shenxiu lake according to the sentence of "WeiranShenxiu" in Ouyang Xius zuiwang Pavilion. The water surface of Shenxiu lake isabout 540 square meters. Langya river is the source of the lake, and yujiawareservoir is the source of the lake. On the surface of the lake, there is abridge in the middle of the lake, which is called Jiuqu bridge because it hasnine curves. The bridge pier is made of bluestone, and the bridge deck is madeof cement prefabricated parts, which has obvious modern architecturalcharacteristics. On the bridge, there is a pavilion in the center of the lake,with golden glass tiles on the top, glass bird fence on the six corners, and thecharacteristics of ancient architecture. On the side of the lake, there arethree waterside pavilions with six beams, serving for tourism. Under thewaterside pavilion is the artificial bluestone foundation, and the lake waterruns through it. In spring and summer, tourists enjoy themselves with water,cool and refreshing, which is a wonderful place.

Huifeng Pavilion is the highest building in Langya Mountain. It startedconstruction in 1988 and was built on the remains of Huifeng Pavilion, a MingDynasty building in Nantianmen. The Huifeng Pavilion of the new building isbuilt on the mountain, beautiful and grand. From all sides, the shapes aredifferent. From the East, it has three floors, from the south, it has fourfloors: from the west, it has five floors. The height is 24 meters. Each floorof Huifeng Pavilion is octagonal with six sides. It adopts the style of cornicesand angles of classical architecture. The top of the pavilion is covered withyellow glazed tiles, carved beams and painted columns, which is simple andgenerous. The 24 bell corners of the pavilion are all equipped with bronzebells. When the mountain wind blows, the sound of gold rises everywhere. It ispleasing to the eyes and sounds like entering a fairyland. Sunny weather,boarded the peak Pavilion, far sighted, high sky wide, heart wide expression.Here the sun is warm, the mountains are vast, the mountains are towering,crawling at the foot, giving people the feeling of "looking at the smallmountains". Its probably because the mountains line up. As soon as you get aglimpse of it, it looks like a reviewing platform, where thousands of mountainscompete for beauty and thousands of peaks are gloomy. So this pavilion is namedHuifeng Pavilion. Because Huifeng Pavilion stands at the highest peak of LangyaMountain, people love to come here to look at the magnificent mountains andrivers of the motherland. Standing on the plain outside the mountain to thesouth of Huifeng Pavilion, there are few corridors on the ground, the smoke isvast, the villages are scattered, the ponds are shining like a mirror, and inthe clear and cloudless weather, you can still vaguely see the Yangtze Riverbelt dozens of kilometers away, and the vast east



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1658 字

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At 8 oclock in the morning, my mother and I went to jinbianxi inZhangjiajie to play. The main scenic spots along the road are Guanyin Songzi,jinbianyan, etc.

Eh! What kind of flower is it? Its said that its the famous Golden shrimpflower. Its a specialty of Zhangjiajie. When it blooms in autumn, the flowersare suspended by a green silk. When the wind blows, they swing left and right,just like a real lobster in the water. Whats more interesting is that when theflower seeds are ripe, as long as they are touched and snapped, "shrimp seeds"will "jump" out of their own hands. Its really interesting! At this time, Iinadvertently looked to the left. There is a small stone peak, just like aperson holding a child in his arms and looking ahead from a distance. The localpeople call it "Guanyin Songzi". It is said that long married infertile couples,as long as sincerely make a wish here, it is possible to achieve.

Eh? Isnt that jinbianyan? This jinbianyan, no matter what my mother and Ithink, is like a long whip that pierces the sky. The rock peak on the left sideof jinbianyan looks like a fierce eagle. It looks at us with its mouth and eyesopen, as if its afraid that well steal it. Thats funny! Thats why the localpeople call it "Eagle whip".

Finally I got out of the car with my mother. I ran to jinbianxi and playedin the water for a while. As for my mother, I went shopping nearby. At thistime, a furtive tortoise swam past me, so I grabbed it quickly, and even calledmy mother to come. My mother came to see the tortoise, quickly pulled out a bag,put the tortoise in the bag, and finally we sorted it out a little bit, happilywent back to the hotel.



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Welcome to! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x.For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me firstintroduce you.

Changsha media power is can not be ignored, the domestic mainstream media"hunan TV station in changsha kaifu district is located in the" horse barmountain, in addition, changsha, outdoor media, newspapers and magazines inmedia, and digital network media has hugely increased, changsha entertainmentmedia has been becoming a powerful media of mainland China, and even the world.Hunan satellite TV to mainland China earning the most-watched local TV stations,and the snare a large number of famous host and media workers. The main worksare "happy camp", "day day up", "Im a singer" "where dad" drama "the princesshuanzhu", etc.

"Super girl" and "happy boys" talent show held successfully and "dae janggeum", "xuanyuan sword", "(and) see the meteor shower together the mostbeautiful time, such as TV broadcast and further enhance the influence. Hunaneconomic TV as one of the most popular television hunan native, its ratings andsupport all does not matched with hunan satellite TV. Hunan via visual focus onlocal audience, so there are often broadcast with local characteristics ofhunan. Such as variety show more policy more happy, family film "a last-bornsrushed forward" and so on. With qinghai TV in 20__ launched a talent showblossoming flowers, it is a new revision test broadcasts in 20__ launched acivil draft activities, aimed at mining the excellent talents, provide theplatform. The development of Chinas domestic animation in changsha is quickly,this also makes the government is determined to build animation. Stateadministration of radio, film and the first approval of nine animation industrybase, changsha two exclusive.

Golden eagle TV festival in China, changsha as the permanent home, the goldis one of the most important award for Chinese film and television. Changshainfluential newspaper issued by the local newspaper "sansho metropolis daily","changsha evening news", "xiaoxiang morning post, a national newspaper Titansports, and female today newspaper, have repeatedly received" national localnewspaper management advanced unit "title. Titan sports for sports, Chinasbiggest circulation newspaper.

With the continuous development of Internet and computer technology, thetraditional media is turning to the Internet development, major newspapers haveintroduced electronic web version, make people read more efficient, moreconvenient access to information channels, including "sansho metropolis daily","hua sheng electronic online", "xiaoxiang morning herald", "changsha eveningnews", "stars online electronic loved by people. At the same time variousnetworks and changsha, changsha classified information network, Massachusettsare constantly emerging, common prosperity with changsha Internet economy.

Changsha of Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, protestantism, Islam, five majorreligions, religious staff of nearly 300 people, tens of thousands of people, bebaptized and to convert believers followers more than 100000 people. Yamaderafoothill, kaifu temple, temple, stone frost temple, cloud palace, scroll view,green yangshan monastery where foothill, mosques, Catholic church and theChristian north hall 10 religious site is listed as key religious activityplaces at or above the provincial level, the foot yamadera, kaifu temple,temple, stone frost temple monastery, one thousand of which yamadera foothilland kaifu temple is one national key temples of Buddhism in the han nationality;Yamadera foothill, kaifu temple, temple, narathiwat temple, north main street tothe north of the Catholic church, Christian church and Christianity church 7 inreligious activities such as site is listed as key cultural relics protectionunits in hunan province. As the provincial capital, changsha is a municipalreligious group is located, is also the seat of the provincial religious groups,religious people are relatively concentrated.

During the period of the republic of China, changsha have GuKaiFu temple,west yamadera, waring temple, temple, grace temple Lin, valley yamadera, GaoShantemple and tung creek temple known as the "changsha eight big jungle". Becauseexperience Wen Xi fire, after four changsha battle, the "cultural revolution",such as disaster, many temples were destroyed, in recent years, there is a smallpart of the temple rebuilt, such as the taniyama Po lam temple. Very strongGuKaiFu temple, incense every year. Also have the foot of the ancient capitalcity yamadera; Hongshan temple area YouHong yamadera; Ningxiang has a secrettemple, etc., are all important temples in changsha area. Changsha people alsolove to hengshan nanyue temple incense worshipping Buddha, for the purpose ofprayer. Taoist shrine in xingsha Lang pear town narathiwat temple, began in thenorthern and southern dynasties, more than 1500 years ago.

Due to the eight years war of resistance, Wen Xi fire and brokencapitalism, changsha urban area ancient relics of ancient almost wiped out. In1978 the mainland since the reform and opening up was carried out by the rapiddevelopment of urban construction, but there is no full consideration of thehistorical block protection, does not yet exist full of historical and culturalblocks, the remaining four complete granite street. Begin to pay close attentionto in recent years, the ancient city of rescue, set up five protective rescue"historical and cultural blocks, the blocks are: taiping street, tide of street,small order, Simon, historical and cultural blocks as pavilion.

Changsha rich underground cultural relics, important archaeological findshave writing in changsha, ningxiang charcoal relics of bronze ware in the river,but floor slips of changsha, the spring and autumn period and the warring statesperiod age hunan, copper kiln, etc.



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Danxia Mountain, Chinas Red Stone Park, is a World Geopark, world naturalheritage, National Nature Reserve and World Heritage site. It is located inRenhua county and Zhenjiang District, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province. DanxiaMountain is still one of the four famous mountains in Guangdong!

The total area of Danxia Mountain is 294 square kilometers. The main partsare yangyuanshan scenic area and Jinjiang Gallery scenic area. Therefore, wewill focus on these two scenic spots later. Now lets enjoy the beautifulscenery of Danxia Mountain!

Please follow me! When you walk into Danxia Mountain, you will first seeYangyuan mountain scenic spot. Because there is a wonder in the world, Yangyuanstone is 28.5 meters high. The main scenic spot is Yangyuan stone, with Kunyuanmountain in the north, corresponding to one Yin and one Yang. There are alsoHunyuan cave in ancient temple, seven Tiansheng bridges, mountain stone modelingof birds and animals, etc. Now we come to the Xianglong Lake scenic spot, whichis located in the valley on the south side of Danxia Mountain. It is namedbecause its lake profile resembles a soaring green dragon. Along the lake, thereare 18 natural and beautiful scenic spots, such as longxujian, jiulongfeng,Xianju rock, Wuyin rock, chenglongtai, qilongtai, etc.

Look again! The Jingjiang River in Jinjiang scenic area is like a jadebelt, passing through the peaks of Danxia Mountain from north to south. Alongthe bank, the red cliff faces the river, the zhubihui reflects, and the greenbamboo mingles with the bank. At present, we have opened up a 10 km water tour,with dozens of scenic spots along the way. From the downstream to WangjiangPavilion, you can see the beautiful scenery of Xianshan qiongge and all over themountain and stone basin, until Yangyuan mountain scenic area. After passing bythe scenic spots, there are carp leaping over the dragons gate, Jinyan greatChibi group images crossing the river, etc.

Dear tourists, Im sorry, because there are so many scenery here, we cantintroduce them one by one. Please go and see each other. Remember to gather atthe gate of Danxia Mountain scenic spot at 3 pm. Have a good time



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The Xixia mausoleum is the mausoleum of the emperors of the Xixia Dynasty.Although it has been destructively damaged, its shape is destroyed, but itsskeleton still exists. The grand scale, rigorous layout and the remaining moundsstill show the unique flavor and style of the times of the Xixia Dynasty.

Xixia mausoleum is located in the eastern foot of Helan, about fivekilometers from east to west, and about ten kilometers from north to south.Within the area of more than 50 square kilometers, with the natural rise andfall of hills and ridges, there are nine Imperial Mausoleums and more than 200accompanying tombs of princes and princes. The Yellow mausoleums are as tall ashills. They spread out continuously under the Helan Mountain. Under thesunlight, they are resplendent and magnificent. The scale of the Xixia mausoleumarea is similar to that of the Ming Tombs in Beijing. The ground buildings ofthe mausoleum are composed of turrets, gate towers, stele pavilions, outer city,inner city, sacrificial hall, tower shaped mausoleum platform and other buildingunits. The overall layout of the mausoleum area is a longitudinal rectangle, andit is arranged in a left-right symmetrical format according to the traditionalChinese pattern of taking the North-South central line as the axis. Xixiamausoleum is a unique form of Xixia architecture in China.

Xixia museum is the first Xixia royal mausoleum in China, which is a realand vivid reminder of the rise and fall of Xixia kingdom. Covering an area of5300 square meters, the museum imitates the architectural style of Xixia, withunique style. It not only has the momentum of modern architecture, but alsoechoes with the mausoleum site, forming a strong national architectural style.The museum has selected 671 most representative Xixia cultural relics and 413volumes of monographs, papers and magazine articles. In it, you can see carveddragon stone pillars, stone horses, glazed gallstones, Xixia inscriptions, stonestatue seats, Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist paintings, Xixia porcelain, officialseals, etc.; especially the 188kg gilt copper ox is a treasure of Xixia culturalrelics; and the Xixia ancient pagoda before maintenance is copied in a ratio of6:1; On the two floor, there are 8 selected Xixia murals, which show the essenceof Xixia grottoes and let people appreciate the brilliance and brilliance of theXixia kingdom. Many historical mysteries and unique national culture will surelyarouse your infinite reverie.



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Hello! Welcome to Hengshan, Nanyue! Zhangjiajie

Hengshan is located in the central and southern part of Hunan Province. Itis one of the five famous mountains in China. It is one of the first batch ofnational key scenic spots, the first batch of national 4A tourist areas and theonly "national civilized scenic spot demonstration site" in Hunan Province.Hengshan is known as "the most beautiful five mountains" and "the longevitymountain of China". Hengshan has 72 peaks, which start from Hengyang City in thesouth, Huiyan peak in the South and Yuelu Mountain in Changsha City in thenorth. The peaks are beautiful, magical, winding eight hundred Li and powerful.Just as Wei Yuan, a famous scholar in Qing Dynasty, described in Hengyue Yin,"only Nanyue is like flying."

The origin of the name of Nanyue Hengshan has been discussed in three wayssince ancient times. One is that Pangu created a new world. After his death, heturned into mountains and trees. His head turned into Mount Tai in the East, hisfoot into Mount Hua in the west, his right arm into Mount Heng in the north, hisabdomen into mount song in the middle, and his left arm into mount Heng in thesouth. Another theory is that Emperor Yan, one of the ancestors of China,pursued the immortal bird and beat it down with a magic whip, which turned itinto Nanyue. Now Hengshans emblem "zhuniao" is derived from it. There is also asaying that the ancients divined the human fortune according to the sky andstars. It is the so-called "the sky has stars, and the earth has cities.".Hengshan, the southern mountain, corresponds to the wing of the star in the sky.It can weigh the weight of heaven and earth like a scale, so it is calledHengshan. There is also a "Changsha star" beside the star, which is in charge ofthe longevity of ordinary people. Hengshan is also called "Shouyue" because itbelonged to Changsha in ancient times. "Nanshan" in "longevity is better thanNanshan", which people often say, refers to Hengshan.

The reason why Nanyue Hengshan can stand out among many famous mountains inthe country is due to its beautiful scenery, rich and diverse species andmagnificent weather.

Nanyue is known as "the unique beauty of the five mountains", with "show"as the main landscape feature. There are so many mountains, so many trees, somany clouds and so on. Its really "different scenery in five li, double sky inten li". The scenery of Hengshan is so beautiful and countless. Among them, themost famous are the "four wonders of Hengshan", the beauty of Sutra collectionhall, the depth of Fangguang temple, the height of zhurong peak and the wonderof shuilian cave.



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步入景区您迎面看到的宏伟建筑群是碧峰峡度假休闲区,它由接待中心、中高档客房、别墅区、夜总会、茶楼和篝火区共同组成。接待中心位于山顶平台之上,视野极其开阔,建筑面积达 25000平方米,集餐饮、会议、 娱乐、住宿、篝火、儿童游乐为一体,还配有1000多个车位的大型停车场。在您游览累了之后,这里将为您提供尽善尽美的服务,从浪漫帐蓬到五星级别墅应有尽有。让您在自然的怀抱中充分享受度假休闲的乐趣。


现在我们光要去的是碧峰峡野生动物园。它是西南的首家生态型野生动物园,占地3000亩,海拔800一1100米,总投资达2 亿元。碧峰峡野生动物门由观赏猛兽车行区和观赏温驯动物的步行观光区组成,其中车行观赏区分为散放狮区、散放熊区、散放虎区;步行观光区又分为水生爬行沟、猴谷、百鸟极乐园、动物表演场、骆驼散放区、鸵鸟散放区、象馆、生态蝴蝶园、小熊猫散放区、杂食动物区、非洲之角、鹦鹉散放区、鳄鱼池、蛇沟和极品动物区。在这里散放喂养着260少多种野生动物,其中属国家一、二级的保护动物有80多种,极品珍稀动物有四种。






















缓缓地走过“飞瀑流辉”斜坡,徜徉在五颜六色的彩池群畔,不知不觉到了黄龙沟第二级台阶前。横亘在游人面前的是一堵宽约40余米、高约10米的乳黄色崖壁,崖壁表面厚厚的钙化层似围幔、似悬瀑,十分壮美。崖壁表面溪水漫 流,像一层薄薄的轻纱飘飘洒洒地铺展在崖壁上,跌落在金黄色的池盆里。岩壁下端有一溶洞,高级约1米,宽约1.5米,洞前帘瀑似串串珍珠悬垂,洞内景物隐约可见。进洞1米处这密密麻麻的钟乳石挡住了去路,还没有人去探测此洞到底有多深。据地质学者考证,该洞是古代冰川的一个出水口。因其古老、神秘,于是当地藏民传说它是古时候仙人们净身的地方,因取名“洗身洞”。传说,凡人如想修行得道,必须先赤身进洞净身,就像汉族地区流行的斋戒前必须沐浴净身一样。这“至圣至洁”的洗身洞,由钙化物质结晶而成,足在洞内让自然流淌下来的泉水洗涤,可以洗刷掉过去的罪孽和全身的疾病,获得圣洁的身躯。由于洗身洞富有神秘色彩,当地藏民中又传说不育妇女进洞洗身后可喜得贵子。此传说颇富吸引力,因而进去尝试者还大有人在,不仅有中国人,甚至还有外国人。不过我奉劝各位,身体不壮实者千万不要轻易进洞去试,因洞内虽然洁净,但潮湿、阴冷、寒气逼人,经不起此“考验”者,不但达不到“净身”的目的,反而会遭致疾病缠身。

翻越钙化崖壁,眼前豁然开朗,展现在游人面前的是偌大一片坡状钙化景观。这就是被人们称为“金沙铺地”的钙化流。它长约1500米,宽100米左右,据有关专家认定:这是目前世界上发现的同类形态景观中面积最大,色彩最丰富的一处。坡面的岩溶层凹凸不平,色调以金黄色为主,间或有乳白色、灰色、暗绿色板块镶嵌其中。坡面上荡漾着一层薄薄的清流。由于 水流受坡面鳞状的钙化层而形成变幻莫测的银色涟漪,好似金河泻玉。零零散散生活在钙化坡地上的一簇簇水柳、灌木丛,以极其顽强的生命力与强风、劲流抗争,诉说着景观的古老历史。爬上金沙铺地顶端,俯视整个钙化坡面,竟是两侧低、中间一溜脊梁且表面呈鳞状,宛如一条黄色的蛟龙俯卧在坡面。到此,诸位一定已经想到,关于“黄龙”的传说故事,不正是源于这条坡状钙化流吗!






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Good morning, everyone. First of all, welcome to Fuzhou, Rongcheng. Im __tour guide of __ travel agency. Today we will visit Yongquan temple in Gushan.Now we have come to the parking lot of Gushan. Please follow me to get off andtake care of your valuables. Please also remember that our car number is min d __. Our tour time here is about 2 hours. Please get on the bus at 11:00.

Members, today we are going to visit Gushan, a famous mountain with a longhistory and culture in Fuzhou. It is said that there is a huge stone at the topof the peak, which looks like a drum. Whenever there is wind and rain, it soundslike a drum. So Gushan got its name. In the book "the story of moving a city"more than 1600 years ago, there was a saying that "the Left Banner and the rightdrum are unique in Fujian".

The altitude of Gushan is 1004 meters. The Yongquan temple we visited islocated at an altitude of 650 meters on the hillside. Yongquan temple, with ahistory of 1200 years, is one of the five largest jungles in Fuzhou. Yongquantemple is mainly composed of Tianwang hall, Daxiong hall and Dharma hall. Thereare "three railways" and "three treasures" in the temple. What are these "threerailways" and "three treasures"? During the tour, I will introduce them one byone. Well, members of the group, we came to the Mountain Gate of Gushan alongthis path. Please look at the couplet on the stone column: "why clean the land,dont close the empty door". This is a famous couplet, meaning pun. Please see,the mountain gate is built at the entrance of the hillside, and the mountainwind blows straight in, which can blow the fallen leaves and dust clean withoutmanual cleaning; In summer and autumn, typhoons are frequent, and the mountaingate is often blown down, so there is no more gate, leaving the empty gate. Fromits moral point of view, pure land refers to the pure land of Buddhism, which isspotless, so there is no need to clean it; empty land refers to Buddhism, whichis free of belief, so there is no need to close it. This couplet is also aTibetan head couplet, with the words "Jing" and "Kong" respectively. It iswritten in memory of the late abbot of Yongquan temple, master Jingkong.

OK, members, now lets go to luohanquan. Members, now we see that thisspring pool is "Luohan spring". It is said that during the construction of thetemple, a Abbot monk dreamed that there was a spring here. The next day, themonks dug here, and sure enough, there was a clear spring. So in order to thankLuohan for giving the spring, the monks called this spring Luohan spring, andYongquan Temple got its name.

OK, members, please turn around. Now in front of us, we can see the plaqueof Yongquan temple, which was written by Emperor Kangxi himself. The handwritingis simple and powerful.

Members of the group, please do not enter the temple for the time being,because I want to introduce the towers on both sides of us. Now, please guesswhat materials are used for this pair of small and exquisite towers in front ofus, and what role do the towers play in the temple?

Ah! You said it was made of wood, you said it was made of stone, and yousaid it was made of iron. No one seems to have guessed right. This pair oftowers are made of clay. They have a history of more than 900 years. The one onthe left is called the "solemnly robbing Thousand Buddhas pagoda", whichrepresents the Buddha of the past and the light burning Buddha. The one on theright is called "Xianjie thousand Buddha pagoda", which represents the presentBuddha Sakyamuni Buddha. The color of the two towers is brown. They are fired inlayers with clay, stacked and glazed. The tower is about 7 meters high and hasnine octagonal stories. There are 1038 Buddha statues on the wall of the tower.The earthenware firing tower we see today is very rare.

You can see that there are 72 tower bells, which are also made of clay.Whenever the wind blows, it will make a pleasant sound, which seems to send us ablessing of peace. Lotus petals, lion dances and dwarfs are carved on the baseof the tower, and inscriptions are engraved to record the time when the towerwas built and the names of the craftsmen. The two pagodas were originallylocated in Longrui courtyard in the southern suburb of Fuzhou. They were movedto Yongquan temple in 1972. Now it is listed as a provincial cultural relicprotection unit. These two pavilions are the evidence for the study of SongDynasty architecture. What role does the tower play in the temple?

In fact, the temple and the tower have a deep origin. Tower, Sanskrit zuduslope, originally meant tomb, dome. In ancient India, people called templespagoda temples. The temple is dominated by pagodas, in which people store therelics and scriptures of some eminent monks. The pagoda was regarded as anauspicious relic in the temple, and later evolved into a unique religiousbuilding. After Buddhism was introduced into China, the Chinese nation is goodat melting foreign culture and creating a culture rich in national material. Asa symbol of Buddhism, in the process of the Sinicization of Buddhism, the formof the pagoda has been diversified, including high, short, fat, thin, round,square, iron and wood. The purpose of the pagoda has been expanded from onlystoring relics and symbolizing Buddhism to merit, sustenance and commemoration,and even as a sign of maritime navigation, as well as special buildings relatedto geomantic omen. The pottery pagoda we see today is also a pagoda worthy ofyour appreciation. This pair of Song Dynasty pottery pagodas is one of the"three treasures" of Yongquan temple that we visit today. Here we give you 15minutes to take photos. In 15 minutes, we will visit the "three railways" andthe other two treasures of the "three treasures" of the temple. Thank you



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Dear tourists

Hello! First of all, please allow me to represent you___ The staff of thetravel agency warmly welcome you to Xiamen for sightseeing!

Xiamen is located in the southeast of China, on both sides of the Chinese TaiwanStrait, backed by Zhangzhou and Quanzhou plains, facing the Jinmen Islands. Itis a charming port and scenic tourist city. The city is composed of XiamenIsland, Gulangyu Island and some coastal areas on the North Bank of the inlandJiulongjiang River, with a total area of 1565 square kilometers. It has sevendistricts, Kaiyuan, Siming, Huli, Gulangyu, Jimei, Xinglin and Tongan, with apopulation of 1.31 million___ In 20__, the citys GDP reached 50.1 billion yuanand its total financial revenue reached 9.15 billion yuan. Xiamen dialect is oneof the eight major dialects in China.

As a tourist city, the overall style of Xiamen is "city on the sea, sea inthe city". Xiamen has 340 square kilometers of sea area and 234 kilometers ofcoastline, including 28 kilometers of deepwater coastline. Gulangyu Island withan area of 1.91 square kilometers and Xiamen island with an area of 133.54square kilometers are surrounded by sea water. Xiamen Island is connected withthe mainland outside the island by Xiamen bridge, Haicang Bridge and Jimeiseawall. Xiamen is just a river away from Chinese Taiwan. Xiamen Jiaoyu is 1.31 nauticalmiles away from Chinese Taiwans Kinmen Island, and Xiamen port is 165 nautical milesaway from Chinese Taiwans Kaohsiung port.

Tourists: Xiamen has a long history, but it has only been a port city forseveral hundred years. The history of Xiamen can be summed up in two sentences.The first sentence is "Tongan in ancient times, Xiamen today". Tongan countywas first established in 282 ad, with a history of more than 1700 years. Tongancounty was set up for the second time in 933. From the perspective ofadministrative division, from the second establishment of Tongan county to the19th___ Xiamen Island and its surrounding islands were all part of TonganCounty until Siming county was set up. In 1935, the executive yuan of thenational government changed Siming County into Xiamen City, which became thefirst city in Fujian Province, earlier than Fuzhou, the provincial capital___Year. After the founding of new China, the administrative region of Xiamen citygradually expanded and upgraded, and Tongan county was incorporated into Xiamencity. At present, Xiamen is a special economic zone, a vice provincial city anda city under separate planning.

The second sentence is "the key to Chinese Taiwan and the gateway to theSoutheast". This sentence points out Xiamens strategic position in military andtransportation in Chinas history and reality. As an important militarystronghold along the coast of Fujian, the Ming government built Xiamen City onXiamen Island in 1394 and stationed troops to defend it. Since the second halfof the 16th century, Xiamen has not only become the most important port for theoverseas Chinese in Fujian, but also gradually replaced the Erythrina port inQuanzhou and the moon port in Zhangzhou, becoming an important port in thesoutheast coast of China. In the middle of the 17th century, Zheng Chenggong, anational hero, took Xiamen as the base of "resisting the Qing Dynasty, expellingthe Dutch and restoring the Ming Dynasty", actively developed foreign trade onthe sea, and recovered Chinese Taiwan, the treasure island of the motherland. Soonafter, the Qing government took Xiamen as its base and sent troops to unifyChinese Taiwan. Subsequently, the Qing government set up Chinese Taiwan Xiamen military road inXiamen to manage the affairs of Xiamen and Chinese Taiwan, and then set up a customs inXiamen. After the Opium War between China and Britain in the middle of the 19thcentury, Xiamen was set up as one of the five ports. Foreign economy and tradehave been further developed.

The climate of Xiamen is subtropical marine monsoon climate. There is nosevere cold in winter and no cold in summer. The annual average temperature is21 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 1200 mm. In January, the lowesttemperature in a year, the average temperature is 12.6 ℃. The climate ispleasant and suitable for traveling all year round.

Tourists: to understand Xiamen, it is necessary to know its city flowers,trees and birds. The city bird of Xiamen is egret. Egret is a beautiful andelegant bird. It used to live in Xiamen Island. In addition, Xiamen island lookslike egret, so it is known as Egret Island. The trees and flowers of Xiamen arephoenix trees and triangle plum. Fenghuang is a typical tree species withbeautiful branches and leaves. In summer, the city is full of shade and redflowers, symbolizing the construction of Xiamen Special Economic Zone in fullswing. The triangle plum is simple, easy to breed, has many kinds of flowers andcolors, and can be used as bonsai. Egret, Phoenix wood and triangle plum are thecity flowers, trees and birds of Xiamen, which better reflect the style ofXiamen, the character of Xiamen people and the take-off scene of Xiamen SpecialEconomic Zone.

The transportation in Xiamen is very convenient. Modern tourism servicefunction is relatively perfect. Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport has opened 76domestic and international routes, including flights to Singapore, Penang, KualaLumpur, Manila, Jakarta, Osaka, Nagoya and Bangkok. There are about 380 flightsa week, and 22 airlines operate in the airport. It is one of the main aviationhubs in East China. High grade highways and expressways connect all parts of thecountry. Trains, passenger ships, buses and taxis are also very convenient. Theconstruction area of the first phase is 150000 square meters, with interiordecoration___ Xiamen International Convention and exhibition center withinternational standard booths___ It was officially put into use on September 8,20__, and successfully held the fourth China investment and trade fair. "110"joint action system, "120" emergency rescue system, "98161" tourism consultingservice are relatively sound. The nightscape projects in Gulangyu, huankudu lakeand Zhongshan Road are of high quality.

Xiamen is one of the best cities in China in terms of environmentalquality, and has the reputation of "the warmest city". It has been awarded thetitles of "national health city", "national environmental protection modelcity", "national garden city", "Chinas excellent tourism city" and "Chinas topten residential cities"___ In 20__, the environmental protection investmentindex of Xiamen was 2.12%, the green coverage rate of urban built-up area was37.7%, the urban sewage treatment rate and domestic waste treatment rate were60.51% and 97.75% respectively, the average value of regional environmentalnoise was 56.3 dB, the urban air pollution index was 42, and the standard rateof urban drinking water source was 98.18%. At the same time, Xiamen NationalNature Reserve for rare marine species is also set up, focusing on egret,Chinese white dolphin, amphioxus, etc.

Xiamen has a variety of scenic spots, mountains and sea. Islands, reefs,mountains, rocks, temples, flowers and trees are set off against each other. Thelocal customs of overseas Chinese, the customs of Southern Fujian, coastal foodand foreign buildings are integrated into a picturesque "sea garden". There isWanshi mountain on Gulangyu Island, a national key scenic spot. Zheng Chenggong,a national hero, has made great achievements in training troops, opening up thesea and recovering Chinese Taiwan, the treasure island of the motherland, which is stillthought-provoking and respected. The subtropical plant treasure house has formeda good environment for people to live in harmony with nature, which makes peoplerelaxed and happy. Here is Jimei, the hometown of the patriotic overseas Chineseleader, Tan Kah Kee: the boat race on the Dragon Boat pool is like an arrow offthe string; Daonan building, Nanxun building and Aoyuan blend Nanyangarchitectural style and Minnan traditional crafts, which is amazing; the Jimeilearning village invested by Mr. Chen Kah Kee is famous at home and abroad, andthe "spirit of Kah Kee" inspires generation after generation of Chinese to studyand save the country. There are Hulishan fort, an important ancient militarysite, the worlds ancient cannon king, the worlds largest existing ancientcoastal cannon, rare exhibitions of ancient Chinese and foreign swords, swords,guns, cannons and rare stones, and the famous thousand year old temple Nanputuotemple. There are also beautiful beaches such as gangchaihou, dadeji, Baishi andHuangcuo, qingjiao Tzu Chi palace dedicated to Baosheng Emperor Wu Zhenren,former residences and memorial halls of Su Song, Lu Xun, Oriental philosopherLin Yutang and angel Lin Qiaozhi, as well as overseas Chinese Museum, humanhistory museum of Xiamen University and Xiamen Museum . In recent years, XiamenChinese Taiwan folk custom village, Gulangyu Piano Museum, Bridge Museum, Gulangyu"underwater world", Jimei Aerospace Science and Technology City, Tongan filmand television entertainment city and two international golf country clubs havebeen built. In order to give full play to the advantages of the sea, Xiamen hasmade great efforts to develop marine tourism. At present, we have opened up asea tour line, and dozens of cruise ships are engaged in sea tourism. Watermotor boats, luxury speedboats, sports sailboards, power umbrellas and other seaand air tourism projects are on the rise. At the same time, the luxury liner"lion star" of Star Cruises company visits Xiamen every week from April toOctober every year.

Xiamen Cuisine has a long history and unique flavor. Mainly seafood, withthe characteristics of "clear, fresh, light, crisp, slightly spicy". XiamenCuisine originated in the Northern Song Dynasty and was originally a school ofFujian cuisine. Since the 1990s, Xiamen Cuisine has come to the fore from Fujiancuisine. It has become a school of its own, forming four series of seafooddishes, antique medicinal meals, Putuo vegetarian dishes and famous snacks.

Xiamens economy is full of vitality. At present, "two, three, one"industrial development path has been formed. In the second industry, we willfocus on the development of the three pillar industries of electronics,machinery and chemical industry, as well as the emerging industries ofinformation and biology, cultivate two to three enterprises with an output valueof more than 10 billion, and build a number of enterprises with an output valueof more than 1 billion. Foreign funded and Chinese Taiwan funded enterprises are themain force of the secondary industry. Xianglu, Kodak, Dell, Zhengxin and TDK areamong the best. The development goal of the tertiary industry is to build aregional international shipping, tourism and business center.

"A city is like a flower, half leaning on a stone, and ten thousand greenhills embracing the sea." Xiamen today is beautiful, Xiamen tomorrow will bemore beautiful. Once again, on behalf of the travel agency, I warmly welcome alltourists to Xiamen for sightseeing and vacation. Xiamen will leave you a warmand charming experience.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5872 字

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Dear friends: Hello everyone! Welcome to Fenghuangshan scenic area.

Dandong Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot is one of the four famous mountainsin Liaoning Province and a national scenic spot. It covers an area of 182 squarekilometers. It has high mountains, lush forests, waterfalls and springs. It ismagnificent and has different scenery in four seasons. Cultural relics andhistoric sites are everywhere. It is a famous tourist attraction. It has morethan 100 key landscapes with the ten major landscapes of "scenery, peak, danger,stone, cave, spring, object, temple, carving and trace" as the main line.

Dandong Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot is located 3 kilometers southeast ofFengcheng City. Fenghuang mountain was formed 150 million years ago. It belongsto the aftervein of Changbai Mountain. The main body is composed of granite,with huge cliffs, broad stones, moss like ink. The landscape is unique. The mainpeak, zanyunfeng, is 836.4 meters above sea level.

Since ancient times, Fenghuang Mountain has been known as "the first famousmountain in Liaodong", "the famous mountain at the gate of the country", "thefirst famous mountain of the Great Wall" and "the first famous mountain ofChinese adventure". As early as the Qing Dynasty, it was the first of the fourfamous mountains (Fenghuang mountain, Qianshan Mountain, Yiwulu Mountain andYaoshan mountain) in Liaoning Province. It is rated as a national scenic spotand a national 4A scenic spot.

Fenghuang Mountain has a long history and culture. It was called "Wugumountain" in the southern and Northern Dynasties and "xiongshan mountain" in thelate Sui and early Tang Dynasties. It is said that during the reign of emperorZhenguan of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, the emperor of Taizong, was on a tour tothe East. When he toured the mountain, a phoenix led a hundred birds to payhomage to it. Taizong was so happy that he named it "Phoenix Mountain", whichhas a history of more than 1300 years.

Scenic spots

Fenghuang Mountain has been built into the West and East Mountain scenicspots, with high mountains and luxuriant forests, crisscross streams andwaterfalls, and beautiful scenery. Since the Jin Dynasty, Fenghuang Mountain hasbeen famous for its eight beautiful sceneries. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the inscriptions on dashiya by literati made Fenghuang Mountain combine naturalbeauty with artificial beauty, forming ten world-famous scenic spots: Stone shedfor summer vacation, flying waves in streams, holy land of Doumu, mountainclouds for sea, Cangsong standing in the moon, strange rocks flying in the sky,pine path for autumn, Tianchi Lake in sight, overlapping peaks for clouds andDongdi Yingzhou.

The hero of Fenghuang Mountain

Fenghuang mountain is a majestic mountain scenic spot, which integratesnatural beauty and humanistic beauty, and integrates "majestic, dangerous,secluded, strange and beautiful". Its like a wonderful place for tourists toclimb the mountain and enjoy the scenery of "a thousand feet of blue and bluepaintings on the rocks, and a stream of poetry on the Sea Cloud Pavilion".

Fenghuang mountain is a "majestic" mountain. Seven steep peaks, such asJiangjun peak, Shenma peak and Jianyan peak, soar up to the sky and soar up tothe blue clouds. They look at the world and are the places for a hundred Li highand distant view.

The wonder of Fenghuang Mountain

Fenghuang mountain is a "strange" mountain! Stone wall crane shadow, goldenturtle courtship and other strange stone scenes are both vivid and vivid;Magnolia, Yuling, Rhododendron and other rare flowers vie for splendor andfragrance all over the mountain; more than 40 cliffs, such as "high mountainsand long waters", "standing in the middle of the sky" and so on, are engravedwith solemn, magnificent and colorful carvings; The trestle road in the air islike a dark dragon. You can lie in the mountains, look up at the heaven and theearth, and walk freely, making the tourists feel at ease.

The danger of Fenghuang Mountain

Fenghuang mountain is a "precipitous" mountain. The famous dangerousscenery of laoniubei, tiantianjue and baibujin make people afraid, daunted andawe inspiring. The "mountain city" is built on the mountain with grand scale andgreat momentum. The 800 meter cableway crosses the mountains, sweeps through thejungle and hovers at the mountainside and foot of the mountain.

The seclusion of Fenghuang Mountain

Fenghuang mountain is a "quiet" mountain! The scenery of mountain cloudsspreading over the sea and streams flying like a dream, beautiful as afairyland; danquan, Shengyuan, Fenglei and other mountain springs are sweet andrefreshing; Fenghuang cave, tongxuan cave and other winding paths lead toseclusion, with unique caves; Kublai tower, liberation memorial tower and othertowering stands, carrying history; Ziyang temple, Chaoyang temple and othertemples are solemn, simple and fragrant.

Phoenix Mountain show

Fenghuang mountain is a "beautiful" mountain. The scenery of Fenghuangmountain changes from time to time. It can be enjoyed in four seasons: thespring mountain is verdant, the azalea is red, the summer is full of clouds, thesound of waterfalls is heard, the autumn maple is beautiful, and the winter snowand ice cover the pine.

Fenghuang yam king temple was built in memory of Sun Simiao. The annualApril 28 Yaowang Temple Fair has been held since the Qing Dynasty. It lasts forthree days from April 27 to April 29 of the lunar calendar. During this period,merchants gathered, heroes gathered, lively, tourists as many as hundreds ofthousands of people.

"If I had known that the scenery of Fenghuang mountain was good, why shouldI have traveled thousands of miles to the south of the Yangtze River?". Now,Fenghuang Mountain has become the leading scenic spot in Dandong.

Thats the end of our explanation. When you visit by yourself, you must payattention to safety. I wish you a pleasant journey.



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Welcome to here! Im your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.

In 1993, Dandong Municipal Party committee and government invested morethan 2 million yuan in the development of the broken bridge. In recent years,another 4 million yuan has been invested in the addition of scenic spots andmaintenance. The broken bridge has become a patriotism education base andtourist destination with complete facilities and functions. It has been rated asthe youth patriotism education base of the province and the whole country, andhas officially become one of the second batch of 100 patriotism educationdemonstration bases in China. Over the past eight years, Duanqiao has receivedmore than 900000 Chinese and foreign visitors.

The broken bridge was originally the first bridge on the Yalu River. It wasbuilt in 1909. It is 944.2 meters long and 11 meters wide, with 12 holes. Thefourth hole is "open and close beam", which can be rotated to open and close andis convenient for ships to navigate. During the war to resist US aggression andaid Korea, it was bombed by US troops. The four remaining holes on the Chineseside have become the historical witness of the war to resist US aggression andaid Korea. Now it is a national patriotism education base. Visitors can climbthe bridge and find it by hanging. It is the main scenic spot of bridge scenicspot in Yalu River National key scenic spot.

The broken bridge of Yalu River is a vivid textbook of patriotismeducation, which integrates shame, struggle and achievement. In 1905, in orderto plunder China, the Japanese aggressors forcibly built this bridge on the YaluRiver. During the period of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, in orderto cut off our supply line, the U.S. Army blasted off this bridge on November 8,1950, leaving only the "broken bridge" on the Chinese side. Over the past 100years since its birth, this bridge has witnessed the hard journey of the Chinesenation from enduring humiliation to fighting, from experiencing setbacks toconstant victory, from being the master of the country to becoming rich throughreform and opening up. Standing on the broken bridge, we can not only review thehistory, enhance the patriotic enthusiasm, but also enjoy the achievements ofDandong since the reform and opening up.

In 1905, in order to plunder China, the Japanese aggressors forcibly builtthis bridge on the Yalu River. During the period of resisting U.S. aggressionand aiding Korea, in order to cut off our supply line, the U.S. Army blasted offthis bridge on November 8, 1950, leaving only the "broken bridge" on the Chineseside. Over the past 100 years since its birth, this bridge has witnessed thehard journey of the Chinese nation from enduring humiliation to fighting, fromexperiencing setbacks to constant victory, from being the master of the countryto becoming rich through reform and opening up. Standing on the broken bridge,we can not only review the history, enhance the patriotic enthusiasm, but alsoenjoy the achievements of Dandong since the reform and opening up.

In 1993, Dandong Municipal Party committee and government invested morethan 2 million yuan in the development of the broken bridge. In recent years,another 4 million yuan has been invested in the addition of scenic spots andmaintenance. The broken bridge has become a patriotism education base andtourist destination with complete facilities and functions. It has been rated asthe youth patriotism education base of the province and the whole country, andhas officially become one of the second batch of 100 patriotism educationdemonstration bases in China. Over the past eight years, Duanqiao has receivedmore than 900000 Chinese and foreign visitors.

In June 1993, the broken bridge was opened up as a tourist attraction. Onthe bridge, there are one viewing platform for the original bridge rotation andblasting, one turret, and 30 display boards for historical stories of thebridge. Tourists visiting the broken bridge can not only understand the historyof the broken bridge, watch the scenery on both sides of China and North Korea,but also stimulate patriotic enthusiasm and dedication to serve the country. InJune 20__, the Yalu River Bridge was named the national patriotic educationdemonstration base by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee. InAugust 20__, it was listed as a national key construction red tourist attractionby the national development and Reform Commission.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1652 字

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How do you do! Im your little guide: Li Xinyu. Welcome to Chengde summerresort. Located in the north of Chengde City, the summer resort is the largestclassical Royal Garden in China.

The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in QingDynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the south ofthe Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery in theworld. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many familieswere learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated,so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of Chineseclassical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer resort isthe epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Why doexperts say that? I would like to ask ladies and gentlemen to answer thisquestion after visiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind youthat the reason is related to the topography of the summer resort. Ladies andgentlemen, the summer resort is here. Please get out of the car. Now Ill showyou her style.

The antique door in front of us is the main door of the summer resort,which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of the Qing emperor. Today,I invite you to be the "emperor" and experience the emperors life.

People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touch Bangchuimountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touch Bangchuimountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you are interested, youmay as well go up the mountain and have a look.

This is the Chengde summer resort Ill show you.
