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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1448 字

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大家知道吗?1987年12月长城就被列入《世界遗产名录》了。 长城是人类文明史上最伟大的建筑工程,它始建于20xx多年前的春秋战国时期,秦朝统一中国之后联成万里长城。汉、明两代又曾大规模修筑。其工程之浩繁,气势之雄伟,堪称世界奇迹。岁月流逝,物是人非,如今你们登上昔日长城的遗址,不仅能目睹逶迤于群山峻岭之中的长城雄姿,还能领略到中华民族创造历史的大智大勇哪。


长城的修建持续了两千多年,根据历史记载,从公元前七世纪楚国筑“方城”开始,至明代(1368-1644年)共有20多个诸侯国和封建王朝修筑过长城,其中秦、汉、明三个朝代长城的长度都超过了5千公里。如果把各个时代修筑的长城加起来,总长度超过了5万公里; 如果把修建长城的砖石土方筑一道1米厚、5米高的大墙,这道墙可以环绕地球一周有余。

长城的主体工程是绵延万里的高大城墙,大都建在山岭最高处,沿着山脊把蜿蜒无尽的山势勾画出清晰的轮廓,塑造出奔腾飞跃、气势磅礴的巨龙,从而成为中华民族的象征。在万里城墙上,分布着百座雄关、隘口,成千上万座敌台、烽火台,打破了城墙的单调感,使高低起伏的地形更显得雄奇险峻,充满巨大的艺术魅力。大家看下面,群峦耸立,连绵不断,长城从远方云岗深处奔腾而来,又朝天蜿蜒而云,不见首尾。西望怀来盆地绿茵萋萋。北边山谷,公路如线,逐渐消失在群山之中。真可谓山河壮丽,多迷人呀。大家可以看一看这里的墙顶外侧筑有高1.7米的垛口,上有了望孔,下有射口。内侧筑有起护 栏作用的宇墙,城墙每300-500米筑有堡垒工的方形城台,有的为楼 层建筑,上有了望也和射口,下层有券洞,供守城军士住宿,储存军械食粮。在长城沿线的险要处和交通要道上筑有碉堡、烽火台。遇到 敌情,烽火台可传递情报,发号施令。









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 633 字

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各位游客 大家好!欢迎大家到八达岭景区观光旅游。今天有幸陪同大家一起参观,我很高兴,望各位能在八达度过一段美好的时光。








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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2020 字

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The name of Xiangtan comes from its geographical features. On the one hand,it is said that this place is located in the Xiangjiang River, and "Tan" isnamed "Xiangtan". On the other hand, it is more widely accepted, that is, it isnamed Xiangzhou Tan, or zhaotan, in the Xiangjiang River under Zhaoshanmountain. This tan is actually a deeper section of the Xiangjiang River, but itis quite famous because of its legendary connection with King Zhao of Zhou. As amain geographical feature, it has been named Xiangtan County since the TangDynasty.

In Xiangtan City, Xiangnan County, the first county government, was set upin Han Dynasty, and the county town (now Shitan Town, Xiangtan County, GuchengVillage) was built. Since the Tang Dynasty, Xiangtan County was transferred toLuokou (now Yishuhe town of Xiangtan County), which has been established formore than 1200 years. The ancient residents in Xiangtan are known at least 5000years ago.

Xiangtan city is a typical low Mountain hilly landform, which belongs tothe basin range mountain system of pseudo mountain, Hengshan and Juanshui basin.The landform outline is higher in the north, West and south, surrounded by lowand medium mountains with Shaofeng, Baozhong, Changshan and Xiaoxia mountains asthe main body; In the middle and East, the terrain is low and flat, withXiangjiang River, Lianhe River and Juan River as the main water systemdistribution. The whole city takes "four mountains, one river and two rivers" asthe skeleton to form a hilly basin terrain opening to the northeast. The urbanarea is located in the valley plain of the lower reaches of Xiangjiang River atthe opening of the basin. The highest point is located in the Western Baozhongmountain, 793 meters above sea level. The lowest point is jinmazhou at the footof Zhaoshan mountain, 30.7 meters above sea level. It can be roughly dividedinto three geomorphic types, i.e. tectonic erosion low hill landform, tectonicerosion denudation low hill landform and erosion accumulation valley plainlandform.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2993 字

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Erhai Lake, once known as yeyuze, kunmichuan, Xierhe and Xierhe in ancientliterature, is located in the northwest of Dali City, Yunnan Province. It is thesecond largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province and the seventh largestfreshwater lake in China. Erhai Lake starts from Eryuan in the north, with alength of about 42.58 km. The only outlet of Erhai Lake is near Xiaguan town andflows out through Xier river.

Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake depend on each other. Erhai Lake is one ofthe four scenic spots in Dali. It is said that it is named Erhai Lake because itlooks like an ear. Erhai Lake has excellent water quality and rich aquaticresources. At the same time, it is also a scenic spot with beautifulscenery.

The scenery of Erhai Lake is changeable and colorful. In the early morning,the mist is light, the lake is confused, the smoke is endless, waiting for thesunrise in the east to open the veil, revealing the beautiful face; the risingsun, the rising sun, the golden waves, the fishing boat sail. As the sun sets inthe west, the afterglow falls, the boat returns to the shore, and the fishingsongs sing late. On a moonlit night, the water is still, the wind is light, theshadow of the moon is shining, and the waves are lapping on the shore. "Nightmoon in Erhai Lake" has become one of the four wonders of Dali, "Shangguan wind,Xiaguan flower, Cangshan snow and Erhai Lake moon". Whats more strange is thatdue to the strong wind in Shangguan, the water waves of the Xier River areblown back. Originally, Erhai Lake flows out of the Xier River, but it lookslike the Xier river flows into Erhai Lake.

Erhai Lake is a fault subsided lake with clear water and high transparency,which has been called "flawless jade among mountains" since ancient times. It issaid that there is a huge jade cabbage growing on the bottom of the sea. Thegreen water of the lake is the jade liquid pouring out from the bottom of thejade cabbages heart. A boat tour of Erhai Lake

Although this is an old-fashioned link, Dali is flexible because of thewater, so Erhai Lake has almost become one of the scenic spots that cant bemissed.

Step 1: take the No.8 bus to yuer road and buy the ticket from any ticketcenter. Or you dont have to go to the ticket center. There will be persistentlocal people on the road. Ticket sellers will stop you to buy tickets. If theprice is almost the same, just buy one. The price is about 140 yuan, usually80-100 yuan in non peak season.

Step 2: buy some water and snacks for the cruise.

Step three: get on board. The ship will be dispatched at different times.Tour route: xiaoputuo Nanzhao style island. In fact, its not very interestingto be on the island. Its a serious business to blow the wind on the Erhaisea.

Step four: disembark. The place to get off the ship is not Dali port.Generally, you get off at Taoyuan wharf and go back to Dali ancient city at 10yuan per person. You can also take a taxi here to the next scenic spot. Such asthe Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 13888 字

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Dear tourists

Hello everyone, welcome to Yueyang Tower, one of the three famous buildingsin Jiangnan.

Yueyang Tower is a national key cultural relic protection unit and one ofthe first batch of national 4A tourist areas. The landscape characteristics ofYueyang Tower can be summarized into four aspects. First, it has a long history.Yueyang Tower, formerly known as Yuejun tower built by Lu Su, was built in the19th year of Jianan in the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 220__) and was namedYueyang Tower in the 2nd year of Qianyuan in the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 759). It hasthe longest history among the three famous buildings in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

Second, the scenery is unique. Yueyang Tower is composed of river, lake,mountain and city. "Baling Sheng shape, a trace in the Dongting, the title ofthe distant mountains, swallow the Yangtze River, vast, boundless horizontal,morning and evening Yin, magnificent." The poet Du QinYong said: "the vast snowwaves with smoke, the sky and the West back painting, the building is verybeautiful scenery, a mountain nine lake." Yueyang Tower is a marvelous praisefor its geographical shape. It is strong with water, beautiful with mountainsand better than Jiangnan in shape. Third, it has a profound culture. YueyangTower poetry anthology contains more than a few famous works, a large number ofcouplets, plaques, paintings and inscriptions, most of which are permeated withthe "sense of hardship" of the Chinese nation. _In Du Fus "climbing the YueyangTower", he said, "I heard the Dongting water in the past, but now Im going tothe Yueyang Tower. In the southeast of Wu and Chu, heaven and earth float dayand night. Family and friends have no word, old and sick have their own boat.The army passes the mountain north, depending on the Xuan tears Si flow Hisconcern for the prison and the people is beyond expression. Fan Zhongyans"Yueyang Tower" is the development of this excellent tradition to the peak. Thephilosophy of "not to be happy with things, not to be sad with yourself", Atthat time, Su Dongpo expressed his emotion that "although it is not easy for asage to rise again", which Liu Shaoqi introduced as the criterion for thecultivation of Communist Party members, Hu Yaobang praised as thecrystallization of traditional Chinese virtues. It is indeed the most preciouscultural relics of Chinese spiritual civilization. Among the three famousbuildings in the south of the Yangtze River, only Yueyang Tower is a nationalcultural relic with historical, artistic and scientific value. The Yueyang Towernow seen is a pure wood structure. It was overhauled in 1983 according to theprinciple of "keeping the old as it is". It has four columns, three floors,cornices and helmet top. The whole building is made of wood without a brick or anail. The door joints are mortise and tenon. The workmanship is very exquisite.In history, Yueyang Tower has been destroyed and repaired for more than 50times. Friends, this couplet in front of the door, "Dongting Tianxia water,Yueyang Tianxia tower", is extracted from the five character quatrains of WeiYunzhen, a poet of the Ming Dynasty. The last two sentences of this poem are"who is the scholar in the world, drinking on the top of the building." Today,you are going to be the corporal of the day. Lets enjoy the profound YueyangTower culture and the magnificent mountains and rivers of Yueyang with Dongtingas the wine. Maybe you will be as drunk as Li Bai.

On the wall of Baling ancient city, the "Xiaoxiang archway in the SouthPole" and the "Wuxia archway in the north" were built in the Qing Dynasty. Thecouplets of chanting scenery in the two places are all written by famousartists. In the north of the ancient times, he Shaoji, a great calligrapher ofthe Qing Dynasty, wrote couplets, and Li duo, a famous calligrapher of thecontemporary era. In the south, Zhang Zhao, who wrote Yueyang Tower in the QingDynasty, and Liu Haisu, a contemporary master of calligraphy and painting, wrotethe couplet. From then on, we can see that Yueyang Tower was loved by literatiof all ages.

Now in front of you is Yueyang Tower. The three characters of "YueyangTower" on the horizontal plaque were inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo, and now it hasbeen compiled into the book named plaque of Zhongjun. Yueyang Tower is 2135mhigh, 1724m wide and 14.56m deep. Three story three eaves, helmet top type woodstructure, covered with yellow glazed tiles. The helmet top is a prominentfeature of Yueyang Tower. You can see that it looks like the helmet of anancient general. It is powerful and majestic. With cornices, it has smoothcurves and gives people a sense of power. Looking at the Ruyi Dougong under thehelmet top, it looks like a beehive. It is decorated with dragon head, phoenixhead and cloud head. It not only supports the gravity of the helmet top, butalso makes the whole building more exquisite, solemn and harmonious. The top ofthe roof, ridge ornaments, head up and other components are all ceramic productsleft over from the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Yueyang Tower has madeamazing achievements in aesthetics, mechanics, architecture and technology.

When you enter the main building, the first thing you see is the carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower, which is composed of 12 pieces of red sandalwood. Asmentioned above, the name of Yueyang Tower was only used in the Tang Dynasty. Atthat time, Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi, Li Shangyin and other talented personagesand poets came one after another. They look out from the cantharidin tower, goboating in Dongting, and write hard. In his poem "climbing Yueyang Tower withXia 12", Li Bai described it as follows: "the tower views Yueyang as far aspossible, and the Sichuan Dongting opens. The wild goose leads the sorrowfulheart to go, the mountain holds the good month to come. Even stay in the clouds,the sky line cup. After getting drunk, the cool wind blows and the people danceLi Shangyin, a poet in the late Tang Dynasty, also wrote the poem Yueyang Tower:"if you want to get rid of your worries, you can go to Yueyang Tower on DongtingLake. Its a pity that thousands of Li can take advantage of the prosperity.Its a dragons solution to the shipwreck. " The Yueyang Tower became more andmore famous because of these new words.

However, it was after Teng Zijing rebuilt Yueyang Tower and Fan Zhongyanwrote Yueyang Tower. In the fourth year of Qingli period, Ying Zijing wasdemoted to be the governor of Yuezhou. After he took office, he organized threemajor events: first, building a rainbow dike under the Yueyang Tower to defendthe waves of Dongting Lake; second, setting up a county school to cultivatetalents; third, rebuilding the Yueyang tower. Teng Zijing has both literarytalent and military strategy. He thinks that "it is not long for Louguan to becalled a reporter by writing, and the writing is not written by those who aretalented and powerful.". So he thought of his friend Fan Zhongyan, who was aJinshi in the same middle school. He wrote a Book of Qiuji, which introduced thestructure and momentum of Yueyang Tower after it was revised. He poured out hiseagerness to ask Fan Zhongyan to write a record. He also asked someone to draw apicture of autumn evening in Dongting, which copied the poems and Odes ofYueyang Tower chanted by famous scholars of all ages. He sent people to FanZhongyans demoted residence day and night It is located in Dengzhou. FanZhongyan was a famous statesman, litterateur and militarist in the Northern SongDynasty. Like Wei Zijing, he was rejected and attacked because he advocated theinnovation of politics. After receiving the letter from Teng Zijing, he read itrepeatedly and thought about it carefully, and finally wrote the famous story ofYueyang Tower. Although the full text of this article is only 368 words, it hasbroad content, profound philosophy, majestic momentum, sonorous language andpearly words. It has become a masterpiece for thousands of years. However, thesaying "first worry about the world, and then joy about the world" has become afamous saying handed down from generation to generation, and has become theaccumulation of the noble personality culture of the outstanding knowledge ofthe Chinese nation. The story of Yueyang Tower, with its supreme content andartistic charm, has been handed down for thousands of years and nourishedpeoples hearts. After receiving Fan Zhongyans Yueyang Tower, Teng Zijing wasoverjoyed. He immediately asked Su Zimei, a great calligrapher, to write it andShao Songhui, a famous sculptor, to engrave it on a wooden plaque. As a result,Lou, Ji, calligraphy and sculpture are collectively known as the "four wonders".Unfortunately, the sculpture was destroyed in the fire during the reign ofemperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty. The screen we see now is written by ZhangZhao, a famous calligrapher and Minister of the Ministry of punishment in theQianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

The whole building is supported by four big nanmu columns. It runs from thebottom of the building to the top of the building, and then uses 12 gold pillarsas the inner ring to support the second floor. Around it, 20 wooden pillars areused to control the door joints and tenons, and connect them as a whole. Thewhole Yueyang Tower is of pure wood structure, and no iron nail can be found. Onthe first floor, there are couplets chanting Yueyang Tower by ancient and modernmasters. The one in the middle of the hall is the longest of the couplets. Thefirst couplet begins with "whats strange on the first floor", listing theachievements and legends of poets, famous Confucians, virtuous officials andwine immortals left in Yueyang Tower, expressing the authors regret for thepast and the present; the second couplet introduces the famous mountains andrivers, the magnificent and dangerous city of baling. If you write down thiscouplet, you will have a general understanding of Yueyang Tower.

A carved screen of Yueyang Tower is hung on the front of the second floor.There is a story circulating here. During the reign of Daoguang in the QingDynasty, a magistrate surnamed Wu came to Yueyang. He took a fancy to the carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower, and bribed a master of folk art carving with a largesum of money to make another carved screen. Taking advantage of the opportunityof being transferred out of Yueyang, Wuzhi county took advantage of theopportunity to steal the beam and change the column, and fled on a stormy nightwith the carved screen of Jiaxiao and Zhang Zhao. The boat was overturned in thejiumazui section of Dongting Lake by wind and waves, and the carved screen sankto the bottom of the lake. It was salvaged by local fishermen and collected byWu Minshu, a local scholar. After 120 silver from the hands of Wus descendantswill screen back. During the cultural revolution, the red guards wanted to smashthe feudal carved screen. In order to protect it, the workers covered thewriting with plaster and wrote Chairman Maos poems. In this way, the carvedscreen escaped another disaster. This one and the one on the first floor areboth true and false, just like the list of merits and demerits.

The third floor is the top floor of Yueyang Tower. Looking from the window,you can appreciate the majestic momentum of "holding the distant mountains andswallowing the Yangtze River" and enjoy the beautiful scenery of lakes andmountains, which is "the same color of water and sky, boundless wind and moon".Signed "Changgeng libaishu". When we stand on the third floor and look out fromthe window, we can see that the water and sky of Dongting Lake are united, theclear wind and the moon are boundless, and the mountains and lakes are all onthe first floor. Isnt the feeling that "the water and the sky are united, thewind and the moon are boundless"?

In the middle is the strip screen of Deng Yueyang Tower written by Du Fu inMao Zedongs handwriting. You can see that it has rigorous layout, bold andunrestrained brushwork, iron and silver hook, vigorous and straight, which isdeeply rooted in huaisus wild grass style, and has its own style. This is arare art treasure, hanging here, making Yueyang Tower even more icing on thecake.

Out of the Yueyang Tower is the three drunk Pavilion, which is the place toworship Lu Xian. Lu Dongbin used medicine to save people and did good deeds. Hewas deeply respected by the people. In addition, he was named "Fuyou emperor" bythe emperor of Yuan Dynasty. He was one of the five northern ancestors ofTaoism. Yueyang Tower was built with yellow glazed tiles specially used by theemperors in feudal times as the place where LV Xian stopped. Why is Lu Xian soprominent in Yueyang? It turns out that there are anecdotes about Lu Xian in theannals of Yueyangs prefectures and counties, saying that he had drunk with TengZijing, played chess with Wang Taishou, the national chess player, and stoppedQiao Taishous sedan chair when he was drunk. In particular, Zhizhou Li Guan notonly records the origin of LV Xiantings story, but also includes two poems byLV Xian. At that time, they were carved in front of Yueyang Tower with hugestones. One of them is "when you travel to the north, the dusk of Cangwu, thecourage of the green snake in your sleeve, when you are drunk in Yueyang, youcant recognize it, and you can fly over Dongting Lake with langyin." The nameof sanzui Pavilion comes from this poem.

Finally, visit Yueyang Tower culture and Art Center. There are not only thecarved screen of Yueyang Tower written by the famous calligraphers Mi Fu, ZhuYunming, Dong Qichang and Zhang Zhao, but also the image display of theconcentrated landscape of Yueyang Tower in song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.There are also a large number of works of art and crafts with Yueyang Towerculture as the theme, as well as various books and periodicals about YueyangTower. Besides enjoying, you can choose your favorite souvenirs forcommemoration.



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介绍长城导游词。我是你们的导游,我姓刘,大家可以叫我刘导。我将带领大家去浏览气魄雄伟的长城。Let’s go!

朋友们,这就是长城,它是在公元前五世纪到前三世纪修建的。那时各国诸候为了互相防御和抵抗北方游牧民族的南下侵扰,在各自领地上修筑了防御用的城墙。秦始皇统一中国后,用三万多人力,十多年时间,把原来秦、赵、魏、燕、齐等国所筑的城墙加以修缮并且连接来。 现在我们通常说的万里长城是指明朝修建的西起甘肃省的嘉峪关,东到濒临渤海湾的河北山海关,中间主要关口有:山海关,嘉峪关,玉门关、居庸关、紫荆关,偏关,雁门关,平型关,娘子关,横亘七个盛市,全长六千七百多公里。万里长城工程坚固,气势雄伟,蜿蜓起伏,势若游龙,是中国最有价值的历史文物和旅游胜地。




1、 不要乱扔垃圾。

2、 不要在长城上乱刻乱画。

3、 注意安全。

4、 注意时间,只有两个小时。

时间过得真快,和大家说拜拜的时间到了。记住,我们的公司叫天马行空旅游公司,有空常来我们这里坐坐,别忘了请我给您做导游啊!Bye__ bye!



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Hello, everyone! My name is Rowling, you can call me Xiao Luo. Im glad tobe your tour guide. Today Im going to visit Yuelu Mountain with you. We willhave a good day together.

This is Yuelu Mountain, with an altitude of 300. 8 meters, is one of the 72peaks of Nanyue. It is like a natural barrier across the west of ChangshaCity.

We are now at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. Please look with me. This oldhouse with moss on the tiles here is the famous Yuelu Academy. Yuelu Academy isa bright pearl in the long river of Chinese history and culture. Together withBailudong academy, Songyang academy and Yingtian academy, it is known as Chinasfour major academies. It has a long history and was built in 976. Zhu Xi, afamous Neo Confucianist and educator in the Southern Song Dynasty, once gavelectures here.

Lets keep going up and see, this is the "love Pavilion". Four red pillars,like a pine tree, stand straight in front of us, supporting the two green roofs.From a distance, it looks like a big tree. It is perfectly combined with thebeautiful scenery. On the top of the pavilion, there are three glittering goldencharacters of "aiwanting".

The original name of aiwanting was "hongyeting". Later, it was renamed as"aiwanting" because of the poem in "a journey to the mountains" written by thefamous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty: "stop and sit in the maple forest atnight, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". It is also known as oneof the four famous pavilions in China.

There are many scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain. Lets have a rest first, andthen well go to more beautiful and wonderful scenic spots together. Please payattention to "during the rest, do not run too far away, just rest nearby; inorder to avoid the team, pay attention to safety, we will gather here in 20minutes!



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