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Yangzhou Chinas famous historical and cultural city. Is located in the middle of jiangsu province, north of Yangtze river, south jianghuai plains, is the node city of nanjing metropolitan circle and Shanghai economic circle and national key project, the water source of south-to-north water transfer east (sanjiang mouth, jiangdu water conservancy hub). Acceptance of south jiangsu, Shanghai and other regions economic radiation, as the forefront of development of north jiangsu to the north and the conduction zone, known as "bamboo west beautiful place, huai left names". Yangzhou city history to 486 b.c., the United Nations habitat award cities, China habitat environment prize, the national environmental protection model city, harmonious management of cities in China, Chinese civilization city, forest city in China.

Yangzhou city jurisdiction straight, HanJiang, jiangdu 1 3 area and baoying county, escrow yizheng, gaoyou corporation two county-level cities. A total of 71 in the city town, five township and 13 neighborhood offices. The citys total area of 6634 square kilometers, of which the municipal district covers an area of 2310 square kilometers; The citys total population of about 4.6 million people, including municipal district population of about 2.291 million people.

Yangzhou, located in east longitude 119 ° 01 32 ° to 119 ° 54, north latitude 33 ° 15 to 25 between; Location of yangzhou Yangtze river and the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, east longitude 119 ° 26 , north latitude 32 ° 24 . Yangzhou city south near the Yangtze river, and zhenjiang across the river; The west is adjacent to of chuzhou city of anhui province; Southwest is linked together with nanjing; Northern border with huaian; And yancheng, taizhou, adjacent to the east.

In yangzhou Yangtze coastline of 80.5 km, along with jiangdu, straight, HanJiang, yizheng etc. 3 area 1 city corporation; Communicate across hinterland, the beijing-hangzhou grand canal from north to south, baoying lake, white horse lake gaoyou lake, Shao Bohu 4 lake.




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Friend, have you ever been to sanya? Sanya is a sea breeze blow gently, picturesque seaside tourist city. There are many loved by Chinese and foreign tourists in the scenic area: beautiful seaside park -- -- -- -- -- "dadonghai," world famous "tianyahaijiao", has a magical legend "touching", also known as the "Oriental Hawaii" "yalong bay"... They will make you regretted leaving, deeply intoxicated.

Everyone who has visited the dadonghai, can not shout: this is a beautiful seaside park! That red green trees, the dove in the blue sky, green water, silvery white beach, compose a beautiful seaside scenery figure. The soft sand beach is a favorite haunt of people. Stand above that hits the tall coconut trees, the beach is full of colors and forms of seashells. Visitors like to lie on the beach, enjoy the beautiful sun.

Standing on the beach, looking at the blue sea water reflected the cbsi sky, the harmony, mutual set off, a lasting pleasant taste. Wind, waves surging waves one after another beach, imposing manner is very spectacular. In the endless sea, do you think will be bright and broad.

If "dadonghai" is her beauty praise by visitors, that "the ends of the earth" with her magical glamour occupy peoples heart. It does not add any artificial vulture act the role ofing, completely is a primitive natural "map" of the sea. The straight coastline, huge magic stones on the beach, colorful shells, constitute the natural beauty of the "ends of the earth". In a lot of stone, engraved with "tianya" is the most popular and the wording "cape" stones. People often leave JingYing here, also left a good memory.

When people visit tired, be sure to find a comfortable place to meimeis rest. Sanya has a lot of equipment structure fancy hotels, hotel, resort, for visitors to enjoy.

In the clouds of hotel, holiday village, the most strange luxury "nanshan resort". Because of its roof, doors and Windows, unique design, especially in the south China sea guanyin neighbors, biggest houses built around the mountain. People stay was wonderful.

Boarded the "touching," look, see the sea in sanya city arms: buildings, streets, traffic, a scene of prosperity.

Standing here I would like to: sanya in the near future will certainly build a better, attracting more visitors.



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位于大三巴牌坊不远处,原名圣保禄炮台,300多年前为防海盗, 保护传教士及居民安全而建造的全澳最大的炮台,部份建筑于1835年与圣保禄教堂同遭火焚。一直以来为军事禁地,20多年来始辟为旅游景点,成为视野宽阔的公园。城堡高居市区中心,从上可眺望澳门全景,还可看见圣保禄教堂痕迹。

1622年6月24日, 凭借着城堡上的大炮击退了荷兰人的入侵。这天正是圣约翰礼,于是圣约翰被视为澳门的主保圣人,圣约翰浮像以及“1622”的年份便刻在了城堡入口之上。当年古老的铁炮现仍安放于城堡上。




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艺术家都喜欢住在山上,我认识的两个年轻人“Fred Sir”和“志伟”也一样,他们的家在北面山路“家乐径”的两旁遥遥相对。他们俩都是玩音乐的,不过“Fred Sir”喜欢的是60年代的爵士乐和布鲁斯,志伟喜欢的却是七八十年代的英式摇摆乐。他们的爱好也表现在他们家的装置上,“Fred Sir”的家一进门就是他自己画的大幅油画:一个萨克斯风演奏家的肖像;志伟的家里却贴满了Beatles甲壳虫乐队的海报。俩人只有一个共同点,就是家里音乐总是飘过不停。他们就是这样按自己的方式率性自由地生活着。







现在大家看到的是九龙城寨公园。 九龙寨城公园的前身乃是九龙寨城(或被称为九龙城寨),位于九龙半岛东北角,早于一六六八年已建有塾台。及至一八一零年在沙滩尽头兴建了一座炮台,取代了原本位于东龙洲的佛堂门炮台。驻军亦增至一百五十人,炮台的战略与行政地位亦相应提高。鉴于防御措施不敷所需,两广总督耆英逐于一八四六年上书奏请兴建一所寨城。城墙则于一八四七年(道光二十七年)完工,有十五尺阔,十三尺高,同时亦建造多幢房舍作衙门及房舍,九龙寨城亦正式诞生。政府在一九八七年宣布清拆寨城,于原址兴建公园。

公园占地三万一千平方米,共分为八个各有特色的景区。一踏入公园大门,迎面而来是一幅大石碑,上面写着“游园寻春梦听瀑学逍遥”一句诗词。其意思是指公园景色古雅,又有人造瀑布,使人可以逍遥游览,享受自由自在的游园乐趣。兴建这个公园的主要目的是要保留寨城原有古迹,以及给人提供多一个可以游览休憩的好地方。所以说,九龙寨城公园乃是一个“古而新造”的游览公园。 虽然寨城已经不复存在,但寨城的衙门仍然得以修复及保留在原地。这座衙门,建于百年前,为中国传统司法机关的象征,是寨城原址留下来的历史遗迹之一。





接下来我们的景点是凌霄阁!曾屹立于山顶22年的凌霄阁,才刚改建成独特的碗形设计,相当引人注目。凌霄阁楼高七层,除了是山顶缆车的总站外,新大楼有多项新奇有趣的设施如“ 龙的传说 - 时光漫游 ”电动列车之旅,带领旅客体验一段香港历史片段,全程由电脑操作,途中甚至还气味配合,相当特别。



欢迎大家来到香港旅游!接下来就由我带大家去游玩!现在我们去的是万佛寺。万佛寺位坐落于沙田道风山上,上山首先必须登431个石阶。之所以称此寺为「万佛寺」,是因为自1950年代建寺以来,感恩的信众便不断供奉小神像,使得它成为一座拥有10000尊佛像的寺庙。这些神像各个不同,有些是黑色的、有些则盖以金箔,而且每尊神像的姿态各异,这象征着佛祖修成正果的各个不同阶段和过程。 寺内尚有玉皇殿、准提殿、弥陀殿、万佛宝塔及十八罗汉塑像等。可惜,万佛寺在九七年七月的一场暴雨中倒塌,有关方面现正着手筹募经费重建佛寺,希望能够尽快令万佛寺重现昔日的光辉。从中庭的边缘可以俯瞰沙田美妙的景致,中庭里有座九层的佛塔和一些佛祖追随者的雕像。再往上走则是另外四座寺庙,其中一个拥有全香港第二高的佛像.供奉的该寺创始和尚月溪法师肉身漆像,是香港仅有的一座。











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Sanya – la ville touristique c?tière tropicale la plus méridionale deChine. Sanya Tropical beach est lessence du paysage c?tier de Hainan et a descaractéristiques uniques en Chine.Sanya couvre une superficie de 1919,58kilomètres carrés et 209,1 kilomètres de littoral.Situé à 18°09′ - 19° delatitude Nord, il est comparable à la station balnéaire tropicale de renomméemondiale et à lextrémité sud dHawa? aux ?tats - Unis. Il appartient au climatde mousson océanique température moyenne en janvier est de 11,7 ?,la température moyenne en juillet est de 28,3 ?, et la température moyenneannuelle est de 25,4 ?; la température de leau de mer est de 22 ? - 28 ?, et latransparence est de 8 - 12 mètres.Sanya nest pas seulement une grande serrenaturelle en Chine, cest une base de reproduction et de légumes dhiver dans leSud, mais aussi un endroit idéal pour la natation dhiver et la plongée sous -marine.Par conséquent, bien que Sanya ne compte que 482,1 millions de personnes,cest une ville célèbre.LAdministration nationale du tourisme a fait de Sanyalune des attractions touristiques les plus populaires de Chine au pays et àlétranger, et les dirigeants concernés lont comparée à la ? tour pyramidale ?des vacances et des voyages dagrément en Chine.Sanya Enchanted Tropical beachscene, Rich Historical and cultural features, let the unrealed wanted, let theTravelers Dream around the soul.En hiver, pendant le Festival du printemps enChine, le tourisme à Sanya doit être décrit par le mot "chaud".Beaucoupdinvités qui viennent en vacances sont des visiteurs de retour!

Cependant, lancienne Sanya a été considérée comme un cheminintimidant.Sanya était autrefois connu sous le nom de Yazhou. En raison de lacirculation bloquée et de la rareté de la population, il a été gouverné par leféodalisme comme un endroit sauvage pour exiler les fonctionnaires et lesfonctionnaires rétrogradés.Seulement les trois dynasties Tang, Song et yuan ontété rétrogradés à Sanya, cest - à - dire jusquà quarante ou cinquantepersonnes, parmi lesquelles il ny a pas de pénurie de fonctionnaireséminents.Comme le célèbre ministre Li deyu et Wei Zhiyi de la dynastie Tang, lePremier Ministre Lu duoxin, Zhao Ding et le célèbre Ministre Hu Shuan de ladynastie Song, le Premier Ministre Wang shixi de lhistoire impériale de ladynastie Yuan, etc."Un voyage de dix mille milles, pas un millier.Où est létatdes falaises?Le poème de Yang Yan dans la dynastie Tang reflète les sentimentsdes gens à Sanya.Cependant, le beau paysage naturel de Sanya, les produitsriches et uniques et le style rustique simple ont également changé létatdesprit de certaines personnes.Lhistoire de Sanya pour diverses raisons parmiles fonctionnaires, les érudits, les moines et les gens du peuple, beaucoup ontlaissé un patrimoine culturel précieux à Sanya.Les experts estiment que lesressources touristiques de Sanya sont uniques, rassemblant des ressourcestouristiques telles que le soleil, leau de mer, la plage, le climat,lenvironnement, les animaux, les sources thermales, les coutumes ethniques, lessites dintérêt et les paysages ruraux tropicaux.On peut dire que Sanya est leplus beau paysage naturel tropical de Hainan, les ressources touristiqueshumaines les plus riches.Lorsque les gens sont fascinés par le charme de la merde coco, les faits historiques, les mythes et les folklores émouvants liés aupaysage quils voient sont souvent très imaginatifs.

Les principaux sites touristiques et stations balnéaires du littoralsubtropical de Sanya sont Yalong Bay, Dadonghai, Luhui, TianyaHaijiao, SanyaTropical Ocean zoo, Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area, sea Mountain Wonders (Smalland Small Dongtian), wuzhizhou Island, etc.

Leurs caractéristiques communes ne sont pas seulement le soleil ensoleillé,la plage de sable blanc fin, le vent de coco Vert, le charme de la mer, maisaussi dans un environnement écologique pur et non pollué.La qualité de leaudans les zones c?tières est conforme à la norme nationale de classe I pour leaude mer et lenvironnement atmosphérique est supérieur à la norme nationale declasse I.Les résultats des troisième et quatrième recensements nationauxmontrent que lespérance de vie à Hainan est la plus élevée du pays, tandis quela c?te subtropicale de Sanya est la plus longue du Hainan.En outre, de nombreuxsites pittoresques ont une histoire légendaire qui ajoute encore plus demystère.

La fleur de la ville de Sanya est la prune triangulaire, peu importelendroit pittoresque, ou les deux c?tés de la route, vous pouvez voir partoutun vert épais, flottant une série de belles plantes avec des fleurs rouges,comme un feu dhiver, cest la prune triangulaire.Larbre de Sanya est unharicot aigre.Il a un grand corps darbre, des branches et des feuilles denses,et des arbres magnifiques. Cest un arbre de paysage isolé de pelouse trèsprécieux.Cependant, dans la zone touristique culturelle de Nanshan, on peut voirdes parcelles de la forêt de haricots aigres.Sanya a re?u le surnom de Lucheng àcause de lhistoire magique du dos du CERF.



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首先我代表国际旅行社分部欢迎 医院的朋友们的光临,感谢大家的支持与信任,更感谢带队的我们的李院长和徐大姐。贵单位和我们社不是第一次合作了,但我对大家来讲还是个新面孔,请允许我做一下自我介绍,我是招商国旅的全陪导游,我姓李 ,叫 李 ,大家是不是觉得我的名字很俗啊,但是越通俗就越大众,希望大家能记住我,俗就俗点吧, 呵呵。我们的团队由15位女士和3位先生组成,给我的感觉就好像是以李院长为首的3位党代表, 带领着以徐大姐为首的红色娘子军进行一次真正的红色之旅,意义非凡啊,大家说对不对?

呵呵 周四拿到咱们的名单,我就感觉很好,因为咱们团里既有姓李的也有姓杨的,俗话说同姓五百年前是一家,因为我老公也姓杨,让我感觉这个团里我的婆家人和娘家人全有了,而且咱们团还给了我一个惊喜,就是其中有一位我以前多次耳闻却没有见过面的嫂子——吕大姐,今天终于见到了,吕大姐您好!没见到大家时我就觉得不是外人,现在见到大家果然一见如故,希望大家也不要仅仅把我视作导游,要把我看作自己人,俗话说:百年修得同船渡,我觉得也可以说百年修得同车行,现在我们大家坐在这里,将一起度过两天的旅程,我觉得和大家很有缘份,好了不开玩笑了,全陪导游就是游客的代言人,如果大家在旅游过程中有什么困难和要求的话就尽管向我提出来,不要客气,我会在合理可能的范围内,尽自己最大的努力帮助大家解决,如果大家觉得我哪些地方做的不妥,更希望大家及时向我提出来,我会立即纠正,不希望咱们大家回去之后再对我说:李导这个地方你应该这样做,那我想该多遗憾啊,我可不希望这样,大家说对不对?




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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 17074 字

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Dear friends

Hello everyone! Welcome to Langshan, a world natural heritage, NationalGeopark and national AAAA scenic spot.

Langshan is located in Xinning County, Shaoyang City, southwest of HunanProvince. It is connected with Guilin in the South and Changsha in the north. Itis 140 kilometers away from Guilin and Shaoyang. It is another bright pearlafter Zhangjiajie. It is said that Emperor Shun visited Xinning during hissouthern tour. Seeing the beautiful mountains and waters, he stopped and praised"this mountain is good, it can be called Langshan." Langshan got its name fromthis.

Langshan was an inland lake tens of millions of years ago. Due to thechange of the earths crust, the bottom of the Inland Lake protruded, formingthe present Danxia landform with red sandstone structure. As we all know,Zhangjiajie is a quartz sandstone landform, Guilin is a karst landform, andLangshan is a typical Danxia landform. Its shape and scale have reached thelimit among the similar landforms in China. The height of bajiaozhai (293meters), the length of the first lane in the world (239 meters), the danger ofthe first bridge in Asia (64 meters), the danger of candle peak (674 meters),the Jue of Honghua red cliff, and the precipitousness of Jiangjun stone areamazing .

Langshan Scenic Spot covers an area of 108 square kilometers, with fivescenic spots, including niubizhai, Luotuofeng, bajiaozhai, zixiadong andfuyijiang, 477 scenic spots, three karst caves and a primeval forest.


Dear friends, now I come to niubizhai scenic spot. Why is it calledniubizhai? Originally, on the right side of the big stone in the East, we cansee many pairs of "niubikou", which is called Niubishan by local people. Later,Lei zaihao and Li Yuanfa, the leaders of the peasants, gathered people to revolthere. Shidakai, the wing of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, stationed troops hereto build a stronghold, which was renamed Niubi stronghold.

As you ascend the stairs, you can see a natural landscape painting. Infront of it is a yaozhai style building "Yingbin Pavilion", which is a pass ofmountains. Behind it is a waterfall flying down from the mountain stream. In theshade of green, red and white Hibiscus set off the beautiful mountains andwaters. When you come to Yinzhu cave, you can see a string of water dropshanging directly, shining in the setting sun.

Through the Yinzhu cave, you come to the precipice of the steep rock.Facing the red cliff, you can see that there is no way to the four cliffs. Youcan only see a white ladder standing up on the cliff to reach "the first lane inthe world".

Professor Chen Guoda, a famous geologist and academician of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, and the father of Danxia Landform in China, wrote thesewords in his own handwriting when he came to Langshan in 1992. Comparing theDanxia Mountain named in 1939 in Renhua, Guangdong Province, Mr. Chen expressedthe following exclamation: "Ive known the beauty of Danxia for half my life. Iknow that Langshan is better than Danxia. Why is the resort so late? I alsopraise the double wonderful flowers of the north and the south."

"The first lane in the world" is 238.8 meters long, with a relative heightof 100-120 meters. The widest part is 0.8 meters, and the narrowest part is 0.3meters. The two sides are like knives and axes. In the middle of the side, thereis a sigh that "the sky is shining, life is like a seam". There is no end to thefront, but a line of blue sky on the top of the head, confrontation betweencliffs and uncanny craftsmanship. When you walk out of the alley, you will besuddenly enlightened. A clear spring will come out on the road. It is cool andrefreshing. The shock, wonder, danger and tiredness just now have been sweptaway. You can only recall and experience the worldly artistic conception of"bright moon shining among pines, clear spring stone flowing upward".

When you come to houzhaimen, you climb along the rock wall on the rightside and climb up Yuxian lane. The lane is 178 meters long and the stone wall is60 meters high. The lane is covered with green bamboos, flowers and trees. Itsvery interesting for people to walk in it. Further on, you will find a saddleshaped stone ladder, the moon ladder. The narrowest part is only 26 cm. When youcome to the bottom of the valley, you can see that there is a Yin Yang and eighttrigrams array in the pass. The paths are crisscross. If there is no guidance,it is difficult to get out of this array. The front is like the lower part ofthe ape mans head mountain. You can clearly see a seven story building, namedseven story building, which is a masterpiece of nature.

After walking the long steps, you enter taoyuanchong. Taoyuanchong isindeed a paradise, with bamboo groves and emerald green everywhere. After athrilling journey, I happened to take a rest here to experience a day in themountains and a thousand years of free time in the world.


Bajiaozhai scenic spot is located at the southernmost end of LangshanMountain on the border of Hunan and Guangxi, with an altitude of 818 meters. Itis composed of bajiaozhai, baimianzhai and Tianshengqiao. It is named after theeight peaks on the top of the mountain, which are connected with each other ashorns, like an octagonal lotus.

"Tianshengqiao", known as "the first bridge in Asia", is a unique naturallandscape in Danxia landform. The bridge is 64M long, 14m wide, 20m high and 5mthick. The whole bridge is semi-circular arch, like artificial masonry,magnificent, amazing. There is a sarcophagus under the bridge, the bottom coveris separated, lifelike, especially like a thousand year old antique. A smallstream flows around the bridge. The water is clear and blue, so it has thereputation of "green stream".

"Baimianzhai" is named for its silver gray rocks, white flowers and whitewaves. The mountain of the village is strong and dangerous. The stone gate ofthe village stands close to the gate. Only one person can get in and out of thevillage. Its really "one man is in charge of the gate, and ten thousand peoplecant open it.". Huge stones stand up in the village, and there are thousands ofscenes. This is not only the ancient castle of Yang Zaixing, Shi Dakai, Leizaihao, Li Shide and other famous generals and uprising leaders, but also thesite of the Neolithic period.

To climb the Bajiao village, you have to walk 1708 steps and three gates,namely xiangmen, Longmen and Zhaimen. The first one that leaped into the eye wasan elephant. It lowered its long nose to the ground and waited for friends fromafar. This was the first gate "elephant gate". Walking through the elephantgate, you can hear the sound of gurgling water. The clear stream moistens aspecial kind of plant. It appears yellow, blue, green, purple and other colorsin the sun. The common people call it "chameleon". Its scientific name is pileuslabiatus. It can only grow on the surface with high tungsten content.

Continue to walk up, come to an alley, this is the second door "Longmen",because there is a block in front of the head of the abrupt boulder named. Itssaid that if you want to burn incense there, you can do whatever you want.

After 1708 steps, I come to a platform. Standing here, I stride across twoprovinces, Guangxi on the left and Hunan on the right. The ancient city wallgate made of bluestone in front is the third gate "Zhaimen". Relying on thedangerous terrain, Bailian sect defeated the Qing army several times.

Bajiaozhai, known as the "soul of Danxia", was born in the sky and took thelead. A broad platform was formed on the top of the mountain, so it was calledYuntai mountain.

Bajiaozhai looks at the mountains and cliffs. Recently, a school of cliffs,red cliff Daiding, fighting waves, like a whale in the sea, like a beautiful inklandscape painting, lively, memorable.


Luotuofeng scenic spot is located in Shitian village of Langshan Mountain,14km away from the county seat. It is a typical pictographic scenic spot inDanxia landform. There are five small scenic spots: Feilian cave, yixiantian,chili peak, camel peak and Lianshan. There are more than 20 scenic spots,including Yuxian bridge, Shiba Luohan, Yanzi village, Douli village, yixiantian,lovers Valley, ghost Valley, chili peak, Longkou Chaoyang, Jiujiu TIANTI,lingjianpai and candle peak.

Facing us is a simple and elegant archway "Langshan natural park". Enterthe scenic area, along the way there is a small bridge water, the front right isYuxian bridge. The bridge was built in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of QingDynasty, with single stone arch, 6.8 meters long, 5.1 meters wide and 9 metershigh. It is made of hemp and stone. The bridge is exquisite, with green vinesattached. The location of the TV film "wind full of Xiaoxiang" was shothere.

The eighteen stone peaks on the right side of the line are listed as the"guard of honor" with the word "Eighteen Arhats". Welcome to our party.

Looking at the "couples stone" from afar, the husband and wife preparingfor the expedition are reluctant to part.

People are swimming in the middle of the picture, one scene after another,turning a corner, facing a swallow who is lying in the nest after foraging. Itis called "swallow village". It is 539 meters high and consists of three peaks.It looks like the head of a swallow in the middle, slightly lower on both sides,and has a platform on the top. It was once a fortress defended by the peasantuprising army.

Turn the corner again, the front is clear. A piece of farmland, severalfarmhouses, tall and straight candle peak, lifelike camel peak, is the center ofthe scenic spot, here is called Shitian village. The camels peak, 187.8 metershigh and 273 meters long, stands high above the peaks and sets off the greenmountains. It is like the longest, largest and heaviest camel in the world whocame here from a desert hike. There is an obvious cross on its back, and a boxbeside it forms the word "Tian", so it is called Shitian.

At the fork in front, to the left is the "yixiantian" of linjiazhai, whichis 525 meters high. At the foot of the village, the Northeast yixiantian isformed by cracks in the stone mountain, 60 meters long, 40 meters high, and 0.5meters at the narrowest point. It is necessary to use both hands and feet toclimb to the top along the artificial stone steps. Linjiazhai cliff is the bestplace for rock climbing training and competition, so the "national rock climbingtraining base" is located here. There are lovers Valley, thousand Buddhasrock, Toads rock, ghosts Valley, sacrifice cliff and so on.

Known as the "pillar of the southern sky", the "candle peak" is 674 metershigh, with a sharp top, four steep sides and a circumference of 400 meters. Itis named for its bright red body and its shape like a candle. There is a hugegap under the steep cliff of candle peak, which is 100 meters long, 50 metersdeep and 0.4-1.8 meters wide. The upper and lower rocks are as flat as knives.It is like a giant dragon. It opens to the East and West and tilts to 40degrees. At noon, the sun shines directly from Longkou to the bottom of theseam, forming a magnificent scene of Longkou swallowing beads and colorful,which is called "Longkou Chaoyang".

Walking out of Longkou, you can see the wordless stele from top to bottom.Many people failed to climb the steep cliff. Only a brave old man who collectedherbs once climbed the peak with his courage and wisdom, but he could notengrave a word on the tablet.

The capsicum peak is 180 meters high, about 100 meters long last week andonly 40 meters long next week. The red and dazzling capsicum is a symbol ofHunan peoples enthusiasm. In September 20__, the French "Spider Man" AlainRoberts unarmed rock climbing challenge to the Guinness world record was heldhere by Hunan tourism and cultural industry company.

Along the stone path, you can get to a platform. The 99 steps in the middleof the cliff on both sides are the only way to the top. This is the stone stepthat Yang faquin, the leader of the "Red Flower Club" in the early Qing Dynasty,chiseled with excellent martial arts when he was wanted by the Qing governmentfor fighting against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty. It is verydangerous.


Dear friends, the zixiadong scenic spot with green hills, clear river waterand low green willows is presented to you. It includes wanjingcao, Yuquanmountain, elephant trunk stone, Wuyun village, Liu Huaxuan tomb and other scenicspots, with Qingyou as its main feature. Yuquan mountain on the left, coveringan area of 0.5 square kilometers, is 301 meters high, with seven scenic spots.There is an ancient temple on the mountain, named Yuquan temple. It was built in1703, the 42nd year of Kangxi reign. Today, there are tombstones, inscriptionsand the tomb of the ancestors of Yuquan temple. After several repairs, theincense is very popular, and there is an endless stream of people who want tosign incense.

The oncoming stone mountain looks like a high thumb. The local people callit "thumb stone". It stands here rain or shine, waiting for friends fromafar!

Zixia cave is not a cave. It means "village" and "village". It is said thatthere is an eminent monk who travels here. He gets up every morning, lights acandle, spreads his cassock on the Hongwa mountain in front of the rosy clouds,and then meditates. The cassock is illuminated by the sun, and is surrounded byincense, so it is called "Zixia cave".

When we come here, we can feel the artistic conception of "thin shadow,horizontal slanting, clear water, dark fragrance, floating moon and dusk". It isalso the holy land of Buddhism and Taoism. Huiyuan, the great master ofBuddhism, and Lu Xiujing, the great master of Taoism, carried forward thedoctrine first and later. Therefore, the whole mountain is bounded by Youlu, theBuddhist holy land on the right, the Taoist blessed land on the left, and thenatural stone statues of Zixia Taoist. It is said that when he finished hiscultivation, his original body turned into a stone statue.

Talking and laughing, frogs also come to join the fun, to see a stone infront of the sky, like a giant frog squatting there, this is the frog stone.

Walk up the stone steps and enter the Zixia palace. Zixia palace has a longhistory. Since it was built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, it hasbecome a well-known place of heaven and fortune. In the palace there is a tallAvalokitesvara Bodhisattva, up to 6 meters high, holding a tilted jade bottle,meaning to sprinkle the dew on the earth.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were many talented people in Xinning,such as Jiang Zhongyuan and Liu Kunyi. After their death, they were buried intheir hometown, especially Langshan. Liu Kun knew the treasure land with a keeneye. He selected the hillside on the left side of the lotus pool in Zixia caveto build a tomb. The stone carvings around the tomb were exquisite andexquisite, and the stone figures, stone sheep and stone horses werelifelike.

On the left side is a 700 meter long and 100 meter high red copper wall andiron wall called Hongwa mountain. It is said that it is the place where theZixia Taoist put the cassock, which is a wonderful echo wall.

Fuyi River

Now that you have seen the great shore of Langshan, please feel thetenderness of Fuyi river. The beautiful Fuyi river is clear,

Strange peaks and rocks on both sides of the Strait, like a ribbon, runthrough the panorama.

Fuyi River and Lijiang River are the same source of Maoer Mountain inZiyuan County, Guangxi. They flow 229 kilometers from JINZI mountain to thenorth and south. Xinning County is called Fuyi river because it was called "FuyiMarquis state" in ancient times.

Fuyi River drifts for 22 kilometers, with a drop of 16 meters. The currentis gentle, passing through 12 beaches and 12 sceneries. Looking from afar, theriver flows and rocks turn, just like the artistic scroll of Langshans wonders.This section of water was dyed green by the green mountains and gently embracedby the strange stones.

When the boat sails in the river, it can be seen that the water color andthe sky shine on each other, the blue sky and white clouds, the birds gathereverywhere, the willows on both sides are dripping green, and the strange stoneschase the boat. The poet Ai Qing saw this picture of Fuyi River, and wrote acouplet to the people of Langshan, "the shadow of the trees across the river,the fish leaping over the branches, the birds sleeping in the water". If you areinterested, please write the couplet for AI Lao.

Before I knew it, I came to jiangjunshi, one of Langshans six scenicspots. "The lotus on the earth is covered with emerald scars, and the craggy onethousand feet point to the gate of heaven. The water level of the Fuyi river isas flat as a palm, and the red cloud holds the pilgrimage bottle of the sun. "This poem vividly shows its charming style. Jiangjun Shiyuan is a mountain. TheDanxia landform developed to the late stage. The stone pillars are 400 metershigh and 40 meters long. The top is slightly small, and the top and bottom areequal thick. The magnificent appearance of its independent sky can still be seen5 kilometers away.



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位于三亚市以西40公里,我国最南端的道家文化旅游胜地,是海南省历史最悠久的风景名胜。 大小洞天风景区以其秀丽的海景、山景和石景号称琼崖第一山水名胜。 1962年郭沫若游览“大小洞天”,对景区的山光海色赞叹不已,在《游崖县鳌山》一诗中誉之为“南溟奇甸”。 风景区内除了有“小洞天”、“钓台”、“海山奇观”、“仙人足”、“试剑峰”等历代诗文摩崖石刻之外,还有有南海龙王、小洞天、千年不老松、南海神鳌等景观,因此而自古以来被称为“海山奇观”。



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Contrary to appearances, this walkway is not a bridge at all . But how so ? This road is 4 meters above the ground and there is a cavern underneath that was reserved for sacrificial oxen and sheep. The cattle were slaughtered at a slaughterhouse about 500 meters away and brought here for sacrifice. All in all ,it can be said this walkway did serve as bridge and can be looked upon as the first cloverleaf in Beijing.

Looking back at the thoroughfare, you may realize that this walk is gaining height toward its northern end. As people approach the architectural group of the Hall of Prayer for good Harvest, the flanking groves of cypress recede and perspective widens. Here you are in Heaven.

(Costume-Changing Terrace)

the marble terrace up ahead is called jufutai, or CostumeChanging Terrace. It is located to the east of the Red Stairway Bridge and covers a space of 25 square meters .IT has marble Slab balustrades. The day before the service ,officials in charge would put up a yellow satin tent on the terrace for the emperor to change out of his yellow dragon robe into blue ceremonial clothes. After the service, the emperor would return to the tentand change back into his imperial robe before returning to the palace. (Proceed to the South Gate of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

(At the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest)

this structure is called the Gate of Pray for Good Harvest. We can catch a slight glimpse of the central building ,the Hall of Prayer for Good harvest, though the colonnade of the Gate. A gigantic and lofty group of buildings, the complex includes the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest, the hall of prayer for good harvest, eastern and western annex halls ,the Huanqian (Imperial heaven) Long corridor, Heaven Kitchen, slaughterhouse, etc.

the annex halls were symmetrically built on a 1.5-meter-hignbrick-and-marble terrace ,to set off the loftiness and magnificence of the main hall .This unique building ,38 meters in height, is characterized by a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a top that is crowned by a gilt ball. The roofing is made of blue glazed tiles, the color of the sky .Underneath the roof, the beams and bracket are decorated with colored paintings. The base of the structure is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace. At a distance, the terrace looks like a gigantic, spiraling cloud with the structure perched on top of it .

Today the hall of prayer for good harvest is the hallmark of Beijing, which enjoys a prolonged history of civilization.

(At the base of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

The base of the hall is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace, which is 90 meters in diameter and 6 meters in height ,covering a space of 4,000 square meters. Meticulous accuracy was given to the layout of the structure. In the middle of each three-tiered flight of stairs, there is a giant marble ramp carved in cloud, dragon and phoenix designs. To set off the ramps, the top of the balustrades and downpipes are designed with corresponding floral scrolls. In southern part of each tier, a gigantic bronze incense burner is placed. Sandalwood was burnt in them when rites were observed.

(In front of the hall of Prayer for good harvest)

climbing up this marble terrace, we see the main hall ,a masterpiece of ancient China. Looking up you will see the caisson, or covered ceiling, characterized by complex designs of dragons and phoenixes. In and out , the hall is decorated with colored drawing of dragons and phoenixes.

Without the use of steel ,cement and nail, and even without the use of big beams and crossbeams, the entire structure is supported by 28 massive wooden pillars and number of bars, laths, joints and rafters. The four central pillars, called the dragon-Well Pillars, are 19.2 meters high and painted with designs of composite followers, representing the four season. There are two rings of 12 scarlet pillars each. The inner ring represents the 12 months and the outer rings the 12 divisions of the day and night .Between the two rings there are 24 partitioned spaces to mark the solar terms of the Chinese lunar year. The pillars, 28 in number, also represent the 28 constellations in the universe- the ancient Chinese believed that there were 28 constellations that made up the sky.

The center of the stone-paved floor is a round marble slab, which is 88.5 centimeters in diameter. Interestingly, the slab features natural black and white veins, corresponding to the dragon-phoenix design on the ceiling. This particular slab is known as the Dragon-phoenix stone and is regarded as a treasure inseparable from the hall.

The furnishings within the hall are placed in their original positions dating back to when Emperor Xianfeng ruled .In the forefront and above the throne are enshrined tablets in commemoration of Heaven. On either table on each side tablets of the emperor` s ancestors were placed. Each tablet is fronted by an altar. A total of 24 kinds of offering were made on it ,including soup, wine, assorted cereals, and a calf.

The sacrificial rites were observed in the wee hours of the morning, sometime in the first month of the Chinese lunar year. Because it was still dark, candles, lanterns and torches were lit. This lighting coupled with the incense being burnt inside the hall ,helped make the ceremony both grand and mystical.

By the time the service began,207 musicians and dancers would be performing on platforms outside the hall. The emperor, in his blue sacrificial robe and with an air of piety and sincerity, would walk slowly into the hall, kowtow, and offer wine and prayer in hornor of the deities and his ancestors. All of the offerings would then be taken to incinerators on the eastern side of the gate of prayer for Good Harvest. With this we conclude our visit to the Temper of Heaven. The feudal monarchs and their sacrificial rites have long vanished in history .However, this group of magnificent and lofty structures remain as a fine testament of the ancient Chinese` s ingenuity and as one of the cultural heritages of mankind.

(On the Long Corridor)

From the Eastern Gate of the hall of prayer for good harvest, we have now enter a 300-meter-long corridor. Consisting of 72 sections, this corridor served as a connecting building between the Slaughterhouse. Heaven Kitchen, and the main hall ,It is said that this once served as a sacrificial food production line. Flanking the corridor are shopping stalls. You may find some souvenirs for your family and friend there.

Well ,that is all for this tour. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your next visit. Good luck and bon voyage.



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Ladies and gentlemen, everybody is good:

I am the "summer tour" the second leg of the three gorges tour - Liao Xueyao, the second leg is that we visited yichang three gorges, speaking of the three gorges, as everybody knows, but how many people know? We will go to find out now! Behind me is the "garden of the three gorges project", it is by the SongMing valley, the racecourse, the aquarium... , because the time is pressing, we just visit SongMing valley.

SongMing valley, the existing more than 100 kinds of birds, such as pigeons, larks, peacocks... Countless, peacock train over there! Lets go and see! Today is "May Day" golden week, the three gorges travel agency launched a parrot performance for you, arithmetic, fetching water, cycling... Its fun and we go and see. Finished watching the show, I will take you to a mysterious place, that is, the dam, the dam being built at zhongbaodao island built in accomplishment, for up to 2309 meters, up to 18 meters, is a Great Wall across the Yangtze river water.

The three gorges project is the worlds largest water conservancy hub project, has been listed as one of the worlds super engineering, it is the last has flood control, power generation, storage, ecological type, navigation development goal of water resources and hydropower engineering. Do you remember chairman MAOs poem? Truncation wushan, high pinghu. If fairy unscathed, when surprised the world different. The tour, go home.



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