





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12069 字

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Hello friends, where are we going to visit today? (Wuyuan) Yes, Wuyuan isknown as "the most beautiful village in China". There is a rich historical andcultural background and beautiful natural scenery, which is a perfectcombination of natural landscape and cultural landscape.

In Wuyuan, traditional culture and green ecology get the most naturalintegration. Now Id like to introduce the general situation of Wuyuan. Wuyuanis located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, at the junction of Jiangxi,Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. She is like a "green pearl" inlaid in the goldentriangle of Huangshan, Sanqingshan and Jingdezhen tourism. The county covers anarea of 2947 square kilometers, including 11 towns and 15 townships, with apopulation of 325600. The county is located in Ziyang town. Wuyuan has a longhistory.

Now, tourists, do you have a question: isnt this a paradise for birds? Whydont you have a bird? If so, lets have a hand now. As long as you clap yourhand, the birds will swarm out. Look! Big, small, flowery, black, some areflapping their wings, some are feeding the birds, some are combing theirfeathers. Listen! That thrush sings a beautiful song!

Although there are thousands of birds on the trees, the most striking onesare white crane and grey Mahe. White crane flies out to forage in the morningand returns to nest in the evening, while grey crane flies out to forage in theevening and returns to nest at daybreak. They go in and out in the morning andevening every day, alternating, and the scene is quite spectacular.

In late May 1935, Liu Bochengs advance troops of the first red armyquickly marched into Anshun square and prepared to cross the Dadu River byforce. On the evening of May 24, 1935, the first regiment of the first divisionof the first Red Army Corps, led by Liu Bocheng and Nie Rongzhen, arrived inMaanshan. As they were preparing to rest, they suddenly received an order fromthe headquarters to attack the Anshun ferry not far away and cross the DaduRiver by force. So Liu Bocheng and others decided to let the first battalion setout immediately, seize Anshun square first, and then carry out forcedcrossing.

As early as in ancient times, there were three Miao tribes living here.During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, it belongedto the state of Wu. After the unification of Qin Shihuang, it belonged toZhangjun. The county was first established in the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740A.D.) of Tang Dynasty, with a history of more than 1200 years. After theestablishment of Wuyuan County, it belonged to Shezhou from the Tang Dynasty tothe Five Dynasties, Xinan County of Huizhou in the Song Dynasty, Huizhou roadin the Yuan Dynasty, Huizhou government in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, AnhuiProvince until September 1934, and then Jiangxi Province. In August 1947, it wasagain designated as Anhui Province. On May 1, 1949, Wuyuan was liberated andclassified as Jiangxi Province. Although the subordinate relationship haschanged several times, it is still an integral part of Huizhou culture.

Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty praised Nanchang for its "natural treasures andoutstanding people". As a matter of fact, Wuyuan, where Zhong lingyuxiu lived,is not like this. The literary style of Wuyuan has flourished in the pastdynasties, the scholars have gathered together, the famous doctors and craftsmenhave many talents. Zhu Xi, a famous Neo Confucianist and educator in theSouthern Song Dynasty, whose hometown is here, left an extremely valuablecultural heritage for the worlds future generations through his lifetime ofhard work; Zhu Bian, a famous doctor and writer in the Southern Song Dynasty,lived up to his mission in Jijin for 16 years; Jiang Zhe, a famous doctor in theSong Dynasty, was called to Beijing many times to treat the emperors diseases;Zhu Bian, a famous doctor and writer in the Southern Song Dynasty, lived up tohis mission; There are Wang Wei, the Minister of the Ministry of official andthe Minister of the Ministry of military affairs, he Zhen, the seal cutter ofthe WAN school in the Ming Dynasty, Yu Maoxue and Yu maoheng, the official andupright ministers, Jiang Yong, the famous Confucian classics and phonologist inthe Qing Dynasty, and Qi Yanhuai, the astronomer who created the astronomicalclock and astrometer.

There are many celebrities in modern times, such as railway engineer ZhanTianyou, who is known as "the glory of Chinese people", designed and builtChinas first railway; famous educator and Buddhist Jiang Qian; modern medicalexpert Cheng menxue, etc. According to historical records: from the Song Dynastyto the late Qing Dynasty, 550 Jinshi were admitted to the county, and 2665 wereappointed as officials at all levels. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there wasa saying of "nine Jinshi in one school and four Shangshu in six departments";todays "four professors in one school" and "three Kunzhong scientists" are alsowell-known. There are more than 3100 handed down works left by scholars of alldynasties, among which 172, with a total of 1487 volumes, have been selectedinto Sikuquanshu. Therefore, Wuyuan is well-known as the "hometown ofbooks".

Dear friends, why is todays Wuyuan known as the most beautiful village? Inaddition to her rich and profound history and culture, it also benefits from herbeautiful natural environment. Wuyuan is a mountainous county, known as "eighthalf mountain, one field, half waterway and Manor", is a typical mountainouscounty in the south of the Yangtze River. It belongs to the humid climate zonein the middle subtropical zone, with an annual average temperature of 16.7 ℃.The highest peak in the county is Dazhang mountain in the north, and the mainpeak, Leigu peak, is 1630 meters above sea level. The ancients said that Dazhangmountain was the place where Zhong Ling was born. Wuyi had a prosperous cultureand a large number of talented people, which was related to the Yuxiu Zhong Lingmountain.

Zheling in the northeast is the boundary between Wu and Chu in the springand autumn and Warring States period. The unique geographical environment andgood sense of ecological protection make the green hills and streams here green.The forest coverage rate of the county is as high as 81.5%, and it is one of theadvanced ecological agriculture counties in China, and has won the title of"national top 100 greening counties". Wuyuan, also known as "tea town", is a keyproduction area and export base of green tea in China. "Wuyuan green tea" isrecorded in the tea classic of Tang Dynasty, which is called "top quality" inSong Dynasty. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, he won silver medal from emperorJiajing and gold medal from Panama International Exposition. The teaEncyclopedia of the United States praised "Wulu" tea as "the best quality ofChinese green tea". "Dazhangshan tea" is the first AA grade green food in China,and has been certified by many EU organic food supervision agencies.

Wuyuan is a famous eco-tourism area in Jiangxi Province and a nationalcultural and eco-tourism demonstration area approved by the National TourismAdministration. What special products does Wuyuan have? Her four-color specialproducts are well-known. The green tea just mentioned is the "green" of the fourcolors, and the other three colors are "red, black and white". Red is thetreasure in the water. It is tender and delicious. When American President Nixonand Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka visited China, they all tasted Wuyuan redcarp. Black is one of the four Ming inkstones in China. It has thecharacteristics of "sound like copper, color like iron, firm and smooth nature,and good at solidifying ink". Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty,praised him as the "world champion". White is Jiangwan Sydney. It ripens in Juneevery year. The pear has big fruit body, thick flesh, crisp fragrance and sweettaste.

Wuyuan has many scenic spots and historic sites. As early as the Tang andSong Dynasties, it was a famous tourist attraction. Li Bai, Su Dongpo, HuangTingjian, Zhang Dazhi, Zongze, Yue Fei and so on all visited here, and left manypraise poems. There are many famous ancient trees with a long history, a widevariety and a large number of trees; Yuanyang Lake, a paradise for migratorybirds with beautiful scenery; the well preserved Ming and Qing ancient buildingswith stone, brick and wood carvings; rainbow bridge, a simple and magnificentcorridor bridge; Yus ancestral hall, the largest ancestral hall in the south ofthe Yangtze River; and Jiangwan, the ancestral home of President JiangZemin.

Hello everyone! Im your tour guide today. You can call me director Zhang.Our destination today is a paradise for birds. OK, now please get on board.Lets go to birds paradise. While you are on the boat, Id like to introduceyou to birds Paradise: Birds paradise refers to an ancient banyan tree morethan 500 years old, which is located on an island in Tianma River, Tianmavillage, Xinhui City, Guangdong Province. The crown of banyan is surprisinglylarge, covering about 18 mu of the river, with a single tree into a forest.

It was also the location of "shining red star" and "Liaozhai". We canacquire knowledge of historical relics as well as landscape cultivation.

In front of the two estuaries is a fork. 56 kilometers on the left isHailuogou, which goes to the "glacial world". Of course, to see the glaciers,Hailuogous ice waterfall is 1080 meters high and 500-1100 meters wide. Its areais 15 times that of Huangguoshu waterfall in Guizhou Province. It is a hugeglacier steep slope composed of multi-level ice slopes. Glaciers here are in astate of super extension. There are frequent ice avalanches and avalanches allyear round. Its very dangerous. So wed better go to the right side instead ofthe Dadu River to see Luding Bridge. Its very close, only 14 km.

The defenders of Luding Bridge built a strong bridgehead at the east endand removed some boards from the iron rope at the west end. At 4:00 p.m. on the29th, the red army launched a battle to seize the bridge. Twenty two commandosbraved the enemys intensive artillery fire, stepped on the swaying iron rope,held on the iron rope and rushed to the opposite bank. Under their feet is thesurging river, overhead is the enemys roaring bullets, but they forget life anddeath, with overwhelming courage, rushed to the East Bridge to fight with theenemy. Later troops poured in, and at dusk, the advance troops occupied LudingBridge and Luding city. That night, Liu Bocheng led the right troops to LudingBridge. On June 2, all the main forces of the Red Army crossed the Dadu River.The battle of Dadu River ended with the victory of the Red Army.

Historians say: from here we can find the connection point between ancientand modern Chinese history and culture; philosophers say: This is an ideal placeto study the history, culture, economy, art and even the feudal patriarchalsystem of ancient Huizhou; artists say: This is the source of creativeinspiration.

Whats more. On May 29, 20__, President Jiang Zemin, accompanied by ComradeZeng Qinghong, personally visited Wuyuan. President Jiang visited JiangwanCentral Primary School, farmer Jiangs home, retired teacher Jiang Qichangshome, Jinshan tea garden and other places. The purpose of our trip to Wuyuan isto follow Chairman Jiangs footsteps again.

Into heaven, close to birds, lets go to embrace nature, I hope you canfeel all this beautiful heart! Although some reluctant, we still have to leave,thank you for your cooperation!

My friends, Ill introduce the general situation of Wuyuan here, and Illexplain the specific scenic spots in detail. I wish you a happy and fruitfultrip to Wuyuan. thank you!

The old people said that in ancient times, it was known as "Jingdongresort". Many people from inside and outside the pass went here to offerincense. One day, pilgrims got into the cave with torches to see how deep thewater curtain cave was. But its getting narrower and narrower. There are toomany people to accommodate. The pilgrims chose a cake seller and a wax seller tovisit inside, while the others sat in the outer cave waiting.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7201 字

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The scenic spot we are going to visit today is the ancient culture street.The ancient culture street is a street with Tianjin local characteristicscentered on the Tianhou palace. It is located in gongnangong North Street,Nankai District. In 1985, it was reorganized by the municipal government torestore its traditional style and named "Ancient Culture Street". The ancientculture street is different from the general commercial street. It gathers allkinds of handicrafts and cultural goods from all over Tianjin and even the wholecountry. Among them, the willow youth paintings, clay figurine Zhang Caisu andkite Weis kites are most famous at home and abroad. The whole street is full ofstrong Chinese flavor, Tianjin flavor, ancient flavor and cultural flavor.

Well, we have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Please rememberthat our car is a white golden dragon, and the license plate is Jin a1234. At 4pm, the car will be waiting for you in Gongbei street. Please take yourvaluables and get off with me.

The first thing that comes into view is a tall and majestic archwayimitating Qing Dynasty, which is decorated with gold and painted with green topand Zhuying. The color picture on it is called xuanzi color picture, and it iswritten with the word "hometown of Jinmen". It definitely points out that thearea near the ancient Culture Street is 820_ In a settlement five years ago, theJin people, who ruled the north at that time, established Zhigu village, themost important prison in Tianjin. Todays Tianjin is based on this area as theoriginal central area, which has been gradually developed and expanded. In thepast six or seven hundred years, Tianjin has always been a prosperous commercialarea in the city, which has played an immeasurable role in the development ofTianjin. It is well deserved to be called the hometown of Tianjin.

Well, please follow me into this street. Youve noticed that many shops inthis street do not have colorful paintings under the eaves and in the rooms.These are Kaiguang Qing style Su paintings, most of which are character stories.Lets take a look at the color paintings of Fangjian, your excellency Jizhen. Onthe top are eight paintings from the romance of the Three Kingdoms, including"the romance of the Three Kingdoms in Taoyuan", "the battle of Lu Bu inhulaoguan", "Lu Bu playing Diaochan in fengyiting" and "refusing Cao inDangyang". On the other hand, Fangjian in Liyuan Pavilion is painted the classicopera Xixiang Ji, which describes the love story between Cui YingYing and ZhangJunrui . In addition to the Su paintings mentioned above, the buildings aredecorated with wood carvings and brick carvings. There are nearly 100 plaques inthe street, most of which are made by famous calligraphers all over the country.You can watch as you walk and savor carefully.

Well, now we have come to the square in front of the palace. The famous TinHau palace is located here. Before entering the Tin Hau palace, lets take alook at the opposite theater building. The theater building is a wooden platformbuilding. It faces west in the East, connects Haihe River in the East, and facesthe square in front of the palace in the West. There is a stage on the top and apassage below_ When the theater was demolished, the theater we see now wasrebuilt in 1985. In the past, the theater was the main place for performinggods. Later, after the Japanese invaders occupied Tianjin, the theater stoppedperforming gods.

OK, now lets turn around and have a look. There are two tall flagpoles infront of the gate of tianhuangong mountain. They stick straight into Yunxiao,which is particularly eye-catching. These flagpoles are 26 meters high. It issaid that when the flagpole was first set up, on the one hand, it hung lights toguide the boats going to and from sanchahekou; on the other hand, it served as afoil for Tianhou palace. Later, it was specially used to hang the long flag ofTianhou title during pilgrimage and temple fair.

Please go on. Now we are looking at the main building of Tianhou palace.Tianjin local folk known as "empress", so the empress palace is also known asempress palace. It was first built in the Yuan Dynasty, and was rebuilt andreinforced many times in later dynasties. As we all know, most of the temples inour country face south, but Tianhou palace faces east from the West. Why? Weknow that Tianhou is mainly to protect the safety of navigation. Facing the eastof the temple and the Haihe River, it is convenient for some boat people andmerchants. They can worship Tianhou on the boat when they have no time. Itconforms to the busy shipping demand at that time and meets the needs of thepeople who cant land It is the demand of popular worship.

You follow me into the mountain gate, facing the wooden structure of twocolumns and one floor archway, on the left and right sides are the drum towerand the bell tower. Walking through the archway, we can see the front hall infront of us. In the middle of the hall, there are worshippers of the Dharma GodKing, and on both sides are "Qianliyan", "shunfenger" and "Jiaxie" and"Jiashan".

Now we pass through the front hall and come to the main hall, which is theplace where the goddess of heaven is worshipped. This hall is not only theoldest example of architecture in Tianjin, but also one of the earliest extantMazu temples in China. The one sitting in the middle is empress Hou. As we saidbefore, empress hou can protect the safety of ships passing by. So what God isempress Hou? Since she is called empress Hou, she must be a goddess. She is nota divinity made up of fantasy, but a real person.

The history books say her name is Limmer. She grew up on an island and wasused to water. He often crossed the sea to rescue the fishermen in distress atsea. Unfortunately, he was killed by the typhoon. It is also said that after hisdeath, he appeared to help the refugees from time to time, so the rich merchantson the sea paid money to build Mazu temple, and gradually became the God of thesea. At first, the legend of Empress Dowager only spread in Zhejiang and Fujian,but later it was gradually recognized by the government. In the Song Dynasty,she was named "lady Linghui" and "empress Linghui" successively. In the YuanDynasty, she was named "Empress Dowager", and in the Qing Dynasty, she was named"Empress Dowager". This article is organized by the first model website

Through the main hall, we came to the Sutra Pavilion. Through the SutraPavilion, what we see now is the Qisheng temple, that is, the back hall, whichwas originally used to offer sacrifices to empress dowagers parents, and laterused to store the light wooden statue of Empress Dowager during the Royalassembly. On both sides of Tianhou palace is Tianjin Folk Custom Museum, whichintroduces the rise and changes of Tianjin city, Tianhou palace and the imperialassembly. From the side witnessed the "first heaven after the palace, afterTianjin city" this statement. At the same time, it also displays the city bricksof Tianjin in the Ming Dynasty, the model people of water transport in the QingDynasty, the wedding custom exhibition and so on.

Now you can move freely, and gather at 4 oclock under the archway ofGongbei street.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7738 字

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Dear friends

hello everyone!

Today we will visit Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, ChineseAcademy of Sciences.

Xishuangbanna scenic spot is located in Xishuangbanna Dai AutonomousPrefecture in the south of Yunnan Province, 740 km away from Kunming. The scenicarea includes Jinghong scenic area, Menghai scenic area and Mengla scenic area.There are several scenic spots in each area, including 19 scenic spots and morethan 800 scenic spots, with a total area of 1202.13 square kilometers. There aremany kinds of animal and plant resources in this area, which is called animaland plant kingdom. Among them, many rare, ancient, peculiar and endangeredanimals and plants are unique to Xishuangbanna, which has aroused great interestof tourists and researchers at home and abroad. The landscape is characterizedby rich and charming tropical and subtropical rain forests, seasonal rainforests, valley rain forests, rare animals, colorful ethnic cultures andcustoms. With unique landscape and high popularity, it was approved as the firstbatch of national key scenic spots by the State Council in 1982.

Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture is located in the southernmost partof Yunnan Province, between 21 ° 08 ′ ~ 22 ° 36 ′ N and 99 ° 56 ′ ~ 101 ° 50 ′e. it is the transition zone from Asian continent to Southeast Asia Peninsula tothe south of Tropic of cancer. With a total area of 19184.45 square kilometersand a population of 796000, the prefecture governs Jinghong City and Menghai andMengla counties. There are more than ten ethnic groups living here, includingDai, Hani, Bulang, Jinuo, Lahu, WA and Yao. Among them, Dai accounts for onethird, Han accounts for one third, and other ethnic groups account for onethird. Bordering on Laos and Myanmar, the border line is 1069 km long.

Xishuangbanna is about 700 kilometers away from Kunming, the provincialcapital. It can be reached by car in two days or one day and night. Bannaairport can take off and land "Boeing 737" aircraft. There are direct flightsfrom Kunming to Xishuangbanna every day. The flight time is about 50 minutes. Inaddition, there are direct charter flights from Chengdu, Chongqing, Bangkok andother cities to Xishuangbanna. Within the territory of the highway in alldirections, very convenient. Xishuangbanna is the name of Xishuangbanna. In1570, xuanweisi (the highest local chief executive) divided the jurisdictioninto 12 "Banna" (Dai "12"? "Xishuang" and "Banna"? One thousand mu, that is, oneBanna? One unit collecting taxes and servitudes). From then on, the Dai name ofXishuangbanna came into being.

Xishuangbanna is one of the 44 national key scenic spots, with more than 3million mu of nature reserves, of which 700000 Mu are well protected primevalforests, accounting for nearly 60% of the total area of the prefecture. Greenmountains and green waters are everywhere, and it is famous for its beauty andrichness.

There are more than 20000 kinds of plants in Xishuangbanna, including 5000tropical plants, 10000 edible plants, 50 kinds of wild fruits and 40 kinds offast-growing precious timber trees. Many plants are precious materials or havespecial uses, such as anti-cancer drugs meidengmu and Jialan; anti hypertensionLuofu; stomach worm betel nut; fengchunan seed oil is a special lubricant fortanks, automobile engines and oil drilling in alpine regions; tung oil canreplace diesel oil; yilanxiang, known as the "king of flowers", can be made intohigh-grade spices; There are ancient tea trees more than 1700 years ago, natural"water pots" and "umbrellas", grass that can smell music and dance and eatmosquitoes.

The vast dense forest provides an ideal habitat for all kinds of wildanimals. At present, there are 429 species of birds, accounting for 2 / 3 of thetotal number of birds in China, and 67 species of mammals, accounting for 16% ofthe total number of mammals in China. Xishuangbanna has many kinds of birds andbeasts, which can not be compared with other places in China. Among them, Asianelephant, vulture, Indosinian tiger, leopard and so on are listed as worldprotected animals; there are 13 species of national first-class protectedanimals, such as bison, antelope, lazy monkey, and many second and third classprotected animals.

Xishuangbanna is also rich in rubber, which is the second largest rubberarea in China, with the highest yield per unit area of rubber in China. It isalso rich in rice, a variety of tropical fruits, Amomum villosum and otherprecious medicinal materials, which is worthy of the name of "plant kingdom","animal Kingdom", "green kingdom" and "Southern medicine kingdom".

When traveling to Banna, sometimes you can see beautiful peacocks, silverpheasants and rhinoceros flying in the forest; sometimes you can see elephantswalking on the road; sometimes you can see antelopes, wild deer and rabbitsrunning Its a wonderful sight and fun that cant be imagined in otherplaces!

Xishuangbanna has a tropical rainforest climate with abundant sunshine andrainfall. The year is divided into dry season and wet season, and the annualaverage temperature is 21 ℃. The dry season is from November to April and thewarm season is from May to October. There is no frost or snow all year round.The annual fog days are 108-146 days. The extreme maximum temperature is 41.1 ℃and the extreme minimum temperature is 2.7 ℃ in Jinghong area, which is suitablefor tourism all the year round. The Dai nationality has a long history and hascreated a splendid culture in its long life. It is especially famous for itscalendar, Dai language and colorful folk literature and art. As early as morethan 1000 years ago, the ancestors of the Dai nationality wrote many beautifuland moving myths, fables, novels and poems on Beiye and Mian paper. There aremore than 550 long poems written in Dai language alone. Zhao shutun and nanmuNuona and Hulu Xin are his representative works, which have been adapted intofilms and plays and are deeply loved by the masses.

Dai dance has a high artistic level and distinctive nationalcharacteristics. Its movements are mostly analogies and beautification of animalbehavior, such as the popular "Peacock Dance" and "elephant foot dance". Themusic of Dai nationality is pleasant to the ear. Besides dance accompaniment, itis often combined with poetry. Sculpture and painting also have distinctcharacteristics. The Dai people believe in Theravada Buddhism, and pagodas andtemples can be seen everywhere in Dai areas. Bamboo house is the most typicalexisting dry column building in China. It is elegant and cool to live in.

Dai men have the custom of tattooing, which means they are brave andbeautiful, and can also attract the love of the opposite sex. Tourist souvenirswith special features include: Dai bag, Dai brocade (embroidered Nianshan,pillow, skirt), ceramic water pot, bamboo lunch box, silver belt, tube bar,various ethnic costumes, flower bag, embroidered waist bag, wood carving, goosestone craft, etc. As for the unique Dai cuisine, every tourist has to taste it.Farewell, you must not forget to buy a few boxes of red beans (also known asAcacia son) to go back to your wife, lover or friend, it is the most specialsignificance and romantic gift ah! So the ancients have long had a poem: "redbeans born in the south, spring to send a few branches, I hope you pick more,this thing is the most Acacia."

Famous scenic spots include: Jinghong, manfeilong pagoda, Lancang River,mange Buddhist temple, manjinglan tourist village, Yilan resort, Menglunbotanical garden, ethnic customs garden, Tropical Crops Research Institute, Daicuisine, Dai garden, Jinghong primeval forest park, Hongqi reservoir, Daluoprimeval forest park, animal wonders, plant wonders, tropical rain forest, DaiWater Splashing Festival.



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Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. Im Hu Keyi, the tour guide of Sanqing mountain. Today, Iwill take you to visit Sanqing mountain, which is known as "the first fairy peakin the south of the Yangtze River and the most blessed place in the world".

Sanqing mountain, located in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, is a famousTaoist mountain in China. It has beautiful scenery. It was listed as a nationalkey scenic spot in August 1988 and listed in the world natural heritage list inJuly 20__. Sanqing mountain scenic area covers a total area of 229 squarekilometers, which is "dangerous in the East and strange in the west, beautifulin the north and unique in the South".

First of all, Id like to show you the unique scenery of Sanqing mountain,goddess Sichun. Friends, please follow the direction of my fingers: the Qifengin front of me is more than 80 meters high. She looks like a dignified andbeautiful girl with high nose, cherry mouth, round chin and shoulder lengthhair. She is sitting upright, holding two pines in her hands, looking down onthe earth gently, as if to spread spring on the earth. It is said that thisgoddess is the 23rd daughter of Queen Mother of the west, named Yaoji. Peoplethink that she is the embodiment of spring, so she is called "goddess ofspring".

Next, Im going to show you another wonderful scenery of Sanqing mountain.Look, what does that stone peak look like? Yes, it looks like a python. It ismore than 120 meters high, leaping out of the deep canyon, holding its headhigh, guarding Sanqing mountain, which is the famous "Python out of themountain". My friends, if you look at it from another angle, what does it looklike? The lower half of it looks like an old man on his way in a hurry, and theupper half looks like a child about 10 years old, riding on the old mansshoulder and staring at the front with two eyes. The whole huge peak is like afather carrying his son to the examination room. The local people call it"looking forward to success". Its really a masterpiece of nature, and itsamazing.

There are many wonderful landscapes in Sanqing mountain, such as sea lionswallowing the moon, Guanyin listening to pipa, turtle exploring the sea, fairydrying shoes Dear tourists, if you have enough time, you can stay in Sanqingmountain for two days. I will take you all over Sanqing mountain to enjoy thebeautiful scenery of Sanqing mountain.



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Hello, tourists! Im a different ordinary tour guide. You can call me ringguide. Welcome to Wuyishan, where the mountains are strange and the waters arebeautiful. The scenery of Wuyishan is not the same as my name. Today, pleasefollow my steps to appreciate the difference of Wuyishan!

Wuyishan is a typical Danxia landform, known as blue water Danshan,qixiujia southeast reputation. It is located in the northwest border of FujianProvince, with a main scenic area of 70 square kilometers and an averagealtitude of 350 meters. It is one of the first batch of national scenic spotsand one of the national tourist resorts. In 1999, it was listed in the worldcultural and natural heritage list and won the world natural and culturalheritage. Wuyishan became the 23rd World Natural and cultural heritage site andthe fourth world natural and cultural heritage site in China.

At this moment, Ill take you to the foot of Tianyou peak. Please look upfirst. The whole Tianyou peak is a big stone. The ants you see are the peopleclimbing Tianyou peak. They are like ants moving, and they go up step by step.Now I begin to take you to climb Tianyou peak, please follow the good team,dont walk away, pay attention to walk without seeing the scenery! OK, werehalfway up the mountain. We come to the pavilion and look around. There are ninetwists and turns in front of us, and bamboo rafts are swinging gently on thestream. Traveler Xu Xiake commented: Tianyou peak is an excellent Wuyi landscapeviewing platform. It is not near the river, but can make the best of Jiuxi. Thispeak should be the first. Therefore, Tianyou peak is known as the first peak inWuyi. From the top of Tianyou peak, you can see most of the beautiful scenery.Jiuqu River is flowing to the horizon, there are all kinds of stones, look,there are: two lazy turtles lying on their stomach, here is a magic penholderpeak, there is a mouth watering hamburger, and the beautiful jade girl and thebrave king are also waiting for us in front!

The way down the mountain is smoother than the way up the mountain. Wedont go back. We dont go down the mountain from the original way, that is, wedont go back. But the scenery on the way down the mountain is much less. Thewhole climb took about three hours.

This is the end of the morning trip. In a quiet afternoon, we will take abamboo raft and walk into this picturesque world.



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The "51" section, I play with mom and dad go to changsha, big aunt. In theevening, we went to the riverside sight for a walk and play.

Just to the sight, a wide bright river caught my eye. "Wow! Noah cruise!Can eat, sleep and play inside!" My fathers eyes flashing dazzling light. Ilooked over at: cruise ships lined with regular level, each layer with a light,crowded, noisy, really enviable!

The river is more interesting. River water wave ripples, rolling, roll upgently, like a small fish play with joy.

The most compelling is that a row of light on the bridge. The light is verydifferent. Inscribed with many of the verses of the poet, the content changedfrom time to time and the head of the poet can see clearly. Such Settings arebeautiful and elegant, make a trip to visit the people side of the whileenjoying the famous poem.

There are many rockery. Rockery is very realistic, modelling is coloredlights illuminate the delicate small pavilion, all sorts of color of the tree...It is a beautiful park. People comfortable to sit in the pavilion, a rockery onthe lush, green trees and bright, breathing the fresh air of kawakazebrings.

Some people walked on the road, stop-start, talk with joy; Some people aresinging, dancing, dancing; Some people sat on the stool, do nothing, comfortablerest; Others move, dont you let me, I wont let you.

Walking on the road, sitting on the edge, on everyones face is relaxedsmile. Beautiful sight let people enjoy a comfortable life. Changsha people livein the beautiful changsha! Enjoying the beautiful sight landscape, dad taught mea new word: peaceful country and safe people. Oh, this is called the peacefulcountry and safe people!



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Hello, everyone. Im your guide. Lets visit the famous HumbleAdministrators garden. Humble Administrators garden is a typical garden workof Ming Dynasty. It is compact, simple and elegant. Humble Administratorsgarden is centered on water. She is divided into three parts: East, middle andWest.

The first thing we came to is the east garden. Please see, the east side ofthe lawn is a broad area. On the west side of the lawn is a mound of earth.There are wooden pavilions on it. The flowing water lingers around the lawn. Thewillows on the bank are low. Among them are Shiji and Lifeng. There arewaterside pavilions and curved bridges near the water. It has a strong featureof Jiangnan Water Town. How beautiful it is!

Through the east garden, we came to the middle garden. The center of thepark is the pool. Pavilions and pavilions are built near the water. Somepavilions and pavilions are straight out of the water. Please see, that antiquehouse is the main hall Yuanxiang hall, which uses lotus fragrance as a metaphorfor character. It has long windows on all sides, and you can enjoy the sceneryin the garden. Ladies and gentlemen, please come to the north of the hall. Thereis a linchi platform. You can enjoy the island mountain and the pavilions in thedistance from the pool. The water here is clear, lotus is planted everywhere,and the mountain island is covered with trees. The scenery of the four seasonsvaries from time to time. Its so beautiful!

Lets go further west to see the west garden. The layout of the west iscompact, with pavilions built close to mountains and rivers. That is the mainbuilding of the west garden, the 36 Yuan Yang hall. It was the place where themaster of the garden entertained guests and listened to music. On a sunny day,you can see the outdoor scenery through the blue glass window, just like a snowscene. The pool of the 36 Yuan Yang Pavilion is in the shape of a curvedruler.

Humble Administrators garden is full of beautiful scenery, which cant befinished in three days and three nights. Please take your time. Please payattention to health and safety when you visit, and dont litter.



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The Bund, located on the West Bank of the Huangpu River, has been a symbolof Shanghai for more than 100 years.

The symbol of Shanghai --- Huangpu River. Pujiang tour has always been atraditional tourism program in Shanghai tourism. Every day, you sail from the"light of Pujiang" Wharf on the Bund of Shanghai, taking you from the bustlingurban area of Shanghai to the "three water clips" outside Wusongkou, where theHuangpu River and the Yangtze River, the third largest river in the world,converge into the sea. Driving in the middle of the river and overlooking thebuildings separated by the river and spanning the vicissitudes of a century, wecant help feeling.

Water has aura and wealth. Water is pregnant with vigorous vitality.Huangpu River, the mother river of the city, the golden waterway of Shanghai.The Huangpu River "qingyoujiang" cruise ship sails from dada wharf to the north.The world-famous Bund complex in Puxi and Lujiazui financial center in Pudong,which stands at the end of the sky, gradually come into view. At night, thelights on both sides of the Strait are brilliant. The classical and modernarchitectural styles of the prosperous city complement each other and complementeach other, showing the beautiful scenery of the river bank. Looking from afar,architecture is the beauty of solidification, river water is the beauty of flow;the noise on both sides of the Strait is the beauty of prosperity, and thetranquility in the river is the beauty of elegance. The Huangpu River inShanghai can enjoy the existence of beauty everywhere.



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Tourists friends, everybody! I am your tour guide, wu division. I will take you to visit the beautiful Yangtze river three gorges, please come with me!

My friends, this is wu gorge. Wu gorge channel winding, dark cloud unlined upper garment, the rain as a skirt, veils and the beautiful mountains in the hazy mirage, framed by actuating the people extrapolate. XiaZhong ranges across the strait, peaks such as screen, the river twists and turns, deep and beautiful, just like a natural art gallery. Twelve peaks on both sides of the Chinese Taiwan strait to wushan, in twelve peaks goddess peak is the most handsome, is also the most famous. Legend, the queen lived in the jade pool palace 23 a daughter, named yao ji, she is beautiful, kind-hearted, lively open and bright, intelligent bear palace to lonely life. August 15 this day, she invited the 11 sisters, walking, swim around. When they come to wushan, was fascinated by the scenery here, twelve fairies would have tired of the palace lonely life. Over time, they turn into twelve under the beautiful mountain, stands in the wu gorge on both sides. This is the legend of goddess peak. Tourists friends, we will visit the next scenic spot - the xiling.

Friends, here is the xiling, it gets its name from the three gorges pearl - yichang ends at nanjinguan of xiling mountain. It is the longest of the three gorges a gorge. It is more than one hundred km. Canyon, beach flow more nasty, known for the "risks", is famous for its "chi", "odd" and "risks" to the beauty of the xiling. The whole gorge area is mountains, canyons, dangerous shoals, reefs. In XiaZhong gorge, beach, beach. We had a good time! We will visit the last few sites - the qutang gorge.

Qutang gorge, 8 km west of fengjie county, east to the home town of big creek, most majestic scenery and steep. Pentium roaring Yangtze river, into the valley in imposing manner is grand KuiMen. Tourists friends attention yo, this KuiMen on both sides of the mountain steep, such as wall, can reach 1000-1500 meters, the highest peak on both sides of the Chinese Taiwan straits fall will be dead! River gorge deep water rush here, endless mountains, constitute a very magnificent pictures. As guo moruo is the qutang gorge "a poem says:" if the word landscape, the three gorges this is chief ".

The tour it is the end of the Yangtze river three gorges, the tourist friends, you must be fascinated by the beautiful Yangtze river three gorges!!!! If there is an opportunity, let us be touring together again! Bye bye!



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One day, my uncle took us to visit Tianmen Mountain. Tianmen Mountain islocated at the junction of Xinning County in Hunan Province and Ziyuan County inGuangxi Province. It is also a natural scenic spot of Danxia Diyan.

In the early morning, my uncle drove all the way, and the cool mountainwind came in front of me. It was chilly. "Its July. It was so cold yesterday.It seems that the temperature difference between the mountain and the city isreally big." I muttered. About 40 minutes by car, finally came to thedestination - Tianmen Mountain.

As soon as I get out of the car, I dont know when the "depressed" sky hasopened a smiling face. Come to the foot of the mountain, a piece of denseforest, covering the distant view of the line of sight, a tortuous andmysterious stone path curved to the far peak. Climbing up the path, the greentrees sprout in the mountain. From the gap between the leaves, there are a fewrays of sunshine occasionally. The birds are singing tactful "Songs" on thetrees intermittently. A clear stream murmurs, and clusters of bright redwildflowers sometimes emerge from the bushes. I took a deep breath, the airmixed with a faint fragrance.

The mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, and the climbing is notas easy as before. Passing a pavilion halfway up the mountain, I hesitatedwhether to continue. Suddenly, a bright light not far away attracted my eyes.There is a dazzling light between the two cliffs, which seems to light a brightlight on the dark valley. Looking up, people are like frogs at the bottom of awell, only a line of blue sky can be seen. Do I really want to stop and be atoad? No, I should be the "Eagle" at the top of Lingfeng mountain. I gritted myteeth and persisted. I climbed countless steps and finally reached the top ofTianmen Mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the mountains, the clouds,the river like a green belt, the wind passing, the mountains rolling, the wildflowers swaying in the jungle, the endless scenery, its like a naturallandscape painting

I love climbing, and I love the "scenery" after climbing!



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Dear tourist friends: hello and welcome to Langya Mountain, a national keyscenic spot. Im the local tour guide. Of course, you can call me.. First ofall, on behalf of all the staff of Langya Mountain Scenic Area, I would like towelcome you. Next, I will lead you to enjoy the beauty and show of LangyaMountain. Do you know what Langya Mountain is famous for? Well, yes, in fact,Langya Mountain is famous for the book "drunken man Pavilion" written by OuyangXiu, a great literary scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty, In the beginningof the story of the drunken man Pavilion, Langya Mountain was praised as "themost beautiful forest valley, the most magnificent and beautiful one, Langyaalso". In 20__, Langya Mountain was rated as the first batch of 4A scenic spotsapproved by the National Tourism Administration. Its main peaks are Dafengmountain, Xiaofeng mountain, Huashan Mountain, Fenghuang mountain, etc. itshighest peak is Huashan Mountain, with an altitude of 331 meters, and the othersare mostly between 200 and 300 meters. There are more than 50 springs in thescenic spot, with clear water Sweet, as well as Langya River, Shenxiu lake,Phoenix Lake and other streams and lakes, the scenery of lakes and mountains isshining. The arrival of tourists is really a kind of visual enjoyment. Now wesee the South Gate of Langya Mountain. Lets go in from here. Now we come to thefirst scenic spot of Langya Mountain - Langya ink garden, which is a kind ofgarden architecture, displayed in the grand view The white walls and blacktiles, cornices, pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and rockeries in front ofmy home reflect the style of Suzhou gardens. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties,many literati, such as Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Su Shi and Xin Qiji, have left alarge number of precious poems here. In order to better display these Langya inktreasures, the staff of the scenic spot collected and sorted out the informationabout Langya Mountain More than 200 poems and famous calligraphies and paintingsare engraved here, so it is called "Langya ink garden". You can see that thesecalligraphies and paintings are like flowing clouds and flowing water, whichshows the authors deep love for Langya Mountain Now we all walk along thismountain road and come to the most famous scenic spot of Langya Mountain,zuiwongting. In fact, zuiwongting was built in the fourth year of Qingli periodin the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, it was just a small pavilion fortourists to rest. However, because Ouyang Xiu wrote the famous poem "zuiwongtingJi" here, it has become famous all over the world. The current zuiwongtingcovers an area of about 5000 square meters, and was listed as "zuiwongting Ji"in 1956 As a key cultural relic protection unit at the provincial level, you cansee that the three words "zuiwang Pavilion" on the gate of the courtyard werewritten by Quanjiao people in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. Afterwalking eastward through the patio, you will arrive at zuiwang Pavilion, whichis a kind of Xieshan architectural style. The cornice is tilted and 16 columnsare separated in four directions.

You can see the wooden railings around. This is the place where Ouyang Xiuused to drink wine and write poems with his guests. Visitors can stand here toexperience the artistic conception of the great literati at that time. Now wecome to the "Erxian hall", so its named Siyi. It was built in memory of thesages. Erxian hall was built in the Northern Song Dynasty to commemorate twoChuzhou prefects, Wang Yu and Ouyang Now we can see the photocopies of the songand Ming Dynasty edition of "zuiwengtingji" and Ouyang Xius handwriting. Now wewalk westward to "Bao song Zhai". Here we can see the stone tablets carved in"zuiwengtingji" written by Su Shi, Ouyang Xius proud disciple. Because OuyangXius prose and Su Shis calligraphy are the highest in the Northern SongDynasty Therefore, later generations call this monument "two unique steles".Now, if you go further, you can see the spring. This is the well-known rangspring. Around the rang spring now is a square pool made of stones. Look - thereis a stele inscribed "rang spring" by Mr. Wang cikui, governor of Chuzhou in20__ of Kangxi. The square pool is about three feet long and one foot deep. Thespring flows into the square pool first, and then flows northward into the glassmarsh. The water temperature of Fangchi has not changed much all the year round,and it has been kept at 17-18 ℃. The spring water contains a variety of traceelements beneficial to human body, which are sweet and clear. Dear tourists, wecome to Ouyang Xiu Memorial Hall. When we enter the inner hall, do you see thestatue of Ouyang Xiu? There are more than 30 murals that comprehensivelyintroduce Ouyang Xius life. The gallery is inlaid with Su Shi and Zhao Shi fromSong Dynasty Meng? And other great calligraphers wrote the story of the drunkenman Pavilion, which is amazing. Now we walk along the ancient Langya road forabout 400 meters and come to Langya temple, which was formerly known as BAOYINGtemple. It is said that before the temple was built, Li Youqing, the governor ofChuzhou, who was in charge of the construction of the temple, once drew apicture for emperor Zong of the Tang Dynasty. It happened that emperor Zong ofthe Tang Dynasty dreamt that there was a Temple deep in a mountain forest thenight before. The shape and scale of the temple were very similar to those onthe picture. He was very happy, so he was specially named "BAOYING Temple"."BAOYING Temple" has gone through many vicissitudes. Most of the buildings thattourists see now are rebuilt in the 30 years of the Qing Dynasty.

Langya temple was officially named after Langya temple in 1984. There aremore than 80 scenic spots in Langya temple. Now you can see the main building ofLangya temple, which is located in the center of the temple. The hall is 14meters high and 15.3 meters deep. Its shape is simple and elegant, and itsmomentum is majestic. There are vivid statues of Sakyamuni and the eighteenArhats in the hall. The body of the statues is covered with gold, the goldenlight is brilliant, and the expression is vivid. Now we walk to the right andcome to the Sutra Pavilion. Its original name is "Sutra Pavilion". The SutraPavilion we see today was rebuilt in 1919, with the four characters "Sanzangxuanshu" engraved on the forehead. It is said that there was a precious book ofBeiye scriptures in this building. There is a thousand Jade Buddha Halldownstairs, in which more than one thousand jade Buddhas from Myanmar aredisplayed. Listen, I really want to go in and have a look, but now itsgone.

Dear tourist friends, todays tour is coming to an end. Im very glad thatyou all support and cooperate with me very much. In this short time, I hope itwill become an eternal memory in your tour. I hope you will have the opportunityto serve you next time. I wish you happy and smooth every day in your futurelife. Goodbye!



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“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”, 这是我很早以前就会背诵的千古佳句,今年暑假,我回了一趟老家南昌,终于有机会登上了著名的滕王阁。






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Surrounded by water on all sides, there are many forests and trees on theisland. From a distance, it looks like a huge dark green ship guarding theancient city of Changsha against the water. It is 5km long from north to Southand 50-200m wide from east to west, with a total area of nearly 70hm2. It is themost famous river center in China and the longest inland river oasis in theworld. Juzhou is rich in beautiful oranges, so it is called Juzhou. Sinceancient times, it is famous for its beautiful scenery and long history. It isthe place where the "river sky and dusk snow" of the famous "eight sceneries ofXiaoxiang" in Song Dynasty lies. Juzhou is a summer resort. Mao Zedong used toswim and walk here and sunbathe on the beach when he was young. At present,Juzizhou has been turned into a park, with thousands of citrus trees planted.During the autumn harvest season, there are many oranges. There are pavilionsand corridors in the park, and a huge white marble monument stands in the park.On the monument, the four characters "juzizhoutou" written by Mao Zedong and theword "Qinyuanchun · Changsha" written by him in the autumn of 1920__ areengraved. There are natural swimming grounds on both sides of the middle ofJuzhou. There are highways running through the north and south.

The municipal government plans to build this place into a multi-functionalinternational sightseeing and cultural scenic spot integrating garden, tourism,entertainment, sports, culture and commerce. The scenic spots in the planningare divided into "two corridors and seven gardens": Shili Huxiang culturalcorridor, Shili upstream music corridor, Wanju Jingxiu garden, return to naturegarden, visitors paradise, shopping and food garden, fitness and longevitygarden, custom resort garden and outdoor life garden, with a planned investmentof 2 billion yuan.



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Changsha, though not nearly as prosperous Hong Kong than atmosphere inBeijing, but still has her own beauty.

Changsha is a beautiful place, there are beautiful as pavilion, love latepavilion. At night, lights, like the stars in the sky, twinkle.

Changsha charactizing a fine spring, spring breeze blow gently. Sunshine inMarch, the flower is gorgeous. The flower azalea is indescribable.

Summer, known as the "four big stove" one of changsha is hot. Cicada hotstraight called "cicadas, cicada," dog hot tongue, floppy chicken wings. Nomatter how the weather during the day, children come out to play, so they had ahot, cant help but to the sun.

Autumn, the leaves fall, the fruit is ripe, the farmer uncle smile red inthe face. The wild goose south, ants and squirrels have in preparation forwinter food.

Winter, heavy snow, the children can be happy, because you can snowballfights, make a snowman! Leaves a also have no, many small animals also for thewinter. The children are in the warm home looking at the beautiful snow...

Changsha year the four seasons scenery attractive, no matter day or night,she is always a kind face.

Changsha snack is to let a person dazzling, stinky tofu, bean jelly, roastsweet potato, onion cakes, taste shrimp, sucking screw... Is numerous, even thesaliva all cant help flow down.

Changsha tourist resort also has a lot of, such as: taiping street, smallSimon, as pavilion, baisha ancient, yuelu academy, and so on some places ofinterest. But they speak well "nobodys perfect, gold without gather" changshaointment is loop mirror is not good, can see garbage everywhere, air is pollutedby a lot.

Changsha is our common home, when I grow up must see her constructionbetter, become a more attractive city.



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Five jianshan national forest park is located in the xiangbei portal 1kilometers southwest of linxiang city city, 35 kilometers from yueyang city, andonly 2 hours drive from wuhan, changsha, 107 state road, beijing-zhuhaiexpressway, beijing-guangzhou railway, high-speed wuhan-guangzhou passengerdedicated line and the mountain. Is the back garden of the two big wuhan,changsha urban agglomeration and the radiative zone of the Yangtze river delta,the pearl river delta tourism market.

Park is composed of five peaks, so named five jianshan, with a total areaof 2879.89 hectares, the highest elevation of 588.1 meters, the forest coveragerate of 98.2%, is located in the subtropical north subtropical transition zone,as the Yangtze river, dongting and urban green lung, is very rich in forestresources, is the north and south of plants and animals gene pool, is a "green,leisure, culture" as the theme of the forest park. Park in history, thehumanities, the natural landscape, more than 100. There are qu yuan lived"xianggong" blunt and step into a ying mountain, the three RuJiang tracing thecause plan about the battle of red cliff, emperor qianlong to board the beststep ladder, and indifferent to the museum, the museum of the forest of steles,the I ching health park, city of a batch of cultural attractions, etc. Naturallandscape can be seen everywhere, among them, the peach blossom brook, hope ofrare arboretum, wood is home to the original forest especiallyrepresentative.

Exploration into the original forest, for the worlds largest museum of theforest of steles, appreciation, indifferent to the museum of flood disaster,blessing to the china-south Africas largest open-air guanyin, to I ching gardenkeeping in good health, to the city for the child... This is your life not to bemissed. Dont need to hike, weekend, let me have a mood!



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In henan province is located in the Middle East, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, hereinafter referred to as "yu", named for its most are located in the south of the Yellow River, the provincial capital zhengzhou, east and neighbouring jiangsu, shandong, anhui, southern hubei, shaanxi west, north and shanxi, hebei, linking the east to the west, south, north Henan is the cradle of Chinese civilization and the Chinese nation, the central plains hilo-systems, three business culture has a long history, Chinese culture, surname culture, cultural affinity, poetry and profound culture and martial arts culture; Many cultural relics, scenic spots in the province, the shaolin temple, longmen grottoes, yinxu, qingming shanghe garden, hometown of the yellow emperor, shangqiu city, songshan, yuntai mountain, baiyun mountain funiu, shiren mountain, jigong mountain, danjiangkou reservoir, wuhou temple is famous at home and abroad. Henan is one of the main birthplace of the Chinese nation, is the place where our ancestors lives and entrepreneurship. Dynasty to the northern song dynasty, there are 20 dynasty capital or moved the capital to the company, but so is henan war and disaster in the history of Chinese one of the most concentrated area. Of the eight rge ancient capitals in China, has accounted for four of henan province, xia shang ancient capital of zhengzhou, are respectively anyang, ten dynasties ancient capital luoyang and seven dynasties kaifeng. In addition to shangqiu, nanyang, such as the national famous historical and cultural city. As far back as four thousand years ago the neolithic age, the central plains people created the famous "PeiLiGang culture", "yangshao culture" and "longshan culture". Henan province is the important cradle of the Chinese surnames, China roots in henan province in 300, 171, there are "Chen along while, Huang Zheng row streets," said the overseas four surnames are originated from henan.

Henan rich tourism resources, many places of interest. Henan province there are 189 national key cultural relics protection units, and collections of cultural relics in the countrys first underground cultural relics. Henan province consists of 15 cities, every city has its unique tourism resources.



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From now on, the car you are our friends, welcome everyone to come here,let me introduce for everybody! Hangzhou is a beautiful city, is one of theseven ancient capitals in China, is the capital of Zhejiang Province, has longbeen known as "folk an earthly paradise". Hangzhou has a long history, since QinDynasty since the establishment of Qian Tang County, has been more than 2200years of history. Hangzhou is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Asearly as 4700 years ago, there were human beings living here, and produced theLiangzhu culture known as the dawn of civilization. Hangzhou was the fivegeneration of Wu Yue in the Southern Song Dynasty and the two generation ofcapital, is one of the seven ancient capitals in china.

Hangzhou ancient Tang said. Sui kaihuang nine years (589 years) waste moneyTang County, Hangzhou, Hangzhou for the first time in history. The Southern SongDynasty three years (1129), the south to Hangzhou, or Hangzhou Prefecture ofLingan. Shaoxing eight years (1138) the official capital of Lingan, whichlasted more than 140 years. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912),the former Qian Tang and Renhe county were collocated with hang county. In thesixteen years of the Republic of China (1927), the city of Hangzhou county wasset up in Hangzhou, and the city of Hangzhou was built. The liberation ofHangzhou in May 3, 1949 has opened a new chapter in the development of Hangzhou.Hangzhou city has jurisdiction over the city, lower city, Jianggan, Gongshu,West Lake, high tech (Binjiang), Xiaoshan, Yuhang 8 districts, Jiande, Fuyang,Lingan 3 county-level cities, Tonglu, Chunan 2 counties. The total area of thecity is 16596 square kilometers, of which the urban area is 3068 squarekilometers. The total population of Hangzhou is about 6 million 600 thousand,and it is also one of the cities with relatively large population density inChina. Besides, there are thousands of tourists who come here every day.

As Hangzhou has a long history, rich cultural and material heritage.Hangzhou is the origin of the name of the first, once here won by King Yucombating the flood of Hangzhou landing, Hangzhou is the ark, the ship, latertook Hangzhou called Yu Hang, do not know when, why, people put Yu Hangzhoucalled Yuhang, so far in Hangzhou still has the name Yuhang, a the biggest "YangNaiwu of the Qing Dynasty and unjust case of Chinese cabbage" story took placein Yuhang. The famous poet Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty poet SuShi, who has worked in Hangzhou, wrote a large number of well-known West Lakechant landscape works, has been transmitted. Hangzhou can develop so prosperous,the biggest hero is Wu Yues founder, his Baojing - Qianwang, Anmin policy, theChinese land has a respite in the war in the land. During the period of Wu Yue,the most prominent achievement was the art of sculpture in Hangzhou culturalconstruction, and the statue of flying peak was one of the masterpieces. TheNorthern Song Dynasty time, Hangzhou has become the first state to thesoutheast, the Southern Song Dynasty is needless to say, the central governmentin the capital, Hangzhou has become the largest city in the world, the worldsfirst metropolis. The Song Dynasty, the artists gathered in Hangzhou, greatlypromoted the prosperity here. In the Yuan Dynasty, the Italian Marco Polo issueda heartfelt sigh, saying that Hangzhou is "the most beautiful and luxurious cityin the world", which is undoubtedly the highest praise for the city.

During the two dynasties as the most prosperous city of Hangzhou Jiangnan,not only celebrities come forth in large numbers, and the economy ofextraordinary prosperity, as the largest city in Hangjiahu Plain, because of theconvenient traffic, trade is also very convenient, one of the mostrepresentative figure is Hu Xueyan hongdingshangren. Hangzhou can be summed upin four words, sixteen words: paradise on earth, silk palace, tea capital,gourmet city. It can be said Hangzhou is not an earthly paradise with the false,the ancients said, there is heaven, there are Suzhou and hangzhou. CompareHangzhou as an earthly paradise of ancient men of literature and writing, alsoleft a lot of this chapter for having heard it many times in paradise city.



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Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone! The first stop of our tour today is the trestle. Trestle isthe symbol of Qingdao and the pride of Qingdao people. It is located in QingdaoBay. At present, it is 440 meters long and 8 meters wide. It is in a straightline with Zhongshan Road in the downtown area, stretching from the coast to thesea. From a distance, it is like a rainbow lying on the sea, and the "HuilanPavilion" at the end is like floating on the top of the sea. Therefore, it hasthe reputation of "Changhong Yuanyin" and "Feige Huilan".

In the 1930s, Zhanqiao was once known as the top ten scenic spots inQingdao and one of the 24 scenic spots in the townships of Qingdao. Manyliterati left poems and praises for it. When visiting Qingdao, important guests,dignitaries and celebrities at home and abroad all wanted to visit Zhanqiao andenjoy the seaside scenery. The well-known trademark of Tsingtao beer is designedwith the design of trestle.

20_ The coastal scenic spot including Zhanqiao was rated as one of thefirst batch of AAAA scenic spots by the National Tourism Administration.

Why is it called a trestle? As for the definition of a trestle, theexplanation in the Chinese dictionary is: "any simple wharf extending into thesea is called a trestle." Why did it become the symbol of Qingdao? It turned outthat Qingdao was a small fishing village more than 100 years ago. In 1891, theQing government issued an imperial edict to build it in Qingdao. In 1892, theQing government sent Zhang Gaoyuan, general of Dengzhou, and four battalions toQingdao. In order to facilitate the transportation of military supplies, twodocks were built. One is the current trestle. There are many names for thewharf, including Navy trestle, Qianhai trestle, Nanhai trestle, Li Hongzhangtrestle, large wharf, etc., with a length of 200 meters and a width of 10meters. Another Yamen Bridge is 100 meters long and 6 meters wide, also known assnail bridge. These two docks were designed by Chinese engineers themselves, andthey are also the earliest wharf construction of Qingdao port. In 1897, in thename of exercises, the German army landed from Qingdao Bay and occupied Qingdaoby force. The trestle became a witness of the German armys occupation ofQingdao. After the German imperialists occupied Qingdao,

The north end of the original bridge is changed into stone foundation, withcement pavement, and the south end is erected downward. The steel bridge ispaved with wooden boards and light rail. The south end is still a steel woodenbridge, and the bridge body is extended to 350 meters, which is still a militarywharf. 1920_ After the completion of the first wharf of Dagang in, the trestlegradually lost its historical mission as a wharf and began to open to tourists.1920_ Qingdao was taken back by China in 1931. In 1931, the national governmentpaid a huge sum of money for the reconstruction of the bridge, which wascontracted by Germany Xinli company. The bridge body was lengthened to 440meters. A semicircle breakwater was built at the south end of the bridge. On thebreakwater, a two-story octagonal pavilion with national form was built. Thepavilion was covered with colored glazed tiles and supported by 24 red paintedcolumns, which was named Huilan Pavilion. There are spiral stairs in the centerof the pavilion, and the glass windows are around the upper floor, which is saidto be "one window, one scene, one picture". The whole project was completed inApril 1933. The trestle became the first sight in Qingdao. After the founding ofthe peoples Republic of China, the peoples government has repeatedly allocatedfunds for the maintenance of the trestle. In 1985, Qingdao city carried out alarge-scale comprehensive renovation of the trestle. The two sides of thetrestle were surrounded by iron wire fences, 12 pairs of European style bridgelights stood against each other, and granite steps were paved outside. From theend of 1998 to June 1999, the municipal government again allocated funds tocarry out large-scale renovation of the trestle. This repair not only met therequirements of wind wave and corrosion resistance, maintained the originalcharm, but also matched with the revetment facilities on both sides, increasedthe aesthetic effect, and made the whole bridge full of youth.

Trestle is the witness of Qingdaos history, with a history of more than100 years. She records not only the humiliating years of Qingdao, but also theconstruction and development of Qingdao after liberation.

Members of the group, we are now standing at the head of the trestle andwalking along the road leading to the sea. It is like being in the sea. We canfully feel the breath of the sea and experience the vastness and greatness ofthe sea. Blue waves are beating on the bridge deck, white clouds are flying overour heads, seagulls are flying in the sky, and cruise ships are shuttling in thesea. You can see that the red tiles and green trees on the shore are graduallyunfolding in front of us like a beautiful picture. We can fully appreciate whatMr. Kang Youwei described: "blue sea and blue sky, red tiles and green trees".The beach we saw above is Zhanqiao bathing beach. It is the smallest bathingbeach in the urban area. It is adjacent to the prosperous Zhongshan Road, andthe surrounding environment is very beautiful. Many people come here toswim.

The peculiar building in front of the customs building is the sea palace.The sea palace is a tourist place integrating sightseeing, entertainment,performance and catering. The investment is more than 100 million yuan. Thewhole building is composed of several quarter round bodies, with a total of sixfloors, one underground floor and five floors above the ground. The wholebuilding is supported by 108 columns, with a construction area of 11000 squaremeters. It is first-class Jing, with five-star service, is listed as a specialfirst-class restaurant in Qingdao.

Members, now we come to Huilan Pavilion. We can see the beautiful QingdaoBay and the surrounding scenic spots and famous buildings from the attic. Wewill visit some scenic spots later. Now I will briefly introduce them to you

The island opposite Huilan Pavilion is small Qingdao, which is named"Qingdao" because of its lush vegetation and green appearance. After Qingdao wasfounded, it was named after it, and the island was renamed "little Qingdao".

In the south of little Qingdao, there is another island, namely "Xuejiaisland". Xuejia island used to be a lonely island. In the early Ming Dynasty, afamily surnamed Xue had a general named Xue Lu in the fishing village on theisland. From then on, it gradually developed into a larger fishing village,renamed Xuejia village. Since then, the island has been renamed Xuejia island.It covers an area of 27 square kilometers, has a coastline of 38 kilometers, andhas the longest beach in Qingdao - "Golden Beach".

As you can see, just across the water from little Qingdao is the ChineseNavy Museum, which is the largest comprehensive museum reflecting the face ofthe Chinese peoples navy. The sea side of the museum used to be the berth ofsmall naval ships stationed in Qingdao, while the land was the base of navalforces. In 1989, the Naval Museum was planned to be built here. A large numberof valuable cultural relics have been provided by the relevant departments ofthe Navy. The cultural relics department of the museum has also carried outextensive collection all over the country. After two years of intensivepreparation, it was officially launched in 1991 and now receives hundreds ofthousands of tourists every year. The New Naval Museum is being planned andconstructed in its original site. In a few years, it will be a world-class newChinese Naval Museum representing the modern style and level of the Chinesenavy.

Next, please take a look at the two tall towers in the north, which are theCatholic Church. The Catholic church started construction in 1932 and wascompleted in 1934, with a height of 56 meters and two crosses of 4.5 meters. Itis the largest Gothic building in Qingdao and a religious scenic spot open tothe outside world.

Connecting with the northern end of the trestle is Zhongshan Road, the mostprosperous commercial street in Qingdao. After the German occupation of Qingdao,in 1899, in order to build a deep-water Wharf in Houhai, a road connecting thenorth and the South was opened up, which was the rudiment of Zhongshan Road.During the period of German occupation of Qingdao, to the south of Dexian roadwas a German residential area, named "feidieli Street". To the north of Dexianroad was a Chinese residential area, called Dama Road, 1920_ In 1920, the tworoads merged and named Shandong Road, 1920_ In memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, it wasrenamed Zhongshan Road. Zhongshan road is more than 1300 meters long, with 63buildings and more than 160 shopping malls. At the same time, it is one of the100 civilization demonstration sites determined by the state.

On the east side of the trestle is the Oceanwide Celebrity Hotel, which wasoriginally the hotel department attached to Qingdao hotel in Germany. It wasdesigned by German architect Paul Friedrich and is a typical German classicalarchitecture. The main building of the former German Grand Hotel was demolishedin 1993, and the oceanwide celebrity hotel was built on the original site.

During the German occupation of Qingdao, Prince Henry, the younger brotherof the German Emperor William II, visited Qingdao many times and stayed in thishotel, so it was commonly known as "Prince Henry Hotel" or "Prince Henry Hotel".Sheng Xuanhuai, the prince of merklenburg of Germany and the Minister of post ofQing Dynasty, also lived here. 1920_ In 1911, the revolution broke out and theQing Dynasty was destroyed_ He took office as the interim president in January.Three months later, it gave way to Yuan Shikai. In August of the same year, SunYat Sen went to Beijing for a meeting with Yuan Shikai and then returned toShanghai via Qingdao. On September 28, Sun Yat Sen arrived in Qingdao underGerman rule and stayed in this hotel.



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Good morning, everyone! I am the travel company Wang Dao, welcome to our land of abundance - sichuan mount emei, here a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, hope everyone here have a great and happy day.

Emei mountain scenic area is the area of 154 square kilometers, the highest elevation of about 3099 meters, is a famous tourist resort and buddhist mountains, is called the kingdom of plants, animals, the world, was also a poet said "emei world show", emei to has been 2300 kinds of animals, there are many varieties, such as the giant panda, giant salamander...

First of all, I will take you to visit baoguo temple scenic area, there are many ancient buildings, temples are relatively concentrated, rich human landscape, is located in emei mountain low mountainous area, and the traffic is very convenient.

For a moment Ill take you to the sight, monkey mountain, finally to jinding.

This is the sight, hung on both sides, see the blue line, so that the sight.

Then I introduced is the monkey mountain, the monkey is very lazy, will rob tourists snacks, fruits, camera... Miss in the skirt, please note that there is a rogue monkey, will miss jie dress! Interested can also take a picture with the monkey.

Then we go to sit cableway in the jinding today if youre lucky, you can see the Buddha, Buddhas light the origin of the name, there is a legend. That is thousands of years ago. Once upon a time there was a man called PuGong, he every day up herbalism, boil medicine to the sick the suffering of the people to drink, let a bodhisattva saw, saw was deeply moved the bodhisattva, give her happiness, then people can see the Buddhas light as a symbol of auspicious. And give it a name called "jinding" auspicious light.

We play the whole of the emei mountain, you should to emei mountain left a deep impression! Do you have a chance to visit mount emei!!!!
