





范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1305 字

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6.3 在每批技术资料发运后24小时内,乙方应将合同号、空运提单号、空运报单日期、资料项目、件数、重量、航班号和预计抵达日期用电报或电传通知甲方。同时将空运提单和技术资料详细清单各一式2份寄给甲方。

6.4 若技术资料在空运中丢失、损坏、短缺,乙方应在收到甲方书面通知后30天内,免费外寄或重寄给甲方。在甲方收到技术资料后60天内,如果没有以书面形式提出资料不全或增补要求,则视为甲方验收。

6.5 技术资料采用英文,计量单位以公制表示。

第七条 考核与验收

7.1 合同产品的第一台样机,由甲、乙双方组成的联合考核小组,按附件七规定的时间和内容进行考核。如果符合附件一规定的技术要求,即可验收,并由双方代表签署合同产品考核验收合格证书一式4份,双方各执两份。

7.2 如果合同产品的技术性能达不到规定的技术标准,双方应友好协商,共同研究,分析原因,采取措施,消除缺陷,进行第二次性能考核。考核合格后,双方签署考核合格证书。

7.3 如果第一次考核不合格是乙方责任,乙方应自费再次派遣技术人员进特第二次考核。

7.4 经过第二次考核仍不能合格验收,若责任在于乙方,刚乙方须赔偿甲方遭受的直接损失。并采取措施艄除缺陷,进行第三次考核。

7.5 经过第三次考核仍不合格,如系乙方责任,则甲方有权终止合同,并接第九条的规定处理。若系甲方责任,则由双方协商合同进一步执行的问题。

第八条 技术改进

8.1 乙方提供的技术资料,如有不适合甲方生产条件的(如设计标准、原材料、外购配件及共他生产设备等一,乙方有责任帮助甲方修改技术资料,闪加以确认。在不影响合同产品性能情况下,应采用中国产的原材料、配套元器件和设备。

8.2 在合同有效期内,双方对合同产品的任何改进和创新,都免费将改进或创新的技术资料提供给对方。

8.3 改进或创新的技术所有权属于改进或创新一方,另一方不得对其申请专利或将其转让给第三者。

第九条 保证和索赔

9.1 乙方保证所提供的技术资料是乙方经过实际使用的最新技术资料,并保证向甲方及时提供任何改进和发明的技术资料。

9.2 乙方保证所提供的技术资料是完整的、正确的、清晰的,并保证按时交付。

9.3 如果乙方提供的技术资料不符合第六条规定,乙方必须在收到甲方书面通知后30天内免费将所缺的技术资料,或清晰、正确的资料寄给甲方。

9.4 如乙方的技术资料不能按本合同附件二规定的时间交付,乙方则须按下列比例支付罚款给甲方:




9.5 乙方按本条规定被罚款时,并不解除其继续交付技术资料的义务。

9.6 如果动方迟交技术资料6个月以上,甲方有权终止合同。乙方须将甲方已给交付的全部金额,并加年利_________%的利息,一并退还甲方。

9.7 由于乙方责任,验收不合格,造成甲方有能正常投产而终止合同时,乙方应退还甲方已经支付给乙方的全部金额,并加年利_________%的利息。





范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2591 字

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甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________

代表(签字):_________ 代表(签字):_________

签约地点:_________ 签约地点:_________

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日

附件:patent license contract

附件一 专利资料的名称、内容和申请情况

附件二 合同产品的型号、规格和技术参数

附件三 提成资的起算时间和计算方法

附件四 出让方查帐的内容和方法

附件五 对甲方人员的培训计划

附件六 乙方派遣专家的技术服务计划

附件七 产品考核验收办法

party a :_________

party b:_________


the patent right which said in the contract os owned by party b.

party b has the right and agreed to grant paryt a the rights to use,manufac-ture and sell the contract products of the ppatented technology;whereas party a hope to use the patented technology of party b to manufacture and sellthecontract products;

both parties au thorized representatives, through friendly negotiation, have agreeto en-ter into this contract under the ertms as stipulated below;article 1 definitions

for the purpose of this contract, the following terms have the following meanings;

1.1 patented technologymeans those letters patent, and applications thereforpresently owned or hereafter acquired by party b and/or which party bhas or may have therigt to control or grant license thereof during the term hereof in any or all countriesof the world and which are applicable to or may be used in the manufacture of cotract products.

1.2 contract productsmians the products described in appendis2 annexed hereto,to-gether with all improvements and modifications thereof or developments with respectthere-to.

1.3 patty ameans_________. or his legal representative, agent and inhetitorto theproperty of the company.

1.4 party b means_________,or his legal representative,agent and inheritor,to the property of the company.

1.5 the contraet factory means the place which party party a manufactures thecontract products. that is_________.

1.6 spare p`menas replacement parts for contract products or for any part there-of.

1.7 componentsmeans those components and parts of contruct produets which par-tyb has agreed or may from time to time agree in writing to permit party a to manufactureor sell.

1.8 technical documentsmeane engineering, manufacturing and originatinginforna-tion relatiog to the manufacture and servicing of contract products, includingdrawings, blueprints,design sheets, material specifications, photographs, photostats and general da-ta, and designs and pecifications relating to manufacturing contract producdts, tools and fix-tures, but includes,however, onlysuch information as is available to party b and applicable to the operations of party aunder this contract which detaile as per appendis 1 to the con-tract.




范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:建筑,全文共 213 字

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Party A:Party B:Contract NoDate:Signed at:Witnesses that the Party A for considerations hereinafter named, contracts and agrees with the Party B that Party A will, within_____ days, next following the date hereof,



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2624 字

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1.9 net selling price menans remaining amount of invoice value of thecontractprod-ucts, after deduction of packahing, installation and freight charges,trade and discount,commission,insurance and taxes and duties. if any, directlyapplicable to the prdduct.

1.10 the date of coming into effect of the contractmeans the date of raificationofthe contract by the managing constructure of the parties or by the competentauthorities ofboth parties, whichever comes later.article 2 scope of the contract

2.1 party a agrees to acquire from party b and party b agrees to transfer to party athe patented technology for contract products. such patented technology shall be in exactaccordance with the technologyof party bs latest products.

2.2 party b grants party a the non-exclusive right to design and manufacturecontractproducts in china and to markdt the said products in china and abroad.

2.3 party b shall be responsible& nbsp;to provide party a with documents relevant to thesaidpaptents and with special fittings of the samplemachine their concrete details andschedule ofdelivary being set out in appendix 2 to the contract.

2.4 the contract does not cover the patented technology for the parts from othercoun-tres.but party b shall provide party a with the specimens and the tecincal specifications andthe name of the manufacturers of the parts.

2.5 party b shall be responsible for the training of party as technicl personnelin party bs relevant facilities and also do its best to enable party as technicalpersonnel to masterthe patented technplogy of the aforesaid contract product (details asper appendix 5 to the contract).

2.6 party b is obliged to send at its own expense technical personnel to party asfacto-ry for technical service (details as per appendix 6 to the contract).

2.7 if it is required by party a. pafrty b shall be under an obligation to provideparty aat the most favourable price wity parts, accessories, raw materials, fittings,etc. for con-trade mark the two parties.

2.8 party b grants party a the rignt to use party bs trade mark, and use thecombinedtrade,mark of both parties or mark the wouding production according tolicensors licenceon the contract produets.article 3 price of the contract

3.1 price of the contract shall be calculated on royalty in accordance with thecontent and scope sipulated in artice 2 to the contract and shall be paid in_________.

3.2 royalty under the contract shall be paid from_________months after the the dateofcoming into effect of the contract in terms of calendar year. the date of settlingaccountsshallbe 31,december of each year.




范文类型:慰问信,全文共 744 字

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Dear MaryAre you better now? We are very concern about you. When we heard you hurt in a car accident, we were sad and some of the girls were full of tears. But luckily you were not badly hurt. We will go and see you after school and please dont be nervous and worry about you study. We will help you with your lessons. Youd better follow the doctors advice so that you will be better soon. YoursDear Same: I am deeply grieved to hear that that the accident you got in , and I am sorry about your hurted leg, and now you should go into the hospital and take a few days. At the same time,I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health., and that you will soon be out and about again. With kind regards,Yours sincerely,John



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 570 字

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Dear Amy,

I’m Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School of China. I’m sorry to hear that you got the lung cancer which brought you great pain. But you should realize that you are young and have a promising great future.

So, stand up and fight against the disease! I’m sure you will win. It is reported that the America anti-cancer association will donate three cents upon every comfort letter you receive.

So I will tell your situation to all my friends and ask them to write to you. In that way, you will get enough money for you to be cured. Hope you can be well soon.


Li Hua



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 1462 字

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On July 9th, 20xx, I went to Wenquan Town of Xifeng County together with 14 other students to start our 6-month internship. During this period, I was assigned to the office of the Social Affairs Office. Responsible for rural reconstruction in 20xx the end of the work and rural reconstruction in 20xx and four in the rural areas in the rural well-off construction work carried out.

Six months of working experience, let me gradually familiar with their work, but also improve the quality of all aspects of work, but also accumulated a certain amount of work experience. My work is monotonous and repetitive, but this is the most effective way of tempering the will, I told myself to be completed, to do everything in the process of difficulties, we must strive to not give up.

Six months of internship I learned a lot: first, the work of the government departments have a deeper understanding, but also more determined the direction of the future; work, we continue to apply the knowledge of books to practice, to The instructors learn excellent work experience, and thus lay the foundation for their future work.

This is not only a simple internship, or a life experience, is a valuable asset in life. Thanks to the town government to give us such a warm contact with the grassroots level, understand the opportunities of the grassroots. In the future, I want to participate in more social practice, honing their own at the same time so that they continue to grow.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1617 字

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Although the beginning of military training, when feeling particularly suited to the training is tired and pain, soak in their sweat all day, doing everything to obey orders, not arbitrary, but I can always stick to it, even in the The most tired of the moment did not relax the requirements of their own, asked when the hand and shoulder pressure was sore, I still teeth to maintain, maintain Junzi, and actively hone their own will quality. Later, more sweat, to adapt, and do not feel tired.

Military training let me understand how to do a qualified military is not easy, the military to pay more than we can not imagine the sweat, to be a soldier, we must discipline, obey orders. I am in military uniform is half of the military, through strict military training in their own requirements, my physique and will have been honed even stronger, this kind of bitter and tired I may never meet again, but may Will encounter even more tired of the challenges. I believe that after the military training I will not fear any hardships, I will be brave to face all challenges, no matter how serious the task, I will continue to complete the task.

Military training is also a team training, hard training created a well-trained company, marching, side guns, kettle, we everywhere unified action, we are concerned about each other, mutual exchange of experience, let us squareMore neat. Thirteen companies, even though this company formed only a short period of ten days, but it has been firmly in memory in each of the hearts of thirteen, 13 is the pride of the entire battalion! We created it Honor, and we are proud of it!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:行政,全文共 1955 字

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Has many years of human resources management experience, covering large group companies, finance, communications and other industries, well versed in human resources management philosophy, and has accumulated rich experience in practice and management. Excellent communication and coordination skills, strong analysis, problem-solving ability, with emergencies, contingency plans processing capacity.According to the diversification of the Groups business characteristics, subordinate companies in different industries at the same time planning and management, and rational deployment of resources. Good at human resources planning, the establishment and integration of system architecture, diagnosis of human resources and personnel structure of the layout, there have been restructuring of enterprises, personnel diversion of actual combat experience.

Optimistic, progressive and proactive. Through years of social experience and continuous learning, I have good communication and coordination skills, full of affinity and team awareness, a serious and responsible work; and be able to independently and calmly deal with all kinds of emergencies, the establishment of a good social and interpersonal relationships.

I am responsible for the work seriously, active and thoughtful, and has high organizational skills and communication skills; daily work can play a good team spirit, good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of colleagues around, with indomitable spirit to overcome difficulties. Years of administrative practice, I have accumulated some experience, recognizing the positioning of the administration should be "involved in government affairs, management services, improve service." Mainly responsible for the coordination of internal affairs, liaison with external departments, to provide staff with a comfortable working environment and create a harmonious working environment for the companys steady, sustained and rapid development of protection.



范文类型:接收函,全文共 1084 字

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Dear Mr Blake,

We confirm your letter and the enclosed samples and pricelist of June 15th .We

are grateful with your quickly reply.

We find the price and quality satisfactory,so we confirm our acceptance of your

quotation if you can guarantee the following conditions:

1.delivery on or before July.10.20__.

2.transshipment and partial shipment will not be allowed.

3.the item will be packed in one bag of about 20 kgs net each,three bags to a


4.payment is to be made by T/T. 50% deposit before delivery,50% after your

faxing copy of B/L.

We are glad to have conclude this deal with you.We hope it will be mark the good

beginning of the pleasant business relations between us.

The validity of our order is refer to your faxing copy of B/L reach us before July


Yours truly,



Enclosed order of Tapioca Chips:

Art.No. Quantity Unit price Amount

CIF Dalian

QT011 200MTS @USD120/MT USD 24,000

QT012 300MTS @USD150/MT USD 45,000

Total Value: USD69,000



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 415 字

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Since graduation I worked in mobile phone shop as a salesperson, cashier and manager, worked in company Amway China as a salesman, worked as salesman in Anta stores, work the cash register. I love the work, courage and hard working, study and work in Shes trying to learn all kinds of knowledge can include finance, marketing, market management, personnel exchanges and so on. I am familiar with computer operation.



范文类型:请假条,全文共 377 字

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Dear teacher,

I am not feel very well this days,and cough Seriously,so,I went to see a doctor yesterday, the doctor told me that I have had a badly cold, he let me stay in bed day and night, taking pills three times a day.As you know, I can not go to scholl.Cared by my families,I am sure I will get well soon,I will try my best to catch up with my classmates. Thanks!





范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2753 字

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(3)percent of the total contract price for delay exceeding weeks;

9.5 the payment of penalties by party b to party a as stipulated in article 9 shllnot releve party b of its obligation to deliver the said documents.

9.6 whenever the delay in delivering the said documents exceeds 6 months, party ashall be entitled to terminate the contract at its discretion and party b shall beobliged to re- fund party a all its payments together with the corresponding ingerestat the rate of... per-cent per annum.

9.7 if the verification tests fail with the responsibility lying with party b andif,as theresult,party a cannot start normal production with the contract having to beterminated, party b shall erfund all the payments previously made by party a to party btogether with the interest at the rate of... percent per annum.

9.8 if only some aspects of the properties of the product are not up to the standardsasstipulated in the contract and the responsibility lies with party b, party b shallcompensate party a with ... percent of the total contract price according to concredtcircumstances. ifthe responsibility lies with party a, party a shall pay the totalcontract price in accordancewith the stipulations.article 10 confidentiality

10.all drawings, designs, specifications and all other technical informationmade available under this contract by party b shall be kept strictly confidential byparty a who.shall not sell, transfer or divulge it in any manner to anyone exceptthose of its own employ-ees who will be using it in the manufacture of the products,without prior written consent ofparty b. party a may. however,supply such technicalinformation to its subcontractor to the extent necessary for such subcontractor tomanufacture parts of contract products,pro-vidingthat party a shall have suchsubcontractor agree, in writing, to hold suchnical information strictly in confidence.

10.2 ln case any part (s) or all of the above-mentioned technical information havebeen madepublic by party b or any third party. party a shall be thus released form theresponsi-bilityfor keeping secret the part(s) or all of the technology already published.

10.3 after the termination of the contract, party a shall have the rigbt to usetheatents supplide by b, i. e. paryt a shall still have the right to design,manufacture,use,and export contract products.article 11 infringement

11.1 party b guarantees that it is the legitimate owner of the patent to thestipulations of the contract, and that it is lawfully in a position to transfer thepatent to party a. of accusation of infringing the rights of a third party occurs,party b shall be responsible for the matter and fully the legal andeconomicresponsibilities trising therefrom




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,招生,全文共 694 字

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is , from City, province middle school. I feel very honored to have the opportunity to participate in the interview of your school. My dream is to obtain the ideal of the University of , in certain disciplines, diligently pursue, continue to explore and grasp more knowledge, parents upbringing, training feedback of state and society. Although I am in the culture of learning lessons are not our school the best, but I want to University of science and the pursuit of knowledge is unwavering.

Please rest assured, I will not live up to the expectations of parents and teachers, I will study hard, armed with knowledge, honor to act as his alma mater.



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 4442 字

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一、a week QiXi, Pepsi, everything fenda! Wish lovers love you parents love you, brother protect a you, sickness away from you, free house fly to you wish millions lottery ticket in you, dreams go to you. Anyway, all the rest!

二、raise life sail toward the path to success wish happy life with you every day with great sincere friendship to bless you 10 million of present blessings from the this end, to LianZhui filled with pleasant sensation forever, forever...

三、In this season, loving me send you a full bosom thoughts and endless blessing. Wish with all the blessings of a beautiful, bring you joy and comfort, peace, may all the blessings of a beautiful belong to you. A blessing, I will never fade in a raider leisurely blessing, regards the eternal violations of heart.

四、In the summer weekend is approaching, let my blessing such as warm winter, spring, summer breeze Yang parasol, wind resistance of sand, for you to go to the warm, send message and cool and refreshing, no him for that.

五、And to the weekend, busy week you can a little rest, may this afternoon warming Yang with you through a happy weekend

六、 meteor, make your wish; Sunshine, give you warmth; The fragrance of the flowers, give you sweet; Friends, bring you happiness. Text messages to you to bless. Another weekend, may you be happy, smile sweet!

七、the weekend is not omnipotent, but no weekend is absolutely impossible. Weekend to, may you want to sleep, want to be drunk drunk, is not tired; Want to run, run, want to jump, is not to worry. Rest assured, happy will accompany you all the time.

八、more tired than biniu, sleep less than chicken, price competition rockets, the farmers, work pressure, work life, at the end of the weekend, bless to send, life this cruel, also need to put to the fair, a good attitude every day, happy life come!

九、weekend to, leisurely enjoy, healthy body to care; Mo worry, mo you hurt, mo let the mood more agitated; Smiling face show, enjoy leisurely, carefree and carefree; May be comfortable, willing to be happy, happy without borders.

十、 weekend to, heart and laughter; Get your beauty sleep, go to the streets, golden sunshine, sweet quiet, the autumn breeze soft, in this boundless autumn scenery, I wish you happy weekend!

十一、 sincere friendship does not need words, good stories have no good results, miss your friends are always connected, the blessing of the airwaves will not rest, beautiful yearning for no distance. Sms greetings to the table, I wish you a happy weekend!

十二、 work is not too tired, mood is too depressed, drink more water in summer, more party at the weekend, friendship is precious, friends are sincere relative, life add fun, happy every day! Have a nice weekend.

十三、on Monday, Tuesday, there was a great deal of Pear. on Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, it was a mess. Friday was the darkest day before dawn. Saturdays Sunday night was coming. the weekend is coming. youre so happy. dont hurry up and pay me the bill!

十四、 weekend to, weekend early, weekend to ask a good, Xiao Xiao text message is really small, value is only a hair, but can I deep blessing table, I wish you a good mood at the weekend, life is good things!

十五、 Sunday to, text to wish you good: weekend is good, dont work hard on Sunday; The weekend rest is good and the work is efficient; After physical and mental adjustment, easy to worry. Tomorrow is the beginning of a weeks work, and may you be full of money!

十六、 in the Yangtze river the waves behind drive on those before, writers die in text messages; Writing a text message against the wall, Venus sparks a flash of lightning; Text funny volume tsunami, somersault in the beach: after reading this text, you can laugh and smile!

十七、 busy life, when there is fatigue; The days of running around, at the end of fatigue. Weekend comes, busy for a week, do you feel tired? Have a good rest, watch your body!

十八、 a sweet cry: dear, a touch of tenderness: do you miss me? One missing your heart: boom, a crisp text message: dont think, only to give you a sentence: " happy weekend! "!

十九、 every day, eight or nine nights a day, a day and a night, the bonus is almost no, the weekend again, no need to take a rest! I wish you enjoy the weekend of your happiness, happiness doubled!

二十、although the weekend is only two days, but it bears all my concerns about you, " the sparrow is small," not only that, it also bears the usual busy and neglected to convey greetings, I wish you a happy weekend!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 776 字

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I live in chengdu with my family.

Both my parents are teachers of a college, I study in balizhuang school which was known as chengdu foreign lauguage school.

After graduate,I went to beijing for further study.Soon I became a student of foreign affair college, received bachelor degree.

When I came back, I found a job in mianyang, entering the changhong company, became an employee of the export department, which last for almost two years.

During that time, I began to think, will my life be like this forever, Im not really content with such assistant job. At that time, the company decided to move our department to zhongshan which is in guangdong. I made an agreement with the company, ended the contract.

After that, i went back to chengdu, work in a small export company now.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:社团,全文共 1595 字

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Everybody is good! Im from the department of economics -- -- -- -- --. My character lively and cheerful, like make friends, also like to participate in various activities at ordinary times, so have a good interpersonal relationship. In addition, my thinking is more active, often have good creativity and ideas, in particular, I want to be able to join 靑 years volunteer association, and everybody working together, planning more rich and colorful activities, and through these activities truly achieve perfect oneself, radiation the purpose of others.

year for me is a volunteer association is permeated with love and warm family and from here, everyone can get the pleasure of helping others. This kind of fun, I believe that I have the ability to create the joy. A responsible man, far afraid tired, organized a serious and responsible.

Because I have a love heart, I used to be our local volunteers often take part in various volunteer activities, has a wealth of experience. So, Im going to be able to do the job. ) Maybe Im not the best, but I will be one of the most responsible for, maybe I am not the most intelligent, but Ill be more hard one.

If I can have the honor to join in, I will be adhering to the "students wholeheartedly service" the purpose, innovation, forge ahead, and actively and effectively in order to develop each work. Hope to be able to give me this opportunity to engage in volunteer service, Id like to take my enthusiasm to join volunteer association of unity and friendship among the collective  years!! Let me use the "sacrifice light youth"! Thank you very much!



范文类型:招聘,自我评介,全文共 840 字

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my name is chen lizhou from sichuan province. i’m now a student of seu, major in medical inspection.

being a doctor is one of the most admirable occupations in the world. since i were very sick the moment i were given birth to, i couldn’t have lived on without the power of these magical doctors and nurses. so i wished to be a good doctor at a very young age to help other patients like me.

consequently, after the college entrance examination, i applied for this medical college and attended successfully.

as we all know, medical study is much tougher than other professions. besides some fundamental courses, there are more professional subjects that require a good memory. although i am aware that i’m not good at memorizing, i won’t give in and i believe that tears and sweats will surely bring me success and realize my childhood dreams.



范文类型:请假条,全文共 390 字

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正文:写清请假的缘由,请假的起止时间。在第三行空两格写起。最后常以“请予准假”,“此致敬礼”,“不胜感激”等用语结束。 落款:署名和日期的写法同一般书信。在右下方署上请假人姓名。姓名下方标注请假日期。








范文类型:祝福语,全文共 959 字

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范文类型:自我评介,全文共 809 字

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hello everyone. it is really my honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. i hope i can make a good performance today. now i will intorduce myself briefly. my name is roro, i was born in zhangzhou city. i was graduated from fuzhou university. my major is eb. and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx.

i spend most of my time on study , i have passed cet6, and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

in december 20xx, i began work for a small private company as a common worker in fuzhou city. because i want to change my working environment ,and i`d like to find a job which is more challenging. so i decided to change my job.

i think i`m a good team player and i`m a person of great honesty to others. also i am able to work under great pressure.
