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The Mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 Moslems in Xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the Provincial People’s Government. Unlike the Arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the Mosque here in Xi’an possesses much Chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to Islamic mosques, this Mosque also holds characteristics of Chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

However, any further discussion about the Mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of Islam into China is brought up.

Islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century A.D. and was introduced to China in the mid-600s. At that time, Arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of China by way of Persia and Afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with China. In the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through Bangladesh Bay and the Malacca Strait to China’s Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Huangzhou, Yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became Moslems.

However, massive immigration of the Moslems to China did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when Genghis Khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, including the north of Iran. Many of the Moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in China.

Among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the Hui people in the history books on the Yuan dynasty. The Hui people later followed Kublai Khan down to the south, helping him unifying China and then establish the Yuan dynasty. In the wake of the conquest, Islam spread all over China and mosques began to appear everywhere. In the Yuan dynasty, many Moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. And a lot of the Moslems took part in Zhu Yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, all the emperors of the Dynasty issued mandates to protect Islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the Moslems for their feats. In the early 16th century, Islam predominated Qinghai on the minority nationalities including the Huis, the Uygurs, the Kazaks, the Kirgizes, the Tajiks, the Tartars, the Ozbeks, the Dong Xiangs, the Salars and the Bonans. The Moslems in Xi’an are mainly the Huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in China.

The Mosque at Hua Jue Lane is the largest in Xi’an, and at the same time, it is also one of the earliest built on a comparatively large scale, and well preserved mosques in China.

According to the Stele on the Building of the Mosque”, the mosque is said to be built in the Tang Dynasty. However, the architectural style of the mosque suggests a possible building dating back to the Ming Dynasty. The four courtyards of the mosque cover an area of more than 12,000 square meters, out of which about 4,000 are occupied by various structures. The still intact wooden front memorial gateway of the front yard, built at the turn of the 17th century, with glazed tiles on the top, spectacular corners and upturned eaves, is about 9 metres high, and has a history of about 360 years. The stone memorial gateway in the center of the second courtyard is flanked with a tail stele on either side with dragons carved on each, recording the repair work ever since the building of the Mosque. On the back of one of the steles are engraved characters by the master calligrapher Mi Fu, May Buddhism Fill the Universe”, on the other, Royal -Bestowed”by Dong Qichang, another master of the same art of the Ming dynasty. They are treasures in Chinese calligraphy. At the entrance of the third courtyard is an imperial built hall, where a month tablet”, showing the calculation of the Hui Calendars in Arabic, is stored. It was compiled by a man in charge of the mosque called Xiao Mining in the early period of the Qing dynasty. A three –storeyed octagonal wooden structure called Retrospection Tower”also stands in the center of the courtyard, which has the same function as the minaret in Islamic temples in Arabic countries, and which is a place from where orders were sent to call the Moslems to come to worship. Respectively, on the south and north wings of the tower, are a reception chamber and a Scripture Chamber, both elegantly laid out. The five wooden houses, which are called Water Houses”in the southwest section of the Mosque are the place where the believers bathe themselves before they attend their services. And in side the fourth courtyard there is a structure called the Pavilion of Phoenix”, a place where the worshipers used to wait for the services. The Pavilion, in fact, is a compound structure of three small buildings. The six-gabled structure of the central part, adjoining the two three-gabled buildings on each side looks very much like a flying phoenix, and hence its name. Just at the back of the Pavilion, there is a fishpond, beyond which is a platform occupying an area as large as 700 m2. Across both ends of the platform stands the 1,300 square metered service hall, holding over a thousand worshipers at once. There are over six hundred sunk panels well as the sunk panels, are decorated with patterns of painted trailing plants and Arabic letterings. The imam leads his group of worshipers, while facing in the direction of Mecca, to chant in Koran and to pay their religious homage.

The Moslems in China share very much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. They worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night. Female worshipers attend their services in a separated place from their brothers, usually at home. Moslems pay special attention to their health and see that they always wear clean clothes. They are teetotalers not only of wine, but also of pork and animal blood for in Koran pigs have been mentioned four times as being unclean”. According to Koran, a man can have four wives and women should wear veils when they go out. However, except a few places in Xinjiang, the Chinese practise monogamy and women are veiless when they go out. Upon his death, a Moslem has to be thoroughly cleaned”(thoroughly bathed), has to be put on Ke Fan”(to be shrouded with a piece of white cloth) and has to be buried coffinless in the ground, with an imam reciting Scriptures at the funeral.

The Chinese constitution promulgates that freedom of religion of each citizen and freedom of preserving or reforming local customs for every nationality are permitted. And of course, the Moslems in China enjoy equal rights with peoples of other nationalities and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.




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Dear tourists

How do you do!

Welcome to the ancient city of Xian. Im your tour guide. My family nameis Xu. Please call me director Xu. The first scenic spot to visit today is theterracotta warriors and horses, one of the world heritage sites. The scenic spotis located in Lintong, Xian. Our bus also goes to Lintong. The journey is about40 minutes. I want to mention Lintong in Xian. You must think of theunparalleled toilet of Qin soldiers in the world. OK, we have arrived at QinShihuang mausoleum now. Please get off in order. Do you know the origin of theterracotta warriors and horses of the Qin Dynasty? In the previous dynasties,emperors were buried with living people when they died. Later, in the QinDynasty, a minister said to Qin Shihuang, "in the previous dynasties, livingpeople were buried with them. I dont think its proper for you to do this. Letthe craftsmen build a clay army. How about your invincible army? "Qin Shihuangthought this idea was very good, so he agreed. In fact, if it had not been forthe nod of Qin Shihuang at that time, we would not have seen the magnificentTerracotta Army today. The terra cotta warriors and horses are of great scale.At present, three terracotta pits have been excavated, covering a total area ofnearly 20000 square meters, about the size of 50 basketball courts. There areabout 8000 terracotta warriors and horses in the pits.

Now we come to the No.1 pit, which is also the largest of the three pits.It is 230 meters long from east to west and 62 meters wide from north to south,with a total area of 14260 square meters. You can see that the total area of thethree pits is more than half! Since the area is so large, the number is alsovery large, there are more than 6000. A huge arched hall has been built on thetop of pit No.1. We can go into the hall and enjoy it carefully. We should alsopay attention to safety when touring. Please see, the figure with big body, hat,armor, sword and high head is the general figurine. Some of them areself-confident and have bright eyes. At first glance, they know that they areexperienced in the battlefield and shoulder heavy responsibilities. Some of themare nodding and thinking, as if they are thinking about defeating the enemy ifthey fight. Its full of generals. Then look at the warriors. They are allstrong and strong. They are wearing war robes and armor, and their feet are onthe front of their boots. It seems that they are waiting for the bugle. Then wecontinue to look at the terracotta cavalry figures. We can see that they arewearing short armor, tight trousers, boots, rein in the right hand and bow andarrow in the left hand. It seems that they are ready to mount at any time.During the war, there must be a group of good horses. Looking ahead, the potteryhorses are the same size as the real horses, and they are strong. That eager totry, if you give an order, you will spread your hooves, soar into the air andjump on the journey. Whether they are generals, warriors or cavalry, they allseem to be making up their minds to fight for the unification of the Qin state.Even Tao Ma seems to be planning to be loyal to his country. When he walks intoit, he seems to feel the breath of love The terracotta warriors and horses ofQin Dynasty are unique in the history of sculpture at all times. It vividlyreproduced the grand momentum of the Qin army with millions of soldiers andthousands of chariots, and vividly demonstrated the powerful power and heroicspirit of the Chinese nation.

Dear tourists, time flies. Todays journey of Qin Bing and Ma Neng has cometo an end. Now we are ready to leave for our hotel!



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钟楼地处西安繁华的东、西、南、北四条大街交汇处,它古时用来在清晨敲钟报时,故称钟楼 。从建成之日起,钟楼就一直被看作是古城西安的象征,现为陕西省重点文物保护单位。它是我国古代遗留下来许多钟楼中形制最大、保存最完整的一座。西安是明代西北军政重镇,它的钟楼无论从建筑规模历史价值或艺术价值各方面衡量,都居全国同类建筑之冠。

钟楼始建于1384年。钟楼的基座是正方形,占地1377.4平方米,高8.6米,宽35.5米,全部用青砖砌成。楼为砖木结构,高36米。外部重檐3层,但内部仅上下两层。楼檐四角攒顶,檐下饰有彩绘斗拱。“斗拱”是我国古代木结构建筑的特点之一。在世界建筑史上也是独一无二的。它不但能使建筑物更加牢固,而且更加美观。斗拱在 商代就已出现,在我国青铜器的花纹上,可以看到较完整的斗拱图象。


巨钟轶闻 :钟楼的西北角上陈列着一口明代铁钟,重5吨,钟边铸有八卦图案,建造于明成化年间(1465~1487年)。但它比钟楼早先悬挂的铜钟却小得多了。钟楼原先悬挂的巨钟是唐代景云年间铸造的“景云钟”(现藏于碑林博物馆)。据说,迁到今址之后,虽然楼的式样大小并没有改变,景云钟却怎么也敲不响了。无可奈何,只有另换。



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Xian.

Xian, a famous historical and cultural city, is located in the middle ofWeishui plain on the West Bank of the Yellow River. There is fertile land, avast expanse of eight hundred Li Qinchuan, natural treasures, outstandingpeople. On the land of China, this dazzling pearl inlaid in the southern end ofthe Loess Plateau, once had a world-famous, extremely brilliant history andculture, but also had green waters and mountains, extremely beautiful naturallandscape.

In the East and west of Xian, the Qinling Mountains, known as the"Oriental Alps", are crisscrossed and meandering. On this beautiful scenic line,there are Huashan Mountain, which is known as the first of the five mountains,Lishan Mountain in Lintong, which is famous for its hot spring soup pools,Zhongnan mountain, which is green in all seasons and rare in its interior, andTaibai Mountain, which is called a wonder for its snow cover in June. They forma natural and unique scenery group. In ancient Changan, there were eightrivers, Wei River, Chan River, Ba River, Lao river, Feng River, Mao River, ZaoRiver and Yu River, which were surrounded by blue waves.

This thousand year old capital at the foot of the Qinling Mountains and onthe Bank of the Weihe River has Tongguan in the East and Sanguan in the West. Inthe north, the chidao, which was built in the Qin Dynasty, is a thoroughfare forfighting against Xiongnu and supplying supplies. In the south, Ziwu Road,TangLuo Road, Baoxie road and Chencang road can cross Hanzhong to Bashu. In thesoutheast, Wuguan road in Shangluo Mountain is the throat leading to Chu. Inancient times, Changan had convenient transportation, both land and water,dangerous terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It has always been aplace for military strategists and emperors to make contributions.

Xian is an important birthplace of Chinese history and culture, and alsoone of the earliest developed areas of human civilization. In the thousands ofyears of history of the Chinese nation, perhaps no city can enjoy such a loftystatus and incomparable brilliance as Xian: it is the capital of 13 dynastiessince the Western Zhou Dynasty and the epitome of the first half of Chinesefeudal society.

Since Zhou and Qin Dynasties, Xian has been in the center of politics,economy and culture for a long time with its unique historical position. In the11th century B.C., the Zhou people grew stronger and stronger in Qishan andFufeng areas in the western part of Guanzhong, and finally established theircountry after destroying the Shang Dynasty, and established their capitals inFengjing and Haojing. Qin people successively established capitals in Yongcheng,Liyang and Xianyang, and went out of Hangu in the east to destroy the six statesand establish an unprecedented unified Qin Empire. The capital of Qin Dynasty isstill Xianyang, which is near the water on the tableland. After the destructionof Qin Dynasty by Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty, he took a fancy to theeight hundred Li Qinchuan River, which is a vast expanse of fertile land, andchose to establish the capital on the South Bank of Weihe River, which is justacross from qinxianyang. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mangusurped the Han Dynasty and established a new dynasty, inheriting the capitaland system of the Han family. When the Huangjin army rose, Dong Zhuo burned allthe palaces in Luoyang, and the princes of the 18th route begged for Zhuo.Therefore, Dong Zhuo forced Emperor Xian to move westward to Changan. TheEastern Han Dynasty had six years here.

The scenic Fenghe river is full of a large number of cultural treasuresfrom the Western Zhou Dynasty 3000 years ago. It is a magical and attractiveplace. Emperor min of the Western Jin Dynasty was the emperor in Changan, andhe was destroyed in only three years. The former Zhao, the former Qin, the laterQin, the Western Wei and the Northern Zhou established their capitals here.Changan city experienced a long period of war and shortage of soldiers afterthe Han Dynasty. In 581 ad, Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, unifiedChina again. Later, in the southeast of Changan City in the Han Dynasty, YuWenkai, a famous architect, designed and supervised the construction of DaxingCity, the capital of the Sui Dynasty. The scale, layout and scientificfacilities of Daxing City obviously exceeded that of Changan City in HanDynasty, which laid the foundation of Changan City in Tang Dynasty. TangDynasty is the heyday of Chinese history, and Changan city is also anincomparable brilliant model in the history of Chinese capital. Changan is notonly the political, economic and cultural center of the Tang Empire, but alsothe largest international city in the east of the world.

"The ancient imperial state in the middle of Qin Dynasty". History choseXian and Xian enriched history. Today, whenever people talk about the formerChangan in Xian, they are full of national pride and admiration for the richand incomparable ancient courtesy of China for thousands of years.

If history chose Xian as the capital of emperors, making it the centralstage of Chinas politics, economy and culture for more than a thousand years,then the emperors who once made great achievements in Xian chose Guanzhongsprofound and extensive loess land as their final destination. As a result, thedense and grand mausoleums of emperors spread all over Guanzhong with thearrogance of the past and the present, becoming one of the most unique culturallandscapes in Xian.

The imperial mausoleum in Shaanxi can be traced back to the mausoleum ofthe Yellow Emperor more than 5000 years ago. It is the mausoleum of XuanyuanYellow Emperor, the forefather of the Chinese nation. It is on the top ofQiaoshan mountain in Huangling County, north of Xian. Ever since ancient timesand every year, countless Chinese and Miao descendants have come here to payhomage to the mausoleum, find their roots, ask their ancestors, and remembertheir saints. In addition to the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, more than 70emperors were also buried in Guanzhong during the 20__ years from the WesternZhou Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Ancient Changan was not only the political and economic center of Chinafor a long time, but also the center of religious culture. In the Tang Dynasty,with political stability and economic development, the religious culture ofChangan reached its peak. At this time, not only the native Taoist culture inChina was widely spread, but also the foreign Buddhist culture was in aprominent position in social life.

Since the introduction of Buddhism into China in the Han Dynasty, it hasbecome the ideology of the gentry through the southern and Northern Dynasties.In the Tang Dynasty, it became a common practice to respect and worshipBuddhism. As the eastern end of the "Silk Road" and a cosmopolitan metropolis,Changan has gathered eminent monks and missionaries from all over the world.Inside and outside the city of Changan in the Tang Dynasty, there are manypagodas and temples, and there are many people who preach and listen to theDharma. According to historical records, there are 122 monasteries and 31nunnery monasteries in Changan city. Emperors and court dignitaries are proudto build monasteries and spend time with monks. The scale of these monasteriesis also amazing. For example, Cien Temple, which is called "Chonglou Fudian,Yunge Dongfang, more than ten monasteries, has a total of 1896, covering 342mu.". In the enlightened and open Tang Dynasty, not only the various sects ofBuddhist temples and Taoism as the national religion were very active, butNestorianism, Manichaeism and Islam also spread to China one after another,making an indelible contribution to the prosperity of Chinese and foreigncultures.

Today, there are still many religious and cultural relics inside andoutside Changan city. The towering big wild goose pagoda of Cien Temple andthe beautiful small wild goose pagoda of Jianfu temple have become the symbol ofXian, a famous historical and cultural city. Famen Temple has become a Buddhistholy land again because of the excavation of four Buddhist finger relicscollected in the Tang Dynasty. Daxingshan temple, Qinglong temple, Xiangjitemple and other famous temples have also become symbols of friendly exchangesand tourist attractions between China and foreign countries. The famous TaoistLouguantai, Baxian palace and Huajue Lane Muslim temple in the city areimportant places for the spread of Taoist and Islamic culture.

In history, the ancient city of Xian provided a broad and bright stage forChina to show its great and brilliant posture to the world, and made immortalcontributions to the survival, improvement and development of the Chinesenation. Perhaps it is just out of the reward for Xian that history generouslypresented this magical land with numerous historical relics and cultural relics.It is an invaluable treasure. It not only makes every Chinese proud and feel theresponsibility of history, but also as one of the cream of human culturalheritage, let people from all over the world comprehend the clear trajectory ofsocial courtesy development and the endless creativity of human beings.

The historical relics in Xian and Guanzhong area have the integrity ofrare historical sequence. This outstanding advantage is determined by thelong-span characteristics of Xians long history, which is difficult for manyhistorical cities to match. There, the Paleolithic artifacts of the Lantian apeman 1.15 million years ago and the painted pottery basin of the mud illusion ofthe matriarchal clan settlement in Banpo 6000 years ago jointly outline thecontext and footprints of the survival, reproduction and development of theprimitive ancestors; the deep, dignified, mysterious and treacherous bronzes ofthe Shang and Zhou dynasties represent the living atmosphere of the aristocratsin the slave society; The magnificent terracotta warriors and horses andexquisite stone portraits of the Qin and Han Dynasties are wrapped with thepolitical situation and flames of war in the early feudal society; the gorgeousmurals and colorful gold and silver wares of the Sui and Tang Dynasties recordthe glorious chapter of the golden age; and the steles, porcelain products,calligraphy and paintings of the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties are thewitness of the continued development of politeness in Xian after the loss ofthe prosperity of the imperial capital It is no exaggeration to say that it isno different to read a condensed general history of China to search the culturalrelics of Xian in chronological order.

Xian and its surrounding areas are rich in cultural heritage materials andcomplete categories, which is another major advantage. Not to mention thelarge-scale sites such as FengHao of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Xianyang palaceof the Qin Dynasty, Changan city of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and the ancientbuildings, temples, and grottoes of Meilun and meimian, the number of movablecultural relics alone has reached more than 600000 pieces (groups) according topreliminary statistics. Including ceramics, bronzes, jade, gold and silver,murals, stone and brick carvings, inscribed steles, seals and other categories.In this sense, the ancient city of Xian itself is a natural history museum, apalace of cultural art.

The natural landscape of Xian is also unique. In and around Xian, thereare Xiyue Huashan, which is known as "the most dangerous place in the world",Zhongnan mountain, which is cultivated by Wang Chongyang, the founder ofQuanzhen school, Taibai Mountain, which is known as "natural geological museum",Lishan Mountain, which is known as "Nuwa Butian", Louguantai, which is the mostblessed place in Dongtian, and Wangchuan, the hometown of Chinese landscape "Thehometown of ape man" -- Lantian cave and other scenic spots. The gardens inXian are full of royal style. Huaqing Palace tells the story of "song ofeverlasting regret" with its first hot spring in the world, warm and romanticlove story; Xingqing palace describes the eternal story of "Li Bai drunk"; asong "the sunset is infinite, just near dusk" makes leyouyuans dusk a charminglandscape. "Last year and today in this gate, peoples faces and peach blossomswere red. People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile springbreeze If you have a chance to go to Weiqu, you must be able to feel true loveunder the peach tree with the dream of "human face peach blossom". There are 11forest parks in Xian, which constitute the natural oxygen bar of the ancientcity.

The combination of humanity and landscape constitutes the unique charm ofancient Xian.

As the first ancient capital of China, Xian, after more than 3000 years ofdevelopment, shoulders numerous glorious and glorious dreams of the Chinesenation, and is firmly marching towards the future.

In 1949, after the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the ancientcity of Xian opened a new chapter in its own development history. Since the1980s, with the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, 6.18 millionpeople in Xian have seized the opportunity of the times, guided by science andtechnology, tourism, commerce and trade, and made great efforts to build Xianinto a socialist export-oriented city. A thriving and dynamic Xian city isstanding in the world. Today, Xian is an important base for scientific andtechnological research and development in contemporary China. There are morethan 3000 scientific research institutions in the city, including not only thescientific research institutions of machinery, electric power, electronics,aviation, aerospace, geology, chemical industry, textile, instruments, metersand nuclear industry, but also the only watch industry research institute inChina and the satellite measurement and control center, the central nerve ofaerospace measurement and control network.

Today, Xian is an important base of Chinas higher education. There are 42institutions of higher learning, more than 10 mobile stations for postdoctoralresearch, about 100 doctoral degree awarding points and more than 300 mastersdegree awarding points in the city. Every year, the city trains a large numberof modern talents for the country, becoming a veritable "cradle of talents".

Today, Xian is a world famous tourist hot spot city. The long and vasthistorical and cultural heritages, the beautiful and magnificent natural sceneryof Northwest China, and the various and magical traditional folk customsconstitute the unique tourism resources in Xian, attracting countless touristsfrom home and abroad to explore. With the development of tourism, tourismfacilities and municipal engineering have been further improved. With Xian asthe center, high-grade highways are interwoven in all directions. The connectionof Eurasian Continental Bridge and the completion of Xian XianyangInternational Airport make the connection between Xian and other countries morefrequent and close. A large number of star hotels and modern entertainmentfacilities and places have sprung up, which not only provides a guarantee forthe development of tourism, but also adds style and charm to the appearance ofthe ancient city.

In order to enrich the cultural and entertainment life of tourists and meetthe needs of leisure and vacation, Xian has built more than 3700 cultural andentertainment facilities in various forms, such as tangle palace, gudu GrandTheater, Tanghua song and dance theater, shange Grand Theater, Ginza nightclub,Taoyuan Lake Bowling Club, etc; It has launched such artistic programs as TangChangan music and dance, imitating Tang music and dance, soul of Qin terracottawarriors, and folk music and dance in Northern Shaanxi, which have won praisefrom tourists at home and abroad.

Xians tourism commodity production has strong local characteristics.There are abundant folk arts and crafts, such as terracotta figurines, antiquebronzes, Qin embroidery, jade, silk, craft porcelain, Huxian farmers paintings,Tang Sancai, porcelain plate paintings, landscape tables, straw paintings,Guanzhong paper-cut, etc. There are 26 designated foreign tourism shops in thecity, which can meet the different levels of shopping needs of tourists. At thesame time, the catering industry in Xian can provide tourists with uniqueShaanxi cuisine, such as imitation Tang cuisine, Dumpling Banquet, muttonsteamed bun and famous local snacks.

Today, Xian is still an open international metropolis. After summing upthe rise and fall of history and understanding the perfect future, the people ofXian have deeply realized that opening the door to the world and letting Xiango to the world is the only way for the development and prosperity of todaysancient city.

History has treated Xian well in the past, and Xian will live up tohistory!



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Founded in 1087, Xian stele forest is an art treasure house with theearliest and largest number of ancient steles in China. There are more than 1000steles and epitaphs from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. There is a forestof Steles, so it is called the forest of steles. The forest of Steles in Xianis rich in materials. It is not only a treasure house of ancient Chinesecalligraphy, but also a collection of ancient literature and stone patterns. Itdescribes some achievements of Chinas cultural development and reflects thehistorical facts of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, soit is famous at home and abroad.

The forest of Steles in Xian was developed on the basis of preserving thestone scriptures of Tang Dynasty. The Shijing in Tang Dynasty includes ShitaiXiaojing written by Li Longji in 745 AD and Kaicheng Shijing carved in 837ad.

In front of the first exhibition room of the forest of Steles is a pavilionspecially built for displaying Shitai Xiaojing. Shitai Xiaojing is the largeststele in the forest of steles. It was written by Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong ofTang Dynasty, in 745 ad. The book of filial piety was compiled by Confuciusstudents, who specially emphasized filial piety. The first part is Li Longjispreface to filial piety. The purpose of Xuanzongs preface to filial piety is toshow that he wants to govern the world with filial piety. The following is theoriginal text of filial piety, and the small words are the annotation of EmperorXuanzong for filial piety. The base is composed of a three-layer stone platform,with vivid lines carved on it, such as vines, lion flowers, etc. it is arepresentative of the Mid Tang Dynasty, with relief cirrus above. The stele iscomposed of four stones with a stone platform under it, so it is called "stoneplatform filial piety".

The first exhibition room of the forest of Steles mainly displays theKaicheng Shijing. The materials include Zhouyi, Shangshu, Shijing, Zhouli, Yili,Liji, Chunqiu Zuoshi biography, Chunqiu Gongyang biography, Chunqiu Guliangbiography, Analects of Confucius, Xiaojing, Erya and other 12 scriptures, with650252 words, 114 square stones and inscriptions on both sides. More than 30000characters on 17 sides of Mencius, which was made up in the Qing Dynasty, arealso displayed here, collectively known as the thirteen classics. Twelveclassics are the necessary books for intellectuals in feudal society. Becausethe printing technology was not very developed at that time, in order to avoidthe mistakes made by the literati in copying scriptures, and to preserve thempermanently, the 12 scriptures were engraved on stone tablets as models, whichwere set up in the Imperial Academy of Changan City for people to proofread.Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, China has carved scriptures seven times. KaichengShijing is the only complete set of stone scriptures.



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一 、活动主题:




三 、 活动主旨:

通过本次音乐会,人生仅此一次,让自己的梦想飞翔! 每一个人都有追求梦想的权利,让大家看到不一样的,看到在舞台上为艺术而跳动的一颗狂热的心,听到我的心灵 之声,用心在歌唱的声音。

















11 、后勤工作人员:待定





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Today, we will visit Huashan Mountain, which is known as "stone for lotusand cloud for platform". Huashan Mountain is located in Huayin City, ShaanxiProvince, 100 kilometers away from the ancient city of Xian. It is a branch ofthe eastern Qinling Mountains. It was formed as early as 700 million years ago.It was called "Xiyue" in ancient times. It is one of the five mountains inChina. In December 1992, Huishan mountain was rated as one of the top 40 scenicspots in China. It is tall and steep, magnificent. The five main peaks aretowering, just like a blooming lotus, full of vitality and brilliance. The fivemain peaks are called Dongfeng (Chaoyang peak), Xifeng (Lianhua peak), Nanfeng(Luoyan peak), Beifeng (Yuntai peak) and Zhongfeng (yunnv peak). Among them,Nanfeng is the highest with an altitude of 2160.5 meters, while Beifeng is thelowest with an altitude of 1614.7 meters. Li Daoyuan, a geographer of theNorthern Wei Dynasty, said in shuijingzhu that Huashan Mountain "looks like aflower from a distance.". In ancient Chinese, "Hua" and "Hua" are common, sothey are called Huashan. According to the research of Gu Yanwu, a scholar inQing Dynasty, our ancestor Xuanyuan yellow emperor once lived in the YellowRiver Valley of Huashan and Xiaxian County in Shanxi Province, so the Chinesepeople are called Huaxia descendants. The "Hua" of "China" is named afterHuashan, which has become the spiritual portrayal of the Chinese nation. It canbe said that the Yellow River is the mother river and Huashan is the fathermountain.

I believe that even friends who have never been to Huashan will learnsomething about Huashan from some interesting myths and anecdotes, such as "aroad to Huashan since ancient times", "fairy palm of Huayue", "aloes splittingmountain to save mother", "Huashan discussing sword", and modern wisdom tocapture Huashan. These beautiful myths and stories reflect peoples yearning andworship for Huashan since ancient times.

How did Huashan come into being? First of all, there is a legend: it issaid that when Dayu was harnessing the water, people and gods helped himeverywhere. When the water of the Yellow River led out of Longmen and came toTongguan, he was blocked by two high mountains. Dayu could not help sighing.When the giant spirit heard Dayus sigh in heaven, he immediately came to Dayuby flying clouds and fog, expressing his willingness to help him. The giantspirit seized the top of a mountain in the south. The mountain was split in twoin an instant. Then he opened the mountain in the north with his feet. TheYellow River flowed through the gap. The mountain in the south is divided intotwo parts, the high one is Huashan, and the low one is Taihua. Li Bai has a poemthat "the giant spirit roars and breaks two mountains, and the flood rushes tothe East China Sea.".

Huashan overlooks the Yellow River in the north and Qinling Mountains inthe south. It is known as "Huashan ruli". The whole mountain has simple lines,such as knife cutting and axe splitting. Its unique peaks are abrupt andmajestic. It is known as "the most dangerous mountain in the world".

Huashan is famous for its wonderful and dangerous scenery. Huashan has"five wonders", which are "strange stones", "strange trees", "strange water","strange caves" and "strange roads". Huashan Shiqi, speaking of Qi, is composedof a huge and complete granite. The ancients said, "its not strange that thereare no stones in the mountain, its not strange that there are no pure stones.""Huashan is cut into four directions, its width is ten li, its height is fivethousand Ren, one stone is also called" Daqi ". Huashan has five main peaks,among which the East, West and South peaks are the highest, and the three peaksstand in opposition, "flying out of the clouds and falling into the YellowRiver", known as "three peaks outside the sky". When it comes to danger, the"Changkong plank road" erected in the air, the "Quanzhen rock" engraved on theoverhanging rock, the "Yaozi turning over" with three sides of the air, the"Yaozi turning over" with convex top and concave bottom, and the "qianchitong","baichixia", "Laojun furrow", "chaerya" and "canglongling" dug on theoverhanging rock of the cliff are all extremely dangerous.

Huashan has not only magnificent natural landscape, but also richhistorical and cultural accumulation. It is one of the four famous mountains inChina. Taoist culture has a long history here. Human landscape is everywhere,which makes people forget to return.

Todays tour of Huashan begins with Yuquan temple, which is known as thestarting point of Huashang road since ancient times. Yuquan temple is a famousQuanzhen Taoist temple in northern China and one of the main places for ChineseTaoist activities. It was built in 1049-1051 during the reign of emperorShenzong of the Song Dynasty. It was built by Taoist Jia Desheng for master ChenTuan. It was destroyed and repaired several times before it came into existencein the Ming and Qing Dynasties Now this scale, the name of Xiyi temple, becausethe song Taizu gave Chen Tuan the name "Mr. Xiyi". Later, it was renamedyuquanyuan. The scenic spots in Yuquan courtyard include baishitai, WuyouPavilion, 72 windows, Quanzhen Qizi hall, main hall, Tongtian Pavilion, etc.

Through yuquanyuan, you will embark on the journey of Huashan Mountain fromancient times. This mountain climbing Road is 12.5km long and has 9567 steps.Along the way, you can see the charming scenery of the mountains and thetempting Shinto. There is only one road to a famous mountain since ancienttimes, which is a wonder of the world. It has its own records. The road wasbuilt in the Tang Dynasty. Climbing along this road to Huashan can not onlyexercise and surpass itself, but also cherish the memory of the sages andexpress the feelings of the ancient. At the same time, this road is also themost beautiful scenery of Huashan. Only by climbing it can we really appreciateand understand Huashan.

Along the way, through wuliguan, shaluoping, maonvdong and qingkeping, wearrive at the throat of Huashan Mountain. Here is the dangerous road called"Taihua throat" named "qianchizhuang". It has 370 steps with a slope of 70degrees. Local people have a saying about this dangerous road, which is called"qianchichuang, baichixia, Laojun plough up". After a thousand feet building,the dangerous road with 46 meters high and 91 stone steps is baichi gorge.

After crossing qianchichuang and baichixia, we come to the final difficultyof climbing the north peak. It is said that there was no road here. It wasopened by taishanglaojun driving a green ox with an iron plow. Because the shapeis like a furrow left by plowing, it is called Laojun furrow. In Taoist terms,"Li Gou" means that tourists come here, that is to say, they come to heaven,leave the dust and reach the fairyland.

After Laojuns furrow, he came to the north peak of Huashan Mountain, whichwas named because it was in the north of the main peak of Huayue mountain. It isalso called "Yuntai peak" because the three peaks of Huayue look like flowers inthe distance, and the top of the north peak is surrounded by white clouds, whichis like a platform of white clouds supporting lotus. It is the lowest of thefive peaks of Huashan Mountain, with an altitude of 1614 meters. Shangtong hasfour peaks: Central, South, East and West. It is not only an ideal resting placefor tourists after adventure, but also the best place to enjoy the top of themountain. On October 8, 20__, Mr. Jin Yong ascended Huashan Mountain and talkedabout swordsmen and swordsmen at the top of the mountain, presenting a moderncultural version of "Huashan swordsman".

Standing on the top of the north peak, we can see the main peak shape ofHuashan and other surrounding scenic spots. Its rocks are mainly granite, mostlywhite. Why are all the rocks in Huashan white? Geologists have found that therocks in Huashan have high content of silicon dioxide, so the color is white.Huashan, which is made of white granite, coincides with the main white in thewestern world controlled by the God of Huashan in Xiyue. This is acoincidence.

After touring Beifeng, crossing chaeryan and climbing TIANTI, you come tocanglongling, the most famous scenic spot in Huashan Mountain. Canglongling isnamed for its green and black ridge, winding like a Canglong in the air.

"After the golden gate, its another heavy day." now we are at the famousGolden Gate of Huashan. Jinsuoguan, also known as tongtianmen, is the throatleading to Huashans "tianwaisanfeng". After Tongtian gate, there is Zhongfeng,also known as yunnv peak. It is said that this was once the place where the jadegirl lived in seclusion, so it is also known as "jade girl peak". The jade girlis the daughter of Qin Mugong, one of the five tyrants in the spring and Autumnperiod and the Warring States period. She has a peerless appearance and is goodat playing flute. Now there is another cave in the West peak of HuashanMountain, which is called "the first cave in the world". It is the place wherePrincess Nongyu married Xiao Shixi, a hermit of Huashan Mountain.

After visiting Zhongfeng, you can climb the ladder to Dongfeng. Dongfeng,also known as Chaoyang peak, is 2090 meters above sea level. It is the bestplace for mountaineers to enjoy the sunrise of Huashan Mountain. The main scenicspots of Dongfeng include Botai, Yaozi turning over, chess Pavilion and so on.The kite turning over is known as the second danger of Huashan Mountain. Thecliff is more than ten feet high. When tourists arrive here, they need to climbthe iron rope by hand, step on the stone nest by foot, attach to the wall, andwhen they get near, they have to turn around on their side feet, so it is calledkite turning over.

Now we come to Nanfeng, the highest peak of Huashan Mountain, with analtitude of 2154.9 meters. It is said that geese returning to the north have torest here when they fly over Huashan Mountain, so it is also called Luoyan peak.There is water at the top of the peak. Its called yangtianchi. The water in thepond is not dry for a long time, and the water is not overflowing for a longtime, forming a spectacle. This is also the most concentrated place ofcalligraphy and stone carvings, such as "standing up to heaven", "bathing in thesun and the moon" and "towering in the sky", all of which highlight the heightof Nanfeng from different angles.

After visiting the south peak and passing through the alchemy furnace, youcome to the West peak of Huashan Mountain. Because there is a natural stone leafon the top of the peak, such as lotus petals, it is also called lotus peak, withan altitude of 2082 meters. Cuiyun palace is the best preserved Taoist temple onXifeng mountain. Its dedicated to doulao, the mother of the stars. This is alsothe place where we are all familiar with the story of Chenxiang splitting themountain to save her mother. The extraordinary as if done by the spirits of thenorth peak, we saw the great scenery of the central peak. We saw the beautifulsunrise of the East peak, and felt the high and steep south peak. We enjoyed theessence of Xifeng and enjoyed the wonders of the whole Huashan. We had beendoing amazing work for millions of years in Huashan. It has created abreathtaking and magnificent natural landscape of Huashan, and has accumulatedrich cultural connotations through thousands of years of literary and literarychants. It can be said that Huashan is closely linked with Huaxia, which is thesymbol of the Chinese nation. From the legends and allusions about Huashan, wecan see that it is not only broad, tactful, elegant, deep and serious, but alsohumorous, witty, even romantic and gentle. Isnt this a true portrayal of ourChinese nation?



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西安碑林博物馆(Forest of Stone Steles Museum)是陕西创建最早的博物馆,它以收藏、陈列和研究历代碑刻、墓志及石刻为主,成为在中国独树一帜的艺术博物馆。现有馆藏文物11000余件,其中国宝级文物19个号134件,一级文物535件。著名的“昭陵六骏”就有四骏藏于本馆。陈列由碑林、石刻艺术和其它文物展览三部分组成,共12个展室。现有7座碑室、8座碑廊、8座碑亭,加上石刻艺术室和4座文物陈列,陈列面积达到4900平米。以下是小编为大家收集的关于西安碑林博物馆导游词范文,仅供参考!












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河流、水资源 西安地区自古有“八水绕长安”之美称。市区东有灞河、浐河,南有潏河、滈河,西有氵皂河、沣河,北有渭河、泾河,此外还有黑河、石川河、涝河、零河等较大河流。其中绝大多数属黄河流域的渭河水系。渭河横贯西安市境内约150公里,年径流量为25亿立方米。西安地下水储量估算,总计约19.91亿立方米。还另辟有较理想的水源基地。20xx年12月,黑河水利枢纽主体工程建成,每年向西安供水4亿立方米,形成日供水能力120万吨,加上地下水资源,市区日供水能力可达172万吨,基本满足城市生产生活用水。


动植物 西安的自然植被未遭受第四纪大陆冰川直接侵袭,尚保留若干第三纪古老的孑遗植物,如银杏、水青树、连香、马甲子等。秦岭山地从高海拔向低海拔垂直分布有高山灌丛草甸、针叶林、针阔叶混交林和落叶阔叶林等自然植被类型。自然植被中野生植物资源丰富,计有野生植物138科、681属、2224种,为中国种子植物的重要“基因库”之一。渭河平原主要为大田农作物、蔬菜、果园和城市绿化等栽培植物类型。野生动物资源主要分布在秦岭山地,有兽类55种,鸟类177种,包括有大熊猫、金丝猴、扭角羚秦岭亚种、鬣羚、大鲵、黑鹳、白冠长尾雉、血雉、金鸡等珍稀动物。为保护自然生态系统和珍稀动植物资源,境内已建立3个国家级自然保护区。























20xx年3月7日,经市政府研究并报省政府批准,撤销长安区王曲镇、鸣犊镇二乡(镇)的建制,设立相应的街道办事处,其行政区域不变,以原各乡(镇)政府驻地为街道办事处办公驻地。至年底,全市辖新城、碑林、莲湖、雁塔、未央、灞桥、阎良、临潼、长安9个区及周至、蓝田、户县、高陵4个县。共有街道、乡、镇176个,其中街道办事处89个、镇40个、乡47个。 20xx年12月13日,国务院关于同意陕西省调整西安市部分行政区划的批复,撤销高陵县,设立西安市高陵区。


