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海棠湾 位于海南省三亚市东北部海滨,距三亚市区28公里,南面与亚龙湾国家旅游度假区毗邻。与亚龙湾、大东海湾、三亚湾、崖州湾并列三亚五大名湾。海棠湾风光旖旎,沉寂异常。与亚龙湾、大东海相比,这里还没有染上城市的喧嚣与繁闹。


海棠湾风景迷人早在建省初期的三亚城市发展总体规划中,海棠湾即被列为一个独立的组团,规划用地面积100平方公里,当时的定位是以发展科研、国际交流、旅游度假及热带田园观光为主的生态城市组团。由于被预留为城市远景发展备用地,海棠湾的资源环境因此得到了完好保护 。




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Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province!

Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River.

At first I’ll have a brief introduction of Yangtze River, the Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, the third longest in the World, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River, next only to the Amazon and the Nile, is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation.

When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side, creating one of natures most fantastic sights. The Three Gorges---Qutang, wuxia and xiling----start just after Fengjie and end near Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest.

Qutang Gorge is the smallest and shortest Gorge, but grandest of the three. The Yangtze River, mighty and rapid here is suddenly contained like a thousand seas poured into one cup, as the Song Dynasty poet SU Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins of their crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts, but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period (475bc----221BC)

Wu Gorge extends 40 kilometers along which the river snakes between based strange-shaped mountain peaks, each of which has a reputation based on a beautiful legend. The story of the 12 Peaks of Wushan goes like this: 12 nymphs once descended to enjoy themselves in the secular world. Finding how perilous Wushan Gorge was, they decided to stay there to protect ships. As time went by, they transformed themselves into 12 peaks. The Goddess Peak, the most graceful of the 12, is said to have been yaoji, the youngest daughter of the Queen mother of the Western Heaven .Goddess Peak stands out from the other peaks on the northern bank to be the first to greet the morning sun and the last to bid it farewell, hence its another name, Viewing the glow Peak. Seen at a distance, it resembles the silhouette of a beautiful young lady.

Down stream from the zigzagging Wuxia Gorge is Xiling Gorge which stretches 78 kilometers eastward and the cliffs on either side rise to just over 900 meters. Xiling Gorge is awesome with its dangerous rapids, shoals, reefs, sharp turns, billowy whirlpools. The water at one point is so turbulent that it seems to be boiling during the flood season. Xiling Gorge in the east consists of several small gorges. On the top of another is a rock that looks like a sword. On the crag of the north bank are two pieces of brown rock, which are named Bulls Liver and Horse Lung, whose shape they take. Next does the Lantern Shadow Gorge, which has four rocks, resemble Monk Xuan Zang and his three disciples---Monkey, Piggy and Sandy in the classic Chinese adventures of the four on their way to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

Around the last bend of Xiling Gorge stretches a vast plain. The river suddenly becomes wide here. Travelers on the Yangtze cruise may also visit many sites of historical and scenic interest along the river banks including the ruined of baidi Town and Precious Stone Village.

Everyone knows that the Yangtze Gorges are changing since the well-known Three Gorges Dam Project is being built at Sabdouping, Yichang, Hubei Province. The dam is 181 meters in height. Its construction investment comes up to 203.9 billion rmb, equals to 24.65 billion U.S. dollars. The installed power generation capacity is expected to be 18.2 million kilo watts. With the dam built, the flood in the Yangtze River valley will be controlled, navigation improved besides the economic benefits. Tourism will be little affected. Many cultural and historical relics are now being removed to a higher ground before the rise of the water level approaches.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has gone very quickly and your trip is drawing to a close. It’s a pity that you cannot stay here any longer. Please allow me, then, take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and if you come back in the future, I hope to see you again and be your guide again.


(In front of the meridian gate)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am pleased to serve as your guide today.

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy.

It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan(North Star). The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence. In folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass. Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people.

The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.

The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west. It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters .A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex. Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall. There are four entrances into the city: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate(Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate(Gate of military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate(Western Flowery Gate )to the west ,the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) to the east.

Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the Forbidden City. A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed. Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County in Hebei Province. Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province. Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China. Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province .Timber was cut ,processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions.

The structure in front of us is the Meridian Gate. It is the main entrance to the forbidden City. It is also knows as Wufenglou(Five-Phoenix Tower). Ming emperors held lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar year in hornor of their counties .They also used this place for punishing officals by flogging them with sticks.

Qing emperors used this building to announce the beginning of the new year. Qing Emperor Qianglong changed the original name of this announcement ceremony from ban li(announcement of calendar)to ban shou(announcement of new moon )to avoid coincidental association with another Emperor` s name, Hongli, which was considered a taboo at that time. Qing Dynasty emperors also used this place to hold audience and for other important ceremonies. For example,when the imperial army returned victoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the Emperor presided over the ceremony to accept prisoners of war.

(After entering the Meridian Gate and standing in front of the Five Marble Bridges on Golden Water River)

now we are inside the Forbidden City.Before we start our tour, I would like to briefly introduce you to the architectural patterns befour us .To complete this solemn, magnificent and palatial complex, a variety of buildings were arranged on a north-south axis, and 8-kilometer-long invisible line that has become an inseparable part of the City of Beijing. The Forbidden City covers roughly one –third of this central axis. Most of the important building in the Forbidden City weree arranged along this line. The design and arrangement of the palaces reflect the solemn dignity of the royal court and rigidly –stratified feudal system.

The Forbidden City is divided into an outer and an inner count.We are now standing on the southernmost part of the outer count. In front of us lies the Gate of supreme Harmony .The gate is guarded by a pair of bronze lions ,symbolizing imperial power and dignity. The lions were the most exquisite and biggest of its kind. The one on the east playing with a ball is a male, and ball is said to represent state unity. The other one is a female. Underneath one of its fore claws is a cub that is considered to be a symbol of perpetual imperial succession. The winding brook before us is the Golden Water River. It functions both as decoration and fire control .The five bridges spanning the river represent the five virtues preached by Confucius :benevolence, righteousness, rites, intellence and fidelity. The river takes the shape of a bow and the north-south axis is its arrow. This was meant to show that the Emperors ruled the country on behalf of God.

(In front of the Gate of Supreme Harmony)

The Forbidden City consists of an outer countyard and an inner enclosure. The out count yard covers a vast space lying between the Meridian Gate and the Gate of Heavenly Purity. The “three big halls” of Supreme Harmony, Complete Harmony and Preserving Harmony constitute the center of this building group. Flanking them in bilateral symmetry are two groups of palaces: Wenhua (Prominent Scholars) and Wuying (Brave Warriors) . The three great halls are built on a spacious “H”-shaped, 8-meter-high, triple marble terrace, Each level of the triple terrace is taller than the on below and all are encircled by marble balustrades carved with dragon and phoenix designs. There are three carved stone staircases linking the three architectures .The hall of supreme Harmony is also the tallest and most exquisite ancient wooden-structured mansion in all of China. From the palace of Heavenly Purith northward is what is known as the inner court, which is also built in bilaterally symmetrical patterns. In the center are the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Union and Peace and Palace of Earthly Tranquility, a place where the Emperors lived with their families and attended to state affairs. Flanking these structures are palaces and halls in which concubines and princes lived. There are also three botanical gardens within the inner count, namely, the imperial Garden, Caning garden and Quailing garden. An inner Golden Water River flows eastwardly within the inner court. The brook winds through three minor halls or palaces and leads out of the Forbidden City. It is spanned by the White Jade Bridge. The river is lined with winding, marble –carved balustrades. Most of the structures within the Forbidden City have yellow glazed tile roofs.

Aside from giving prominence to the north-south axis, other architectural methods were applied to make every group of palatial structures unique in terms of terraces, roofs, mythical monsters perching on the roofs and colored, drawing patterns. With these, the grand contour and different hierarchic spectrum of the complex were strengthened. Folklore has it that there are altogether 9,999 room-units in the Forbidden City. Since Paradise only has 10,000 rooms, the Son of Heaven on earth cut the number by half a room. It is also rumoured that this half –room is located to the west of the Wenyuange Pavilion (imperial library). As a matter of fact, although the Forbidden City has more than 9,000 room-units, this half-room is nonexistent .The Wenyuange Pavilion is a library where “Si Ku Quan Shu”- China `s first comprehensive anthology-was stored.

(After walking past the Gate of Supreme Harmony)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the great hall we are approaching is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the biggest and tallest of its king in the Forbidden City. This structure covers a total building space of 2,377 square meters, and is know for its upturned, multiple counterpart eaves . The Hall of Supreme Harmony sits on a triple “H”-shaped marble terrace the is 8meters high and linked by staircases. The staircase on the ground floor has 21 steps while the middle and upper stairways each have 9.

The construction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony began in 1406. It burned down three times and was severely damaged once during a mutiny. The existing architecture was built during the Qing Dynasty. On the corners of the eaves a line of animal-nails were usually fastened to the tiles. These animal-nails were later replace with mythical animals to ward off evil spirits. There are altogether 9 such fasteners on top of this hall. The number nine was regarded by the ancients to be the largest numeral accessible to man and to which only the emperors were entitled.

There was a total of 24 successive emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties who were enthroned here. The ball was also used for ceremonies which marked other great occasions: the Winter Solstice, The Chinese Lunar New Year, the Emperor` s birthday, conferral of the title of empress, the announcement of new laws and policies, and dispatches of generals to war .On such occasions, the Emperor would hold audience for his court officials and receive their tributes.

This area is called the Hall of Supreme Harmony Square, which covers a total of 30,000 square meters, Without a single tree or plant growing here, this place inspires visitors to feel its solemnity and grandeur. In the middle of the square there is a carriageway that was reserved for the Emperor. On both sides of the road the groud bricks were laid in a special way seven layers lengthwise and eight layers crosswise, making up fifteen layers in all. The purpose of this was to prevent anyone from tunneling his way into the palace. In the count yard there are iron vats for storing water to fight fires. In the whole complex there are altogher 308 water vats. In wintertime, charcoal was burned underneath the vats to keep the water from freezing .Why so vast a square? It was designed to impress people with the hall` s grandeur and vastness. Imagine the following scene. Under the clear blue sky, the yellow glazed tiles shimmered as the cloud-like layers of terrace, coupled with the curling veil of burning incense, transformed the hall of supreme Harmony into a fairyland. Whenever major ceremonies were held, the glazed, crane-shaped candleholders inside the hall would be it, and incense and pine branches burnt in front of the hall. When the Emperor appeared, drums were beaten and musical instrument played. Civilian officials and generals would kneel know in submission.

The last Qing emperor Puyi assumed the throne in 1908, at the age of three, His father carried him to the throne. At the start of the coronation, the sudden drum-beating and loud music caught the young emperor unprepared .He was so scared that he kept crying and shouting,”I don’t want to stay here. I want to go home.” His father tried to soothe him, saying, ”It` all soon be finished .It` all soon be finished ”The ministers present at the event considered this incident inauspicious. Coincidentally, the Qing dynasty collapsed three years later and there with concluded China `s feudal system that had lasted for more than 2,000 years.

(On the stone terrace of the Hall of Supreme Harmony)

This is a bronze incense burner. In it incense made of sandalwood would be burnt on important occasions. There are altogether 18 incense burners, representing all of the provinces under the rule of the Sing monarchs. On either side of the Hall, 4 bronze water-filled vats were placed in case of fire. Next to the terrace on either side, there is a bronze crane and tortoise, symbols of longevity. This copper-cast grain measure is called ”jialiang.” It served as the national standard during the Qing dynasty. It was meant to show that the imperial ruler were just and open to rectification. On the other side there is a stone sundial, an ancient timepiece. The jialiang and the sundial were probably meant to show what the Emperor represented: that he was the only person who should possess the standards of both measure and time.

In the very forefront of the Hall of Supreme Harmony , there are 12 scarlet , round pillars supporting the roof. The hall is 63 meters from east to west and 37 meters from north to south, It is 35 meters in height. In front of this architechture, there stands a triple terrace with five staircases leading up to the main entrance .It has 40 gold doors and 16 gold-key windows with colored drawings on the pillars and beams. In the middle of the hall, a throune carved with 9 dragons sits on a 2-meter-high platform. Behind the throne there is a golden screen and in front of it, there is a imperial desk . The flanks are decorated with elephants, Luduan(a legendary beast), cranes, and incense barrels. The elephant carries a vase on its back that holds five cereals(i. e. rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and beans),which was considered a symbol of prosperity. As ancient legend has it that luduan can travel 18,000 li (9,000 kilometers )in one day and knows all languages and dialects. Only to a wise adjust monarch will this beast be a guardian.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is also popularly known as Jinluan Dian (gold bell hall or the throne hall). The floor of the hall is laid with bricks that turn it into a smooth, fine surface as if water has been sprinkled on it .The so-called golden brick, in fact, has nothing to do with gold. Reserved exclusively for the construction of the royal court, it was made in a secretive, and complex way, and, when struck, sounds like the clink of a gold bar. Each brick was worth the market price of one dan (or one hectoliter ) of rice.

The hall is supported by a total of 72 thick pillars .Of these, 6 are carved in dragon patterns and painted with gold and surround the throne. Above the very center of this hall there is a zaojing, or covered ceiling, which is one of the Specialities of China `s ancient architure. In the middle of the ceiling is a design of a dragon playing with a ball inlaid with peals. This copper ball, hollow inside and covered with mercury, is known as the Xuanyuan Mirror and is thought to be made Xuanyuan, a legendary monarch dating back to remote antiquity. The placing of the caisson above the throne is meant to suggest that all of China` s successive emperors are Zuanyuan` s descendants and hereditary heirs. Now you might have noticed that the Xuanyuan mirror is not directly above the throne. Why? It is rumored that Yuan Shikai, a self-acclaimed warlord-turned emperor moved the throne further back because he was afraid that the mirror might fall on him .In 1916 when Yuan Shikai became emperor, he removed the original throne with a Western-style, high-back chair. After the foundation of the People` s Republic of China in 1949 the throne was found in a shabby furniture warehouse. It repaired and returned to the hall.

(Leading the tourist to the bronze vats either on the east or the west)

the water vats in front of the palaces or house were called “menhai,” or sea before the door by the ancient Chinese. They believed that with a sea by the door, fire could not wreak havoc. The vats served both as a decoration and as a fire extinguisher. They were kept full of water all year round.

During the Qing Dynasty, they were altogether 308 vats in the palace enclosure. They were made of gilt bronze or iron. Of couse, the gilt bronze vats were of the best quality. When the allied forces (Britain, Germany, France, Russia, the United States, Italy, Japan and Austria) invaded Beijing in 1900 under the pretext of suppressing the Boxer Rebellion, the invaders ransacked the imperial compound and scraped and gold off the vats with their bayonets. During the Japanese occupation of Beijing, many vats were trucked away by the Japanese to be made into bullets .

(In front of the Hall of Complete Harmony)

The square architecture before us is called the Hall of Complete Harmony. It served as an antechamber. The Emperor came here to meet with his countiers and add his final touches to the prayers which would be read at the ancestral Temple. The seeds, snowers and prayer intended for spring sowing were also examined here. The two Qing sedan chairs here on display were used for traveling within the palace during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.

(In front of the hall f Preserving Harmony)

this is the Hall of Preserving Harmony. During the Qing Dynasty, banquets were held here on New Year` s eve in honour of Mongolian and Northwestern China` s xingjiang princes and ranking officials. The Emperor also dinned here with his new son-in-law on the wedding day. Imperial examinations were also held here once every three years. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were three levels of exams: the county and prefectural level, the provincial level and national level. The national exam was presided over by the emperor. The civil service exam in ancient China started during the Han Dynasty. It served the purpose of recruiting Confucian scholars to the ministers and high officials. During the Tang and Qing dynasties reinstituted and ancient system. Once every three years, three hundred scholars from all over the country came to Beijing and took exams for three day and night. This system was abolished in 1905.

(Behind the hall of preserving harmony)

this is the largest stone carving in the palace . It is 16.73 meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick .It weighs about 200 tons. The block was quarried in Fangshan County, roughly 70 kilometers away. To transport such a huge block to Beijing, laborers dug wells along the roadside half a kilometer apart, and used the groundwater to make a road of ice in the winter. Rolling blocks were used in the summer. In 1760, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty ordered the carving of the existing cloud and dragon design in place of the old one which dated back to the Ming Dynasty.

Note : From here, the tour can be conducted via three different routes: a western route(Route A), a central route (Route B) or an eastern route (Route C) .The commentary for each follows.

Route A

Ladies and Gentlemen:

You have seen the three main halls of the Forbidden City. Now I ` d like to show you around the hall of mental cultivation and the imperial garden . The hall of mental cultivation is situated is in the western part of the innermost enclosure and is symmetrical to Fengxian (enshrinement of forebears) Hall in the east. This hall was built during the Ming Dynasty. IT is a H-shaped structure consisting of an antechamber and a main building .The hall is surrounded by corridors. In front of the hall is the Office of Privy Council.

Before Emperor Kangxi of Qing the Dynasty came to power the Hall of Heavenly Purity served as the living quarter of the emperors. Emperor Yongzheng chose to live in this hall and attended to every day state affairs from here .For the sake of protecting cultural relics, this hall is not open to the public .You can have a look at the inside from the door. The central hall was the audience chamber where the emperor read memorials, granted audience to officials and summoned his minsters for consultation. The western chamber of the hall was where the emperor read reports and discussed military and political affairs. The hall consists of many inner rooms and is decorated with images of Buddha and miniature pagodas. On the screen wall there hangs a picture of two emperors in the Han costume. In a southern room there three rare calligraphic scrolls, hence the name of the room “Sanxitang” (Room of Three Rare Treasures) . The room on the eastern side is of historical interst because it was here that Empress Dowager Cixi usurped power and made decisions on behalf of the young emperor . A bamboo curtain was used to separate them .

Empress Dowage Cixi was born in 1835 in Lu` an Prefecture of shanxi province. She` s of Manchurian nationality and her father was a provincial governor from south China. When she was 17 years old ,she was selected to become a concubine of Emperor Xianfeng and moved into the Forbidden City. She gave birth to a son when she was 21years old and was made a concubine the following year. When the emperor passed away in the summer of 1861, her son ascended the throne and title of Cixi, meaning “Holy Mother” was conferred upon her and she became the Empress Dowager. In that same year Empress Dowager Cixi carried out a count coup d` etat and ruled behind the scenes with another empress dowager, Ci` an, for 48 years. She passed away in 1908 at the age of 73. It was in reference to this situation that the term “attending to state affairs behind a bamboo curtain” developed .In 1912 , Empress dowager Longyu declared the abdication of the last Qing emperor Puyi. They were allowed to remain in the Forbidden City for the next 13 years .The royal family was forced to move out permanently in 1924.

Behind the central hall were the living accommodation of 8 successive Qing emperors .Three of them actually passed away here. The side rooms flanking the hall were reserved for empresses and concubines. Now let` s continue with our tour. It will take us to the Hall of heavenly purity , the hall of union and peace ,the palace of earthly tranquility, and the imperial garden.

Route B

(Inside the Hall of heavenly Purity)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are now entering the inner court. From the Gate of Heavenly Purity northward lies the inner court where the emperors and empresses once lived .The Hall of heavenly Purity is the central hall of the inner court ,and was completed during the Reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty. There are 10 pillars supporting the entire structure and the hall is 20 meters in height .In the center of the hall there a throne. Above it hangs a plaque with an inscription that reads “Be open and above-board,” written by Shenzhi,the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Beginning with Qianlong` s reign, the name of the successor to the throne was not publicly announced .instead, it was written on two pieces of paper, one to be kept on the emperor` s person throughout his reign, and the other placed in a small strongbox that was stored behind his plaque. The box was opened only after the emperor passed away. Altogether there where 4 emperors who ascended the throne in this way, namely Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daohuang and Xian feng.

The hall of heavenly purity was where the emperors lived during the Ming and Qing dynasties. According to tradition ,extravagant annual banquets were held here on New Year` s Eve in honour of royal family members. Foreign ambassadors were received here during the late-Qing period. Two important “one thousand old men` s feasts” of the Qing Dynasty were also held here. All the invitees had to be at least 65 years of age.

This hall was also used for mourning services.

(Inside the Palace of Union and Peace)

this hall sits between the Hall of heavenly Purity and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility, symbolizing the union of heaven and earth ,as well as national peace .It was first built in 1420 and reconstructed in 1798. The hall is square in shape ,and is smaller than the Hall of complete Harmony .You will see a plaque here inscribed with two Chinese characters, wu wei, which were handwritten by Emperor Qianglong. A throne sits in the middle of the hall with a screen behind it .Above the throne there hangs a caisson ,or covered ceiling. The emperor held birthday celebrations and other major events here.

In 1748 during Emperor Qianlong` s reign, 25 jade seals representing imperial authority were kept in this hall .No seals were allowed out of the room without the prior consent of the emperor. On each flack there is a water clock and a chiming clock.

(Inside the palace of earthly tranquility)

This used to be the central hall where successive Ming empresses lived. During the Qing dynasty, it was converted into a place where sacrifices and wedding ceremonies were held .The room on the western side was used for sacrifices and the room on the east was the seeding chamber.

Route C

Ladies and Gentlemen:

You have seen the three main halls of the Forbidden City. Now I` d like to show you around scenes of interest along the eastern route. The first is the Treasure Hall. This mansion is called the Hall of Imperial Zenith. This is where Sing Emperor Quailing lived after abdication. Nearly 1,000 artifacts and treasures are on display here, among which the Golden Hair Tower is one of the most famous. This tower is 1.53meters in height and its base is 0.53 meters in circumference .It was built under the order of Emperor Quailing to be used to collect fallen hair in commemoration of his mother. There is also a “Day harnessing Water Jade Hill ” on display here. Yu was a legendary monarch of the remote Ixia dynasty. Under his leadership, the people learned how to harness the Yellow River. This jade assemblage, 224 centimeters in height and 5 tons in weight, is the largest jade artwork in China. This mat was woven with peeled ivory. These artifacts are among China` s rarest treasures.

(In front of the Nine-Dragon Screen)

this is the Nine-Dragon Relief Screen .Erected in 1773,it is 3.5 meters in height and 29.4 meters in width. Underneath is a foundation made of marble .The surface of the screen is laid with a total of 270 colored, glazed tiles in the design of 9 dragons ,some rocky mountains ,clouds and the sea. It was meant to ward off evil spirits The ancient Chinese regarded 9 dragons, some rocky mountains, clouds and the sea. It was meant to ward off evil spirits .The ancient Chinese regarded 9 as the largest numeral and the dragon as a auspicious beast .The 9 dragons are different in color and posture and all are made of glazed tiles. Interestingly a piece of the third dragon from the left is made of wood. It is believe that when the Nine-dragon Screen was almost finished ,a piece of glazed tile was damaged .Emperor Qianlong was scheduled to inspect the work the following day .Using quick wits, the craftsman in question molded the missing piece with clay and sailed through the imperial inspection. Later ,he asked a carpenter to carve a wooden one to replace the one made of clay.

(Approaching the Imperial Garden)

Behind the Palace of Earthly Tranquility and trading the north-south axis is the imperial Garden. There are old trees, rare flowers and exotic rock formation in this garden .It cover a space of 11,700 square meters, or roughly 1.7 percent of the Forbidden City. Most of the structures in the garden are symmetrically arranged . However, each is different in terms of parrern and decoration. Woods clumps of bamboo screen off the garden and strengthens its deep and serene atmosphere.

There main structure of the Imperial Garden is the Qin` an Hall. Positioned in the central-northern part of the garden ,this hall is flanked by other halls and pavilions on the east and west. The hall sits on a marble pedestal. The Taoist deity of Zhenwu is enshrined here and emperor would pay homage here a quarterly basis. Taoist rites were held during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. In front of the hall there is a cypress that is 400 years old .In all there are a dozen such rare trees in the garden, and most of them are cypresses or pines. To the northwest of the hall , there is the Yanhui(Sustaining Sunshine) Pavilion and to the northeast there lies the Duixiu (Accumulated Refinement )Hill. This Hill was built over the foundation of the long- pershed Guanhua (Admiring Flowers) Hall of the Ming Dynasty. It is 14 meters in height and made of al kinds of rocks quarried in jiang su province. At its base stand two nstone lions, each carrying a dragon shooting water 10 meters up into the air from its mouth. There are meandering paths leading to the hilltop. At the top of Duixiu Hill sits the Yujing (Imperial Viewing)Pavilion. Traditionally, On the day of the Double Ninth Festival (the ninth day of the ninth lunar month ), the emperor ,his consort, and his concubines would climb up to Yujing Pavilion to enjoy the scenery.

At the southeastern corner of the Garden is Jiangxue(Crimson Snowy) Verandah. Nearby to the southwest lies Yangxing Study (study of the cultivation of nature) .The yangxing study was used as a royal library during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Puyi once studied English there. In front of the Jiangxue Verandah some Chinese flowering crabapples grow. The structure got its name from the crabapples who blossoms trun from crimson to snowy white. In front of the Verandah, there grows a rare flower that was brought from henna Province under the order of Empress dowager Cixi. In the northest is Chizao Tang (Hall of Using Flowery Language), once used as a library where rare books were stored.

There are also specific pavilions symbolizing the four seasons .The halls of Wanchun and Qianqiu ,representing spring and autumn respectively ,are square in shape and are coupled with multiple eaves and bell-shape and are coupled with multiple eaves and bell-shaped ridges. The halls of Chengrui and Fubi,dedecated to winter and summer, are characterized by two verandahs and bridges at their bases .Paths were paved with colorful pebbles and arranged in 900 different designs.

The Imperial Garden can be accessed through the Qiong yuan (Jade Garden )West gate or the qiong yuan east gate. A third gate, the shunzhen(Obedience and Fidelity)Gate, opens to the north. Its doors are laid in glazed tiles and it was only used by the empress or concubines.

As our tour of the Forbidden City draws to a close, I hope that I have helped you understand why the Palace is a treasure of China and one of the cultural relics of the world. It is under the strict protection of the Chinese government. Since 1949 when the people` s Rupublic of China was founded, nearly one trillion RMB was spent on its restoration and refurbishment. The Forbidden City has undergone four major facelifts to date. Each year, the government earmarks a large sum to gather, sort and study cultural relics. The Palace now contains a total of 930,000cultural relics. Well, so much for today .Let` s go to reboard the coach. Thank you !



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天坛,位于北京城区的东南部,原是明、清两代皇帝祭天、祈谷的圣地,是世界现存规模最大的祭天建筑群,建于明朝永乐四年至十八年(1406~1420),与紫禁城(故宫)同时兴建。耗时20xx年,距今已有580多年历史。其占地273公顷,比故宫大3.7倍,略小于颐和园。天坛是通称,它实际有两个坛组成,南为圜丘坛,北为祈谷坛。 历代封建皇帝对祭天活动都极为重视,每年要两次亲临天坛祭天。第一次是在农历正月十五日,至祈年殿举行祈谷礼,第二次是在冬至,至圜丘坛禀告五谷业已丰收,感谢天帝的保佑之恩。


此刻在我们眼前的是圜丘坛,俗称祭天台,它建于明嘉靖九年(1530),清乾隆十四年(1749)扩建,是一座四周由白石雕栏围护的三层石造圆台,通高五米,明、清两代,每年冬至日皇帝亲临的祭天礼仪,就在此坛举行。 圜丘坛在建筑形式上,有着许多神奇有趣的说法。各项建筑材料的数学计算均极其精确,其中包含"九"的含义与运用深为中外广大游人所赞叹与称奇。

圜丘坛共分三层,每层四面各有台阶九级。各层铺设的扇面形石板,是九或九的倍数。最上层的中心是一块圆形大理石(称作天心石或太极石),是游人最感兴趣的又一奇妙之处。 从中心石向外,第一环为9块,第二环18块,到第九环81块;中层从第十环的90块至十八环的162块;下层从十九环的171块至二十七环的243块,三层共378个"九",为3402块。 同时,上层直径为9丈(取一九),中层直径为十五丈(取三五),下层直径为21丈(取三七),合起来45丈,不但是九的倍数,而且还有""之尊的含义。为什么要用九或九的倍数来设计建造祭坛呢?原因是:一、据神话传说,皇天上帝是住在九重天里,用九或九的倍数来象征九重天,以表示天体的至高与至大。二、在我国古代把单数(奇数)看作阳数,而将双数(偶数)视为阴数。天为阳、地为阴。天坛是用来祭天的,只能用阳数进行建筑。而"九"又被视为"极阳数",这是最吉祥的数字。现在我们再到这上面来看看这块天


好,现在我们继续往前走,这座殿宇就是皇穹宇,它距今已有四百多年历史。殿高19.5米,底部直径15.6米。砖木结构,整个殿宇用八根檐柱支撑,顶无横梁,由众多斗拱层层上叠,天花板层层收缩,组成美丽的穹窿圆顶式的藻井。殿内正中的石台宝座,是放置皇天上帝神牌的地方;宝座前左右的石台,是放置皇帝历代祖先牌位之处。殿外的东西配殿,为供奉日月星辰和云雨风雷诸神牌位之所。进到这里后不知道大家有没注意我们周围的这圈围墙?这就是颇负盛名的回音壁。围墙周长193.2米,直径61.5米,墙高3.72 米,厚0.9米。它的奇特之处并不是在它的外观上,而是在于同刚才的天心石相似的声学现象。如果两个人分别站在院内东西配殿后的墙下,均面部朝北对墙低声说话,可像打电话一



我们现在脚下的路叫做丹陛桥,这明明是一条笔直坦荡的大道,为何又称"桥"呢?因为在道路下辟有一个券洞,与上面的大道正好形成立体交叉,故称为桥。这是一条南北走向的石砌台基大道。丹陛桥为天坛内坛的主轴线,起着连接南端圜丘坛和北端祈谷坛两组建筑物的重要作用。桥面中心线的石板道叫"神道",神道左右两侧的条石道,分别叫"御道"和"王道"。天帝神灵走"神道",皇帝走御道,王公大臣走王道。 沿着丹陛桥继续向北走,现在在我们左边的是具服台,它位设于丹陛桥北段东侧,为一座凸字形平台。这是皇帝前往祈年殿行祀谷礼时,更换冕服(祭服)的地方。




现在在我们左手边的是七星石位于长廊东南侧的旷地中,共有七大一小石块。但为何称作"七星石"呢? 据传说,明永乐帝迁都北京时,想修建一座祭天地的坛庙建筑,但难找到合适的地方。这时,有一晚他梦见天上北斗七星落地于此,谓之天遂人意,为其解了不决之难,从而降旨于此地建造祭坛。 据资料记载,七星石为明代嘉靖九年,经人工雕凿后而置于此处的。嘉靖皇帝十分迷信道教,道士对他说,祈年殿东南方太为空旷,这对他的皇位、寿命不利。于是便设七星石在此,以镇压风水。在七星石东北隅还有一块小石头,据说这是清朝统治者为了纪念他们的祖先功德而增置的。其设于七星石的东北方向,用以表示不忘本源之意。




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一:减少客流量。减轻当地环境压力,保持其空气湿度二氧化碳含量长久稳定 二:获得各方面资金支持,加大原生环境保护力度。

三:建立网上博物馆,通过3D图像让人足不出户即可欣赏到当地美景 四:建立防护栏,严厉禁止游客手触壁画雕像,违者予以重罚








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维多利亚港(英语:Victoria Harbour)简称维港,是位于中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。世界第三大海港。由于港阔水深,为天然良港,香港亦因而有"东方之珠"、"世界三大天然良港"及"世界三大夜景"之美誉 。


维多利亚港(英语:Victoria Harbour)简称维港,是位于中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。世界第三大海港。由于港阔水深,为天然良港,香港亦因而有"东方之珠"、"世界三大天然良港"及"世界三大夜景"之美誉 。













名为维多利亚港,在此以前,清朝文牍称为尖沙咀洋面或中门。类似的情况还有维多利亚公园、维多利亚城(今西环至铜锣湾一带)和维多利亚山(Victoria Peak,即太平山)等。













为方便将货柜船的货物运送至港九各地,香港在维多利亚港两岸设置多个中流作业区。由于中流作业可将货柜船在市区部份码头直接进行起卸工作,无需经过货柜码头起卸,可避免路面上的交通挤塞或所泊位不足造成的延误。加上中流作业的成本低廉,为不少客户提供多一种装卸选择。现时,香港约有 20% 的货物装卸工作在系泊或锚泊港内的船只上以中流作业的方式进行。































过海隧道和铁路未兴建前,渡海小轮是往来维多利亚港两岸的唯一交通工具;香港的渡轮事业亦曾一时兴盛。最早的渡轮公司是约在1888年成立的“九龙渡海小轮公司”,由一位波斯拜火教教徒Dorabujee Naorojee Mithaiwala创办,来往尖沙咀与中环。1898年,九龙仓收购“九龙渡海小轮公司”,并把“九龙渡海小轮公司”,改名为“天星小轮公司”。










































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各位游客朋友: 大家好,我是本次迪斯尼乐园的导游。我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。现在大家乘坐的是迪斯尼专线,本专线将在1小时候到达香港迪斯尼乐园,途中我会为大家做一些有关迪斯尼的介绍。 香港迪斯尼乐园是一个老少皆宜的童话王国,主要分为:明日世界、探险世界和幻想世界,这三个世界适宜的人群也不一样,下面就来听听你适合哪个世界吧!明日世界时一个充满刺激,变化莫测的游戏王国,它的代表游乐设施就是飞越太空山。飞越太空山又被称作“室内过山车”,乘客在车厢的整个旅途只有不到20秒的时间,可以看到亮光,其余全在黑暗中度过,太空车直上、直下、忽左、忽右,让许多乘客流连忘返;探险世界是一个与充满神秘的地方,丛林历险是探险世界最有趣味性的游戏,乘客们坐在船上,可以看到许多动物,喷水的象宝宝、伺机吃人的食人鱼、晒日光浴的大猩猩,通过船长风趣的讲述,乘客们会通过重重难关,最终到达终点泰山的木屋;幻想世界是每个喜欢童话的人必须要去的地方,那里的有了设施虽然不是很刺激、很神秘,但那是卡通人物的集结地,可以跟它们一起合影留念。对了,还要提醒大家,在整点的时候还会有迪斯尼人物表演的节目哟!下午3点和晚上7点分别有迪斯尼大巡游和星梦奇缘烟花表演。 现在到站了,大家赶快去尽情畅游童话王国吧!



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Double cease day, mom and dad is going to take my children to play in the park in yichang, I was very happy.

Today, we all got up early. Wash and dress up, ate breakfast, and set off. My mom and dad to sit for an hour of car, finally arrived yichang, my parents and I got off the bus saw the wide parking lot and parked inside the large and small car, walked to the parking lot outside, I see the broad road, the road with beautiful flowers, neat, sidewalk no garbage, clean.

We came to childrens park gate, the center of the park with lots of the flowers, colorful, very beautiful; Carries out my name on both sides of the trees, grown very lush, lush.

Walk to the park, I saw pigeons at a glance, with white, black, pink... Looking at a lot of children in there to feed the pigeons, I also. Dad met, bought a bag of corn and gave it to my, I took a few, from corn bag in hand, a few dove coming towards me, with a sharp beak pecking at the corn son, I feel itchy, this is fun.

After feeding pigeons, we walked forward, suddenly, I saw a tall and big ferris wheel, I told mom and dad said: "I want to go to the ferris wheel, you can accompany me to play?"

"Yes!" father said.

Mother bought three tickets, before we go to the ferris wheel, have the staff took us to the trunk, we sat in the trunk, trunk up slowly, I looked in the window, "good high!" I called to get up, and I looked down on, see the lawn, a lot of people play on the lawn, trunk up to the highest, I cant look down, heart all quick to drop out, I grabbed my dads hand tightly, afraid to fall, also good, trunk and slowly down, we walked out of the trunk, I could hardly stand, dizzy, but I think a lot of fun. I think: if again, I will also play the ferris wheel.

We also played sand painting, a balloon, bumper car... The park there are a lot of a lot of fun!

A day passed quickly, in the evening, I reluctantly left the park.

Today is a happy day.



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The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces-Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC--1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today. The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors. The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze. A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night.

Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications. There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing. Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911) Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each. Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages. As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.

Notes:1. the Taj Mahal in India 印度的泰姬陵2. the Hanging Garden of Babylon 巴比伦的空中花园3. Sanskrit 梵语4. Uigur 维吾尔语

There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to theManchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911)

Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.

Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.

As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.
















范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8354 字

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1 897年,德国以演习为名,从栈桥所在的青岛湾登陆,武力占领青岛,栈桥成为德军侵占青岛的见证。德军占领后,重修栈桥,但仍为军用码头。1920xx年,大港第一码头建成后,栈桥逐渐失去它作为码头的历史使命,开始向游人开放。1931年,南京国民政府出巨资重建栈桥,桥身加长到440米,桥南端修建了半圆形的防浪堤,上面修建了具有民族风格的回澜阁,栈桥从此成为中国第一景。新中国成立后,人民政府多次拨款修栈桥。1985,1998年都对栈桥进行了大规模整修。20xx年,包括栈桥内的海滨风景区,被国家旅游局评为首批AAAA级风景区。









沿双层栈桥走向海洋深处,在未来二期建设规划中要建一座金碧辉煌的宫殿——中苑海上卫雄光塔。是一座科技,餐饮住宿,休闲娱乐,观光购物于一体的青岛 樗性建筑之一。







来到小鱼山不仅可以看到青岛风貌,釉彩壁画也是一绝。我们看到的这幅是釉上彩壁画“八仙过海”,它是由中央工艺美 院(现清华大学美术学院)79级物艺系的师生共同创作,画稿曾获得全国美展一等奖。




































我们又来到了望福礁景区,这里的海里有各种各样的鱼,有的是带条纹的,有的是红色的 ,还有的是五颜六色的,真是五色缤纷,这里的主要景观有:揽月亭、龙头福泉、桃源谷、沈红列花园、哈哈洞、毛主席像章馆、圣旨馆和三仙山 。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1365 字

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长隆欢乐世界地处广州番禺迎宾路,首期占地面积1000多亩,游乐设施近70项。欢乐世界引进了瑞士、荷兰、德国、意大利、美国等全球领先的游乐设备公司的设备,其中包括:垂直过山车, 十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型摩天滑板和超级水车大战等。












2、十环过山车荣获吉尼斯世界纪录,全世界第二台(仅在英国有一台)、亚洲首次引进,由全球著名游乐设备提供商Intamin公司设计制造,创造了游乐设备环数最多的吉尼斯世界记录。 3、摩托过山车是东半球首台,其0到80公里弹射式加速仅需2.8秒,可与F1赛车速度相媲美,并获得世界游乐行业协会年度设计金奖。


5、超级大摆锤是世界最新最眩的大型机动游乐设备,由德国HUSS公司原厂进口, 号称“全球最大摆锤” 最高时速110公里/小时,最大摆幅240度,带您飞上42米高空, 天旋地转之间,令人目炫神迷,惊心动魄。

6、世界最大水陆空特效剧场——国际特技剧场,现正上演《惊爆危机岛》,由全球顶尖特技导演全程监制,国际著名特技大师倾情上演,结合爆破、枪战、烟火、声光、机动设备、滑水、高空特技等多种尖端特效,出其不意 ,精彩绝伦,好莱坞动作大片真实再现。


